JAGIELLONIAN UNIVERSITY INSTITUTE OF HISTORY Jakub Basista, PhD Polish pre-20th Century History (Meeting 3) Piast Poland – political developments. The Hungarian Connection The birth and early years of the Polish state. Period of Fragmentation. Reconstruction of Polish state borders. Poland in Europe – relations with the Teutonic Knights, and Poland’s neighbors. Times of Kazimierz the Great and Hungarian Succession Louis of Hungary on the Polish throne. Jadwiga and the Lithuanian connection. PIAST DYNASTY - beginning →1370 Mieszko I ~960-992 966 baptism of Poland 968 bishop Jordan arrives in Poland (mission in Poznań) 972 Mieszko I’s victory against Hodon, German prince 984 bishop Jordan dies; Unger from Turingen takes his place 987-989 Mieszko I incorporates south territories with Kraków 990 Mieszko I incorporates Silesia Bolesław Chrobry K (letter K denotes rules, who were crowned) 992-1025 997 death of bishop Adalbert (Wojciech) on a mission in Prussia 999 Adalbert proclaimed saint and patron of Poland; Adalbert’s brother becomes first head of Polish church in Gniezno 1000 meeting in Gniezno with the German emperor Otto III establishing of Polish church hierarchy (Gniezno, Krakow, Wrocław, Kołobrzeg) 1002-1018 wars against German princes 1013 campaign against Kiev 1025 Chrobry’s coronation Mieszko II K 1025-1034 1031 following Mieszko II’s campaigns to Saxony, a campaign is staged by Germans and Ruthenians; Mieszko escapes to Czech kingdom, Poland looses all territories annexed by Chrobry 1031-32 antifeudal and antiChristian reaction in Poland’s territory Kazimierz Odnowiciel 1034-1058 1038 Czechs’ (Brzetysław I) raid against Gniezno; relics of St. Adalbert are stolen; Kraków becomes the centre of Poland’s political life 1039 Kazimierz returns and starts reconstruction of state 1044 Benedictine cloister founded in Tyniec outside Kraków Bolesław Śmiały K 1058-1079 1060-63 Bolesław interferes in Hungary 1068 Bolesław interferes in Kiev 1070 conflict with Czechs 1076 coronation 1079 conflict with bishop Stanisław ends with the assassination of the bishop and king fleeing from Poland Władysław Herman 1079-1102 1085 Czech prince Wratysław II announced king of Poland by the Emperor (according to the Czech tradition) Bolesław Krzywousty 1102-1138 1106 Bolesław’s conflict with his brother Zygmunt 1111 or 1112 after long conflict Zygmunt returns to Poland, where he is blinded and dies 1113-16 first Polish chronicle of Anonymous Gall (Gal Anonim) 1116 Gdańsk incorporated into Poland 1119 west Pomerania incorporated 1124 changes and enlarging of church organisation in Poland (this reform will last till 17th c.) 1138 Act of Succession →beginning of the feudal fragmentation of Poland Władysław Wygnaniec 1138-1146 1146 – Władysław remains in a constant conflict with his stepbrothers; Church hierarchy backs the younger brothers excommunicating Władysław, who flees and the oldest of the younger brothers gains the throne in Kraków Bolesław Kędzierzawy 1146-1173 1163 – Władysław’s sons are invited back to Poland after their father’s death and get his heritage Mieszko III Stary 1173-1177 Kazimierz Sprawiedliwy 1177-1194 1180 Congress of Łęczyca – concessions of the duke in favour of the church 1181 western Pomerania falls out of Poland’s reach 1195 Poland in fact divides into three independent patrimonia Little Poland, Great Poland, Śląsk Mieszko III Stary 1198-1202 Leszek Biały 1202-1227 1222 Dominicans arrive in Kraków 1226 Konrad Mazowiecki invites the Holy Order of Our Lady of the German House to christianise Prussia Henryk Brodaty 1232-1238 1137 Franciscans arrive in Kraków Henryk Pobożny 1238-1241 1241 Mongol invasion; Henryk killed in battle of Legnica Konrad Mazowiecki 1241-1243 Bolesław Wstydliwy 1243-1279 1243 Konrad Mazowiecki expelled from Kraków 1257 location of Kraków 1259/60 second Mongol invasion 1264 Bolesław the Pious of Kalisz issues a privilege for Jews Leszek Czarny 1279-1287 Henryk IV Probus 1288-1290 1291 Wacław II of Bohemia conquers Little Poland with Kraków Przemysł II K 1295-1296 Wacław II of Bohemia K 1300-1305 Wacław III of Bohemia K 1306 1308-1309 Teutonic Knights capture Gdańsk and eastern Pomerania 1314 Władysław Łokietek conquers Great Poland Władysław Łokietek K 1320-1333 1331 battle of Płowce against Teutonic Knights Kazimierz Wielki K 1333-1370 1335 Congress of Vysehrad (Emperor John of Luxemburg resigns from Polish crown) 1340-1349 Poland occupies Vladimir and Halicz Ruthenia 1355 statutes of Buda (question of taxes and Louis’ heritage of Polish throne) 1357 legal statutes for Great and Little Poland 1364 founding of the university 1364 monarchs’ meeting in Kraków (Emperor Charles IV, Louis of Hungary, Peter – king of Cyprus, other princes and Kazimierz) Louis of Anjou K 1370-1382 1370 coronation / rule in Poland is conducted by Louis’s mother, Elżbieta (Kazimierz Wielki’s sister) 1374 statute of Kosice – transfer of rights to the Polish crown to Louis’s daughters 1382 Louis dies / Polish lords refuse to accept the regency of Zygmunt of Luxemburg, Louis’s son-in-law 1383 Louis’s widow, Elizabeth of Bosnia desigates her daughter Jadwiga to the Polish throne Jadwiga Q 1384-1399 1384 Jadwiga arrives in Poland and is crowned 1385 Polish-Lithuanian union in Kreva (Jogaila is to marry Jadwiga, accept Catholicism and incorporate Lithuania to the Polish state) – controversies remain even today, what was the real meaning of the union 1386 baptism of Jogaila, coronation and marriage Władysław Jagiełło K 1386-1434 1386 Kraków privilege (he promises to nominate officials only after consulting with local lords; no high taxes; payment for wars outside the country; ransom for war prisoners by the crown) – confirmed after coronation in Korczyn 1390 war between Lithuania and Teutonic state 1398 Lithuanian alliance with Teutonic state in return for parts of Samigitia; Lithuanians proclaim Grand Duke Witold their king 1399 death of Jadwiga and her daughter 1399 Lithuanian defeat by Tartars 1400 reform of the university 1401 Polish-Lithuanian union of Wilno and Radom 1409 anti-Teutonic rebellion in Samigitia 1410 war against Teutonic State end with a victory at Grunwald (15 July) further campaign brings small successes, but Polish-Lithuanian troops fail to capture Malbork (capital castle) 1411 Peace of Toruń with the Teutonic Order 1413 Polish-Lithuanian union of Horodło 1416 Polish delegation to the Council of Constance defends Polish wars against the Teutonic order (Paweł Włodkowic and the notion of just war) 1420 Hussites offer Czech crown to Jagiełło 1422 war against the Teutonic order / nobles’s leve en masse demands privileges – privilege of Czerwińsk (noble’s property immunity – no noble may have his goods confiscated without a proper court sentence) 1423 Warka statutes – enable the nobility to remove a sołtys (land hereditary until now office of a head of a community/village) in specified cases 1424 royal decree against Hussites and practically closing of Polish-Czech border 1425 Statute of Brześć – in return for accepting Jagiellonian legacy on the Polish throne nobles demand personal immunity – the statute is not accepted by the monarch (nobles cut it up with their swords) 1430/33 Jedlnia-Krakow privilege (acceptance of royal heritage in return for Brześc deamnds) – confirmed in Kraków in 1433. 1434 Jagiełło dies