FWG Workshop - Meeting Document Database

Agenda Item: VI.1
FWG Project List
Purpose: Information
Submitted by: FWG Lead Shepherd
15th Fisheries Working Group Meeting
Puerto Varas, Chile
6-7 May 2004
Working Program on Health and Quality Rules of Fishery Products
Project Number
FWG ?/1993
Project Overseer
1. Exchange info on inspection systems, standards and
2. Assist member economies in incorporating the new
approach based on ISO9000 in their fish inspection
3. Upgrade competence of fish inspectors and quality
Start Date
Expected Output
Expected Benefit
End Date
Funding Requested
Improving Market Information on Seafood Trade in the APEC Region
Project Number
FWG ?/ 1993
Project Overseer
1. Assess the potential for expansion of market
coverage in the Infofish database.
2. Publish improved statistics on annual seafood
production and trade.
Start Date
Expected Output
Expected Benefit
End Date
Funding Requested
Training Workshop and Study Tours on Aquaculture
FWG ?/1993
1. Increase technical knowledge of planning,
developments, management, and evaluation of
aquaculture projects.
2. Identify improvements needed to increase
aquaculture production and promote sustainability.
Start Date
Expected Output
Expected Benefit
End Date
Funding Requested
Project Number
Project Overseer
Training Workshop on Sustainable Shrimp Culture with Emphasis on Health
Management and Disease Control
Project Number
FWG ?/1993
Project Overseer
1. Provide technical knowledge on farm management
practices for culturing healthy and disease free
2. Managing impacts of shrimp culture on surrounding
Start Date
Expected Output
Expected Benefit
End Date
Funding Requested
Inventory of Fisheries Administration and Organization in APEC Members
Project Number
FWG 01/ 1996
Project Overseer
Mr Sun Shengzhi, China
1. Provide basic information on fishery administration and
organizations of APEC members, making better
understanding among APEC members and facilitate the
coordination and cooperation among the relevant fishery
agencies and organizations of APEC members.
Start Date
January 1996
Expected Output
Expected Benefit
End Date
December 1996
Funding Requested
Moving Toward Improved Seafood Inspection Regimes
Project Number
FWG ?/ 1996
Project Overseer
Matteo Milazzo, USA
1. To enhance the overall safety and quality of seafood
products produced in APEC economies.
2. Facilitate the trade of seafood by improving access of
APEC seafood producers to markets governed by
HACCP-based inspection requirements.
Start Date
Expected Output
On-site training sessions and workshops conducted by APEC
member seafood inspection training experts.
Expected Benefit
End Date
Funding Requested
Inventory of Needed Infrastructure Improvements
FWG ?/ 1996
Matteo Milazzo, USA
1. Identify needs for improvements in the physical
infrastructure, with respect to product safety and
quality, in the harvesting, processing, and marketing
2. To assist APEC members and multinational donor
organizations in making well-informed investment
decisions in projects related to physical infrastructure.
Start Date
Expected Output
Establish a process that will facilitate greater involvement in
cooperative regional research and development of grouper
Expected Benefit
Development of sustainable grouper aquaculture, elimination
of dangerous practices, building human capital, effective
means of conducting research.
End Date
Funding Requested
Project Number
Project Overseer
Inventory of Laws/Rules of Foreign Investments
FWG ?/ 1996
Matteo Milazzo, USA
1. To improve transparency of APEC members’
laws/rules/regulations on foreign investments in the
fishery sector.
2. To facilitate capital investments and stimulate
economic interdependence in the fishery sectors of
APEC members.
Start Date
Expected Output
Compilation of an inventory of sector-specific laws and
Expected Benefit
End Date
Funding Requested
Project Number
Project Overseer
Project Number
Project Overseer
Start Date
Expected Output
Expected Benefit
End Date
Funding Requested
Project Number
Project Overseer
Start Date
Expected Output
Expected Benefit
End Date
Funding Requested
APEC Markets for Live and Fresh Fish
FWG ?/ 1996
Matteo Milazzo, USA
1. To promote trade in the APEC region of air-freighted
highly-valued live and fresh fish and shellfish.
2. To enhance the overall economic benefits generated
by the APEC fishing industries.
Preparation of a manual.
To upgrade and enhance the economic value of fishery trade
APEC region.
Cyanide Fishing in Asia and the Western Pacific
FWG ?/1996
Mr Sun Shengzhi, China
1. To convene a technical workshop on the subject of
destructive fishing techniques on the marine environment
Free Trade and Investment in Fisheries Sector of APEC: Economic Analysis of Tariffs
Project Number
FWG ?/ 1998
Project Overseer
Start Date
September 1998
Expected Output
Expected Benefit
End Date
Funding Requested
APEC Aquaculture Forum
FWG 01/1998
What ways can the APEC FWG add value and contribute to
the sustainable growth and development of the aquaculture
June 1998
Project Number
Project Overseer
Start Date
Expected Output
Expected Benefit
End Date
Funding Requested
Collaborative APEC Grouper Research and Development Network
Project Number
FWG 01/1999
Project Overseer
Paula Shoulder, Australia
4. Develop regional research network to establish a
sustainable grouper aquaculture industry.
5. Provide alternative source of income to people using
dangerous and illegal fishing methods.
6. Protect endangered refs and reef fish.
7. Reduce reliance on wild capture fisheries.
Start Date
March, 1999
Expected Output
Establish a process that will facilitate greater involvement in
cooperative regional research and development of grouper
Expected Benefit
Development of sustainable grouper aquaculture, elimination
of dangerous practices, building human capital, effective
means of conducting research.
End Date
January, 2002
APEC Funding/ Outputs
US $80,480/ Project complete.
Project Number
Project Overseer
Start Date
Expected Output
Expected Benefit
End Date
APEC Funding/ Outputs
Project Number
Project Overseer
APEC Seafood Information System
FWG 01/1999T
Ken Roeske, Canada
1. Develop a pilot system for an integrated commercial
marketing information service for fishing, aquaculture
and fish processing.
2. Improve and build upon GLOBEFISH and FAO
Regional Marketing Advisory Services.
3. Develop information service that focuses on needs of
SMEs in fisheries sector.
May, 1999
Development of an integrated commercial marketing
information service for fishing, aquaculture and fish
processing industries.
Direct benefit to trade associations, NGOs, government
organisations by providing a one-stop comprehensive and
current information service.
April, 2001
US $84,005/ Project complete.
Collaborative Aquaculture Education Program
FWG 02/1999
Glenn Hurry, Australia
1. Prepare strategy and pilot for cooperative education
Start Date
Expected Output
Expected Benefit
End Date
APEC Funding/ Outputs
2. Adequately train critical mass of middle level managers
and technicians in the science of aquaculture.
June, 1998
Strategy for implementation of cooperative education
program and design of framework for a pilot program.
Allow economies access to a common level of aquaculture
education and training.
June, 1999
US $83,800/ Project complete. Reports and papers
presented out of session to APEC member economies.
Women in Aquaculture
FWG 03/1999
Glenn Hurry, Australia
1. Define and describe the role played by women and
the potential opportunities available
2. Look at a method to develop education and training
to raise education levels of women
3. Propose a strategy that will allow FWG to decide
how to best promote and contribute to involvement
of women in aquaculture
Start Date
October, 1998
Expected Output
Report that proposes a strategy that will allow FWG and
economies how to best promote and contribute to the
involvement of women
Expected Benefit
Enhancing role of women, alleviate constraints to
participation, contribute to rural development.
End Date
January, 2001
APEC Funding/ Outputs
US $53,850/ Publication: Women in Aquaculture, Brugere,
C. et al. Pp 48.
Development of a Health and Husbandry Manual for Grouper Farming
Project Number
FWG 01/2000
Project Overseer
Ms Cecilia Reyes, Philippines
1. Facilitate development of sustainable grouper
aquaculture industry.
2. Provide alternative income and employment to those
using dangerous and illegal practices.
3. Protect endangered reefs and fish.
4. Develop new aquaculture industry.
5. Reduce reliance on wild caught fingerlings.
Start Date
February, 2000
Expected Output
Manual prepared and distributed to participants.
Expected Benefit
Help meet commitments of Osaka Agenda and lead to
sustainable production.
End Date
December, 2000
APEC Funding/ Outputs
US $59,000/ In progress.
Husbandry and Health Management of Grouper, APEC
Singapore and SEAFDEC, Ililo, Philippines, Pp. 94.
Project Number
Project Overseer
Development of a Regional Research program on grouper Virus Transmission and
Vaccine Development
Project Number
FWG 02/2000
Project Overseer
Mr Sataporn Direkbusarakom, Thailand
1. Establish a regional research network to facilitate
development of a sustainable grouper aquaculture
2. Plan a strategy to address regional fish health issues.
Start Date
Expected Output
Expected Benefit
End Date
APEC Funding/ Outputs
January, 2000
Workshop reports, scientific papers and regional extension
Sustainable production and enhance long-term trade.
October, 2000
US $42,100/ Project complete.
Joint APEC/FAO/NACA Ad hoc Expert Consultation on Trans-boundary Aquatic Animal
Pathogen Transfer and the development of Harmonised Standards on Aquaculture
Health Management
Project Number
FWG 03/2000
Project Overseer
Mr Mara Murillo Correa, Mexico
1. Develop a regional research programme on grouper
virus and vaccine development.
2. Development of a health and husbandry manual for
grouper farming.
Start Date
January, 2000
Expected Output
Health and husbandry manual for grouper.
Expected Benefit
Basis for new proposals focusing on aquatic animal disease
control, diagnostic techniques, import risk analysis.
End Date
December, 2000
APEC Funding/ Outputs
US $55,900/ Project completed.
Trans-Boundary Aquatic Animal Pathogen Transfer and the
Development of Harmonized Standards on Aquaculture health
Management, PEC#201-FS-01.1, ISBN 974-7313-27-8.
Collaborative APEC Grouper Research and Development Network
Project Number
FWG 01/2001
Project Overseer
Matthew Dadswell, Australia
1. Develop the capacity to establish a sustainable
grouper industry
2. Provide alternative sources of income to people
engaging in dangerous and illegal practices
3. Protect endangered reefs and reef fish
4. Develop new aquaculture industry with export
5. Reduce reliance on wild capture fisheries.
Start Date
July 2000
Expected Output
Maintain APEC/NACA website. Research results presented to
grouper workshop. Advertising grouper website.
Expected Benefit
Development of sustainable grouper aquaculture, elimination
of dangerous practices, building human capital and providing
effective means of conducting research. Facilitation of staff
End Date
March, 2003
APEC Funding/ Outputs
US $89,000/ Project complete
APEC Seafood Information System (SIS) – Phase 2
FWG 01/2001T
Mr Ken Roeske, Canada
1. Pilot project to test feasibility of improving and expanding
services provided by GLOBEFISH and the FAO.
Start Date
May, 2001
Expected Output
Computerised cooperative database covering fisheries sector.
Expected Benefit
Not listed.
End Date
December, 2002
Project Number
Project Overseer
APEC Funding/ Outputs
US $85,000/ Project in progress
Management of Marine Algal Toxins in Seafood Products in the APEC Region
Project Number
FWG 02/2001
Project Overseer
Dr Sherwood Hall, USA
1. Strengthen and facilitate trade in seafood products
within APEC.
2. Improve public health protection.
Start Date
February, 2001
Expected Output
Second conference on Harmful Algae Management and
Mitigation (HAMM) guidelines, HAMM websites and network
of scientific experts on marine biotoxins.
Expected Benefit
Strengthen and facilitate trade. Public health protection.
End Date
June, 2003
APEC Funding/ Outputs
US $38,000/ In progress.
APEC Project for the Conservation and Management of Sharks
Project Number
FWG 03/2001T
Project Overseer
Stetson Tinkham
1. Identify the need for collaboration and technical
cooperation in implementation of FAO IPOA Sharks.
2. Collect data for assessment of shark population for
sustainable use.
Start Date
January, 2002
Expected Output
Two studies to determine the level of implementation of FAO
IPOA Sharks, and to explore more practical and profitable use
of sharks and shark products
Expected Benefit
Provide tools to implement national assessment of stocks and
to minimise waste and discards.
End Date
December, 2003: Extended to June 30, 2004
APEC Funding/ Outputs
US $91,070/ Project in progress
Musick, J.A. and R. Bonfil. 2003. Elasmobranch Fisheries
Management Techniques, (draft).
Farming the Reef: A State-of-the-Art Review of Aquaculture of Coral Reef Organisms in
Tropical Nearshore Environments
Project Number
FWG 04/2001
Project Overseer
Stetson Tinkhman, USA
1. Provide overview of global trade in live reef
2. Review the biology and technology for aquaculture of
reef species
3. Analyse the bioeconomics and markets.
4. Evaluate the potential of aquaculture to reduce the
incidence of over fishing wild caught species.
5. Present policy recommendations.
Start Date
August, 2000
Expected Output
Publications for industry and academic audiences.
Expected Benefit
Bring together best information and knowledge about the
above aquaculture.
End Date
July, 2002
APEC Funding/ Outputs
US $96,135/ Project complete.
Capacity and Awareness Building on Import Risk Analysis (IRA) for Aquatic Animals
Project Number
Project Overseer
Start Date
Expected Output
Expected Benefit
End Date
APEC Funding/Outputs
FWG 01/2002
Dr Maitree Duwangsawasdi, Thailand.
1. Organize training courses on IRA for aquatic animals
2. Develop manual for IRA for aquatic mammals.
3. Establish a network of IRA users
4. Facilitate exchanges.
May, 2002
Training officials on how to do IRA. Manual on IRA.
Development of national policies that will improve aquaculture
production. Facilitate exchange of information. Benefit to rural
farmers and business sector.
May, 2003 Extended to: May 31, 2004
US $116,500/ In progress.
Developing Industry Standards for the Live Reef Food Fish Trade
Project Number
Project Overseer
Start Date
Expected Output
Expected Benefit
End Date
APEC Funding/ Outputs
FWG 02/2002
Mr Stetson Tinkham, USA
1. Initiate consultative process among APEC members
and participants in the liver reef food fish industry.
2. Develop draft set of industry standards for the live
reef fish trade (LRFT).
July, 2001
1. Draft set of industry standards.
2. Recommendations on implementation of industry
3. Information and material to assist members develop
national policies.
Benefit to institutions and actors depending of live reef fish
trade, and to member economies.
November, 2003, Extended to June 30, 2004
US $86,413/ In progress.
Current Situation and Market perspectives for Aquaculture Products
Project Number
FWG 01/2003T
Project Overseer
Mr George Llanos, Peru.
1. Conduct a three-day workshop to review knowledge,
analyse future trends.
2. Disseminate information on aquaculture markets.
Start Date
June, 2003
Expected Output
Report of Proceedings.
Expected Benefit
Business, NGOs, fishers and communities.
Government for policy development.
End Date
December 2003
APEC Funding/ Outputs
US $ 68,140/ In progress.
Sharing Knowledge During the International Conference on Governance of Deep-Sea
Project Number
FWG 02/2003
Project Overseer
Mr Paul Castillo, Peru
1. Participate in International Conference in NZ where
APEC experts will share knowledge on deep-water
fish and fisheries.
2. Contribute on a regional deep water fish and fisheries
network among APEC member and fisheries
Start Date
Expected Output
Expected Benefit
End Date
APEC Funding/ Outputs
development institutions.
February, 2003
Conference report, case studies, recommendations and
Supports objective of maximising economic benefits.
Facilitate close relationships among APEC members. Provide
up to date research and information.
January, 2004
US $ 43,000/ In progress.
Derelict Fishing Gear and related Debris: An Educational Outreach Seminar Among
APEC Partners
Project Number
FWG 03/2003
Project Overseer
Mr Colin McIff, USA
1. Provide participants with information on problem of
derelict fishing gear and related debris.
2. Examine ways in which problem arises and examine
best practices.
3. Review regulatory and infrastructure mechanisms.
4. Identify gaps and obstacles to mitigating gear loss.
Start Date
February, 2003
Expected Output
Exchange of scientific and regulatory information. Opportunity
for participants to review approaches.
Expected Benefit
Raise awareness, provide information, discussion of
End Date
November 2004
APEC funding/ Outputs
US $17,500/ In progress
Project Number
Project Overseer
Expected Output
Expected Benefit
End Date
APEC funding/ Outputs
Auditor Training and Certification
FWG 01/2004T
Greg Schneider, USA
1. Provides member economies the opportunity to
implement internal auditor certification mechanism to
enhance food safety, and quality of fisheries products
2. Provide unbiased third party certified auditors to train
and evaluate the performance of individuals who will
audit food safety and quality systems
March 2004
Fully certified HACCP seafood auditors in APEC region.
Harmonization of standards for participating governments.
Member economies will have opportunity to train auditors
June 2006
US $135,000/ In progress
A Feasibility Study on the Establishment of an Inter-Governmental Mechanism for the
Development and Management of an Aquaculture Network in the Americas
Project Number
FWG 01/2004
Project Overseer
Mr Colin McIff, USA
1. Conduct a feasibility study involving APEC
economies, NGOs, and other regional/international
2. Organize a workshop to present feasibility study
results, build consensus and discuss the way forward
on establishing an aquaculture network in the
Start Date
February, 2004
Expected Output
Expected Benefit
End Date
APEC funding/ Outputs
A Feasibility Report on the establishment of
intergovernmental mechanisms for aquaculture development.
A workshop that will discuss results of feasibility study.
Provide the basis of establishment of an inter-governmental
mechanism for the development and management of an
aquaculture network in the Americas. Determine required
logistics and implementation framework and roadmap to be
addressed if establishment occurs.
February, 2005
US $62,500/ In progress
FWG Workshop : Sustainable Fisheries Development in the region
Project Number:
FWG 02/2004
Project Overseer
Mr Nguyen Van Chau, Vietnam
1. Conduct a workshop with experts in APEC fisheries
sector to disseminate important information on
sustainable fisheries development
2. Review knowledge on sustainable fisheries and
analyze future trends.
3. Discuss clean and safe aquaculture at workshop.
Start Date
February, 2004
Expected Output
A Report of Proceedings to disseminate information on
applied sustainable experiences in fisheries
Expected Benefit
Maximize the economic benefits from, and the sustainability of
fisheries resources for the common benefit of all APEC
End Date
February, 2005
APEC funding/ Outputs
In progress/ US $80,000
Free Trade and Investment in the Fisheries Sector of the Asia-Pacific Region: An Economic Analysis
of Tariffs
Farming the Reef: A State-of-the-Art Review of Aquaculture of Coral Reef Organisms in Tropical
Nearshore Environments
APEC Project for the Conservation and Management of Sharks
Price Waterhouse subsidies project
Exchange of information, technology and expertise
Sharing Knowledge During the International Conference on Governance of Deep-Sea Fisheries
APEC Aquaculture Forum
Management of Marine Algal Toxins in Seafood Products in the APEC Region
Derelict Fishing Gear and related Debris: An Educational Outreach Seminar Among APEC Partners
Health Quality Rules of Fish and Fishery Products
Training workshop on sustainable shrimp culture with emphasis on health management and control
Inventory of Fisheries Administration and Organization in APEC Members
Technical Conference on Quality and Safety of fishery products
Joint APEC/FAO/NACA Ad hoc Expert Consultation on Trans-boundary Aquatic Animal Pathogen
Transfer and the development of Harmonised Standards on Aquaculture Health Management
APEC Project for the Conservation and Management of Sharks
Ad hoc Workshop on IUU fishing
Institutional Capacity building
Developing Industry Standards for the Live Reef Food Fish Trade
Development of a Regional Research program on grouper Virus Transmission and Vaccine
APEC Project for the Conservation and Management of Sharks
Capacity and Awareness Building on Import Risk Analysis (IRA) for Aquatic Animals
Developing human capital
Collaborative Aquaculture Education Program
Women in Aquaculture
Sharing Knowledge During the International Conference on Governance of Deep-Sea Fisheries
Collaborative APEC Grouper Research and Development Network
Moving Toward Improved Seafood Inspection Regimes
Fish Inspection Systems of ANZEC
Capacity and Awareness Building on Import Risk Analysis (IRA) for Aquatic Animals
Private/public participation
Developing Industry Standards for the Live Reef Food Fish Trade
Encouraging the Growth of SMEs
Current Situation and Market perspectives for Aquaculture Products
Collaborative APEC Grouper Research and Development Network
APEC Seafood Information System (SIS)
Stakeholder information
Development of a Health and Husbandry Manual for Grouper Farming
The conservation and sustainable use of fisheries resources and related ecosystems
Sustainable development of aquaculture
Advance the debate, tools and implementation of common resource management problems