Y5 Term 2 STP Shape and Weather

Short Term Planning Year 5 Term 2 Shape and Weather
Textease Turtle CT or FMS
net/ or Logo in
www.j2e.com/j2code (for
tablet users
 Use logical thinking, imagination and creativity to extend a program.
 Refine a procedure using repeat commands to improve a program
 Decompose a problem into smaller parts to design an algorithm for a specific outcome and use this to write a program.
 Use logical reasoning to detect and debug mistakes in a program.
 Talk about how a computer model can provide information about a physical system.
Digital camera or iPads
Handling Data
 Choose an appropriate tool to collect and record data
 Present data in an appropriate way
Audacity or sound
recording app
Greenscreen app
(Greenscreen by Do Ink)
or PC equivalent (ZU3D or
Backdrop TV)
Internet Videos are Forever
 Use text, photo, sound and video editing tools to refine my work
 Select, use and combine the appropriate technology tools to create effects that will have an impact on others
 Use the skills I have already developed to create content using unfamiliar technology
 Know that anything I post online can be seen, used and may affect others.
 Discuss the importance of choosing an age-appropriate website or game
 Explain the importance of communicating kindly and respectfully
 Explain why I need to protect myself and my friends and the best ways to do this, including reporting concerns to an adult
Intro to programming and reminder of Logo
I use logical thinking,
imagination and
to extend a program.
What have you learnt about programming?
Collect a list of technology devices which have been programmed to perform a function
eg washing machines, mobile phones
Collect a list of terminology for parts of the programming process
Collect a list of ‘attitudes’ that make programming possible
Explain that, by the end of this half term they will create a simple code (set of instructions), to design
and draw a repeating pattern using the FMS Logo software (free download at
http://fmslogo.sourceforge.net/ ) OR Textease Turtle if school have purchased Textease Studio or
Textease Studio CT OR Logo in www.j2e.com/j2code OR Hopscotch (see Appendix 6 for outcome to
session 4).
David Bond (Trull Primary)
Gold: Can I make a square using the
shortened written commands?
Silver: Can I make a square using the full
written commands?
Bronze: Can I make a square using the arrow
to move the turtle?
Short Term Planning Year 5 Term 2 Shape and Weather
(This planning builds on Year 3 Term 3 sessions . Children that have not had this prior learning
may need time spent on some of those activities.)
FMS Logo:
Introductory instructions to use FMS Logo and guidance to introduce it to learners can be
downloaded from the eLIM website.
Textease Turtle (Textease Studio or Textease Studio CT) or www.j2e.com/j2code LOGO:
Support for developing use of Textease Turtle can be found on the programming page of the
Somerset Computing Curriculum. The introduction document can be used by teachers/children who
are meeting this logo program for the first time. Most children should be expected to use the turtle
command line or procedures or programming directly on the page; but some may need to use the
keypad at the green or blue level (see appendix 1).
Challenge: How many regular polygons can you create?
Link this to properties of shapes in Mathematics. Key concept to recognise is that they are
turning the turtle through the external angle of the shape - square (90) / triangle (120) / pentagon
(72) / hexagon (60) / octagon (45) NOTE: Some children may remember the use of a repeat
command from earlier learning experiences. In this case you may want to move children on to
the idea of using repeat to create efficient procedures – see session 2.
Children using Textease Turtle/ j2code:
Less confident learners can use the blue level
keypad. SEN learners can use the yellow level
keypad. (See APPENDIX 1). More confident
learners can type their programming directly on the
Children can move their turtle without drawing a
line using PU or PD or depending on which pencil
they have selected.
Also talk through some of the problems they may
have faced, (not pressing the rubber / CLEAN after
each set of commands to erase them and not
adding to them).
If typing directly on to document, make sure that they are moving their cursor in front of the
David Bond (Trull Primary)
Short Term Planning Year 5 Term 2 Shape and Weather
instructions before choosing run on their program.
Challenge: You have 10 minutes to create a connected square and rectangle in the shape of a
After their ten minutes, bring them back and ask them to explain some of the functions that they
have found.
Refining a program to make it more efficient
Talk about refining a procedure to make it more efficient. Look at the long sequence of
commands to create a square.
Using FMS Logo or Textease Turtle or Logo App,
introduce the idea of repeating a set of commands to
produce a regular shape like a square. Draw attention to
the pattern in the long list of commands they used to
create shapes in session 1.
Show the class a cheat when it comes to working out the angles of shapes that aren’t just rightangled corners e.g. how many degrees are in a circle and then the dividing that by the amount of
corners in your shape. This could be done with a calculator and then the direction and the specific
angle can be recorded in the procedure.
I can refine a
procedure using
repeat commands to
improve a program
Gold: Can I give a reasoned answer to the
Silver: Can I use repeat within my command
Bronze: Can I use a written code to make a
regular shape?
Challenge: Give them ten minutes to come up with the formula for any regular shapes they can
think of. Bring them together and share what they have found, asking them to suggest the most
efficient programming (sequence of instructions) for each shape.
Then challenge them with the question: Is there any regular shape that can’t be made using an
algorithm with 4 commands or less?
Once a few have been suggested and then improved or debugged/fixed, draw some irregular
shapes on the board such as a parallelogram and trapezium (naming the shapes and their
properties and then asking to tell each other the algorithm they will need to use to create the
David Bond (Trull Primary)
Short Term Planning Year 5 Term 2 Shape and Weather
shape. Can they write down the program for it on a wipeable board or with pencil and paper.
(Encourage them to use the abbreviated logo commands in the blue level keypad in Textease.)
Can they refine their algorithm and their programming using a repeat command?
Allow children time to test their programs on the computer / tablet.
Introduce procedures
Challenge – using the commands in Appendix 3 can they find the shape that these sequences
will make? First without the program and then checking it with the program. You may also wish to
change one instruction to see if they can debug the algorithm carrying over from last lesson.
Introduce the idea of a procedure. ‘You are going to teach the computer how to draw a square.’
To create a procedure in FMS logo:
Type TO XXXXX on the command line.
This will open an Edit box. Each procedure begins with TO and ends with END.
can refine a
procedure using
repeat commands to
improve a program
 I use logical
imagination and
to extend a program
OR Select File / Edit to program a procedure.
Gold: Can I use only shortened script in
creating a procedure?
Close Edit box and choose to save.
To create a procedure in j2code: use procedure button
Silver: Can I use written script to produce a
To create a procedure in Textease:
Record a sequence of commands to create a shape using the red record button on the blue keypad.
Click save, add a name and click edit to see the procedure (Appendix 2).
Can you teach the computer to draw a square / a triangle / a rectangle?
Can you teach the computer to draw a circle? repeat 360[fd 2 rt 1]
NOTE: you can also directly create a procedure by choosing turtle on the menu bar at the top, click
on procedures and NEW.
NOTE: When you save the Textease document you are saving the procedures in that document. The
computer does not ‘remember’ the procedures unless you open that document.
David Bond (Trull Primary)
Bronze: Can I copy the instructions to create
my own procedure?
Short Term Planning Year 5 Term 2 Shape and Weather
 Create a procedure for a square, and show the children how just
typing in square will now show an algorithm to make a square appear.
This can be useful when using the same command a number of times
or for creating a repeating pattern or tessellating shapes.
On the IWB show the class how you were able to create and save your procedure. Then give
them the opportunity to do the same saving and recording their own procedure, with them testing
it for bugs.
10-minute challenge. Can they now apply this to other regular shapes to create a procedure that
works for them?
Can they use these procedures to produce a tessellating pattern? Make sure to point out (if it is
needed) a couple of minutes after they have started that they may need to add an instruction in
between the procedures to get them drawing in a different direction.
Create a pattern
I can decompose a
problem into smaller
parts to design an
algorithm for a
specific outcome and
use this to write a
Recap the procedures we created last lesson and why they were useful within programming
(efficient algorithms and quicker commands).
Show the class the pattern ‘flower’ repeating pattern (Appendix 4) using only a square. Talk
through the algorithm – draw a square, turn a small angle, draw another square, then repeat this
until you have gone round a full circle.
Ask why it is important that there were 10 turns of 36 degrees in this repeating pattern? (To make
it a complete circle.) What happens if it isn’t a complete circle? Get the children to create a
program for the flower - try it with different degrees of turn after the square? How does it change
for them?
Can they create different patterns using other procedures that they have created? What is the
most affective? How do they change depending on the shape they are using to start with?
Some will be ready to connect 2 shapes (procedures) together. This can be done by ensuring the
repeated instruction includes procedures that the child has set up. The principle is the same for
any shape though the instructions will be different. Add another procedure to the bottom of the
program. Is it easier to program if one procedure runs fully then the other or if it alternates
between 2 shapes?
Optional extension activity – some will be able to move on to filling the trail that the turtle leaves
to add colour to their patterns. To do this in Textease Turtle they need to select turtle then
details and an options box will appear. They can then select the colour and design of their trail left
behind (see Appendix 5).
David Bond (Trull Primary)
Gold: Can I colour in my repeating pattern as
it goes?
Silver: Can I make a repeating pattern with
more than one procedure?
Bronze: Can I repeat one procedure to make
a pattern?
Short Term Planning Year 5 Term 2 Shape and Weather
To change pen colour in FMS logo:
What does setpc 3 do? (May need to prompt them to make the turtle move to discover.
If the computer tells them it doesn’t know what to do they may have forgotten to put a
space before number.)
Try changing the number to any number between 1 and 16.
Can you make a prompt poster to help other people to know what to do?
Display the different patterns children have created. The patterns can be linked to some topics such
as Rangoli patterns in a topic on India or when doing Hinduism.
Introduce variables
Introduce the concept of the use of variables to be able to draw more shapes.
I can use a variable
to increase
I can use logical
reasoning to detect
and debug mistakes
in a program.
You may need to give the children the program to experiment with changing the variable – the
number of sides. Some children will be confident to create their own program. For some children you
could just get them to change the procedure of a square into a different polygon by changing the
numbers in the program ie change the 3 to a 5 in the programming in session 2.
Can we create a program to draw any regular polygon?
Remind children of the procedures to draw different regular
polygons. Is there a pattern to the programs? (A 3 sided
polygon – repeat 3 times, 4 sided – repeat 4 times, 5 sided –
repeat 5 times etc.). What is it that changes? 3, 4, 5 etc – this is
the variable.
We can set a rule for drawing any regular polygon.
Create a procedure using the Textease menu. Select Turtle,
then procedure and New. Name the procedure and add the name of the variable (parameter).
Now click on Edit.
David Bond (Trull Primary)
Gold: Can I use a variable to create any
regular polygon?
Silver: Can I use a program containing a
variable to create any regular polygon?
Bronze: Can I change the number in a
program to change the shape?
Short Term Planning Year 5 Term 2 Shape and Weather
When you run this procedure it will ask you to enter the number of sides.
To add variables using FMS Logo see the FMS Log: The basics support sheet.
Talk about the way the use of variables creates new possibilities. We can now draw a regular 7
sided shape. A regular 13 sided shaped.
Let the children experiment to see the shapes they can create. They will need to be reminded to
work through their programming to identify any mistakes and to debug the program.
Creating a weather forecast
I can use text, photo,
sound and video
editing tools to refine
my work
Discuss how weather is presented - how do we find out the weather for the next week?
(Forecasts on websites, apps and news shows) Show a variety of examples of weather reports.
Ask the children to discuss the pros and cons of each medium and their effectiveness. What are
the best bits of each report (record these as a class)? Explain how they are going to make their
own weather programme, about the weather of the last week and their upcoming weather
Children work together to write a script for their weather forecast, making a note of terminology
and techniques found in broadcasts.
Then children decide how they are going to record their programme – what technology will they
David Bond (Trull Primary)
Gold: Can I decide on the correct format for
my presentation?
Silver: Can I explain the pros and cons of
different mediums?
Bronze: Can I use different devices to record
sound and video?
Short Term Planning Year 5 Term 2 Shape and Weather
use? Will they use greenscreen technology (e.g. Backdrop TV download or Greenscreen by Do
Ink app)? (Children will be greenscreening in session 8 so you may wish to wait until then).
Let them explore with the different ways to record and produce a programme. They could record
footage using flip cameras/video cameras and microphones on to Windows Moviemaker Live, or
using iPads.
Share finished weather videos
Understanding how scientists make accurate predictions using modelling
Note for teacher: this is an optional lesson that you may choose to plan for prior to Session 7. It
uses the free, web-based Espresso Computer Modelling module developed with South West
Water http://southwestwater.org.uk/t2_comp_model/index.html and will give children experience
in real-life water management. Additional sessions could be developed from this, using further
resources in the module. You may wish to watch the Teacher video in the Water at Home module
prior to the lesson.
With children, watch the ‘What is Computer Modelling?’ video from the (note: this is a QuickTime
video so check it runs on your PC/device before the session). Video explains that modelling is a
way of predicting what will happen and explains the changing patterns of water use in the South
From the Water at Home section, choose the Water Saved model (use the Use the Model
column) and challenge the children to see how much water they can save in their home. Ask
children to talk about the choices they made and how they affected the water saved
Now look at the Water Saved and Costs Saved model – explore this as a class and look at how
much money can be saved, but how some options are more expensive than others.
Show children the Complete model – this will show them the water and costs saved, and they can
explore it as a visual model and as a data model (spreadsheet). When children have made their
choices for water in the home, ask them to run their model (displays a graph) so they can see
how the levels of water in their home are affected.
Discuss with children how the spreadsheet and the graph allow us to clearly view the data they
have collected. Discus the reasons for storage level change over the year (refer to initial video)
Handling Data
I can choose an
appropriate tool to
help me collect data.
I can talk about how
a computer model
can provide
information about a
physical system.
Handling Data
I can choose an
appropriate tool to
collect and record
Collecting data about rainfall using an online source
Using the data from the Met Office website http://www.metoffice.gov.uk/climate/uk/stationdata/,
explain to them the idea of weather stations and how they collect data for averages. Show them
the different formats that the data can be shown and why each is done in that way. Look at data
David Bond (Trull Primary)
Gold: Can I explain how I can save money
and reduce water consumption in my home?
Silver: Can I explain how my choices when
modelling affect the levels of water in my
Bronze: Can I talk about the ways I can save
water in my home?
Gold: Can I produce charts to show different
Silver: Can I work out the average of data?
Short Term Planning Year 5 Term 2 Shape and Weather
for Yeovilton as the nearest location.
Challenge: In small groups can the children produce a chart to best show the average rainfall in
the upcoming month e.g. January, using only the data that has been collected since the year they
were born? (This limits them to working with 10 pieces of data keeping them focussed on the ICT
of the task, for higher ability students you may be able to get them to look at more data
Using Excel they will need to find and copy all the data that is relevant to them and put into a
Using the formulae button they can create a formulae box to find the sum of the averages and
then the average of them. This is done by them highlighting the relevant information on the
spreadsheet then selecting the formulae icon and then selecting average. (It might be worth them
taking note of the fx bar along the top as this shows the formulae written out in long hand).
Once they have the averages ask them to produce a chart showing the raw data and their
average of the averages.
Explain that they can label their axis on the graph by right clicking in the axis they want to
David Bond (Trull Primary)
Bronze: Can I sort the relevant data?
Short Term Planning Year 5 Term 2 Shape and Weather
change, and formatting their axis (it will give the option to label the axis and change the scale) or
by adding it to the top of their initial table.
Once they have produced the charts and the class have seen some successful ones (give them
time to share on tables or in 4/5), ask them to predict whether the weather will be wetter or drier
next month compared to this.
Greenscreening a weather forecast
I can select, use and
combine the
technology tools to
create effects that
will have an impact
on others
Handling Data
I can present data in
an appropriate way
Note for teachers: the next two sessions will be featuring Greenscreen film-making – if using PC
or laptop, download www.backdrop.tv software before the session. The free download will allow
you to greenscreen live, but a watermark will appear over the recorded version if you choose to
save it.ZU3D software also allows greenscreening. If using an iPad, download Greenscreen by
Do Ink app. More information on greenscreening can be found here
Using the information they found in the last session and researching different weather forecasts
http://www.metoffice.gov.uk/weather/uk/sw/sw_forecast_weather.html) ask them in groups to
provide a summary of what they think the weather will be like over the next month.
Ask them in 2-4 to first write a small script of what they are going to say and their predictions.
Using a greenscreening tool e.g. Backdrop TV or Green screen by Do Ink app, ask them to
record their summary using their tablet (see Year 1 Term 2 and Year 3 Term 2 for more advice
about greenscreening)
Show the different features of the tool or app, looking at the importing of pictures from the photo
library or uploading from a PC.
Set up a green area (making sure the colour, which does not have to be a green, will not clash
with anybody’s clothes/uniform) make sure the background is as flat as it can be so it looks all the
same colour on the camera and ensuring lots of natural light to reduce pixellation.
Allow them 20 mins to test the equipment and record their summary.
Optional extension activity - some will move on to adding their own video to the background so
that it is moving behind them, i.e. rain falling.
Collecting data and choosing the best way to present findings
Over the course of a week collect rainfall in a container and record the amount fallen over night
for every 24 hours. This will only be possible for 4 days Monday to Friday. Each group can collect
data and rainfall from different areas of the school.
David Bond (Trull Primary)
Gold: Can I record the summary with our own
Silver: Can I put together a weather report
with a background?
Bronze: Can I record my weather summary?
Gold: Can I discuss the plausibility of my
Silver: Can I present my findings and
compare them to others?
Short Term Planning Year 5 Term 2 Shape and Weather
Ask the children to present the data to the class. They will firstly need to use their skills on Excel
to produce charts to show the rainfall each day and the average for the week. (2simple can
create excellent graphs for children working at a lower ability)
They could do this in different ways, either with PowerPoint (copying in their raw data table and
their charts), using SMART Notebook in the same way or using an app such as Numbers or
Ask them to present their findings, which days were wettest, rainfall for the week, average rainfall
and then they can compare it to those found by the MET office over the years
http://www.metoffice.gov.uk/climate/uk/stationdata/ or http://www.metoffice.gov.uk/climate/uk/sw/
Ask them to consider on the plausibility are there any anomalies in their experiments?
Bronze: Can I present my findings?
Creating an audio weather forecast
I can use the skills I
have already
developed to create
content using
unfamiliar technology
I can select, use and
combine the
technology tools to
create effects that
will have an impact
on others.
Using just audio clips, can they produce a weather forecast, explain the weather for the next
week, collecting the information from reliable websites and turning them into a weeks podcast.
Using Audacity (children will have used this in Term 1) or a sound recording app, explain to them
that without the visual cues the forecast will have to be more detailed and easy to understand for
people listening.
Gold: Can I produce a podcast that includes
more than one sound clip?
Explain that all the sounds made will be recorded, so they will need to be quiet and careful about
any noises being made.
Silver: Can I produce one continuous piece of
recorded audio?
If using Audacity, model how to edit and remove unwanted sections of sound or silences in the
recording by selecting and cutting. Show them also that 2 recordings can be over lapped by
moving them along the timeline.
Bronze: Can I record sound using Audacity?
Children produce a weather forecast podcast – to save Audacity file as an MP3, you will need to
download the LAME encoding library to your computer from this link http://lame1.buanzo.com.ar/
Using all my skills to create a weather forecast
Look to culminate the unit in them producing their own weather forecast alongside their weather
summary of the recent months.
They will be using all the skills they have learnt in Multimedia. They can find an appropriate map
for their forecast from WWW (where they can find a selection to swap and change from) or
alternatively they can design and make their own maps (by sticking on clouds and suns to a map
of the UK or just their area). Both pictures can be imported into either the greenscreening app or
software, or Moviemaker to be pieced together.
Optional extension activity - most will produce to separate clips to make the summary and
David Bond (Trull Primary)
Gold: Can I produce a weather forecast and
weather summary using green-screen and
my findings?
Silver: Can I produce a video to show my
weather forecast using my findings?
Bronze: Can I produce a weather forecast?
Short Term Planning Year 5 Term 2 Shape and Weather
forecast, some however may be able to trim and chop their videos and picture to run after each
other; this can be done by manipulating the timeline along the bottom of both the app and
I know that anything I
post online can be
seen, used and may
affect others.
I can discuss the
importance of
choosing an ageappropriate website
or game
I can explain the
importance of
kindly and
I can explain why I
need to protect
myself and my
friends and the best
ways to do this,
including reporting
concerns to an adult.
Sharing our weather forecasts online – what are the risks?
Discuss how we could share our weather forecasts online – we could share them on YouTube, or
a blog, or on another video-sharing site.
Briefly discuss why YouTube may not always be the most age-appropriate website – what risks
are there of seeing age-inappropriate content? What is the age limit for a YouTube account (13
and over).
Why would we want to share our videos? Children may suggest that they share videos in order to
get feedback from others.
Who can see a video if we share it online? Children should be aware from previous learning that
if something is shared online, everyone can see it (even if privacy settings are in place or the
video is deleted, someone can make a copy of it and share it).
Watch Horrible Histories Internet Videos are Forever video
http://www.bbc.co.uk/cbbc/clips/p01g2pg0 - discuss what could happen if a video was shared
without your knowledge.
Discuss comments on videos – has anyone ever commented on a video online? What kind of
comments are kind and respectful? Why is it important to be kind and respectful? What do we call
people who leave unkind comments (trolls). What are the effects of an unkind comment?
Ask children what they would do if they had an unkind comment left on a video or a social
networking page – tell an adult, block and report.
David Bond (Trull Primary)
Gold: Can I explain what we share and how
to do it safely?
Silver: Can I explain what I should do before
downloading anything?
Bronze: Can I tell you what sorts of things
need downloading?
Short Term Planning Year 5 Term 2 Shape and Weather
Appendix 1 controls. (note the different coloured circles that can be selected to show the different keypads for controlling the turtle)
David Bond (Trull Primary)
Short Term Planning Year 5 Term 2 Shape and Weather
Appendix 2
Appendix 4
Appendix 3
Appendix 5
David Bond (Trull Primary)
Short Term Planning Year 5 Term 2 Shape and Weather
Appendix 6 Using Hopscotch to create a pattern
David Bond (Trull Primary)