地质学专辑 - 河海大学图书馆首页

目 录
中文期刊 ................................................................................................................................... 4
沉积学报 ............................................................. 4
大地构造与成矿学 ..................................................... 5
地层学杂志 ........................................................... 7
地球化学 ............................................................. 8
地球科学 ............................................................. 9
第四纪研究 .......................................................... 10
地球学报 ............................................................ 11
地球与环境 .......................................................... 13
地学前缘 ............................................................ 14
地质科技情报 ........................................................ 16
地质科学 ............................................................ 17
地质论评 ............................................................ 19
地质通报 ............................................................ 21
地质学报 ............................................................ 22
地质与勘探 .......................................................... 23
高校地质学报 ........................................................ 24
古地理学报 .......................................................... 26
吉林大学学报.地球科学版 ............................................. 27
矿床地质 ............................................................ 29
矿物学报 ............................................................ 30
矿物岩石 ............................................................ 31
矿物岩石地球化学通报 ................................................ 32
水文地质工程地质 .................................................... 34
物探与化探 .......................................................... 36
现代地质 ............................................................ 38
新疆地质 ............................................................ 39
岩石矿物学杂志 ...................................................... 40
岩石学报 ............................................................ 42
中国地质 ............................................................ 44
中国科学.D 辑地球科学 ............................................... 45
外文期刊 ................................................................................................................................. 50
AAPG bulletin .......................................................
Applied Geochemistry ................................................
Bulletin of Canadian petroleum geology ..............................
Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America ....................
Canadian journal of earth sciences ..................................
Chemical geology ....................................................
Clay minerals .......................................................
Clays and clay minerals .............................................
Contributions to mineralogy and petrology ...........................
Earth and planetary science letters .................................
Earth-science reviews ............................................... 74
Economic geology&the Bulletin of the Society of Economic Geologists . 80
Environmental geology ............................................... 81
Geological Society of America bulletin .............................. 82
Geology ............................................................. 83
Geophysical research letters ........................................ 86
Journal of geochemical exploration .................................. 87
Journal of geology .................................................. 93
Journal of geophysical research ..................................... 95
Journal of metamorphic geology ..................................... 103
Journal of paleontology ............................................ 107
Journal of petroleum geology ....................................... 108
Journal of petrology ............................................... 110
Journal of Sedimentary Research .................................... 116
Journal of structural geology ...................................... 117
Journal of the Geological Society .................................. 119
Journal of volcanology and geothermal research ..................... 122
Lethaia ............................................................ 129
Lithos ............................................................. 131
Marine geology ..................................................... 134
Mineralium deposita ................................................ 143
Mineralogical magazine ............................................. 147
Neues Jahrbuch für Mineralogie. Abhandlungen ....................... 147
Palaeontology ...................................................... 148
Paleobiology ....................................................... 150
Paleoceanography ................................................... 155
Physics and chemistry of minerals .................................. 158
Precambrian research ............................................... 159
Sedimentary geology ................................................ 164
Sedimentology ...................................................... 169
Tectonics .......................................................... 171
Tectonophysics ..................................................... 174
The American mineralogist .......................................... 176
沉积学报[双月刊]= Acta Sedimentologica Sinica /中国矿物岩石地球化学学会沉积学专业委员、中国
.50.00 元
ISSN 1000-0550
CN 62-1038/P
本刊收录在:中国科技期刊引证报告(2007 年版)
影响因子: 《引证报告》2007 年版影响因子: 1.142
本刊收录在:中国科技期刊引证报告(2008 年版)
影响因子: 《引证报告》2008 年版影响因子:1.053
本刊收录在:中国科技期刊引证报告(2009 年版)
影响因子: 《引证报告》2009 年扩刊版影响因子:1.415
本刊收录在:中文核心期刊要目总览(2008 年版)
本刊邮局发行,邮发代号 54─45。每册 50 元,全年订价 300 元。国内统一刊号:CN62-1038/P,
本馆索书号:P5/39 馆藏地:西康校区四楼 江宁校区二楼
2.每篇论文必须包括题目、作者姓名、作者单位及邮政编码、中英文摘要和关键词(3~5 个)、
向及 E-mail),并请在文稿首页地脚处注明论文所属项目:国家、省、部级重大科技项目和攻关项目、
3.论文摘要尽量写成报道性的(250 字左右),应具有独立性与自含性,英文摘要应包括题目、
作者姓名(汉语拼音)、作者单位译名、摘要正文(相当于中文 1000 字)、关键词。
4.文稿篇幅(含图表)一般不超过 8000 字,文中量和单位一律使用中华人民共和国法定计量单
5.文中图、表应有自明性。图件请提供矢量图或能够被 Coreldraw 软件处理的格式,如用其他
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GB/7714-2005 标准执行。(1)专著:作者(编者).书名.版本(首版不注)[M].出版地:出版者,出版年:
过 3 人时全部写出,超过者只写前 3 名,后加“等”或“et al”;外文作者或编者书写时,姓前名后,
8.通信地址:兰州市东岗西路 260 号《沉积学报》编辑部 邮编:730000
E-mail: cjxb@ns.lzb.ac.cn
大地构造与成矿学[季刊]=GEOTECTONICA et METALLOGENIA.—广州:《大地构造与成矿
(510640).45.00 元
提示: CSCD 核心库(C)
本刊收录在:中国科学引文数据库核心库-CSCD(2009 年版)
本刊收录在:中国科技期刊引证报告(2007 年版)
提示: 《引证报告》2007 年版影响因子: 1.906
本刊收录在:中国科技期刊引证报告(2008 年版)
提示: 《引证报告》2008 年版影响因子:2.323
本刊收录在:中国科技期刊引证报告(2009 年版)
提示: 《引证报告》2009 年扩刊版影响因子:1.790
本刊收录在:中国科技期刊引证报告(2010 年版)
提示: 《引证报告》2010 年版影响因子:1.602
本刊收录在:中文核心期刊要目总览(2004 年版)
提示: 排序:地质学 - 第 25 位
本刊收录在:中文核心期刊要目总览(2008 年版)
提示: 排序:地质学 - 第 23 位
科学院资深院士陈国达先生于 1977 年创办(创刊名为《成矿研究》,1979 年改为现刊名),1984
年起公开发行,1989 年起由科学出版社出版。
本刊国内发行,邮发代号 82-297,单价 45 元,全年定价 180 元。国内统一刊号:CN44-1595/P。
本馆索书号:P5/87 馆藏地:西康校区四楼 江宁校区二楼
名、性别、出生年份、学位、职称、专业或主要研究方向以及联系电话和 Email 地址);
论文摘要字数要求在 400 左右,写作规范应当尽量避免使用过于专业化的词汇、特殊符号
一级标题用 1,2,3……表示,二级标题用 1.1,1.2,1.3……表示,依此类推,顶格书写.
6. 关于插图
(1)文中的插图尽量提供可编辑的 *.cdr 格式的图形文件(不允许把 *.jpg 和 *.tif 格式
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果是照片或扫描的图片要提供分辨率在 500dpi 以上的 .jpg 或 .tif 格式的图形文件(彩色格式务
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Times New Roman 字体(8 pt)
;线条粗细上:一般线条为 0.2mm,断层等特殊线条 0.35mm。
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7. 关于表格
(1)本刊参考文献采用作者 - 出版年制,文内引用格式:单作者为(作者,出版年),双
作者为(作者 1 和作者 2 ,出版年)
,三个及以上作者为(作者 1 等,出版年)。
例如以下示范的参考文献,在正文中引用时的格式应为:(蔡文俊, 1986 ),(舒良树和王玉
净, 2003 )
(韦振权等, 2006 )
, ( Maniar and Piccolli, 1989 ), (Samson et al., 2004) , ( Sylvester,
1998 ) 等。
① 中英文参考文献分开排列,中文在前,英文在后。以作者姓氏的汉语拼音或第一个英文字
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③ 多作者时务必列出全部作者名,不能以“等”字省略。书写外文作者或编者时,姓前名后,
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编辑部地址:邮编:510640 广州市 天河区 五山 科华街 511 号:
电话/传真:020-85290272 85290020 电子信箱: ddgz@gig.ac.cn 或 ddgz02@163.com
本刊网址: http://www.ddgzyckx.com/
地层学杂志[季刊]=JOURNAL OF STRATIGRAPHY/全国地层委员会;中国科学院南京地
质.—南京:地层学杂志编辑委员会.30.00 元
CN32-1187 /P
提示: CSCD 扩展库(C)
本刊收录在:中国科学引文数据库核心库-CSCD(2009 年版)
本刊收录在:中国科技期刊引证报告(2007 年版)
提示: 《引证报告》2007 年版影响因子: 0.641
本刊收录在:中国科技期刊引证报告(2008 年版)
提示: 《引证报告》2008 年版影响因子:1.037
本刊收录在:中国科技期刊引证报告(2009 年版)
提示: 《引证报告》2009 年扩刊版影响因子:1.102
本刊收录在:中国科技期刊引证报告(2010 年版)
提示: 《引证报告》2010 年版影响因子:0.522
本刊收录在:中文核心期刊要目总览(2004 年版)
提示: 排序:地质学 - 第 22 位
本刊收录在:中文核心期刊要目总览(2008 年版)
提示: 排序:地质学 - 第 21 位
《地层学杂志》创刊于 1966 年,是地层学(含生物地层学、岩石地层学、磁性地层学、
本刊国内发行,国内邮发代号 2-834,国外邮发代号 Q79,单价 30 元,全年定价 120 元。国内
统一刊号:CN32-1187 /P。
本馆索书号:P5/25 馆藏地:西康校区四楼 江宁校区二楼
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图、表必须在文稿中留有位置,并标明中英文图题、表题,图表宽度为 8cm 或 17cm。插图须打
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7. 其他未明事宜,或著者有特殊要求,尽可向本刊提出,编辑部将妥加处理。
地球化学[双月刊]= Chinese Journal of Geochemistry/中国科学院广州地球化学研究所;中国矿
.32.00 元
ISSN 0379-1726 CN 44-1398/P
本刊收录在:Ei Compendex (2010 年)
本刊收录在:Ei Compendex (2008 年)
本刊邮局发行,每册 32 元,全年订价 192 元。国内统一刊号:CN 44-1398/P
本馆索书号:P5/30 馆藏地:西康校区四楼
通信地址:广州五山 1131 信箱 邮政编码:510640
话:020-85290703 85290046
地球科学[双月刊]= Earth/中国地质大学.—武汉:《地球科学--中国地质大学学报》编辑部,
.10.00 元
ISSN 1000-2383 CN 42-1233/P
本刊收录在:Ei Compendex (2010 年)
本刊收录在:Ei Compendex (2008 年)
本刊收录在:中国科学引文数据库核心库-CSCD(2009 年版)
本刊收录在:中国科技期刊引证报告(2007 年版)
影响因子: 1.023
本刊收录在:中国科技期刊引证报告(2008 年版)
本刊收录在:中国科技期刊引证报告(2009 年版)
本刊收录在:中国科技期刊引证报告(2010 年版)
本刊收录在:中文核心期刊要目总览(2004 年版)
排序:地质学 - 第 3 位
本刊收录在:中文核心期刊要目总览(2008 年版)
排序:地质学 - 第 7 位
基础地质、应用地质、资源与环境地质及地学工程技术研究成果为主要任务。自 1981 年复刊 20 多
科学研究前沿,努力探索编辑规律,积极扶植新学科,策划最优选题计划。20 多年来《地球科学
——中国地质大学学报》中文版从不定期到双月刊,从中文版到英文版,1990 年首次出版了中国高
校第一本大开本外文版学报。学报与国际 156 个国家地区和单位建立订购交换关系,多年来一直受
本刊邮局发行,每册 10 元,全年订价 60 元。国内统一刊号:CN42-1233/P
本馆索书号:P5/8 馆藏地:西康校区四楼 江宁校区二楼
论,将在 3 个月内决定刊用与否.3 个月后(以收稿邮戳为凭)作者未收到编辑部的答复,可自行处理,
国学术期刊光盘版》和 ChinaInfo《电子期刊》.
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6.本编辑部自 2003 年 11 月 1 日起收取投稿评审费:《地球科学》(中文版)每篇 50 元,
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第四纪研究[双月刊]= Quaternary Sciencesg/中国科学院地质与地球物理研究所,中国第四纪
.60.00 元
ISSN 1001-7410 CN 11-2708/P
本刊收录在:中国科技期刊引证报告(2007 年版)
影响因子: 《引证报告》2007 年版影响因子: 1.478
本刊收录在:中国科技期刊引证报告(2008 年版)
影响因子: 《引证报告》2008 年版影响因子:1.78
本刊收录在:中国科技期刊引证报告(2009 年版)
影响因子: 《引证报告》2009 年扩刊版影响因子:2.642
本刊收录在:中国科技期刊引证报告(2010 年版)
影响因子: 《引证报告》2010 年版影响因子:2.496
本刊收录在:中文核心期刊要目总览(2008 年版)
邮发代号 82─428。
每册 60 元,
全年订价 360 元。国内统一刊号:CN CN11-2708/P,
作者单位、邮政编码;2)文首的中文摘要(约 200 字)及主题词;3)首页地脚处的第一作者简介
(姓名、性别、年龄、职称、从事专业和 E-mail 地址)、资助来源(注明批准号);4)文末的参考
文献;5)英文摘要约 500 字,包括:研究地区,研究对象或内容(什么样品等)和研究方法,以
2.文稿篇幅(含图表)一般不超过 20000 字。文中的计量单位一律使用《中华人民共和国法
4.正文中的各级标题一律左起顶格写,层次划分形式用:1;1.1;1.1.1 等表示,后边空一字
图应标明深度,剖面图应标明方向和深度。彩色图版原则上不超过 3 幅,长×宽不超过 25cm×17cm。
考文献的著录格式如下:1)专著:作者(或编者). 书名. 版次(第一版不著录). 出版地:出版
社,出版年. 本文参考页码;2)文集:作者. 题目. 见(In):编者. 文集名. 版次. 出版地:出版社,
出版年. 起止页码;3)连续出版物(中文文献或期刊要按原文写成英文附在其后)
:作者. 题目. 期
刊名(外文刊名写全称, 斜体)
参考文献中的作者、编者、译者不超过 3 人时全部写出,超过者只写前 3 名,后加“等”或“et
7.通信地址:北京 9825 信箱(或北京朝阳区北土城西路19号)《第四纪研究》编辑部 编
辑部 邮编:100029
E-mail:dsj@mail.igcas.ac.cn 或者 dsjs@mail.igcas.ac.cn
地球学报[双月刊]= Acta Geoscientica Sinica /中国地质科学院.—北京:《地球学报》编辑部,
.40.00 元
ISSN 1006-3021
CN 11-3474/P
本刊收录在:中国科学引文数据库核心库-CSCD(2009 年版)
本刊收录在:中国科技期刊引证报告(2007 年版)
影响因子: 《引证报告》2007 年版影响因子: 0.776
本刊收录在:中国科技期刊引证报告(2008 年版)
影响因子: 《引证报告》2008 年版影响因子:1.278
本刊收录在:中国科技期刊引证报告(2009 年版)
影响因子: 《引证报告》2009 年扩刊版影响因子:1.241
本刊收录在:中国科技期刊引证报告(2010 年版)
影响因子: 《引证报告》2010 年版影响因子:0.903
本刊收录在:中文核心期刊要目总览(2008 年版)
《地球学报》是中国地质科学院主办的地球科学综合性学术期刊,1979 年创刊。栏目设
本刊邮局发行,邮发代号 82─53。每册 40 元,全年订价 240 元。国内统一刊号:CN 11-3474/P,
国外代号: BM5642
本馆索书号:P5/86 馆藏地:西康校区四楼 江宁校区二楼
1.论文题目:简明扼要、概括主题,一般不超过 20 个字。中、英文对照。
2.论文作者:只列出主要参加者,多单位作者时,分别按单位用 1)、2)、3)……序号在作者姓
者用 1)、2)、3)……序号按单位依序列出。
5.摘要:包括研究目的、方法、结果和结论 4 要素,尤其要突出其创新性的成果。中文摘要
以 200~400 字为宜。鉴于本刊被多家国外网站收录,为方便非中文读者,英文摘要可增加到 600~1200
6.关键词:3~8 个。中、英文对照。
8.正文的引言或概述部分不设序号和标题。各级标题分别用 1、 1.1、 1.1.1 格式书写,四级
以下不设专门序号和标题,可用⑴、①等划分层次。使用国家法定计量单位(GB 3100~3002—1993)
10.插图、表格尺寸双栏排≤8 cm,通栏排≤17 cm×24 cm。① 图、表名称及图例说明为中、
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13.本刊采用“著者-出版年制”标注参考文献,数量一般不少于 10 篇,以 15~35 篇为宜。参
与英文参考文献一起按字母顺序排列,并在该文献后用括号注明(in Chinese)或(in Chinese with
English abstract)
语名后不加缩写点,空 1 个字母的间隔,书名和论文名中首字母一律大写。作者应对所引文献的完
14.通信地址:北京市西城区百万庄大街 26 号,中国地质科学院《地球学报》编辑部 邮编:
投稿网址: www.cagsbulletin.com 或 www.地球学报.com
E-mail: dqxb@hotmail.com
地球与环境[季刊]= Earth and Environment/中国科学院地球化学研究所.—贵阳:《地球与
环境》编辑部.(550002)80 元
ISSN 1672-9250
CN 52-1139/P
提示: CSCD 核心库(C)
本刊收录在:中国科学引文数据库核心库-CSCD(2009 年版)
本刊收录在:中国科技期刊引证报告(2007 年版)
提示: 《引证报告》2007 年版影响因子: 0.448
本刊收录在:中国科技期刊引证报告(2008 年版) 提示: 《引证报告》2008 年版影响因子:0.543
本刊收录在:中国科技期刊引证报告(2009 年版) 提示: 《引证报告》2009 年扩刊版影响因
本刊收录在:中国科技期刊引证报告(2010 年版) 提示: 《引证报告》2010 年版影响因子:0.705
本刊收录在: 中文核心期刊要目总览(2008 年版) 提示: 排序:地质学 - 第 30 位
《地球与环境》由中国科学院地球化学研究所主办,原名为《地质地球化学》,创刊于 1973
年,为一份报道国内外地质地球化学最新研究进展的情报刊物,深受广大读者的喜爱。1997 年,转
《地质地球化学》从 2004 年起更名为《地
本刊为季刊,大 16 开,出版时间为每个季度末月中旬。
本刊国内发行,邮发代号 66-26,单价 20 元,全年定价 80 元。国内统一刊号:CN52-1139/P。
馆藏地:西康校区四楼 江宁校区二楼
2 .来稿要求语言通顺,逻辑严密,论点明确,数据可靠。每篇论文必须附有中、英文提要和
中、英文图表题。英文提要篇幅要求 600 个英文单词量左右,其内容要求“拥有与论文同等量的主
3 .每篇论文必须按《中国图书馆图书分类法》
(第 3 版)确定本文的专业分类号。
4. 论文首页脚注内容包括:项目来源及基金号,第一作者 E-mail 地址。
5. 特别欢迎中外合作或国外资助项目的具有较高学术水平的成果论文,非国内省部级及其以
6 .文中的量和单位要使用中华人民共和国法定计量单位,外文字母符号的大、小写,正、斜
7. 插图要求线条圆滑,着墨要黑;图中出现的文字、数字尽量少,决不能重叠;地名、数据
8. 凡涉及国界和领土权益的图件,均须以中国地图出版社最新出版的地图作为本图件的底图。
9. 参考文献排列为先中文后英文,中文文献按笔划顺序排;英文文献按字母顺序列。参考文
专著包括:作者(三个作者或以下者全写上,三个以上者在第三个作者后加等或 et al),年份.
书名.版本(第 1 版不著录).出版地:出版者,起止页码
论文集包括:作者,年份.文章题名.见(In):编者.论文集名(多卷集需写出卷号). 出版地:
10. 稿件文责自负。凡编辑部对稿件所做的实质内容的修改须经作者同意。
11. 本刊欢迎网络投稿,投稿时请推荐 4-5 个审稿人。稿件收到后即通知作者。审稿优秀者优
通讯地址:贵阳市观水路 46 号
地学前缘[双月刊]= Earth Science Frontiers /中国地质大学;北京大学.—北京:
.50.00 元
ISSN 1005-2321
CN 11-3370/P
CSCD 核心库(C)
本刊收录在:中国科学引文数据库核心库-CSCD(2009 年版)
本刊收录在:中国科技期刊引证报告(2007 年版)
《引证报告》2007 年版影响因子: 1.447
本刊收录在:中国科技期刊引证报告(2008 年版)
《引证报告》2008 年版影响因子:2.306
本刊收录在:中国科技期刊引证报告(2009 年版)
《引证报告》2009 年扩刊版影响因子:2.079
本刊收录在:中国科技期刊引证报告(2010 年版)
《引证报告》2010 年版影响因子:1.629
本刊收录在:中文核心期刊要目总览(2004 年版)
排序:地质学 - 第 4 位
本刊收录在:中文核心期刊要目总览(2008 年版)
排序:地质学 - 第 4 位
本刊邮局发行,邮发代号 2-368。每册 50 元,全年订价 300 元。国内统一刊号:CN 11-3370/P,
本馆索书号:P5/12 馆藏地:西康校区四楼 江宁校区二楼
1 来稿要求
1.1 稿件内容:论文要求有一定的文献量分析作基础,展现国内外前缘研究态势,分析时应重
精练,一般在 9000 字以内,要有 300~400 字的中文摘要和与之对应的英文摘要,并各配 3~8 个
1.2 来稿注意事项:
1.3 参考文献写法:参考文献著录格式采用顺序编码制,文献按在正文中出现的先后顺序编号,
(6)参考文献中的作者、编者、译者不超过 3 人时全部
写出,超过者只写前 3 名,后加“等”或“et al”;书写外文作者或编者时,姓前名后,姓首字母大
1.4 交稿方式:正文及图件均需提交电子文档和打印件(正文请存为*.doc 或*.pdf 格式)
图排于正文后,每图必须提供单独的图文件;图件建议使用 CorelDRAW 或 Illustrator 软件制图(存
为*.cdr 或*.eps 格式)
,如用其他软件绘图,请转成*.tif 文件格式;图中使用线段比例尺,汉字用华
文中宋或宋体(一般为 7.8 磅或 6 号)
,西文及数字用 Times New Roman 体(7.8 磅或 6 号),图中
2 投稿约定
(1)要在本刊公告的截稿期前交稿。编辑部收到稿件后将在截稿期后 2 个月决定是否刊用并
来稿请寄:100083 北京市学院路 29 号中国地质大学(北京) 《地学前缘》编辑部
(010)82322973 E-mail: frontier@cugb.edu.cn
《地质科技情报》编辑部.15.00 元
提示: CSCD 核心库(C)
本刊收录在:中国科学引文数据库核心库-CSCD(2009 年版)
本刊收录在:中国科技期刊引证报告(2007 年版)
提示: 《引证报告》2007 年版影响因子: 0.421
本刊收录在:中国科技期刊引证报告(2008 年版)
提示: 《引证报告》2008 年版影响因子:0.737
本刊收录在:中国科技期刊引证报告(2009 年版)
提示: 《引证报告》2009 年扩刊版影响因子:0.756
本刊收录在:中国科技期刊引证报告(2010 年版)
提示: 《引证报告》2010 年版影响因子:0.782
本刊收录在:中文核心期刊要目总览(2004 年版)
提示: 排序:地质学 - 第 14 位
本刊收录在:中文核心期刊要目总览(2008 年版)
提示: 排序:地质学 - 第 22 位
本刊国内发行,邮发代号 38-130,单价 15 元,全年定价 90 元。国内统一刊号:CN42-1240/P。
本馆索书号:P5/42 馆藏地:西康校区四楼 江宁校区二楼
表科普作品、实验报告及读书报告。文章应精炼,全文所占版面字数不应超过 8 000 字。
7. 参考文献采用顺序编码制,即按其在文章中出现的先后顺序编号,所列参考文献必须是作
者直接阅读过的文献,并标引在正文中。一般情况下,参考文献不低于 20 篇,其中 2000 年后
的文献要超过 50%,英文超过 50%。作者项中应列出前 3 名作者,姓在前(全称)名在后(外国人
名用缩写),多于 3 名作者的,只写前 3 名,后加“等”或“et al”
(1)图书:作者.书名[M]. 译者.出版地:出版社.出版年.
沈振荣,张瑜芳,杨诗秀,等.水资源科学实验与研究[M]. 北京:中国科学技术出版社,1992.
甘义群,李小倩,周爱国,等.黑河流域地下水氘过量参数特征 [J].地质科技情报, 2008,
Lakea I R , Lovetta A A , Hiscockb K M , et al. Evaluating factors influencing groundwater
vulnerability to nitrate pollution : Developing the potential of GIS[J]. Journal
of Environment Management , 2003 , 68(1) : 315 - 328.
(3)论文集:作者.文章名[C]//编者.论文集名称. 出版地:出版社. 出版年:页码.
YIN Jixing, XU Juntao, LIU Chengjie, et al. The Tibetan plateau: Regional stratigraphic
context and previouswork [C]//The Geologic Evolution of Tibet. Report of the 1985 royal
society—academia sinica geotraverse of the Qinghai-Xizang Plateau. Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press,1988:5-52.
张丛. 黔中隆起及周缘志留纪层序地层格架及其古地理背景[D]. 北京:中国地质大学, 2006 .
(1)请勿一稿两投,本刊编辑部自收稿之日起,将在 2 个月内决定刊用与否,如果超过 2
个 月 没 有 收 到 任 何 通 知, 请 知 会 编 辑 部 , 编 辑部 电 话 : 027-67885048 ,027-67884173 ,
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用 CorelDRAW8 清绘。
地质科学[季刊]= Chinese Journal of Geology/中国科学院地质与地球物理研究所.—北京:
.60.00 元
ISSN 0563-5020
CN 11-1937/P
本刊收录在:中国科技期刊引证报告(2007 年版)
影响因子: 《引证报告》2007 年版影响因子: 2.212
本刊收录在:中国科技期刊引证报告(2008 年版)
影响因子: 《引证报告》2008 年版影响因子:4.359
本刊收录在:中国科技期刊引证报告(2009 年版)
影响因子: 《引证报告》2009 年扩刊版影响因子:3.550
本刊收录在:中国科技期刊引证报告(2010 年版)
影响因子: 《引证报告》2010 年版影响因子:2.735
本刊收录在:中文核心期刊要目总览(2008 年版)
本刊邮局发行,邮发代号 2─392。每册 60 元,全年订价 240 元。国内统一刊号:CN11-1937/P,
本馆索书号:P5/5 馆藏地:西康校区四楼 江宁校区二楼
者单位、邮政编码;2)文首的中文摘要(约 200—250 字)
,关键词 3—8 个;3)首页地脚处的第
一作者简介(姓名、性别、出生年月、职称、从事专业和 E-mail 地址)、资助来源(注明批准号);
2.文稿篇幅(含图表)一般不超过 20000 字。文中的量符号一律采用斜体字母;矢量、张量
4.正文中的各级标题一律左起顶格写,层次划分形式用:1;1.1;1.1.1 等表示,后边空一字
图应标明方向和深度。彩色图版原则上不超过 3 幅,长×宽不超过 25cm×17cm。照片要求图像清
作者,姓或名和名与名缩写字母之间“空一字距,不加缩写点”;5)标点符号如下:a. 连续出版物:
作者.出版年.题名.期刊名,卷号(期号):起止页码.;b. 专著:作者(或编者). 出版年.书名. 版
次(首版不注).出版地:出版社. 起止页码.;c. 文集:作者. 出版年. 题名. 见:编者. 文集名. 出
版地:出版社.起止页码.;d. 译著:作者.原著出版年.中译书名.出版地:出版社. 起止页码.;e. 学
位论文:作者.毕业年.题目:〔学位论文〕.保存地:保存单位.总页码。f. 外文书名、文集名中的实
均小写;6)图件要求最好使用 Illustrate , CorelDraw 软件绘制,保存为 tif 文件形式;照片 jpg 形式。
7.通信地址:北京 9825 信箱 邮编:100092
E-mail: dzkx@mail.igcas.ac.cn
地质论评 [双月刊]= Geological Review/ 中国地质学会 .—北京:《地质论评》编辑委员会,
.50.00 元
ISSN 0371-5736 CN 11-1952/P
CSCD 核心库(C)
本刊收录在:中国科学引文数据库核心库-CSCD(2009 年版)
本刊收录在:中国科技期刊引证报告(2007 年版)
《引证报告》2007 年版影响因子: 1.495
本刊收录在:中国科技期刊引证报告(2008 年版)
《引证报告》2008 年版影响因子:1.773
本刊收录在:中国科技期刊引证报告(2009 年版)
《引证报告》2009 年扩刊版影响因子:1.648
本刊收录在:中国科技期刊引证报告(2010 年版)
《引证报告》2010 年版影响因子:1.47
本刊收录在:中文核心期刊要目总览(2004 年版)
排序:地质学 - 第 1 位
本刊收录在:中文核心期刊要目总览(2008 年版)
排序:地质学 - 第 3 位
本刊邮局发行,邮发代号 2-382。每册 50 元,全年订价 300 元。国内统一刊号:CN11-1952/P,
本馆索书号:P5/13 馆藏地:西康校区四楼 江宁校区二楼
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三. 对投稿内容的要求:
(1) 题目:文章标题要力求精炼、准确,一般不超过 25 个汉字。
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(6) 引言:本刊不标“引言”字样,但必须有引言节,交代清楚本文(研究)的目的,简要介
(7) 正文:一般应有地质背景、研究方法、研究结果、讨论、结论等几个部分(尤其对投向英
(8) 图和表:为了使论文清晰明了,应多用图和表。注意,首次发表的数据必须列表给出,不
时应优先选择以下 3 个尺寸:80mm(单栏)、168mm(通栏)、240mm(卧排),最大尺寸为 168mm×
“(黄汲清,1978,1984;黄汲清等,1983;Смирнов,1986; 李春昱,1959;李春昱
等,1980;Smith et al.,1990,1992,1996;Иванов и др., 1999)”(同时列出多篇文献时,
质论评》自 2006 年起已取消非西文参考文献的英文翻译。所有文献均放在“参考文献/References”
出,论文集中的论文写“见:XXX 主编.”项时,指明主编一人即可(“见:XXX 等主编.”)。
每一条文献的列出格式请参照我刊 2001 年以来的文章。
(13) 作者简介: 主要介绍作者的学术经历,自 1998 年起增加了电话、电子信箱、传真等,
(14) 图版:本刊图版集中用铜版纸印刷,放于文末,图版尺寸为 168mm×240mm(包括一行
图版说明: XXX 等:文章题目 图版 Ⅰ), 图版的分幅照片(子图)我刊用阿拉伯数码编号。每
地质通报[月刊]= Geological Bulletin of China/中国地质调查局.—北京:《地质通报》编辑部,
.20.00 元
ISSN 1671-2552
CN 11-4648/P
本刊收录在:中国科技期刊引证报告(2007 年版)
影响因子: 《引证报告》2007 年版影响因子: 1.398
本刊收录在:中国科技期刊引证报告(2008 年版)
影响因子: 《引证报告》2008 年版影响因子:1.367
本刊收录在:中国科技期刊引证报告(2009 年版)
影响因子: 《引证报告》2009 年扩刊版影响因子:1.226
本刊收录在:中国科技期刊引证报告(2010 年版)
影响因子: 《引证报告》2010 年版影响因子:1.373
本刊收录在:中文核心期刊要目总览(2008 年版)
本刊邮局发行,邮发代号 2─767。每册 20 元,全年订价 240 元。国内统一刊号:CN11-4648/P
本馆索书号:P5/47-2 馆藏地:西康校区四楼 江宁校区二楼
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8.通信地址:北京市西城区阜外大街 45 号院 邮编:100037
地质学报 [月刊]= Acta geologica sinica /中国地质学会.—北京:《地质学报》编辑部,
.50.00 元
ISSN 0001-5717
CN 11-1951/P
本刊收录在:Web of Science - SCIE, SSCI, A&HCI (2009 年)
本刊收录在:Web of Science - SCIE, SSCI, A&HCI (2008 年)
本刊收录在 Web of Science:SCIE(2009 版)
Impact Factor: 1.408 ; Rank: 3693
Impact Factor:1.172; 5-Year Impact Factor:1.309
CSCD 核心库(C)
本刊收录在:中国科学引文数据库核心库-CSCD(2009 年版)
本刊邮局发行,邮发代号 2-113。每册 50 元,全年订价 600 元。国内统一刊号:CN 11-1951/P
本馆索书号:P5/10 馆藏地:西康校区四楼 江宁校区二楼
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1. 正文:长度不限。一般应有地质背景、研究方法、研究结果、讨论、结论等几部分(尤其对
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3. 参考文献:本刊采用著者
“(黄汲清,1978,1984;黄汲清等,1983;Смирнов,1986; 李春昱,1959;李春昱等,1980;
Smith et al.,1990,1992,1996;Иванов и др., 1999)”(同时列出多篇文献时,次序按年
代先后)。 所有文献均放在“参考文献”标题之下。文种按中文、
出,其中的论文写“见:XXX 主编.”项时,指明主编一人即可(“见:XXX 等主编.”)。每一条文献
的列出格式请参照我刊 2001 年以来的文章。
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6. 作者简介:主要介绍作者的学术经历,自 1998 年起增加了电话、电子信箱、传真等,便于
7. 图版:本刊图版集中用铜版纸印刷,图版尺寸为 170mm×240mm(包括一行图版说明: XXX
等:文章题目 图版 Ⅰ), 图版的分幅照片应用阿拉伯数码编号。每一图幅的说明集中列于论文的
地质与勘探[双月刊]= Geology and Prospecting/中国冶金工业部地质勘查总局;有色金属
《地质与勘探》编辑部,(100025).25.00 元
提示: CSCD 扩展库(C)
本刊收录在:中国科学引文数据库核心库-CSCD(2009 年版)
本刊收录在:中国科技期刊引证报告(2007 年版)
提示: 《引证报告》2007 年版影响因子: 0.5
本刊收录在:中国科技期刊引证报告(2008 年版)
提示: 《引证报告》2008 年版影响因子:0.751
提示: 《引证报告》2009 年扩刊版影响因子:0.671
本刊收录在:中国科技期刊引证报告(2010 年版)
提示: 《引证报告》2010 年版影响因子:0.822
本刊收录在:中文核心期刊要目总览(2004 年版)
提示: 排序:地质学 - 第 15 位
本刊收录在:中文核心期刊要目总览(2008 年版)
提示: 排序:地质学 - 第 19 位
术水准的期刊杂志,具有 CN 和 ISSN 刊号,杂志期刊刊号可以在国家新闻出版署查询。地质与勘探
本刊国内发行,邮发代号:82-504,单价 25 元,全年定价 150 元。国内统一刊号:CN 11-204
本馆索书号:P5/2 馆藏地:西康校区四楼 江宁校区二楼
二、不要超过 10000 字为宜,精粹的短篇,尤为欢迎。
其他相关注释可用脚注在当页标注。参考文献的著录应执行国家标准 GB7714-87 的规定,采用顺序
高校地质学报[季刊]= Geological Journal of China Universities /南京大学.—南京:《高校地质
.20.00 元
ISSN 1006-7493
CN 32-1440/P
本刊收录在:中国科技期刊引证报告(2007 年版)
影响因子: 《引证报告》2007 年版影响因子: 1.388
本刊收录在:中国科技期刊引证报告(2008 年版)
影响因子: 《引证报告》2008 年版影响因子:1.621
本刊收录在:中国科技期刊引证报告(2009 年版)
影响因子: 《引证报告》2009 年扩刊版影响因子:1.326
本刊收录在:中文核心期刊要目总览(2008 年版)
每册 20 元,全年订价 80 元。国内统一刊号:CN32-1440/P
1.正文 以客观事实反映在相关领域研究中所取得的新进展。其论点明确、论据充分可靠;文
的地点、方法、条件及误差范围等。每篇论文最好控制在 1.5 万字以内(含图、表)。
2.摘要 以第三人称简要报道论文的研究目的、方法、结果和结论等实质性研究内容,无需评
。给出 3~8 个关键词。为了加强国际间学术交流,英文摘要
要求与中文摘要内容对应;篇幅需要 300~400 单词,不少于 0.5 印刷版。
3.图表 图名、图例说明和表名需注相应的英译文;图件必须线条圆滑、字符清晰,请选用
Arial 和细黑字体,字号大小按层次选在 6~5 号字之间;计算机绘图希望采用 cdr 矢量图,并请建
4.参考文献 著录格式采用“作者·出版年”制,正文中引用的所有文献、资料(包括图、表
献的第一作者姓氏首字母(或汉语拼音发音)A-Z 顺序排序。参考文献只列文中引用公开出版的文
用[M],博士论文用[D]等。例如:刘昌实,陈小明,王汝成. 2003. 广东从化石岭方钠石正长岩同位
素计年及其起源[J]. 地质论评, 49 (1): 28-39.
6.首页脚注 请注明:1)文章资助项目名称和编号;2)第一作者简介,包括姓名,性别,出
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9.录用 来稿通过评审并决定录用后,本刊将及时反馈作者。作者在接到修改意见后的 20 天
内应将修改稿件、修改说明和 cdr 图件一并上传。已录用的稿件,版权即归本刊编辑部,作者不可
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11.发表 文章发表后,本刊将向作者赠送论文的 PDF 电子文档和当期印刷刊物 1 本。
12.通信地址:南京市汉口路 22 号,南京大学东南楼 251 邮编:210093
古地理学报[双月刊]= Journal of Palaeogeography /中国石油大学;中国矿物岩石地球化学
.40.00 元
ISSN 1671-1505
提示: CSCD 扩展库(E)
本刊收录在:中国科技期刊引证报告(2007 年版)
提示: 《引证报告》2007 年版影响因子: 1.311
本刊收录在:中国科技期刊引证报告(2008 年版)
提示: 《引证报告》2008 年版影响因子:1.794
本刊收录在:中国科技期刊引证报告(2009 年版)
提示: 《引证报告》2009 年扩刊版影响因子:1.585
本刊收录在:中国科技期刊引证报告(2010 年版)
提示: 《引证报告》2010 年版影响因子:1.508
本刊收录在:中文核心期刊要目总览(2008 年版)
提示: 排序:地质学 - 第 28 位
球科学类期刊,1999 年创刊;主要刊登国内外古地理学及其相关学科或相关学术领域的文章,以及
本刊国内发行,邮发代号 2-739,单价 40 元,全年定价 240.国内统一刊号:CN11-4678/P。
学术论文的字数(图表在内)不作严格限制,以讲清楚文章内容为准,一般以 6~10 页(10000~
18000 字)为宜。
字)、关键词 (3~8 个)、第一作者简介(姓名、性别、出生年、最后学历、工作单位、职称、从事
5.打印稿件应用大 16 开(A 4)纸打印,正文用 5 号字,每页不超过 40 行,每行不超过 40 个
6.图最好用 CorelDraw 格式,来稿中的图幅大小即出版图幅大小,最大图幅不要超过 170 mm
×240 mm,排在正文之中,不是附在正文之后。图中的最小字号不要小于 6 号,文字、线条和花纹
8.表的大小亦不要超过 170 mm×240 mm,排在正文之中,不是附在正文之后。表中字号不要
小于 6 号。正确使用物理量的名称及其单位。中文表名和英文表名排在表之上。
期刊:作者姓名(作者不超过 3 人时全部写出,超过 3 人时只写前 3 人,后加“等”字,作者姓
10.稿件可由以下 4 个渠道投送本刊:①本刊网站:http://gdlxb.cup.edu.cn;②本刊电子信
寄 2 份至北京市学院路 20 号中国石油大学
地理学报》编辑部,邮编 100083,电话 010-62396246;④直接送 2 份到本刊编辑部。请作者在稿
供纸质修改稿 2 份,并提供修改稿、图件(Coredraw 格式)和图版的电子文档。作者可到网站上直接
20 册及该期学报 2 册。
吉林大学学报.地球科学版[双月刊]= Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition)/ 吉林
.30.00 元
ISSN 1671-5888
CN 22-1343/P
本刊收录在:Ei Compendex (2010 年)
本刊收录在:中国科技期刊引证报告(2007 年版)
影响因子: 《引证报告》2007 年版影响因子: 0.667
本刊收录在:中国科技期刊引证报告(2008 年版)
影响因子: 《引证报告》2008 年版影响因子:0.701
本刊收录在:中国科技期刊引证报告(2009 年版)
影响因子: 《引证报告》2009 年扩刊版影响因子:0.545
本刊收录在:中国科技期刊引证报告(2010 年版)
影响因子: 《引证报告》2010 年版影响因子:0.772
本刊收录在:中文核心期刊要目总览(2008 年版)
学术期刊。它创刊于 1956 年,创刊时刊名为《长春地质学院学报》;1998 年随学校更名改为《长春
;2002 年,再次更名为《吉林大学学报(地球科学版)》
本刊邮局发行,邮发代号 12─22。每册 30 元,全年订价 180 元。国内统一刊号:CN11-1882/TV,
馆藏地:西康校区四楼 江宁校区二楼
3.论文摘要须写成报道性文摘,包括目的、方法、结果、结论4部分(200~500 字),文摘应
、关键词(并提供至少一个 EI 控制词(controlled
4.文稿篇幅(含图表)一般不超过 1 万字,文中量和单位必须使用法定计量单位,外文字母
图例等内容齐全。图中文字(汉字用宋体,数字和字母用 Times New Roman 体;字号相当于 Word 文
内侧,标目中的量和单位间用斜线如:t/s,变量字母 t 用斜体。凡涉及国界线的图件必须绘制在地
图出版社公开出版的最新地理底图上。图版长×宽不超过 23cm×16cm,照片要求清晰,层次分明。
或“et al.
(1) 专著的著录格式:
例【1】李四光.地质力学概论[M].2 版.北京:科学出版社,1975.
Li Si-guang.Introduction to Geomechanics[M].2nd ed.Beijing:Science Press,1975.
(2) 论文集中析出文献的著录格式:
例【2】郑常青,金巍,张兴洲,等.中国东北松辽盆地西缘韧性断裂带的锆石 SHRIMP 和黑云
母 Ar-Ar 年龄及其大地构造意义[C]//任收麦.东北地区油气地质与矿产资源学术研讨会论文集.长春:
Zheng Chang-qing, Jin Wei, Zhang Xing-zhou, et al. SHRIMP Zircon U-Pb and Lasaer Ar-Ar Biotie
Ages of the Jinxing Ductile Fracture Belt in the Western of the Songliao Basin and Its Tectonic
Implication,NE China[C]//Ren Shou-mai.Workshop on Petroleum Geology and Mineral Resources in
Northeastern Asia.Changchun:Jilin University,2008:81-82.
(3) 连续出版物文献的著录格式:
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例【3】王登红, 唐菊兴,应立娟,等. “五层楼+地下室”找矿模型的适用性及其对深部找矿的
意义[J].吉林大学学报:地球科学版, 2010,40(4): 733-738.
Wang Deng-hong, Tang Ju-xing, Ying Li-juan,et al. Application of “Five Levels + Basement” Model
for Prospecting Deposits into Depth[J].Journal of Jilin University: Earth Science Edition, 2010, 40(4):
733- 738.
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矿床地质[双月刊]= Mineral Deposits /中国地质学会矿床地质专业委员会;中国地质科学院矿床
.50.00 元
ISSN 0258-7106 CN 11-1965/P
本刊收录在:中国科学引文数据库核心库-CSCD(2009 年版)
本刊收录在:中国科技期刊引证报告(2007 年版)
影响因子: 1.213
本刊收录在:中国科技期刊引证报告(2008 年版)
本刊收录在:中国科技期刊引证报告(2009 年版)
本刊收录在:中国科技期刊引证报告(2010 年版)
本刊收录在:中文核心期刊要目总览(2004 年版)
排序:地质学 - 第 8 位
本刊收录在:中文核心期刊要目总览(2008 年版)
排序:地质学 - 第 8 位
《矿床地质》杂志创刊于 1982 年,由中国地质学会矿床地质专业委员会、中国地质科学
本刊邮局发行,每册 50 元,全年订价 300 元。国内统一刊号:CN11-1965/P
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矿物学报[季刊]= Acta Mineralogica Sinica /中国科学院地球化学研究所;中国矿物岩石
地球学学会.—贵州:贵州人民出版社.(550002)20.00 元
ISSN 1000-4734
提示: CSCD 核心库(C)
本刊收录在:中国科学引文数据库核心库-CSCD(2009 年版)
本刊收录在:中国科技期刊引证报告(2007 年版)
提示: 《引证报告》2007 年版影响因子: 0.433
本刊收录在:中国科技期刊引证报告(2008 年版)
提示: 《引证报告》2008 年版影响因子:0.653
本刊收录在:中国科技期刊引证报告(2009 年版)
提示: 《引证报告》2009 年扩刊版影响因子:0.608
本刊收录在:中国科技期刊引证报告(2010 年版)
提示: 《引证报告》2010 年版影响因子:0.695
本刊收录在:中文核心期刊要目总览(2004 年版)
提示: 排序:地质学 - 第 12 位
本刊收录在:中文核心期刊要目总览(2008 年版)
提示: 排序:地质学 - 第 20 位
《矿物学报》创刊于 1981 年,中国科学院地球化学研究所和中国矿物岩石地球化学学会
本刊国内发行,邮发代号 66-17,单价 20 元,全年定价 80 元。国内统一刊号:CN52-1045/P。
本馆索书号:P7/6 馆藏地:西康校区四楼 江宁校区二楼
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矿物岩石[季刊]= Journal of Mineralogy and Petrology /成都理工大学.—成都:《矿物岩
石》编辑部.(610059)5.00 元
ISSN 1001-6872
CN 51-1143/TD
本刊收录在:Ei Compendex (2008 年)
提示: CSCD 核心库(C)
本刊收录在:中国科学引文数据库核心库-CSCD(2009 年版)
本刊收录在:中国科技期刊引证报告(2007 年版)
提示: 《引证报告》2007 年版影响因子: 0.603
本刊收录在:中国科技期刊引证报告(2008 年版)
提示: 《引证报告》2008 年版影响因子:0.801
本刊收录在:中国科技期刊引证报告(2009 年版)
提示: 《引证报告》2009 年扩刊版影响因子:1.125
本刊收录在:中国科技期刊引证报告(2010 年版)
提示: 《引证报告》2010 年版影响因子:0.774
本刊收录在:中文核心期刊要目总览(2004 年版)
提示: 排序:地质学 - 第 24 位
本刊收录在:中文核心期刊要目总览(2008 年版)
提示: 排序:地质学 - 第 26 位
《矿物岩石》创刊于 1980 年。本刊为专业学术性刊物。刊载矿物学、岩石学、矿床地质、
本刊国内发行,邮发代号 62-22,单价 5 元,全年定价 20 元。国内统一刊号:CN51-1143/TD。
成都市二仙桥东三路 1 号成都理工大学
矿物岩石地球化学通报[季刊]= Bulletin of Mineralogy, Petrology and Geochemistry/中国科学
(550002).20.00 元
CN 52-1102/P
提示: CSCD 扩展库(E)
本刊收录在: 中国科技期刊引证报告(2007 年版)
提示: 《引证报告》2007 年版影响因子: 0.758
本刊收录在:中国科技期刊引证报告(2008 年版)
提示: 《引证报告》2008 年版影响因子:1.123
本刊收录在:中国科技期刊引证报告(2009 年版)
提示: 《引证报告》2009 年扩刊版影响因子:0.784
本刊收录在:中国科技期刊引证报告(2010 年版)
提示: 《引证报告》2010 年版影响因子:0.76
本刊收录在:中文核心期刊要目总览(2008 年版)
提示: 排序:地质学 - 第 25 位
简介:本刊原名《矿物岩石地球化学通讯》,创刊于 1981 年 3 月,1995 年经科技部和新闻出版
本刊国内发行,国外代号:BM361,单价 20 元,全年定价 80 元。国内统一刊号:CN52-1102/
本馆索书号:P5 馆藏地:西康校区四楼 江宁校区二楼
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例:[1] 陈雨思. 试论编辑学的研究对象[J] . 编辑学报,1989,1(1)
b.专著、论文集、学位论文:[序号] 主要责任者.文献题名(文献类型标识). 版本(第一
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例: [2] 霍夫斯塔. 禽病学:下册,第七版[M]. 胡禅碧译. 北京:农业出版社, 1982. 798
[3] 胡瑞忠. 华南铂成矿的统一性[A]. 欧阳自远. 中国矿物学岩石学地球化学研究新进展
[C]. 兰州: 兰州大学出版社, 1994. 214-215.
[4] 张竹生. 微分半动力系统的不变集[D]. 北京:北京大学数学系,1983.
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html , 1998-08-16/1998-10-04.
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水文地质工程地质[双月刊]= Hydrogeology & Engineering Geology/中国地质环
境监测院.—北京:《水文地质工程地质》编辑部.8.00 元
ISSN 1000-3665
CN 11-2202/P
提示: CSCD 核心库(C)
本刊收录在:中国科学引文数据库核心库-CSCD(2009 年版)
本刊收录在:中国科技期刊引证报告(2007 年版)
提示: 《引证报告》2007 年版影响因子: 0.391
本刊收录在:中国科技期刊引证报告(2008 年版)
提示: 《引证报告》2008 年版影响因子:0.445
本刊收录在:中国科技期刊引证报告(2009 年版)
提示: 《引证报告》2009 年扩刊版影响因子:0.590
本刊收录在:中国科技期刊引证报告(2010 年版)
提示: 提示: 《引证报告》2010 年版影响因子:0.442
本刊收录在:中文核心期刊要目总览(2004 年版)
提示: 排序:地质学 - 第 27 位,建筑科学 - 第 22 位 0805020316
本刊收录在:中文核心期刊要目总览(2008 年版)
提示: 排序:地质学 - 第 24 位
简介:水文地质工程地质》1957 年创刊,是国土资源部主管,中国地质环境监测院主办的, 我
本刊国内发行,邮发代号 2-335,单价 8 元,全年定价 48 元。国内统一刊号:CN11-2202/P。
本馆索书号:P5/15 馆藏地:西康校区四楼 江宁校区二楼
《水文地质工程地质》于 1957 年创刊,由国土资源部主管、中国地质环境监测院主办,是水
1 办刊宗旨与办刊方针
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联系方式:北京市海淀区大慧寺 20 号,《水文地质工程地质》编辑部,邮编:100081
物探与化探双月刊]= Geophysical and Geochemical Exploration /中国国土资源航空物探
《物探与化探》编辑部.(100083)30.00 元
ISSN 1000-8918
本刊收录在: 中国科学引文数据库(CSCD)来源期刊(2009-2010)
提示: CSCD 扩展库(E)
本刊收录在:中国科技期刊引证报告(2007 年版)
提示: 《引证报告》2007 年版影响因子: 0.271
本刊收录在:中国科技期刊引证报告(2008 年版)
提示: 《引证报告》2008 年版影响因子:0.273
本刊收录在:中国科技期刊引证报告(2009 年版)
提示: 《引证报告》2009 年扩刊版影响因子:0.546
本刊收录在:中国科技期刊引证报告(2010 年版)
提示: 《引证报告》2010 年版影响因子:0.387
本刊收录在: 中文核心期刊要目总览(2008 年版)
提示: 排序:地质学 - 第 27 位
《物探与化探》于 1979 年正式创刊,到现在有近 30 年的历史,原地质矿产部部长孙大光
1957 年主持创办并亲任主编的《地球物理勘探》
(1966 年停刊)的办刊宗旨的基础上,提出了“面
水利、电力、建设、建材、铁道、煤炭、核工业等行业, 以及各大专院校从事地球物理、地球化
本刊现在的发行量 1700 多份,遍及全国 31 个省、自治区和直辖市。
本刊国内发行,邮发代号 2-334,单价 30 元,全年定价 180 元。国内统一刊号:CN37-1387/P。
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Email: whtbjb@sina.com; whtbjb@agrs.cn; whtbjb@163bj.com
现代地质[双月刊]=Geoscience/中国地质大学.—北京:《现代地质》编辑部,(100083).30.00 元
ISSN 1000-8527 CN 11-2035/P
本刊收录在:中国科学引文数据库核心库-CSCD(2009 年版)
本刊收录在:中国科技期刊引证报告(2007 年版)
影响因子: 《引证报告》2007 年版影响因子: 1.191
本刊收录在:中国科技期刊引证报告(2008 年版)
影响因子: 《引证报告》2008 年版影响因子:1.103
本刊收录在:中国科技期刊引证报告(2009 年版)
影响因子: 《引证报告》2009 年扩刊版影响因子:1.220
本刊收录在:中国科技期刊引证报告(2010 年版)
影响因子: 《引证报告》2010 年版影响因子:1.172
本刊收录在:中文核心期刊要目总览(2008 年版)
和中国科技核心期刊,其影响因子近 3 年来一直保持在 1.0 以上,并荣获 2006 年“首届中国高校优
本刊邮局发行,邮发代号 18─119。每册 30 元,全年订价 180 元。国内统一刊号:CN11-2035/P
本馆索书号:P5/43 馆藏地:西康校区四楼
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究?使用什么方法?得到什么结果?根据得到的结果作者得出什么结论?内容一般为 300 字左右。
图宽度<8cm。线条图使用 CorelDraw 软件清绘,其他格式图件提供分辨率>600dpi 的 TIF 图。涉及
点和内容的修改需征得作者的同意;编辑部将按篇酌付稿酬,并赠送刊物和单行本(20 份);编辑部
7.通信地址:北京市学院路 29 号中国地质大学《现代地质》编辑部 邮编:100083
新疆地质[季刊]= Xinjiang Geology/新疆地质矿产勘查开发局;新疆地质学会.—乌鲁木齐:
(830000).10.00 元
ISSN 1000-8845
CN 65-1092/P
提示: CSCD 扩展库(E)
本刊收录在:中国科技期刊引证报告(2007 年版)
提示: 《引证报告》2007 年版影响因子: 0.403
本刊收录在:中国科技期刊引证报告(2008 年版)
提示: 《引证报告》2008 年版影响因子:0.503
本刊收录在:中国科技期刊引证报告(2009 年版)
提示: 《引证报告》2009 年扩刊版影响因子:0.533
本刊收录在:中国科技期刊引证报告(2010 年版)
提示: 《引证报告》2010 年版影响因子:0.319
本刊收录在:中文核心期刊要目总览(2008 年版)
提示: 排序:地质学 - 第 29 位
本刊国内发行,单价 10 元,全年定价 40 元。国内统一刊号:CN 65-1092/P。
稿首页脚注处标明论文属何基金项目资助、项目编号,并提供联系电话和 E—mail 地址。题目要求
简明扼要,高度概括,切中主题,字数在 20 字以内。
2、文摘用第三人称,不分段,包括目的、方法、结果、结论 4 部分,应具有独立性与自含性。
中文摘要需 300 字左右;
《新疆地质(2)》的学术论文将附 500~800 字左右的详细英文摘要(可以与
中文摘要有一定区别),用 pdf 格式发往国外各地学的教学研究单位及各大图书馆和综合大学图书
要求撰写,并附中文寄来以便校正。关键词 3~8 个,尽量选用经过规范化的主题词进行标引。
4、图、表要求具自明性,突出主题,与正文结合互补。本刊采用 A4 幅面分栏插图版式排版,
图面宽度通栏不得超过 170mm、分栏不得超过 82mm。附图力求简明清晰,墨色要黑,线条要匀。图
出版社公开出版的最新地理底图上.每篇论文所附图版不得超过 2 幅,图版用黑白图片拼贴,图样
清晰,影像反差协调,最大外廓 170mm×237mm。附表中测试数据要注明测试者、测试手段、测试条
标识用(A),参考文献表中的作者、编者、译者不超过 2 人时全部写出,超过者只写前 3 名,后加
联系地址:乌鲁木齐市克拉玛依东街 279 号
中国地质学会岩石学专业委员会.—北京:《岩石矿物学杂志》编辑部.8.00 元
ISSN 1000-6524
CN 11-1966/P
提示: CSCD 核心库(C)
本刊收录在:中国科学引文数据库核心库-CSCD(2009 年版)
本刊收录在:中国科技期刊引证报告(2007 年版)
提示: 《引证报告》2007 年版影响因子: 0.867
本刊收录在:中国科技期刊引证报告(2008 年版)
提示: 《引证报告》2008 年版影响因子:1.548
本刊收录在:中国科技期刊引证报告(2009 年版)
提示: 《引证报告》2009 年扩刊版影响因子:0.868
本刊收录在:中国科技期刊引证报告(2010 年版)
提示: 提示: 《引证报告》2010 年版影响因子:1.118
本刊收录在:中文核心期刊要目总览(2004 年版)
提示: 排序:地质学 - 第 26 位
本刊收录在:中文核心期刊要目总览(2008 年版)
提示: 排序:地质学 - 第 18 位
版,国内外公开发行,逢单月 25 日出版。
本刊国内发行,邮发代号 82-52,单价 50 元,全年定价 300 元。国内统一刊号:CN11-1966/P。
本馆索书号:P5/76 馆藏地:西康校区四楼 江宁校区二楼
1. 来稿请登录我刊网站 http://www.yskw.ac.cn,选择“作者登录”进行投稿,首次投稿请先注
2. 编辑部将在收到来稿后的 3 个月内答复作者是否录用。如在 3 个月后仍未接到本刊录用通
3. 依照《著作权法》有关规定,本刊可对来稿文字进行修改删节,对实质性内容的修改,应
4. 来稿一经刊用,本刊编辑部向作者收取文章发表费。文章刊出后,按规定一次性向作者支
付稿酬,赠送当期本刊 1 册、印刷版抽印本 20 份。
5. 来稿务求论点明确,论据可靠,数据准确,行文力求层次清晰,文字精炼,并附 200—400
字的中文摘要和 500 字左右的英文摘要及 3—8 个关键词。专题研究性质的论文摘要应为信息型摘
要,包括研究目的、方法、结果和结论 4 部分内容,要突出创新性;综述和评论性论文的摘要可为
6. 作者只列出主要参加者,第一作者须附作者简介(姓名、性别、民族、出生年份、学位、
7. 基金资助的研究项目,请注明省部级以上基金名称和项目编号。
8. 论文题目一般不超过 20 个汉字,各级标题用 1、2、3 ……;1.1、1.2、1.3 ……表示,
9. 稿件要求使用国家法定计量单位,外文字母和符号的大小写、正斜体,数字、字母和符号
10. 应准确提供文中涉及的测试数据,测试数据要注明测试者、测试方法、测试仪器、实验
11. 文中只附必要的图表,表格应使用三线表,并提供中英文图名、图注、表名。图件应正
规清绘,最好用电脑软件清绘,并另提供单独保存的电子文档。照片可提供 jpg 格式的电子文档,
12. 凡引用他人资料须在正文内标注并在文后列出参考文献,前后一一对应。作者应对所引
文献的完整性和准确性负责。 本刊参考文献标注采用 “著者-出版年制”,所有中文参考文献均
著者为 3 人或少于 3 人应全部写出,3 人以上只列出前 3 人,之间用“,”相隔,后加“等”或相
应的文字如“et al.”。著者一律姓前名后。
地址:北京西城区百万庄 26 号中国地质科学院地质所《岩石矿物学杂志》编辑部
岩石学报[月刊]= Acta Petrologica Sinica /中国矿物岩石地球化学学会;中国科学院地质研究
.200.00 元
ISSN 1000-0569
CN 11-1922/P
本刊收录在:Web of Science - SCIE, SSCI, A&HCI (2009 年)
本刊收录在:Web of Science - SCIE, SSCI, A&HCI (2008 年)
本刊收录在 Web of Science:SCIE(2009 版)
提示: CSCD 核心库(C)
本刊收录在:中国科学引文数据库核心库-CSCD(2009 年版)
本刊收录在:中国科技期刊引证报告(2007 年版)
影响因子: 2.649
本刊收录在:中国科技期刊引证报告(2008 年版)
本刊收录在:中国科技期刊引证报告(2009 年版)
本刊收录在:中国科技期刊引证报告(2010 年版)
本刊收录在:中文核心期刊要目总览(2004 年版)
排序:地质学 - 第 5 位
本刊收录在:中文核心期刊要目总览(2008 年版)
排序:地质学 - 第 1 位
本刊邮局发行,邮发代号 2-575。每册 200 元,全年订价 2400 元。国内统一刊号:11-1922/P
本馆索书号:P5/53 馆藏地:西康校区四楼 江宁校区二楼
1. 来稿请寄一式三份打印稿(本刊不接收手稿),图版、照片不要用复印件,请作者自留底稿。
2. 本刊亦接受国外或国际合作研究的英文稿件。对英文稿件的要求同中文稿件,应附有中文题
3. 编辑部在收到来稿后一般在 6 个月内答复作者是否录用。作者在 6 个月后如仍未接到本刊录
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5. 依照《著作权法》有关规定,本刊可对来稿文字进行删改,对实质性内容的修改,应征求作者同
6. 来稿一经刊用,编辑部向论文作者收取文章发表费。稿件刊出后,按规定一次性向作者支付以
上版本的稿酬,赠送当期本刊 1 册及印刷版抽印本 30 份。
7. 要求来稿论点明确,数据可靠,论证合理,层次分明,文字精炼。
8. 研究论文(包括中英文摘要、图表和参考文献)篇幅根据内容需要而定,本刊不做具体限制。
9. 来稿的格式要求:本刊采用双盲审稿,故要求稿件的中英文文题、中英文作者及中英文作者
单位单独占一页;论文另起页隔行打印,其书写顺序: 英文题目、英文摘要、英文关键词。 另起页
中文题目、中文摘要、中文关键词、中图法分类号; 引言; 正文; 讨论; 结论; 致谢; 参考文献; 附
图及说明; 附表及说明; 附图版及说明。凡不符合来稿格式要求者,本刊恕不受理所投稿件。
10. 作者只列出主要参加者(同单位作者一般不超过 4 人,多单位作者一般不超过 6 人),第一作
者须附作者简介(姓名,性别,出生年月,学位,职称,所从事的专业,联系电话或 E-mail),参与辅助研究者
11. 基金资助的研究项目,请注明省部级以上基金名称和项目编号。
12. 论文题目一般不超过 20 个中文字。文章标题结构层次一般分为二级或三级,各级标题用 1、
2、3 ……;1.1、 1.2、 1.3 ……表示,依次类推,顶格书写。
13. 论文摘要应包括研究目的、方法、结果和结论四个主要部分内容,尤其要突出其创新性的成
果。英文摘要篇幅可适当增加为—个印刷页。关键词一般 3~8 个。
14. 对稿件要求使用国家法定计量单位。标点符号使用要准确。
15. 对测试数据要注明测试者、测试方法、实验仪器设备、实验条件、精度及误差范围等。与
16. 图表: 文中只附必要的图表,在文中相应位置以方框表示并附相应的中英文图题、表题,附图
要求线条粗细均匀,计算机绘制的线条图可按印刷时的实际尺寸绘制,双栏排图不宽于 80mm,通栏排
图不宽于 170mm,图中文字最好用 6 号字。对图版照片要求清晰、层次分明,连同中英文图版说明一
起拼贴在 240mm×170mm 的图版版心尺寸范围内。
17. 作者应在自己的文章中,对国内同行已发表的相关论文,特别是近两年的研究成果给予充分
参考文献均需译成英文,并在该文献后用括号注明(in Chinese)或(in Chinese with English abstract),作
18. 本刊采用“著者-年制”标注参考文献。参考文献表中著录全部编著者,多著者间以“,”号
分隔。著者一律姓先名后,名后不加缩写点,空 1 个字母的间隔。按著者姓氏拉丁字母顺序排列参考
书 著者.出版年.书名.版本(第 1 版不著录).出版地:出版者,起-止页
期刊 著者.出版年.文献题名.刊名,卷(期):起-止页
会议录、论文集、论文汇编 著者.出版年.题名. 见(In): 编者名(ed./eds.). 文集名. 会议名,会址,
开会年. 出版地:出版者,起-止页
19. 作者在得到录用通知及退改意见后,及时将修改后的打印稿和软盘以及清绘好的图件寄交
20. 稿件在排印后,初校样寄作者校对,除录入排版错误外,文字一般不宜再作改动,请在指定日期
北京 9825 信箱 / 北京朝阳区北土城西路 19 号 中国科学院地质与地球物理研究所 《岩石
电话:(010) 82998137
E-mail: ysxb@china.com
中 国 地 质 [ 双 月 刊 ]= Geology in China / 中 国 地 质 调 查 局 . — 北 京 :《 中 国 地 质 》 编 辑 部 ,
.30.00 元
ISSN 1000-3657 CN 11-1167/P
本刊收录在:Web of Science - SCIE, SSCI, A&HCI (2009 年)
本刊收录在:Web of Science - SCIE, SSCI, A&HCI (2008 年)
本刊收录在:Web of Science:SCIE(2009 版)
本刊邮局发行,邮发代号 2─112。每册 30 元,全年订价 180 元。国内统一刊号:CN11-1167/P
本馆索书号:P5/37 馆藏地:西康校区四楼 江宁校区二楼
2.请另附纸提供作者的通信地址、电话等,并提供 3~5 位可能的审稿人姓名及通信地址、电
3.编辑部将在收到来稿后的 3 个月内答复您是否录用。如在 3 个月后仍未接到本刊是否录用通
层次不宜过多,一般为二级或三级,各级标题用 1、2、3……;1.1、1.2、1.3……表示,依次
包括姓名、性别、出生年月、学位、职称、从事的主要工作、E-mail 地址、及联系电话等。
8.论文的书写顺序为中文题目(一般不超过 20 字)
、作者姓名(同单位作者一般不超过 4 人,
多单位作者一般不超过 6 人)
及关键词。每篇论文的篇幅(包括提要、图、表、参考文献)以 10000~12000 字为宜,最多不要
超过 20000 字。中文提要一般为 200~300 字,应包括研究背景、方法、结果、结论或讨论 4 部分
内容;关键词一般 3~8 个。英文提要及关键词则与中文的相对应。
9.对稿件要求使用国家转自:http://www.Zhazhi.com 法定计量单位。标点符号使用要准确。
行计算机制图,使用线段比例尺。双栏排图不宽于 8cm,通栏排图不宽于 17cm。如有条件,图件
最好用 CorelDRAW 软件绘制,如用其他软件绘制,则请转成 JPG 格式,分辩率为 300dpi)单独拷
[序号]作者姓名(不超过 3 人者全部写出,超过者只写前 3 名,
后加“等”或“et al”
.文题[J].刊名,年,卷 (期 ):起-讫页;专著[序号]作者姓名.书名[M].
版次 (第一版略 ).出版地:出版者,年.起-讫页;论文集:
//编者名 (ed./eds. ).论文集名.出版地:出版年.起-讫页。如所引用的文献为中文,则在其下应列
出相应的英文,并在括号内注明 in Chinese with English abstract。
13.通信地址:北京市西城区阜外大街 45 号院 邮编:100037
中国科学.D 辑地球科学
中国科学.D 辑地球科学[月刊]= Science China Earth Sciences /中国科学院.—北京:
.128.00 元
ISSN 1674-7240
CN 11-5842/P
本刊收录在:中国科学引文数据库核心库-CSCD(2009 年版)
本刊收录在:中国科技期刊引证报告(2007 年版)
影响因子: 2.062
本刊收录在:中国科技期刊引证报告(2008 年版)
本刊收录在:中国科技期刊引证报告(2009 年版)
本刊收录在:中文核心期刊要目总览(2004 年版)
排序:综合性科学技术 - 第 8 位
本刊收录在:中文核心期刊要目总览(2008 年版)
排序:地质学 - 第 2 位
(中文版)和 SCIENCE CHINA Earth Sciences(英文版)是地球科
月 20 日出版。英文版每月 1 日出版。
主编:孙 枢
本刊邮局发行,邮发代号 80-206。每册 128 元,全年订价 1536 元。国内统一刊号:11-5842/P
本馆索书号:N/1-4 馆藏地:西康校区四楼 江宁校区二楼
1 用稿原则
投给《中国科学: 地球科学》的文章必须未在其他任何地方、以任何形式发表过. 本刊不接受
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《中国科学: 地球科学》的原创性研究论文应同时具备以下条件:
(ⅰ) 是地球科学领域基础理论或应用研究的最新成果;
(ⅱ) 具有重要科学意义, 有创新(新思路、新方法、新认识、新发现等);
(ⅲ) 对本领域或(和)相关领域的研究有较大的促进作用.
2 栏目设置
《中国科学: 地球科学》设有评述、进展、论文、动态和讨论等栏目; 围绕公众感兴趣的热点
科学问题, 不定期刊出特约评论和特约论文.
评述: 总结某一重要研究领域的代表性成果、评论研究现状, 并对今后研究提出建议.
进展: 评介当前地球科学某个研究领域的突出进展, 归纳总结该领域近几年取得的重要成果.
论文: 报道地球科学领域具创新性、高水平和重要科学意义的最新科研成果.
动态: 及时报道具有重要科学意义的研究成果. 本栏目的稿件, 排版后不超过 5 个印刷面(包括
讨论: 对本刊一年内刊出的文章提出意见, 原文作者做出答复. 意见与答复均为学术性的, 并
未曾以任何方式公开过. 经过评审通过后的意见和答复安排在同期发表, 且均不超过 5 个印刷面(包
特约评论: 针对公众感兴趣的热点科学问题, 进行有说服力的评论. 本栏目以约稿为主.
特约论文: 报道公众感兴趣的、具有重要科学意义的研究成果. 本栏目以约稿为主.
3 写作要求
文章应论点明确、数据可靠、逻辑严密、结构简明; 尽量避免使用多层标题; 文字、图表要简
练, 用较少的篇幅提供较大的信息量; 论述应深入浅出、表达清楚流畅; 专业术语运用准确, 前后保
题目: 是文章的点睛之处, 要紧扣主题, 简明扼要, 但要有足够的信息, 能引起读者的兴趣, 也
方便检索. 应避免使用大而空的题目, 最好不用“…的研究”、“…的意义”、“…的发现”、“…的特
征”等词; 尽可能回避生僻字、符号、公式和缩略语. 一般不超过 24 个汉字, 英文不超过 20 个单词.
作者和作者单位: 在论文中署名的每一位作者都应该是对论文工作有实质贡献的人员, 应对文
中的论点和数据负责. 署名单位必须是该项研究的实际完成单位. 单位的名称要用全称, 同时提供
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提供通讯作者的 E-mail.
摘要: 应反映论文的主要观点, 概括地阐明研究的目的、方法、结果和结论, 能够脱离全文阅读
而不影响理解. 尽量避免使用过于专业化的词汇、特殊符号和公式. 摘要的写作要精心构思, 随意从
文章中摘出几句或只是重复一遍结论的做法是不可取的. 摘要中不能出现参考文献序号.
关键词: 用于对研究内容的检索. 因此, 关键词应紧扣文章主题, 尽可能使用规范的主题词, 不
应随意造词. 关键词一般为 3~8 个.
基金资助: 放在首页脚注, 列出资助基金来源, 并注明项目批准号或编号. 格式如“国家自然科
学基金(批准号: ×××)和国家重点基础研究发展计划(编号: ×××)资助”. 基金的名称要写全称.
英文版中基金项目名称译法要规范, 如“National Natural Science Foundation of China”(国家自然科
学基金), “National High-Tech Research & Development Program of China”(国家 863 计划), “National
Basic Research Program of China”(国家 973 计划)等.
正文: 应以描述文章重要性的简短引言开始. 专业术语应有定义, 符号、简略语或首字母缩略词
引言: 应简要回顾本文所涉及到的科学问题的研究历史, 简要介绍相关理论或研究背景. 需列
举相关的参考文献, 尤其是近 2~3 年内的研究成果. 应非常明确地给出本研究的目的, 以及与以往
研究的不同之处, 并在此基础上提出本文要解决的问题, 最后扼要交代本研究所采用的方法和技术
手段等. 引言部分不加标题, 不必介绍文章的结构.
材料和方法: 主要是说明研究所用的材料、方法和研究的基本过程, 应描述清楚, 引用相关文献,
使读者了解研究的可靠性, 也使同行可以根据本文内容验证有关实验.
讨论和结论: 应该由观测和实验结果引申得出, 并注意与其他相关的研究结果进行比较, 切忌
简单地再罗列一遍实验结果. 讨论得出的结论与观点应明确, 实事求是.
图: 应该按照正文中出现的先后顺序编号, 并按照“文先图后”的原则置于正文中的相应位置
处. 黑白图和彩色图的分辨率不能低于 600 dpi, 图中线条要清晰, 线条粗细约 0.5~0.6 mm. 中文图
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地图的完整性(如国界线和南海诸岛等). 南海诸岛作插图时, 务必完整表达附图中与主图相同区域
内的专题要素. 中国地图的示意图可以在《中国科学: 地球科学》网站(http://earth.scichina.com)“投
表: 用三线表, 即表格采用横线表形式,纵向不画线. 横线数量不限,需分开的内容尽量用横线
分开. 请将表格插入到 word 文件中的相应位置.
公式: 以阿拉伯数字连续编号, 并用圆括号括起置于公式右侧.
致谢: 向对该文有帮助的人员或单位表示谢意. 稿件通过评审后, 要对评审人予以感谢.
参考文献: 采用顺序编码制进行文内标注和文后著录, 即按正文中引用的先后顺序编号, 序号
用方括号括起, 置于文中提及的文献著者、引文或叙述文字的末尾. 参考文献引用是否得当是评价
论文质量的重要标准之一. 如果未能在论文中引用与本项研究有关的主要文献, 尤其是近 2~3 年内
发表的国内、国外期刊刊载的相关文献, 或是主要引用作者自己的文献, 编辑可能会认为对这篇文
章感兴趣的读者不多. 对文中所引参考文献, 作者均应认真阅读过, 对文献的作者、题目、发表的刊
物、年代、卷号和起止页码等, 均应核实无误, 切忌转引二手文献的不负责任的做法.
4 参考文献著录体例
(ⅰ) 西文人名一律“姓”全拼在前, “名”缩写在后, 名缩写不加缩写点, 姓、名中间加空. “姓”
首字母大写, 其余小写; “名”只写首字母, 大写, 两缩写名间加空. 外国人名中间有连字符的, 照
加; 中国人名, 中间一般不加连字符.
(ⅱ) 引用多位作者合著的文章时, 只列前 3 位作者, 后加“等(et al.)”.
(ⅲ) 西文期刊文献题目中, 首词和专有名词的首字母大写, 其余一律小写.
(ⅳ) 刊名按照 ISO 规范缩写, 不加缩写点. 如 Chinese Science Bulletin 应写为 Chin Sci Bull.
(ⅴ) 西文书名和论文集名中实词首字母一律大写, 介词和连词为小写, 但首词和 4 个字母以上
(ⅵ) 非正式出版物不能作为参考文献, 只能作为脚注.
(ⅶ) 互联网主页(网址)不作参考文献, 放在正文中.
1 朱日祥, 刘青松, 潘永信, 等. 马兰黄土剩磁不存在显著 Lock-in 效应: 来自 Laschamp 地磁漂
移的证据. 中国科学 D 辑: 地球科学, 2006, 36: 430–437
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4 陆钧, 陈木宏, 陈忠. 南海南部现代水体与表层沉积硅藻的分布特征. 科学通报, 2006, 51(增
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5 Hao Q Z, Guo Z T. Spatial variations of magnetic susceptibility of Chinese loess for the last 600 kyr:
Implications for monsoon evolution. J Geophy Res, 2005, 110: B12101, doi: 10.1029/2005JB003765
6 Pruss S B, Bottjer D J, Corsetti F A, et al. A global marine sedimentary response to the end-Permian
mass extinction: Examples from southern Turkey and the western United States. Earth-Sci Rev, 2006, 78:
注意: 1) 引用增刊论文时, 卷号后注明“(增刊)或(Suppl)”.
2) 已被接收但尚未正式发表的论文, 缺年、卷(期)、页码中任一项的, 只能放在脚注中, 注明“已
接受(In press)”. 没有卷期号及起止页码的电子版文章, 但有 doi 号, 可以作为参考文献列出.
1 施雅风. 中国西北气候由暖干向暖湿转型问题评估. 北京: 气象出版社, 2003. 124
2 Sambrook J, Russell D. Molecular Cloning: A Laboratory Manual. 3rd ed. Cold Spring Harbor:
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press, 2001
注意: 第一版不用列出.
3 Altpeter F, Fang Y D, Xu J, et al. Comparison of transgene expression stability after Agrobacterium
mediated or biolistic gene transfer into perennial ryegrass. In: Hopkins A, Wang Z Y, Main R, et al, eds.
Molecular Breeding of Forage and Turf. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2004. 255–260
4 王东晓. 南海环流多时空尺度与局地海气相互作用. 见: 苏纪兰, 主编. 南海环境与资源基础
研究前瞻. 北京: 海洋出版社, 2001. 150–155
注意: 第一版不用列出.
Shelton R D, Holdridge G M. The US-EU race for leadership of science and technology: Qualitative
and quantitative indicators. In: Jiang G H, Rousseau R, Wu Y S, eds. Proceedings of the 9th International
Conference on Scientometrics and Informetrics, 2003 Aug 25–29, Beijing. Dalian: Dalian University of
Technology Press, 2003. 289–296
1 羊向东. 硅藻转换函数与环境定量重建—以青藏高原和长江中下游湖泊为例. 博士学位论文.
北京: 中国科学院研究生院, 2004. 1–10
2 Pegan S D. Molecular gating dynamics of the cytoplasmic domains of inwardly rectifying
potassium (Kir) channels. Doctoral Dissertation. San Diego: University of California, 2006
Chang V. The Past, Present and Future of the Linux Operating Systems. Technical Report, Electronics
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Tan C, Shen D, Weng J, et al. Pyrazole diacylhydrazine compound, and its preparing method and use.
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Bhandarkar M, Brunner R, Chipot C, et al. NAMD User’s Guide Version 2.6, 2006
Hemodynamics Ⅲ: The ups and downs of hemodynamics. Version 2.2. Orlando (FL): Computerized
Educational Systems. 1993
Anderson S C, Poulsen K B. Anderson’s Electronic Atlas of Hematology. Philadelphia: Lippincott
Wilkins, 2002
5 投稿指南
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ISSN 0149-1423
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提示: Impact Factor: 1.964 ; Rank: 2627
提示: Impact Factor:1.448; 5-Year Impact Factor:2.548
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收录起始年 2000 卷: 84 期: 1
This flagship ASTM journal is a multi-disciplinary forum for the applied sciences and engineering.
Published bimonthly, JOTE presents new technical information, derived from field and laboratory testing,
on the performance, quantitative characterization, and evaluation of materials. Papers present new methods
and data along with critical evaluations; report users' experience with test methods and results of
interlaboratory testing and analysis; and stimulate new ideas in the fields of testing and evaluation.
Major topic areas are fatigue and fracture, mechanical testing, and fire testing. Also publishes review
articles, technical notes, research briefs and commentary. All papers are peer-reviewed.
How to Prepare Your Manuscript
For general format and style, consult recent issues of the Journal and the ASTM Style Manual. Papers will
be reviewed in accordance with the journal's standards and authors should review the Specific Ratings
used by reviewers prior to writing their papers.
Manuscript. Includes the abstract, references, and captions, and should be neatly typed in English, double
spaced on 21.6 cm x 28 cm (8 ½" x 11" or A4) pages, and have at least 1" margins. It should be carefully
proofread by the author. The manuscript must be in good scientific American English; this is the author's
responsibility. Number all pages in single sequence beginning with the title and abstract page. The title
page should contain the title of the article, the names and affiliations of the authors, a short abstract, and
keywords only. Pages of the manuscript should be arranged in the following order: title page, text,
acknowledgments, appendixes, references, tables, figure captions, and figures. Papers should not be
lengthened by unnecessary descriptions and repetitions, but neither should authors use a telegraphic style
detrimental to the clarity and understanding of the paper.
Length Requirements. The suggested number of word-equivalents is 10,000 for Technical Manuscripts,
3,500 for Technical Notes, and 2,000 for Discussions. Tables and figures of normal size should generally
be counted as 250 word equivalents each. The editor may waive these restrictions to encourage papers on
topics that cannot be treated within these limitations. Review papers concerned with a large topic area may
be longer in order to adequately cover the topic. Justification for longer manuscripts should be provided
and permission received from the Journal's Associate Editor covering the section involved.
Commercialism Policy. It is ASTM's policy to avoid commercialism in all publications. Therefore, use
generic terms whenever possible. Capitalize trademarks and trade names when used. Use the symbols ®
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capitalize the trademark name throughout the rest of the paper.
"Previously Published" Policy. In order to maintain the integrity of the publication process, the policy of
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For the purpose of this policy, "previously published" means published in a peer-reviewed, archival
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Informally published proceedings of workshops or seminars would not normally fall under the scope of
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In order to be subject to this policy, the material in question need not be identical to the previous
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are responsible for determining whether or not the material is "substantially the same" in each case.
Exceptions to this policy can be granted with approval of the Technical Editor of a journal and the COP
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accuracy of a manual is comprised without the materials contained in a previously published work.
Similarly, a journal's Technical Editor may feel that the readers would benefit from the information so
much that they agree to sacrifice journal pages to accommodate the previously published article.
In cases where an exception is granted, all necessary waivers of copyright must be obtained by the author,
submitted to ASTM, and cited in the publication with the copyright holder's permission.
Title. Should be as concise as possible but informative enough to facilitate information retrieval. "Part I,"
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for publication in the Journal. Parts III, IV, etc., are likewise unacceptable unless the prior parts have
already been accepted or have appeared in this journal and are properly identified in the references.
Authors' names. In general, authors should strive for a consistent format of their names in publications.
This will facilitate indexing, avoid duplication, and lessen ambiguities when other researchers are looking
for more of your work. (e.g., Robert Smith, Robert K. Smith, R.K. Smith, Bob Smith). It would be best to
select one format for your name and use it consistently.
Abstract. Should be self-contained (contain no footnotes). It should adequately describe all subjects,
major and minor, about which new information is given, and summarize the conclusions and all results of
general interest in the article. The abstract should be written as one paragraph and should not contain
displayed mathematical equations or tabular material. The abstract will be available in the ASTM Digital
Library to assist researchers when considering their interest in obtaining your manuscript.
Conflict of Interest: Authors are responsible for recognizing and disclosing any conflict of interest that
could be perceived to bias their work, acknowledging all financial support and any other personal
connections with the journal's editorial board members.
Keywords: Provide at least 3 words that researchers would likely use to locate your paper in our Digital
Library or any online search.
Equations. Should be neatly typed, punctuated, and aligned to bring out their structure, and numbered on
the right. Mathematical operation signs indicating continuity of the expression should be placed at the left
of the second and succeeding lines. Use a multiplication sign (×) rather than a centered dot, except for
scalar products of vectors. The solidus (/) should be used instead of built-up fractions in running text, and
in display wherever clarity would not be jeopardized. Use "exp" for complicated exponents.
Notation. Must be legible, clear, compact, and consistent with standard usage. All unusual symbols whose
identity may not be obvious must be identified the first time they appear, and at all subsequent times when
confusion might arise. Superscripts are normally set directly over subscripts.
Footnotes. For footnotes that appear in the text of the paper, use superior numbers. The number scheme
should pick up from where the author affiliation footnotes left off. For example, if on the first page there
are two author affiliation footnotes (1 and 2), then any footnotes on the following pages should pick up
with number 3. For footnotes in tables, use superior lowercase, roman letters, beginning with the letter "a,"
for each table. The footnotes should appear below the table.
References. All references must contain enough information to allow a reader to find the cited materials.
Use italics for titles of books or journals and do not abbreviate journal titles. See the ASTM Style Manual
for examples.
Website references must contain the title of the site, the URL, and the date you viewed the site. If possible,
also include the author, the date the information on the site was written or posted, and any other pertinent
information that will help the reader find the reference.
Citing Standards: A standard mentioned in the text should have initial caps and be typed without quotes
or italics (this applies to standards of other standards organizations as well) and include a complete
reference to the Standard. Example: "...this was the case according to ASTM A252-98el." In the
manuscript's reference section, the Standard should be given as follows: ASTM Standard A252-98el:
Specification for Welded and Seamless Steel Pipe Piles, Annual Book of ASTM Standards, ASTM
International, West Conshohocken, PA, 1998. (See the References section of the ASTM Style Manual for
more examples.)
Tables. Separate tables (numbered with Arabic numerals in the order of their appearance in the text)
should be used for all but the simplest tabular material; they should have captions that make the tables
intelligible without reference to the text. The structure should be clear, with simple column headings
giving all units. Unaltered computer output and notation are generally unacceptable. Authors should make
every effort to prepare tables in Portrait rather than Landscape layout to assist the online readers and save
Figures. All figures, whether line drawings, graphs, or photographs, and including any associated text,
must be prepared in such a manner that they are clear and legible in color (online) and in black and white
(in print). It is suggested that you use shapes or patterns so the meaning is clear in color and black and
white. In general, figures and associated text should be prepared using a suitable software application
intended for producing a graphical image, graphing numerical data, or editing a photograph. Please see the
How to Prepare your Figure Files section for detailed requirements. Click here for more technical
information. Figures should be submitted in the final published size, not oversized. Figures, whether they
are line drawings, graphs, and/or photographs, must be labeled consecutively as Fig. 1, Fig. 2, etc. and
have a corresponding citation in the main text. Do not label tables as figures.
How to Prepare Your Figure Files
Please adhere to the following guidelines when preparing your figure files for submission:
Reviewers and the Editor will be asked to recommend improvement or elimination of poor quality or
irrelevant figures.
Number figures in the order in which they appear in text.
Place only one figure per page. Place all parts of the same figure on one page if possible.
Label all figure parts with (a), (b), etc. Avoid any large disparity in size of lettering and labels used within
one figure.
Prepare figures in the final published size, not oversized. The maximum published width for a one-column
figure is 3-3/8 in. (8.5 cm). Each figure should be prepared for 100% reproduction in order to avoid
problems arising from large reductions in size.
In cases where reduction is required, avoid small open symbols that tend to fill in and avoid small lettering.
Ensure that, in the final published figure, there is a minimum of 8-point type size (2.8 mm high; 1/8 in.
high) for lettering and 0.5-point width for lines.
Ensure that lettering and lines are dark enough, and thick enough, to reproduce clearly, especially if
reduction is necessary. Remember that fine lines tend to disappear upon reduction.
All photographs must have an indication of scale to be acceptable for publication. Also, make sure the
photographs will be legible and reproduce well - not too light and not too dark.
Figures may remain embedded in the Word article file. However, they must also be uploaded separately in
one of the following acceptable formats.
When preparing illustrations that will appear in color in the online journal and in black and white in any
printed format, authors must ensure that (i) the figures will reproduce well when printed in black and white
and (ii) descriptions of figures in text and captions will be sufficiently clear for both print and online
Acceptable formats: PostScript (.ps), Encapsulated PostScript (.eps, using either Arial or Times Roman
fonts), or Tagged Image File format (.tif, lzw compressed). Application files (e.g., .jpeg and .doc) are not
When submitting your manuscript, submit ALL figure files for your paper, including line art.
Make sure there is only ONE figure per file. Each figure file should contain all parts of the figure. For
example, if Figure 1 contains three parts (a,b,c), then all parts should be combined in a single file for
Figure 1.
Set the correct orientation for each graphics file.
Settings: Set the graphic for 600 dpi resolution for line art, 300 dpi for halftones, and 600 dpi for
combinations (line art + halftone)
Save line art as black/white bitmap, not grayscale.
Save halftones and combinations as grayscale, not black/white bitmap.
Submit color files at 300 dpi in one of these formats: .tif, .ps, or .eps. If selecting a file mode, use RGB
(red, green, blue) for color online or CMYK (cyan, magenta, yellow, black) for color in print. (See the
following section, Free Color Online, for more information regarding color figures in print).
Excel charts and graphs are considered figures. Upload them as figure files in either .tif, .eps or .ps. These
formats are required to create the best possible image in the journal and online. NO other format is
(NOTE: Tables should be incorporated into the article text unless they contain a graphic or Excel chart or
You may check the quality of your figures using the Figure Quality Check feature. This is an optional
feature, but will help to identify potential problems with reproduction.
Applied Geochemistry
ISSN 0883-2927
本刊收录在:Web of Science - SCIE, SSCI, A&HCI (2009 年)
本刊收录在:Web of Science - SCIE, SSCI, A&HCI (2008 年)
本刊收录在 Web of Science:SCIE(2009 版)
提示: Impact Factor: 2.017 ; Rank: 2551
提示: Impact Factor:1.961; 5-Year Impact Factor:2.532
本刊收录在:Ei Compendex (2010 年)
本刊收录在:Ei Compendex (2008 年)
Applied Geochemistry is an international journal devoted to publication of original research papers, rapid
research communications and selected review papers in geochemistry and cosmochemistry which have
some practical application to an aspect of human endeavour, such as the preservation of the environment,
environmental monitoring, agriculture, health, waste disposal and the search for resources. Papers on
applications of inorganic, organic and isotope geochemistry are therefore welcome provided they meet the
main criterion. Topics covered include: (1) environmental geochemistry (including natural and
anthropogenic aspects, and protection and remediation strategies); (2) hydrogeochemistry, surface and
groundwater; (3) medical geochemistry; (4) agricultural geochemistry; (5) the search for energy resources
(oil, gas, coal, uranium and geothermal energy); (6) the search for mineral deposits (metalliferous and non
metalliferous); (7) upgrading of energy and mineral resources where there is a direct geochemical
application; (8) waste disposal including the specific topic of nuclear waste disposal.
More information about the International Association of Geochemistry and Cosmochemistry can be found
on the Internet via http://www.ent.msu.edu/~long/IAGC.
Submission of Papers
Authors are requested to submit ONE ORIGINAL manuscript and figures with TWO COPIES of their
article to: Dr Ron Fuge, Institute of Geography and Earth Sciences, University of Wales, Aberystwyth,
Ceredigion, Wales SY23 3DB, UK. Publication is contingent upon the recommendation of expert referees.
Papers must be written in English.
Submission of a paper implies that it has not been published previously, that it is not under consideration
for publication elsewhere, and that if accepted it will not be published elsewhere in the same form, in
English or in any other language, without the written consent of the publisher.
Manuscript Preparation
General: Manuscripts must be typewritten, double-spaced with wide margins on one side of white paper.
Good quality printouts with a font size of 12 or 10 pt are required. The corresponding author should be
identified (include a Fax number and E-mail address). Full postal addresses must be given for all
co-authors. Authors should consult a recent issue of the journal for style if possible. An electronic copy of
the paper must accompany the final version. The Editors reserve the right to adjust style to certain
standards of uniformity. Authors should retain a copy of their manuscript since we cannot accept
responsibility for damage or loss of papers. Original manuscripts are discarded one month after publication
unless the Publisher is asked to return original material after use.
Abstracts: The essential contents of each paper must be briefly recapitulated in an abstract. References
should not appear in the Abstract.
Text: Follow this order when typing manuscripts: Title, Authors, Affiliations, Abstract, Keywords, Main
text, Acknowledgements, Appendix, References, Vitae, Figure Captions and then Tables. Do not import
the Figures or Tables into your text. The corresponding author should be identified with an asterisk and
footnote. The technical description of the methods used should only be given in detail when such methods
are new.
References: All publications cited in the text should be presented in a list of references following the text
of the manuscript. In the text refer to references with the author's name (without initials) and year of
publication (e.g. Henderson, 1982). For three or more authors use the first author followed by "et al.", in
the text (e.g. Davis et al., 1996). The list of references should be arranged alphabetically by authors' names.
The manuscript should be carefully checked to ensure that the spelling of authors' names and dates are
exactly the same in the text as in the reference list.
References should be given in the following form:
For journal references:
Davis, A., Sellstone, C., Clough, S., Barrick, R., Yare, B., 1996. Bioaccumulation of arsenic chromium
and lead in fish: First constraints imposed by sediment geochemistry. Appl. Geochem. 11, 409-423.
Kim, K.H., Burnett, W.C., 1985. 226Ra in phosphate nodules from the Peru/Chile seafloor. Geochim.
Cosmochim. Acta 49, 1073-1082.
For book references:
Henderson, P., 1982. Inorganic Geochemistry. Pergamon Press, Oxford.
Chapter in a book:
Menard, H.W., 1965. Sea floor relief and mantle convection. In: Ahrens, I.H., Press, F., Runcorn, S.K.,
Urey, H.C. (Eds.), Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, vol. 6. Pergamon Press, Oxford, pp. 315-364
(Chapter 4).
Illustrations: All illustrations should be provided in camera-ready form, suitable for reproduction (which
may include reduction) without retouching. Photographs, charts and diagrams are all to be referred to as
"Figure(s)" and should be numbered consecutively in the order to which they are referred. They should
accompany the manuscript, but should not be included within the text. All illustrations should be clearly
marked on the back with the figure number and the author's name. All figures are to have a caption.
Captions should be supplied on a separate sheet.
Line drawings: Good quality printouts on white paper produced in black ink are required. All lettering,
graph lines and points on graphs should be sufficiently large and bold to permit reproduction when the
diagram has been reduced to a size suitable for inclusion in the journal. Dye-line prints or photocopies are
not suitable for reproduction. Do not use any type of shading on computer-generated illustrations.
Photographs: Photographs should be restricted to the minimum necessary. Original photographs must be
supplied as they are to be reproduced (e.g. black and white or colour). If necessary, a scale should be
marked on the photograph. Please note that photocopies of photographs are not acceptable.
Colour: Where colour figures are required, the author will be charged accordingly.
Tables: Tables should be numbered consecutively and given a suitable caption and each table typed on a
separate sheet. Footnotes to tables should be typed below the table and should be referred to by superscript
lowercase letters. No vertical rules should be used. Tables should not duplicate results presented elsewhere
in the manuscript, (e.g. in graphs).
Electronic Submission
Authors must submit an electronic copy of their paper with the final version of the manuscript. The
electronic copy should match the hardcopy exactly. Always keep a backup copy of the electronic file for
reference and safety. Full details of electronic submission and formats can be obtained from
http://www.elsevier.nl/locate/disksub or from Author Services at Elsevier Science.
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them of changes to their manuscript's status, by using the "Track a Paper" feature of Elsevier's Author
Bulletin of Canadian petroleum geology
Bulletin of Canadian petroleum geology [Quarterly]/.CANADIAN SOC PETROLEUM GEOLOGISTS,
ISSN 0007-4802
本刊收录在:Web of Science - SCIE, SSCI, A&HCI (2009 年)
本刊收录在:Web of Science - SCIE, SSCI, A&HCI (2008 年)
本刊收录在 Web of Science:SCIE(2009 版)
提示: Impact Factor:0.645 ; Rank: 5849
本刊收录在:Ei Compendex (2010 年)
本刊收录在:Ei Compendex (2008 年)
The Bulletin of Canadian Petroleum Geology is a professional, scientific journal published four times a
year and sent internationally to 3500 geologists and subscribers. The Bulletin brings a wealth of
information to the geological community including technical papers scientific debates, book reviews and
Authors should send three copies of the manuscript, complete with illustrations to the Scientific Editor.
Authors should retain originals of figures, pending final acceptance of the manuscript, but they should
submit for review high-quality reproductions of all figures and photographs. Authors are encouraged to
submit electronic copies of the manuscript at the critical review stage in order to expedite mailing to
reviewers and the Associate Editor.
Manuscripts should be typed, doubled-spaced on 21.6 x 28 cm paper. All pages should be numbered and
have a right-hand margin of 4 cm.
Authors must submit final versions of accepted manuscripts in digital form (see guidelines for text and
illustrations below). A double-spaced, paper copy of the text and figures must accompany the disk.
Authors should present their ideas concisely. The Scientific Editor may reject a lengthy manuscript prior to
review. Extensive descriptive or methods sections will be set in smaller type or placed in an Appendix.
Authors are strongly advised to have their manuscript critically read by at least one reader familiar with the
subject matter before it is submitted to the Bulletin. Non-English speaking authors are encouraged to have
their manuscript reviewed for grammar and presentation before submission. If the paper is not
appropriately written, the Scientific Editor will return the manuscript to the author(s) without a scientific
The title is followed by the names, affiliations and full mailing addresses of all the authors. If more than
one author is involved, authors should indicate who is to receive the page proofs and any correspondence
about the manuscript; telephone and fax numbers and e-mail address for this author must be provided.
Acknowledgments are typed on a separate sheet. Authors are asked to acknowledge the reviewers, where
The Abstract is a summary of the essential qualities of the paper. (See Landes, K.L. 1951, A scrutiny of
the abstract, American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, v. 35, no. 8, p. 1660). If possible,
authors should submit a French version of their title and abstract. The abstract page should have at the top
a short title, suitable for a running head (fewer than 60 characters, including spaces) and the name(s) of the
Headings are restricted to four levels. Submitted manuscripts should contain headings that are numbered in
the following manner: 1-"first order heading title", 2-"second rder heading title", and so on. Heading font
will be adjusted at the layout or copy-editing stage.
After revisions are complete, electronic copies of text and illustrations must be returned to the Scientific
Editor. Text files must be in Microsoft Word. If the manuscript has been assembled with another software
package, text files should be exported to a Microsoft Word-compatible format. Authors must identify on
the disk (CD or 3.5 inch disk), authorship, file names, and paper title.
All final illustrations, including photographs and all tables, must be submitted in hard copy and digital
format, unless other arrangements are made with the Scientific Editor. Once the manuscript has been
accepted, graphic files must be submitted as TIFF files, with LZW compression, at final size. All figures
should either be black and white, greyscale (8 bit) or CMYK colour (32 bit) at 1 to 1 size and 300 dpi.
Figures containing line-art (black and white only) should be at 1200 DPI resolution. Graphic files must not
be embedded in the text, and use of an eight-character name for the TIF files is required.
At the copy-editing stage, authors should be prepared to revise their original illustrations according to the
CSPG style and resubmit new TIF files. One of the copy editors will contact authors directly if such
revisions are necessary. We also request that authors include CorelDraw (preferred; version 9) or Adobe
Illustrator (version 9) figure file formats, so that the CSPG may make changes to the figures, if the authors
are unavailable during the final stages of publication.
All illustrations must conform to the 21.6 x 28 cm page size and two-column format. When creating
illustrations for the Bulletin, authors should ensure that the type size is not too large for the scale of the
figure. Preferred fonts are sans serif, like Arial and Helvetica (not serif fonts, such as "Times Roman").
Figures should be scaled for reproduction at either 9 cm (1 column), 13.5 cm (1.5 columns) or 18 cm (2
column) width in vertical format, 23 cm width in horizontal format. If submitted figures are not
appropriate for these widths, the editor will reduce them accordingly. Authors should clearly indicate if
any figures are not to be reduced in size.
It will be necessary to obtain permission to publish previously published figures.
Figure captions must be provided on a separate page, at the end of the manuscript. They should not be
pasted on original illustrations, nor placed within the frame of digital illustrations.
Colour illustrations or foldouts may be used if the Editor considers them essential to the paper. Authors
will be responsible for additional costs resulting from the use of colour or foldouts.
Authors are responsible for citing and listing references correctly. Only references cited in the text should
be listed. Journal titles must be given in full. The Bulletin reference style was recently modified; examples
of the revised style are:
Dolphin, D.R. and Klovan, J.E. 1970. Stratigraphy and paleoecology of an Upper Devonian carbonate
bank, Saskatchewan River Crossing. Bulletin of Canadian Petroleum Geology, v. 18, p. 289-331.
Wade, J.A. 1981. Geology of the Canadian Atlantic margin from Georges Bank to the Grand Banks. In:
Geology of the North Atlantic Borderlands. J.Wm. Kerr and A.J. Ferguson (eds.). Canadian Society of
Petroleum Geologists, Memoir 7, p. 447-460.
Cooper, M. 2000. Structural style variations in the BC Foothills. GeoCanada 2000 Abstracts, Geological
Association of Canada, on CD Rom.
Arnott, R.W.C., Zaitlin, B.A. and Potocki, D. 1999. Basal Quartz Sandstone (Lower Cretaceous),
south-central Alberta: Non-marine deposition in an accommodation-limited basin. AAPG-SEPM( Society
for Experimental Geology) Annual Meeting, San Antonio, Texas, Program and Abstracts CD.
Authors should review some recent copies of the Bulletin (March 2002 and later) for more examples of the
correct CSPG format. If references are not in CSPG format, they will be returned to the author for
Only material that is published or "in press" should be cited in the reference list. Material of limited
circulation (technical reports, theses, etc.) may be included, but the reference list must show where it is
available. Unpublished material or personal communications should be identified as such in the text or as
footnotes but are not to be included in the reference list.
Measurements should be in SI units. Imperial unit equivalents may be given in parentheses, but this is not
obligatory. SI units should be referred to by symbol in the text. Please note that A and ?are not SI units;
use nm and µm. (See Supplementary Metric Practice Guide for the Petroleum and Natural Gas Industry
and Services, 5th ed, 1989. Calgary: Canadian Petroleum Association.)
Statigraphic terminology must conform to the International Subcommission of Stratigraphic
Classification's International Stratigraphic Guide [1976, H.D. Hedberg (ed.). John Wiley and Sons, 200 p].
For other usage, see the American Geological Institute's Glossary of Geology [2nd edition, 1980, R.L.
Bates and J.A. Jackson (eds.), Falls Church, Virginia; 751 p.] and the Geological Survey of Canada's
Guide to Authors. Manuscripts containing new stratigraphic nomenclature will be subject to review by the
CSPG's Stratigraphic Nomenclature Committee.
The copyright of accepted and published material is reserved by the Canadian Society of Petroleum
Page proofs will be forwarded to authors with a return date specified. Authors will receive an electronic
version (PDF file) of their published paper(s).
At the discretion of the Scientific or Managing Editor, minor changes (apart from any necessary
corrections) may be accommodated at page proof stage. Major revisions at this or at a later stage will be
charged to the author. Authors, who are able to, are encouraged to pay page charges.
Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America
Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America [Monthly]/ SEISMOLOGICAL SOC AMER,
ISSN 0037-1106
本刊收录在:Web of Science - SCIE, SSCI, A&HCI (2009 年)
本刊收录在:Web of Science - SCIE, SSCI, A&HCI (2008 年)
本刊收录在 Web of Science:SCIE(2009 版)
提示: Impact Factor: 2.027 ; Rank: 2539
提示: Impact Factor:1.86; 5-Year Impact Factor:2.485
本刊收录在:Ei Compendex (2010 年)
本刊收录在:Ei Compendex (2008 年)
本馆索书号: P/48(WK)
BSSA (ISSN 0037-1106) is the premier journal of advanced research in earthquake seismology and related
disciplines. It first appeared in 1911 and was issued on a quarterly basis until 1963. Since 1963, it has
appeared bimonthly (in February, April, June, August, October, and December). Subscriptions are sold by
the annual volume only. Each issue is composed of scientific papers on the various aspects of seismology,
including investigation of specific earthquakes, theoretical and observational studies of seismic waves,
inverse methods for determining the structure of the Earth or the dynamics of the earthquake source,
seismometry, earthquake hazard and risk estimation, seismotectonics, and earthquake engineering. In
addition to full-length papers, each issue contains a section of "Short Notes" for comments on previously
published items or for brief, topical contributions.
BSSA Policies and Procedures
Submitting Papers to BSSA
Art Submission Guidelines
Electronic submission of figures is now possible!
Page Charges FLAT-RATE Charge for Color
Electronic Supplements Submission
Copyright Form (PDF format): Form to transfer copyright of your paper to SSA
If you use this form, please clearly write the paper title, authors, and BSSA manuscript number at the top
of the form. Authors must return this form prior to their paper being accepted for publication.
Note: If you seek copyright permission to reproduce portions of BSSA, please address your request to SSA
Headquarters in El Cerrito.
Canadian journal of earth sciences
Canadian journal of earth sciences [Monthly]/ NATL RESEARCH COUNCIL CANADA-N R C
ISSN 0008-4077
本刊收录在:Web of Science - SCIE, SSCI, A&HCI (2009 年)
本刊收录在:Web of Science - SCIE, SSCI, A&HCI (2008 年)
本刊收录在 Web of Science:SCIE(2009 版)
提示: Impact Factor: 1.034 ; Rank: 4615
提示: Impact Factor:0.824; 5-Year Impact Factor:1.258
本刊收录在:Ei Compendex (2010 年)
本刊收录在:Ei Compendex (2008 年)
Published since 1963, this monthly journal is one of the most respected earth science publications in the
world. It is recognized for its wide-ranging coverage of research in geophysics, economic geology,
paleontology, biostratigraphy, Quaternary geoscience, structural geology, tectonics, sedimentology,
mineralogy, petrology, geochemistry, stratigraphy, and glacial geology.
Types of Papers
Articles are reports that describe the results of research in Earth Sciences. Articles are subject to the
Journal's referee system, with originality and excellence being the main criteria for acceptance. Authors
should convey their messages in the shortest form possible. The normal page limit is 30 double-spaced
typewritten pages (or approximately 8000 words), including the title page, abstract, main body of text,
acknowledgements, references, and figure captions. Longer articles may be accepted, but the Editor must
be assured by the referees and appropriate Associate Editor that the unusual length is warranted by the
quality and quantity of science in the contribution. Articles should be directed at an informed peer group;
therefore, authors should not try to present their work in a form comprehensible to all our readers.
Communications are short, innovative articles of interest to a broad spectrum of Earth scientists and should
not exceed 15 pages in length. Review and publication of such articles are expedited. When submitting a
communication, authors must explain why its importance or timeliness justifies accelerated processing.
Authors will be expected to complete revisions rapidly.
Discussions of articles in recent issues of the Journal may be accepted for publication, if they are brief and
of a technical or interpretative nature. Replies to such discussions are invited from the original authors and
are generally published in the same issue.
The ethical standards expected of authors, referees, and editors are described in the NRC Research Press
Publication Policy (published in the January 1996 issue of the Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences).
Authors must affirm that a submitted manuscript is not under consideration elsewhere for publication and
will not be submitted elsewhere while under consideration by the Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences.
Submitted manuscripts should contain previously unreported material. Any overlap of contents between
related papers should be minimal, and normally confined to the introductory section. Authors should
provide information and preprints on any papers closely related to the submitted manuscript that are not
yet in the public domain (i.e., in review or in press). If deemed necessary for the review process, these will
be copied to the reviewers. The corresponding author must confirm that all authors have read and approved
the manuscript.
Conflict of Interest and Disclosure ?The Editor recognizes that authors and peer reviewers may have real
or perceived conflicts of interest arising from intellectual, personal, or financial circumstances of their
research. Submitted manuscripts should include full disclosure of funding sources for the research and the
letter of transmission should include an explanation of any real or perceived conflicts of interest that may
arise during the peer review process. Failure to disclose such conflicts may lead to refusal of a submitted
The Manuscript
Publication will be facilitated if authors check carefully the symbols, abbreviations, and technical terms for
accuracy, consistency, and readability and ensure that manuscripts and illustrations meet the requirements
outlined below. NRC Research Press maintains the right to preserve the technical quality of the Journal.
Authors are requested to refer to a recent issue of the Journal for details of layout, especially for tables and
reference lists.
Four copies of the complete manuscript are required by the Editor. All parts of the manuscript (including
title page, footnotes, references, figure captions, and tables) must be typewritten, double-spaced, on one
side only of white bond paper 216 ?279 mm (8.5 ?11 in.) or ISO A4 (212 ?297 mm) with 2.5-cm (1-in.)
margins in an 11- or 12-point font. Use an italic font for material that is to be set in italics. First-order
headings should also be underlined in the typescript. Manuscripts that do not conform to these instructions
will be returned to the authors.
Spelling should follow that of Webster's Third New International Dictionary or the Oxford English
Dictionary. Authors are responsible for consistency in spelling.
SI units (Système international d’unités) should be used or SI equivalents should be given. This system is
explained and other useful information is given in the Metric Practice Guide (2000) published by the CSA
International (178 Rexdale Blvd., Toronto, ON M9W 1R3, Canada). For practical reasons, some
exceptions to SI units are allowed.
Geological nomenclature should follow the American Geological Institute's Glossary of Geology (1997)
except where superceded by international recommendations, such as those of the International Union of
Geological Sciences' Subcommission on the Systematics of Igneous Rocks and of the International
Mineralogical Association on the nomenclature of minerals. Stratigraphic nomenclature should follow the
North American Stratigraphic Code (American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, 67(5):
841?75, 1983). Canadian lithostratigraphic units are summarized in the regional Lexicons of Canadian
Stratigraphy published by the Canadian Society of Petroleum Geologists. Only formal time-stratigraphic
and geologic-time units should be capitalized, in accordance with Elsevier Science Publishers' Geologic
Time Table (1987). Abbreviations for mineral names should follow R. Kretz (American Mineralogist, 68:
277?79, 1983) and should be summarized in a footnote or figure caption. New 14C dates reported in
manuscripts must include the laboratory reference number.
Abbreviations and contractions of the names of rock units, procedures, etc., must be defined the first time
that they occur and should be used sparingly. Symbols and unusual or Greek characters should be
identified clearly. Superscripts and subscripts should be legible and carefully placed.
The title page should have only the title of the paper; the names, affiliations, and mailing addresses of all
authors; the corresponding author's telephone and fax numbers and E-mail address; and any necessary
footnotes including contribution numbers. Page numbers begin with the title page, and all pages of text and
tables should be numbered.
The abstract for papers should not exceed 250 words, and should be shorter for communications. The
abstract is a succinct summary of why and how the work was done, the salient results, and their
interpretation and broader implications. Authors who can submit abstracts in both fluent English and fluent
French are encouraged to do so. The abstract should be provided on a separate page (or pages) and should
be headed by the title and authors of the paper (a copy of this page is sent separately to the translator).
References should not be cited in the abstract, and abbreviations other than SI units and chemical formulae
should be avoided.
Footnotes to material in the text should not be used unless they are unavoidable, but their use is
encouraged in tables. Where used in the text, footnotes should be cited in the manuscript by superscript
Arabic numbers (except in the tables, see below) and should be numbered serially beginning with any that
appear on the title page. Each footnote should be typed on the manuscript page on which the reference to it
is made; footnotes should not be included in the list of references.
Equations should be clearly typed; triple-spacing should be used if superscripts and (or) subscripts are
involved. Superscripts and subscripts should be legible and carefully placed. Distinguish between
lowercase el and the numeral one, and between capital oh and the numeral zero. A letter or symbol should
represent only one entity and be used consistently throughout the paper. Each variable must be defined in
the text, or in a List of symbols to appear after the reference list. Variables representing vectors, matrices,
vector matrices, and tensors must be clearly identified. Numbers identifying equations must be in square
brackets and placed flush with the left margin. In numbering, no distinction is made between mathematical
and chemical equations.
References The author is responsible for verifying each reference against the original article. Each
reference must be cited in the text, using the surnames of the authors and the year, for example, (Green
1970) or Green and Brown (1981). Depending on the sentence construction, the names may or may not be
in parentheses, but the year always is. If there are three or more authors, the citation should give the name
of the first author followed by et al. (Green et al. 1969). If references occur that are not uniquely identified
by the authors' names and year, use a, b, c, etc., after the year, for example, Green 1983a, 1983b; Green
and Brown 1978a, 1978b, for the text citation and in the reference list.
The reference list must be double-spaced and placed at the end of the text. References must be listed in
alphabetical order according to the name of the first author and not numbered and should follow the form
used in current issues of the Journal. All reference information should be written out in full, using no
abbreviations beyond the authors' initials. References with the same first author are listed in the following
order. (1) Papers with one author only are listed first, in chronological order, beginning with the earliest
paper. (2) Papers with dual authorship follow and are listed in alphabetical order by the last name of the
second author. (3) Papers with three or more authors appear after the dual-authored papers and are
arranged chronologically.
Material in press, with the name of the journal, may be used as a reference. Private communications,
reports not yet accepted for publication, and unavailable documents are not references and should be
included in the text in parentheses, specifying names of authors, their initials, and the year.
Tables must be numbered with Arabic numerals in the order in which they are cited in the text. The title
should be a concise description of the content. Column headings and descriptive material in tables should
be brief, but may be enlarged upon in footnotes. Vertical lines should not be used, except as needed in
stratigraphic tables. Footnotes in tables should be designated by superscript lowercase italic letters.
Descriptive material not designated by a footnote may be placed under a table as a Note. Tables should be
typed on separate pages and placed after the list of references. For large tables, authors should provide a
formatted single-spaced version for review and submit a double-spaced version with the final manuscript
for typesetting. Tables should be designed to use Journal space efficiently.
Appendices Figures and tables used in an appendix should be numbered sequentially but separately from
those used in the main body of the paper, for example, Fig. A1, Table A1, etc.
Supplementary material.The National Research Council of Canada maintains a depository in which
supplementary material may be placed, either at the request of the author or suggestion of the Editor. In
addition, supplementary material can now be made available in its native file format on the journal Web
site. It will be linked from the Web page of the associated article. Such material may include extensive
tables of data, detailed calculations, and maps not essential for understanding and evaluating the paper.
Such material must be clearly marked when the manuscript is submitted. Tables and figures should be
numbered in sequence separate from those published with the paper (e.g., Fig. D1, Table D1). The
supplementary material should be referred to by footnotes. Copies of material in the depository may be
purchased from the Depository of Unpublished Data, CISTI, National Research Council of Canada,
Ottawa, ON K1A 0R6, Canada.
Authors are required to send four sets of clean copies of all figures when they submit their manuscript.
Original figures should not be submitted at this time, but will be requested when the manuscript is returned
for revision. However, all copies must be of similar quality to the originals, otherwise the review process
may be compromised. When submitting photographs, SUBMIT FOUR SETS OF ORIGINALS.
Manuscripts with substandard photographs or photocopies will be returned or held until suitably
high-quality images are provided.
Each figure or group of figures should be planned to fit, after appropriate reduction, into the area of either
one or two columns of text. The maximum finished size of a one-column illustration is 8.8 x 23.9 cm (3.5
x 9.4 in.) and that of a two-column illustration is 18.2 x 23.9 cm (7.2 x 9.4 in.). The figures (including
halftones) must be numbered consecutively in Arabic numerals, and each one must be referred to in the
text and must be self-explanatory. All terms, abbreviations, and symbols must correspond with those in the
text. Only essential labelling should be used, with detailed information given in the caption. Each
illustration must be identified by the figure number and the authors' names on the back of the page or in
the left-hand corner, well away from the illustration area.
Line drawings should be made with black ink or be computer-generated in black on high-quality white
paper or other comparable material. For computer-generated graphics, supply a laser print at the highest
resolution available. Photocopies are not acceptable.
All lines must be sufficiently thick (0.5 points minimum) to reproduce well, and all symbols, superscripts,
subscripts, and decimal points must be in good proportion to the rest of the drawing and large enough to
allow for any necessary reduction without loss of detail. Avoid small open symbols; these tend to fill in
upon reproduction. Lettering produced by dot matrix printers or typewriters, or by hand, is not acceptable.
The same font style and lettering sizes should be used for all figures of similar size in any one paper.
Maps must have very clear, bold patterns and must show longitudes and latitudes (or UTM coordinates)
and a scale. On maps of Quebec, the official name of municipalities must be used (e.g., Québec, Montréal,
Clarke City) and physical features must be in French (e.g., Lac Bienville) except for those that are
considered of pan-Canadian significance (see list below), which should be presented in the language of the
paper. Quebec (the province) must also appear in the language of the paper. Names that should be
presented in the language of the paper on a map of Quebec are as follows:
Lake Abitibi / Lac Abitibi
Anticosti Island / Île d'Anticosti
Atlantic Ocean / Océan Atlantique
Chaleur Bay / Baie des Chaleurs
Hudson Strait / Détroit d'Hudson
James Bay / Baie James
Laurentian Mountains / Les Laurentides
Ottawa River / Rivière des Outaouais
Quebec (province) / Québec
Restigouche River / Rivière Ristigouche
Saguenay River / Rivière Saguenay
Saint John River / Rivière Saint-Jean
St. Lawrence River / Fleuve Saint-Laurent
Gulf of St. Lawrence / Golfe du Saint-Laurent
Lake Timiskaming / Lac Témiscamingue
Ungava Bay / Baie d'Ungava
Photographs should be continuous tone on glossy paper. Prints must be of high quality, on glossy paper,
with strong contrast. The copies for reproduction should only show essential features. A photograph, or
group of them, should be planned to fit into the area of either one or two columns of text with no further
reduction. Electron micrographs or photomicrographs should include a scale bar directly on the print. The
best results will be obtained if the authors match the contrast and density of all figures arranged as a single
Colour illustrations and foldouts will be at the author's expense. Further details on prices are available
from Jennifer Stewart, Managing Editor, NRC Research Press (613-990-3474; fax: 613-952-7656; e-mail:
NRC Research Press prefers the submission of electronic illustration files for accepted manuscripts and
will use these electronic files whenever possible. If electronic files are not available, paper versions of the
figures will be scanned. Note that the scanner will easily reproduce flaws (e.g., correction fluid, smudges).
Submission of noncontinuous (screened) photographs and scanned illustrations printed out on laser
printers is not recommended as moirés develop; a is a noticeable, unwanted pattern generated rescanning
or rescreening an illustration that already contains a dot pattern.
Preparation of Electronic Illustration Files
Authors must supply copies of the original electronic files (i.e., the files directly from the software
application that they were created in) and high-quality laser proofs of the images. Electronic files (i.e., fig.
number and fig. content) should match the laser proofs. On the disk label, identify (i) the software
application and version; (ii) file name(s), size, and extension; and (iii) if the files have been imported from
another software. If you have compressed your files, indicate what compression format was used. PC or
Macintosh versions of TrueType or Type 1 fonts should be used. Do not use bitmap or nonstandard fonts.
Electronic graphics can be accepted on the following disks: 3?in. disks, 100 MB Zip cartridges, and
The preferred software application of NRC Research Press is CorelDraw! For other applications that can
be used, see the electronic graphics list.
All figures should be submitted at their final published size. For figures with several parts (e.g., a, b, c, d,
etc.) created using the same software application, assemble them into one file rather than sending several
Remember that the more complex your artwork becomes, the greater the possibility for problems at output
time. Avoid complicated textures and shadings, especially in vector illustration programs; this increases the
chance for a poor-quality final product.
Bitmap (raster) files Bitmaps are image files produced using a grid format in which each square (or pixel)
is set to one level of black, colour or grey. A bitmap (rasterized) file is broken down into the number of
pixels or picture elements per inch (ppi). Pixels per inch is sometimes referred to as dots per inch (dpi).
The proper resolution should be used when submitting bitmap artwork. The minimum requirements for
resolution are 600 dpi for line art and finelines (line art with fine lines or shading), 300 dpi for halftones
and colour, and 600 dpi for combinations (halftones with lettering outside the photo area).
All colour files submitted must be as CMYK (cyan, magenta, yellow, and black). These colours are used in
full-colour commercial printing. RGB graphics (red, green, and blue; colours specifically used to produce
an image on a monitor) will not print correctly.
Vector files ?Vector files are image files produced using elements such as lines and shapes. Typically these
files are used for line drawings.
Bitmaps inside vector files ?Bitmaps can be imported into vector/draw applications only for the purpose of
adding and overlaying information, lines, text, etc. Bitmaps should not be resized, cropped, rotated, or
otherwise manipulated after importing.
The Publication Process
Manuscripts for publication should be submitted to Dr. Brian Jones, Editor, Canadian Journal of Earth
Sciences, Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB T6G 2E3,
Canada (780-492-3197; fax: 780-492-8594; e-mail: cjes.editor@ualberta.ca).
Authors must suggest names of three to five potential referees for the manuscript that they are submitting.
The Editor will use one of these reviewers providing that they are not in a position of conflict with the
author(s) and are willing to serve in this role. Other reviewer(s) will be selected by the Editor. The names
of these referees must be accompanied by their full addresses, telephone and fax numbers, and e-mail
The corresponding author should list telephone and fax numbers and e-mail address on the manuscript and
on any correspondence.
Copyright material ?Whenever a manuscript contains material that is protected by copyright (airphotos,
figures, tables, etc.), it is the obligation of the author to secure written permission from the holder of the
copyright to reproduce the material for both the print and electronic formats. These letters must accompany
the submitted manuscript; otherwise, publication may be delayed. All material designated as "taken
from..." must be accompanied by a letter of permission. If the material is not to be reproduced exactly as in
the original, it should be designated as "modified from...". In either case the source of the material must be
included in the reference list.
Once the paper has been accepted, all correspondence should be with NRC Research Press, National
Research Council of Canada, Ottawa, ON K1A 0R6, Canada.
Submission of electronic copy Authors are requested to submit the final accepted manuscript only, both in
hard copy format and on disk. Text files and figure files should be submitted on separate disks. All disks
must be labelled clearly with the authors' names. Text (including tables) should be provided in a
word-processing format (any form of WordPerfect, Microsoft Word, or TeX is preferable, IBM compatible
or Macintosh). Identify the word-processing software, version number, and type of computer used (IBM or
Macintosh). For figures, see the section "Preparation of Electronic Illustration Files." Include a statement
in the letter accompanying the manuscript that the electronic version exactly matches the final hard copy
Galley proofs A galley proof, illustration proofs, the copy-edited manuscript, and a reprint order form are
sent to the corresponding author. Galley proofs must be checked very carefully, as they will not be
proofread by NRC Research Press, and must be returned within 48 hours of receipt. The proof stage is not
the time to make extensive corrections, additions, or deletions. The cost of changes introduced at the proof
stage by the author, if deemed to be excessive, will be charged to the author.
Reprints ?If reprints are desired, the reprint order form must be filled out completely and returned with
payment (cheque, credit card number, purchase order number, or journal voucher) together with the
corrected proofs and manuscript. Orders submitted after the Journal has been printed are subject to
considerably higher prices. The Journal does not provide free reprints and reprints are not mailed until a
purchase order number or payment is received.
Copyright transfer Authors are required to complete a copyright transfer form assigning all rights to NRC.
The corresponding author may complete this form on behalf of the coauthors. Copyright transfer forms are
available from the Editor, in the January issue of the Journal, or on the web site of NRC Research Press.
Requests for permission to republish the paper, in whole or in part, should be sent to NRC Research Press.
Chemical geology
Chemical geology [Semiyearly]/ ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV, PO BOX 211, AMSTERDAM,
ISSN 0009-2541
本刊收录在:Web of Science - SCIE, SSCI, A&HCI (2009 年)
本刊收录在:Web of Science - SCIE, SSCI, A&HCI (2008 年)
本刊收录在 Web of Science:SCIE(2009 版)
提示: Impact Factor: 3.722 ; Rank: 940
提示: Impact Factor:3.407; 5-Year Impact Factor:4.096
Chemical Geology(including Isotope Geoscience) is an international journal that publishes original
research papers on the isotopic and elemental geochemistry and geochronology of the Earth. The Journal is
concerned with chemical processes in igneous, metamorphic, and sedimentary petrology, low- and
high-temperature aqueous solutions, and the environment. Papers that are field, experimentally, or
computationally based are all appropriate providing they are of broad international interest. The Journal
continues to welcome papers dealing with significant analytical advances that were previously published in
the Isotope Geoscience Section.
General instructions
1. Papers must be submitted in their final form, bearing in mind that no further correction/addition is
2. Submission of an article is understood to imply that the article is original and unpublished and is not
being considered for publication elsewhere.
3. Manuscripts should be structured in a way that conforms to that of the journal in question.
4. Manuscripts for Chemical Geology should be sent in quadruplicate to: Editorial Office, CHEMICAL
GEOLOGY, P.O. Box 1930, 1000 BX Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Street address for courier shipments:
Molenwerf 1, 1014 AG Amsterdam
Manuscripts for C.J. Allègre should be sent, in quadruplicate, to the following address: Dr. C.J. Allègre,
Institute de Physique du Globe, Lab. de Geochimie et Cosmochemie, 4 Place Jussieu, F-75230 Paris Cédex
05, France.
5. A recent issue should be checked for information about
- number of copies required.
- whether keywords, autobiographies, etc., are required.
6. Manuscripts must be written in English*. Authors whose native language is not English are
recommended to seek the advice of a colleague who has English as his mother-tongue before submitting
their manuscript. Manuscripts written in correct English require less time for review and publication.
*Occasional contributions in French will be considered for publication for the following journals: ISPRS
Journal of Photogrammetry & Remote Sensing and Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology.
Authors in Japan please note: Upon request, Elsevier Science Japan will provide authors with a list of
people who can check and improve the English of their paper (before submission). Please contact our
Tokyo office: Elsevier Science Japan, 1-9-15 Higashi Azabu, Minato-ku, Tokyo 106. Tel: +81 3 5561 5032.
Fax: +81 3 5561 5045.
7. Authors should use IUGS terminology. The use of S.I. units is also strongly recommended.
8. The manuscript should be prepared on a word processor and printed with double spacing and wide
margins. The various headings should be clearly differentiated, and first and second order headings should
be numbered.
9. The entire manuscript should be paginated. However, in the text no reference should be made to page
numbers; if necessary, you may refer to section numbers.
10. Manuscripts should generally be organized in the following order
Clay minerals
ISSN 0009-8558
本刊收录在:Web of Science - SCIE, SSCI, A&HCI (2009 年)
本刊收录在:Web of Science - SCIE, SSCI, A&HCI (2008 年)
本刊收录在 Web of Science:SCIE(2009 版)
提示: Impact Factor: 1.341 ; Rank: 3841
提示: Impact Factor:0.964; 5-Year Impact Factor:1.608
本刊收录在:Ei Compendex (2010 年)
本刊收录在:Ei Compendex (2008 年)
Clay Minerals is the Journal of the European Clay Groups: British Clay Minerals Group, Groupe
Francais des Argiles, Belgian Contact Group on Clays, Czech National Clay Group, Sociedad Espanola de
Arcillas, Gruppo Italiano del'AIPEA, Deutsche Ton- und Tonmineralgruppe, Nordic Society for Clay
Research, Polish National Clay Group, Israel Society of Clay Research, Turkish National Committee on
Clay Sciences and the Associacao Portuguesa de Argillas
Clays and clay minerals
Clays and clay minerals [Monthly]/ CLAY MINERALS SOC, 3635 CONCORDE PKWY, STE 500,
CHANTILLY, USA, VA, 20151-1125
ISSN 0009-8604
本刊收录在:Web of Science - SCIE, SSCI, A&HCI (2009 年)
本刊收录在:Web of Science - SCIE, SSCI, A&HCI (2008 年)
本刊收录在 Web of Science:SCIE(2009 版)
提示: Impact Factor: 1.631 ; Rank: 3211
提示: Impact Factor:1.431; 5-Year Impact Factor:1.738
本刊收录在:Ei Compendex (2010 年)
本刊收录在:Ei Compendex (2008 年)
本馆索书号: P/18(WK)
Clays and Clay Minerals is the official publication of THE CLAY MINERALS SOCIETY. The
JOURNAL publishes articles of interest to the international community of clay scientists, including but not
limited to areas in mineralogy, crystallography, geology, geochemistry, sedimentology, soil science,
agronomy, physical chemistry, colloid chemistry, ceramics, petroleum engineering, foundry engineering,
and soil mechanics. Clays and Clay Minerals exists to disseminate to its worldwide readership the most
recent developments in all of these aspects of clay materials. Manuscripts are welcome from all countries.
SUBMISSION OF MANUSCRIPTS Manuscripts are to be submitted to the Editorial Office of CLAYS
AND CLAY MINERALS. Submit an original (include original figures) plus three copies. Include the
phone, FAX, and e-mail address of the submitting author. In the submittal letter, authors must state that the
manuscript has not been published, is not currently submitted for publication elsewhere, wholly or in part,
nor will be submitted elsewhere while in the review process for CLAYS AND CLAY MINERALS.
Contributions may be (1) papers on original research or reviews on subjects of interest to the international
community of clay scientists, (2) letters to the editor commenting on papers published, (3) editorial
comment or comments by other Society officers, or (4) comments on matters having to do with clays or
other fine-grained minerals. Letters to the editors and other comments should not exceed one printed page.
Unsolicited book reviews are not to be submitted. Authors are encouraged to suggest potential reviewers
(include addresses).
FORM OF MANUSCRIPT Manuscripts must be typewritten double spaced on standard 8 1/2 x 11 inch
white paper (do not use onionskin or erasable bond), and four copies must be submitted. CLAYS AND
CLAY MINERALS welcomes manuscripts from all countries, but the texts must be in English. All
submitted manuscripts should have been reviewed by a colleague for whom English is a first language.
Pages are to be numbered. End-of-line hyphens must be avoided. We need space on the manuscript to tell
the typesetter how to print your paper. Therefore, use wide margins of at least one inch (2.5cm), a font size
of 12-point, and double space. Do not right-justify type, since the spacing between words become
confusing. End-of-line hyphens must be avoided.
TITLE PAGE The title page should include in the following order: manuscript title, full names of authors,
addresses of institutions of authors, a shorter running title not exceeding 72 characters including spaces,
any footnotes to the title or author data, and the name and complete mailing address of the person to whom
correspondence and page proofs should be sent.
ABSTRACT All manuscripts (except letters and comments) must contain an informative abstract that is a
condensation of the essential ideas and results of the paper, and not simply a list of the subjects covered in
the text. Abstracts must clearly relate the problem, methods, results, and conclusions in such a manner that
they can be used by current-awareness publications and other information-retrieval systems. Do not repeat
information given in the title or reference the literature in the abstract. Abstracts should not exceed 300
KEY WORDS Provide a list of keywords (up to ten) in alphabetical order after the abstract (on the same
page). These key words will be used in the index at the end of the year ?so if you want others to find this
article be careful what you place here. For more information about the different parts of a manuscript, see
the inside back cover of the JOURNAL starting in volume 47.
TEXT Text must be in a concise and readily understandable style. Sufficient detail must be included to
enable other investigators to repeat the work. However, extremely detailed technical descriptions of the
methods used should only be given when such methods represent a new approach. Contributors may
indicate the approximate position desired within the text for each figure and table, but please provide the
figures and tables at the end of the manuscript.
STYLE Our style guide is The Chicago Manual of Style. Contributors should consult previous issues of
CLAYS AND CLAY MINERALS from v. 34-36 or after v. 47, issue 2 for the general style. New mineral
names require the approval of the IMA Commission on New Mineral Names. Mineral nomenclature must
conform to IMA, CMS Nomenclature Committee, and AIPEA Nomenclature Committee guidelines.
Include separate pages for the title page and abstract. Units, symbols
Here is an example of the use of headings:
Heading 2
Heading 3. Run-in text here...
Heading 4. Run-in text here...
Please do not use an "outline" style or "bullets".
Chemical and mathematical equations are to be set from the text above and below by centering on the line,
provided with a sequence number in parentheses, such as (1), and with each new symbol defined
immediately below in the text.
References are cited in the text by the name of the author and the year of publication, e.g., Noh (1998) or
Brandt and Kydd (1998). For references with more than two authors, use "et al." as in White et al. (1992).
Citations in parentheses must include a comma, e.g., (White et al., 1992). Full references are listed
alphabetically by author at the end of the paper and with the year in parentheses. The name of the author is
given surname first, followed by a comma and the initials, with each initial followed by a period and
without a space between initials. Do not abbreviate journal names. Volume numbers are in bold. For
Jahren, J.S. (1991) Evidence of Ostwald ripening related recrystallizations of chlorites
from reservoir rocks offshore Norway. Clay Minerals, 26, 169-178.
Koizumi, M. and Roy, R. (1959) Synthetic montmorillonoids with variable exchange
capacity. American Mineralogist, 44, 788-805.
Reynolds, R.C. (1980) Interstratified clay minerals.
Weaver, C.E. and Pollard, L.D. (1973) The Chemistry of Clay Minerals. Elsevier,
Amsterdam, 213 pp.
Kalt, A. (1968) Une silice hydratée cristallisée: Préparation, structure, propriétés chimiques.Ph.D. thesis,
Univ. Strasbourg, Strasbourg, France, 197 pp.
Arrange multiple references with the same first author chronologically. Personal communications or other
unpublished observations may be cited in the text, such as: (J. Jones, personal communication, 1996) or (J.
Jones, unpublished data, 1996). These citations should not be included in the reference list, but the address
of the person (e.g., J. Jones) referred to in the communication may be given in the Acknowledgments at the
discretion of the author.
Tables will be typeset. Avoid complicated column headings. Type each table on a separate sheet of paper.
Footnotes to tables should be indicated by superscript numerals and should commence anew in each table.
Type the table caption directly above the table.
Figure legends will be typeset; please type legends on a separate page and not on the figures themselves.
Use lower case letters to designate different parts of a figure, and do not use parentheses. All figures must
be camera-ready, with no retouching needed and mounted on a sheet of paper. Multi-part figures must be
mounted on the same page. Text on figures must follow our style guidelines above. All figures and
photographs must be designed to fit after photographic reduction either a single (7.5 cm x 22 cm) or
double (15.5 cm x 22 cm) width for the page size of the JOURNAL. Authors should check reduction on a
copier. Try to make the figure work as a one-column figure! In photo or electron micrographs, the scale in
micrometers (mm) or other suitable units should be drawn directly on the print. Do not include
magnification information on the figure because it may be reduced (i.e., provide a scale instead). Also,
avoid unnecessary boxes around illustrations or within a figure.
REVIEW Manuscripts submitted to the JOURNAL are normally reviewed by two or more referees, an
Associate Editor, the Managing Editor, and the Editor-in-Chief. Identity of the referees is optional, at the
discretion of the referee. Acceptance or rejection of a manuscript is the sole responsibility of the
COPYRIGHT As a result of the US copyright law effective January 1, 1978, it is essential as a condition
of publication that the authors or their employers grant in writing to THE CLAY MINERALS SOCIETY
the copyright to the manuscript, unless the work has been done for the U.S. Government. Copyright forms
will be mailed at the time of manuscript acceptance, or are available from the Editorial Office upon request.
All authors must sign the copyright form, unless their employer will hold the copyright. Authors (or
employers, as applicable) will retain all proprietary rights other than copyright, such as patent rights and
the right to use all or part of the manuscript in future non-journal works of their own, such as lectures,
reviews, textbooks, or reprint books.
COPYRIGHT ISSUES Copyright laws require The Clay Minerals Society to obtain copyright on all
articles published in either Clays and Clay Minerals or Society publications. The Clay Minerals Society
recognizes that authors should have complete access to their work for possible future use, if necessary. The
Society's policy is to allow the use of work defined as "fair-use" items (e.g., figures, tables) to be used by
the author, provided that proper citations are given. Authors do not need to obtain additional permission for
"fair-use" items, except for use in books or in "for-profit" publications. Authors who plan on publishing
"fair-use" items in books or "for-profit" publications must obtain permission from the Editor.
Scientists or educators may use Society publication materials for certain limited non-profit educational
uses, such as in a classroom or for most scientific purposes, without obtaining additional permission. Any
commercial use of any Society materials in any format (e.g., paper, electronic, etc.) requires permission
from the Society office. If in doubt as to whether permission is needed, please contact the Society office. In
many cases, permission may be obtained through the Copyright Clearance Center, which may be accessed
using the following icon:
Contributions to mineralogy and petrology
Contributions to mineralogy and petrology /SPRINGER, 233 SPRING ST, NEW YORK, USA,
NY, 10013.
ISSN 0010-7999
本刊收录在:Web of Science - SCIE, SSCI, A&HCI (2009 年)
本刊收录在:Web of Science - SCIE, SSCI, A&HCI (2008 年)
本刊收录在 Web of Science:SCIE(2009 版)
提示: Impact Factor: 3.418 ; Rank: 1088
提示: Impact Factor:3.497; 5-Year Impact Factor:4.129
Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology is an international journal that accepts high quality
research papers in the fields of igneous and metamorphic petrology, geochemistry and mineralogy.
Topics of interest include: major element, trace element and isotope geochemistry, geochronology,
experimental petrology, igneous and metamorphic petrology, mineralogy, major and trace element mineral
chemistry and thermodynamic modeling of petrologic and geochemical processes.
Manuscripts should advance our understanding of the fundamental processes that lead to the formation and
evolution of the Earth’s crust, mantle and core. Papers should use petrologic, geochemical and
mineralogical evidence recorded in rocks and minerals to explore these processes and their implications
for the development of the Earth’s crust, mantle and core through time.
Aims and scope
Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology is an international journal that accepts high quality research
papers in the fields of igneous and metamorphic petrology, geochemistry and mineralogy.
Topics of interest include: major element, trace element and isotope geochemistry, geochronology,
experimental petrology, igneous and metamorphic petrology, mineralogy, major and trace element mineral
chemistry and thermodynamic modeling of petrologic and geochemical processes.
Manuscripts should advance our understanding of the fundamental processes that lead to the formation and
evolution of the Earth’s crust, mantle and core. Papers should use petrologic, geochemical and
mineralogical evidence recorded in rocks and minerals to explore these processes and their implications
for the development of the Earth’s crust, mantle and core through time.
Manuscript submission
Manuscript Submission
Online Submission
Manuscript Submission
Submission of a manuscript implies: that the work described has not been published before; that it is not
under consideration for publication anywhere else; that its publication has been approved by all co-authors,
if any, as well as by the responsible authorities ?tacitly or explicitly ?at the institute where the work has
been carried out. The publisher will not be held legally responsible should there be any claims for
Authors wishing to include figures, tables, or text passages that have already been published elsewhere are
required to obtain permission from the copyright owner(s) for both the print and online format and to
include evidence that such permission has been granted when submitting their papers. Any material
received without such evidence will be assumed to originate from the authors.
Online Submission
Authors should submit their manuscripts online. Electronic submission substantially reduces the editorial
processing and reviewing times and shortens overall publication times. Please follow the hyperlink
“Submit online?on the right and upload all of your manuscript files following the instructions given on the
Earth and planetary science letters
Earth and planetary science letters [Semimonthly]/ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV, PO BOX 211,
ISSN 0012-821X
本刊收录在:Web of Science - SCIE, SSCI, A&HCI (2009 年)
本刊收录在:Web of Science - SCIE, SSCI, A&HCI (2008 年)
本刊收录在 Web of Science:SCIE(2009 版)
提示: Impact Factor: 4.279 ; Rank: 702
提示: Impact Factor:4.062; 5-Year Impact Factor:4.962
本刊收录在:Ei Compendex (2010 年)
本刊收录在:Ei Compendex (2008 年)
Since its first appearance in 1966, Earth and Planetary Science Letters has built up an enviable reputation.
Its successful formula of presenting high-quality research articles with minimal delay has made it one of
the most important sources of information in its field. The articles published reflect the great impact made
on research in the geosciences by the use of successful research methods from other disciplines such as
chemistry, physics, and mathematics. It also covers research into all aspects of lunar studies, plate tectonics,
ocean floor spreading, and continental drift, as well as basic studies of the physical, chemical and
mechanical properties of the Earth's crust and mantle, the atmosphere and the hydrosphere.
Mid 2002 a new section of short reviews called Frontiers was introduced within Earth and Planetary
Science Letters. These high profile papers are written by leading experts and published as the opening
pages to regular EPSL issues. The papers fill an important niche of fast communications that bring the
scientific community up-to-speed on interesting new areas of science.
1. Submission and preparation of manuscripts
a) Initially, four copies of the manuscript including photographs, line-drawings and tables should be
submitted to one of the Editors. Original line-drawings should not be sent until the final revised manuscript
is submitted. Submission implies that the article is original, unpublished, and is not being considered for
publication elsewhere.
b) The title page and abstract should be provided on diskette with the original submission; this will be used
when e-mailing potential reviewers. The title page should include the names of the authors, their
affiliations, addresses, phone/fax and e-mail numbers. In the case of more than one author please indicate
to whom the correspondence should be addressed. Further, the title page should contain a word/page count
(see section 2).
c) With the submitted manuscript, authors should enclose the names, addresses, fax/phone and e-mail
numbers of seven suggested reviewers. The Editors will not reveal the identity of the reviewers unless
asked otherwise but the reviewers are free to correspond directly with the authors if they so desire.
d) The manuscript should be prepared on a word processor and printed with double spacing and wide
margins and, except for very short papers, include an abstract of not more than 500 words.
e) Authors should use IUGS terminology. The use of S.I. units is recommended.
f) In view of speed, authors are encouraged to revise within 4 weeks after receiving the reviews. At the
Editors' discretion, any revision received later may be regarded a new submission, subject to handling as a
new paper.
g) Upon acceptance of an article, the author(s) will be asked to transfer the copyright of the article to the
publisher. This transfer will ensure the widest possible dissemination of information under the US
copyright law.
Submission of electronic text
In order to publish the paper as quickly as possible, after acceptance, authors are asked to submit the final
text also on diskette. Authors must ensure that the diskette version and hardcopy are identical discrepancies can lead to publication of the wrong version. If available, in addition to original prints,
electronic files of the figures should also be included on a separate disk/CD.
2. Length of papers
a) The maximum permissible length of a paper is 15 printed journal pages (taking into account ALL
elements of the article, including text, figures, equations, tables and references).
b) The maximum allowable number of words in the main text is 6500 (this is EXCLUDING the words in
the title, abstract, captions, equations, tables and references).
c) There is no maximum to the length of the paper's reference list. However, at the discretion of the Editors,
authors may be required to limit the number of references.
The number of printed pages is estimated as follows:
(number of WORDS in the main text divided by 750) + (number of REFERENCES divided by 35)
(1 page for title, list of authors, and abstract)
(the number of pages needed for the figures, the figure captions, the equations and the tables);
more detailed information is available below (under APPENDIX).
NOTE: Both a word count on the main text, and a page count for the estimated printed length, must be
provided on the title page of the manuscript.
3. References
a) References should be restricted to the number necessary for citation of pertinent material. As a rule of
thumb, an average of 3-4 references per printed page is recommended. References to internal reports, etc.,
are to be avoided.
b) References to the literature should strictly follow the journal's format: the references should be
numbered in the order in which they are cited, and given in numerical sequence in the reference list at the
end of the manuscript. The numbers should appear in the text in the appropriate places using numerals in
square brackets on the line. In the reference list, periodicals [1], books [2], multi-author books [3] and
proceedings [4], should be cited in accordance with the following examples:
[1] C. Matyska, D.A.Yuen, Are mantle plumes adiabatic?, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 189 (2001) 165-176.
[2] I.S.E. Carmichael, F.J. Turner, J. Verhoogen, Igneous Petrology, McGraw-Hill, New York, NY, 1974,
739 pp.
[3] S.R. Taylor, Chemical composition and evolution of the continental crust: the rare earth element
evidence, in: M.W. McElhinney (Ed.), The Earth, its Origin, Structure and Evolution, Academic Press,
London, 1978, pp. 2-44.
[4] V.T. Bowen, H.D. Livingstone, J.C. Burke, Distribution of transuranium nuclides in sediment and biota
of the North Atlantic Ocean, in: Transuranium Elements in the Environment, IAEA Symp. Proc., 1976, pp.
(c) Abbreviations for titles of journals should follow the system used in the "Bibliographic Guide for
Editors and Authors" published in 1974 by the American Chemical Society, Washington, DC.
4. Tables and illustrations
a) Tables should be compiled on separate sheets. A title should be provided for each table and they should
be referred to in the text. Efforts should be made to make the size of the table correspond to the format of
the journal (max. 15x20 cm).
b) All illustrations should be numbered consecutively and referred to in the text.
c) Each illustration should be lettered throughout, the size of the lettering being appropriate to that of the
illustrations, but taking into account the possible need for reduction in size. The page format of the journal
should be considered in designing the illustrations. All illustrations must be originals, in the form of glossy
figures or laser prints. Each illustration must be accompanied by a photocopy.
d) Photographs must be good quality originals, printed on glossy paper.
e) Figure captions should be supplied on a separate sheet.
f) If, together with your accepted article, you submit usable colour figures (as hard copies and preferably
also as electronic files) then Elsevier Science will ensure, at no additional charge, that these figures will
appear in colour on the web (e.g., ScienceDirect and other sites) regardless of whether or not these
illustrations are reproduced in colour in the printed version. For colour reproduction in print, you will
receive information regarding the costs from Elsevier Science after receipt of your accepted article. For
Please note: Because of technical complications which can arise by converting colour figures to 'grey
scale' (for the printed version should you not opt for colour in print) please submit in addition usable black
and white prints corresponding to all the colour illustrations.
5. Proofs and reprints
a) One set of PDF proofs will be e-mailed to the corresponding author to be checked for typesetting/editing.
Proofs should be returned within 2 working days. In order to achieve a high speed of publication, articles
may be published without corrections if no timely response is received. It is important to ensure that all
corrections are sent back in one communication, by the corresponding author.
b) Twenty-five reprints of each article are supplied free of charge. A form for ordering extra reprints will
be sent to the corresponding author on receipt of the accepted manuscript by the publisher.
Guidelines to estimate the length of an article more precisely:
a) An average article opening (title up to and including the abstract) is between 1/2-1 a page (depending on
the number of authors and affiliations. Approximately 5 authors per line and 1 line for each affiliation).
b) A journal page with only typeset text contains about 750 words.
c) A 1-column figure takes up about 1/5 page (a 1-column figure consisting of several subfigures takes up
about 1 column (=1/2 page)), a 2-column figure about 1/2 a page (a 2-column figure of several subfigures
takes up about 2/3 page up to 1 page or more) depending of course on the size and details of the figure.
d) A 1-column table takes up about 1/5 page (depending of course on the number of entries; 5 entries is
equivalent to approximately 4 lines normal text), a 2-column table takes up about 1/2 a page.
e) A 1-line free-standing equation is equivalent to about 30 words (or approximately 4 lines).
f) The space taken up by a figure can be estimated by reducing its size to the width of 1 column (7.5 cm)
and then see if the figure is still legible. If not, the legends to the axes and the lettering should be enlarged,
so the figure still fits in 1 column. If this is not possible the figure should be placed in two columns
(maximum width 16 cm).
g) It is strongly recommended to take a look at the journal, since this gives a good indication regarding the
layout of the title page, figures and tables.
Earth-science reviews
Earth-science reviews [Monthly]/ ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV, PO BOX 211, AMSTERDAM,
ISSN 0012-8252
本刊收录在:Web of Science - SCIE, SSCI, A&HCI (2009 年)
本刊收录在:Web of Science - SCIE, SSCI, A&HCI (2008 年)
本刊收录在 Web of Science:SCIE(2009 版)
提示: Impact Factor: 5.833 ; Rank: 372
提示: Impact Factor:6.942; 5-Year Impact Factor:8.063
Earth-Science Reviews aims to familiarize all geologists with recent advances in the earth sciences.
Covering a much wider field than the usual specialist journals, it allows the reader to see his particular
interest related to the earth sciences as a whole. Because of the breadth and depth of its approach to
subjects of current interest, the journal is an important vehicle of information gathering for instructors;
students; research scientists; government agencies involved in programme support and management and in
environmental assessment and control; private industries concerned with planetary resources and the
independent consultant.
General instructions
1. Papers must be submitted in their final form, bearing in mind that no further correction/addition is
2. Submission of an article is understood to imply that the article is original and unpublished and is not
being considered for publication elsewhere.
3. Manuscripts should be structured in a way that conforms to that of the journal in question.
4. Manuscripts dealing with Geomicrobiology should be submitted in quadruplicate to K. Pedersen,
University of Goteborg, Dept of Cell and Molecular Biology, Box 462, SE - 40530, Goteborg, Sweden.
Email: pedersen@gmm.gu.se. Manuscripts dealing with Stratigraphy or Palaeoenvironments should be
submitted in quadruplicate to A. Hallam, School of Earth Sciences, University of Birmingham, PO Box
363, Birmingham B15 2TT, UK. Email: a.hallam@bham.ac.uk. All other manuscripts should be submitted
in quadruplicate to the Editorial Office, Earth-Science Reviews, P.O. Box 1930, 1000 BX Amsterdam, The
Netherlands. Authors are requested to submit, with their manuscripts, the names and addresses of four
potential referees.
5. Manuscripts must be written in English*. Authors whose native language is not English are
recommended to seek the advice of a colleague who has English as his mother-tongue before submitting
their manuscript. Manuscripts written in correct English require less time for review and publication.
Authors in Japan please note: Upon request, Elsevier Science Japan will provide authors with a list of
people who can check and improve the English of their paper (before submission). Please contact our
Tokyo office: Elsevier Science Japan, 1-9-15 Higashi Azabu, Minato-ku, Tokyo 106; Tel. +81 3 5561 5032;
Fax +81 3 5561 5045.
6. Authors should use IUGS terminology. The use of S.I. units is also strongly recommended.
7. The manuscript should be prepared on a word processor and printed with double spacing and wide
margins. The various headings should be clearly differentiated, and first and second order headings should
be numbered.
8. The entire manuscript should be paginated. However, in the text no reference should be made to page
numbers; if necessary, you may refer to section numbers.
9. Manuscripts should generally be organized in the following order:
a. Title
b. Name(s) of the author(s) and their affiliations and fax and e-mail numbers. Fax and e-mail numbers
should be placed as footnotes. In the case of more than one author please indicate to whom the
correspondence should be addressed.
c. Abstract
d. Keywords
e. Introduction
f. Area descriptions, methods and material studied
g. Results and analyses
h. Discussion and conclusions
i. Acknowledgements
j. Appendices
k. References
l. Tables
m. Figure captions
n. Figures
10. A short biography plus photo of ALL authors should be included with the manuscript.
11. Elsevier Science reserves the right of returning to the author for revision accepted manuscripts and
illustrations which are not in the form given in this guide.
1. Authors must provide 4 to 6 keywords. These must be taken from the most recent American Geological
Institute GeoRef Thesaurus and should be placed beneath the abstract.
1. The abstract should be a concise summary of the paper stating the methods used, the main results and
the conclusions in a way that does not require reference to the body of the paper; it should not be longer
than 500 words.
1. All references cited in the text are to be listed at the end of the paper. The manuscript should be carefully
checked to ensure that the spellings of authors' names and publication years are exactly the same in the text
as in the reference list. Do not type author's and editor's names in capitals.
2. In the text refer to the author's name (without initials) and year of publication, followed - if necessary by a short reference to appropriate pages. Examples: "Because Peterson (1994) has shown that...". "This is
in agreement with results obtained later (Kramer, 1996, pp. 12-16)".
3. If reference is made in the text to publications written by more than two authors the name of the first
author should be used, followed by "et al.". This indication, however, should never be used in the list of
references. In this list names of authors and all co-authors must be given in full.
4. References in the text should be arranged chronologically. The list of references should be arranged
alphabetically by authors' names, and chronologically per author. If an author's name in the list is also
mentioned with co-authors, the following order should be used: Publications of the single author, arranged
according to publication year - publications of the same author with one co-author, arranged according to
publication year - publications of the author with more than one co-author, arranged according to
publication year.
The following system should be used for arranging references:
a. Journal papers: Names and initials of all authors, year. Title of paper. Journal name (given in full or
abbreviated using the International List of Periodical Title Word Abbreviations), volume number (issue
number): first and last page numbers of the paper.
Elbaz-Poulichet, F., Guan, D.M., Martin, J.M., 1991. Trace metal behaviour in a highly stratified
Mediterranean estuary: the Krka (Yugoslavia). Mar. Chem. 32, 211-224.
b. Monographs: Names and initials of all authors, year. Title of the monograph. Publisher, location of
Zhdanov, M.S., Keller, G.V., 1994. The Geoelectrical Methods in Geophysical Exploration. Elsevier,
c. Edited volume papers: Names and initials of all authors, year. Title of paper. Names and initials of the
volume editors, title of the edited volume. Publisher, location of publisher, first and last page numbers of
the paper.
Thomas, E., 1992. Middle Eocene-late Oligocene bathyal benthic foraminifera (Weddell Sea): faunal
changes and implications for ocean circulation. In: Prothero, D.R., Berggren, W.A. (Eds.),
Eocene-Oligocene Climatic and Biotic Evolution. Princeton Univ. Press, Princeton, NJ, pp. 245-271.
d. Conference proceedings papers: Names and initials of all authors, year. Title of paper. Name of the
conference. Publisher, location of publisher, first and last page numbers of the paper.
Smith, M.W., 1988. The significance of climatic change for the permafrost environment. Final Proc. Int.
Conf. Permafrost. Tapir, Trondheim, Norway, pp. 18-23.
e. Unpublished theses, reports, etc.: Names and initials of all authors, year. Title of item. All other relevant
information needed to identify the item (e.g., technical report, Ph.D. thesis, institute, etc.).
Moustakas, N., 1990. Relationships of morphological and physicochemical properties of Vertisols under
Greek climate conditions. Ph.D. Thesis, Agricultural Univ. Athens, Greece.
5. In the case of publications in any language other than English, the original title is to be retained. Titles
of publications in non-Latin alphabets should be transliterated, and a note such as `(in Russian)' or `(in
Japanese, with English Abstr.)' should be added at the end of the reference.
1. All illustrations must be presented separate from the manuscript, unfolded, and as originals. Each
illustration must be sharp and draughted at high density on bright white paper, on glossy paper or on
drawing film. Authors are reminded to provide copies of all illustrations with the originals.
2. Photographs and micrographs, etc. must be sharp and exhibit good contrast. Original glossy prints (e.g.,
from negatives) are required. Reproductions of photographs, etc. cannot be accepted. The object being
shown must fill the image.
3. All illustrations must be numbered consecutively and referred to in the text.
4. Each illustration should be identified on the reverse side (or - in the case of line-drawings - on the lower
front side) by its number and the name of the principle author. Indicate the top of the illustration in cases
where doubt may arise.
5. Illustrations must designed with the page format of the journal in mind. If necessary, they will be
reduced to the proper format by the publisher. The lettering and other details must have dimensions that do
not become illegible or unclear after the required reduction. Foldouts can only be accepted in exceptional
cases. Design all figures in a way that uses all the available space, do not leave large areas blank.
Remember that sharp, neat, well presented illustrations will be essential to the readers' appreciation of your
6. Lettering must be drafted sharply and neatly. The lettering must be in the language of the manuscript.
The same type of lettering should be used throughout.
7. Bar scales must be used rather than magnification factors that must be changed in cases of reduction. Do
not forget to mention the units used in diagrams.
8. All maps must have north and latitude and longitude indicated.
9. Each illustration must have a caption. All figure captions should be typed on a separate sheet and be
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10. Explanations must be given in the typewritten caption. Text in the figures should be kept to a
11. Laser-printed illustrations are acceptable. In such cases please also provide a disc copy.
12. Colour figures can be accepted provided the author is prepared to meet the reproduction costs. The first
colour page of each manuscript costs Euro 350, and each consecutive page thereafter, costs Euro 175.
1. Authors should take note of the limitations set by the size and layout of the journal. A table should not
exceed the printed area of the page. If this appears impossible, reversing columns and rows will often
make the impossible possible.
2. Large tables should be avoided. Foldouts can only be accepted in exceptional cases. If many data are to
be presented, an attempt should be made to divide these over two or more tables.
3. Tables should be compiled on separate sheets and must be numbered according to their sequence in the
text. The text must include references to all tables.
4. Each table must have a brief and self-explanatory title. Column headings should be brief, but
sufficiently explanatory. Units of measurement should be given in parentheses. Vertical lines must not be
used to separate columns - leave extra space between the columns instead.
5. Explanations that are necessary to the understanding of the table should be given as footnotes at the
bottom of the table. A footnote should be indicated by a lower-case letter.
1. All formulae should be presented consistently and clearly with regard to the meaning of each symbol
and its correct location. Formulae must be typed throughout.
2. All unusual symbols must be collected in a separate list in the appendix, giving a clear explanation of
each symbol.
3. Please try to keep the notation as simple as possible, and avoid ambiguities. Do not use special typefonts
if there is no urgent need to do so.
4. Different formulae should be clearly separated in the manuscript, at least by punctuation marks, if not by
words. Avoid breaking formulae if breaking is not strictly necessary (i.e., if the equation is less than one
typed line). Never let a sentence consist of formulae alone (i.e., without any connection with the preceding
5. Do not use complicated juxtapositions of symbols. Also, try to avoid complicated subscripts and
superscripts; third-order indices especially present difficulties as to their size and position, and fourth-order
indices are taboo.
6. The manuscript must show a clear distinction between similar symbols, (e.g., between zero (0) and the
letter O, between one (1) and the letter l, and between multiplication ( ) and the letter x).
7. Important formulae (e.g. definitions) must be displayed. All formulae which are to be referred to later on
must be displayed and numbered consecutively throughout the paper; the number should appear on the
right-hand side of the page.
1. Footnotes should only be used if absolutely essential. In most cases it will be possible to incorporate
them in the main text.
2. If used, footnotes should be numbered consecutively throughout the manuscript, indicated by
superscript arabic numbers, and kept as short as possible.
Page proofs
1. One set of page proofs will be sent to the corresponding author to be checked for typesetting/editing.
The author is not expected to make changes or corrections that constitute departures from the article that
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1. Upon acceptance of an article by the journal, the author(s) will be asked to transfer the copyright of the
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2. The author is responsible for obtaining permission to use any copyrighted material:
a. When quoting from someone else's work or when considering reproducing an illustration or table from a
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b. Although in general an author may quote from other published works, he should obtain permission from
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d. A suitable acknowledgement of any borrowed material must always be made.
3. Company clearance, if applicable, should be acquired prior to submission.
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Author's Discount
There is a 30% discount on all Elsevier Science book publications. An order form will be sent together
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Elsevier Science encourages the submission of discs of word-processed manuscripts and our aim is to
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You are required to ensure that the contents of the disc corresponds exactly to the contents of the hardcopy
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should be in single column format. Keep the layout of the text as simple as possible; in particular, do not
use the word processor's options to justify or to hyphenate the words.
Economic geology&the Bulletin of the Society of Economic Geologists
Economic geology&the Bulletin of the Society of Economic Geologists/SOC ECONOMIC
ISSN 0361-0128
本刊收录在:Web of Science - SCIE, SSCI, A&HCI (2009 年)
本刊收录在:Web of Science - SCIE, SSCI, A&HCI (2008 年)
本刊收录在 Web of Science:SCIE(2009 版)
提示: Impact Factor: 2.021 ; Rank: 2546
提示: Impact Factor:1.208; 5-Year Impact Factor:1.982
本刊收录在:Ei Compendex (2010 年)
本刊收录在:Ei Compendex (2008 年)
获取全文,请点击:地球科学世界出版社期刊(GeoScienceWorld (GSW) Journals)- NSTL
收录起始年 2000 卷: 95 期: 1
ECONOMIC GEOLOGY is published semi-quarterly by the Society of Economic Geologists, Inc.
(SEG). The journal was first published in 1905 by the Economic Geology Publishing Company (PUBCO),
a not-for-profit company established for the purpose of publishing a periodical devoted to economic
geology. On the founding of the Society of Economic Geologists in 1920, a cooperative arrangement
between PUBCO and SEG made the journal the official organ of the Society, and PUBCO agreed to carry
the Society's name on the front cover under the heading "Bulletin of the Society of Economic Geologists".
PUBCO and SEG continued to operate as cooperating but separate entities until 2001, when the Board of
Directors of PUBCO and the Council of SEG, by unanimous consent, approved a formal agreement of
merger. The former activities of the PUBCO Board of Directors are now carried out by a Publications
Board, a new self-governing unit within SEG.
Original papers in any segment of economic geology and studies of all classes of mineral deposits will be
considered for publication. For detailed instructions to authors, please click here, or consult pages 153-155,
Vol. 104, No. 1. Only under special circumstances can papers in excess of 15,000 words, or roughly 50
typed, double-spaced pages (including references, tables, and figures), be accepted for publication. The
Editor and members of the Editorial Board will seek two competent reviews of all papers before accepting
or rejecting them. Limited topics may be submitted as short scientific communications, will be judged by
one review, and are published more rapidly than papers. Authors are requested to indicate in their cover
letter to the editor whether the manuscript is a regular paper or a scientific communication. Papers can be
submitted in one of two ways. Preferred and the fastest to publication is online submission at
www.editorialmanager.com/seg/. Authors should upload text in word processing format such as Word or RTF;
tables in original format such as Excel; and figures in graphic output format such as TIFF, EPS, JPEG, PDF,
or PowerPoint. The online submission program, Editorial Manager, will then build a single PDF for use in
the review process. Manuscripts also can be submitted electronically as a single PDF email attachment
directly to the editor at econgeol@email.smith.edu. PDFs submitted by email should include all text, tables,
figures, and references; the maximum size for email submission is 5 MB. There is no size limit for online
submission. When submitting electronically, it is not necessary to submit a paper copy.
Editorial Office:
Economic Geology
Smith College
Department of Geosciences
Clark Science Center
44 College Lane
Northampton, MA 01063
Tel: 413-585-3805
Fax: 413-585-3786
email: econgeol@smith.edu
Environmental geology
Environmental geology [Monthly]/ SPRINGER-VERLAG, 175 FIFTH AVE, NEW YORK, NY,
ISSN 0943-0105
本刊收录在:Web of Science - SCIE, SSCI, A&HCI (2009 年)
本刊收录在:Web of Science - SCIE, SSCI, A&HCI (2008 年)
本刊收录在 Web of Science:SCIE(2009 版)
提示: Impact Factor: 1.07 ; Rank: 4506
提示: Impact Factor:1.078; 5-Year Impact Factor:1.302
本刊收录在:Ei Compendex (2010 年)
本刊收录在:Ei Compendex (2008 年)
本馆索书号: P/3-1(WK)
Presents papers on all aspects of interactions between humans, ecosystems and the earth
Aims to improve and remediate the environment as habitat for life on earth
Environmental Geology is an international multidisciplinary journal concerned with all aspects of
interactions between humans, ecosystems and the earth. Coverage includes water and soil contamination;
environmental problems associated with transportation; geological processes affecting biosystems and
people; remediation of man-made or geological hazards; environmental problems associated with mining
and abstraction activities for industrial minerals, coal and ores as well as for oil and gas, water and energy;
environmental impacts of exploration and recultivation; impacts of hazardous facilities and activities; land
use management; management of environmental data and information in data banks and information
Through dissemination of knowledge on techniques, methods, approaches and experiences, the journal
aims to improve and remediate the environment as habitat for life on earth.
Aims and scope
Environmental Earth Sciences is an international multidisciplinary journal concerned with all aspects of
interaction between humans, natural resources, ecosystems, special climates or unique geographic zones,
and the earth:
Water and soil contamination caused by waste management and disposal practices
Environmental problems associated with transportation by land, air, or water
Geological processes that may impact biosystems or humans
Man-made or naturally occurring geological or hydrological hazards
Environmental problems associated with the recovery of materials from the earth
Environmental problems caused by extraction of minerals, coal, and ores, as well as oil and gas, water and
alternative energy sources
Environmental impacts of exploration and recultivation
Environmental impacts of hazardous materials
Management of environmental data and information in data banks and information systems
Dissemination of knowledge on techniques, methods, approaches and experiences to improve and
remediate the environment
In pursuit of these topics, the geoscientific disciplines are invited to contribute their knowledge and
Major disciplines include: hydrogeology, hydrochemistry, geochemistry, geophysics, engineering geology,
remediation science, natural resources management, environmental climatology and biota, environmental
geography, soil science and geomicrobiology.
Manuscript Submission
Submission of a manuscript implies: that the work described has not been published before; that it is not
under consideration for publication anywhere else; that its publication has been approved by all co-authors,
if any, as well as by the responsible authorities ?tacitly or explicitly ?at the institute where the work has
been carried out. The publisher will not be held legally responsible should there be any claims for
Authors wishing to include figures, tables, or text passages that have already been published elsewhere are
required to obtain permission from the copyright owner(s) for both the print and online format and to
include evidence that such permission has been granted when submitting their papers. Any material
received without such evidence will be assumed to originate from the authors.
Online Submission
Authors should submit their manuscripts online. Electronic submission substantially reduces the editorial
processing and reviewing times and shortens overall publication times. Please follow the hyperlink
“Submit online on the right and upload all of your manuscript files following the instructions given on the
Geological Society of America bulletin
Geological Society of America bulletin [semiyearly]/[New York, N.Y.] : The Society, [1961ISSN 0016-7606
本刊收录在:Web of Science - SCIE, SSCI, A&HCI (2009 年)
本刊收录在:Web of Science - SCIE, SSCI, A&HCI (2008 年)
本刊收录在 Web of Science:SCIE(2009 版)
提示: Impact Factor: 3.637 ; Rank: 973
提示: Impact Factor:3.101; 5-Year Impact Factor:4.324
本刊收录在:Ei Compendex (2010 年)
本刊收录在:Ei Compendex (2008 年)
获取全文,请点击:地球科学世界出版社期刊(GeoScienceWorld (GSW) Journals)- NSTL
收录起始年 1988 卷: 100 期: 1
GSA's authoritative earth-science journal publishing classical-style research papers in all earth-science
disciplines, known and respected worldwide, with many international contributors. 1670 pages yearly.
GSA no longer accepts paper submissions, unless the author does not have access to an Internet connection.
To prepare your paper for submission, check the Author Guidelines on the publication you're submitting for.
Please also read GSA's Ethical Guidelines for Publication.
The Geological Society of America publishes scientific papers on all aspects of geology. Manuscripts in
any research field of geology are considered for publication by GSA, especially if the papers are useful in
more than one field. Those that discuss principles are generally preferred to detailed areal studies, many of
which are more appropriate to state, provincial, or university publications. Do not submit papers that have
been submitted, accepted, or published elsewhere.
All scientific papers and maps and charts submitted to GSA are read critically by referees before they are
accepted for publication. The usual review period ranges from a few weeks for very short papers to four or
more months for some journal and book-length papers.
You can find all GSA publications in print or in preparation in the GSA Bookstore. For a printed catalog
contact GSA Sales and Service.
Geology /GEOLOGICAL SOC AMER, INC, PO BOX 9140, BOULDER, USA, CO, 80301-9140.
ISSN [0091-7613
本刊收录在:Web of Science - SCIE, SSCI, A&HCI (2009 年)
本刊收录在:Web of Science - SCIE, SSCI, A&HCI (2008 年)
本刊收录在 Web of Science:SCIE(2009 版)
提示: Impact Factor: 4.026 ; Rank: 799
提示: Impact Factor:4.368; 5-Year Impact Factor:4.843
本刊收录在:Ei Compendex (2010 年)
本刊收录在:Ei Compendex (2008 年)
获取全文,请点击:地球科学世界出版社期刊(GeoScienceWorld (GSW) Journals)- NSTL
收录起始年 1988 卷: 16 期: 1
Established in 1888, The Geological Society of America provides access to elements that are essential to
the professional growth of earth scientists at all levels of expertise and from all sectors: academic,
government, business, and industry. The Geological Society's growing membership unites thousands of
earth scientists from every corner of the globe in a common purpose to study the mysteries of our planet
and share scientific findings. We hope to continue to improve our gateway to the World Wide Web so that
computer technology can aid site visitors in their work as earth scientists. Information on contacting the
Geological Society of America is available at http://www.geosociety.org/contactus/index.htm.
Society publications are the vehicle in which the results of scientific inquiry, guided by the scientific
method, are shared with other geoscience researchers and made available to a wider public audience.
Results presented in Society publications advance research, inform governmental policy decisions, educate
students, and assist the private sector in a wide range of endeavors. Thus it is important for the Society to
maintain a level of quality and integrity in its publication process. This responsibility rests with all
involved in the publication process - authors, reviewers, editors, GSA officials, and GSA staff. The
following document outlines a set of ethical guidelines for all those involved in GSA publications (journals,
books, maps, abstracts, electronic media). Adherence to these guidelines should promote fair treatment of
manuscripts through the peer review process.
This document draws heavily on ethical guidelines prepared by other scientific societies, most notably the
American Chemical Society. The list of sources below also includes more general documents on ethics in
science consulted in preparation of these guidelines.
 National Academy of Sciences: On Being A Scientist: Responsible Conduct In Research
 American Chemical Society (Reprinted [in part] with permission from “Ethical Guidelines to
Publication of Chemical Research,Chem. Rev. 2001, 101, p. 13A-5A. Copyright 1985, 1989, 1995,
2001 American Chemical Society.) (pubs.acs.org/instruct/ethic.html)
 American Physical Society (www.aps.org/statements/02.2.html)
 American Geophysical Union (www.agu.org/pubs/pubs_guidelines.html)
 American Mathematical Society (www.ams.org/secretary/ethics.html)
1. Society Officers, Councilors, and Society Staff
1.1. Council is responsible for setting policy for all GSA publications and appointing editors of books and
journals. The Publications Committee, as an appointed committee of Council, offers advice and makes
recommendations on publication policy to Council.
1.2. The Executive Director is responsible for ensuring that publications policies enacted by Council are
carried out.
1.3. Editors of books and journals are expected to carry out editorial duties in a manner consonant with
policies set by Council and consistent with the Bylaws of the Society. They should work closely with the
Executive Director and appropriate GSA headquarters staff (e.g., Director of Publications, Managing
Editors, etc.).
1.4. Editors have full responsibility for editorial and technical decisions on journal and book content.
Society Officers, Councilors, and headquarters staff (including the Executive Director) should not
intervene or comment on editorial decisions on individual manuscripts.
1.5. Inquiries from Councilors and Officers on manuscripts under consideration will be handled in the
same manner as communications from the general membership, which reflects the editorial staff's standard
practices. Communications from Officers and Councilors about editorial business are considered official
Society business, unless otherwise identified. Official inquiries will receive prompt and complete action
that becomes part of the Society's official record.
2. Editors, Associate Editors, and Guest Editors of Books
The term Editor as used below refers to Editors, Associate Editors, Guest Editors of books, and Editorial
Board members when delegated to serve in an editorial capacity.
2.1. Editors will give manuscripts unbiased consideration.
2.2. Editors should process manuscripts rapidly.
2.3. The Editor has sole responsibility for acceptance or rejection of a manuscript. Manuscripts should
have peer review, but the Editor may reject or accept for cause (inappropriate for journal, clearly of poor
quality, contents previously published elsewhere, etc.)
2.4. The Editor and editorial staff should not disclose information about submitted manuscripts except to
reviewers, Associate Editors, Editorial Board members, and GSA publications staff. Information about a
manuscript may be shared, with the author's permission, once a manuscript is accepted and scheduled for
publication (e.g., new releases, pre-publication posting of the abstract, or inclusion in a list of contents,
2.5. Responsibility for manuscripts submitted by the Editor should be delegated to another Editor,
Associate Editor, or Editorial Board member.
2.6. The Editor should not handle manuscripts for which there is a real or perceived conflict of interest.
Examples include, but are not restricted to, past (within the last 5 years) or current collaboration, personal
friend, employer or employee, family relationship, institutional relationship, past or present graduate
advisor or advisee, someone with whom the reviewer has had a past or on-going scientific controversy, or
situations where the Editor could stand to gain economically by publication or rejection of the manuscript.
Editorial responsibility should be delegated to another Editor, Associate Editor, or Editorial Board member.
2.7. The Editor should not use information, data, theories, or interpretations of submitted manuscript in
her/his own work until that manuscript is in press or published unless the author has given permission to
do so.
2.8. If an Editor is presented with convincing evidence that the main substance or conclusions of a
publication are erroneous, he/she should facilitate publication of a report (e.g., correction, follow-up
manuscript, or other appropriate means) pointing out the error and, if possible, correcting it. The report
may be written by the person who discovered the error or by the original author.
3. Authors and Co-authors
3.1. Manuscripts should contain original, new results, data, ideas and/or interpretations not previously
published or under consideration for publication elsewhere (including electronic media and databases).
3.2. Authors should be encouraged to avoid fragmentation of their published submitted work where
3.3. Authors should inform the Editor of related manuscripts under consideration elsewhere and provide
copies if requested.
3.4. Fabrication of data, results, selective reporting of data, theft of intellectual property of others, and
plagiarism are unethical practices and unacceptable.
3.5. Information obtained privately (e.g., in conversation, correspondence, or discussion with third parties)
should not be used or reported in a manuscript without explicit permission from the party with whom the
information originated. Information obtained in the course of confidential services (e.g., refereeing
manuscripts or grant applications) should be treated similarly.
3.6. Manuscripts will contain proper citation of works by others, especially publications of the original
hypotheses, ideas, and/or data upon which manuscript is based
3.7. Data and/or samples (especially unusual or rare materials) upon which a publication is based should
be made available to other scientists, except in special circumstances (patent protection, privacy, etc.), in
the manuscript or through accessible data repositories, databases, museum collections, or other means
when requested.
3.8. Authorship
3.8.1. Authorship should be limited to those who have made significant contributions to the concept,
design, execution or interpretation of the work reported in a manuscript; others who have contributed
should be acknowledged;
3.8.2. Author order should be agreed on by all authors as should any changes in authors and order that
occur while the manuscript is under review or revision. Changes in authorship must be submitted to the
Editor in writing and must be signed by all authors involved.
3.8.3. Authors and co-authors should review and ensure the accuracy and validity of results prior to
submission; co-authors should have opportunity to review manuscript before submission.
3.9. Authors should reveal to the Editor any potential conflict of interest (e.g., a consulting or financial
interest in a company), that might be affected by publication of the results contained in a manuscript. The
authors should ensure that no contractual relations or proprietary considerations exist that would affect the
publication of information in a submitted manuscript.
3.10. Authors are encouraged to disclose major funding sources (e.g., government agencies, private
foundations, private industry, universities) for reported research.
3.11. Prepublication via internet or other methods is prohibited.
4. Reviewers
4.1. A reviewer should disclose real or perceived conflict of interests to the Editor before agreeing to write
a review. Examples include, but are not restricted to, past (within the last 5 years) or current collaboration,
personal friend, employer or employee, family relationship, institutional relationship, past or present
graduate advisor or advisee, someone with whom the reviewer has had a past or on-going scientific
controversy, or situations where the reviewer could stand to gain economically by publication or rejection
of the manuscript. The Editor will decide if the conflict is severe enough to prevent the reviewer from
writing a fair, objective review.
4.2. A reviewer should decline to review a manuscript if she/he feels technically unqualified, if a timely
review can't be done, or if the manuscript is from a scientific competitor with whom the reviewer has had
an acrimonious professional relationship, or a conflict of interest as defined above (section 4.1).
4.3. Reviewers should be encouraged, but not required, to sign reviews. The Editor will preserve
anonymity of reviewers should a reviewer elect to remain anonymous.
4.4. Reviewers should treat the manuscript as confidential.
4.5. Reviewers should ask the Editor for permission to discuss the paper with others for specific advice,
giving names and reasons for such consultation.
4.6. Reviewers should not pass the manuscript to another to carry out the review without permission from
the Editor.
4.7. Reviewers should not use information, data, theories, or interpretations of the manuscript in their own
work until that manuscript is in press or published unless the author has given permission to do so.
4.8. Reviewers should clearly support and justify the basis for their review analysis.
4.9. Reviewers should alert the Editor to similar manuscripts published or under consideration for
publication elsewhere in the event they are aware of such. However, it is the responsibility of the Editor,
not the reviewer, to decide on the proper course of action once so informed.
Geophysical research letters
Geophysical research letters/AMER GEOPHYSICAL UNION, 2000 FLORIDA AVE NW,
ISSN 0094-8276
本刊收录在:Web of Science - SCIE, SSCI, A&HCI (2009 年)
本刊收录在:Web of Science - SCIE, SSCI, A&HCI (2008 年)
本刊收录在 Web of Science:SCIE(2009 版)
提示: Impact Factor: 3.505 ; Rank: 1043
提示: Impact Factor:3.204; 5-Year Impact Factor:3.341
本刊收录在:Ei Compendex (2010 年)
本刊收录在:Ei Compendex (2008 年)
Geophysical Research Letters publishes short, concise research letters that present scientific advances that
are likely to have immediate influence on the research of other investigators. GRL letters can focus on a
specific discipline or apply broadly to the geophysical science community.
GRL is a Letters journal; limiting manuscript size expedites the review and publication process. A
magazine-sized GRL can reach and be of interest to the largest AGU audience. With this goal, the Editorial
Board evaluates manuscripts submitted to GRL according to the following criteria:
Is it a short, concise research letter?
Does it contain important scientific advances?
Would it have immediate impact on the research of others?
GRL has been in publication since 1974. The Editors are adapting GRL to the evolving needs of the Earth
science community. GRL Editors are now topical: the subject of the paper determines which Editor
handles the review.
The GRL Editorial Board requires authors to submit their manuscripts electronically using GEMS
http://grl-submit.agu.org/. See Submitting to AGU for general information about the use of this system.
All GRL manuscripts are limited to 4 printed journal pages including text, figures, and tables.
Information for Authors
Acceptable file formats for the peer review process:
I. Text files may be one of the following:
1. Microsoft Word (.doc files)
2. Corel WordPerfect (.wpd files)
3. LaTeX
4. Portable Document Format (pdf).
All papers submitted using MS Word or WordPerfect must be double spaced in 12 point type with 1-inch
margins, using Times New Roman throughout, no longer than 12 pages (8 1/2 x 11) of text with no
Access macros and templates for MS Word, WordPerfect, and LaTeX to measure article length (see below)
at the Author Formatting Toolkit.
II. Artwork must be submitted in true encapsulated postscript (.eps) files and/or Tagged Image File Format
(TIFF) file. Guidelines for Submitting Images has more information about submitting electronic files for
all types of digital artwork.
Measuring the Article
Final copy must not exceed 189 cm.
To determine if your paper meets length restrictions, measure the length of the abstract, text, references,
single-column figures, single-column captions, and single-column tables. Then measure the length of title,
authors, affiliations, double-column figures, double-column captions, and double-column tables, and
multiply by two (since they take up two columns.) Add 3 cm for the copyright block.
Journal of geochemical exploration
Journal of geochemical exploration [Monthly]/ ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV, PO BOX 211,
ISSN 0375-6742
本刊收录在:Web of Science - SCIE, SSCI, A&HCI (2009 年)
本刊收录在:Web of Science - SCIE, SSCI, A&HCI (2008 年)
本刊收录在 Web of Science:SCIE(2009 版)
提示: Impact Factor: 2.125 ; Rank: 2393
提示: Impact Factor:1.791; 5-Year Impact Factor:1.373
本刊收录在:Ei Compendex (2010 年)
本刊收录在:Ei Compendex (2008 年)
The Journal of Geochemical Exploration covers all aspects of the geochemistry of the environment and the
application of geochemistry to the exploration and study of mineral resources and related fields.
Topics include: the description and evaluation of new or improved methods of geochemical exploration;
sampling and analytical techniques and methods of interpretation; processes of geochemical dispersion in
rocks, soils, vegetation, water and the atmosphere and geochemical distributions in and around mineralized
Papers that seek to integrate geochemical, geological and geophysical methods of exploration of the
environment are particularly welcome. Given the many links between exploration and environmental
geochemistry, the journal encourages the exchange of concepts and data, in particular to promote
sustainable development of mineral resources while protecting the environment.
In addition to research papers, the Journal will contain review articles, case histories and book reviews. A
"Forum section" is provided for timely expression of views and ideas, and will provide a means of
commenting on papers that have been published in this journal in which case a reply will be sought from
the author of the original paper. These submissions will be reviewed for reasonableness by the
Editor-in-Chief and published as rapidly as possible.
General instructions
1. Papers must be submitted in their final form, bearing in mind that no further correction /addition is
2. Submission of an article is understood to imply that the article is original and unpublished and is not
being considered for publication elsewhere.
3. Manuscripts should be structured in a way that conforms to that of the journal in question.
4. A recent issue should be checked for information about
- number of copies required.
- address to which manuscript should be sent.
- whether keywords, autobiographies, etc., are required.
5. Manuscripts must be written in English*. Authors whose native language is not English are
recommended to seek the advice of a colleague who has English as his mother-tongue before submitting
their manuscript. Manuscripts written in correct English require less time for review and publication.
*Occasional contributions in French will be considered for publication for the following journals: ISPRS
Journal of Photogrammetry & Remote Sensing and Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology.
Authors in Japan please note: Upon request, Elsevier Science Japan will provide authors with a list of
people who can check and improve the English of their paper (before submission). Please contact our
Tokyo office: Elsevier Science Japan, 1-9-15 Higashi Azabu, Minato-ku, Tokyo 106; Tel. +81 3 5561 5032;
Fax +81 3 5561 5045.
6. Authors should use IUGS terminology. The use of S.I. units is also strongly recommended.
7. The manuscript should be prepared on a word processor and printed with double spacing and wide
margins. The various headings should be clearly differentiated, and first and second order headings should
be numbered.
8. The entire manuscript should be paginated. However, in the text no reference should be made to page
numbers; if necessary, you may refer to section numbers.
9 Manuscripts should generally be organized in the following order:
a. Title
b. Name(s) of the author(s) and their affiliations and fax and e-mail numbers. Fax and e-mail numbers
should be placed as footnotes. In the case of more than one author please indicate to whom the
correspondence should be addressed.
c. Abstract
d. Keywords
e. Introduction
f. Area descriptions, methods and material studied
g. Results and analyses
h. Discussion and conclusions
i. Acknowledgements
j. Appendices
k. References
l. Tables
m. Figure captions
n. Figures
Elsevier Science reserves the right of returning to the author for revision accepted manuscripts and
illustrations which are not in the form given in this guide.
1. Except for the journals Coastal Engineering, Hydrometallurgy and International Journal of Mineral
Processing, authors must provide 4 to 6 keywords. These must be taken from the most recent American
Geological Institute GeoRef Thesaurus and should be placed beneath the abstract. Coastal Engineering
authors should provide free text keywords, Hydrometallurgy authors will be provided with a list of
keywords by the editor upon submission of the manuscript and International Journal of Mineral Processing
authors should base their keywords on the Thesaurus of the Institute of Mining and Metallurgy
1. The abstract should be a concise summary of the paper stating the methods used, the main results and
the conclusions in a way that does not require reference to the body of the paper; it should not be longer
than 500 words.
2. Articles in French must start with an abstract in English, headed by an English translation of the title. An
abstract in the language of the paper must follow the English abstract. English translations of figure
captions and table titles must also be supplied.
1. All references cited in the text are to be listed at the end of the paper. The manuscript should be carefully
checked to ensure that the spellings of authors' names and publication years are exactly the same in the text
as in the reference list. Do not type author's and editor's names in capitals.
2. In the text refer to the author's name (without initials) and year of publication, followed - if necessary by a short reference to appropriate pages. Examples: ``Because Peterson (1994) has shown that...''. ``This
is in agreement with results obtained later (Kramer, 1995, pp. 12-16)''.
Please note: For Earth and Planetary Science Letters and Hydrometallurgy the references should be
numbered in the order in which they are cited. These are examples of the referencing style in the text: [1,2]
[3-7]. References should be listed at the end of the paper in numerical order.
3. If reference is made in the text to publications written by more than two authors the name of the first
author should be used, followed by ``et al.''. This indication, however, should never be used in the list of
references. In this list names of authors and all co-authors must be given in full.
4. References in the text should be arranged chronologically. The list of references should be arranged
alphabetically by authors' names, and chronologically per author. If an author's name in the list is also
mentioned with co-authors, the following order should be used: Publications of the single author, arranged
according to publication year - publications of the same author with one co-author, arranged according to
publication year - publications of the author with more than one co-author, arranged according to
publication year.
The following system should be used for arranging references:
Please note: Earth and Planetary Science Letters uses a different system. Please refer to the Guide for
Authors for that journal.
a. Journal papers: Names and initials of all authors, year. Title of paper. Journal name (given in full or
abbreviated using the International List of Periodical Title Word Abbreviations), volume number (issue
number), first and last page numbers of the paper.
Elbaz-Poulichet, F., Guan, D.M., Martin, J.M., 1991. Trace metal behaviour in a highly stratified
Mediterranean estuary: the Krka (Yugoslavia). Mar. Chem., 32, 211-224.
b. Monographs: Names and initials of all authors, year. Title of the monograph. Publisher, location of
Zhdanov, M.S., Keller, G.V., 1994. The Geoelectrical Methods in Geophysical Exploration. Elsevier,
c. Edited volume papers: Names and initials of all authors, year. Title of paper. Names and initials of the
volume editors, title of the edited volume. Publisher, location of publisher, first and last page numbers of
the paper.
Thomas, E., 1992. Middle Eocene-late Oligocene bathyal benthic foraminifera (Weddell Sea): faunal
changes and implications for ocean circulation. In: D.R. Prothero and W.A. Berggren (Editors),
Eocene-Oligocene Climatic and Biotic Evolution. Princeton Univ. Press, Princeton, NJ, pp. 245-271.
d. Conference proceedings papers: Names and initials of all authors, year. Title of paper. Name of the
conference. Publisher, location of publisher, first and last page numbers of the paper.
Smith, M.W., 1988. The significance of climatic change for the permafrost environment. Final Proc. Int.
Conf. Permafrost. Tapir, Trondheim, Norway, pp. 18-23.
e. Unpublished theses, reports, etc.: Names and initials of all authors, year. Title of item. All other relevant
information needed to identify the item (e.g., technical report, Ph.D. thesis, institute, etc.).
Moustakas, N., 1990. Relationships of morphological and physicochemical properties of Vertisols under
Greek climate conditions. Ph.D. Thesis, Agricultural Univ. Athens, Greece.
5. In the case of publications in any language other than English, the original title is to be retained. Titles
of publications in non-Latin alphabets should be transliterated, and a note such as `(in Russian)' or `(in
Japanese, with English Abstr.)' should be added at the end of the reference.
1. All illustrations must be presented separate from the manuscript, unfolded, and as originals. Each
illustration must be sharp and draughted at high density on bright white paper, on glossy paper or on
drawing film. Authors are reminded to provide copies of all illustrations with the originals.
2. Photographs and micrographs, etc. must be sharp and exhibit good contrast. Original glossy prints (e.g.,
from negatives) are required. Reproductions of photographs, etc. cannot be accepted. The object being
shown must fill the image.
3. All illustrations must be numbered consecutively and referred to in the text.
4. Each illustration should be identified on the reverse side (or - in the case of line-drawings - on the lower
front side) by its number and the name of the principle author. Indicate the top of the illustration in cases
where doubt may arise.
5. Illustrations must designed with the page format of the journal in mind. If necessary, they will be
reduced to the proper format by the publisher. The lettering and other details must have dimensions that do
not become illegible or unclear after the required reduction. Foldouts can only be accepted in exceptional
cases. Design all figures in a way that uses all the available space, do not leave large areas blank.
Remember that sharp, neat, well presented illustrations will be essential to the readers' appreciation of your
6. Lettering must be drafted sharply and neatly. The lettering must be in the language of the manuscript.
The same type of letteringshould be used throughout.
7. Bar scales must be used rather than magnification factors that must be changed in cases of reduction. Do
not forget to mention the units used in diagrams.
8. All maps must have north and latitude and longitude indicated.
9. Each illustration must have a caption. All figure captions should be typed on a separate sheet and be
double spaced.
10. Explanations must be given in the typewritten caption. Text in the figures should be kept to a
11. Laser-printed illustrations are acceptable. In such cases please also provide a disc copy.
12. Colour figures can be accepted provided the author is prepared to meet the reproduction costs. Please
consult the publisher for further information.
1. Authors should take note of the limitations set by the size and layout of the journal. A table should not
exceed the printed area of the page. If this appears impossible, reversing columns and rows will often
make the impossible possible.
2. Large tables should be avoided. Foldouts can only be accepted in exceptional cases. If many data are to
be presented, an attempt should be made to divide these over two or more tables.
3. Tables should be compiled on separate sheets and must be numbered according to their sequence in the
text. The text must include references to all tables.
4. Each table must have a brief and self-explanatory title. Column headings should be brief, but
sufficiently explanatory. Units of measurement should be given in parentheses. Vertical lines must not be
used to separate columns - leave extra space between the columns instead.
5. Explanations that are necessary to the understanding of the table should be given as footnotes at the
bottom of the table. A footnote should be indicated by a lower-case letter.
1. All formulae should be presented consistently and clearly with regard to the meaning of each symbol
and its correct location. Formulae must be typed throughout.
2. All unusual symbols must be collected in a separate list in the appendix, giving a clear explanation of
each symbol.
3. Please try to keep the notation as simple as possible, and avoid ambiguities. Do not use special typefonts
if there is no urgent need to do so.
4. Different formulae should be clearly separated in the manuscript, at least by punctuation marks, if not by
words. Avoid breaking formulae if breaking is not strictly necessary (i.e., if the equation is less than one
typed line). Never let a sentence consist of formulae alone (i.e., without any connection with the preceding
5. Do not use complicated juxtapositions of symbols. Also, try to avoid complicated subscripts and
superscripts; third-order indices especially present difficulties as to their size and position, and fourth-order
indices are taboo.
6. The manuscript must show a clear distinction between similar symbols, (e.g., between zero (0) and the
letter O, between one (1) and the letter l, and between multiplication ( ) and the letter x).
7. Important formulae (e.g. definitions) must be displayed. All formulae which are to be referred to later on
must be displayed and numbered consecutively throughout the paper; the number should appear on the
right-hand side of the page.
8. In chemical formulae the valence of ions must be given as, for example, Ca2+ and CO32 rather than as
Ca++ and CO3--.
9. Isotope numbers should precede the symbols (e.g., 18O).
1. Footnotes should only be used if absolutely essential. In most cases it will be possible to incorporate
them in the main text.
2. If used, footnotes should be numbered consecutively throughout the manuscript, indicated by
superscript arabic numbers, and kept as short as possible.
Page proofs
1. One set of page proofs will be sent to the corresponding author to be checked for typesetting/editing.
The author is not expected to make changes or corrections that constitute departures from the article that
was accepted by the editor. Proofs should be returned within 3 days.
1. Upon acceptance of an article by the journal, the author(s) will be asked to transfer the copyright of the
article to the publisher. This transfer will ensure the widest possible dissemination of information.
2. The author is responsible for obtaining permission to use any copyrighted material:
a. When quoting from someone else's work or when considering reproducing an illustration or table from a
book or journal article, the author should ensure that he is not infringing copyright.
b. Although in general an author may quote from other published works, he should obtain permission from
the copyright holder if he wishes to use substantial excerpts or to reproduce tables, plates, or other
illustrations. If the copyright holderis not the author of the quoted or reproduced material, it is
recommended that the permission of the author in question is also sought.
c. Material in unpublished letters and manuscripts is also protected and must not be published unless
permission has been obtained.
d. A suitable acknowledgement of any borrowed material must always be made.
3. Company clearance, if applicable, should be acquired prior to submission.
4. Submission of a paper for review is interpreted as a statement that the permission to reproduce and
company clearance, if applicable, have been acquired.
5. The manuscript of a paper intended for publication in the journal may be reproduced and used elsewhere
by the author, with the understanding that no use will be made of the material for commercial purposes.
6. Once the paper has been prepared in publication format by the publisher, the permission of the publisher
is required for any use of the paper.
25 reprints of each article are supplied free of charge. Additional reprints can be ordered on a reprint order
form which will be sent to the corresponding author of the accepted article by the publisher.
Author's Discount
There is a 30% discount on all Elsevier Science book publications. An order form will be sent together
with the proofs.
Elsevier Science encourages the submission of discs of word-processed manuscripts and our aim is to
allow you to provide us with your manuscript from your own system, without asking you to follow
complicated instructions.
There are some basic points to be kept in mind, however, and we do have certain preferences. Having said
this, however, with Elsevier's expertise and facilities it does not really matter which computer or word
processing system you have used.
You are requested to submit the final text accompanied by a 3.5" or 5.25" disc version. Both double
density (DD) and high density (HD) discs are acceptable. Make sure, however, that the disc is formatted
according to its capacity (HD or DD) before copying the files onto it. As with the requirements for
manuscript submission, the main text, list of references, tables and figure captions should be stored in
separate text files with clearly identifiable file names. The format of these files depends on the word
processor used. Texts written with Display Write, MultiMate, Microsoft Word, Samna Word, Sprint, TEX,
Volkswriter, Wang PC, Word MARC, WordPerfect and Word star or supplied in DCA/RFT or DEC/DX
format can be readily processed. In all other cases the preferred format is DOS text or ASCII. It is essential
that the name and version of the word processing program, the type of computer on which the text was
prepared, and the format of the text files are clearly indicated.
You are required to ensure that the contents of the disc corresponds exactly to the contents of the hardcopy
manuscript. Discrepancies can lead to proofs of the wrong version being made. The word processed text
should be in single column format. Keep the layout of the text as simple as possible; in particular, do not
use the word processor's options to justify or to hyphenate the words.
If available, electronic files of the figures should also be included on a separate disc.
Journal of geology
Journal of geology[Monthly]/ UNIV CHICAGO PRESS, 1427 E 60TH ST, CHICAGO, USA, IL,
ISSN 0022-1376
本刊收录在:Web of Science - SCIE, SSCI, A&HCI (2009 年)
本刊收录在:Web of Science - SCIE, SSCI, A&HCI (2008 年)
本刊收录在 Web of Science:SCIE(2009 版)
提示: Impact Factor: 2.238 ; Rank: 2210
提示: Impact Factor:2.711; 5-Year Impact Factor:3.117
本馆索书号: P/84(WK)
Since its inception in 1893, The Journal of Geology has been devoted to the study of geological principles
and is currently publishing research and theory in geophysics, geochemistry, sedimentology,
geomorphology, petrology, plate tectonics, volcanology, structural geology, mineralogy, and planetary
sciences. Contents range from work on the composition of the lunar interior to computer modeling of fossil
Manuscripts should be typed on one side of non-corrasible bond paper not larger than 8.5 x 11 in. The
entire manuscript, including references, abstracts, legends for illustrations, and tables should be at least
double-spaced, with generous margins. A minimum of necessary corrections may be made within the text,
but not in the margins. Each page must be numbered beginning with 1 on the title page and continuing
through the text, the references, and the legends for the illustrations. For matters of general style and
arrangement of headings, consult the January issue of the Journal. Tables should be numbered
consecutively, on separate sheets, designed to fit in a Journal column or page. Tables must be presented in
Journal format. All tables and illustrations must be mentioned in the text, in numerical order if possible.
The appropriate locations for tables and figures should be indicated in pencil in the margin of the
typescript. Abstracts for major articles should not exceed 250 words, and those for Geological Notes
should not exceed 100 words; all abstracts should be one paragraph. Appendices will be considered as
being submissions to the Journal's Data Depository. Acknowledgments should include only significant
contributions by professional colleagues and financial support of research. Footnotes are not permitted in
the text.
Figures include line drawings and halftones (photographs). Legends for these should be typed in numerical
order on a separate sheet. Figures should be designed with the size of the Journal page (6.75 in. wide x 9 in.
deep), and column (3.25 in. wide) in mind. Each illustration should be identified (on the back in light
pencil) by the name of the author and its number, and its top should be indicated. Magnification should be
given by a scale line where appropriate. Unsatisfactory illustrations will be returned to the author. Original
illustrations should not be sent because of the very real possibility of loss through the mails. If they are
sent, they will be discarded following their publication unless the author has requested their return in
Original figures should be prepared in a professional way. We prefer that they then be photographed and
clear, glossy photographs submitted to the Journal. Figure material larger than 8.5 x 11 in. cannot be
accepted. Care should be taken not to overload maps with irrelevant detail, nor to use excessive amounts of
space to convey little information. The smallest symbols or letters used should not be less than 1.5 mm
high after reduction. Simple data plots will be reduced to single-column width, and lettering must be sized
accordingly. No figures can be printed larger than page size. The author should supply copies of each
figure suitable for sending to reviewers (photocopies, offset reproductions, etc.).
Photographs must be sharp and clear, printed on glossy paper, and not smaller than their publication size.
They should not be mounted. Copies of photographs for sending to reviewers need not be of the same high
quality as the originals, but they must be clear (Xerox copies are usually inadequate). Review copies may
be mounted.
Several drawings or photographs grouped on a page as one figure are distinguished as A, B, C, etc. Do not
group photographs in this way unless it is essential. It is more convenient to treat individual photographs
as separate figures. All figures should be numbered consecutively (1, 2, 3, etc.).
In the text, references to the literature cited should list author's name, year of publication, and possibly
specific page numbers in this form: (Smith 1928, p. 36-40). Under the heading "References Cited" at the
end of the text should be listed all literature cited, double-spaced, arranged alphabetically by authors, and
chronologically under each author, as illustrated in recent issues of the Journal. Accuracy and consistency
are most important in the bibliography.
Proof and Reprints
Final revised manuscripts must be correct in every detail. The author is asked to check page proofs for
typographical errors, but no other changes are permitted. The Journal supplies free 50 reprints (without
covers) of each article, but only if page charges (full or partial) are paid. Additional reprints may be
ordered when page proofs are returned.
Journal of geophysical research
Journal of geophysical research [Weekly]/ Richmond, Va. : William Byrd Press for John Hopkins
Press, 1949ISSN 0148-0227
本刊收录在:Web of Science - SCIE, SSCI, A&HCI (2009 年)
本刊收录在:Web of Science - SCIE, SSCI, A&HCI (2008 年)
本刊收录在 Web of Science:SCIE(2009 版)
提示: Impact Factor: 3.303 ; Rank: 1160
提示: Impact Factor:3.082; 5-Year Impact Factor:3.475
JGR-Space Physics covers aeronomy and magnetospheric physics, planetary atmospheres and
magnetospheres, interplanetary and external solar physics, cosmic rays, and heliospheric physics.
Impact Factor 2.245. Ranked #12 of 122 journals in the Geosciences, Interdisciplinary category of the
2002 Journal Citation Reports.
JGR-Earth Surface focuses on the physical, chemical and biological processes that affect the form and
function of the surface of the solid Earth over all temporal and spatial scales, including fluvial, eolian, and
coastal sediment transport; hillslope mass movements; glacial and periglacial activity; weathering and
pedogenesis; surface manifestations of volcanism and tectonism.
JGR-Biogeosciences focuses on biogeosciences of the Earth system in the past, present, and future and the
extension of this research to planetary studies. The emerging field of biogeosciences spans the intellectual
interface between biology and the geosciences and attempts to understand the functions of the Earth
system across multiple spatial and temporal scales. Studies in biogeosciences may use multiple lines of
evidence drawn from diverse fields to gain a holistic understanding of terrestrial, freshwater, and marine
ecosystems and extreme environments. Specific topics within the scope of the section include
process-based theoretical, experimental, and field studies of biogeochemistry, biogeophysics, atmosphere-,
land-, and ocean-ecosystem interactions, biomineralization, life in extreme environments, astrobiology,
microbial processes, geomicrobiology, and evolutionary geobiology.
Manuscripts submitted for publication in AGU journals should convey the author's findings precisely and
immediately to the reader. Authors are urged to have their manuscripts reviewed critically by colleagues
for scientific accuracy and clarity of presentation. If a manuscript has more than one author, coauthors
must consent to the final version of the manuscript.
Authors will be asked to provide final manuscripts and artwork as electronic files (MSWord, WordPerfect
or LaTeX for text; EPS or TIFF for images). The manuscript should be arranged in the following order:
title page including authors' names and affiliations
text (including appendices)
reference list
figure captions
supporting nonprint material (such as data sets, long tables, appendices, graphs, lengthy mathematical
derivations, and extended background discussions). See the additional information about supplying
auxiliary materials in digital formats in About E-supplements.
AGU's online manuscript formatting helpdesk provides detailed information about manuscript preparation
for journal and book styles. Contact author.help@agu.org" for additional help.
All papers submitted using MSWord or WordPerfect should be double spaced in 12 point type with 1-inch
margins, using Times New Roman throughout. For word processing documents, use English U.S. as the
language. Indent all paragraphs.
Authors are expected to use correct spelling, punctuation, grammar, and syntax. Spelling and hyphenation
of compound words follow the unabridged Webster's Third New International Dictionary.
The metric system must be used throughout; use of appropriate SI units is encouraged. Do not use italic
font for units of measure. Following recommended style and usage expedites processing and reduces the
chance of error in the electronic file processing.
Because text footnotes may be distracting to the reader, they should be incorporated into the text or be
eliminated completely.
The abstract should be a single paragraph (250 words limit for JGR, other journals 150 words), state the
nature of the investigation, and summarize its important conclusions. References should not be cited in the
The abstract should be suitable for separate publication in an abstract journal and be adequate for indexing.
Index Terms
When a paper is submitted for publication, the author will be required to provide Index Terms (up to five
Index terms) from the AGU Index Set.
An author should carefully select index terms to ensure that a paper is classified properly in database
searches and in the annual year-end subject index for each journal, and to allow readers to locate papers
with greater ease and precision. Index terms are a key part of AGU's strategy for electronic distribution of
journal articles.
Authors should also provide up to six (6) key words. These are free-form terms that will be used to
facilitate online searches.
The lowercase letter "l" and the numeral 1 and the capital letter "O" and the numeral 0 should be
distinguished. Add one extra line space above and below all displayed equations.
Alignment of symbols must be unambiguous. Superscripts and subscripts should clearly be in superior or
inferior position. Fraction bars should extend under the entire numerator. Do not use the symbol font in
Word. Select "Greek" from the font list. "Normal text" should be the font selected as shown in the font
menu box. Use true superscript and subscript not raised and lowered fonts. Use the "degree" symbol
instead of "oh".
Barred and accented characters that are available for typesetting may be used. Symbols that are not
available and therefore must be avoided are triple dots, accents (other than bars) that extend over more
than one character, and double accents (e.g., a circumflex over a bar). Accents over characters can be
eliminated by the use of such symbols as ', *, and ?set as superscripts.
If an accent or underscore has been used to designate a special typeface (e.g., boldface for vectors, script
for transforms, sans serif for tensors), the type should be specified by a note in the margin.
If the argument of an exponential is complicated or lengthy, "exp'' rather than e should be used. Awkward
fractional composition can be avoided by the proper introduction of negative powers. In text, solidus
fractions (l/r) should be used, and enough enclosures should be included to avoid ambiguity. According to
the accepted convention, parentheses, brackets, and braces are in the order { [ ( ) ] }. Numbered displayed
equations should appear consecutively; the number (in parentheses) should be to the right of the equation.
The notation is a list of parameters used in the text and their definitions that should be set up as shown in
the following sample:
c rate of soil accumulation, m/yr.
d median grain size of water-deposited material, µm.
D distance of the locus of points, m.
h elevation of the rock stream channel at a particular time ti, m.
Acknowledgments should be limited to collegial and financial assistance. Acknowledgments are not meant
to recognize personal or manuscript production support.
Complete and accurate references are of major importance. Omissions, discrepancies in the spelling of
names, errors in titles, and incorrect dates must be avoided. See complete information about reference
styles in References in AGU Publications.
Every table must have a title, and all columns must have headings. Column headings must be arranged so
that their relation to the data is clear. Footnotes should be indicated by reference marks ( by lowercase
letters typed as superiors. Each table must be cited in text. Create tables in a tablular arrangement to align
columns instead of using the tab feature.
Figures should be computer-generated. See the Guidelines for Submitting Images for help in creating
image files. When uploading the manuscript files to GEMS, the electronic manuscript submission system,
each figure files should be loaded separately.
Each figure must be cited in numerical order in the text.
Orientation must be clearly marked on figures. Latitude and longitude must be indicated on maps.
For submission, each figure must also have a caption which should be included both on the page with each
figure and in a separate list of captions. Do not include in the figure any information that could easily be
worded in the caption. For accepted papers, there should be no captions on the figures themselves.
Authors should size their figures to allow for suitable reduction; this includes making sure that lettering is
of sufficient size. Figures whose characters are too small or whose tick marks or dot patterns are too faint
or which are otherwise unacceptable for reproduction will be returned to the author for redrafting. Use
varying patterns instead of varying shades of gray.
Color figures, foldouts, pocket maps, etc., can be accommodated, but the costs of color for publishing
these special features must be borne by the author. For color figures, please also supply a black and white
version, as the color will be printed in the back of the journal (in place online). There is the more
expensive option of including color in print within the paper, in which case black and white version would
not be necessary.
For additional information, contact the Author Information Helpdesk at author.help@agu.org.
Copyrighted material
It is the author's responsibility to obtain any necessary permission to reproduce figures or tables from
copyrighted sources. This includes any figures redrawn but basically unaltered or with only slight
modifications. If you are using figures or photos that have been previously published, you must obtain
permission from the copyright holder to publish their property in your AGU article. Obtaining permission
can be a lengthy process, so please make sure you have the necessary permissions before you submit your
manuscript to AGU.
Written permission(s) should accompany the manuscript when submitted.
Auxiliary material
See Guidelines and online information about AGU E-Supplements for help in defining and submitting this
material. Contact the editor's assistant for more information on this service. Please note that all supporting
and supplementary data will be reviewed with your manuscript.
The manuscript submission and peer review process is broken down into the following 10 steps:
The Author submits a manuscript.
An Editor is selected based on the index terms that describe the manuscript.
The Editor assigns Reviewers to the manuscript, sometimes with the advice of an Associate Editor.
The Reviewers review the manuscript.
The Editor makes a decision to accept, request revisions or reject the manuscript.
The Editor's Assistant contacts the Author with the decision.
If the decision is to request revisions, the Author revises the paper and submits the revision.
The Editor makes a new decision, sometimes with the advice of the previous Reviewers, an Associate
Editor or new Reviewers.
The Editor's Assistant contacts the Author with the decision.
Return to Step 7, as necessary.
Submission Process
The JGR-Atmospheres article submission process is comprised of four steps:
A submission form (often used in place of cover letter) that stores pertinent article and author information
A file transfer form where file descriptions and locations are designated; file transfer is initiated when this
form is submitted
A confirmation screen, indicating file transfer was successful and providing your permanent manuscript
tracking number; select the Continue button to preview file conversions
A preview and approval screen; once you approve the file conversions, the peer review process will begin
Before submitting a manuscript, please gather the following information:
All Authors
First and Last Names
Postal Addresses
Work Telephone Numbers
E-mail adresses
Title and Running Title (you can cut and paste this from your manuscript)
Abstract (you can cut and paste this from your manuscript)
Manuscript files in PDF, Word, WordPerfect or LaTeX format.
Figures/Images embedded at the end of the Manuscript file or in external files in TIFF, PDF or EPS format.
If you embed your figures at the end of a PDF file with the text (the preferred method), do it in a manner
that creates the smallest PDF file possible, while still retaining the figure quality. For line diagrams, this
can be accomplished by embedding EPS figures and then creating the PDF file from the manuscript. For
complex figures, embed a high resolution image file (open the file in a viewer, e.g., Ghostscript), copy the
image after enlarging it to the appropriate size, paste it into the manuscript, re-size it and then create the
PDF file.
Contact information (e-mail address and institution) of 4-5 suggested Reviewers.
A Primary index term, indicating the primary field of the paper and 2-4 Secondary index terms, indicating
other areas covered by the paper. To review the index terms list, click here.
Click here if you have questions about electronic supplements.
For information regarding AGU editorial style please click here.
After the manuscript is submitted, you will be taken to a page which will allow you to review your
converted manuscript. If the conversion is not correct, you can replace or delete your manuscript files as
necessary. After you have reviewed the converted files, you will need to click on "Approve Converted
Getting Help
Throughout the system, red arrows reflect pending action items which you should address. If you need
additional help, you can click on the help signs spread throughout the system. A help dialog will pop up
with context senstive help.
Manuscript Status
After you approve your manuscript, you are finished. You can get the status of your manuscript via:
Logging into the system with your password.
Clicking on the link represented by your manuscript tracking number and abbreviated title.
Clicking on the "Check Status" link at the bottom of the displayed page.
This procedure will display detailed tracking information about where your manuscript is in the
submission/peer review process.
The manuscript submission process starts by pressing the "Submit Manuscript" link on your "Home" page.
Please make sure you have gathered all the required manuscript information listed above BEFORE starting
the submission process.
Please press HOME to continue.
Submit manuscripts electronically using GEMS: http://jgr-oceans-submit.agu.org
Manuscripts submitted for publication in AGU journals should convey the author's findings precisely and
immediately to the reader. Authors are urged to have their manuscripts reviewed critically by colleagues
for scientific accuracy and clarity of presentation. If a manuscript has more than one author, coauthors
must consent to the final version of the manuscript.
Authors will be asked to provide final manuscripts and artwork as electronic files (MSWord, WordPerfect
or LaTeX for text; EPS or TIFF for images). The manuscript should be arranged in the following order:
1. title page including authors' names and affiliations
2. abstract
3. text (including appendices)
4. acknowledgments
5. reference list
6. figure captions
7. tables
8. figures
9. supporting nonprint material (such as data sets, long tables, appendices, graphs, lengthy
mathematical derivations, and extended background discussions). See the additional information
about supplying auxiliary materials in digital formats in About E-supplements.
AGU's online manuscript formatting helpdesk provides detailed information about manuscript preparation for
journal and book styles. Contact author.help@agu.org" for additional help.
All papers submitted using MSWord or WordPerfect should be double spaced in 12 point type with 1-inch
margins, using Times New Roman throughout. For word processing documents, use English U.S. as the
language. Indent all paragraphs.
Authors are expected to use correct spelling, punctuation, grammar, and syntax. Spelling and hyphenation
of compound words follow the unabridged Webster's Third New International Dictionary.
The metric system must be used throughout; use of appropriate SI units is encouraged. Do not use italic
font for units of measure. Following recommended style and usage expedites processing and reduces the
chance of error in the electronic file processing.
Because text footnotes may be distracting to the reader, they should be incorporated into the text or be
eliminated completely.
The abstract should be a single paragraph (250 words limit for JGR, other journals 150 words), state the
nature of the investigation, and summarize its important conclusions. References should not be cited in the
The abstract should be suitable for separate publication in an abstract journal and be adequate for
Index Terms
When a paper is submitted for publication, the author will be required to provide Index Terms (up to five
Index terms) from the AGU Index Set.
An author should carefully select index terms to ensure that a paper is classified properly in database
searches and in the annual year-end subject index for each journal, and to allow readers to locate papers
with greater ease and precision. Index terms are a key part of AGU's strategy for electronic distribution of
journal articles.
Authors should also provide up to six (6) key words. These are free-form terms that will be used to
facilitate online searches.
The lowercase letter "l" and the numeral 1 and the capital letter "O" and the numeral 0 should be
distinguished. Add one extra line space above and below all displayed equations.
Alignment of symbols must be unambiguous. Superscripts and subscripts should clearly be in superior or
inferior position. Fraction bars should extend under the entire numerator. Do not use the symbol font in
Word. Select "Greek" from the font list. "Normal text" should be the font selected as shown in the font
menu box. Use true superscript and subscript not raised and lowered fonts. Use the "degree" symbol
instead of "oh".
Barred and accented characters that are available for typesetting may be used. Symbols that are not
available and therefore must be avoided are triple dots, accents (other than bars) that extend over more
than one character, and double accents (e.g., a circumflex over a bar). Accents over characters can be
eliminated by the use of such symbols as ', *, and ?set as superscripts.
If an accent or underscore has been used to designate a special typeface (e.g., boldface for vectors, script
for transforms, sans serif for tensors), the type should be specified by a note in the margin.
If the argument of an exponential is complicated or lengthy, "exp'' rather than e should be used. Awkward
fractional composition can be avoided by the proper introduction of negative powers. In text, solidus
fractions (l/r) should be used, and enough enclosures should be included to avoid ambiguity. According to
the accepted convention, parentheses, brackets, and braces are in the order { [ ( ) ] }. Numbered displayed
equations should appear consecutively; the number (in parentheses) should be to the right of the equation.
The notation is a list of parameters used in the text and their definitions that should be set up as shown in
the following sample:
rate of soil accumulation, m/yr.
median grain size of water-deposited material, µm.
distance of the locus of points, m.
elevation of the rock stream channel at a particular time ti, m.
Acknowledgments should be limited to collegial and financial assistance. Acknowledgments are not meant
to recognize personal or manuscript production support.
Complete and accurate references are of major importance. Omissions, discrepancies in the spelling of
names, errors in titles, and incorrect dates must be avoided. See complete information about reference
styles in References in AGU Publications.
Every table must have a title, and all columns must have headings. Column headings must be arranged so
that their relation to the data is clear. Footnotes should be indicated by reference marks ( by lowercase
letters typed as superiors. Each table must be cited in text. Create tables in a tablular arrangement to align
columns instead of using the tab feature.
Figures should be computer-generated. See the Guidelines for Submitting Images for help in creating image
files. When uploading the manuscript files to GEMS, the electronic manuscript submission system, each
figure files should be loaded separately.
Each figure must be cited in numerical order in the text.
Orientation must be clearly marked on figures. Latitude and longitude must be indicated on maps.
For submission, each figure must also have a caption which should be included both on the page with each
figure and in a separate list of captions. Do not include in the figure any information that could easily be
worded in the caption. For accepted papers, there should be no captions on the figures themselves.
Authors should size their figures to allow for suitable reduction; this includes making sure that lettering is
of sufficient size. Figures whose characters are too small or whose tick marks or dot patterns are too faint
or which are otherwise unacceptable for reproduction will be returned to the author for redrafting. Use
varying patterns instead of varying shades of gray.
Color figures, foldouts, pocket maps, etc., can be accommodated, but the costs of color for publishing
these special features must be borne by the author. For color figures, please also supply a black and white
version, as the color will be printed in the back of the journal (in place online). There is the more
expensive option of including color in print within the paper, in which case black and white version would
not be necessary.
For additional information, contact the Author Information Helpdesk at author.help@agu.org.
Copyrighted material
It is the author's responsibility to obtain any necessary permission to reproduce figures or tables from
copyrighted sources. This includes any figures redrawn but basically unaltered or with only slight
modifications. If you are using figures or photos that have been previously published, you must obtain
permission from the copyright holder to publish their property in your AGU article. Obtaining permission
can be a lengthy process, so please make sure you have the necessary permissions before you submit your
manuscript to AGU.
Written permission(s) should accompany the manuscript when submitted.
Auxiliary material
See Guidelines and online information about AGU E-Supplements for help in defining and submitting this material.
Contact the editor's assistant for more information on this service. Please note that all supporting and
supplementary data will be reviewed with your manuscript.
The manuscript submission and peer review process is broken down into the following eleven steps:
1. The Submitting Author submits a manuscript
2. The Editor-in-Chief assigns an Editor to the manuscript
3. The Editor may assign an Associate Editor to the manuscript
4. The Editor or Associate Editor assigns Reviewers to the manuscript
5. The Reviewers review the manuscript
6. The Editor makes a decision to accept, request revisions or reject the manuscript
7. The Editor's Assistant contacts the Corresponding Author with the decision
8. If the decision is to request revisions, the Corresponding Author revises the paper and submits the
9. The Editor makes a new decision, sometimes with the advice of the previous Reviewers, an
Associate Editor and/or new Reviewers
10. The Editor's Assistant contacts the Corresponding Author with the decision
11. Return to Step 6, as necessary
Submission Process
The submission process comprises four steps:
1. A submission form (often used in place of cover letter) that stores pertinent article and author
2. A file transfer form where file descriptions and locations are designated; file transfer is initiated
when this form is submitted
3. A confirmation screen, indicating file transfer was successful and providing your permanent
manuscript tracking number; select the Continue button to preview file conversions
4. A preview and approval screen; once you approve the file conversions, the peer review process
will begin
Before submitting a manuscript, please gather the following:
Click here if you have questions about electronic supplements.
For information regarding AGU editorial style please click here.
After the manuscript is submitted, you will be taken to a page where you can review your converted
manuscript. If the conversion is not correct or complete, you can replace or delete your manuscript files as
necessary. After you have reviewed the converted files, you will need to click on "Approve Converted
Getting Help
Click here for comprehensive answers to most questions regarding preparation of manuscript files.
Throughout GEMS, red arrows reflect pending action items which you should address. If you need
additional help, you can click on the help signs spread throughout the system. A help dialog will pop up
with context-senstive help.
Manuscript Status
After you approve your manuscript, the submission process is complete. You can check the status of your
manuscript by doing the following:
1. Logging into the system with your password.
2. Clicking on the link represented by your manuscript tracking number and abbreviated title.
3. Clicking on the "Check Status" link at the bottom of the displayed page.
This procedure will display detailed tracking information about where your manuscript is in the peer
review process.
The manuscript submission process starts by pressing the "Submit Manuscript" link on your "Home" page.
Please make sure you have gathered all the required manuscript information listed above BEFORE
starting the submission process. If you need to halt completion of the submission form, click on the Save
and Exit button at the bottom of the form. When you next log into GEMS, you'll see a red-arrowed item
indicating that you have a halted submission to complete.
Please press HOME to continue.
Important! Click here for author instructions
The manuscript submission and peer review process is broken down into the following 7 steps:
1. The Author submits a manuscript.
2. The Editor assigns an Associate Editor to the manuscript.
3. The Associate Editor assigns Reviewers to the manuscript.
4. The Reviewers review the manuscript.
5. The Associate Editor makes a recommendation.
6. The Editor makes the final decision.
7. The Editor's Assistant contacts the Author with the decision.
Submission Process
The manuscript submission process is broken into a series of 4 screens which gather detailed information
about your manuscript and allow you to upload the pertinent files. The sequence of screens are as follows:
1. A long form asking for author, title, abstract, and file quantities.
2. A screen asking for the actual file locations (via an open file dialog). After completing this screen,
your files will be uploaded to our server.
3. A completion screen which will provide you with a specific manuscript number for your
4. An approval screen which will allow you to verify your manuscript uploaded and converted
Journal of metamorphic geology
Journal of metamorphic geology [9 times per year]/.WILEY-BLACKWELL PUBLISHING, INC,
ISSN 0263-4929
本刊收录在:Web of Science - SCIE, SSCI, A&HCI (2009 年)
本刊收录在:Web of Science - SCIE, SSCI, A&HCI (2008 年)
本刊收录在 Web of Science:SCIE(2009 版)
提示: Impact Factor: 3.418 ; Rank: 1088
提示: Impact Factor:4.157; 5-Year Impact Factor:4.357
This title, published nine times per year, encompasses the entire range of metamorphic studies, from the
scale of individual crystals to that of lithospheric plates. Bringing together scientists working in
metamorphic petrology, mineral deposit geology, geochemistry, tectonics, and structural geology, the
Journal of Metamorphic Geology remains as innovative today as it was twenty-one years ago when it
began. Since its inception, the Journal has been associated with several societies including:
The Geological Society of London
The European Union of Geosciences
The Mineralogical Society of America
The Canadian Mineralogical Association
The Geological Society of Australia
Read by students and researchers alike, the Journal of Metamorphic Geology is at the forefront of
international geological research
The current issue of the Journal of Metamorphic Geology should be consulted for house style. Manuscripts
not following house style are liable to be returned for modification.
All manuscripts should be submitted through the JMG Electronic Editorial Office (EEO), accessed at:
Please submit the text, figures and tables for your manuscript in a single file, rather than as several
individual files. This will allow editors and reviewers to download your whole manuscript as one file,
rather than having to work with many individual files. Any figures included in this single file that have
poor resolution in PDF format, should also be uploaded as individual items to allow viewing at better
Notes on Online Submission (13k, PDF)
Notes on accepted manuscript submission (13k, PDF)
File description form (8k, PDF)
Papers on topics of international interest in any aspect of metamorphic geology are welcomed; those of
local interest are unsuitable.
Manuscripts should be prepared using a good font size (e.g. Times 12) and should be double spaced text.
Papers should be original and comprise previously unpublished data, interpretations or syntheses.
Papers should be in English, using UK spelling, but if appropriate an abstract in another language may be
Papers should normally be less than 15,000 words equivalent (i.e. including tables, figures and references),
although in special circumstances longer papers will be considered. The number of words in the text and
reference list should be specified under "Comments to Editor in Chief."
Papers will be reviewed by at least two referees. You will be able to make recommendation as to
appropriate and inappropriate reviewers when submitting via the EEO.
Papers are submitted on the basis that they have not previously been submitted or published elsewhere
either in part or full.
For multi-authored papers, the submitting author will be taken as the Corresponding Author unless
indicated otherwise. Submission of such papers is on the basis that the corresponding author has the
agreement of all authors for submission and publication of the paper.
Authors should note that some electronic databases utilize searches of paper titles only. Thus, titles as well
as keywords should be designed with this in mind.
Colour Figures
It is the policy of JMG for authors to pay the full cost for the reproduction of their colour artwork.
Therefore, please note that if there is colour artwork in your manuscript when it is accepted for publication,
Blackwell Publishing require you to complete and return a colour work agreement form before your paper
can be published. This form can be downloaded as a PDF* from the internet. The web address for the form
If you are unable to access the internet, or are unable to download the form, please contact the Production
Editor at the address below. They will be able to email or FAX a form to you.
Once completed, please return the form to the Production Editor at the following address:
The Production Editor
Journal of Metamorphic Geology
Blackwell Publishing Ltd
101 George Street
Fax: +44 (0)131 226 3803
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The first text page should list the paper title, name(s) of author(s), institutional address(es), and a short title
of not more than 45 characters.
The second text page should contain an abstract of not more than 300 words, followed by up to five key
words. The abstract must be intelligible without reference to the paper, and be a condensation of the
essential new information and interpretations in the paper, not a mere recital of the subjects covered.
The main text should follow and may be subdivided into primary, secondary and tertiary sections. The text
should be paginated.
Acknowledgements should follow in the main text and be headed ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS.
All literature cited in the text should be arranged in alphabetical order at the end of the text under the
heading REFERENCES. In the text, references should be cited by the name(s) of the author(s) and the year
in brackets. References should be in the form used in a recent issue, with journal titles given in full. The
reference list should typically NOT include non-peer reviewed items such as abstracts and theses.
Tables should be on separate pages, and not double spaced. Units should be given once at the column
heads and not throughout the table. Ditto should not be used. Tables should be enclosed within rules at the
top and bottom.
Captions to figures should be double spaced, and follow on from the reference list. All illustrations are
called figures and should be referred to as Figure 1 if at the start of a sentence, or as Fig. 1 otherwise.
SI units are recommended, but ¡ãC is house style. If Kelvin is used on figures then an additional ¡ãC scale
should be displayed.
Footnotes should not be used.
Authors are responsible for the accuracy of their data. Microprobe, ICP and other analytical analyses and
derived data should be given to the number of decimal places justified by the precision of the analytical
methodology. All papers reporting stable isotope data should include values obtained typically for up to
six NBS standards. Such data can be presently reported using either the standard SMOW and PDB or the
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statistics of the regression analysis as a minimum, the full dataset may be lodged as an appendix for
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Extensive datasets typically will not be published in hard copy form; instead a representative data subset
should be provided that will allow readers to derive actual results of examples of calculations (e.g. P-T
results). A full dataset should be submitted with the manuscript and consist of a separately numbered
document with the first page to contain the authors names etc., and the abstract on the second page. This
full dataset will then be made available via on-line PDF files.
Abbreviations for rock forming minerals
The abbreviations system described in Kretz, R., 1983, Symbols for rock forming minerals. American
Mineralogist, 68, 277 ¨C 279, supplemented by Bucher & Frey (Petrogenesis of Metamorphic Rocks, 6th
edition, p. 309-310) is recommended for use. Abbreviations may be used in figures or as parts of a reaction
and/or assemblage, but where used individually in the text, names should be given in full.
Equations are generally introduced as parts of sentences; they require punctuation.
Authors must provide clear instructions about how they wish symbols to be set.
The maximum printed size of illustrations is c. 170 x 235 mm (full page) or 80 x 235 mm (column width).
All maps etc should include a metric bar scale. Letters or numerals should not be less than 1.5mm in height
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Journal of paleontology
Journal of paleontology [Monthly]/.PALEONTOLOGICAL SOC INC, 810 EAST 10TH ST, LAWRENCE,
USA, KS, 66044
ISSN 0022-3360
本刊收录在:Web of Science - SCIE, SSCI, A&HCI (2009 年)
本刊收录在:Web of Science - SCIE, SSCI, A&HCI (2008 年)
本刊收录在 Web of Science:SCIE(2009 版)
提示: Impact Factor: 1.185 ; Rank: 4214
提示: Impact Factor:1.096; 5-Year Impact Factor:1.241
The Journal of Paleontology publishes original articles and notes on the systematics of fossil organisms
and the implications of systematics to all aspects of paleobiology and stratigraphic paleontology.It
emphasizes specimen-based research and features high quality illustrations. Comments on articles and
replies are also considered for publication. All taxonomic groups are treated, including invertebrates,
microfossils, plants, and vertebrates.
As you assemble your manuscript, please read and refer to the following.
The Journal of Paleontology publishes short articles on all aspects of paleontology, including comments on
previous articles, replies, and Paleontological and Taxonomic Notes. Its focus is on systematics and the
implications of systematics to biostratigraphy, paleoecology, paleogeography, and evolution. All
taxonomic groups are treated, including invertebrates, microfossils, plants, and vertebrates. Most
contributions are specimen-based and require high-quality photographic illustrations.
For geologic and scientific usage, the Journal follows Suggestions to Authors of the Reports of the United
States Geological Survey (seventh edition), 1991; Authors are encouraged to refer to these works.
• Submit three copies of the manuscript, including tables and figures, for review purposes.
• Double-space the entire manuscript, including abstract, text, references, tables, figure captions, and
• Number all pages, beginning with the title page.
• Use a standard font (Courier or Times New Roman), 12 point only.
• Do not justify or break words at the right margin.
• Note approximate placement of figures and tables in pencil in the margins near the initial
citation. Figures and tables must be cited in consecutive order in the text.
• Use appendices for long tables or listings such as specimens examined and locality information.
• Do not use footnotes.
• In their cover letters, authors are encouraged to suggest potential reviewers, although final choices will
be made by the editors.
• All authors are asked to provide partial or full page charges if they can do so. Authors must pay
extra-page charges for articles that run 26-30 pages in published length.
• Articles that will exceed 30 published pages must be submitted to the Memoir series. Note that the
estimate of total number of published pages is drawn from the final, accepted version of the
manuscript. Allow approximately 3.5 manuscript pages for each published page.
The first page.-• Do not use a separate title page. Allow about 7.5 cm (3 in.) blank at the top of the first page before
the title. Otherwise, all margins should be 2.5. cm (1 in.).
• Center the title in all capital letters. Titles should be brief and incorporate key words that will be
useful for indexing and information retrieval.
The abstract is not to exceed 250 words. Paleontological and taxonomic notes do not have abstracts.
The introduction.-THE INTRODUCTION text abuts the left-hand margin, with the first two words in capitals, as shown in
this sentence. Center and capitalize the heading, INTRODUCTION.
Text headings.--The Journal of Paleontology uses two levels of text headings. The first is centered and
capitalized; the second is underlined and separated from the text by a period and two hyphens. Use
underlining instead of italics.
Journal of petroleum geology
Journal of petroleum geology [Quarterly]/ PO Box 21, 4 Burkes Parade Beaconsfield Bucks HP9
ISSN 0141-6421
本刊收录在:Web of Science - SCIE, SSCI, A&HCI (2009 年)
本刊收录在:Web of Science - SCIE, SSCI, A&HCI (2008 年)
本刊收录在 Web of Science:SCIE(2009 版)
提示: Impact Factor: 0.829 ; Rank: 5216
提示: Impact Factor:0.605; 5-Year Impact Factor:0.861
本刊收录在:Ei Compendex (2010 年)
本刊收录在:Ei Compendex (2008 年)
An independent quarterly journal devoted to the geology of oil and natural gas. Authors are invited to
submit typescripts in duplicate to the editor or to any member of the Editorial Board. Editorial preference
is given to original papers on oilfield regions of the world outside North America and on topics of general
application in petroleum exploration and development operations, including geochemical and geopysical
studies, basin modeling and reservoir evaluation.
The Journal of Petroleum Geology is an independent, international, English-language quarterly journal,
devoted to the geology of oil and natural gas. The editorial content is restricted to original papers on
aspects of the genesis and accumulation of petroleum, on the geology of oil-and gasfields and on reservoir
evaluation and basin modelling techniques.
Authors wishing to submit papers should send them to the Editorial Director, Scientific Press Ltd., PO Box
21, Beaconsfield, Bucks., HP9 1NS, England, or to any member of the Editorial Board. Papers sent to the
Journal should present previously unpublished data or interpretations; they should not be submitted
elsewhere while under editorial consideration.
All contributions are closely reviewed for technical content and general presentation.
JPG aims to publish papers of quality within 9-12 months of initial manuscript receipt. However, editorial
amendment (where necessary) will inevitably cause delay in publication.
Each author is offered two pages of color free of charge.
Presentation: For initial submission, two copies of all MSs are required on paper. The text should be
clearly printed (double-spaced) on clean white paper, free of all corrections. Figures should be separate
from the text; each figure should be presented on a separate A4 sheet.
Author's addresses and affiliations should be on the first page.
An Abstract of about 400 words should be provided, and the entire MS should be paginated. The length of
the text should generally not exceed the equivalent of about 12,000 words.
All mathematical formulae should be numbered consecutively; the use of mathematical expressions should
be kept to a minimum in the text.
Illustrations and Tables
Copies of artwork should accompany the MS when submitted, but original diagrams or photographs
should not be sent until requested.
The number of illustrations submitted should be in reasonable proportion to the length of the text. Authors
should pay particular attention to the clarity and spelling of any lettering on the diagrams, and some
reduction in size should be allowed for.
When requested, authors should supply figures both on paper (as high quality prints suitable for scanning),
and also in digital format on CD (saved as both high-resolution tifs and native files).
Click here for details of digital graphics files JPG can generally accept.
All illustrations should be clearly numbered with the Author's name written on the reverse side and be
keyed to a separately-prepared caption.
Figures should be designed not to extend beyond the Journal's print area (26 x 18cm). Fold-outs may be
included, but at the expense of the Author.
Tables should be presented both on paper and on disc. Authors are requested to express decimal fractions
with full-stops, not commas. Tabulated "raw" data should be kept to a minimum.
The Journal's style of capitalisation for stratigraphic and geological terminology is as follows:
1. Stratigraphic subdivisions should follow the style of the "Geological Time Scale" of Harland, Cox,
Llewellyn et al. (CUP, 1989). "Upper, Middle, Lower, Late" and "Early" should begin will an upper-case
letter when applied to subdivisions which have an accepted international status.
For all other applications, these words should begin with a lower-case letter (thus: lower Oxfordian, upper
Shuaiba Formation, etc).
The word "mid-" should have a lower-case first letter, and be followed by a hyphen (thus: mid-Jurassic,
mid-Albian, mid-Lower Cretaceous).
2. (i) The four cardinal points of the compass, and terms such as Inner, Central, etc., should begin with an
upper-case letter when they are applied adjectively to a continent, country or specific region. Thus: North
Africa, East Rub al Khali, Central Oman.
(ii) In contrast, general terms such as "southern", "western", etc., should be applied to a non-specific area,
and begin with a lower-case letter (e.g. northern England).
(iii) Compound points of the compass should be abbreviated to initials, both when describing direction and
position. Thus: "a SEward movement", and "100 kms SSW of Riyadh".
Only those references cited in the text, tables and figures should be listed alphabetically in the bibliography,
which generally should not exceed about 50 citations. Please consult a recent issue and follow the normal
style for capital letters and abbreviations. Special attention should be given to checking details between
text citations and listed references.
Examples of style are:
SASSEN, R., MOORE, C.H. and MEENDSEN, F.C., 1986. Concentration of source rock organic matter
during carbonate diagenesis, Jurassic Smackover Formation (abstract). AAPG Bull., 70, 644-656.
MERINO, E., 1984. Survey of chemical self-patterning phenomena. In: NICOLIS, G. and BARS, F., (Eds.):
Chemical instabilities; Applications in chemistry, engineering geology and material sciences. NATO
Advanced Science Series C, 120, 305-328.
HENSON, F.R.S., 1948. Larger imperforate foraminifera of SW Asia. Jarrold and Sons, London, 117pp.
Pages charges and reprints
There are no page charges. Authors will receive 50 complimentary copies of their paper, and may obtain
further copies against payment if ordered in advance of printing.Unless their return is specifically
requested, all MSs and artwork will be discarded two months after publication.
Journal of petrology
Journal of petrology [Monthly]/American Meteorological Society
ISSN 0022-3530
本刊收录在:Web of Science - SCIE, SSCI, A&HCI (2009 年)
本刊收录在:Web of Science - SCIE, SSCI, A&HCI (2008 年)
本刊收录在 Web of Science:SCIE(2009 版)
提示: Impact Factor: 3.842 ; Rank: 875
提示: Impact Factor:3.738; 5-Year Impact Factor:4.881
The Journal of Petrology provides an international forum for the publication of high quality research in the
broad field of igneous and metamorphic petrology and petrogenesis. Papers published cover a vast range
of topics in areas such as major element, trace element and isotope geochemistry and geochronology
applied to petrogenesis; experimental petrology; processes of magma generation, differentiation and
emplacement; quantitative studies of rock-forming minerals and their paragenesis; regional studies of
igneous and meta morphic rocks which contribute to the solution of fundamental petrological problems;
theoretical modelling of petrogenetic processes.
Please read carefully and adhere strictly to these instructions to ensure that the review and publication of
your paper is as quick and efficient as possible.
The Journal of Petrology provides an international forum for the publication of high quality research in the
broad field of igneous and metamorphic petrology and petrogenesis. Papers published cover a wide range
of topics including:
major element, trace element and isotope geochemistry and geochronology applied to petrogenesis
experimental petrology
processes of magma generation, differentiation and emplacement
regional studies of igneous and metamorphic rocks which contribute to the solution of fundamental
petrological problems
theoretical modelling of petrogenetic processes
quantitative studies of rock-forming minerals and their paragenesis
Papers must be written clearly and concisely in English. The normal maximum length is 12,000 words,
including equivalent space for tables and figures, but longer papers can be accepted, provided that the
length is justified by the scientific argument presented in the paper. However, authors are encouraged to
submit papers which are substantially shorter than the normal maximum length. Four copies of
manuscripts must be submitted to one of the Editors (see inside of front cover). Papers submitted for
review should report original and unpublished work that is not under consideration for publication
elsewhere in any language. If previously published illustrations, tables, figures or more than 200 words of
text are to be included, the written permission of the copyright holder must be obtained and enclosed with
the paper.
Every paper is reviewed by at least two independent referees selected by the Editors. Authors should
submit the names and addresses of three appropriate reviewers with their manuscript. Referees' reports are
carefully considered by the Editors before making decisions concerning publication, major or minor
revision or rejection.
The aim is to publish papers in the Journal as soon as possible after acceptance. Efficient methods of
communication are expected and encouraged. For this purpose authors must provide e-mail addresses,
telephone and fax numbers. Strict adherence to the guidelines given in the 'Guide for the Preparation of
Electronic Submission' during preparation of the manuscript text, tables and figures will ensure that there
will be no delays in final acceptance for publication.
Manuscripts must be printed on A4 or American quarto paper and double-spaced. Margins of 25 mm
should be left at the sides, top and bottom of the page. The approximate position for insertion of each table
and figure should be marked in the margin. Number each page sequentially, including the title page.
Authors should study carefully the current issue of the Journal of Petrology to ensure that papers
correspond in format and style with the requirements.
Title page
The title must be short, specific and informative. The surname and initials of each author should be
followed by his or her department, institution, and city with postal code and country. Any change of
address can be given in numbered footnotes. The author to whom required revisions and/or proofs are to
be addressed (the corresponding author) should be indicated and his/her telephone, FAX and e-mail
address given. Please provide a running title of not more than 50 characters.
Key words
Up to five key words, which may or may not appear in the title, must be given below the abstract in
alphabetical order with each word separated by a semi-colon.
The paper must be preceded by the Abstract, which must be written on a separate page. The Abstract must
not exceed 200 words and must be without abbreviations and reference citations. Please abide strictly by
this limitation of length. The Abstract should be comprehensible to readers before they have read the
These must be included at the end of the text and not in footnotes. Personal acknowledgements should
precede those of institutions or agencies.
Authors are responsible for the accuracy of the references, which must be given in the text in one of the
following formats:
McKenzie & Bickle (1988); (McKenzie & Bickle, 1988)
Deer et al. (1963); (Deer et al., 1963)
(Yoder & Tilley, 1962; Deer et al., 1963; Thompson & Gibson, 1991)
Wilson & Rosenbaum (in press); (Wilson & Rosenbaum, in press)
References cited must be given in full and listed in alphabetical order in the last section of the manuscript.
The following examples are given:
McKenzie, D. & Bickle, M. J. (1988). The volume and composition of melt generated by extension of the
lithosphere. Journal of Petrology 29, 342-532.
Yardley, B. W .D. (1989). An Introduction to Metamorphic Petrology. Harlow: Longman Group UK.
Thompson, J. B. Jr. (1959). Local equilibrium in metasomatic processes. In: Abelson, P. H. (ed.)
Researches in Geochemistry. New York: John Wiley, 427-457.
Wilson, M., Rosenbaum, J. M. & Dunworth, E. A. (1998). Melilitites: Partial melts of the thermal
boundary layer? Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, in press.
Personal communications (J. Smith pers. com.) must be authorised in writing by those concerned and
unpublished data should be cited as (unpublished data). References to papers in preparation, i.e. not yet
accepted for publication, should be cited in the text as (J. Smith & N. Jones, in preparation) but should not
be included in the list of references.
There is a four-tier structure, as shown in the examples below:
Level 1: PETROGRAPHY (bold capitals)
Level 2: Diorites (bold, capital and lower case)
Level 3: Textures (italic, capital and lower case)
For level 1¨C3 headings the following text should begin without indent after one line space. Subsequent
paragraphs should be indented.
Level 4: Tholeiitic trend (italic, indented); text to continue on same line.
Tables must be numbered consecutively and printed on separate sheets with a brief descriptive title set
above the body of the table. Footnotes may be used. To facilitate typesetting of tables they must be
prepared in Word, using the TAB key function to space columns (NOT Word Table format, or Excel
unless the table is to be made available as an electronic appendix, see 'publication of large data sets',
below). Tables must be designed to fit a single (80 mm) or double column (165 mm) width of a Journal
page. Text references to tables should appear as Table 1 or (Table 1) as appropriate.
Figures included with the review copies of the manuscript must be good quality laser prints. Think
carefully about how the figures will look after reproduction and study some recent issues of the Journal to
see the page lay-out.
Faint or fine-grained stippling/shading or continuous-tone shading will be lost, reproduce patchily or may
appear black on reproduction. Use coarse stippling or an appropriately patterned fill. Grey shading and
grey lines should be avoided because they do not reproduce well. Use black lines, preferably no finer than
1 pt or 2 pt.
Each figure must be submitted on a separate page, be clearly identified with figure number and author's
name(s), be no larger than A4 size and of a line weight and lettering size suitable for reduction to the type
area of the Journal. The maximum width of a double column figure is 164 mm and the maximum depth is
214 mm. After reduction, the smallest lettering should not be less than 2 mm high.
Where figures are comprised of several parts, they must be squared accurately and separated by at least 5
mm. Each part must be labelled with a lower case letter, e.g. (a), (b) etc.
Attach a legend in which all symbols and abbreviations used in the figure are defined. Common
abbreviations or those that have been defined in the text need not be redefined in the figure legend.
A list of all figure captions should be printed on a separate sheet(s). Text references to figures should
appear as Fig. 1 or (Fig. 1) as appropriate.
When requested (see Accepted Manuscripts, below) the corresponding author must submit electronic
versions of the figures prepared according to instructions in 'Guide for Preparation of Electronic
Submission'. Please pay particular attention to the list of acceptable software which may be used. Please
supply high-resolution electronic files (1200 d.p.i. for line drawings and 300 d.p.i. for colour and half-tone
Figures can not be amended, relabelled or replaced at proof stage without prior permission from the
Executive Editor, because such alteration might represent un-refereed data.
Photomicrographs and field photographs may be submitted as original glossy prints. They must be of high
quality with respect to detail, contrast and fineness of grain. If the scale is not already obvious on the
photograph, indicate the scale by using a bar.
Colour illustrations
Colour illustrations are welcome. Authors will be required to contribute £100 per page towards the cost of
reproduction. If there is a choice of colours on a schematic, please choose clearly distinct colours (i.e. not
two shades of blue) and avoid black backgrounds.
SI units and their standard abbreviations must normally be used. Acronyms are allowable, but must be
defined in full immediately after first usage.
It is desirable to publish, in electronic format, extended data sets or other additional materials which
support the manuscript. Such materials do not appear in the printed copy of the Journal but are accessible
through the Oxford University Press World Wide Web site. Tables of data for inclusion as 'electronic
appendices' should be prepared using Excel, to facilitate downloading from the web site. Each table must
be numbered and named. Text references to these tables must be made in the appropriate place in the text
and given as http://www.petrology.oupjournals.org Paper copies of these tables are also required and should be
included with the submission.
Three paper copies of revised manuscripts must be returned to the Editor within six months of the author's
receipt of referees' reports. Normally, only one opportunity for revision will be allowed. Revised
manuscripts are subject to re-review at the discretion of the Editor.
The Executive Editor (Editorial Office) will inform the corresponding author when his/her manuscript is
approved for publication and will request from the corresponding author two additional paper copies and
the full electronic submission of text, tables and figures on 3.5-inch disk, ZIP disk or CD-ROM which will
be used to typeset the paper. See 'Guide for the Preparation of Electronic Submission' below. In the event
of any discrepancy between electronic and paper copies of the manuscript, the paper copy will take
Authors are sent page proofs by mail, or electronically in PDF format, together with instructions. Proofs
must be checked immediately for typographical errors and returned by express mail, e-mail
(J.Petrology@earth.leeds.ac.uk), e-mail attachments or, if necessary, by FAX (44 (0)1937 573595) to the
Editorial Office, Journal of Petrology, School of Earth Sciences, University of Leeds, LEEDS, LS2 9JT,
UK. Please note that the legibility of faxed pages is often poor. Essential changes of an extensive nature
may be made only by insertion of a Note added in proof and may delay publication of the paper.
Authors will receive either 50 printed offprints or electronic access to their paper free of charge. If the
offprint order form is not returned with the proofs, the corresponding author will automatically receive
electronic access to their paper. Additional offprints may be purchased in multiples of 100. Rates are
indicated on the order form which must be returned with the proofs.
It is a condition of publication in Journal of Petrology that authors grant an exclusive licence to Oxford
University Press. This ensures that requests from third parties to reproduce articles are handled efficiently
and consistently and will also allow the article to be as widely disseminated as possible. As part of the
licence agreement, Authors may use their own material in other publications provided that Journal of
Petrology is acknowledged as the original place of publication and Oxford University Press as the
Guide for the Preparation of Electronic Submission
Papers for publication in the Journal of Petrology are typeset from disk. To gain full advantage great care
must be taken in the preparation of the files. The files must be submitted on 3.5-inch disk, Zip disk or
CD-ROM formatted for Macintosh or PC. Do not include on the disk any files other than those pertinent to
the paper. Copy your files to unused, newly formatted disks, clearly labelled with first author's name and
paper title. The disk will not be returned.
Authors must also complete the Electronic Submission Check List on which all file names, file formats
and versions of software used must be clearly listed.
Submit text in Microsoft Word or in RTF format
enter text in the style and order of the Journal
place and list references in the correct order and style of the Journal
type unjustified without hyphenation except for compound words
use headings in the style of the Journal
use the TAB key once or an indent command for paragraph indents
use Times or Times Roman for the text font and Symbol for Greek and special characters
input text continuously; only insert hard returns at the end of paragraphs or headings, subheadings, lists
use the word processing formatting features to indicate bold, italic; Greek and maths, superscript and
subscript characters
indicate clearly any special characters which have been drawn by hand
use the automatic pagination function incorporated in your word processing system
check the final copy of the paper carefully as any spelling mistakes and errors may be translated into the
typeset version. In the case of mismatch between disc and hard copy, the hard copy will be taken as the
definitive version
use double spaces after each sentence within a paragraph
prepare in Microsoft Word using the TAB key to space columns, without grid lines, tables which are to be
printed with the text
prepare in Excel tables which are to be available for downloading from the web site (electronic
prepare tables in Word using the 'table' function
prepare tables in Excel for publication in print.
prepare and save figures in one of the following formats: Freehand, Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop,
CorelDraw, Claris Draw, Canvas, Mac Draw Pro, PowerPoint, Cricket Graph, Chem Draw Pro
give details of the software version used e.g. Corel Draw v.9
submit, if possible, as TIFF, JPEG or EPS files in addition to the above.
use for figure preparation any graphics package not listed above.
save figure captions, tables and figures as separate, individually labelled files, e.g. MW/300 Fig.1 ai
list individual files on the Electronic Submission Check List
check that the file names on the disk correspond to the file names on the form
check that the content of each file corresponds to the paper copy by printing a copy from the figure file.
Electronic Submission Check List
After the Executive Editor has confirmed that your manuscript is suitable for publication, you will be
requested by the Editorial Assistant to submit an electronic version ¨C text, tables and figures. Please read
carefully the 'Guide for Electronic Submission'. Complete this checklist and send it with your disk(s) and,
or, CD-ROM to the Editorial Office.
Operating system Macintosh PC 
Word processing program (e.g. Word: Mac 2001)
Tables program (not optional)
To be printed with text: WORD, tab-delimited yes/no
For electronic appendix: EXCEL yes/no
Figures program(s) (e.g. ADOBE Illustrator 9.0)
Interchange format used (e.g. RTF)
List of file names (e.g. MW/300 Fig.1.ai)
Additional notes (e.g. Fig. 4 to be printed in colour: invoice to author)
Final acceptance of your manuscript for publication in the Journal of Petrology will not be confirmed until
your electronic submission is complete and in the correct format(s)
Journal of Sedimentary Research
Journal of Sedimentary Research [Monthly]/ SEPM-SOC SEDIMENTARY GEOLOGY, 6128
EAST 38TH ST, STE 308, TULSA, USA, OK, 74135-5814
ISSN 1527-1404
本刊收录在:Web of Science - SCIE, SSCI, A&HCI (2009 年)
本刊收录在:Web of Science - SCIE, SSCI, A&HCI (2008 年)
本刊收录在 Web of Science:SCIE(2009 版)
提示: Impact Factor: 2.302 ; Rank: 2117
提示: Impact Factor:2.008; 5-Year Impact Factor:2.657
SEPM (Society for Sedimentary Geology) is an international not-for-profit Society based in Tulsa,
Oklahoma. Through its network of international members, the Society is dedicated to the dissemination of
scientific information on sedimentology, stratigraphy, paleontology, environmental sciences, marine
geology, hydrogeology, and many additional related specialties.
The Society supports members in their professional objectives by publication of two major scientific
journals, the Journal of Sedimentary Research (JSR) and PALAIOS, in addition to producing technical
conferences, short courses, and Special Publications. Through SEPM's Continuing Education, Publications,
Meetings, and other programs, members can both gain and exchange information pertinent to their
geologic specialties.
The Sedimentary Record is a new series published quarterly in both online and paper format by SEPM
(The Society for Sedimentary Geology). The Sedimentary Record contains peer-reviewed science articles
on topics of broad and current interest to the membership of SEPM, as well as shorter, editor-reviewed
articles addressing a variety of topics, including society business and media reviews. We welcome written
contributions from members of the Society for inclusion in the journal. We also look forward to receiving
suggestions concerning how The Sedimentary Record should evolve in order to meet its dual goals of
serving 1) as an outlet for communicating information important to the Society; and 2) as a focal point for
discussion of current topics, and topics pertinent to the future of sedimentary geology.
Manuscripts to be considered for publication should be submitted to the editors in electronic format, and
preferably by e-mail. Upon acceptance, it is anticipated that papers will be published quickly. Publication
will include online availability through the SEPM website.
We are proud to be associated with this new publication venue of SEPM, and look forward to working
with many of you in the membership of the Society to bring important, current topics to publication in a
rapid manner.
Journal of structural geology
Journal of structural geology
[10 no. a year]/Oxford, New York, Pergamon Press..
ISSN 0191-8141
本刊收录在:Web of Science - SCIE, SSCI, A&HCI (2009 年)
本刊收录在:Web of Science - SCIE, SSCI, A&HCI (2008 年)
本刊收录在 Web of Science:SCIE(2009 版)
提示: Impact Factor: 1.911 ; Rank: 2716
提示: Impact Factor:1.732; 5-Year Impact Factor:2.358
本刊收录在:Ei Compendex (2010 年)
本刊收录在:Ei Compendex (2008 年)
本馆索书号: P/83(WK)
This international English-language journal publishes original research and review articles in structural
geology and tectonics. All features and processes of deformation in rocks are considered, at any scale.
Specific topics include natural structures such as folds, fractures and fabrics; structural associations in
orogenic belts, strike-slip zones and extensional regimes; strain analysis, experimental rock deformation
and rock mechanics applied to geology; and theoretical and experimental modelling. Regional structural
accounts should be of broad and international interest, and of a thematic nature. There is a section for short
notes, discussion/reply items and book reviews. The journal publishes occasional thematic or conference
special issues.
Statement of Editorial and Publication Policies
1. Manuscripts submitted to this Journal should not have been published, or simultaneously submitted,
2. Submitted manuscripts should contain previously unreported results. The overlap of contents between
related papers should be confined to the introductory/review sections. If there is any further overlap with
papers already published, these papers and the % of overlap should be identified by the authors upon
3. Authors should provide information and preprints on any papers closely related to the submitted paper,
which are not yet in the public domain (in review, or in press). If deemed necessary to the review process,
these will be copied to reviewers.
4. Authors should consult the Journal's "Instructions for Contributors" for detailed stylistic guidelines,
during preparation of their manuscript. Editors may return manuscripts that are grossly inconsistent with
these guidelines.
5. Where the submitted manuscript is multi-authored, one individual will need to be the Corresponding
Author. It will be assumed that all the authors have been involved in the work, have approved the
manuscript, and agree to its submission. It will be the Corresponding Author's responsibility to ensure that
all authors approve of the content of the paper and are informed of its progress in the editorial process.
6. Papers that use proprietary data must be accompanied by written permission from the owner of the data.
Reviews will not be sought without this permission.
7. The Editor retains the right to return a paper without review if the content is deemed inappropriate.
Members of the Editorial Advisory Board may be consulted to assist in such a decision.
8. Manuscripts are sent to at least two referees. The authors are requested to suggest 5 suitable referees for
their paper upon submission. Reviewers are requested to treat the manuscript confidentially. They may
choose to identify themselves, or remain anonymous.
9. The Editor's judgement is final, with regard to suitability for publication.
10. The Publisher carries responsibility for typesetting, page layout and figure sizing for all accepted
11. Authors are responsible for reading and correcting page proofs of their articles. Proof corrections are
normally restricted to typesetting and printing errors. Major changes cannot be undertaken at the proof
stage. Elsevier will do everything possible to get your article corrected and published as quickly and
accurately as possible. Therefore, it is important to ensure that all of your corrections are sent back to us in
one communication, by the corresponding author. Subsequent corrections will not be possible, so please
ensure your first sending is complete.
Instructions for Contributors
1. Manuscripts (three copies), and initial correspondence should be addressed to one of the Editors whose
addresses are listed on the inside front cover. Please send an e-mail to your Editor of choice first, to check
2. Submission is taken as agreement to the Journal's Statement of Editorial and Publication Policies listed
3. Papers should be in English.
4. Short to moderate length papers are encouraged. Papers will typically be limited to a maximum printed
length of 18 pages (i.e. 15,000 words equivalent) except in special circumstances. Estimates should be
made, prior to submission, according to the following: text occupies c. 900 words per page, line drawings,
photographic figures and tables will be reduced as appropriate. Excessively long papers will normally be
returned for shortening before review.
5. Short notes, Comments with Replies, and Letters to the Editors are encouraged. Short notes are
normally reserved for articles of up to four printed pages, which will go through a more rapid review
procedure. Comments on papers may be considered for publication if received within six months of
publication of the printed version of the paper. The authors addressed by the comment will be allowed one
month in which to submit a Reply. Both Comments and Replies will be limited to a maximum of
threeprinted pages, and will be accepted at the discretion of the handling Editor. There will be no other
peer review for Comments or Replies.
6. Three copies of the text, tables and captions should be submitted together with copies of the figures for
7. All text should be on double line spacing (8-10 mm), at a minimum font size of 12 point. Left margins
should be 3-4 cm, and the right margins not justified.
8. The main text should be paginated, starting with the title/abstract page and ending with the References.
Sheets of captions to Figures and Tables should be paginated as separate lists.
9. The figures should be initially submitted for review at the expected published size and layout. Figure
parts (a, b, etc.) should normally be arranged together within one page or less.
10. Final versions, only, should be submitted on disk, upon request from the Editor. With prior approval of
the editor handling the manuscript, the final version may be submitted as an email attachment.
11. Concise well-prepared papers in the Journal style are likely to be published sooner than those in need
of extensive editing and revision.
12. Authors wishing to store supplementary multimedia files for publication alongside the electronic
version of article should contact the editor for details of submission.
1. The first text page should contain the title of the paper, the name(s) of the author(s), their institutional
address(es) and an abstract. Consult a recent issue for the style to be adopted.
2. The abstract, not exceeding 200 words, should be informative and independent of the paper. It should
not contain references.
3. The main text should follow and may be subdivided accordingly. Primary headings should be bold, left
justified and numbered consecutively beginning with 1. Secondary headings should be italicized, left
justified, and numbered 1.1., and so on. Tertiary headings are numbered 1.1.1., 1.1.2., etc.
4. Any acknowledgments should follow the main text and be headed Acknowledgments in the left-hand
5. An alphabetical list of of all literature cited in the text should follow, headed References, and
double-spaced. Names of periodicals should be written out in full. Examples of the style follow:
Journal of the Geological Society
Journal of the Geological Society /GEOLOGICAL SOC PUBL HOUSE, UNIT 7, BRASSMILL
ISSN 0016-7649
本刊收录在:Web of Science - SCIE, SSCI, A&HCI (2009 年)
本刊收录在:Web of Science - SCIE, SSCI, A&HCI (2008 年)
本刊收录在 Web of Science:SCIE(2009 版)
提示: Impact Factor: 3.312 ; Rank: 1154
提示: Impact Factor:3.297; 5-Year Impact Factor:3.762
获取全文,请点击:地球科学世界出版社期刊(GeoScienceWorld (GSW) Journals)- NSTL
收录起始年 1979 卷: 136 期: 1
Journal of the Geological Society
The Journal aims to publish the most topical and highest quality papers, summarizing the results of recent
research across the full range of the Earth Sciences. Papers are frequently interdisciplinary in nature, often
refer to regional studies and should emphasize the development of understanding of fundamental
geological processes. The implications of regional studies should extend beyond their geographical context.
Alternatively more specialized papers can be submitted, but they should be written in a style that is easily
understood by non-specialists to illustrate the progress being made in that specific area of the Earth
Sciences. Reviews on topics of current interest are also welcome, but they too should be written to cater
for non-specialist readers. Specials are short papers on topical or controversial issues in Earth Sciences and
receive fast-track reviewing procedures, allowing publication in less than 6 months.
All papers should take up no more than 12 journal pages, or roughly 12 000 words or their equivalent in
diagrams and tables. Longer papers can be included at the discretion of the Chief Editor. Specials must be
no longer than four journal pages or 4000 words.
One limit of the range of papers published is that they should not conflict with the remit of other journals
published by the Society; viz. Petroleum Geoscience, Quarterly Journal of Engineering Geology and
Hydrogeology, and Geochemistry: Exploration, Environment, Analysis.
All submissions to the Journal should be made online via http://jgs.allentrack.net. Full instructions can be
found within that site. There are additional help buttons throughout. You will need to register before you
can submit. This is very easy. If you have previously submitted a paper, you should already be in the
Before submitting a manuscript, it is recommended that you have the following to hand:
all authors' first, middle names/initials and last names
all authors' full postal and e-mail addresses
title and running title (you may copy and paste these from your manuscript)
abstract (you may copy and paste this from your manuscript - 200 word limit/100 for Specials)
manuscript files in Word, WordPerfect, RTF or Text formats
figures/images in TIF, EPS, PDF* or JPG formats
tables in XLS, CSV or DOC formats
supplementary data files
covering letter (which the referees will see)
abstracts of any related papers that you have in press (submit as supplemental files)
(*If you load PDF files the merged file might be very large)
(It is a good idea to put all your files in one folder.)
The submission package will guide you through the processes for submitting your files and
You can check the status of your manuscript at any time through the system by:
logging into the system with your password
clicking on the link represented by your manuscript tracking number and abbreviated title
clicking on the 'Check Status' link at the bottom of the displayed page
Recommended utilities
PC users: Internet Explorer 5.0 and above
Mac users: Netscape 4.7 and above
Adobe Reader 4.0 and above
You need to have Cookies enabled
Papers longer than 12 pages require special editorial approval (after refereeing and before acceptance).
There are c. 1000 words on a printed page. Don't forget to make an allowance for figures and tables, and
allow a quarter page for the title, authors and affiliations.
Papers are accepted on the understanding that they have not been submitted or published elsewhere and
become copyright of the Geological Society. Papers are also accepted on the understanding that all authors
consent to the submission. All authors should have seen and approved the version that you submit.
Papers should be arranged as follows.
Title: brief and specific; followed by name(s) and address(es) of authors(including e-mail address of
corresponding author)
Abstract: this must be intelligible without reference to the paper, and should not exceed 200 words (100 for
Main body of paper: subdivided into 1st, 2nd and 3rd order headings; omit heading 'Introduction'
Acknowledgements (if any)
Appendices: see Supplementary Data.
References: in full; authors' names must be keyed as capitals and lower case
Tables: each as a separate file
Figure captions (you will need to paste these with the figures)
Figures in separate files
Refereeing and editing
The scientific editor will send your paper to at least two referees. The scientific editor will handle the
papers through the reviewing and scientific editing procedure and approve the finalized script for
publication. We expect the reviewing and editing procedure to take about two to three months in the case
of a paper requiring little revision. We are of course dependent on the goodwill of unpaid reviewers to
achieve these targets.
You can keep track of this process through the online submissions package.
Colour charges
Colour printing incurs extra costs, and like most publishers, we pass these costs to authors in order to keep
the subscription price as low as possible. Society subscription prices are much lower than those of many
commercial publishers.
For JGS the cost to authors is ?00 for the first page within a paper, then ?00 for subsequent pages within
the same paper, up to a total of 5 pages of colour.
The Journal has a small annual budget to help authors with colour costs. The budget is controlled by the
Chief Editor, and the application should be made through the editor handling your paper. The appropriate
time for such an application is after the paper has been accepted subject to revision. Please contact the
Staff Editor if you have any queries.
You can have colour in the online version at no cost provided that we can use the same file as for printing
in black and white (i.e. we can just switch the colour off in the print version).
The staff editor will write to the corresponding author notifying them of when the paper is due to be
published. The paper will be copyedited and then sent to an external typesetter. Proofs will be placed on
the Society's FTP site and you will be given full instructions on how to access them. You will be sent a
hard copy proof of any colour diagrams that show the final print quality. We do not generally send revised
proofs to the author. The production process takes about four to five months from acceptance to
publication. Because the number of pages in each issue is limited (and has to be a multiple of 16) it is
inevitable that some papers get held over to the next issue. We try to do this fairly, selecting the papers by
submission date, but sometimes the 16-page multiple constraint means that an older paper has to be held
Short topical papers published within 6 months of submission in one of the most highly cited Earth
Science Journals with a circulation of c. 5000 copies.
The editors are seeking papers with significant new data and/or ideas or reinterpretations of existing
material which are sufficiently important and timely to merit fast-tracking, and will appeal to a wide
audience of Earth Scientists.
Your manuscript should meet the criteria above and be no longer than four printed pages (4000 word
equivalents). Papers that do not meet length requirements cannot be considered. Details for preparing and
submitting the manuscript are the same as for normal papers.
Authors will be expected to complete revisions within 3 weeks.
Tips for calculating the length
Titles, authors and affiliations: for a short title and one author, allow 100 words; for a longer title and/or
several authors and affiliations, allow up to 300 words.
Abstract: straightforward word count - the maximum for Specials is 100 words
Text: straightforward word count (1000 words = 1 page)
References: allow 52 references per page
Figures: single column - final depth in mm / 472 = number of pages; for double and 1?column figures final depth in mm x 2 / 472. Landscape figures = whole page
Figure captions: straightforward word count unless it is a 1?column figure, in which case don't include
caption in count.
Tables: across one column (max total 65 characters width including three character space between each
column) - no of lines x 3.5 / 472 = number of pages; across two columns - no of lines x 7 / 472. Landscape
tables = whole page.
Discussions on papers that have already appeared in the Journal or appropriate Society books are
acceptable. Discussions should be succinct, ideally about 1000 words. Discussions should be submitted
online as described above. Please ensure you include your own address and all the references that you cite,
even if they were in the original paper.
Discussions should add something to the debate and not be just an additional observation.
Thematic Sets
The Journal can accept one thematic set of papers per volume. These would not be thematic issues: other
papers would also appear in that issue. They are included in the normal page budget and do not lead to
increased subscription prices.
There is a page limit of 80 pages for each set and ideally the set would be made up of shorter contributions
of 6 to 8 pages. Good examples of thematic sets are:
Iceland Plume 152/6
Basement Reactivation 154/1
Passive Margins 154/3
The subject of the set must be of interest to a broad international audience and the science must be of the
highest quality. All the papers must be acceptable to the Journal in their own right.
Thematic sets have 'guest editors' who work closely with one of the regular editors. The guest editors
would be expected to write a short introduction to the set. They will be acknowledged at the end of each
paper along with the regular editor.
If you would like to submit a proposal for a thematic set in JGS, we require the following information:
Names and contact details of the guest editors
A list of papers, including title and all authors
A brief explanation of its aims and how it will enhance the Journal
Details of the meeting that generated the set (if appropriate)
Your planned schedule for submission, refereeing and editing
Please send this information by e-mail to the Staff Editor, who will circulate it to the Editorial Board after
seeking the expert opinion of an internal or external reviewer. If abstracts are available, we would like to
see those too - send them by e-mail two or three at a time.
Instructions for editing thematic sets will be provided once the proposal is accepted. The review procedure
for the proposal will take about four to six weeks.
You will be given instructions on how to download a PDF of your paper from the online version of the
Journal. Paper offprints can be ordered; instructions will be sent with the proof e-mail.
Journal of volcanology and geothermal research
Journal of volcanology and geothermal research [Monthly]/ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV, PO BOX 211,
ISSN 0377-0273
本刊收录在:Web of Science - SCIE, SSCI, A&HCI (2009 年)
本刊收录在:Web of Science - SCIE, SSCI, A&HCI (2008 年)
本刊收录在 Web of Science:SCIE(2009 版)
提示: Impact Factor: 1.941 ; Rank: 2672
提示: Impact Factor:1.921; 5-Year Impact Factor:2.59
本刊收录在:Ei Compendex (2010 年)
本刊收录在:Ei Compendex (2008 年)
Providing volcanologists, petrologists and geochemists with a valuable source of information and an outlet
for rapid publication of papers, this journal covers the following aspects of volcanology and geothermal
(1). Geochemical aspects - geochemistry of volcanic rocks, geochemistry of volcanic gases and related
products, isotope studies;
(2). Petrological aspects - magma genesis and magma evolution, petrology of volcanic rocks;
(3). Economic aspects - ore deposits related to volcanic rocks, geothermal energy;
(4). Geophysical aspects - physical properties of volcanic rocks and magmas, heat flow studies, physical
volcanology, volcanic seismology, volcanic surveillance, geophysical exploration for geothermal resources;
(5). Tectonic aspects - relation of volcanism to global and regional tectonic processes;
(6). Environmental aspects - volcanic gases and their effect on the atmosphere.
Types of contributions published are: research papers, reviews, short communications, letters, book
reviews, and announcements
General instructions
1. Papers must be submitted in their final form, bearing in mind that no further correction/addition is
2. Submission of an article is understood to imply that the article is original and unpublished and is not
being considered for publication elsewhere.
3. Manuscripts should be structured in a way that conforms to that of the journal in question.
4. Manuscripts should be sent (in fourfold) to the following address: Editorial Office Geoscience Journals
P.O. Box 1930 1000 BX Amsterdam The Netherlands
5. A recent issue should be checked for information about:
- whether keywords, autobiographies, etc., are required.
6. Manuscripts must be written in English*. Authors whose native language is not English are
recommended to seek the advice of a colleague who has English as his mother-tongue before submitting
their manuscript. Manuscripts written in correct English require less time for review and publication.
*Occasional contributions in French will be considered for publication for the following journals: ISPRS
Journal of Photogrammetry & Remote Sensing and Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology.
Authors in Japan please note: Upon request, Elsevier Science Japan will provide authors with a list of
people who can check and improve the English of their paper (before submission). Please contact our
Tokyo office: Elsevier Science Japan, 1-9-15 Higashi Azabu, Minato-ku, Tokyo 106; Tel: +81 3 5561
5032. Fax: +81 3 5561 5045.
7. Authors should use IUGS terminology. The use of S.I. units is also strongly recommended.
8. The manuscript should be prepared on a word processor and printed with double spacing and wide
margins. The various headings should be clearly differentiated, and first and second order headings should
be numbered.
9. The entire manuscript should be paginated. However, in the text no reference should be made to page
numbers; if necessary, you may refer to section numbers.
10. Manuscripts should generally be organized in the following order:
a. Title
b. Name(s) of the author(s) and their affiliations and fax and e-mail numbers. Fax and e-mail numbers
should be placed as footnotes. In the case of more than one author please indicate to whom the
correspondence should be addressed.
c. Abstract
d. Keywords
e. Introduction
f. Area descriptions, methods and material studied
g. Results and analyses
h. Discussion and conclusions
i. Acknowledgements
j. Appendices
k. References
l. Tables
m. Figure captions
n. Figures
Elsevier Science reserves the right of returning to the author for revision accepted manuscripts and
illustrations which are not in the form given in this guide.
1. Except for the journals Coastal Engineering, Hydrometallurgy and International Journal of Mineral
Processing, authors must provide 4 to 6 keywords. These must be taken from the most recent American
Geological Institute GeoRef Thesaurus and should be placed beneath the abstract. Coastal Engineering
authors should provide free text keywords, Hydrometallurgy authors will be provided with a list of
keywords by the editor upon submission of the manuscript and International Journal of Mineral Processing
authors should base their keywords on the Thesaurus of the Institute of Mining and metallurgy
1. The abstract should be a concise summary of the paper stating the methods used, the main results and
the conclusions in a way that does not require reference to the body of the paper; it should not be longer
than 500 words.
2. Articles in French must start with an abstract in English, headed by an English translation of the title.
An abstract in the language of the paper must follow the English abstract. English translations of figure
captions and table titles must also be supplied.
1. All references cited in the text are to be listed at the end of the paper. The manuscript should be
carefully checked to ensure that the spellings of authors' names and publication years are exactly the same
in the text as in the reference list. Do not type author's and editor's names in capitals.
2. In the text refer to the author's name (without initials) and year of publication, followed - if necessary by a short reference to appropriate pages. Examples: "Because Peterson (1994) has shown that...". "This is
in agreement with results obtained later (Kramer, 1995, pp. 12-16)".
Please note: For Earth and Planetary Science Letters and Hydrometallurgy the references should be
numbered in the order in which they are cited. These are examples of the referencing style in the text: [1,2]
[3-7]. References should be listed at the end of the paper in numerical order.
3. If reference ide in the text to publications written by more than two authors the name of the first author
should be used, followed by ``et al.''. This indication, however, should never be used in the list of
references. In this list names of authors and all co-authors must be given in full.
4. References in the text should be arranged chronologically. The list of references should be arranged
alphabetically by authors' names, and chronologically per author. If an author's name in the list is also
mentioned with co-authors, the following order should be used: Publications of the single author, arranged
according to publication year - publications of the same author with one co-author, arranged according to
publication year - publications of the author with more than one co-author, arranged according to
publication year.
The following system should be used for arranging references:
Please note: Earth and Planetary Science Letters uses a different system. Please refer to the Guide for
Authors for that journal.
a. Journal papers: Names and initials of all authors, year. Title of paper. Journal name (given in full or
abbreviated using the International List of Periodical Title Word Abbreviations), volume number (issue
number): first and last page numbers of the paper.
Elbaz-Poulichet, F., Guan, D.M. and Martin, J.M., 1991. Trace metal behaviour in a highly stratified
Mediterranean estuary: the Krka (Yugoslavia). Mar. Chem., 32: 211-224.
b. Monographs: Names and initials of all authors, year. Title of the monograph. Publisher, location of
Zhdanov, M.S. and Keller, G.V., 1994. The Geoelectrical Methods in Geophysical Exploration. Elsevier,
c. Edited volume papers: Names and initials of all authors, year. Title of paper. Names and initials of the
volume editors, title of the edited volume. Publisher, location of publisher, first and last page numbers of
the paper.
Thomas, E., 1992. Middle Eocene-late Oligocene bathyal benthic foraminifera (Weddell Sea): faunal
changes and implications for ocean circulation. In: D.R. Prothero and W.A. Berggren (Editors),
Eocene-Oligocene Climatic and Biotic Evolution. Princeton Univ. Press, Princeton, NJ, pp. 245-271.
d. Conference proceedings papers: Names and initials of all authors, year. Title of paper. Name of the
conference. Publisher, location of publisher, first and last page numbers of the paper.
Smith, M.W., 1988. The significance of climatic change for the permafrost environment. Final Proc. Int.
Conf. Permafrost. Tapir, Trondheim, Norway, pp. 18-23.
e. Unpublished theses, reports, etc.: Names and initials of all authors, year. Title of item. All other relevant
information needed to identify the item (e.g., technical report, Ph.D. thesis, institute, etc.).
Moustakas, N., 1990. Relationships of morphological and physicochemical properties of Vertisols under
Greek climate conditions. Ph.D. Thesis, Agricultural Univ. Athens, Greece.
5. In the case of publications in any language other than English, the original title is to be retained. Titles
of publications in non-Latin alphabets should be transliterated, and a note such as `(in Russian)' or `(in
Japanese, with English Abstr.)' should be added at the end of the reference.
1. All illustrations must be presented separate from the manuscript, unfolded, and as originals. Each
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2. Photographs and micrographs, etc. must be sharp and exhibit good contrast. Original glossy prints (e.g.,
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3. All illustrations must be numbered consecutively and referred to in the text.
4. Each illustration should be identified on the reverse side (or - in the case of line-drawings - on the lower
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3. Tables should be compiled on separate sheets and must be numbered according to their sequence in the
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4. Each table must have a brief and self-explanatory title. Column headings should be brief, but
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5. Do not use complicated juxtapositions of symbols. Also, try to avoid complicated subscripts and
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7. Important formulae (e.g. definitions) must be displayed. All formulae which are to be referred to later on
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8. In chemical formulae the valence of ions must be given as, for example, Ca2+ and CO32 rather than as
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9. Isotope numbers should precede the symbols (e.g., 18O).
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MALDEN, USA, MA, 02148
ISSN 0024-1164
本刊收录在:Web of Science - SCIE, SSCI, A&HCI (2009 年)
本刊收录在:Web of Science - SCIE, SSCI, A&HCI (2008 年)
本刊收录在 Web of Science:SCIE(2009 版)
提示: Impact Factor: 2.282 ; Rank: 2146
提示: Impact Factor:1.836; 5-Year Impact Factor:2.159
Lethaia is a leading international journal that emphasizes new developments and discoveries in
palaeobiological and biostratigraphical research.
A formal publication outlet for the International Palaeontological Association (IPA) and the International
Commission on Stratigraphy (ICS), Lethaia publishes articles of international interest in the fields of
palaeontology and stratigraphy. The articles concentrate on the development of new ideas and methods and
descriptions of new features of wide significance rather than routine descriptions.
Palaeobiology and ecostratigraphy are the core topics of the journal. In addition to articles, Lethaia
contains shorter contributions in the form of discussions, presentations of current scientific activities,
reviews and editorials.
Lethaia was launched in 1968 as a joint venture between scientists in Denmark, Norway, and Sweden, with
the aim of promoting the development of modern methods in scientific publishing and of providing a
medium for rapid publication of well-prepared manuscripts of wide international interest
Note to Authors: please make sure your contact address information is clearly visible on the outside of all
packages you are sending to Editors.
Lethaia publishes original research papers in the following categories: Articles, normally not exceeding 16
printed pages (the first 16 pages are free of charge, additional pages presently incur a cost of NOK 900.-,
approx. US$105.-) and short contributions (preliminary reports of special significance given prompt
publication; comments on previously published articles (Lethaia Seminars), presentations of current
scientific activities (Lethaia Forum) or reviews of literature of relevance (Lethaia Reviews). Review
papers (full peer review) will be accepted, but should comprise a comprehensive analysis of previously
published data and interpretations. The papers submitted are considered for publication on the
understanding that they have not been submitted or accepted for publication elsewhere. These standards
are introduced with Lethaia 32 (3), 1999. They are more detailed than those published earlier in the journal
and incorporate a number of changes. They thus replace previous issues of the guide.
Manuscripts Manuscripts should be written in English, German or French. They should be consistently in
British or American English. Papers in French or German are accepted on the condition that an Abstract,
an extensive Summary, and figure and Table legends are provided in English. Authors are responsible for
submitting their text to linguistic revision prior to submission.
Manuscripts should be written clearly and concisely and conform to the general style of the journal. Those
not adequately prepared may be returned to the author. Contributors unfamiliar with English are
encouraged to seek the help of a competent linguist prior to submission. The content should be new unless
the paper is a review.
Preparation and organisation of manuscripts
Articles, which should not normally exceed 16 published pages, must be double-spaced and printed on one
side of A4 paper allowing for good margins throughout. Insert the page number in the top right-hand
corner of each page. Scientific names of genera and species should be underlined to indicate italics. The
first page should give the title of the article, the name(s) of the author(s) with affiliation(s) and address(es).
An abstract follows on the next page, with the main text of the manuscript beginning on the third page.
Manuscripts are normally organised as follows: Title, authors' names and addresses, Abstract, Introduction,
Materials and Methods, Main text, Results, Discussion, Conclusions, Acknowledgements and list of
references; explanations of figures and tables follow after the manuscript. Each heading starts a new page,
except the addresses of the authors, which immediately follow the title.
Three copies must be submitted, and the author should retain a further copy. Tables and figure legends
should be typed separately and placed at the end of the manuscript. These should be concise and
Manuscripts that clearly do not meet the standards required may be returned to authors for revision before
copies are dispatched for review.
Title - Title should be short, concise and informative.
Authors' names and addresses - Give first and last names in full, with middle initials. Full postal address of
all authors must be supplied together with affiliations and any e-mail addresses.
Abstract - The abstract should not exceed 250 words. It should highlight new findings and any
nomenclature introduced. Some key words must be provided at the end of the abstract.
Main text - The main text must be divided into unnumbered sections; normally three grades will suffice,
but four are acceptable. Ranks must have a distinctive style, e.g. underlining, italics and positioning all
indicate grade, but do not use capital letters. The 4th-grade heading is followed by text on the same line.
References in the text - The references should be cited in the text by author surname and date with an
ampersand (&) between two authors (e.g. Hansen & Smith 1977); for three or more authors use the first
author followed by et al. For example, Wright et al. (1973), Smith & Jones (1999) or as specially cited
e.g., . . . long transport of sand (Hyde & Jones 1956:98), and in the case of author of taxon, e.g.
Amphissites Girty, 1910. In referring to personal communications, the year should be added (P. Wright
1999: pers. comm.).
Reference list - Only printed publications cited in the text should appear in the Reference list. List them
alphabetically under the author's or editor's surname and then chronologically. Use arabic numerals for
volume numbers. Give journal names in full. Suffixes (a, b, c, and d) must be used to distinguish two or
more works by the same author(s) in the same year.
Illustrations - Graphic elements presented electronically should be supplied as separate files in EPS or
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High-quality prints of a maximum size of A4, preferably reduced to the final size, should be submitted
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Photographs must be clear, sharply contrasted and printed on white, smooth paper.
Figures may be composed of several quadrangular units similar in tone. Foldout inserts and colour
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clearly readable. Figure legends should be written on separate sheets.
Tables - Each table must start on a separate sheet. They should be numbered in arabic numerals according
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send diskettes until after the final corrections have been made. Authors are asked to study the instructions
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Send the manuscripts to: Lethaia, Dr. Svend Stouge, Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland, Øster
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5. Use a double hyphen (--) to indicate a dash in the text.
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ISSN 0024-4937
本刊收录在:Web of Science - SCIE, SSCI, A&HCI (2009 年)
本刊收录在:Web of Science - SCIE, SSCI, A&HCI (2008 年)
本刊收录在 Web of Science:SCIE(2009 版)
提示: Impact Factor: 3.121 ; Rank: 1290
提示: Impact Factor:3.537; 5-Year Impact Factor:4.351
Lithos is an international English language journal publishing high-quality, original research papers on
mineralogy, petrology and geochemistry, emphasizing the application of mineralogy and geochemistry to
petrogenetic problems. The types of contribution published are scholastic papers, reviews, discussions and
book reviews.
Bibliographic & ordering Information
Submission of Papers : From now on, all manuscripts should be submitted electronically through Elsevier
Editorial System (EES) which can be accessed at http://ees.elsevier.com/lithos
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English or in any other language, without the written consent of the publisher.
Types of Contributions
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Manuscript Preparation
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right to adjust style to certain standards of uniformity.
Paper Length: Papers should be written in the most concise form. Occasionally long papers are accepted,
particularly those of a review nature. Short reports, termed 'Rapid Communications', are encouraged.
Abstracts: An abstract in English should be provided with all papers, including Rapid Communications.
Keywords: The authors are kindly requested to supply 4-6 keywords that can be used for
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References: All publications cited in the text should be presented in a list of references following the text
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"Since Peterson (1993) has shown that..." or "This is in the agreement with results obtained later (Kramer,
1994)"). For three or more authors use the first author followed by "et al.", in the text. The list of
references should be arranged alphabetically by authors' names. The manuscript should be carefully
checked to ensure that the spelling of authors' names and dates are exactly the same in the text as in the
reference list.
References should be given in the following form:
Kisabeth, J.L., 1979. On calculating magnetic and vector potential field due to large-scale magnetospheric
current systems and induced currents in an infinitely conducting earth. In: Olson, W. P. (Ed.), Quantitative
Modelling Magnetospheric Processes. American Geophysical Union.
Marov, M.Ya., Ioltukhovski, A.A., Kolesnichenko, A.V., Krasitsky, O.P., Shari, V.P., 1994. On earth
ozonosphere space monitoring by stars occultation. Keldysh Institute of Applied Mathematics. Reprint No.
33, Moscow (in Russian).
Vijayakumar, G., Parameswaran, R., Rajan, R., 1998. Aerosols in the atmospheric boundary layer and its
association with surface wind speed at a coastal site. Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics
60 (16), 1531-1542.
Illustrations: Photographs, charts and diagrams are all to be referred to as "Figure(s)" and should be
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Marine geology
ISSN 0025-3227
本刊收录在:Web of Science - SCIE, SSCI, A&HCI (2009 年)
本刊收录在:Web of Science - SCIE, SSCI, A&HCI (2008 年)
本刊收录在 Web of Science:SCIE(2009 版)
提示: Impact Factor: 2.517 ; Rank: 1824
提示: Impact Factor:2.521; 5-Year Impact Factor:3.161
本刊收录在:Ei Compendex (2010 年)
本刊收录在:Ei Compendex (2008 年)
Since 1964 this international journal has been reporting on developments in the fields of marine geology,
geochemistry and geophysics. Marine Geology provides regular access to original studies and
comprehensive reviews and, in addition, has a special "letters section" which ensures particularly rapid
publication of short papers.
Editorial Policy
Marine Geology accepts papers in all fields of marine geology. The journal aims to provide a forum for
publication of high quality research papers across the entire range of the discipline: from field and
laboratory techniques to regional syntheses of marine sedimentary systems. We accept papers on subjects
as diverse as seafloor hydrothermal systems, beach dynamics, early diagenesis, microbiological studies in
sediments, palaeoclimate studies and geophysical studies of the seabed. We only insist that the papers are
concerned with the marine realm and that they deal with geology: with rocks, sediments, and physical and
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Illustrations should where possible integrate existing data into new comprehensive figures rather than
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Letter meets the criteria in terms of a new result, its significance and its impact. A letter is not normally
more than 4000 words (including abstract and references) and 3 figures.
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original author(s) will be invited to write a Reply which must likewise be brief and directed only at the
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A Special Issue of Marine Geology is a coherent set of papers on a single scientific theme. The papers
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3. A list of the proposed contributions (titles, authors, institutions).
4. A draft abstract for each contribution.
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Van der Geer, J., Hanraads, J.A.J., Lupton, R.A., 2000. The art of writing a scientific article. Journal of
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Strunk Jr., W., White, E.B., 1979. The Elements of Style, third ed. Macmillan, New York.
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Mettam, G.R., Adams, L.B., 1999. How to prepare an electronic version of your article, in: Jones, B.S.,
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Mineralium deposita
Mineralium deposita [Monthly]/SPRINGER, 233 SPRING ST, NEW YORK, USA, NY, 10013
ISSN 0026-4598
本刊收录在:Web of Science - SCIE, SSCI, A&HCI (2009 年)
本刊收录在:Web of Science - SCIE, SSCI, A&HCI (2008 年)
本刊收录在 Web of Science:SCIE(2009 版)
提示: Impact Factor: 2.061 ; Rank: 2492
提示: Impact Factor:1.52; 5-Year Impact Factor:1.925
This journal introduces new observations, principles, and interpretations from the field of economic
geology, including nonmetallic mineral deposits, experimental and applied geochemistry, with emphasis on
mineral deposits. It contains short and comprehensive articles, review papers, brief original papers,
scientific discussions and news, as well as reports on meetings of importance to mineral research.
Emphasis is placed on high-quality content and form for all articles and on international coverage of
subject matter.
Types of papers
There are three types of submission: regular manuscripts for publication as Articles and short fast track
manuscripts for publication as Letters or Notes.
Regular Articles should present detailed scientific studies of the geology, mineralogy, and geochemistry of
mineral deposits.
Letters are intended for fast publication of exciting new scientific results in economic geology that will be
of broad interest.
Notes are intended for fast publication of short accounts of new discoveries that have not reached the
maturity to warrant publications as a full Article, and brief descriptions
of new deposits, camps or prospects.
Articles typically should be 10-15 pages in length within the journal (approximately 30-45 manuscript
pages of 1600 characters including text, title, references, less space needed for tables and figures).
Letters should be no longer than six print pages (less than 18 manuscript pages of 1600 characters
including title, abstract, references, tables and up to four display items).
Notes should be no longer than four print pages (less than 12 manuscript pages of 1600 characters
including title, abstract, references, tables and up to four display items).
Editorial Procedure
The preferred method of submitting manuscripts is online. Electronic submission substantially reduces the
editorial processing and reviewing times and shortens overall publication times. Please follow the
hyperlink “Submit online” on the right and upload all of your manuscript files following the instructions
given onthe screen.
Alternatively, manuscripts can be submitted in pdf format, with all figures and tables included, sent
directly by email attachment to the editorial office in
or Townsville
Alternatively, paper copies can be submitted in triplicate to either the Clausthal or Townsville editorial
office. Please be sure to include your e-mail address and your fax number. Letters may also be submitted
through e-mail as a Word document.
Manuscripts which are returned to the authors for revision should be sent back within 6 months; otherwise
they will be considered withdrawn.
Manuscript submission
Submission of a manuscript implies: that the work described has not been published before; that it is not
under consideration for publication anywhere else; that its publication has been approved by all co-authors,
if any, as well as by the responsible authorities – tacitly or explicitly – at the institute where the work has
been carried out. The publisher will not be held legally responsible should there be any claims for
Authors wishing to include figures, tables, or text passages that have already been published elsewhere are
required to obtain permission from the copyright owner(s) for both the print and online format and to
include evidence that such permission has been granted when submitting their papers. Any material
received without such evidence will be assumed to originate from the authors.
Online Submission
Authors should submit their manuscripts online. Electronic submission substantially reduces the editorial
processing and reviewing times and shortens overall publication times. Please follow the hyperlink
“Submit online” on the right and upload all of your manuscript files following the instructions given on the
Title Page
The title page should include:
The name(s) of the author(s)
A concise and informative title
The affiliation(s) and address(es) of the author(s)
The e-mail address, telephone and fax numbers of the corresponding author
Please provide an abstract of 150 to 250 words. The abstract should not contain any undefined
abbreviations or unspecified references.
Please provide 4 to 6 keywords which can be used for indexing purposes.
Text Formatting
Manuscripts should be submitted in Word.
Use a normal, plain font (e.g., 10-point Times Roman) for text.
Use italics for emphasis.
Use the automatic page numbering function to number the pages.
Do not use field functions.
Use tab stops or other commands for indents, not the space bar.
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Please use no more than three levels of displayed headings.
Abbreviations should be defined at first mention and used consistently thereafter.
Footnotes can be used to give additional information, which may include the citation of a reference
included in the reference list. They should not consist solely of a reference citation, and they should never
include the bibliographic details of a reference. They should also not contain any figures or tables.
Footnotes to the text are numbered consecutively; those to tables should be indicated by superscript
lower-case letters (or asterisks for significance values and other statistical data). Footnotes to the title or
the authors of the article are not given reference symbols.
Always use footnotes instead of endnotes.
Acknowledgments of people, grants, funds, etc. should be placed in a separate section before the reference
list. The names of funding organizations should be written in full.
Scientific style
Please always use internationally accepted signs and symbols for units (SI units).
Nomenclature: Insofar as possible, authors should use systematic names similar to those used by Chemical
Abstract Service or IUPAC.
Please use the standard mathematical notation for formulae, symbols etc.:
Italic for single letters that denote mathematical constants, variables, and unknown quantities
Roman/upright for numerals, operators, and punctuation, and commonly defined functions or
abbreviations, e.g., cos, det, e or exp, lim, log, max, min, sin, tan, d (for derivative)
Bold for vectors, tensors, and matrices.
Cite references in the text by name and year in parentheses. Some examples:
Negotiation research spans many disciplines (Thompson 1990).
This result was later contradicted by Becker and Seligman (1996).
This effect has been widely studied (Abbott 1991; Barakat et al. 1995; Kelso and Smith 1998; Medvec et
al. 1993).
Reference list
The list of references should only include works that are cited in the text and that have been published or
accepted for publication. Personal communications and unpublished works should only be mentioned in
the text. Do not use footnotes or endnotes as a substitute for a reference list.
Reference list entries should be alphabetized by the last names of the first author of each work.
Journal article
Gamelin FX, Baquet G, Berthoin S, Thevenet D, Nourry C, Nottin S, Bosquet L (2009) Effect of high
intensity intermittent training on heart rate variability in prepubescent children. Eur J Appl Physiol
105:731-738. doi: 10.1007/s00421-008-0955-8
Ideally, the names of all authors should be provided, but the usage of “et al” in long author lists will also
be accepted:
Smith J, Jones M Jr, Houghton L et al (1999) Future of health insurance. N Engl J Med 965:325–329
Article by DOI
Slifka MK, Whitton JL (2000) Clinical implications of dysregulated cytokine production. J Mol Med.
South J, Blass B (2001) The future of modern genomics. Blackwell, London
Book chapter
Brown B, Aaron M (2001) The politics of nature. In: Smith J (ed) The rise of modern genomics, 3rd edn.
Wiley, New York, pp 230-257
Online document
Cartwright J (2007) Big stars have weather too. IOP Publishing PhysicsWeb.
http://physicsweb.org/articles/news/11/6/16/1. Accessed 26 June 2007
Trent JW (1975) Experimental acute renal failure. Dissertation, University of California
Always use the standard abbreviation of a journal’s name according to the ISSN List of Title Word
Abbreviations, see
For authors using EndNote, Springer provides an output style that supports the formatting of in-text
citations and reference list.
All tables are to be numbered using Arabic numerals.
Tables should always be cited in text in consecutive numerical order.
For each table, please supply a table caption (title) explaining the components of the table.
Identify any previously published material by giving the original source in the form of a reference at the
end of the table caption.
Footnotes to tables should be indicated by superscript lower-case letters (or asterisks for significance
values and other statistical data) and included beneath the table body.
For the best quality final product, it is highly recommended that you submit all of your artwork –
photographs, line drawings, etc. – in an electronic format. Your art will then be produced to the highest
standards with the greatest accuracy to detail. The published work will directly reflect the quality of the
artwork provided.
Electronic Figure Submission
Supply all figures electronically.
Indicate what graphics program was used to create the artwork.
For vector graphics, the preferred format is EPS; for halftones, please use TIFF format. MS Office files are
also acceptable.
Vector graphics containing fonts must have the fonts embedded in the files.
Name your figure files with "Fig" and the figure number, e.g., Fig1.eps.
Mineralogical magazine
Mineralogical magazine [Monthly]/MINERALOGICAL SOC, 12 BAYLIS MEWS, AMYAND PARK
ISSN 0026-461X
本刊收录在:Web of Science - SCIE, SSCI, A&HCI (2009 年)
本刊收录在:Web of Science - SCIE, SSCI, A&HCI (2008 年)
本刊收录在 Web of Science:SCIE(2009 版)
提示: Impact Factor: 0.949 ; Rank: 4860
提示: Impact Factor:0.735; 5-Year Impact Factor:1.2
本刊收录在:Ei Compendex (2010 年)
本刊收录在:Ei Compendex (2008 年)
The Mineralogical Magazine publishes, in English, the results of original scientific research in the fields of
mineralogy, geochemistry and petrology, including extra-terrestrial materials. Membership of the
Mineralogical Society is not a prerequisite, but freereprints will only be provided when at least one of the
authors is a Society member.
Neues Jahrbuch für Mineralogie. Abhandlungen
Neues Jahrbuch für Mineralogie. Abhandlungen [Monthly]/ E SCHWEIZERBARTSCHE
ISSN 0077-7757
本刊收录在:Web of Science - SCIE, SSCI, A&HCI (2009 年)
本刊收录在:Web of Science - SCIE, SSCI, A&HCI (2008 年)
本刊收录在 Web of Science:SCIE(2009 版)
提示: Impact Factor: 0.407 ; Rank: 6776
提示: Impact Factor:0.483; 5-Year Impact Factor:0.686
Neues Jahrbuch f¨¹r Mineralogie (Abhandlungen) publishes thorough, detailed studies of up to 30 printed
pages as well as short and concise papers and notes (less than 15 printed pages) on mineralogy, i.e.
crystallography, crystal chemistry, petrology, geochemistry and economic mineralogy (mineral deposits).
All papers are subject to peer review and will be published with the least possible delay within about 6-8
months after having been accepted by the Editor. No page charges are levied on regular papers. Neues
Jahbuch f¨¹r Mineralogie Monatshefte also publishes topical issues and thematic sections. Authors
interested in contributing are encouraged to get in contact with the edtiors
Beginning with 2005, Neues Jahrbuch f¨¹r Mineralogy (Abhandlungen) publishes all papers formerly
submitted to the two subjournals Abhandlungen and Monatshefte. It is published online and in print in the
large format 21x28 cm (8.3 x 11"), i.e. twice the content than in the previous small format.
All published contributions are in the English language.
Chief editors:
Heinz-G¨¹nter Stosch, Institut f¨¹r Mineralogie und Geochemie, Universität Karlsruhe , Kaiserstr. 12,
76131 Karlsruhe / Germany, E-mail: stosch@img.uka.de
Gene C. Ulmer, Temple University, Geology Department, Beury Hall, Philadelphia, PA 19122, email
gulmer@astro.ocis.temple.edu (for the fields crystallography, mineralogy and mineral deposits).
Editorial Board:
Anton Beran, Universität Wien (mineral spectroscopy, mineralogy)
Thomas Fehr, Universität M¨¹nchen (kinetics, applied mineralogy, structural and thermodynamic
properties of minerals)
Gerhard Franz, Technische Universität Berlin (petrology, crystal chemistry, experimental mineralogy)
Ernst Hegner, Universität M¨¹nchen (geochemistry of mantle and crust, geochronology, isotope and trace
element geochemistry)
Wilhelm Heinrich, GeoForschungsZentrum Potsdam (experimental Petrology, fluid-rock interaction)
Reiner Klemd, Universität W¨¹rzburg (economic geology, HP and UHP metamorphic petrology,
precambrian geology)
Thomas Neumann, Universität Karlsruhe (sediment geochemistry, sedimentology, low-temperature
Wolfgang Schmahl, Ruhr Universität Bochum (crystallographic phases analysis and characterisation,
mineral surface processes, applied mineralogy)
ISSN 0031-0239
本刊收录在:Web of Science - SCIE, SSCI, A&HCI (2009 年)
本刊收录在:Web of Science - SCIE, SSCI, A&HCI (2008 年)
本刊收录在 Web of Science:SCIE(2009 版)
提示: Impact Factor: 1.867 ; Rank: 2795
提示: Impact Factor:1.89; 5-Year Impact Factor:1.744
The journal Palaeontology is devoted to the publication of papers on all aspects of palaeontology,
including palaezoology, palaeobotany, systematic studies, palaeoecology, micropalaeontology,
palaeobiogeography, functional morphology, stratigraphy, taxonomy, taphonomy, palaeoenvironmental
reconstruction, palaeoclimate analysis and biomineralization studies. Review articles are particularly
welcome, and short papers can often be published rapidly. A high standard of illustration is a feature of the
journal. Six parts are published each year and are sent free to all members of the Association.
PALAEONTOLOGY. Typescripts on any aspect of palaeontology will be considered for publication.
Papers on Recent material may be acceptable if their palaeontological relevance is clear. Preference is
given to typescripts with more than local significance; those which describe only one or two new species
of common genera are not usually accepted. Short papers and reviews are particularly welcome.
Discussions of papers published recently in the journal may also be submitted: note that these will be
subject to the normal review procedure.
These are for papers longer than those normally accepted for Palaeontology (i.e. longer than 50 printed
pages), or for thematic collections of shorter papers.
Published at irregular intervals, these are designed primarily to be of value in the identification of fossils
found in the British Isles. Guides should be broad in scope, and written in a style accessible to all those
with an interest in palaeontology.
Submission For Palaeontology and Special Papers in Palaeontology, authors should submit four typescript
copies in their final form, with originals and three high quality copies of illustrations, to the Secretary of
the Publications Committee (for address see inside back cover of current issue of Palaeontology or the
Association’s WWW pages). The Secretary will assign each paper to a Handling Editor who will deal with
all subsequent communication with the author. One of the four copies submitted is processed by the
Technical Editor, who will ensure that all works cited in the text are in the reference list and vice versa,
and will advise on any changes needed to the plates and text-figures. Refereeing is carried out by at least
one specialist referee, and by an ?Internal Reader?(a member of the Palaeontological Association Council).
Upon completion of the review process, authors will be advised by the Handling Editor whether their
manuscript has been accepted for publication; accepted papers may require some revision.
Upon completion of any revision, one copy only of the revised version should be sent to the Handling
Editor. Normally, a maximum period of six months is allowed for any revision. If the text has been
word-processed, a disk (Apple Mac or PC 3g) should be submitted with the revised version. Preferred
word-processing packages are Word (Microsoft) and Wordperfect (Novell), although most other packages
can be handled by the printers. Computer-generated text-figures can be run off directly from disk if
submitted as ‘Freehand or ‘Illustrator iles (N.B. see notes below regarding line illustrations). Note that
disks will not be used if extensive editorial changes are required to the revised version submitted.
The Publications Secretary should be contacted for advice regarding the submission of titles in the Field
Guides to Fossils series.
Copyright. Authors of papers that are accepted for publication will be asked to sign over the copyright to
the Association.
Typing. Typescripts should be single-sided and submitted on good quality paper, preferably of
International A4 size (297 x 210 mm). All pages of scripts, including references and explanations of
illustrations, should be numbered consecutively. Plate and text-figure explanations should be on separate
sheets following the references. Double spacing and left-justification are required throughout and there
should be left- and right-hand margins of 30 mm.
Style. The written style should be simple. Care should be taken to avoid long and complicated sentences
and unusual words and phrases, so that papers may be read more easily by those whose first language is
not English.
Spelling. Typescripts should be in English with British rather than American spelling. Where alternative
spellings of words -ise or -ize exist, use -ize, e.g. use synonymize rather than synonymise. Use artefact,
rather than artifact, and geological and stratigraphical rather than geologic and stratigraphic. If in doubt,
follow the spelling conventions of the Oxford English Dictionary.
Italics and bold type. If the typescript is word-processed and a disk is to be submitted, text to be italicized
should be typed in italics; text to appear in bold type should be typed in as such; otherwise text to be
italicized should be underlined, and that to appear in bold type should have a wavy underline.
Roman numerals. Note that references to previously published figure and plate numbers, etc. that were
originally given in Roman numerals should be transliterated into arabic numerals.
Abbreviations and contractions. Abbreviations in general should end with a full stop, although there are
exceptions, e.g. USA, UK, SEM. Contractions, such as pls and figs, do not have a full stop.
Measurements, numbers and symbols. Use SI units. Lengths, widths, etc. should be given in micrometres
I>m), millimetres (mm), metres (m) and kilometres (km). Do not use centimetres (cm). Spell out all
numbers from one to ten (inclusive) and any number which begins a sentence. For numbers above ten use
arabic numerals. Per cent. should be used, not %. Use the abbreviation c. (= circa) to indicate
approximations of both dates and measurements. Use Ma for million years ago and My for million years.
Decimal points should be raised, if possible, e.g. 3.5, not 3.5.
A concise abstract of not more than 200 words is required at the beginning of all papers. An abstract
reaches a far wider audience than the journal, and therefore it should summarize results (rather than
contents) of the paper. It must mention all new systematic names. The abstract begins with the heading,
ABSTRACT (in capitals), flush to the left-hand margin, followed by a full stop, with text continuing on
the same line.
USA, KS, 66044
ISSN 0094-8373
本刊收录在:Web of Science - SCIE, SSCI, A&HCI (2009 年)
本刊收录在:Web of Science - SCIE, SSCI, A&HCI (2008 年)
本刊收录在 Web of Science:SCIE(2009 版)
提示: Impact Factor: 3.045 ; Rank: 1355
提示: Impact Factor:2.985; 5-Year Impact Factor:3.495
Paleobiology publishes original contributions of any length (but normally 10-50 manuscript pages) dealing
with any aspect of biological paleontology. Emphasis is placed on biological or paleobiological processes
and patterns, including macroevolution, extinction, diversification, speciation, functional morphology,
bio-geography, phylogeny, paleoecology, molecular paleontology, taphonomy, natural selection and
patterns of variation, abundance, and distribution in space and time, among others. Taxonomic papers are
welcome if they have significant and broad applications. Papers concerning research on recent organisms
and systems are appropriate if they are of particular interest to paleontologists. Papers should typically
interest readers from more than one specialty. Proposals for symposium volumes should be discussed in
advance with the editors. All manuscripts are to be in English. Submission of a manuscript to Paleobiology
implies that it is not simultaneously being considered for publication by another journal. Please review
Paleobiology's copyright information.
General Notes
Double-space the entire manuscript in 12-point type, including text, abstract. Literature Cited, tables,
figure captions, and appendices.
Number all pages of the text beginning with the title page. The name of the senior author should precede
the page number in the right hand corner of each page.
Underline everything in the text that you want to appear in italics, except mathematical equations. Italic
fonts are often not easily distinguished. Pay particular attention to: binomials probability (p) and other
mathematical variables, statistical test names (t-test; F-test), etc. However, use an italic font to indicate
italicization in text of tables, figures, and appendices.
Do not hyphenate words at the right margin.
Leave the right margin ragged (no right or full justification).
Leave at least a one-inch margin on all sides of the pages. Use 8.5 by 11 inch (21.5 by 28 cm) paper.
Variations in page size are acceptable for submissions from overseas.
Collate the manuscript in the following order: title page, abstract, text, Literature Cited, appendix, figure
legends, tables, and appendix tables.
Title Page
The first page of the manuscript should include the title (capitalize only the first word and proper names),
the names of all authors, and the right and left running heads.
Authors' names are below the title in capital and lowercase letters.
The running head is below the authors' names. Running heads are not to exceed a total of 40 characters and
spaces, and all letters are capitalized. The right running head (RRH) is the running title and the left running
head (LRH) is the name or names of the authors. Use "et al." for more than two authors.
Abstract Page
An abstract no longer than 3%-5% of the length of the manuscript must be provided.
The abstract should be on its own separate page.
"Abstract" is underlined and followed by a period and a dash. All lines are flush left.
The abstract is followed by the names and addresses of the authors, with the first line left-justified and
subsequent lines, if any, indented. Underline the names and addresses to indicate use of italics. Multiple
authors from a single address should be listed as a single address. Do not use abbreviations. Include e-mail
addresses if desired. If an author is now at a different address, please include the present address. Edited
manuscripts and proofs will be sent to the present address unless the office is otherwise notified.
James P. McCalpin. Department of Geology, Utah State University, Logan, Utah 84322
M. Lazee* and U. B. Forty. Department of Geology, University of California, Davis, California 95616.
E-mail: iml@ucd.edu
*Present address: Department of Biology, Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut 06520
Text Headings
Primary headings are centered and bold-face. The first word and all other important words in the heading
are capitalized. Articles, conjunctions, and prepositions are lowercase.
Results of the Experiment
Use secondary headings only if three levels of headings are required. If only two levels of headings are
required, primary and tertiary headings are used. Secondary headings are capitalized the same as primary
headings and are flush with the left margin. The text begins on the next line.
Hierarchical Effects
Text begins here.
Tertiary headings are capitalized the same as primary headings, indented, underlined, and followed by a
period and a dash. The text follows the dash.
Hierarchial Effects.-The possible significance of . . .
In-Text Literature Citations
A one-to-one correspondence must exist between works cited in the text and listed in the Literature Cited
section. Books or manuscripts in press must be included; unpublished data and manuscripts in review or
otherwise unpublished are not. Avoid citing unpublished theses or dissertations.
The authors are responsible for the accuracy of all citations.
Literature is cited in the text, in chronological order, by the last name of the author or authors and the date
of publication. For works with three or more authors, the last name of the senior author is followed by "et
al." Use semicolons to separate multiple citations by different authors; use commas to separate multiple
citations by the same author. Specific pages, tables, or figures within a reference should follow a colon
after the reference year. A date should be provided for all personal communications.
(Darwin 1859)
(McCalpin et al. 1987: Fig. 2)
(Darwin 1859; McCalpin et al. 1987, 1989: pp. 22-24)
(Novotny and Borders 1988: p. 123)
(Greenwell in press)
(J. Johnson personal communication 1989)
(J. Jones and T. Freeman unpublished data)
Where nested parentheses are necessary, use brackets inside parentheses and braces inside brackets ([{}]).
Note that the order is the reverse for equations {[()]}.
(Jones [1968] indicated . . .)
In-Text References to Figures and Tables
Figure parts are capitalized (Fig. 3A).
"Table" and "Appendix" have an initial capital and are not abbreviated. If there is only one Appendix, it is
not numbered.
(Fig. 2)
(Novotny 1968: Fig. 4)
(Borders and Greenwell 1972: Table 1)
In Figure 15, we see . . .
(Table 2, Fig. 3)
Figures and tables should be flagged in the margins at their first appearance in the text to indicate their
Mathematical Equations, Statistics, and Numerals
Use italics where necessary. Underline or otherwise indicate any italicized parts that may not be obvious.
For probability, use lowercase italic p. For example, p < 0.001.
Use metric units. If nonmetric units are required, provide the metric equivalents also.
Use Arabic numerals for numbers over ten and for non-integers. Spell out numbers less than 11, unless
used with units of measurement. Spell out any number that begins a sentence.
"Equation" is spelled out and lowercase except when a capital would ordinarily be required. It is
abbreviated when used in a parenthetical reference to an equation. Equation numbers are in parentheses,
unless they appear in a parenthetical phrase.
Equation (6) shows the results . . .
(Raup 1978: p. 23, eq. 2)
We refer to equation (2) in the next section . . .
Mathematical expressions and equations set out from the text should be written so that they can be set on
one line, if possible.
Numbered equations should be centered on the line. Equation numbers should be on the right margin of
text, with the numbers enclosed in parentheses.
Identify ambiguous characters; e.g., lower-case "el," numeral one, lowercase "oh," lowercase Greek chi,
lowercase "ex," and multiplication symbols.
Use fractional exponents instead of root signs and the solidus (/) for fractions where possible.
“the preferred abbreviation for approximate dates. For other approximations, no abbreviations should be
used (e.g., approximately 400?or about 30?. In instances where approximations are made frequently, the
wavy equal sign symbol should be used.
Geologic Time
Use the abbreviations Ga, Ma, and Ka to indicate dates (billions, millions, and thousands of years before
the present, respectively). Use Gyr, Myr, and Kyr to indicate duration of time.
The names of formal time units or time-stratigraphic units should be capitalized. Use the Decade of North
American Geology Geologic Time Scale (1983) as a guide.
Use a slash (/) to denote boundaries, and a hyphen (-) to denote time ranges.
(K/T boundary)
(Eocene-Oligocene mammals)
Spell out all agency and university names.
Do not use honorifics such as Dr., Prof., Mrs., etc. Use initials for given names of individuals.
Literature Cited
EndNote has created an output style for Paleobiology to assist in formatting your references, which is
available for download from the EndNote website.
All works cited in the text, tables, figure captions, and appendices must be included in the Literature Cited
Entries in the Literature Cited section (including Mac and Mc) are listed in strict alphabetical order, except
in cases of three or more authors. For citations with the same senior author: group all the single-author
citations in chronological order; group all the two-author citations alphabetically first and then
chronologically; and group all the citations with three or more authors in chronological order only. For
works published in the same year by the same author(s), the works are listed in alphabetical order (or in
date order if this is obvious, e.g., consecutive articles in a journal or articles numbered I and II). To
differentiate articles published in the same year by the same author(s), a lowercase letter follows the date.
Smith, J. L. 1989a.
____. 1989b.
____. 1990.
Smith, J. L., and J. P. Jones. 1979.
Smith, J. L., and T. Smith. 1978.
Smith, J. L., T. Freeman, and J. P. Jones. 1977.
Smith, J. L., J. P. Jones, M. R. Johnson, and T. Freeman. 1978.
____. 1979.
Smith, J. L., J. P. Jones, and T. Freeman, eds. 1980.
The names of authors are in capital and lowercase letters. Authors' initials are separated by a space. Except
for the first author, author initials come before surname. For articles in an edited volume, editors' initials
precede surnames. Underline "In" or "in" for citations in a book. (See examples below.)
Use a dash to denote repeated author names. Use only one dash for exact duplicate of authors in the
preceding citation, no matter how many authors.
Do not abbreviate the names of publications (journals, series).
Publishers' names.
a) Abbreviate the names of publishers. Blackwell Scientific is an abbreviated form; Blackwell is the
abbreviated form for Basil Blackwell. Use Springer, not Spring-Verlag.
b) If necessary, retain initials to distinguish among publishers:
W. H. Freeman
J. Murray (Darwin's publisher)
c) Usually delete "Press" except for University presses. But Academic Press, not Academic.
Do not underline (italicize) volume numbers for periodicals and series.
State names are omitted if the city is large and well known or if the state name is part of the publisher's
name. Traditional abbreviations of state names are used, not postal codes.
(Springfield, Mass.)
(University of Wisconsin Press, Madison)
(Marshfield, Wisc.)
Include country names, if needed, for location of publisher, e.g., Wiley, Chichester, U.K.
If three or more chapters of a book are cited, cite the book separately, and use an abbreviated citation of the
book in the reference for the chapter.
Davidson, H. 1994. Motor psychology. Harley, Cucamonga, Calif.
Rider, E. Z. 1994. Life in fifth gear. Pp. 136-156 in Davidson 1994.
Journal article:
Storm, E. C. 1974. Omnology at the crossroads. Journal of Omnology 22:1-44.
Article in a serial publication with a volume citation (treat as if a journal):
Smithson, A. B. 1995. Gymnosperm envy. In C. D. Jones, ed. Advances in angiosperm psychology. Short
Courses in Paleontology 6:23-45. Paleontological Society, Knoxville, Tenn.
Article in a serial publication without a volume citation (treat as if a book):
Smithson, A. B. 1995. Gymnosperm envy. Pp. 23-45 in C. D. Jones, ed. Advances in angiosperm
psychology. Proceedings of the 24th international symposium on fossil plants. Geological Society of
America, Boulder, Colo.
Calm, I. M. 1974. Omnology has passed its peak. University of Chicago Press, Chicago.
Article in a book:
Storm, E. C. 1974. Whither goest 33-44 in I. M. Calm and U. R. Nott, eds. (Note order of editors' initials
and names.)
Special example on how to cite the Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontology:
Arkell, W. J., B. Kummel, and C. W. Wright. 1957. Mesozoic Ammonoidea. Pp. L80-L465 in W. J. Arkell
et al. Mollusca 4, Cephalopoda, Ammonoidea. Part L of R. C. Moore, ed. Treatise on invertebrate
paleontology. Geological Society of America, New York, and University of Kansas, Lawrence. [Note that
later parts are published in Boulder, Colo.].
Each table begins on a new page.
Table captions are placed directly above the table and on the same page.
Do not use parentheses around reference dates in the body of a table.
For detailed information on preparing illustrations, refer to the instructions under "Printing and
Typesetting" at the Allen Press web-site at http://www.allenpress.com/illguide.html.
Paleobiology accepts electronic figures only in TIF or EPS formats.
You are responsible for providing instructions regarding final size of figures. If the figures you provide are
already sized, you must specify that the figure size is not to be changed. If you provide no instructions and
then request changes in figure size, you will be charged for any changes.
Original hard copies of figures should be provided in addition to electronic copies. If your figure must be
reproduced from the hard copy (due to problems with the electronic file) please keep in mind that extremes
in reduction should be avoided. For best result, figures should be reproduced at 75-80% of their original
size. Figures cannot be enlarged.
Do not use boldface lettering. The final size (after reduction or enlargement) of lettering on figures should
be no less than 1.5 mm.
Figures generated by a computer should be printed on high-quality, opaque laser paper. Photographs or
figures with delicate lettering should be protected by a tissue-paper overlay.
Color figures (and photographs) may be published in Paleobiology at the additional cost to the author of
$750 per figure.
On the back of each figure, clearly print the author's name and the figure number. (Hard copy only)
Use capital letters to label figure parts. All parts of a single figure should be on one page as you want them
to appear.
Indicate the top of the figure.
Group all figure captions together on a separate page (or pages) in numerical order.
USA, DC, 20009
ISSN 0883-8305
本刊收录在:Web of Science - SCIE, SSCI, A&HCI (2009 年)
本刊收录在:Web of Science - SCIE, SSCI, A&HCI (2008 年)
本刊收录在 Web of Science:SCIE(2009 版)
提示: Impact Factor:4.03 ; Rank: 797
提示: Impact Factor:3.644; 5-Year Impact Factor:4.031
Paleoceanography focuses on original contributions dealing with the marine sedimentary record from the
present ocean basins and margins and from exposures of ancient marine sediments on the continents.
Approaches include sedimentology; isotope geochemistry; paleontology; seismic stratigraphy; physical,
chemical, and biological oceanography; marine geology and geophysics; Quaternary geology; and
modeling. Contributions are global and regional rather than local; and cover all ages .
Manuscripts submitted for publication in AGU journals should convey the author's findings precisely and
immediately to the reader. Authors are urged to have their manuscripts reviewed critically by colleagues
for scientific accuracy and clarity of presentation. If a manuscript has more than one author, coauthors
must consent to the final version of the manuscript.
Authors will be asked to provide final manuscripts and artwork as electronic files (MSWord, WordPerfect
or LaTeX for text; EPS or TIFF for images). The manuscript should be arranged in the following order:
title page including authors' names and affiliations
text (including appendices)
reference list
figure captions
supporting nonprint material (such as data sets, long tables, appendices, graphs, lengthy mathematical
derivations, and extended background discussions). See the additional information about supplying
auxiliary materials in digital formats in About E-supplements.
AGU's online manuscript formatting helpdesk provides detailed information about manuscript preparation for
journal and book styles. Contact author.help@agu.org" for additional help.
All papers submitted using MSWord or WordPerfect should be double spaced in 12 point type with 1-inch
margins, using Times New Roman throughout. For word processing documents, use English U.S. as the
language. Indent all paragraphs.
Authors are expected to use correct spelling, punctuation, grammar, and syntax. Spelling and hyphenation
of compound words follow the unabridged Webster's Third New International Dictionary.
The metric system must be used throughout; use of appropriate SI units is encouraged. Do not use italic
font for units of measure. Following recommended style and usage expedites processing and reduces the
chance of error in the electronic file processing.
Because text footnotes may be distracting to the reader, they should be incorporated into the text or be
eliminated completely.
The abstract should be a single paragraph (250 words limit for JGR, other journals 150 words), state the
nature of the investigation, and summarize its important conclusions. References should not be cited in the
The abstract should be suitable for separate publication in an abstract journal and be adequate for
Index Terms
When a paper is submitted for publication, the author will be required to provide Index Terms (up to five
Index terms) from the AGU Index Set.
An author should carefully select index terms to ensure that a paper is classified properly in database
searches and in the annual year-end subject index for each journal, and to allow readers to locate papers
with greater ease and precision. Index terms are a key part of AGU's strategy for electronic distribution of
journal articles.
Authors should also provide up to six (6) key words. These are free-form terms that will be used to
facilitate online searches.
The lowercase letter "l" and the numeral 1 and the capital letter "O" and the numeral 0 should be
distinguished. Add one extra line space above and below all displayed equations.
Alignment of symbols must be unambiguous. Superscripts and subscripts should clearly be in superior or
inferior position. Fraction bars should extend under the entire numerator. Do not use the symbol font in
Word. Select "Greek" from the font list. "Normal text" should be the font selected as shown in the font
menu box. Use true superscript and subscript not raised and lowered fonts. Use the "degree" symbol
instead of "oh".
Barred and accented characters that are available for typesetting may be used. Symbols that are not
available and therefore must be avoided are triple dots, accents (other than bars) that extend over more
than one character, and double accents (e.g., a circumflex over a bar). Accents over characters can be
eliminated by the use of such symbols as ', *, and ?set as superscripts.
If an accent or underscore has been used to designate a special typeface (e.g., boldface for vectors, script
for transforms, sans serif for tensors), the type should be specified by a note in the margin.
If the argument of an exponential is complicated or lengthy, "exp'' rather than e should be used. Awkward
fractional composition can be avoided by the proper introduction of negative powers. In text, solidus
fractions (l/r) should be used, and enough enclosures should be included to avoid ambiguity. According to
the accepted convention, parentheses, brackets, and braces are in the order { [ ( ) ] }. Numbered displayed
equations should appear consecutively; the number (in parentheses) should be to the right of the equation.
The notation is a list of parameters used in the text and their definitions that should be set up as shown in
the following sample:
rate of soil accumulation, m/yr.
median grain size of water-deposited material, µm.
distance of the locus of points, m.
elevation of the rock stream channel at a particular time ti, m.
Acknowledgments should be limited to collegial and financial assistance. Acknowledgments are not meant
to recognize personal or manuscript production support.
Complete and accurate references are of major importance. Omissions, discrepancies in the spelling of
names, errors in titles, and incorrect dates must be avoided. See complete information about reference
styles in References in AGU Publications.
Every table must have a title, and all columns must have headings. Column headings must be arranged so
that their relation to the data is clear. Footnotes should be indicated by reference marks (by lowercase
letters typed as superiors. Each table must be cited in text. Create tables in a tablular arrangement to align
columns instead of using the tab feature.
Figures should be computer-generated. See the Guidelines for Submitting Images for help in creating image
files. When uploading the manuscript files to GEMS, the electronic manuscript submission system, each
figure files should be loaded separately.
Each figure must be cited in numerical order in the text.
Orientation must be clearly marked on figures. Latitude and longitude must be indicated on maps.
For submission, each figure must also have a caption which should be included both on the page with each
figure and in a separate list of captions. Do not include in the figure any information that could easily be
worded in the caption. For accepted papers, there should be no captions on the figures themselves.
Authors should size their figures to allow for suitable reduction; this includes making sure that lettering is
of sufficient size. Figures whose characters are too small or whose tick marks or dot patterns are too faint
or which are otherwise unacceptable for reproduction will be returned to the author for redrafting. Use
varying patterns instead of varying shades of gray.
Color figures, foldouts, pocket maps, etc., can be accommodated, but the costs of color for publishing
these special features must be borne by the author. For color figures, please also supply a black and white
version, as the color will be printed in the back of the journal (in place online). There is the more
expensive option of including color in print within the paper, in which case black and white version would
not be necessary.
For additional information, contact the Author Information Helpdesk at author.help@agu.org.
Copyrighted material
It is the author's responsibility to obtain any necessary permission to reproduce figures or tables from
copyrighted sources. This includes any figures redrawn but basically unaltered or with only slight
modifications. If you are using figures or photos that have been previously published, you must obtain
permission from the copyright holder to publish their property in your AGU article. Obtaining permission
can be a lengthy process, so please make sure you have the necessary permissions before you submit your
manuscript to AGU.
Written permission(s) should accompany the manuscript when submitted.
Auxiliary material
See Guidelines and online information about AGU E-Supplements for help in defining and submitting this material.
Contact the editor's assistant for more information on this service. Please note that all supporting and
supplementary data will be reviewed with your manuscript.
Physics and chemistry of minerals
Physics and chemistry of minerals [Monthly]/SPRINGER, 233 SPRING ST, NEW YORK, USA, NY,
ISSN 0342-1791
本刊收录在:Web of Science - SCIE, SSCI, A&HCI (2009 年)
本刊收录在:Web of Science - SCIE, SSCI, A&HCI (2008 年)
本刊收录在 Web of Science:SCIE(2009 版)
提示: Impact Factor: 1.876 ; Rank: 2776
提示: Impact Factor:1.597; 5-Year Impact Factor:1.664
本刊收录在:Ei Compendex (2010 年)
本刊收录在:Ei Compendex (2008 年)
Physics and Chemistry of Minerals is an international journal devoted to publishing articles and short
communications of physical or chemical studies on minerals or solids related to minerals. The aim of the
journal is to support competent interdisciplinary work in mineralogy and physics or chemistry. Particular
emphasis is placed on applications of modern techniques or new theories and models to interpret atomic
structures and physical or chemical properties of minerals. Some subjects of interest are:
Relationships between atomic structure and crystalline state (structures of various states, crystal energies,
crystal growth, thermodynamic studies, phase transformations, solid solution, exsolution phenomena, etc.)
General solid state spectroscopy (ultraviolet, visible, infrared, Raman, ESCA, luminescence, X-ray,
electron paramagnetic resonance, nuclear magnetic resonance, gamma ray resonance, etc.)
Experimental and theoretical analysis of chemical bonding in minerals (application of crystal field,
molecular orbital, band theories, etc.)
Physical properties (magnetic, mechanical, electric, optical, thermodynamic, etc.)
Relations between thermal expansion, compressibility, elastic constants, and fundamental properties of
atomic structure, particularly as applied to geophysical problems
Electron microscopy in support of physical and chemical studies
Computational methods in the study of the structure and properties of minerals
Mineral surfaces (experimental methods, structure and properties).
Manuscripts submitted to the journal should conform to the "Instructions for Authors" and may be sent to
one of the editors.
Precambrian research
1000 AE
ISSN 0301-9268
本刊收录在:Web of Science - SCIE, SSCI, A&HCI (2009 年)
本刊收录在:Web of Science - SCIE, SSCI, A&HCI (2008 年)
本刊收录在 Web of Science:SCIE(2009 版)
提示: Impact Factor: 4.116; Rank: 766
提示: Impact Factor:3.581; 5-Year Impact Factor:4.806
Precambrian Research publishes studies on all aspects of the early stages of the composition, structure and
evolution of the Earth and its planetary neighbours. It covers, but is not restricted to, subjects such as:
(1) chemical, biological, biochemical and cosmochemical evolution; the origin of life; the evolution of the
oceans and atmosphere; the early fossil record; palaeobiology;
(2) geochronology and isotope and elemental geochemistry;
(3) Precambrian mineral deposits;
(4) geophysical aspects of the early Earth and Precambrian terrains;
(5) nature and evolution of the Precambrian lithosphere and mantle including magmatic, depositional,
metamorphic and tectonic processes. In addition, the editors particularly welcome integrated
process-oriented studies that involve a combination of the above fields and comparative studies that
demonstrate the effect of Precambrian evolution on Phanerozoic earth system processes.
1. Papers must be submitted in their final form, bearing in mind that no further correction/addition is
2. Submission of an article is understood to imply that the article is original and unpublished and is not
being considered for publication elsewhere.
3. Manuscripts should be structured in a way that conforms to that of the journal in question.
4. All manuscripts should be submitted in quadruplicate to the following address: Editorial Office
Geoscience Journals P.O. Box 1930 1000 BX AMSTERDAM The Netherlands Authors are requested to
submit, with their manuscripts, the names and addresses of four potential referees.
5. Manuscripts must be written in English. Authors whose native language is not English are recommended
to seek the advice of a colleague who has English as his mother-tongue before submitting their manuscript.
Manuscripts written in correct English require less time for review and publication.
Authors in Japan please note: Upon request, Elsevier Science Japan will provide authors with a list of
people who can check and improve the English of their paper (before submission). Please contact our
Tokyo office: Elsevier Science Japan, 1-9-15 Higashi Azabu, Minato-ku, Tokyo 106; Tel. +81 3 5561 5032;
Fax +81 3 5561 5045.
6. Authors should use IUGS terminology. The use of S.I. units is also strongly recommended.
7. The manuscript should be prepared on a word processor and printed with double spacing and wide
margins. The various headings should be clearly differentiated, and first and second order headings should
be numbered.
8. The entire manuscript should be paginated. However, in the text no reference should be made to page
numbers; if necessary, you may refer to section numbers.
9. Manuscripts should generally be organized in the following order:
a. Title
b. Name(s) of the author(s) and their affiliations and fax and e-mail numbers. Fax and e-mail numbers
should be placed as footnotes. In the case of more than one author please indicate to whom the
correspondence should be addressed.
c. Abstract
d. Keywords
e. Introduction
f. Area descriptions, methods and material studied
g. Results and analyses
h. Discussion and conclusions
i. Acknowledgements
j. Appendices
k. References
l. Tables
m. Figure captions
n. Figures
10. Elsevier Science reserves the right of returning to the author for revision accepted manuscripts and
illustrations which are not in the form given in this guide.
1. Authors must provide 4 to 6 keywords. These must be taken from the most recent American
Geological Institute GeoRef Thesaurus and should be placed beneath the abstract.
1. The abstract should be a concise summary of the paper stating the methods used, the main results
and the conclusions in a way that does not require reference to the body of the paper; it should not be
longer than 500 words.
1. All references cited in the text are to be listed at the end of the paper. The manuscript should be
carefully checked to ensure that the spellings of authors' names and publication years are exactly the same
in the text as in the reference list. Do not type author's and editor's names in capitals.
2. In the text refer to the author's name (without initials) and year of publication, followed - if
necessary - by a short reference to appropriate pages. Examples: "Because Peterson (1994) has shown
that...". "This is in agreement with results obtained later (Kramer, 1996, pp. 12-16)".
3. If reference is made in the text to publications written by more than two authors the name of the
first author should be used, followed by "et al.". This indication, however, should never be used in the list
of references. In this list names of authors and all co-authors must be given in full.
4. References in the text should be arranged chronologically. The list of references should be arranged
alphabetically by authors' names, and chronologically per author. If an author's name in the list is also
mentioned with co-authors, the following order should be used: Publications of the single author, arranged
according to publication year - publications of the same author with one co-author, arranged according to
publication year - publications of the author with more than one co-author, arranged according to
publication year.
The following system should be used for arranging references:
a. Journal papers: Names and initials of all authors, year. Title of paper. Journal name (given in full or
abbreviated using the International List of Periodical Title Word Abbreviations), volume number (issue
number): first and last page numbers of the paper.
Elbaz-Poulichet, F., Guan, D.M., Martin, J.M., 1991. Trace metal behaviour in a highly stratified
Mediterranean estuary: the Krka (Yugoslavia). Mar. Chem. 32, 211-224.
b. Monographs: Names and initials of all authors, year. Title of the monograph. Publisher, location of
Zhdanov, M.S., Keller, G.V., 1994. The Geoelectrical Methods in Geophysical Exploration. Elsevier,
c. Edited volume papers: Names and initials of all authors, year. Title of paper. Names and initials of
the volume editors, title of the edited volume. Publisher, location of publisher, first and last page numbers
of the paper.
Thomas, E., 1992. Middle Eocene-late Oligocene bathyal benthic foraminifera (Weddell Sea): faunal
changes and implications for ocean circulation. In: Prothero, D.R., Berggren, W.A. (Eds.),
Eocene-Oligocene Climatic and Biotic Evolution. Princeton Univ. Press, Princeton, NJ, pp. 245-271.
d. Conference proceedings papers: Names and initials of all authors, year. Title of paper. Name of the
conference. Publisher, location of publisher, first and last page numbers of the paper.
Smith, M.W., 1988. The significance of climatic change for the permafrost environment. Final Proc. Int.
Conf. Permafrost. Tapir, Trondheim, Norway, pp. 18-23.
e. Unpublished theses, reports, etc.: Names and initials of all authors, year. Title of item. All other
relevant information needed to identify the item (e.g., technical report, Ph.D. thesis, institute, etc.).
Moustakas, N., 1990. Relationships of morphological and physicochemical properties of Vertisols under
Greek climate conditions. Ph.D. Thesis, Agricultural Univ. Athens, Greece.
5. In the case of publications in any language other than English, the original title is to be retained.
Titles of publications in non-Latin alphabets should be transliterated, and a note such as '(in Russian)' or
'(in Japanese, with English Abstr.)' should be added at the end of the reference.
1. All illustrations must be presented separate from the manuscript, unfolded, and as originals. Each
illustration must be sharp and draughted at high density on bright white paper, on glossy paper or on
drawing film. Authors are reminded to provide copies of all illustrations with the originals.
2. Photographs and micrographs, etc. must be sharp and exhibit good contrast. Original glossy prints
(e.g., from negatives) are required. Reproductions of photographs, etc. cannot be accepted. The object
being shown must fill the image.
3. All illustrations must be numbered consecutively and referred to in the text.
4. Each illustration should be identified on the reverse side (or - in the case of line-drawings - on the
lower front side) by its number and the name of the principle author. Indicate the top of the illustration in
cases where doubt may arise.
5. Illustrations must be designed with the page format of the journal in mind. If necessary, they will
be reduced to the proper format by the publisher. The lettering and other details must have dimensions that
do not become illegible or unclear after the required reduction. Foldouts can only be accepted in
exceptional cases. Design all figures in a way that uses all the available space, do not leave large areas
blank. Remember that sharp, neat, well presented illustrations will be essential to the readers' appreciation
of your paper.
6. Lettering must be drafted sharply and neatly. The lettering must be in the language of the
manuscript. The same type of lettering should be used throughout.
7. Bar scales must be used rather than magnification factors that must be changed in cases of
reduction. Do not forget to mention the units used in diagrams.
8. All maps must have north and latitude and longitude indicated.
9. Each illustration must have a caption. All figure captions should be typed on a separate sheet and
be double spaced.
10. Explanations must be given in the typewritten caption. Text in the figures should be kept to a
11. Laser-printed illustrations are acceptable. In such cases please also provide a disc copy.
12. Colour figures can be accepted provided the author is prepared to meet the reproduction costs.
Please consult the publisher for further information.
1. Authors should take note of the limitations set by the size and layout of the journal. A table should
not exceed the printed area of the page. If this appears impossible, reversing columns and rows will often
make the impossible possible.
2. Large tables should be avoided. Foldouts can only be accepted in exceptional cases. If many data
are to be presented, an attempt should be made to divide these over two or more tables.
3. Tables should be compiled on separate sheets and must be numbered according to their sequence in
the text. The text must include references to all tables.
4. Each table must have a brief and self-explanatory title. Column headings should be brief, but
sufficiently explanatory. Units of measurement should be given in parentheses. Vertical lines must not be
used to separate columns - leave extra space between the columns instead.
5. Explanations that are necessary to the understanding of the table should be given as footnotes at the
bottom of the table. A footnote should be indicated by a lower-case letter.
1. All formulae should be presented consistently and clearly with regard to the meaning of each
symbol and its correct location. Formulae must be typed throughout.
2. All unusual symbols must be collected in a separate list in the appendix, giving a clear explanation
of each symbol.
3. Please try to keep the notation as simple as possible, and avoid ambiguities. Do not use special
typefonts if there is no urgent need to do so.
4. Different formulae should be clearly separated in the manuscript, at least by punctuation marks, if
not by words. Avoid breaking formulae if breaking is not strictly necessary (i.e., if the equation is less than
one typed line). Never let a sentence consist of formulae alone (i.e., without any connection with the
preceding text).
5. Do not use complicated juxtapositions of symbols. Also, try to avoid complicated subscripts and
superscripts; third-order indices especially present difficulties as to their size and position, and fourth-order
indices are taboo.
6. The manuscript must show a clear distinction between similar symbols, (e.g., between zero (0) and
the letter O, between one (1) and the letter l, and between multiplication ( ) and the letter x).
7. Important formulae (e.g. definitions) must be displayed. All formulae which are to be referred to
later on must be displayed and numbered consecutively throughout the paper; the number should appear on
the right-hand side of the page.
8. In chemical formulae the valence of ions must be given as, for example, Ca2+ and CO32- rather
than as Ca++ and CO3--.
9. Isotope numbers should precede the symbols (e.g., 18O).
1. Footnotes should only be used if absolutely essential. In most cases it will be possible to
incorporate them in the main text.
2. If used, footnotes should be numbered consecutively throughout the manuscript, indicated by
superscript arabic numbers, and kept as short as possible.
Page proofs
1. One set of page proofs will be sent to the corresponding author to be checked for
typesetting/editing. The author is not expected to make changes or corrections that constitute departures
from the article that was accepted by the editor. Proofs should be returned within 3 days.
1. Upon acceptance of an article by the journal, the author(s) will be asked to transfer the copyright of
the article to the publisher. This transfer will ensure the widest possible dissemination of information.
2. The author is responsible for obtaining permission to use any copyrighted material:
a. When quoting from someone else's work or when considering reproducing an illustration or table from a
book or journal article, the author should ensure that he is not infringing copyright.
b. Although in general an author may quote from other published works, he should obtain permission
from the copyright holder if he wishes to use substantial excerpts or to reproduce tables, plates, or other
illustrations. If the copyright holder is not the author of the quoted or reproduced material, it is
recommended that the permission of the author in question is also sought.
c. Material in unpublished letters and manuscripts is also protected and must not be published unless
permission has been obtained.
d. A suitable acknowledgement of any borrowed material must always be made.
3. Company clearance, if applicable, should be acquired prior to submission.
4. Submission of a paper for review is interpreted as a statement that the permission to reproduce and
company clearance, if applicable, has been acquired.
5. The manuscript of a paper intended for publication in the journal may be reproduced and used
elsewhere by the author, with the understanding that no use will be made of the material for commercial
6. Once the paper has been prepared in publication format by the publisher, the permission of the
publisher is required for any use of the paper.
25 reprints of each article are supplied free of charge. Additional reprints can be ordered on a reprint
order form which will be sent to the corresponding author of the accepted article by the publisher.
Author's Discount
There is a 30% discount on all Elsevier Science book publications. An order form will be sent
together with the proofs.
Sedimentary geology
1000 AE
ISSN 0037-0738
本刊收录在:Web of Science - SCIE, SSCI, A&HCI (2009 年)
本刊收录在:Web of Science - SCIE, SSCI, A&HCI (2008 年)
本刊收录在 Web of Science:SCIE(2009 版)
提示: Impact Factor: 1.685 ; Rank:3105
提示: Impact Factor:1.957; 5-Year Impact Factor:2.365
TIn scope, the journal encompasses all aspects of research into sediments and sedimentary rocks, and at all
spatial and temporal scales. It thus aims to provide a forum for the publication of high quality research
papers across the entire subject, from analytical techniques to regional or geodynamical aspects of
sedimentary systems and basin analysis; subsurface analysis of sedimentary sequences, diagenesis,
chemical sedimentology and numerical modelling. The theme is "sedimentary" but the scope is broad.
General instructions
1. Papers must be submitted in their final form, bearing in mind that no further correction/addition is
2. Submission of an article is understood to imply that the article is original and unpublished and is not
being considered for publication elsewhere.
3. Manuscripts should be structured in a way that conforms to that of the journal in question.
4. All manuscripts should be submitted in quadruplicate to the Editorial Office, Sedimentary Geology, P.O.
Box 1930, 1000 BX Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Authors are requested to submit, with their manuscripts,
the names and addresses of four potential referees.
5. Manuscripts must be written in English*. Authors whose native language is not English are
recommended to seek the advice of a colleague who has English as his mother-tongue before submitting
their manuscript. Manuscripts written in correct English require less time for review and publication.
Authors in Japan please note: Upon request, Elsevier Science Japan will provide authors with a list of
people who can check and improve the English of their paper (before submission). Please contact our
Tokyo office: Elsevier Science Japan, 1-9-15 Higashi Azabu, Minato-ku, Tokyo 106; Tel: +81 3 5561 5032;
Fax: +81 3 5561 5045.
6. Authors should use IUGS terminology. The use of S.I. units is also strongly recommended.
7. The manuscript should be prepared on a word processor and printed with double spacing and wide
margins. The various headings should be clearly differentiated, and first and second order headings should
be numbered.
8. The entire manuscript should be paginated. However, in the text no reference should be made to page
numbers; if necessary, you may refer to section numbers.
9. Manuscripts should generally be organized in the following order:
a. Title
b. Name(s) of the author(s) and their affiliations and fax and e-mail numbers. Fax and e-mail numbers
should be placed as footnotes. In the case of more than one author please indicate to whom the
correspondence should be addressed.
c. Abstract
d. Keywords
e. Introduction
f. Area descriptions, methods and material studied
g. Results and analyses
h. Discussion and conclusions
i. Acknowledgements
j. Appendices
k. References
l. Tables
m. Figure captions
n. Figures
10. Elsevier Science reserves the right of returning to the author for revision accepted manuscripts and
illustrations which are not in the form given in this guide.
1. Authors must provide 4 to 6 keywords. These must be taken from the most recent American
Geological Institute GeoRef Thesaurus and should be placed beneath the abstract.
1. The abstract should be a concise summary of the paper stating the methods used, the main results
and the conclusions in a way that does not require reference to the body of the paper; it should not be
longer than 500 words.
1. All references cited in the text are to be listed at the end of the paper. The manuscript should be
carefully checked to ensure that the spellings of authors' names and publication years are exactly the same
in the text as in the reference list. Do not type author's and editor's names in capitals.
2. In the text refer to the author's name (without initials) and year of publication, followed - if
necessary - by a short reference to appropriate pages. Examples: "Because Peterson (1994) has shown
that...". "This is in agreement with results obtained later (Kramer, 1996, pp. 12-16)"
3. If reference is made in the text to publications written by more than two authors the name of the
first author should be used, followed by "et al.". This indication, however, should never be used in the list
of references. In this list names of authors and all co-authors must be given in full.
4. References in the text should be arranged chronologically. The list of references should be arranged
alphabetically by authors' names, and chronologically per author. If an author's name in the list is also
mentioned with co-authors, the following order should be used: Publications of the single author, arranged
according to publication year - publications of the same author with one co-author, arranged according to
publication year - publications of the author with more than one co-author, arranged according to
publication year.
The following system should be used for arranging references:
a. Journal papers: Names and initials of all authors, year. Title of paper. Journal name (given in full or
abbreviated using the International List of Periodical Title Word Abbreviations), volume number (issue
number): first and last page numbers of the paper.
Elbaz-Poulichet, F., Guan, D.M., Martin, J.M., 1991. Trace metal behaviour in a highly stratified
Mediterranean estuary: the Krka (Yugoslavia). Mar. Chem. 32, 211-224.
b. Monographs: Names and initials of all authors, year. Title of the monograph. Publisher, location of
Zhdanov, M.S., Keller, G.V., 1994. The Geoelectrical Methods in Geophysical Exploration. Elsevier,
c. Edited volume papers: Names and initials of all authors, year. Title of paper. Names and initials of
the volume editors, title of the edited volume. Publisher, location of publisher, first and last page numbers
of the paper.
Thomas, E., 1992. Middle Eocene-late Oligocene bathyal benthic foraminifera (Weddell Sea): faunal
changes and implications for ocean circulation. In: Prothero, D.R., Berggren, W.A. (Eds.),
Eocene-Oligocene Climatic and Biotic Evolution. Princeton Univ. Press, Princeton, NJ, pp. 245-271.
d. Conference proceedings papers: Names and initials of all authors, year. Title of paper. Name of the
conference. Publisher, location of publisher, first and last page numbers of the paper.
Smith, M.W., 1988. The significance of climatic change for the permafrost environment. Final Proc. Int.
Conf. Permafrost. Tapir, Trondheim, Norway, pp. 18-23.
e. Unpublished theses, reports, etc.: Names and initials of all authors, year. Title of item. All other
relevant information needed to identify the item (e.g., technical report, Ph.D. thesis, institute, etc.).
Moustakas, N., 1990. Relationships of morphological and physicochemical properties of Vertisols under
Greek climate conditions. Ph.D. Thesis, Agricultural Univ. Athens, Greece.
5. In the case of publications in any language other than English, the original title is to be retained.
Titles of publications in non-Latin alphabets should be transliterated, and a note such as '(in Russian)' or
'(in Japanese, with English Abstr.)' should be added at the end of the reference.
1. All illustrations must be presented separate from the manuscript, unfolded, and as originals. Each
illustration must be sharp and draughted at high density on bright white paper, on glossy paper or on
drawing film. Authors are reminded to provide copies of all illustrations with the originals.
2. Photographs and micrographs, etc. must be sharp and exhibit good contrast. Original glossy prints
(e.g., from negatives) are required. Reproductions of photographs, etc. cannot be accepted. The object
being shown must fill the image.
3. All illustrations must be numbered consecutively and referred to in the text.
4. Each illustration should be identified on the reverse side (or - in the case of line-drawings - on the
lower front side) by its number and the name of the principle author. Indicate the top of the illustration in
cases where doubt may arise.
5. Illustrations must be designed with the page format of the journal in mind. If necessary, they will
be reduced to the proper format by the publisher. The lettering and other details must have dimensions that
do not become illegible or unclear after the required reduction. Foldouts can only be accepted in
exceptional cases. Design all figures in a way that uses all the available space, do not leave large areas
blank. Remember that sharp, neat, well presented illustrations will be essential to the readers' appreciation
of your paper.
6. Lettering must be drafted sharply and neatly. The lettering must be in the language of the
manuscript. The same type of lettering should be used throughout.
7. Bar scales must be used rather than magnification factors that must be changed in cases of
reduction. Do not forget to mention the units used in diagrams.
8. All maps must have north and latitude and longitude indicated.
9. Each illustration must have a caption. All figure captions should be typed on a separate sheet and
be double spaced.
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3. Tables should be compiled on separate sheets and must be numbered according to their sequence in
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4. Each table must have a brief and self-explanatory title. Column headings should be brief, but
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5. Explanations that are necessary to the understanding of the table should be given as footnotes at the
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1. All formulae should be presented consistently and clearly with regard to the meaning of each
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5. Do not use complicated juxtapositions of symbols. Also, try to avoid complicated subscripts and
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6. The manuscript must show a clear distinction between similar symbols, (e.g., between zero (0) and
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8. In chemical formulae the valence of ions must be given as, for example, Ca2+ and CO32 rather
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9. Isotope numbers should precede the symbols (e.g., 18O).
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350 MAIN ST, MALDEN, USA, MA, 02148.
ISSN 0037-0746
本刊收录在:Web of Science - SCIE, SSCI, A&HCI (2009 年)
本刊收录在:Web of Science - SCIE, SSCI, A&HCI (2008 年)
本刊收录在 Web of Science:SCIE(2009 版)
提示: Impact Factor: 2.229 ; Rank: 2229
提示: Impact Factor:2.114; 5-Year Impact Factor:2.645
Sedimentology is covered by Blackwell Publishing's OnlineEarly service.
OnlineEarly articles are complete full-text articles published online in advance of their publication in a
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Three copies of the manuscript, each accompanied by copies of all illustrations, should be sent to:
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Papers submitted to Sedimentology are accepted on the basis that they have not been, and will not be,
published elsewhere. If accepted, papers become copyright of the journal.
Papers should be typed on one side of paper, double spaced, with ample margins and bear the title of the
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Please indicate on the title page the corresponding author and provide the E-mail address (and full postal
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A short running title should be provided and authors are requested to provide up to six keywords following
the Abstract.
Papers should follow the format of Sedimentology as printed in recent issues of the journal. Manuscripts
should preferably be written in English, but contributions in French or German will be considered. A brief
informative Abstract, of 50-300 words, should be included on a separate sheet of paper. Papers in French
or German should include an additional Abstract of 300-600 words in English. Authors should avoid use of
the first person ('I', 'we' etc.) within the text.
There is a range of four different headings. It would be helpful if authors could set their paper in the style
of Sedimentology, or indicate in the margin the relative importance of a heading by the use of ringed
capital letters, i.e. (A) for the main heading, (B) for the second heading, etc.
For preferred use of stratigraphic terminology and nomenclature, the reader is referred to the Code of
Stratigraphic Nomenclature by ACSN, 1961, in Bulletin American Association of Petroleum Geologists,
45, 454-459, and to Geological Society of London Special Report no. 11, 1978.
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Editors ask you for them.
Author will be required to assign copyright in their paper to Blackwell Publishing and International
Association of Sedimentologists. Copyright assignment is a condition of publication and papers will not be
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or Crown copyright are exempt from this requirement.) To assist authors the editorial office will supply an
appropriate copyright assignment form. Alternatively, authors may like to download a copy of the form
here. Please use the correct form for the editor who is handling your submission:
For P. Haughton use this version
For S. Bennett use this version
For I. Montanez use this version
For C. Spotl use this version
Abbreviations and Units
SI units are preferred. Statistics and measurements should always be given in figures, e.g. 10 mm, except
where the number begins the sentence. When a number is used to identify a feature (e.g. Section, Locality)
it should be given in figures with the feature capitalized (e.g. Section 10, Locality 5). The word 'Figure'
should be shortened to Fig. unless starting a sentence.
Authors should use the system illustrated below. Only full articles that have been published or are 'in press'
may be included in the reference list. In the text, references should be cited by giving the author's name
with the year of publication in parentheses, and should be given in date order (e.g. Jones, 1982; Adams,
1985). When reference is made to a work by three or more authors, the first name followed by et al. should
be used in the text on all occasions. If several papers by the same author and from the same year are cited,
a, b, c, etc. should be put after the year of publication.
References should be listed in alphabetical order at the end of the paper in the following standard form.
Please note that authors names should be shown in bold:
Bridge, J.S. (1993) Description and interpretation of fluvial deposits: a critical perspective. Sedimentology,
40, 801-810.
Kocurek, G.A. (1996) Desert aeolian systems. In: Sedimentary Environments and Facies (Ed. H.G.
Reading) 3rd edn, pp. 125-153. Blackwell Science, Oxford.
Middleton, G.V. and Wilcock, P.R. (1994) Mechanics in the Earth and Environmental Sciences. Cambridge
University Press, Cambridge, 459 pp.
Shurr, G.W. (1984) Geometry of shelf sandstone bodies in the Shannon Sandstone of southeastern Montana.
In: Siliciclastic Shelf Sediments (Eds R.W. Tillman and C.T. Siemens), SEPM Spec. Publ., 34, 63-83.
In the references, papers with two authors should follow those of the first named author, arranged in
alphabetical order according to the name of the second author. Papers with three or more authors should be
ordered following the name of the first author in chronological order. The titles of Journals should be
abbreviated as directed in Journal Abbreviations.
Tables must be typed on separate sheets. They should be numbered consecutively with Arabic numerals.
Tables should be typed as text, using 'tabs' to align columns. Vertical lines should not be used to separate
columns. Column headings should be brief, with units of measurement in parentheses.
ISSN 0278-7407
本刊收录在:Web of Science - SCIE, SSCI, A&HCI (2009 年)
本刊收录在:Web of Science - SCIE, SSCI, A&HCI (2008 年)
本刊收录在 Web of Science:SCIE(2009 版)
提示: Impact Factor:3.147 ; Rank:1264
提示: Impact Factor:3.287; 5-Year Impact Factor:3.894
Tectonics contains original scientific contributions in analytical, synthetic, and integrative tectonics. Papers
are restricted to the structure and evolution of the terrestrial lithosphere with dominant emphasis on the
continents. A joint publication of AGU and the European Geophysical Society.
Manuscripts submitted for publication in AGU journals should convey the author's findings precisely and
immediately to the reader. Authors are urged to have their manuscripts reviewed critically by colleagues
for scientific accuracy and clarity of presentation. If a manuscript has more than one author, coauthors
must consent to the final version of the manuscript.
Authors will be asked to provide final manuscripts and artwork as electronic files (MSWord, WordPerfect
or LaTeX for text; EPS or TIFF for images). The manuscript should be arranged in the following order:
title page including authors' names and affiliations
text (including appendices)
reference list
figure captions
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The abstract should be a single paragraph (250 words limit for JGR, other journals 150 words), state the
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The abstract should be suitable for separate publication in an abstract journal and be adequate for
Index Terms
When a paper is submitted for publication, the author will be required to provide Index Terms (up to five
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Authors should also provide up to six (6) key words. These are free-form terms that will be used to
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The lowercase letter "l" and the numeral 1 and the capital letter "O" and the numeral 0 should be
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Alignment of symbols must be unambiguous. Superscripts and subscripts should clearly be in superior or
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If the argument of an exponential is complicated or lengthy, "exp'' rather than e should be used. Awkward
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the accepted convention, parentheses, brackets, and braces are in the order. Numbered displayed equations
should appear consecutively; the number (in parentheses) should be to the right of the equation.
The notation is a list of parameters used in the text and their definitions that should be set up as shown in
the following sample:
rate of soil accumulation, m/yr.
median grain size of water-deposited material, µm.
distance of the locus of points, m.
elevation of the rock stream channel at a particular time ti, m.
Acknowledgments should be limited to collegial and financial assistance. Acknowledgments are not meant
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Complete and accurate references are of major importance. Omissions, discrepancies in the spelling of
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styles in References in AGU Publications.
Every table must have a title, and all columns must have headings. Column headings must be arranged so
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letters typed as superiors. Each table must be cited in text. Create tables in a tablular arrangement to align
columns instead of using the tab feature.
Figures should be computer-generated. See the Guidelines for Submitting Images for help in creating image
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Each figure must be cited in numerical order in the text.
Orientation must be clearly marked on figures. Latitude and longitude must be indicated on maps.
For submission, each figure must also have a caption which should be included both on the page with each
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For additional information, contact the Author Information Helpdesk at author.help@agu.org.
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Auxiliary material
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Contact the editor's assistant for more information on this service. Please note that all supporting and
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Submit manuscripts electronically using GEMS:
Tectonophysics [Biweekly]/Amsterdam : Elsevier Scientific Publishing Co., 1964-.
ISSN 0040-1951
本刊收录在:Web of Science - SCIE, SSCI, A&HCI (2009 年)
本刊收录在:Web of Science - SCIE, SSCI, A&HCI (2008 年)
本刊收录在 Web of Science:SCIE(2009 版)
提示: Impact Factor: 2.509 ; Rank: 1836
提示: Impact Factor:1.935; 5-Year Impact Factor:2.812
本刊收录在:Ei Compendex (2010 年)
本馆索书号: P/86(WK)
Tectonophysics is an international medium for the publication of significant original research studies and
comprehensive reviews in the fields of geotectonics, and geology and physics of the earth's crust and
interior. The Editorial Board, composed of prominent scientists from around the world, is representative of
the many disciplines covered by the journal. Submitted papers are subject to peer review to ensure that the
required standard of scientific excellence is maintained.
All subjects relating to the geology and geophysics of the Earth's crust and mantle are covered, including
regional- and plate tectonics, crustal movements, mantle structure and dynamics, seismology, marine
geophysics, gravity, petrology, heat flow, rock- and palaeomagnetism. On a geologically smaller scale, the
structural geology subjects covered include all aspects of folding, faulting, fracturing, stress- and strain
analysis, petrofabrics, microstructures, rock mechanics and mineral physics. The frequent large scale
geological maps, seismic sections and other diagrams, are a noteworthy feature.
In addition Special Issues devoted to a single topic, and edited by an authority in that field, are also
Author index available via http://www.elsevier.nl/locate/tecto-author
Subject index available via http://www.elsevier.nl/locate/tecto-subject
Listing of the most highly cited papers published in 1992-1995 are available via
Submission of manuscripts
Four copies should be submitted to: Editorial Office Tectonophysics, P.O. Box 1930, 1000 BX Amsterdam,
The Netherlands. Submission of an article is understood to imply that the article is original and
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journal, the author(s) will be asked to transfer the copyright of the article to the publisher. This transfer will
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b) Authors should use IUGS terminology. The use of S.I. units is also recommended.
c) The title page should include the name(s) of the author(s), their affiliations, fax and e-mail numbers. In
case of more than one author, please indicate to whom the correspondence should be addressed.
a) References in the text consist of the surname of the author(s), followed by the year of publication in
parentheses. All references cited in the text should be given in the reference list and vice versa.
b) The reference list should be in alphabetical order.
Tables Tables should be compiled on separate sheets and should be numbered according to their sequence
in the text. Tables can also be sent as glossy prints to avoid errors in typesetting.
a) Illustrations should be submitted in quadruplicate and should be numbered consecutively and referred to
in the text. Please note that upon submission of a manuscript, four sets of all photographic material printed
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Photocopies and other low-quality prints will not be accepted for review.
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d) Figure captions should be supplied on a separate sheet.
e) If contributors wish to have their original figures returned this should be requested in proof stage at the
The authors are kindly requested to supply 4-6 keywords of their choice that can be used for
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Page proofs
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Subsequent corrections will not be possible, so please ensure your first sending is complete
Twenty-five reprints of each article published are supplied free of charge. Additional reprints can be
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Submission of electronic text
In order to publish the paper as quickly as possible after acceptance authors must submit the final text also
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indicated. Authors must ensure that the disk version corresponds exactly to the hardcopy. If available, in
addition to original prints, electronic files of the figures should also be included on a separate floppy disk,
CD-Rom or zip disk.
The American mineralogist
500, CHANTILLY, USA, VA, 20151-1125.
ISSN 0003-004X
本刊收录在:Web of Science - SCIE, SSCI, A&HCI (2009 年)
本刊收录在:Web of Science - SCIE, SSCI, A&HCI (2008 年)
本刊收录在 Web of Science:SCIE(2009 版)
提示: Impact Factor: 2.026 ; Rank: 2540
提示: Impact Factor:1.859; 5-Year Impact Factor:2.248
获取全文,请点击:地球科学世界出版社期刊(GeoScienceWorld (GSW) Journals)- NSTL
收录起始年 1998 卷: 83 期: 1
收录起始年 1916 卷: 1 到 1999 卷: 84
American Mineralogist, the journal of the Mineralogical Society of America (MSA), publishes the results
of original scientific research in the general fields of mineralogy, crystallography, geochemistry, and
petrology. Specific areas of coverage include, but are not restricted to, igneous and metamorphic petrology,
experimental mineralogy and petrology, crystal chemistry and crystal-structure determinations, mineral
spectroscopy, mineral physics, isotope geochemistry, major and trace element geochemistry, planetary
material science, clay minerals, mineral surface science, geochemistry of mineral-fluid systems,
environmental mineralogy, biomineralization, geomicrobiology, new minerals and mineral occurrences,
petrography and petrogenesis, ore deposits, and mineralogical apparatus and techniques.
These guidelines explain the American Mineralogist publication procedures, standardized units, and style.
Following these guidelines and any revisions listed on the inside back cover of subsequent issues of the
journal will reduce time spent during manuscript revision and will help assure rapid publication at
reasonable cost.
Click here to obtain the most recent version of Adobe Acrobat Reader which is necessary for obtaining and
reading proofs and just working with the system at all.
Submit papers via our web-based system at http://minsocam.allentrack.net. Please note that updates or
corrections to this information will NOT be transfered to your MSA membership/subscription data. Or vice
versa. If you change your contact info, then both databases will need to be updated. The data will be
confidential and not sold or given to other organizations.
As always, the system of scientific peer review depends on people contributing their time, or perhaps
paper/computer space, for others for the benefit of the worldwide scientific community. The idea has
always been that help for someone else today will be returned as help to you in the future. Reviewers and
associate editors are vital to maintain our standards of quality, and indeed for the system of science to
continue working at all. Thanks go to everyone who helps makes it work; we gratefully appreciate your
Submissions must not be already published, in whole or in part, in print or online. If publishing to an open
archive is desired for a paper accepted by Am Min, then the open access charge of $250 a PAGE (typeset)
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funds). To keep Am Min viable, if the paper is to be freely available concurrently or previously to
publication, then the author must pay the open access/archive charges. For institutional/funding
requirements it is possible that a post-publication "link" may suffice, for $60. Any details can be discussed
with the managing editor before submission -- and all details are on the "page charge/reprint" form that the
accepted authors are sent.
Skip to Submission Website Guidelines Includes Submission-to-Publication time line info.
Note that all the information below is about Manuscript Preparation and is VERY IMPORTANT!
Skip to Tables
Skip to Figures UPDATED March 2008
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Skip to CIF info -- CIF required for materials with crystallographic information to check the
self-consistency of the crystallograhic data.
Download the Author Self Check Form for authors. (Please also consult the sections above regarding unit
abbreviations and references.)
American Mineralogist, the journal of the Mineralogical Society of America (MSA), publishes the results
of original scientific research in the general fields of mineralogy, crystallography, geochemistry, and
petrology. Specific areas of coverage include, but are not restricted to, igneous and metamorphic petrology,
experimental mineralogy and petrology, crystal chemistry and crystal-structure determinations, mineral
spectroscopy, mineral physics, isotope geochemistry, major and trace element geochemistry, planetary
material science, clay minerals, mineral surface science, geochemistry of mineral-fluid systems,
environmental mineralogy, biomineralization, geomicrobiology, new minerals and mineral occurrences,
petrography and petrogenesis, ore deposits, and mineralogical apparatus and techniques. Any author who
is concerned about the suitability of the subject of their paper should contact one of the Editors for advice.
(Martin Kunz is at mkunz@lbl.gov ; Jennifer Thomson is at jthomson@mail.ewu.edu )
Manuscripts are judged on the basis of significance, originality, appropriateness of subject matter, and
clarity of presentation. The decision regarding acceptance or rejection of a manuscript is the responsibility
of the Editors and is based in large part on the recommendations of Associate Editors and reviewers.
Membership in MSA is not a prerequisite for publication in American Mineralogist.
Skip to full information on the scope of American Mineralogist, including different paper types, e.g.,
Regular vs. Letter, etc.
What should my manuscript look like?
Manuscripts must be typed with double spacing throughout in a size comparable to Times Roman 12. Print
the manuscript on one side only, and all pages must be numbered. The parts of the manuscript should
appear in the order given here. No separate listing of table titles is needed, nor is there a need to begin each
main section on a new sheet of paper. Figures and tables must be mentioned in numerical order in the text.
Avoid the use of complex symbols in titles. To facilitate identification in indexing and abstracting, it is
recommended that authors spell out one of their given names rather than precede surnames with initials
only. Write concisely. Unnecessarily long manuscripts will be rejected.
Please note that it is helpful and conserves paper and time to have title, authors, affilations, and abstract all
on the same page whenever possible. Conserve paper by not putting in section breaks, but simply run the
sections together.
Also note that a lot of the details below are more necessary for the final version as opposed to the
submission version. However, a little extra at the beginning should save you a lot of time at the end plus
make everything clearer to the editors and reviewers.
Capitalize only the first letter of the title and the first letter of the subtitle, if any, as you would in any
sentence. Do not begin the title with a number, symbol, or Greek letter. Examples:
Beryl stability in local hydrothermal and chemical environments in a mineralized granite
Coordination of Ti4+ in silicate glasses: A high-resolution XANES spectroscopy study at the Ti K edge
Name and addresses of authors
Names should be typed normally, not with all caps and not in small caps. All names are listed together with
commas as appropriate and "and" used before the last author. Addresses should be keyed to the author's
name with superscript numbers, with the address typed normally. Example:
Don Jones1,* and Hilda Smith2
1Department of Earth Sciences, University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin 00000, U.S.A.
2Department of Geology, University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois 00000, U.S.A.
* Present address: Department of Geology, University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois 00000, U.S.A. E-mail:
(If the second author had a change of address, then the (dagger) symbol would be used, and so on for
multiple authors.)
The abstract should state concisely in no more than 250 words what was done and what was concluded.
The abstract should include important numbers (e.g., temperature range, compressibility, thermodynamic
data). Literature citations should not appear in the abstract. NEW: Immediately following the abstract
should be a line of keywords, e.g.: Keyword: rock, mineral, whatever, whatever! Pick words that will aid a
computer-google-type search of and for your paper.
Boldface, Italic, Super- and Subscripts. Please use these appropriately, for example variables are italic and
vectors are bold. Please be sure to use super- and subscripts, not raised or lowered type. We prefer use of
the font "Times" and we do not need titles larger than body copy or the references smaller; in fact,
everything should be 12 type.
Special Characters. Special characters include en- and em-dashes, Greek letters, and mathematical symbols.
You must use the "Symbol" font for greek letters and symbols as much as possible--not the special
characters from the "insert special character" box unless there is no other option. Do not use homemade
characters such as lower-case, superscript "o" for the degree sign. You can use Word equation editor or
Mathtype to create display equations. For small expressions with stacked characters DO NOT USE AN
EQUATION PROGRAM. If X0i is your expression, and the zero and i should be stacked, merely say so
at the top of your file and on your hardcopy. Likewise you can say {note to typesetting} at any point, for
example {note to typesetting, these minus signs are overbars on top of the 1}.
Note that words and mineral names and numbers are never italic, for example "Ca" would never be italic,
nor would the "o" for "observations" or the "c" for "calculations."
Headings. Use headings to break the text into sections. The first word and any proper names are
capitalized. Only three orders of headings may be used: main or first-order headings (centered),
second-order headings (on a line by itself, flush left), and third-order headings (after a paragraph indention,
bold, and followed by a period). The heading style used in these guidelines is consistent with that in the
journal. If subheadings are used, there must be at least two subheadings under a heading.
Usage and style. American spelling and usage according to Webster's Third New International Dictionary
of the English Language are standard in the journal. To promote clarity, American Mineralogist usually
follows the recommendations of the Chicago Manual of Style regarding capitalization, hyphenation, and
use of commas. Please note that we do not hyphenate numbers and units even when used as a modifier
(e.g., 5 mm diameter holes). Many items formerly typeset in italics are now typeset in roman (e.g., et al.),
and a check of a recent issue may prevent unnecessary work that must be fixed by the Editorial Office.
Presentation of mathematical equations is patterned after Mathematics into Type (Swanson 1979). In
general, variables are italicized; numbers, functions, and constants are roman. Greek letters are already
slanted and should not be further italicized. Examples of symbols that should be italicized are listed in
Table 1 . Bold face type is reserved exclusively for vectors. Polytypes are italicized, but site labels are
roman (e.g., muscovite-2M1, but M1 site). Complex notation, for example subscripts to subscripts or
overbars, could be explained to the Editorial Office in a letter or marginal note so that the manuscript can
typeset correctly, if you have any concern.
Rules for Estimated Standard Deviation. Precision of measurement may be indicated as 1.781 ± 0.002, if
0.002 represents a subjective estimate of the measurement error. Where sufficient data permit calculation
of the estimated standard deviation (esd), indicate it as e.g. 1.781(2), indicating an observed value of 1.781
with an esd of 0.002. Only significant digits shall be given for the observed value, i.e. esd's in parentheses
should be given as single digit integers. American Mineralogist as a policy requests that all measured
values have to be accompanied by some indication on the uncertainty. Ideally this should be a properly
calculated standard uncertainty. Only in exceptional cases, if scarcity of sample or some other special
circumstances prohibit any even subjective estimation of an uncertainty, this rule can be waved.
If simple reactions, equilibria, and mathematical equations do not need to be referred to later by a number,
they should be incorporated into the text, as, for example, y = mx + b. If mineral names must be centered
under reactants and products or if a space-consuming fraction is involved, however, the item should be set
off as a display (i.e., placed on a separate line by itself). Reactions, equilibria, and mathematical equations
that are referred to subsequently are displayed and numbered sequentially by using a number in
parentheses at the right margin. They should be referred to in the text as Equation 3, reaction 4, or
Equilibrium 5 (In parentheses they should be referred to as Eq. 3, reaction 4, or Equilibrium 5). Reactions
and equations are punctuated as part of the sentence; for example, the FMQ buffer reaction is
3Fe2SiO4 + O2 = 2Fe3 O4 +3SiO2.