UNC System Off-Campus Housing Assistance by Campus

UNC System Off-Campus Housing Assistance
Several of our campuses provide assistance to students seeking off-campus housing.
Appalachian State University
The Division of Student Development, through the Office of Off-Campus Community Relations,
maintains an online off-campus housing and roommate referral service to assist students with finding
apartments and roommates (http://offcampus.appstate.edu/).
East Carolina University
The Department of Off-Campus Student Services works with students to explore off-campus housing
needs for successful living away from the University residence halls and hosts an Off-Campus Apartment
Fair each spring and summer (http://offcampushousing.ecu.edu/).
University of North Carolina Chapel Hill
The UNC Chapel Hill Admissions Office provides information on off-campus housing options
(http://www.law.unc.edu/studentlife/housing/default.aspx). The Admissions Office works with several
local apartment complexes and has representatives at the Open House/Admitted Students Days.
University of North Carolina Charlotte
UNC Charlotte maintains an online off-campus housing and roommate referral service to assist students
with finding apartments and roommates (http://offcampushousing.uncc.edu/). This is one of the primary
ways for students to find information about off-campus housing.
University of North Carolina Greensboro
The Office of Campus Activities and Programs through its OnTheGo program for commuter and adult
students maintains an online off-campus housing and roommate referral service to assist students with
finding rental properties (houses and apartments) and roommates (http://cap.uncg.edu/onthego/offcampus-housing-overview/apartments/).
University of North Carolina Wilmington
The Dean of Students Office, through the UNC Wilmington PERCH, maintains an online off-campus
housing service to assist students with finding an apartment (http://uncw.edu/perch/housing.html). The
PERCH also hosts an Off-Campus Housing Fair every summer, fall, and spring.