Vocabulary List 3 – Positive Words
1. affluent – adjective
Definition: Having an abundance of wealth, property, or other material goods.
Synonyms: rich, loaded, wealthy
Example Sentence: 1. The tax cuts are skewed heavily toward the affluent. 2. If one looks only at test
scores, students in affluent neighborhoods get higher ones.
2. amiable – adjective
Definition: 1. Having or showing pleasant, good-natured personal qualities. 2. Agreeable; willing to
accept the wishes, decisions, or suggestions of another.
Synonyms: affable, friendly, sociable, gracious, amicable
Antonyms: rude, unfriendly, hostile
Example Sentence: The governor’s kind, amiable personality is still conveyed, even if you don’t agree
with his politics.
3. benevolent – adjective
Definition: 1. Characterized by or expressing goodwill or kindly feelings. 2. Desiring to help others. 3.
Intended for benefits rather than profit.
Synonyms: good, kind, humane, generous, liberal, benign, philanthropic, altruistic
Antonyms: cruel
Example Sentence: The benevolent act of a young doctor saved the lives of millions.
4. copious – adjective
Definition: 1. Large in quantity or number. 2. Having or yielding an abundant supply. 3. Exhibiting
abundance or fullness, as of thoughts or words.
Synonyms: bountiful, ample
Antonyms: scanty, scare, meager
Example Sentence: 1. The same varieties of the cabbage do not yield abundant and nutritious foliage
and a copious supply of oil-bearing seeds. 2. The volcano itself is throwing incandescent bombs near
the vent along with producing copious amounts of ash.
5. exceptional – adjective
Definition: 1. Forming an exception or rare instance. 2. Having much more than average intelligence,
ability, or skill.
Synonyms: exceeding, prodigious, surpassing, especial, olympian, uncommon, singular, strange,
unnatural, aberrant, anomalous
Antonyms: average
Example Sentence: 1. This ancient jewelry is of exceptional charm and sophistication. 2. The student’s
exceptional math skills surpass those of his teacher.
6. foster – verb
Definition: 1. To promote the growth or development of. 2. To bring up, raise, or rear, as a foster child.
3. To care for or cherish.
Synonyms: favor, forward, advance, foment, instigate, nurse, nourish, sustain, support, maintain
Antonyms: discourage
Example Sentence: Parents’ role is to foster their children, ensuring safety, permanency, and wellbeing for their little bundle of joy.
7. gregarious – adjective
Definition: Fond of the company of others.
Synonyms: social, genial, outgoing, convivial, companionable, friendly, extroverted
Antonyms: introverted
Example Sentence: She is both candid and private, gregarious and solitary, self-doubting and daring.
8. immune – adjective
Definition: 1. Protected from a disease or the like, as by inoculation. 2. Exempt or protected.
Synonyms: resistant
Example Sentence: 1. Insurance companies are certainly not immune to economic slowdown. 2. He
was put into a medically induced coma so that his immune system could rebound.
9. passion – noun
Definition: 1. Any powerful or compelling emotion or feeling, as lover or hate. 2. Strong amorous feeling
or desire. 3. Strong sexual desire.
Synonyms: fervor, zeal, ardor
Antonyms: apathy
Example Sentence: 1. Her passion for reading kept her up every night with a book in her hand. 2. In a
hot moment of passion, she tore off his shirt and started kissing his chest and massaging his abs.
10. prestige – noun
Definition: Reputation or influence arising from success, achievement, rank, or other favorable
Synonyms: weight, importance
Antonyms: disrepute
Example Sentence: The wine company has earned prestige by crafting the finest wine in the world.
11. proficient – adjective
Definition: Well-advanced or competent in any art, science, or subject.
Synonyms: adept, competent, experienced, accomplished, able
Antonyms: unskilled, inept
Example Sentence: The more the monks fought, the more proficient they became as fighters, and the
more their fame grew.
12. prosper – verb
 Definition: to be successful or fortunate, especially in financial respects; thrive
Synonyms: succeed
Antonyms: fail
Example Sentence: She survived enormous turmoil with indomitable spirit and lived to see her family
grow and prosper in a new land.
13. prudent – adjective
Definition: 1. wise or judicious in practical affairs; sagacious; discreet or circumspect; sober. 2.
Careful in providing for the future.
Synonyms: sensible, economical, thrifty, frugal
Example Sentence: Moderate rationing might be a prudent way to control costs.
14. resilient – adjective
Definition: 1. Springing back, rebounding. 2. Returning to the original form or position after being bent,
compressed, or stretched. 3. Recovering readily from illness, depression, adversity, or the like.
Synonyms: elastic, flexible, springy, buoyant, rebounding, irrepressible
Example Sentence: 1. The aliens were incredibly tough, resilient, and flexible in different environments.
2. The resilient woman finished her research paper for school, even after her mother died, she crashed
her car, and her boyfriend left her for her best friend.
15. venerable – adjective
Definition: Commanding respect because of great age or impressive dignity; worthy of reverence
because of high office or noble character.
Synonyms: august, revered
Example Sentence: The venerable author spoke about his modest beginnings as a copying machine