CITY OF SHAWNEE CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES AUGUST 11, 1997 7:30 P.M. Council President Meyers called the meeting of August 11, 1997, to order at 7:34 p.m. in the Shawnee City Hall Council Chambers. Councilmembers present were: Councilmembers Truitt, Segale, Goode, Breitenstein, Severance, and Douglas. Absent was: Councilmember Snell. Others present were: City Manager Montague, Public Works Director Freyermuth, Project Engineer Lindstrom, City Engineer Wesselschmidt, Deputy City Clerk Charlesworth, Police Chief Hayselden, Fire Chief Hartley, Planning Director Chaffee, City Attorney Rainey, and Parks and Recreation Director Lodge. Council President Meyers welcomed the public and all stood and recited the Pledge of Allegiance. Members of the public who spoke were: Oscar McKinley, Director of Unified Children (Item 7), Don Fos, 16085 Gillman Road, Leavenworth (Items 11 & 13a), Carol Cox, 5475 Clare (Item 13a), Mike Cox, 5475 Clare (Item 13a), James Masson, 6500 Mize Road (Item 13c), Pete Heaven, 6021 Earnshaw (Mayor's Items), and Brian Woolley, 608 W. 70th Terr, Kansas City, Missouri, Wonderscope boardmember (Misc. Council Item b). Council President Meyers stated that he would be conducting the City Council meeting because Mayor Allen was out of town. CONSENT AGENDA 1. APPROVE MINUTES FROM THE CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF JULY 28, 1997. 2. REVIEW MINUTES FROM THE PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING OF JULY 21, 1997. 3. REVIEW MINUTES FROM THE FINANCE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE MEETING OF AUGUST 5, 1997. 4. REVIEW MINUTES FROM THE PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY BOARD MEETING OF JUNE 5, 1997. 5. CONSIDER CHANGE ORDER NO. 1 (FINAL) FOR STORMWATER DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS, FLINT AVENUE, JOHNSON DRIVE TO 59TH STREET AND 59TH STREET WEST OF FLINT STORM DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENT. The contract was awarded to Larkin Excavating, Inc., Lansing, Kansas, on April 14, 1997, in the amount of $69,911.35. This change order reflects a net decrease of $4,471.24. The new contract amount for the project is $65,440.11. 6. CONSIDER CHANGE ORDER NO. 1 FOR ROOF REPAIRS TO THE SHAWNEE PUBLIC SAFETY CENTER. PAGE 2 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES AUGUST 11, 1997 The contract was awarded to Midwest Roofing Contractors, Inc., Olathe, on April 28, 1997, in the amount of $83,800. This change order reflects a net increase of $7,000. The new contract amount for the project is $90,800. Councilmember Goode, seconded by Councilmember Severance, moved to approve the entire consent agenda. The motion carried 7-0. PUBLIC ITEMS 7. CONSIDER REQUEST TO HOLD THE UNIFIED CHILDREN’S 5 MILE RUN/WALK. Council President Meyers stated that Oscar McKinley, Director of Facility, submitted a request to hold the Unified Children’s 5 Mile Run/Walk on Sunday, August 2, 1998. He said that the 5 mile course in 1998 will be the same as in 1997. He said that the estimated cost for the 1997 race is $5,064.00. Councilmember Goode asked if the $5,064.00 cost included everything for last year's Unified Children’s 5 Mile Run/Walk. City Manager Montague stated yes. Council President Meyers asked if the Unified Children’s 5 Mile Run/Walk was different than the other race the City had held. City Manager Montague stated the other race is held in conjunction with Old Shawnee Days and this is a separate race with a different course. He said this race is a little harder to control, but he did not believe that there were any problems. Police Chief Hayselden stated that there had been no problems. Councilmember Severance asked if the City incurred the $5,064.00 cost. Council President Meyers stated that Oscar McKinley paid the $5,064.00, so there was no cost to the City. OSCAR MCKINLEY, Director of Unified Children, stated that the 1998 Unified Children’s 5 Mile Run/Walk would have the same course as the 1997 race. He said that the 1997 race had a pretty good turnout. Councilmember Severance, seconded by Councilmember Truitt, moved to approve the Unified Children’s 5 Mile Run/Walk to be held on Sunday, August 2, 1998. The motion carried 7-0. 8. CONSIDER RESOLUTION SETTING PUBLIC HEARING FOR RPS, INC. Council President Meyers stated that RPS, Inc., 8000 Cole Parkway, is requesting tax incentives on Phase II of their building project in the form of tax abatements under Article XI, Section 13 of the State Constitution. AUGUST 11, 1997 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES PAGE 3 Councilmember Segale asked if this item is to let RPS, Inc. have a public hearing. Councilmember Truitt stated yes. Councilmember Truitt, seconded by Councilmember Goode, moved to adopt a resolution setting a public hearing for August 25, 1997, on the proposed exemptions or abatements of ad valorem taxes for RPS, Inc., 8000 Cole Parkway, Phase II. The motion carried 7-0. Having passed, Resolution 1067 was assigned. 9. CONSIDER RESOLUTION DECLARING IT NECESSARY TO APPROPRIATE PRIVATE PROPERTY FOR THE USE OF THE CITY FOR THE IMPROVEMENT OF 57TH STREET AND WESTGATE DRIVE STORM DRAINAGE, P.N. 3208. Councilmember Truitt, seconded by Councilmember Goode, moved to adopt a resolution declaring it necessary to appropriate private property for the use of the City for the improvement of 57th Street and Westgate Drive, P.N. 3208, storm drainage and authorizing a survey and description of the land or interest to be acquired. The motion carried 7-0. Having passed, Resolution 1068 was assigned. 10. CONSIDER PASSAGE OF ORDINANCE FOR THE ACQUISITION OF LAND OR AN INTEREST THEREIN BY CONDEMNATION FOR THE IMPROVEMENT OF 57TH STREET AND WESTGATE DRIVE STORM DRAINAGE, P.N. 3208. Councilmember Goode, seconded by Councilmember Segale, moved to pass an ordinance for the acquisition of land or an interest therein by condemnation for the improvement of 57th Street and Westgate Drive storm drainage, P.N. 3208. The motion carried 7-0. Having passed, Ordinance 2333 was assigned. 11. CONSIDER RESOLUTION DECLARING IT NECESSARY TO APPROPRIATE PRIVATE PROPERTY FOR THE USE OF THE CITY FOR THE IMPROVEMENT OF NORTH OF 55TH STREET AND EAST OF OLD K-7 HIGHWAY STORM DRAINAGE, P.N. 3211. Council President Meyers stated that this resolution declares it necessary to appropriate private property for the use of the City for the improvement of north of 55th Street and east of Old K-7 Highway storm drainage and authorizing a survey and description of the land or interest to be acquired. DON FOS, 16085 Gillman Road, Leavenworth, stated he represents Highcrest Development. He said that the storm drainage improvement the City is making flows right onto his property. He indicated that he is trying to get permission (he made application and was denied recently due to lack of engineering) to get a ditch moved over on his property. He noted that he is opposed to doing the project until he gets approval from the State to move the watershed. He stated it is increasing the flow of water coming in and it is going to do some damage to the property. He noted that the proposal is to put rip-rap on that area. He stated that he is trying to keep it from extending the 120 feet into his property. PAGE 4 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES AUGUST 11, 1997 Council President Meyers asked if DON FOS had discussions with City engineers. DON FOS stated yes. City Engineer Wesselschmidt stated there is a subdivision called Driftwood Acres off 55th Street and Old K-7 Hwy. He said currently there is an open drainage ditch that picks up drainage from agricultural ground, takes it underneath Old K-7 Hwy, and it is an open channel that runs in behind the homes. He noted that the open channel then drains into a north open channel onto DON FOS's property. He indicated that it would be an enclosed system until it gets through the subdivided properties and at the end of that pipe there would be rip-rap to control the velocity exiting the pipe as it ties into the drainage channel that goes in a northerly direction. DON FOS stated that he is asking to keep that flow onto his property as close to the property line as possible while allowing him to move the channel approximately 40 - 50 feet from the west property line. City Engineer Wesselschmidt stated they originally had it extended further onto DON FOS's property, but they had to shorten that up. He said it saves the City money and gives DON FOS more flexibility with his undeveloped land. Councilmember Meyers asked if this request seemed reasonable to staff. City Engineer Wesselschmidt stated yes. He said that staff is incorporating DON FOS's comments. DON FOS stated it is less than 160 acres drainage from the south to the west at the particular point where he wants to move the ditch. City Engineer Wesselschmidt stated that this item is referring to the City project, not DON FOS's proposal. DON FOS stated that there is another proposal that will come in on 55th Street. City Engineer Wesselschmidt stated that DON FOS has a plan before the City, that is also under review at the State level, to realign the drainage channel. He said that DON FOS is wanting to regrade that channel and move it along his west property line. Councilmember Goode asked to what extent moving that would help DON FOS. DON FOS stated this would move the floodplain away from everything and keep it away from the houses to the west, more than 60 feet. He indicated that this would give him the opportunity to put a road in. He noted that the land to the south has a shopping center that has been approved and they want to take another 210 feet to give Crouch's Corner access to the property. AUGUST 11, 1997 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES PAGE 5 City Engineer Wesselschmidt stated that refers to another item later on the agenda. DON FOS stated it affects his property. Councilmember Goode asked if Council's decision would alter his plans. Councilmember Truitt stated no. She said that Council would take note of that. DON FOS stated that he would really appreciate it because pretty soon he is not going to have any frontage. Councilmember Truitt, seconded by Councilmember Goode, moved to adopt a resolution declaring it necessary to appropriate private property for the use of the City for the improvement of north of 55th Street and east of Old K-7 Highway, P.N. 3211, storm drainage, and authorizing a survey and description of the land or interest to be acquired. The motion carried 7-0. Having passed, Resolution 1069 was assigned. 12. CONSIDER PASSAGE OF ORDINANCE FOR THE ACQUISITION OF LAND OR AN INTEREST THEREIN BY CONDEMNATION FOR THE IMPROVEMENT OF NORTH OF 55TH STREET AND EAST OF OLD K-7 HIGHWAY STORM DRAINAGE, P.N. 3211. Council President Meyers stated that this item is regarding the passage of an ordinance for the acquisition of land or an interest therein by condemnation for the improvement of north of 55th Street and east of Old K-7 Highway storm drainage. Councilmember Segale stated that there are two exhibits for DON FOS's land. He asked if that means the City would condemn those pieces of property. Council President Meyers asked City Engineer Wesselschmidt if both items are the same piece of property. City Engineer Wesselschmidt stated that one is a resolution and the other is an ordinance, and both are needed for the City to take action. Councilmember Segale asked if DON FOS was talking about moving the drain. He asked if that was just the frontage. City Engineer Wesselschmidt stated the City has a number of items going on with DON FOS: 1) the drainage project, 2) the 55th Street project, and 3) DON FOS's drainage proposal on his property. He noted that staff is working with DON FOS on all these items. Councilmember Truitt, seconded by Councilmember Goode, moved to pass an ordinance for the acquisition of land or an interest therein by condemnation for the improvement of north of 55th Street and east of Old K-7 Highway storm drainage, P.N. 3211. The motion carried 7-0. Having passed, Ordinance 2334 was assigned. PAGE 6 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES AUGUST 11, 1997 COUNCIL ITEMS 13. CONSIDER THE FOLLOWING ITEMS FROM THE FINANCE ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE MEETING OF AUGUST 5, 1997. a) AND Final Plans For 55th Street - Clare Road to K-7 Highway, P.N. 3222. Councilmember Douglas stated that the Committee recommended 4-0 that Council approve the final plans for 55th Street - Clare Road to K-7 Highway, P.N. 3222. Councilmember Severance stated that he thought Council would be voting on funding. He said there would be discussion regarding this item on Saturday, August 16, 1997, with residents and staff. He asked City Engineer Wesselschmidt if it would be acceptable to table this item for two weeks pending the discussion. Public Works Director Freyermuth stated it would not interrupt staff's schedule on this item. He said staff does intend to advertise this item for bid in the next few weeks, but tabling the item for two weeks would not affect the schedule. He indicated that staff could still make adjustments to the plan even if it was advertised. Councilmember Severance stated that something could accompany the bid sent out, possibly an addendum to the bid package pending what is decided at the meeting. He said while visiting the Cox’s home, he was under the impression that Council would be approving funding, but Council is approving final plans. He indicated that it does not make sense to approve final plans, when this item would be discussed on August 16, 1997. CAROL COX, 5475 Clare, stated at the August 5, 1997 Finance & Administration Committee meeting she voiced a complaint that they had no representation. She thanked Councilmember Severance who she said had made a commitment to spend more time on this issue, which she appreciated. She noted that Councilmember Breitenstein had also committed time to this issue. She indicated that there would be a meeting at her house Saturday, August 16, 1997, at 1:00 p.m., and all residents were welcome to come to the meeting. Councilmember Severance stated that he did not want to give a false impression that the project is not going to go through. He said that it is his intention that this project go through, but that Council give more consideration specifically to the turn lanes. MIKE COX, 5475 Clare, stated that they have lived there for 22 years and he had visited with long term neighbors on Clare Road. He said that those neighbors have documents dating back to the mid 1840’s (pre Civil War) regarding those roads. He indicated this is the original road that went down to Cook’s Landing where they pulled the ferry across the road. He noted that there are trees and a wagon trail on Clare Road and he would like to have someone from the Parks Department come out to look at their tree. AUGUST 11, 1997 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES PAGE 7 Councilmember Truitt stated that she had looked at the tree the other day and it is a nice tree. MIKE COX stated that they have a hedge tree that is probably the oldest tree in the area. He said this is a major historical area where there are older trees that were there before the Civil War. He noted that the historical cemetery is 130 years old and is not the oldest thing in that area. He indicated that the City should probably have a tree expert come out. DON FOS, 16085 Gillman Road, Leavenworth, stated that he did not understand how the assessments on this property had been allocated. He said it seems as if a line had been drawn around circles to benefit some people and not others. He indicated it is not to his or nine other landowner's benefit to pay the total assessment, when there are 50 people who would pay no assessments whatsoever on this project. City Manager Montague stated that the City creates a benefit district by assessing those properties that are subject to potential development. He indicated the properties that are single family dwellings already developed and which would not be developed further, would not be assessed. He said that DON FOS has development property and consequently is on the list for assessment. Councilmember Goode stated that is how the City has been doing it for years. DON FOS stated that the Kansas Statutes say it should be done fairly with potential equal burden to all property owners. City Manager Montague stated that the City understands that, and notification was given and a public hearing held with discussion in the Council Chambers. DON FOS stated that he was in the hospital at that time. He asked if the proposal to take the frontage off his property would bring down the front footage of the property he owns. City Manager Montague stated generally assessments are based on the front footage at $110/foot. DON FOS asked if the City takes 200 - 210 feet, does he still have to pay for that. He said that he has 398 feet according to the City's book, although that number may vary according to different maps and depending on whose survey a person looked at. City Manager Montague stated he did not think it would not make any difference in terms of the assessment, but he would be glad to have the City Attorney discuss it with DON FOS in greater length. DON FOS asked if he would have to pay the full assessment. PAGE 8 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES AUGUST 11, 1997 City Manager Montague stated yes, based upon what DON FOS was saying, but it could be looked into further. Councilmember Severance, seconded by Councilmember Goode, moved to table the final plans for 55th Street - Clare Road to K-7 Highway, P.N. 3222, to the August 25, 1997 City Council meeting, pending the August 16, 1997 meeting at the Cox's home. The motion carried 7-0. b) Target Industry List. Councilmember Douglas stated that the Committee recommended 4-0 that Council approve the Target Industry List. Councilmember Douglas, seconded by Councilmember Goode, moved to approve the Target Industry List with the addition of computer software development, pharmaceutical, veterinary medicine, research and development, and the storing of goods and commodities, with clarification of item no. 4 that no hazardous material be stored. The motion carried 7-0. c) Official City Newspaper. Councilmember Douglas stated that the Committee recommended 4-0 that Council continue using the Journal Herald for all legal advertising unless the timing of publication creates a legal notification problem. James Masson, 6500 Mize Road, stated the Journal Herald is the only paper that serves all of Shawnee and talks about the whole City. He suggested that the City discontinue the publication of CityLine because it does not reach every Shawnee resident. He noted discontinuing the CityLine would save money that could be spent elsewhere. He indicated that the City should encourage all departments to issue press releases to the Journal Herald. Councilmember Douglas, seconded by Councilmember Breitenstein, moved to continue using the Journal Herald for all legal advertising unless the timing of publication creates a legal notification problem. The motion carried 7-0. MAYOR’S ITEMS Councilmember Meyers asked Pete Heaven to introduce the Shawnee Mission Northwest High School Varsity Tennis Team. PETE HEAVEN, 6021 Earnshaw, stated that Shawnee Mission Northwest High School is very proud of their Varsity Tennis Team and for the first time Shawnee Mission Northwest won the State Tennis Championship on May 23-24, 1997. He introduced Justin Hulsey, Ryan Popek, Dustin Franzen, Bill Busch, and Graham Heaven. BUSINESS FROM THE FLOOR AUGUST 11, 1997 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES PAGE 9 There was no Business from the Floor. STAFF ITEMS 14. CONSIDER BIDS FOR SHARON LANE TO 59TH STREET (EAST OF NIEMAN) STORMWATER DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS, P.N. 3194. Council President Meyers stated that at the July 28, 1997 City Council meeting, Council voted to have this item rebid. He said that rebids were received on August 5, 1997, for the Sharon Lane to 59th Street (east of Nieman Road) stormwater drainage improvement project, P.N. 3194. Councilmember Truitt, seconded by Councilmember Goode, moved to award the bid to Meadows Construction Company, Inc., Tonganoxie, Kansas, in the amount of $949,116, for the Sharon Lane to 59th Street (east of Nieman Road) stormwater drainage improvement project, P.N. 3194, with the total estimated cost of the project at $1,367,200, with SMAC funding $935,000, and the City’s portion $432,200. The motion carried 7-0. 15. CONSIDER BIDS FOR STORM DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS NEAR 57TH STREET AND WESTGATE DRIVE, P.N. 3208. Council President Meyers stated that bids were received on August 5, 1997, for storm drainage improvements near 57th Street and Westgate Drive. Councilmember Goode, seconded by Councilmember Segale, moved to award the bid to Pyramid Excavation and Construction, Inc., Shawnee, in the amount of $258,000, for storm drainage improvements near 57th Street and Westgate Drive, P.N. 3208, with the total estimated cost of the project at $381,500, with SMAC funding $264,500, and the City’s portion $117,000. The motion carried 7-0. 16. CONSIDER BIDS FOR MAURER ROAD INTERCHANGE, 65TH STREET TO 67TH STREET, SHAWNEE STATION PROJECT I.D. 3219b. Council President Meyers stated that bids were received on August 5, 1997, for the Maurer Road Interchange, 65th Street to 67th Street, Shawnee Station, P.N. 3219b. He said that this contract includes the removal and replacement of existing bridge and pavement, installation of curb, sidewalk, storm sewer facilities and a partial cloverleaf interchange. Councilmember Goode asked if the City asked for other bids on this project. Public Works Director Freyermuth stated that there were a total of six bidders on this project. Councilmember Douglas stated that the budgeted amount was $3,900,000. She asked if street lighting and signals for this portion of the work were included or would they be bid separately. Public Works Director Freyermuth stated that it would be bid separately. PAGE 10 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES AUGUST 11, 1997 Councilmember Douglas asked if that is included in the $3,900,000 budgeted amount. Public Works Director Freyermuth stated no. He said it is a separate construction budget, the total project budget. Councilmember Douglas, seconded by Councilmember Goode, moved to award the bid to Clarkson Construction Company, Kansas City, Missouri, in the amount of $3,375,874.59, for the Maurer Road Interchange, 65th Street to 67th Street, Shawnee Station, P.N. 3219b, including the removal and replacement of existing bridge and pavement, installation of curb, sidewalk, storm sewer facilities and a partial cloverleaf interchange. The motion carried 7-0. 17. CONSIDER BIDS FOR LACKMAN ROAD RETAINING WALL, P.N. 3179a. Council President Meyers stated that bids were received on July 29, 1997, for the Lackman Road retaining wall. Councilmember Severance asked if this was the east wall. Public Works Director Freyermuth stated yes. Councilmember Severance stated he understood that the City was thinking about alternatives like $80,000. Public Works Director Freyermuth stated the net difference is approximately that. He said the original contract for Lackman Road improvements has a deduction of over $100,000, offsetting some of these costs. Councilmember Goode said this is a big wall and asked Public Works Director Freyermuth if he was certain that the construction would be correct and lasting over the years. Public Works Director Freyermuth stated that staff feels that this contractor is capable of doing this project. He said staff has to publicly announce and accept bids from all contractors and review them. He noted that the indications are that this contractor is capable of doing the wall. Councilmember Goode said the City could have a lot of trouble if the wall is not started out on the right base. Councilmember Breitenstein, seconded by Councilmember Segale, moved to award the bid to GC Construction Company, Inc., Blue Springs, Missouri, in the amount of $283,535, for the Lackman Road retaining wall, P.N. 3179a. The motion carried 7-0. MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS 18. CONSIDER APPROVAL OF SEMI-MONTHLY CLAIM FOR AUGUST 11, 1997, IN THE AMOUNT OF $1,331,452.89. AUGUST 11, 1997 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES PAGE 11 Councilmember Goode, seconded by Coucilmember Severance, moved to approve the semimonthly claim for August 11, 1997, in the amount of $1,331,452.89. The motion carried 7-0. 19. MISCELLANEOUS COUNCIL ITEMS. a) Canoe Ramp - Nelson Island Councilmember Truitt stated that she found out Shawnee has a canoe off-take ramp at the Wilder entrance/exit to the Nelson Island. She said that a person could go anywhere on the Kaw River all the way up to Minnesota and get off in Shawnee at the Wilder exit. b) Wonderscope's Moving Expenses--Fall, 1997. Council President Meyers stated that Wonderscope provided Council with moving expenses (Exhibit "A") directly before the meeting. Councilmember Breitenstein asked if Council had allocated an amount not to exceed $75,000, at the July 28, 1997 City Council meeting. City Manager Montague stated yes, if that was the intent. BRIAN WOOLLEY, 608 W. 70th Terr, Kansas City, Missouri, Wonderscope boardmember, stated that Wonderscope has tried to flush out the original preliminary estimate that was provided to Council, and in doing that they were not able to come up with exactly $75,000. He said that he does not believe that these are exact numbers. He noted that a lot of these items are estimates and rough guesses, but these are generally the kinds of things that Wonderscope is looking at and these are ballpark figures. He stated that if Council is willing to authorize more, Wonderscope would be happy to accept it, but Wonderscope understands that the present status is not to exceed $75,000, and if they go over that amount that would be at their own expense. Council President Meyers asked if Wonderscope had any updated information. BRIAN WOOLLEY stated that Wonderscope is continuing to negotiate with the Regnier family about the details of the lease for the Flint School. He said that a representative of the Regnier family and he met with City Manager Montague and Chief Codes Administrator Thompson about code issues. He indicated that Wonderscope is continuing towards getting everything finalized. He noted that the current plan is to be open at the Greenwood School through the end of August and then begin the moving process after that. Councilmember Segale stated that on the moving expense list there are custodials, utilities, and the funding of a new exhibit. He said those seem to be operating expenses. He said he supports saving Wonderscope, but at the same time he does not think it is right that the City provides for more than just saving Wonderscope. PAGE 12 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES AUGUST 11, 1997 BRIAN WOOLLEY stated Wonderscope's intention is not to have any ongoing support from the City on an operating basis. He said the custodial portion is to get the Flint building cleaned up to be used as a museum. He indicated that the Flint school has been empty since the School District moved out and it would need work to clean it up to be used. He noted that the utilities cover the period of time when Wonderscope would be in the Flint building working to put the exhibits back together. He stated that Wonderscope would not be receiving any revenue because they would not be open. He said once Wonderscope is open and a revenue generating operation, they will cover the utilities out of their own budget and not out of the City's money. Councilmember Segale stated that he had tried to contact someone at Wonderscope to find out if anyone had contacted Target or the development company to see if they could give Wonderscope some money. BRIAN WOOLLEY stated that Wonderscope has worked with Target by assisting them with their grand opening celebration in Olathe. He said Wonderscope has had conversations with the people at the Shawnee Station Target regarding a benefit or other types of financial support for Wonderscope. He indicated that the Shawnee Target would not be opening for awhile and whatever Wonderscope did with them would be tied into when they would open. Councilmember Segale stated Council approved up to $75,000, but it would be nice if the City could spend less than that amount. He said Wonderscope could accomplish the same thing through donations from a company like Target. BRIAN WOOLLEY stated Wonderscope has estimated $7,000 for a moving van, but they have had talked to some moving companies that might donate those services, and if that is the case, that would be $7,000 less of the City’s allocation. He said it builds community involvement and a bonding with those businesses. He indicated it is nice to have this safety net provided by the City. Councilmember Breitenstein asked what the feasibility study was for. BRIAN WOOLLEY stated the feasibility study relates to fundraising. He said Wonderscope hopes to do a feasibility study of the funding availability in the community and the approaches that might be taken to obtain funding on an ongoing basis. He noted that Wonderscope's plan has always been to tie the move to a more permanent location with the beginnings of an active campaign to generate a foundation to provide for Wonderscope's ongoing effort so they would not have to keep coming back to the City every year. Councilmember Breitenstein stated that in a meeting with RPS, they mentioned that they were interested in assisting and could provide trucks. BRIAN WOOLLEY stated that RPS had been in contact with Wonderscope's director, which is a lead they are following up on. AUGUST 11, 1997 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES PAGE 13 Councilmember Goode stated that anytime the City Council gets something on short notice he would like to see some fine tuning. Council President Meyers stated that Council appreciated receiving Wonderscope's moving expenses. He said that Council had asked for some itemized expenses that would be involved with the move. He noted that it would take time for Council to examine this document and asked if the item could be placed on the August 19, 1997 Public Works & Safety Committee meeting. Councilmember Severance asked if Council approved $75,000 contingent on receiving this document from Wonderscope and if this item required further action. Councilmember Truitt stated she thought Council had asked staff to find a means by which the City could actually fund $75,000. Council President Meyers stated that when this item was brought up before Council there was discussion of a $75,000 figure, but it was going to be based on seeing an itemized calculation of expenditures. He said if Council felt those calculations were prudent expenditures the City should help fund, then Council would approve up to the $75,000. He indicated that he did not think action needed to be taken at that evening's meeting. Councilmember Severance asked if there would be any action ever needed on this item. Council President Meyers stated if Council looks at the itemized list carefully, and if a Councilmember questions an item on the list, it could possibly be deleted. He said that he feels that option should be left open so Council would be satisfied with the items on the list and understand the type of funding the City would provide. Councilmember Severance asked if Council would be discussing this item at the next Public Works & Safety meeting. Council President Meyers stated yes. City Manager Montague stated that Council approved up to the $75,000, subject to approval of this document explaining how Wonderscope was going to spend the money. Councilmember Goode stated if Wonderscope could fine tune this document, Council would like to hear from them. Councilmember Segale stated if Council finds that it is not appropriate to fund the $18,000 for the "Raceways" exhibit, they could delete that amount of funding. He asked if Council promised to spend $75,000, or just up to that amount. Councilmember Truitt stated the City Council voted not to exceed $75,000. PAGE 14 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES AUGUST 11, 1997 Council President Meyers stated this item would be discussed at the August 19, 1997 Public Works & Safety Committee meeting and presented at the August 25, 1997 City Council meeting with a recommendation. Councilmember Breitenstein stated it would be safe to say that Wonderscope could proceed with their plans to move. BRIAN WOOLLEY stated he would like Council to look at this document before the Public Works & Safety Committee meeting. He said that Wonderscope has tried to get estimates from different companies to get as solid of figures as they could for these items in the time frame given. He indicated that he could guarantee that some of these items would be low. He noted that he hoped when Council reviews this information that they would be flexible with the overall budget figure that Council approved. ADJOURNMENT Councilmember Goode, seconded by Councilmember Douglas, moved to adjourn. The motion carried 7-0, and the meeting adjourned at 8:31 p.m. ____________________________ Sonya Fendorf Recording Secretary