International Journal of Science, Engineering and Technology Research (IJSETR) Volume 1, Issue 1, July 2012 Geometric Design of Runway for Nay Pyi Taw Airport Moe Sandar, Kay Thwe Tun Abstract - Nay Pyi Taw is the capital of Myanmar. It is necessary to have an international airport to promote the communications and transportation with the other countries. For the development of transportation, geometric design of runway is studied for Nay Pyi Taw Airport. Moreover, runway orientations, runway configuration, runway marking are also studied. Two methods of International Civil Aviation Organization (I.C.A.O) and Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) are considered in geometric design. On the basis of wind intensity, duration and direction to obtain best runway orientation, wind rose diagram is chosen by using Method I and Method II of VIRENDRA KUMAR and SATISH CHANDRA. This wind data is obtained from the department of Meteorology and Hydrology during five years. The configuration type of runway is a single runway. Marking are designed base on the ICAO specifications. Keywords- Runway orientation, runway configuration, runway geometric design, runway marking I. INTRODUCTION Transportation is essential for a nation’s development and growth. Air transportation, land transportation, water transportation and pipelines are the world’s four mode of transport and every mode has its own weakness and advantages. Air transportation and water transportation are the modes of transport mainly with foreign countries. Air travel can be separated into two general classifications national and international flights. Flights from one point to another within the same country are called domestic flights. Flights from a point in one country to a point within a different country are known as international flights. When cars are invented, scientists and engineers had to design a ground transportation system with roads and traffic rules. A similar system was designed for air transportation. Therefore, air transportation plays an important role of transportation system. Nowadays, new airports and expending ones in large numbers have also been built in Myanmar. Properly designed airport geometry provides optimum efficiency in traffic operation with maximum safety. Geometric design of runway is considered as the major part of the design of runway. Runway orientation, runway configuration and runway marking are also considered in geometric design. Figure 1. Location of Nay Pyi Taw Airport Source: Department of Civil Aviation II. GEOMETRIC DESIGN OF RUNWAY A. Airport classification In order to provide a guide to airport designers for a reasonable amount of uniformity in airport landing facilities, design criteria have been prepared by ICAO and FAA through airport classification as shown in Tables 1 and 2. In 1983, the FAA changed the classification of airports for geometric design purposes. Accordingly, there are two broad airport classes, utility airports and transport airports. Utility airports serve and commonly accommodate small aircraft with maximum take-off weight of 12,500 lbs or less and transport airports can accommodate large aircraft with maximum take-off weight in excess of 12,500 lbs. TABLE I ICAO REFERENCE CODE Code No. 1 Aeroplane Reference Field length Less than 800 m Code Letter A 800 m up to but 2 not including B 1200 m 1200 m up to but 3 not including Wing Span 1800 m Up to but not including 15 m including 0.5 m 15 m up to but 1.5 m up to but not including not including 15 m 6m not including 36m 36 m up to but 4 1800 m and over Moe Sandar, Department of Civil Engineering, Mandalay Technological University, (e-mail: Mandalay, Myanmar, +959402632825 Kay Thwe Tun, Department of Civil Engineering, Mandalay Technological University, Mandalay, Myanmar, +9592013394., (e-mail: D not including 52m 52 m up to but E when Span Up to but not 24 m up to but C Outer Main Gear not including 65m 6 m up to but not including 9m 9 m up to but not including 14m 9 m up to but not including 14m 1 All Rights Reserved © 2012 IJSETR International Journal of Science, Engineering and Technology Research (IJSETR) Volume 1, Issue 1, July 2012 TABLE II . FAA AIRPLANE DESIGN GROUPS FOR GEOMETRIC DESIGN OF AIRPORTS Airplane Design Group I II III IV V V Wing Span(ft) Less than 49 49 up to 79 79 up to 118 118 up to 171 171 up t0 214 214 up to 262 Typical Aircraft In this study, shoulders (25 ft) are designed according to code letter E. E. Runway Configuration Beech Bonan ZaA 35 Learjet 25 Deltavilland Dit C-5 Gulf stream Boeing 737, Martin-04 Boeing 757,Lockheed1011 Boeing 747-400 Lockheed C5A In this study, the design aircraft is Boeing 747-400. Its wing span is 211 feet, 5 inches. According to Table 1 and 2, the airport classification number 4E and airplane design group V are chosen by wing span. This reference code will be used in consideration of the geometric design. Moreover, the maximum take-off weight of the design aircraft is more than 12,500 lbs. So, Nay Pyi Taw airport is transport airport. Following are four basic runway patterns and most runway systems are arranged according to them. 1. Single runway 2. Parallel runways 3. Intersecting runways 4. Non intersecting runways In this study, the number of runways depends on the volume of traffic. Annual Departure of Nay Pyi Taw Airport is 1200 operations. So traffic requirement do not exceed 50 to 100 operations per hour. Therefore, runway configuration is taken as a single runway. B. Runway length The runway length is one of the most significant factors in the size and cost of the airport. The length of runway should be sufficient for take-off and landing of critical aircraft desiring service at the airport. Large variations in required runway length may be caused by local factors that influence the performance of aircraft. To estimate the actual runway length, the following equation must be used. 158˚ Actual runway length = Aeroplane reference field length× (Ft× Fe× Fg) (1) In this study, reference field length of design aircraft is 8800 ft. From the meteorological data of Nay Pyi Taw Airport, Monthly mean of mean daily temperature, T 1 and Monthly mean of maximum daily temperature, T2 are 37.7 C˚ and 40.5 C˚. So, Correction for temperature, Ft is 1.24. Nay Pyi Taw lies on plateau 109 ft above sea level. According to sea level, correction for elevation, Fe is 1.02. The correction factor for gradient, Fg is also 1. Therefore, actual runway length is designed as 12000 ft by using equation 1. C .Runway width The width of a runway should not be less than the appropriate dimension specified in Table 3. TABLE III WIDTH OF RUNWAY (ICAO) IN METER Code no 1 2 3 4 A 18 23 30 - B 18 23 30 - Code letter C 23 30 30 45 D 45 45 E 45 According to code no 4 and code letter E, runway width of Nay Pyi Taw Airport is 200 ft. D. Width of runway shoulder The runway shoulders shall extend symmetrically on each side of the runway so that the overall width of the runway and its shoulder is not less than 60 m where the code letter is D or E and 75 m where the code letter is F. Figure2. Runway Configuration of Nay Pyi Taw Airport F. Runway Markings Runway markings are the following types. 1. Runway centreline marking 2. Runway side strip marking. 3. Aiming Point marking 4. Runway threshold marking 5. Runway touchdown zone marking 1. Runway centreline marking It consists of a line uniformly spaced stripes and gaps and of uniform width. The length of a strip plus a gap shall not be less than 165 ft and no more than 250 ft. It locates along the physical centre of the runway. The minimum widths of stripes are 3 ft for precision runway, 1.5 ft for non precision runway, and 1 ft for visual runway. In this study, length- 100 ft, width- 3 ft, and spacing 100 ft are designed for runway centreline marking. 2. Runway side stripes marking It consists of continuous white lines along each side of the runway. The minimum width of strip is 3 ft for precision-instrument runways and at least as wide as the centerline stripes on other runways. So, these stripes are designed as 3 ft in this study. 3. Aiming point marking A runway aiming point marking provides a visual aiming point for landing operations. ICAO recommended location and dimension of aiming point marking as shown in Table 4. 2 All Rights Reserved © 2012 IJSETR International Journal of Science, Engineering and Technology Research (IJSETR) Volume 1, Issue 1, July 2012 TABLE IV LOCATION AND DIMENSION OF THE AIMING POINT MARKING 100133 ft 13 ft 20 ft 100- 150 ft 20 ft 30 ft 150- 200 ft 20- 23 ft 60- 75 ft 150- 200 ft 20- 23 ft 60- 75 ft 1333 ft DEC NE 3.0 NE 5.0 SE 4.8 NE NW 31.0 4.8 NOV NW 4.0 NE 4.0 NE 3.6 SE NE 4.0 4.8 OCT SE 5.0 SE 5.0 SW 6.0 S NE 11.0 3.6 SEP NE 3.0 SE 4.0 SW 4.8 NE SW 15.0 4.8 AUG SE 5.0 SE 5.0 SE 4.8 NE SE 1.0 4.8 JUL SE 4.0 NW 5.0 SE 15.6 SE NE 11.0 4.8 JUN S 9.0 S 10.0 SW 6.0 SW 7.2 MAY SE 3.0 SE 3.0 SW 4.8 SE APR SE 4.8 NE 3.2 SW 7.2 SE MAR N 4.9 N 4.9 S 16.0 SE FEB SE 3.0 SE 6.0 SE 4.0 SE JAN NW 2.4 SE 6 20.0 8000 ft or more 3.6 4 NW 5000ft≤ length < 8000 ft 13.0 3 4.8 4000ft≤ length < 5000 ft SE 2 19.0 3000 ft≤ length < 4000 ft 6.0 1 NE Less than 3000 ft 7.0 Pair(s) of markings 3.6 Landing distance available NW TABLE VI PAIRS OF MARKING FOR LANDING DISTANCE AVAILABLE 17.0 5. Runway touchdown zone marking Runway touchdown zone markings are white and consist of groups of one, two, and three rectangular bars symmetrically arranged in pairs about the runway centerline. These markings are designed by landing distance available as shown in Table 6. 2008 Year In this study, the width of runway is 60 ft. So, runway threshold marking is shown in Table 5 according to ICAO. NE 3.6 3.6 3.6 3.6 3.6 3.6 2009 30 30 30 30 30 30 2.4 4 6 8 12 16 24 2010 18 23 30 45 60 90 Width of centre gap 5.0 Length of stripes 2011 No. of stripes TABLE VII MONTHLY MAXIMUM WIND SPEED (MPH) AND DIRECTION FOR PYIN MA NAR STATION 3.6 Runway Width Width of and distance between stripes 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.8 G. Runway Orientation To determine the runway orientation, wind data must be analyzed at least during five years. The monthly maximum wind speed (mph) and direction for Pyinmana are shown in Table 7. SE Table V RUNWAY GEOMETRIC STANDARDS ( ICAO ) METER Figure 3. Runway markings for Nay Pyi Taw Airport SE In this study, length (200 ft), width (200 ft), and spacing are designed as aiming point marking. 4. Runway threshold marking It consists of a pattern of longitudinal stripes of uniform dimensions spaced symmetrically about the runway centerline. The number of longitudinal stripes and their spacing are determined by the runway width as shown in Table 5. NE Width of stripe Lateral spacing between inner sides of stripes 8000 ft and above 500 ft 4000 ft up to but not including 8000ft 1000 ft 2012 Distance from threshold to the beginning of marking Length of stripe 2667 ft up to but not including 4000ft 833 ft 4.0 Landing distance available Location and Less dimension than 2667 ft In this study, landing distance available is more than 8000 ft. Therefore, markings are designed as 6 pairs. All marking is shown in Figure 3. Source: Department of Meteorology and Hydrology Wind direction, range of wind intensity and percentage of winds are shown in Table 8. 3 All Rights Reserved © 2012 IJSETR International Journal of Science, Engineering and Technology Research (IJSETR) Volume 1, Issue 1, July 2012 TABLE VIII ANALYSIS OF WIND DATA Col 1 Wind direction N NNE NE ENE E ESE SE SSE S SSW SW WSW W WNW NW NNW Total Percentage of wind Col 2 Col 3 Col 4 Calm 4 mph- 15 15 mphperiod mph 25 mph (0-4 mph ) 3.33 16.67 8.33 15.00 26.67 1.67 1.67 3.33 1.67 1.67 10.00 5 1.67 8.33 1.67 43.34% Col 5 Total 3.33 8.33 28.34 5.00 10.00 1.67 1.67 56. 67% In the comparison of Method I and Method II, Method I is the absence of data on wind velocity and the effect of cross wind component. Method II used the wind velocity, direction, duration and effect of cross wind component. Method I is rough guide because of lack of some data. Method II is adequate compare with Method I due to the complement of data so the best runway orientation of Nay Pyi Taw Airport is chosen as the NNW-SSE (338- 158). Percentage of wind is determined by using Table VII. In the determination of the runway orientation, 15 mph is taken as the allowable cross wind and calm period is 0-4 mph. H. Determination of the best runway orientation by using method Method I uses the data on the direction and frequency of wind from Table 8. Using this data, Wise Rose diagram for method I can be drawn in Figure 4. In Wind Rose diagram, the radial lines indicate the wind direction and frequency of wind is marked to some suitable scale on these lines. All plotted points are joined by straight lines. The best runway orientation is along the direction of the longest line on the Wind Rose diagram . In the figure the best orientation of runway is along NW-SE (315˚-135˚). Figure 5. Wind Rose Diagram for Nay Pyi Taw Airport by using Method II IV. CONCLUSION Nay pyi Taw International Airport is located 12 miles from the South of Nay Pyi Taw City. Expecting the landing and take-off the Boeing 747-400 at Nay Pyi Taw International Airport, this design is prepared to submit. In this study, two methods of International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) and Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) are used. Runway orientation, runway configuration, runway geometric design, and marking are considered. On the basic of the wind intensity, direction and duration, the best runway orientation is 338˚-158˚. The configuration type of runway is a single depending upon the volume of traffic. The runway length of 12000 ft and width of 200 ft will be adequate to allow safe landing and take-off. Runway marking depends upon the runway length and width. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Figure.4 Wind Rose Diagram by using Method I I. Determination of the best runway orientation by using method II Method II uses the data on the direction, velocity and duration of wind from Table 8. Wind Rose diagram for method II can be shown in Figure 5. In Figure5, the circles represent wind velocity and the radial lines indicate wind direction. According to Figure III, the best runway orientation of Nay Pyi Taw Airport is chosen as the NNW-SSE (338158). The author wishes to express her deep gratitude to her Excellency, Minister Dr. Ko Ko Oo, Ministry of Science and Technology, for opening the Master of Engineering course at Mandalay Technological University. The author would like to express her profound gratitude to Dr.Myint Thein, rector of Mandalay Technological University, for his encouragement and managements. The author also wishes to express gratitude to Dr. Kyaw Moe Aung, Associate Professor and Head of Department of Civil Engineering, Mandalay Technological University for his helpful advice, management and encouragement. 4 All Rights Reserved © 2012 IJSETR International Journal of Science, Engineering and Technology Research (IJSETR) Volume 1, Issue 1, July 2012 The author also wishes to record the greatest and special thanks and owe in gratitude to her supervisor, Dr. Kay Thwe Htun, Lecturer, Department of Civil Engineering, Mandalay Technological University, for her careful guidance, advices and invaluable encouragement. The author specially thanks to her teachers from Civil Engineering department for their supports and encouragements to attain her destination. Finally, the author specially thanks to all her teachers and her family, especially her parents, for their supports and encouragement. REFERENCES [1] [2] [3] [4] Kumar, V. And Chandra, S. 1999. 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