Anatomy and Physiology II Student Outline – The Endocrine System The Endocrine System 1. Introduction A. Endocrine Glands • 2. Endocrine vs. Exocrine Glands B. Hormones C. Target Tissues / Cells Basic Functions A. Maintenance of Homeostasis B. Regulatory Functions i. ii. iii. 3. Growth Development Reproductive Matters Biochemistry of Hormones A. Steroids CH 3 CH3 CH2OH CH CH CH 2 CH 2 CH Cholesterol CH CH3 CH CH 2 C 3 O Cortisol OH O CH2OH 3 CH3 H HO C C O HO 3 Aldosterone HO B. HO Amines Radical Group R Amino Group NH 2 C OH O C Tyros ine CH2 Acid Group NH2 OH H C H O C OH Bas ic Amino Acid H Epinephrine NH 2 OH C C H H Page 1 OH OH NH2 H H OH C C C H H OH OH Norepinephrine Anatomy and Physiology II Student Outline – The Endocrine System C. Peptides • • Antidiuretic Hormone Oxytocin Oxytocin Tyr Cy s Ileu Glu 4. Cy s Pro Leu Gly Glu Cy s Pro Arg Gly As p Proteins Glycoproteins Feedback Control System A. Negative Feedback System (See Endocrine Pathways Handout: “Control Paradigm (Negative Feedback System)) i. B. Example: (See Endocrine Pathways Handout: “Negative Feedback Example”) Positive Feedback System (See Endocrine Pathways Handout: “Positive Feedback Example”) i. 5. Cy s Phe As p D. E. Antidiuretic Hormone Tyr Child Birth and Oxytocin Mechanisms of Hormone Control Page 2 Anatomy and Physiology II Student Outline – The Endocrine System A. Fixed-Membrane-Receptor Mechanism ii. Mechanism ATP Inacti ve Enzyme 1 cAMP (Second ary Mess enge r) Acti ve Enzyme 1 Inacti ve Enzyme 4 Al tered Cell Fun cti on ii. B. Acti ve Enzyme 4 Examples Mobile-Receptor Mechanism C D F B G A 6. Pituitary Gland A. Posterior Lobe (Neurohypophysis) i. Neurosecretory Cells Page 3 E Inacti ve Enzyme 2 Acti ve Enzyme 2 Inacti ve Acti ve Enzyme 3 Enzyme 3 Anatomy and Physiology II Student Outline – The Endocrine System ii. • ADH Supraoptic Nucleus ADH • Oxytocin Paraventricular Nucleus Oxytocin • Infundibulum Hormones of the Neurohypophysis a. Antidiuretic Hormone (ADH) (or Vasopressin) • (See Endocrine Pathways Handout: “Water Balance and Antidiuretic Hormone (ADH)”) • Diuretic • b. Oxytocin • (See Endocrine Pathways Handout: “Positive Feedback Example”) • Myoepithelial Cells • B. Antidiuretic Positive Feedback Mechanism Anterior Lobe (Adenohypophysis) Hypothalamus secretes stimulating Hormones Hypo tha la mic-h ypo ph esea l Po rtal Vein Pituitary Gland in response to stimulating hormones secretes tropic or non-tropic hormones into the blood stream. i. ii. Anterior Pituitary Gland Hypothalamic-Hypophyseal Portal System Hormones of the Adenohypophysis • Tropic and Non-tropic Hormones Page 4 Anatomy and Physiology II Student Outline – The Endocrine System Endocrine Gland Tropic Hormone Endocrine Gland Endocrine Gland Non-tropic Hormone Target Tissue Target Tissue ** Response ** ** Response ** i. Non-Tropic Hormones a. Growth Hormone (GH) * (See Endocrine Pathways Handout: “Growth Hormone”) • Nontropic. • Anabolic Effect • Amino Acid Uptake Increase • Fat Metabolism • Epiphyseal Plate • ii. * Dwarfism * Acromegaly Mechanism * Growth-Hormone Releasing Hormone (GHRH) * Growth-Hormone Inhibiting Hormone (GHIH) Some Tropic Hormones a. b. Prolactin • Females * Mammary Gland Development * Milk Production • Males Follicle-Stimulating Hormone (FSH) Page 5 Anatomy and Physiology II Student Outline – The Endocrine System • c. g. 7. Females * Follicle Development • Males Luteinizing Hormone (LH) • Females * Ovulation • Males * Interstitial Cells * Testosterone * Gonadotropin-Releasing Hormone (GnRH) Melanocyte-Stimulating Hormone (MSH) Thyroid Gland (Follicles of gland) * (See Endocrine Pathways Handout: “Thyroxin and the Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR)”) page #7 (??) • Follicular Cells A. Thyroxine and Triiodothyronine Thyroxine (T4) i. ii. iii. iv. Triiodothyronine (T3) Structure a. Follicles b. Colloid Synthesis a. Tyrosine b. Iodine Function a. Increase Metabolism b. Calorigenic Effect Thyroid Malfunction a. Hyperthyroidism Page 6 Anatomy and Physiology II Student Outline – The Endocrine System b. Hypothyroidism c. Goiter * (Pull out Handout: (Iodine and Goiter”) v. Synthesis of Thyroid Hormone vi. An Alternative diagram for Thyroid regulation: Metabolic Rate Slows Down Thyroid Secretes Less Thyroxine Decreases Neg. Feedback Pituitary Secretes Less TSH Hypothalamus Releases More TRH Pituitary Secretes More TSH Hypothalamus Releases Less TRH Increases Neg. Feedback Thyroid Secretes More Thyroxin Metabolic Rate Speeds Up 8. Parathyroid Glands AND Thyroid Gland (Parafollicular cells NOT Follicles) * (See Endocrine Pathways Handout: “Calcium Regulation in the Blood”) A. Parathyroid Hormone B. 9. i. Function ii. Mechanisms a. Calcium Reabsorption b. Kidney Reabsorption c. Digestive Absorption of Calcium Parafollicular Cells of Thyroid Gland Adrenal Glands * (See Endocrine Pathways Handout: Page 7 Anatomy and Physiology II Student Outline – The Endocrine System “Adrenal Gland and Stress”) • Medulla • A. Cortex Adrenal Cortex i. General Information ii. Anatomy a. b. c. iii. Zona Glomerulosa Zona Fasciculata Zona Reticularis Hormones of the Adrenal Gland a. b. Glucocorticoids • Gluconeogenesis • Cortisol and Corticosterone • Corticotropin-Releasing Hormone (CRH) Mineralocorticoid • B. Aldosterone Adrenal Medulla * (Again, see Endocrine Pathways Handout: “Adrenal Gland and Stress”) i. ii. Hormones a. Epinephrine b. Norepinephrine Stress and the Adrenal Cortex STRESS Page 8 Anatomy and Physiology II Student Outline – The Endocrine System Adrenal medulla secretes epinephrine and norepinephrine Sympathetic nerve impulses Hypothalamus Blood Glucose Heart Rate Respiration Secretes CRH Rises Increases Rate increases (Corticotropin Rel. Hor.) Blood flow to Blood Pressure Bronchioles skeletal muscles Rises dilate increases Adenohypophysis secretes ACTH Adrenal cortex secretes cortisol Protein is used for energy and tissue repair 10. Insulin to brain to ensure Pancreas * (See Endocrine Pathways Handout: “Glucose Regulation”) A. Introduction i. Mixed Gland a. Exocrine Gland b. Endocrine Gland • Pancreatic Islets B. Hormones i. Glucagon a. ii. 11. Gluconeogenesis for energy glucose supply Alpha Cells Insulin - a peptide a. Beta Cells • Ovaries Gonads Page 9 Anatomy and Physiology II Student Outline – The Endocrine System • Testes Male Sex Hormones i. Testosterone ii. Luteinizing Hormone (LH) iii. Follicle-Stimulating Hormone (FSH). iv. Inhibin B. Female Sex Hormones i. Estrogens ii. Relaxin i. Follicle-stimulating hormone ii. Luteinizing hormone Other Sources of Hormones A. 12. A. Kidneys i. Renin ii. Erythropoietin * (See Endocrine Pathways Handout: “Oxygen Carrying Capacity of Blood”) B. Pineal Gland i. Melatonin Thymus Gland Digestive System i. Gastrin ii. Secretin iii. Cholecystokinin Placenta C. D. E. Page 10