devt’l psych handouts ch 2 theories of dev’t 1 Theories of Development nature vs. nurture nature: Wiggam, 1923; Darwin nurture: Watson Modern view: our genetic inheritance provides the boundaries of our potential and environment determines the extent to which these potentials are reached. activity vs. passivity should we view children as actively engaging the world or as at the mercy of the society they are born into? continuity vs. discontinuity does development take place smoothly or does it happen in abrupt bursts? Are the changes qualitative or quantitative? those who say it is quantitative also say it is continuous; those who say it is qualitative say we develop in discrete stages. universality vs. particularity some say the most important aspects of development are the ones that everyone goes through; to others the most important is that which is particular to the individual. stage theorists say universal is most important others say that this ignores many interesting factors in development that differ from person to person. Freud’s Psychoanalytic Theory we are born with powerful biological urges that seek satisfaction these urges are at odds with cultural and family demands maturation: finding ways to deal with these urges so as to get along in society the psyche: Id, Ego, Superego libido: mental energy birth: we are Id-driven. - Id seeks immediate satisfaction for illicit aggressive and sexual urges - operates according to the Pleasure Principle as we develop the Ego emerges – the rational aspect. - Ego has to placate the Id and steer clear of trouble with society - operates according to the Reality Principle Superego emerges at 3-6 years old. - we internalize the moral standards of our parents - we learn to punish ourselves for transgressions devt’l psych handouts ch 2 theories of dev’t 2 the Ego has to be strong enough to keep the Id and Superego in line. Ideally, libidinal energy gets evenly distributed amongst Id, Ego, Superego. Imbalances lead to problems - if Id has more than its share, we get psychopathy, violence, aggression - if Superego has more, we get shame, anxiety, self-doubt, (neurosis) Freud’s 5 stages of psychosexual development 1) - oral stage (birth to 1 year): pleasure through oral stimulation, the mouth breast feeding is key (mother can be too strict or too lax) - anal stage (1 to 3 yrs): pleasure shifts to anus as child learns to control anal excretions. toilet training is key (can be too strict or too lax) 2) 3) phallic stage (3 to 6 years): genitals become the focus of auto-erotic sexual pleasure strong desire for opposite-sex parent boys have an Oedipus complex: desire the mother but fear the father as a bigger stronger rival. Fear manifests as castration anxiety. Boys then identify with the father to alleviate this anxiety. - Girls have an Electra complex: desire fathers as a result of wanting a penis of their own (penis envy). Desires a male baby by her father. Not easily resolved; therefore females are inherently inferior. - 4) latency (6 to 12 or puberty): other skills are developed, sex drive is dormant 5) genital (puberty onwards): psychosexual and physical maturity. Sexual gratification is sought with an appropriate partner. If we have enough libido by now, we are able to find a love partner and meaningful work. Freud’s contributions: unconscious motivation early years are important to later personality children are sexual Erikson: -- Trust vs Mistrust (birth to 1 yr) -- Autonomy vs Shame and Doubt (1 –3 yrs) -- Initiative vs Guilt (3 – 6 yrs) -- Industry vs Inferiority (6-12 yrs) -- Identity vs Role Confusion (12 –20) -- Intimacy vs Isolation (20-40) -- Generativity vs Stagnation (40-65) -- Ego Integrity vs Despair (> 65) Erikson’s contributions: makes room for other things besides sex as a motivator; allows for development to continue past puberty devt’l psych handouts ch 2 theories of dev’t 3 Learning Perspective: Watson was the father of behaviourism B.F. Skinner discovered the basic laws of learning - an organism will repeat a behaviour that leads to favourable consequences and will be less likely to repeat a behaviour that leads to negative consequences. - Operant Learning Bandura: - worked with people, not animals - stressed importance of cognition in human beings - observational learning - reciprocal determinism: development is a function of the person, their behaviour, and the environment. Cognitive-Developmental Perspective Piaget (1896-1980): paid attention to the errors children make at various ages kids at specific ages make the same cognitive errors maybe cognitions change qualitatively as children develop Piagetian terms: Intelligence: a basic life process that helps an organism to adapt to its environment. “cognitive structure” or “scheme”: an organized pattern of thought or action used to cope with or explain some aspect of experience. assimilation: the process by which children interpret new experiences by incorporating them into their existing schemes accommodation: the process by which children modify their existing schemes to incorporate or adapt to new experiences. Piaget’s 4 Stages of Cognitive Development 1) Sensorimotor (birth to 2 yrs): - use sensory and motor abilities to explore the environment - primitive sense of “self” vs. “other” - object permanence - begin producing internal schemes 2) Preoperational (2 – 7 yrs): - use of symbols to represent aspects of the world (e.g. language, images) - egocentric thought devt’l psych handouts ch 2 theories of dev’t 3) - Concrete Operations (7-11 yrs): acquire and use concrete operations no longer accept face value understand basic properties and relations of objects and events able to infer other people’s motives - Formal Operations (11 yrs and up): abstract thought (can think about thinking) logical thought not limited to the concrete reasoning is systematic can consider multiple possible solutions to a problem 4) 4 Evolutionary Perspective: ethology – study of the evolutionary bases of behaviour and development sociobiology: study of evolutionary basis for human social behaviours Ethology: human beings are born with biologically preprogrammed behaviours due to evolution that help us survive e.g. babies cry and parents respond to them critical periods for developing various skills Sociobiology: adaptive behaviours are those that contribute to the survival of our genes (survival of the family, the race, the species)