Name/# _______________________ Mrs. Duenas’s class 6th grade Chapter 12: Roman Empire Pages 348- 375 Vocabulary Directions: Define the following vocabulary words. Use your S.S. glossary for assistance. 1. Cicero 4. Pompey 7. Augustus 10. provinces 13. villas 16. vault 19. Satire 2. Orator 5. Brutus 8. Cleopatra 11. Currency 14. Galen 17. Virgil 20. Romance languages 3. Julius Caesar 6. Marc Antony 9. Hadrian 12. Pax Romana 15. Aqueduct 18. Ovid 21. Civil law Questions Directions: Answer the following short answer questions. Use complete sentences, with good spelling, capitals, and punctuation. Answers should be at least 3-5 sentences long. Pages 373-374, #’s 1-11 Page 375, #’s 1-7 Projects 1.Attach the worksheets about the Roman Empire 2. Complete the graphic organizer. Title Leadership Qualities of Julius Caesar. Column 1 = military leader, Column 2 = good speaker, Column 3 = alliance builder. Think of specific qualities an effective leader should possess. 3. Find a copy of a scene from Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar. Create a storyboard from this scene. Use dialogue bubbles. Add the title, give a sub-title to the scene you chose. 4. Find a copy of Marc Antony’s speech from Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar. Great speeches often have dramatic consequences, but they may contain language that is difficult to understand. Re-write the speech in modern standard English. 5. Imagine that you are on Augustus’s political campaign. You have been asked to compose bumper stickers, banners, slogans, and so on for Augustus’s campaign. 6. Imagine that you were a resident of the Roman Republic and fell asleep in about 200 BC. You then wake up 200 years later and find yourself citizens of the Roman Empire. Complete the story starter: When I awoke after my long sleep, I was amazed to find that …” 7. Write a memo form Hadrian to his commander in Britain. The memo should give some background about Roman expansion, explain the need for a wall in northern Britain, and provide information for building a wall. The headings should be: To:, From:, Date: and Subject:. 8. Write journal entries by the soldiers who built the wall (see #7). 9. Create a picture postcard from a location along one of the trade routes (see page 360). Illustrate one side of the card and write a brief message on the other. 10. Imagine that you live in the city of Rome. Write letters to a cousin who lives in the country. The letter should describe life in the city. Include details. Remember the format of a friendly letter. Attach drawings of your house or apartment building. 11. Conduct research on different styles of Roman villas. Design your own villas. Study examples of classic Roman villas. Construct or design your own Roman villa. 12. Create a playbill advertising an event at the Colosseum. A playbill is a poster that advertises a play or other event. It is similar to a movie poster. The playbill should describe the event and when it will occur. Use dramatic and sensational language and drawings. Events may include gladiator fights, animals fights, or mock naval battles. 13. List examples of Roman architecture in our modern world. Roman influence is apparent in details such as columns, arches, and domes. Write a short description of how the buildings have been influenced by Roman architecture. 14. Conduct research about Roman art. Complete the graphic organizer. Title: A Guide to Roman Art. Column 1 = mosaics, Columns 2 = frescoes, Columns 3 = sculptures. 15. Imagine that you are an early Roman trader visiting a far-off land. Write a speech in which you describe the geography around Rome and how it helps your city. Draw a map of ancient Rome. 16. Imagine that you are a Roman citizen. Decide whether you would have been for or against Julius Caesar’s rise to power and his reforms. Write a persuasive newspaper editorial explaining your views. 17. Construct a eulogy of Augustus at his funeral. Prepare a 2 minute speech in which you acknowledge Augustus’s most important accomplishments. 18. Write a 5-7 sentence summary from a Roman myth, using the Roman alphabet. Then translate on the bottom of the note into modern-day alphabet. 19. Explain what Roman art was like. List Roman contributions to building and architecture. 20. Sketch and label the Roman Coliseum and an arena in the US. How are these two structures similar and different? 21. Write a paragraph in which you compare education during Roman times and education today. Think about who received an education, subjects taught, and who was responsible for the children’s education. 22. Sketch and label a model of a Roman House and a model of your house. How are these two structures similar and different? 23. You are a reporter witnessing the invasions of Rome. Write an article in which you describe the invasions, explain where the invaders are from, and the problems that developed between the invaders and the Romans. 24. Make a collage entitled: “Legacy of Rome”. Use magazines and drawings to illustrate the contributions that Romans made to present-day life. Ancient Roman Project Options* You must choose one of the following projects to complete for our study of ancient Greece. 1. Write a 3-5 minute persuasive speech and present it to the class. The topic must be one that was relevant to the people of ancient Rome (democracy, punishment, astronomy, etc.) 2. Write a report (500-700 words), on Roman gods and goddesses. Illustrations are extra credit. 3. Write a compare and contrast essay (500-700 words), comparing and contrasting the Roman and Greek gods and goddesses. 4. Design and construct a relief map of ancient Rome. You may choose the materials for the map. There must be a key and be geographically accurate and labeled. 5. Design, sew, and model a toga (the typical dress of the ancient Roman people). 6. Choose a Roman play to memorize, act, and present to the class. Props are extra credit. 7. Design and make a model of any of the famous Greek architecture as it existed during ancient Roman times. It must be historically and architecturally accurate. 8. Design and build a diorama depicting a famous Greek scene. Examples might be a scene of a busy Roman market, gladiator in the Colosseum, or any of the Roman myths, Pompeii market, Vesuvius exploding with the Pompeiians in danger, etc. 9. Make some Roman dishes and bring it in for sharing. Have copies of the recipes. Know what each ingredient is and explain how it relates to Rome. 10. Draw a giant poster that is an advertisement for Roman clothing. 11. Design and draw a Roman family tree. 12. Build a model of a Roman home. 13. Make a picture book: Guide to the Roman Gods. 14. Any other ideas must be talked over with your teacher. * the project should be different from what you chose in Greece.