OFFICIAL PROCEEDINGS OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF CITY COMMISSIONERS HELD JANUARY 22, 2008 AT 7:30 P.M. AT CITY HALL IN WILLISTON, NORTH DAKOTA. 1. Roll Call of Commissioners COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Underhill, Lawson, Bogar, Bekkedahl, Koeser COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: None OTHERS PRESENT: John Kautzman, Doug Lalim, Chief Wentz, Pete Furuseth, Brion Norby, Monte Meiers, Elaine Sinness, Rick Marburger, Tom Rolfstad President Koeser entertained a motion to add three items to the City Commission Agenda. Under 9.A.4, request for curtain usage for the Rocky Mountain Elk banquet, 9.A.5, request for an Indian Club raffle, and 10.A.1 Appointments to the Old Armory Board. MOTION BY UNDERHILL, 2ND BY BEKKEDAHL, to amend the agenda to include, 9.A.4, request for curtain usage for the Rocky Mountain Elk banquet, 9.A.5, request for an Indian Club raffle, and 10.A.1 Appointments to the Old Armory Board. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 2. Consent Agenda A. Reading and Approval of Minutes for: 1. Regular Meeting Dated December 26, 2007 B. Auditor 1. Accounts, Claims and Bills ACE SPRINKLER SYSTEMS 451.75 ADVANCED ENGINEERING & 15,647.00 AL'S UPHOLSTERY 190.00 AMERICAN STATE BANK 295,055.00 AMERICAN WATER WORKS ASSN 336.00 AVESIS 200.01 BAKER & TAYLOR CO. 96.58 BASIN CAB CO. 600.00 BASIN TIRE SERVICE,INC. 380.00 BETTY LUNDBY 101.25 DUSTIN BERTSCH 25.00 BISMARCK TRIBUNE 78.58 BRODART CO. 264.41 CAR TUNZ 6.00 CARQUEST WESTERN AUTO 363.88 CENEX HARVEST STATES 365.00 CITY OF WILLISTON 2,351.08 CITY OF WILLISTON 50.63 SANDVIK BROS. TRUE VALUE 13.52 CORY COLLINGS 289.98 COMMUNITY ACTION PARTNERS 25.00 COUNTRY FLORAL 58.99 CRAVEN-HAGAN CLINIC, LTD. 135.00 DAKOTA DIESEL USA, INC. 185.20 DAWA DEVELOPMENT, LLC 370.00 DF LIGHTING CO. 104.65 DIGITAL OFFICE CENTRE 1,145.80 DOUBLEWOOD INN 110.00 ECONOMART 47.76 EMERGENCY MEDICAL PRODUCT 141.95 HORIZON RESOURCES 584.38 FLEET SERVICES 2,946.00 FORT UNION SUPPLY & TRADE 376.51 FREDRICKSEN REAL ESTATE 1,080.00 PETER H. FURUSETH 3,685.00 GAFFANEY'S 965.03 GALLES FILTER SERVICE INC 209.42 GAYLORD BROTHERS 148.99 GRAMMA SHARON'S 76.28 GRANITE SPRINGS WATER 18.00 HANDY ANDY'S NURSERY 246.00 HAWKINS, INC. 648.50 HERMAN OIL COMPANY 54.01 HOSE AND RUBBER SUPPLY 63.86 HOME OF ECONOMY 231.31 HOWARD SUPPLY COMPANY 39.53 IBM CORPORATION 356.58 I.W.I., INC. 415.70 INFORMATION TECH DEPT 250.00 INK SPOT PRINTING 166.50 ITASCA SYSTEMS, INC. 308.00 INTERSTATE POWER SYSTEMS 1,107.91 INT'L ASSOCIATION OF 120.00 JANET JOHNSRUD 62.50 JOB SERVICE NORTH DAKOTA 884.05 RICHARD A. JOHNSON 2,100.00 KADRMAS LEE & JACKSON INC 5,595.98 BOB FM 101.1 120.00 KFYR-TV 185.00 KOIS BROTHERS EQUIP CO 1,100.00 RICK MARBURGER 308.16 MEDQUEST 638.49 MERCY MEDICAL CENTER 316.17 MICROMARKETING ASSOCIATES 894.63 MILLY'S ALTERATIONS 19.00 MURPHY MOTORS, INC. 2,185.35 NEMONT 3,146.14 JERRY MONSON 54.00 MDU 32,014.63 MONTANA CSED 360.88 MUNICIPAL JUDGE'S ASSOC 75.00 NAPA AUTO PARTS 13.58 NATIONAL-OILWELL 185.07 COMMUNITY SERVICE ND 40.00 ND ONE CALL 33.48 DESTINATION MARKETING 150.00 ND STATE DISBURSE. UNIT 1,655.00 ND DEPT OF TRANSPORTATION 103,129.98 ND PERS 59,165.78 ND RURAL WATER SYS. ASSO. 125.00 NDWPCC 10.00 DISCOVERY BENEFITS 10,182.60 NORTHERN WATER WORKS 1,333.89 NORTHWEST SUPPLY CO. 159.95 O.K. TIRE STORE 24.75 OPPORTUNITY FOUNDATION 1,025.00 KRISTIN PASEKA 74.75 PENWORTHY 1,326.34 REGIONS INTRSTATE BILLING 86.52 PIZZA HUT 65.65 POLK DIRECTORIES 208.50 PRAXAIR DISTRIBUTION INC 225.37 PRO SAFE PEST CONTROL 60.50 PUBLIC SAFETY CENTER INC 243.00 QUILL CORPORATION 808.84 S & W HEALTHCARE CORP 174.00 SAFFLOWER TECHNOLOGIES 5,800.00 LIL SCHMIDT 43.50 SCHMITZ LAW OFFICE 3,299.00 ALVINA SKOGEN 39.00 SECURITY LIFE INSURANCE 420.86 SELBY'S 180.26 SELID PLUMBING & HEATING 150.00 THE SHOPPER 133.00 SIMULAIDS 793.97 SLND-GUARANTOR 334.14 SANDRA SOLBERG 104.83 SPORT A BOUT 25.00 STAR BUSINESS FORMS 1,846.60 SELECT FORD 144.64 STONEY CREEK KENNELS 2,100.00 STRINGER BUSINESS SYSTEM 262.50 ORTIVUS, INC. 2,110.00 TROUBA TELEPHONE SERVICE 135.00 THRIFY WHITE PHARMACY 684.98 TIOGA SCHOOL DIST #15 6,127.50 TRACTOR & EQUIPMENT CO. 882.75 TRACTOR SUPPLY PLAN 31.00 TRIANGLE ELECTRIC 68.20 WILLISTON TRUE VALUE 143.77 U.S. IDENTIFICATION MANUA 82.50 QWEST 948.16 UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA 2,500.00 VERIZON WIRELESS 961.29 VISA 306.37 WCS TELECOM 131.16 DONALD J. WENTZ 50.00 WESTERN VET CLINIC 171.00 WMS. CO. HIGHWAY DEPT. 171.50 WILLISTON/WMS. CO. - DES 3,718.21 WMS. CO. AUDITOR 118,063.00 WMS. CO. SHERIFF'S DEPT. 2,232.00 WILLISTON/WMS. CO. - LEC 12,733.32 WILLISTON COMM. LIBRARY 196.19 WILLISTON COMM. LIBRARY 101.88 WILLISTON AREA CHAMBER 105.00 WILLISTON HERALD 1,613.18 RYAN MOTORS 15,669.70 WILLISTON PARK DISTRICT 841.75 WILLISTON PD PETTY CASH 15.60 WILLISTON SCHOOL DIST #1 223,628.21 WILLISTON TIRE CENTER 1,215.84 MICHAEL WILSON 25.00 WILSON SUPPLY CO. 545.06 DIANNA BARTON 1,000.00 STEPHEN BERGER 1,550.00 AMANDA BIEBER 200.00 BLAINE'S AUTO BODY & 67.65 DARIN HERMES 100.00 GEORGE JOHNSON 23.00 MARLENE JOHNSON 500.00 JACOB JOHNSON 500.00 JOHN LAQUA 65.00 TODD MELLINGER 250.00 TODD MELLINGER (1) 250.00 JOYCE MILES 650.00 BAMBI MUESSMAN 10.00 ELENA NICE 200.00 PREBLE MEDICAL SERVICE 50.00 JOSHUA SANTANEN 250.00 SHERWIN INDUSTRIES 4,970.00 LOUIE VONDAL 300.00 WEST PARK MANOR 40.00 WILLISTON CHAMBER 105.00 2. Application for Special Permit to Sell Alcoholic Beverages a. MT Heads Incorporated ~ Jean Smith Rocky Mt Elk Foundation Banquet January 26, 2008 b. Edgar M. Boyd Post #37 ~ Betty Kornkven Police/Sheriffs Department Christmas Party January 25, 2008 3. Application for Taxicab License a. StarDust Limousine ~ Brad Wold 4. Application for Arborist=s License a. Larrys Tree Service ~ David Trout 5. Application for Pesticide Applicator=s Permit a. Larrys Tree Service ~ David Trout C. Building Official D. City Planner E. Assessor 1. Exemptions COMMERCIAL PROPERTY Owner Legal Description Purpose Legal Description Purpose Yrs Exempt NEW RESIDENCE EXEMPTIONS Owner Egge, Todd & Becky Hoffman, David & Sheila S1/2 L 24 & all L 25 B 1Missouri Rearr, City of Williston L 1R Rachel's Sub New Single Family Residence New Single Family Residence 2008-2009 2008-2009 January 22, 2008 5 City Commission Minutes Wyman, Russell & Kathleen Obendorf, Ray Obendorf, Ray Obendorf, Ray Creekside Ridge Partners, LLC Bartlette, Darren & Rhonda L 4R Rearr L 6 7 8 B 3 North Meadows 1st Add, City of Williston L 14 B 5 Creekside Ridge Sub, City of Williston L 15 B 5 Creekside Ridge Sub, City of Williston L 16 B 5 Creekside Ridge Sub, City of Williston L 18 B 4 Creekside Ridge Sub, City of Williston L 14R Rachel's Sub, City of Williston New Single Family Residence New Single Family Residence New Single Family Residence New Single Family Residence New Single Family Residence New Single Family Residence 2008-2009 2008-2009 2008-2009 2008-2009 2008-2009 2008-2009 RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY Owner Shupe, Orlyn & Elizabeth Grunewald, Steven & Kelly Visser, Ryan Kvande, Mervyn & Mavis Leisy, Christopher & Shawna Waggoner, Robert & Lilia Hanson Rick & Susan Poeckes, Benjamin Lucero, Jonathen & Patricia McCall Legal Description L 8 B 3 Pheasant Run Sub L 11 B 6 Brueggers Amended, City of Williston L 11 & W5' of L 12 B 2 Wittmeier, City of Williston L 17 B 3 Scott Add, City of Williston L 4 B 5 Wegley Homes, City of Williston L 16 B 3 Airport 2nd Add, City of Williston S1/2 of E1/2 of L 9 Harmon Fiels Garden Lots, City of Williston S 5' L 3 & N46' L 4 B 4 Volney 3rd Rearr, City of Williston L 1 & N 1/2 L 2 B 6 Highland Homes 2nd Add, City of Williston Purpose Yrs Exempt Basement finish Interior remodel 2008-2009-2010 2008-2009-2010 Complete remodel 2008-2009-2010 Basement finish Siding & windows Interior remodel Siding 2008-2009-2010 2008-2009-2010 2008-2009-2010 2008-2009-2010 Siding, windows & garage conversion Siding & windows 2008-2009-2010 2008-2009-2010 MOTION BY LAWSON, 2ND BY UNDERHILL, to approve the Consent Agenda as presented to the City Commission. Correction noted from January 8, 2008 to change Chief of Police from Chief Hanson to Chief Wentz. AYE: Underhill, Lawson, Bogar, Bekkedahl, Koeser NAY: None MOTION CARRIED 5-0 3. Bid Openings a. Two 2008, Four Door Sedan Police Vehicles Two bids were received for the two 2008 four door sedans for the Williston Police Department. Chief Wentz stated the low bidder was Murphy Motors for $31,760.00 and Select Ford next for $40,016.00 and both prices are figured with trade ins. MOTION BY LAWSON, 2ND BY BEKKEDAHL, to award the bid to Murphy Motors for the two 2008 four Door Sedans in the amount of $31,760.00 with trade-ins. AYE: Underhill, Lawson, Bogar, Bekkedahl, Koeser NAY: None MOTION CARRIED 5-0 4. Public Hearings 5. Accounts, Claims and Bills Not Approved in the Consent Agenda 6. Ordinances a. Second Reading of Ordinance No. 901, An Ordinance Annexing to the City of Williston, Williams County, North Dakota, That Certain Territory Contiguous Thereto and Not Embraced within the Limits Thereof, Located in the Northwest 1/4 of Section 20, Township 154 North, Range 100 West of the Fifth Principal Meridian, Williams County, North Dakota MOTION BY LAWSON, 2ND BY BEKKEDAHL, to approve the 2nd Reading of Ordinance No. January 22, 2008 6 City Commission Minutes 901, An Ordinance Annexing to the City of Williston, Williams County, North Dakota, That Certain Territory Contiguous Thereto and Not Embraced within the Limits Thereof, Located in the Northwest 1/4 of Section 20, Township 154 North, Range 100 West of the Fifth Principal Meridian, Williams County, North Dakota AYE: Underhill, Lawson, Bogar, Bekkedahl, Koeser NAY: None MOTION CARRIED 5-0 7. Petitions, Communications and Remonstrances 8. Report of Commissioners A. President of the Board 1. Adoption of 10-Year Plan to End Homelessness in Williston, ND Laurie Garbel, President of the Williston Basin Resource Coalition, briefed how the 10-year plan to end long term homelessness was prepared. In 2007 grant funds became available from the state in the way of technical assistance to write 10-year plans for all the major cities in the state. Mrs. Garbel recapped fourteen agencies that provide services for homeless people in Williston and many of these agencies provide the same kinds of services, though the criteria for accessing the services may be very different among agencies. There are at least fourteen beds available for homeless individuals every night. Deanne Long with Community Action Partnership and Tracy Cox with Emergency Services and Homeless Shelter operate three rooms every night and a majority of the time the rooms are full. Since December 2006, the majority of the clients range from the age of 18 to 47, with 85% being local residents. Individuals are allowed to stay up to 30 days. Most of the funding comes through the Federal Government to the State in the form of Emergency Shelter Grant Program, that pays just for the room. The staff funding comes through Community Action Grant Funds. The group developed seven strategies and Mrs. Garbel highlighted a few of them. Strategy #3: Increase the availability of permanent supportive housing was identified state wide among every city that participated. Kautzman pointed out that Housing Authority has a 12% vacancy rate, which is roughly 24 vacant apartments. Those utilizing the assistance of Community Action are given information regarding other agencies that are available to them as well. Long addressed that sometimes the available apartments are 2 or 3 bedroom and with governmental stipulations, a single individual is not allowed to occupy. Garbel added that not only is the group trying to use the resources here in Williston better, but they are also trying to be proactive in what=s coming our way in Williston. With Permanent Supportive Housing the individuals are placed in a housing situation and provided the support, whether its for their mental illness or addiction. The current facility that=s being built is a permanent supportive housing that has eight beds for those with mental illness. Rolfstad questioned an article in the media where they were showing Veterans that were in shelters. Garbel visited with Bob Evans of the Williams County Veterans Services Office and Evans has been able to work with the situation and resolve it. Long added that the percentage is lower in our area than the national. MOTION BY UNDERHILL, 2ND BY LAWSON, to adopt the 10-Year Plan to End Long Term Homelessness, designate the Williston Basin Resource Coalition (WBRC) as the facilitating entity to implement the Plan upon adoption and designate a City Commissioner and the Workforce Development Coordinator as liaisons to the WBRC to provide guidance and support specifically with the implementation and maintenance of the Plan. AYE: Underhill, Lawson, Bogar, Bekkedahl, Koeser NAY: None MOTION CARRIED 5-0 January 22, 2008 7 City Commission Minutes MOTION BY UNDERHILL, 2ND BY BOGAR, to appoint Commissioner Bekkedahl as the Liaison. AYE: Underhill, Lawson, Bogar, Bekkedahl, Koeser NAY: None MOTION CARRIED 5-0 2. Comprehensive Plan ~ Request for Proposals The request for proposals is tentatively scheduled to go out on February 3rd with a closing date of March 5th, 2008. The request is for updating the City Comprehensive Plan and Long-Range Transportation Plan. MOTION BY BEKKEDAHL, 2ND BY BOGAR, to authorize the schedule as presented for the Comprehensive Plan Update. AYE: Underhill, Lawson, Bogar, Bekkedahl, Koeser NAY: None MOTION CARRIED 5-0 3. Mosquito Funding President Koeser received a call from Bob Lavue with Senator Dorgan=s office stating $197,000 was given to this region for mosquito control. $50,000 of the $100,000 will go to the Williston and the other $50,000 will fund the Trenton area, less the 5% administrative fee. The remaining $97,000 will go to Williston, receiving approximately $147,000. 4. Water Treatment Plant Funding The state has come up with a plan to give the remaining two million to the City out of the Resources Trust Fund, due to excess oil dollars going into there. Senator Dorgan put an ear mark in the water bill to give the two million and the ear marks go cut by 1.5%, so it ended up being one million nine hundred some thousand dollars that the City will be getting. The state will be making up the 1.5% so the full two million will be received. B. Vice-President; Street and Improvement, Sanitation and Public Works Commissioner C. Fire, Police and Ambulance Commissioner D. Finance Commissioner E. Water Works, Sewer, Cemetery, Airport, Building and Planning Commissioner 9. Report of Department Heads A. City Auditor 1. Semi-Annual Review of Pledged Collateral Kautzman presented the pledged collateral to the City Commission. MOTION BY BEKKEDAHL, 2ND BY LAWSON, to accept the Semi-Annual Review of Pledged Collateral as presented with the banks listed. AYE: Underhill, Lawson, Bogar, Bekkedahl, Koeser NAY: None MOTION CARRIED 5-0 2. Resolution 08-1: Resolution Amending Resolution 07-46 Establishing the Rates for the Service of the Water Utility of the City of Williston, North Dakota pertaining to Section Three Lawn Rate, increase from $1.80 to $1.95 MOTION BY UNDERHILL, 2ND BY LAWSON, to approve the Amendment to Resolution 0746: Resolution 08-1 Establishing the Rates for the Service of the Water Utility of the City of Williston, North Dakota pertaining to Section Three Lawn Rate, increase from $1.80 to $1.95. AYE: Underhill, Lawson, Bogar, Bekkedahl, Koeser NAY: None January 22, 2008 8 City Commission Minutes MOTION CARRIED 5-0 3. Resolution 08-2: Resolution Establishing a Surcharge for Sewer Utility Service, Operation, Maintenance, and Replacement of a Sewer Lift Station Kautzman is requesting to put into resolution form what the Commission Board approved in 1990 to establish a surcharge for Sewer Utility Service, Operation, Maintenance, and Replacement of a Sewer Lift Station, which is basically $5.00 per month, per account. MOTION BY LAWSON, 2ND BY BEKKEDAHL, to approve Resolution 08-2: Resolution Establishing a Surcharge for Sewer Utility Service, Operation, Maintenance, and Replacement of a Sewer Lift Station. AYE: Underhill, Lawson, Bogar, Bekkedahl, Koeser NAY: None MOTION CARRIED 5-0 4. Rocky Mountain Elks Foundation Curtain Rental The Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation has requested permission to use the curtains from the Armory at the Williston Events Center on January 26, 2008 for their banquet. MOTION BY BEKKEDAHL, 2ND BY LAWSON, to allow the Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation to use the curtains from the Armory for their banquet. AYE: Underhill, Lawson, Bogar, Bekkedahl, Koeser NAY: None MOTION CARRIED 5-0 5. Indian Club Raffle Permit October 12, 2008 MOTION BY UNDERHILL, 2ND BY LAWSON, to approve the request for a raffle permit to be held on October 12, 2008 by the Indian Club. AYE: Underhill, Lawson, Bogar, Bekkedahl, Koeser NAY: None MOTION CARRIED 5-0 B. Attorney C. Director of Public Works/City Engineer 1. Biosolids Permit Public Works has a Biosolid permit with the EPA for sewage sludge that was cleaned from the wastewater aeration ponds. Meiers is requesting to renew the permit. MOTION BY UNDERHILL, 2ND BY LAWSON, to approve the renewal for the Biosolid permit with the intent to land apply the dried sewage sludge wit the landfill daily cover. AYE: Underhill, Lawson, Bogar, Bekkedahl, Koeser NAY: None MOTION CARRIED 5-0 2. 2008 Improvement Projects Meiers ran through the various 2008 Improvement Projects. It will be the developers requirement on the 24th Street west water extension to hook up to the line. The Kensington is expanding in with an Alzheimer unit and they want to run a 6" water line to the back of that. Instead of them paying the whole cost to run a 6" to that, Meiers felt this would be an ideal time to change over to an 8" line. Allowing them to stub off of that and special assess that portion, which is why it shows a zero cost. It would be done as a resolution necessity. 2nd Street Rehabilitation Project, which is a Federal Aid Project, has a number of valves that are not operating. There=s about six valves that will be cut into those three blocks and simply patch it back up, which will be all City cost. Under District 08-2, there is a $7,500 cost to oversize the 12" mains, as well as, sewer and special assess the balance. For the Storm Sewer Extension, Meiers added if cost wasn=t an issue to bring it up to the intersection. The individuals along the Water, Sewer, & Street Improvement January 22, 2008 9 City Commission Minutes District won=t really benefit a lot from the improvements, so as a result the cost of $55,000 would be a city expense. Bekkedahl mentioned talking about this in the past where you have large drainage areas that impact small lot owners and spreading the cost out city wide versus just those lot owners. Koeser inquired if you leave it in where its City cost, the $610,000 would basically come from sales tax dollars and Meiers agreed. Kautzman questioned why wouldn=t the Board consider charging the property owners a portion of the storm sewer, which would break down to about $1,000 to $1,200 per lot. Meiers has petitions for non-protest waiver for the street improvements. The water and sewer you can be done without a protest, but do you want to allow those being assessed for the storm sewer to protest? The other option Meiers sees is to send out a letter to those involved that its in the city=s interest as a necessity to put this sewer in or else to go back to them as a protest hearing. There are three options: one, not to do the project; two, that the city does it and pays with sales tax dollars, and three, to set up a special assessment district. Another possibility would be to assess 50% and the sales tax picks up the other 50%. MOTION BY UNDERHILL, 2ND BY BEKKEDAHL, to assess 50% of the cost to the property owners and the other 50% to come from sales tax dollars. AYE: Underhill, Lawson, Bogar, Bekkedahl, Koeser NAY: None MOTION CARRIED 5-0 7th Avenue west, the stretch between Kum N Go and the wash houses has really broke up badly. There is a frontage road platted but its not in yet. Proposed is a mill and overlay and the city would pick up 50% with the remaining being assessed to the property owners. The 19th Street West Project was started last year where Williston Tire and Murphy Motors. The proposal is where the 3rd Avenue stretch is would be vacated to Murphy Motors and Bethel and they would maintain that road. We would rebuild 19th from the frontage road up to 3rd and mill and overlay the balance of that to 4th Avenue. The city will pick up 2/3rd of the cost to reconstruct and 1/2 the cost of the mill and overlay. The 12th Avenue West Project will be rebuilt and put it in as a curb and gutter. Once past the first driveway into Sabin it would then be overlayed up to the city limits line or the railroad tracks. The proposal is when rebuilding the roadway to replace with a 12" diameter pipe, this is why the Water Replacement cost is shown at $50,000 city cost. The Street Reconstruction up to Sabin=s first drive is 2/3rd city. Meiers is proposing to extend the curb and gutters along the sides and just drain to the curb and gutter, continuing to drain that down to the ends. Then rebuild the road between the existing roads and the new curb and gutter with a mill and base overlay and not disturb the main road. MOTION BY UNDERHILL, 2ND BY BOGAR, to approve the development of the resolutions and notices for the improvements presented to the City Commission. AYE: Underhill, Lawson, Bogar, Bekkedahl, Koeser NAY: None MOTION CARRIED 5-0 D. Fire Chief E. Chief of Police F. Building Official G. City Planner H. Economic Development I. Airport 1. Airport Lease ~ Rich Vestal January 22, 2008 10 City Commission Minutes Marburger stated everything is in order for Rich Vestal to rent the vacated space that was previously owned by Jack Daniels before the wind storm destroyed the hanger. MOTION BY LAWSON, 2ND BY UNDERHILL, to allow Rich Vestal to rent the vacated space and build a hanger to store his aircraft. AYE: Underhill, Lawson, Bogar, Bekkedahl, Koeser NAY: None MOTION CARRIED 5-0 J. Assessor 10. Appointments and Consultations with Officers A. Old Armory Board The Old Armory Board recommends that Judy Billehus and John Krabseth be re-appointed to the Governing Board with terms expiring July 2010 and Tom Kvamme be appointed to the position formerly held by Joe Mendro Sr that will expire July 2009. MOTION BY UNDERHILL, 2ND BY LAWSON, to re-appoint Judy Billehus and John Krabseth to the Governing Board, expiring July 2010 and Tom Kvamme to fill the position of Mr. Mendro which expires July 2009. AYE: Underhill, Lawson, Bogar, Bekkedahl, Koeser NAY: None MOTION CARRIED 5-0 11. Unfinished Business 1. Phil Jackson Honor MOTION FROM LAWSON, 2ND BY UNDERHILL, to withdraw from the agenda until further notice. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 2. Williston Convention and Visitor Bureau Request to Renew Agreement Will remain tabled. 12. New Business Lawson informed the Commission that Chief Hanson will be out for some time due to having an operation. 13. Executive Session 14. Adjourn MOTION BY LAWSON, 2ND BY BEKKEDHAL, to adjourn CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY _______________________________________ E. WARD KOESER, President Board of City Commissioners _________________________________ JOHN KAUTZMAN, City Auditor