Clemson University Department of Chemistry Undergraduate Awards, 2004 YOU WILL NOT BE ELIGIBLE FOR ANY AWARDS UNLESS YOU TURN IN YOUR STUDENT INFORMATION FORM to JoAnne Margosian in Hunter 219 BY 12 NOON, Monday, JANUARY 31 Undergraduate chemistry majors are eligible for fourteen awards within the Department and College. Specific criteria and the nature of each award follow. I also have indicated the winners in 2002 for your information. Chemistry Department Award Winners 2003-2004 Awards Presented at Chemistry Dept Honors and Awards Luncheon Saturday, April 3, 2004 Madren Center Chemistry Faculty Award is given to an outstanding chemistry major, traditionally a junior or senior although there is no class requirement. The Award includes a Plaque and a subscription to the Journal of Chemical Education. Tobin Mari Raymond, Irmo, SC American Chemical Society Award is given to an outstanding chemistry undergraduate, active in the Student ACS Chapter. There is no class requirement. The Award includes a Plaque. Margaret Elizabeth Alderman, Fountain Inn, SC American Institute of Chemists Award is given to an outstanding senior in chemistry, biochemistry, or chemical engineering. The Award includes a Certificate and a subscription to The Chemist. Benjamin Joseph Alper, Altamonte Springs, FL Merck Index Award is given to an outstanding junior or senior major who has a high potential to become an effective professional chemist. The recipient is presented a copy of the Merck Index. Athena Marie Klutz, Easley, SC The Houghton Mifflin/ICUC First Year Chemistry Award is given to an outstanding chemistry major who has excelled in first year chemistry during the current academic year. The award is funded by the Houghton Mifflin Publishing Company (Boston) and administered by the International Center for First Year Undergraduate Chemistry Education. The award consists of a certificate and a cash award. Berkley Eric Gryder, Greenville, SC Warwick Chemical Foundation Prize in Chemistry is given to an outstanding major in the junior year who intends to go on in chemistry at the graduate level. The recipient is awarded a cash gift and his name engraved on a permanent plaque in Hunter. William Clary Floyd III, Chester, SC Chemical Rubber Company Award is given to an outstanding freshman chemistry student. The Award includes a Scroll and the Chemical Rubber Company Handbook. Michael Burton Jenkins, Greenville, SC Outstanding Student in General Chemistry is given to the outstanding student in the General Chemistry Courses (CH101and CH102). The Award consists of a cash gift. Christen Marie Smith, Oakridge, TN Outstanding Student in Introductory Chemistry is given to the outstanding student in the Introductory Chemistry Courses (CH105 and CH106). The Award consists of a cash gift. Sarah Rosanne Davidson, Florence, SC Outstanding Student in Organic Chemistry is given to the outstanding student in Organic Chemistry (CH223 and CH224). The Award consists of a cash gift. Dylan Miles Nielson, Columbia, SC Outstanding Sophomore Chemistry Major is given to the top sophomore in chemistry. The award consists of a cash gift. Anne Katherine Abole, Irmo, SC Undergraduate Award in Analytical Chemistry is sponsored by the Division of Analytical Chemistry of the American Chemical Society. The awardee is selected on the basis of scholarship and promise for future achievement. The awardee receives an honorary one-year membership in the division, and an 8-month subscription to the journal Analytical Chemistry. Heather Anne Pillman, Greenwood, SC Outstanding Chemistry Senior at Clemson University Award is sponsored by the Western Carolinas Section of the American Chemical Society. The awardee is selected based on the basis of scholarship, service, and promise for future achievement in chemistry. The recipient is given a Certificate with the American Chemical Society emblem. Erin Rebecca Ferguson, Goose Creek, SC The Graduate Teaching Assistant Award in Chemistry is given to the outstanding teaching assistant for freshman chemistry and is selected by freshmen, teaching faculty, and staff. The recipient is given a cash award. Albert Eugene Willis III, Washington, GA The Graduate Researcher Award in Chemistry is given for outstanding research done by a graduate student during the 2002-2003 school year. The Award consists of a cash gift. Liang Xue, Shanghai, P.R. CHINA Awards Presented at the College of Engineering and Science Awards Ceremony April 3, 2004, 2:00 P.M., Brackett Hall Auditorium (Room 100) Mark Bernhard Hardin Prize in Chemistry is given to an outstanding chemistry major with high scholastic rating and outstanding qualities of character and leadership. The Award consists of a Medallion, a cash gift and her name engraved on a permanent plaque in Hunter. Erin Rebecca Ferguson, Goose Creek, SC Senior Research Award is given to the senior chemistry major for outstanding senior research project. The Award consists of a cash gift. Paul Albert Tennant, Kingsport, TN Outstanding Graduate Teaching Assistant Award is given to the graduate students that are outstanding teaching assistants for freshman chemistry. The Award consists of a cash gift. Co-Winner Albert Eugene Willis, Washington, GA Outstanding Graduate Researcher Award is given for outstanding research done by a graduate student During the 2002-2003 school year. The Award consists of a cash gift. Co-Winner Liang Xue, Shanghai, P.R. China AWARDS TO BE PRESENTED AT THE WESTERN CAROLINAS AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY MEETING AT FURMAN UNIVERSITY ON APRIL 13, 2004