Background Radiation Measurements at 400 meter Underground for Dark Matter Search Study T. Y. Kim, H. J. Kim, Y. C. Lee, E. Won, S. K. Kim Department of Physics, Seoul National University, Seoul 151-742, Korea Y. D. Kim, W. Y. So Department of Physics, Sejong University, Seoul 143-747, Korea Abstract Recently we have performed measurements of background radiation, which is crucial for any dark matter search experiments. We measured muons, neutrons, and gamma backgrounds at approximately 400 meter underground tunnel in the electric generating facility located about 120 km east of Seoul. We believe this may be the first measurement at this depth in Korea. The muon flux measured with triple coincidence between 3 scintillating plates was reduced by a factor of 104 compared with the flux at ground level as expected at this depth. The unshielded gamma background measured with 15 % relative efficiency germanium detector was rather high due to the surrounding rocks. Shielded with 15 cm normal lead and 2.5 cm electrode copper gave about 0.5 counts/second. 1. Introduction Dark matter is believed to consist of more than 90 % of the mass of whole universe. The non-baryonic candidates for the dark matter are the neutrino, axion, and weakly interacting massive particle(WIMP)[1-2]. Currently there are much experimental efforts for the dark matter search at extremely low background radiation. For WIMP search, one utilizes the elastic scattering of WIMP with normal nuclei in the detector. People have used Germanium, NaI(Tl), and low temperature thermal detectors. Searches for WIMP can also be based on the detection of nuclear recoil energy in CsI(Tl) crystals. It has been noted by several authors that CsI(Tl) crystal might have better performance for recoil/ionizing particle separation[3]. Although the light yield is relatively lower than NaI(Tl) crystal, the better separation can be more advantageous for WIMP search. Also CsI(Tl) crystal has higher density, much less hygroscopicity than NaI(I). The spinindependent cross section of WIMP is larger for CsI(Tl) than NaI(Tl) because CsI(Tl) has a compound with 2 heavy nuclei while spin-dependent cross section will be comparable. Moreover hundreds of tons of CsI(Tl) crystals are already being used for several detectors in high energy experiment[4]. Thus fabricating large amount of crystals will be quite feasible. We already demonstrated [5] that low energy gamma rays down to few keV was detected with CsI(Tl) crystal detector. A clear peak at 6 keV was observed using X-ray source. Good energy resolution and linearity had been achieved up to X-ray region. We also showed that alpha particles and gamma rays could be clearly separated using the different time characteristics of the crystal. On the other hand, the interaction of the WIMP-nucleus elastic scattering in the target material is, in principle, a rare process. If the environmental radiation background or electric noise are much larger than the nuclear recoil signal, the WIMP signal will be overwhelmed by them even though the detector is fully sensitive to low energy nuclear recoil[6]. Thus extremely low background levels are essential for this experiment. The following lists are the major sources of the background: 1) environmental radioactivity, 2) radioimpurities in detector and shielding material, and 3) cosmic rays. The gamma radiation from the environment is comprised almost exclusively of photons from the primordial U and Th decay series and from 40K decay. In order to reduce the gamma radiation, we have to consider how thick and what kind of material should be used in shielding. Interactions between the primary cosmic rays and the atmospheric atoms generate many kinds of the elementary particles such as neutrons, electrons, neutrinos, protons, muons, pions, and so on. Hadrons and photons are directly absorbed by the shield or by overburden from build ceilings. Owing to the small neutrino-hadron cross section, a detector having small target volume can not see their interactions. Only muons and neutrons produced in shield by muons are relevant particles in low background techniques. Considering economy of time and labor, deep underground is the best place for reducing the background of cosmic rays in the low background experiment. This work is the test experiment in order to study the requirements of an underground facility for the WIMP search. 2. Test setup BC408 PMT1 PMT2 Dim. = 17x50x1.5 cm3 Cosmic-ray PMT3 Start COIN Gate PMT1 ADC1 TDC1 PMT2 ADC2 TDC2 PMT3 Fiq. 1. Schematic of the muon detection system. TDC3 We measured muons, neutrons, and gamma backgrounds at the 400 meter underground tunnel in the underground pumped storage power plant (Yangsu Baljeoncho, Chongpyong, Korea) located about 120 km east of Seoul. We believe this may be the first measurement at this depth in Korea. The instruments used in the test are 3 plastic scintillator counters for muon, a NE213 liquid scintillator counter for neutron, and a HPGe detector of 15 % relative efficiency as a gamma ray spectrometer. Schematic of the muon counter is shown in Fig. 1. The coincidence of PMT1 and PMT2 signals gave the TDC start time and generated a gate for the ADC. Fig. 2 shows the neutron detection system using NE213. Photomultiplier tube (PMT) of 2 inch diameter (Hamamatsu H1161) was attached directly on the cylindrical cell filled with liquid scintillator NE213. The surface attached to the PMT was entirely covered by the photocathode window. And the conventional electronics for the gamma ray spectrometer, shown in Fig. 3, was applied to the gamma ray background measurement. TDC Start Constant Fraction Disc. NE213 Gate Generator Delay Line Amp. Pulse Shape Analyzer ADC Gate Gate Generator TDC Stop ADC Fig. 2. A Neutron detection system with pulse shape discrimination. ADC Amp HPGe Detector Timing Amp DISC (10mV) Gate Generator (5 s) Veto (0.2 ms) Fig. 3. A system for gamma ray spectroscopy. ADC Gate A CAMAC system is used for the data taking with CAMAC interface to a PC whose operating system is LINUX. We developed DAQ system with CAMAC interface based on the ROOT package for this experiment and entire analysis was performed with the ROOT package too[7]. 3. Test results 3.1 Muons Á¦¸ñ: c 1.eps ÀÛ¼º ÇÑ »ç ¶÷: ROOT Version 2.22/10 ¹Ì¸® º ¸±â: ÀÌ EPS ±×¸²Àº ¹Ì¸® º ¸±â ±×¸²À» Æ÷ÇÔÇÏÁö ¾ Ê°í ÀúÀåµÇ¾ú½À´Ï´Ù. ¼³¸í: ÀÌ EPS ±×¸²Àº Pos tSc ript ÇÁ¸°Å͸¦ Á¦¿ÜÇÑ ´Ù¸¥ ÇÁ¸°ÅÍ¿¡¼-´Â ÀμâµÇÁö ¾ ʽ À´Ï´Ù. Fig. 4. Distribution of the deposited energy in the scintillation detector with a) double coincidence and b) triple coincidence at ground level. In general, energy loss by ionization for high energy particle is constant. In case of muon, this value is about 2.5 MeV g-1cm-2. Fig. 4 shows the distribution of the total deposited energy in the scintillation detector 1 and 2, in Fig. 1, with a) double coincidence and b) triple coincidence at ground laboratory. The contamination of the low energy Compton scattered electrons from the environmental gamma rays was inevitable one in our geometry of detection system. But the low energy electrons below 2 MeV can not pass through 3 plastic scintillation plates and the probability of the sequential Compton scattering with every scintillation plate is very small. Events triggered with triple coincidence show the definite asymmetric Landau distribution with a high energy tale. Using the coordinates of our detection system shown in Fig. 5., the solid angle subtended by two rectangles of our detection system was calculated by the numerical calculation of the following integral[8]. a b ( w x p )( h y p ) a b z p [( w x p ) 2 ( w y p ) 2 R 2 ]1 / 2 dx dy{arctan arctan ( w x p )( h y p ) z p [( w x p ) 2 ( w y p ) 2 R 2 ]1 / 2 arctan arctan ( w x p )( h y p ) z p [( w x p ) 2 ( w y p ) 2 R 2 ]1 / 2 ( w x p )( h y p ) z p [( w x p ) 2 ( w y p ) 2 R 2 ]1 / 2 } The measured cosmic ray fluxes were 0.51 cm-2sr-1s-1 at ground level and 0.25 x 10-4 cm-2sr-1s-1 at 400 m underground. These are comparable to the values referred in Ref. [9], where the vertical muon flux at ground level is 0.71 cm-2sr-1s-1. -b -a P(xp,yp,R) a b R -h -w Y w X h Z Fig. 5. Geometry for the solid angle subtended by two rectangular scintillators. 3.2 Neutrons The apparatus was a cylindrical cell filled with liquid scintillator NE213. The light emission of the liquid scintillator NE213 exhibit a substantial slow component, which depend on the specific energy loss of the particle, as well as a signal of fast decay component. Neutron-initiated recoil proton signals were effectively separated from electron signals originating from gamma rays with the use of pulse shape discrimination (PSD). A neutron source of 252Cf was used for PSD calibration. 3.1 % of 252Cf decay is spontaneous fission. About 20 ’s (80 % < 1 MeV) and 4 neutrons ( <En> = 2.14 MeV) are produced every fission. A calibration spectrum of the ADC versus the TDC is shown in Fig. 6 a). This plot illustrated the good separation between neutron and gamma ray signal. Fig. 6 b) and Fig. 6 c) show the spectrum of the ground measurement and the underground measurement without shield. Their count rates were 0.0050 sec-1 at ground level and 0.0015 sec-1 at 400 m underground, respectively. Á¦¸ñ: neutron_f.eps ÀÛ¼º ÇÑ »ç ¶÷: ROOT Version 2.22/10 ¹Ì¸® º ¸±â: ÀÌ EPS ±×¸²Àº ¹Ì¸® º ¸±â ±×¸²À» Æ÷ÇÔÇÏÁö ¾ Ê°í ÀúÀåµÇ¾ú½À´Ï´Ù. ¼³¸í: ÀÌ EPS ±×¸²Àº Pos tSc ript ÇÁ¸°Å͸¦ Á¦¿ÜÇÑ ´Ù¸¥ ÇÁ¸°ÅÍ¿¡¼-´Â ÀμâµÇÁö ¾ ʽ À´Ï´Ù. Fig. 6. Two-dimensional spectra of the ADC versus the TDC. A) a spectrum for PSD calibration using 252Cf source, B) a spectrum measured at ground, and C) a spectrum measured at 400 m underground. 3.3 Gamma rays We performed several measurements with different shieldings. In Fig. 7., spectra of HPGe detector at ground level and at 400 m underground are compared. More than 40 peaks were found in the spectrum of the unshielded underground measurement and the rates of individual peaks of primordial radionuclides are given in table 1. The integral count rates (60 - 1600 keV) of each spectrum corresponded to a) 310 Hz for unshielded underground, b) 112 Hz for unshielded ground measurements, and c) 5.05 Hz for 5cm lead, and d) 0.53 Hz for 15cm together with 2.5cm copper shielded measurement, respectively. The general appearance of the background spectra showed all activities from the environmental radionuclides of underground were increased rather than ground. And shielding of 15 cm Pb together with 2.5 cm electric copper inner shield reduced the background radiation level by a further factor of 500. In both cases of spectra measured with shield, peaks having strong intensity are from progenies of 222Rn, such as 214Bi and Á¦¸ñ: c 1.eps ÀÛ¼º ÇÑ »ç ¶÷: ROOT Version 2.21/01 ¹Ì¸® º ¸±â: ÀÌ EPS ±×¸²Àº ¹Ì¸® º ¸±â ±×¸²À» Æ÷ÇÔÇÏÁö ¾ Ê°í ÀúÀåµÇ¾ú½À´Ï´Ù. ¼³¸í: ÀÌ EPS ±×¸²Àº Pos tSc ript ÇÁ¸°Å͸¦ Á¦¿ÜÇÑ ´Ù¸¥ ÇÁ¸°ÅÍ¿¡¼-´Â ÀμâµÇÁö ¾ ʽ À´Ï´Ù. Fig. 7. Background spectra measured a) without shield, c) 5cm Pb, d) 15cm Pb + 2.5 cm Cu shield at 400 meter underground, and b) without shield at ground. Table 1. Count rates of the peaks measured without shield at 400 meter underground. Energy (keV) Count rate ( 10-3 s-1 ) Energy (keV) Count rate ( 10-3s-1 ) 72.8/75 85/87 92.5 185.7/186.2 209.3 238.6 270.2 277.4 295.2 327.6 338.4 351.9 409.5 438.8 463.0 510.8/511 582.2 609.3 665.5 727.2 755.2 768.4 400.7 1331 72.7 77.5 92.7 1257.4 113.9 39.4 375.6 74.9 255.8 591.5 32.6 24.1 91.5 238.6 527.7 624.7 29.2 112.9 15.4 39.2 785.9 794.7 806.2 860.4 911.1 934.1 949.8 969.1 1120.3 1155.2 1238.1 1281.0 1377.7 1385.3 1401.5 1408.0 1460.8 1495.8 1509.3 1592.7 23.8 65.5 17.2 67.8 367.7 35.8 10.3 149.5 156.1 18.02 58.8 9.35 38.4 9.35 5.12 18.7 1747.5 7.12 20.3 100.1 Table 2. Count rates of the main peaks of the measured spectra. Energy (keV) 185.7/186.2 238.6 351.9 582.2 609.3 661.7 911.1 1120.2 1460.8 Nuclide 235 U/226Ra Pb(Th) 214 Pb(U) 208 Tl(Th) 214 Bi(U) 137 Cs 228 Ac(Th) 214 Bi(U) 40 K 212 Underground( 10-3s-1 ) 15cm Pb + 5cm Pb Unshield 2.5 cm Cu 5.8 0.2 4.7 0.3 77.5 2.1 2.1 0.1 2.6 0.2 1257.4 5.3 2.4 0.2 1.9 0.1 591.5 5.2 0.38 0.07 3.0 0.1 527.7 4.9 1.9 0.1 2.9 0.1 624.7 5.3 8.7 0.3 13.1 0.4 367.7 4.1 0.56 0.07 4.1 0.1 156.1 2.6 0.47 0.07 57.0 0.9 1747.5 8.9 Ground (unshield) ( 10-3s-1 ) 80.8 1.1 541.6 3.6 289.16 2.4 247.9 2.1 267.6 2.1 183.5 1.7 52.5 0.9 1171.5 4.5 214 Pb. This background was coming from air and couldn’t reduce by lead. We believe this background can be eliminated by N2 gas flow. The count rates of main peak characterizing each background spectrum are tabulated in Table 2. Surprisingly, we observed the fact that the 662 keV gamma ray peak of 137Cs could not be seen in the spectrum measured without shield, but clearly seen in the spectrum measured with lead shield. We believed that lead used in this shielding had contamination of 137Cs. 4. Discussions and conclusion After a test of CsI(Tl) crystal for the dark matter search, we performed another test to study the dominant background sources at 400 m underground. Preliminary test results were given in section 3. Firstly, the measured cosmic ray fluxes were 0.51 cm-2sr-1s-1 at ground level and 0.25 x 10-4 cm-2sr-1s-1 at 400 m underground. Muon flux was reduced to be 10-4 level when we measured it underground. Secondly, we measured neutron background with the cylindrical scintillation cell whose diameter was 2 inch. The test result was not reliable because of low statistic. For more precise measurement of muon-induced neutrons in shielding material and neutrons from (,n) reactions as well as external neutrons, A detector that has large effective volume to the neutron is needed. We have a plan to manufacture a 4 liter cubic scintillation cell filled with NE213 viewed by multiple PMTs. Finally, spectra of various shielding conditions were obtained with the HPGe detector. From this, we need more pure radioactive shielding material and technique to reduce Rn and its progenies. Acknowledgements We wish to thank the Underground Pumped Storage Power Plant at Chongpyong and its employees for their warm welcome and indispensable assistance at the underground power plant. we are also grateful to Prof. J.C. Kim for supporting this work and the loan of the HPGe detector. References [1] G. Jungman et al., “Supersymmetric Dark Matter”, Phys. Reports 267 (1996) [2] G.G. Raffelt, hep-ph/9712538, Dec 1997. [3] J.B. Birks, Theory and practice of scintillation counter, (Pergamnon press, Oxford, 1964). [4] E. Blucher et al. (CLEO), Nucl. Intrum. Methods A235, 319 (1985); M.T.Cheng et al. (BELLE), Technical Design Report, KEK Report 95-1, 1995. [5] H.J.Kim et al., submitted to the Proceeding of International Conference on High Energy Physics, Vancouver (1998); E.Won et al., submitted to the Nuclear Physics B(Proceedings Supplements) (1998) [6] G. Heusser, Annu. Rev. Nucl. Parti. Sci. 45, 543 (1995) [7] R. Brun and F. Rademakers, ROOT - An Object Oriented Data Analysis Framework, Proceedings AIHENP'96 Workshop, Lausanne, Sep. 1996; Nucl. Intrum. Methods A389 (1997) [8] J. Cook, Nucl. Intrum. Methods A178, 561 (1997) [9] Particle Data Group, “the Review of Particle Physcis”, edition of 1998.