Upper Key Stage 2 Even Year






Staying alive

(Animals including humans – Y6 unit)

Material World

(Properties and Changes in Materials – Y5 unit)

Britain’s settlement by Anglo-Saxons (Use

Plan Bee/shared docs)

The Viking and Anglo-Saxon struggle for the

Kingdom of England to the time of Edward the Confessor


Name & locate counties and cities of the

UK, geographical regions and their identifying human and physical characteristics linked to Anglo-Saxons and Vikings

(A Street through time bk)

(Use Plan Bee/shared docs)

Before and after comparison of GB Anglo-

Saxons to Vikings and Danelaw

Origin of place names sorting activity, anglosaxon and Viking names ending and meanings.

How do we know how far the Vikings invded?


Let’s get moving

Forces – recognise that some mechanisms, including levers, pulleys and gears, allow a smaller force to have a great effect.


(Electricity – Y6 unit)

A study of an aspect or theme in British history that extends pupils’ chronological knowledge beyond 1066:

Inventions through time

MOSI trip

Workshop: invention of Bush roller Chain

Levers, pulleys and gears

Text: Hugo Cabret linked to above

A local history study – Museum of Science and Industry

Use fieldwork to observe, measure, record and present the human and physical features in the local area using a range of methods, including sketch maps, plans and graphs and digital technologies

Local Area Study

Traffic, foot and road

Local Area study, impact on population

Plan Bee resource

(Y6 unit)


Forces: Gravity/air resistance/water resistance.

Growing up and growing old

(Animals including humans - Y5 unit)

Time zones across NA and the world (maths link)

Cape Canaveral

Possibly last two or three weeks

--A project through time—their idea

(transport/Manchester/canals/an invention)

Locate the world’s continents, oceans and countries, using maps to focus on North America , concentrating on their environmental regions, key physical and human characteristics, countries and major cities,

Linked to knowledge of State, and geographical location. Where would you go? NYC LA Washington


Understand geographical similarities and differences through the study of human and physical geography of a region within North America

Niagara Falls – (Queen of the Falls bk)

If working in groups for phys features, keep

Niagara off list

Latitude and longitude

Describe and understand key aspects of : physical geography , including climate zones, biomes and vegetation belts, rivers, mountains; human geography , including types of settlement & land use, economic activity including trade links, &

Version 5: June 2015 (UKS2)








the distribution of natural resources including energy, food, minerals & water

North America

Use maps, atlases, globes and digital/computer mapping to locate countries and describe features studied

Use the 8 points of a compass, 6-figure grid references, symbols & key (inc.the use of Ordnance Survey maps) to build their knowledge of the UK & the wider world iMovie project – This is our school!

Garage band (Y5) – theme tune for Autumn 1 project

Data logging – science link and internet safety posters


Google sketchup – my dream home (Y5 Y6/5)

Garage band – (Y6)

Data logging (science link) and internet safety posters (Y5) google earth,yannarthusbertrand, earthquake track (all good websites)

Google sketchup – my dream home (Y6)

Scratch – make a maze game, IT suite arcade, PLUS – code.org game coding (Y5 Y6/5 Y6)

Espresso Coding (Y5 unit) all UKS2. PLUS Code.org

– angry birds and other units

Garage band (Y6/5)




Gym (Y5)

Basketball (Y5, Y6/5, Y6)

Festival ad Pangal in Hinduism

Christmas – sacred and secular comparisons

Level 5 RE module

Lindisfarne Gospels

Linked to RE, Music, Art

Building sentences

Months and seasons

The beach

Swimming (Y5)

Dance (Y5, Y6/5, Y6) Orienteering (Y6/5, Y6)

Orienteering (Y5)

Lacrosse (Y6/5, Y6)

Swimming (Y5)

Dodgeball (Y6/5,Y6)

How is water relevant to different religions (John the

Baptist and Christianity compared to the River Ganges in



Linked to RE, History, Geog

Numbers to 50

Places in town and school

Building sentences

French speaking towns and cities of Canada

Cricket (Y5, Y6/5, Y6)

Gym (Y5, Y6/5, Y6)

Athletics (Y5, Y6/5, Y6)

Dance (Y5, Y6/5, Y6)

Compare weekly special days across religions

Humanism and Atheism (hold back till next year ST)

Mormons, Amish.

Linked to RE,Art,Music



Oil Pastels/paints – Lindisfarne Gospels and

Clay pinch pots – Funeral Urns (Anglo-Saxon art and culture (Aut1)

Develop products which are fit for purpose/aimed at specific groups; use annotated sketches, cross-section diagrams &

Still drawing or portraits (charcoal) Shelia Marlin

Bridget Riley (year 5) Patterns Pastels and pencils. (Op art)

Understand how key events and individuals in D and T have helped shape the world.

Understand and use mechanical systems in their

Art workshop: Hugh Templeton Water colours N.

American Theme.

Printing (Andy Warhol – portraits/colour) Material printing with N. American pattern Cotton? Lino printing

Use research & criteria to develop products which are fit for purpose & aimed at specific groups; use mechanical & electrical systems in own products,

Version 5: June 2015 (UKS2)

CAD; analyse, evaluate & improve

Textiles: Slippers

Anglo-Saxon Jewelry design (Clay)


Perform with control, & expression, solo and group (Y6 Steel Band)

Improvise and compose

Garage band (Y5) products (eg, gears, pulleys, cams, levers and linkages)

CAMs fairground and moving toys.

Plan Bee

Children move through the Design, Make, Evaluate and

Technical Knowledge cycle

Improvise and compose

Listen to detail & recall aurally

Use and understand the basics of staff notation.

Garage band (Y6) including programming

Healthy N American food (healthy burgers)


Understanding of history of music, including great musicians and composers

Garage band (Y6/5)

Music through regions of NA-hippie West coast, blue grass, rap, Carpenters-‘Jambalaya’

Version 5: June 2015 (UKS2)
