The Quantum Planning Workbook The worksheets below are designed to help you personally, as well as members of a group planning together, to absorb and use the ideas covered in the book. Once you have been introduced to them during a seminar you will be able to use them on an ongoing basis to help you get unstuck, step outside of group think and challenge your own assumptions. In going through those experiences you will be able to think more creatively and breakthrough to some innovative ideas. In doing so you will have a chance to become a better leader. The Core Quantum Planning Process and Strategic Planning The Pathway from Quantum Physics to Success in Business Strategy Take some good ideas on structure and flow to open thinking and drive creativity Study how the universe works Quantum Physics Turning ideas into creative and innovative services and products Quantum Ideas and Metaphors Creative Thinking Metaphysics The core quantum thinking loop Organizational Design &Development Strategic Planning Decide how to combine people and physical assets into a productive system. Bring in information on key aspects of the business: markets, technology, competition, regulation, finances, economic issues Investment in Operations The core business learning loop Product or Service Quantum physics (or just the workings of the universe) are a base from which we develop ideas, metaphors, patterns and models. We use our thinking to play with and experiment with those ideas. This is the creative process which must be open and conducted in a non-judgmental fashion. It is the beginning of the “thoughts to things” process. Sound strategic planning will bring in the other key elements of the business and its operating environment. It is within that context that ideas will be applied. Those applications will lead to organizational design and development, followed by investment and production of products and services. The response in the market for the products and services offered becomes an opportunity for feedback and learning. Challenges and opportunities which arise from this are the core of the learning process connected to customers. In addressing those challenges and opportunities, new ideas, metaphors, patterns and models may be needed, which will have implications for organizational design and development. Proprietary-Harris Planning and Strategy Use by permission only 2 Beyond Duality Worksheet This worksheet is designed to help you step outside the trap of dual thinking. It provides a few starting examples and then leaves space for you to add your own. The more you can become aware of extremes and opposites in your thinking and dissolve them, the more open and powerful your thinking will become. - + Cheap Good Value Expensive Believer Enlightened Non-believer Pleasure Sacrifice/Growth Pain Positive Thinking Wisdom/Truth Negative Thinking Proprietary-Harris Planning and Strategy Use by permission only 3 Beyond Duality Worksheet II A different point of observing a particle can lead to different measurements of its position and different probabilities of its velocity. All the different measurements are real from their position of observation. Therefore there can be multiple realities. Event________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ 1. I see it as ___________________________________________________ 2. Based on what I see we should__________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ 3. This will result in ____________________________________________ Has someone seen this completely differently from me? Is this person ALWAYS wrong? Have I ever missed seeing something? Is the result others are seeing feasible? Can my result and theirs co-exist or complement one another? Proprietary-Harris Planning and Strategy Use by permission only 4 Observations and Intention Worksheet We infer a lot from our histories, beliefs and values. They form the basis of our assumptions, starting points and comfort zones. They are our own and do not exist anywhere in the universe except inside of our heads. Statement or Observation:____________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ 1. I assume this means_____________________________________________ 2. Based on that then_____________________________________ must be true 3. What follows from this is ________________________________________ Opening Up: Are any of the above always true, 100% of the time? If I see this differently (maybe even the exact opposite for starters), how does it make me feel? What might prevent me from seeing this differently? What can I learn from seeing this differently? Proprietary-Harris Planning and Strategy Use by permission only 5 Uncertainty and Positions Worksheet (Content and Context) It is not possible to get all the information needed to make the exact right decision. Taking a position that your perspective is “right” is inherently limited by your subjective point of view (context). Once you take a position on the content you are also setting the context. A shift in point of view changes what we can measure and see. Event____________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ 1. My context for this is____________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ 2. Based on that context my decision is ________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ 3. Another context for this might be____________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ Based on that my decision could change to_______________________________ Proprietary-Harris Planning and Strategy Use by permission only 6 Space and Time Illusion Worksheet Time is an illusion created by the human mind to organize and coordinate our activities and to set expectations. Notice how babies seem to be completely unaware of what time it is. A particular “this” that must precede or follow are particular “that” is only true for you. Your sequential thinking is yours alone. Convincing others to follow it can be fulfilling, but it can also close down your thinking and opportunities for creativity. “This” before “that” thinking Your Preferred Order An Alternative Order Learning Questions: 1. What was I trying to optimize in my sequence? 2. How was my concept of time operating? (order, maturity, investment)? 3. What could be accomplished better or differently by the alternative sequence? Proprietary-Harris Planning and Strategy Use by permission only 7 Many Worlds Worksheet I Worldview of the complex business environment Organizational View Context of Strategy Formulation and Investment Conditions are far beyond our control, resources analyzing it should be limited Ready-fire-aim-fire (RFAF): Studying the business environment too long is seen as paralysis and a poor use of limited resources, therefore the bias is toward taking action, learning something, then taking more action. Investing and learning by doing is the underlying belief. Complex conditions exist, but we have a clear intention and are willing to interact with changing conditions Aim-ready-fire-aim (ARFA): There is a belief that the business environment is complex and evolving in a certain manner and that a risk can be taken to anticipate conditions and thereby make a profit. Studying the environment is done to give context for anticipating conditions. A powerful intention in combination with anticipation of conditions directs investment and learning. Complex conditions exist, but we can influence some of the key factors to limit risks Aim-control-ready-fire (ACRF): There is a belief that the business environment though complex can have some factors controlled. Studying the environment drives the selection of which factors to seek to control of. A clear intention combined with efforts to limit downside risks (or secure advantage) directs investment and learning. Very often there are hidden assumptions within a group of how the whole of the business environment is perceived and the company’s relationship to that environment. The organization’s view of itself in the environment—how strong or weak is it against the forces that are active or potentially active—is often unclear because it exists in very different ways in the minds of its managers and workers. Depending on the view of the organization against its environment, the entire structure of the planning and strategy implementation (i.e., investment) process can shift. (See pages 91-94 in the book.) Proprietary-Harris Planning and Strategy Use by permission only 8 Many Worlds Worksheet II Catalytic and Kaleidoscopic Perception about life and events set your context. Depending on the point of view there can be multiple contexts– each one valid. Creativity and open thinking has to challenge all assumptions and “sacred cows.” A sudden change in content or context can create whole new perceptions and make possible whole new worlds of possibility. Abstinence The Pill Television YouTube/ Newspapers On Line Information US Centered World Rise of China What changes or new things do you see that might completely change the world? Proprietary-Harris Planning and Strategy Use by permission only 9 The Field of All Possibility Worksheet-I The Interconnectedness of Everything WHY? WHY? WHY? WHY? WHY? The universe is one whole system. Everything is connected to something which connected to something which is leads to everything being connected to everything. There is no part that exists or has any meaning outside of the whole. Many things lead to the next thing. The more open and patient we are in seeing the interconnections the more we ways we can see to bring in creativity. Event______________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Why did it happen (what led to it)? Why did that happen? Why did that happen? Why did that happen? Why did that happen? As you go deeper what are you learning? On the last “why” make a positive change and work your way back up and see what might have happened. Proprietary-Harris Planning and Strategy Use by permission only 10 The Field of All Possibility Worksheet II Connecting with the Field The idea that anything exists separate and alone in the universe (or in our lives) is a misperception. It comes from seeing things from a narrow perspective and of seeing parts without seeing the whole. We all exist within a field of connections that is always seeking balance. The Company as a part 1. Focus on a competitive action the company will make_______________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ The Company as the whole In taking this action __________________ the company must work with___ _____________________________________________________________. Once this action is taken______________ will respond by doing_________ _____________________________________________________________ To respond to the action of _____________________________________the company will__________________________________________________. In responding the company will need to work with_____________________ Proprietary-Harris Planning and Strategy Use by permission only 11 Everything is Energy Worksheet Our relationships with others are composed of energy-they are alive. We energize our relationships as we learn from others. The assets in our lives have to be used in a loving manner to create the connections that give meaning to life. The ease in which others can approach and work with us and our willingness to share our values in an open way raises the vibration level of our relationships. Energy Out Being fearful Energy In Acting courageously Pushing guilt Being forgiving Hopelessness Willingness Judging others Accepting others An event when all the energy left the room_________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ What action, statement or behavior could have raised energy?________ _____________________________________________________________ What opportunity was missed?__________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ Proprietary-Harris Planning and Strategy Use by permission only 12