FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY (FOUO) SEE PRIVACY ACT STATEMENT IN AR 623-3. OFFICER EVALUATION REPORT SUPPORT FORM For use of this form, see AR 623-3; the proponent agency is DCS, G-1. PART I - RATED OFFICER IDENTIFICATION NAME OF RATED OFFICER (Last, First, MI) Mascolo, Benjamin A SSN 5247 UNIT, ORG., STATION ZIP CODE OR APO Syracuse University RANK CDT DATE OF RANK (YYYYMMDD) 200509 STATUS CODE FROM DATE UIC BRANCH ROTC DESIGNATED/PMOS (WO) SPECIALTIES CMD CODE PSB CODE PART II - AUTHENTICATION NAME OF RATER (Last, First, MI) Moore, Brian SSN RANK CPT POSITION Training officer and MS3 Instructor NAME OF INTER. RATER (Last, First, MI) SSN RANK POSITION NAME OF SENIOR RATER (Last, First, MI) SSN RANK POSITION PART III - VERIFICATION OF FACE-TO-FACE DISCUSSION MANDATORY RATER / RATED OFFICER INITIAL FACE-TO-FACE COUNSELING ON DUTIES, RESPONSIBILITIES AND PERFORMANCE OBJECTIVES FOR THE (Date) Rated Soldier Initials CURRENT RATING PERIOD TOOK PLACE ON Rater Initials Senior Rater Initials (Review) Rater Initials Senior Rater Initials (Review) PERIODIC RATER / RATED OFFICER FOLLOW-UP FACE-TO-FACE COUNSELINGS: Dates PRINCIPAL DUTY TITLE S6 Rated Soldier Initials PART IV - RATED OFFICER (Complete Part IV and Part V below for this rating period) / Oswego Detachment commander POSITION AOC / BR a. STATE YOUR SIGNIFICANT DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES The S6 is responsible for the supervision and maintenance of the Syracuse university Army ROTC website and to supervise the work of one staff member. The Detachment Commander is responsible for making sure information is being circulated to the detachment cadets as well as supervising their training to make sure it is correct and on task. The Detachment Commander also has the responsibility of overseeing recruitment and community service at the detachment school. The supervision currently applies to one other MSIV, three MSIIIs, and one MSI. b. INDICATE YOUR MAJOR PERFORMANCE OBJECTIVES 1) Develop, maintain, and supervise the Army ROTC website. 2) Develop a system where access to the Syaracuse University server is unnessary for all updates made on the site. 3) Work with other shop heads to create a database where pictures and movies can be stored. 4) Disseminate information to the Oswego detachment when the primary chair of command fails too. 5) Build an team envernment where the cadets can turn to each other in times not realated to the Army. 6) See that my cadets get the correct training that will help them at LDAC 7) Raise the standard that I hold my self in to help raise the overall standard by professionaly developing my self, raise my APFT score, and continue to meet the height/weight standards. 8) Ensure safety is a top priority, not only in training but durring the cadets personal lives as well. 9) Raise the number at Oswego ROTC by attending recruiting events and working with local recruiters. DA FORM 67-9-1, MAR 2006 PREVIOUS EDITIONS ARE OBSOLETE. Page 1 of 2 APD v1.00 NAME Benjamin A Mascolo PART V – RATED OFFICER CONTRIBUTIONS FCMP NOTE: Block IIId of the OER Support Form, Rated Officer’s Accomplishments, has been sized to correspond directly with Block Vb on the OER, where the Rater writes comments on the rated officer’s performance. When a user in FCMP creates and OER using a completed OER Support Form, the date entered in Block IIId of the OER Support Form will automatically transfer to Block Vb on the newly-created OER in their narrative comments on performance. In addition, data entered in Block IIIe of the OER Support Form, Professional Skills/Areas of Expertise, will transfer to Block Vd on the OER, same subject. The rater then may edit the OER until he/she is satisfied with the wording and content of the rater’s portion. Rated officers that intend to list additional accomplishments beyond what will fit in the space provided may use the ADD COMMENTS function in the FCMP Wizard to create a continuation page to the form. However, data entered on the continuation pages on the OER Support form in the FCMP Wizard will not be automatically transferred to an OER created from the completed OER Support Form. a. APFT: DATE: HEIGHT: WEIGHT: b. LIST YOUR SIGNIFICANT CONTRIBUTIONS: Directed the development and changes to the websites, specificly the chain of command documents, the contact matrix, the policy letter, the PT eval and sylabus, LDP MOIm LDP hand book, the promotion MOI and the OML worksheet. I also created several graphics to increase the overal visual strength of the website. I created an account via Google Calendar to allow access to a very specific part of the website from any one with the correct credentials and access to the internet. I consistantly spot checked the Oswego Cadets to ensure they were getting the correct information in a timly mannor by having them brief me on a weekly basis about the next weeks lab. Once a month after PT, myself and all of the other Cadets would go out to breakfast to help develop and ensure a team envernment was present. I raised my PT score to show the MSI that it is possible to do if using the correct workout program. I helped the MSI contract by coaching him and guiding him through the maxamize your APFT program in order to get his PT scores up to passing. While doing this I lost about 10lbs. Every week on Friday at 1500 we would have an extra help session. This is where the MSIVs would teach a class specificly realated to training that was help the previous lab day, an OPORD and a short land navigation course. This was shown to be effevtive durring the Fall FTX when two of the three MSIII's revieved an overall E evaluation and the other MSIII received a very strong S evaluation on squad stx. This semester their were three recruiting events planned by local recruiters who asked me if I would attend. I attended all three for a short period and handed out numerouse contact cards as well as gave out my personal number to any one who did not want to contact the ROTC office. Finaly, I had some of the MSIII's write OPORDs for their weekend to include a risk assessment. This helped them practice their OPORDs and risk assesements as well as had them think about the risks they would be taking that weekend. Overall none of my cadets became hurt because of personal reasons. c. LIST ANY UNIQUE PROFESSIONAL SKILLS OR AREAS OF EXPERTISE OF VALUE TO THE ARMY: Information Science + Broadcasting and Mass Media Major at SUNY Oswego. d. IF UNABLE TO SERVE IN THE CURRENT BRANCH/CAREER FIELD, IN WHICH BRANCH/CAREER FIELD WOULD YOU PREFER TO SERVE? Signal Corp e. LIST 3 FUTURE ASSIGNMENTS FOR WHICH YOU FEEL YOU ARE BEST SUITED: Signal Corps Military Intelegence Air Defence Artilery SIGNATURE AND DATE DA FORM 67-9-1, MAR 2006 Page 2 of 2 APD v1.00