Group3Team3 preliminary budget

Group 3 Team 3 BU-PMA Website Development Budget Estimation
Draft SDLC with high level WBS inclusion for initial top-down budget estimation
The draft is based on a generic waterfall SDLC to provide an initial walkthrough for topdown estimation purposes. Each phase of the SDLC will represent a project gate and high
level work packages will be defined within each phase to facilitate the estimation effort.
This framework will also serve as a reference for transfer to MS Project 2007.
For purpose of developing the estimation we used the following SDLC
Draft high level project management plan inclusive of development model and WBS
based on a seven phase waterfall SDLC
Phase 1 Inception Phase… (18 total hours)
1.1 Project initiation process... (2 total hours)
1.1(a) Preliminary statement of work review… (2 hours)
1.2 Project team implementation process… (8 total hours)
1.2(a) Select project team… (2 hours)
1.2(b) Identify stakeholders… (2 hours)
1.2(c) Develop project charter document… (4 hours)
1.3 Project launch meeting… (4 total hours)
1.3(a) Host project launch meeting with all stakeholders… (2 hours)
1.3(b) Develop organizational chart document… (1 hour)
1.3(c) Develop preliminary meeting schedule document… (1 hour)
1.4 Phase 1 gate check… (4 total hours)
1.4(a) Review and ensure all deliverables for phase 1 have been generated;
project charter document, organizational chart document and
preliminary meeting schedule document… (4 hours)
Phase 2 Planning Phase… (26 total hours)
2.1 Preliminary scope development process… (8 total hours)
2.1(a) Build initial business case to support high level requirements
analysis… (4 hours)
2.1(b) Develop initial scope document… (4 hours)
2.2 Secure resources for development process… (2 total hours)
2.2(a) Identify resources needed to support initial scope document… (2
2.3 Top-down budget estimation… (4 total hours)
2.3(a) Develop initial budgeting estimation based on scope document… (4
2.4 Project work plan… (8 total hours)
2.4(a) Develop methods for assigning and tracking project resources,
hours and deliverables… (4 hours)
2.4(b) Develop risk management plan… (4 hours)
2.5 Phase 2 gate check… (4 total hours)
2.5(a) Review and ensure all deliverables for phase 2 have been generated;
business case document, scope document, resource document,
budget estimation document, risk management document… (4
Phase 3 Requirements Analysis Phase… (40 total hours)
3.1 High level requirements… (6 total hours)
3.1(a) Generate \ review case studies… (4 hours)
3.1(b) Develop high level requirements document… (2 hours)
3.2 Detailed requirements… (18 total hours)
3.2(a) Translate high level document into detailed requirements… (16
3.2(b) Develop detailed requirements document… (2 hours)
3.3 Scope update process… (4 total hours)
3.3(a) Update scope document… (2 hours)
3.3(b) Host scope document review with stakeholders… (2 hours)
3.4 Budget estimation… (8 total hours)
3.4(a) Update top-down budget estimation document… (2 hours)
3.4(b) Generate bottom-up budget estimation document… (2 hours)
3.4(c) Host budget estimation review with stakeholders… (2 hours)
3.4(d) Risk management review… (2 hours)
3.5 Phase 3 gate check… (4 total hours)
3.5(a) Review and ensure all deliverables for phase 3 have been generated;
updated business case document, high level requirements document,
detailed requirements document, updated scope document, updated
top-down estimation document, bottom-up estimation document…
(4 hours)
Phase 4 Design Phase… (100 total hours)
4.1 High level systems design… (10 total hours)
4.1(a) Network diagram… (2 hours)
4.1(b) Class diagram… (4 hours)
4.1(c) Sequence diagram… (2 hours)
4.1(d) Use case model… (2 hours)
4.2 Website development… (54 total hours)
4.2(a) Develop beta models… (40 hours)
(1) Landing page
(2) User registration…last name, first name, BU id, external
e-mail, student status
(3) Username & password recovery
(4) News & announcements public
(5) News & announcements private
(6) Twitter
(7) External resources page
(8) BBS (Ask the expert)
(9) User weblogs
(10) Virtual library
(11) Events calendar
(12) Email list server
(13) Administration page, reports (5ea)
4.2(b) Alpha testing
(1) GUI design… (8 hours)
4.2(c) Beta testing… (6 hours)
4.3 Database development… (16 total hours)
4.3(a) Develop beta models
(1) Username & password synchronization… (4 hours)
(2) Web-forms (4ea) & remote database synchronization… (4
4.3(b) Alpha testing
(1) Data access & integrity… (4 hours)
4.3(c) Beta testing… (4 hours)
4.4 Website & database integration… (16 total hours)
4.4(a) Develop beta models and tables (4ea)… (8 hours)
4.4(b) Alpha testing… (4 hours)
4.4(c) Beta testing… (4 hours)
4.5 Phase 4 gate check… (4 total hours)
4.5(a) Review and ensure all deliverables for phase 4 have been generated;
network diagram document, class diagram document, sequence
diagram document, use case model document, code repository, beta
application… (4 hours)
Phase 5 Implementation Phase… (16 total hours)
5.1 Develop plan to role out beta application release… (8 total hours)
5.2 Host stakeholder review for beta application release… (4 total hours)
5.3 Phase 5 gate check… (4 total hours)
5.3(a) Review and ensure all deliverables for phase 5 have been generated;
code repository updated, final beta version to be released to testing
phase… (4 hours)
Phase 6 Testing Phase… (36 total hours)
6.1 Develop final test plan… (8 total hours)
6.1(a) Develop test case document… (8 hours)
6.2 Develop pass release criteria plan… (8 total hours)
6.3 Develop rework plan… (8 total hours)
6.4 Develop final release plan… (8 total hours)
6.5 Phase 6 gate check… (4 total hours)
6.5(a) Review and ensure all deliverables for phase 6 have been generated;
Final test plan document, pass release criteria document, rework
plan document, final release document… (4 hours)
Phase 7 Maintenance Phase… (40 total hours)
7.1 Host stakeholder rollout plan… (8 total hours)
7.1(a) Conduct project post mortem… (8 hours)
7.2 Develop customer feedback plan… (8 total hours)
7.3 Develop project team review plan… (8 total hours)
7.4 Develop business results (ROI) monitoring and upgrade plan… (8 total
7.5 Phase 7 gate check… (8 total hours)
7.5(a) Review and ensure all deliverables for the project have been
delivered and archived for future development… (8 hours)
Projected total hours for project completion…276 hours
Cost estimation analysis
The team used the above high level WBS structure to assign projected person hours
against each phase and inclusive tasks to conduct a cost estimation analysis using various
techniques as follows;
Method 1, 4GT:
Programming effort = (10.2 x number of forms) + (7.9 x number of reports) + (4.9 x
number of entities)
Extracted from design phase…
Number of forms = 4, Number or reports = 5, Number of entities= 5
(10.2 x 4) + (7.9 x 5) + (4.9 x 5)
24.5 = 104.8 hours
Our calculated costs using historical analogous technique = 100 hours
Method 2, experience / analogy
The team developed the above draft project plan and applied projected hours based on
similar project development done by the team to common tasks and some work packages
in the design phase, to a waterfall development model. The totals hours for the seven
phase breaks down as follows;
Phase 1= 18, Phase 2= 26, Phase 3= 40, Phase 4= 100, Phase 5=16, Phase 6= 36,
Phase 7=40
Total projected project hours = 18+26+40+100+16+36+40= 276
Method 3, PERT Top-down
Using the historical analogous technique as a base the team concluded that the most
likely number of hours to complete the project are 276 or 34.5 working days or 6.9 weeks
according to our draft project management plan. Using 276 days as the base we extracted
the following worst case scenario of the project running over 20% which equals to an
additional 55.2 hours or 6.925 days or 1.385 weeks as our pessimistic time frame. We
then applied a 10% early completion margin to our most likely and saved 27.6 hours or
3.45 days.
So our variables to calculate the PERT mean are;
P=35+7(rounded up) =42 days
L=35 days (rounded up)
O=35-3(rounded down) = 32 days
M= (P + 4 x L + O) / 6
M= (42 + 4 x 35 + 32) / 6
M= 35.6 days
Standard deviation = (P – O) /6 = (42 – 32) /6 = 1.6 days
PERT estimate = 35.6 days + 2 days
Confidence intervals are;
Level 1 = 68% chance of completion 35.6 days + 2 days
Level 2 = 96% chance of completion 35.6 days + 4 days
Level 3 = 99.7% chance of completion 35.6 days + 6 days
Method 4, PERT Bottom-up
The team used phase 4 to develop a bottom-up estimate. The extracted tasks and hours
are as follows;
4.1 High level systems design… (10 total hours)
4.2 Website development… (54 total hours)
4.3 Database development… (16 total hours)
4.4 Website & database integration… (16 total hours)
4.5 Phase 4 gate check… (4 total hours)
Likely total hours for this phase = 100 hours or 12.5 days
Using the same percentages from the top-down estimation for continuity we get the
following results for;
P= 12.5 + 2.5 (20% over run) = 15 days
L= 12.5 days
O= 12.5 – 1.25 (10% early completion) = 11.25 days
M= (P + 4 x L + O) / 6
M= (15 + 4 x 12.5 + 11.25) / 6
M= 12.70 days
Standard deviation = (P – O) /6 = (15 –11.25) /6 = .625 days (rounded up) = 1 day
PERT estimate = 12.70 days + 1 day
Level 1 = 68% chance of completion 12.7 days + 1 days
Level 2 = 96% chance of completion 12.7 days + 2 days
Level 3 = 99.7% chance of completion 12.7 days + 3 day
The total hours for this phase = 101.6 similar to our results from the 4GT technique of
104.8 hours.
The team was able to demonstrate top-down and bottom-up estimation techniques using a
draft project plan with WBS elements incorporated.
Kanabar, V, & Warburton, R. (2008). Project management. New York: Kaplan