Grade 8 Unit 1 Science Curriculum Map

8th Grade Science
Unit 1: Properties of Matter
Lafayette Parish School System
LPSS Science Teacher Leader Cadre
Debora Ajala – EA Martin
Phobe Boutte – LJ Alleman
Charlene Jackson – Scott
Jodie LeBlanc – Judice
Bill Lee – Paul Breaux
Bridget Trahan – LPSS Science Lead Teacher
Lafayette Parish School System
2013-2014 Curriculum Map
Grade: 8th Science: Unit 1: Properties of Matter
Time Frame: August 13 – September 20
(5 ½ Weeks)
Unit Description and Student Understandings: This brief unit focuses on the structure of atoms, the atomic structure of elements and ions, and the basic use of the
periodic table. Students should understand the structure of atoms, how that structure varies from element to element, and the relationship of atomic structure to the behavior of ions
Guiding Questions:
Can students describe contributing factors to hurricanes and tornadoes?
Can students determine the composition of elements using the periodic table?
Can students describe the properties for selected elements?
Can students predict how elements will form ions and react with other elements?
Key Concepts:
Identify elements in common objects (clothing, food, tools, rocks, soil, water)
Differentiate among protons, neutrons, electrons, ions, and molecules
Interactive Science Textbook Ch. 1 pg. 3
Interactive Science Textbook Ch. 2 pg. 55
Interactive Science Textbook Ch. 13 pg. 481
Interactive Science Textbook Ch. 3 pg. 101
Science Inquiry
GLEs to be addressed
throughout the year
CCSS Literacy
NGSS Practices
Instructional Strategies
(Enrichment/Remediation Strategies)
Administration and Pre-week 1Interactive Science textbook:
Ch. 1 and 2 pgs. 4-73 (Review scientific inquiry concepts
ES-28 (I)
Use historical data to plot
the movement of hurricanes
and explain events or
conditions that affected
their paths (ESS-M-A12)
Si-38 (E)
8th Grade Science 2013-2014
Probe: Is It Made of Molecules?
Vocabulary self-awareness chart, vocabulary cards
Pre-week 2-Hurricanes and Storms
Interactive Science Textbook:
Chapter 13 Lesson 5 pg. 480-489 (See also pg. 501)
Discuss formation of hurricanes. Can show images from internet of
hurricanes and location of origin. Using a hurricane tracking chart,
plot latitude and longitude coordinates on an ongoing as needed
Lafayette Parish School System
2013-2014 Curriculum Map
Grade: 8th Science: Unit 1: Properties of Matter
Time Frame: August 13 – September 20
(5 ½ Weeks)
Explain that, through the
use of scientific processes
and knowledge, people can
solve problems, make
decisions, and form new
ideas. (SI-M-B6)
PS-1 (I)
Determine that all atoms of
the same element are
similar to but different from
atoms of other elements
PS-2 (I)
Recognize that elements
with the same number of
protons may or may not
have the same charge (PSM-A2)
basis for hurricanes that develop. May also plot historic hurricanes
in the event none develop in real time.
LCC Activity 8: Hurricanes Vs. Tornadoes (4 days)
- Research contributing factors to hurricanes and tornadoes
- Literacy Strategy: Venn Diagram
Compare and contrast hurricanes and tornadoes
- Hurricane Tracking games / chart
United Streaming (Discovery Education): Hurricanes on the
Louisiana Coast SRCD
SRCD: On the Gulf: Coastlines in Danger
Unit 1 Weeks 3-4 (2 weeks)
Interactive Science Textbook:
Chapter 3 Lesson 1 pgs. 102-109
LCC Activity 2: Atoms of Elements to Ions
 Part A: (1 day)
a. Literacy Strategy: Learning logs - Construct and
compare Bohr Model and electron model of
b.Discuss atomic model history and create timeline.
 Part B: (4 days)
a.Element research-foldable, brochure, etc. (2 day
research, 1 day presentation)
b.Discuss ion formation: (1 day)
Use available Prentice Hall resources in ‘Lab Zone’ – online or in
Energy 7 IS8 Video and assessment
PS-2 (I)
Recognize that elements
with the same number of
protons may or may not
have the same charge (PSM-A2)
PS-3 (E)
Define ions and describe
them in terms of the
8th Grade Science 2013-2014
Discovery Channel Video-Discovering the Periodic Table
Interactive Science textbook:
Chapter 3 Lesson 2 pgs. 110-117
LCC Activity 3: The Atoms Family
 a. Bonding (1 day)
 b. Word Grid-start in class/finish at home
Lewis Dot Diagrams
See pg. 107 in Interactive Science textbook and Science Spot
Lafayette Parish School System
2013-2014 Curriculum Map
Grade: 8th Science: Unit 1: Properties of Matter
Time Frame: August 13 – September 20
(5 ½ Weeks)
number of protons,
electrons, and their charges
PS-2 (I)
Recognize that elements
with the same number of
protons may or may not
have the same charge (PSM-A2)
website for activities and practice with Lewis dot diagrams.
Interactive Science textbook:
Chapter 3 Lesson 3 pgs. 118-125
LCC Activity 4: It All Adds Up
(substitute Bonding With a Classmate)
 a. Bonding with a Classmate (1 day)
Bond with a Classmate Cards
Bond with a Classmate Worksheet
Addressed in LCC Activity 2 & 3
8th Grade Science 2013-2014
Balancing Chemical Equations