I have the first card. Who has the major city that controlled or

I have the first card.
Who has the major city that controlled or overlooked the Bosporus Strait?
I have Constantinople
Who has the date of the collapse of the Western Roman Empire?
I have 476 CE
Who has the woman that claimed imperial title in 690 CE?
I have Wu Zhou
Who has the year when the Tang dynasty came to an end?
I have 907 CE
Who has the people that were invited to join Tang’s military forces?
I have Uighurs
Who has the example of a way that shows how patriarchal Chinese society was?
I have foot binding
Who has the dynasty that built the Grand Canal?
I have the Sui Dynasty.
Who has where the main Silk Road began?
I have Chang’an.
Who has the category that cloves, nutmeg, mace, and cardamom all belong to?
I have fine spices.
Who has how knowing the Monsoon System contributes to trade?
I have it enabled mariners to sail safely and reliably to all parts of the Indian Ocean basin.
Who has the reason why spices were extremely important commodities in the classical times?
I have because spices served as condiments and flavoring agents, drugs, anesthetics, aphrodisiacs, perfumes,
aromatics and magical potions.
Who has how religion spread through the usage of the Silk Road?
I have when merchants trade, they also share their beliefs and ideas to the surroundings.
Who has the religion that was considered as popular among merchants in China around the fourth century
I have Buddhism.
Who has the effects of Attila on the Huns?
I have he attacked Germanic peoples living on the borders of the Roman empire.
Who has the name of the Chinese monk who escaped China?
I have Zhang Qian
Who has the port that emerged as the principal commercial center on the east African coast?
I have Rhapta.
Who has one of the most dangerous and inhospitable regions of the Earth?
I have the Taklamakan Desert
Who has the dynasty that had rulers who mistrusted military leaders?
I have the Song Dynasty.
Who has the capital of the southern Song Dynasty?
I have Hangzhou
Who has the element that travelled with the fruits and animals traded on the Silk Road and destroyed empire
I have diseases.
Who has the item invented in China that was lighter, thinner, and more adaptable than pottery?
I have porcelain
Who has the item that enabled merchants to deposit goods or cash at one location and draw the equivalent in
cash or goods elsewhere in China?
I have "flying cash".
Who has the civilization that first discovered and mastered the patterns of the monsoonal winds in the
Indian Ocean?
I have the Ptolemaic Egyptians.
Who has one interpretation of the Taklamakan Desert’s name?
I have "he who enters does not come back out".
Who has the religion composed of a syncretic version of Zoroastrian, Christian, and Buddhist elements?
I have Manicheism.
Who has the societies that ivory, rhinoceros horns, tortoise shell, and slaves came from?
I have East African.
Who has the Roman emperor that split the Roman Empire into two administrative districts?
I have Diocletian.
Who has the name of the Song Neo-Confucius philosopher?
I have Zhu Xi.
Who has where hundreds of Chinese Buddhist pilgrims journeyed to?
I have India.
Who has the structure that established a sense of unity and integrated the economics of north and southern
I have the Grand Canal.
Who has the system used to distribute land equally in order to avoid social unrest?
I have the equal-field system.
Who has the problem with the Song Dynasty's military?
I have bureaucrats who lacked military education led armies to battle.
Who has the product which could be harvested twice per year?
I have fast-ripening rice.
Who has the name of the emperor who completed the Grand Canal?
I have Sui Yangdi.
Who has the dynasty which placed the issuance of printed money under tight control?
I have the Qing Dynasty.
Who has the three main diseases/epidemics during the second and third centuries C.E.?
I have smallpox, measles, and the bubonic plague.
Who has the animal that Northern China used for agriculture?
I have oxen.
Who has the kingdom that defended the Korean peninsula from Chinese invaders?
I have the Silla.
Who has... the language of the nomadic Huns?
I have the Turkish Language
Who has what the bishop of Rome is called?
I have the Pope.
Who has the most elaborate project undertaken during the Sui Dynasty?
I have the construction of the Grand Canal.
Who has the emperor that murdered 2 of his brothers?
I have Tang Taizong.
Who has what made extending cultivation to rough terrains possible?
I have Artificial Irrigation.
Who has the prophet that started Manichaeism?
I have Mani of Babylon.
Who has the philosophy in which reflected to both Buddhism and Confucian values?
I have neo-Confucianism.
Who has the animal that Southern China used for agriculture?
I have water buffalo.
Who has the main route for trade across Asia?
I have the Silk road.
Who has the foundation of the economic development of Tang & Song China?
I have the agricultural production.
Who has the school that was more popular than the Chan Buddhism and was enthusiastically promoted by
the lady emperor?
I have the Pure Land school.
Who has one thing that Korea never established but the Tang and Song China did?
I have bureaucracy based on merit.
Who has the period in which Chinese influence was most prominent in Japan?
I have the Nara period
Who has what a Japanese clan leader is called?
I have “shogun”
Who has the most influential figures of early Christianity?
I have St. Augustine
Who has one of the more famous missionaries?
I have Gregory “the Wonderworker”
Who has an important invention by the Tang and Song craftsmen?
I have gunpowder.
Who has the dynasty that never built a very powerful state?
I have the Song Dynasty.
Who has the two big problems that weakened the Song Dynasty?
I have financial and military problems.
Who has one of the dramatic results of increased agricultural production?
I have rapid expansion.
Who has the justification Yang Jian gave when he abdicated the child ruler in 581 AD?
I have he claimed the favor of the Mandate of Heaven.
Who has Diocletian’s solution to internal political problems in the Roman Empire?
I have the formation of two administrative districts ruled by four officials called tetrarchs.
Who has the religion that grew after the fall of the West Roman Empire?
I have Christianity.
Who has the purpose of the Grand Canal?
I have to facilitate trade between north and south China.
Who has the indigenous religion of Japan?
I have Shinto.
Who has the country that created a massive agricultural surplus for China?
I have Vietnam
Who has the Chinese Dynasties that made the most lasting construction projects?
I have the Qin and Sui Dynasties
Who has one of the most popular poets of the Tang era?
I have Li Bai
Who has the professional warriors that are specialist in the use of force and arts of fighting that served the
provincial lords of Japan?
I have samurai.
Who has the group of people that increasingly adapted to the Chinese environment and took up Chinese
traditions and culture after they migrated into China?
I have the nomadic peoples.
Who has the school of philosophical thought that became more of a religious than a philosophical doctrine after
the fall of the Han dynasty?
I have Daoism.
Who has the name of a major Chinese port city that was not a capital?
I have Guangzhou.
Who has the city that has Buddhist cave temples, and a major Buddhist community due to missionary efforts?
I have Dunhuang.
Who has the emperor who adopted Christianity as the official religion of the Roman empire?
I have Constantine.
Who has the reason that led to the decline of the Tang Dynasty?
I have they invited the Uighurs to defeat their own rebellious forces.
Who has what the Song emperor did to those who served him with loyalty?
I have he rewarded them with generous salaries and provided positions in their bureaucracy.
Who has how individual merchants travel through long-distances?
I have they handled long-distance trade in stages from rest stop to rest stop.
Who has the empire that feared silk would lead to moral decay?
I have the Roman Empire.
Who has the doctrine with 27 short writing to clearly define Christianity?
I have the New Testament.
Who has the name given to the powerful realm with the responsibility to bring order to subordinate lands
through a system of tributary relationship?
I have China - Middle Kingdom
Who has the two developments that reduced the risk of travel and stimulated long-distance trade?
I have the construction of roads and the large imperial states that bordered one another.
Who has what was the effect Tang Taizhong had in the Tang Dynasty?
I have banditry was eliminated, the price of rice and taxes remained low, and stability and prosperity was
Who has what did Manichaeism promote?
I have dualism, a cosmic struggle between good and evil, and also an ascetic lifestyle and high ethics.
Who has how did the Han generals cause the collapse of the dynasty?
I have they usurped all the emperor's authority and allied with wealthy landowners to establish themselves as
warlords forcefully, eventually abolishing the empire completely.
Who has what dams, canals, pumps, and waterwheels are all apart of?
I have irrigation systems.
Who has the effects of increased food supplies?
I have growth of cities and emergence of a commercialized agriculture economy.
Who has the use of gunpowder by Chinese mariners?
I have small rockets to power larger ships.
Who has the peasant rebellion in 184 CE that led to the collapse of the Han dynasty?
I have the Yellow Turban rebellion.
Who has what seemed irrelevant after the Han dynasty’s collapse?
I have Confucianism.
Who has the good that went from Persia and Egypt to urban populations?
I have grain.
Who has a fine spice that came from Southeast Asia?
I have nutmeg.
Who has the term that refers generals who seized power, held it briefly, and then suddenly lost it when they
were displaced by rivals or by their mutinous troops?
I have “barracks emperors,”
Who has the themes used in Li Bai’s poems?
I have the social life in urban communities
Who has how Buddhism integrated itself in Chinese Society?
I have appealing to the masses by associating dharma with dao and wuwei to nirvana while recognizing the
importance of family life and offering salvation to the extended family
Who has the agricultural techniques that helped prepared land for cultivation?
I have use of heavy iron, harnessed oxen, and water buffaloes
Who has the name of the work that represents Heian culture?
I have the Tale of Genji.
Who has the last card? I do.