Arts Council England, Yorkshire Imagination for life and learning - part 2 6 Appendices 6.1 Bibliography A New Relationship with Schools, OfSTED and DfES d=3666&type=pdf Birth to three matters, DfES, Sure Start 63/ss_birth2_3matters_birth.pdf Children, young people and the arts, Arts Council England, 2005 O.pdf Churchill Dower, R. International Creative Practice in Early Years Settings, Arts Council England, 2004 ry_php5JBYzm.pdf Clark, A and Heptinstall, E, The arts in the early years: a national study of policy and practice, 2002 %20the%20early%20years.pdf Curriculum Guidance for the Foundation Stage, QCA, 2000 Drummond, M J, Starting with Children – Towards an Early Years Curriculum Every Child Matters (Green Paper), DfES, 2003 Extended schools: Access to opportunities and services for all. A prospectus, DfES, 2005 Imagination for life and learning - appendices Primary National Strategy. Key Elements of Effective Practice, DfES, 2005 /pns_fs120105keep.pdf 6.2 Methodology Through facilitating one regional group consultation day with twenty-two participants, eighteen in-depth telephone consultations, email correspondence with a further twenty consultees and desk-based research with a wide variety of stakeholders, the consultants Isaacs UK set out to: understand the full local, regional, and national context within which regional individuals, organisations or partnerships are operating map current arts and early years practice where possible, assess gaps in provision and options for increased impact of current provision identify and assess professional development and other needs of partners, signpost opportunities where possible and prioritise their delivery as part of the plan explore opportunities for increased visibility, capacity, legitimacy and financial sustainability of the infrastructure through strategic partnership building establish the issues of importance to enhancing and improving practice across the region and beyond, including international exchange opportunities, and identifying the synergies and priorities for the region, linking in to the national Children, young people and the arts strategy design a regional plan with partners which sets out the above, recommends suitable models for delivery, and maps out an infrastructure of ongoing support and growth, for strategy partners Consultees included: Arts Council staff, members of the early years and creativity Hub, local Sure Starts, staff from early years settings, early years or arts advisors from Local Education Authorities, Local Authority Arts or Education officers with an early years remit, community arts or education agencies, arts organisations and venues with an early years remit, artists and educationalists in the sector, training providers such as regional colleges and universities, Creative Partnerships staff, national strategic partners such as Youth Music, QCA, Sure Start, DfES and DCMS. In addition, international partners were targeted including: those involved in the recent international research – La Baracca, Theatre de la Guimbarde, Balabik, Bradford County Regional Arts Council; European networks including Imagination for life and learning - appendices EUnetART, Wolf Trap Institute for Early Learning Through the Arts, International Child Art Foundation, International Association of Theatre for Children and Young People (ASSITEJ), Yehudi Menhuin Foundation’s MUSE programme for arts and early education, and other relevant bodies. Throughout the consultation period, Isaacs UK made presentations of their findings and evolving recommendations to the Early Years and Creativity Hub and sought feedback from the group to inform the development plan. Imagination for life and learning - appendices 6.3 Acknowledgements This document was researched and written by Ruth Churchill Dower of Isaacs UK1. The thinking and discussion that went into it was a community effort and we acknowledge support and advice from: Kevin Allen, Community Woldgate College Nathan Archer, The Children’s House Consultancy Margaret Barker, Settle Victoria Centre Kevin Bolton, Performing Arts Barnsley Margaret Booth, SE Sheffield Education Action Zone Helen Cagney-Watts, Creative Partnerships, Hull Andrew Cleaton, Youth Music Rob Cross, Eureka! The Museum for Children Vicky Crowther, Early Years, Grimsby Nancy Farrow, Wolfe Road Nursery Tim Fleming, Whitewood and Fleming Theatre and Music Penny Greenland, Jabadao Sharon Hogan, Canterbury Children’s Centre and Nursery Natasha Holmes, Tell Tale Hearts Anne Hunter, Sure Start Athersley New Lodge and Smithies Ben Hunter, Sure Start Athersley New Lodge and Smithies Kate Johnson, Parklands Children’s Centre Helen Jones, darts Vanessa Langford, City of York Council Sarah Mumford, National Museum of Photography, Film and Television Paul Munden, National Association of Writers in Education Niladri, Tutti Frutti Productions Nick Owen, Creative Partnerships/University of Hull Lisa Parrott, West Yorkshire Playhouse Amanda Phillips, Leeds City Art Gallery Nicola Raettig, Goole Town Council Hopal Romans, Youth Music Viv Scone, SE Sheffield Education Action Zone Penny Sharman, Eureka! The Museum for Children Andrew Shimmin, McMillan Nursery School Stephanie Simm, Arts Council England, Yorkshire Julia Smith, Rural Arts Hannah Verow, darts Mary Walker, Pandora’s Daughter Sue Withey, Sure Start Jude Wright, Wakefield Theatres 1 Isaacs UK is a national consultancy based in Yorkshire, dedicated to building learning networks with communities in the arts, early years, cultural and education sectors. Details at Imagination for life and learning - appendices 6.4 Map of Current Provision With reference to these consultations, we defined ‘early years’ as birth to key stage one, ie six years old. This was based on including all work either formally within the Birth to Three Matters and the Foundation Stage frameworks, or informally, within nurseries, play-groups, child-minding, children's centres, early excellence centres, EYDCPs, Sure Start groups, reception classes and infant/primary schools up to and including Key Stage one. All providers known to us are included below, but the list is not exhaustive and may include others. North Yorkshire City of York Council, York, Craven District Council, Skipton, Live Music Now, Malton, National Association of Writers in Education, York, National Centre for Early Music, York, North Yorkshire Childcare Brokerage, Leeds, North Yorkshire Youth Music Action Zone, Harrogate, Rural Arts, Thirsk, Settle Victoria Centre, Settle Sure Start, Scarborough, Imagination for life and learning - appendices Sure Start Selby District, Selby, Woldgate Community College, Pocklington, Youth Music, York, East Riding of Yorkshire Creative Partnerships, Hull, University of Hull, Hull, Early Years and Childcare Team, Hull Goole Town Council, Goole, McMillan Nursery School/Children's Centre, Hull, North and North East Lincolnshire Early Years, Grimsby, North East Lincolnshire EYDCP, Grimsby, The Children’s House Consultancy, Great Coates, South Yorkshire Auks Movement Play, Rotherham, Creative Partnerships, Sheffield, Creative Partnerships, Barnsley, Doncaster, Rotherham, darts, Doncaster, Eventus Limited, Sheffield, Ferham Primary School, Rotherham, NCH Sure Start Bolton/Goldthorpe, Rotherham, Performing Arts, Barnsley, Pipworth Nursery School, Sheffield, Sheffield LEA, Sheffield South East Sheffield EAZ, Sheffield, Sure Start Athersley New Lodge and Smithies, Barnsley, Sure Start, Sheffield Tinsley Sure Start, Sheffield Wolfe Road Nursery, Sheffield West Yorkshire Alive and Kicking, Leeds, Ashbrow Infant and Junior School, Huddersfield, Imagination for life and learning - appendices Batley Sure Start, Batley, Bradford Early Years and Childcare Service, Bradford, Burley Sure Start/Leeds Learning and Leisure Department, Leeds, Canterbury Children’s Centre, Bradford, City of Bradford MDC, Bradford, Creative Partnerships, Bradford, Dewsbury Moor Sure Start, Dewsbury, EUREKA! The Museum for Children, Halifax, Freehand Theatre, Baildon, Green Inc, Marsden, Huddersfield, Heads Together Productions, Huddersfield, Impossible Theatre, Holmfirth, JABADAO, Leeds, Kala Sangam, Bradford, Kirklees Early Years Service, Huddersfield, Lawrence Batley Theatre, Huddersfield, Leeds City Art Gallery, Leeds, Leeds Early Years Service, Leeds, Lizardswing, Bradford, National Museum of Photography, Film and Television, Bradford, Pandora’s Daughter, Holmfirth, Parklands Children’s Centre, Leeds, Primary Colours, Huddersfield, Satellite Arts, Golcar, Huddersfield, Shabang! Theatre Adventures, Huddersfield, South Square Centre, Bradford, St Edmunds Nursery School, Bradford, Sure Start, Wakefield, Tell Tale Hearts, Leeds, The Castle Children’s Centre, Wakefield, Tutti Frutti, Hebden Bridge, Wakefield Cultural Services, Wakefield, Wakefield Theatres, Wakefield, West Yorkshire Playhouse, Leeds, Whitewood and Fleming Theatre & Music, Halifax, Imagination for life and learning - appendices Yorkshire Sculpture Park, Wakefield, Yorkshire Youth and Music, Halifax, Other areas Centre for Creative Enterprise and Participation, Devon, Janice Thompson Performance Trust, Swindon Shoestring Puppets, Oldham, St Martin’s College, Lancaster, The Arnold Centre for Children and Families, Yellow Brick Road/Pioneer Projects, Lancaster, Imagination for life and learning - appendices 6.5 National policy flowchart for arts and early years ODPM Office of the Deputy Prime Minister DTI Dept of Trade and Industry DfES Dept for Education and Skills CRB QCA Sure Start OfSTED Regional Assemblies GOYH Govmt Office for Yorkshire & Humber Local Authorities Local Education Authorities Qualifications and Curriculum Authority DCMS Dept for Culture, Media and Sport Higher Education Unit & HEFCE TTA Teacher Training Agency YF Yorkshire Forward Regnl Devt Agency Local Sure Starts EYDCPs PCTs Primary Care Trusts YMLAC Yorkshire Museums Libraries & Archives Council Universities and Colleges Nurseries, playgroups, primary/infant schools/reception classes, childminders, Children’s Centres, neighbourhood nurseries, specialist arts schools, Beacon Schools and Nurseries, Early Excellence Centres, etc. Imagination for life and learning - appendices Arts Council England Yorkshire Culture Regional Cultural Consortium DCMS Play & Early Years Unit Youth Music Sport England Museums, Libraries & Archives Council (MLAC) English Heritage Cultural & Creative Industries Sector Skills Council (CCISSC) Arts Council England, Yorkshire Regional ACE Offices Creative Partnerships Yorkshire Early Years and Creativity Hub Arts organisations, artists (all artforms), arts education agencies, private arts companies, cultural organisations and agencies, media, broadcasters and cross-artform practitioners, etc. Other National Bodies influencing or implementing arts and early years policy: 4Children National Children’s Bureau (NCB) Action for Children’s Arts (A4CA) Engage Coram Family Ragdoll Foundation Early Education Pre-School Learning Alliance (PSLA) National Day Nurseries Association (NDNA) National Foundation for Educational Research (NFER) Access Art Arts4Schools National College for School Leadership (NCSL) CAPE UK National Grid for Learning (NGfL) Curiosity and Imagination Artsmark Scheme Basic Skills Agency 4 Nations Child Policy Network BECTA Adult Learning Inspectorate (ALI) 6.6 The value of arts and creative practice in early years: signposts to further reading As mentioned at the start of this plan, there are numerous pieces of evidence and research pointing to the positive impact of arts and creative practices on the lives of children, teachers and families. This section provides signposts to a few of the main publications which contain such evidence, plus toolkits and guidance for putting some of these philosophies into practice. It is by no means exhaustive, but will provide starting points and a broader context for further research. What does creativity do? Creativity allows individual children to: gain confidence – in their activities and in general learn various skills – not just those related to the tasks in which they are involved express their emotions, feelings, thoughts and ideas communicate those emotions, feelings, thoughts and ideas to others experiment with new techniques and materials and with what they already know develop their own identity and individuality – a sense of self and how they are different from other children, adults, carers and family members collaborate with others – contribute to and participate in a group use their imaginations, hopes, wishes, flights of fancy get excited by something, get involved, absorbed or engaged ask questions and use their natural curiosity take time, make judgements and put in the required effort celebrate anything in their world that seems important and – most importantly – have fun Sam Perkins: Seeing, Making, Doing Evidence on values and impacts: All Our Futures: Creativity, Culture & Education, National Advisory Committee on Creativity and Cultural Education, Crown DfES, 1999 Champions of Change: The Impact of the Arts on Learning hange_Report.pdf Clark, J, Griffiths, C and Taylor H, Feeding The Mind, Valuing the arts in the development of young children, A Report For The Arts Council England, North East, 2003 Imagination for life and learning - appendices rsion_000.doc Craft, A, Creativity and Early Years Education: A Lifewide Foundation, Continuum, London, 2002 =1-3/ref=sr_1_8_3/202-6740152-8903817#product-details ISBN: 0826457428 Convention on the Rights of the Child, United Nations Downing, D, Johnson, F and Kaur, S, Saving a Place for the arts? a survey of the arts in primary schools in England NFER as part of the Local Government Association Research Series (LGA Research Report 41: ISBN 1 903880 45 9), 2003 Edwards, P C and Springate, K W, ‘Encouraging creativity in early childhood classrooms’. ECA Collaborative, 1995 Goldhawk, S and The Task Force on Children's Learning and the Arts: Birth to Age 8, Young Children and the Arts: Making Creative Connections, 1998 he_Arts.pdf Impact of Arts Education on Workforce Preparation, NGA Center for Best Practices Prentice, R, Creativity: a reaffirmation of its place in early childhood education The Curriculum Journal 11:2 pp145-158, 2000 Robinson, K, Culture, Creativity and the Young: Developing Public Policy, Council of Europe Publishing, 1999 Young.pdf Imagination for life and learning - appendices Toolkits, checklists and guidance: Belloli, J and Woolf, F, Reflect and review, the arts and creativity in early year, Arts Council England ISBN: 0-7287-1129-X, 2005 Brice Heath, S and Woolfe S, Visual Learning in the Community School, Arts Council England, 2004 Clegg, M, Fraser, M, Lee, G, Tandy, R, Inspire create enjoy, Creative steps to early learning through dance, drama, music and the visual arts, Cheshire Early Years Development and Childcare Partnership, Cheshire County Council, Sure Start, Arts Council England, 2003. To obtain a copy email Marian Fraser on Creativity: Find it, Promote It! QCA Duffy, B, Supporting Creativity and Imagination in the Early Years, Buckingham: Open University ISBN: 0 335198 71 6, 1998 Excite, Esmee Fairbairn Foundation and the Department for Education and Skills Expecting the unexpected – developing creativity in primary and secondary schools, OfSTED, 2003 (see final checklist). d=3377&type=pdf From Policy to Partnership. Developing the Arts in Schools, QCA and Arts Council England Journey, CAPE UK and Creative Partnerships, ISBN: 0-9549324-1-2, 2005 Lancaster, Y P, Broadbent V, Listening to young children, ISBN:0335213723, Open University Press, 2003 Imagination for life and learning - appendices Orfali, A, Artists Working in Partnership with Schools, ISBN: 0-7287-10498 Arts Council England, North East, 2004 Perkins, S, Seeing, Making, Doing – Creative Development in Early Years Settings, Scottish Consultative Council on the Curriculum, 1998 Planning an Arts Centred School, Dana Press Small Steps, Big Moves, Dance 4 Smart, K, Artists and Teachers: A Handbook, Sheffield Hallam University and Northern Artists into Schools ISBN: 0-86339-946-0, 2001 andbook.pdf Stimulating creativity through family learning, Campaign for Learning, Creative Partnerships, Arts Council England, 2004 df+Stimulating+creativity+through+family+learning&hl=en Well-Being, Creativity and Play, September 2003 - August 2004, Funded by Children and Families Unit, Department for Education and Skills Woolf, F, Partnerships for learning – a guide to evaluating arts education projects, Arts Council of England, 1999 Further research guidance: Sharp, C, Developing young children’s creativity through the arts: what does research have to offer? National Federation for Educational Research, 2001 Imagination for life and learning - appendices Arts Council England, Yorkshire 21 Bond Street Dewsbury West Yorkshire WF13 1AX Phone: 0845 300 6200 Fax: 01924 466522 or 0870 242 1267 Textphone: 01924 438585 Arts Council England Textphone: 020 7973 6564 Charity registration no 1036733 To download this report, and for the full list of Arts Council England publications and details of how to order them, see Order our publications from Marston Book Services. Phone 01235 465500. Email ISBN: 0-7287-1191-5 Arts Council England, November 2005 You can get this publication in Braille, in large print, on audio CD and in electronic formats. Please contact us if you need any of these formats. We are committed to being open and accessible. We welcome all comments on our work. Please send these to the director, external relations, at the Arts Council address given Imagination for life and learning - appendices