Marie Louise Kassi MEDT 7468
Project Title: Teaching Reflexive verbs with interactive tools
Deadlines to post work : October 24, October 31, November 7, and November 21
Project Members : Marie Louise Kassi, French teacher and project designer; Dr. Joy Roberts,
World language Department Chair and Sponsor; Project implementation will begin in
December 1st 2014 and will end on December the 12th. French teachers in Miller Grove High
School will implement the project in their classes
Project Sponsor : Dr. Joy Roberts, World Language Department Chair, Miller Grove High
2645 Dekalb Medical Parkway,
Lithonia, GA
Project Goal
The goal of this project is to provide interactive and technology-based tools in order to teach reflexive verbs in French to French 2 students.
Determine Needs
Reflexive verbs in French are a tough subject to teach since its grammatical structure is very complex and require prior knowledge of the 3 groups of verbs’ conjugation. Within the project, teachers will be able to teach the reflexive verbs using interactive tool in the way that it will be easy for the students to learn.
Scope of Learning
Conjugations of regular and irregular verbs in French
Reflexive verbs: structure and conjugation
Daily routine: vocabulary and application of reflexive verbs conjugation
MLII.IP1 The students exchange spoken and written information in the target language, utilizing cultural references where appropriate.
MLII.IP2 The students demonstrate skills necessary to initiate, sustain, and close oral and written exchanges in the target language.
MLII.INT1 The students understand spoken and written language on new and familiar topics presented through a variety of media in the target language, including authentic materials
MLII.P1 The students present information orally and in writing using familiar and newly- acquired vocabulary, phrases, and patterns.
MLII.CU1 The students understand perspectives, practices, and products of the cultures where the target language is spoken and how they are interrelated.
MLII.CCC3 The students develop a better understanding of the English language through the study of the target language.
MLII.CCC5 The students develop and apply target language skills and cultural knowledge beyond the classroom setting for recreational, educational, and occupational purposes.
Learning activities
The learning activities will be grouped into three modules to be implemented during two weeks, from December 1 st
to December 12 th
Monday 1 st
- Tuesday 2 nd
Scope of learning
Module 1
Review of conjugation (Powtoon video)
Verbs ending with er
Verbs ending with ir
Verbs ending with re
Wednesday 3 rd
-Friday 5 th
Scope of Learning
Module 2
Intro to reflexive verbs ( powtoon video)
Reflexive verb conjugation
Reflexive verb pronoun
Reflexive verb negation
Reflexive verb past tense
Students will create an account on
End of module 2 quiz on
(with ipads)
Monday 8th-Friday 12 th
Scope of Learning
Module 3
Daily routine vocabulary(flashcard machine) and final project
Morning routine vocabulary
After school routine vocabulary
Discussing when you do things
Issue final project (
Presentation final project.
Design Conceptualizations
I used the model DDD-E Model (decide, design, develop, and evaluate). (Ivers, K., & Barron,
A., 2006), as a template for designing my multimedia project. The entire project will be available on my edublogs website where I will create a new page titled: “Reflexive verb”. All the modules will be on the same page with separate entry.
I have decided to do my project on interactive ways to teach reflexive verbs, because it is very hard for the students to understand its grammatical structure. I also decided to incorporate the daily routine vocabulary because it is a good example of reflexive verb.
While designing my project, I wanted to provide the students with everything they need in order to understand the reflexive verbs. My project starts by a review of the French verbs conjugation. This first step is very important because the students need to know how to do a basic conjugation in French. I also included small quizzes in between the video in order to evaluate the students as they learn. I decided to do so because the final evaluation will be a project so it is very important to know if the students understand what is being taught to them.
I also used different technologies tools like,,, in order to promote differentiation and effectiveness.
Evaluation Strategies
Student will be evaluated by creating an interactive cartoon either on powtoon or bitstrips.
They will have to create a minimum of 10 actions from the time they wake up to when they go to sleep. They will be graded on the structure of the reflexive verbs sentences and how well they wrote it, with no grammatical errors. They will be provided with a rubric and an example.
Instructional needs
For a successful completion of this project, teachers will need to have a good internet connection, to allow students to create an account on, and flashcard machine. Teachers will also have to secure Ipads from the media center. A promethean board is a must.
The main issue will come from a minimum access to internet which will prevent the teachers to use the video on powtoon and the intereactive flashcard on
Communications with sponsor
November 3 rd
November 4 th
November 6 th
November 22 nd
November 26 th
December 1 st –December 5 th
December 8 th
-December 12 th
I met with Dr. Roberts to discuss the challenge of teaching reflexive verb to students.
I decided to use reflexive verb as my project title for my instructional design class. I asked
Dr. Roberts if she will agree to be my sponsor. She aaccepted and decided to meet with me again for more details
Dr. Joy and I discus of when will be the good time to implement the project. Her and I decided that the first two weeks of December will be the perfect time
I submit my project to Dr. Roberts for her thoughts and comments. She liked the project and proposed to have a common planning with the department in order to create a lesson plan.
We created the common lesson plan and secure the ipads for each classes
First week of project implementation
Second week of project implementation and students evaluation
Clark, R. C., & Mayer, R. E. (2011). E-learning and the science of instruction: Proven guidelines for consumers and designers of multimedia learning. Pfeiffer.
Ivers, Karen S. (2010). Multimedia projects in education: designing, producing, and assessing, (4th Ed.). Westport, CT: Libraries Unlimited.
CCGPS World Language Spanish, French, German II Unit Plans, retrieved November
20 th
2014 from word document.