Speech Attention Getters: Techniques & Examples

for your SPEECH
Personal Story
A story from your own life that connects your topic to
your own experience
One time when I was about four years old, the family dog
bit me on the finger. It hurt, but I realized that the reason
the dog did it was because he was scared of me. I had
been chasing the dog with a broom and had him
cornered. He viewed me as a threat. Even at a young
age, I was in tune to what this dog was feeling. From that
point on, I’ve made it my mission to take care of animals
Rhetorical Question
A question that you don’t expect an answer to, but that
causes your audience to think.
Think about it: When you were four, did you know what
you wanted to be when you grew up? Has it changed at
all since then? By the time I was four, I already knew
that I wanted to be a veterinarian. I’m fifteen now, and I
can’t imagine that my mind will ever change …
A little joke or short anecdote that ties in to your topic.
Q: What does a turtle do on it's birthday?
A: It shellebrates!
Q: What kind of photos does a turtle take?
A: Shellfies.
Q: What happens when you bring a turtle to a party?
A: It becomes a shellebration.
Today, I’m going to tell you a little bit about myself,
including how I ended up with a 150 piece turtle
collection …
Morgenson 2015
for your SPEECH
A quote from someone well-known (celebrity, expert) or
someone known to you (a parent, friend, grandparent)
that pertains to your topic.
The actor, Audrey Hepburn once said, “The most
thing is to enjoy your life - to be happy - it's all that
matters.” I can’t agree more. The things I’m sharing
with you today are things that make me very happy …
Startling Statistic
One to three shocking or surprising facts about your
Did you know that turtles have been on the earth for
more than 200 million years? That a turtle’s shell is made
up of more than 60 interconnected bones? That turtles
have nerve endings in their shells? It’s no wonder I’ve
developed a fascination for these shelled beasts …
NOTE: There are OTHER ATTENTION-GETTERS that you can use, BUT here are a few to start
you off right. If you want to try a technique that is not presented on this sheet and you’re not
sure about your choice, talk to me about it.
Morgenson 2015