Alain Pompidou c/o Aidan Kendrick and Wim van der Eijk European Patent Office Re: FRAUD UPON THE EUROPEAN PATENT OFFICE BY LICENSED REPRESENTATIVES OF THE EPO AND EPI WITH PROBABLE COLLUSION OF MEMBERS OF THE EPO AND EPI Thursday, June 28, 2007 CONFLICT OF INTEREST DISCLOSURE FORM Please accept and return the following statement of conflict before continuing further with the body of this document. Dear Alain Pompidou c/o Aidan Kendrick, Wim van der Eijk and any other representative of the European Patent Office who may come into possession of this document, please take notice of and execute the CONFLICT OF INTEREST DISCLOSURE FORM prior to acting on the message following directly below. This conflict of interest form is designed to ensure that the review of the enclosed discourse with the European Patent Office will not be biased by any conflicting financial interest or any other interest by those reviewers responsible for the handling of this complaint with the main alleged perpetrators of the crimes cited in these matters. Disclosure forms with "Yes" answers to either or both of the following questions are requested not to open the remainder of the document and instead forward the matters on to the next available reviewer that is free of conflict that can sign and complete the disclosure and proceed with the unbiased review of the matters. I. Do you, your spouse, your dependents or any business partners, in the aggregate have, any direct, or in any outside entity, indirect relation to the following parties to the proceeding of the matters you are reviewing: 1. PROSKAUER ROSE, LLP Alan S. Jaffe - Chairman Of The Board - ("Jaffe"); Kenneth Rubenstein - ("Rubenstein"); Robert Kafin Managing Partner - ("Kafin"); Christopher C. Wheeler - ("Wheeler"); Steven C. Krane - ("Krane"); Stephen R. Kaye - ("S. Kaye") and in his estate with New York Supreme Court Chief Judge Judith Kaye ("J. Kaye"); Matthew Triggs - ("Triggs"); Christopher Pruzaski - ("Pruzaski"); Mara Lerner Robbins - ("Robbins"); Donald Thompson - ("Thompson"); Gayle Coleman; David George; George A. Pincus; Gregg Reed; Leon Gold ("Gold"); Albert Gortz - ("Gortz"); Marcy Hahn-Saperstein; Kevin J. Healy - ("Healy"); Stuart Kapp; Ronald F. Storette; Chris Wolf; Jill Zammas; FULL LIST OF 601 liable Proskauer Partners; any other John Doe ("John Doe") Proskauer partner, affiliate, company, known or not known at this time; including but not limited to Proskauer ROSE LLP; Partners, Associates, Of Counsel, Employees, Corporations, Affiliates and any other Proskauer related or affiliated entities both individually and professionally. Hereinafter, collectively referred to as ("Proskauer"). 2. MELTZER, LIPPE, GOLDSTEIN, WOLF & SCHLISSEL, P.C. Lewis Melzter - ("Meltzer"); Raymond Joao - ("Joao"); Frank Martinez - ("Martinez"); Kenneth Rubenstein ("Rubenstein"); FULL LIST OF 34 Meltzer, Lippe, Goldstein, Wolf & Schlissel, P.C. liable Partners; any other John Doe ("John Doe") Meltzer, Lippe, Goldstein, Wolf & Schlissel, P.C. partner, affiliate, company, known or not known at this time; including but not limited to Meltzer, Lippe, Goldstein, Wolf & Schlissel, P.C.; Partners, Associates, Of Counsel, Employees, Corporations, Affiliates and any other Meltzer, Lippe, Goldstein, Wolf & Schlissel, P.C. related or affiliated entities both individually and professionally. Hereinafter, collectively referred to as ("MLGWS"). 3. FOLEY & LARDNER Ralf Boer ("Boer"); Michael Grebe ("Grebe"); Christopher Kise ("Kise"); William J. Dick - ("Dick"); Steven C. Becker - ("Becker"); Douglas Boehm - ("Boehm"); Barry Grossman - ("Grossman"); Jim Clark - ("Clark"); any other John Doe ("John Doe") Foley & Lardner partners, affiliates, companies, known or not known at this 39 Little Avenue, Red Bluff, Cal. 96080T (530) 529-4110 Conflict Disclosure 1 Alain Pompidou c/o Aidan Kendrick and Wim van der Eijk European Patent Office Re: FRAUD UPON THE EUROPEAN PATENT OFFICE BY LICENSED REPRESENTATIVES OF THE EPO AND EPI WITH PROBABLE COLLUSION OF MEMBERS OF THE EPO AND EPI Thursday, June 28, 2007 time; including but not limited to Foley & Lardner; Partners, Associates, Of Counsel, Employees, Corporations, Affiliates and any other Foley & Lardner related or affiliated entities both individually and professionally. Hereinafter, collectively referred to as ("Foley"). 4. SCHIFFRIN & BARROWAY, LLP Richard Schiffrin - ("Schiffrin"); Andrew Barroway - ("Barroway"); Krishna Narine - ("Narine"); any other John Doe ("John Doe") Schiffrin & Barroway, LLP partners, affiliates, companies, known or not known at this time; including but not limited to Schiffrin & Barroway, LLP; Partners, Associates, Of Counsel, Employees, Corporations, Affiliates and any other Schiffrin & Barroway, LLP related or affiliated entities both individually and professionally. Hereinafter, collectively referred to as ("SB"). 5. BLAKELY SOKOLOFF TAYLOR & ZAFMAN LLP Norman Zafman - ("Zafman"); Thomas Coester - ("Coester"); Farzad Ahmini - ("Ahmini"); George Hoover ("Hoover"); any other John Doe ("John Doe") Blakely Sokoloff Taylor & Zafman LLP partners, affiliates, companies, known or not known at this time; including but not limited to Blakely Sokoloff Taylor & Zafman LLP; Partners, Associates, Of Counsel, Employees, Corporations, Affiliates and any other Blakely Sokoloff Taylor & Zafman LLP related or affiliated entities both individually and professionally. Hereinafter, collectively referred to as ("BSTZ"). 6. WILDMAN, HARROLD, ALLEN & DIXON LLP Martyn W. Molyneaux - ("Molyneaux"); Michael Dockterman - ("Dockterman"); FULL LIST OF 198 Wildman, Harrold, Allen & Dixon LLP liable Partners; any other John Doe ("John Doe") Wildman, Harrold, Allen & Dixon LLP partners, affiliates, companies, known or not known at this time; including but not limited to Wildman, Harrold, Allen & Dixon LLP; Partners, Associates, Of Counsel, Employees, Corporations, Affiliates and any other Wildman, Harrold, Allen & Dixon LLP related or affiliated entities both individually and professionally. Hereinafter, collectively referred to as ("WHAD"). 7. CHRISTOPHER & WEISBERG, P.A. Alan M. Weisberg - ("Weisberg"); any other John Doe ("John Doe") Christopher & Weisberg, P.A. partners, affiliates, companies, known or not known at this time; including but not limited to Christopher & Weisberg, P.A.; Partners, Associates, Of Counsel, Employees, Corporations, Affiliates and any other Christopher & Weisberg, P.A. related or affiliated entities both individually and professionally. Hereinafter, collectively referred to as ("CW"). 8. YAMAKAWA INTERNATIONAL PATENT OFFICE Masaki Yamakawa - ("Yamakawa"); any other John Doe ("John Doe") Yamakawa International Patent Office partners, affiliates, companies, known or not known at this time; including but not limited to Yamakawa International Patent Office; Partners, Associates, Of Counsel, Employees, Corporations, Affiliates and any other Yamakawa International Patent Office related or affiliated entities both individually and professionally. Hereinafter, collectively referred to as ("Yamakawa"). 9. GOLDSTEIN LEWIN & CO. Donald J. Goldstein - ("Goldstein"); Gerald R. Lewin - ("Lewin"); Erika Lewin - ("E. Lewin"); Mark R. Gold; Paul Feuerberg; Salvatore Bochicchio; Marc H. List; David A. Katzman; Robert H. Garick; Robert C. Zeigen; Marc H. List; Lawrence A. Rosenblum; David A. Katzman; Brad N. Mciver; Robert Cini; any other John Doe ("John Doe") Goldstein & Lewin Co. partners, affiliates, companies, known or not known at this time; including but not limited to Goldstein & Lewin Co.; Partners, Associates, Of Counsel, Employees, Corporations, Affiliates and any other Goldstein & Lewin Co. related or affiliated entities both individually and professionally. Hereinafter, collectively referred to as ("Goldstein"). 10. INTEL, REAL 3D, INC. (SILICON GRAPHICS, INC., LOCKHEED MARTIN & INTEL) & RYJO Gerald Stanley - ("Stanley"); Ryan Huisman - ("Huisman"); RYJO - ("RYJO"); Tim Connolly - ("Connolly"); Steve Cochran; David Bolton; Rosalie Bibona - ("Bibona"); Connie Martin; Richard Gentner; Steven A. Behrens; Matt Johannsen; any other John Doe ("John Doe") Intel, Real 3D, Inc. (Silicon Graphics, Inc., 39 Little Avenue, Red Bluff, Cal. 96080T (530) 529-4110 Conflict Disclosure 2 Alain Pompidou c/o Aidan Kendrick and Wim van der Eijk European Patent Office Re: FRAUD UPON THE EUROPEAN PATENT OFFICE BY LICENSED REPRESENTATIVES OF THE EPO AND EPI WITH PROBABLE COLLUSION OF MEMBERS OF THE EPO AND EPI Thursday, June 28, 2007 Lockheed Martin & Intel) & RYJO partners, affiliates, companies, known or not known at this time; including but not limited to Intel, Real 3D, Inc. (Silicon Graphics, Inc., Lockheed Martin & Intel) & RYJO; Employees, Corporations, Affiliates and any other Intel, Real 3D, Inc. (Silicon Graphics, Inc., Lockheed Martin & Intel) & RYJO related or affiliated entities both individually and professionally. Hereinafter, collectively referred to as ("Intel/R3D"). 11. TIEDEMANN INVESTMENT GROUP Bruce T. Prolow ("Prolow"); Carl Tiedemann ("C. Tiedemann"); Andrew Philip Chesler; Craig L. Smith; any other John Doe ("John Doe") Tiedemann Investment Group partners, affiliates, companies, known or not known at this time; including but not limited to Tiedemann Investment Group and any other Tiedemann Investment Group related or affiliated entities both individually and professionally. Hereinafter, collectively referred to as ("Tiedemann"). 12. CROSSBOW VENTURES / ALPINE PARTNERS Stephen J. Warner - ("Warner"); Ren P. Eichenberger - ("Eichenberger"); H. Hickman Hank Powell ("Powell"); Maurice Buchsbaum - ("Buchsbaum"); Eric Chen - ("Chen"); Avi Hersh; Matthew Shaw ("Shaw"); Bruce W. Shewmaker - ("Shewmaker"); Ravi M. Ugale - ("Ugale"); any other John Doe ("John Doe") Crossbow Ventures / Alpine Partners partners, affiliates, companies, known or not known at this time; including but not limited to Crossbow Ventures / Alpine Partners and any other Crossbow Ventures / Alpine Partners related or affiliated entities both individually and professionally. Hereinafter, collectively referred to as ("Crossbow"). 13. BROAD & CASSEL James J. Wheeler - ("J. Wheeler"); Kelly Overstreet Johnson - ("Johnson"); any other John Doe ("John Doe") Broad & Cassell partners, affiliates, companies, known or not known at this time; including but not limited to Broad & Cassell and any other Broad & Cassell related or affiliated entities both individually and professionally. Hereinafter, collectively referred to as ("BC"). 14. FORMER IVIEWIT MANAGEMENT & BOARD Brian G. Utley/Proskauer Referred Management - ("Utley"); Raymond Hersh - ("Hersh")/; Michael Reale ("Reale")/Proskauer Referred Management; Rubenstein/Proskauer Rose Shareholder in Iviewit - Advisory Board; Wheeler/Proskauer Rose Shareholder in Iviewit - Advisory Board; Dick/Foley & Lardner - Advisory Board, Boehm/Foley & Lardner - Advisory Board; Becker/Foley & Lardner; Advisory Board; Joao/Meltzer Lippe Goldstein Wolfe & Schlissel - Advisory Board; Kane/Goldman Sachs - Board Director; Lewin/Goldstein Lewin - Board Director; Ross Miller, Esq. ("Miller"), Prolow/Tiedemann Prolow II - Board Director; Powell/Crossbow Ventures/Proskauer Referred Investor - Board Director; Maurice Buchsbaum - Board Director; Stephen Warner - Board Director; Simon L. Bernstein - Board Director ("S. Bernstein"); any other John Doe ("John Doe") Former Iviewit Management & Board partners, affiliates, companies, known or not known at this time; including but not limited to Former Iviewit Management & Board and any other Former Iviewit Management & Board related or affiliated entities both individually and professionally. Hereinafter, collectively referred to as ("Iviewit Executive"). 15. FIFTEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT - WEST PALM BEACH FLORIDA: Judge Jorge LABARGA - ("Labarga"); any other John Doe ("John Doe") FIFTEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT WEST PALM BEACH FLORIDA staff, known or not known to have been involved at the time. Hereinafter, collectively referred to as ("15C"). 16. THE SUPREME COURT OF NEW YORK APPELLATE DIVISION: FIRST JUDICIAL DEPARTMENT, DEPARTMENTAL DISCIPLINARY COMMITTEE Thomas Cahill - ("Cahill"); Joseph Wigley - ("Wigley"); Steven Krane, any other John Doe ("John Doe") of THE SUPREME COURT OF NEW YORK APPELLATE DIVISION: FIRST JUDICIAL DEPARTMENT, DEPARTMENTAL DISCIPLINARY COMMITTEE staff, known or not known to have been involved at the time. Hereinafter, collectively referred to as ("First Dept DDC"). 39 Little Avenue, Red Bluff, Cal. 96080T (530) 529-4110 Conflict Disclosure 3 Alain Pompidou c/o Aidan Kendrick and Wim van der Eijk European Patent Office Re: FRAUD UPON THE EUROPEAN PATENT OFFICE BY LICENSED REPRESENTATIVES OF THE EPO AND EPI WITH PROBABLE COLLUSION OF MEMBERS OF THE EPO AND EPI Thursday, June 28, 2007 17. THE FLORIDA BAR Lorraine Christine Hoffman - ("Hoffman"); Eric Turner - ("Turner"); Kenneth Marvin - ("Marvin"); Anthony Boggs - ("Boggs"); Joy A. Bartmon - ("Bartmon"); Kelly Overstreet Johnson - ("Johnson"); Jerald Beer ("Beer"); Matthew Triggs; Christopher or James Wheeler; any other John Doe ("John Doe") The Florida Bar staff, known or not known to have been involved at the time. Hereinafter, collectively referred to as ("TFB") 18. MPEGLA, LLC. Columbia University; Fujitsu Limited; General Instrument Corp; Lucent Technologies Inc.; Matsushita Electric Industrial Co., Ltd.; Mitsubishi Electric Corp.; Philips Electronics N.V. (Philips); Scientific Atlanta, Inc.; Sony Corp. (Sony); EXTENDED LIST OF MPEGLA LICENSEES AND LICENSORS; any other John Doe MPEGLA, LLC. Partner, Associate, Engineer, Of Counsel or Employee; any other John Doe ("John Doe") MPEGLA, LLC partners, affiliates, companies, known or not known at this time; including but not limited to MPEGLA, LLC and any other MPEGLA, LLC related or affiliated entities both individually and professionally. Hereinafter, collectively referred to as ("MPEGLA"). 19. DVD6C LICENSING GROUP Toshiba Corporation; Hitachi, Ltd.; Matsushita Electric Industrial Co. Ltd.; Mitsubishi Electric Corporation; Time Warner Inc.; Victor Company Of Japan, Ltd.; EXTENDED DVD6C DEFENDANTS; any other John Doe DVD6C LICENSING GROUP Partner, Associate, Engineer, Of Counsel or Employee; any other John Doe ("John Doe") DVD6C LICENSING GROUP partners, affiliates, companies, known or not known at this time; including but not limited to DVD6C LICENSING GROUP and any other DVD6C LICENSING GROUP related or affiliated entities both individually and professionally. Hereinafter, collectively referred to as ("DVD6C"). 20. HARRISON GOODARD FOOTE INCORPORATING BREWER & SON. Martyn Molyneaux, Esq. ("Molyneaux"); Any other John Doe ("John Doe") Harrison Goodard Foote (incorporating Brewer & Son) partners, affiliates, companies, known or not known at this time; including but not limited to Harrison Goodard Foote incorporating Brewer & Son and any other related or affiliated entities both individually and professionally. Hereinafter, collectively referred to as ("HGF"). 21. LAWRENCE DIGIOVANNA, Chairman of the Grievance Committee of the Second Judicial Department Departmental Disciplinary Committee; 22. JAMES E. PELTZER, Clerk of the Court of the Appellate Division, Supreme Court of the State of New York, Second Judicial Department; 23. DIANA KEARSE, Chief Counsel to the Grievance Committee of the Second Judicial Department Departmental Disciplinary Committee; 24. HOUSTON & SHAHADY, P.A., any other John Doe ("John Doe") Houston & Shahady, P.A., affiliates, companies, known or not known at this time; including but not limited to Houston & Shahady, P.A. related or affiliated entities both individually and professionally. Hereinafter, collectively referred to as ("HS"). 25. FURR & COHEN, P.A. any other John Doe ("John Doe") Furr & Cohen, P.A., affiliates, companies, known or not known at this time; including but not limited to Furr & Cohen, P.A. related or affiliated entities both individually and professionally. Hereinafter, collectively referred to as ("FC"). 26. MOSKOWITZ, MANDELL, SALIM & SIMOWITZ, P.A., any other John Doe ("John Doe") Moskowitz, Mandell, Salim & Simowitz, P.A., affiliates, companies, known or not known at this time; including but not limited to Moskowitz, Mandell, Salim & Simowitz, P.A. related or affiliated entities both individually and professionally. Hereinafter, collectively referred to as ("MMSS"). 39 Little Avenue, Red Bluff, Cal. 96080T (530) 529-4110 Conflict Disclosure 4 Alain Pompidou c/o Aidan Kendrick and Wim van der Eijk European Patent Office Re: FRAUD UPON THE EUROPEAN PATENT OFFICE BY LICENSED REPRESENTATIVES OF THE EPO AND EPI WITH PROBABLE COLLUSION OF MEMBERS OF THE EPO AND EPI Thursday, June 28, 2007 27. THE GOLDMAN SACHS GROUP, INC. Jeffrey Friedstein ("Friedstein"); Sheldon Friedstein (S. Friedstein"), Donald G. Kane ("Kane"); any other John Doe ("John Doe") The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. partners, affiliates, companies, known or not known at this time; including but not limited to The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. and any other related or affiliated entities both individually and professionally. Hereinafter, collectively referred to as ("GS"). 28. DAVID B. SIMON, ESQ. ("D. SIMON") 29. SACHS SAXS & KLEIN, P.A. any other John Doe ("John Doe") Sachs Saxs & klein, P.A., affiliates, companies, known or not known at this time; including but not limited to Sachs Saxs & klein, pa related or affiliated entities both individually and professionally. Hereinafter, collectively referred to as ("MMSS"). 30. HUIZENGA HOLDINGS INCORPORATED any other John Doe ("John Doe") Huizenga Holdings Incorporated affiliates, companies, known or not known at this time; including but not limited to Huizenga Holdings Incorporated related or affiliated entities both individually and professionally. Hereinafter, collectively referred to as ("MMSS"). 31. ELIOT I. BERNSTEIN, ("Bernstein") a resident of the State of California, and former President (Acting) of Iviewit Holdings, Inc. and its affiliates and subsidiaries and the founder of Iviewit and principal inventor of its technology. Hereinafter, collectively referred to as ("Bernstein"). 32. P. STEPHEN LAMONT, ("LAMONT") a resident of the State of New York, and former Chief Executive Officer (Acting) of Iviewit Holdings, Inc. and all of its affiliates and subsidiaries. Hereinafter, collectively referred to as ("Lamont"); and 33. ANY OTHER KNOWN OR UNKNOWN PERSON OR KNOWN OR UNKNOWN ENTITY NOT NAMED HEREIN THAT WILL CAUSE YOUR REVIEW OF THE COMPLAINT YOU ARE CHARGED WITH INVESTIGATING TO BE BIASED BY ANY CONFLICTING PAST, PRESENT, OR FUTURE FINANCIAL INTEREST OR ANY OTHER INTEREST? NO YES (please describe below) II. Do you, your spouse, and your dependents, in the aggregate, receive salary or other remuneration or financial considerations from any entity related to the enclosed parties to the proceeding of the matters? NO YES (please describe below) III. Have you, your spouse, and your dependents, in the aggregate, had any prior conversations or correspondences of any kind, with any person related to the proceeding of the Iviewit or related matters? NO YES (please describe below) I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing statements in this CONFLICT OF INTEREST DISCLOSURE FORM are true and correct. Executed on this __ day of ________ 2007 the foregoing statements in this CONFLICT OF INTEREST DISCLOSURE FORM are true. I am aware that any false, fictitious, or fraudulent statements or claims may subject me to criminal, civil, or administrative penalties, including possible culpability in the attempted murder of the inventor Eliot Bernstein and his wife and children in a car bombing attempt on their lives. I agree to accept responsibility for the unbiased review, and presentation of findings to the appropriate party(ies) who also have executed this CONFLICT OF INTEREST DISCLOSURE FORM. Failure to execute and return this CONFLICT OF INTEREST DISCLOSURE FORM by facsimile to 530-529-4110 or by mail to c/o Eliot I. Bernstein, 39 Little Avenue, Red Bluff, Cal. 96080 within fifteen (15) days shall constitute an admission of conflicts of interest in the matters. 39 Little Avenue, Red Bluff, Cal. 96080T (530) 529-4110 Conflict Disclosure 5 Alain Pompidou c/o Aidan Kendrick and Wim van der Eijk European Patent Office Re: FRAUD UPON THE EUROPEAN PATENT OFFICE BY LICENSED REPRESENTATIVES OF THE EPO AND EPI WITH PROBABLE COLLUSION OF MEMBERS OF THE EPO AND EPI Thursday, June 28, 2007 Signature__________________________________________________ If you are unable to sign such document and are therefore unable to continue to further pursue these matters, then a statement of whom we may contact in situations where you may be in conflict with the matters would be necessary. A mailed copy can be sent to: Iviewit Eliot I. Bernstein 39 Little Ave. Red Bluff, CA 96080 (530) 529-4110 Assuming you are able to proceed with the matters with an affirmed statement that you have no conflict with the matters or those involved with the matters, following is a letter requesting action in the Iviewit matters: ***End of Conflict of Interest Disclosure Form 39 Little Avenue, Red Bluff, Cal. 96080T (530) 529-4110 Conflict Disclosure 6 IVIEWIT HOLDINGS, INC. IVIEWIT TECHNOLOGIES, INC. P. Stephen Lamont Former Chief Executive Officer (Acting) and Eliot I. Bernstein Founder and Inventor Via Email Thursday, June 28, 2007 Alain Pompidou c/o Aidan Kendrick President and Wim van der Eijk Principal Director European Patent Office Re: FRAUD UPON THE EUROPEAN PATENT OFFICE BY LICENSED REPRESENTATIVES OF THE EPO AND EPI WITH PROBABLE COLLUSION OF MEMBERS OF THE EPO AND EPI Dear Alain Pompidou c/o Aidan Kendrick and Wim van der Eijk, Referencing Mr. van der Eijk's letter to Eliot I. Bernstein of June 11, wherein Mr. van der Eijk's communication references my email of April 19, please note that in my April 19 (April 18 from the U.S.) communication, the first "read receipt" I received was from the office of John Doll, Commissioner of Patents at the USPTO with the second "read receipt" from Harry I. Moatz, the Director of Enrollment and Discipline at the USPTO and the third "read receipt" from Shanna Winters, the Majority Counsel of the U.S. House of Representatives Judiciary Committee's subcommittee on Intellectual Property, and so on and so forth. The point of this discourse being? Gentlemen, the EYES OF THE TECHNOLOGY AND INVESTIGATORY WORLD are upon you, and all Mr. van der Eijk has to offer up is a weak attempt at denial of the factual matter of fraudulent Iviewit documents in the files of the EPO and his hurt feelings over emotional Iviewit letters from the principal inventor whose life and his family's life are in danger from several death threats and the car bombing instance of summer of 2005, wherein Mr. Bernstein demanded immediate investigation of this factual matter, and all Mr. Mercer, in his email communication of 39 Little Avenue, Red Bluff, CA 96080T (530) 529-4110 EPO LETTER 1 of 13 Alain Pompidou c/o Aidan Kendrick and Wim van der Eijk European Patent Office Re: FRAUD UPON THE EUROPEAN PATENT OFFICE BY LICENSED REPRESENTATIVES OF THE EPO AND EPI WITH PROBABLE COLLUSION OF MEMBERS OF THE EPO AND EPI Thursday, June 28, 2007 June 20, has to offer up is hurt feelings over conference calls he terms impolite and his weak offer of continuing to investigate matters on his end. Moreover, have you compared the two documents attached to this communiqué word for word, page for page, exhibit by exhibit as we have, or have called the proper authorities such as document tampering experts to do same or anything? Presuming you have seen the differences, therefore, who is changing documents at the EPO, that the EPO is transmitting to the EPI, which is investigating the Representatives of the EPO/EPI? Is it Mr. Molyneaux, and have you questioned him at this stage? Or, is it Mr. Mercer, in his efforts to get this "hot potato" off his desk? Or is it Mr. Pompidou, now under his desk and covered by assistants, doing the bidding of the London based and U.S. based law firms with adversarial interests? Or, is it Mr. Kendrick, doing the bidding of Mr. Pompidou? Or, is it Lyse Dibdahl, doing the bidding of Mr. Pompidou as well. Or, is it Mr. Thomas Coester of Blakely Sokoloff Taylor and Zafman LLP Molyneaux's U.S. counterpart at the time whose serendipitous November 2003 trip to Europe seems curious as Molyneaux suddenly changes firms, immediately after filing the fraudulent document, now the subject of criminal fraud on the EPO, etcetera, before us. Sounds like the U.K. abridged version of "10 Little Indians" does it not? It has been more than SIXTY (60) days since we last spoke concerning our factually correct charges of fraudulent documents in the EPO files concerning an OFFICIAL ANSWER to an OFFICIAL OFFICE ACTION for European Patent Application No. 00938126.0 on behalf of Eliot I. Bernstein as Inventor and Iviewit Holdings, Inc. as Assignee, filed by Martyn Molyneaux of Wildman, Harrold, Allen & Dixon LLP and the successor firm on the applications that Molyneaux transferred to, Harrison Goodard Foote incorporating Brewer & Son both firms members before the EPO with offices in London. Moreover, let me be clear in that this is not an allegation, but is a charge of a factually correct situation wherein Iviewit has been in receipt of previously filed documents with the EPO, which were then recently obtained by Mr. Chris P. Mercer, as part of his investigation, as President of the Institute of Professional Representatives before the European Patent Office, then transmitted by Mercer to Iviewit, which materially differ from that document transmitted to Mr. Molyneaux, acting as appointed professional representative of Iviewit via U.S. patent counsel of Norman Zafman and Thomas Coester and Farzad Amini of Blakely Sokoloff Taylor & Zafman LLP, and in turn filed with the EPO by Mr. Molyneaux, again currently under investigation by Mercer's office, wherein such document has been part of the official company record of Iviewit's applications with the EPO. In fact, the response by Mr. Molyneaux notified the EPO of fraud, wherein Mr. Molyneaux at that time was fully aware that fraud was occurring and was notifying your offices of such, where such notification and evidence of 39 Little Avenue, Red Bluff, Cal. 96080T (530) 529-4110 EPO LETTER 2 of 13 Alain Pompidou c/o Aidan Kendrick and Wim van der Eijk European Patent Office Re: FRAUD UPON THE EUROPEAN PATENT OFFICE BY LICENSED REPRESENTATIVES OF THE EPO AND EPI WITH PROBABLE COLLUSION OF MEMBERS OF THE EPO AND EPI Thursday, June 28, 2007 such fraud appear wholly missing from the document and replaced with new matter as clear alteration to cover up the missing information; what a strange document for total fraud to occur on. This will not release the EPO from knowledge of the true letter as it was sent over by Iviewit directly to your offices on several other occasions, the correct version, as part of our ongoing complaint with your offices, thus it should only stand to further investigation as why the correct document has not been in the file and the call it makes to notify the proper criminal authorities that a CRIMINAL FRAUD IS BEING COMMITTED UPON THE EPO BY REPRESENTATIVES LICENSED BEFORE IT. Let me be perfectly clear, your pining that Iviewit should get counsel and take civil actions is a wholly separate affair and at some point obviously we will, when the intellectual properties are converted back to the true and proper inventors which cannot happen until the EPO gets off it’s proverbial arse and NOTIFIES THE CRIMINAL AUTHORITIES THAT CRIMINAL FRAUD MAY HAVE OCCURRED BY LICENSED REPRESENTATIVES BEFORE THE EPO WITH POSSIBLE INTERNAL COLLUSION OF MEMBERS OF THE EPO AND EPI, WHO REFUSE TO TAKE THE PROCEDURALLY CORRECT STEPS UNDER LAW TO PROTECT THE EPO FROM SUCH CATASTROPHIC CRIME THAT ENDANGERS THE SANCTITY, IF ANY IS LEFT, OF THE EPO1. Once you do that and fraud is investigated and the intellectual properties converted through false declarations of oath returned to the correct parties, Iviewit will actually have civil rights to pursue regarding such. Since the fraud has occurred directly against your offices, by your representatives and you have failed for several years to take your fiduciary obligations to protect the sanctity of the EPO and follow procedurally the correct process of notifying the authorities of the fraud, it embarks an aura that the EPO is full of ostrich, with their heads deep in the sand and unable to see the light, that now think removing evidence from a patent file to claim that they did not know perhaps, is going to fly as investigations free of conflict begin and fuse with the unfolding of Patentgate worldwide. Furthermore, as we have previously discussed on or about the first week of April 2007, such document transmitted to us by Mr. Mercer contained the following frauds: (i) exhibits ripped from the document leaving gaping holes in their place in pages that followed - specifically, an exhibit pertaining to a Written Statement to Harry I. Moatz, the Director of the Office of Enrollment and Discipline at the USPTO alleging fraud at the USPTO; and (ii) the OMMISSION OF SPECIFIC LANGUAGE between the two documents, and not only the OMMISSION of specific language, but the SPECIFIC LANGUAGE THAT SERVED AS AN ADDITIONAL ANSWER TO THE EPO 1 Exhibit 1 part 3 39 Little Avenue, Red Bluff, Cal. 96080T (530) 529-4110 EPO LETTER 3 of 13 Alain Pompidou c/o Aidan Kendrick and Wim van der Eijk European Patent Office Re: FRAUD UPON THE EUROPEAN PATENT OFFICE BY LICENSED REPRESENTATIVES OF THE EPO AND EPI WITH PROBABLE COLLUSION OF MEMBERS OF THE EPO AND EPI Thursday, June 28, 2007 OFFICE ACTION, in conjunction with the response of Iviewit's then professional representative, Mr. Molyneaux. (See page 4 of my letter of November 22, 2003, attached below compared and contrasted to Mr. Mercer's transmitted document also attached). Following along, and in our telephone discussion on or about the third week of April 2007, and in our call, you stated that the EPO's in house legal staff was investigating the matter and would contact the property authorities if you were made aware of evidence in your discovery, wherein I followed that conversation by sending you a Conflict of Interest Disclosure Form ("COI's") and requesting execution by all those individuals touching the factually correct charge of fraudulent documents within the files of the EPO. Needless to say, we have neither received a report from you, despite several follow-up calls, nor have we received the executed COI's, but rather we received a letter that acts to smear the inventor but without the executed COI that appears as an obvious attempt to wiggle out, where there is NO wiggle room Mr. Kendrick, of your obligation to respond and take actions to notify the proper authorities of crimes committed against the EPO so the situation must be one of the three cases below: 1. Serious conflicts of interest exist within the EPO concerning the parties outlined in the COI, in which case, to preserve the sanctity of the EPO and all those international inventors which rely on the system, you must move this situation to an investigatory body/law firm outside the confines of the EPO, wherein we would also request their execution of the COI's and return by mail to 39 Little Avenue, Red Bluff, Cal. 96080 or by fax to 530-529-4110; or 2. The investigation still continues and those executed COI's were either lost in the mails, garbled in fax lines, or lost in email servers -- defecation happens; or 3. The least advisable situation in that you, Ciaran McGinley, and Mr. Pompidou and others at the EPO have chosen an irresponsible or intentionally malicious course of conduct both for yourselves and the preservation of the sanctity of the EPO and have chosen to do NOTHING; in hopes that it would go away, perhaps with the bombing of the inventor, which is not the case with so many stockholders with vested interest in the trillion dollar “Holy Grail” video and imaging technologies which have shaped your world in profound ways and are the subject of this most serious crime against your offices. Furthermore, Iviewit DEMANDS proof positive of the EPO's receipt of that certain document dated November 22, 2003 ("Molyneaux Answer"), not the fraudulent document transmitted by Mercer, wherein proof positive shall include, but not be limited to: (i) page by page affirmation of what was received with time and date stamped 39 Little Avenue, Red Bluff, Cal. 96080T (530) 529-4110 EPO LETTER 4 of 13 Alain Pompidou c/o Aidan Kendrick and Wim van der Eijk European Patent Office Re: FRAUD UPON THE EUROPEAN PATENT OFFICE BY LICENSED REPRESENTATIVES OF THE EPO AND EPI WITH PROBABLE COLLUSION OF MEMBERS OF THE EPO AND EPI Thursday, June 28, 2007 impressions by the EPO; (ii) the individual(s) at the EPO that received the Molyneaux Answer from Mr. Molyneaux of the law firms of Wildman, Harrold, Allen & Dixon LLP and Harrison Goodard Foote (incorporating Brewer & Son); (iii) the time and place of receipt of the Molyneaux Answer; iv) all those individuals putting their fingerprints on the Molyneaux Answer from the date of receipt until the placement of the Molyneaux Answer in the archives of the EPO, since retrieved by Mercer; and (v) how the documents were transferred to Mr. Mercer and who sent them, if anyone. Iviewit also demands that your office again follow all procedural steps in notifying all the criminal authorities necessary to supplement the ongoing investigation by Mr. Mercer’s office, which should also be obligated by fiduciary responsibility to the EPI to simultaneously notify authorities that you are now both in possession of factually fraudulent documents submitted to the EPO by it’s representative, handled by it’s employees and made part of an official file of the EPO and EPI, anything short will be looked upon as further collusion and subject to further investigations by criminal authorities. The favor of your reply is requested immediately, and as I have written before, your continued failure to provided an IMMEDIATE EXPLANATION for the differences in these documents shall only add fuel to what began as a whisper of smoke, that proceeded to a witnessing of sparks, that resulted in a slowly smoldering flame, to what now constitutes a RAGING BONFIRE of past patent counsels' and now the EPO's frauds, deceits, and misrepresentations that run so wide and deep that it tears at the very fabric of the Patent Cooperation Treaty of 1970, as amended; if left UNANSWERED as this email is once again circulated through both houses of the United States Congress, the USPTO, the Commerce Department, the FBI and Department of Justice and their oversights, this situation CANNOT STAND, less no application by an inventor should filed with the international patent offices under the auspices of the PCT and EPO ever again. Mr. Bernstein and I look forward to your earliest written response to this communication and now with new evidence of fraud, re-addressing all prior communications with your offices that represented these matters, as certainly you will concede that the fraudulent document and its missing evidence will have influenced prior communications that must now all be re-evaluated. 39 Little Avenue, Red Bluff, Cal. 96080T (530) 529-4110 EPO LETTER 5 of 13 Alain Pompidou c/o Aidan Kendrick and Wim van der Eijk European Patent Office Re: FRAUD UPON THE EUROPEAN PATENT OFFICE BY LICENSED REPRESENTATIVES OF THE EPO AND EPI WITH PROBABLE COLLUSION OF MEMBERS OF THE EPO AND EPI Thursday, June 28, 2007 Therefore, include answers to all questions in the prior communications to the EPO with this new information, which have been left unaddressed and avoided to date and take all actions to notify all of the EPO internal departments and all necessary criminal authorities as outlined in those letters and which are defined in your procedures manual, in elevating the complaints to the next highest level void of conflict. Very truly yours, Eliot I. Bernstein Founder and Inventor IVIEWIT HOLDINGS, INC. IVIEWIT TECHNOLOGIES, INC. And P. Stephen Lamont Iviewit former CEO (Acting) Author e copy and /or cc: Select Members of the House and Senate Judiciary Committee’s Senator Dianne Feinstein The Honorable Inspector General, Department of Justice, Glenn Fine Director of the Office of Enrollment & Discipline, United States Patent & Trademark Office, Harry I. Moatz The Honorable Inspector General, Department of Commerce, Johnnie Frazier Under Secretary of Commerce for Intellectual Property and Director of the United States Patent and Trademark Office, Jon W. Dudas Select Iviewit Shareholders and other Debenture Holders both know and unknown 39 Little Avenue, Red Bluff, Cal. 96080T (530) 529-4110 EPO LETTER 6 of 13 EXHIBITS EXHIBITS SEE ATTACHED EMAIL DOCUMENTS IN PDF FORMAT LISTED BELOW 1. EPO FILING OF FRAUD VIA MOLYNEAUX.PDF 2. IVIEWIT_20070405164314.PDF 3. EPO GOVERNANCE INTERNAL MEMO.PDF 39 Little Avenue, Red Bluff, Cal. 96080T (530) 526-5750 Exhibits