WORKING AND FINANCIAL AID AMONG COLLEGE STUDENTS REPORT TO INDIANA UNIVERSITY NORTHWEST IVY TECH COMMUNITY COLLEGE PURDUE UNIVERSITY CALUMET PREPARED BY THE PUBLIC OPINION LABORATORY NORTHERN ILLINOIS UNIVERSITY DEKALB, ILLINOIS 2005-2006 Executive Summary During fall semester 2005, Indiana University Northwest (IUN), Ivy Tech and Purdue University Calumet (PUC) jointly conducted the Working and Financial Aid among College Students survey. The purpose of the study was to ascertain the ways in which their employment affected students’ pursuit of college degrees and how these institutions could positively impact work considerations of their students. Questionnaires were sent to a random sample of 1000 students from each of the three institutions for a total of 3000 surveys. The questionnaire asked questions about students’ employment status and their perceptions of the impact of work on their college career and relations with others. The students were also asked about receiving financial aid from their college and how they were financing their education. In addition, the survey inquired about the students’ post-college plans. Of the total of 3000 questionnaires that were sent, 96 were returned as undeliverable at the student’s address. A total of 958 students completed and returned the questionnaire, 355 IUN students, 285 Ivy Tech students and 318 PUC students. Subtracting the undeliverables from the 3000 questionnaires sent, the study ended up with an overall response rate of 33 percent. Listed below are major findings from the study. The vast majority of students at each of the institutions were employed either full or part-time, in total over 80 percent; with between 35 to 41 percent being employed full time. Most students were employed off-campus (82%); fewer than ten percent of the employed students worked on-campus. Over 80 percent of the employed students worked at one job, while 16 percent had two jobs. Less than one percent reported having more than two jobs. The modal response to the number of hours they worked per week was 31-40, but over 20 percent reported working more than 40 hours per week. Nearly one-half of the employed students reported that their job had no impact on their school work (48%), while approximately one-quarter believed it had a positive impact and one-quarter believed it had a negative impact. A majority of the employed students (56%) reported that having a job while attending college was increasing the time frame in which they planned to complete their degree. Approximately four out of ten of the employed students reported that their job was related in some way to their plans for a career after graduation. Overall, 48 percent of the employed students reported that they would increase their credit hour load if their college assisted them in reducing their work hours. Few of the students who were employed believed that their working reduced their need for financial aid support from their college (12% overall). Over four in ten of the responding students reported that they had taken fewer credit hours due to working. A majority of the students expressed satisfaction with their college’s faculty and with their fellow students. There was somewhat less satisfaction with academic advising and student services. Nearly one-quarter (23%) of the students with jobs reported that it made it much more difficult to schedule their classes and over four out of ten reported that it made it somewhat difficult. Paying for non-college expenses was the most often cited reason for working, checked by 66 percent of the employed students, followed by spending money (61%) and paying debts (60%) and paying for a car (60%). Over one-half of the students at each of the colleges reported being eligible for financial aid. A majority of the students reported credit card debt (51%), while 44 percent had student loan debts. The predominant way students across all campuses were financing their education was through college financial aid. Introduction During fall semester 2005, Indiana University Northwest (IUN), Ivy Tech and Purdue University Calumet (PUC) jointly conducted the Working and Financial Aid among College Students survey. The purpose of the study was to ascertain the ways in which their employment affected students’ pursuit of college degrees and how these institutions could positively impact work considerations of their students. As stated in the cover letter to the students selected to participate in the study the colleges hoped “to learn whether working and financial aid help students stay in school.” Indiana University Northwest located in Gary Indiana offers certificates and associate, bachelors, and master's degrees. It has over 5,000 students. Ivy Tech Community College is a statewide open-admissions community college with programs leading to two-year associate's degrees and one-year technical certificates. Purdue University Calumet offers associate, baccalaureate and master's degrees plus professional certificates in more than 100 fields of study. Purdue Calumet has a student enrollment of over 9300 students. Questionnaires were sent to a random sample of 1000 students from each of the three institutions for a total of 3000 surveys. The selected students received a notification postcard, an initial mailing of the survey, and a follow-up postcard. Nonresponding students received two full follow-up mailings. Included in the mailing was a consent form that students were asked to return with their completed questionnaire. The consent form would allow administrators at the student’s college to add information from their school records to their survey responses for a broader analysis of the impact of work on academic careers. The questionnaire asked questions about students’ employment status and their perceptions of the impact of work on their college career and relations with others. The students were also asked about receiving financial aid from their college and how they were financing their education. In addition, the survey inquired about their post-college plans. Of the total of 3000 questionnaires that were sent, 96 were returned as undeliverable at the student’s address. A total of 958 students completed and returned the questionnaire, 355 IUN students, 285 Ivy Tech students and 318 PUC students. Subtracting the undeliverables from the 3000 questionnaires sent, the study ended up with an overall response rate of 33 percent. Table 1 shows the response rate for each of the schools. School IUN Ivy Tech Purdue Number Sent 1000 1000 1000 Table 1. Response Rates by School Number undeliverable Number completed 37 355 33 285 26 318 Response Rate 37% 29% 33% Respondent Characteristics The vast majority of the respondents were women reflecting their majority status among the student body in each of the three colleges. Seventy percent of Indian University Northwest’s students; 58 percent of Ivy Tech’s students and 58 percent of Purdue University Calumet’s students are women. Women are substantially overrepresented among the respondents from Ivy Tech Community College. Public Opinion Laboratory Northern Illinois University 1 Indiana Student Working and Financial Aid Study Most respondents were planning to complete their degree at that college. Ivy Tech students were somewhat less sure than students at Indiana University Northwest and Purdue University Calumet probably related to its being a community rather than a four-year college. Approximately two-thirds of the students had post-college plans with substantial percentages planning to go to graduate school. Table 2. Characteristics of Respondents IUN Ivy Tech % % Sex Male Female Plan to complete degree at IUN/Ivy Tech/Purdue Yes No Undecided Year Plan to Graduate Already a graduate 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Post-graduation plans Yes No Can’t say Post graduation career plans (subgroup with plans) Graduate school Employment Travel Volunteering Continuing education Military Professional school Other Public Opinion Laboratory Northern Illinois University 2 Purdue % Total % 23 77 20 79 39 60 28 72 85 7 8 77 7 16 84 5 10 82 6 11 -1 16 21 14 7 2 .3 -- .8 2 18 20 10 2 2 --- .3 5 15 17 15 9 1 1 .3 .3 3 16 19 13 6 2 .4 .1 69 14 16 62 16 21 69 13 17 67 14 17 39 68 9 8 22 2 11 6 23 79 11 9 41 1 5 10 48 76 14 10 28 2 9 6 38 74 11 9 29 2 8 7 Indiana Student Working and Financial Aid Study Students who checked “Other” in response to this question about their post graduation career plans were asked to specify their other plans. Their responses are listed below. Some of the responses duplicate items in the original question but are still listed here to accurately reflect the students’ reports. Numbers in parentheses are the number of students who gave the response if more than one student. B.S in Human Resource Development Being a stay at home mom & home maker BS, MSN and Nurse practitioner degree BSN-MSN-FNP BSN Building establishment Certificate in personnel & Human Resources Certification in Restoration & Conservation of Ant Considering continuing education, not sure yet Continuing education for a BS degree Degree in elementary education Entrepreneur (2) Get a better paying job Get a job Government I plan on moving to the east coast for a job in apparel merchandising I plan to student teach in Australia Law school (3) Marriage (2) Massage therapy certification Masters in speech pathology Maybe bachelors in dental hygiene, start acting career Mechanical Job in Steel Mill Medical school Mortuary school opening a theater company Own business (5) Own drug rehab for woman Paramedic/firefighter PhD Teacher Try to get job w/home & security as a supervisor Union trade Unsure but one of the three Working Working as an RN X-ray tech-Ultrasound RN, respiratory Majors The students were asked to give their major. Listed below are all of the majors given and the number of students with a particular major indicated if greater than one student. Indiana Northwest Accounting (3) Allied Health Art B.S. Public Affairs Bachelors in Criminal Justice Bachelors of Science in Nursing Bio/Fine Arts Biology (9) Biology & Anthropology Biology & Psychology BS in Health Management BSB Business-FIS Business (13) Public Opinion Laboratory Northern Illinois University Ivy Tech Purdue Accounting (8) Applied Science-Fire-Public Safety ASN Nursing (9) Automotive Technology (6) Business (17) CAD (2) Computer Information Systems (14) Construction Technology (3) Criminal Justice (5) Culinary (5) Design Tech Early Childhood Education (6) Electronics (2) AA Child and Family Services BA Criminal Justice Accounting (15) ADN Architecture Technology (3) Biology Biology (Pre-dentistry) (2) Business Administration (MBA) Child and Family Services (4) Computer Information Systems (7) CMET (3) Communication/Broadcasting Communications (2) Computer Graphic Design (2) 3 Indiana Student Working and Financial Aid Study Business Accounting (2) Business Administration (11) Business Administration/Fine Arts Business and Economics (2) Business and Elementary Education Business Marketing Elementary or Secondary Certification Chemistry (2) CIS (3) Coding Certificate Communications Criminal Justice (17) Dental Assisting (3) Dental Education-pre-dental Associate Degree in Dental Hygiene (18) Education-mild disabilities Elementary Education/TAL (20) English Financial Information Systems (2) Fine Arts (3) Fine Arts/Graphic Arts French/biology General Studies (12) Geology Graphic Design (2) Graphic Design & Photography Health care management Health Information Management Health Information Technology (5) Health Services Administration (2) Health services management; coding specialist Health Services Mgmt. History HIT to Rad. Sciences or Healthcare Management HIT w/medical coding specialist certification Human Resource Public Mgmt Labor Studies (2) Master in Public Affairs Masters Business Administration Masters in Education (2) Education Leadership Certification Masters public affairs-public management Masters social work Mathematics (2) MBA (6) MBA/non-profit mgmt certificate Medical Medical Laboratory Technology (3) MSN (2) Public Opinion Laboratory Northern Illinois University Human Resources (2) Tech and Nursing Industrial Technology (9) Liberal Arts (3) LPN (5) LPN and RN Marketing (2) Medical Assisting (6) Medical Assisting/Nursing Medical Office Administration Mortuary Science (5) Nursing (49) Office Administration (7) Paralegal (3) Phlebotomy Physical Therapy Assistant (12) PTA (2) Public Safety (2) Respiratory Therapy (5) Surgical Technician (4) Tech Mech Design Miscellaneous, uncodable (4) 4 Computer Graphics Technology (4) Computer networking Computer Science (3) Construction Management Engineering Technology (4) Criminal Justice (5) Early Childhood Development (10) Electrical & Computer Engineering Technology (9) Education (17) Electrical Engineering (5) Electronics Technology Elementary Education (20) Engineering Engineering or construction English (2) Finance (5) Finance and Accounting (3) Fitness management (2) French Internal Studies History Hospitality and Tourism Management (7) Human Development & Family Studies (3) Human Resources (5) Journalism Management (8) Marketing (3) Marketing & Finance Masters in Education Mathematics Education (2) Mathematics secondary education Mechanical Engineering Technology (3) medical technology MET MSN Nurse Practitioner Nursing (18) Nursing Associate Nutrition Fitness & Health Organizational leadership & supervision (11) Political Science-Criminal Justice (2) Political Science (6) Pre-med (Bio) Pre-Veterinary Psychology (8) Psychology & Child & Family services Social Studies Teaching (3) Sociology-Criminal Justice Sociology (4) Indiana Student Working and Financial Aid Study MSW (2) Nursing (31) Nursing Associate PBCA (2) Political Science (2) Psychology (6) Public Administration Public Affairs-Environmental Policy Public Affairs/Management Public Management Radiography (24) Radiologic Sciences (4) Respiratory Care Respiratory Therapy (5) RHIT Sciences/Medical field Secondary education-English Secondary Education (2) Social work (3) Social Work MSW Sociology (5) Sociology/Anthropology Spanish (2) Spanish/Arts & Science Graduate Special Education Certification Public Opinion Laboratory Northern Illinois University Spanish (3) 5 Indiana Student Working and Financial Aid Study Current Employment Status The students were asked several questions about their current employment status including whether they worked full or part time, worked on or off campus, the number of jobs they currently had and the number of hours they tended to work in an average week. The vast majority of students at each of the institutions were employed either full or part-time, in total over 80 percent; with between 35 to 41 percent being employed full time. Figure 1. Which one of the following categories best describes your current employment status? 100 90 80 Percent 70 60 50 48 45 41 42 40 41 35 32 30 40 22 17 20 16 18 10 0 IUN Ivy Full-time Public Opinion Laboratory Northern Illinois University Part-time 6 Purdue Total Not currently employed Indiana Student Working and Financial Aid Study The percentages in the following figures in this section are based on the subset of students who reported being employed. The percentages may not add to 100 percent because not all employed students answered each of the questions; this was especially true of the first question about whether the student worked on or off-campus. Most students were employed off-campus (82%); fewer than ten percent of the employed students worked on-campus (Figure 2). Over 80 percent of the employed students worked at one job, while 16 percent had two jobs. Less than one percent reported having more than two jobs (Figure 3). The modal response to the number of hours they worked per week was 31-40, but over 20 percent reported working more than 40 hours per week (Figure 4). Figure 2. Work on-campus or off, based on subgroup of employed students only 100 90 80 66 70 Percent 74 74 80 60 50 40 30 20 10 9 5 8 1 6 7 3 3 0 IUN Ivy On-campus Public Opinion Laboratory Northern Illinois University 7 Purdue Off-campus Total Both Indiana Student Working and Financial Aid Study Figure 3. How many jobs do you currently have? 100 85 90 82 82 80 80 Percent 70 60 50 40 30 17 20 17 16 12 10 0.7 0 0 IUN Ivy One 1 0.4 2 0.7 0.4 0.4 Purdue Two Three Total Four Figure 4. Approximately how many hours do you work in an average week? 100 90 80 Percent 70 60 50 35 40 28 30 30 14 20 10 5 32 25 33 23 17 17 23 19 19 16 4 5 24 22 5 0 IUN Ivy 1-10 Public Opinion Laboratory Northern Illinois University 11-20 8 Purdue 21-30 31-40 Total 41+ Indiana Student Working and Financial Aid Study Employer Educational Support The students were presented with three ways in which their employer might support them academically and were asked to check all that applied to their situation. They were also provided with the opportunity to list any other ways in which they felt their employer was supporting their college career. Employers tended to be accommodating of these students’ school schedules. Further, between ten and 17 percent of the employers were reported to contribute financially to the student’s school expenses beyond a paycheck. Based on these responses, we can say that approximately 12 percent of the students overall at these colleges benefit from employer financially support. Table 3. Employer Academic Support IUN Ivy Tech % % Contribute financially to your school 17 10 expenses (other than paycheck) Accommodate your work schedule to 73 70 your school schedule Allow you to study at work 19 18 Support your college career in any 15 15 other manner Type of support Purdue % 14 Total % 14 81 75 21 13 20 15 Students who checked that their employer had supported their college career in some other manner than the three ways presented to them were asked to tell what that other manner was. A list of the verbatim responses is provided in Appendix A. Some of the responses were quite similar to the three items specifically asked about in the question such as providing some tuition support which might be coded as contribute financially, and a number of students talked about providing a flexible schedule or giving time off which could be coded under “accommodate your work schedule to your school schedule.” The verbatim responses were coded into six groupings which are listed below along with the number of students who gave that response. Other response categories and number of responses encouragement (26) financial help (12) accommodates schedule (18) provides resources (e.g., computer) (15) work is education related (15) negatively affects school (5) other (10) Public Opinion Laboratory Northern Illinois University 9 Indiana Student Working and Financial Aid Study Impact of Job on School Work The survey explored a wide range of questions regarding the relationship between students’ work and the pursuit of their college degree. First, the students were asked how their job impacted their school work, the effect of having a job on the time frame for completing a degree, and whether their current job was related to their career plans after graduation. Nearly one-half of the employed students reported that their job had no impact on their school work (48%), while approximately one-quarter believed it had a positive impact and one-quarter believed it had a negative impact (Table 4). Table 4. How does your job impact your school work? Very positive Positive Neither positive nor Negative Very negative negative % 6 13 9 9 IUN Ivy Tech Purdue Total % 17 20 18 18 % 48 48 48 48 % 26 13 22 21 % 2 3 2 2 A majority of the employed students reported that having a job while attending college was increasing the time frame in which they planned to complete their degree (56%) (Table 5). Table 5. In your opinion, will having a job while attending college increase the time frame you planned for completing your degree? (Check only on box) Not intending to completed a No time frame Can’t Yes No IUN Ivy Tech Purdue Total % 56 58 55 56 Public Opinion Laboratory Northern Illinois University degree [at this school] planned say % 2 3 .7 2 % 3 4 5 4 % 7 9 6 7 % 32 24 33 30 10 Indiana Student Working and Financial Aid Study Approximately four out of ten of the employed students reported that their job was related in some way to their plans for a career after graduation (Figure 5). Figure 5. Is your current job related in any way to your plans for a career after graduation? 100 90 80 Percent 70 54 60 50 55 53 40 40 54 39 37 40 30 20 6 10 8 5 6 0 IUN Ivy Yes Public Opinion Laboratory Northern Illinois University 11 Purdue No Total Can't say Indiana Student Working and Financial Aid Study College Assistance Secondly, students were asked if their college assisted them in reducing their work hours would they increase their credit hour load there and the relationship between working and need for financial aid. Overall, 48 percent of the employed students reported that they would increase their credit hour load if their college assisted them in reducing their work hours (Figure 6). Figure 6. If [college] could assist you in reducing your work hours, would you increase your credit hour load here? 100 90 80 Percent 70 60 52 48 50 40 30 30 30 27 20 20 48 45 24 26 24 20 10 0 IUN Ivy Yes Public Opinion Laboratory Northern Illinois University 12 Purdue No Total Can't say Indiana Student Working and Financial Aid Study Few of the students who were employed believed that their working reduced their need for financial aid support from their college (12% overall) (Figure 7). Figure 7. Does your working reduce your need for [IU Northwest/Ivy Tech/Purdue] Financial Aid support? 100 90 80 Percent 70 53 60 54 54 57 50 40 28 30 20 28 26 22 13 5 10 11 8 12 4 12 6 0 IUN Ivy Yes No Purdue Do not receive financial aid Total Can't say Employer Help Finally in this section of the survey, students who were employed were asked what their employer might do to help them better balance their school and working responsibilities. They were asked to respond in their own words about their college employer if applicable and other employers if applicable. Appendix B provides the verbatim responses to these two questions for employed students at each of the three institutions. The responses primarily centered on receiving more pay and providing greater flexibility in hours worked to accommodate class schedules, including being allowed to study during breaks and down time. Public Opinion Laboratory Northern Illinois University 13 Indiana Student Working and Financial Aid Study Attendance at College Students were asked about how they had been managing their college career. Had they transferred to another school and returned, had they taken fewer credit hours due to working, and had they not attended school for various time periods? Fewer than ten percent of the students have transferred to another school and then returned to their current college. More than one out of five had not attended for a semester and then returned; ten percent had not attended for one year and then returned. Over four in ten of the responding students reported that they had taken fewer credit hours due to working. Table 6. Since first beginning your college career at IUN/Ivy Tech/PUC, have you ever… ? (Check all that apply) IUN Ivy Tech Purdue Total % % % % Transferred to another school and returned 9 7 9 9 Taken fewer credit hours due to working 44 44 42 43 Not attended for one semester (excluding 25 20 20 22 summer) and returned Not attended for one year and returned 9 7 12 10 Not attended for more than one year and returned 12 10 10 11 Public Opinion Laboratory Northern Illinois University 14 Indiana Student Working and Financial Aid Study Impact of Work on Education This section of the survey explored a number of difference aspects of working on schooling including satisfaction, impact on relationships and scheduling of classes and reasons for working. First, students were asked to rate their satisfaction with eight aspects of their school and work life on a five point scale from very satisfied to very dissatisfied. They could also check if an item was not applicable. A majority of the students expressed satisfaction with their college’s faculty and with their fellow students. There was somewhat less satisfaction with academic advising and student services. In part the lower rating of satisfaction was a result of students reporting being “neither satisfied not dissatisfied” with these aspects of their colleges, perhaps because they did not engage them to the same extent as the first two items. The biggest area of dissatisfaction was with the idea of going to school and working. Table 6. How satisfied are you with the following aspects of your work and education? Individuals Very Satisfied Neither Dissatisfied Very NA satisfied satisfied dissatisfied nor dissatisfied % % % % % % IUN Off-campus job 12 34 14 12 7 17 IU Northwest faculty 15 48 21 10 2 3 Going to school and 5 25 24 24 7 13 working IUN students 9 49 35 4 .8 2 Your employer 12 36 19 11 6 14 IUN academic advising 11 36 29 13 6 4 IUN student services 8 30 41 8 3 8 On-campus job 2 3 5 .6 .8 78 Ivy Tech Off-campus job 13 29 12 13 5 21 Ivy Tech faculty 23 41 20 7 3 3 Going to school and 8 27 20 16 7 16 working Ivy Tech students 14 37 34 4 3 4 Your employer 10 32 18 8 6 20 Ivy Tech academic 16 33 28 11 5 3 advising Ivy Tech student 16 27 33 9 4 6 services On-campus job 1 1 3 .4 1 80 Purdue Off-campus job 15 33 13 14 3 19 Purdue faculty 15 54 18 9 3 .6 Going to school and 8 31 18 21 7 13 Public Opinion Laboratory Northern Illinois University 15 Indiana Student Working and Financial Aid Study working Purdue students Your employer Purdue academic advising Purdue student services On-campus job Total Off-campus job Faculty Going to school and working [fellow] students Your employer Academic advising Student services On-campus job 15 17 12 42 34 37 31 16 27 7 13 13 1 4 8 2 15 2 10 32 37 11 3 6 5 4 3 .3 .3 72 13 17 7 32 48 28 13 20 21 13 9 21 5 3 7 19 2 14 13 13 13 11 3 43 34 35 30 3 33 17 28 37 4 5 11 12 9 .4 2 5 6 4 .7 3 16 3 7 76 Influence of Job on Relations The students were asked how their having a job influenced their relationship with nine different groups of individuals and how their having a job impacted on their ability to schedule their classes. Generally the students responded that having a job had neither a positive nor a negative influence on their relationships. Most negatively affected were relationships with friends (Table 7). Table 7. How has your having a job influenced your relationship with the following individuals? Individuals Very Positive Neither positive Negative Very positive nor negative negative % % % % % IUN IU Northwest faculty 6 16 69 6 1 IU Northwest students 5 22 62 10 0 Your parents 10 26 50 10 1 Your co-workers 14 32 42 10 2 Your employer 12 32 43 9 2 Potential partners 6 23 54 12 2 Your academic advisor 5 12 73 5 1 Your children (if any) 4 11 39 12 2 Your friends 6 23 45 22 4 Ivy Tech IU Northwest faculty 8 18 66 3 1 IU Northwest students 5 17 70 4 1 Your parents 15 19 50 8 1 Your co-workers 13 27 47 7 2 Public Opinion Laboratory Northern Illinois University 16 Indiana Student Working and Financial Aid Study Your employer Potential partners Your academic advisor Your children (if any) Your friends Purdue IU Northwest faculty IU Northwest students Your parents Your co-workers Your employer Potential partners Your academic advisor Your children (if any) Your friends Total IU Northwest faculty IU Northwest students Your parents Your co-workers Your employer Potential partners Your academic advisor Your children (if any) Your friends 13 12 5 14 11 26 16 16 16 25 48 53 68 35 44 8 11 5 12 14 2 3 2 5 3 10 9 15 19 19 14 7 7 16 19 29 30 37 35 19 12 7 24 62 50 39 31 31 50 69 39 37 7 11 12 10 10 11 10 7 19 0 0 1 2 2 3 1 2 3 8 7 13 15 14 10 6 8 11 18 23 25 32 32 19 13 11 24 66 60 46 39 40 52 70 38 42 6 8 10 9 9 11 7 10 19 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 3 4 Having a job made scheduling their classes more difficult for students. Nearly one-quarter (23%) of the students with jobs reported that it made it much more difficult to schedule their classes and over four out of ten reported that it made it somewhat difficult (Table 8). Table 8. How does your having a job impact your ability to schedule your classes? (Check only one box) Makes it Makes it Has no impact Makes it Makes it much easier somewhat somewhat much more easier difficult difficult % % % % % IUN 1 2 26 48 23 Ivy Tech 4 5 19 48 22 Purdue 3 5 27 41 24 Total 2 4 24 46 23 Public Opinion Laboratory Northern Illinois University 17 Indiana Student Working and Financial Aid Study Reasons for Working While Attending College The employed students were presented with 14 reasons for working while attending college and asked to check all of the reasons that applied to them. They reported a variety of reasons for working while attending college. Paying for non-college expenses was the most often cited reason for working, checked by 66 percent of the employed students, followed by spending money (61%) and paying debts (60%) and paying for a car (60%) (Table 9). Table 9. Why do you work while attending college? (Check all that apply) IUN Ivy Tech Purdue Total % % % % Spending money 63 44 74 61 Health insurance 34 37 29 33 I enjoy it 21 17 24 21 Related to my career plans 26 25 30 27 Part of my education 11 8 10 10 Support a family 35 69 30 43 Pay for child care 8 18 11 12 Pay for non-college expenses 69 53 74 66 Pay debts 61 63 57 60 Support my parents 5 5 5 5 Family business 4 2 3 3 Pay credit card debt 47 40 40 43 Pay for school 48 40 54 48 Pay for a car 61 53 63 60 Other 20 18 21 19 Listed below are the other reasons students gave for working while attending college. The number in parentheses is the number of students who gave that response if more than one student gave that response. Assist paying bills gives gas $ needed to travel to school Auto insurance and books Bills (5) Books (5) Buy future classroom items Buy school supplies Car insurance (7) Car insurance & car needs Car Insurance, cell phone Car insurance, gas, rent Public Opinion Laboratory Northern Illinois University Car insurance, help out my parents with bills & phone bills Car loan Career advancement Cell phone (3) Child's college Child support (2) College expenses (non-tuition) Credit care bills Daughter going to college Dependent higher education 18 Indiana Student Working and Financial Aid Study Education at IUN is continuing ed not prejob school Experience Family doesn't pay for me Finished college already Gas (7) Gas & insurance Gas money/Christmas money Gas, food, books, etc. General expenses Have to work to have a roof over my head, food on the table Helps release energy Home owner (4) House, car insurance Household expenses Housing Insurance Insurance (auto) rent Insurance (car) (2) Insurance, mortgage Job experience License renewal Life in general Life Insurance Living Living expenses-mortgage payment Living expenses Medical bills Mortgage (10) Mortgage & pension Public Opinion Laboratory Northern Illinois University 19 Mortgage payment and nipsco Mortgage, car insurance, bills Necessities Old student loan Pay bills, expenses and food Pay for car insurance and cell phone bill Pay for home Pay for my son's school and living expenses Pay for over-priced tuition Pay for truck also Pay house payment & regular bills each month Pay rent (16) Pay utilities & food Paying for everything Paying for living expenses Rent, food Rent, living expenses, bills Rent, utilities, food, clothing Retirement (2) Save for future (2) Save for housing Single parent Sole provider of household Support my family Support myself (7) To survive Transportation Utilities, rent Wife and daughter Work study You name it Indiana Student Working and Financial Aid Study Financing of Education In this section of the survey, students were asked a number of questions about the financing of their college education. First they were asked about their eligibility for financial aid. Over one-half of the students at each of the colleges reported being eligible for financial aid (Figure 8). Percent Figure 8. Are you currently eligible for Financial Aid at IUN/Ivy Tech/PUC? 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 63 60 53 22 16 8 7 Ivy Yes No Don't know 20 19 14 17 14 16 13 7 IUN Public Opinion Laboratory Northern Illinois University 59 Purdue 7 Total Have not applied Indiana Student Working and Financial Aid Study Type of Aid Currently Receiving Students were asked to check whether they were receiving any of four means of financial aid. Indiana Northwest and Purdue-Calumet students were most likely to be receiving loans, while Ivy Tech students were more likely to report receiving grants. Few students at any of the colleges were on work-study. Nearly 20 percent of the Purdue University Calumet students reported having a scholarship (Figure 9). Percent Figure 9. Are you currently receiving: (Check all that apply) 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 46 45 26 2 Ivy Work-Study 33 18 5 IUN 36 31 21 10 3 40 11 3 3 Purdue Loans Grants Total Scholarships Ever Eligible for Financial Aid The students who reported that they were not currently eligible for financial aid were asked whether they had ever been eligible for financial aid at their college. Eighteen percent of this subset of students reported that they had been eligible at one time (18% of IUN, 21% of Ivy Tech, and 17% of PurdueCalumet students). An additional ten percent reported that they had never applied. Thus, in total: 59% of the students were currently eligible for financial aid 9% were eligible at one time but not currently 14% never applied 13% were never eligible Public Opinion Laboratory Northern Illinois University 21 Indiana Student Working and Financial Aid Study The students were then asked if they believed that they understood the basic requirements of Financial Aid eligibility at their college. A majority of the students believed that they understood the basic requirement for Financial Aid eligibility at their college (61% overall) while nearly 20 percent reported that they did not understand the basic requirement (Figure 10). Percent Figure 10. Do you believe that you understand the basic requirements for Financial Aid eligibility at IUN/Ivy Tech/PUC? 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 63 66 61 54 22 23 23 12 IUN 20 Ivy Yes 14 Purdue No 19 19 Total Can't say Student Loan Debt To what extent were the students in debt with student loans? The students were asked to give both their current amount of student loan debt at their college, the amount of current other student loans and the level of their total debt. Table 10 presents a variety of summary statistics on the level of both of these types of loans for the students who reported having loan debts. The figures would be smaller if we assume that those students who left these items blank did not have any loan debt. Forty percent of the students overall reported having loan debts at their college and 22 percent reported having other student loan debt. Ivy Tech students were much less likely to have a loan debt at that institution (28%) than students at either IUN (47%) or PUC (42%). Debt tends to average at about the $8,000 to $10,000 range. Public Opinion Laboratory Northern Illinois University 22 Indiana Student Working and Financial Aid Study In addition, 597 students indicated having some debt from all sources, not just college debt. The mean amount of debt for these students was $34,363. Debt ranged from about $100 to $360,000 (Table 10). Table 10. What is the approximate total of your accumulated student loan debt? Current IUN/Ivy/PUC student loan debt: IUN Ivy Purdue Total $20 Minimum $500 $20 $00 Maximum Mean Median Mode $110,000 $10,417 $6,621 $10,000 $15,000 $3,888 $300 $5,000 Number of Students 166 80 Amount of current other student loan debt Minimum $200 $500 Maximum Mean Median Mode Number of students Total Debt Minimum Maximum Mean Median Mode Number of Students $50,000 $7,730 $6,000 $10,000 $110,000 $8,095 $5,000 $10,000 134 380 $300 $200 $60,000 $11,669 $8,000 $10,000 $32,000 $8,490 $7,500 $10,000 $65,000 $9,086 $5,500 $6,000 $65,000 $9,942 $6,425 $10,000 85 64 63 212 $290 $100 $40 $40 $360,000 $38,308 $19,000 $20,000 $265,000 $34,657 $11,500 $10,000 $217,000 $29,770 $14,000 $15,000 $360,000 $34,363 $15,000 $20,000 225 168 204 597 Distribution of Current Total Debt Students were presented with six ways in which they could have incurred debt and asked to check all the applied to them. They were also given the opportunity to list any other ways in which they may have accumulated debt. A majority of the students reported credit card debt (51%), while 44 percent had student loan debts (Table 11). Table 11. How is your current total debt distributed? (Check all that apply) IUN Ivy Tech Purdue Total % % % % Credit cards 57 47 47 51 Personal loans (banks) 15 16 10 14 Mortgage(s) 20 27 18 21 Student loans 49 39 43 44 Personal loans (family) 11 15 10 12 Auto loans 38 40 29 35 Other 11 18 11 13 Public Opinion Laboratory Northern Illinois University 23 Indiana Student Working and Financial Aid Study Twenty percent of the students did not check any of debt items. The average number of types of debt checked was two. Table 12 shows the number of debt items by school. None checked One Two Three Four Five Six Table 12. Number of Types of Debt IUN Ivy Tech % % 18 18 21 21 22 25 23 21 12 11 3 4 1 1 Purdue % 23 24 26 19 6 2 1 Total % 20 22 24 21 9 3 1 Other types of debt listed Back child support Bills (4) Bills, phone Boat Books (credit cards) Borrowing money from family Business (spouse) Car Car payment through personal loans Cash with partner & friends Cell phone bill, hospital bills Cellular phone bill Child care Children’s schools Debit card Employee dependent fund Every month expenses Public Opinion Laboratory Northern Illinois University Failed classes Financial aid For my pleasure Furniture General Grant Hospital bills (4) Household expenses (4) Insurance IRS Living expenses Medical bills (28) Medical bills and old bills Medical bills, rent, utilities, food Medical bills, taxes Medical debt 2 special needs children Medical, divorce Medical/dental bills Monthly expenses 24 Nipsco, cable, etc. One credit card Parental loans Parents plus loan Past bills (6) Paycheck from work Pell Phone bills (2) Rent and phone bills Rent, insurance Rent, utilities Rent, utilities, clothes School (2) School books on credit card Stocks & bonds Support mother’s medication for diabetes Time share (2) Utilities Utilities and house payment Indiana Student Working and Financial Aid Study Financing Education Finally in this section of the survey, students were asked how they were financing their college education. They were presented with 10 ways in which they might be financing their schooling and were given the opportunity to list other ways. Students reported financing their education in a variety of ways. The predominant way across all campuses was through college financial aid (Table 13). Adding up the number of means of financing their education that students checked, the average was two methods across all three institutions. The maximum number of methods was seven. Few students checked more than 3 methods (Table 14). Table 13. How are you financing your college education at IU Northwest/Ivy Tech/Purdue? (Check all that apply) IUN Ivy Tech Purdue Total % % % % Personal savings 26 19 30 25 Current earnings 34 21 34 30 Parental support 23 7 40 24 College Financial Aid 46 54 51 50 Credit cards 19 12 11 14 Banks/financial institution loans 18 13 9 14 Spousal/Partner support 8 9 9 9 Family support (non-parent) 3 3 4 3 Military/Veteran benefits 1 3 1 2 Employer tuition reimbursement 10 6 7 8 Other 7 11 9 9 Table 14. Number of ways students were financing their college education IUN Ivy Tech Purdue Total % % % % None checked .3 4 1 2 One 44 59 39 47 Two 29 21 29 27 Three 16 11 22 16 Four 8 3 7 6 Five 3 2 2 2 Six .3 .4 .6 .4 Seven --.3 .1 Public Opinion Laboratory Northern Illinois University 25 Indiana Student Working and Financial Aid Study Other Sources of College Education Financing 21st Century Scholars (3) Basketball scholarship Child support Clara Abbot scholarship COV grant is that financial aid? and work Decease Direct loan Employer scholarship (2) Enrollment incentive award FASA Federal aid (2) Fee courtesy (parent) Financial aid Government grants Grants (2) Grants, scholarships Grants/loans-school Public Opinion Laboratory Northern Illinois University High school vocational class Higher Education grant KV works (2) Line of credit on mortgage Loans (3) Out of school scholarships Pell Grant (7) PNC financial aid Runnin' Rebel Program Scholarship-the Times Newspaper scholarship (14) School loan (2) School pay for it School pays through program Self-employed Senior program Small loans from PUC Small scholarship 26 Staff remission Stafford Student loans (3) TAA TRA TRA, KV worker TRA/TAA Trust fund Tuition reimbursement Vocational rehabilitation (3) Vocational student Work during vacations/summer Work study & SSI Workforce Investment Act Working (2) Indiana Student Working and Financial Aid Study Parents’ Expectations To what extent did the students’ parents expect them to work in order to pay for their college expenses or contribute to those expenses? A majority of Purdue University Calumet students reported that their parents expected them to contribute financially to their college education as did a near majority of IUN students, but only 30 percent of Ivy Tech students (Figure 11). Percent Figure 11. Do your parents expect you to work in order to pay for or contribute to your college expenses? 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 52 47 44 30 32 25 26 17 IUN 17 Ivy Yes Public Opinion Laboratory Northern Illinois University 28 26 27 Purdue No 19 Total Can't say Indiana Student Working and Financial Aid Study Support Services At the end of the survey, the students were asked to list any support services their college might provide for working students to help increase their focus on school. A total of 357 students responded to this inquiry. Some students responded by saying there was nothing special their college could do or that their college was doing a good job. The verbatim responses are listed in Appendix c by college. The substantive suggestions were coded into 23 categories. The coded responses and numbers of students from each college giving the response are given below in Table 15. Table 15. Suggested College Support Services, Number of Respondents IUN Ivy Purdue Improve class schedules 32 15 30 Internet classes/Distance learning 3 5 8 Improve counseling 6 1 11 Improve financial aid 18 9 12 Daycare 6 20 6 More financial aid 17 15 14 Better pay 3 1 0 Later hours for more campus services (e.g., library, 6 1 4 cafeteria, etc.) Help finding well paid, flexible, applicable 5 11 7 employment Tutoring/study groups/homework assistance 7 8 6 More staff/more friendly and helpful staff 2 4 1 More understanding professors 3 7 13 Better study areas 0 4 0 Mentoring opportunities 0 0 3 Single/working parent and non-traditional student 1 3 2 assistance Increase academic standards 1 0 1 Improve academic programs (i.e., make 0 1 2 requirements more relevant to shorten programs) Services to help with missed classes/meetings 1 1 2 Improve on-line services (e.g., registration, 1 1 0 orientation, etc.) Seminars/help with managing school and work (or 3 2 5 with prioritizing) More on campus jobs/work study 2 1 10 Decrease tuition and other costs (e.g., books) 1 1 3 Other 3 7 7 11 15 8 None 2 3 1 Good job Public Opinion Laboratory Northern Illinois University 28 Indiana Student Working and Financial Aid Study Total 77 16 18 39 32 46 4 11 23 21 7 23 4 3 6 2 4 3 2 10 13 5 17 34 6 Appendix A. Other ways employer supports college career? A scholarship program Affirmation Allows me to leave 10 minutes early Allows me to schedule around my classes Allows me to use an extra lap top computer for my school work Allows you to work different shifts for work but can't based on current position at work Although they don't accommodate my school schedule they will allow me to have a day off every now and then Arranges my work schedule around my classes As a hairstylist, I can study between clients By encouraging me to get my degree in early education Cares about my future Cash Checks how I'm doing Checks how I am doing, motivating, lets me leave early if needed Does not apply to my situation Does not support my college career and does not accommodate for my school schedule Encourage me to attend Encourage you to further your education Encouragement Encouraging words Feels that a college degree is a necessary item to have For any business classes, they will give training on the job For the area of study I'm in they guarantee a job once I complete my classes and pass my testing and gave me a computer Hands-on experience with major Help pay tuition Help with studies and encouragement I'm allowed to use the company computer and printer on breaks I'm in a partnership landscaping business with my brother, who is willing to work around my schedule. I am a nursing student, working at a hospital as a nurse technician; my employer will more than likely offer me a job upon graduation. I am currently working towards a certification in Education I am hired in as a nurse when I graduate Public Opinion Laboratory Northern Illinois University 29 Indiana Student Working and Financial Aid Study I am in an apprenticeship for IBEW 531 through Ivy Tech I can leave work a little early for class but sometimes I miss if work requires me to stay I currently freelance I do get help with my homework on lunch I do medical billing and my physician would like for me to be certified I have to accommodate my school schedule with my work schedule I only work two days of the month I received money assistance from local union I work at a hospital I work in an urgent care center and they are constantly teaching me and preparing me for a nursing career I work in a veterinary hospital and that's what I want to do If I need additional days off for school related activities If I need to leave early she lets me If I need weekends off for projects or to study I can have the weekend off If you go to school in a field that benefits the company they will pay for school but, you have to work for them for one year Increased pay with more class work Job has tuition money offered Medical/Dental Insurance Moral support, good advice and positive thinking More hours of school/more pay My boss is always interested in how I'm doing and encourages me My boss looks over my schedule to help pick courses My boss supports my academic goals by understanding that my life outside of school is also very important My current supervisor is a royal pain in the butt. Schedules me to work on class days and makes me find my own coverage. She does not support my college career in fact told me last week I needed to cut down either on work or school. And she is a RN which is what I’m going to school for. My employer is a public school district, it requires having a license My manager often asks me questions in relationship to my major psychology that requires me to apply what I’ve learned to help her with her problems No contribution financially/no accommodation for work schedule, no studying at work. Doesn't support college No to each question at this point None of the above, I have to take night classes because my boss won’t let me off to take day classes Once in the nursing program financial provided. None currently Only if staff permit Public Opinion Laboratory Northern Illinois University 30 Indiana Student Working and Financial Aid Study Placements for teaching Promotions Reimbursement-partially for tuition Requires it for advancement, holding a job for after graduation Research and help Resourceful in my learning, they are physical therapist Sends me to seminars Sometimes, if busy with homework or quiz and called into work, I don't have to go in Support for state mandated policy, higher education Supportive The manager let me interview him about his job field, in my interest They give me opportunities to get experience in my intended major They allow me to use my work computer for school work during non-work hours They are always asking me about school They are encouraging They are glad I want to improve myself and do something I have always wanted to do They are supportive about me working on my degree They fully support my efforts to attain my MPA They have arranged for televised classes on site to further my degree They help to accommodate me when I need extra time off; finals week for example They offer money for loans and award money They want me to finish Through experience in my field Through support and association with the alumni and students Tuition reimbursement Tuition reimbursement once finished with class Urges to continue in college Verbal Virtual Work at hospital while in nursing school Work at Methodist Southlake, they want me to graduate with my BSN Work related-I am a LPN-RN Public Opinion Laboratory Northern Illinois University 31 Indiana Student Working and Financial Aid Study Appendix B What might your employer do to help you better balance your school and work responsibilities?: College Employers IUN Allow employee to take classes during lunch hours Allow more flexibility in scheduling, as in scheduling to work in four hour blocks. I had to refuse work study because of UN inflexibility Be more flexible with my scheduling allow me to study in down time Employee better, quality teachers Get more workers to help out so it would be less frustration on my part. Give Health Ins. Give me different hours Give me more time off the schedule Help in financial aid I would rather work at the school If the on campus jobs paid more money like Purdue Calumet do I would work on campus which would help me manage work and school better Increase in pay It's not possible, I am a paralegal-my job is very important to me, as well as school It would be beneficial to have more free time to study and do homework Let me study there More cooperation My job is a work study opportunity Nothing really, they work around my schedule at school. They let me study at work I couldn't ask for more. Nothing, works with school schedule and convenient Pay for schooling or pay for college as long as the education is in the same field as work Pay more Schedule more Saturday classes The hours are late, so when I get home I'm too tired to study, so maybe change the hours There hasn't been any thing denied me that I've needed Public Opinion Laboratory Northern Illinois University 32 Indiana Student Working and Financial Aid Study IVY Tech Accommodate my school schedule Allow for scheduling of classes By not giving me overtime, on days I have classes and understand that I do need time to do homework in. Contribute, encourage, and adjust work hours so that I can participate in class schedule Do not work for Ivy Tech Flex time Get me in the nursing program He doesn't need to change a thing, because everything is just fine. Things are working out just fine. Help in study groups or one on one session to help me understand my school work It is up to the student to balance education and work responsibilities by using time management More time for work to be turned in. Understanding the life of students outside of Ivy Tech My employer understands why I am going to school and works with me, but I also have two children (eight and two) and I am a single mother so I need to work as much as I can. Needs to give me a flexible study schedule, allows me to take test early before schedules Not so many large projects Won't work it out Would like to receive financial aid so I didn't have to work as much and could do better in school Purdue-Calumet Accommodate leaving to go to class when needed Allow me to work only on the weekends Already doing a great job Better than most school employers Electronics shop does help me with work and flexible hours Everything is already good Give me some slack in regards to student status Have a daycare for babies three months and up Have a more flexible schedule I am not currently employed I think that a person like me who is a supplemental instructor should get credit for the hours (SI sessions) like tutoring. I would've done work/study if I could do it after 7pm I would not change anything. My employer is a great person Let me do homework when there is no work to be done Public Opinion Laboratory Northern Illinois University 33 Indiana Student Working and Financial Aid Study Letting us do work when the children are napping May adjust the working hours and the schedule according to school load More classes after 4pm, less "test" classes like standard testing More distance learning courses available More pay, less hours My employer has us all make one week goals. We assess their importance and accomplish each task. I do the same at home when I have a lot to do. My superiors are very supportive in regards to work availability due to class schedules My work/study responsibilities are very balanced because I am allowed to work in between class which decreases the amount of hours I work after I am done with classes. Pay more money Provide more on campus jobs or ways to find them PUC is not a very good place to work at while attending classes. I was very stressed working twenty hours per week as apposed to the forty hours per week I work now, plus the PUC pay is very low and they crap on there student workers, morale is law. The employers I have had at PUC always allow me to schedule work hours that are the most accommodating to my course schedules. They always remind me that “I am a student first”. There isn't anything. My son and I have to eat They accommodate my needs very well They allow me to schedule around my class schedules and exam weeks Public Opinion Laboratory Northern Illinois University 34 Indiana Student Working and Financial Aid Study What might your employer do to help you better balance your school and working responsibilities: Other employers IUN A lot more time during tests and finals to study Accommodate my school schedule and be more considerate and able to work around my schedule Accommodate my work schedule to my school schedule Allow a flexible schedule, as long as work is computed Allow a little study and homework time when needed Allow grandfather time to be included in balancing years of experience on the job Allow me more lead way in getting to work Allow me to come in later so I can take morning classes Allow me to leave at 4pm instead of 5pm in order for me to get to my 5:30 classes in a timely fashion Allow me to leave early to catch earlier class sessions Allow me to leave early to get to class, I can have more hours Allow me to study at work, cut down hours or pay me more Allow me to study at work Allow me to work half days or be off if I have a test or important project coming up, even if scheduling is done as long as I ask within reasonable time. (Right now our schedules are done 1 month ahead Allow more hours for times when I do not have class Allow more time off to complete school work Allow study at work Allow to work only part time Allow us to work on school work on our downtime Allowing me to study during down time-after all work related tasks are completed At the present, my school and working responsibilities are well-balanced Be able to study at work on downtime Be courteous about my availability Be more flexible with hours Be more flexible with the schedule Be more understanding when things come along that I cannot control, and be more flexible with the schedule Be understanding about days off to study Better pay so I do not have to work as much Public Opinion Laboratory Northern Illinois University 35 Indiana Student Working and Financial Aid Study Better work hours Comply with my class schedule, once one is done with pre-reqs, my work hours need to decrease Contribute more financially Contribute more money for students who are working full-time Cut my hours Do not care Eliminate late closing on schedule Everyone in general has bills and responsibility to take care of. I go to school and work. My employer does whatever they can to work with my weird schedule for school Except, allowing me to put in hours after or between classes Financial support- repay for college Flexible work schedule where I probably take a class during the day and make up the hours on another day and help pay part of school expenses Give me a raise-I'm going to school and working full time while being a single mother Give me a raise and lessen my hours Give me days off when I have school. But working probably makes me reduce credit hours each semester Give me mid term week off also finals Give me more studying allowances Give me more time to study at home and not work as much Give released time to attend pm classes as scheduled Give shorter days at work, working nine hour days is too much stress and it wears me out. Give shorter shifts five-six hours instead of eight-nine hour work days Give some kind of financial aid for students Give time for school study Give time to take study and work around school schedule Good at giving me time off when I need to study Have at least one day off for school work Have me work less than fifty hours a week which will allow me time to study Have steady days which I work a set schedule so I can better schedule study times He does as much as he can for me Help me by being supportive Help me pay for college-I depend completely on student loans Help pay be flexible in hours worked Help pay for masters Help paying for education to make it somewhat less stressing. Getting financial aid is pretty stressing Higher pay, I could work less time and have more time to study Hiring a more reliable staff; too many call offs that I have to cover Public Opinion Laboratory Northern Illinois University 36 Indiana Student Working and Financial Aid Study I'm having problems with my employer accommodating my schedule for school. It’s forcing me to leave after seven years I currently have a good balance I don't believe they could do anything different I have very few days off; it would be nice to have a day to catch up everything I need to find different job, nothing my employer can do other than cut my hours and that’s not an option I think nothing because I work with the public and taxes I work at night, so I am ok I work my school classes around my job I would need to work part time to take more classes. But I need medical insurance and my husband isn't working If a lunch is not taken then the employee should be able to leave an hour early from work If I didn't have to work swing shift hours and worked a straight shift and not forced to work over. If I was able to study at work; this would never, never be possible Increase their tuition reimbursement contribution This is an interesting question. My employer has no interest in my education and it is not the employer’s responsibility to help me balance school responsibilities. They pay me to perform a job and they expect me to do it (the job). Letting me study at work would be great but that’s not what I’m paid for! Is already accommodating Keep working around my school schedule and allow me to study and do school work while working Fewer hours around tests/exams Lessen my hours Let me cut my hours a little more Let me do school work at work Let me have two days off during the week Let me study at work/do homework at work Let me work a steady shift Manage my hours better Mandatory overtime, schedule More days off to study More study time My employer accommodates me as much possible My employer actually allows me a lot of scheduling freedom for school work at this time My employer could pay more for fewer hours My employer tries to work around my school schedule if possible to get all required hours in per week Public Opinion Laboratory Northern Illinois University 37 Indiana Student Working and Financial Aid Study My first job is with the Indiana State Prison. I am a supervisor in the recreation department. I have nineteen years on the job. I work forty hours. My second job is with a sub contractor in food service. I am a line supervisor. I work thirty hours a week. My hours are flexible. It is difficult to have enough hours in a day for work and study My job has been very accommodating I could not ask for anything more Need to be able not to work in order to devote more time to school Not involving personal life with work Not much, he helps out as much as he can Not schedule overtime on school days Not sure because I'm full time so I have to maintain forty hours of work a week and I can't afford to be part-time and I take twelve credit hours of school Nothing-very good employer Nothing else-already accommodates schedule Nothing really, my employer accepts suggestions on my schedule and she is very accommodating Nothing works with school schedule Nothing; does a good job already Nothing, I work around my school schedule Nothing, my boss accommodates me very well Nothing, they are supportive Nothing; I choose to work both jobs because they are related to my field of study in education and to fill some of my spare time. The first job I work from home and the second is only four hours one or two days a week Offer flextime, increase salary and eliminate reimbursement Offer time off for midterms and finals Offer tuition reimbursement upfront a couple of days out of the week work half day Only allow me to work days Only by working around my school schedule Only schedule me two or three days a week Pay better wages so that I could afford to work less hours and still complete my courses Pay for school Pay higher wage and I could work less Pay higher wages, contribute more towards school, and be more accommodating as far as scheduling Pay me for going to school Pay me more money, let me leave early and not have to make up hours Pay more Pay more so I can work less Public Opinion Laboratory Northern Illinois University 38 Indiana Student Working and Financial Aid Study Pay me more so I wouldn’t have to work as many hours. Besides that there is nothing they can do. I could quit but I have tons of debt Place me on a straight shift Provide a higher hourly pay Provide flexible work hours Provide more flexibility for weekday work schedules. Allow “doubles” on the weekends again provide a “learning to work” incentive. Raise my pay! Lessen my hours Reduce number of cases assigned on weekly basis; allow flexible schedules Reduce work load Schedule better work hours Self-employed-can only do so much She schedules me around school Some classes can only be taken during the day. I need time to take those classes Sometime I am allowed to leave fifteen minutes early, but I have to make them up Sometimes I will have to work over at last minute which makes me run late for class Stop having people work till 1am in the morning then having school bright and early Stop the mandatory stay overs Study when not busy at work Support school The ability to work four-ten hour days to have one free day to do school work; I currently work five-eight hour days. There is nothing else they could do. They work around my school schedule well. There is nothing she could do. Small business There is nothing that can be done There is nothing they can do There is really nothing my employer can do There is really nothing she can do There isn't anything that can currently be done; for the most part, my employer is very accommodating They're doing just fine They already meet my schedule for school, so I am not sure They are completely fair about it in every way They could not call me on my days off. Otherwise my job is much too busy to allow me to do homework They do a great job accommodating my needs and wants. I just have to communicate carefully They don't care! Get insurance and little pay or leave. They work well with my school schedule, so everything is fine To give me less hours Public Opinion Laboratory Northern Illinois University 39 Indiana Student Working and Financial Aid Study Try their best to reduce the stress level from work Tuition assistance Tuition reimbursement-even a small percentage would help Tuition reimbursement Tuition reimbursement (even if it was partial) Understand and appreciate how important and hard education is Understand that my school comes first Very willing to work around my school schedule Went to school as non-traditional student, took twelve years to complete simple degree. There needs to be scholarships for this type of student who has family and work responsibilities. Not your employer. Work around my class schedule Work around my school schedule when midterms and finals are coming up do not schedule me that much Work around school schedule Work around school schedule, be less demanding of hours Work better with school schedule Works with my school and activity hours Ivy Tech Adjust my hours Allow me to do homework at work Allow me to do my homework at lunch or breaks by using my work computer Allow me to switch my work schedule each semester Allow me to take off to study for big exams Allow me to work-school at work sometimes Allow me to work lesser hours Allow some study time Allow students to study during down times Allow time off to attend classes during the day if they are not available at night or on Internet any jobs going to take time away for school/studies. There is nothing we can do it is just life Arrange schedule better for study time At this point, I'm not aware of anything else my employer can do to help me. I'm presently allowed to study my textbooks in between performing duties on my job. Be flexible with hours of work Be flexible with work schedule Be more cooperative and understanding of my school schedule and study time Be more flexible and understanding Public Opinion Laboratory Northern Illinois University 40 Indiana Student Working and Financial Aid Study Besides letting me leave work early to get to my class on time which I'm allowed to do now, I can't of anything else my employer could do. Better scheduling for school days CDA Continue to adjust my schedule so that I can better myself educationally Contribute to educational expenses Current employer encourages college time and willing to accommodate my needs Employer is very flexible Employer is very flexible and allows me to work around school schedule very supportive in furthering education Employer will not accommodate anything I would need to help with school Everything is alright as it is Everything is balance alright Flexible work hours Give bonus or time-off for attending school if it is in the field you are working in already to better your training. Give breaks or longer lunch hours more employees so I'm not over worked Give me a raise so I can cut back on my hours Give me time off to attend classes on campus vs. taking distance learning classes Give me time to get off work early to study or do homework Give time off to get too classes Have me come in after 3pm because of school Having consideration about students who go to school and work He gives me flexible hours that coincide with school Help financially would be good I'm a CNA and there is a great need for nursing. At my job we have to stay over a lot, so that ruins my plans to do homework, etc. But since they are short there’s not much that can be done. I'm not sure I only work a few hours a week I might need held financial wise later I sub-teacher so I am able to say I can't work on certain days I wish they can allow me to study at work when not busy I work three days a week-required to maintain health insurance. It would be nice to cut down without losing the benefits I work night shift so that is a help to me I would like to study at work whenever I could I would need to work fewer hours in order to study more I wouldn't ask work for anything If going to school full time allow less hours at work for full time employees If I was paid more I could better afford to work one less day and use that day to do homework Public Opinion Laboratory Northern Illinois University 41 Indiana Student Working and Financial Aid Study Increase in pay, less hours same money It is not their responsibility Lengthen breaks Let me complete homework and study while working Let me study at work Let me study at work when business is slow Make me exempt from overtime Make schedules accessible to you and work your schedule around school. Be more positive then thinking they are doing you a favor by giving you the days off for school. Many times I had to miss class due to unexpected corporate visits. My employer made me feel bad about leaving at my scheduled time to leave. My education is first, my employer also my friend. I’m working to help them as well as helping me, be able to pay the bills. But they know my school is first. My employer does allows us to go to school if we have appropriate man-power, if not we have to pay someone My employer does not encourage education to improve on their employees My employer helps me in anyway they can. If I need to do work, they let me do it. My employer is very understanding and willing to adjust my work schedule including cutting my hours My employer understands my school situation and they give me what days I need off for school My job is good at scheduling around school and would let me out early if I needed to study My job should accommodate employees wanted to better themselves by letting them alter their schedules My job sometimes requires me to work extra hours for projects. There is really no way to adjust my hours to balance both in my life. My work is very supportive and will work around my schedule if needed Needs to give me a straight days, evenings or midnights whatever they want None, they work very will with my schedule Not have to stay at work until 11pm Not sure Nothing Nothing, I schedule my work around my school. I wish we had a scholarship Nothing, I was given a job to do. My job isn't school they'd say Nothing, they are wonderful and work around my schedule Nothing, they have already reduced my hours and I have nights of when I have school offer flex time for school days so a wider range of classes are available to me Offer more tuition money and lighten up the work load Pay me more Pay me more money and work around my school schedule Public Opinion Laboratory Northern Illinois University 42 Indiana Student Working and Financial Aid Study Pay me more so I could work less and concentrate on school Pay me more so that when I have to work less hours, my bills can still be paid, but I can still study for tests. Pay me to go to school Pay me to work at home Pay more Pay more so I wouldn't have to work so much, and could devote more time to my studies Pay more/less time on the job Pay tuition Provide a scholarship Put me on midnights Reduce my work schedule to three-four days a week Schedule changes for study Schedule work hours with school hours Schedule accommodation, tuition assistance School and employment is balancing very well Set up work schedule around school hours Shorter hours a couple of days out of the week Staff better, so that the overtime isn't required Start earlier so I can attend class on time Study at work after work is done I get more quiet time here than home, enjoy having job because I can study Take me off shift work The employment that I am at right now, my hours can be flexible somewhat if needed There is no involvement They are very supportive to my school schedule They used to have a program that paid you for your school contact hours-this allowed you to pay full-time wages but only work part-time. To have flexible hours during my school schedule To pay me more money and to work around a full time school schedule Tuition reimbursement Understand about my fieldtrips and let me off work early or before 2am Unsure Work around classes Work around my class schedule and schedule less hours Work around my school schedule Work around school schedule Work with schedule each semester instead of against it. Do not recommend to anyone to work at Methodist Hospital-Merrillville or Gary. It’s awful there. Public Opinion Laboratory Northern Illinois University 43 Indiana Student Working and Financial Aid Study Work with me on my work and class schedule Purdue-Calumet Accommodate my work schedule to my school schedule Accommodate work schedule to school schedule Allow access to the Internet Allow employee to work less hours Allow flexibility in schedule; allow me to go to another department that has less strenuous work Allow for time off to complete clinical work requirements. Pay for all tuition. Allow times to do homework from full time hours. Allow me not to have to make up hours worked seeing that my degree pertains to my professional career Allow me to call off when necessary without prior notification and without penalty Allow me to only work on certain days so I can go to school Allow me to schedule week to week instead of two to most time for weeks in advance Allow me to study at work Allow me to work from home Allow more flexible hours for school Allow more flexible time and hours Allow school work to be done while job is slow Allow studying at work Allow you to study at work Allowing studying during slow times Already helping to my satisfaction Although I did not take the option of seeking employment outside of PUC during my undergraduate studies, if I have to for graduate school I hope they will be flexible with my course loads. At this point it's up to me. I have to make a decision to decrease my hours financially not affordable Balance is in order Be a bit more flexible with scheduling for unexpected school activities Be flexible with hours Be more accommodating in working around my schedule. Understand I need time to study outside of class Be more flexible every semester with my school schedule so I can attend more classes Be more flexible on my working hours Be more flexible with my work schedule Be more flexible with schedule. Allow days off when needed Public Opinion Laboratory Northern Illinois University 44 Indiana Student Working and Financial Aid Study Be more understanding and try to work around my school schedule or schedule me around school Be more understanding. I go over my schedule with them at the beginning of the semester and by the end of the semester-they are complaining about it. Better pay, provide aid for schooling for part time Better shifts Give better working schedule hours, be more flexible when mandatory meeting comes along, allow student to study during very slow hours. By doing a better schedule, not scheduling back to back days and nights no time to sleep or study Change hours Contribute financially to my college expenses Create a customize schedule to help reduce the school work load Current employer is already quite accommodating Does good job of helping me balance both Don't care about my education. All they care about is production/budget; try to make me work on days off Ease work load during finals Employer cannot do anything about this I must work to support family Encourage a flexible schedule in order to attend classes Expand the hours of work Find me a job closer to school Flexible hours (3) Give me fewer hours Give me more days off when having to study for exams and giving me fewer hours Give me more time off Giving me less hours to work so I can do my homework and assignments Have me work longer hour’s amount fewer days in the week Have me work on days that I have school so the days I don't have school, I can focus on my school work Have on site childcare He is doing his best to work around me Help pay college tuition Help pay the cost, also would be nice to be able to study at work Help pay tuition or reduce tuition Higher pay I'm pretty balanced already I'm satisfied with my employers I am a supervisor on my lab. I supervise from ten-seventeen people at times. I see no way my responsibilities can be changed. Public Opinion Laboratory Northern Illinois University 45 Indiana Student Working and Financial Aid Study I can't think of anything other than allowing me to have off Tuesday and Thursday, which are the days I attend school. I don't have a problem I get any day off I need I only wish they would compensate me more I think they do all they can. They have always scheduled my work schedule around school I travel for work, so there is not much they can do I work in Monee, IL. so on top of needing a job that is closer it seems that it would be best to reduce. I work retail they could let me bring my books to the break room so I could study during breaks that’s just for starters. I would like to be reimbursed for school, since I am a manager If in need of study time, I'd hope my employers would accommodate me. Being that I am on call for work twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. Increase wages It already well balanced Jewel-Osco (Dyer) Just be understanding Keep everything the way it is Keep giving me the hours that work around my school schedule Less hours Less hours more pay Less hours so there is more time to study Let me off at 3pm Let me work less hours Let me work on my school work when we are not busy at work Looking at school schedule when scheduling Make my work less stressful Making higher salary so I don't have to work full time and go to school full time Maybe contribute to my college expenses More flexible hours More flexible hours, allow request off days when exams are coming up More friendly work schedule for school More hours a day with less days a week More money More money/more night hours More pay, less hours More tuition reimbursement My boss just works around my schedule Public Opinion Laboratory Northern Illinois University 46 Indiana Student Working and Financial Aid Study My employer does enough, but only because he is my father My employer helps in any way they can My employer is already flexible with my responsibilities My employers are working around my school work. My schedule is great as it is, my work can't do anything more. My job status is working perfectly; I do not think anything needs to change Not have us stay so late Not much, very flexible with my school schedule Not their problem-they would if I asked to change hours other family responsibilities add to problem Not their responsibility Nothing because everything balances great so far Nothing really; supervisor is accommodating Nothing, except provide college students with more money to be able to afford school, since I pay for school by myself and am only able to get a loan. Nothing, they are fine Nothing, they are fine in accommodating my needs Nothing, they are very flexible and understanding Offer a tuition reimbursement for any courses taken pertaining to the job Offer benefits to part time employees. I could then qualify for financial aid and still have health insurance Offer great work schedules plus offer many days off as needed Offer tuition reimbursement Pay for tuition Pay more and offer health insurance Pay more per hour, allow me to study at work, place me in position which can be completed at a convenient time. Pay more so that I can work less Pay us more money, so I don't have to work as many hours Place I'm employed is opened 6:15am-6pm. Main reason why I can't work more hours. Classes offered at day time Problems are not because work, because faculty I encountered under mind set we have no responsibilities outside of education Proof read my papers Provide some kind of financial support Realize that work is not more than school Reduce the amount of hours that I am scheduled She does enough by allowing me to study at work, she lets me leave early Shorter hours/same pay Public Opinion Laboratory Northern Illinois University 47 Indiana Student Working and Financial Aid Study Since I am a caretaker for two children, I am allowed to briefly look over my homework or have access to a computer if everything is in order at the house. Steady shift would make things a lot easier. We change shifts (days and midnights) every couple of days Straight shift The days I have school my employer doesn't put me on the schedule They already help to balance my school and work responsibilities by letting me request time off for any major assignments. I also get the time off for any days that I attend class. They already work around my schedule. They could let me study more They already work around my school schedule so I don't think there is anything else they can do They are doing quite well. A raise would help, but nothing more is necessary They are very accommodating They are very helpful and supportive. There is nothing more they can do. They do a good job They do all that they can/I ask by giving me the work schedule I need/want They work around my schedule. That’s all I can ask otherwise I shouldn't have a job They work around my schedule pretty good Things are fine at work Tuition reimbursement Understand that while Christmas is busy its also close to finals Very flexible hours Well I need to work full time to support me and my family, if I asked my employer to reduce my hours they would, but I cannot afford it. I wish I could go to school full time and work part time so I can get my degree faster. With giving me the flexibility it makes it a lot easier to do. I am also a mom of four and a wife Work around my school schedule (4) Work less hours, give days off if I need them, or more hours if I need the money Public Opinion Laboratory Northern Illinois University 48 Indiana Student Working and Financial Aid Study Appendix C Please list any support services IUN/IVY Tech/Purdue Calumet might provide for working students to help increase their focus on school. IUN Accommodate in-class testing-dates. Provide personal counselor to make periodic checks on students progress and help if students having problems Add more night classes for students that have or can only work days Add more night classes! Specifically for those who work! Plus add more internet classes Advising appointments should be scheduled for all students Being a commuter school, I'm not sure how much could be done. I live an hour away and if I can avoid making a trip to Gary, I will Better help with financial aid. Most of the people that work there can be somewhat rude and don't thoroughly explain the process that can be very discouraging for new students Better hours for financial aide and the ability to apply from home via the Internet or phone Better more involved academic advising even at graduate level also up date the internet Better pay Better scheduled classes; have more classes available at various times and days especially for classes that are required for the major Bigger loans-this would allow people to be able to focus more on school. You could offer loans to students who go to school full-time that they could use to pay for other bills (rent, care, food, etc.) Both day and evening classes for concentrated degree classes; they seem to be only available for evenings Christian graduate club Classes scheduled at various times, in various time frames. Courses offered on Monday-Wednesday should also be offered on TR even if it’s without different professor. Scheduling can get tricky when trying to schedule classes on only two days/week Daycare for younger children while parent is in school (my daughter is 16 months) Decrease tuition rates. Give financial bonuses for dean’s list students. Narrow down req. to only focus on classes that directly affect the major. Ex. why science courses for accounting or business majors Earlier classes Public Opinion Laboratory Northern Illinois University 49 Indiana Student Working and Financial Aid Study Extended hours for daycare for working individual (without increase in pay) law abiding with quality and safety-I know there is a need for this as well as on weekends Financial aid for working students Financial aid officers should be more helpful and give reasons as to why things are happening with your personal aid. In the past I personally have felt my questions were worth nothing and my answers back were unclear and brief. Flexibility with schedule; I have worked while going to school. The first three semesters I have worked and it took a negative effect on my grades and GPA. I tried to cut my hours of working but it still had the same effect on my grades. Now I don’t work and it still hard to pay for my school and life, but it is easier on my study time. Therefore, I just work a summer job and financial aid. For non traditional students with dependent children: free child care for full time students so they can have time to study and go to school and go to work without worrying about how they can afford the child care to do this. Make your (IUN’s) academic advisors accountable-they’re not helping the allied health students and some others. For those people who work maybe get government aide; just because you live with your parents does not mean they pay for college and that’s what’s looked at in order to apply Free day care-I take fifteen credit hours, but can't work because I can't afford anymore daycare. Free tutoring has really helped Give accurate information about financial aid and that changing my major and accumulating credit hours would stop my financial aid. Even if I don't have a degree Give them or us financial aid to help our better focus on school; some can instead on focusing so much in money while we are studying. And finish our major quicker without worrying in all those payments. Grants to pay for school instead of loans Have instructors consider working students when developing an attendance policy Have more on campus jobs so we can study at work Have organization meet in the evening. Having certain offices stay open later maybe two days out of the week (financial aid, bursar, and enrollment) Help all together stuff is very rude. I think financial aid shouldn't be about your parent’s income my parents do not help one bit Help were with companies with better paying internships so I can have more experience pertaining to my degree, instead of having a job that has nothing to do with my degree I'm not really sure what the university should do. My main problem revolves around my employer and the hour that I work I am a forty-five year old with children and a husband. We have average income, but am studying to get grants scholarships-don't know how to pursue them. Public Opinion Laboratory Northern Illinois University 50 Indiana Student Working and Financial Aid Study I am not the traditional student. I am a forty-eight year old African American divorced mother of two with a Bachelors degree in Arts and Sciences, (major Political Science) and a Masters degree in Public Administration (major Public Sector Labor Relations). I have worked in human resources for twenty years with the last fifteen serving as a Director of Human Resources. Recently, I decided to return to school and pursue math education. In February I left the field of Human Resources and recently began working full-time at a university. During the past two years, I’ve taken classes at Indiana University. I can make a comparison between the two employers-one private sector the other a university (public). The private employer, while providing tuition reimbursement, did not encourage further education among those with advance degrees. The professional positions required degrees, therefore, many employees pursued bachelor degrees. Those individuals were encouraged to continue their education. However, in the university setting, employees are very much encouraged to pursue academic goals. They permit the following conditions: 1-Courses taken at the beginning or end of the work day; 2Study time during work hours-as work load permits; and 3-Fee waivers for courses at this university. I am attending classes at IU Northwest, therefore, I do not benefit from the fee waivers from this university. I have not been employed for a year, therefore, I have not inquired about tuition reimbursement programs offered by the university. I am very appreciative of the special academy school that I am presently receiving I feel that it is not up to the IU support services. All of us got ourselves in debt. That is why most of us are here to get better paying jobs so that we won't be in debt. Also others have families. I quit my job so I can bring grades up I really don't know, I'm up for suggestions and help financially for paying my schooling I think student services is doing a great job I would like a better understanding of the financial aid process and my eligibility I would like to have more academic advising I would like to quit work and go to school full time I would like to see more access to scholarship information on campus. There should also be more evening classes available Improvements in our financial aid office would be beneficial (as of now workers don't seem to be very knowledgeable) this would take away a lot of the stress associated with school Increase library hours, increase computer lab hours Increase number and variety of swing shift and courses Job placement Larger summer programs Later classes "beginning at 8pm". Later baby care services for working mother for later classes. Later cafeteria hours for students who must work, support home, take care of children and eat dinner Later classes, more online courses, self study Later daycare hours at daycare center Public Opinion Laboratory Northern Illinois University 51 Indiana Student Working and Financial Aid Study Less student loan’s (if possible) and more night undergraduate courses Let students have a better understanding of different loans they may be applicable for. It took me three years and to awful guidance in the financial aid office Longer hours for child care if possible Math and writing lab, computer center Maybe have more classes available on the weekend Friday and Saturday Maybe we could do fundraising for those who need money for school, like me, so we could get extra money we needed without wasting eight hours a day working making only forty dollars Money that may go toward personal experiences; volunteering or deferment plans for credit cards or other bills I'm not real sure because I have to pay bill which means I have to go to work More chances for independent study courses or directed study courses More evening classes More evening classes for daytime workers and families More financial aid-I have not received one penny besides loans-which have contributed to my high amount of debt. My parents can barely pay the bills-however I don't receive any grants through IUN More flexibility with class times; most of my core courses are only available one time through the whole year More grants given and affordable health insurance More help finding better paying jobs More help finding good, well paying employment that has already agreed to schedule around the student’s school schedule More money! More night classes and Saturday classes More night/evening/weekend classes More one on one conversation’s with counselor and teacher; better guidance through difficult courses More opportunities for financial aid More scholarships More scholarships, financial aid, etc. More tutoring, more online and Saturday classes More updated interaction with financial aid process/status (PIN and Staff/automated line), easier financial aid process for guest students More user friendly methods to correct email problems; some student workers in support services need to go to attitude improvement classes Public Opinion Laboratory Northern Illinois University 52 Indiana Student Working and Financial Aid Study More work study jobs that pay more My income is too high to get AID however, because of our high medical debt we only net around 40,000 per year a family of five. No one has a program to accommodate this problem Not that I can say; IUN's services have not really helped me Not sure but my grades have gone down since I started working full time I was on the Dean's list and now I don't know Not sure if this is possible, but allow more students to be eligible for financial aid because even though my step-dad makes $100,000 a year, my family struggles greatly because of child support he must pay Off-campus tutoring Offer entire degrees at night, that's been very hard for me. That's why I left. Harder acceptance to school; some of these kids do not belong in a university and they waste class time. This is another reason I left. I only came back because of cost. I think IUN limits itself by accepting everyone. Offer more evening classes especially during the summer for people who work during the day, provide more help during busy times like registration. It's always horrible and there is never enough help Offer more on-line classes Offer more political science night classes Pay more than minimum wage People (volunteers) to call upon people who need help in school to remind them to study and to check up and make sure they are doing their work Perhaps assist students to receive job opportunities that cover their daily expenses and provide experience that will be beneficial to them in their career Provide a more flexible schedule of classes, particularly on weekends and nights Provide classes on several days/times per week, so that if a student has to miss school because of work, they can attend an alternate class without falling behind, which may increase student dropout rate Providing more information to students on financial help Right now I do not know of any. I am about three-four credits from my certificate but the class I need is not offered during the evening? What should I do? Scholarships or grants for tuition Services or support for non-traditional students Some evening hours for most departments; undergrad and grad programs that allow for full time workers (esp. programs that require field work, esp. on grad level) Student support and Professor Hicks has been very helpful to me the entire time I've been at IUN; Dr. Hicks have supported me and helped me this far Public Opinion Laboratory Northern Illinois University 53 Indiana Student Working and Financial Aid Study Study groups Supplemental funding for intensive programs like nursing; nursing administration advise students not to work during their academic career and work load at school which is very leery Targeting south lake county for classes; offering more night and weekend classes for the nontraditional students and classes at those times that are not prerequisite classes Teachers to have sympathy because you don’t have a lot of time to do homework, projects, write papers, etc. Occasionally, you need more time There's really nothing unless you're going to give me money! Time management course Try to work a job that helps you to stay focused in school and make good grades Tutoring, online help with classes and extra points through some kind of online advance Very importantly to offer courses at night and day not just one or the other Well, what helped me focus more on school was quitting my job. Work study has no jobs available. They don't tell you how work study works I taught myself. Yet I'm still looking Work with students who work, maybe allow more money to full time students who are full time workers so they can work part time or not at all. If you work forty hours a week go to school full time and study at home you wouldn’t have time to sleep Ivy Tech A quiet place besides the library Advisors and staff need to understand that adults returning to school have other responsibilities outside of Ivy Tech; family, children, and work. This by no means should be an excuse for not completing assignments but an understanding for general respect. Better access to child care and better library and/or areas to quietly study Better tutoring Can't think of anything to add to the services already offered by Ivy Tech Cannot get enough financial aid for entire year and nursing classes books and required eqpt Child care Child care at school; I am a student who does not have the money to send my child to daycare so I can go to school full time Child care benefits/resources Child care for summer semester for when children are out of school Child care information on health benefits. Please explain what student services is Child care or day care Public Opinion Laboratory Northern Illinois University 54 Indiana Student Working and Financial Aid Study Child care, more internet classes, more library and computer time Childcare service Day care Daycare facility, gym, weight room Employer assistance-working with employer to find time for class Everything I've need has been offered Feel student from other counties should be considered for scholarships. Example I live in Porter Co., attend MC. campus, but wasn't considered for the Porter Co. School because Valpo campus gave it out. Program not offered no where other than M.C. Financial aid for those that work full time and still can’t afford to pay for school. For those who get financial aid and do not work they should be required to work at least part time Financial support service Find me job or grant to complete my education Flexible schedule-allow to do exams early or later-offer more online courses Give more aid so they do not have to so many hours to make ends meet. Possibly in the form of more Pell grant, especially for single moms Have more options for class hours and days Have not attended any school yet graduates 2006 Having teachers respond to emails, etc. quicker for students that work-maybe often work hours Help find more get out of debt programs to help lower hours required to work Help finding better paying jobs for less hours Help more people to receive financial aid of some sort to work a little less while going to school Help with job, more hours for nights, also expect more nurse a year in the program Help with other things like child care, etc. Hire some competent people. I tried to withdrawal from classes and no one was there to help me. It was 2pm on a Monday, because of this; I was not able to return for a week and missed the 100% reimbursement so now I owe all my tuition. When I finally got it taken care of, the staff was not helpful at all. They were rude and negative. How about someone in the financial aide office that would help you, instead of just telling you to do it online when you don't even have the internet or an email address which is required for financial aide online I am in the distance learning program. I have had a very hard time communicating with my PSY101 teacher-she is horrible at responding. It makes continuing with this program frustrating if the teachers do not respond. I know that if I did this at work, I would lost my job. (She has still not told me why a major paper I wrote was not graded which resulted in a grade of D in this class). She does not respond and follow up when contacted. It’s hard enough to balance study Public Opinion Laboratory Northern Illinois University 55 Indiana Student Working and Financial Aid Study and work-good dedicated teachers are a must with distance learning. This needs to be a priority for those teachers involved. My other two teachers were excellent communicators. I belong to Phi Theta Kappa and because of my work hours, I can't attend meeting, maybe having them steam on the web would allow me to attend and maybe participate I can't say at this time (services which helps you receive free grants throughout the year to focus on school but yet be able to support your family) I can't think of any off the top of my head at this time, distance education however, has been a great help in allowing me to work and get a degree, especially in the time I have been able to graduate I don't know of any support services but more Saturday classes and later school library hours would be beneficial I don’t know if there is any I feel that my professors are NOT understanding about me and others having jobs. One teacher has even told us we may as well quit our jobs in order to graduate! Very unprofessional! I feel that students should be able to focus on school without the support services having to hold their hand I have no idea because I am not working but I am seeking employment at this point I honestly can't add to what you are doing. I can tell you Michigan City campus so far has great teachers. The ones in Kokomo and Lafayette were wonderful also. Valpo so far sucks. The ANP201 M, W 8-10am class-god I think she is bipolar. She raves and rants like we (adults in the class) are her 5 yr old children. No one can stand her. She does NOT teach. We teach ourselves and not well I might add. No one is ding well in her class. Most are barely making it of flunking. Everyone is ticked off at here. Thanks for letting me vent. I think if more companies were to recruit form Ivy Tech I think if students are working and attending school they should be eligible for financial aid. It seems people who really don't need help seem to get financial aid I think you have that well in hand In response to #8 yes I would increase my credit hours if Ivy Tech could pay for my hours lost. I have bills to pay. Internships you get paid for Ivy Tech helps a lot already. I do not think there is much more people can do. People have to work and make a future and Ivy Tech helps considerably Job assistance-job placement in interested field Job placement, better open enrollment procedures, online help and orientations for online courses and college procedures; to help those of us who have been out of school for any amount of time Jobs and financial aide Less work more schooling and more financial aid benefits Public Opinion Laboratory Northern Illinois University 56 Indiana Student Working and Financial Aid Study Making grants easier to receive Maybe offer financial aid to students who really need it. My parents can not afford to send me to university. So I am paying for my school. It makes it really stressful More aid for nursing students freshman More available funding, for school for those of us who "make to much money" supposedly and who is raising a child, working and trying to go to school to better ourselves More classes offered in the evenings More convenient tutoring times More financial aid for working mothers More financial aid with different requirements such as older students More financial aide More grant and scholarship help/support-more financial aid stuff More night classes More night classes availability, less load on homework, positive feedback from faculty, more efficient professor at hand More Pay at work so I can work less More Saturday classes or more evening classes More scholarships and motivational speakers More work study-there just don't seem to be very many Nothing at this time Offer classes at night that are needed to graduate faster Offer more classes at night that I need to graduate Offer more online courses On-site babysitting (N/A to myself) On campus child care On campus child care more flexible and understanding instructors for parents such as Halloween On site babysitting at a discount On site child care Pay or reduce tuition for single parents Paying internships for the MOR Program Please get me qualified for financial aid so I can quit one of my jobs. Somehow I didn't qualify Possibly Ivy Tech could offer more classes or the "internet". Make some classes shorter in times Ivy Tech could arrange to have more "programs" available to students Provide child care services or affiliation with a local child care center. Expand parking area Public Opinion Laboratory Northern Illinois University 57 Indiana Student Working and Financial Aid Study Provide more adequate times and people in department. It can be difficult to get in to see someone and past experience with office employees not good they were rather rude and assume you know what needs to be done Put more students into jobs, if you don't. But if you do you need to do more. Reminding students that the harder they work the closer they become to getting the degree and the financial security all of us look forward to after graduation Self study options- when necessary, offering all of the classes need at all times Shift worker-accommodate working hours-day and evening classes Single parent assistance/on site child care So far my job and classes are working together Sorry not much help, my high school pays for my classes Student career services, advisors Study groups Study groups lead by student counsel members whom are studying the same subjects as other students, more flexibility with tutoring Study hall, people that help you with your classes, computer lab Supplemental income, child care, jobs that pay more than minimum wage Support services for stay at home parents (we work too!) Teachers need to help there students understand the work and stop rushing through it all the time. And the school gives to much homework and the students don't understand it because the teachers don't take time to go over it correctly The school needs to focus more on internet classes for working students. If it were not three web classes, I would be further behind. Complete degrees should be offered on line, some classes are not available putting me behind The weekend programmer at the Indy campus Friday-Sunday, if that could be offered here in NW Indiana To have clinical hours during the evening for LPN or RN program Try and help senior citizens buy books Try hard and harder Tutoring Tutoring when needed Tutors/your tutors have a hard time explaining the classes I need help in with math class they make you feel stupid for asking questions and getting help. All the students who ask for help feel the same way. Unsure right now since I can only afford to take one or two classes a semester. I haven't looked into financial aid with my current schedule Public Opinion Laboratory Northern Illinois University 58 Indiana Student Working and Financial Aid Study Would be great if Ivy Tech had program to place students in job of what they are studying for after they enter program; like apprenticeship. That way we could be learning and earning at the same time to help out people and families, open daycare at school Purdue A few extra minutes with working students to understand their needs and not there is an opening in this class, here you go, it costs this much and out the door A person just needs how to learn time management and learn how to list out priorities Academic Counseling Advisors and teachers who care about students and their situations Affordable child care After college placement programs Allow more distance learning courses and make homework more internet friendly. Also, attendance should be more lax and flexible to student absences. Assistance with child care services At this time I can think of nothing for myself. However, I know of a need for LPN to RN program as several LPN's are struggling to get to next level-could distance courses be developed to meet the needs of these nurses like the RN to BSN Audio and visual recording services to students who are unable to attend one-two classes due to work commitments; doesn't have to be free service, but really helps if I'm going to miss class. Someone can record lecture so wouldn't miss the content Automatic semester appointment set up with counselors to discuss graduating, the current semester, paying for the semester, even if it’s a phone conversation Better academic advising/classes geared toward non-native speakers (Foreign Language Department) Better distributed class schedule; the higher the course, the more likely it will be scheduled at night only Better professors during evening classes Better range of times and days for required classes Better schedule of classes (more than one offered per semester) Better student placement into on campus jobs, better student acknowledgement of campus jobs that are available, more help managing student loans and general understanding of how much will need to be paid, start us when Campus Employment Increase Class specific tutoring Counseling for all working students and single mothers/fathers that work Public Opinion Laboratory Northern Illinois University 59 Indiana Student Working and Financial Aid Study Day care, availability of tutors, FYI-note foreign language should not be a prerequisite for students over forty, who also have to work. This adds to the difficulty Don't have three hour night classes-too long! By the time you get off work, you're at school until 9:30. I would make night classes two one in a half hour classes a week Easier access to loans (process), more monetary awards, more career opportunities at school, greater variance of course times and days Employee me at the school Evening classes that start at 6pm Extended library hours! Increased grants-with loans you feel like working, maybe too much to ensure repayments is necessary. It adds stress and reduces focus Financial aid for students who excel academically Finding more jobs that pay more and better hours, plus flexible time Flexible schedule and available work study programs Have a job board specifically for companies that offer tuition reimbursement. Also, educate more faculties (advisors) about financial aid. It's so hard to get straight answers about it. It was too much of a hassle for me and my husband to go through the whole process and find out what was available to us, so he just kept working full time to support us, pay tuition and books. Have a more flexible scheduling process; that opens more classes and their time slots. More distant learning’s, because professors can't make sure rules for certain students; more variety with scheduling. Have advisors actually advise instead of discourage, it's very hard to get an answer without running all over campus. We pay a lot of money to go to school here and are required to do everything ourselves. Have classes more often to give students more taken any time Have later hours to study at school maybe have the computer lab open twenty-four hours and open on Sundays Help pay some of the bills that we may have Help them find jobs that work around their schedule better. Not everyone lives on or near campus People need more guidance Help working students to realize that school is their job. Working should be a second priority, unless that student is in graduate school Higher academic requirements so that I feel that I am working hard and have something to show for it Hire better Professors Hire friendly and approachable academic advisors Hire more teachers so there are more classes available. That way students could graduate sooner, especially education majors Public Opinion Laboratory Northern Illinois University 60 Indiana Student Working and Financial Aid Study I'm satisfied with the current status I am taking courses for Continuing Ed and Professional CEU's. I received my BS in 1999. None of the questions pertain to my current situation. I currently quit my job because I am a mother of three and do not have accommodations for my children to be able to work/school and find baby sitting-why don't we have a day care? I don't get work study but a job on campus would be nice. More flexible times for classes; more assistance so I could work less I don't know I feel that more information needs to be provided to students regarding grants or scholarships. It's sad that I owe close to 10,000 dollars in student loans for three semesters I suggest that you offer more evening classes I think PUC should help students financially who work full time to pay for school, but don't qualify for financial aid because their parents make too much. I pay for all my own expenses and it is extremely stressful. It is starting to show in my grades I would definitely like to attend more classes in Crown Point. It would help in so many ways I would like to see a group that could give cliff notes on certain subjects. At least give an overview or have more student instructors for more classes If Purdue Calumet could offer scholarship money for the students that carry high GPA's it would motivate other students to focus and prioritize Increase in available financial aid for out of state students, increase in support for working parents It's hard to say; right now I am more satisfied with my job than I am with school. I'm doing well with both, but there is a lot more stress involved with school than with my job. Job placement at Purdue on areas of student experience Less group work I came to Purdue Calumet to learn and go home. I don't have the time or energy for this Less school time, more homework than class work Loan deferments and none grants Longer library/computer lab hours; after hours study rooms. PUC line at credit; pay tuition and books on a monthly basis throughout your program Making more than one course available per semester and possible on different days, making easier to schedule necessary courses; reduced tuition for courses students receive A/B while working full time Maybe, narrow some expenses, like the book cost, etc. Mentoring older students helping the younger ones in their major; example teachers who take best classes meet others from same major Public Opinion Laboratory Northern Illinois University 61 Indiana Student Working and Financial Aid Study Mentors in the computer related department. Open the Gyte labs for after class use with the same hours as the main lab Might assist in carrying out work More available online courses or half classroom half online courses More career development services. List of job or careers you can do with your degree. More internships More classes geared toward my major on the schedule at more convenient time and days More classes offered later in the evening More evening classes in the engineering field to accommodate for those who work More financial aid More flexible night classes and distance learning classes More flexible schedules, more sections less restrictions-most students are in a rush to graduate, not finding delays to achieve graduation More friendlier attitude from PUC employees, they must provide customer service as if we are in the private sector. As a full time worker, student and father I accept superior treatment when I enter the campus from a long days work. I am pay More grants for straight A students More help with school work and more study sessions at more available times More info about Reilly center; more information/help about scholarships instead of loans More information during your career More jobs for those who don't receive financial aid More loans for adults returning to school More mentoring programs-such as Perkins Program and McNair PBAP More on campus job opportunities and internships More on campus jobs; more assistance with childcare; more scholarships More online classes, accommodations for shift workers More online classes, more choices for class times More online courses More online courses, more evening courses, more summer courses More range in times of all of the classes necessary, teachers that actually teach the courses rather than just lecture and advisors that truly advise on scheduling not just type it in My counselor has been a pain at times. Academic requirements are unclear. Placement tests were unrealistic, so I'm a second year freshman who could ease my workload if I didn't have to pass a math course far beyond my actual abilities (I’d receive more aid). Need a better financial aid dept. must their do not know what they are doing. Public Opinion Laboratory Northern Illinois University 62 Indiana Student Working and Financial Aid Study Never looked into it, but sounds good No idea available No time to seek any help from support services when working full-time, taking classes and studying and doing everything else myself. One thing I thought of having a department to search for scholarships since I don't have the time Not sure, I’m an older student (thirty-two) and have had a difficult time with working and keeping up with school work. So I keep dropping classes, not good, but I have to do what I got to do to make sure I have a roof over my head, it’s difficult Nothing can be done it is just life for some people Offer more sections of some classes (those that usually only have one or two) on a greater variety of days and times Offer more things and days for classes and also mail letters concerning important dates and deadlines more often. I do not have time to check my email Offer more time frames for classes On campus childcare Pay for part of their tuition since they are out there doing their part in the working world Please find some understanding towards those not living a perfect life. College is not for only rich or poor, stuck in the gray often put in more work than most people, reduce restriction on financial aid making life difficult for me and others Please hire people that want to work in the financial aid office, know what they are talking about and do not have an attitude. It is frustrating when you have limited amounts of time to spend figuring out your aid and the people that you deal with give you a different answer every time or are rude. You could learn a lot from the people in W. Lafayette on how to treat people and their financial needs. Please offer more classes in my major care classes over the weekend. They go out of the way to offer weekend classes to MBNA students; I need to get my BS first. Poll students for available classes to see when a class should be scheduled Provide as many on-campus jobs as possible so that students are always in the school environment Provide more access to scholarships, financial aid available Provide more night courses to accommodate the schedule of working adults Purdue needs to accommodate the students who have to take night classes by offering more classes at night. Most of the classes I need I have to end up waiting a semester to take until it is offered at night. Purdue University Calumet might provide more night classes for the students who work. More professors who understand the stress with working and going to school Reconsider the out of state policy and revise the amount of fees related to that Public Opinion Laboratory Northern Illinois University 63 Indiana Student Working and Financial Aid Study Reduction intuition/textbook discount Rid tuition charges for "academic plan" I am paying for a program that is not available to me. Isn't that pay for something you don't receive? Right now some faculty are understanding of and work with adult learners with family and jobs, however many are not/do not. At a commuter campus, all faculties should be geared toward working with those dynamics. Advisor Barbara Osmon is great Some form of service that would allow students who live at home, but do not make enough money and parents or in my case parent who makes too much to get some form of scholarship or grant, because I in general could use way more help Students that work in the financial aid and admissions office need to be more supportive. The students I've dealt with are rude which give low moral to other students Teachers should understand that most students that take night classes work and should be more lenient Tell some of the professors that not all kids have time to do seven projects, only for one class The only thing they can do is try to assist student with finding a job that works with school The school seems to do a good job. They might just make sure students know of all available work options on-campus or perhaps to maximize on-campus work options for students They really isn't anything they could do that I could think of Tutoring Tutoring/understanding faculty; I am a mother of two small children. It gets tough to work, go to school and spend time with family We should get more money back for our books; that money helps out a lot We should have a program that would allow students to go to classes once a week, all on the same day and still be considered a full time student. An advanced program Work only if absolutely necessary. School is first future earnings are very important and increase how much you put into school Working parents and students that help elderly parents Workshops Workshops on staying focus, balancing school and work seminars, credit for life experience, after syllabus before class starts and have workshop on criteria’s, business schedule accommodating to in line with syllabus. I don't like that Purdue don't adjust students financial aid packet according to need. I have one semester left and I don’t know how it will be funded. I’m trying to avoid loans. Public Opinion Laboratory Northern Illinois University 64 Indiana Student Working and Financial Aid Study Working and Financial Aid Among College Students Directions Directions are included with each question. Please complete all items in this questionnaire and return it in the enclosed self-addressed envelope as soon as possible-. Feel free to attach additional pages containing any comments you may wish to pass along. If you have questions, send an e-mail to: or call 219-980-6684. 1. Which one of the following categories best describes your current employment status? a. 1. Full-time 2. Part-time b. 1. On-campus at IU Northwest 3. Not currently employed [If not currently employed, go to Question 14.] 2. Off-campus 3. Both 2. How many jobs do you currently have? One Two Three Four Five or more 3. Approximately how many hours do you work in an average week? 1-10 11-20 21-30 31-40 41+ 4. Does your employer: (Check all that apply) a. Contribute financially to your school expenses? (other than your paycheck) b. Accommodate your work schedule to your school schedule? c. Allow you to study at work d. Support your college career in any other manner? (please specify): ___________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ 5. How does your job impact your school work? (Check only one box) 1. It has a very positive impact 2. It has a positive impact 3. It has neither a positive nor a negative impact 4. It has a negative impact 5. It has a very negative impact 6. In your opinion, will having a job while attending college increase the time frame you planned for your degree? (Check only one box) 1. Yes 2. No 3. Not intending to complete a degree at IU Northwest 4. No time frame planned 5. Can't say 7. Is your current job related in any way to your plans for a career after graduation? 1. Yes 2. No 3. Can't say completing 8. If IU Northwest could assist you in reducing your work hours, would you increase your credit hour load here? 1. Yes 2. No 3. Can't say 9 Does your working reduce your need for IU Northwest Financial Aid support? 1. Yes 2. No 3. Do not receive Financial Aid 4. Can’t say 10. What might your employer do to help you better balance your school and working responsibilities? a. IU Northwest employer(s): ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ b. Other employer(s): _______________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ 11. How has your having a job influenced your relationship with the following individuals? (Circle the number that corresponds to your opinion using the scale below.) 1 = It has a very positive impact 2 = It has a positive impact 3 = It has neither a positive nor a negative impact 4 = It has a negative impact 5 = It has a very negative impact a. IU Northwest faculty ..................................................................... 1 b. IU Northwest students ................................................................... 1 c. Your parents .................................................................................. 1 d. Your co-workers ........................................................................... 1 e. Your employer .............................................................................. 1 f. Potential partners ........................................................................... 1 g. Your academic advisor .................................................................. 1 h. Your children (if any) ................................................................... 1 i. Your friends ................................................................................... 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 12. How does your having a job impact your ability to schedule your classes? (Check only one box) 1. It makes it much easier 2. It makes it somewhat easier 3. It has no impact 4. It makes it somewhat difficult 5. It makes it much more difficult 13. Why do you work while attending college? (Check all that apply) a. Spending money b. Health insurance c. I enjoy it d. Related to my career plans e. Part of my education f. Support a family g. Pay for child care h. Pay for non-college expenses i. Pay debts j. Support my parents k. Family business l. Pay credit card debt m. Pay for school n. Pay for a car o. Other:_______________ 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 14. Are you currently eligible for Financial Aid at IU Northwest? 1. Yes 2. No 3. Don’t know 4. Have not applied a. If Yes, are you currently receiving: (Check all that apply) a. Work-Study b. Loans c. Grants d. Scholarships b. If No, have you ever been eligible for Financial Aid at IU Northwest? 1. Yes 2. No 3. Never applied 15. Do you believe that you understand the basic requirements for Financial Aid eligibility at IU Northwest? 1. Yes 2. No 3. Can't say 16. What is the approximate total of your accumulated student loan debt? a. Amount of current IU Northwest student loan debt: $_________________ b. Amount of current other student loan debt: $___________________ 17. How are you financing your college education at IU Northwest? (Check all that apply) a. Personal savings b. Current earnings c. Parental support d. IU Northwest Financial Aid e. Credit cards f. Banks/financial institution loans g. Spousal/Partner support h. Family support (non-parent) i. Military /Veterans benefits j. Employer tuition reimbursement k. Other (please specify) _______________________ 18. Including all sources, how much total debt do you now carry? Total debt: $__________ 19. How is your current total debt distributed? (Check all that apply) a. Credit cards b. Personal loans (banks) c. Mortgage(s) d. Student loans e. Personal loans (family) f. Auto loans g. other (please specify): _____________________ 20. Do you plan to complete your degree at IU Northwest? 1. Yes 2. No 3. Undecided a. If yes, in what major?_______________________________________ b. If yes, in what year do you plan to graduate? _____________________ 21. At this point in pursuing your college education, do you have post-graduation career plans? a. 1. Yes 2. No 3. Can't say b. If yes, what are your career plans? (Check all that apply) a. Graduate School b. Employment c. Travel d. Volunteering e. Continuing education f. Military g. Professional school h. Other (please specify) ______________________ ______________________ 22. Since first beginning your college career at IU Northwest, have you ever: (Check all that apply) a. transferred to another school and returned? b. taken fewer credit hours due to working? c. not attended for one semester (excluding summer) and returned? d. not attended for one year and returned? e. not attended for more than one year and returned? 23. How satisfied are you with the following aspects of your work and education? (Circle the number that corresponds to your opinion using the scale below.) 1 = Very satisfied 2 = Satisfied 3 = Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied 4 = Dissatisfied 5 = Very dissatisfied NA.= Not applicable a. Your off-campus job (if you work) ............................................ 1 b. IU Northwest faculty.................................................................. 1 c. Going to school and working (if you work) .............................. 1 d. IU Northwest students ............................................................... 1 e. Your employer (if you work) .................................................... 1 f. IU Northwest academic advising ............................................... 1 g. IU Northwest student services .................................................. 1 h. On-campus job (if you have one) .............................................. 1 24 Are you: 1. Male 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 2. Female 25. Do your parents expect you to work in order to pay for or contribute to your college expenses? 1. Yes 2. No 3. Can't say 26. Please list any support services IU Northwest might provide for working students to help increase their focus on school: __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ 27. I would be interested in participating in a group discussion about these topics. Thank you for your time, interest and support! Be sure to include your signed consent form with your returned questionnaire! Please return this questionnaire in the post-paid envelope to: Public Opinion Laboratory Northern Illinois University, 148 No. 3rd Street, DeKalb, Il 60115