Descriptors for Literacy Squared Weekly Lesson Plan Week of 7/8/13 Teachers: Craig, Wolf, Green School Summer Academy Grade _3_ Standard/performance indicator: R.L. 3.7 Explain how specific aspects of a text’s illustrations contribute to what is conveyed by the words in a story (e.g., create mood, emphasize aspects of a character setting). W.3.3 Write narratives to develop real or imagined experiences or events using effective technique, descriptive details, and clear event sequences. S.L.3.4 Report on a topic or text, tell a story or recount an experience with appropriate facts and relevant, descriptive details, speaking clearly at an understandable pace. L.3.5 Demonstrate understanding of figurative language, word relationships and nuances in word meanings. Literacy Objective(s) Students will use the text and their own experiences to create a personal narrative about a special trip they have taken. Students will include figurative language to effectively describe descriptive details within their story and include illustrations to portray these details. Connections between Literacy Environments: * Bilingual texts * Genre study: Realistic Fiction *Personal Narratives Cross-language strategies (if applicable) Figurative language Salir como relámpago Nos disparamos como cohetes Regresamos sin aliento Synonyms Dictado: See attachment #1 for English and Spanish Dictado Teaching points: Capitalize proper nouns, use of comma between city and state, cognates, use of e before a word that begins with I in Spanish, adjectives to describe setting. Antonyms Spanish Literacy Literacy-based ESL Oracy Objectives: Students will listen to the teacher read the story to visualize and sketch the setting with details. Students will use Structured dialogue along with figurative language, and vocabulary from the story to describe their visualization of the setting. Oracy Objective (s): Students will recount Chave’s Memories story using the language structures provided. Using the “show me not tell me,” for instance instead of saying she is sad, you could say tears ran from her eyes. Dialogue: Dialogue: ¿Haz hecho alguna vez un viaje muy especial/ o visitado un lugar con tu familia? Yo visité _______________. ¿Por qué fue especial? Fue especial porque _____________. ¿Cómo era el lugar? El lugar era _____________. ¿Cuáles fueron tus emociones al llegar a ese lugar? Yo me sentí ____________ porque ____________. Why was Chave so excited about the trip? Chave was excited because____________. As they approached the Burrita Ranch, what did Chave see? Chave saw ___________. When they arrived at her Grandma’s house, what was the first game she played with her cousins? Chave played ____________. Language Structures: Use process grid Para apoyar como procesar el vocabulario en la mente. What do you think the Ranch smelled like? La Burrita Ranch smelled like __________ because ______________. How would you describe Venancio’s character? Venancio is ____________ and I know this because in the book it said that ___________. Yo pienso que el autor decidió usar la palabra _________ porque ____________ en vez de usar _________ porque ____________. En mi opinión, el significado inferido de la palabra ___________ es ________________ porque __________________. Vocabulario: traqueteado (p.2), cuesta abajo (p.8), pastor (p.9), diestros (p.10), loma (p.3), aljibe agua potable (p.3), portón (p.7). Language Structures: Sequencing for Beginning levels: First, __________ went ________. Then, __________. Next, __________ they __________. Finally, the family ___________. Sequencing for Intermediate: In the beginning, __________. Just after they arrived ___________. Then they ______________. Before __________ they ______________. In the end, __________. Vocabulary: bumpy, eyelashes, hilltop, well, shepherd, supper, enchanted, downhill, rural, gate, skillful M O N D A Y Reading Approach: M S SG R C I Text: Los recuerdos de Chave 1.Presentar los objetivos/metas de la lección. 2. Presentar el vocabulario. 3. Leer la historia. Writing Approach : M S C I Teacher uses a process grid to begin a Cognitive Content Dictionary of vocabulary. See picture above for a visual of the process grid. Reading Writing Approach: M S SG R C Approach M S C I I Text: Go over learning objectives of the week . Read aloud of Chave’s Memories, frontloading vocabulary, explicitly teaching vocabulary using picture/ word cards and focusing on elements of the setting of La Burrita Ranch. Begin to ask the dialogue questions. Lotta Lara: Comprehension questions in dialogue form. What are three things Venancio is good at? Who are Venancio’s friends? At what time do you think they gathered? Lotta Lara: Review key vocabulary: dusk, the ranch hand, supper, storyteller, gathered Echo, Choral, Independent T U E S D A Y Approach: M S SG R C I Text: Los recuerdos de Chave 1.Se presenta los objetivos/metas de la lección. 2. Lectura interactiva de las páginas marcadas que contienen el vocabulario. Las paginas están marcadas en la lista del vocabulario. Approach : M S C I Approach: M S SG R C I Teacher will add to the Text: Cognative Content Dictonary Review learning objectives and students will write in their of the week. Finish reading process grid after whole class text. discussion(use picture Go over list of words/ vocabulary cards here after the evidence from text of how inferred meaning is said). we described La Burrita Ranch. W E D N E S D A Y Approach: M S SG R C I El maestro visita el texto y lee los parrafos donde vienen las oraciones con el lenguaje figurativo los escribe en un papel: Salir de ella como relámpago Regresamos a la casa sin aliento Disparamos como cohetes Explicar cómo estos ayudan a hacer la historia más interesante. Approach : M S C I Fichero 6 Mi propia historia (modificado) Empezar a contestar las preguntas básicas sobre su evento especial. (Escritura Previa) ¿Con quién fuiste? ¿Qué hiciste? ¿Dónde fuiste? ¿Cuándo fuiste? ¿Por qué fuiste/estuviste? ¿Cómo te sentiste al llegar y a la despedida? Los estudiantes van a compartir con un compañero acerca de un lugar muy especial que visitaron. Los estudiantes usaran las ideas compartidas para escribir su propia historia usando el proceso de la escritura. Lotta Lara Approach: M S SG R C I Text: Review learning objectives of the week. Review elements of a story using story map. As a class complete Story Elements Chart (see attachment 3) Students pair share and discuss and give ideas to complete class chart verbally. Lotta Lara Approach: M S C I Students choose two of the dialogue questions to elaborate on and they do GIVE ONE GET ONE for ELD Approach M S C I Students will work collaboratively to complete a story map in writing. Students will refer to Story Elements Chart. T H U R S D A Y Approach: M S SG R C I Approach : M S C I Repasar lenguaje figurativo del cuento e introducir símiles y metáforas usando la lección espanol3 de la SEP páginas 51-53. Como clase hacer una lista de símiles, metáforas y lenguaje figurativa. Los alumnos deben escoger por lo menos uno para incluir en su historia. Students use these sentence frames to write their own Narrative. Qué especial para nosotros era ir a __________________. Fue muy divertido porque________. Fui con __________. Fuimos en ________ (cuando). Al fin llegamos a __________. Nos recibieron _____. Me sentía ________. Approach: M S SG R C I Text: Lotta Lara Finish writing if not yet complete. Practice reading the sequencing paragraph they have previously written with their partner. Use clock appointments to read to another person.(ELD) Approach M S C I Do before reading practice Using above language structures and previously done story map, students will write a detailed summary of Chave’s Memories including learned English vocabulary (written above). El lugar era ________. Después ___________. También___________. Luego_____________. Ya que cayó la tarde _____. Al recordar esta visita/viaje/evento me hace sentir __________. Los estudiantes continuaran revisando y editando su historia con un compañero para dar y recibir ideas y apoyo. Esto puede tomar de 23 días de acuerdo a las habilidades de los estudiantes. F R I D A Y Approach: M S SG R C I Text: Estudiantes pueden leer sus narrativas personales con un compañero. Approach : M S C I Los estudiantes continuaran revisando y editando su historia con un compañero y después tendrán una conferencia con la maestra para después publicar la historia. Los estudiantes compartirán su historia final con la clase en un formato de “Author's’ Chair”. Make an illustrated class book using the sequence paragraph the students have created and have practiced all week. Reading: M- Modeled S – Shared SG- teacher led Small Group R – Repeated reading/Lotta Lara Writing: M- Modeled S- Shared C- Collaborative I- Independent C- Collaborative Approach : M S C or I Students work in partners to fill in a cloze paragraph (see file) using the learned vocabulary in a context outside of the story Chave’s Memories (this can double as a vocab quiz) I- Independent