REPORT TO DATE OF MEETING Cabinet 13 February 2008 Report template revised February 2007 SUBJECT PORTFOLIO AUTHOR Concessionary Fares Corporate and Support Services M Nuttall ITEM GLOSSARY OF TERMS USED IN THIS REPORT Travel Concession Authorities (TCAs) Those local authorities having the legal responsibility to provide and fund concessionary bus travel for the elderly and disabled. In Lancashire the district and unitary councils are designated as the Travel Concession Authorities. Extra statutory travel concessions Those elements of the concessionary travel scheme that local authorities are not required by law to provide and for which they receive no Government grant support. These elements of the concessionary travel scheme are therefore provided on a discretionary basis and funded wholly by local council taxpayers. Department for Transport (DfT) The UK Government Department responsible for Transport Issues SUMMARY AND LINK TO CORPORATE PRIORITIES scheme should continue once the new statutory free fare scheme is introduced with effect from April 2008. This report provides information on the new 2008 national scheme for concessionary transport. Members will recall that consideration of this report was deferred at the Cabinet meeting held on 12 December pending the outcome of a meeting of Lancashire Leaders on 11 January 2008. This report has therefore now been updated to take into account the issues discussed at the Leaders’ meeting. RECOMMENDATIONS Cabinet note the contents of this report and: 1. determine the way forward, post April 2008, as regards the extra statutory travel concessions highlighted in the report; 2. confirm, on the basis set out in this report, whether the Council should agree to the principles of the countywide pooling of concessionary bus travel costs and funding; 3. subject to recommendation 2 above, delegate agreement of the detailed countywide pooling arrangements to the Corporate Director (Resources) in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Corporate & Support Services; and 4. confirm the additional provision to be made for the new concessionary travel scheme within the Council’s budget for 2008/9. One of the key issues and risks highlighted within this report is the potential budgetary implications for Travel Concession Authorities (TCAs), such as South Ribble Borough Council, arising from the new scheme. As a consequence, all the Lancashire local authorities have been asked to consider the countywide pooling of the all the costs and funding associated with providing concessionary travel. They have also been asked to consider whether the discretionary elements of the current concessionary travel 1 DETAILS AND REASONING Background Information New National Concessionary Travel Scheme new pass holders will make 40% of the number of local trips and 25% of the number of non-local trips made by existing pass holders. Table 2 at Appendix 1 provides an estimation of the total additional costs of the new scheme in Lancashire. The government is introducing a new mandatory concessionary travel scheme from April 2008. This will give persons aged 60 and over and disabled persons travel free of charge on local bus services operating throughout England between 09.30 and 23.00 on weekdays and all day weekends and Bank Holidays. All eligible persons will be issued with a new travel pass in the form of a ‘smart card’. Additional Government Funding It is clear from the Appendix 1 that the funding being proposed for South Ribble Borough Council will be insufficient to cover the costs of the new scheme. That said, the funding gap could be considerably wider if the Government assumptions (referred to above) used to forecast the additional costs prove to be on the low side. As Members will appreciate the demand led nature of this expenditure makes it extremely difficult to predict and control. The Department for Transport (DfT) has previously issued a consultation paper on the distribution of additional grant funding to meet the additional costs of the new concessionary travel scheme. This funding will be payable to TCAs from 2008/09. £212m is being made available nationally. In response to the consultation paper, the Cabinet Member for Corporate & Support Services has already made representations to Government regarding the funding proposals, in particular the expected shortfall for South Ribble. Similar representations have also been made by the Cabinet Member for Finance & Resources in response to the recent Revenue Support Grant Settlement. DfT have now confirmed the funding allocations for each individual local authority. It is proposed that the grant will be paid as non ring-fenced special grant for 3 years, after that period it will be paid as part of each council’s revenue support grant settlement. Table 1 at Appendix 1 indicates the amount of grant to be paid to each Lancashire TCA by DfT. Charging arrangements Under the new scheme TCAs will be responsible for the concessionary travel costs of all journeys beginning in their area, whereas currently it based on the journeys made resident concessionary passholders . This is likely to result in significant ‘shifts’ in costs between TCAs, thus making the costs of the overall concessionary travel scheme extremely difficult to predict from 2008/9 onwards. Estimated Potential Additional Costs of New Scheme A key issue for TCAs is the potential costs of the new scheme. It has been possible (using some assumptions in the DfT consultation paper on additional grant – see below) to calculate the potential additional costs for Lancashire TCAs which may arise from the new scheme. It must be noted that these estimates are speculative and do not purport to be a robust analysis of potential cost increases. In addition, with effect from April 2008, it is expected that smartcards (which will produce more accurate information from that currently available) will be used to allocate costs between TCAs. This again will result in a change in how costs are allocated between TCAs. Extra Statutory Concessions All TCAs have been asked which, if any, of the discretionary enhancements to the statutory scheme should be retained after April 2008. These enhancements are funded The assumptions are: pass take-up will increase by 20%; publicity for the new scheme will increase the number of journeys by 10%; and 2 by individual councils and therefore receive no Government funding support. The main extra statutory concessions currently provided by TCAs are: Peak time travel weekdays (i.e. before 09.30 at half fare for over 60s and 50p for disabled and after 23.00 free or flat rate); Community Transport; Blackpool Tramway; and Knott End Ferry; West Lancs Disabled Scheme and Rossendale over-90s Scheme (both of these schemes have been largely overlapped by the mandatory free local travel scheme introduced in April 2006 and from April 2008 would be relevant only to peak time travel). individual TCAs. There is no obligation to offer these concessions to visitors. In order to implement any changes to the scheme, a decision must be made by each Lancashire TCA as to whether these extrastatutory concessions are to continue beyond April 2008. Operationally, each TCA may make an individual decision regarding the extrastatutory concessions. However, if bordering TCAs operate a different policy, this will increase the administrative burden and become very confusing for the concessionary passengers. Clearly, the greater the uniformity of approach, the easier it will be to explain changes to the public, operators and staff. The Table at Appendix 2 attached shows the estimated cost to each Lancashire TCA of maintaining these extra statutory concessions. Contracted Services The County Council subsidises a number of bus routes that are not considered to be commercially viable. The County Council has indicated that, in future, it will consult district councils regarding contracted bus services and any decisions will be taken via Lancashire Local. Community Transport is aimed at assisting those people who do not have regular access to a car and cannot use public transport easily, as defined by Section 19 of the Transport Act. This means that if someone is disabled or elderly then they can use the service if they live in the more urban areas of the Borough. Lancashire Leaders’ Meeting - 11 January 2008 There are five schemes operating in South Ribble. Three are linked to the eastern side of the Borough (linked with Chorley) and two with the western side (linked with Preston). As explained above, to date, the current concessionary travel scheme has benefited from being operated on a consistent countywide basis. This has made the scheme easier to operate and reduced the passenger confusion that could occur if individual councils operated differing travel schemes. In light of the anticipated budgetary pressures arising from the expected shortfall in Government funding for the new scheme, the majority view at the Leaders’ meeting was that, reluctantly, with effect from April 2008, the concessionary travel scheme should be operated on the basis of the statutory scheme. That said, they were concerned to see the retention of Community Transport schemes as a discretionary enhancement to the scheme. It was recognised that these services provide vulnerable people with public transport where they would not have access to normal bus routes. Also it was agreed that the Blackpool Tramway and Knott End Ferry should be They are as follows: Eastern side o Dial a ride bus o Red Rose Runner o Flexi link Western side o Dial a ride bus o Red Rose Runner Any able bodied people using the services in remote locations, that do not have a bus pass, will pay the full fare. If extra statutory concessions are maintained, the costs can be charged to TCAs according to residence using data from the smart cards. The extra concessions could be limited to existing NoWcard holders or to residents of 3 o retained as part of the countywide pooling proposal (see later in this report). The Leaders were also extremely concerned about the way in which the additional Government funding for concessionary travel is to be shared out. At best, this could produce some “winners” and “losers” and have significant budgetary implications for individual councils. In the worst case scenario the total extra funding could be insufficient overall – countywide and nationally. In an attempt to mitigate against the potential financial impact on any individual council, each of the Lancashire authorities was asked to consider the following principles for pooling concessionary travel costs and funding: This total contribution will be uplifted to take account of inflation by a common percentage Costs chargeable to the pool: o Mandatory concessionary travel costs for commercial services and contracted services. o Discretionary concessions in relation to the Blackpool Tramway and Knott End Ferry. Community Transport concessionary costs are not chargeable to the pool, and are to be funded by each TCA. Any overall surplus or deficit on the pool will be shared between TCAs on the basis of the NOWCARD data (which in effect will be in proportion to the actual costs for each TCA). The County Council currently administers the scheme on behalf of the Lancashire TCAs. It has indicated that, in future, it will only continue to carry out this function if there is a countywide agreement to pooling. If there is no agreement on pooling alternative administrative arrangements will need to be established. Ideally this would still need to be carried out on a collective basis as it would be very costly for any authority to establish and operate its own administrative arrangements. The pooling arrangement should be effective from 1 April 2008 Initially it will be for a 3 year period Participating TCAs will contribute to the pool: o Actual scheme costs for 2007/08 for commercial and contracted services. o The amount of DfT Special Grant awarded to each TCA for 2008/09 additional costs of the national scheme WIDER IMPLICATIONS In the preparation of this report, consideration has been given to the impact of its proposals in all the areas listed below, and the table shows any implications in respect of each of these. The risk assessment which has been carried out forms part of the background papers to the report. FINANCIAL The financial implications are set out within the body of the report LEGAL The Council will need to ensure that the new statutory concessionary travel scheme is implemented in accordance with the requirements of the legislation. This is being addressed on a countywide basis. RISK The demand led nature of the concessionary travel scheme means that forecasting the cost of the scheme is extremely difficult. This presents a significant risk to the Council’s medium term financial strategy. Other local authorities are experiencing similar difficulties. The principles of pooling concessionary travel costs and funding may go some way to mitigating against this risk. In agreeing the detailed pooling arrangements, the Council would need to ensure it was not unreasonably exposed to the risks of overall countywide costs being higher than expected. That said, the additional benefit of a countywide agreement on pooling would be a united voice with which to lobby Government should the extra grant funding allocated prove to be inadequate to meet the costs of the new scheme. . 4 OTHER (see below) Asset Management Corporate Plans and Policies Efficiency Savings Freedom of Information/ Data Protection Health and Safety Human Rights Act 1998 Respect Agenda Staffing Sustainability BACKGROUND DOCUMENTS 5 Equality, Diversity and Community Cohesion Implementing Electronic Government Training and Development Appendix 1 Table 1 - Amount of Additional Grant Funding per TCA 2008/09 – 2010/11 Blackburn Blackpool Burnley Chorley Fylde Hyndburn Lancaster Pendle Preston Ribble Valley Rossendale South Ribble West Lancs Wyre 2008/09 £000 492 1,368 333 275 275 327 487 268 590 153 206 266 247 323 5,610 2009/10 £000 503 1,401 340 282 281 335 498 274 604 156 211 273 253 331 5,742 2010/11 £000 517 1,439 350 289 289 344 512 281 620 161 216 280 260 340 5,898 Table 2 - Estimated Potential Additional Costs of the 2008 National Scheme per TCA for 2008/09 Blackburn Blackpool Burnley Chorley Fylde Hyndburn Lancaster Pendle Preston Ribble Valley Rossendale South Ribble West Lancs Wyre Total Estimated Costs of 2008 Scheme Estimated Inflation @ Removal Extra Additional Cost 5% of flat Publicity card take2007/08 fare 10% up 20% £000 £000 £000 £000 £000 2,083 2,187 142 284 121 2,938 3,085 220 401 179 1,308 1,373 96 178 93 584 613 34 80 87 833 875 61 114 86 1,140 1,197 77 156 81 1,381 1,450 91 188 140 1,113 1,169 73 152 81 2,989 3,138 96 408 125 540 567 32 74 44 838 880 62 114 64 1,134 1,191 81 155 101 708 743 45 97 63 1,470 1,544 90 201 135 19,059 20,012 1,200 2,600 1,400 6 Total £000 547 800 367 201 260 313 420 306 629 150 240 337 204 426 5,200 APPENDIX 2 Estimated Costs of Existing Extra Statutory Concessions Peak Travel Blackburn Blackpool Burnley Chorley Fylde Hyndburn Lancaster Pendle Preston Ribble Valley Rossendale South Ribble West Lancs Wyre Existing Concession £’000 Community Blackpool Knott End Transport Tramway Ferry Others Total 63 97 42 15 27 34 40 32 43 14 27 36 20 40 103 19 20 69 19 34 108 28 62 22 12 33 96 48 12 102 2 0 1 2 1 2 4 1 2 2 0 109 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 30 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 2 0 178 218 64 84 47 70 149 62 109 37 42 71 118 227 530 673 240 30 3 1,476 The estimated costs in the table above are based on current ridership and include estimated inflation up to 2008/09. At this stage, no attempt has been made to estimate the impact of any potential changes resulting from the new national concessionary travel scheme. 7