SPCH2333-F09 - El Paso Community College

Speech 2333
Fall 2009
Finding a Book:
Search the El Paso Community College Library Catalog by:
Finding Periodicals - Search Magazine, Journal, Newspaper Articles:
Library Instruction
Ebsco Databases [Full Text | Ebsco | Off-campus access] Can search all Ebsco databases at one time.
 Academic Search Complete [Full Text | Ebsco | Off-campus access] A comprehensive scholarly, multidisciplinary full-text database, with more than 5,300 full-text periodicals, including 4,400 peer-reviewed journals.
Includes indexing and abstracts for more than 10,900 publications. The database features a majority of native
(searchable) PDF content, some dating as far back as 1865.
 Business Source Complete [Full Text | Ebsco | Off-campus access] Provides full text for over 4,000 business
journals in such fields as management, economics, finance, accounting, and international business. Includes
indexing and abstracts for the most important scholarly business journals (back to 1886 or the first issue
published for that journal.)
 Psychology and Behavioral Sciences Collection [Full text | Ebsco | Off-campus access] Provides nearly 575
full text publications, including 550 peer-reviewed titles. Topics covered are: emotional and behavioral
characteristics, psychiatry & psychology, mental processes, anthropology, and observational and experimental
methods. Most full text titles included are indexed in PsycINFO.
eLibrary Curriculum Edition (1981-present) [Full Text | ProQuest | Off-campus access] Includes full-text of 2,500
television and radio transcripts, magazines, journals and newspapers, maps, pictures and excerpts from books.
Curriculum edition offers information from ProQuest Learning: Literature and History Study Center.
Galenet/InfoTrac Collections Menu [Full text | Galegroup | Off-campus access] Includes multiple databases which
can be searched individually or together:
 Opposing Viewpoints [Full text | Galegroup | Off-campus access] Provides social issues viewpoint articles, topic
overviews, statistics, primary documents, links to websites, and full-text magazine and newspaper articles.
Sources used are the Opposing Viewpoints Series from Greenhaven Press, as well as other Gale and Macmillan
Reference USA core reference sources. Includes Lexile reading levels.
 Academic OneFile [Full Text | Galegroup | Off-campus access] Provides peer-reviewed articles from over
8,000 academic journals and reference sources, the majority in full-text. Extensive coverage of the physical
sciences, technology, medicine, social sciences, the arts, theology, literature and other subjects. Includes Infotrac
Communication and Mass Media
 General OneFile--(1980 - current) [FullText | Galegroup | Off-campus access] Provides news and periodical
articles from more than 4,200 full-text titles, many with images, on a wide range of topics from newswires,
newspapers and periodicals including general interest and refereed journals.
 InfoTrac Business Economics & Theory Collection [FullText | Galegroup | Off-campus access]
A collection of 150 full-text periodicals covering topics such as economic development, forecasting, and history;
fiscal theory; monetary theory and financial institutions; business finance; public finance; country studies; and
government regulations.
 InfoTrac Communications & Mass Media Collection [Full text | Galegroup | Off-campus access]
A collection of more than 100 journals focusing on communications. Includes articles on advertising and public
relations, linguistics, and literature.
 InfoTrac Small Business Collection [Full text | Galegroup | Off-campus access] Includes 250 full-text
periodicals useful for small business and entrepreneurs.
Internet Sources: Criteria for Evaluating Resources on the Web:
Authority, Accuracy, Objectivity, Currency, Coverage – Useful search engines: Google, Metor, mamma.com and
For Oral Citation Help - https://www.lib.jmu.edu/gold/secure.aspx - Go to module 7
Business Communication Resource Links- http://www.mhhe.com/business/buscom/lesikar10e/student/index.html
Association of Business Communication - www.businesscommunication.org
Quotations and Speech Resources - www.sc.edu/library/webquote.html
Helpful websites for citing for papers:
Diana Hacker’s Research and Documentation Online – http://www.dianahacker.com/resdoc/
KnightCite - interactive citation help from Calvin College’s Heckman Library - www.knightcite.com
Lib.Instruction: 533574342 mjl