BUSINESS DESIGN DOCUMENT ECF2 Reporting – ECF Cycle Times (ECF005) DL5122 – Average Cycle Times for LIRMA Claims by Broker Author David Willcocks Customer Version 1.0 1.1 Release Date Summary of Changes 30/03/2010 First Draft 26/05/2010 Amendments made following CDW Working Group review 1) Remove Print Sort Code column 2) Cycle times now shown in both working days and calendar days 3) Sub-divide cycle times by Transition Indicator and Advice/Settlement Indicator 4) Clarify how average cycle times are calculated for queried transactions 1.2 1.3 07/06/2010 08/12/2010 1.4 29/12/2010 1.5 10/01/2011 2.0 09/02/2011 Distribution Name Split Report Name and Period 1) Clarify that only Bulk Headers should be reported 2) Remove Report Occurrence and Email Address from the Report Header 3) Amend note stating that ‘As At’ reports are available from Jan 2009. This should now specify that they are available from the point when temporal view of the production data is available. 1) Refer to the 'Cycle Times Examples' document in the specifications. 2) Change the headers to show 'AVERAGE' - i.e. 'AVERAGE DAYS WITH BUREAU LEADER', etc. 3) Clarify how completion date is determined for LIRMA advices. 3) 'Days to Full Agreement (Calendar Days)' and 'Days to Full Agreement (Working Days)' are required on the ECF005 reports. These should be further to right than 'Days to Complete'. Remove assumption which mentions 'As At' reporting being available back to January 2009. Final Version Title Page 1 of 15 Table of Contents 1. INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................................... 3 2. REQUIREMENTS DEFINITION ............................................................................................................. 4 3. 2.1 Service Objectives ......................................................................................................................... 4 2.2. Scope ............................................................................................................................................ 4 2.4. Deliverables .................................................................................................................................. 5 Detailed Service Design ......................................................................................................................... 7 3.1 Solution Overview .......................................................................................................................... 7 3.2 Outline Deliverables ....................................................................................................................... 7 3.3. Extract Criteria ............................................................................................................................... 7 3.4. Data Requirements ........................................................................................................................ 8 3.5. Report Structure & Output ........................................................................................................... 12 3.6. Graphical Requirements .............................................................................................................. 12 3.7 Risks and Issues .......................................................................................................................... 12 3.8. Assumptions ................................................................................................................................ 12 3.9 Data Clarification (Hotspots) ........................................................................................................ 13 3.10. Interfaces ................................................................................................................................. 13 Appendix A .................................................................................................................................................... 14 A.1. LIRMA ‘Queried’ Transaction – Example .................................................................................... 14 Appendix B .................................................................................................................................................... 15 B.1 Claim Response Codes ............................................................................................................... 15 Page 2 of 15 1. INTRODUCTION There is a requirement to provide brokers with information regarding the length of time being taken to complete ECF transactions – i.e. from the point that the broker created the transaction on the ECF/CLASS system to the time when the transaction was fully authorised by the carriers involved. Xchanging has been asked to develop reports which will provide brokers with key information on this subject. The different steps in the ECF process will be reviewed and the time taken to complete these different stages on individual claim transactions will be measured and reported. The information provided will enable brokers to compare their performance against market average figures. ‘Bottlenecks’ will be highlighted by the reports to enable market participants to improve their claims-handling performance. The report described in this document will be supplied to the broking community. The report will provide high-level average cycle-time information for ILU claims by broker. The reports, which will only provide details of completed transactions, will be produced on a monthly basis. Page 3 of 15 2. REQUIREMENTS DEFINITION 2.1 Service Objectives To report response times for LIRMA claims adjusting for a specific broker. The information provided will enable brokers to compare their performance against market average figures. 2.2. Scope 2.2.1. In-Scope The following are transactions which will be considered for inclusion or exclusion in the report. Whether they are included or not will depend on the trigger rules, defined in section 3.3. All ‘complete’1 LIRMA claim transactions that are processed via ECF Both new claims and new transactions on existing claims Both loss advices and settlement requests Claims that are ‘in transition’ from paper to electronic processing 2.2.2 Out-of-Scope The following are transactions which will not be considered for inclusion or exclusion in the report. Claims that have not been processed via ECF Incomplete transactions Transactions that have been deleted or cancelled LIRMA transactions where a carrier has applied an ACC response. ILU and Lloyd’s claim transactions ’Completed’ means transactions that have been fully agreed (advice-only transactions) or fully signed (transactions involving settlement) 1 Page 4 of 15 2.3. Data Required The report will include the following information: The reports will examine LIRMA ECF transactions that were completed2 during the previous reporting period. Details of all ECF claim transactions that meet the criteria stated above will be included – i.e. both claims advice and settlement requests. Cycle time information will be provided to indicate the average length of time that bureau leaders and agreement parties took to authorise transactions and, in the case of queried items3, the number of days that these transactions were ‘with’ the bureau leader, the agreement parties and the broker. The periods of time will, in all cases, be measured in both calendar days and working days. Cycle-time averages will be split by the following criteria:- Transactions that were and were not queried by one (or more) of the carriers. Transactions that are ECF and those that are in transition from paper to electronic processing. Transaction type (i.e. Settlement or Advice) The LIRMA market average figures will be shown at the top of the report. These will be taken from the DL7572 report (IUA ECF Cycle Times - Market Averages) Bulk collections will be included at Bulk Header level – Bulk Components will not be included in average cycle times. This is because the report details cycle times for the agreement process, and it is the Bulk Header that is agreed, not the associated components. 2.4. Deliverables These reports will be issued to all brokers, with the details being split by broker code within the broker group. The market sector average figures for the reporting period will be shown in the first four rows of these reports (and the words ‘Market Sector Average’ will be shown in the broker name field in these rows.) Details of the data fields that will be provided within the reports are provided within Section 3.4 (below). An example of how the number of days that a queried LIRMA ’Completed’ means transactions that have been fully agreed (advice-only transactions) or fully signed (transactions involving settlement) 3 LIRMA ‘INF’, ‘FIL’, ‘NO’ or ‘DIS’ responses represent a request for further information – which will be taken as a ‘Query’. A LIRMA Lead ‘Reject’ will also be treated as a query (as this will mean that the claim is ‘with’ the broker) 2 Page 5 of 15 transaction is ‘with’ each party will be calculated is shown in Appendix A and examples of how the number of days should be calculated for other scenarios can be found in the “ECF005 Cycle Times Examples” document. A full example of the report is contained within Section 3.5. Page 6 of 15 3. DETAILED SERVICE DESIGN 3.1 Solution Overview The report will be scheduled to run monthly and will provide brokers with average cycle times for LIRMA claims adjusting. The report can also be run ‘as at’ a requested (month end) date, providing details of average cycle times for the preceding month. Note:- It will only be possible to request ‘As At’ reports for reporting periods that fall after the point from which a temporal view of the production data is available. 3.2 Outline Deliverables Report No. DL5122 Report Title Description Purpose Average Cycle Times for These reports will show the average To report response times for LIRMA Claims by Broker amount of elapsed time that the claims adjusting for a specific agreement parties took to authorise broker for comparison to transactions that were completed in the market-wide averages. previous month and, in the case of queried items, the number of days that these transactions were ‘with’ the agreement parties and ‘with’ the broker. 3.3. Extract Criteria All LIRMA ECF claim transactions that have moved to status of complete during the last calendar month4 will be extracted. This includes: LIRMA ECF Claim transactions LIRMA Claims in transition from paper to electronic processing Loss advices and Settlement transactions First and subsequent advices . Excluded are: Non-ECF transactions Deleted Transactions LIRMA transactions that have been cancelled by the leader LIRMA transactions where one or more carriers have applied an ACC response (these will not be ‘completed’) ILU and Lloyd’s claim transactions 4 Calendar month will be calculated using the actual date that the transaction completed. Therefore, where a claim signs on Saturday 01/05/2010, it will be included in the report for May – although it will be allocated a Signing Date of 30/04/2010. Page 7 of 15 3.4. Data Requirements The report will contain the following data. Header Information The following information will be provided in the header for each of the reports. Field Name Source Format Definition Report Number DL5122 Alpha/Numeric (6) The ‘DL’ number allocated to the report. Report Name LIRMA ECF Transaction Cycle Alpha/Numeric (50) The report name Alpha (6) The period covered by the report DD/MM/YYYY Date of run (to identify when the extract program was run). DD/MM/YYYY + The time and date when the report is actually produced. Times – Broker Averages Report Period XXX-YY Where:XXX = Month (e.g. ‘Jan’, ‘Feb’, etc) YY = Year Extract Date Current Date (for scheduled reports) Specified date for Ad-Hoc ‘As At’ reports Report Date and Time Current Date / Time HH:MM Page 8 of 15 Report Detail The report provided to the market associations will contain the following information. Field Name Broker Name Source Set to the Broker Name Format Definition Alphanumeric (20) The Broker Name Alphanumeric (4) The Broker Code to which the cycle times relate. associated with the Broker Code For the Market-Wide averages, will be set to “MARKET SECTOR AVERAGE” Broker Code Note:- The broker who processed the entries used to calculate the cycle times will be determined by reference to the broker code that was included within the Transaction Reference (‘TR’) Number of Numeric (5) Transactions Queries Raised The number of transactions that were ‘completed’ during the reporting period for the broker code in question. Y = Queries raised Alpha (1) Indicates whether or not one or more queries were raised by the agreement parties N = No queries raised Transition T = The transaction is a first Indicator advice on a claim ‘in transition’ Alpha (1) An indicator that identifies whether the transaction relates to a claim that is ‘in transition’ from paper to electronic processing. Y = ECF Claim Advice / Settlement A = Advice Alpha (1) An indicator that identifies whether the transaction was for advice purposes only or whether it was a claim settlement S = Settlement Indicator Average Days with request. Numeric (3) The average number of calendar days that bureau leaders took Bureau Leader to authorise transactions that were completed during the (Calendar Days) reporting period. With regard to queried (rejected) entries, the calculation will use the total number of days that the transactions were awaiting action from the bureau leaders. Note:- This figure will include all working days that the transaction was ‘with’ the leader until the transaction is circulated. Once circulated, the leader will count as any other agreement party and their time included in the ‘Days With Further Agreement Party’ figures (below). See example in Appendix A. Page 9 of 15 Field Name Average Days with Source Format Numeric (3) Definition The average number of working days that bureau leaders took to Bureau Leader authorise transactions that were completed during the reporting (Working Days) period. With regard to queried (rejected) entries, the calculation will use the total number of days that the transactions were awaiting action from the bureau leaders. Note:- This figure will include all working days that the transaction was ‘with’ the leader until the transaction is circulated. Once circulated, the leader will count as any other agreement party and their time included in the ‘Days With Further Agreement Party’ figures (below). See example in Appendix A. Average Days with Numeric (3) The average number of calendar days that the further agreement Further Agreement parties took to authorise transactions that were completed during Parties (Calendar the reporting period. With regard to queried entries, the Days) calculation will use the average number of days that the transactions were awaiting action from these carriers. The period measured will be from the point that the Bureau Leader circulated the transaction to the time when the transaction was authorised by the further agreement parties. Note:- The leaders line will be included in the calculation – i.e. Once the claim is circulated, the leader will be treated the same as any other agreement party. See example in Appendix A. Average Days with Numeric (3) The average number of working days that the further agreement Further Agreement parties took to authorise transactions that were completed during Parties (Working the reporting period. With regard to queried entries, the Days) calculation will use the average number of days that the transactions were awaiting action from these carriers. The period measured will be from the point that the Bureau Leader circulated the transaction to the time when the transaction was authorised by the further agreement parties. Note:- The leaders line will be included in the calculation – i.e. Once the claim is circulated, the leader will be treated the same as any other agreement party. See example in Appendix A. Page 10 of 15 Field Name Average Days with Source Format Numeric (3) Definition The average number of calendar days that queried transactions, Broker (Calendar completed during the reporting period, were awaiting some form Days) of action from brokers. This field will be blank for transactions that were not queried5. Only transactions that were queried will be included in the calculation. Note:- time taken to respond to leader queries (i.e. following lead reject) will be totalled. However, the time taken to respond to queries after lead circulation (i.e. ‘FIL’, ‘INF’, ‘DIS’ or ‘NO’ responses) will be taken as an average across all queried lines on the market. This is because LIRMA lines are reported individually on detail reports. See example in Appendix A. Average Days with Numeric (3) The average number of working days that queried transactions, Broker (Working completed during the reporting period, were awaiting some form Days) of action from brokers. This field will be blank for transactions that were not queried. Only transactions that were queried will be included in the calculation. Note:- time taken to respond to leader queries (i.e. following lead reject) will be totalled. However, the time taken to respond to queries after lead circulation (i.e. ‘FIL’, ‘INF’, ‘DIS’ or ‘NO’ responses) will be taken as an average across all queried lines on the market. This is because LIRMA lines are reported individually on detail reports. See example in Appendix A. Average Days to Numeric (3) The average number of calendar days that it took for the Complete transaction to be completed - i.e. from the date that the broker (Calendar Days) created the transaction on CLASS/ECF until the transaction is set to complete. For settlements, completion will occur when the transaction is fully signed. For advices, it will occur either when the transaction is fully agreed (if at least 10 working days after circulation) or 10 working days after circulation, if agreed prior to this. Note:- If the broker has either updated or deleted and replaced the transaction then the date used will be the date when the original transaction was created. Queried LIRMA transactions will be deemed to be ‘with the broker’ from the time that the carrier involved entered an INF (or FIL, NO or DIS) response until the point when the carrier updated this response to CAA, YES or CES (see Appendix B.1). A LIRMA Lead ‘Reject’ will also be treated as a query (as this will also mean that the claim is ‘with’ the broker) 5 Page 11 of 15 Field Name Source Format Average Days to Numeric (3) Definition The average number of working days that it took for the Complete transaction to be completed - i.e. from the date that the broker (Working Days) created the transaction on CLASS/ECF until the transaction is set to complete. For settlements, completion will occur when the transaction is fully signed. For advices, it will occur either when the transaction is fully agreed (if at least 10 working days after circulation) or 10 working days after circulation, if agreed prior to this. Note:- If the broker has either updated or deleted and replaced the transaction then the date used will be the date when the original transaction was created. Average Days to Numeric (3) Full Agreement The average number of days that it took for the transactions to be fully agreed. (Calendar Days) Note:- If the broker has either updated or deleted and replaced the transaction then the date used will be the date when the original transaction was created. Average Days to Numeric (3) Full Agreement The average number of days that it took for the transactions to be fully agreed. (Working Days) Note:- If the broker has either updated or deleted and replaced the transaction then the date used will be the date when the original transaction was created. 3.5. Report Structure & Output An example of the DL5122 (Average Cycle Times for Company Claims) report is attached:- DL5122.csv 3.6. Graphical Requirements None 3.7 Risks and Issues None 3.8. Assumptions Cycle times for further agreement parties and the broker’s response to INF, FIL, DIS and NO ‘Queries’ will be calculated as an average across all lines on the market Page 12 of 15 (including the leaders line – who will be treated as any other agreement party postcirculation). 3.9 Data Clarification (Hotspots) None 3.10. Interfaces A number of Stakeholders (or Interested Parties) have been identified. These are as follows: LMG – The London Market Group are the customer. LIIBA – The ‘London & international Insurance Brokers Association’ members will be the recipients and end users of the solution implemented. They have an inherent need to understand the solution and are required to input in to decisions affecting the business outcome. Page 13 of 15 APPENDIX A A.1. LIRMA ‘Queried’ Transaction – Example Calendar Days Working Days Action By Transaction deemed to be with which party? 0 0 Add Broker LEADER 1 1 2 2 Reject Leader BROKER 3 3 4 4 Update Broker LEADER Circulate Leader LEADER (A/P 1) YES Leader Complete INF A/P 1 DIS A/P 2 YES A/P 1 Complete YES A/P 2 COMPLETE 5 6 7 8 5 A/P 2 A/P 3 6 9 7 10 8 11 9 12 BROKER BROKER 13 14 10 15 11 16 12 17 13 18 14 19 The ‘Total Number of Days With’ will be calculated for each party as follows:- Party Total Number of Days ‘With’ (Calendar Days) LEADER 4 Further A/P’s 4 BROKER 8 Days to Complete 19 Comments on Derivation Average per Agreement Party 2 + 6 (average per A/P query) Total Number of Days ‘With’ (Working Days) 3 3 6 14 Page 14 of 15 Comments on Derivation Average per Agreement Party 2 + 4 (average per A/P query) APPENDIX B B.1 Claim Response Codes Details of how carriers can respond to transactions within ECF2/CLASS are provided below for information. Response Status Code Response Status Claim Advice Accepted (claim advices) Carrier requires further information (claim advices & settlement requests) File or further documentation requested (claim advices & settlement requests) Carrier in Dispute regarding the claim (loss claim advices only) Claim Settlement Agreed (settlement requests) Carrier is disputing the claim (settlement requests) Carrier agreed claim but has an accounting issue with the client (settlement requests) YES responses set to CES if carrier sets Immediate Partial Collection to ‘C' Page 15 of 15 CAA INF FIL DIS YES NO ACC CES