film analysis words_Lin

Hsiao-Chieh Lin
ESL 220-8, Leah C. Stahl
Vocabulary Journal: Film Analysis
(1) Original Word: CONQUER
I choose this word because when I am talking about difficulties, I usually use this word. If I
knew its synonym, I could use it in a variety of situations.
I learned this word when I was preparing for TOEFL, but I never used it in my writing. Thus,
I wish to learn how to use it.
1. OBSOLETE to surpass or exceed; go beyond
2. to get the better of; conquer; overcome
3. to be or lie at the top of; be or rise above
4. to climb up and across (a height, obstacle, etc.)
5. to place something above or on top of
“surmount." Webster's New World College Dictionary. LoveToKnow, n.d. Web. 29 March 2010.
Web. <Your>.
1. The most heroic spirit is that he is willing to surmount every difficulty that happened
during his trip.
2. For him, every difficulty for living in the wilderness is surmountable.
3. During the trip, he kept telling himself that he could surmount every obstacle.
4. Although there were further problems after surmounting one hurdle, he never gave up
pursuing his dream.
5. Every obstacle in our lives is surmountable if we are willing to face it bravely.
(2) Original Word: TEMPTATION
I learned this word from reading class, but I usually forget its meaning. Thus, I want to
remember the word better by finding a synonym of the word.
I choose this word because I learned it from a radio program, but I do not know how to use it
properly. As a result, I want to learn it.
1. the act or practice of enticing, esp. to evil.
2. the state of being enticed.
3. something that entices; allurement.
"enticement." Unabridged. Random House, Inc. 27 Mar. 2010. Web.
< http://>.
1. He abandoned all enticements of the big city modern life and went into the wilderness.
2. The simple life in the wilderness enticed him away from his original life style.
3. For many people, materialistic life is too enticing to not to be seduced.
4. Every morning in the wilderness he can see different animals dancing enticingly.
5. Worldly enticements seemed to make human beings greedy.
(3) Original Word: CRAVE
I learned this word from a reading and I think that this is an interesting word because it well
describes how eager we are to get one thing. For this reason, I want to learn a synonym for it.
Synonym: YEARN
I had learned this many years ago, but I never use it in my writing and speaking. Thus, I want
to learn how to use it correctly.
–verb (used without object)
1. to have an earnest or strong desire; long: to yearn for a quiet vacation.
2. to feel tenderness; be moved or attracted: They yearned over their delicate child.
"yearn." Unabridged. Random House, Inc. 27 Mar. 2010. Web. <>.
1. Most people tend to yearn for fame and money.
2. He is yearning for the love from his family, but not material gratifications.
3. In fact, he is yearning to see and talk to his family.
4. From his last words, we get to know that he missed his family yearningly.
5. He resented his parents’ behavior, which is the yearning for material life.
(4) Original Word: HERO
I choose this word because in this essay, I talk about what a hero is. I think if I use an
antonym of this word, I would be able to use it to describe opposite situations.
Antonym: COWARD
I choose this word because I had tried to use this word in my draft, but I did not use it in the
right way. As a result, I want to learn how to use it correctly.
1. a person who lacks courage, esp. one who is shamefully unable to control fear and so
shrinks from danger or trouble.
"coward." Webster's New World College Dictionary. LoveToKnow, n.d. Web. 27 March 2010. Web.
1. Most people might think that his behavior is cowardly.
2. In my mind, he is a hero but not a coward.
3. Cowardice will keep you from pursuing your dreams.
4. He took a coward’s selfish way and left home.
5. He is too cowardly to face the problem.
(5) Original Word: POSSESSION
Whenever talking about how much wealth one has, the only word that comes to my mind is
possession. Thus I want to learn a synonym for it.
I learned this word when I was talking to an American, but I do not know how to use it.
Thus I want to learn it.
1. that which a person owns; the possession or possessions of a particular owner.
2. goods, land, etc., considered as possessions.
3. a piece of land or real estate.
4. ownership; right of possession, enjoyment, or disposal of anything, esp. of something
5. something at the disposal of a person, a group of persons, or the community or public.
6. an essential or distinctive attribute or quality of a thing.
7. Logic.
a. any attribute or characteristic.
b. (in Aristotelian logic) an attribute not essential to a species but always connected with
it and with it alone.
8. Also called prop. a usually movable item, other than costumes or scenery, used on the set
of a theater production, motion picture, etc.; any object handled or used by an actor in a
9. a written work, play, movie, etc., bought or optioned for commercial production or
10. a person, esp. one under contract in entertainment or sports, regarded as having
commercial value.
"property." Unabridged. Random House, Inc. 27 Mar. 2010.Web. <>.
1. A successful life is not defined by the property under your name.
2. He abandoned all his property and went away.
3. For him, property is not of essence.
4. The nature seemed all to be his property.
5. If one is only determined to seek property, his/her life will turn blind.