LOW-EMISSION POLAND 2050 KUBA GOGOLEWSKI, CEE BANKWATCH NETWORK VISION OF POLISH ENERGY SECTOR TRANSFORMATION CLIMATE PROTECTION FACTS fall of emissions since 1988 while GDP has more than doubled in the same period in Poland climate debate in Poland - 3 government vetoes of EU climate targets -> there is no responsibility felt (or rather there is strong industry lobby and all the functioning(!!) EU ETS systems may have serious social impact on Polish society - so the decision is politically unpopular etc.) But the need for change is clear... questions to solve: nuclear power - site? cost? time? educated staff (no experience)? etc… but possible and manageable -> there is a real need for public discussion - not just top-down “discussion” (rather gov. pro-nuclear lobby) as it is now the debate should be about acceptable level of risk (waste, security) among public. (and about impacts of nuclear replacing coal on: society, employment, environment and climate protection targets (of EU and Poland). Or are there any other possibilities (RES, shale?) The role of coal is under discussion (115 000 thousand people in mining industry - social issue). increased import of hard coal due to uncompetitiveness of Polish one due to surplus of American and South African coal on the world market. Declining production of lignite - there is a need to solve public opposition to open new sites. role of Carbon Capture Storage (CCS) - still rather unclear and futuristic project. integrated EU energy market (functioning without any deformations) will lead to loss in Polish energy sector competitiveness - > coal will probably be switched for other more competitive source -> social issue again. renewables - law obligations for efficiency, share etc… - but no political party clearly support RES (X strong traditional industry lobby) shale gas - high expectations but the reality is far more grey POLISH CLIMATE/ENERGY POLICY Poland still has time for choice (but feasibility then is unclear) - there are two scenarios possible: limited development scenario - seems like the official one - (obviously) not so good, rather neutral for economy and rather status quo in energy sector (the sector may be even more dependent on coal) modernization scenario - RES to take a place (but rather equal than dominant - more possible scenarios), gas to take greater share, economical growth, opportunities for industry etc. obviously the better way to take buildings - efficiency improvements, retrofits -> real potential for energy savings electricity - greater share of gas (ideally with CCS) in production. Plus more electric cars on demand side but: questionable economic growth (crisis?), EU ETS system?, shale?, price of other sources of energy, technology development etc etc. -> classical problem of every vision. “Anything that is good for the industry is good for Poland” - polish ministry of sf. lack of willingness to support more RES than obliged for meet EU 20-20-20 Poland targets Current problem: combustion of biomass with coal -> company get green certificates - so they are producing “green energy” plus there is an oversupply of green certificates -> the collapse of the system. Letní škola Výhledy české energetiky, 4. 9. 2013, zapsal Tomáš Trubačík