Anglesey Centre of Mission Under the Care of the Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate Fr Dennis Connor OMI Fr Ted McSherry OMI Fr Michael Ryan OMI Parish of ST. MARY HOLYHEAD ST. THERESE RHOSNEIGR Tel: 01407 762102 Fax: 01407 765759 E-mail— Pastoral Associate– Pauline Thomas Tel - 01248 717331 Stephen Smith Administrator to Anglesey Centre of Mission Tel- 01407 763332 Mobile - 07788141335 E-mail MASS TIMES HOLYHEAD Saturday Vigil Mass 6 pm Sunday 11 am Daily Mass Monday -Friday 10 am (Morning Prayer 9.45 am) RHOSNEIGR Sunday 9 am CONFESSIONS—Before 6 pm Mass Palm Sunday 28th March 2010 Passion Sunday Cycle C Week 1 ******************* First Reading: (Isaiah 50:4-7). The prophet suffers in carrying out his mission, but he is convinced that God will eventually save him. Second Reading: (Philippians 2:6-11). Because Jesus took on himself our human condition and accepted death on a cross, the Father has made him Lord of heaven and earth. Gospel: (Luke 22:14-23:56). Luke’s version of the Passion Story. As in the rest of his Gospel, so in his account of the Passion, Luke presents a Christ who is merciful and forgiving, even to his executioners. We are involved in the Passion Story too. MANY THANKS - DIOLCH YN FAWR The Offertory Collection - £783.91 2nd collection last weekend for The White Flower Appeal (SPUC) £218.78 The Collection on Good Friday is for the Holy Places. Envelopes are available in the porch for Easter Offerings for The Oblate Fathers. Please pick up your Set of Offertory Envelopes at the back of Church. The back ************************************* JOY CLUB RESULTS £50 1684 Ray Owens £25 0817 M. Duffin £10 1369 Marilyn Walsh £5 0785 Gerry c/o G Thomas Thank you for your support. Lenten Lunches £419.41 was raised during Lent for CAFOD. Many thanks to everyone. St Luke’s appeal the total so far is £558 .18 If you still have an envelope please return it in the Offertory collection. Afternoon Tea at Colette Wintle’s 3 - 5 pm this Sunday 28th March £3 in aid of St Luke’s Mission in Zimbabwe. Bryngwyn, Lon St Ffraid, T/Bay. Balloons on the gatepost. All are very Welcome. Holy Week Tuesday 30th March Reconciliation Service 7.30 pm. Wednesday 31st March Stations of the Cross 11.30 am. Chrism Mass -Cathedral 7 pm Thursday 1st April Mass of the Lord’s Supper 7 pm. Bring a Towel for washing of the feet. Confessions 6.30 pm Good Friday 2nd April Walk of Witness starts 12 noon at St Mary’s. Good Friday Celebration of the Lord’s Passion 3 pm Confessions 2.30 pm. (Day of Fast and abstinence.) St Therese’s Stations of the Cross 7 pm Saturday 3rd April Easter Vigil and Chief Mass of Easter 9 pm. No 6 pm Mass this evening. NB No 10 am Mass on Thursday & Friday this week. Confirmation Programme, Session 3 –St Mary’s Hall Wednesday March 31st 7- 8 .30 pm. ***************************************** Please pray for the sick and the housebound especially Maureen Dugdale, Duncan Cunningham, Gladys Roach, Brian Connolly, Mary Murphy, Michael Dyer, Joe Dooling, David James, Noel Kretsch, Frank Kelly, John Hanlon, James McKay and Sr Elizabeth Martin. Please pray for all those who have died recently especially David Alstrom and Darren Friend and for Frank Nutter and Nora Faulkner whose Anniversaries are about this time. Esther Pritchard and family wish to thank all those who sent words of sympathy and support, who brought cakes, good wishes and good cheer during the difficult time of Alan’s passing. A Mass will be said for your Intentions Island Retreat Friday 21st May - Sunday 23rd May Oblate Retreat Centre, Wistaston Hall, Crewe. Theme “God in Daily Life– Father, Son and Holy Spirit”. The retreat is to begin on Friday 21st Supper at 6.30 pm and will finish with lunch on Sunday. There will be input, time for personal reflection, celebration of the Eucharist and the opportunity for the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Cost is £104. Booking Form available from the Office and Pauline Thomas. Young Families Group will be meeting today in the Hall after 11 am Mass If you have young children please come and join us £1 per family. Easter activities, games and Hot Dogs We will be having a raffle in aid Of St Luke's Mission. Bible Study -The Word of God is Alive and Active, Sr. Teresa Brittain NDS Saturday May 1st 12.30 –5.30 pm St Anne’s Menai Bridge . More details to follow. Lourdes Pilgrimage 17th - 25th September 2010 £633 + ins. If anyone is interested in going please ring the Parish Office. Passion (Palm) Sunday Moderation? In ‘The Way of the Peaceful Warrior’, Dan Millman, athlete and self-help author writes, “Moderation? It's mediocrity, fear, and confusion in disguise. It's the devil's dilemma. It's neither doing nor not doing. It's the wobbling compromise that makes no one happy. Moderation is for the bland, the apologetic, for the fence-sitters of the world afraid to take a stand. It's for those afraid to laugh or cry, for those afraid to live or die. lukewarm tea, the devil's own brew.” Today we recall the entry of Jesus into Jerusalem. But as we stand in church waving our palms, we have to be aware that we are doing more than just re-reading a two thousand year old story. What point is there in simply remembering a sequence of events? There is only a point in remembering Jesus’ Passion if it truly impacts on our twenty first century lives. We don’t need to have been around at the time to imagine how it must have felt to be a part of the crowd that greeted Jesus as he rode into Jerusalem. We know what it’s like to be swept along with a crowd. We know how we can be brave as part of a crowd… infallible even. We remember the crowd that supported Jesus so enthusiastically at the beginning of the week and how it mysteriously melted away by the end, to be replaced by a different crowd shouting for his crucifixion. Are we any better than those original supporters? Can we stand up for Jesus as individuals when the going gets tough? We remember Jesus’ journey from Palm Sunday to Good Friday. We remember that it’s a journey he made with no hint of compromise. Non-Christians wonder why Jesus didn’t bypass Jerusalem altogether. As Christians we know that Jesus could not have done this. Jesus was not about moderation, mediocrity, fear or compromise. We remember the death of Jesus as a supreme act of love. Jesus taught that we were worth all that pain and suffering. How do we live our lives from this day on knowing that Jesus considered us worth his ultimate sacrifice? However we live life, it shouldn’t be about mediocrity or moderation. This Parish is part of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Wrexham Registered Charity No. 700426 .