How to Read this Syllabus: A User-Guide
EDUC 2500 Education Pre-enrollment Seminar
– Syllabus –
July 2011
Hello 2500-ers,
This is an interactive syllabus which requires you to click around to activate live links. You should
save the document on your desktop and remember that you must be online to read the syllabus or
access the links. You will see some reoccurring images throughout the syllabus that are live links.
To click the link/image you must either just click, or hold down the CTRL button and mouse click
to activate a link. Some images you will see are as follows:
1. EDUC 2500 Presentation
Items in blue are live links
The image (above) seperates each week or task.
The image (above) is the link to (BB).
The image (above) is the link to the course content and is your guide to this seminar.
OKAY… Now the actual syllabus is below... Take your time and read everything. This
course is suported via Blackboard (BB) and is a requirement. Make sure you login to (BB).
EDUC 2500 Education Pre-enrollment Seminar
– Syllabus –
July 2011
EDUC 2500 - Education Pre-enrollment Seminar (0 semester hours)
Professor: Dr. Jason Karp, Ed.D
NSU - Abraham S. Fischler School of Education
3301 College Avenue Davie, Florida 33314
Office Location: Charlotte, North Carolina
Home Phone 704.540.1379 – Please consider the time of day when calling.
Email: e-mail is the best way to contact me.
Education Pre-enrollment Seminar: This seminar provides an orientation to technology and program
skills necessary for successful participation in the undergraduate programs. Students will be
introduced to university systems designed to provide support and services to the undergraduate
student during the formal program of study. An overview of all facets of the undergraduate
programs will be provided, including how to locate course schedules online, how to contact
academic advising, and how to access resources. Students will learn interactive technology skills,
such as using e-mail and sending attachments, navigating the Internet, accessing the electronic
library, using APA format, locating and using the undergraduate Website and using Blackboard.
Upon successful completion of EDUC 2500, Education Pre-enrollment Seminar, and the student
A. Register for a NSU e-mail account.
B. Use the Internet to locate course schedules.
C. Use the Internet to register for class.
D. Use the Internet to locate course syllabi, materials, and textbook lists.
1. Use the Internet to access the NSU Library and electronic resources.
E. Access NSU’s Webmail.
F. Use the Internet to access online courses (BlackBoard students).
G. Identify the location of the UTEP Student Code of Ethics.
H. Locate contact information on UTEP website for assistance.
I. Complete the Florida Inventory of Teacher Technology Skills.
 Computer with Internet Access / Blackboard Access
 NSU Email Account
 EDUC 2500 Presentation
American Psychological Association. (2009). Publication manual of the American
EDUC 2500 Education Pre-enrollment Seminar
– Syllabus –
July 2011
Psychological Association (6th ed.). Washington, DC: Author. ISBN 978-1-43380561-5
Aaron, J. E. (2010). The little brown compact handbook (7th ed.). New York: Pearson
Note: Each week you are required to post a response to the discussion questions & student
feedback postings for a total of 10 points at the end of the term. Responses are due every Sunday
any time before midnight. Questions are to be posted on the discussion board, not sent by email.
You must complete all postings to receive credit. If you post some responses and skip the last one
you receive (zero) points. Do not post early or late, rather post your comments during the correct
week. Questions can be found below under the (week-by-week section). You are also required to
respond to at least 1 student with some feedback about their posting. Students are expected to
review the links & videos that correspond each week. All students must complete the assigned
tasks, exam and discussion questions to pass the course. A failing grade will be issued if you do not
attend, participate and PASS the exams.
SEMINAR PRE-ASSIGNMENT: Due the First Session…
A. Read the syllabus and review it.
B. Purchase the required textbooks. These books will be used throughout the entire program.
C. Post your autobiography on the discussion board.
For technical problems with BlackBoard do not contact the instructor, instead contact the helpdesk at
X. GRADING CRITERIA : The grading scale is based on completion of the assigned tasks, and is
as follows:
EDUC 2500 Education Pre-enrollment Seminar
– Syllabus –
July 2011
The requirements for each task are outlined in detail below under the week-by-week section. Follow
the guidelines carefully to receive full credit. In addition, all written work must be submitted in
professional form utilizing formal Standard English. Correct spelling, capitalization, punctuation,
grammar, and sentence structure are required. Students must keep the graded assignments required
by their specialization for their portfolios. Late work will not be accepted at all. Please pay close
attention to professional etiquette.
The primary methods of instruction used in this course are:
Supplemental readings, exposure to varied media materials, informational presentations, discussions
online: small and large groups, cooperative learning activities, written synthesis of information.
Aaron, J. E. (2010). The little brown compact handbook with exercises (7th ed.). New York:
Pearson Longman.
American Psychological Association (APA). (2009). Publication manual of the American
Psychological Association (6th ed.). Washington, DC: Author.
University Websites:
Abraham S. Fischler School of Education. Retrieved May. 31, 2007, from
Undergraduate Teacher Education Program. Retrieved May. 31, 2007, from
Florida Department of Education. Florida Department of Education. Retrieved
May. 31, 2007, from
Nevada Department of Education. Retrieved May. 31, 2007, from
Nova Southeastern University. Retrieved May. 31, 2007, from
EDUC 2500 Education Pre-enrollment Seminar
– Syllabus –
July 2011
TO-DO 1:
Important Message: You must complete the EDUC 2500 Presentation below (see image). You
must go through the entire presentation and review the information presented. A quiz will be taken
at the end of this seminar in Blackboard based on the presentation below. Click on the picture below
to launch the presentation.
Assignment: Take either online quiz: Quiz Plagiarism-1 Quiz Plagiarism-2.
How did you do? Did you do better or worse than expected?
Discussion Posting: Identify the location of the UTEP/NSU Student Code of Ethics. How does
plagiarism impact you as a student and the original author who created it? What are your feeling
about plagiarism and ethical behavior as a teacher/role model to students?
Links to visit:
Click on this
image and
make sure
you go
through the
Review: The Code of Ethics and The Principles of Professional Conduct of The Education
Profession in Florida
EDUC 2500 Education Pre-enrollment Seminar
– Syllabus –
July 2011
TO-DO 2:
Assignment: Establishing your Portfolio: DO NOT SUBMIT DURING THIS SEMINAR. As a part of
the educational technology course (EDUC/EECP 3330), the curriculum includes working with
Critical Tasks of achievement. These Critical Tasks include creating an ePortfolio to organize and
document the requirements of the State and of the Nova Southeastern University Undergraduate
program. An Accomplished Practices Portfolio is a collection of best practices produced while at
Nova Southeastern University. The Portfolio is more than a product; it is a work in progress. Start it
slowly, one course, one page, one step at a time. Use it here in college for organizing your work,
assessment, reflection, and a demonstration of your growth and change. When you graduate you can
make a few modifications and use it as an employment tool.
Click Here for the Portfolio Website.
Purchase a binder to keep your Critical Tasks in. Portfolios will be checked either online or during
the Teacher Candidate Meetings TBA. These dates will be announced via your NSU email.
Communication will also take place online via Blackboard, so make sure you always check
Blackboard when a new semester begins.
Discussion Posting: Did you already purchase the required APA textbook? Do you really know
APA? What should you do to prepare for requirements such as APA formatting and proper citations
in your assignments? Does this stuff really matter, and should you fail because you did not adhere
to the guidelines?
Links to visit:
Formatting Text Citations
Formatting Book Citations
Formatting Journal Article Citations
EDUC 2500 Education Pre-enrollment Seminar
– Syllabus –
July 2011
TO-DO 3:
Discussion Posting: Do you know your academic strengths? Do you know which tasks give you the
most difficulty? When you run into difficulty, do you ask for help? Do you have a system for
keeping track of your projects, papers and email? Do you have a contact person that you can go to
for questions or concerns in the future? Should you prepare a document with email addresses and
telephone numbers so you know where to go when you need help?
EDUC 2500 Education Pre-enrollment Seminar
– Syllabus –
July 2011
TO-DO 4:
Discussion Posting: How2 SaY iT! Uhh, do ya know how NOT 2 get a response from ur
professor? Send an email like this passage and you will probably not get a reply from the recipient.
Always be professional and formal when sending email, using the phone, and communicating with
colleagues. Take a look at the “How2 SaY iT” link and respond to a few scenario with your
Links to visit: Common errors in writing and Writing tips
EDUC 2500 Education Pre-enrollment Seminar
– Syllabus –
July 2011
TO-DO 5:
Assignment: Set up an auto signature on your email account. Use your full name, student
identification number, best contact phone number, email address, and campus location. This will
make life easier for the recipients and for you.
John Doe
Phone Number 954.867.5309
Main Campus – Ft. Lauderdale
Your Address
Discussion Posting: Problems with faculty and colleagues can and will happen. How should it be
handled? What is your plan for expressing your frustration, concerns, or simply asking for help?
Always try to remedy conflicts with in a professional way. Sometimes mistakes happen, but it is
how you deal with the problem that makes all of the difference. What’s the old line my grandma
told me years ago…? “Life is 10 percent of what happens to you and 90 percent of how you deal
with it.” What are your thought about that comment?
Links to visit:
EDUC 2500 Education Pre-enrollment Seminar
– Syllabus –
July 2011
TO-DO 6:
Assignment: Complete the Florida Inventory of Teacher Technology Skills. Under “District
Name,” (dropbox) select Nova Southeastern University. Then, Select Undergraduate Teacher
Education Program (under School Name). Then, under Email Address, select *create an account.
Then, enter nsu (lowercase) under Password. Then, add your information for your account. Be sure
to create a new password. Next, you will answer questions & select one of the options, e.g.,
"teacher." Finally, begin the inventory.
Discussion Posting: You tell me? What are your worries? What do you expect, need, or require?
What could we do to make this seminar better?
Links to visit:
Take the quiz under Exams in
EDUC 2500 Education Pre-enrollment Seminar
– Syllabus –
July 2011