Course Syllabus General Course Information Subject: English Department: Language Arts Course Title: Mythology Year: 2015-2016 Room #: 323 Period: 4th/6th hour Course Description: This semester course focuses on World Mythology. Students will have an opportunity to explore Myths from around the world. The Classical Myths from Greece and Rome, Norse Myths, Egyptian, and Modern will be covered. Students will be reading, and writing both essays and creative projects. (Prerequisites: English 9) Website: Office Hours: Students: My prep hour is 2nd period Parents: Please schedule an appointment. Welcome/Introduction to Course: Welcome to Mythology! This course is an elective in the Language Arts Department. Students will be applying knowledge and skills gained from other courses to analyze, interpret, and examine a wide variety of myths from various cultures around the world. Both reading and writing skills will be practiced. Learning Outcomes to read and interpret myths and some of the ways they function in societies and cultures to read and interpret mythic metaphors symbols, and analogies to compare and contrast significant characters, events, symbols, and actions (called motifs) in one story with similar events in another story to describe and discuss the cultures that produced the myths to improve analytical, conceptual, connective writing skills to discover what these stories have to do with our lives today Reading Required Text: Reading Literature, McDougal, Littell, and World Literature, Holt, Reinhart, Winston, and Bulfinch’s Mythology, Nook edition. Grading Papers/Projects Weekly Assignments Drafts 100%-94% 93%-90% A A- 25 pts each 10-15 pts each 5 pts each 89%-87% 86%-84% 83%-80% 79%-77% 76%-74% 73%-70% 69%-67% 66%-64% 63%-60% 59%- A B C D F B+ B BC+ C CD+ D DF Student has achieved EXCELLENCE Student is doing GOOD WORK He or she is above average Student is doing an average amount of work and passing the class Student is doing below average work and passing the class Student is failing to complete this class Cheating/Plagiarism: See Student Handbook Students are responsible for checking for missing work and grades online. A student computer is available in my classroom, and computers are available in labs around the building. Progress reports will be intermittently issued for students who are failing, or are close to it. Students with a C- or better will not receive printed progress reports from the teacher. Course Schedule/Outline Creation Myths from around the World Greek/Roman Mythology Norse Mythology Egyptian Mythology Native American Mythology Modern Myths Classroom Conduct: Students must show Respect and Responsibility at all times. Disrespect and Irresponsibility are grounds for detention. PASSES Passes are required in this building. They are also required in this classroom. Students will be given three passes per semester. Students are responsible for keeping these passes. Bring your own passes everyday. No locker, drink, or phone passes will be given. Students may leave the classroom for emergency purposes (illness) only. 3 BEFORE ME If a student misses class (for whatever reason) it is his or her responsibility to inquire as to the assignments or activities he or she missed. As a rule, ask at least 3 other students in the class before approaching the teacher. PARTICIPATION GRADE If you are not in class you are not participating in class. Participation is A PART of your grade. Weekly Work and Effort Grade This grade will be based on daily effort in class. Work habits and attendance all factor into this weekly grade. Five points will be awarded weekly if the student has come to class on time, has the proper materials, spent the entire hour focused and working on the current project and the project is turned in on time. Your grade will go down if you take part in any or all of the following activities. Remember that this grade is up to me to decide. If I see you in any of the following activities your grade will suffer on the daily/weekly basis. Did not work in class Sleeping Working on other class work (if my classwork is not up to date) Tardies Unexcused absences Poor behavior/attitude Disturbing other students Late work Missing work Tampering with other students work Headphones/cell phones (see student handbook for policy) Or any other behavior that I think is inappropriate TARDIES When the bell rings any student not in their appropriate seat is tardy. Please see the student handbook for the tardy policy. Every tardy after 3 will be considered an unexcused absence. Remember, each tardy will lower your Participation Grade. TEACHER REQUESTS Students are not excused from class until I release them. If I have to make a request of an individual more than once, he or she will be considered "Disrespectful" and will receive the appropriate consequence (detention). Remember, if you are sent to the office you will receive an automatic detention. If you do not reach the office you will receive a detention for being sent and another detention for not following instructions. REQUIREMENTS Students are required to provide for themselves the following: Writing utensils, a binder and notebook to contain all class materials and for note taking. The following should be brought to class EVERYDAY: Reading book, class folder and notebook, writing utensil, completed assignments. A COMMENT ON THE DRESS CODE We are all aware of the student dress code, whether we agree with it or otherwise. It will be enforced in my classroom. As this is my classroom, if I deem a student’s dress inappropriate, he or she will be removed from the room with an opportunity to find something more appropriate to wear. Please limit your wardrobe to clothing appropriate to a school environment so as not to become a distraction in my class. A WORD ON CELL PHONES Cell phones are not allowed in class. If I see a cell phone I will confiscate it. If I hear a cell phone I will confiscate it. Students may discuss the return of their cell phones with the administration at the end of the day. ********************************************************************** I have read the above syllabus regarding Mythology, and understand my child/student’s responsibilities in this classroom. Guardian X______________________ Student X______________________Date______