OAKLAND TECHNICAL HIGH SCHOOL ADVANCED ACADEMIC PROGRAMS Course Description & Syllabus Mr. Fairly AP Physics Richard.Fairly@ousd.k12.ca.us The AP Physics course is a college-level course that uses advanced algebra, trigonometry, and calculus as the primary tools for solving problems. It is designed to provide a foundation in physics for students who will major in the physical sciences or engineering; it also provides a rigorous study of science for students who will pursue other majors. The goal of the course is to develop the student’s abilities to: Read, understand, and interpret physical information— verbally, mathematically, and graphically. Describe and explain the sequence of steps in the analysis of a particular physical phenomenon or problem by Room S-1 IMPORTANT STEPS IN LEARNING Through class activities, we introduce, reinforce, and practice new concepts. Through reading assignments, we learn the concepts more deeply. Through homework, we practice and apply the concepts. Through assessments, we show how well we know the concepts. 1. Describing the idealized model to be used in the analysis, including simplifying assumptions where necessary, 2. Stating the principles or definitions that are applicable, 3. Specifying relevant limitations on the application of these principles, 4. Carrying out and describing the steps of the analysis—verbally or mathematically, and 5. Interpreting the results or conclusions, including discussion of particular cases of special interest. Use basic mathematical reasoning—algebra, geometry, trigonometry, or calculus, where appropriate—in a physical situation or problem. Perform experiments and interpret the results of observations, including making an assessment of experimental uncertainties. In keeping with the goals of Oakland Tech’s Engineering Academy, the course focuses on the topics in the AP Physics C – Mechanics exam, with the addition of waves, thermodynamics, electricity, magnetism and relativity, as time permits. Prerequisites: One-year of Physics P or Physics HP; Pre-calculus; concurrent enrollment in Calculus, or permission of instructor. Textbooks: Primary text: Cutnell & Johnson, Physics, 7th edition (Wiley, 2007); supplemental text: Halliday & Resnick, Fundamentals of Physics, 6th edition (Wiley, 2000) AP Exams: There are separate Physics C Exams in Mechanics and Electricity/Magnetism; both are calculusbased. At Oakland Tech, the AP Physics course prepares students to take the Physics C – Mechanics exam. Calculator Policy: The exam consists of 35 multiple-choice problems that must be answered without using a calculator, and three free-response problems on which any kind of calculator may be used (but no QWERTY keyboards are allowed). The student will not be required to erase the calculator’s memory before or after the exam. Even so, the exam is designed and graded to minimize the need to do lengthy calculations. Tables containing commonly used physics equations are provided as part of the freeresponse section of the exam. ATTENDANCE POLICY 1. Don’t be absent. Attend all classes. The amazing discussions we will have are only available in class. 2. Don’t be tardy. The daily warm-up at the beginning of class each day is important for success. 3. There is no excuse for turning in homework late. Homework study sessions are available on Monday (not the 1st Monday of the month), Tuesday, or Friday, by arrangement. 4. Don’t miss a test. The day of the test is when the class is most prepared for it. A practice test will be discussed on the day before each chapter test. Sample questions for the mastery test will be provided throughout the semester. Make-up tests must be scheduled after school ASAP on Monday, Tuesday, or Friday. GRADING POLICY As far as possible, the student’s grade will show the level of mastery of the essential concepts of AP Physics. Graded Activities: Assessments: In-class tests, take-home tests, mastery tests, and lab tests show how well the student has learned the concepts and skills after adequate time to study and practice. These count toward the final grade. Demonstrations and Presentations: Each student will give a presentation or demonstration to the class at least once per semester after adequate time to prepare and practice. Non-graded Activities: Grading Scale A+ 98% A 93% A– 90% B+ 89% B 80% C+ 79% C 70% D+* 69% D* 60% F* 0% Quizzes and homework: These give the student an opportunity to try out new formulas and vocabulary without being penalized for mistakes. They are required but not graded. Unfinished work or quizzes will be made up after school no later than one week after the due date. Daily warm-ups: These provide a brief review at the beginning of each class. They are an introduction to the topic for the day. They are required but not graded. Reading Assignments: These provide the vocabulary and concepts for class each day. Students will be called on to use the vocabulary and concepts in class discussions. They are required but not graded. Lab Investigations: These provide opportunities for students to apply physics concepts and learn new lab skills. They let the students do open-ended thinking and experimentation. Students will be asked to comment on their observations, hypotheses, and conclusions. Students who don’t participate in a lab during class will make it up after school within 2 days. Lab notebooks will be used, and several lab reports will be required during the year. *not passing HOMEWORK POLICY Students should expect to spend 4 – 8 hours per week outside of class on physics homework. A scientific or graphing calculator (TI-82, or equivalent) is required to do the problems. Students are encouraged to form study groups at the beginning of the year and to work together in completing problems. Short homework assignments are due the next day. Longer problem sets are due 3-5 days after they are assigned. Students are expected to think seriously about each homework problem, but perfection is not required. It is better to go as far as possible independently and then get feedback from the teacher, even if there are mistakes. Students will learn more from their mistakes than from cheating. Lab reports are generally due the week after they are assigned. A rubric will be used to assure that the lab report is complete. MASTERY TESTS Mastery tests will be given after studying major topics. They will be modeled after the AP exam format with 10 multiple-choice questions and 1 free-response question. The final exam will be a mastery test that covers the entire semester—one for the fall and one for the spring. A student who does extra studying after a mastery test may schedule a re-test after school. The higher score will be counted toward the student’s grade. ENGINEERING ACADEMY PROJECTS Engineering Academy students must start their spring semester projects for Architecture or 3D Modeling early enough so that they will be finished on time. Spring break is very late this year, and the projects need to be planned out several weeks before spring break. Students will not be excused from AP Physics to work on Engineering Academy projects. 2 AP PHYSICS SYLLABUS 2010-2011 1st Marking Period August 30 to October 7 (Grade cut-off October 1) 28 days Unit 1. Kinematics (5 weeks) Content and/or Skills Taught: Kinematics (including vectors, vector algebra, components of vectors, coordinate systems, displacement, velocity, and acceleration): Motion in one dimension; Motion in two dimensions, including projectile motion; Relative velocity. Major Assignments and/or Assessments: Problem Sets 1, 2, 3 and 4, which include representative problems for each of the key skills and concepts. Chapter Tests 2 and 3, which includes both objective and constructed-response questions for each of the key skills and concepts. Lab 1: The student will learn how to use the air track, gliders, and photogates to measure time intervals and displacement for various initial speeds. The student will use the photogates to measure displacements for time intervals in the range of 0.001 to 0.005 second and make approximations of instantaneous speed. The student will use time and distance measurements to construct motion graphs. Lab 2: The student will use the gliders and photogates with the air track at different angles to collect data of accelerated motion. The student will construct motion graphs of velocity and acceleration and will calculate average velocities and average accelerations using the slopes of the graphs. Lab 3: The student will use motion detectors and computer-generated motion graphs to study the effects of various accelerations on distance vs. time and velocity vs. time graphs. 2nd Marking Period October 11 to November 19 (Grade cut-off November 12) 29 days Lab 4: The student will measure the acceleration due to gravity using (1) photogates and (2) motion detectors. The student will compare the results of the two measurement methods and evaluate their accuracy. Lab 5: The student will study the motion of a projectile using a marble launcher, photogate, and ruler. The student will calculate horizontal and vertical components of initial velocity. The student will use the components of initial velocity to predict the range of a projectile, and evaluate the accuracy of the trial, analyzing errors that might have occurred. Unit 2. Dynamics (4 weeks) Content and/or Skills Taught: Forces; Newton’s First Law of Motion (inertia); Newton’s Second Law of Motion (acceleration of a mass); Newton’s Third Law of Motion (action and reaction forces); Specially designated forces (weight, normal force, tension, friction); Free-body diagrams. Major Assignments and/or Assessments: Problem Sets 5 and 6, which include representative problems for each of the key skills and concepts. Chapter Test 4, which includes both objective and constructed-response questions for each of the key skills and concepts. Lab 6: The student will use a falling mass attached to an air track glider to study the relationship between force and acceleration for a known mass. Lab 7: The student will use a spring scale and a suspended known mass to study the effects of (1) raising the spring scale at a constant speed and (2) raising the spring scale so that it accelerates upward. The student will design a method to raise a spring scale with constant acceleration. Lab 8: The student will use a friction block and an inclined surface at various angles to measure the coefficient of friction between the two surfaces. Lab 9: The student will measure the range of a projectile (marble) using a known launch angle to calculate the launch force given to the projectile. The student will find the optimal launch angle that will yield the greatest range using experimental methods. 3 Unit 3. Work, Energy, Power (3 weeks) Content and/or Skills Taught: Work, Energy, Power: Work and work-kinetic energy theorem; Conservative forces and potential energy; Potential energy diagrams; Conservation of mechanical energy; Conservation of total energy (with work done by friction); Power. Major Assignments and/or Assessments: Problem Sets 8 and 9, which include representative problems for each of the key skills and concepts. Chapter Test 6, which includes both objective and constructed-response questions for each of the key skills and concepts. Mastery Test 2, which covers projectile motion, inclined surfaces with friction, and conservation of mechanical energy. Lab 11: The student will study conservation of mechanical energy using a marble, photogates, and a straight track at various angles, measuring initial height and final velocity. The student will study conservation of mechanical energy using a marble, photogates, and a loop track with various initial heights. Lab 12: The student will study the work done by a rope on a known mass, with and without a block and tackle assembly. The student will study the mechanical advantage of various combinations of ropes and pulleys. Lab 13: The student will study the mechanical energy that is converted to thermal energy by the work of friction using an inclined straight track and a friction block. Lab 14: The student will study the power required of the human body to lift various objects and climb various flights of stairs. The student will draw conclusions regarding the effects of different expenditures of power on the human body. Semester Final Exam (Mastery Problems) 3rd Marking Period November 29 to January 27 (Grade cut-off January 21) 34 days Unit 4. Uniform Circular Motion (2 weeks) Content and/or Skills Taught: Uniform Circular Motion: Measurements of circular motion; Centripetal acceleration; Newton’s Second Law with Uniform Circular Motion; Curved road surfaces; Vertical circular motion; Banked curves. Major Assignments and/or Assessments: Problem Set 13, which include representative problems for each of the key skills and concepts. Chapter Test 5, which includes both objective and constructed-response questions for each of the key skills and concepts. Lab 10: The student will study the tension required to provide the centripetal acceleration for a known mass moving at the end of a string tied to another known mass suspended from the string, with various radii and velocities. Unit 5. Systems of Particles, Impulse and Linear Momentum (4 weeks) Content and/or Skills Taught: Systems of Particles, Impulse and Linear Momentum: Center of mass; Impulse and momentum; Conservation of linear momentum; Systems of varying mass; Rocket equations; Collisions. Major Assignments and/or Assessments: Problem Sets 14, 15, 16, and 17, which include representative problems for each of the key skills and concepts. Chapter Test 7, which includes both objective and constructed-response questions for each of the key skills and concepts. Lab 15: The student will use experimental techniques to locate the center of mass of a flat (2-dimensional object) and a 3-dimensional object. The student will study the motion 4 of the center of mass of an irregularly shaped projectile. Lab 16: The student will study impulse and momentum using an elastic-band launcher with the air track and gliders of various masses. Lab 17: The student will study conservation of linear momentum in collisions of gliders of various masses on the air track. Lab 18: The student will study conservation of linear momentum and mechanical energy in collisions of swinging marbles, measuring initial heights and initial and final velocities. The student will analyze the results and develop conclusions regarding experimental error and loss of mechanical energy. Lab 19: The student will experience the effects of conservation of linear momentum in collisions in two dimensions using two human hovercrafts. The student will design various safe experiments to demonstrate conservation of momentum in 2-dimensional collisions using human hovercrafts. 4th Marking Period January 31 to March 11 (Grade cut-off March 4) 28 days Unit 6. Rotational Kinematics and Dynamics (3 weeks) Content and/or Skills Taught: Rotational Kinematics and Dynamics: Review of uniform circular motion; Rotational variables; Angular velocity and angular acceleration; Rolling motion; Vectors for angular motion; Torque; Rotational equilibrium; Newton’s Second Law for Rotation about a fixed axis; Rotational kinetic energy; Angular momentum and its conservation (point particles and extended bodies, including rotational inertia) Major Assignments and/or Assessments: Problem Sets 14 and 15, which include representative problems for each of the key skills and concepts. Chapter Tests 7 and 8, which include both objective and constructed-response questions for each of the key skills and concepts. Lab 20: The student will study the effects of applying a balanced and unbalanced torque to a body with a fixed axis. The student will measure acceleration using a suspended mass on a string wound around a body with a fixed axis for various masses and various radii. Lab 21: The student will study the rotational inertia of cylinders of equal mass but different configurations by rolling them down an incline of various angles. Lab 22: The student will study the conservation of angular momentum of a mass at the end of a string. The student will study the conservation of angular momentum and Newton’s Second Law for Rotation using the precession of a spinning wheel allowed to rotate around a fixed axis (gyroscope). Unit 7. Gravitation and Satellite Motion (2 weeks) Content and/or Skills Taught: Gravitation: Newton’s law of universal gravitation; Orbits of planets and satellites (circular and general) Major Assignments and/or Assessments: Problem Set 16, which includes representative problems for each of the key skills and concepts. Lab 23: The student will use astronomical data to verify Kepler’s laws of planetary motion. The student will draw diagrams and measure areas to verify Kepler’s Law of Areas. 5th Marking Period March 7 to April 29 (Grade cut-off April 15) 29 days Unit 8. Oscillations (3 weeks) Content and/or Skills Taught: Oscillations: Simple harmonic motion (dynamics and energy relationships); Mass on a spring; Pendulum and other oscillations. Major Assignments and/or Assessments: Problem Set 17, which includes representative problems for each of the key skills and 5 concepts. Chapter Test 10, which includes both objective and constructed-response questions for each of the key skills and concepts. Lab 24: The student will design and build a mechanical oscillator using strings, blocks, marbles, springs, elastic bands, and/or curved tracks. The student will gather data about the oscillating motion and plot the data. The student will compare and contrast the motion graphs of various oscillators and develop conclusions regarding experimental error and loss of mechanical energy. Lab 25: The student will create a standing wave in a string and study the effects of various frequencies on the shape of the wave (resonance and harmonics). Review for AP Exam (Physics C: Mechanics) (3 weeks) 6th Marking Period May 2 to June 16 (Seniors June 10) AP Exam – Physics C: Mechanics Unit 9. Special topics: Electric charges, fields, and currents (as time permits) Content and/or Skills Taught: Electric charges and fields; Capacitors; DC circuits; Ohm’s Law. (Physics C Exam May 10, 12:00 p.m.) Unit 10. Special topics: Thermodynamics (as time permits) (Grade cut-off June 7) Thermodynamics: Heat, Work, Engines 28 days Content and/or Skills Taught: Content and/or Skills Taught: Unit 11. Special topics: Optics (as time permits) Optics: Reflection; Refraction; Lenses; Real and virtual images; Diffraction and polarization Unit 12. Special topics: Relativity and Nuclear Physics (as time permits) Final Exam 6