
Meeting BC Articulation Dental Educators Committee:
Sub-Committee on Dental Hygiene
April 20-21, 2006
College of Dental Hygienists of BC
#219 – 645 Fort Street Victoria BC Board Room
Revised: July 20, 2006
Thursday, April 20, 2006 9:00 am – 4:00 pm
Coffee & Muffins (8:30 – 9:00)
1) Welcome & Introduction
2) Call to Order at 8:50 AM
Shirley Bassett Chair (Camosun), Ginny Cathcart (VCC), Bonnie Craig (UBC),
Dianne Gallagher (Camosun), Kathryn Harwood, observer (CDHBC), Debra
Johnstone, observer (CDHBC chair), Wendy King (CNC), Shauna Warner (UCFV),
3) Approval of the Agenda: Ginny moves, 2nd Dianne
Deleted 11.7 Research and Ethics; prioritized the agenda and added items under
vision workshop
4) Approval of Previous Minutes – April 21-22, 2005: all approve
5) Business Arising
5.1 – Participation of post-secondary private programs. Discussion required
regarding representation and participation. (SB)
It was noted in minutes from 2005 meeting that private schools will be
Shirley advised that the practical nursing articulation committee invites
one representative for all private schools.
To participate, private programs must have BC accreditation in the post
secondary system.
Action: The director of each private dental hygiene program will be invited
as an observer for the April 2007 articulation meetings. This will be reevaluated annually. (Wendy)
5.2 – Request for ‘educator board position’ BCDHA & CDHBC Boards (SB)
BCDHA has agreed to a position
Our educator representative shared information on the report re private
schools; political action with MLAs re 365-day rule
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CDHBC: deferred our request to the Education Review Committee as
CDHBC is not mandated to have an educator director (Dianne)
5.3 – Caries diagnosis guidelines. Update (CDHBC)
Still in development and is moving forward with CDHBC Quality Assurance
5.4 – a) Update: Block transfer / reciprocal UBC – Colleges (all)
RE: UBC/Community College Direct Entry Partnership:
GPA is UBC pass grade (60%);
Bonnie may discuss this with the new public programs and invite them to
the partnership. Bonnie, this was not a decision of articulation, do you
want this in the minutes? Di
Action: All partnership colleges will assure that block transfer information is
in the calendar and posted on websites. All programs will look into waiving
their application fee. (All)
5.5 – Scaling Module Update
SAIT has started this module in Alberta. A fax transmission from SAIT
relating to this was circulated. SAIT is also looking at implementing the
new VCC Dental Hygiene Access for CDAs (DHAC).
Action: Wendy will send a letter to DHEC and advise them of BC
articulation’s concern over the Alberta scaling module. (Ginny will draft)
DHEC meets on June 14th.
5.6 – Institutional name & possible confusion – Update (GC)
Confusion continues with name of new Vancouver Dental Hygiene
College and Vancouver Community College due to proximity of VDHC to
VCC Broadway Campus.
Many questions about VDHC at Information Nights and VCC continues to
clarify the confusing names. This was identified to CDHBC board through
a letter to CDHBC from VCC?.
5.7 – BCDHA Grant for DHYG Workshop (Brought Forward)
The committee discussed need for a volunteer to organize this workshop
and some additional funding
Attach to provincial articulation committee annual meeting in Vancouver
at VCC in April 19th or 20th 2007. Either April 18th or 21st 2007
BC Educators noted that there is a clear disconnect in the educational
curricula regarding: the oral health needs of society versus appropriate
service models to address the needs.
Action: Ginny will ask C. Fletcher to provide a report of BCDHA visioning
workshop held in fall of 2005 and ask Cindy for ideas for a coordinator for
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“Future of Dental Hygiene Education in BC: Alternative Service Delivery.”
(Ginny) Who is going to organize?
Action: Visioning/Alternative Practice Think Tank: Facilitator Prof Leslie
Bainbridge RPT. Ask CDHBC to assign CE credits. (Bonnie Craig)
Action Committee: Will see if each school will dedicate their 2006-2007
BCDHA $1000 grants to the workshop and report to the next chair. (all)
5.8 – BC Learning Outcomes Project – Update. See item 11.16 also (SB)
5.9 – BCDHA & CDHBC Awards Criteria for Student Scholarship – Committee to
review and make recommendations. (SB)
Need to clarify who decides the criteria for BCDHA, and CDHBC awards
The committee believes the program can decide the criteria for each
Action: Each Program Director will e-mail full list of awards and scholarships
to chair.
Formalizing sub-committee to dental hygiene committee, Update (SB)
Bonnie will draft a proposal because she is very knowledgeable of the history of
articulation in BC.
Shirley provided a document to formalize the separation of CDA and DH
The DH programs are four years and have specialized articulation and transfer
issues that are quite different to CDA programs
Action: Shirley will canvas Stephanie at BCCAT to discuss separation and make
into full committee. (Dianne and Bonnie will generate the proposal for separation)
this summer
5.11 - Feedback to CDHBC re: assessment categories on clinical exam (all)
Discussion continued from last year about the provincial practice
Out of this year’s discussion we concluded that more collaboration
between the provincial dental hygiene educators’ articulation subcommittee and the CDHBC may be beneficial.
Request input to a review of the process for development of a practice
exam that tests for competent and safe dental hygiene practice in
accordance with BC dental hygiene standards.
Action: The committee agreed to write to the CDHBC registration
committee expressing the interest of the BC Dental Hygiene Educators’
Sub-committee in helping the CDHBC to continue to develop and validate
the BC clinical practice examination. (Bonnie draft letter for Wendy)
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5.12 – Data Base Management – program connecting curriculum and schedule –
Update (WK)
Wendy looked at UBC patient scheduling, workloads and curriculum
management system and was very impressed with the presentation
VCC still using one-write and X-Trac. Looking at Mercedes and Excel
The committee will all share our scheduling systems if we try new ones.
Standardized patient assessment – (BJC)
Action: Everyone will share their assessments with all for the purpose of
eventually developing a standardized assessment.
5.16 – Pre-Professional Courses – Policy statement: Motion passed (GC)
Guiding principle: Transferability of students in British Columbia to other science
programs, higher education and dentistry.
The BC Articulation Dental Educators Committee: Sub-Committee on Dental
Hygiene representing dental hygiene programs in BC agrees to the
following first year dental hygiene university transfer courses.
The courses should be articulated to all dental hygiene diploma programs
through the BC Council on Admissions and Transfer guide (BCCAT) or
International Credential Evaluation Service (ICES) transfer system to allow
students full transferability among all dental hygiene diploma and degree
completion opportunities in British Columbia. The committee agrees that the
courses should articulate to other programs including those in the sciences to
give students full transfer options in their post secondary education.
Human Anatomy and Physiology with labs (full year/2 semesters/terms)
Chemistry with labs (full year/2 semesters/terms)
English (writing composition) (full year/2 semesters/terms)
Psychology (full year/2 semesters/terms)
Introductory Descriptive Statistics (1 semester/term)
Elective (1 semester/term)
6) Report from CDHBC
Kathryn Harwood tabled a report.
Debra Johnstone (CDHBC chair) reported on CDHBC board meeting
discussion about the need for dental hygiene accreditation. Debra told us
the CDHBC will set up a dental hygiene review committee.
Zillah updated our group on CDHBC registration statistics (see report)
Debra mentioned meeting next week to review candidates for registrar
(she would not be at liberty to discuss)
7) Report from BCDHA
A report was sent by Cindy Fletcher and discussed
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It was noted by the committee that Dental Hygiene access to persons
living in “Assisted Living” is already in the CDHBC Handbook so this item
does not need to be negotiated any further.
Action: Ginny will identify this oversight to BCDHA (C. Fletcher.)
8) Report from Diploma Programs (5 minutes each) Eg. (Intake #/ Admissions /
Program Changes / New initiatives / International students/ Reserved seats)
8.1 – CNC
2 UBC Direct Entry students, 18 will graduate
Changed grade scale to articulate with UBC.
Working to drop health questionnaire
Faculty really enjoys digital camera “Kodak DX 7590” purchased with
BCDHA grant
Patricia Covington (PC) is the new Dean of health Sciences
Search to fill FT position vacated by PC
Patricia Noble will retire soon.
Sent PC a card of congratulations for her years of contribution to
provincial articulation.
8.2 – VCC
22 students will graduate in June 2006; in process of selecting 22
students by June 13th from among 158 qualified applicants and select 16
students for Dental Hygiene Access for CDAs (DHAC) from among 26
qualified applicants.
New DHAC program received CDAC “accreditation eligible” in August.
Up to 5 UBC direct entry will be reserved. 3 in class of 2006 and 2 in
class of 2007.
Miyagi Advanced Dental Hygienists College signed sister agreement this
year; implemented an exchange award to fund 2 VCC students to travel
to Japan on an exchange this summer; completed second phase of
international learning climate research with Japan; planning a panel
discussion with Japan at IFDH in Toronto re “process of care.” VCC fall
program with Japan will be on teaching decision-making models & PBL.
Third summer Korean program at VCC through CE. No room for Finnish
exchange students any more as they do 3-month clinical in winter term
and all seats full this year.
8.3 – Camosun College
Health and human services is piloting “Accuplacer” assessment tool to
test English and Math abilities. Cost is only $2/student. Departments can
add own questions
Teach with digital camera on a computer all time for teaching
Took international student last year
Had Marilyn Goulding discuss the quality assurance monitor who assures
calibration of all instructors. Marilyn shared their rigorous calibration
program and evidence.
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There was a lively discussion about the meaning and appropriate way of
calibrating faculty.
8.4 – UCFV Shauna Warner (UCFV)
Purchased Camosun curriculum; offer 16 seats, So far have 8 chairs
Following UCFV selection policy “first completed first admitted” In 2007
will have a selective admissions policy
Spent March preparing report to educational consultant Pat Robertson to
send to May 12th CDSBC meeting for acceptance under article 68
Dentists Act.
1.5 FTE instructors plus sessional instructors; will grow to 3 FTEs in 2007
Applicants in B+ and A range plus an interview.
Health Sciences moving to new dental clinic facilities Abbotsford in 2008;
UCFV is committed to dental programs and is freeing up block funding for
the clinical expansion to a new facility.
Grade scale same as Camosun
UCFV will seek to offer Dental Hygiene degree in future
8.5 – Malaspina (Wendy King)
CNC is collaborating with their curriculum and will share back and forth
once set up
Have 9 chairs and will take 18 students
9) Report / Update on Degree Programs
Bonnie Craig UBC
9.1 – UBC (degree completion)
9.2 – UBC (degree partnership with Colleges)
9.3 – UBC (entry to practice option)
UBC has multiple admissions options for Bachelor of Dental Sciences in
Dental Hygiene (BDSc). Bonnie distributed a diagram.
Broad-based admissions accepted (personal essay, reference tool from
Midwifery; leadership, questionnaire, voluntarism, 1 person evaluates all)
Four UBC Degree admissions options
1. Entry to Practice 4-year: Starts fall 2007; cost recovery $7500/ year clinic
fee plus tuition (24 students a year) Patient care will be free. Will target
community and education (with grad degrees), and geriatric care rather
than private practice.
2. Will hire three FTE professors and sessional clinical professors as need.
3. Degree Completion: very successful; all courses on-line now; 93 students
enrolled in direct entry and degree completion admissions options.
4. International option
5. Direct Entry with CC/CNC/VCC (max 6 credits) 15 students a year; Direct
block transfer both ways based on pass grade of 60%
9.4 – VCC – Applied degree update
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VCC Bachelor of Dental Sciences is going through a third re-write and
will be re-submitted later this year with the new VCC B. Ed degree
through our School of Instructor Education. This degree has never
made it to Ministry website for a variety of reasons.
Two applied degrees at VCC doing well in Hospitality Management
and Music. A new degree in Nursing is in the planning stages.
10) Update on VCC / Dental Hygiene Access for CDA’s program
 15 of original 16 students still in program. 1 student failed to achieve the passing
GPA of 60% at Christmas. Rest are taking 3rd and 4th courses.
 VCC has a quality assurance committee “Access Curriculum Committee
Evaluation” (ACE) and a coordinator, Monica Soth, who is working on her
Master of Distance Education at Athabasca University and is very
knowledgeable regarding distributed technology and andragogy.
11) New Articulation Items
First year labs requirement in Chemistry and Anatomy and Physiology
(on-line courses / no lab portion – identify institutions)
Ginny drafted a motion for the committee (see 5.16) and circulated a handout showing a
transfer grid from various institutions for science labs or not. “Yes” response indicates
that either the course has formal transfer credit as indicated on the BCCAT Transfer
guide or the courses met the criteria developed at The Health Educators Committee
meeting in May 2005.
Have done some preliminary searches on the Thompson Rivers University-Open
Learning (TRU-OL) and BC Campus websites for on-line statistics courses. Here are
some continuous intake Introductory Statistics courses which are transferable, on-line
and would be acceptable for the Dental Hygiene programs.
Math 115 - Introduction to Statistics. Offered on-line by North Island College.
Prerequisites are completion of Principles of Math 11 or Applications of Math 12
with a C grade or higher. Continuous intake. (3 credits) Website is
STAT 102 - Introduction to Probability and Statistics. Offered on-line by
Thompson Rivers University-Open Learning. There are no formal pre-requisites
but completion of Principles of Math 11 is highly recommended. Continuous
intake. (3 credits) Website is Costa has advised
that this course would be acceptable.
University College of the Fraser Valley offers Mathematics 104 which is also
acceptable but the course has specific intake dates only; a Spring or Summer
section may be offered. TRU-OL had offered Statistics 101 in the past but the
course is temporarily unavailable.
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Friday, April 21 2006 8:30 – 9:00 Muffins and Coffee
9:00 – 12:00
On-line learning objects and courses: Update in all years
VCC is planning “moodle (non-proprietary) objects ”this needs more
explanation DG in second year nutrition and biochemistry and third year
pharmacology. VCC has all 7 Dental Hygiene Access for CDA’s (DHAC)
theory courses on-line, web-based and theory components of clinical
courses are delivered on-line (paced and asynchronous.) VCC will have
all 4th year applied degree courses on-line. Streams; Clinical, leadership,
community experience is applied.
Camosun has 1 on-line learning object in “Introduction to Dentistry” Topic
is on dental materials and paced and asynchronous. Camosun applied to
develop Oral Pathology with BCcampus project development funds.
CNC is applying to BCcampus project development fund for an
“Introduction to Dentistry” course.
UBC developed all 4th year on-line courses on Web-CT and is proprietary
with them. Bonnie praised the superior team of technology, art and
knowledge specialists who developed the UBC courses. UBC is well
funded, has the capacity, resources and expertise to develop the on-line
courses. Courses are paced and asynchronous.
DHYG degree applications and updates (see agenda #9 also)
VCC Bachelor of Dental Sciences is going through a third re-write and will
be re-submitted later this year by the associate dean. This degree has
never made it to Ministry website for a variety of reasons. Two applied
degrees at VCC doing very well in Hospitality Management and in Music.
A new degree in nursing is in the planning stages.
Admissions Policies and Practices (Interviews; wait lists; candidate's
questionnaires, references, attrition)
Ginny e-mailed requested information about The Health Occupations
Aptitude Examination used in Ontario dental hygiene and health
programs as part of the selection process. VCC looked into it and it was
deemed to be unnecessary for School of Health Sciences.
Georgian College in Ontario uses it and finds it very useful. This test
measures reading comprehension, spelling, natural sciences and
verbal/non-verbal reasoning. Scores from this test as well as academic
grades are used to determine acceptance. Applicants are assessed and
ranked based on the results of their testing and their academic
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VCC Admissions (180 qualified applicants)
VCC has a GPA of 3.3/4.0; Candidate’s Questionnaire (CQ) out of 20;
Criminal Record Search; TB negative; health questionnaire is gone.
Very low attrition rate none in past few years no losses since 2004.
Past attrition mostly due to catastrophic illness or psychomotor skills.
VCC plans a summer clinic remedial course to try to reduce stress of
clinic learning contracts in 3rd year.
Average age 28 yrs
Camosun Admissions
First completed first selected C+ each course
Wait List 184 qualified on 10 yr waitlist (19 waitlist, 5 UBC)
Take 24/year
182 incomplete applicants or recruits
Attrition (6 last year)
CNC Admissions (200 applicants)
Points GPA (3.2), persistence (1), observation (1), work
experience (1) GPA , geography (2) (8.33 pts)
30 hours of observation (reduce to 20 hours)
50/50 (10 seats competitive selection/ 10 lottery)
B average; 20 per year
Attrition (1-2 year)
Average age 25
UCFV Admissions
Same as CNC
UBC Admissions
Broad-based admissions accepted includes GPA, personal essay,
reference tool from Midwifery; leadership, questionnaire,
voluntarism, 1 person evaluates all.
Socio-cultural competence: International / ESL DHYG students
VCC teaches and supports socio-cultural competence training with its
health sciences programs somewhat like the ADEA June 2004
Program Directors workshop in Vancouver only with a Canadian
There are American conferences with Dr Jane Forrest, dental hygiene
scholar and researcher on Cultural Competence. Give us a link here
Ginny please.
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Community dental hygiene curricula, educational rotations and
externships. Are we at risk of over-extending our community outreach
with the growing number of DHYG schools? (GC)
VCC is concerned about the small community of outreach and
community rotations and maintaining our student network for
externships in clinical and community courses with all new programs
and increased students in lower mainland area.
UBC is seeking outreach in Douglas College and New Westminster
VCC will share their outreach and externship areas with UBC and
UCFV and Camosun will share with Malaspina
Directors will all share our outreach by e-mail
UBC has integrated community care with dental hygiene theory and
practice to avoid clinical practice
VCC has oral healthcare for individuals and communities
Action: Programs will explore healthnet BC at
for visibility and explore and share where each program goes for
community outreach.
11.8 Selling curricula policies update
Camosun and CNC will sell to public institutions. Camosun includes 30hours of consultation.
CNC has a 2-year commitment for mentoring and faculty release at 25%
after selling curriculum.
VCC receives requests from private schools and all are refused. Haven’t
been asked by public institution in BC. VCC would sell/share/mentor in
public system or internationally as they do in nursing.
Southern Alberta Institute of Technology (SAIT) is considering obtaining
the DHAC program through BCcampus.
Action: Ginny will update the committee on the status of SAIT and dental
Hygiene Access program for CDAs and check with College of Dental
Hygienists of Alberta on this.
Transfer credit and 11.10 credit policies update
VCC Dept Head does all the work of transfer credit with no charge.
VCC and Camosun PLAR: Students put together a portfolio for prior
learning and pay
CNC no transfer credit in program. Student can challenge exam for a
cost. Camosun same as CNC
UBC International degree option. Need to be NDHCB eligible and
NDHCB will determine this.
Credit and transfer credit assignment policies will be shared by e-mail
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11.11. Grading Policies for transferability
VCC circulated… grading same as UBC
CNC aligning with UBC in 2006
Camosun has higher pass grade
UCFV unknown likely same as Camosun
Action: Ginny will send the committee a course outline to see the wording of
assignments with higher pass grade for critical assessments.
11.12 Student Success - clinical abilities, contracts, remedial ideas
VCC & Camosun contract information provided.
We discussed I-contracts and their original use to help students who had
illness or problems…were not really designed for slow learners but VCC
and Camosun we use them that way.
CNC has a progress meeting and letter from the Dept Head.
Action: Ginny will send the VCC Incomplete contract.
Remedial ideas:
VCC will start a remediation program for clinical courses at end of second
year before third year courses start in August 2007.
UBC offers remediation; two attempts to pass course in most programs.
11.13. DHYG Budgets, Funding and Equipment, Capitol expenses and
maintenance of equipment.
Accreditation requires appropriate administrative support.
UBC has brand new clinic; annual renewal plan.
CNC prepares a well planned proposal and is successful. Clinical renewal
is at 2 chairs a year.
Camosun renewal plan with specific forms; get in line; Camosun raised a
large fund for capitol.
VCC prepares a well planned proposal and is successful. Clinical
equipment is on a yearly renewal at 3 chairs a year. Operating budget is
adequate. Capitol for clinical equipment and technology is a challenge in
aging facility. Office and classroom renovation and move are proceeding
slowly delayed from May 2006 to fall 2006.
Colleges access corporate sponsorship such as Dentsply.
11.14 Accreditation updates
DHAC accreditation “eligible status” received August 2005. Full CDAC
review in May 2008.
CNC accredited until 2010; Camosun accredited until 2012;
UCFV will go for accreditation in 2008 and try for accreditation eligible
Accreditation helps to get resources e.g. CNC additional reception
support staff.
UBC will be first four-year program and will apply for accreditation
eligible soon.
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11.15 Provincial dental hygiene visioning workshop issues include:
Scope of practice
Degree as entry to practice
CDHA policy degree dental hygiene education as entry to practice
BC Educators need additional service models and line education curricula
up to meet need in society.
Action: Degree as entry to practice Bonnie will revise letter recommending
degree as entry to practice to BCDHA. Degree entry to practice is not visible
on BCDHA board ends. Moratorium on new degree credentials is lifted so
need to move forward. (Bonnie update and draft letter for Wendy)
Action: need to write letter on status of education policy in Canada. Who is
minding education? Someone needs to take on education policy in Canada
CDHA, DHEC (Bonnie, Dianne will draft letter in summer. Di will place before
DHEC for agenda)
11.16 Provincial learning outcomes (LOs), competencies or strategies for
articulating educational outcomes and/or abilities.
The committee discussed need for updating provincial and national LOs.
NDHCB has just reviewed competencies for NDHCB exam.
Ask Dentistry Canada Fund, Canadian Dental Hygiene Foundation for
Research and Education (CDHFRE), BCDHA, CDHA and BC programs
UBC and Colleges will ask for $2000 each funding for LOs
Action: Learning Outcomes Program directors will search for funding from
each institution. After status of BC funding is known ask Susanne Sunell to
put the proposal forward in BC plus CDHFRE. (All will seek funding & Wendy
will e-mail Susanne after programs report on additional funding.)
11.17 PICTIA and private schools update & accountability: Are Phoenix first year
university courses recognized by BCCAT?
Shirley found more about private school accreditation in PCTIA Annual
report. Private Career Training Institutions Act
Looked into “CLEP” exams. Not transferable in BC and not to UBC
degree completion. The College-Level Examination Program® or CLEP
provides students of any age with the opportunity to demonstrate collegelevel achievement through a program of exams in undergraduate college
courses. There are 2,900 colleges that grant credit and/or advanced
standing for CLEP exams according to the website.
Looked into World Education Services for international evaluations A WES evaluation is your passport to education and
employment. Whether you want to continue your education, seek
professional licensing or employment in the United States, the WES
evaluation makes sure that your international academic credentials are
recognized according to the website.
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Action: Shirley will write a letter to Susan Williams of PCTIA and copy CDAC,
BCDHA and CDHBC re Vancouver College of Dental Hygiene concerns.
Want to support PICTIA in efforts to have quality dental hygiene
education in BC. (Action Shirley)
11.18 Textbooks, instruments (all to share)
The committee circulated textbook and instrument lists.
11.19 BCDHA education director report (GC) Submitted by Ginny Cathcart
1. Dental Hygiene Education Programs Update
The opening of two new diploma dental hygiene programs at the University College of
the Fraser Valley and Malaspina University-College in September 2006 was announced.
In addition, the full four year degree program is slated to begin at UBC in September,
2007. The Board reviewed some materials that have been received regarding concerns
with the private dental hygiene program in Vancouver. The Board agreed that letters
should be sent to the College of Dental Hygienists of BC, Private Career Training
Institutions Agency and the Commission on Dental Accreditation Canada urging these
agencies to fully implement the processes they have in place that ensure quality and
comprehensive dental hygiene education. Cindy Fletcher is drafting letters to CDHBC,
2. Government Relations Program
The Board reviewed the progress to date. There continues to be support by the elected
officials for the removal of the 365 day rule, Ministry of Health staff has proceeded to
offer an amendment to the Residential Care category of registration that would include
Assisted Living. The Board and CEO are actively working with the ministry on this issue.
11.20 Tobacco Cessation: Curriculum in Dental Hygiene programs (GC)
Everyone uses version of “Ask, Advise, Refer”. This is ADHA's national Smoking
Cessation Initiative (SCI) designed to promote cessation intervention by dental
hygienists. This approach integrates
the “5 A’s” (Ask, Advise, Assess, Assist, Arrange) into an abbreviated
intervention that remains consistent with recommended guidelines. All programs
recommend quit programs like those at: or
VCC uses behavioural theory (health belief model); dental hygiene & adult
education theory; documents stages in transtheoretical change model; and
documents all information on self care sheets & tobacco cessation forms as
circulated. CNC assesses, refers to Doctor’s Quit program; uses “ask, advise,
refer.” Camosun teaches tobacco cessation and identifies interest in quitting on
charts; if interest is expressed gives clients information such as “quit line.”
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11.21 Referencing Style (WK)
VCC, Camosun and CNC use the Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts
Submitted to Biomedical Journals: Writing and Editing for Biomedical
Publication and manuscript guidelines at
UBC requires whichever manuscript writing guidelines are appropriate to
students publishing in specific journals.
11.22 Criminal Record Checks (WK)
Ginny circulated a handout from the following website and VCC CRC policy
11.23 Hiring criteria
The committee shared suggestions for hiring criteria in various Dental
Hygiene instructor categories.
VCC Dental Hygiene Instructor Qualifications for Dental Hygiene
educators, Sciences and dentists were circulated.
VCC’s guiding principle is to employ dental hygienists with degrees
and higher education in the future.
The committee discussed and gave feedback
12. Election of New Chair
Wendy King appointed/elected by acclamation
13. Next Meeting Date
April 19th, 20th 2007 in Vancouver at Vancouver Community College
14. Adjournment at 4:00 PM
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