Bibliography of the Study of Material Culture

Bibliography of the Study of Things & Material Cultures
Adams , M. J.
1973 "Structural Aspects Of A Village Art", A. A.75:265-279.
Adams, Robert Mc C
1996 Paths of Fire: An Anthropologist’s Inquiry into Western
Technology. Princeton University Press.
Akin, David & Joel Robbins(eds.)
1999 Money and Mondernity: State and Local Currencies in Melanesia.
University of Pittsburg Press.
Allen , Catherine J.
1988 The Hold Life Has : Coca and Cultural Identity in an Andean
Community. Washington D. C. : Smithsonian Institution Pub.
Appadurai , A. (ed)
*1986 The Social Life of Things : Commodities in Cultural Perspective.
Cambridge : Cambridge Univ. Press
Appadurai , Arjun
1988 How to Make a National Cuisine Cookbooks in Contemporary
India , C.S.S.H. 30(1) : 3-24.
1993 Consumption, Duration, and History. Stanford Literature Review
19?? The Anthropology of Consumption. Westview P..
Aragon, Lorraine V.
1999 The Currency of Indonesian Regional Textiles: Aesthetic Politics
Local, Tranonational, and International Emblems, Ethos
64 (2) :151:69.
Archetti, Eduardo P.
1997 Guinea Pig: Food, Symbol and Conflicts of Knowledge in
Ecuador. Cassell.
Arthur, Linda Boynton (ed.)
1999 Religion, Dress and the Body. Berg Pub.
Ashkenazi, Michael & Jeanne Jacob
1999 The Essehce Japanese Cuisine: an Anthropological Essay into
Food and Culture. Curzon.
Auslander, Leora
1996 Taste and Power: Furnishing Modern France. University of
Baker, Steve
1993 Picturing the Beast: Animals, Identity and Representation.
Manchester U.P.
Balick, Michael J. & Paul Alan Cox
1996 Plants, People, and Culture: The Science of Ethnobotany.
Scientific American Library.
Barkan, Lconard
1999 Feasts for the Eyes, Foods for Thought, Social Research 66(1):
Barnett , S.
1976 Coconuts and Gold , Contributions to Indian Sociology 10 :
Barringer, Tim & Tom Flynn
*1998 Colonialism and the Object: Empire, material culture and the
museum. Routledge.
Barth , R.
1979 Toward A Psychology Of Contemporary Food Consumption,
in Foster, R. & O.Ranum (eds.) Food And Drink In History, PP.
Battaglia, Deborah
1983 Projecting Personhood in Melanesia: the Dialectics of Artifact
Symbolism on Sabarl Island, Man 18:289-304.
Baudrillard , J. *
1981 For a Critique of the Political Economy of the Sign. St.Louis :
Telos Press
*1996 The Systems of Objects. Verso.
1997 The Consumer Society: Myths and Structures. Sage.
Bayly , C.A.
1983 Rulers , Townsmen and Bazaars : North Indian Society in
the Age of British Expansion , 1770-1870. Cambridge :
Cambridge Univ. Press
Belk, Russell
1994 Collecting in a Consumer Society. Routledge.
Bennett, Tony; Michael Emmison & John Frow
1999 Accounting for Tastes: Australian Everyday Cultures. Cambridge
Berg, Maxine & Helen Clifford (eds.)
1999 Consumers and Luxury: Consumer Culture in Europe 1650-1850.
Manchester U. P..
Bermingham, Ann & John Brewer(eds.)
1997 The Consumption of Culture, 1600-1800: Image, Object, Text.
Bijker , W.E. , T.P. Hughes & T.J. Pinch (ed.)
1987 The Social Construction of Technological Systems : New
Directions in the Sociology and History of Technology.
Cambrige , Massachusetts : The MIT Press.
Bloch, Maurice
1999 Commensality and Poisoning, Social Research 66(1):133-49.
Bogatyrew , peter
1971 The Function Of Folk Costume In Moravian Slovakia. The
Hague : Mouton.
Braudel , F.
*1973 Capitalism And Material Life , 1400-1800 .
Brewer, John & Roy Porter (eds.)
1994 Consumption and the World of Goods. Routledge.
Brobeck, Stephen (ed.)
1997 Encyclopedia of the Consumer Movement. Sanata Barbara: ABCCLIO, Inc..
Broswimmer , F.
1991 Botanical Imperialism : The Stewadship Of Plant Genetic
Resources In The Third World, Critical Sociology 18(1)
: 3-17. (about social history of plant use in the context of the
capitalist world system)
Brydon, Anne & Sandra Niessen (eds.)
1998 Consuming Fashion: Adorning the Transnational Body. Berg.
Burman, Barbara (ed.)
1999 The Culture of Sewing: Gender, Consumption and Homedress
making. Berg Pub..
Burton , J.W.
1981 Atutot Ethnicity , Africa 51(1) : 496-507(about animals and
ethnic identity)
Calhoun , C.
1982 The Question Of Class Struggle. Chicago : Univ. Of Chicago
Callahan, Robey
1999 The Liberty Bell: From Commodity to Sacred Object, Journal of
Material Culture 4(1):57-78.
Campbell, Colin
1983 Romanticism And The Consumer Ethic : Intimations Of A
Weber-Style Thsis, Sociological Analysis 44(4):279-95.
1996 The Meaning of Objects and the Meaning of Actions: A Critical
Note on the Sociology of Consumption and Theories of Clothing.
Journal of Material Culture 1(1):93-105.
Canberra Anthropology
1995 The Power of Kava. Canberry Anthropology 18(1/2)
Caplan, Pat
1999 Feasts, fasts, Famine: food for Thought. Oxford: Berg.
Carr, Christopher and J.E. Neitzel (eds.)
1993 Style, Society, and Persm: Archaeological and Ethnological
Perspectives. N.Y.: Plenum Press.
Carrier , J.G.
1990 Reconciling Commodities And Personal Relations Industrial
Society, Theory & society 19: 579-98.
1995 Gifts and Commodities: Exchange and Western Capitalism Since
1700. London: Routledg.
Carrier, James G. & J. McC. Heyman
1997 Consumption and Political Economy, J.R.A.I. 3(2):355-73.
Cashdan, Elizabeth
1999 Adaptiveness of Food Learning and Food Aversions in Children,
Social Science Information 37(4):613-32.
Cavallaro, Dani
1998 Fashing the France: Boundaries, Dress and Body. Oxford: Berg.
Cheater , A.P.
1983 Cattle and Class ? Rights to Grazing Land , Family Organization
and Class Formations in Msengezi, Africa 53:59-74
Clark , Grahame
1986 Symbols Of Excellence : Precious Material As Expressions Of
Status. Cambridge U. P.
Clark , J.
1991 Pearlshell Symbolism in Highlands Papua New Guinea ,with
Particular Reference to the Wiru People of Southern Highlands
Province , Oceania 61(4) : 309-37
Clifford, James
1988 On Collecting Art and Culture, in The Predicament of Culture, J.
Clifford, pp.215-51. Harvard University Press.
Clutton-Brock , J.
1981 Domesticated Animals from Early Times. Austin: Univ. of Texas
Colloredo- Mansfeld, Rudi
1999 The Native Leisure Class: Consumption and Cultural Creativity in
the Andes. U.of Chicago P..
Coleman, Simon
1996 Words as Things: Language, Aesthetics and Objectification of
Protestant Evangelicalism, J. of Material Culture 1(1):107-28.
Comaroff , Jean and John L.Comaroff
1990 Goody Beasts, Beasty Goods: Cattle and Commodities in a
South African Content, A.E. 17(2):195-216
Coote , J. & A. Shelton (eds.)
1992 Anthropology, Art, and Aesthetics. Oxford : Clarendon Press.
Cordwell, J.M. & R.A.Schwarz (eds.)
1980 The Fabrics of Culture: the Anthropology of Clothing and
Adornment. The Hagen: Mouton
Cotton, C.M.
1996 Ethnobotany: Priciples and Applications. New York: John Wiley
& Sons.
Counihan, Card
1999 The Anthropology of Food and Body: Gender, Meaning and
Cross, Gary
1993 Time and Money: The Making of Consumer Culture. Routledge.
Crowley , J. E.
1974 This Sheba, Self:The Conceptualization Of Economic Life In
Eighteenth Century America. Baltimore : John Hopkinbs U.P.
Csikszentmihalyi , H. & E. Roshberg-Halton
*1981 The Meaning of Things : Domestic Symbols and the Self.
Cambridge : Cambridge Univ. Press
Culture and History
1990 Special Issue on Consumption, Culture and History 7
Dant, Tim
1998 Playing with Things: Objects and Subjects in Windswifing, J. of
Material Culture 3(1): 77-95.
1989 Material Culture in the Social World: Values, Activities, Lifestyles.
Open U. P.
de Certeau, Michael
1998 Living and Cooking. U. of Minnesota P.
de Grazia, Victoria
1996 The Sex of Things: Gender and Consumption in Historical
Perspective. University of California Press.
Descola, Philippe & Gisli Pulsson (eds.)
1996 Nature and Society: Anthropological Perspectives. Routledge.
Ditterman, Helga
*1992 The Social Psychology of Material Possessions: to Have is to Be.
Hemel Hempstead: Harvester Wheatsheaf
Douglas, M.
*1992 Objects and Objections. Toronto: Toronto Semiotic Circle.
Douglas, M. & J. Gross
1981 Food and Culture : Measuring the Intricacy of Rule System ,
Social Science Information 20 : 1-35
Douglas, Mary & Aaron Wildavsky
1984 Risky Culture : An Essay on the Selection of Technological &
Environmental Dangers. Univ. of Califonia Press
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1987 Food in the Social Order : Studies of Food & Festivities in
Three American Communities. Transaction Books
1987 Constitutive Drinking: Perspectives On Drink From
Anthropology. Cambridge U.P.
*1996 The World of Goods: Towards an Anthropology of
Consumption.(Rev. ed.) London: Routledge.
Dudley , L.M.
1991 The Word and the Sword : How Techniques of Violence have
Shaped our World. Oxford : Blackwell
Edgell, Stephon; Kevin Hetherington & A. Warde (eds.)
1997 Consumption Matters: The Production and Experiences of
Consumption. Blackwell.
Edwards , R.
1979 Contested Terrain : The Trasformation Of The Workplace In
The Twentieth Century. New York : Basick Books.
Edwards , Tim
1999 Contradictions of Consumption: Concepts, Practices and Politics
in Consummer Society. Open U. P..
Ellen, Roy
*1993 The Cultural Relations of Classification: An Anaylsis of Nuaulu
Animal Categories from Central Seram. Cambridge: Cambridge
Ellen, R. F. & K. Fukin (eds)
1996 Redefining Nature: Ecology, Culture and Domestication. Berg.
Falk, Pasi
1991 Homo Calinarius: Towards a Historical Anthropology of Taste,
Social Science Information 30(4):757-790.
Falk, Pasi & Colin Campbell(eds.)
1997 The Shopping Experience. Sage.
Farb, Peter & George Armelagos
1980 Consuming Passions: the Anthropology of Eating. Boston:
Houghon Mifflin.
Featherstone, Mike
1991 Consumer Culture & Postmodernism. Sage.
Feeley-Harnik, Grillian
1994 The Lord's Table: The Meaning of Food in Early Judaism
and Christianity. Smithsonian Institution Press.
Ferguson , Janes
1985 The Bovine Mystique: Power, Property, and Livestock in
Rural Lesotho, Man 20:647-74
1988 Cultural Exchange: New Developements in the Anthropology
of Commodities , Cutural Anthropology 3 : 488-513
Fernandez , James W.
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Journal Of Aesthetics And Art Criticism 25:53-64.
Fiddes, Nick
1991 Meat: A Natural Symbol. Routledge.
Fieldhouse , Paul
1986 Food & Nutrition : Customs & Culture. Kent : Croom Helm Ltd.
Finkelstein , Joanne
1989 Dining Out : A Sociology Of Modern Manners. New York U.P.
Ford, Richard I.
1994 The Nature and Status of Ethnology. 2nd Ed. Ann Arbor: The
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Franklin, Adrian
1999 Animals and Modern Cultures:A Sociology of Human-animal
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Friedman , J.
1990 The Political Economy of Elegance, Culture and History 7 :
1991 Consuming Desires : Strategies of Selfhood and Appropriation ,
Cultural Anthropology 6(2) : 154-63.
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Fussell, Betty
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Galaty , J.G.
1982 Being 'Maasai' : Being 'People of Cattle' : Ethnic Shifters in East
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1993 Wrapping In Images : Tattooing In Polynesia. Oxford: Clarendon
1998 Art and Agency. Oxford: Clarendon.
George, Kenneth M. (ed.)
1999 Objects on the Loose: Ethnographic Encounters with Unruly
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Gladwin , Christina & Kathleen Truman (ed.)
1989 Food and Farm : Current Debates and Policies. Lanham MD &
New York : Univ. Press of America and Society for Economic
1999 Material Culture. Indiana U. P.
Goodman, Jordnn & P. E. Lovejoy & A. Sherratt (eds.)
1995 Consuming Habits: Drugs in History and Anthropology. London:
Goody , J.
1982 Cooking , Cuisine , And Class : A Study In Comparative
Sociology. Cambridge U. P.
1993 The Culture Of Flowers. Cambridge U. P.
1998 Food and Love: A Cultural History of East and West. London:
Gosden, Chris & John G. Hather (eds.)
1999 The Prehistory of Food: Appetites for Change. Routledge.
Gottdiener, M.
1994 Postmodern Semiotics: Material Culture and the Forms of
Postmodern Life. Blackwell.
Granovetter , M.
1985 Economic Action And Social Structure : The Problem of
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Green, Ruth M.
1995 The Wearing of Costume: the changing techniques of wearing
clothes and how to move in them from Roman Britain to the
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Gregory, C. A.
1997 Savage Money: The Anthropology and Politics of Commodity.
Griffiths, Sian & Jennifer Wallace(eds.)
1998 Consuming Passions: Food in the Age of Anxiety. Mandolin.
Gronow , J.
1993 What Is Good Taste?, Social Science Information 32(2):279-301.
Halle , D.
1984 America's Working Man : Work, Home, And Politics Among
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Handler , R. & J. Linnekin
1984 Tradition , Genuine Or Spurios , Journal Of American Folklore
Harris, Marvin
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Philadelphia : Temple Univ. Press
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1994 Food: Multidisciplinary Perspectives. Blackwell
Hart, K. & L. Sperling
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Haverkort, Bertus & Wim Hiemstra(eds.)
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Heald, Suzette
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*1993 Craft and the Kingly Ideals: Art, Trade, and Power. Aostin:
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Hendrickson, Carol
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Mack, Arien
1995 In the Company of Animals, Social Research 62(3):
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