PATNASIP LOTU: LCC BANZ. 15 MAY – 2011. ODA BILONG LOTU. GRITING STATIM LOTU. L: Yumi lotu long nem bilong God…. K: I Tru. L: Bikpela i stap wantaim yupela. K: Em i stap wantaim yu. TOK I GO PAS: Welkam long dispela Patnasip Lotu. Long dispela lotu, yumi tingim Patna Seket long Kitzingen – Germany. Long Jisas yumi stap bratasusa. Long yia 2012 bai yumi selebretim 20 yia wok proman wantaim Kitzingen Seket. Long dispela as, yumi amamas long wok bung wantaim long dispela yia na long yia 2012. Sapos tupela man i mekim kamap wankain samting, dispela i soim olsem wok bilong tupela i gutpela tru? TOK PIKSA: Wanpela Niugini na wanpela man Kitzingen i wokabaut insait long Würzburg Siti i stap klostu long Kitzingen. Planti bas i ron. Planti train tu i ron long strit na planti musik tu i kam long ol supamaket. Hariap tasol Niugini man i askim man German, “Yu harim dispela samting tu?” German man i tok, “Nogat. Yu harim wanem samting?” German man i harim tasol ol nois nabaut. Niugini man i askim em, “Yu no harim wanpela liklik pisin i singsing?” Na em i soim pisin i sidaun antap long diwai. German man i tok, “Yes, nau mi tu i harim pisin i singsing taim yu soim mi dispela pisin antap long diwai. Tasol ol nois i bikpela tumas long hia. Ol Niugini i save harim gut tru ol samting.” “Nogat tru. I no olsem.” Em i kisim wanpela peni long paus bilong em na tromoi long kolta long rot. Hariap tru planti man i kirap na lukluk long wanem hap peni i bin pudaun long en. “Yu lukim,” Niugini man I tok. “Dispela peni i no mekim bikpela nois tumas olsem pisin i singsing antap long diwai, tasol planti lain i harim nois bilong peni. Long Niugini, mipela i save harim gut ol nois bilong ol samting mipela i save long en.” AUTIM BILIP Wanem samting bai yumi putim gut iau long en? Wanem samting i bikpela moa long laip bilong yumi? God Em i kam long yumi long Tok bilong Em. Planti samting i pulim na passim tingting bilong yumi long harim gut Tok bilong Em. Olsem na yumi askim God: Tekewe sin bilong mi na na givim mi bel isi. Olgeta bungim maus: God i sori long yumi na i tekewe pinis olgeta sin bilong yumi. Em i strongim yumi na bai bringim yumi i go insait long laip i stap gut oltaim. I Tru. Olgeta samting God i wokim i stap gut. Yumi bilip long God na dispela bilip God mekim yumi stap wasmanmeri bilong olgeta samting God i wokim. God i ken strongim bilip bilong yumi na mekim yumi stap wokmanmeri tru bilong Em. I Tru. SONG: THE BEST TIME IN THE YEAR IS MINE, THERE ARE SINGING ALL THE BIRDS (MARTIN LUTHER) ECCLESIASTES 3 Olgeta Samting I Gat Taim Bilong Em: Olgeta samting I gat taim bilong em. Olgeta plan yumi laik bihainim - i gat taim bilong em. Mama I karim pikinini - i gat taim bilong em. Dai…. Planim kaikai…. Kamautim kaikai long gaden…. Kilim abus…. Mekim orait sikmanmeri…. Brukim daun olpela olpela samting…. Kamapim nupela wok…. Krai…. Lap…. Bel hevi na sori…. Danis…. Brukim pasin wanbel…. Painim samting…. Lusim samting…. Kisim nupela samting…. Toktok wantaim…. Laikim arapela…. Belhat… Koros…. Amamas…. Olgeta samting i gat taim bilong em. Man i traim hat long mekim olgeta samting kamap gut, tasol em i no nap painim gutpela amamas na kisim bel isi long olgeta hatwok em i mekim. Mi lukim ol wok God i givim man. Dispela ol wok i kamap olsem wanpela hevi man i karim. God i save mekim olgeta wok i kamap stret na stap gut. Em i putim laip i stap oltaim insait bel bilong man, tasol man i no luksave long dispela wok God i mekim; maski em wok God i statim pinis long laip bilong man o wok Em bai kamapim long bihain taim. Mi save olsem i no gat wanpela samting i winim pasin bilong amamas na bel isi. Sapos wanpela man i kaikai na dring na i gat strongpela bilip orait dispela em i presen bilong God. Mi save olsem, ol gutpela wok God i mekim bai stap oltaim. Man i no i nap senisim dispela wok. Man i mas luksave long wok God i mekim na i mas poret tu long God. Wanem ol wok God mekim - i kamap pinis na wanem ol samting God i laik mekim kamap bihain taim – dispela bai kamap tru. Olgeta bungim maus: God i ken mekim wanem samting i kamap pinis bipo i kamap gen. SONG: LAUDAMUS OMNES GENTES PREA Bikpela God, long Baptais yu mekim mipela kamap pikinini bilong yu. Mipela kamap wanpela lain manmeri bilong yu nau na olgeta taim. Yu tasol yu God tru bilong mipela. Mipela olgeta bratasusa na papamama i bung long dispela dei long lotuim yu. Mipela i gat planti tokples, pasin tumbuna, kainkain kalaskin na mipela kam long planti hap ples tasol yu bin bungim mipela i stap ol pikinini bilong yu. Yu save gut long mipela na yu kolim mipela long nem. Mipela wanwan I hap-hap bodi bilong krais. Yu bin tekewe sin bilong long dai bilong Krais na givim mipela bel isi. Yu yet oltaim stap namel long mipela na strongim mipela long laikim tru ol arapela. I Tru. BAIBEL RIDING: 1 JOHN 5:1-4. SONG: LORD, YOUR LOVE IS LIKE GRASS AND RIVER AUTIM TOK: MATYU 20:1-16 A skit about the Kingdom of God. Cast: NARRATOR - the one teaching the lesson WORKERS - 6-10 volunteers to act out the skit (you may want to involve the whole class) EARLY WORKER - a "volunteer" who isn't too happy with the arrangements Props: Chocolate coins NARRATOR: We are going to continue with Jesus' parables. Today we are doing the parable of the Workers in the Vineyard from Matthew 20. To help me with this story I need 2-3 volunteers. Wait. Wait until you hear what I need. I need 2-3 people to pick grapes for me. (Mime picking grapes.) In exchange, I will pay you one denarius – or in this case a chocolate coin. (Choose 2-3 volunteers and have them start picking grapes.) "For the kingdom of heaven is like a landowner who went out early in the morning to hire men to work in his vineyard. He agreed to pay them a denarius for the day and sent them into his vineyard." A denarius was a small silver Roman coin. It was the most common coin in circulation. It was about the size of a nickel, and it was a daily wage for an unskilled worker or common soldier. It would be the equivalent today of making about $20 a day, which is less than minimum wage. The denarius survives today in the name of money in several counties. For example, the dinar is still used as currency in several modern Arabic-speaking nations. The Spanish word dinero derives from the Latin word denarius. In France… EARLY WORKER: (Clears throat) We're still picking over here. NARRATOR: Oh, sorry. "About the third hour he went out and saw others standing in the marketplace doing nothing." I need 2-3 more people to help out. (Have them start picking grapes.) "He told them, 'You also go and work in my vineyard, and I will pay you whatever is right.' So they went." Now the term "the third hour" means about 9:00 in the morning. They used a 12-clock to measure time during the day. This ran from sunrise to sundown, and there were always 12 hours. The length of the hour would vary in length depending on the season. In the summer, when the sun comes up earlier and goes down later, the hours were longer. In the winter… EARLY WORKER: I think my arm is going to fall off. NARRATOR: Sorry, again. "He went out again about the sixth hour and the ninth hour and did the same thing." (Get another 4-5 volunteers and have them start picking grapes.) EARLY WORKER: (Gives the narrator a dirty look.) NARRATOR: I know, I know, I'm getting on with it. "About the eleventh hour he went out and found still others standing around. He asked them, 'Why have you been standing here all day long doing nothing?' "'Because no one has hired us,' they answered. "He said to them, 'You also go and work in my vineyard.'" So I need 2-3 more people to pick grapes. "When evening came…" You can stop picking now. EARLY WORKER: Phew! NARRATOR: "The workers who were hired about the eleventh hour came and each received a denarius." (Start paying everyone a chocolate coin then pause before paying the first people.) "So when those came who were hired first, they expected to receive more. But each one of them also received a denarius." (Give each a chocolate coin.) "When they received it, they began to grumble…" EARLY WORKER: Hey! Wait a minutes. I've been up here doing this (mimes picking) all this time until my arm almost falls off, and I get one lousy chocolate coin, the same as those who were up here for two seconds?!? NARRATOR: I am not being unfair. That is exactly what I agreed to give you. Have a seat and let me see if I can explain. EARLY WORKER: Hrrph! NARRATOR: That's exactly how the workers in the story reacted. "they said, 'and you have made them equal to us who have borne the burden of the work and the heat of the day.' "But he answered one of them, 'Friend, I am not being unfair to you. Didn't you agree to work for a denarius? Take your pay and go. I want to give the man who was hired last the same as I gave you. Don't I have the right to do what I want with my own money? Or are you envious because I am generous?'" SERMON Kingdom bilong God I Olsem! 1. Man husat i wok longpela taim insait long kingdom bilip God (O Sios bilong God), em i wanpela bilong planti bilipmanmeri husat bau kisim laip istap oltaim. Planti bilipmanmeri i ting olsem; mipela olpela Kristen na mipela mekim planti wok sios. Mipela ino wankain olsem ol nupela Kiristen. Tok piksa i olsem: Mipela olpela Sios long Germany na mipela mekim planti yia wok Gudnius. Mipela winim nupela Sios ELC-PNG. God i bai givin moa blesing long mipela. 2. Olgeta de, God i singautim nupela ol wokmanmeri long bihainim Em na meikm wok bilong Em. Sampela lain inogat taim long bihainim Em, Wok insait long Kingdaom bilong God – inogat „unemployment“ – mi nogat wok, God i singautim yumi olgeta long meikm wok. Emi givim blesing long yumi inap long mak bilong yumi ken kisim wantaim amamas, na inoabrusim nid bilong yumi. 3. God i save givim pei long pasin bilong harim singaut bilong Em na meikim wok. Em ino givim pei bikos yumi meikom gutpela wo na planti wok tru. Long las de, God bai givim wankain pei long olgeta bilip-manmeri. Em ino lukim kaskin, bikpela bilip o liklik bilip, waitskin o braunskin, Hailans o nambis, God i givim wankain pei – Laip istap oltaim. Long wok poroman o patnasip, yumi ken kisim save long Jisae long strongim wok Gutnius na strongim bilip bilong wanpela na narapela. Back to the early worker: : NARRATOR So does that help you understand why you got the same payment? EARLY WORKER: I'm sorry. I was busy eating my chocolate. What did you say? NARRATOR: Forget it. AMEN. I TRU SONG: LONG MARIMARI BILONG GOD I SALIM JISAS I KAM BUNGIM YUMI ANINIT LONG DIWAI KROS. KOLEKTA Kolekta bai i go long yut exchange program 2011&2012 Banz-Kitzingen PREA BILONG SIOS: Mipela itok tenkyu long yu long kongrigesen bilong mipela, na ol lotu mipela i holim wantaim. Long gutnius bilong yu istap hia na long olgeta hap bilong graun, mipela tok tenkyu long bung bilong kristen manmeri long olgeta hap bilong graun. Mipela tok tenkyu long wok poroman namel seket Kitzingen na ol kristen susa na brata long sios koles Banz mipela laik bilip (trast) long blesing bilong yu istap, long yu istap klostu, helpim na strong bilong yu istap wantaim. Bikpela God bilong laikim ol manmeri, yu wokim olgeta samting. Helpim mipela long bihainim laik bilong yu long mipela yet i wok strong long Kingdom bilong yu. Skulim mipela long bel isi bilong yu bai mipela iken mekim stretpela pasin na soim laikim bilong yu long arapela. Mipela tingim olgeta manmeri, ol traim long bringim gutnuis igo long arapela long olgeta hap bilong graun. Mipela askim yu long stiaim mipela, wanem taim mipela imas toktok na wanem taim mipela ken harim long arapela. Dispela ken helpim mipela manmeri long bihainim stretpela rot na pasim yu ilaikim. Holi spirit bilong yu iken helpim mipela. I tru BIKPELA PREA: BLESING Marimari bilong Bikpela bilong yumi Jisas Kraist na gutpela laikim bilong God na bung wantaim bilong holi Spirit istap wantaim yumi nau na oltaim oltaim. I tru SONG: YUMI OLGETA BUNG WANTAIM