Lenten Missionary Journey Kindergarten – 3rd Grade Introduction

Lenten Missionary Journey
Kindergarten – 3rd Grade
This program combines themes from Lent (especially the Stations of the Cross) with the experiences of
foreign and local missionaries who serve the poorest parts of the Church. Each week the students will
be introduced to a missionary (or missionaries) who is/are working in a particular field. You are
encouraged to read the story from the missionary to/with your students and share any photos or other
information (perhaps review a little about where the missionary is living). Following that, the students
can be encouraged to find the location on a world map. They should review the main points of the story
and then make a drawing of the events. There is a Lent-themed prayer that accompanies the lessen and
finally the students are encouraged to make a donation to the Missionary Childhood Association, which
supports the work done specifically with children around the world.
Jesus came to teach us love. On Good Friday he was given a cross to carry and he was crucified. He did
it because he loves us. On Easter Sunday He resurrected. We want to be like Jesus and follow his
example. So we walk with Him and all people who suffer. Someday we will all see the joy of the
resurrection too. We journey with Jesus this Lent by learning about the journeys that missionaries take
all over the world. They follow Jesus’ example of love with the people they serve.
Journey- A trip you take moving from one place to another, all the time and events it takes for a person
to travel or live
Lent- The 40 days that help us prepare for Easter. We remember how much Jesus loves us and that we
must follow His example.
Easter- The big celebration of the resurrection of Jesus after He was crucified on the cross (Good Fridaythe day Jesus died because he loves us)
Missionary- A person who follows the example of Jesus and takes His love to the people who need it,
Lenten Missionary Journey
4th – 6th Grades
This program combines themes from Lent (especially the Stations of the Cross) with the experiences of
foreign and local missionaries who serve the poorest areas in the Church. Each week the students will
be introduced to a missionary (or missionaries) who is working in a particular field. You will be
encouraged to read the story from the missionary and share any photos or other information (and
perhaps review a little about where the missionary is living). Following that, the students are
encouraged to find the location on a world map. They should review the main points of the story and
then answer some comprehension and reflection questions. There is a Lenten themed prayer that
accompanies the lesson and finally the students are encouraged to make a donation to the Missionary
Childhood Association, which supports the work done specifically with children around the world.
Jesus came with a message of love. On Good Friday at the end of His life, Jesus was given a cross to
carry to the hill of Calvary for His own crucifixion. He accepted this form of death because He loves us.
On Easter Sunday, He resurrected. During the season of Lent we remember that as His followers, we
must be like Jesus. So we walk with Him on the road to the crucifixion. Someday we will experience the
joy of resurrection too. We journey with Jesus this Lent by learning about the journeys that missionaries
take all over the world. They follow Jesus’s example of love with the people they serve.
Good Friday- The day that Jesus died on the cross. This is commemorated with abstinence from meat,
fasting and an observance of the Stations of the Cross. Parishes also hold liturgies with the veneration
of the cross and a reading of the passion story from the Gospel of John.
Crucifixion- An ancient Roman style of torture and execution where the victim carries the cross that he
will be killed by. The victim is nailed to the cross at the hands and feet and dies of exposure. (or
suffocation). This is the manner by which Jesus was killed.
Easter- The day of celebration when Jesus resurrected from the dead, as was witnessed by Mary
Magdalene. The tomb was discovered empty and the resurrected Christ appeared for the first time.
Lent- The 40 days of penance and preparation for the joy of Easter that the whole Catholic Church
observes, beginning with Ash Wednesday and ending on Holy Thursday evening.
Journey- The whole experience of travel or a period of time between two locations or events,
experiential, concerned not with the destination, but with what it takes to get there.
Missionary- A person who takes seriously Jesus’ call to all baptized Christians for bringing the Good
News of God’s love to all people everywhere.
Lenten Missionary Journey
7th – 12th Grades
This program combines themes from Lent (especially the Stations of the Cross) with the experiences of
foreign and local missionaries who serve the poorest parts of the Church. Each week the students will
be introduced to a missionary (or missionaries) who is working in a particular field (part of the world).
You will be encouraged to read the story from the missionary and share any photos or other information
(and perhaps review a little about where the missionary is living). Following that, the students can be
encouraged to find the location on a world map. They review the main points of the story and then
answer some comprehension and reflection questions. There is a Lenten themed prayer that can
accompany the lesson and finally the students are encouraged to make a donation to the Missionary
Childhood Association, which supports the work done specifically with children around the world.
For the six weeks of Lent, encourage the students to think about the life of a missionary. Read Mark 6:713. Just like Jesus’ 12 apostles, we have been sent on a mission to meet people and share the love of
Jesus (preach the Gospel). Imagine that you have been sent. What is it like on the journey? Place
yourself in the life of these missionaries each week. Where are they? What are they doing? Do you
think you would enjoy this kind of life?
Jesus came with a message of love. On Good Friday at the end of His life, Jesus was given a cross to
carry for His own crucifixion on the hill of Calvary. He accepted this form of death because He loves us.
On Easter Sunday, He resurrected! During the season of Lent we remember that as His followers, we
must be like Jesus. So we walk with Him on the road to the crucifixion. Someday we will experience the
joy of resurrection too. We journey with Jesus this Lent by learning about the journeys that missionaries
take all over the world. They follow Jesus’s example of love with the people they serve.
Good Friday- The day that Jesus died on the cross. This is commemorated with abstinence from meat,
fasting and an observance of the Stations of the Cross. Parishes also hold liturgies with the veneration
of the cross and a reading of the passion story from the Gospel of John.
Crucifixion- An ancient Roman style of torture and execution where the victim carries the cross that he
will die on. The victim is nailed to the cross at the hands and feet and dies of exposure (or suffocation).
This is the manner by which Jesus was killed.
Easter- The day of celebration when Jesus resurrected from the dead, as was witnessed by Mary
Magdalene. The tomb was discovered empty and the resurrected Christ appeared for the first time.
Lent- The 40 days of penance and preparation for the joy of Easter that the whole Catholic Church
observes, beginning with Ash Wednesday and ending on Holy Thursday evening.
Journey- The whole experience of travel or a period of time between two locations or events,
experiential, concerned not with the destination, but with what it takes to get there.
Missionary- A person who takes seriously Jesus’ call to all baptized Christians for bringing the Good
News of God’s love to all people everywhere.