信息 周 刊 主办:图书信息中心 总第 112 (1) 期 2003 年 11 月 15 日 星期五 金融 (1) 香港金管局 60 亿救港币 科技 (2) 印度出台 2003 科技政策 (3) 科学信息 人才 (4) 全国物业管理企业经理岗培训 (5) 我国将实行注册设备监理师制度 (6) 大学生见习就业活动网上咨询开始 (7) 李佩钰谈局部经营危机不代表企业 全盘失败 产品 (8) 16 位 250K SPS 模数转换器 (9) 输入为 4.7-24V 的电池充电器 (10) AC’97 八声道音频转换芯片 (11) 用于液晶显示器和数字电视的系统 级芯片 (12) 18 位 LVDS 串联/解串器 市场 (13) 科技会展中心举行高技术产业专项 资金发放仪式 (14) 德开始关闭核电站 (15) 社科院公布中国启动新一轮税制改 革 (16) 北京生物基地选出三项方案 (17) 华为迈入小灵通领域 证券 (18) 沪深股市 A,B 股前五名 (19) 期货数据 (20) 开放式基金 (21) 国债收益率 为狙击港币上升势头,两个月来,金管局 十次干预货币市场,最终入市平抑美元兑 港币汇率维持在 7.76 水平,以维护港币与 美元挂钩的政策,此前美元兑港币的汇率 曾一度拉高至 6 年来最高水平,达 1 美元 兑 7.702 港币,当天美元兑港币汇率企稳 至 7.76 水平,随后香港金管局先后在市场 购入 4.25 亿美元,抛售港币,本周一香港 收市后,伦敦市场上美元兑港币汇率曾一 路莫高至 7.7380/90.本周二港币涨势是由 香港股市即将有 IPO 活动吸引的资金流入 导致的,香港金融管理局表示无意改变联 系汇率制度,将不会为港币兑美元升至多 少设定上限。 (2) 印度科技部长说:“2003 年科技政策为科 技与社会问题直接结合提供了一个路 图”。 1,保证每个公民都获得科学信息,让全国 人民都有可能充分参与科技发展及其应 用,为人类造福。 2,在可持续基础上,保证人民的粮食,农 业,营养,环境,水,卫生和能源的安全。 3,利用科技能力以及我们传统的知识财 富,为减轻贫困,加强生活保障,消除饥 饿和营养不良,减少苦工和城乡之间的地 区发展不平衡以及创造就业机会做出直 接和持续的努力。这就要求创造和选择一 切重要的技术,通过网络广泛传播这些技 术,并支持我们经济中的这个巨大而欠组 织的科技部门. 4,大力促进大学及其它学术,科学和工程 机构中的科学研究,也要建设和保持优秀 中心,将一些选定领域的研究的水平提高 到国际最高标准。 5,提高妇女参加一切科技活动的权力,并 保证有充分和平等地参与。 6,为了所有学术和研发机构能行使其职 能,要给予他们必需的自治和自由,以便 形成一个确实进行创造性研究的环境,同 时要保证科学技术事业充分承担其社会 职责和义务。 7,利用现代科技全部潜力保护,保全,评 价,更新,尊重和利用印度悠久文明历程 所产生的广泛知识. 8,利用更新的科技进步实现国家战略和安 全目标. 9,促进与经济和社会有重大关系领域的研究 和创新,尤其要促进私营和公共科技机构之 间的紧密,有效的互动。农业,水利,卫生 教育,工业,能源(包括可再生能源),通信 和运输等部门将被置于最优先的地位。信息 技术,生物技术,材料科学和技术等起杠杆 作用的关键技术将享有特别重要的地位。 10,持续加强与技术发展,教育,概念吸收和 利用相关的启动机制. 11,建立知识产权制度,最大限度激发各类发 明人创造和保护知识产权的积极性,知识产 权制度也要为那些发明在国内快速有效的商 业化提供一个强有力的积极的全面的政策环 境,使公共利益最大化。 12,在信息对科技发展起关键作用的时代,要 做出种种努力来保证人们以可负担的费用, 高速,保质保量地存取信息,而且要创造印 度原创的,正确的和有用的数字化内容。 13,促进自然灾害预报,预防和损失减轻的研 究与成果应用。尤其是要重视河水泛滥,旋 风,地震,干旱和滑坡。 14,为实现国家发展和安全目标,要促进国际 合作,而且这种合作要成为我们的国际关系 的关键要素; 15,将科学知识与其它学科产生的见识结合 起来,并且保证科学家和技术专家充分参与 国家管理,让科学探求的精神和方法渗透公 共政策制订的所有方面。依靠动态,灵活的 科技政策,上述目标将能够全面实现。科技 政策要便于修订,以适应世界秩序的迅速变 化.要牢记这些大目标,须制定一项实施战略, 这项战略使得确定具体规划,计划和项目成 为可能,而且有明确的任务,必要资源的估 计和期限,实施战略的一些重要因素: 发展适 宜的机制,让各部门科学家和技术专家源源 不绝地提出有关科技政策和规划的独立见 解。发挥学术和专业机构的作用。社会经济 部门的计划与研发活动要进一步一体化。这 就要求政府的每一个社会经济部门将其总经 费的一部分用于相关的科技计划和活动。还 要鼓励和帮助各个邦通过相应的机制将科技 用于发展目的,以及为了解决他们地区和地 方特有的问题,与国家科技机构建立联系。 为了往我们的科技机构注入一种新的活力 感,一项一致的战略是必要的。各科技部局 及包括大学在内的其他学术机构,即整个科 技体系,必须切实地得到加强,给予他们充 分的自治,灵活性和排除官僚主义。政府各 个以科学为基础的部要保证由科学家和技术 专家来运作。所有主要的社会经济部局都要 有高级科学顾问机构。 政府永远保留一个最高科技顾问机构,对 制定和实施各项计划和项目给予支持。政 府要给高等教育和科学技术必要的预算 投入,通过它自己的资源以及产业界的贡 献,在第十个计划结束时(2007 年)将科 技投资水平提高到 GDP 的 2%。为此,产 业界必须明显地增加研发投资。要鼓励产 业界从经济上利用或支持教育和研究机 构。产业界必须从自身利益出发,增加研 发投资,以形成有效的重要的全球竞争 力,为使产业界增加研发投资,将发展灵 活的机制。 (3) 一 ,CELEBRATING 35 YEARS 1967-2002 FOR JOURNAL OF CRYSTAL GROWTH AUTUST I(2002) Properties of InGaAs/GaAsSb type II multiple quantum well structures grown on(111)B InP substrates by molecular beam epitaxy; ZnO thin film grown on silicon by metal-organic chemical vapor deposition ; The structure and current-voltage characteristics of multi-sheet InGaN quantum dots grown by a new multi-step method; A novel application to quantum dot materials ot the active region of superluminescent diodes; Thermal desorption effects in chemical vapor depositon of silicon nanoparticles; Some properties of carbon-doped GaAS using carbon tetrabromide in solid-source molecular beam epitaxy; Developent of three-dimensional dislocation density analysis code for annealing process of single crystal ingot; Mechanisms of heat and oxygen transfer in silicon melt in an electromagnetic Czochralski system; Photoluminescence and photoreflectance of AlGaAs/InGaAs/GaAs pseudomorphic high electron mobility transistor structures after rapid thermal annealing; Strain relaxation of InP film directly grown on GaAs patterned compliant substrate; Defect structure of Ge-Doped CdTe; Optimization of process conditions of selective epitaxial growth for elevated source/drain CMOS transistor; Determination of crystal misorientation in epitaxial lateral overgrowth ofGaN; Investigations of growth of self-asembled GaInN-GaN islands on SiC substrate by metalorganic vapor phase epitaxy; Magnetic stabilization of the buoyant convection in the liquid-encapsulated czochralski process; Growth and characterization of CdS and doped CdS single crystals; Generation of misfit dislocations in high indium content InGaN layer grown on GaN; Formation of GaN nanopillars by selective area growth using ammonia gas source molecular beam epitaxy; Growth of epitaxial multilayers consisting of alternately stacked superconducting YbaCuO and colossal magnetoresistive LaPbMnO layers; Process ofcrystallization in thin amorphous tin oxide film; The growth and annealing of single crystalline ZnO films by low-pressure MOCVD; Growth of BiGeO single crystal by the micro-pulling-down method from bismuth rich composition; Thin film crystal growth of BaZrO at low oxygen partial pressure; Growth rate predictions of chemical vapor deposited silicon carbide epitaxial layers; Fabication of periodic domain structure in β-Gd(MoO) crystal; Effects of Tl on the electrocrystallisation of thick Au layers from Kau(CN) solutions; Dynamics of crystal size distributions with size-dependent rates; Low-temperature hydrothermal synthesis of pure metastable γ -manganese sulfide(MnS)crystallites; Transmission electron microscopy observations on fine structures of shish-kebab crystals of isotactic polystyrene by sprtial meting; Carbon nanotube synthesis using a magnetic fluid via thermal chemical vapor deposition; 二 ,JOURNAL OF CRYSTAL GROWTH OCTOBER II 2003-11-10 Two-particle surface diffusion-reaction models of vapour-phase epitaxial growth on vicinal surfaces; Direct condendation modeling for at two-particle growth system: application to GaAs grown by hydride vapour phase epitaxy; Overgrowth on InP corrugations for 1.55 μ m DFB LDs by reduction ofcarrier gas flow in LPMOCVD; Influence of high-temperature AIN buffer thickness on the properties of GaN grown on Si(111); Angular dependence of lateral growth rate on the InP (111)A,B surface by liquid-phase epitaxy; A one-dimensioal model to pro\edict the growth conditions of InGaAs alloy crystals grown by the traveling liquidus-zone method; Dislocation-free czochralski Si cxrystal growth without a thin neck: dislocation behavior due to incomplete seeding; Nucleation and initial growth kinetics of GaN on sapphire substrate by hydride vapor phase epitaxy ; Domain structures in 6H-SiC wafers and their effect on the microstructures of GaN films grown on AlN and AlGaN buffer layers; Critical layer thickness enhancement of InAs overgrowth on porous GaAs; Effect of anneal temperature on GaN nucleation layer transformation ; Factors affecting the fraphitization behavior of the powder source during seeded sublimation growth of SiC bulk crystal; Solvothermal synthesis of Sb2S3 nanowires on a large scale; Uniformaity of 4H-SiC epitaxial layers grown on 3-in diameter substrates; Studies on single-and multi-layer InAsN quantum dots grown by solid source molecular beam epitaxy; High-quality ZnO/GaN/Al2O3 heteroepitaxial structure grown by LP=MOCVD; Growth parameters effect on the thermoelectric characteristics of Bi2Se3 thin films rown by MOCVD system using ditertiary butylselenide as a precursor; Annealing studies on CBD grown CdS thin films; Prismatic faces of KDP crystal,kinetic and mechanism of growth from solutions; Effects of organic additives on hydrothermal zirconia nanocrystallites; Influence of magnetic field on the morphology of the androgrpholide crystal from supercritical carbon dioxide extraction-crystallization; Explaining the formation of thin ice crystal plates with structure-dependent attachment kinetics; Photochemical synthesis of Au and Ag nanowites on a porous aluminum oxide template; Modeling of ammonothermal growth of nitrides; Morphological instabilities during growth of a rough interface: AFM observations of cobbles on the(0001) face of synthetic quartz crystals; Growth of cubic crystals of cobalt-hexacyanoferrate under the octadecyl amine monolayer; Dependence of growth rate on initial crystal size; Vibroconvective mixing applied to vertical Bridgman growth ; 三 ,JOUNAL OF CRYSTAL GROWTH OCTOBER I(2003) point defects in CdZnTe; Effect of thn GaAs interface layer on InAs quantum dots grown on InGaAs/InP using metalorganic vapor phase epitaxy; Cd-vacancy-related excitonic emission in CdTe; Imaging of convection in a czochralski crucible under ultrasound waves; Selective epitaxial growth of 3C-SiC on patterned Si using hexamethyldisilane by APCVD; Evolution and growth of ZnO thin films on GaN(0001)epilayers via metalorganic vapor phase epitaxy; Effects of photoassisted epositon and/or photoassisted annealing on characteristics of ZnS:Mn htin-film electroluminescent devices; Crystal growth and spectral properties of Yb3Al5O12; Characterization of ZnSe spheres via a rapid polyol process; The investigation of preferred orientation growth of ZnO films on the PbTiO-based ceramics and tis application for SAW devices; Effects of the sulfur pressure on pyrite FeS2 films prepared by sulfurizing thermally iron films; Synthesis of ternary sulfides Cu(Au)-Bi-S coral-shaped crystals from single-source precursors; Comparison of Yb:YAG crystals grown by CZ andTGT method; Gamma-rays and excimer laser irradiation effect on YAG crystals; Growth and characterization of a new organic nonlinear optical crystal: semicarbazone of p-dimethylamino benzaldehyde; Solvothermal systhessi of nanocrystallie TiO2 in toluene with surfactant; Using raman cattering to study the doping effect and low-temperature phase transition of LiKNbO3 ceramics; Strain accommodation of 3C-SiC grown on hydrogen implanted Si(001) substrate; Effects of TMIn flow rate of barrier layer on the optical and structural properties of InGaN/InGaN multiple quantum wells; Interpretation of gas-liquid reactive crystallizatio data using a size-independent agglomeration model; Effect of habit modifiers on the morphology and purity of soda ash; Measurment of thermophysical properties of molten silicon using an upgraded electrostatic levitator; Membrane crystallization of lysorzyme: kinetic aspects; Study of the dolubility and the metastable zone of 1,3-dihydroxyacetone for the drowning-out process; Comtrollable synthesis of nanocrystalline gold assembled whiskery structures via sonochemical route; Denddritic growth of PbS crystals with different morphologies ; Crystallogenesis studies of proteins in agarose gelcombined effect of high hydrostatic pressue and pH ; Solubility and crystallization of xylose isomerase from streptomyces rubiginosus; Air-hydrate crystal growth in polar ice; Growth and characterization of high-quality SrFeP Single crystals; 四 ,JAPANESE JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS AUGUST 2003-11-10 Evaluation of band-gap energies and charadterization of nonradiative recombination centers of film and bulk GaN crystals; Growth of high electron mobility transisitor structure with InAIP carrier supply layer ; Direct growth of high-quality InP layers on GaAs substrates at low temperature by metalorganic vapor phase wpitaxy; Femtosecond pump-probe spectroscopy of GaAs crescent quantum wires; Effect of silicon nitride cap on the activation fo implanted silicon in gallium arsenide; Stress effect on aluminum-inducecd crystallization of sputtered amorphous silicon thin films; Large area deposition of polymorphous silicon by plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition at 27.12 MHz and 13.56MHz; Crystal structure analysis of metalorganic chemical vapor depositon-βFeSi2 thin film by X-ray diffraction measurement ; Characteristics and growth mechanism of ZnO whiskers fabricated by vapor phase transpor; Voltage-controlled phase shifter with traveling-wave field-effect transistors; An investigation of direct-current characteristics of composite-emitter heterojunction bipolar transistors; Properties of pulsed –laser-deposited CuI and characteristics of constructed dye-sensitized TiO2 dye CuI solid-state photovoltaic solar cells; Drift and hysteressi effects on AIN/SiO2 gate pH ion-sensitive field-effect transistor ; Interfacisl state density and conductance-transient three-dimensional profiling of disordered-induced gap states on metal insulator semiconductor capacitors fabricated from electron-cyclor\tron resonance plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposited SiONH films; 0.5μm silicon-on-sapphire metal oxide semiconductor field effect transistor for RF power amplifier applications; Simulation of ultrathin body silicon-on-insulator metal-oxide-semiconductor field-effect transistors based on drift-diffusion model incorporating an effective potential; The effects of nodular colloidal silica on chemical mechanical polishing; Impact of NF3-added interlayer dielectric high density plasma process on hump effect in submicron n-type metal oxide silicon field effect transistor ; Control of SCI wet cleaning process for nano-scle gate oxide integrity; Metal oxide semiconductor field effect transistor chanracteristics with iridum gate electrode on atomic layer deposited ZrO2 high-k dielectrics; Correlation between threshold voltage and the S-factor of polysilicon thin-film transistors and the changes due to bias stress; Observation of mesoscopic structures in NdBaCuO b small-angle neutron scattering; Growth of single phase BiSrCaCuO whiskers using optimized starting compositions for glassy precursors; Magnetic states and magnetization process in Ni-Fe sub-micron cup-shaped dots; Stray-field-driven switchable superconducting devices; Thickness dependences of nucleation and annihilation fields of magnetic vortices in submicron supermalloy dots; Temperature-insensitive second-harmonic generation at 0.5321 μm in Yca4(BO3)3; Second harmonic generation from Yal3(BO)4-containing glass-ceramis prepared by thermal poling of Y2O3-Al2O3-B2O3 glasses; Generation of squeezed vacuum using spectral filter by spatial light modulator and nonlinear polarization interferometer; Piezoelectirc and spontaneous polarization effects on many-body optical gain of wurtzite InGaN/GaN quantum well with arbitrary crystal orientation; CW-measurements of common cavity semiconductor lasers; Injextion-locking of blue laser diodes and its application to the laser cooling of neutral ytterbium atoms; Electronic structure of Al2O3 thin film studied using first-principle band calculation ; Annealingbehavior of donorlike defects induced by high-fluence irradiation of high-energy particles in p-type silicon; Light polarization by cholesteric layers; Determination of mean-field coefficients of ferroelectric liquid crystals; Morphology of small particles of binary systems forming complete solid solutions prepared by gas-evaporation technique; Temperature dependence of sound velocity in high-strength fiber-reinforced plastics; Electric signals accompanying fracture of granite; Hardness and oxidation resistance of perovskite-type solid dolution of the SvRh3C system ; The relationship between the eutectic and melting point temperatures of biary alloys under high pressure; Fabrication and optical property of GaSe thin films grown by pulsed laser deposition; Processing and properties of rare earth ion-doped bismuth titanate thin films by chemical solution deposition method; Preparation of lithium niobate thin film by thermal chemical vapor deposition; Characterization of α -NPD thermally deposited on Hydrogen-terminated sigle-crystal chemical-vapor-deposited diamond films structural sturdy of Si(111)(2√3x2√ 3)R30℃-Sn surfaces; Physical and barrier properties of plasema-enhanced chemical vapor deposited α -SiCNH:H films with different hydrogen contents; Hydrogen storage phenomenon in amorphous phase of hydrogenated carbon nitride; Photocatalytic characteristics of TiO2 thin films prepared by Dc reactive magnetron sputtering with added H2O; Dynamic behavior of carbon deposited on tungsten surface due to carbon ion bombardment and its influence on ion-solid interactions ; Theoretical study on the scanning tunneling microscopy image of Cl-adsorbed Si(001); Simple method for depleted uranium determination; Control of the locked mode in aa reversed –field pinch plasma using a rotinating toroidal field; Hydrodynamic implosion simulation including relativistic effects on petawatt-class pulse heating; Performances of Ne-like Ar soft X-ray laser using capillary Z-pinch discharge; A simple cold-electrode erosion model for non-stationary arc spots:I. Application to electric arc heaters; Calculation of sputtering rate during a plasema-assisted process; Electron transport in nonorthogonal crossed DC electric and magnetic fields; Developmemnt of a compact time-of-flight mass spectromenter with a length of 1m ofr processing plasma diagnostics; Ozone production efficiency in atmospheric dielectric barrier discharge of oxygen/rare-gas mixturd; Radical species formed by the catalytic decomposition of NH3 on heated W surfaces; Mass transfer process by magneto-convection at a solid-liquid interface in a heterogeneous vertical magnetic field; Photovoltaic characteristics of copper phthalocyanine-poly(p-pheny-lene Co-evaporation films; Preparation and electrical properties of metallized polyvinyl acetate-silver nitrate/polyethylene terphthalate films; Scanning tunneling microscopy boservation of apparent molecular motion induced by polarity change of electric fields; Wavelet analysis of partial discharge acoustic signals in a model transformer; Limited-diffraction-beam ultrasoud transducers of conical type with enhanced time resolution fabricated using a functionally graded piezocomposite; Analysis of time constant of calculable AC/DC resistors for the phase angle standard; A multifunctional sensor for concentrations of ternary solution with NaCl and sucrose employed in osmotic dehydration process; Grid-controlled extraction of low-charged ions from a laser ions from a laser ion source; Tempertature measurement using a dual frequency coustic delay line oscillator; Strain evaluatio for sapphire using a microfocus X-ray diffraction system ; Transition probability and polarization of final photons in nonlinear Compton scattering for linearly polarized laser; Overshooting phenomenon in the hyperbolic heat conduction model synthesis of HfO2 whiskers by chemical vapor deposition techique operated under atmospheric pressure; The nano-memory devices of a single wall and peapod structural carbon nanotube field effect transistor; 五 ,JAPANESE JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS 1 AUGUST novel liquid phase epitaxy(LPE) growth method for growing large GaN single crystals: introduction of the flux film coated-liquid phase epitaxy (FFC_LPE) method; Ohomic contact formation for N-type diamond by selective doping; A UV light-emitting diode incorporating GaN quantum dots; Tc-enhanced codoping method for GaAs-based dilute magnetic semiconductors; Tight-binding calculation of current distribution in a porphin connected to two semi-infinite wires; Improved annealing process for electroless Pd Plating induced crystallization of amorphous silicon; Insitu resistance measurement of nickel-induced lateral crystal-lization of amorphous silicon; Origin of the improved performance of high-deposition-rate micro-crystalline silicon solar cells by high-pressure glow discharge; Preparation of ZnO thin films on sapphire substrates by sol-gel method; Contact resistance in schottky contact gated-four-probe a-Si thin-film transistor; Characteristics under bias-temperature-stress of Cu/Lpw-k a-SiCO:H structures prepared by plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition using a hexamethyldisilane preursor and Cu sputtering magnetooptical kerr effect of semiconductor-based multiplayer structures containing a GaAs:MnAs granular thin film; Field induced structural transformation in MnAs; Distributed reflector laser integrated with active and passive grating sections using lateral quantum confinement effect; Development of an intensity stabilized laser system with frequency offser of 9.2GHz; Diffraction properties of volume holograms recorded in SiO2 nanoparticle-dispersed methacrylate photopolymer films; A new gain-clamped L-band erbium-doped fiber amplifier with highly efficient gain; Identification of potential estogenic environmental pollutants by terahertz transmission spectroscopy; Photoluminescence properties of ZnO thin films grown by electrochemical depositon; TiO2/C composite microcoils and TiO2 hollow microcoils with high photocatalytic activities and electromagnetic(EM) wave absorption abilities; Band structure of TiO2-doped yttria-stabilized zirconia probed by soft-X-ray spectroscopy; In situ raman spectroscopy observation of crystallization process of sol-gel derived BiLaTi3O12 films; New ferroelectric BaTi2O5; Synthesis and electrical properties of Sr- and Nb-cosubstituted BiSrTiNbO polycrystalline thin films; Seedless fill-up of the damascene structure only by copper electroless plating; Lpw temperature growth of wpitaxial LaSrMnO thin films by an excimer-laser-assisted coating pyrolysis process; Gas temperature evolution fo the gravity –free gas arc discharge under a parabolic flight of jet plane; Photoassisted electrochemical deposition of copper from a athocuproin complex; Benefits of flat polymer dielectric surface loading organic semiconductors in field-effect transistors prepared by electrode-peeling transfer; Tuning of laser frequency in random media of dye-doped polymer and glass-particle hybrid; A first-order matrix approach ot the analysis of electron beam emittance growth caused by coherent synchrotron radiation; Delivery of photosensitizer to cells by the stress wave induced by a single nanosecond laer pulse; Flexible control of electrode pattern on cultivation chamber during cultivation of cells using nondestructive optical etching; Addition of functional characteristics of organic phtotchromic dye to nano-structures by selective doping on a polymer surface; 六 ,JAPANESE JUORNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS 15 AUGUST 2003-11-10 STRUCTURE AND PROPERTIES OF SILICON THIN FILMS DEPOSITED AT LOW SUBSTRATE TEMERATURES; Enhanced water-window X-ray pulse generation from femtosecond-laser-produced plasma with a carbon nanotube target; Effects off low-oxygen-contents metalorganic precursors on AlInAs buffer layer; Enhanced field emission of boron nitride nanofilms on roughened GaN substrates; Rapid energy transfer annealing for the crystallization of amorphous siliscon; Homoepitaxial growth of high-quality Zn-polar ZnO films by plasma-assisted molecular beam epitaxy; Fabrication of full high-Tc superconducting YbaCuO trilayer junctions using a polishing technique; Magnetoresistance effect of Co/AlO/NiFe/Au/n-Si diode structure ; Amplified spontaneous emission measurement of GaInNAs laser wafers with and without rapid thermal annealing; Resistance of LiCaAlF6 single crystals against F2 laser irradiation; High-luminance multicolor-emitting thin-film electroluminescent devices using (Y2O3-Ga2O3):Mn phosphors; Ion beam induced effects in RF plasma chemical vapor deposition deposited hydrogenated amorphous carbon thin films; Laser damage threshold of ceramic YAG; Preparation of fulerene by pulsed wire discharge; Prduction of liquid cluster ions for surface treatment; Field emission from bamboo-like multiwalled carbon nanotube arrays enhanced by mild oxidation; 七,JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS 15 OCTOBER 2003 Fluorescence intensity ratio technique for optical fiber point temperature sensing; Perfect two-dimensional porous alumina photonic crystals with duplex oxide layers; Beam fanning reversal in the ferroelectic relaxor SrBaNbO at hige external electric fields; Optical nonlinear properties and optical limiting for [(n-Bu)4N]4[MoS4Cu]4; Simultaneous, multiplayer plasma etching and deposition of fluorocarbon layers on silicon; Prebreakdown phenomena and formation processes of low pressure glpw discharges in N2,O2 and N2/O2 mixtrues; Analytical fit of the I-V characteristic for cylindrical and spherical langmuir probes; Influence of the expansion dynamics of laser-produced gold plasmas on thin film stucture grown in various atmospheres; Aluminum oxynitride at pressures up to 180 Gpa; Postgrwth annealing of defects in ZnO studied by positron annihilation,x-ray diffraction, Rutherford backscattering, cathodoluminescence, and Hall measurements; Optical characterization of AIN/GaN heterostructures; Experimental findings in support of atomic transport of hydrogen in silica ; Fictive temperature dependence of density fluctuation in SiO2 glass; Enhancement of sp3 hybridized C in amorphous carbon films by Ar ion bombardment and Si incorporation; Modeling the absorption spectra of Er3+ and Yb3+ in a phosphate glass; Formation of self-asembled epitaxial nickel nanostructures; Gd on GaN(0001) surface: gurwth ,interaction, and fermi lievel movement; Stress development in sputtered InO thin films during heat treatment; Atomic stucture of random and c-axis oriented YmnO3 thin films deposited on Si and Y2O3/Si substrates; Selecttively excited photoluminescence of GaAsN single quantum wells; Temperature and thickness dependence of molecular orientation of α -sexithienyl on Cu(111); Observation of reflection high-energy electron diffraction oscillation during metalorganic-molecular-veam epitaxy of AlAs and control of carbon incorporation; Brilouin scattering in planar waveguides .I. numerical model; Brilouin scattering in planar waveguides. II. Experiments; Arsenic incorporation into InGaPsP grown by low-pressure metalorganic vapor phase epitaxy using tertiary butylarsine and tertiarybutylphosphine in N2 ambient; Optical, photoelectric, and photorefractive properties of Ti-doped CdTe crystals; Dose dependence of carrier and heat dynamics at an ion-implanted silicon surface measured using lens-free heterodyne transient grating method; Viscosity and elastic constants of thin films of amorphous Te alloys used for optical data storage ; Capillary condensation monitored in birefringent porous silicon layers; Configurations, energies, and thermodynamics of the neutral MgH complex InGaN; Anisotropy of optical properties of conjugated polymer thin films by spectroscopic ellipsometry; Temperature dependence of the radiative recombination coefficient of intrinsic crystalline silicon; Modeling plate impact response of particle-polymer composite; Influence of local heating on micro-raman spectroscopy of silicon; Transient enhanced diffusion of arsenic in silicon; Transition metal ion implantation into AlGaN; Time resolved dynamics of rapid melting and resolidification of Sb thin films under ns and ps laser pulse irradiation nanofluids containing mutiwalled caron nanotubes and thir enhanced thermal conductivities; Ab initio study of 3C inclusions and stacking fault-stacking fault interactions in 6H-SiC; Low-temperature GaAs flims grown on Ge and Ge/Si/Ge/Si substrates; Fokker-planck approach to extending the one-flux method of carrier transport in semiconductors to variable energies; Temperature dependent contactless electroreflectance study of intersubband transitions in a self-assembled InAs/InP(001) quantum dot structure; Optical injection and coherent control of a ballistic charge current in GaAs/AlGaAs quantum wells; Ful band modeling og the excess current in a delta-doped silicon tunnel diode; Electrical characterization of InGaN/GaN light emitting diodes grown by molecular beam epitaxy; Magnetoresistance in step-edge junctions based on LaSrMnO3 films; Role of interface states in electronic properties of (ZnSe/Si2(001) superlattices; Infuence of ferromagnetic substrate on the magnetoresistance of Cr film across a nonmagnetic insulatinglayer; Photothermal investigations of thermal and optical properties of GaAlAsSb and AlAsSb thin layers; Intersubband absorption in V-groove quantum wires; Simple one-dimendional model for electronic stucture calulation of unbiased and bis\ased silicon quantum dots in coulomb lbockade applications; Metallic prcipitate contricution to generation and recombination currents in p-n junction devices due ti the schottky effect; Photocarrier transport in undoped microcrystalline silico studied vy the modulated photocurrent technique; The electronic structure and lithiation of electrodes based on vandiumoxide nanotubes ; Stranend silicon on SiGe:temperature dependence of carrier effective masses; Local structure of LIB3O5 single crystal from 7Li nuclear magnetic resonance; Spin reorientation induced by Ni atoms in Fe/Cu(001); Optimized pulse laser depositied barium ferrite thin filmd with narrow ferromagnetic resonance linewidths; Numerical modeling of magnetoelectric effect in a composite structure; Effect of magnetic bias field on magnetoelectric coupling in magnetoelectric composites; x-ray diffraction and mossbauer studies of structural changes and Li ordefing kinetics during annealing of polycrystalline Fe51Pt49 thin films; dielectric relaxation in laser ablatedpolycrystalline ZrTiO4 thin films; properties and lanthanum distribution of BiLaTiSrBiLaTiO intergrowth ferroelectrics; nonlinear electri field dependence of piezoresponse in epitaxial ferroelectric lead zirconate titanate thin films; structural and dielectric properties of Ga-modified BiFeO3-PbTiO3 crystalline solutions; electron beam generation in a diode with different ferrelectric cathodes; leakage current and relaxation characteristics of highly(111)-oriented lead calcium titanate thin films;crystallographic and optical properties of epitaxial Pb(Zr,Ti)O3 thin films grown on LaAlO3 substrates; model of the polarization response of single-crystal lead magnesium niobate-lead titanate for transducerapplications; frequency and teperature dependent dielectric and conductivity behavior of KnbO3 ceramics; effects of La substituent on ferroelectric rhombohedral/tetragonal morphotropic phase boundary in(1-x)(Bi,La)(GaFe)O3-xPbTiO3 piezoelectric ceramics; defects in CeO2/SrTiO3 fabricated by automatic feeding epitaxy probed using positron annihilation; electric field induced piezoelectric resonance in the micrometer ot millimeter waveband in a thin film SrTiO3 capacitor; Optomechanical effect in ferroelectric liquid crystal freely suspended films; Origin and implications of the observed rhombohedral phase in nominally tetragonal Pb(ZrTi)O3 thin films; Allowed mesoscopic pont group symmetries in domain average engineering of perovskte ferroelectric crystals; Improved ferroelectric and pyroelectric properties in Mn-doped lead zirconate titanate thin films;hybrid silicon-organic nanoparticle memory device; Self-assembly of well-aligned gallium-doped zinc oxide nanorods;self-orgnazed grwth and optical emission of silicon-based nanoscale β-SiC quantum dots; Low temperature deposition of nanocrystalline silicon carbide films by plasma enhanced chemical vapor depositon and their structural and optical characterization; Effect of humidity on the ac conductivity of nanoporous TiO2; Elastic and mechanical properties of transparent nanocrystallized KnbGeO5 glass; Modeling of charge quantization and wave function penetration effects in a metal-oxide-semiconductor system with ultrathi gate oxide; Magnetic storage device using induced magnetic reversal of a cobalt element array; Influence of rapid thermal annealing on a 30 stack InAs/GaAs quantum dot infrared photodetector; Tuning the emission characteristics of top-emitting orgnic light-emitting devices by means of a dielectric capping layer: an experimental and theoretical study; Origin of hole-like peaks in current deep level transient spectroscopy of n-channel AlGaAs/GaAs heterosturcture field-effect transistors; Effect of field dependent trap occupancy on organic thin film transistor characteristics; Invertibility of current density from near-field electromagnetic data; Staircase-liked metamagnetic transitions in phase-separated manganites: influence of thermal and mechanical treatments; High conductivity modulation doped AlgaN/GaN multiple channel heterostructures; Characterization of amorphous GeSiP for micromachined uncooled bolometer applications ; Curvaturd estimation for multiplayer hinged structures with initial strains; Micorstructure changes in fired ceramics quantified by magnetic resonance relaxation and imaging; Numerical modeling of large-area electron-beam diodes for KrF lasers; Geologic lithofacies identification using the multiscale character of seismic reflections; Magnetic resonance imaging of convetion in an electrolyte solution and extrcellular fluid associated with stationary electric currents; Influence of electrode configuration and liquid crystalline polymer tye on electroheological effect; Effect of metal underlayers on low temperature silicon growth ; Alternated high-and low-pressue nitriding of austenitic stainless steel: mechanisms and results; Secondary electron emission and self-consistent charge transport and storage in bluk insulators: applications to alumina; Improvement of the thermal stability of silver metallization ; Influence of Ta/Si atomic ratio on the interdiffusion between Ta-Si-N and Cu at elevated temperature ; Optical properties of GaSe grown with an excess and a lack of Ga atoms ; Electron transport through coupled quantum dots; Rapid single-flux quantum logic using π -shifters; Improved metal-oxide –oxide-nitride-oxide-silicon-type flash device with high-k dielectrics for blockinglayer; Decrease of breakdown voltages for micrometer-scale gap electrodes for carbon dioxide near the critical point: temperature and pressure dependences; InSb high-speed photodetectors grown on GaAs substruate ; Perpendicular magnetic anisotropy of LaSrMnO thin films grown on CaMnO3 buffered SrTiO3; Magnetoresistance oscillations induced by intersubband scattering of two-dimensional electron gas in AlGaN/GaN heterostructures; Emitter injection efficiency and base transport factor in InAs bipolar transistors; Linewidth enhancement factor of a type-l quantum-cascade laser; Preparation and characterization of nanostructured film of graphitized diamond crystallites for field electron emission; Current and spin-fitering dual diodes based on diluted magnetic semiconductor heterostructures with a nonmagnetic barrier; Identification of the mechanism-limiting mitrogen diffusion in metallic alloys by in situ photoemission wlwctron spectroscopy; 八 ,JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS 1OCTOBER 2003 Phase conjugation and perfect lensing; Multiple photonic band gaps in the structures composed of core-shell particles; InGaAsSbN: a dilute nitride compound for midinfrared optioelectronic devices; Magnetic insulation of a space-charge dominatedflow; Remote hydrogen plasma rocessing of ZnO single crystal surfaces; Emission and relflection spectra from AlGaN/GaN single heterostructures; Spontaneous emission ,light-current characteristics, and polarization bistability range in vertical-cavity surface-emitting lasers; Intrinsic stress evolution in laser deposited thin films; x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and magnetic properties in De-SiO2 granular films; field enhanced diffusion of nitrogen and bornon in4H-silicon carbide; laser induced transformation of TiSi2; structural and optical characterization of porous anodic aluminum oxide;molecular dynamics simulations of asperity shear in aluminum; cathodoluminescence characterization of dislocations in gallium nitride using a transmission electron microscope; shock viscosity and rise time of explosion waves in geologic media ; crystalline orientation of polycrystalline silicon with disklick grains produced by silicide-mediated crystallization of amorphous silicon; color center formation in soda-lime glass with femtosecond laser pulses; compositional dependence of raman scttering and photoluminescence emission in CuGaSe thin films; recovery of close frenkel pairs produced by low energy recoils in SiC; monte carlo simulation of organic lifht-emitting devices under alternating applied field; complementary infrared and transmission electron microscopy studies of te effect of high temperature-high pressure treatments on oxygen-related defects in irradiated dilicon ; infrared spectroscopic study on the langmuir-blodgett films of merocyanine dye-arachidic acid-n-octadecane ternary system; three-dimensional simulation of rapid melting and resolidification of thin Si films by excimer laser annealing; improved depth profiling with slow positrons of ion implantation-induced damage in silixon ; raman study of Mg,Si,O and N implanted GaN; specific heat and magnetic properties of NdSrMnO and RcaMno(R=Nd,Sm,Dy, and Ho); line shape analysis of electron –hole plasma electrolumiescence in fully strained SiGe epitaxial layers; crystallization and phase separation in GeSbTe thin films; photoluminescence behaviors from stoichiometric gadolinium oxide films; near-absolute hugoniot measurements in aluminum to 500 Gpa using a magnetically accelerated flyer plate technique; ion beam smoothening of metal surfaces; trapping of negative and positive charges in Ge+ ion implanted silicon dioxide layers subjected to high-field electron injection; electrothermal failure of metallized film capacitor end connections-computiation of temperature rise at connection spots; temperature dependence of the fundamental band gap of InN; electron valence-band tunneling-induced lorentzian noise in deep submicron silicon-on –insulator metal-oxide-semiconductor field –effect transistors; electrical transport within polymeric amorphous carbon thin films and the effects of tion implantation ; injection-limited electron current in a methanofullerene; numercal investigation on the current mirror effect in a single-electron turnstile capacitively coupled to a one-dimensional array of small junctions ; improvement in the thermoelectric properties of pressure-tuned β-K2Bi8Se13; self-consistent calculation of subband occupation and electron –hole plasma effects : variational approach to quantum well states with hartree and exchange-correlation interactions; effect of spin orbit on the electronic properties of zinc-blende compounds;multiple-level defect species evaluation from average carrier ecay; effects of a the AlAs layer on InAs quantum dot electronic structure; luminescence energy and carrier lifetime in InGaN/GaN quantum wells as a function of applied biaxial strain; Magnetic anisotropy and switching process in diluted GaMnAs magnetic semiconductor films; Soft/hard exchange-coupled layered structures with modulated exchange coupling; Domain structure in joule-heated CoFeSiB glass-covered amorphous microwires probed by magnetoimedance and ferromagnetic resonance; Exchange anisotropy determined yb magnetic field dependence of ac susceptibility; Characterizing the interphase dielectric constant of polymer composite materials: effect of chemical coupling agents; Optical properties of p-type in-doped SrTiO3 thin films ; Microstructural evolution and macroscopic property relationship in antiferroelectric lead lanthanum stanate zirconate titanate ceramics; Temperature and frequency characteristics of the interfacial capacitance in thin-film barlum-strontium-titanate capacitors; Capacitance-voltage characteristics of NaNbO3thin films; On crystallite size dependence of phase stability of nanocrystalline TiO2; Chemical-state analysis for low-dimensional Si and Ge films on graphite; Hydrogen content and density in annocrystalline carbon films of a predominant diamond character; Grain size analysis of C54-YiSi2 under different processing conditions for deep-submicron polycrystalline silicon gate length; Displacement and polarizationswitching properties of piezoelectric laminated actuators under bending; Effect of depositon conditions of poly SiGe films and Ge atoms ofn the electrical properties of poly SiGe/HfO2 gate stack; Reversible electrostatic control of micromechanical structure tunneling characteristics; Refrigerator with phonon filters: an application of the phonon deficit effect in superconducting tunnel junctions; Improved detection of themally induced higher resonance modes and harmonics of a microcantilever; Optical anteneas: resonators for local field enhancement; Formation of GaAs three-dimensional objects using AlAs “facet-forming” sacrificial layer and H3PO4,H2O2,H2O based solution; Electronic stucture studies of the buried Ni layer in a Cu/Ni/Cu multiplayer by resonant photoemission at the NiL3 edge; Auger mechanism of exoelectron emission in dielectrics with high electron affinity; Electrochemical kinetics of hydrogen intercalation in gadolinium switchable mirrors; Heating in mesa structures; Spin-polarized vacuum tunneling in field emission from Co-coatedW(111) tips; Investigation of antiphase domain annihilation mechanism in 3C-SiC on Si substrates; Measurements of cooling by room-temperature themionic emission across a nanometer gap; Suppression of native oxide growth in sputtered TaN films and its application to Cu electroless plationg; Influence of the polarization on interfacial properties in Al/SiO2/GaN/AlGaN/GaN heterojunction metal-insulator-semiconductor structures; Influence of band folding in InAs/GaSb superlattices; Low-loss optical planar waveguides in YVO4 produced by silicon ion implantation at low doses; Molecular coulomb islands for single-electron tunneling in SiO2/molecular layer/SiO2 multilayers on Si(100); Effect of chemical substitution on the electronic properties of highly aligned thin films of SrAFeMoO6; Optical properties ofmolecular beam epitaxy-grown ZnMnTe thin films measured by complementary techniques; High quality type II InAs/GaSb superlattices with cutoff wavelength –3.7 Μm using interface engineering; Spin injection at heusler/semiconductor interfaces: first-principles determination of potential discontinuity and half-metallicity; Giant magnetoresistance in MnCuSb compounds carbazole-functionalized europium compiex and its high-efficiency organic electroluminescent properties; 九 ,JOURNAL OF VACUUM SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY A SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2003 preliminary program of the AVS 50th international symposium; Electrical characteristics of ZrO2 prepared by electrochemical anodization of Zr in an ammonium tartrate electrolyte; Titanium alloy material with very low outgassing; Controlling the composition of TiAlN thin films by modifying the number of TiN and AlN subcycles in atomic layer deposition; Atomic layer deposition of zirconium silicate films using zirconium tetra-tert-butoxide and silicon tetrachloride; Mtrology of 1-10 nm thick CN films: thickness, density, and surface roughness measurements; Real-time etching monitor using argon quadrupole mass spectrometry for 100 nm class WsiN gate fabrication; Preparation and characterization of superhard boron-suboxide films; Properties of Au and Ag schottky diodes prepared on undoped n-ZnO; Deposition pressure dependence of internal stress in TiN films deposited by filtered cathodic vacuum arc; Etch characteristics of (Pb,Sr)TiO3 thin films using CF4/Ar inductively coupled plasema; Surface reaction of bis(terbutylimido)bis(diethylamido)tungsten precursor on Si(100)-(2x1); X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and secondary electron yield analysis of Al and Cu samples exposed to an accelerator environment; Ultrathin copper aluminum and nickel aluminde protective oxidation studied with an x-ray photoelectron spectrometer; Corrosion behavior of sputter-deposited TiN thin films; The role of trapped Ar atoms in the mechanical properties of boron carbide films deposited by dc-magnetron sputtering; Method to characterize the three-dimensional distribution of focused ion beam induced damage in silicon after 50 keV Ga+ irradiation; Optimization of secondary ion mass spectrometry detection limit for N in SiC; Oxygenated polymeric thin films deposited from toluene and oxygen by remote plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition; Influence of the incident angle of energetic carbon ions on the properties of tetrahedral amorphous carbon(ta-C) films; Focusing of MeV ion beams by means of tapered glass capillary optics; Plasma load characteristics of pulsed –bias arc ion plating; Reaction between nitrogen gas and silicon species during pulsed laser ablation; Investigation of interactions between inert gases and nitrogen in direct current triode discharges; Mechanisms for deposition and etching in fluorosilane plasma processing of silicon; X-ray diffraction analyses of titanium coatings produced by electron beam evaporation in neon and argon inert gases; Study of C4F8/N2 and C4F8/Ar/N2 plasmas for highly selective organosilicate glass etching over Si3N4 and SiC; Initial growth stage of nanoscaled TiN films: formation of continuous amorphous layers and thickness-dependent crystal nucleation; Measurements of neutral plasma species in an argon/isopropyl alcohol plasma for the deposition of organic films; Observation of the phase formation in Fe-N films deposited by reactive pulsed laser deposition; Damage effects from medium-energy ion bombardment during the growth of cubic-boron nitride films; Composition control and dielectric properties of bismuth zinc niobate thin films synthesized by radio-frequency magnetron sputtering; Evidences for dry deintercalation in layered compounds upon controlled surface charging in x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy; Structural and electrical characteristics of the interfacial layer of ultrathin ZrO2 films on partially strain compensated SiGeC layers; Measurement of charge-separation potentials in GaAsN; Photoinduced anisotropy of second-harmonic generation from azobenzene-modified alkylsiloxane monolayers; Photodesorption of gases in vacuum glazing; Fluorinated amorphous carbon films prepared by plasema enhanced chemical vapor deposition for solar cell applications; Influence of sputtering conditions on microstructure and mechanical properties of Zr-Si-N films prepared by radio-frequency-reactive sputtering; Mass spectral resolution of F+ and H3P+ in very high vacuum; (4) (8) 全国物业管理企业经理岗培训班由建设部统 一命题,物业管理知名专家统一授课,建设 部颁全国通用物业管理企业经理岗位证书咨 询电话:68721938 无失码的 16 位模数转换器 LTC1603,其 采 样速 率为 250K SPS,最 大 INL 为 ± 3LSB,SNR 为 90dB,双极性输入范围为 ±2.5 伏,能提供精确基准源和已微调的 内部转换时钟,可输入±5V 之间的信号, 数字输出电源引脚能与 3V 逻辑电路连 接,功耗为 220mW,采用 36 脚 SSOP 封装。 (5) 人事部,国家质检总局联合发文,将于 2003 年 12 月 1 日起,在全国建立注册设备监理师 制度。通过考试取得中华人民共和国注册设 备监理师执业资格证书,并经注册后即可在 受聘的设备监理机构中根据设备监理合同独 立执行相应专业设备工程的监理业务,原则 每年举行一次考试。 (6) 第一系列的网上咨询活动将于 11 月 24 日至 23 日 每 晚 19:00-20:30 举 行 , 网 址 是 : ,大学生见习就业活动组委 会精心安排了网上互动式咨询活动,邀请知 名企业老总,职业规划师,测评专家,政府 官员以及往届毕业生来到网上论坛,与广大 学生面对面,回答它们心中的疑问和困惑, 为它们提供实习与见习,勤工俭学和就业岗 位。咨询电话:021-63906611 (7) 经营危机常出现在企业做大后,有的企业是 因为向多元化发展,有的是因为转型失败。 在李佩钰看来,多元化发展的企业由于面临 未知领域,要超越就有未知,就容易产生危 机。转型时期容易出现经营危机,这是对企 业竞争力的考验。企业不可能靠一个产品吃 一辈子,就像演员不能凭着一部电影永远走 红的道理一样,成功的企业转型失败后会做 另一种调整或转型,一般来说企业做到 1 亿 元以上危机产生的可能性就很大。有的房地 产公司只在一开始做火了一个楼盘,但如果 不善经营,照样倒掉。做一把生意,签一个 订单的企业不是成熟的企业,成功的企业转 型失败后会做另一种调整或转型,我们不能 因为部分的失败就否定全盘。 _今日电子 2003(10) (9) 独立的开关模式锂离子电池充电器 LTC4002 具有 500kHz 开关频率的高校电 流模式 PWM 控制器,输入电压 4.7-24V, 无需输入瞬变保护,使 4.2V 锂电池可从 5V 变压器持续充电,可驱动一个外部 P 沟道 MOSFET,以最高 87%的效率提供 2A 充电电流,一个内部比较器检测充电 结束电流,而集成的定时器设定总充电时 间,3 小时后终止充电,自动进入休眠模 式,使电池耗用电流降至 10 微安。当电 池电压降至 4.05v 以下时,这种集成电路 还能自动开始充电,工作温度为-40-85 度,采用 3x3 毫米 DFN 和 8 引线 SO 封装。 (10) 支持 8 声道的高阶音频转换芯片 ALC850 支 持 最 新 的 AC’97Rev2.3 规 格 , 包 括 Jack-sensing,PCBEEP Generator 与 Interrupt capability 等功能特色,提供 3 组 (Line-out,mic-in,line-in)UAJa(Universal audio jacka)功能,并支持 S/PDIF 接口,可 是计算机系统外接 DVD 等多媒体视听设 备,采用 48 脚 LQFP 封装。 (11) 该系统芯片支持所有模拟和数字电视标 准,画面改进特性,以及多格式音频、视 频解码和绘制等先进特性,并提供应用程 序接口(API) 。 (12) 18 位串联、解串器 DS92LV18 采用低电压 差分信号传输(LVDS)技术,能以现有 的系统数据总线时钟频率将额外的信息 与数据串联一起,可支持各自独立的传送 及接收通道,允许上游及下游数据分别以 不同速率传送,发送器,接收器空闲或停 用时,可以将电源关闭,可支持线路及局 域环回测试模式,具有即插即用模式, 带宽 15-66MHz,有效载荷 0.27-1.188Gbps, 采用 80 脚 PQFP 封装. (13) 去年 3 月北京市高新技术成果转化服务中心 正式成立,有 318 项被认定为高新成果转化 项目,今年市财政拨款近亿元对其中 209 家 在孵企业,两家科技中介和 5 家风险投资提 供专项资金支持 2965.5 万元。截止到目前我 市共认定高新技术成果转化项目 424 项,通 过省部级的成果鉴定项目占 25%,取得国家 专利及获得软件著作权登记的项目占 52%,总 投资 118 亿元。 (14) 德国 11 月 14 日开始关闭了北部港口城市汉堡 附近的施塔德核电站,此举意味着其正式开 始实施放弃发展核能源战略。该占是德国目 前运行的 19 座核电站中第一座被关闭的核设 施,停运后,要首先拆卸废旧核燃料棒,并 把它们运到法国处理,因为德国目前还没有 处理核燃料棒的设备。 (15) 社科院财政与贸易经济研究所日前公布《中 国:启动新一轮税制改革》 ,报告认为,形成 于 10 年前的中国现行税制今天已同其赖以生 存的经济社会环境之间出现了诸多摩擦,内 外资企业所得税统一后,税率的确定应当设 计在 24%左右。报告还认为,对于企业所得 税的改革中,税法统一,实行统一税率是毫 无疑问的,问题在于税率多少才合适,考虑 到当前内外资资的实际税收负担水平,兼顾 与世界大多数国家税率保持大致平衡,统一 后的内外资企业所得税税率应当在 24%左右, 小企业还要更低一些。为了照顾外商实际利 益和平稳过渡,税法合并不排除分步并轨或 保留一定优惠待遇的实施方式。 (16) 北京生物工程与医药产业基地概念性总体规 划设计方案征集活动在大兴揭晓,来自西班 牙,美国和中国的设计联合体设计的 3 个方 案被评为最优,北京生物工程与医药产业基 地位于北京大兴区,是北京现代制造业四大 产业基地之一,规划总面积为 28 平方公里。 (17) 一直以通讯设备制造为主的华为公司,在 2003 年北京国际通信展期间,隆重推出小 灵通产品,并公布了其在手机方面的战略 布局。首次推出的产品有三款,并在 100 多个国内地市铺开营销网络,销售数量超 过 10 万,其目标是年底销售超过 30 万, 明年全年突破 300 万。进入一个市场容易 但站住很难,作为老牌设备商,华为在经 营终端产品上是否有渠道和经验?过去 UT 斯达康和中兴都是在销售小灵通设备 的同时销售手机,来自信息产业部电信研 究院的一份资料表明,小灵通目前的网络 建设情况已经遍布全国绝大部分地区,但 是由于网络使用率低下,在 40%,一些地区 正在考虑压缩在小灵通的投资建设,因为 无论中国电信还是中国网通,近年内新建 和扩建网络几无可能。与此同时华为还要 面临一个问题是,现在进军小灵通,不仅 要撼动 UT 斯达康和中兴这样的强敌,而 且还要对付身边的对手。就在华为宣布冲 向手机市场之际,以生产电话著称并在纳 斯达克上市的侨兴集团,也在日前宣布推 出第一款小灵通手机。两家在各自领域都 占据绝对主导地位的通讯巨头,同时宣布 进军小灵通,已让人看到小灵通市场为来 的激烈竞争。 (18) 11 月 15 日 A,B 股前 5 名统计结果,请参 见下页图表。 (19) 期货数据请您参见下页图表。 (20) 开放式基金净值数据请您参见下页图表。 (21) 国债收益率统计请您参见下页图表。 图书信息中心负责人:李树深 编 辑:张谊娃 工作信箱: 2003.3.15 沪深市 A 股涨幅前 5 名 股票代码 股票名称 600691 林凤控股 600771 东盛科技 600748 上实发展 600129 太极集团 600073 上海梅林 000667 名流置业 000605 四环药业 000698 沈阳化工 000096 广聚能源 000901 航天科技 收盘 5.70 6.8 5.61 17.16 6.75 5.58 8.34 5.16 10.75 6.92 涨幅% 10.04 10.03 10.00 10.00 9.93 10.06 10.03 6.39 6.23 5.97 换手率% 0.99 2.72 2.32 0.49 7.16 2.40 5.71 2.31 2.13 7.66 沪深市 A 股跌幅前 5 名统计 股票代码 股票名称 收盘 600794 8.77 保税科技 6000090 5.81 啤酒花 600659 5.07 神龙发展 600843 7.68 上工股份 600796 8.88 钱江生化 000558 6.04 莱茵置业 000525 4.50 红太阳 000826 8.65 *ST 资源 000877 9.63 天山股份 000937 8.8 金牛能源 跌幅% -9.96 -9.92 -4.16 -4.12 -3.90 -9.99 -5.86 -5.05 -4.94 -4.35 换手率% 0.01 0.03 8.07 1.95 1.59 0.79 4.66 0.53 2.74 0.81 沪深市 B 股涨幅前 5 名统计 股票代码 股票名称 收盘 9000932 陆家 B 股 0.738 900921 大盈 B 股 0.382 900911 金桥 B 股 0.576 900906 中纺 B 股 0.418 900952 ST 锦港 B 0.485 200025 ST 特力 B 3.70 200028 3.80 一致 B 200057 ST 大洋 B 1.86 200020 3.42 深华发 B 200019 4.08 深深宝 B 涨幅% 1.65 1.60 1.41 0.97 0.83 2.49 1.88 1.64 0.88 0.74 换手率% 0.12 0.14 0.18 0.12 0.19 4.86 0.36 0.24 0.18 0.18 沪深市 B 股跌幅前 5 名统计 股票代码 股票名称 收盘 900933 华新 B 股 0.545 900924 上工 B 股 0.503 900935 阳晨 B 股 0.597 900949 东电 B 股 0.757 900914 新锦 B 股 0.457 200770 4.35 武锅 B 200581 7.75 苏威孚 B 200022 11.22 深赤湾 B 200037 8.23 深南电 B 200160 4.34 帝贤 B 跌幅% -1.80 -1.57 -1.49 -1.30 -1.08 -4.61 -4.32 -4.10 -2.83 -2.69 换手率% 0.15 0.73 0.17 0.44 0.10 1.34 0.40 0.45 1.01 0.94 5 月 30 日 9 月 27 日 10 月 11 日 11 月 15 日期市数据主力合约报价表 5 月 30 日 开盘 最高 最低 收盘 涨跌(元) 成交量 持仓量 黄豆 307 黄豆 309 2707 2672 2715 2672 2681 2609 2681 2629 -82 -60 163068 418072 191754 488284 黄豆 311 2460 2462 2420 2454 -15 556612 357144 黄豆 401 2410 2425 2391 2418 -23 54324 41976 豆粕 308 2066 2067 2048 2059 -12 47266 85534 强麦 309 1646 1647 1601 1623 -26 106084 126220 强麦 311 1666 1634 1605 1617 -18 10850 41408 硬麦 309 1490 1490 1467 1470 -20 72986 191510 铜 309 铝 309 天胶 307 17280 14670 11500 17360 14690 11520 17220 14660 11120 17260 14690 11120 -160 -20 -345 15368 4768 51630 89474 18540 69682 天胶 308 11460 11495 10985 10985 -340 167146 106834 9 月 27 日 开盘 最高 最低 收盘 涨跌(元) 成交量 持仓量 黄豆 0311 黄豆 0401 2670 2751 2685 2778 2660 2749 2682 2770 32 40 20926 186362 114512 411316 黄豆 0405 2776 2790 2769 2783 26 312286 325944 豆粕 0311 2441 2467 2420 2438 26 8340 40312 豆粕 0401 2349 2350 2323 2341 21 83338 99030 强麦 0401 1596 1606 1583 1586 -7 116316 110814 硬麦 0401 1342 1348 1328 1333 -4 58358 116402 铜 0401 18460 18550 18460 18550 130 10856 88596 铝 0401 天胶 0403 10 月 11 日 14630 14520 开盘 14640 14665 最高 14630 14470 最低 14640 14665 收盘 10 185 涨跌(元) 1196 76418 成交量 13050 62254 持仓量 黄豆 0311 黄豆 0401 黄豆 0405 豆粕 0311 豆粕 0401 强麦 0401 硬麦 0401 铜 0401 2851 2896 2977 2619 2615 1631 1373 18810 2878 2945 3026 2679 2620 1642 1401 18870 2834 2895 2977 2619 2599 1622 1371 18760 2875 2930 3025 2678 2620 1637 1397 18850 35 49 74 102 76 3 20 0 33884 265796 406504 15792 54038 80928 93312 6192 74928 272008 280426 7388 81516 119442 128630 72138 铝 0401 天胶 0403 11 月 15 日 14660 15140 开盘 14660 15185 最高 14360 14655 最低 14440 14940 收盘 -210 -170 涨跌(元) 5378 148916 成交量 16114 53458 持仓量 黄豆 0405 黄豆 0409 豆粕 0403 豆粕 0405 强麦 0405 硬麦 0405 铜 0405 铝 0405 天胶 0405 3305 3280 2768 2762 1911 1775 21480 15700 14545 3312 3297 2770 2763 1917 1778 21590 15770 14750 3282 3252 2690 2710 1882 1751 21400 15680 14485 3291 3267 2710 2736 1899 1766 21480 15690 14535 14 6 -27 -1 -11 4 -300 -100 0 421042 37814 36014 72924 47866 205716 31816 4036 128566 340858 64234 47514 57812 62908 174774 138620 24138 50966 10 月 29 日 11 月 15 日开放式基金净值 10.29 开放式基金 单位净值 累计净值 名称 1.130 1.221 博时价值增长 1.0233 1.0633 南方稳健 1.011 1.011 嘉实增长 1.0076 1.0076 招商安泰股票 1.0070 1.0820 长盛成长价值 1.0043 1.0643 嘉实成长收益 1.003 易方达平稳增长 1.0029 1.0029 宝康债券 1.001 1.013 华夏债券 0.9998 0.9998 宝康灵活配置 0.999 华夏回报 0.9987 1.0587 融通新蓝筹 0.9974 宝盈鸿利 0.9970 0.9970 宝康消费品 0.9926 0.9926 南方避险 0.9926 0.9926 招商安泰平衡 0.9908 1.0228 南方宝元 0.9899 0.9899 大成债券 0.988 0.988 嘉实稳健 0.9867 湘财合丰周期 0.9850 0.9850 招商安泰债券 0.981 0.981 嘉实债券 0.9796 1.0696 大成价值成长 0.9791 0.9791 中融融华 0.9744 富国动态平衡 0.967 1.007 华安创新 0.963 1.013 华安 180 0.9593 湘财合丰稳定 0.9450 0.9450 天同 180 指数 0.945 0.945 国泰金鹰 0.941 1.001 华夏成长 0.9362 湘财合丰成长 0.9119 鹏华行业 11.15 开放式基金 名称 博时价值增长 南方稳健 嘉实成长受益 易方达平稳增长 招商股票 华夏债券 宝康债券 华夏回报 长盛成长价值 融通蓝筹成长 融通新蓝筹 嘉实增长 南方避险 宝康灵活配置 湘财合丰周期 南方宝元 招商平衡 宝康消费品 招商债券 大成债券 嘉实稳健 融通债券 嘉实债券 中融融华 银华优势企业 富国动态平衡 大成价值增长 华安创新 博时裕富 国泰金鹰 湘财合稳定 华安 180 华夏成长 天同 180 指数 单位净值 累计净值 1.123 1.0276 1.0162 1.009 1.0073 1.004 1.0040 1.004 1.0020 1.002 0.9990 0.997 0.9952 0.9948 0.9948 0.9946 0.9930 0.9900 0.9896 0.9890 0.989 0.988 0.985 0.9821 0.9800 0.9782 0.9765 0.975 0.974 0.963 0.9562 0.952 0.931 0.9300 1.214 1.0676 1.0762 1.049 1.0073 1.016 1.0040 1.004 1.0770 1.002 1.0590 0.997 0.9952 0.9948 -1.0266 0.9930 0.9900 0.9896 0.9890 0.989 0.988 0.985 0.9821 1.0500 -1.0665 1.015 0.974 0.963 -1.002 0.991 0.9300 湘财合丰成长 鹏华行业 10 月 11 日 29 日 11 月 15 日国债收益率 10.11 交易 品种 收益率 净价 代码 (%) 000696 124.20 2.3792 96 国债(6) 000896 100.36 2.3867 96 国债(8) 009704 125.20 2.8627 97 国债(4) 009905 101.47 2.8707 99 国债(5) 009908 99.55 3.3843 99 国债(8) 010004 98.23 20 国债(4) 010010 97.36 20 国债(10) 010103 100.30 3.1948 21 国债(3) 010107 107.31 3.6957 21 国债(7) 010110 3.5726 21 国债(10) 95.75 010112 96.47 3.5614 21 国债(12) 010115 3.3049 21 国债(15) 98.56 010203 92.13 3.6288 02 国债(3) 010210 3.3562 02 国债(10) 94.94 010213 3.1528 02 国债(13) 93.80 020314 3.1717 02 国债(14) 98.05 010215 3.2489 02 国债(15) 98.24 010301 96.19 3.3327 03 国债(1) 010303 94.86 3.7758 03 国债(3) 010307 95.98 3.3241 03 国债(7) 010308 95.23 3.5991 03 国债(8) 10.29 净价 123.99 100.04 125.08 100.4 98.35 97.39 97.40 99.78 102.27 93.39 94.08 97.75 90.19 93.30 91.51 97.4 97.8 95.97 91.00 95.39 92.51 收益率 (%) 2.3031 2.5523 2.8182 2.8848 3.6144 3.3203 4.0787 3.9381 3.9260 3.4844 3.9217 3.6931 3.3700 3.3571 3.3333 3.3779 4.0739 3.4293 3.9490 0.9103 0.9062 11.15 净价 123.75 -------124.99 101.46 98.50 100.23 99.34 100.20 101.77 94.09 94.67 98.18 90.60 93.8 92.40 98.43 97.75 96.00 91.14 95.93 92.88 --- 收益率 (%) 2.2429 2.7696 2.8630 3.5871 3.2178 4.1178 3.8338 3.8396 3.3942 3.8670 3.6008 3.2873 3.0784 3.3458 3.3774 4.0638 3.3409 3.9043