April 2013 Issue - Coal Halos, Biogenesis, Witte and


President - Scott Lane 599-7240 Vice President – Capt. Harry Jackson, USAF (Ret.)

Secretary – Clarence Johnson Treasurer – Carl Williams, M.D.

[website – www.sabbsa.org

] [P.O. Box 34478, San Antonio, TX 78265]

This month’s Communiqué has a wealth of creation teaching opportunities listed in the San Antonio area. We hope that you will see an opportunity that covers a topic which will interest you.

In addition to these upcoming creation seminars, you will find an article on the immense amount of application that Dr. Robert Gentry’s radio halo research has on the dating of the Earth controversy. You will also find an article on “biogenesis” which uncovers a largely philosophical side of what should be a solely empirical science investigation. We also have access to our Creationist guide to the Witte

Museum’s dinosaur Exhibit. We encourage you to make use of this document when you go to the

Witte and especially if you’re taking your kids. Finally, you will find a story on a creationist who has challenged evolutionists, and bet them $10,000 that they cannot prove evolution to a court judge.

Radiohalos and Recent Coal Formation

We have talked before of how the research by Dr. Robert

Gentry has led to two spectacular pieces of data often used by creationists. The first is the appearance in rocks of short lived polonium halos (markings in the rocks made by the radiation of atomic particles scar the rocks microscopically) with no “parent” uranium halo. According to conventional geology and physics, the polonium decays from uranium and therefore both halos should be present. But they are not, which leads to the conclusion that these rare isotopes of polonium, which are so unstable that they last only for a millionth of a second show that these rocks were created in an instant and not from magma. Essentially, we are looking at evidence for God’s instant creation of the Earth, when He “spoke the world into existence!”

Another frequent application of Dr. Gentry’s work is in falsifying the claims by evolutionists that radiometric dating techniques can be counted on to give accurate dates for rocks. To do this they use current radioactive elements’ decay rates which have been measured this last century. Evolutionists say these can be used to extrapolate back for billions of years assuming that these rates have not changed significantly over time. Dr. Gentry has shown that the variation of haloes made by the same isotopes of radioactive elements over time shows conclusively that such decay rates have varied widely over the

history of the Earth and therefore all dating techniques which depend on radioactive decay cannot be trusted to give correct dates.

Both of these research results have been well chronicled and well used in the field of creation science.

However, what you may not know about is the application of Dr. Gentry’s work in the field of coal formation and how it shows that coal deposits from all over the earth were formed recently!

The following is an excerpt from an article on the website www.creationism.org

and the citation below it can be used to read the full article. http://www.creationism.org/ackerman/AckermanYoungWorldChap12.htm

Gentry’s Radiohalos in Coalified Wood

Among the formations studied by Gentry are coal deposits in the Colorado Plateau, believed by evolutionists to be hundreds of millions of years old.

At some time in the past in the Colorado Plateau, a great deal of forest vegetation became buried in thick, wet sediment. Buried tree trunks first of all became saturated with water. Suspended in the water were numerous microscopic mineral bits including uranium, which is radioactive. As water soaked into the porous woody material of the trees, some of the microscopic bits of uranium were also transported in and became lodged inside the trees. In the course of time, heat and pressure would affect the buried tree trunks and other forest materials, turning them into coal. Once the coalification process was completed, the uranium bits would be permanently sealed in the rock and—in the sense of providing a radiometric clock—"set at zero."

As a radioactive uranium bit decays, radiation extends in all directions into the surrounding coal for a small yet precise distance determined by the particle energy of the radiation. Over time this emitted radiation will change the color of the coal, forming a distinct sphere around the bit of uranium in the center. These tiny spheres of discolored rock surrounding a microscopic radioactive center are termed "radiohalos." Such radiohalos are Robert Gentry's specialty.

Uranium's Radiohalo Clocks

A number of secondary clocks can be identified in relation to these radiohalos. The two most obvious uses are (1) the precise dating of the radioactive center itself; and (2) the more general dating of the discolored area or halo surrounding the microscopic core.

Regarding the radioactive center, a bit of uranium has at some time in the past, before the wood material was hardened into coal, migrated into its present position. As the uranium bit undergoes radioactive decay, a form of lead is created. Once the coal has hardened and the uranium bit has been cemented into a fixed position, this lead isotope begins to accumulate at the site.

Scientists can now carefully examine the radioactive center to measure the ratio of the uranium

"parent element" to the lead "daughter element." This ratio can give a fairly precise estimate of how long the decay process has been going on at that site and thus how old the coal formation is.

Gentry found that the uranium/lead ratios in the Colorado Plateau coal formation indicate that this formation is only a few thousand years old. To quote Gentry:

Such extraordinary values admit the possibility that both the initial U (uranium) infiltration and coalification could possibly have occurred within the past several thousand years. . . these ratios raise some crucial questions regarding the antiquity of these geologic formations and about the time required for coalification.

As a validation of the uranium/lead dating of the radioactive center, the halo or discolored area surrounding the central bit can also be examined. Gentry found that the halos in the Colorado formation are in an early stage of development, again indicating that the coal deposit is quite young.

Polonium Halos: A Creation Stopwatch

In addition to the uranium halos, Gentry has also found polonium halos in the Colorado Plateau formation. These add an exciting dimension in that they offer evidence that the time required to form the coal was extremely short. Scientists now know that under proper conditions coal and oil can be formed very quickly. Coal has been synthesized in the laboratory in about twenty minutes and oil in about two hours. Gentry's work with polonium halos has provided evidence that coal can also form in natural situations in a relatively short period of time.

Polonium is a high-energy isotope with a short life span (or half-life, as scientists call it). It forms a halo in a very short amount of time before it becomes inactive. Many of these halos in the

Colorado formation are not spherical but have been compressed and flattened out.

This flattening indicates that the halo developed when the coal was just forming and was still somewhat soft. A spherical halo developed, but then, as the coal became compressed and hardened, the halo was flattened.

Gentry's data indicate that the amount of time involved in the formation of these coal deposits was less than twenty-five to fifty years, probably much less. The basis for this estimate is the presence of fascinating dual halos around a single center in which one halo is flattened and the other is perfectly round. The flattened halos are of a type that would form in six months to a year. The round halos are of a type that would form in twenty-five to fifty years. Thus, the coal had to be hardened and in its present shape well within the twenty-five-to-fifty-year span in order for the spherical halo to retain its form.

Editor’s Conclusions: Note what is going on here. Buried tree and vegetable matter are intermixed underground with uranium and polonium samples via inundation by water which decay and mark their surroundings with these polonium halos. Before they have a chance to decay for long and produce the daughter element of lead (very little lead in these

coal samples), these halos are squashed by a deluge of pressure. Further, such samples are found all over the world.

What event could account for large amounts of vegetable matter buried rapidly all over the world in water with subsequent increasing pressure causing the squashing of strata in rapid succession before it turned to coal (it had to happen before all of this turned to coal since the halos are squashed and coal is brittle and would not have squashed but would have broken!)? The simple answer is the flood of Noah’s day. The fact that there is very little lead byproduct indicating the halos are consistent with an age of a few thousand years is just more icing on the cake!

For more on any of these striking young earth evidences go to Dr. Gentry’s own website at: http://www.halos.us

Biogenesis vs. Abiogenesis

It is striking that there is even any debate in scientific circles about the truth of the Law of


In simple form this law says that “life always come from life!”

The law of biogenesis, attributed to Louis Pasteur , is the observation that living things come only from other living things, by reproduction (e.g. a spider lays eggs, which develop into spiders).

That is, life does not arise from non-living material, which was the position held by spontaneous generation . This is summarized in the phrase Omne vivum ex vivo, Latin for "all life [is] from life." A related statement is Omnis cellula e cellula, "all cells [are] from cells;" this observation is one of the central statements of cell theory .

The term biogenesis was coined by Henry Charlton Bastian to mean the generation of a life form from nonliving materials, however, Thomas Henry Huxley chose the term abiogenesis and redefined biogenesis for life arising from preexisting life. The generation of life from non-living material is called abiogenesis , and is hypothesized to have occurred at least once in the


history of the Earth or in the history of the Universe (see panspermia ), when life first arose.

(The excerpt above taken from Wikipedia Online Encyclopedia.)

I never really even knew how big a debate point this idea was for the evolutionists till I saw the debate with John Pendleton and Dr. James

Bower here at UTSA back in the spring of 2006 .

During the debate Bower was not only adamant that abiogenesis (life from nonlife) was possible and even proven probable by science, but that the so called as he put “ law of biogenesis” was not a law of nature at all.

James Bower, Ph.D.

I was confused, because science is supposed to be all about observation and how these observations are to lead to theories about how this world functions. Surely, “life coming only from life” is the most observed of all biological phenomena. How could anyone in science, especially a research biologist doubt the truth of such a well proven claim? And then it hit me.

Science did not matter! It was his worldview that predicated and demanded that abiogenesis had to be possible. If life cannot arise from nonliving material then the whole evolution story is a nonstarter. It could never happen!

To do this of course, scientists have to overlook all of the work by Pasteur and Redi who two centuries ago put to bed all of the theories about spontaneous generation (how people used to think life was generated from nonlife by trash piles [rats], or marshes [frogs] or decaying meat

[flies]). Further, this scientist with a doctorate and all others like him who make up the bulk of research scientists today have to daily ignore the observations which occur every second of the day and have persisted throughout the history of man that “life always comes from life!”

What has the power to drive supposedly detached scientists to such an illogical conclusion?

What makes them ignore all evidence to the contrary? What leads them to ignore all scientific observations we have ever made and instead opt for a thesis which has never been observed or ever duplicated in the laboratory? Such an illogical drive can only come from the power of a religion (evolution) and a willingness to believe in any thesis which does not involve a god to whom they would be responsible!

It’s not about science, it’s all about worldview! It’s not about the evidence; it’s about getting away with not being responsible for one’s actions. Someone once said that they learned everything they needed to learn about living life successfully in kindergarten. In this case it’s that simple. Scientists are just like the kid who broke their mother’s favorite vase while playing. They will tell any story except the truth to try and get away without being punished. Today we have grown ups who will tell any story which violates all truth so they think they can escape punishment from a God they do not believe in. Sadly, it doesn’t work that way, it never has and it never will.

Creationist Guide to the Witte Museum’s Dinosaur Exhibit

We would encourage anyone who is going to take a tour of the Witte’s new dinosaur exhibit to either read our guide before going, or take a copy along to the Witte to give a good creationist interpretation of all that you will see. Click the link below to download your own copy of the guide today: www.sabbsa.org/ PromoDisplay/Dino_Feathers_Witte.pdf

Creationist Offers $10,000 to Any

Evolutionist Who Can Scientifically Disprove

Genesis in Court

Mar. 27, 2013 from the Blaze, article by Billy Hallowell

A California-based creationist is so convinced that the Book of Genesis provides a literal recap of life’s beginnings that he’s willing to put $10,000 on the line , offering the large sum of money to anyone who can successfully debunk the claims present in the book. But there’s a twist: The scientific take-down of the Biblical stories must be done in front of a judge.

Dr. Joseph Mastropaolo (Photo Credit: The Creationist Hall of Fame)

Dr. Joseph Mastropaolo, who holds a Ph.D. in kinesiology, is hoping that his challenge to non-theists and others who dismiss the Bible as mere allegory will spawn a larger-scale and healthier discussion about creationism and evolution.

“The evolutionists thereafter could read that transcript and make their case a bit stronger on the next one they contend against and we can do the same,” he said in a recent interview .

“We can read the transcript and not have to go through the same process over and over and over again without any let up, without any resolution.”

The contest, called the “

Literal Genesis Trial

,” was first outlined by Mastropaolo in an interview with the Guardian . Here’s a description of how it would work, should an evolutionist rise to the occasion:

Dr Joseph Mastropaolo…has pledged to put $10,000 of his own money into an escrow account before the debate. His competitor would be expected to do the same. The winner would take the $20,000 balance.

The argument would not be made in a formal court, but under an alternative dispute resolution model known as a minitrial. Mastropaolo said he would present the argument in favor of a literal interpretation of the creation story once he had found a willing scientist to argue that a non-literal interpretation of

Genesis is more scientific.

Below are the challenge rules as distributed by Dr. Mastropaolo:

Dear Theistic Evolutionists, “Allegoricalists”, and all you "Long Agers",

This is your chance to shine. Are you willing to participate in a contest to prove your point that the Bible is wrong and that we evolved? You could go home with $20,000 if you win!

Just view the rules below. If you want to participate, please contact Dr. Joseph

Mastropaolo at jamastropaolo@gmail.com

, contributing writer for the Creation Science

Hall of Fame and copy Nick Lally at creationfacts@aol.com


There will be a bailiff, court reporter, and the judge is in charge.

Please note: The mini-trial has been an established alternate form of dispute resolution in our legal system. A brief summary is given in Black’s Law Dictionary .

We will line up the potential players as they appear with their $10,000 ready to hand the judge and vowing to adhere to the rules. First come, first served.

1. The non-literal Genesis advocate puts $10,000 in escrow with the judge.

2. The literal Genesis advocate and contributing writer for the Creation Science Hall of Fame, Joseph Mastropaolo, puts $10,000 in escrow with the judge.

3. If the non-literal Genesis advocate proves that science contradicts the literal reading of Genesis, then the non-literal Genesis advocate is awarded the


4. If the literal Genesis advocate proves that science indicates the literal reading of

Genesis, then the literal Genesis advocate is awarded the $20,000.

5. Evidence must be scientific, that is, objective, valid, reliable and calibrated.

6. The preponderance of evidence prevails.

7. At the end of the trial, the judge hands the prevailing party both checks.

8. The judge is a superior court judge.

9. The venue is a courthouse.

10. Court costs will be paid by the prevailing party.

Creation Science Hall of Fame

PO Box 82

Tranquility, NJ 07879

April and May 2013 - Creation Science Seminar

Two more presentations have been added to the schedule of the creation science seminar in

Live Oak, TX. All presentations are on Sunday evenings at 5:00 pm at Live Oak First

Baptist Church, 11560 Toepperwein Road (map) Live Oak, Texas 78233 .

We have enjoyed good and faithful crowds for this seminar so far!

The schedules of presentations are listed below (see our resources page for a synopsis of each of these presentations):

April 7 - "His Wisdom in our Cells" with Dr. Daniel Harris

May 5 - "How did Cain get his Wife?" and

"How did Bad Things get into God's World?" with Scott Lane

Call 210-861-0454 for more information .

McQueeney Baptist Church Creation Series

201 Schumann Road, McQueeney, Tx. 78123

We are about to begin a series of creation talks in the Lake McQueeney area. The schedule below details the dates and topics. The first three presentations are by SABBSA President

Scott Lane.

Check our website for details on each presentation. The last presentation will be a special one by SABBSA board member Dr. Daniel Harris .

Sunday, April 7 "What If God Wrote the Bible?"

Sunday, April 14 Underpinnings: Fossils, Physics, and Genetics

Sunday, April 21 Young Earth Evidences

Sunday, April 28 "His Wisdom in the Cell" with Dr. Daniel Harris

For more information call (830) 557-5532 or (210) 861-0454

Science Workshop Movies at FEAST

Our last “Popcorn and a Movie” night will be on the April 22

(the fourth Monday of April) at 6:30 pm at FEAST. We have enjoyed large and enthusiastic crowds for these events this year, while viewing the very best and latest data in the field of creation science!

The film for that evening will be “Metamorphosis" + a presentation on the Monarch Butterfly by Scott Lane

A companion young children’s program will also be provided for ages 5-10.

SABBSA Polo Shirts

SABBSA polo shirts will be available for order at our next meeting. The cost to order one will be

$30 per shirt. Two examples of the shirts with the SABBSA logo will be on hand at our next meeting!

Dr. Jobe Martin to speak in San Antonio!

Dr. Jobe Martin , writer, creation speaker and producer of the fantastic series of creation films

“Animals which Defy Evolution!”

will speak in

San Antonio on May 17 and 18 at the Family Educators Alliance of

South Texas (FEAST) 23 rd annual Home School Convention and

Curriculum Fair at 25 Burwood L a n e, San A ntonio, TX 78216 .

SABBSA in the San Antonio Express –News

The San Antonio Express News printed a commentary by our president on Monday, March 25 th .

We wish to thank the Express-News for their kindness and professionalism in not only printing this commentary piece, but giving us a special “Another View” section so that the full letter could be printed rather than a shortened alternative we had sent them. We have received a wealth of positive responses to this article which challenged people to view the data we have for special creation! If you want to read the article go to: http://www.mysanantonio.com/default/article/Evolutionists-lose-debate-with-creationists-


Humor Corner

(but not all that humorous today since it’s so true.)

Around Texas


The Greater Houston Creation Association ( GHCA ) meets the first Thursday of each month.

They meet at Houston's First Baptist Church at 7 pm, in Room 258. After the presentation, there will be refreshments, fellowship and creation science materials for all to enjoy. For more information go to www.ghcaonline.com


Glen Rose:

Dr. Carl Baugh gives a “ Director’s Lecture Series ” on the first Saturday of each month at the

Creation Evidences Museum just outside Glen Rose, TX. The new and improved museum is also a great and beneficial way to spend any day. Presentations are at 11 am and 2 pm. For more information go to www.creationevidence.org

Dallas-Ft Worth:

The Metroplex Institute of Origin Science (MIOS) meets at the Dr. Pepper Starcenter, 12700 N.

Stemmons Fwy, Farmers Branch, TX, usually at 7:30 pm of the first Tuesday of each month.

Lubbock Area (Crosbyton):

All year: Consider a visit to the Mt. Blanco Fossil Museum, directed by Joe Taylor. The Museum is definitely worth the visit if you live near or are traveling through the Panhandle near Lubbock.

If you call ahead and time permitting, Joe has been known to give personal tours, especially to groups. For more information, visit http://www.mtblanco.com/ .

Greater San Antonio area:

Listen to Answers with Ken Ham online at the address below. (No nearby station for this broadcast). http://www.answersingenesis.org/media/audio/answers-daily

To hear program from the Institute for Creation Research , listen online at this address. http://www.icr.org/radio/

Also, tune in KHCB FM 88.5 (San Marcos) or KKER FM 88.7 (Kerrville) for Back to Genesis at 8:57 AM Mon-Fri, then Science, Scripture and Salvation at 1:30 AM, 8:00 AM and 4:30 PM on Saturdays.

Coming to SABBSA in

May :

Genetic Entropy and the Mystery of the Genome

This presentation now includes not only the ground breaking research of eminent plant geneticist Dr. John Sanford , but also now includes most of the recent research in the field of DNA and the human genome which applies to creation debate. This will be our topic on May 14 at our May SABBSA meeting and you are cordially invited to attend. Also, bring a friend or a skeptic; it will make you feel good!

Last Month at SABBSA

Coming to SABBSA in March-

"The Origins Film Series"

Our program in March included short presentations of the current research on human - chimp DNA comparisons as well as a report on the new "Dinosaurs Unearthed: Bigger, Better and

Feathered" exhibit at the Witte Museum.

We then viewed the first two segments of the classic "Origins Film Series" as it has been edited for new discoveries in science and release on DVD. The first video is entitled the "Origin of the Universe" and it examines the Big Bang Theory. This video shows that evolution is not an exception to the Law of Entropy (everything is wearing out), but that it clearly violates it.

The second episode is called "Earth: A Young Planet." This video gives many young Earth evidences, but also includes some of the best explanations of

Carbon 14 and radiometric dating we have, and shows how these methods do not substantiate long ages for the Earth.

Next regular meeting: Tuesday, April 9, 2013 at 7 pm

Coming to SABBSA in April-

"The Origins Film Series"

Our program in April continues our viewing of the classic

"Origins Film Series" as it has been edited and updated for DVD. Our evaluation of the first two segments which we viewed in March is that this is still a very viable film series with a wealth of truthful information packaged in a very good format.

We will watch Segment 3: "Origin of the Life" as it examines the beginnings of life, how the simplest cell could not evolve by chance and shows us the superb design of God's creation in ourselves. We will also watch Segment 4 called "Origin of the Species." This video gives evidence that living things cannot evolve by mutations, natural selection or any other means.

Please join us on April 9 for this inspiring program and warm Christian fellowship! As always we meet at the Jim’s Restaurant at the corner of San Pedro and Ramsey.
