SCHOLARSHIP DEADLINES AND INFORMATION 2011 Fill out a detailed information signup sheet at and all scholarships that meet your criteria will be sent directly to an e-mail account that you choose. 4/1/2011 Long Island Center for Business and Professional Women 3 scholarships will be offered by the Long Island Center for Business and Professional Women. Each will be in the amount of $1,500. To apply: Academic Excellence Scholarship The scholarship will be awarded to a woman registered to attend a college or university on Long Island in 2011. Minimum grade point average of 95% for 4 years of high school Complete the essay of 250 words describing your goals for the future. Copy of transcript and 2 letters of recommendation Come to the Career Center for an application Community Service Scholarship Student must have been involved in a number of community service projects throughout high school. Essay of 250 words describing your projects, how you became involved in them and what you gained from the experience. Two letters of recommendation Come to the Career Center for an application 4/1/2011 New York State Society of Certified Public Accountants (NYSSCPA) Suffolk Chapter The NYSSCPA Suffolk Chapter has a program whereby they offer undergraduate accounting scholarships to qualified high school candidates. Each award will be $500. The number of awards will be based on the number of applications received and funds available. Only one application may be submitted per school. (Guidance counselor deadline for submission is May 1). To apply: You must have a B average (3.0 out of 4.0 GPA) in all previous schoolwork SAT composite score of at least 1600 Proof of acceptance as a full-time matriculated student of a NY college of university for the 2011-2012 academic year. Complete the application available in the Career Counseling Center One letter of recommendation High School Transcript Proof of SAT or ACT score, and Proof of acceptance to a NY college/university for the 2011-2012 academic year 4/1/2011 The NYBEST Agency Opportunity to Succeed Program – 2 scholarships will be awarded in the amount of $2,000. To apply: Come to the Career Counseling Center for an application or their website at Candidate must be a student in good academic standing Candidate must demonstrate financial need Candidate must be attending a post-secondary school or college Complete an essay not to exceed 650 words that explains the need for financial assistance. Include accomplishments, field of study and reason for financial assistance Scholarship II – to apply: Come to the Career Counseling center for an application or their website at Candidate must be a student in good academic standing Candidate must be interested in a career in business, health or education Candidate must be attending college Complete an essay not to exceed 650 words that explains their accomplishments, field of study and reason for pursing a career in the chosen field 4/1/2011 THE Louis Mancuso, Sr. Scholarship Two students from Nassau and/or Suffolk County will each be awarded this $1,000 scholarship. This fund has been established to provide a one-time scholarship to a senior who has a passion for aviation. Applicant must be: Enrolled in high school full time and be a graduating senior Must have applied and been accepted to an institution for continued education (either a 2 or 4 year college or a Part 61 or 141 flight school) For an application please come to the Career Counseling Center on the 2nd Floor. 4/1/2011 The Scott Weingard Memorial Scholarship This $2,000 scholarship will be awarded to a senior who has demonstrated athletic and academic achievement during their 4 years as a student. Candidate will answer the following essay question “What makes you a good candidate for this scholarship? Applications are available in the Career Counseling Center. 4/1/2011 The Cristin Bambino Scholarship The Paul Jensen Scholarship The New York Schools Insurance Reciprocal will be awarding 2 scholarships for graduating seniors. The Cristin Bambino Scholarship will be awarded on a regional basis – 5 winners will receive $3,000 scholarships and 1 winner will receive a $5,000 scholarship. To apply: Applicant must be a special education student who is college bound Must complete an essay not more than 650 words that addresses – student’s accomplishments, examples of how the student overcame his/her challenges, how the student can serve as a role model for other young people with special challenges, what the student will study in college Complete the application available in the Career Center The Paul Jensen Scholarship will be awarded to 2 individuals on a statewide basis -1 scholarship will be for $3,000 and the other for $2,000. To apply: Applicant must excel in design in his/her school career and be pursuing this in college Compete an essay not more than 650 words and explain a way they would design, or adapt an existing design for a specific purpose, how the design or adaptation could be accomplished, why the design or adaptation would be unique Complete the application available in the Career Center 4/1/2011 The Melville Lions Club – Leo Community Service Award This awarded is to Half Hollow Hills High School West Students who have made an impact on their community by demonstrating outstanding community service through volunteerism. The award will be granted to a senior enrolled in a degree granting institution of higher education or trade school. The student must have volunteered in an endeavor unrelated to employment or academic requirements The student must have demonstrated good character The applicant must demonstrate the spirit reflecting in Lionism “we serve” Priority will be given to Leos Club members but is not a requirement Submit an essay demonstrating the nature of the community service performed, the length of time applicant was engaged in that service, and what benefits gained and lessons learned from the experience. Applicant must submit a letter from either the director or the person having direct knowledge of the nature of the volunteerism. Include a personal reference as well as a teacher reference. 4/1/2011 The Robert D. Halfmann Memorial Scholarship This scholarship is awarded each year to one remarkable student who has decided to earn a college degree and pursue a career in education. The recipient must be a student or graduate of Half Hollow Hills High School West and/or a member of St. Luke Lutheran Church of Dix Hills. The scholarship award is $3,000 presented over a four year program of studies ($500 for freshman year, $500 for sophomore year, $500 for junior year and $1,500 for senior year). The recipient must remain in good standing enrolled in an accredited college or university as an education major. Any type of continuing education in any field is acceptable, i.e., ministry, counseling, school nursing, administration Preference may be given to those students who have experienced serious adversity in their lives and/or have significant financial need. In approximately 250 words please explain why you feel you would be a good candidate to receive this award. For additional information contact the pastor of St. Luke Lutheran Church. Applications can be sent directly through the g-mail website when completed Applications are available at the Career Counseling Center on the 2nd floor. 4/1/2011 Prom Guide Magazine Prom Guide is looking for a creative senior to produce a short YouTube video about their PG card. The top videos will be put on and the winner will receive a $1,000 scholarship in June 2011. To apply: Visit the website at or come to the Career Center for an application 4/1/2011 Half Hollow Hills Elementary School Citizenship/Community Service Award Students who attended Vanderbilt, Forest Park or Otsego Elementary School are eligible for a PTA sponsored scholarship which will be given out at the Awards Ceremony in May. Two students will be chosen from each school. To apply: Come to the Career Counseling Center on the 2nd floor for an application Write an essay explaining the contributions you feel you have made to the school and/or community during your high school years and why you feel you are a good candidate for this award. Essay is limited to 1 page. 4/1/2011 The Kevin J. Gildea Memorial Scholarship The 2011 Scholarship award for $1,000 will be made upon submission of a bursar’s bill for the fall 2011 semester. The applicant must be the son or daughter of a parent or guardian who works in the field of school bus transportation located within Suffolk County. The parent or guardian must have been employed by the same school district or company for at least six months prior to the application date. The employee must still be employed by the same district or company at the time of the scholarship award. The applicant must be a graduating senior from a high school located within Suffolk County with an average of 90 or higher, who will be extending his or her education or training beyond high school The completed application must be mailed to Barbara Gildea, Three Village CSD, 100 Suffolk Avenue Stony Brook, NY 11790 Applications are available in the Career Counseling Center or on their website at 4/1/2011 Greater Long Island Running Club The Herb Grayson Memorial Scholarship application is for students who have an interest in running and have been involved in service to the Long Island running community. A $2,000 U.S. savings bond will be awarded to a graduating Nassau or Suffolk County High School senior chosen on the basis of his or her involvement in service to the Long Island running community. To qualify: You must submit a paper describing your involvement in and service to the running community. Your personal running accomplishments. If you have helped to raise funds to send a team to an out-of-town meet or organized a road race or track meet for support of a local charity. This is a service oriented scholarship rather than one based on athletic accomplishments. Papers are to be a maximum of three pages in length, typed and double spaced. Provide names and contact information for two references (no relatives). Application forms are available in the Career Counseling Center. 4/3/2011 2011 High School Student Culinary Arts Competition Win an $8,000 scholarship to attend Suffolk County Community College’s Culinary Arts Programs. One senior may apply During finals participant will be required to create two plated servings of a new entrée using ingredients in a final mystery basket. Visit the website at for an application 4/6/2011 Ujima Summer Minority Internship Program Ujima is a paid internship program that is completely funded through private contributions made by local businesses, traditionally African-American civic and fraternal organizations, area churches and individuals. To apply: Must be a minority student (African-American, Native-American, Asian-American, Hispanic/Latino, Pacific Islander, etc.) who is in the top ½ of his or her class Must be a resident of the Town of Babylon Student will be enrolled in the 11th or 12th grade in September 2011 Student completes and submits an application and a typed essay to the address listed on the application by Monday April 6, 2011 no later than 4:00pm Come to the Career Counseling Center for an application or visit 4/6/2011The Dr. James LoFrese Scholarship Counselor Nominated This scholarship is in honor of Dr. James LoFrese, previous principal of Half Hollow Hills High School West. The $500 scholarship will be awarded to any student who will be pursuing a degree in the field of education. The student must be upstanding and active in school and community service. The applicant will be asked to answer the following question: Why do you think you are a good candidate for this scholarship? All applications must be returned to the appropriate guidance counselor. 4/8/2011 2011 Young Ambassadors Program This is a national interdisciplinary leadership development program for seniors. The program mission is to foster the next generation of Latino leaders in the arts, sciences and humanities via the Smithsonian Institution and its resources. Latino students with an interest and commitment to the arts sciences and humanities will be selected to travel to Washington D.C. for a week-long seminar from June 19-25, 2011. Following the training seminar, students will participate in a four-week interdisciplinary education internship in museums and other cultural institutions in their local communities. To apply: Come to the Career Center for an application Submit the application online at or by linking to the site from Provide an unofficial transcript Provide 2 letters of recommendation 4/8/2011 The Agricultural Society of Queens, Nassau and Suffolk Counties, Inc. The New York State Association of Agricultural Fairs (NYSAAF) and the New York State Show People’s Association will be giving away up to 6 $1,000 scholarships. These scholarships are open to high school seniors and New York residents already attending college. To apply: Applicants must be planning to pursue or already be pursing a degree in agriculture, an agricultural related field or a fair-management related field. Applicants will be judged on their essay, fair participation, field of study, presentation of application and academic achievements. You will be notified in June if you have been awarded a scholarship. Visit the website and download the application form. 4/8/2011 The Maria A. Sciara Scholarship This scholarship is dedicated to helping students who aspire to be teachers and might be denied the dream of a college education because of the devastating effect a mother’s cancer has on a family. This scholarship is a one-time award of $500 to a high school senior who aspires to be a teacher and resides or resided with a mother or guardian who is, or was, affected by cancer (other than breast cancer). The applicant must be enrolled in high school full time, be a graduating senior, and have applied and received acceptance to either a 2 or 4 year college or university. Applications are available in the Career Counseling Center on the 2nd floor. 4/8/2011 The Long Island 2 Day Walk to fight Breast Cancer Scholarship A one-time award of $2,500 is available to up to six high school seniors who reside with a parent, guardian or relative who is a survivor or victim of breast cancer. Applicants must submit a personal statement, one letter of recommendation, copy of transcript and proof of acceptance to a two or four-year college, university, trade or vocational school. Information and applications available at 4/8/2011 The Deborah DiSalvo-Brady Memorial Scholarship Counselor Nominated The scholarship continues the legacy of Deborah DiSalvo-Brady, a guidance counselor for the Plainedge School District. This year 2 scholarships will be awarded – 1 for $5,000 and one for $2,000 to the student in Suffolk County who receives the second most votes by the committee. The scholarship will be awarded on academic merit and the student’s demonstrated ability to overcome personal obstacles to succeed and reach this point in his or her education. The $5,000 and $2,000 Suffolk 2011 award will be open to all students in Suffolk county high schools 4/8/2011 & 5/13/2011 Mount Holyoke “Take the Lead” Counselor Nominated This is a long weekend designed for idealistic action oriented young women who want to make a difference in the world. 42 student leaders from across the country participate in fun, highly interactive workshops and activities that build leadership skills. To apply: You must be a sophomore You must be nominated by your guidance counselor or other adult mentor Submit your application online before May 13, 2011 Weekend to take place September 29 – October 2, 2011 Visit the website at: or call 413-538-3500. 4/8/2011 Western Suffolk Counselors’ Association Scholarship Counselor Nominated 10 scholarships will be awarded to graduating seniors. Counselors must be WSCA members in order to nominate a current student. To apply: Complete the WSCA Scholarship Application Complete the Volunteer Experience Resume Prepare and submit Essay Include letter from Advisor, transcript and school profile Applications are available in the Career Counseling Center (call 209-0839 if not received) 4/8/2011 Holocaust Memorial and Tolerance Center of Nassau County Friedlander Upstander Award Counselor Nominated The Memorial Center will be awarding 2 $2,500 scholarship 1 to a Nassau County and 1 to a Suffolk County student who has shown her/himself to be an Upstander against intolerance in any of its forms. This intolerance can be in form them of intervention or prevention. The award will be presented by the Clair Friedlander Family and the Police department at a special ceremony. To apply: Open to middle and high school students Must be nominated by an adult in school or community Student and nominator must complete a one-page summary explaining why the student should receive the award. Nominations may be from a teacher, guidance counselor, community leader or any adult other than parent/guardian Provide details on how the student took action against intolerance or promoted acceptance and respect within their school and/or community Come to the Career Center for an application 4/8/2011 Young Woman Achiever for Excellence in Entrepreneurship Counselor Nominated 2 young women will be honored for this award on October 20, 2011 at the Crest Hollow Country Club. To apply: You must be a JUNIOR in good academic standing Exhibit considerable accomplishment within your school and/or community at large focusing on business & entrepreneurship (developed an effective business plan for a for-profit or non-profit venture, created a business model and product for sale and distribution, engaged in effective product marketing, demonstrated financial prowess in developing a business or product, demonstrated excellence in business courses and class projects, created a product that gives back to the broader community, demonstrated a strong passion for innovation and creativity in the field of business). Come to the Career Counseling Center for an application or visit the website at Charlotte Shapiro-Lillian McCormick Young Woman Leadership Award This award will be given to a young woman who has distinguished herself as a leader in efforts to help women achieve greater equality. To apply: You must be under the age of 18, in any grade, and in good academic standing Advocated for girls within her community Made a difference in the lives of young women, through philanthropy, advocacy, or other community service efforts Faced obstacles and taken risks to pursue their goals despite the views of others Had a vision beyond her years and brought others to that vision Shown leadership and promise as a future leader for women’s causes Come to the Career Counseling Center for an application or visit the website at 4/11/2011 People to People Leadership Summit Counselor Nominated Submissions are online. Students will be notified about the program once they have been nominated. To nominate go online to lkesten and enter PIN #QMEXWH. 4/11/11Town of Huntington Hispanic Heritage Program One Junior and one Senior of Hispanic descent can be nominated for the award. Students should be starting 11th and 12 grades in the fall of 2011. The program recognizes academic and sporting achievements as well as community involvement. To apply: Come to the Career Counseling Center for an application Student must be of Hispanic descent 4/13/2011 Russell Sage College Student Sage Scholarship Counselor Nominated The Student Sage Scholarship Nomination is for an outstanding young woman from our school community. The nominee is required to be a junior who embodies the Russell Sage College motto: “To Be, To Know, To Do.” The candidate should be a leader and a powerful communicator who is involved in the school and community by serving and inspiring others. She should maintain a grade-point average of at least B+, rank in the top 25% of her class and have scored at about or above the national average on her standardized tests. The scholarship award ranges from $7,000 - $16,000. 4/15/2011 Buick Achievers Scholarship Program 100 scholarships are available for up to $25,000 per year, 1,000 scholarships at $2,000 per year both renewable for 4 years. To apply: Visit the website at Be enrolling full-time as a freshman at a 4 year college Plan to major in Science, Technology, Engineering, Math, Business Administration, Finance, Marketing or Design Are interested in a career in the automotive or related industries 4/15/2011 Irish-Americans in Government Scholarship The Irish Americans in Government is in a position to award 2 scholarships to of $1,000 2 graduating seniors in May. In addition to the requirements below you will be required to submit an essay on “The significance of the Easter 1916 Uprising and its Lessons for America” not to exceed 750 words. To apply: Must be of Irish-American ancestry and complete the application form available in the Career Center Provide your school transcript Provide 2 letters of recommendation An essay describing activities in which you have taken part and which are most significant to you and state why Include what impact your heritage has had on your life and describe any community activities and volunteer service that you have been involved in Come to the Career Counseling Center for an application or call 516-747-4770. 4/15/2011 The Grand Lodge Knights of Pythias Essay Contest “How Can I Help Go Green” The Knights of Pythias is sponsoring an essay contest for all 9th-12th grade students in New York State. To apply: Essays must be typed double-spaced or neatly hand printed, with a minimum of 150 and a maximum of 300 words. Must have cover page containing: name, telephone number, address, school name/address, teacher’s name/grade Student’s name must appear on each page of the essay For additional information come to the Career Counseling Center Winner will receive a $100 check 4/15/2011 High School Student Culinary Arts Competition Win a $4,000 scholarship to attend Suffolk County Community College’s Culinary Arts Programs. One senior may apply During finals participant will be required to create two plated servings of a new entrée using ingredients in a final mystery basket. Come to the Career Counseling Center for an application 4/15/2011 Huntington Arts Council Charlie Kaye Scholarship Fund for Percussion This is a competitive scholarship for Suffolk County seniors who are considering furthering their education in percussion. 1 award of $300 will be given. To apply: Come to the Career Counseling Center for an application Submit 3 to 5 works that demonstrate your range of proficiencies. Portfolio must be in DVD format A typed, double-spaced, one-page statement indicating the student’s desire to pursue the art scholarship competition and future goals as they relate to music. Complete the application form Visit the website at for complete details. Joan Alberti Memorial Fine Art Scholarship This is a competitive scholarship for Suffolk County seniors who are considering furthering their education in Fine Arts. 2 scholarships of $200 each will be awarded in 2011. Students who have a strong interest in visual arts and are considering studying fine arts in college are encouraged to apply for this award. To apply: 8 to 10 works that demonstrate the student’s range of proficiencies should be submitted. Required format: a portfolio of work in CD format and label medium and dimensions of all work A typed, double-spaced 1 page statement indicating the student’s desire to pursue arts and its relation to their future goals. Complete the application at 4/15/2011 Half Hollow Hills Board of Education Award This award will be given to one outstanding senior from HSW and is based upon the following criteria: Recipient must be a senior, self-nominations are permitted Recipient must have performed a noteworthy service in the community during his/her school career Recipient must exemplify outstanding character Recipient must have demonstrated a commitment to academic standards Recipient should represent the ideals and spirit of the Half Hollow Hills Central School District Application forms must be returned to the main office of HSW 4/15/2011 The Chai Center The Chai Center is offering cash prizes to 3 special volunteers in addition to 18 Certificates of Service. If you are interested in being nominated for this award please come to the Career Center for an application. To apply: Complete the application form by April 15 Include a typed paragraph describing your independent good deeds and notable community service Demonstrate why you merit consideration for this award. Statement must be a maximum of 150 words For additional information visit the website at Must be a student of Deer Park or Half Hollow Hills School Districts or Dix Hills resident 4/15/2011 The Irene Goodman Memorial Scholarship (The Mother’s Club of Wheatley Heights) The primary purpose of this scholarship is to reward students of African Ancestry (African American and Caribbean American) who exhibit exemplary commitment to academics and serving their community. Applicant must be African American Applicant must be graduating senior in good academic standing Submit an essay 1 page typed “What are your goals and aspirations”. One letter of recommendation from clergy, teacher or member of community. History of community service involvement. A GPA of 3.0 or higher Applications are available in the Career Counseling Center on the 2nd floor. 4/15/2011 Thomas Rathgaber Memorial Scholarship Fund The 1st Precinct Brotherhood Club Thomas Rathgaber Memorial Scholarship Fund will award 2 scholarships to students that exhibit effort, integrity, selflessness and leadership in the classroom and in the community. To apply: Submit a 250 word essay discussing a positive and influential role model in your life Provide acceptance to college, copy of transcript and extra-curricular sheet Must attend a High School in the confines of the 1st Precinct (Town of Babylon) or be the child of a member in good standing with the 1st Precinct Brotherhood Club, Inc. 4/15/2011 The 2010 Alexander Hamilton Citizenship Achievement Award – Juniors Only Counselor Nominated Top winners will receive a $500 cash scholarship, are promoted locally and nationally through web and traditional media outlets, and participate in a year of leadership training culminating in the Hamilton Leaders Academy -- an all-expense paid leadership week in Guatemala in 2011. We also help winners find scholarships, prepare college essays, develop strategic planning and thinking skills and enhance their awareness of Hamilton’s role in our nation’s founding. To be eligible the candidate must: Have performed his or her leadership and service activities on or after September 1, 2009 Must be a junior (11th grade) standing in a k-12 program in the U.S. Participate in service to school, community, scholastic acumen, entrepreneurial skills and personal achievement. Come to the Career Center on the 2nd floor to get an application or go online to 4/16/2010 Babylon Citizens Council on the Arts Memorial Trustee Scholarship Two awards of $250 each are given to seniors who reside with BABYLON township and plan to pursue higher education in performing, literary or visual arts. To apply: Come to the Career Center for an application. 4/16/2011 Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute CHCI will award scholarships to Latino students who have a history of performing public service-oriented activities in their communities and who plan to continue contributing in the future. Students with excellent leadership potential are encouraged to apply. There is no GPA or academic major requirement. To apply: Visit the website at to apply Demonstrate financial need Strong writing skills Consistent active participation in public and/or community service activities Full-time enrollment in a college or graduate professional program during the period for which the scholarship is requested 4/18/2011 Huntington Youth Bureau Youth Development The Donald A. Pius Scholarship Fund This scholarship is for 12 grade students to assist them in the pursuit of their college and/or vocational trade education. Applicant must demonstrate financial need. 5 scholarships will be awarded in the amount of $2,000 each. To qualify: Applicant must be a resident of Town of Huntington Applicant must be a high school senior Applicant must provide all financial information requested. Applicant must attend college or a vocational/trade school within the scholastic year following graduation. Applicant must demonstrate financial need (total household income cannot exceed 80% of medium per HUD income limits), academic performance, community activities/and or family support and good character. For an application come to the Career Counseling Center on the 2nd floor. 4/20/11 The 2011 Otto Kahn Awards In Music Scholarship Three $2,500 awards will be given to a graduating senior for a Town of Huntington High School student who will be entering college or specialized training in the fall of 2010 in the field of music, the performing arts and/or the fine arts. Applicant must provide three teacher/instructor recommendations at least one of which is in the chosen area of study. Include samples of the students work (CD, photos, tape or DVD) Submit all documents to Friends of OHEKA, 135 West Gate Drive, Huntington, NY 11743. Applications are available in the Career Counseling Center. 4/22/2011 Brookhaven National Laboratory Minority High School Apprenticeship Program Counselor Nominated This program will be offered through the US. Department of Energy for minorities who are underrepresented in the scientific professions. Selected students from Nassau/Suffolk will be accepted to participate in this 5-week program. The 2011 program will be offered from August 1-19, 2011. To apply you must: Be a U.S. citizen Be in one of the following minorities: African Ancestry, Hispanic/Latino, Native American or Pacific Islander. Students must have demonstrated potential abilities in mathematics, science, or technology and must be recommended to the program by their school faculty. Students must be in the 9th grade during the 2010-2011 academic years. Complete the application available in the Career Counseling Center Provide 3 most recent report cards and 2 recommendations from your school Include an essay using Times New Roman Font size 12 not greater than 150 explaining why you want to be part of this summer apprenticeship program. The program will be offered August 1-19, 2011 4/22/2011 2011 Student-View Scholarship Program Student Insights is sponsoring this scholarship program which is offering $6,000 in scholarships to high school seniors who plan to attend a four-year college, community/junior college or career school. One $4,000 scholarship, one $1,000 scholarships and two $500 scholarships will be awarded. To apply long on to and complete a 15-20 minute application survey about colleges in your area. No minimum SAT/ACT score or grade point average, no essay, no lengthy application forms and no application fees are required. 4/23/2011 Teachers Federal Credit Union Annual Scholarship The TFCU will award 6 seniors $1,000 each to be used toward their education. There are no scholastic criteria for these awards. To apply: Student or parent must be a member of TFCU (you can open an account for $1.00) Come to the Career Center for an application 4/26/2011 Ayn Rand Essay Contests 11-12 graders can submit a 600-1200 word essay to win up to $2,000 in prize money. Essays must demonstrate an outstanding grasp of the philosophic and psychological meaning of the book: The Fountainhead. Students submit their essays online at 4/22/2011 2011 ASSET Scholarship ASSET may award a total of 8 $1,500 scholarships as a single one-time payout. All awards will be paid to those finalists upon receipt of a valid tuition bill for the semester of study. The candidate must be graduating on or before June 2011 and intend to enter an area of study in which technology plays an important role. To apply: Complete the application form online at Provide an official transcript Two letters of recommendation – 1 from a district professional and 1 from outside the school Submit the student essay describing your experiences with technology that are helpful to your future plans, how you plan on using technology in your future occupation, why the scholarship would be helpful to you and why you should be selected. 4/29/2011 NextGen Engineering Scholarship Northrop Grumman will offer five $10,000 scholarships to outstanding high school seniors on Long Island. Scholarships will be worth $2,500 per year per student over 4 years. To be eligible, students must attend an accredited college or university as a full-time student in the fall of 2011, and enroll in an engineering program. Must plant to attend an accredited 4-year college as a full time student in Engineering, applied Math/Statistics or computer Science Must have a minimum composite SAT score of 1900 (700 Math, 600 Critical Reading, 600 Writing) or composite ACT score of 28 (with Math and Science scores of 30 or better) Come to the Career Center for an application For more details visit the website at 4/29/11 SOAR Extraordinary Citizen Award A $250 monetary award will be presented at High School East and West to one outstanding individual. To qualify: You must be someone who exhibits exceptional compassion for persons with developmental disabilities Have a positive attitude to all students regardless of diversity and disability Have a minimum of 40 hours per year of community service working with people with developmental disabilities Send an essay of 100 words or less describing how this experience has impacted your life. Return all the above to the Guidance Office no later than 4/29. 4/29/2011 Suffolk County American Legion Poster and Essay Contest This contest is offered to all eligible students. Prizes in the form of a United States Savings Bond will be awarded to winners in each grade category at the conclusion of the contest. Winners will be invited to attend the Suffolk County American Legion Annual Convention in June 2011. To apply: Complete an essay on “The Bill of Rights (First Ten Amendments) of the Constitution and What It Means to All Americans” Must be in 6-12 grade and enrolled in an accredited school Sixth through ninth Grade must write 200 words or more Tenth through Twelfth Grade must write 500 words or more 81/2 by 11” white paper, typed or neatly handwritten, black or blue ink ONE side of paper only Cover Sheet must include: Contestant’s name and grade; school and grade; teacher’s name and subject, teacher’s contact telephone number Submit entries to: Bob Santo, 16 Todd Court, Huntington Station, NY 11746. 631-673-8704 U.S. savings bonds will be awarded to the winners 4/29/2011 Italian Genealogical Group Scholarship This is a $1,000 scholarship for students who are studying the Italian Language or culture. To apply: Must be studying Italian language or history in school Submit an original grammatically correct, typed (double-spaced, 12 point font) essay of between 500750 words showing evidence of Italian family history research Submit a family tree of 4 generations (including yourself) Complete the application available in the Career Center Include a letter of recommendation from your Italian teacher or counselor attesting to your character 4/30/2011 ScholarshipExperts All About Education Scholarship 2011 This scholarship is open to students age 13 or older. One award will be presented in the amount of $3,000. Visit the website at Complete the application and include name, contact information, background details, academic details. Write a short (250 words maximum) original previously unpublished written response to the topic “Tell us what you think about the following statement: The key to fixing our nation is all about education”. The award will be payable in the form of a check to the accredited postsecondary institution. 4/30/2011 The Sparklers Scholarship Program This program will make available over $3,500 to be awarded to 2009 graduates of the school districts hosting the Sparklers program. To be eligible: The graduate must have been in the Sparkler program for one season Submit a short essay on their twirling experience Submit an application Plan to continue education beyond high school Come to the Career Counseling Center for an application 4/30/2011College Peas – Standout Student College Scholarship This $500 scholarship will be awarded to a high school student who has something special that makes them different from their peers – any activity that other teenagers don’t typically do. To apply: You must be a high school senior and intend to enroll full-time at a 4-year college Have a minimum GPA of 2.0/4.0 Submit a short essay describing a special skill, talent or interest that helps you standout from your peers. The essay should be no longer than 100 words Apply on line at 4/30/2011 West End Retired Teachers Association The West End Retired Teachers Association will be awarding two $500 scholarships to two graduating seniors who are planning to the field of education and attend school in the Town of Huntington or Islip. To apply: Come to the Career Center for an application Applicant must have a cumulative average of at least a “B” Support the need for financial assistance Have provided service to school and community Intend to pursue a career in education 4/30/2011 The Steven M. Perez Foundation Scholarship This scholarship is awarded to a student who has lost a member of their immediate family to Leukemia and related cancers. Leukemia patients who have survived these diseases and are now college-bound graduating seniors will also qualify. To apply: Provide medical certification Counselor recommendation Essay which includes your connection to leukemia Come to the Career Counseling Center for an application or visit 4/30/2011 The Will to Win Scholarship These scholarships will be granted to outstanding high school seniors, disciplined, determined and successful in managing asthma and pursuing a degree in higher education. 10 $5,000 scholarships are available in the following categories: Performing Arts, Visual Arts, Community Service, Athletics and Science. Applicants must demonstrate outstanding performance in one of the above categories Document a track record of achievements relevant to entry category Hold a minimum cumulative grade point average of 3.5 on a 4.0 scale Have received at least one award related to their entry category. Must be a U.S. citizen Be accepted to an accredited US college Be enrolled in college in the fall 2011 semester Complete the application (available in the Career Counseling Center) with an official high school transcript, letter of support, story of excellence and copy of award in area of entry category. 4/30/2011 FIDM National Scholarship Competition The National Scholarship Competition program awards over $150,000 in scholarships as well as other scholarship available to students. Through this competition six students who demonstrate an exceptional talent and interest in Fashion Design, Visual Communications, Interior Design, Digital Media, Fashion Merchandising or Graphic Design will each win a one-year scholarship to attend FIDM. To apply: Visit the Web Site 4/30/2011 Student Paths Education Award Student winners will be chosen once per month based on Pathsport Activity and will be awarded $1,000. School winners will be chosen once per month on having 20 students active in the Pathsport. The school will be awarded $200. Pathsport provides information on colleges and post secondary schools. You must first log on to their website to be considered for the Education Award. This is a monthly award through Pathsport. To apply: Visit the website and complete the application page Students must be in grades 9-12 Remain a member of the website – appropriate information will be sent to you via e-mail depending on the application form you complete. A minimum of 20 students must be active on the website in order for one to be chosen 5/1/2011 At Mother’s Gift Scholarship Program The Summer Hope Foundation supports the fight against cancer. They are offering 3 seniors aid toward the cost of college. The scholarship will be awarded via the Annie Alahverdian Fund for Mother’s with Cancer. Award recipients, will receive a one time $1,000 scholarship. To apply: Your family must have been personally touched by cancer You must be a senior and reside in Nassau or Suffolk County Complete an essay not to exceed 1,000 words describing how your life has been affected by cancer Complete the application form Come to the Career Center for an application form. 5/1/2011 The Lawrence Madeiros Scholarship This $1,000 scholarship will be awarded to 6 high school seniors living with a chronic disorder or a bleeding disorder and planning to continue their education at an accredited college or university. To apply: Visit the website at Come to the Career Counseling Center for an application Complete the application and character reference Include your transcript, SAT scores, recent photo, letters of recommendation 5/1/2011 Lawrence Technological University Award for Excellence in Science and Mathematics This 9th annual award is an $8,000 scholarship which recognizes 11th grade students for outstanding academic achievement. One winner will be chosen. The award includes an $8,000 Lawrence Tech Scholarship ($2,000 per year, renewable for four years), which the recipient may apply toward any of over 30 undergraduate programs. To apply: Student must be a JUNIOR in 2010/2011 Complete at least one year of chemistry or physics and 2 years of college preparatory math courses with distinction by June 2011. Be an active and responsible citizen of the school and community 5/1/2011 Positive Coaching Alliance (PCA) The 23010 Triple-Impact Competitor Scholarship Program sponsored by Deloitte and the Thrives Foundation for Youth will honor exemplary student-athletes. Come to the Career Center for an application Must be a current junior Minimum GPA 2.5 Visit the website at 2 boys and 2 girls will receive a $1,000 scholarship 5/1/2011 ASM International Two scholarships will be offered to qualified graduates of a secondary school who are interested in pursuing careers in materials science or materials engineering. These scholarships are worth $500 per year for 4 years. The student must plan to enter a four-year academic program that leads to a degree with a major in a materials-related field – specifically metals, alloys, ceramics, polymers, composites. Applications are available in the Career Counseling Center Candidates must have a stated interest in pursuing an education that leads to a career principally in materials science, engineering or technology. Student will submit a brief paragraph stating their interesting such studies. Student must have good academic performance 5/2/2011 The Long Island Game Farm Stanley and Susan Novak Memorial Scholarship This is a $1,000 scholarship established to encourage and assist LI students in the pursuit of degrees in veterinary medicine or environmental science and will be presented to a graduating LI senior who plans on attending a two-year (or greater) college or university program immediately following graduation. To apply complete the application available in the Career Counseling Center with two confidential letters of recommendation, high school enrollment verification form and high school transcript. Return completed form to your guidance counselor. 5/2/2011 PWGC 2011 Scholarship Program P.W. Grosser Consulting (PWGC) is offering 1 $750 scholarship and 2 $500 Environmental & Engineering Scholarships to students who plan to major in one of the Sciences or Engineering. To apply: Student must have a B average or higher Plan to major in one of the Sciences or Engineering (Geology, Hydrogeology, Biology, Earth Science, Environmental Studies, Chemistry, Physics, Environmental Engineering, Civil Engineering, Science or other related studies) Complete the PWGC Application form (available in the Career Counseling Center on the 2nd floor) Document illustrating relevant field of study Document of grade point average Complete 500 word essay on one of the following topics: Barack Obama’s Alternative Energy Plan, Carbon Footprint, Organic Pollution on Long Island – specific questions on these topics appear on the application form. Come to the Career Counseling Center for an application. 5/4/2011 National Youth Leadership Forum on Law and Crime Scene Investigation Counselor Nominated Applicants who require financial assistance may request a copy of the Forum’s student fundraising guide. The Youth Leadership organization has established a scholarship fund to assist nominees who wish to participate. These scholarships are based on financial need, scholastic merit, leadership achievements and other factors. The application and guide can be found at using nominator ID 5012822003216952. 5/5/2011 Ayn Rand Essay Contests 11-12 graders can submit a 700-1,500 word essay to win up to $3,000 in prize money. Essays must demonstrate an outstanding grasp of the philosophic and psychological meaning of the book: We the Living. Students submit their essays online at 5/6/2011 Right Start Scholarship Program Custom Computer Specialists, Inc. will be offering 10, $3,000 scholarships to any senior who plans on attending a higher education institution in the fall of 2011. Applicants will be evaluated on their level of academic achievement, the content of the application, essay and the quality of their recommendation letter. To apply: Visit to download the application or Come to the Career Counseling Center for a copy All entries must be typed double-spaced in English Contestants may not identify themselves, their schools, cities or state within their essay The letter of recommendation must be sent as a separate document The application form must be attached to the essay and not sent as a separate document Winners will be announced on in mid July 5/9/2011 The Grand Lodge Knights of Pythias Annual Poster Contest This contest is open to all students of Public High Schools in New York State. To apply: Posters may be on any color cardboard (14 inches by 22 inches uniformly, no exceptions Any two dimensional medium may be used (computer graphics, photography, stenciling, drawing, printing, etc) On the front of the poster, hear the bottom, in letters not over ¼ inch high, must appear the following “Sponsored by the Fraternal Order of the Knights of Pythias” Subjects: Don’t Be A Bully, Be A Friend OR Volunteer – Make a Difference In Your Community Winners will be contacted and entered in a national contest for a chance at a larger prize 1st place - $125 check; 2nd place - $75 check; 3rd place - $50 check For additional information come to the Career Counseling Center 5/13/2011 The Grand Lodge Knights of Pythias Annual Achievement Awards One student from High School West chosen by the advisory board, who has shown extraordinary involvement in community affairs, volunteer work, or some other worthy extra-curricular activity would receive an appropriate award. For full details: E-mail Ronald Klare at 5/13/2011 Bethpage Federal Credit Union Foundation 2010 Scholarship Program – Dollars For College Bethpage Federal Credit Union will award 10 scholarships of $1,000 each to qualifying HS Seniors who plan to attend a college or university. To apply: Come to the Career Counseling Center for an Application Applicant must have an affiliation to the Credit union either as a member or have an immediate family member who is Must have a weighted average of 85 or 3.0 on a scale of 1-4. Include transcript Submit one letter of recommendation from a non family member Provide a listing of extra curricular activities Submit an essay addressing a turning point or the most important moment of your life so far in 300-500 words double spaced and typed The Credit Union must receive a copy of the acceptance letter from your college 5/16/2011 BP America BP America is providing $1,500 scholarships to a limited number of high school seniors. To apply: Visit the website at and complete the application form The applicant must be entering a 2 or 4 year college as a full-time student in 2011 Must demonstrate financial need Work history, and community involvement will also be considered 5/23/2011 County of Suffolk Police Department The Suffolk County Police Department is offering enrollment in their Youth Police Academy. This session will be held July 18 – 22 at the Suffolk County Police Academy located at the Suffolk Community College Brentwood Campus. The week-long program includes some of the same classroom and physical training the police recruits experience and is well-suited for those with an interest in criminal justice. To apply: Complete the application form available in the Career Counseling Center Include a teacher recommendation with endorsement of the application by the school principal Must be able to participate in physical fitness activities Must be able to participate in a structured well disciplined program 5/27/2011 Student Award Search Aid – The B. Davis Scholarship The Student Award Search Aid site is offering this scholarship to help students who visit their site. The scholarship is available to all high school juniors and seniors. To apply: Include your name and the school you are now attending this year and next Tells us what your future academic plans are Do no sent transcripts or letters of recommendation at this time Submissions must be sent by email to Write an essay of less than 1,000 words on the following topic: “Discuss, in less than 1,000 words, what you consider to be the single most important societal problem of our day? Why?”. For full details about this scholarship visit the website at 5/27/2011 Power to Learn Delete Cyber Bullying Contest Think about the consequences of cyber bullying then create a message that encourages your friends and classmates to click with kindness. Apply online at Be a student in grade 9-11 Grade prize: Viewsonic G-Tablet with 10” Multi-TouchScreen; First Prize: Microsoft XBOX 360 game console Second Prize: HD Flip Camera; Third Prize: Zune HD 16GB Video MP3 player Send an original poster and/or Send a Public Service announcement video 5/31/2011 Student Paths Education Award Student winners will be chosen once per month based on Pathsport Activity and will be awarded $1,000. School winners will be chosen once per month on having 20 students active in the Pathsport. The school will be awarded $200. Pathsport provides information on colleges and post secondary schools. You must first log on to their website to be considered for the Education Award. This is a monthly award through Pathsport. To apply: Visit the website and complete the application page Students must be in grades 9-12 Remain a member of the website – appropriate information will be sent to you via e-mail depending on the application form you complete. A minimum of 20 students must be active on the website in order for one to be chosen 5/31/2011 InLikeMe Scholarship – Essay Contest InLikeMe is a student aid resource hub offering an essay contest to high school Juniors and Seniors. The award for first prize is $1,000, additional prizes will also be awarded. To apply select one of the following topics: Describe your involvement in a school or community activity in which you made a positive contribution. What did you accomplish, and why was it meaningful to you? (250 – 500 words) Based on your personal experiences, describe what leadership means to you. Elaborate on an experience where you utilized your leadership qualities, explaining what personal attributes you utilized in achieving a desired outcome. What did you learn from this experience? (250-500 words) Describe an interest or talent you have, and explain how you incorporated that interest or talent into a significant activity? Why is it meaningful to you? (250 -500 words). Applicant must be in 11th or 12th grade All entries must be submitted no later than May 31, 2011on-line at Winners will be notified by mail by July 31, 2011 6/1/2011 Huntington Marine Corps League Scholarships The Marine Corps is offering 2 scholarships to high school students that are graduating in 2009. To apply: Candidates must be a resident of the town of Huntington. This award will be granted annually in the amount of $500 over the course of four years upon successful completion of each academic year for a total award of $2,000. The George Toop award in the amount of $250 will be granted on a one time basis upon the successful completion of the first academic year. Candidate must be a son, daughter, grandson, granddaughter or sibling of a former marine that was honorably discharged or a marine currently serving honorably Candidate must plan on attending an accredited college/university upon their graduation from high school Candidate must submit a 200-300 word essay on the topic – “America, home of the free, because of the brave” 6/18/2011 CIPE Youth Essay Contest The Center for International Private Enterprise invites young people 18-30 years old to apply for a $1,000 honorarium in either first, second or third place. Applicants are encouraged to share their ideas on how to create opportunities for youth to strengthen democracy and the private sector in their own countries. To apply: Visit the website at to fill out the application form Complete an essay of 1,000-3,000 words in length on one or more of the following categories: democracy that delivers, entrepreneurship and society, women and participation Winners till be announced in the fall of 2011 6/18/2011 Abbott and Fenner Scholarship Program Abbott & Fenner are committed to continuing their efforts at helping those who have the desire and ambition to succeed. The winner of this annual scholarship will receive their award within 2 weeks of the listed deadline. All applicants should include their full name and mailing address with their submissions. 2 $1,000 scholarships will be awarded. To apply visit the web site at You must be a high school junior or senior or currently registered in any accredited post secondary institution You must be between 16 and 30 years old You must answer the following question in essay form “What have you done outside the classroom that demonstrates qualities sought after by universities or other educational facilities? Of these, which means the most to you? Essay must be between 500 and 1,000 words Submissions must be sent by email to 6/23/2011 The BigSun Scholarship The BigSun Organization continues to help young athletes succeed in their academic pursuits. This is a $500 scholarship that will be presented to a deserving student. To apply: All student athletes are eligible regardless of the sport Must be a high school senior Visit the website at for an application 6/30/2011 Student Paths Education Award Student winners will be chosen once per month based on Pathsport Activity and will be awarded $1,000. School winners will be chosen once per month on having 20 students active in the Pathsport. The school will be awarded $200. Pathsport provides information on colleges and post secondary schools. You must first log on to their website to be considered for the Education Award. This is a monthly award through Pathsport. To apply: Visit the website and complete the application page Students must be in grades 9-12 Remain a member of the website – appropriate information will be sent to you via e-mail depending on the application form you complete. A minimum of 20 students must be active on the website in order for one to be chosen 6/30/2011 ScholarshipExperts the Do-Over Scholarship 2011 This $1,000 scholarship is offered to any student age 13 and older, 3 awards will be offered. To apply: Visit the website at The application must include name and contact information, background details, academic details. Provide a short original, previously unpublished written response to: “If you could give any celebrity or famous person a do-over, who would you give it to and why? Must be written in English with correct spelling and grammar and not exceed 250 words. Scholarship will be in the form of a check made payable to the accredited postsecondary institution. 7/1/2011 2011 Hispanic Heritage Youth Awards The Hispanic Heritage Youth Awards offers educational grants up to $3,000 in several categories to qualified high school juniors. The 2010 categories are: Engineering and Math, Education, Community Service, Business, Science and Leadership. To apply: You must be a JUNIOR Plant o attend college in the 2011 Fall Semester Be of Hispanic/Latino descent (at least one parent) Minimum 3.0 GPA (on a 4.0 scale) or 7.5 (on a 10.0 scale) Willing to travel at own cost to the awards ceremony in your selected region Visit the website at to apply 7/31/2011 ScholarshipExperts “I Was Born in 1994” Scholarship This scholarship is open to students who were born in 1994 only. The award amount is $1,994. To apply: Visit the website at Application must include name and contact information, background details, academic details. Respond (250 words maximum) “What is unique about students born in 1994? Explain.” Written response must be in English with correct spelling and grammar. Award will be in the form of a check payable to the accredited postsecondary institution attended by the scholarship prize recipient. 8/31/2011 ScholarshipExperts “I Was Born in 1995” Scholarship This scholarship is open to students who were born in 1995 only. The award amount is $1,995. To apply: Visit the website at Application must include name and contact information, background details, academic details. Respond (250 words maximum) “Share something we might not know about students born in 1995? Written response must be in English with correct spelling and grammar. Award will be in the form of a check payable to the accredited postsecondary institution attended by the scholarship prize recipient. 10/7/2011 AES Engineers Scholarship AES is pleased to be able to continue offering scholarships to motivated students to help in the furthering of their education. Scholarships are intended for future leaders across a wide spectrum of fields of study. This $500 award is available to a high school senior and all students attending a post secondary educational facility. To apply: Students must submit an essay of no more than 1,000 words in answer to one of the following questions: 1. If you had the authority to change your school in a positive way, what specific changes would you make? 2. How has your family background affected the way you see the world? Submit your essay to : Include your full name and the name of the school you are attending as well as your plans for 2011/2012. 9/30/2011 ScholarshipExperts Shout It Out Scholarship 2011 This scholarship is open to students age 13 or older. 3 awards will be offered in the amount of $1,000 each. To apply: Visit the website at Application must include name, contact information, background details, academic details. Provide a maximum 250 word response to “If you were given a 60-second appearance on a late-night talk show, what would you shout out? Awards will be payable in the form of a check to the postsecondary institution. 10/31/2011 ScholarshipExperts Education Matters Scholarship 2011 This scholarship is open to students 13 years or older. One award will be offered in the amount of $3,000. To apply: Visit the website at Complete the application including name, contact information, background details, academic details. In 250 words maximum respond to “What would you say to someone who thinks education doesn’t matter, or that college is a waste of time and money?” The scholarship will be in the form of a check payable to the accredited postsecondary institution. 11/30/2011 ScholarshipExperts I Was Born in 1996 Scholarship This scholarship is open to any student born in 1996. One award will be offered in the amount of $1,996. Visit the website at Complete the application including name, contact information, background details, academic details. In 250 words maximum respond to “You were born in 1996. Tell us what will e going on in your life in 2026. The scholarship will be in the form of a check payable to the accredited postsecondary institution. 12/31/2011 ScholarshipExperts Top Ten List Scholarship 2011 This scholarship is open to any student 13 years or older. 3 awards of $1,000 will be provided. To apply: Visit the website at Complete the application including name, contact information, background details, academic details. In 250 words maximum respond to “Create a list of your 10 favorite books and what they have taught you. The scholarship will be in the form of a check payable to the accredited postsecondary institution. 12/31/2011 Cappex High School Innovator of the Year Scholarship 1 $5,000 scholarship will be awarded. For full details of this scholarship and to apply you must: Visit the website at 12/31/2011 Cappex Lead With Your Heart Scholarship 1 $5,000 scholarship will be awarded. For full details of this scholarship and to apply you must: Visit the website at 12/31/2011 Cappex Promoter Scholarship 1 $1,000 scholarship will be awarded. For full details of this scholarship and to apply you must: Visit the website at INDIVIDUAL SCHOOL SCHOLARSHIPS ADVANTAGE NEW YORK AT MASSACHUSETTS COLLEGE OF LIBERAL ARTS: Resident NY high school seniors who are academically gifted may qualify for this program and save up to $34,000 over four years. Criteria include, but are not limited to, minimum high school grade point average, SAT/ACT requirements and completion of specific college preparatory courses. No additional application is required. Students will be notified of the tuition reduction award at the time of acceptance. 200 new students can qualify each year. Students are encouraged to apply for admission early and, once accepted, submit their enrollment deposit in a timely manner in order to guarantee the ANY reduction. More information available at ALBRIGHT COLLEGE, Reading, PA – Albright offers a variety of scholarships and awards to entering students. All scholarships are renewable for full-time study on Albright’s campus, provided the recipient maintains the required grade point average. In order to be considered for scholarships, students must apply for admission to Albright before March 1, 2011. More information is available at: ALFRED UNIVERSITY, Alfred, NY – Many scholarships are available to incoming freshmen. For a complete scholarship listing visit: Lelia E. Tupper Writing Scholarship – The first-place winner will be awarded a scholarship of $1,000 for each of the four years at Alfred University provided he or she enters the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences and maintains a minimum of 3.0 GPA each year. Information is available at:, or call the English Department at Alfred University English Division at (607) 871-2256 Deadline: January 1, 2011 winner notified March 31, 2011. BENTLEY UNIVERSITY, Waltham, MA Bentley is proud to sponsor their 5th annual Tomorrow 25 competition a leadership program designed to honor 25 high achieving high school juniors who are involved in community and leadership. For more information visit BRANDEIS UNIVERSITY, Waltham, MA - A variety of merit scholarships are awarded to incoming freshmen. All scholarships are renewable for four years, provided scholars maintain a minimum cumulative grade-point average of 3.25 and remain in good standing. To be considered for a scholarship, a student must submit the CSS/PROFILE, available at Even those students from families with strong financial resources are encouraged to file the CSS/PROFILE; many scholarship holders at Brandeis report family incomes of $100,000 or more. For more information visit the website at: SUNY BROCKPORT, Brockport, NY - Academic Scholarships - Various scholarships are being awarded to incoming freshmen. Awards are based on academics, SAT scores and GPA, and are renewable for four years. No separate scholarship application is necessary, but students are encouraged to apply early for consideration. Visit the scholarship office web site at for a complete list of the scholarships offered by SUNY Brockport. BROOKLYN COLLEGE - CUNY, Brooklyn, NY – Several types of scholarships are available and selection is based on any of the following: financial need, merit, and/or participation in co-curricular and community activities. Scholarships and awards vary from partial tuition to up to $4,000 per year. Applications and information are available online at Deadline: January 14, 2011. BUFFALO STATE UNIVERSITY, Buffalo, NY - The History and Social Studies Education Department provides awards to students who have demonstrated excellence in their major, in student teaching, and in historical research and writing. Twelve scholarships or awards are available for majors. Buffalo State administers more than 100 scholarships for students demonstrating outstanding leadership qualities, academic abilities and/or financial need. Contact the Scholarship Office or more information or log onto the website at CARNEGIE MELLON UNIVERSITY, Pittsburgh, PA - Various scholarships are awarded to incoming freshmen. All awards are based on outstanding academic merit and are renewable for four years. Financial need is not a requirement. Students are encouraged to apply for admission before January 1, 2011. For more information visit: CLARK UNIVERSITY, Worcester, MA – Clark University offers a range of scholarships to students who have distinguished themselves through academic achievement, leadership, or by demonstrating outstanding potential. These awards are given to first year students without regard to a family’s demonstrated financial need. COLLEGE OF MISERICORDIA, Dallas, PA – Scholarships include awards for academic achievement or leadership and are also available for majors in which graduates are in high demand. College awards include grants of $500-$5,000 each academic year for financially needy students. For additional funding opportunities, call the Financial Aid Office at 866-262-6363. CONNECTICUT COLLEGE, New London, CT – On November 8-10 the Admission office will be hosting Explore 2009 a multicultural program for underrepresented students and those interested in issues of diversity, who might e interested in applying to Connecticut College. For more information on the program logon to CUNY QUEENS COLLEGE, Flushing, NY – Time2000 A Math-Teaching Program – This is a full-time undergraduate program specially designed for students who would like to become secondary school mathematics teacher. Time2000 will admit up to 30 members of the fall freshmen class. Applicants should have received at least a B average in each high school mathematics course, have a cumulative grade-point average of at least B, and have taken four years of college preparatory mathematics. They also should have a special interest in and a commitment to the teaching of mathematics, and should be highly recommended by their mathematics teacher or chair. The Time2000 offers participants full tuition. For further information contact Dr. Alice Artzt at 718-9975277, or email More information available at Deadline: March 1, 2011. UNIVERSITY OF CONNECTICUT, Storrs, CT – A series of renewable scholarships are available for students with a record of high academic achievement and leadership. For more information visit: FASHION INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY – SUNY, New York City, NY –The Presidential Scholars Program – This program offers academically gifted students an opportunity to nurture intellectual interests through creative instruction and educational enhancements. Presidential Scholars are also extended special privileges: priority registration, housing in one of FIT’s residence halls, and an annual merit stipend of $500. Competitive admission to this program is based on SAT scores, and high school GPA. Application available at: Deadline: March 19, 2011. FIVE TOWNS COLLEGE, Dix Hills, NY – Students may be eligible for a full or partial scholarship in any of the following areas: Elementary Education, Mass Communication, Music Performance, and Theatre Arts. Call for information at 631-424-7000 X 2110 GIRL SCOUT SCHOLARSHIPS – various scholarships for recipients of the Girl Scout Gold Award at specific colleges (i.e., Hofstra, CW Post, RPI, St. Thomas Aquinas) as well as scholarships awarded by local councils. For more information, please visit the website at INDIANA UNIVERSITY – Automatic Academic Scholarships – students are automatically considered when they apply for admission and no separate application is required. They are renewable four years of study at IU by maintaining a 3.0 GPA and range in total value from $8,000 - $36,000 over four years. The scholarships are Excellence, Distinction, Prestige and Recognition. Deadline November 1, 2010, February 1 and March 1, 2011.Visit the website at INDIANA UNIVERSITY, Bloomington, IN – The Robert A. and Sandra S. Borns Jewish Studies Program – This program awards five scholarships totaling $23,000 for incoming freshmen committed to pursuing a major or an area certificate in Jewish Studies at Indiana University. Students should have a minimum GPA of 3.4 as well as a record of outstanding academic and extracurricular achievement. More information available at: Deadline: March 6, 2011. IONA COLLEGE, New Rochelle, NY – Presidential and Dean’s scholarships offer incoming freshmen an opportunity to become a part of Iona’s prestigious honors program and receive a scholarship ranging from $17,500 to full tuition. For more information visit Deadline: December 1, 2011. ITHACA COLLEGE, Ithaca, NY - Park Scholar Award - The Park School of Communications awards up to twenty scholarships to students who have demonstrated academic and creative achievement in the communications field and involvement in extracurricular and community service activities. Applicants are required to submit a completed application to the Park School of Communications as well as an essay, resume, and three letters of recommendation. Scholarships will cover the full cost of attendance and are renewable for up to four years. Information is available at Deadline: January 15, 2011. For more information visit ISLAND DRAFTING TECHNICAL INSTITUTE, Amityville, NY – 3 $2,500 scholarships available for each high school to honor students who plan to enroll in the daytime session Associate Degree program in Computer Aided Drafting and Design or Electronic and Computer Service Technology. Students must be nominated through the guidance office. Counselors should encourage interested students to make an interview appointment with Steve Rothenberg, 631-691-8733 x13, where they can discuss more information about the scholarship. LONG ISLAND UNIVERSITY C. W. POST - Brookville, NY – The Honors Program and Merit Fellowship Scholarship – This program is for qualified students in every major. Eligible students may receive up to a maximum of $2,000 per year. Students receiving awards must participate in the Honors Program and Merit Fellowship as a condition of the scholarship. Additional C.W. Post scholarships are available at: JOHNSON & WALES UNIVERSITY, Charlotte, NC – National High School Chef of the Year – More than $900,000 in scholarships will be awarded to this year’s Chef of the Year contest winners. All completed entries must be postmarked or received via e-mail by March 3, 2011. For more information about the contest details or guidelines, please contact the J & W Charlotte Admissions Office at 1-866-598-2427 or visit MOLLOY COLLEGE, Rockville Centre, NY – Various scholarships are available to those attending the college. For an application to the college, please come to the Career Counseling Center on the 2nd floor or go to the website at Application deadline March 1, 2011. RADFORD UNIVERSITY, Presidential Scholarships, 3.5 GPA or higher and 1180 SAT on critical reading and math sections or 26 ACT composite. Academic Excellence Scholarships – 3.5 GPA or higher and 1200 SAT on the critical reading and math sections or 27 ACT composite. Dean’s Scholarships – 3.2 GPA or higher and 1050 SAT on the critical reading and math sections or 23 ACT composite. Visit the website at RIDER UNIVERSITY, Lawrenceville, NJ – Academic Scholarships: students must have a minimum GPA of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale, SAT score of 1000, or ACT score of 21. Students apply regularly to the university—no separate scholarship application is required. Scholarship awards range from $6,000$18,000 annually. Acting Scholarships: full tuition scholarships are available to two full-time freshmen who possess exceptional theatrical talent and plan to major or minor in theater at Rider. Prospective students should contact the Fine Arts Department at 609-896-5168. Athletic Scholarships: available to students who demonstrate exceptional skill and ability in one of Rider’s 20 Division I intercollegiate sports. Award values vary; students should contact the Athletics Department at 609-896-5054. UNIVERSITY OF ROCHESTER, Rochester, NY – The university offers a variety of merit scholarships to acknowledge students who have achieved academic excellence and bring unique attributes to the institution. While there is no separate application for merit scholarships, earlier deadlines and more detailed admissions application materials are required. For specific requirements visit SUFFOLK COMMUNITY COLLEGE, SELDEN, BRENTWOOD AND RIVERHEAD, NY SCC is offering over 100 scholarships to new students. Come to the Career Counseling Center for more information or visit the website at SUNY OSWEGO, Oswego, NY – Over $2,500,000 in Presidential and Merit Scholarships will be awarded to students entering SUNY Oswego. For more information visit ST LAWRENCE UNIVERSITY – Presidential Diversity Scholarships – This is an $80,000 scholarship ($20,000 a year for four years) and awarded to students of African American Asian American, Hispanic American or Native American heritage on the basis of academic achievement leadership and service to community. Complete the St. Lawrence University application and a supplemental essay of 200 to 500 words responding the following: Describe an experience you have had that has led you to value diversity. Apply online at SUSQUEHANNA UNIVERSITY, Selinsgrove, PA – The University recognizes students for outstanding academic achievement personal accomplishments and/or musical talent regardless of financial need. Scholarships are renewable annually and range from $4,000 to $64,000 over four years. To learn more about Susquehanna visit the website at THE AMERICAN MUSICAL AND DRAMATIC ACADEMY: is a nationally accredited institution offering full-time degree and conservatory programs in acting and musical theatre in Manhattan and Hollywood. AMDA graduates work extensively on Broadway, Off-Broadway, in regional theatre, national and international tours, as well as in major film and television projects. Students must be nominated for this scholarship. Please see Maryann in the Career Center for application and nomination information. Nominated students will be contacted by AMDA to schedule an audition and discuss the application process. For additional information, visit THE UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS AT DALLAS, Dallas, TX – The Eugene McDermott Scholars Program selects 16 to 20 students each year from the nation’s top few percent of high school seniors on the basis of their academic, service and leadership achievements. These students are brought to the to UT to receive the award which is valued at $130,000 and includes tuition, book allowances, living stipends, cultural experiences and support for professional preparation and travel study expenses. To apply your SAT/ACT scores should be at or above the 97th percentile and be in the top 5% of your class. Visit the website at by November 1, December 6 or January 6, 2011 for regular deadline. TULANE UNIVERSITY, New Orleans, LA – Tulane offers one of the most generous and substantial aid programs. Through university-funded grants and scholarships, Tulane awarded almost $75 million in financial aid in 2007. Visit for more information. Students must apply to the school by January 15, 2011 for consideration. Additional questions about financial aid can be answered by calling 800-873-9283. UNITED STATES MARINE CORPS, Garden City, NY – Naval Reserve Officer Training Corps (NROTC) Marine Option Program – This scholarship is valued at $150,000 and offers each student seeking service in the Marine Corps as an officer and leader of Marines the ability to attend college, receive a degree, and gain invaluable leadership experience. The NROTC scholarship is outlined at WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY, St. Louis, MO – The Academic Scholarship and Fellowship Programs offer financial assistance based solely on academic achievement. These awards range from annual awards of $2,500 to half-tuition scholarships with annual stipends. Students can apply for the academic scholarships and fellowships that match their circumstances and academic interests. To download the applications, visit Deadline: January 15, 2011. Students may also apply for need-based financial assistance. WESTMINISTER COLLEGE: students apply to Westminster and are automatically considered for scholarships. Based on merit without consideration to financial need. Vance Honors Scholarship: min GPA of 3.75, or in top 10% of class with minimum of 1300 SAT or a 29 ACT. $19,000 annually renewable scholarship. Trustees’ Scholarship: min SAT combined score of 1200 or ACT of 27 and min GPA of 3.7. $17,000 annually renewable scholarship. President’s Scholarship: min 4.0 GPA. $16,000 annually renewable scholarship. Tower Scholarship: min 3.5 GPA, top 25% of class. $15,000 annually renewable scholarship. Westminster Scholarship: min 3.0 GPA, top 25% of class. $14,000 annually renewable scholarship. UNIVERSITY OF MARY WASHINGTON, Fredericksburg, VA – The Washington Scholars and Alvey Scholars programs were established to provide an extra margin of excellence in recognizing the most outstanding and promising students. As a scholar, entering freshman will receive an award equal to full tuition, fees, and room and board. The scholarships are renewable through four years of undergraduate study. For more information visit UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND, BALTIMORE COUNTY, Baltimore, MD – The Humanities Scholars Program – This program seeks talented students who intend to pursue degrees in English, history, philosophy, ancient studies, classical or modern languages, linguistics, or American or African studies. The Linehan Artist Scholars Program – This program is for students from visual and performing arts disciplines: theatre, music, dance, and visual arts. The Sondheim Public Affairs Scholars – This program supports students who are interested in developing a fundamental understanding of public policy and are pursuing careers in public policy, government service, or the non-profit sector. Center for Women in Information Technology – This program supports high achieving undergraduates, both men and women, who plan to major in computer science, computer engineering, information systems, or another IT-related field. All four scholarship programs offer four-year awards at two award levels. The application of choice is available on-line at: Deadline: February 1, 2011. THE UNIVERSITY OF SCRANTON, Scranton, PA – The University provides a comprehensive financial aid and scholarship program that includes grants, merits scholarships, loans and work study. All accepted applicants are evaluated for merit aid based on the complete admissions application. Visit: for additional information.