Unit 1 Labs - WordPress.com

TB133 Strategies Unit 1 Labs
Introduction to ITT Network, Internet, ITT Tech Student Portal and Campus
1. Sign on to the ITT network
General directions for signing on:
Press and hold down both the CTRL and the ALT key. While they are held down, tap the
DELETE key one time. The Log On to Windows dialog box will pop up. Type in the
required information
Your user name is your 8 digit ID found on your schedule. Your password is probably
simply password unless you changed it during orientation or another time. If this
does not work, your password may be based on your birthday. For THIS password, enter
MMDDYYYY. For example, if you were born February 23, 1974, you would enter
Log on to: Campus, do NOT log on using a dial up connection, and click the OK button.
Contact your teacher if you have any questions or problems.
2. You MUST change your password from “password” or your birthday because
your current password is not secure. To change your password, do CTRL-ALT-DELETE
and choose Change Password. Enter a new password and WRITE IT DOWN on the
inside cover of your text book. You are responsible for knowing your passwords.
3. Record your user name and password on the inside cover of your textbook.
DO IT NOW – not later.
4. Access the ITT Tech Student Portal.
ITT Tech Student Portal is located here: https://studentportal.itt-tech.edu
(In lab, just click on the Student Portal icon.)
5. Sign on to the site using the SAME user name (your 8 digit ITT ID) and the SAME
password (Look at the inside cover of your textbook) that you used to get onto the ITT
TB133: Strategies for the Technical Professional
Important Notes before you Start
Read your ITT Tech e-mail daily to make sure you are not missing critical
information from ITT-Tech instructors and staff.
The portal and email passwords are case sensitive
For security reasons, you will be prompted to answer 5 security questions as part of
the initial login.
You will be also asked a series of 3 security questions that will allow you to retrieve
your password later if you forget what it is.
6. Click on My ITT to look at your current schedule. Write down you ITT email address
that appears on that page.
7. Click on the Albany menu item to look at information specific for your school.
8. Sign up for your ITT email account
Click on the link to Email under the Resource menu in the Student Portal. You will be
sent to a HOTMAIL dialog box. HotMail is running the ITT Student Email.
Your email account is your first name initial, your last name, possibly a number,
followed by @email.ITT-Tech.edu - check your schedule for your address or ask your
instructor. Newly admitted students may not be in the system, so they should work with
another student to learn the process.
(For Example: bbouchey13@email.itt-tech.edu)
Your password should be the SAME password that you used to sign on to the ITT
Network and the Student Portal. It should be written down in your book. You must have
CHANGED your password so it is not “password” or your birthday.
Every time you change your password, it changes for the ITT Network, the Student
Portal, and your ITT Email. If you are still using your birthday or “password” as your
password, go back and change it. This may fix any trouble you have getting your email.
Do NOT spend 20 minutes being frustrated and angry at the machine. ASK FOR
HELP if you have a problem after just a minute or two.
Follow all the directions carefully to enter answers to security questions, read and copy
funny looking letters and numbers on a confusing screen, accept all user conditions, etc.
Email Lab Work:
Use your full, legal name in the Subject line of your message.
9. Send your name, address, phone number, and email address in an email to
DO_Leary@itt-tech.edu. Be sure to:
Use your NEW ITT email address, as that is the only one I am supposed to use for you.
I will reply to your email as soon as I receive it. You will want to add me to your contacts
TB133: Strategies for the Technical Professional