February Lord, you told us to pray, to pray always, to pray with

Lord, you told us to pray, to pray always, to pray with confidence and never to lose heart. Yet
without your Holy Spirit, I cannot pray as you ask. In happiness, I forget your goodness; in difficulties,
your power and your love. Lord, send your Holy Spirit, Lord teach me to pray!
Help me to pray with Mary and the whole Church for the Pope’s intentions this month:
General: That migrant families, in particular mothers, may be sustained and accompanied in their
Missionary: That peoples experiencing war and conflicts may be the protagonists in the building of a
future of peace.
Holy Spirit of Love you moved the water and gave light and colour to our world. You fill all things
with life and beauty and give to our hearts the joy of love. Fill my mind today with your light so that I
may rejoice in your creation and in my happiness raise my heart to you.
As we rejoice in the gift of this new day in this new year, we pray with the whole Church for the
Pope’s intentions this month:
General: That respect for nature will grow, with the awareness that all creation is the work of God
entrusted to human responsibility.
Missionary: That bishops, priests and deacons may be tireless proclaimers of the Gospel to the ends
of the earth.
Lord, you are the Way. Draw us after you and give us the strength to follow.
You are the Truth. Convince us and make us humble of heart to learn.
You are the Life. Stir us to action and to love in the service of God and others.
I pray with Mary and the whole Church for the Pope’s intentions this month;
General: That the prayerful and public celebration of the faith may be a source of life for the faithful.
Missionary: That the particular Churches in mission territories may be a sign and instrument of hope
and resurrection.
Lord Jesus Christ, you came among us through Mary’s ‘yes’ to God. Help me this day to say ‘yes’ to
the Father’s call to me, so that in my words and actions in times of work and leisure, you can be
present in me through the power of the Eucharist to heal, to comfort, to sustain.
And I pray with Mary and the whole Church for the Pope’s intentions this month;
General: That those who administer justice will always act with integrity and upright conscience.
Missionary: That seminarians, especially from mission Churches, may always be pastors according to
the heart of Christ, fully devoted to the proclamation of the Gospel.
Loving Father, I offer you everything I do this day: my thoughts, works, joys and sufferings. I desire to
join my heart this day to the heart of your Son, who gave himself up totally to your service and to
the service of others. Give me your Spirit so that I can live like him, joined to his offering in the
With Mary, the mother of our Lord and of the Church, I pray for this month’s intentions as proposed
by the Holy Father:
General: That a culture of dialogue, listening and reciprocal respect may prevail among the nations.
Missionary: That in the areas where the influx of secularization is strongest, Christian communities
may learn to effectively promote a new evangelization.
Father, we honour the heart, of your son broken by man’s cruelty, yet symbol of love’s triumph,
pledge of all that man is called to be. Teach us to see Christ in the lives we touch, to offer him living
worship by love-filled service to our brothers and sisters.
And I pray with the whole Church for the Pope’s intentions this month;
General: That the World Youth Day taking place in Brazil may encourage all young Christians to
become disciples and missionaries of the Gospel.
Missionary: That throughout the Asian continent, doors may be opened to the messengers of the
Heavenly Father, You willed that married people should be living witnesses to your divine love. Help
them in this great task with a daily outpouring of your grace, so that despite the crises facing families
today, their love for each other may become ever deeper, more steadfast and true and be a joy for
others to live with and to share.
And I pray with the whole Church for the Pope’s intentions this month:
General: That parents and teachers may help the new generations to grow up with an upright
conscience and a consistent life.
Missionary: That the particular Churches of the African continent, faithful to the Gospel
proclamation, may promote the building of peace and justice.
Mary, our Mother teach us how to open our hearts without reserve to the Holy Spirit as you did, to
seek and find God’s will in all the crises and choices of our lives.
Gain for us too, the grace to do his will with courage and untroubled hearts so that we may radiate a
joy and gladness like yours in the service of our Lord.
And I pray with Mary and the whole Church for the Pope’s intentions this month;
General: That the men and women of our time, often immersed in noise, may rediscover the value
of silence and learn to listen to the voice of God and their brothers and sisters.
Missionary: That Christians who suffer persecution in numerous regions of the world may be
prophets of the love of Christ by their testimony.
Direct, O, Lord, and guide and influence all that is happening in my mind and heart today: all my
thinking and longing and fearing; my moods and feelings and ever-changing attitudes. Direct and
influence all this to your great service and to my growth in the Spirit.
And I pray for the Pope's intentions with Mary and the whole Church this month:
General: That those who feel weary from the heaviness of life, and even long for its end, may sense
the closeness of God’s love.
Missionary: That the celebration of World Missions Day may make all Christians aware that they are
not only recipients but also proclaimers of the Word of God.
Father, Your Son accepted his sufferings to teach us the virtue of patience in our sorrows. May all
who suffer pain, illness or disease or have to carry any cross realise that they are joined to Christ in
his suffering for the salvation of the world and find comfort, courage and hope in the closeness of his
With Mary and with the whole Church I pray especially for the Pope’s intentions this month;
General: That priests experiencing difficulties may be comforted in their sufferings, sustained in the
doubts and confirmed in their fidelity.
Missionary: That the Churches of Latin America may send missionaries to other Churches as a result
of the continental mission.
Lord Jesus Christ, your heart as full of compassion for all men and women, especially for those in
pain and need. Help with your sacrifice in the Mass, let me not be wrapped up in my own selfish
concerns, but open to your presence in all you children.
And I pray with Mary and the whole Church for the Pope's intentions this month:
General: That children who are victims of abandonment and of every form of violence may find the
love and protection they need.
Missionary: That Christians, enlightened by the light of the incarnate Word, may prepare humanity
for the coming of the Saviour.