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Criminal Justice Style Sheet
Cap after colon if complete sentence (per previous ed.)
Lowercase all prepositions, regardless of length.
Use serial comma
Spell out i.e., e.g., and etc. in text.
Style per Chicago, 15/e; spelling: per Webster’s 11th
Author style: “upon” okay; no distinction: “since/because”
“while/whereas/although”; use of contractions okay; “above/below” used in
prev. ed. but trying to avoid in this one
Superlatives: best-known law, longest-running show, fastest-growing group,
better-prepared agencies, lower-income households (per Chicago)
Possessives: Congress’s, Morris’s, but United States’, series’, Hopkins’,
No italic for the “v.” in case titles: United States v. Granada
Web addresses use full address:…, except
En dash: Chicago-based crime unit, Los Angeles–based crime unit
Questions: More precisely, we might ask, “Why does a particular person
commit a particular crime on a given occasion and under specific
X-refs: ... discussed in detail in Chapter 5, “Policing: Legal Aspects.”
Dates: Future dates in sources, including website access dates, okay as long
as they do not extend beyond publication date (per AU 4/12/06)
Acronyms: Spell out at first appearance in each chapter. Acronym follows
spelled-out term and is enclosed in parens. Okay to use acronym alone from
then on in chapter.
Retain comma with Jr. and Sr.: Jesse L. Jackson, Sr.; but Robert S. Mueller
Use space around initials in personal names: O. J. Simpson.
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Italics: Use italics for titles and subtitles of books; names of TV series; words
as words (the term hacker); letters as letters (a red letter A); sparingly for
emphasis; aka’s (known as the Bill of Rights; the social product we call
Use ital for In re, Ex parte, id., ante, supra, cert. denied, aff’d, aff’d per
curiam, aff’g, rev’d, rev’d en banc, rev’d sub nom; but See, e.g., slip op. at
34, slip op. 37, Cf.
Use quotation marks for irony; nonliteral use of word (a “road map” to
criminal justice); newly coined terms.
In glossary, use bold for cross-references; italics for aka’s (per prev. ed.)
Style note: Burbank (California) Police Department, Broward County (Florida)
Sheriff’s Department
the city of New York, New York City; state of Washington, Washington State
white, black, Hispanic
Court of Appeals of Kentucky, the appeals court; a U.S. district court in
Titles of people: capitalize if immediately precedes name (President George
W. Bush), but lowercase if comes after or stands alone (the chief of police of
the city of Seattle), except in margin quote attributions (Tony Fabelo,
Executive Director, Texas Criminal Justice Policy Council)
Coshocton County (Ohio) municipal judge David Hostetler
divorce court, judge, etc., but Court, Judge, Etc. okay if in quoted court case
the Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit, the First and Eighth Circuit Courts of
Appeal, appeals court, courts of appeals (plural)
the U.S. Supreme Court, the Court, the justices; Warren Court, Warren and
Rehnquist Courts
a state board of education, but the California State Board of Education
the national Constitution, but a state constitution, constitutional question
First Amendment; the Supremacy Clause, the Establishment Clause, the Free
Exercise Clause
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the Fifth, Sixth, and Fourteenth Amendments
Texas Penal Code, Texas Code, the code, but Model Penal Code, the Code, the
Code Commentaries and United States Code, the Code (per usual law book
style for these two main codes)
Megan’s Laws, Justinian Code
Safe Streets and Crime Control Act of 1968; the Safe Streets Act, the act
Catholic Church, Anglican Church, the church; the Christian church
Washington Post, Wall Street Journal in a note (no “The”), but the
Washington Post, the Wall Street Journal in running text (note lowercase
Spell out one to ten (except taller than 6 feet, 1 inch); use numerals for 11
and above (including 1 million).
Ages: eight-month-old (n, adj); ages one and three; 21-year-old (n, adj);
“Jackson, 45, had been arrested...”
Ordinals: Generally spell out: second-grade teacher, twelfth-grade student,
twenty-first century, mid-nineteenth century (n), late-nineteenth-century
Birth-death years: Daniel Webster (1782–1852); Robert Merton (1910– )
1,312 10,562
Use numerals with percentages: 50%; 8% to 19%
Use numerals with dollars: $3 billion
one-half, two-thirds
four years’ imprisonment, term of two years and eight months
.40-caliber, .357-caliber (adj); 9mm (adj)
5–4 opinion; voted 5 to 4
a factor of four, a ratio of two to one
Phone: (888) 813-USSS
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9-1-1 call
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9/11 (shortened version of September 11, 2001) post-9/11
... including
Cap then entry
Cap then entry
Cap then entry
Use sentence punc. if full sentences.
Numbered items in text: (1), (2), etc.; numbered items in margin definitions
also the same, not 1.), 2.), etc.
Notes (per AU 4/8/06 e-mail, “existing citation styles should be retained unless they
are in error.”)
Charles E. Silberman, Criminal Violence, Criminal Justice (New York: Random House,
1978), p. 12.
Lawrence W. Sherman et al., Preventing Crime, 2nd ed. (Washington, DC: National
Institute of Justice, 1997). (Chicago 15/e now says to use 2nd, 3rd)
Philip B. Kurland and John Doe, “Robert H. Jackson,” in Leon Friedman and Fred L.
Israel, eds., The Justices of the United States Supreme Court 1789–1969: Their
Lives and Major Opinions, Vol. 4 (New York: Chelsea House, 1969), p. 2565.
Jill Peay, “Dangerousness—Ascription or Description,” in M. P. Feldman, ed.,
Violence, Vol. 2 of
Developments in the Study of Criminal Behavior (New York:
John Wiley, 1982), p. 211, citing N. Walker, “Dangerous People,” International
Journal of Law and Psychiatry, Vol. 1 (1978), pp. 37–50.
Coramae Richey Mann, “The Reality of a Racist Criminal Justice System,” in Barry W.
Hancock and Paul M. Sharp, eds., Criminal Justice in America: Theory, Practice, and
Policy, 14 vols. (Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall, 1996), pp. 51–59.
Federal Bureau of Investigation, Crime in the United States (Washington, DC: FBI,
2006). (per AU 4/8/06, do not use “Author” as the publisher when repeated.)
Effects of NIBRS on Crime Statistics, Bureau of Justice Statistics Special Report
(Washington, DC: BJS, 2000), p. 1.
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North Carolina Justice Academy, Miranda Warning Card (Salemburg, NC: North
Carolina Justice Academy).
Ramiro Martinez, Jr., and Matthew T. Lee, “On Immigration and Crime,” in National
Institute of Justice, Criminal Justice 2000, Volume 1: The Nature of Crime—
Continuity and Change (Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Justice, Office of
Justice Programs, 2000).
1967 Presidential Commission, The Challenge of Crime in a Free Society
(Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1967).
National Institute of Justice, Newport News Tests Problem-Oriented Policing, National
Institute of Justice Reports (Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office,
January/February 1987).
Bureau of Labor Statistics, Career Guide to Industries, 2004–2005 (Washington, DC:
U.S. Government Printing Office, 2005).
Federal Bureau of Investigation, Uniform Crime Reports: Crime in the United States,
2004 (Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office, 2005).
Journal Article:
Gene Edward Carte, “August Vollmer and the Origins of Police Professionalism,”
Journal of Police Science and Administration, Vol. 1, No. 1 (March 1973), pp.
Edward A. Farris, “Five Decades of American Policing: 1932–1982,” Police Chief
(November 1982), pp. 30–36.
Magazine, Newsletter, or Newspaper Article:
Debbie Howlett, “Chicago Plans Advanced Surveillance: Emergency Services Would
Be Linked to 2,000 Cameras,” USA Today, September 10, 2004, p. 3A.
“Cries of Relief,” Time, April 26, 1993, p. 18. (doesn’t have to have reporter name)
“Battered Women Tell Their Stories to the Senate,” Charlotte (N.C.) Observer, July 10,
1991, p. 3A.
Wire Service Report: “For the Record,” Washington Post wire service, northern
edition, March 3, 1994. (May include name of reporter) (Associated Press should
be roman)
Book on CD-ROM: The American Heritage Dictionary on CD-ROM (Boston: Houghton
Mifflin, 1991).
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Television Program: ABC News, September 16, 2001, 7:08 P.M.
ABC News, September 11, 2001. Christopher was repeating a phrase generally
attributed to former U.S. Supreme Court Justice Arthur Goldberg.
Speech: “Remarks by the President on Project Safe Neighborhoods,” Pennsylvania
Convention Center, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, May 14, 2001. Web posted at (accessed
April 2, 2002).
Website: American Civil Liberties Union website, (accessed January 22, 2002).
Video: Norval Morris, “Crime, the Media, and Our Public Discourse,” National
Institute of Justice, Perspectives on Crime and Justice video series, recorded May
13, 1997.
Online Article: “Weekend of Terror,” APB Online, July 5, 1999. Web posted at
http://... (accessed January 2, 2000). (May include name of reporter) (Lowercase
“online” with newspaper titles)
Philip Taylor, “Civil Libertarians: Giuliani’s Efforts Threaten First Amendment,”
Freedom Forum Online. Web posted at (accessed
June 13, 2006).
Paper presented: D. McBride, “Trends in Drugs and Death,” paper presented at the
annual meeting of the American Society of Criminology, Denver, CO, March 1983.
Proceedings: Mark M. Pollitt, “Cyberterrorism: Fact or Fancy?” in Proceedings of the
Twentieth National Information Systems Security Conference, October 1997, pp.
Private communication: Telephone conversation with FBI officials, April 21, 1995.
Press release: “Attorney General Ashcroft and Deputy Attorney General Thompson
Announce Reorganization and Mobilization of the Nation’s Justice and Law
Enforcement Resources,” U.S. Department of Justice press release, November 8,
If repeated directly below previous cite, then use “Ibid.”
If different page number, then “Ibid., pp. 67–72.”
If more than one cite removed, use shortened author and/or just title if no
author listed:
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Nolan and Nolan-Haley, Black’s Law Dictionary, p. 1026.
Baker et al., Criminal Law, pp. 32–56.
“Cries of Relief.”
Legal Citations:
Gideon v. Wainwright, 372 U.S. 353 (1963). (note no ital on “v”; may include
information for other legal reporters)
Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 (officially known as the Public Company Accounting
Reform and Investor Protection Act), Pub. L. 107–204, 116 Stat. 745 (July 30,
2002). (OR spell out Public Law when stands alone)
18 U.S.C., Section 922(q)(1)(A). U.S. Code, Title 28, Section 20.3 (2[d]).
Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure, 10.
18 U.S.C., Section 1028.
H. R. 4797, 102d Cong. 2d Sess. (1992). H. R. 1731 (2004).
Andersen v. U.S., U.S. Supreme Court, No. 04-368 (decided May 31, 2005).
Source lines: Same style as notes. Note that some source lines says
“Reference(s),” some “Source(s).” Leave as is, because “reference” means that
author wrote it using the various references listed and no permission is needed; if it
says “source,” then it’s a quote for the most part and may need permission.
(Hint: Look for the logo.)
(Note: This feature is available only if your instructor has chosen the Research
Navigator option available with a new textbook.)
(See Table 4–1.)
“Blue Wall”
“crime stopper” group
“get tough,” “get tough on crime” (adj)
“missing persons” report
“war on drugs”
§ 235(b) (note space after section sign)
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200; 1700 B.C.; between A.D. 527 and 565
ABC News/Prentice Hall Video Library
Abdel-Rahman, Omar (Egyptian sheik)
actus reus
administrations: Bush administration
Administrative Office of the United States Courts (AOUSC)
adviser, not advisor
African-American (n, adj) (use instead of black unless awkward)
agreed-to obligation
aka, not AKA (also known as)—no need to spell out
Allen charge
al-Qaeda (n, adj) (lowercase a per FS e-mail 7/6/05)
American Probation and Parole Association (APPA)
analytic, not analytical
anti compounds are closed: antiabortionist, anticrime, antidrug, antigang,
antigovernment, antirights, antistalking, antiterrorism, antitrust (but anti–drug
abuse ‘cuz compound)
Arab-American (n, adj)
armed forces
Asian-American (n, adj)
attorney–client privilege
attorneys general (pl), attorneys’ fees
automaker, autoworker
automated teller machine
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baby boom, baby boomer (n), baby-boom (adj)
babysitter (n)
batterer, battered women’s shelter, battered women’s syndrome
Bill of Rights
bin Laden, Osama
Bivens action
bloodborne (adj)
body-cavity search
boot camp (adj), boot camp-type (adj) (quote marks for first use)
Brawner rule (per 6e)
breakup (n, adj), break up (vb)
broken windows thesis
Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS)
cabinet-level position
call-box (adj)
Capstone Case
carjacker, carjacking (n)
cell block (n), cell-block (adj)
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Chapter 11
chat room
child-care, child-neglect (adj), child-savers movement
chop shop (n)
Christmas-time (per FS)
Citizen Service System
civil rights (n, adj), civil rights era, civil rights movement
class D felony
class-action (adj)
co compounds are closed: coauthor, BUT co-conspirator
Code of Hammurabi
cold war
comes stabuli (sing.), comites stabuli (pl.) (ch05)
common law (n, adj)
community policing (n, adj)
computer crime (n), computer-crime (adj)
Congress, congressional
contempt-of-court charges
cooling-off period
corporal punishment, not corporeal
corpus delicti
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correctional officer, but corrections official, corrections personnel, corrections
Cosa Nostra
counter compounds are closed: counterclaim, countersuit, counterterrorism
court of appeals (sing.), courts of appeal (plural per FS; not courts of appeals)
court-docket system, court-watch group
crime clock (FBI)
crime compounds are hyphenated as adj: crime-control, crime-detection, crimefighting, crime-mapping, crime-prevention, criminal-rights activist, crime-scene
Crime Index, the index, Crime Index offenses (UCR)
crime-prone (quote marks for first occurrence only)
criminal justice (adj), but criminal justice–related (adj) (note en dash)
criminalblackman myth (Russell)
cross burning (n)
cross-action, cross-claim, cross-complaint, cross-cultural, cross-jurisdictional
cross-examine (vb), cross-examination (n), cross-examiner
Cultural Revolution (China)
cyber compounds generally closed: cyberattack, cybercrime, cyberoffender,
cyberspace, cyberstalking, cyberterrorism
Cybrary, cyber-library; the Prentice Hall Cybrary (not Dr. Frank Schmalleger’s
data are
day-care (adj)
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de compounds generally closed: deconstructionist, but de-emphasize, de-escalate per
Webster’s 11th
de novo
death penalty (n, adj), death row (n), death-row (adj)
Death Penalty Information Center (DPIC)
decision maker (n)
degrees: bachelor’s degree, doctorate, master’s degree
determinate sentencing model
diminished capacity defense
direct-supervision jails
disk (CD), disk (computer)
dispute-resolution (adj)
distance-learning (adj)
DNA evidence (no need to spell out)
domestic-violence (adj) (per 6e)
double jeopardy (adj)
double-murder trial, multiple-murder trial
drive-by shooting
driver’s license
drug compounds are hyphenated as adj: drug-distribution, drug-law, drugtreatment; open as n: drug dealing, drug running, drug testing; but drugmaker
drug czar
drug–crime link
drunk-driving (adj)
due process (adj)
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Durham rule
early-release program
East Coast
Electronic Communications Privacy Act (ECPA) (1986)
end product
ever compounds are hyphenated: ever-greater, ever-widening
ex compounds are hyphenated: ex-husband, ex-spouse, ex-wife, ex-convict
ex post facto
Federal Bureau of Prisons (BOP) (per FS, cap Federal, but correct acro is BOP)
Federal Rules of Appellate Procedure, Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure, Federal
Rules of Evidence, Local Rules (no ital per AU)
felony murder (n, adj)
Figure 1–2 <TTL>The Criminal Justice System <CAP>This is the caption.
<SRC>Source: etc.
fine-tune (v)
first responder (n)
first-degree (adj), first degree (predicate adj)
firsthand, secondhand
fleeting targets exception
free compounds are hyphenated as adj; open as predicate adj
fruit of the poisoned tree doctrine
full-time, part-time (adj)
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ganghanger (n)
gang-rape (vb)
geographic, not geographical
glossary (“... provided in the glossary”)
good-faith exception, good-time credit
grassroots (adj)
guilty but mentally ill (GBMI)
gun control (n), gun-control (adj), gunmaker (n)
habeas corpus
half century
halfway house
hand-deliver, hand-delivering (vb)
hands-off doctrine
hard-core (adj)
hate crime (n), hate-crime (adj)
health care (n, adj)
high-technology (adj)
historical, a (per Chicago 6.60)
HIV-positive (adj, pa)
home page
home-confinement programs
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hot spot (quote marks for first use only)
ill compounds are hyphenated: ill-founded, ill-prepared
impanel, not empanel
implied-in-fact contract
incident-driven (adj)
indeterminate sentencing model
index crime, index offense
individual-rights (adj)
Industrial Revolution
inevitable-discovery exception
Information Age
ing compound adjectives are hyphenated: crime-fighting, data-gathering, lawmaking, policy-making, problem-solving, record-keeping, but crime data–
ing compound nouns are open: bribe taking, case processing, child rearing, crime
mapping, crime reporting, data gathering, decision making, fire setting, policy
making, problem solving, record keeping, theory building; but bed-wetting,
eavesdropping, fund-raising, jaywalking, peacekeeping, sleepwalking,
inner-city (adj)
intelligence-led policing (ILP)
inter compounds are closed: interagency, interstate
International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP)
IQ (intelligence quotient)—no need to spell out
irresistible-impulse defense
jailhouse lawyer
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Joint Terrorism Task Forces (JTTFs)
jury-selection (adj)
just deserts (n, adj)
Kansas City (Preventive Patrol) Experiment
key card
kidnapper, kidnapping
knock-and-announce (adj)
labor racketeering (n)
larceny-theft (n, adj)
large-scale (adj)
law enforcement (adj), but law enforcement–related (adj) (note en-dash)
Law Enforcement Assistance Administration (LEAA)
Law Enforcement Code of Ethics (ch06)
law violator
law-and-order advocate
lawbreaker (n), law-breaking (n, adj) (per Webster’s); lawgiver (n), lawmaker (n),
law-making (adj)
less-lethal weapon, not less-than-lethal
Library Extra 1–2, Library Extras 2–7 and 2–8 (per prev. ed.)
life course perspective
life span
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lifestyle (n, adj)
like compounds are generally closed unless two syllables or more: warlike, familylike, circus-like, fortress-like, homelike, machine-like, dormitory-like, fishhooklike, kamikaze-like, POST-like; but ward-like, bird-cage-like, crime-like
liquor-law violations
loan-sharking (n) (per Webster’s)
lockdown (n)
lockup (n)
long compounds are hyphenated: long-standing, long-term
Long Island Rail Road, not Long Island Railroad
lookout (n)
lovers’ lane
M’Naghten rule
Mafia (Sicilian), the Cosa Nostra; Black Mafia, Cuban Mafia, etc.
Mafiya (Russian)
magistrate’s court
mala in se; mala prohibita (pl), malum prohibitum (sing.)
maximum-custody, maximum-security (adj)
medium-security (adj)
Megan’s Laws
mens rea
minimum-security (adj)
Miranda decision, rights, triggers, warnings
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Missouri Bar Plan
money laundering (n), money-laundering (adj)
most wanted criminals, “Most Wanted” list
mph (miles per hour)—no need to spell out
Muhammad (the Prophet Muhammad)
multi compounds are closed: multiculturalism, multijurisdictional, multimillionaire,
Multistate Anti-Terrorism Information Exchange (MATRIX)
Murrah Building
Muslim (n, adj)
naive, naïveté
National Center for State Courts (NCSC)
National Crime Victimization Survey (NCVS)
National Guardsman
National Incident-Based Reporting System (NIBRS)
National Law Enforcement and Corrections Technology Center (NLECTC)
Native American (n, adj)
Neighborhood Watch program
neo compounds are closed: neoclassical, but neo-Nazi
no-contest plea
nolo contendere
non compounds are generally closed: nonemergency, nonforcible, nonnegligent,
nonpolice, nonprofit, nonreport, nonsystem, nonviolent, but non-Hispanic, nongun-related, non-inner-city, non-English-speaking
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not guilty by reason of insanity (NGRI)
nothing-works doctrine
nullen crimen, nulla poena, sine lege
nullum crimen singe poena
number one (adj)
off-duty (adj), off duty (adv)
Office for Victims of Crime (OVC)
Office of Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS)
online (adj, adv)
on-the-job (adj), on-the-scene (adj)
over compounds are closed: overregulation, overreliance, overrepresent
Part 2 (a part in this book)
Part I offense, Part II offense (UCR)
pat down (n, vb) pat-down search
Peace Office Standards and Training (POST) program
peacemaker, peacemaking
personal-injury (adj)
pistol-whip (v)
plain clothes (n)
plain-view doctrine
plea-bargaining process
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pleaded, not pled; “pleaded out”
pleas: a plea of “guilty,” a guilty plea, a no-contest plea
pocket picking (n), pickpocket (n)
podular (adj)
point-blank (adv)
police–community relations, police–citizen relationship
police-management (adj)
policy maker, policy making (n), policy-making (adj)
post compounds are closed: postindustrial, postmodern, postpartum, postwar, unless
with double t: post-traumatic, post-trial; but post–juvenile court era (en dash)
pre compounds are closed: preemployment, presentence, preteen, pretrial, prewar
preventive, not preventative
prisoners’ rights
pro compounds are hyphenated: pro-arrest
problem-oriented policing
Prohibition, Prohibition era
Protestant ethic
pseudofamily (n)
public compounds are hyphenated as adj: public-order, public-relations, public-safety
purse snatching (n)
quality-of-life offense
quasi compounds are hyphenated: quasi-contract (n, adj), quasi-independent, quasilegal, quasi-military, quasi-private
RAHOWA (no need to spell out, per FS)
RAND Corporation
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rank and file (n), rank-and-file (adj)
re compounds are closed: reexamination, but re-create
red-handed (adv) (no quote marks)
Research Navigator™ (™ for first occurrence only; not with boxes); BUT
record keeping (n), record-keeping (adj)
Regional Information Sharing Systems Anti-Terrorism Information Exchange (RISS
ATIX) Program
Regional Terrorism Task Forces (RTTFs)
release on recognizance (ROR)
res judicata
respondeat superior
rights advisement
right-wing (adj)
Rohypnol, the “date rape drug”
Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 (H.R. 3763)
schools of thought: Classical School, etc.
search and seizure (n), search-and-seizure (adj)
seat belt
second-degree (adj)
self compounds are hyphenated: self-incrimination, self-report
semi compounds are closed: semiautomatic, semifixed, semiprivate,
semiprofessional; BUT semi-independent
Sentencing Commission (the U.S.), the commission
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shakedown (n)
sheriff’s department, sheriff’s deputies; but sheriffs’ departments (multiple sheriff
small-claims court
sneak and peek search
social learning theory, social process theory
Social Security benefits, Social Security number
social-order offense
Son of Sam legislation
Sourcebook of Criminal Justice Statistics
speedy trial statutes
split-force patrol
spot-check (v)
spousal abuse (n, adj)
stare decisis
State and Local Anti-Terrorism Training (SLATT) Program
states’ rights
statistical-reporting (adj)
stop and frisk (n), stop-and-frisk (adj)
street-corner (adj)
strict liability (adj), absolute liability (adj)
strong-arm robbery
stun belt (n), stun-belt abuse
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sub compounds are closed: subculture, subcultural, subfield, subsystem, subtheme
subpoena duces tecum
substance abuse (n, adj)
super compounds are closed: superego, supermale, superpower
sworn-to (adj)
Table 2–1 Major Crimes Known to the Police, 2003 (UCR Part I Offenses) Source:
Taliban (per FS)
talk show (n)
tape-record (v)
Tazir crime
Ten Most Wanted
Terry-type stop
thank-you’s (pl n)
then-Governor Pete Wilson
think tank (n)
third world
three-strikes law, three-strikes-and-out law
tight-knit (pa)
time line (n)
time-consuming (adj, pa)
Tongs (Chinese)
totality-of-conditions approach
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trademark, trade name
Triads (Hong Kong, Taiwan (?))
trial de novo
truth in sentencing (n), truth-in-sentencing (adj)
two-pronged test
U.S. Marshals Service
ultra compounds are closed: ultrasecure, but ultra-high-security (adj)
under compounds are closed: undercover (adj, adv), undereducated,
underrepresent; but under way (adv)
Uniform Crime Reports, Uniform Crime Reporting Program, the UCR Program (ital
only with full title in ref list: Uniform Crime Reports: Crime in the United States,
Uniform Determination of Death Act (UDDA)
United States (n), U.S. (adj)
United States Code (U.S.C.), U.S. Code, the Code
up-to-the-minute (adj)
USA PATRIOT Act of 2001 (Public Law 107-56)
verdicts: found “not guilty”
versus: spell out; l.c. in heads
vice president, vice presidential, vice principal
victim advocacy, victim assistance, victim compensation (adj)
victim impact statement
victims’ advocate, victims’ assistance, victims’ compensation, victims’ movement,
victims’ rights, victims’ services (n, adj)
Violence Against Women Act, Violence Against Women Office (cap for Against in this
case) (VAWA)
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Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act of 1994 (known as the Public Safety
Partnership and Community Policing Act of 1994)
voir dire examination
war on terrorism
Web Extra 2–3
Web Quest
weed-and-seed program
weight-lifting (adj)
well compounds are hyphenated as adj: well-known son; open as predicate adj: is
well known
Western world, Western Hemisphere, western frontier, the western states
white-collar (adj)
Wickersham Commission, the commission
wide compounds are closed: citywide, nationwide, statewide, worldwide; BUT
department-wide, society-wide, system-wide
willful (unless in quoted material, then wilful okay)
women’s rights movement
work group
work release (n), work-release (adj)
workload (n)
World War I, World War II or Second World War
World Wide Web, the Web, Web-based; but website
writ of certiorari
X ray (n), X-ray (adj)
yakuza (Japanese)
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youth services bureau
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