Medias Affect Doc.

Deven Rall
Prof Eckstone
Mass Com 72
There is no doubt that the mass media has a huge impact on everyone and everything. In my
daily life it is extraordinary how many types of media cross my path. From magazines to
television to the internet my entire life is almost consumed by them. I can’t even imagine going a
day being deprived from media because at this point it is almost essential for me to live. For me
the media acts as a tool to consume information that I would normally never be able to obtain.
The other thing the media does for me is provide entertainment at times where I have nothing
better to do then stare at a screen. The thing most people however don't realize is how often they
are subliminally affected by the media everyday.
The first thing I realized is how the media really affects how we generally dress and the
image it portrays, as looking “cool”. The most obvious affect that is mostly negative is on girls
and women. All women models are super skinny with perfect airbrushed bodies that portray
perfect human beings that are also very unrealistic. All girls see these women and believe they
need to be perfect just like them. They buy the ridiculously overpriced clothing from high end
stores such as Metro park because the brand is more important then how the clothes feel or look.
They are often diagnosed with eating disorders such as anorexia and bulimia because they feel
the need to be as skinny as the girls on the cover of the Victoria Secrets catalogs or there favorite
Hollywood celebrity. This has caused many problems and is a direct affect of the medias control
over all everyday Americans. Before I use to think the media had no affect on how I looked or
dressed but I was highly mistaken. From wearing my favorite v-neck tee shirts, slip on Vans,
flannels, baseball hats, and expensive jeans I am another victim. Given a few minutes to look
into why I wore what I did I was left confused. Originally I had always told myself I wore what I
wore because it was my personality. The thing I realized is I wear what almost every other kid
my age wears on a everyday basis. This is obviously because we have all been affected by the
media to fit their image of what a cool teenager looks like. The way I dress from middle school
to now has changed immensely. Another direct effect of the media changing up the image as to
make more money on kids buying the new “cool” clothing to fit in with their peers and impress
that cute girl they have their eye on. No one is safe from the medias grip or you will not fit in our
The media can swede public opinion on a persons life faster than anything on our planet. The
best example is the greatest golfer ever, Tiger Woods. Woods was our athlete of the decade, Mr.
Perfect, who always said the right thing and was everyones idol. He could do no wrong, had
more dedication, determination, and passion then anyone ever. He was the ultimate winner and
when one day he ran into that fire hydrant in his Escalate, a whole nations opinion of him
changed. He was caught cheating on his beautiful wife with more women than can fit on my
fingers. How could everyones Superman become as hated as Sad-um Hussain and Bin Ladin?
The answer is the mass media. A hundred years ago no one would have ever found out and Tiger
would still be everyones hero making clutch put after clutch put. Instead he has been taken off of
every gatorade billboard and advertisement. The second news broke it was everywhere through
the television, on the radio, and on the internet. All of his sponsors immediately dropped him
because they knew the affect that would have on their product. This just shows how people really
do buy things on how its advertised. If people were to see Tiger holding up that Gatorade in a
commercial or magazines, moms everywhere would refuse to buy it for their kids in the super
market because of the image he now portrays. Is it wrong that the media has so much control
over people lives? Is it wrong they are all knowing and no matter what they have the right to let
everyone in the world know your privacies in the blink of an eye? Regardless of whether its right
or wrong its reality that I don’t foresee changing anytime soon. Forever now all of our famous
celebrities, athletes, and idols are held to a new standard. They have to understand that one
mistake or slip up and they are thrown under the bus. Everyone will know and they must be
perfect human beings because thats the image that the media portrays about them. The media has
more control over them now opposed to 50 years ago because of the internet and how fast
information can get to the general public. If there drinking Coke or Pepsi or if they are cheating
on their spouse we will know.
Mass media effects me personally exponentially. As I have already covered it subliminally
affects the way I dress and my personal image. It consumes my daily life from me staring at a
computer screen on Facebook to the 10 dollars I spend to go see that movie that has been
advertised everywhere. In my pocket at all times is my cell phone which is instant access to all
sports scores and internet access at all times. Twice a month I receive my favorite ESPN
magazine which is littered with advertisements strategically placed with product placement that I
never had realized before. The thought that the back cover was the most expensive advertisement
in the whole magazine blew my mind but is very practical because of how many people can see
it even without purchasing the magazine. My political and personal views on famous and
important people are swayed by how the media portrays their actions and image to me on
television. Even shows such as Family Guy make fun of people Iv’e never heard of but when I
actually find out who they are, in my mind there are forever implanted as being how they were
perceived by the cartoon. I find that every time I watch a different political commercial my view
on that person or that proposition is in favor of what I just saw because they wouldn’t lie to me
right? Everywhere I go and every aspect of my life is affected by the mass media of America.
I have learned so much about the real life mass media and all of its tricks and strategies. No
advertisement is randomly placed somewhere and in that very own advertisement the symbolism
and story they tell when looked further into is amazing. The mass media decides for us what the
“cool” image is and what girls and guys need to wear to fit in. They influence are personal
beliefs in abortion, war, and political views. There is no such thing as privacy anymore in society
because with one click of the mouse I can find out anything I want about anyone in the world.
Whether this is good or bad I don’t really know all I know is that at the way technology is
advancing its only going to get worse before it gets better. The media has affected me so much
my whole life and will continue to do so. In my career I am pursuing in being a sports writer I
will be apart of the mass media. My articles and blogs will affect how professional athletes are
perceived. Not only that but as the mass media advances I will need to be able advance with it
and find ways for my job not to become obsolete. The mass media is everywhere you just need
to be knowledgeable and aware.