Test Questions Analysis: Rationales The purpose of this test is to assess CSL/CFL learners’ proficiency by filling in the blanks in some statement from the options of pairs or groups of Chinese synonyms before and after using Sketch Engine. In the test, we would apply the synonym options with some statements to see how much learners’ improvement after using Sketch Engine. Before our student subjects using Sketch Engine, we’d like to evaluate their sense of using the groups of synonyms. After receiving the pre and post test results, we can compare the improvement or differences between the learners before and after adopting Sketch Engine when distinguishing the usage of the tar get synonyms in order to prove our research hypothesis. Generate the statements and Analysis s options of targets synonyms We first decide some Chinese synonyms which are often used by native speakers but easily confused by CSL/CFL learners. The statements are selected, revised and edited from Word Sketch. The following are the statements with the options of the key words, their collocations, Salience and Frequency. Questions A1 去面試之前,我有_______________的信心及把握,可以得到這份工作。 A2 學生沒有_____ 時間、閱讀與了解這些課文內容 。 A3 配合有規律作息、有__________的睡眠,才能預防近視 。 Key word collocate Number of Q Salience A1 A2 A3 Frequency 充足 信心 9.6 5 充分 信心 38.3 156 充足 睡眠 36.7 21 充分 睡眠 19.4 10 充足 時間 18.5 24 充分 時間 36.7 274 The number of salience and Frequency are to demonstrate how often the key words with the pair of synonym are used. In other words, take A1 key words 充足 and 充分 for example, we can find their collocations 信心 are more often with 充分 than 充足.Thus,充分 is the more accurate answer than 充足 for us. Likewise, in A2 充足 and 充分, we tend to use 充足睡眠 a little bit more frequent than 充分. By looking at the frequency, we can decide which the key word is to its collocation instead of simply selecting one definite wrong or right answer. B1 部分事實還不_____,必須在事實_______明確後,再談其他的問題 。 B2 醫生發覺他神智 _______,但 下半身 有 癱瘓的情形 。 B3 他將會藉由這次機會把話說 _______,而不辜負民眾所託。 Number of Q Key word collocate Salience Frequency B1 明白 事實 9.5 8 清楚 事實 48.2 249 明白 神智 N/A N/A 清楚 神智 54.8 50 明白 話說 14.5 5 清楚 話說 51.5 114 B2 B3 In addition, we also including the pair indicate more specific and exact key word answer. In B2, there is no record showing 明白 and 神智. Our final accurate answer for the blank should be 清楚. And for the Group B, we can point out that 事實清楚 (249) has much more frequency than 事實明白(8). Similarly, 話說清楚(114)is with much higher frequency than 話說明白. Since we can straightforwardly collect the frequency of the key words with their collocations from Sketch Engine, it is beneficial for us to look at how the CSL/CFL learners use these Chinese synonyms.