1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 3 1011 ABSORPTION OF SURPLUS STAFF Instructions on speedy re-deployment of surplus staff, 24/2004 are circulated. The RBE number in Board’s letter dated 13-1-04 [circulated as SC No.24/04] quoted as 256/2000, is 29/2004 now changed as 206/2000. Suitable machinery and systems may be set up to 71/04 consult recognised unions for periodical review of redeployment of surplus staff, so that the process of redeployment of surplus staff is expeditiously completed The Committee to assess suitability of the medically 177/04 decategorised staff for absorption in alternative posts should include a medical officer also. Redeployment of surplus staff – Board have decided 210 /04 that pockets should be declared surplus only after making a blue print of re-deployment of staff. 1016 ALLOWANCES OTHER THAN HRA/CCA Board have issued clarification that the Transport allowance at double the rates allowed to PH Rly. Employees wef 1-8-97 may be made applicable to Rly. Employees suffering from spinal deformity [generally known as hunchback disability] subject to the terms and conditions laid down in Board’s lt. Dt. 16-12-97 [SC No. 220/97] Board have issued point-wise clarification regarding payment of fixed medical allowance. Consequent on merger of 50% of Dearness Allowance with Basic pay w.e.f. 1.4.01 the Dearness Pay, Non Practice Allowance and Dearness Allowance is to be calculated as under: 1. Dearness Pay : Basic Pay + Non Practice Allowance at 25% of BP. 2. Non Practice : 25% on Basic pay + DP Allowance (i.e. Basic Pay + 25% Non Practice Allowance). 3. Dearness : Prescribed percentage of dearness . allowance. Allowance on BP+DP+NPA The limit of Basic Pay + Non Practice Allowance which was Rs.29500/- for Doctors is modified to Basic Pay + Dearness Pay + NPA which shall not exceed Rs.44,250/-. Board have clarified that change of residential address as advised to the pension disbursing 132/2004 197/2004 213/2004 214/04 1 2 1 1 1 2 authority by the Pensioner/Family pensioner should not be taken as change in ‘Option’ for the purpose of grant of Medical Allowance if such change in residential address does not involve change over from availing of fixed medical allowance to OPD facility or vice-versa. 1017 ADVANCES – CONVEYANCE Board have clarified that dearness pay shall be 114/04 counted for entitlement as well as the quantum of all the advances Rates of interest to be charged on advances 149/04 sanctioned to the Govt. servants for the purchase of conveyances from 1st April ‘2004 to 31st March 2005 will be the same as for 2003-2004 as under: Bicycle 5.5% Scooter/Motor Cycle 8% Motor Car 11.5% 1018 BAN ON RECRUITMENT / CREATION OF POSTS Credit to the vacancy bank is to be worked out on 188/04 annual basis of value of posts surrendered to have proper accountal [2] For the purpose of working out monetary value of the posts being surrendered, only mean pay of the post plus dearness pay and corresponding dearness allowance should be taken into account. 1019 CASUAL LABOUR 1. The existing simple interest rate of 10% p.a. will 86/04 continue to apply on the delayed payment of gratuity under the Gratuity Act, 1972 [ applicable to CLs] {2} Payment of gratuity under this Act wherever due may be made in time so that the requirement of paying interest on delayed payment of gratuity can be avoided 1020 HRA/CCA Railway employees transferred to N.E.Region and Andaman and Nicobar Islands are entitled to the 02/2004 benefit of additional HRA subject to fulfillment of other conditions, w.e.f. 24.9.03. In supersession to the existing Rules/orders on the subject, w.e.f. 2.9.02, Railway employees posted to 43 new Zones/new Divisions may be allowed to draw /2004 HRA admissible at the last place of posting for a 3 1 1 2 period of 2 years from the date of relief from the old posting, subject to certain conditions. The classification for the purposes of payment of HRA in respect of Goa and Port Blair city in Andaman & 126 Nicobar Islands have been revised from ‘C’ class to B- /2004 1 class and the rural areas of the Union Territory of Andaman & Nicobar Islands from ‘unclassified’ to ‘C’ class areas w.e.f. 1.4.2004. 1021 CONFIDENTIAL REPORTS Self appraisal & Section II of the CR Forms should be 64/04 filled in by and written for staff in grade Rs.5500-9000 and above who are likely to be considered for promotion to Group B 1022 COMPASSIONATE GROUND APPOINTMENTS The eligible dependent of a Railway employee who 62/04 dies in harness or is retired due to medical invalidation may be allowed to complete the educational course he is pursuing, if at the time of death / medical invalidation of the employee: 1] the candidate is major and already pursuing a course he may be allowed to complete it with permission from Railways. 2] the candidate is minor, but at the time of attaining majority, he is already pursuing / admitted to a course he may be allowed to complete it with the permission of the Railway administration. In [1] and [2] his candidature for appointment will be considered according to the qualification so acquired. 3]The candidate is minor and at the time of attaining majority he is not pursuing / admitted to a course, he will be considered on the basis of qualification held at the time of majority. GMs may personally consider compassionate ground appointment in favour of wife/eligible ward of such employees who were medically decategorised 91/2004 between the period from 29.4.99 (Date of Board’s letter circulated as SC No.138/99) and 18.1.2000 (Date of Board’s letter circulated as SC No.21/2000) and sought voluntary retirement on medical decategorisation but were retired after 18.1.2999, based on individual merits of each case. 1025 CORRECTIONS TO IREC VOL I 1 2 1 2 1 ACS 89 to IREC Vol I (1995) [Reprint 1995]: Rule 901(iv) inserted – SRPF Rules will not apply to 11 Railway servants entering into service on or after 1-1- /2004 04. ACS 90 to IREC Vol I (1995) [Reprint 1995]: Rule 904(iii) inserted – Railway servants entering into service on or after 1-1-04 shall not subscribe to the State Railway Provident Fund. ACS 91 to IREC VOL.I , 1985 Edn [1995 reprint] 45/2004 RS[Conduct Rules 1966: [I] Rule 13[2] value of gift on weddings etc., to be reported – Rs.7000/- in case of Gr. A officers Rs.4000/- in case of Gr. B officers, Rs.2000/- in case of Gr. C and Rs.1000/- in case of Gr. D staff. [ii] Rule 13[3] & [ii] value of gifts on weddings etc that need not be reported:Rs.1500/- in respect of Gr A & B officers And Rs.500 in respect of Gr. C and D staff ACS 92 to IREC Vol.I RS [Conduct] Rules 1966: Rule 18[3] substituted : transaction of movable property to be reported to Govt. where value exceeds ; Rs.20,000/- in case of Gr. A & B officers and Rs. 15,000/- in case of Gr. C & D staff. 1026 CORRECTION TO R II Corrigendum to ACS No:53 to IREC II, 1990 Edition: 16/2004 Rule 1697 amended vide ACS 53, is further corrected: GMs/ DRMs/HODs and all officers of JAG & above shall be their own controlling officers for countersignature on TA journals. Heads of Departments may declare the authorities subordinate to him who shall be the controlling officers for the purpose of countersignature on TA journals of railway servants employed under him. ACS No.54 to IREC Vol.II (First Reprint 1990) Rule 136/2004 1607 sub-rule (5): for journeys performed by autorickshows/taxis under the prepaid charges system managed by local Police/Airport authority/State Transport Authority in Metropolitan cities, fare as determined by the Govt.agencies by reimbursed. 1028 CORRECTIONS TO IREM ACS No: 156 to IREM Vol. I: Para 131(1) substituted. The posts in the category of Law Assistants in the 23 pay scale of Rs.6500-10500 to be filled as under: /2004 i. 40% by D.R. from open market. ii. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 60% by promotion by general selection from amongst eligible serving employees, shortfall, if any being added to D.R. ACS 157 & 158 to IREM Vol.I 1989 ed. Para 155[2][iii]&[iv] and Para 156[2][iii]&[iv] modified: The initial training period for trainee Draftsman in Mechanical/Electrical and S&T dept. has been reduced to 18 months on stipend of 4000-100-4100, applicable to batches recruited after 16-3-04. ACS 1 to manual on management of training [June 1988] item 2 under item No.IV of Appendix II – Correction to the above effect, issued. ACS 161 to IREM Vol.I 1989 edn.: Para 171[1] on mode of filling up vacancies of Accounts clerk in Account department in scale Rs.3050-4590 substituted [ effective for selections notified after 2-604]: as: 66-2/3% by DR through RRBs, 25% by promotion by selection from Gr.’D’ staff as per existing procedure, 8-1/3% by LDCE from Gr. D with 3 years minimum regular service with qualification of Matriculation or equivalent. ACS 160 to IREM Vol.I 1989 edn.: Note below clause [ii] of para 174[4] inserted: Graduate typists and Sr. typists in scale Rs. 3050 – 4590 and Rs.4000-6000 respectively, may also be permitted to appear in the 13.33% LDCE quota for promotion as Sr. Clerks in scale Rs.4500-7000. ACS 162 to IREM Vol.I 1989 edn.: Para 137 [2][i][b] substituted. Diploma in Automobile Engineering has been included in the list of qualifications prescribed for direct recruitment to the post of Diesel/Elec. Asst. in scale Rs.3050-4590 wef 7-6-04 ACS 164 to IREM Vol.I 1989 edn.: Para 166[i] substituted: Recruitment rules for filling up the post of Dietician in scale Rs.5500-9900 and Sr. Dietician in scale Rs.6500-10500, is indicated as under: Dietician – 100% by DR Sr. Dietician [Non-selection] by promotion fro amongst the eligible serving dieticians. ACS 163 to IREM Vol.I 1989 edn.: Para 168[A] The mode of filling up the posts of Scientific Asst. in scale Rs.5500-9000, Scientific Supervisor Gr.II in scale Rs.6500-10500 and Scientific Supervisor Gr. I in scale 7450-11500 in the Psycho Technical units are added [1] ACS 159 to IREM Vol.I 1989 edn.: Para 313[A] on assignment of seniority of redeployed surplus staff 59/04 95/04 98/2004 99/04 102/2004 103/2004 110/04 9 10 11 12 13 14 added – [2] Para 3[1] of Board’s letter dt. 21-4-89 [SC 128/89] modified to the extent that where small number of surplus staff are redeployed in other departments they will not be entitled for the benefit of past service in previous unit/department and are to be treated as fresh entrants. [3] Instructions on assignment of seniority where large number of staff are redeployed remain unchanged Advance correction slip to IRMM 2000: para 601[6] item [d] added: dependent widowed mother / widowed mother in law as the case may be of the widows appointed on compassionate grounds is to be allowed to avail of the Railway medical facilities under Rly Medical Attendance Rules , subject to the condition that the income of the widowed mother /mother in law is within the ceiling limit prescribed in the pass rules ACS 165 to IREM Vol.I 1989 edn.: Para 224 [ii] [iii] substituted -refusal of promotion whether in long term or short term vacancies at the same station will be taken as refusal to work, inviting disciplinary action. ACS to IRMM 2000 circulated as SC No. 116/04 has been modified. The Rly. medical facilities under Rly. Medical Attendance and Treatment Rules, is now extended only to the widow mother-in-law of the widow/widower on appointment on compassionate grounds ACS 168 to IREM Vol.I 1989 edn.: Para 1125 – Nongazetted employees whose basic pay and dearness pay taken together does not exceed Rs.12450 [Rupees Twelve thousand four hundred fifty] per month shall be eligible for festival advance. These orders are effective from 8-10-04 Examinations for Accounts Department – Advance Correction Slip Numbers 166 and 167 amending Appendix 2 and Appendix 3 of IREM Vol.I (1989 Edition) examinations are circulated. ACS No. 169 to IREM Volume I, 1989 Edition - Paras 1104[5] [i], 1104[5][ii], 1105[1], 1106 [1], 1107[1] amended with effect from 8-10-2004. Advance Conditions of Eligibility [BP+DP] QUANTUM OF ADVANCE I Occasion II Occasion 116/04 175/2004 186/04 190/04 196 / 04 199/04 1 1 2 3 4 M. Car Not less than Rs. 15,750 8 months B P + DP subj. to max. limit of Rs.1,80,000, or anticipated price, whichever is less 8 months BP + DP sub. to max. limit of Rs.1,60,000 or anticipated price whichever is less M.Cycl e/Scoo ter Not less than Rs.6900 4 months BP + DP, subj. to max. limit of Rs. 30,000 or anticipated price, whichever is less 3 months BP+ DP subj. to max. limit of Rs. 24,000 or anticipated price, whichever is less Bicycle Upto Rs.7500/- Rs.1500/- or actual cost incl. of sales tax, whichever is less 1030 DAILY ALLOWANCE Clarifications on admissibility of Daily Allowance along with Road Mileage Allowance for local journeys within 48 the same urban agglomeration beyond a radius of 8 /2004 Kms for HQrs, are circulated. 1031 DEARNESS ALLOWANCE Rate of dearness allowance to all Railway employees revised to 61% wef 1-1-04 Board have issued orders regarding merger of dearness allowance /Dearness relief equal to 50% of existing basic pay / pension, to Railway employees / pensioners wef 1-4-04, and shown distinctly as dearness pay/dearness pension. Revised rates of dearness relief to Central Government Pensioners / Family pensioner effective from 1-1-04 @ 61% communicated. Dearness relief equal to 50% of the basic pension / family pension / ex-gratia merged with basic pension/ family pension/ex-gratia w.e. from 1-4-04, communicated With the merger dearness pension the minimum pension is Rs.1913/Merger of DA equal to 50% of basic pay with the basic pay wef 1-1-04 – Dearness pay is to be worked out on basic Pay + running allowance and running allowance is to be allowed only on basic pay. 35/04 36/04 56/04 73/04 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 1 2 3 4 With the merger of 50% of dearness allowance as 111/04 dearness pay wef 1-4-04, non-practicing allowance is to be calculated at 25% of basic pay plus dearness pay duly observing the ceiling limit of Rs.29500 only on Basic pay + NPA. With the merger of 50% of dearness allowance as 120/04 dearness pay wef 1-4-04 the emoluments of running staff is to be calculated as under : BP+RA[30% of BP] + DP [ BP+30%of BP] +% of DA [BP+30% of BP + DP] Dearness pay allowed from 1-4-04 is to be reckoned for the purpose of calculation of incentive / PCO allowance in Rly. Workshops and PUs. Rate of Dearness allowance to all railway employees revised from 11% to 14% wef 1-7-2004 All allowances except OTA to be calculated on basic pay + dearness pay [b] dearness pay shall be variable consequent upon increase or decrease of basic pay in the event of annual increment, promotion, punishment etc [c] Amount to be recovered at the time of retirement for becoming member of RELHS shall be calculated on basic pay + dearness pay Board have communicated the procedure to be adopted for computing emoluments of running staff for working out their retirement benefits i.e., Emoluments = Basic Pay + DP + Pay element @ 55% on BP + DP) Revised rates of dearness relief to railway pensioners / family pensioners wef 1-7-2004. 146/04 167/04 168/04 194 /2004 204/2004 1033 DISCIPLINE & APPEAL RULES SC No.1 to MC No.67: An appellate authority in the rank of DRM and above only can exercise revisionary 30 /2004 powers where no appeal has been preferred. The procedure to be followed for promotion of railway 74/04 servants against whom disciplinary proceedings have been initiated is outlined along with illustrations. Officers / staff if found responsible for wilful delay in 84/04 disposal of various types of cases dealt by them finally leading to delay in decision making and / or harassment of public will be liable for action in terms of provisions of Rule 3 and 3A of RS [Conduct Rules ] 1966 & RS [D&A] rules 1968 Guidelines/ measures to be adopted for avoiding 118/04 undue delay in disposal of disciplinary cases, are 5 6 7 1 2 3 outlined Promotion of Group ‘C’ staff under restructuring 192/04 orders – D&A clearance will be applicable for being considered for promotion against upgraded post on the cut off date under restructuring orders i.e. 1.11.03 and not when his case for promotion against upgraded post is actually considered or when panel is formed. Rule 9(2)of RS(D&A)Rules 1968 amended :1. The complaints committee established for inquiring 195/ 2004 into complaints of sexual harassment shall be deemed to be inquiring authority appointed by the D.A. 2. The complaints committee shall hold the inquiry, as far as practicable in accordance with the procedure laid down in RS(D&A) Rules 1968. Rule 6 (iii-b) of RS(D&A) Rules 1968 on Minor 220/04 penalties substituted as:- ‘Reduction to lower stage in the time scale of pay by one stage for a period not exceeding three years without cumulative effect and not adversely affecting his pension’. 1036 FIXATION OF PAY The employees who could not submit options for fixation of pay under Rule 1313 FR 22(I)(a)(1), R-II on 21 /2004 promotion to posts carrying identical scale within the stipulated period, may be allowed the benefit of fixation of pay under this Rule from the date of promotion in the identical scale. Henceforth when Sr. Trackman / Trolleyman / 76/04 Gateman/Watchman in scale Rs.2650-4000 are placed in higher scale of Rs. 2750-4400 their pay should be fixed under Rule 1313 FR22[1][a][1] , after ensuring that he has not already been given the benefit of fixation while placing them in scale Rs. 2750-4400 under Rule 1313 FR22[1][a][1 R-II Medically decategorised drivers, drafted to perform 89/04 the duties of Power Controllers / Crew Controllers cease to be running staff and they are not eligible to any benefit admissible to running staff including the allowance in liew of kilometerage or addition in basic pay for computation of retirement benefits. However pay of such medically decategorised drivers has to be fixed as per extant instructions [SC No 138/99] governing fixation of pay of medically decategorised drivers appointed in alternative stationary posts. 1 2 1 2 3 4 1039 HOUSE BUILDING ADVANCE Guidelines for considering cases relating to sanction of HBA to Central Government employees for purchase of ready built flats/house from private builders, is circulated. Consequent on merger of DA with Basic Pay. quantum of HBA has been revised as under w.e.f. 15.10.2004:1. New Construction/purchase of new house/flat – Maximum limit of 34 months BP+DP subject to maximum 7.5 lakhs or repaying capacity or cost of house whichever is least. 2. Enlargement of existing house New Construction/purchase of new house/flat – Maximum limit of 34 months BP+DP subject to maximum 1.8 lakhs or repaying capacity or cost of house whichever is least. 3. Cost ceiling limit is revised to 134 times the BP+DP subject to minimum of 7.5 lakhs and maximum of Rs. 18 Lakhs relaxable upto maximum of 25% in individual cases . Rates of interest on HBA during 1.1.04 to 31.3.05. Upto 50,000 - 5% Upto 1,50,000 - 6.5% Upto 5,00,000 - 8.5% Upto 7,50,000 - 9.5% 1040 HONORARIUM The procedure for submission of proposals of honorarium claims beyond Rs.10,000/- in the case of Non-Gaz. Railway employees to Railway Board, is reiterated. The honorarium accrued during a particular year has to be taken into account for that year only even if the payment is being made during the subsequent year. Railway servants appointed to act as an Arbitrator to settle disputes between Govt. of India and Private parties shall be paid honorarium of Rs.300/- per day [more than 2 hrs of continuous work or Rs.150/- per half day [ 2 hrs or less] subject to a maximum of Rs.10,000 per case. Instructions on engagement and payment of honorarium to stenos for arbitration work / arbitration award are issued. Henceforth all the proposals seeking approval of Railway Board to the payment of honorarium beyond 15 /2003 198 / 04 05/2004 38/2004 85/04 115/04 5 1 1 1 1 2 the limit of Rs.10,000/- in individual cases should be sent to Railway Board after seeking personal approval of FA&CAO and General Manager and a mention to this effect should be made in the covering letter while forwarding such proposal. GM can make 90% reimbursement of the membership 178/04 fee in respect of recognised / entitled institutes / societies as given below: 1] JAG officers & above – upto a maximum of 3 institutes /Societies of which one can be international 2] below JAG level upto Sr. Supervisors in scale Rs.7450-11500 & 6500-10500 – two institutions including one international Beyond this limit Board’s approval is necessary. 1042 CGEGIS Central Government Employees Group Insurance 81/04 Scheme 1980 _ Table of benefits for the saving fund for the period from 1-1-04 to 31-12-04 1049 MEDICAL FACILITIES TO RETD STAFF Board have issued instructions for grant of fixed 54/2004 medical allowance @ Rs.100/- p.m. to the Railway pensioners residing beyond 2.5 kms from a Railway hospital / health unit. 1050 MEDICAL EXAMINATION The relaxation given to in-service employees in Aye- 130 /2004 two (A-2) category who have undergone Intra Ocular Lens (PC) Implant in one or both eyes to continue in the respective category provided their visual acuity standard comes upto the prescribed limit, effective from 5.2.2004 is also applicable to similarly placed in service employees who have undergone Intra Ocular Lens (PC) prior to 5.2.2004, subject to examination by Medical Board including one eye specialist and acceptance of its recommendations by CMD. 1051-1 APPRENTICE The instructions to put on hold the engagement of 170/02 Course Completed Act Apprentices as fresh face substitutes in Gr. ‘D’ categories in workshops / PUs issued under Board’s letter dated 19-8-99, is withdrawn, with immediate effect Amendment to Rule 14 of Apprentice Rules, 1992 , is 183 /2004 circulated. 1051-2 ARREAR CLAIMS 1 1 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Extant instructions on forwarding proposals to Board 65/04 seeking waival of internal check on paid vouchers, are reiterated 1051-4 CASUAL LEAVE The categories of railway servant who were earlier 60/2004 entitled to 15 days casual leave in a claendar year will now be entitled to 10 days casual leave from the current calendar year i.e. 2004 1051-15 STAFF BENEFIT FUND The per capita contribution to SBF has been 57/04 increased from Rs.26/- to Rs.30/- per annum with effect from 1-4-04 – the revised per capita allocation to various heads / activities is circulated 1051-13 PAY SCALES & DESIGNATION Board have issued modification to restructuring orders in respect of posts in the categories of Shunting Drivers and Diesel /Elec. Assistants and Technical Supervisors for the cadres where Mistries posts are not existing. Board have issued clarification regarding grant of Special allowance of Rs.100/- to Mistries, beyond 31.10.03 this Special Allowance would be regulated under Para 13.4 of Board’s letter dated 9.10.03 issued under South Central Railway No.191/03. Board have issued orders regarding the grant of higher pay scales to Dieticians through ACP Scheme to operate the higher grade posts of Dieticians in the scale Rs.6500-10500 and Rs.7500-12000 on functional basis. Board have issued corrigendum regarding pay scales and designations of employees of Canteen in the Railways and Production units etc. Board have revised the designation of Drivers , Shunters and Diesel/Elec Assts. Board have issued orders regarding restructuring of certain Gr. ‘C’ and ‘C’ cadres – status of selection finalised between 1-11-03 and 6-1-04 modified . Board have issued clarification regarding scales of Rs.1200-2040 of School Librarians The restructuring orders issued under Board’s letter dated 9-10-03 [SC 191/03] and 6-1-2004 [7/2004] are also applicable to Technical Supervisors in Production Control Organisations 07/2004 17/2004 18 /2004 27/2004 31/2004 82/04 83/2004 96/2004 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 1 Restructuring of Gr. C and D cadres – Board have decided that in those cases where due to pin-pointing of posts staff is required to join duties in the upgraded posts at a different station, such staff may be allowed the benefit of upgradation/promotion on as is where is basis for the time being and allowed to join the pinpointed post at the new station within six months time from the date of issue of promotion order subject to the satisfaction of HOD on merit in each case. Board have issued orders regarding allotment of higher pay scales to Rly. Accounts staff – revision of pension Board have issued instructions regarding merging of different categories viz., SM/ASM with YMs and TIs, PIs with WIs and HOER & ESM with MSM. Discrepancies in Para 11 and para 15 of Board’s letter 9-10-03 are clarified Board have clarified regarding anomaly in fixation of pay- Loco Supervisory staff appointed prior to 1-1-96 with reference to their junior appointed after 1-1-96 and drawing more pay than their seniors, may be granted stepping up of pay at par with their juniors in terms of Note 9 of Rule 7 of RSRP rules 1997 on certain conditions Board have enumerated the procedure to be followed for posting of employees in the merged cadres of SMs/ASMs, TIs and YMs . Option has been granted to RPF combatised staff whose pay scales have been revised vide Bd’s letter No PCV/9/G/4 dt. 4-12-97 Restructuring of certain Gr. ‘C’ and ‘D’ cadres[1] percentage distribution based on the sanctioned cadre strength on 1-11-03 is to be taken and; [2] temporary posts subject to certification that these posts are meant for regular activities, is to be taken into account for the purpose of restructuring Board have clarified that restructuring of Typists may be allowed on the basis of inter-grade ratios [ as per the prescribed percentage distribution ] limited to only those grades which are under operation in the cadre on the Railway. 108/04 109/04 141/04 142/2004 147/04 148/04 153/04 185/2004 1051-17 – UNIFORMS Luminescent vests [Safety jackets] and items like 40/04 torch, helmet, raincoat and leather gloves may be issued as T & P items under the powers of GMs. 2 1 1 1 2 1 2 3 These items should be given only to such categories of Staff/supervisors who are working on the tracks for their personal safety in addition to the existing uniforms to Gangmen, Keymen, Mates and Patrolmen. Further to Board’s instructions circulated under scr SC 58/04 No 104/ 01, Asst. Guards and ASMs are also included in the list of Public image categories for the purpose of supply of cloth and payment of stitching charges 1051-25 BONUS Sanction of PLB equivalent to 59 days without any 182/04 ceiling on wages for eligibility for the financial year 2003-2004 to all eligible non-gazetted Rly. employees [ excluding RPF/RPSF personnel] has been communicated 1052 NATIONAL HOLIDAY ALLOWANCE Consequent on merger of 50% of DA with Basic Pay 215/04 the Board have revised the existing pay range for determining the eligibility for National holiday Allowance w.e.f. 01.04.2004 . 1053 NIGHT DUTY ALLOWANCE The rates of Night Duty Allowance have been revised 80/04 wef 1-1-2004 [additional instalment of DA] and wef 14-04 [ merger of DA with Basic pay] [2] Rates of NDA should be adjudged on the basis of basic pay only. Consequent to sanction of an additional instalment of 202 /04 D.A., the rates of NDA have been revised w.e.f. 1.7.04 1056 PASS RULES All Group ‘D’ employees with minimum 20 years of Railway service will be entitled, irrespective of date of retirement, to one set of post retirement 01/2004 complimentary pass every year. Henceforth, Family Identity Cards are to be issued by the pass issuing authority who maintains the pass 09 /2004 account for the issue of post retirement complimentary passes, irrespective of the original place of retirement of the Railway servant. The restriction of distance of 80 Kms for issue of School Card Passes to student wards of Railway 19 /2004 employees has been enhanced to 150 Kms over home lines only. 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ACS No.44 to RS(Pass)Rules 1986 )2nd Edn.1993) Instructions exist that Senior citizen retired railway employees (who are above the age of 65 years) holding I Class/I’A’ post retirement complimentary pass were allowed the facility of taking companion in lieu of attendant in II/SL class. Now Board have extended the facility of taking a companion along with the above retired employees in the higher class on payment of full difference of fare between sleeper class and class in which the retired Railway employee travels. In supersession to all existing entitlements revised entitlements for travel by Rajdhani and Shatabdi Express trains are circulated. The Privilege/Post retirement complimentary pass holders will be permitted to travel within the earmarked quota, giving preference to duty pass holders in allotment of seats/berths. The powers given to Senior subordinates in grade Rs.5000-8000 & above in direct and independent charge of the establishment to issue/sign First Class Post-retirement complimentary pass instead of I-A pass to retired Railway officers upto 1.2.2004, is now extended upto 30.9.2004 Sr. subordinates in grade Rs.5000-8000 and above in direct and independent charge of the establishment who have been identified by the DRMs to issue/sign post retirement complimentary pass to retired Railway employees other than I ‘Á’ pass holders, can also issue/sign widow passes. ACS No.45 to RS(Pass) Rules,1986 (II Edition 1993):Schedule III Column 2, item (iii) added Parent/guardian may also be included in school pass issued to handicapped student sons of railway employees who are 18 years and above, subject to production of medical certificate from DMO to the effect, that such student boys are unable to travel alone. Widow pass may be continued to be issued (even for undergoing training for appointment on Railways) till she is actually appointed or till she opts for inclusion in the Privilege pass of her son/daughter subject to other conditions. The age of the employee/family member/dependents, 33 /2004 34 /2004 67 /2004 69 /2004 70 / 2004 75 /2004 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 who intend to travel in the pass, should be recorded invariably to prevent fraudulent use of passes. Consequent on increase in dearness relief to pensioners /family pensioners wef 1-1-04, the ceiling limit of income of dependent relative for grant of Privilege Pass/PTOs is revised to Rs.2415/-pm [Rs.1500 pension +915 relief] or 15% of pay of railway servant, whichever is more. Clarifications on pass facilities to canteen employees is circulated. Henceforth, ‘available over IR & KRC’ may be indicated against column ‘Route /Via’ in the various kinds of passes issued ACS No.45 to Railway Servants (Pass) Rules,1986 (Second Edition,1993) Schedule IV item (XIV) Column 3 amended. The facility of companion in lieu of attendant may also be provided to Ist Class/Ist A Post Retirement Complimentary Pass holders and/or eligible family members above 65 years of age when travelling along with the eligible mentally retarded and/or physically disabled son/daughter of the retired Railway employee. Eligible serving/retired Railway employees may be allowed to transport their household items by containers on their transfer/retirement - procedure to be adopted is out lined. The Hon’ble CAT, Mumbai in their judgment dated 18.6.04 upheld the stand taken by the Railway that pension drawn by ex-servicemen is not added to basic pay for the purpose of determining the class of passes to them. Medal winners in Olympic games may be granted I AC complimentary Cheque pass, along with one companion, in the same class, on receipt of application from the sportsperson [single to and fro journey] valid for travel in Rajdhani & Shatabdi between any two stations on Indian Railways, once during a financial year every year. The facility of one set of Complimentary pass in II Sleeper Class available fore self only to licensed porters from the station of their working to any station on Indian Railways and back, is extended to the spouse of the porter also, subject to terms and conditions laid down in Board’s letter dated 7.7.97 (Circulated as SC No. 137/97) 88 /2004 94/04 105 /2004 112/04 125 /2004 129 /2004 151 /2004 166/2004 176 /2004 19 20 21 22 23 1 2 3 4 First class privilege pass to re-employed ex- 181/04 servicemen on the Railways will be based on their date of entry into Railway service and their pay on the Railways. School pass can also be given in cases where the 187/04 students travel for counseling purposes subject to the number of passes to be issued in a calendar year remaining the same i.e., three sets. 1st Class / 2nd AC Complimentary card pass facility is 189/04 extended to the surviving widows of all Gallantry awardees at par with the facility already available to widows of posthumous Gallantry awardees of Defence Police Forces subject to submission of attested copy of death certificate and certificate from a gazetted officer indicating that the widow has not remarried. Consequent on increase in dearness relief to 216/04 pensioners/family pensioners w.e.f. 1.7.04, the ceiling limit of dependent relative for grant of privilege pass/PTOs to dependent relatives is revised to Rs.2565 i.e., Rs.1500/-(Pension/Family pension) + 750 (DP) + 14% of Rs.2250(1500+750) or 15% of the pay of the Railway Servant, whichever is more. The powers given to Sr. Subordinates in grade Rs.5000-8000 and above in direct & independent 217 /04 charge of the establishment to issue/sign First Class Post retirement Complimentary pass instead of First ‘A’ to the retired Railway Officers who opt for the same in writing , valid upto 30.9.04, is now delegated on permanent basis. 1058 PENSION RULES Railway Services (Extraordinary Pension) Rules,1993 will be applicable to all Railway Servants appointed on 03 /2004 or before 31.12.2003. Railway Services (Commutation of Pension) Rules,1993 will be applicable to all Railway Servants 04 /2004 appointed on or before 31.12.2003. New restructured defined contribution pension system has been introduced for all new entrants to Central 10/2004 Govt. service including Railway service w.e.f. 1.1.04 Board have clarified that where the disability pension under extra-ordinary family pension to dependent parents, brothers, sisters etc. of the deceased non- 22/2004 pensionable & deceased pensionable Rly. servants worked out as per instructions contained in 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 S.C.No.67/2000, falls below Rs.1275/-, the same may be stepped up dto Rs.1275/-. Judicial proceedings pertaining to mere civil cases with which Rlys/Govt. have no concern and suits having no bearings on the conduct of the Rly. servant as laid down in RS(Conduct)Rules,1966, need not be continued as deemed proceedings under Rule 9 of RS(Pension)Rules, 1993. PHODs, DRMs, GMs may review all the cases where judicial proceedings pending at the time of the retirement have been treated as deemed proceeding under RS(Pension) Rules and decide about desirability or otherwise of continuing such proceedings under Rule 9 of Pension Rules. 2. Similar cases of retiring Gr.A Officers found not desirable to continue as proceedings under Rule 9 above should be referred to Railway Board with GM’s recommendations. The salient features of New Pension System operative w.e.f. 1.1.2004 is circulated. Board have substituted para 2(a) of their letter dated 30.7.2001 circulated under S.C.No.176/01 and have enumerated procedure for calculation of pension/commutation of pension in respect of running staff who retired during the period from 1.1.96 to 30.9.96 in V CPC scales. Revision of pension of pre and post 1986 pensioners / family pensioners – date of submission of applications extended from 30-9-03 to 30-09-04 Step mother is not covered by the definition ‘family’ for the purpose of family pension on the death of the son of her late husband born out of his first wife. Clarifications on the implementation of New Pension System (NPS), is circulated. Board have clarified that for drawal of family pension on behalf of mentally retarded children no specific format of nomination has been prescribed and can be given on plain paper legal guardianship certificates is also not required in such cases. 12% interest is to be allowed on the arrears of running allowance calculated in accordance with Rule 2544 RII [1973 Ed] in respect of all the beneficiaries [ i.e. running staff who retired between 1-1-72 to 4-12-88] irrespective of their having approached judicial forum or not. In such cases, period for computing delays in payment of arrears should be reckoned from the date of Supreme Court’s judgement dated 25-7-97. 26 /2004 32 /2004 39 /2004 55/04 61 /2004 101/2004 133/2004 145/04 13 14 1 2 3 4 5 Introduction of New Pension Scheme: [1] No credit to 179/04 casual labour service for the purpose of retirement benefits after regularisation is available to casual labours on their regularisation against Gr. D posts on or after 1-1-04 and [2] no further deduction towards SRPF shall be effected from such casual labours wef 1-1-04 . The amount lying in their PF account till date shall be paid to them with interest upto 30-4-2004. Board have clarified that New Pension System is not 206 /04 applicable to casual labour on monthly rates. Those who have been regularised after the introduction of New Pension System will be governed by the New Pension Scheme. 1060 PROMOTION RULES Board have issued clarification regarding Financial Upgradation under the ACP Scheme that as a very 8 /2004 special case, the requirement of passing the trade test/skill test for the purpose of grant of ACP Scheme may be waived for the employees who retired/died/resigned who were in service as on the date of introduction of the scheme. In the event of shortfall against 33 1/3% and 16-2/3% promotion quotas for promotion from Group ‘D’ to “C” 20 /2004 as per existing procedure, as a one time measure, the selection may be thrown open to (i) Group ‘D’ staff of other departments in the Unit for the post of office Clerks (ii) Group ‘D’ staff of categories other than in the specified Categories in the AVC, in the Department concerned, in the Unit for the posts of Comml. Clerks, Ticket Collector, Train Clerk, Stores Clerk etc. In continuation to Board’s letter dated 4.7.03 (SC No.177/03), corrected copy of Hon’ble Supreme Court 41 /2004 judgement regarding status and benefits admissible to staff working in Construction Organisation (in W.P.filed by Shri Inderpal Yadav & Ors), is circulated. 50% of temporary status casual service on absorption 63/04 in regular employment is to be taken into account towards minimum service of 12/24 years for grant of benefits under ACP scheme The posts of Superintendent [NDT/Gamma 100/04 Ray/Radiography] in scale Rs. 7450-11500 is merged with that of Superintendent [ X-Ray/ Spectography / Industrial Engg. ] redesignated as CMS Gr. I in the 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 same scale and the posts in this merged grade Rs.7450-11500 is to be filled on ‘non-selection’ basis from staff in the immediate lower grade working as CMS Gr.II in grade Rs.6500-10500 [ selection post] Mode of filling up the post of Library and Information Assistant in grade Rs.5500-9000 in Libraries in Railways/Railway Institutes other than Schools/Colleges is circulated. The post of Gateman in scale Rs.2750-400 is to be filled on out of turn basis by obtaining willingness for the said post while Gangman vacancies in scale Rs.2750-4400 are allowed to continue to be filled on seniority basis The instructions that the post of Gateman in scale Rs.2750-400 is to be filled on out of turn basis by obtaining willingness for the said post may be kept in abeyance till further orders of Board GM’s are empowered to extend the tenure of posting of running staff drafted to perform duties of Power/Crew Controllers beyond three years on year to year basis upto a maximum period of five years (3+1+1) based on administrative requirements. Board desires that: (i) Question papers for the written test for the Gr.B selection through 70% selection/30% LDCE, should be set/designed to test the ability of candidates to tackle the practical problems that they are likely to face rather than their theoretical knowledge. (ii) Candidates who take the written examination for selections/LDCE for promotion to Gr.B may be allowed to take the question papers with them. The benefit of promotion against chain / resultant vacancies should also be given with effect from 1-1104 if the same has arisen purely due to restructuring Group ‘C’ employees with 3/5 years of non-fortuitous service in grade the minimum of which is Rs.5000/and in higher Group ‘C’ grades are eligible to appear in the selection/LDCE respectively for promotion to Group ‘B’. If Asst. Divisional Cashier/Inspector of Cashier (ADC/IOC) in scale Rs.5500-9000 with 2 years minimum service are not available for filling the post of Divisional Cashier in scale Rs.6500-10500, those who have completed a minimum of four years combined service as Sr. Cashier Gr.I and ADC/IOC 106/2004 121/04 131/04 137/2004 140/2004 143/04 152/2004 156/04 14 15 16 17 18 1 may be considered for promotion as Divisional Cashier in grade Rs.6500-105000 (RPS) Financial upgradation under the ACP scheme – the 161/04 entire temporary status service of substitutes followed by regularisation without break is to be taken into account towards the minimum service of 12/24 years for the purpose of grant of benefit under the ACP scheme In case of mutual transfers in the category of 163/2004 Diesel/Elect.Asstt., they will be eligible to appear for promotion as Goods Driver as per seniority based on their service/experience which has been taken into account for the purpose of assignment of seniority in the new cadre. The guidelines prescribing proper procedure for filling 164/04 up ex-cadre posts has been laid down by Board The two years service condition relaxable by GM personally in all categories except running staff may be relaxed for promotion of Drivers also with 211/04 the personal approval of GM, where such relaxation is found to be inescapable in the interest of the administration subject to fulfillment of one year’s service in the immediate lower grade or a foot plate experience of 40,000 Kms, whichever is later. The working of Drivers so promoted with relaxation should be monitored more closely by Loco Inspectors. 2. Adequate measures like advance planning for the running cadre including retirement, timely selections and promotions should be taken to obviate the need for granting relaxation in such an important safety category post. In the restructuring orders of Gr.C & D, 20% of posts were placed in Sr.grade in the various grades in the 212 /04 cadre of Drivers and Guards w.e.f. 1.3.93. Consequently, the promotion to the various upgraded posts in the cadre of Drivers and guards will be on the basis of seniority cum suitability. They are not required to render two years in the basic grade for promotion to such upgraded posts i.e., a person with less than 2 years service in the basic grade can be promoted to the Sr.Grade. 1061 PROVIDENT FUND RULES DA equal to 50% of the basic pay will form part of 113/04 basic pay for determining various advances / final withdrawals admissible under SRPF rules [rules 923 to 925 of IREC Vol.I] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1062 QUARTERS The facility granted for retention of Railway quarter at the previous place of posting, to the newly created Zone/Divisions, for a period of one year from the date of their relief and further extended by another one year is equally available to officers and staff posted to newly created Zones as well as Divisions. The facility of retention of Railway accommodation at the previous place of posting on payment of Special Licence fee by the officers/staff on deputation to KRCL, current till 30.9.03 is now extended upto 31.3.2004. Railway Board have reiterated instructions on allotment of Railway Quarters to staff belonging to essential categories. Proposals for retention of railway accommodation beyond the permissible period on medical grounds should be forwarded to Rly Board with the personal approval of GM duly following the procedures laid down by Board Classification of sub-standard quarters – lack of a formal store-room does not render a quarter substandard so long as a space for storage exists in many diverse forms viz., a loft in one of the rooms / kitchen or even a verandah. Officers / staff posted to new zones / divisions after 25-9-03 [ date of Bd’s letter circulated as SC 190/03 ] are eligible to retain Rly. Quarter at previous place of posting for a period of one year only from the date of release. Permission for retention of Rly. Accommodation at the previous place of posting in favour of Rly. Officers / staff on deputation to Rail Vikas Nigam Ltd. [RVNL] is available for a period of 5 years i.e. 17-1-2008, subject to fulfillment of other conditions Permission for retention Railway accommodation at previous place of posting shall be available to Officers/staff posted to Jammu-Udhampur-Srinagar New Line Construction Project including those stationed at Jammu under this project upto the target date for the completion of the project, i.e., 15.8.2007. During the operation of the special relaxation regarding retention of quarter on posting to new zones, Rly.officials who were allotted and occupied 06/2004 25 /2004 47 /2004 50/2004 66/04 87/04 123/04 127/2004 159/04 10 11 1 2 3 4 5 6 accommodation from other than Rly. Pool , on their request, should be allotted Rly. accommodation at new place of posting on out of turn basis. The validity of permission for retention of Railway 165/04 accommodation in favour of Railway employees posted on deputation to IRCTC has been extended from 27.9.04 for a further period upto 26.9.2005 subject to the terms and conditions contained in Board’s letter dated 12.4.02 (SC No.65/02). Railway employees rendered surplus and posted at a 174/04 new station necessitating change of residence may be permitted to retain Rly. accommodation at previous place of posting wef 8-9-04 on payment of normal rent, for a period of 3 years from the date of issue of transfer orders or till the allotment of Rly. quarter at new place of posting, whichever is earlier 1063 RECRUITMENT RULES Para 4.3 of Board’s letter dated 19.6.2000 (SC No.152/2000) amended to include norms for recruitment of sportspersons in Group ‘D’ in Golf discipline. The judgement of CAT/Principal Bench/New Delhi upholding the instructions debarring RPF/RPSF staff from appearing in GDCE and other departmental selection for promotion in departments other than RPF/RPSF, is circulated Procedure for conducting Aptitude test to the post of ASM/Diesel/Elec. Assistant and Motorman is circulated Indents for the post of Trains Clerks can now be placed on RRBs with the approval of the GM and prior approval of the Board [M.T] is not required The restriction that staff from a category or seniority unit clearly identified as surplus, in addition to surplus staff of workshop and production units, fulfilling the eligibility conditions can also appear for GDCE for filling up the post of Diesel/Elec Asst. is removed and hereafter no distinction should be made between GDCE for 25% of DR quota and additional 25% of DR quota, if so decided by GM and single selection be held. The relaxation of 03 years above the prescribed upper age limit for recruitment to all Gr. ‘C’ and ‘D’ categories including engagement of substitutes stands withdrawn wef 4-8-2004 42 /2004 44/ 04 90/2004 119/2004 134/2004 135/2004 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Henceforth, only employees working in lower grade posts and at the best in the same grade for which GDCE is being held should be allowed to appear in the GDCE . Employees working in the higher grade posts should not be allowed to appear in the GDCE to e held for a lower post. Revised guidelines for recruitment to Gr. ‘D’ posts through RRB are circulated Revised jurisdiction of RRBs for Gr. C & D recruitment is circulated Cases for relaxation of minimum educational qualification to outstanding sports persons for granting out of turn promotion within Gr. ‘C’ if otherwise eligible for the same should be referred to Rly. Board for consideration. Time table for written examinations for completing recruitment process for the posts of ASM, Diesel/Elec.Asst, JE and Section Engineer by RRBs is circulated The relaxation of 03 years above the prescribed upper age limit for recruitment to all Gr. ‘C’ and ‘D’ categories including engagement of substitutes which was current upto 3-8-04 has now been extended for a further period of one year i.e. upto 3-8-2005 The RBE number of Bd’s letter dt. 28-9-04 circulated as SC No. 135/04 may be read as 67/04 instead of 166/04 The judgement of Hon’ble High Court of A.P. in WP No.13376/2004 upholding Board’s instructions that RPF/RPSF staff are to be debarred from appearing in GDCE and other departmental selection for promotion in departments other than RPF/RPSF, is circulated. Corrigendum to Para 6.1.1 (xxiii) of the procedure for application of Aptitude Test in Direct recruitment to safety categories issued:- The used Aptitude Test answer sheets should now be preserved by SSO/JSO for a period of six months instead of three months as instructed earlier. In Court/ Vig. cases, pending if any, against the selection, the sheets should be preserved till its finalisation. The prefix ‘Apprentice’ should not be used in the indents placed on RRBs for direct recruitment from open market, except for categories of Apprentices appointed in Traffic and Commercial Department as Traffic/Commercial Apprentices. 144/2004 154/2004 155/2004 158/2004 160/2004 169/2004 184/04 191/04 193/04 219/04 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1064 RE-EMPLOYMENT GMs are empowered to re-engage retired para- 139/2004 medical staff on daily rate basis upto the age of 62 years. 1065 RESERVATION RULES Board have reiterated instructions on relaxations /concessions to SCs/STs in promotion by selection from Gr. ‘C’ to Gr. ‘B’, within Group ‘B’ and from 14/2004 Group’B’ to the lowest rung in Group ‘A’. Instructions on filling up of the posts reserved for SC/ST/OBC when sufficient number of candidates of a particular community are not available, are issued The income limit / criteria to exclude socially advanced persons / sections [creamy layer] from the purview of reservation for OBCs has been revised from one lakh to Rs. 2.5 lakh gross annual income Extant instructions on proper maintenance of roster registers should be strictly complied with Minimum/basic facilities in the office accommodation granted to All India SC/ST Railway employees Association and All India OBC Railway Employees Association, like a table, 3 to 4 chairs, electricity, a fan etc., at various levels, be provided immediately by recycling the old unutilised furniture already available and not as a fresh procurement for this purpose. Railway telephone with Zonal STD (Inter Division) at the residences of the President/Working President and the General Secretary of All India SC/ST Railway Employees Association and All India OBC Railway Employees Federation/Association be provided at Apex and Zonal levels, subject to the facility being available at that location. Determination of creamy layer amongst OBCs – Clarifications to the criteria for determining creamy layer status of sons and daughters of persons in Govt. Civil services are issued. 46/2004 68/04 104/04 124/2004 128/2004 218/2004 1067 RETIREMENT Board have introduced Safety related retirement scheme for the categories of Drivers and Gangmen 12/2004 from 2.1.04, i.e. the date from which the scheme has come into force. Officers who are on deputation to the UN/International 117/04 Organisations are now eligible to seek voluntary retirement during the period of deputation or thereafter without any conditions specified in Board’s lt. Circulated under SC 173/85 i.e. serve for a period of not less than one year after he has assumed charge of a post in India and served for a period of not less than one year Permanent Gr. ‘C’ and ‘D’ employees of the Rlys who 150/04 have been declared as surplus [medically decategorised or otherwise] and placed in a supernumerary post and who cannot be redeployed within the Rly/ PU and have more than 5 years residual service may be allowed to retire voluntarily under the Special VRS subject to certain stipulations 1070 SELECTION Coding & decoding of roll numbers after the written test is over & custody of answer books after 49 /2004 finalisation of selection proceedings is the responsibility of Personnel Branch Officer of the Deptt. for which selection is held and in case of selections for Personnel Department, the Personnel officer other than the evaluating officer will be responsible. Para 3 of the Board’s letter circulated as S.C.No.212/02 has been modified. 92 /2004 In respect of selections held for promotions from 162/2004 Group D to C in technical department, Diploma in Railway Engineering awarded by the Institution of Permanent Way Engineers (India) may also be taken into account while making assessment under the head “Record of Service” The question paper for written test held as part of 180/04 selection / LDCE for promotion within Gr. C should have a practical bias i.e. the question paper should be designed to test the ability of the candidates to tackle the practical problems Criteria for LDCE for placement of eligible staff in 207/04 grade Rs.6500-10500 against 20% DR quota in Drawing, Design and Estimating cadre – date of completion of the selection process extended to 313-2005 1077 TRAINING FACILITIES The training programme in First Aid should be made mandatory for all railway personnel , especially for onboard train staff, Gangman, PWI & Station staff who 13/2004 are usually the first responders at site. The ceiling limit of expenditure on messing and that of recovery from the in-service officers and trainee probationers by centralised Training institutes is revised, pending finalisation of the report of committee appointed for the purpose. RSRC recommendation No. 41 [Pt.II] Revised training module and course content of loco running staff giving greater emphasis on practical training to upgrade their driving skill, is enclosed. Further to SC No.51/2004, revised training and course content of Loco running staff with greater emphasis on practical training with a view to upgrade their driving skill is circulated. ACS 157 & 158 to IREM Vol.I 1989 ed. Para 155[2][iii]&[iv] and Para 156[2][iii]&[iv] modified: The initial training period for trainee Draftsman in Mechanical/Electrical and S&T dept. has been reduced to 18 months on stipend of 4000-100-4100, applicable to batches recruited after 16-3-04. ACS 1 to manual on management of training [June 1988] item 2 under item No.IV of Appendix II – Correction to the above effect, issued. Revised training modules for stage-wise training of Loco running staff and other safety categories is circulated 1. Instructor selected in the same grade are not allowed additional increment, but are allowed Training allowance wherever admissible 2. Instructors selected from lower grade will not be granted training allowance but will be given higher grade [which cannot be claimed while being repatriated] 3. On promotion if there is no higher grade vacancy in the institute, the element of the higher grade post may be transferred from the parent railway till completion of his tenure on the recommendation of the Principal of the Institute. 4. Faculty members may retain Railway quarters at previous place of posting on normal rent, for a maximum period of 2 years from date of relief. 5. On repatriation after completion of tenure, 2 options for choice of posting may be allowed and considered as far as possible. In addition to normal duties, instructors possessing the requisite certificate from recognised institute, not 37/2004 51/2004 52/2004 59/04 72/2004 78/04 79/2004 in receipt of training allowance and conducting Yoga classes can be paid honorarium subject to a limit of Rs.5000/- per annum. ACS 2/2004 to Manual on Management of Training – duration, periodicity of the refresher courses for Safety categories of civil engineering department is circulated ACS 3 to Manual on Management of Training [1998] 1] Instructions on pass marks for trainees undergoing initial, promotional, refresher or specialised courses in training centres in safety/non-safety is as under: Safety categories – 60% in W/T and 60% in viva voce with no relaxation for SC/ST Non-safety categories – 50% Question paper for initial and promotion courses should contain 40% of the total marks as objective and 60% as subjective type questions and for refresher courses 70% objective and 30% subjective type questions. 2] Board’s lt dt. 7-10-03 [SC No. 198/03] is withdrawn. Paras [a] & [b] of Board’s lt dt. 10-7-03 [SC No. 162/03] replaced and [c] & [d] has been re-numbered as [d] & [e] respectively. The specific Railway/Division assigned to each S&T Training centre along with the zone having the administrative/budgetary control is listed . S&T Training centre Moulali will provide training to GTL, BZA, GNT, HYB, SC & NED divisions of SCR and will be under the administrative and budgetary control of SCR. Pending finalisation of the report of the Committee, the ceiling limit of expenditure on messing for officers upto JAG/SG not covered in SC No. 37/04, is revised from Rs. 100/- to Rs. 115/- wef 1-6-04 ACS 4/ 04 to Manual on Management of Training [1998]- The schedule of refresher courses of ESM/TCM/MSM/WTM staff of S&T dept is modified. Further to Board’s instructions circulated as SC No. 97/04 the instructions on repeat course circulated under SC No. 189/2000 will continue to be in force. With effect from 1-9-04 the Head of the Training Centres [Principals] would be eligible for grant of Training Allowance at 15% only if the post is held on a full time basis and the selection is held in the manner as detailed in SC 141/04 ACS 5/ 04 to Manual on Management of Training 93/04 97/2004 107/04 122/04 138/04 157/04 172/04 173/04 [1998]- Para 4 of Appendix III – S&T department – refresher courses for ESM/MSM/TCM/WTM replaced. Board have issued orders regarding administrative 200 /04 and operational control of simulators in Zonal Railway Training Institutes[ZRTIs]. Training facilities for Engineering Graduates and 205 /04 Diploma Holders under the Apprentice (Amendment) Act,1973 for the years 2004-05, 2005-06 and 2006-07 – 4 slots for degree holders and 10 slots for diploma holders in Loco Workshop, Lallaguda have been made available on S.C.Rly. Training arrangement of Staff of new Zones will continue to remain the same as has been existing 208/04 before bifurcation in those training centres whose jurisdiction have not been advised by Railway Board. Board have decided that existing ZRTIs are adequate to cater to the training needs of existing staff and no 209/04 new zonal Railway Training Institutes should be created in new zones. 1078 TRANSFER / TRANSFER ALLOWANCE Railway employees who transport their luggage on transfer/retirement on superannuation without availing 28 /2004 the facility of Kit Pass irrespective of date of joining Railway service, shall be entitled to the payment of Composite Transfer Grant without effecting any cut on the quantum thereof as per their entitlement subject to fulfilling other conditions for grant of CTG. Staff working in construction units of new zones may 77/04 continue working in the Divisions / Units where they are presently working till it is convenient to them and the administration to absorb them, during which time they will be considered selection / promotion in the divisions/units where they hold lien RPF personnel who are transferred from one barrack 203 /04 to another, where the transfer does not involve change in the residence, are not eligible for Composite Transfer Grant. 1080 SENIORITY The instructions in regard to determination of seniority 53/04 of staff who have joined HQ offices of new Zonal Railway or whose lien has been transferred thereto as on 31-10-03 have been issued Instructions on seniority of Typists and Stenographers 201 /04 transferred to Clerical cadre of Accounts Department are issued. SERIAL CIRCULAR NO. 01/2004 No.P(R )473/VI Dated: 09-01-2004 Copy of Board’s letter No.E(W)95 PS5-8/1 dated 2.12.03 is published for information, guidance and necessary action. Board’s letter dated 18.4.2001 quoted therein was circulated as S.C.No.105/01. Copy of Board’s letter No. E(W)95 PS5-8/1 dated 2.12.03 (RBE No.202/03) Sub: Post Retirement Complimentary Pass to retired Group ‘D’ employees. In terms of Board’s letter of even number dated 18.4.2001 Group ‘D’ employees with minimum 20 years Railway service have been made eligible for Post Retirement Complimentary Pass instead of 25 years as prescribed vide Board’s letter dt.27.3.96. Group ‘D’ employees who retired with 20 years railway service prior to 18.4.2001 were not eligible for Post Retirement Complimentary Pass. 2. At the instance of staff side the matter has been considered by the Board and it has now been decided that all Group ‘D’ employees with minimum railway service of 20 years, will be entitled, irrespective of date of retirement, to one set of Post Retirement Complimentary Pass every year. 3. Other terms and conditions shall be as per provisions in the Railway Servants (Pass) Rules, 1986 (2nd Edition,1993). 4. This issues with the concurrence of the Finance Directorate of the Ministry of Railways. SERIAL CIRCULAR NO. 02/2004 No.P(R )54/VI Date: 09-01-2004 Copy of Board’s letter No.E(P&A)II-2003/HRA-11 dated 15.12.03 is published for information, guidance and necessary action. Board’s letters dated 30.6.84, 4.9.86 and 6.5.88 quoted therein were circulated as S.C.Nos.82/84, 132/86 and 79/88, respectively. Copy of Board’s letter No. E(P&A)II-2003/HRA-11 dated 15.12.03 (RBE No214./03) Sub: Improvement in allowances and facilities for Railway employees serving in the States and Union Territories of North Eastern Region and Andaman & Nicobar Island -Regarding House Rent Allowance. Attention is invited to the instructions contained in Board’s letter No.E(P&A)II-83/HRA29 dated 30.6.1984 and the clarifications contained in letters of same number dated 4.9.1986 and 6.5.1988 on the above subject. 2. The issue regarding admissibility of the benefit of additional House Rent Allowance to those railway employees who on their transfer to North Eastern Region and Andaman & Nicobar Island keep their families at the previous station of posting in hired or own accommodation after vacating the Government accommodation which they were occupying and have to vacate after transfer to North Eastern region and Andaman & Nicobar Island had been under consideration. The matter has been considered and it has been decided that such railway employees would also be entitled to the benefit of the additional house Rent Allowance as per the scheme subject to fulfillment of other conditions, and, the stipulation that they should have been in receipt of House Rent Allowance at the last duty station would be relaxed in such cases. These orders take effect from 24.9.2003. 3. This issues with the concurrence of the Finance Directorate of the Ministry of Railways. SERIAL CIRCULAR NO. 03/2004 No.P(R )500/XIX Date: 30-01-2004 Copy of Board’s letter No. F(E)III/2003/PN1/38 (Amendment)III dated 30.12.03 is published for information, guidance and necessary action. Copy of Board’s Notification No. F(E)III/2003/PN1/38 (Amendment)III dated 30.12.03 (RBE No224./03) S.O…….(E). - In exercise of the powers conferred by the proviso to article 309 of the Constitution, the President hereby makes the following rules further to amend the Railway Services (Extraordinary Pension) Rules, 1993, namely:1. (1) These rules may be called the Railway Services (Extraordinary Pension) Amendment Rules, 2003. (2) They shall come into force on the Ist day of January,2004. 2. In the Railway Services (Extraordinary Pension ) Rules, 1993, in rule 2, for the words “These rules shall apply to all railway servants”, the words, figures and letters “These rules shall apply to railway servants appointed on or before the 31st day of December, 2003” shall be substituted. SERIAL CIRCULAR NO. 04/2004 No.P(R )500/XIX Date: 30 -01-2004 Copy of Board’s letter No. F(E)III/2003/PN1/38 (Amendment)II dated 30.12.03 is published for information, guidance and necessary action. Copy of Board’s Notification No. F(E)III/2003/PN1/38 (Amendment)II dated 30.12.03 (RBE No223./03) S.O…….(E). - In exercise of the powers conferred by the proviso to article 309 of the Constitution, the President hereby makes the following rules to amend the Railway Services (Commutation of Pension) Rules, 1993, namely:1. (1) These rules may be called the Railway Services (Commutation of Pension) Amendment Rules, 2003. (2) They shall come into force on the Ist day of January,2004. 2. In the Railway Services (Commutation of Pension ) Rules, 1993, in rule 2, for the words “These rules shall apply to all railway servants”, the words, figures and letters “These rules shall apply to railway servants appointed on or before the 31st day of December, 2003” shall be substituted. SERIAL CIRCULAR NO. 05/2004 No.P(R )229/IV Date: 30 -01-2004 Copy of Board’s letter No. E(G)2003 H01-3 dated 18.12.93 is published for information, guidance and necessary action. Copy of Board’s letter No. E(G)2003 H01-3 dated 18.12.93 (RBE No.215/03) Sub: Grant of honorarium to Railway employees. As per Railway Board’s letter No.F(X)II/94/PW/3 dated 26.3.96, General managers have been delegated powers to sanction honorarium upto the limit of Rs.10,000/- in the case of non-gazetted employees. In respect of any honorarium claim beyond Rs.10,000/- prior approval of Railway Board is necessary. For this purpose, Railway units are required to send quarterly proposals with the approval of their FA&CAO. In such proposals being sent by Railway units, a number of deficiencies are being noticed. The procedure for submission of such honorarium proposals is being reiterated below and the Railway units are directed to strictly follow the same while sending such proposals. (i) The proposal seeking approval of Board should contain details of individual claims in the prescribed proforma and should be accompanied by a detailed covering letter. The statement comprising details of individual claims should be sent in duplicate. The proposal must have the approval of FA&CAO and the honorarium claims should satisfy the conditions laid down for payment of honorarium and this should clearly be mentioned in the covering letter. Each page of the statement containing details of honorarium as well as the covering letter must be signed and verified by a JA grade officer. (ii) The work to be undertaken on payment of honorarium should be so distributed among the staff that the amount of inflated honorarium does not become a source of profit to a few. It has been noticed in various proposals that a few employees earn a very high amount of honorarium as compared to others. (iii) It has been noted that on some of the Railway units, honorarium earned by the staff in a financial year is claimed in the next financial year. This practice is wrong. The honorarium earned during a particular year has to be taken into account for that year only even if the payment is being made during the subsequent year. SERIAL CIRCULAR NO. 06/2004 No.P(R )554/VI Date: 05-02-2004 Copy of Board’s letter No.E(G)2003 QR 1-11 dated 5.12.03 is published for information, guidance and necessary action. Board’s letter dated 2.9.03 and 25.9.03quoted therein were circulated as S.C.No.176/02 and 190/03, respectively. Copy of Board’s letter No. E(G)2003 QR 1-11 dated 5.12.03 (RBE No.210/03) Sub: Retention of Railway accommodation at the previous place of posting in favour of Officers/staff posted to new Zones/new Divisions. Ref: Rly.Board’s letter No.E(G)2003 QR1-6 dated 25.9.2003. In terms of Railway Board’s letter No.E(G)97 QR1-28 dated 2.9.2002, Railway Officers/staff on their posting to a New Zone/Division were permitted retention of Railway quarter at the previous place of posting for a period of one year from the date of their relief. The facility granted vide instructions dated 2.9.2002 was further reviewed by Board and as per their letter No.E(G)2003 QR1-6 dated 25.9.2003, the period of retention of Railway quarter at the previous place of posting has been extended by another period of one year in continuation of Railway Board’s letter dated 2.9.2002. However, due to oversight, the scope of the instructions was restricted to new Zones only. It is clarified that the facility granted vide letter dated 25.9.2003 is available to officers and staff posted to newly created Divisions also. This issues with the approval of the Finance Directorate of the Ministry of Railways. SERIAL CIRCULAR NO. 07 /2004 No.P(PC)487/V/IMP/97/Vol.V Date: 20-01-2004 Copy of Board’s letter No.PC-III/2003/CRC/6 dated 6.1.04 is published for information, guidance and necessary action. Board’s letter dated 9.10.03 quoted therein was circulated as S.C.No.191/03 Copy of Board’s letter No. PC-III/2003/CRC/6 dated 6.1.04 (RBE No.05/04, PC-III/05) Sub: Restructuring of certain Group ‘C’ & ‘D’ cadres. Reference this Ministry’s letter of even number dated 09.10.2003 on the above subject. 2. Pursuant to the discussion held with the Staff side, Ministry of Railways have, with the approval of the President in partial modification of orders contained in this Ministry’s letter of even number dated 09.10.2003 decided the following: (i) (ii) Percentage distribution of posts in the categories of Shunting Drivers and Diesel Assistant/Electrical Assistants should be revised from the existing 20:80 to the ratio of 30:70; Percentage distribution of the posts for the category of Technical Supervisors for the cadres where ‘Mistries’ posts are not existing should be revised from the existing 17:28:25:30 to the ratio of 21:29:24:26. 2.1 Accordingly, the relevant entries in Annexure ‘B’ & ‘E’ attached to the Board’s restructuring order of even number dated 09.10.2003 should be substituted by the following; ANNEXURE ‘B’ CATEGORY GRADE (Rs.) EXISTING REVISED Shunting Drivers 5000-8000 4000-6000 Diesel Assistants/Electrical 4000-6000 Assistants. 3050-4590 ANNEXURE ‘E’ CATEGORY GRADE (Rs.) Technical Supervisors (for cadres where posts of Supervisors (erstwhile Mistries) are available) Technical Supervisors (for cadres where posts of Supervisors (erstwhile Mistries) are not available) 7450-11500 6500-10500 5500-9000 5000-8000 7450-11500 6500-10500 5500-9000 5000-8000 3. %AGE 20 80 20 80 %AGE 30 70 30 70 EXISTING %AGE 17 28 25 30 17 28 25 30 REVISED %AGE 18 29 24 39 21 29 24 26 It has also been decided to substitute the provisions in respect of the following appearing as item 1,3,4 & 6 of Board’s letter of even number dated 09.10.2003 as indicated hereinunder:- Date of effect 1 Pay Fixation 3 (Rule 1313 (FR22)-R-II) Existing 4. classification and filling up of This restructuring of cadres will be with reference to the sanctioned cadre strength as on 01.11.2003. The staff who will be placed in higher grades as a result of implementation of these orders will draw pay in higher grades w.e.f. 01.11.2003. Staff selected and posted against the additional higher grade posts as a result of restructuring will have their pay fixed under Rule 1313 (FR-22)(I)(a)(1)-R-II w.e.f. 01.11.2003 with the usual option for pay fixation as per extant rules. The benefit under this rule will, however, no longer be available in the case of movement from lower grade to higher grade in the nonfunctional situations where there is no change in duties and responsibilities e.g. as in the case of movement from Goods Guards to Sr.Goods Guards and Goods Driver to Sr. Goods Drivers etc. In the case of such movement, the pay will be fixed under Rule 1313 (FR 22)(I)a(2)-R-II. However, the benefit of fixation of under rule 1313 (FR-22)(I)(a)(1)R-II will now be admissible in the cases of functional promotions such as promotion from Sr.Goods Guards to Passenger Guards and Sr.Goods Driver to Passenger Drivers etc. Though in identical scales of pay. The existing classification of the posts covered by these orders as ‘selection’ and ‘non-selection’, as the case may be, remains unchanged. However, for the purpose of implementation of the vacancies these orders, if an individual Railway servants becomes due for promotion to a post classified as a ‘selection’ post, the existing selection procedure will stand modified in such a case to the extent that the selection will be based only on scrutiny of service records and confidential reports without holding any written and/or viva-voce test. Naturally under this procedure the categorization and ‘outstanding’ will not figure in the panels. This modified selection procedure has been decided upon by the Ministry of Railways as a one time exception by special dispensation, in view of the numbers involved, with the objective of expending the implementation of these orders. Similarly for posts classified as ‘non-selection’, at the time of this restructuring the promotion will be based only on scrutiny of service records and confidential reports. In the case of Artisan staff, the benefit of restructuring under these orders will be extended on passing the requisite Trade Test. However, in case of placement of Supervisors (erstwhile Mistries) to grade Rs.5000-8000 the instructions contained in Para 13.2 should be followed. 4.1 Normal vacancies existing on 01.11.2003 except direct recruitment quota and those arising on that date from this cadre restructuring including chain/resultant vacancies should be filled in the following sequence: (i) (ii) From panels approved on or before 01.11.2003 and current on that date; And the balance in the manner indicated in para 4 above 4.2 Such selections which have not been finalised by 01.11.2003 should be cancelled/abandoned. 4.3 All vacancies arising from 02.11.2003 will be filled by normal selection procedure. 4.4 All vacancies arising out of the restructuring should be filled up by senior employees who should be given benefit of the promotion w.e.f. 01.11.2003 whereas for the normal vacancies existing on 01.11.2003 junior employees should be posted by modified selection procedure but they will get promotion and higher pay from the date of taking over the posts as per normal rules. Thus the special benefit of the promotion w.e.f. 01.11.2003 is available only for vacancies arising out of restructuring and for other vacancies the normal rules of prospective promotion from the date of filling up of vacancy will apply. 4.5 In cases where percentages have been reduced in the lower grade and no new post becomes available as a result of restructuring, the existing vacancies on 01.11.2003 should be filled up by normal selection procedure. 4.6 Employees who retire/resign in between the period from 01.11.2003 i.e. the date of effect of this restructuring to the date of actual implementation of these orders, will be eligible for the fixation benefits and arrears under these orders w.e.f. 01.11.2003. While implementing the restructuring orders, instructions regarding minimum period of service for promotion issued from time to time should be followed. However, while considering any relaxation in the residency period prescribed for promotions to various categories, General Managers would personally ensure that the safety aspect of Railways is not compromised. Minimum years 6 of service in each grade SERIAL CIRCULAR NO. 8 /2004 No.P(PC)487/V/Imp/97/Vol.II Date: 03-02-2004 Copy of Board’s letter No. PC-V/99/I/1/1 dt.9.10.03 is published for information, guidance and necessary action. Board’s letter dated 01.11.99 quoted therein was circulated as S.C.No.276/99 Copy of Board’s letter No. PC-V/99/I/1/1 dt.9.10.03 (RBE No.178/03 PC-V/380) Sub: Financial upgradation under the ACP Scheme Clarification regarding. Please refer to Board’s letter of even number dated 1.10.1999 regarding the Assured Career progression Scheme (ACPS) and subsequent amendments/clarifications that have been issued from time to time. 2. The issue regarding grant of financial upgradation under the ACP Scheme to the retired/died/resigned railway employees by waiving the condition of passing trade test/suitability test/selection for them was under consideration for sometime. The item has also been taken up by AIRF in the forum of PNM. 3. The matter has been examined in consultation with the DOP&T. It has been decided that as a very special case, the requirement of passing the trade test/skill test for the purpose of grant of ACP Scheme may be waived in respect of those employees who were in service as on the date of introduction of the ACP Scheme but had retired/died/resigned prior to holding of first trade test/skill test for the purpose of grant of benefit under ACPS after introduction of the scheme. 4. The above relaxation is, however, subject to the condition that an assessment of suitability for promotion of such employees including skill competence at the relevant time is made in some other manner such as on the basis of assessment report etc. The requirement of clearing the trade test/skill test/departmental examination etc. even for grant of ACPS, where prescribed for regular promotion, will continue to be applicable in other cases. SERIAL CIRCULAR NO.09 /2004 No.P(R )473/V Date: 06-02-2004 Copy of Board’s letter No. E(W)2003 PS 5-8/1 dated 1.1.04 is published for information, guidance and necessary action. Board’s letter dated 4.6.03 quoted therein was circulated as S.C.No. 119/03. Copy of Board’s letter No. E(W)2003 PS 5-8/1 dated 1.1.04 (RBE No.1/04) Sub: Family Identity Cards to retiring/retired railway employees. In terms of Rule (xix) of Schedule-IV at page 38 of the Railway Servants (Pass)Rules, 1986 (2nd Edition, 1993), Railway administrations should issue a Family Identity Card bearing the photographs of superannuated/retired railway employee and the family members eligible for inclusion in the post retirement passes. The identity card should be carried by the retired railway employee/spouse/dependent children during journey and produced on demand by the Ticket Checking staff. However, many cases have come to notice where Family Identity Cards were not obtained by the retiring employees at the time of their retirement. As travelling on a post Retirement Complimentary Pass without the support of the Family Identity Card will be treated as travelling without ticket, it is essential that Family Identity Cards are issued to all those who have not so far been issued the same. Detailed instructions regarding issue of Family Identity Cards were issued vide Board’s letter of even number dt.4.6.03 stipulating that for the first time, the Family Identity Cards should be issued by the office from where the employee retires. The staff side have brought out practical difficulties in following this procedure, as many of the employees have settled at places far away from the station from where they retired, and also their present pass account for the purpose of issue of Post Retirement Complimentary Pass is maintained by a different Railway. Especially, in the case of widows, it has become difficult to obtain the Family Identity Cards from the parent railway as all the records have been transferred to the new pass issuing authority. Keeping in view the practical difficulties involved, it has now been decided that henceforth Family identity Cards can be issued by the pass issuing authority, who maintains the pass account for the issue of post retirement passes, irrespective of the original place of retirement of the railway servant. However, the pass issuing authority should satisfy fully before issuing the Family Identity Cards. Wide publicity of this may be given so that the difficulties involved in obtaining Family Identity Cards by the retired employees/widows are removed. This issues with the concurrence of the Finance Directorate of Board’s Office. SERIAL CIRCULAR NO. 10 /2004 No.P(R )500/XIX Date: 11-02-2004 Copy of Board’s letter No. F(E)III/ 2003/PN1/24 dated 31.12.03 is published for information, guidance and necessary action. Copy of Board’s letter No. F(E)III/2003/PN1/24 dated 31.12.03 (RBE No.225/03) Sub: Introduction of New Pension System for new entrants to Central Government service, including Railway service. A copy of the Gazette Notification No.5/7/2003-ECB&PR dated December, 22,2003 published by the Ministry of Finance, Department of Economic Affairs, introducing a new restructured defined contribution pension system for all new entrants to Central Government service including Railway service, from Ist of January, 2004 along with a copy of the Resolution dt.10th October,2003 constituting the interim Pension Fund Regulatory and Development Authority (PFRDA) is circulated for information and necessary action. As a result of this decision, the existing Railway Services (Pension) Rules, 1993 including Commutation of Pension Rules and Extraordinary Pension Rules, and State Railway Provident Fund Rules as contained in Indian Railway Establishment Code Vol.I, (1985 Ed.) 1995 Reprint shall not be applicable to the new recruits entering into Railway service from 1.1.2004. Necessary amendments to these Rules are being issued separately. 2. The Zonal Railway administrations, Production Units, Recruiting Authorities, etc. are advised to incorporate these changes, if considered necessary, in their prospectus/application forms/offer of appointments to be issued to the new recruits. The new recruits joining the Railway services from 1.1.2004 on the basis of the offer of appointment already issued shall also be covered by the New Pension System and not by the Railway Services (Pension) Rules 1993 and State Railway Provident Fund Rules. The modalities for operationalising the New Pension System shall follow. Copy of Ministry of Finance, Deptt.of Economic Affairs, ECB & PR Division’s Notification F.No 5/7/2003-ECB&PR dated December, 22,2003 [ To be published in the Gazette of India [Extraordinary] Part I Section I] F.No.5/7/2003-ECB & PR: The Government approved on 23rd August 2003 the proposal to implement the budget announcement of 2003-04 relating to introducing a new restructured defined contribution pension system for new entrants to Central Government service, except to Armed Forces, in the first stage, replacing the existing system of defined benefit pension system. (i) The system would be mandatory for all new recruits to the central Government service from 1st of January 2004 (except the armed forces in the first stage). The monthly contribution would be 10 percent of the salary and DA to be paid by the employee and matched by the Central Government. However, there will be no contribution from the Government in respect of individuals who are not Government employees. The contributions and investment returns would be deposited in a non-withdrawable pension tier-I account. The existing provisions of defined benefit pension and GPF would not be available to the new recruits in the central Government service. (ii) In addition to the above pension account, each individual may also have a voluntary tier-II withdrawable account at his option. This option is given as GPF will be withdrawn for new recruits in Central Government service. Government will make no contribution into this account. These assets would be managed through exactly the above procedures. However, the employee would be free to withdraw part or all of the ‘second tier’ of his money anytime. This withdrawable account does not constitute pension investment, and would attract no special tax treatment. (iii) Individuals can normally exit at or after age 60 years for tier-I of the pension system. At exist the individual would be mandatorily required to invest 40 percent of pension wealth to purchase an annuity (from an IRDA)-regulated life insurance company. In case of Government employees the annuity should provide for pension for the lifetime of the employee and his dependent parents and his spouse at the time of retirement. The individual would receive a lump-sum of the remaining pension wealth which he would be free to utilise in any manner. Individuals would have the flexibility to leave the pension system prior to age 60. However, in this case, the mandatory annuitisation would be 80% of the pension wealth. Architecture of the New Pension System (iv) It will have a central record keeping and accounting (CRA) infrastructure, several pension fund managers (PFMs) to offer three categories of schemes viz. Option A, B and C. (v) The participating entities (PFMs and CRA) would give out easily understood information about past performance, so that the individual would able to make informed choices about which scheme to choose. The effective date for operationalisation of the new pension system shall be from Ist January,2004. SERIAL CIRCULAR NO. 11 /2004 No.P(R )436/IREC/I/IV Date: 10 -02-2004 Copy of Board’s letter No. F(E)III/2003/PF 1/3 dated 31-12-03 is published for information, guidance and necessary action. Copy of Board’s letter No. F(E)III/2003/PF 1/3 dated 31-12-03 [RBE No. 226/03] Sub: Amendment to IREC Vol.I [1985 Edition] [1995 Reprint] – Rules 901 and 904 thereof restricting applicability of SRPF Rules to Railway servants entering into service on or before 31st December, 2003. *** In exercise of the powers conferred by proviso to Article 309 of the Constitution, the President is pleased to direct that Rules 901 and 904 of IREC Vol.I , 1985 Editon (1995 Reprint ) may be modified as per Advance Correction Slips Nos. 89 and 90 sent herewith as Annexure. Annexure IREC VOLUME I 1985 Edition [ Reprint 1995] ACS No. 89 Rule 901/R-I: Insert the following under Rule 901 / R-I as item (iv) : (i) Railway servants entering into service on or after 1st January, 2004. (Ministry of Railway’s letter No. F(E)III/2003/PF1/3 dated 31-12-03) ACS No. 90 Rule 904/R-I: Insert the following under Rule 904 / R-I as item (iii) : (ii) Those who enter into service on or after 1st January, 2004. (Ministry of Railway’s letter No. F(E)III/2003/PF1/3 dated 31-12-03) SERIAL CIRCULAR NO. 12 /2004 No.P(R )579/V Date: 05-02-2004 Copy of Board’s letter No. E(P&A)I/2001/RT-2(KW) dated 2.1.04 is published for information, guidance and necessary action. Copy of Board’s letter No. E(P&A)I/2001/RT-2(KW) dated 2.1.04 (RBE No.04/04) Sub: Safety Related Retirement Scheme - Drivers and Gangmen. Arising out of deliberations in the Workshop on Safety on Indian Railways conducted on 12th and 13th of July, 2003 the Ministry of Railways have decided to introduce a Safety Related Retirement Scheme for the categories of Gangmen and Drivers. The main features of the Scheme are as follows:(i) The Scheme may be called Safety Related Retirement Scheme. The Scheme will cover two safety categories viz., Drivers (excluding shunters) and Gangmen whose working has a critical bearing on safety of train operations and track maintenance. The scheme has been framed on the consideration that with advancing age, the physical fitness and reflexes of staff of these categories deteriorate, thereby causing a safety hazard. ï‚· Drivers: This category is directly responsible for the running of trains. Running duties demand continued attention and alertness. The element of stress combined with uncertain hours of work entailed in the performance of running duties over long periods of time tend to have a deleterious psychosomatic effect on their health. There is a slowing down of reflexes with the passage of time making them vulnerable to operational lapses. ï‚· Gangmen: This category is responsible for the proper maintenance of tracks. Their duties involve heavy manual labour in the laying of tracks, repair of tracks, patrolling etc. Unlike Workshops/locosheds, all this labour is performed in the open environment, they are subjected to the vagaries of extreme weather conditions, non-availability of fork lifts, EOT cranes, wheel barrow etc. As a result the infirmities associated with the aging processes and spinal and back problems catches up quite early in life. These categories, work in conditions, in which fatigue sets in earlier, than in the case of staff who work indoors or within station limits or in depots and workshops. Although the other categories nomenclatured as safety categories also have a vital role to play in ensuring operational safety, the nature of their duties, is less arduous. Therefore no other category other than Gangmen and Drivers is included in the Scheme. For the same reason, shunters who perform less strenuous, shift wise, duties within station yards, will also not be included in the scheme. (i) Under the Scheme, Drivers and Gangmen in the age group of 50 to 57 years may seek retirement. (ii) Employment to a suitable ward of the employee, whose application for retirement under the scheme is accepted, will be considered. (iii) The employee should have completed 33 years of qualifying service in order to be eligible for seeking retirement under this scheme. (iv) The request for retirement will be on a voluntary basis and there will be no element of compulsion on the part of the Administration. (v) The ward will be considered for appointment only in the lowest recruitment grade of the respective category from which the employee seeks retirement, depending upon his/her eligibility and suitability, but not in any other category. (vi) Applications from those who propose to retire under this scheme will be taken once in a year. The cut off date for reckoning the eligibility of employees for seeking retirement under this scheme will be 30th June of the respective year. All conditions of appointment for the ward of such retires such as age limits, educational qualifications etc. will also be determined with reference to that date. (vii) The last date for submission of requests for retirement and consideration of a ward for appointment under the scheme, will be the 31st of July of the respective year. (viii) Employees who desire to withdraw their requests for retirement may be allowed to do so, not later than 30th September of the respective year. No request for withdrawal of request will be entertained thereafter. (ix) The discretion to accept the request for retirement will vest with the administration depending upon the shortage of staff, physical fitness and the suitability of the ward for appointment in the category of Driver/Gangmen as the case may be. (x) Those who have completed 33 years of qualifying service and are in the age group of 55 to 57 years would be considered in the first phase of the scheme to be followed by those in the age group of 53 years onwards but less than 55 years. (xi) The conditions of eligibility, in the case of wards, being considered for appointment would be the same as prescribed for direct recruitment from the open market. (xii) Suitability of the wards will be assessed in the same manner as is being done in the case of direct recruitment. The assessment will be done through respective Railway Recruitment Boards. The request of the employee for retirement under this scheme would be considered only if the ward is considered suitable for appointment in all respects, including medical fitness. (xiii) Since the Safety Related Retirement Scheme is a package having no nexus with any of the existing scheme, no weightage towards qualifying service will be admissible to the employee who seeks retirement under this scheme. The wards (xiv) appointed under this scheme will not be allowed to change their category, except as is being allowed under the already existing rules. For the purpose of reckoning eligibility for residential accommodation, wards appointed under this scheme will be treated at par, with those appointed through direct recruitment, from the open market; the terms of regularisation of accommodation as applicable to the wards of employees appointed on compassionate basis, will not be applicable in their case. 3. After the successful implementation of the first phase of the scheme, the implementation of the second phase covering employees with less than 33 years of qualifying service would be considered for clearance by the Railway Board. 4. The Scheme will come into force from the date of issue of this letter. S. This issues with the concurrence of the Finance Directorate of the Ministry of Railways. SERIAL CIRCULAR NO. 13 /2004 No.P(R )673/III Date: 20 -02-2004 Copy of Board’s letter No. E(MPP)2000/3/8 dated 15.9.03 is published for information, guidance and necessary action. Board’s letter dated 7.11.02 quoted therein was circulated as S.C.No.8/03 Copy of Board’s letter No. E(MPP)2000/3/8 dated 15.9.03 (RBE No.162/03) Sub: Report of the Railway Safety Review Committee (Part-II)1998 Ticket Checking staff to be imparted training in Fire Fighting and First Aid -Recommendation No.109. ***** In continuation of Board’s letter of even number dated 7.11.02 (RBE No.202/2002, it has been decided that the training programme in First Aid should be made mandatory for all railway personnel category staff, especially for on board train staff, Gangman, PWI and station staff who are usually the first responders at site. All other terms and conditions would remain the same. SERIAL CIRCULAR NO. 14 /2004 No.P(R )171/IV Date: 23 -02-2004 Copy of Board’s letter No. 2003-E(SCT)1/25/14 dated 7.1.04 is published for information, guidance and necessary action. Copy of Board’s letter No. 2003-E(SCT)1/25/14 dated 7.1.04 (RBE No.8/04) Sub: Promotion by selection from Group ‘C’ to Group ‘B’ Service Relaxation/concession to SCs/STs thereof. It has come to notice of the Board that certain relaxations/concessions to SCs/STs have been provided in the “Guidelines on the Departmental Promotion Committee (DPC)”. However, it is not being followed by the Zonal Railways. The Consolidated instructions on DPCs and related matters were issued long back in the year 1989 vide DOP&T’s O.M. No.22011/5/86-Est.(D) dated 10.4.1989. Vide Para 6.3.2.(ii) of the aforesaid O.M. dated 10.4.1989 it has been laid down as under:“In promotion by selection to posts/services in Group ‘B’ within Group ‘B’ and from Group ‘B’ to the lowest rung in Group ‘A’, selection against vacancies reserved for SCs and STs will be made only from those SCs/STs officers, who are within normal zone of consideration prescribed vide the Department of Personnel and A.R.O.M.No.22011/3/76Estt.(D) dated 24th December,1980. Where adequate number of SCs/STs candidates are not available within the normal field of choice, it may be extended to five times the number of vacancies and the SCs/STs candidates coming within the extended field of choice should also be considered against the vacancies reserved for them. If candidates from SCs/STs obtain on the basis of merit with due regard to seniority, on the same basis as others, lesser number of vacancies than the number reserved for them, the difference should be made up by selecting candidates of these communities, who are in the zone of consideration, irrespective of merit and ‘bench mark’ but who are considered fit for promotion”. The contents of the aforesaid O.M. may be brought to the notice of all the concerned for their information and strict compliance. SERIAL CIRCULAR NO. 15 /2003 No.P(R )23/VI Date: 10 -02-2004 Copy of Board’s letter No. F(E)Spl.2003/Adv 3/6 dated 29.9.03 is published for information, guidance and necessary action. Board’s letter dated 10.9.98 quoted therein was circulated as S.C.No.9/99 Copy of Board’s letter No. F(E)Spl.2003/Adv 3/6 dated 29.9.03 (RBE No.164/03) Sub: House Building Advance Rules - Purchase of House from Pvt.Parties Criteria for Registered Builders. Ref: Board’s letter No.F(E)Spl.98/ADV.3/6 dated 10.9.98. Attention is invited to Ministry of Urban Affairs & Employment’s O.M.I/17011/23/71 HIII dated 25.7.94 circulated under Board’s letter mentioned above wherein the aspect of purchase of flat from “Private Parties” has been defined. A copy of M/o Urban Development & Poverty Alleviation’s O.M.No.I/17011/23/71-H-III dated 25.7.03 on the above subject is forwarded herewith for information and guidance. This O.M. is in supersession of M/o Urban Development’s O.M. of even number dated 11.11.1999. Copy of this is also being sent for information. The instructions contained in the O.M. dated 25.7.03 referred to above would apply to all Railway servants. COPY OF M/O URBAN DEVELOPMENT AND POVERTY ALLEVIATION’S O.M.NO.I17011/23/71-H-III DATED 25.7.2003 Sub: House Building Advance Rules - Purchase of house from Private parties - Criteria for Registered Builders. The undersigned is directed to refer to this Ministry’s O.M.No.I-17011/23/71-H-III dated 11.11.99 on the above subject and to state that in view of the practical difficulties being expressed by various quarters in implementation of the criteria laid down in the above mentioned O.M. of this Ministry, the matter has been reviewed in consultation with the Ministry of Law and the Ministry of Finance. It has now been decided to lay down the following guidelines, in supersession of this Ministry’s O.M./ dated 11.11.99 referred to above, to consider cases relating to sanction of House Building Advance to central govt. employees for purchase of ready built flats/houses from private builders registered under the Companies Act, 1956 or firms of builders registered with Registrar of Firms under the Indian Partnership Act:(i) (ii) The company/firm should be registered as approved builders/architects etc. with Urban Development Authority/Housing Boards of State Govt./Municipal Authorities etc. However, if in some States, such a provision as to the registration of builder companies/firms in the panel of Urban Development Authorities/Housing Boards of State Govt./Municipal Authorities does not exist, the builder company/firm may be asked to produce an Income Tax clearance certificate from the Income Tax Department or some such documentary evidence which shows that the company/firm has undertaken/executed housing projects for government agencies. In case of purchase of house/flat from private builder company/firm, the house selling/constructing private company/firm should have a clear title to the land on which houses/flats are erected and it can be verified by obtaining a copy of the (iii) (iv) registration deed exhibiting the title of the land in the name of the house constructing private company/firm. Before the House Building Advance is granted to the applicant Government employee, he may be asked to obtain an undertaking from the concerned private builder company/firm to the effect that the house/flat is ready for possession as well as for moving in. Besides, the private builder company/firm should have obtained completion certificate from the map/plan approving authority . Completion certificate from private architect/engineer should not be accepted. The company/firm of builders should be financially sound. Audited accounts including balance sheet/income & expenditure accounts etc. for the preceding three years, duly certified by chartered accountants, may be examined for this purpose. COPY OF MINISTRY OF URBAN DEVELOPMENT AND ALLEVIATION’S O.M.NO.I-17011/23/71-H-III DATED 11.11.1999 POVERTY Sub: House Building Advance Rules - Purchase of house from Private parties. The undersigned is directed to refer to this Ministry’s O.M.No.I-17011/23/71-H-III dated the 25th July 1994 wherein the question of purchase of flat from “Private Parties” was defined. It was clarified that “Private Parties” include registered builder, architects, house building societies but not the private individuals. Subsequently, another point has been raised as to who should be recognized as “registered builders”. The matter has been examined in consultation with Ministry of Law & Justice and it is clarified that a registered builders, registered under the Companies Act,1956 or firm of builders registered with Registrar of Firms under the Indian Partnership Act should be one who also fulfills the following criteria :(i) Minimum one partner/member of the Company/Firm ought to be an architect/Engineer who is a member of Indian Institute of Architects/Institution of Engineers, member of Council of Architects or any other professional Institute in the field of construction. (ii) One member of the Company/Firm should be a member of Indian Institute of Chartered Accountants (I.I.C.A.) or member of Institute of Cost & Works Accountants (I.C.W.A.) to ensure the financial credit worthiness of a registered builder Firm/Company. (iii) The Institute/Company/Firm should be registered in the panels as Builder/Architect etc. with (Urban) Development Authority/Housing Board of State Govt./Municipal Authorities/Central Govt. SERIAL CIRCULAR NO. 16/2004 No.P(R )436/IREC/II Date: 30 -01-2004 Copy of Board’s letter No. F(E)I/2003/AL-8/3 dated 07-01-04 is published for information, guidance and necessary action. Board’s letter dated 20-11-2003 quoted therein was circulated as SC. No. 213/03. With the issue of this Corrigendum by Board, the instructions circulated under SC No. 213/03 stand cancelled . Copy of Board’s letter No. F(E)I/2003/AL-8/3 dated 07-01-04 (RBE No. 7/04) Sub: Corrigendum to ACS No. 53, IREC Vol.II [First Reprint 1990]Regarding Controlling Officer for purposes of Travelling Allowance. Ref: Board’s letter of even number dated 20-11-03. **** CORRIGENDUM Advance Correction Slip No. 53 amending the Rule 1697 of Indian Railway Establishment Code, Vol.II [First Reprint 1990] circulated vide Board’s letter under reference may be read as under:“General Managers/ Divisional Railway Managers and Heads of Departments shall be their own Controlling Officers. All Officers of the rank of Junior Administrative Grade (JAG) and above shall be their own Controlling Officers for countersignature on TA journals. A Head of Department may declare what authorities subordinate to him shall be the Controlling Officers, for the purpose of travelling allowance of railway servants or classes of railway servants employed under him. No authority shall be declared by him to be his own Controlling officer without the previous sanction of the Ministry of Railways. ” SERIAL CIRCULAR NO. 17 /2004 No.P(PC)487/V/IIMP/97/Vol.V Date: 27 -02-2004 Copy of Board’s letter No. PC-V/97/R-II/17 dt.15.12.03 is published for information, guidance and necessary action. Board’s letter dated 26.7.96, 24.11.98 and 9.10.03 quoted therein was circulated as S.C.No. 94/96,302/98, 191/93/ Copy of Board’s letter No. PC-V/97/R-II/17 dt.15.12.03 Sub: Grant of allowance of Rs.100/- to Mistries. Arising from an issue raised in the PNM by the AIRF that P.Way Mistries in certain Railways are not being granted the allowance of Rs.100/- p.m. as their designation has been revised to Supervisors, the matter has been considered. It is advised that the Mistries in IV CPC pay scale of Rs.1400-2300 who have been redesignated as Supervisors vide Board’s letter No.PC-III/93/Standardsiation/1 dated 26.7.96 are eligible for the grant of allowance of Rs.100/- p.m. in addition to the pay in the revised pay scale of Rs.4500-7000 as indicated in Board’s letter No.PCV/97/R-II/17 dated 24.11.98. However, beyond 31.10.2003 this Special Allowance would be regulated under Para 13.4 of Railway Board’s letter No.PC-III/2003/CRC/6 dated 9.10.2003. SERIAL CIRCULAR NO. 18 /2003 No.P(PC)487/V/IMP/97/Vol.V Date: 4 -02-2004 Copy of Board’s letter No. PC-V/2003/1/11/1 dt.8.1.04 is published for information, guidance and necessary action. Board’s letter dated 2.2.2002 quoted therein was circulated as S.C.No. 55/2000 Copy of Board’s letter No. PC-V/2003/1/11/1 dt.8.1.04 (PC-V/385, RBE No.09/04 ) Sub: Provision of scale Rs.7500-12000 and Rs.6500-10500 to Dieticians on functional basis. The matter of operating the posts of Dieticians in scale Rs.6500-10500 and Rs.7500-12000 on functional basis has been under consideration. In this regard, in supersession of Board’s letter No.PC-V/99/I/11/2 dated 2.2.2000 regarding the grant of higher pay scales to Dieticians through Assured Career progression Scheme (ACPS), the Ministry of Railways with the approval of the President, have decided to operate the higher grade posts of Dieticians in the scale Rs.6500-10500 and Rs.7500-12000 on functional basis. The structure of the cadre of Dieticians in the Railways will be as given below. Category Dietician Sr.Dietician Assistant Dietetics Officer Pay Scale Rs.5500-9000 Rs.6500-10500 Rs.7500-12000 No.of posts 12 posts 5 posts 2 posts The above dispensation will be effective prospectively from the date of issue of this letter. For this purpose, the seniority of the Dieticians would be maintained and administered centrally at Railway Board level. The posts of Senior Dietician and Asstt. Dietetics Officer in the pay scale of Rs.6500-10500 and Rs.7500-12000 will therefore, be kept floating. The Recruitment and Promotion Rules for Sr. Dietician and Asstt. Dietetics Officer will be issued separately. SERIAL CIRCULAR NO. 19 /2004 No.P(R )473/VI Date: 05-02-2004 School Card Passes are being issued to the student wards of Railway employees to commute between the station of the residence of the Railway servant and the station nearest to the school/college upto a distance of 80 KMs, subject to the conditions prescribed in Schedule III of RS(Pass) Rules 1986. The Organised Labour have represented to enhance the distance upto 150 Kms keeping in view the schools / colleges situated beyond 80 kms The matter has been reviewed by the General Manager and it has been decided to issue School Card Passes upto a distance of 150 KMs, over home lines only. SERIAL CIRCULAR NO. 20 /2004 No.P(R )535/IV Date: 20-02-2004 Copy of Board’s letter No. E(NG)I-2002/CFP/17 dated 15.1.04 and 29-1-04 is published for information, guidance and necessary action. Copy of Board’s letter No. E(NG)I-2002/CFP/17 dated 15.1.04 (RBE No17./04) Sub: Promotion of Group ‘D’ staff to Group ‘C’ posts. In terms of existing procedure, 50% of Group ‘C” posts at the entry in the categories of Commercial Clerks, Ticket Collectors, Train Clerks, Office Clerks, Stores Clerks etc. are filled by promotion as under:(i) 33-1/3% by selection from amongst Group ‘D’ staff who have rendered three years’ service in Group ‘D’ and have no regular avenue of promotion; and (ii) 16-2/3% by a competitive examination from amongst Matriculate Group ‘D’ staff with two years’ regular service in the categories included for (i) above, based entirely on merit. 2. A demand has been raised by NFIR in the PNM that as a result of surrender of a large number of posts in Group ‘D’ categories, adequate number of staff in the specified categories as per the existing procedure is either not available for appearing in the selection or do not make the grade in the selection for promotion to Group ‘C’ posts mentioned above. The Federation have demanded that in the event of non-availability of adequate number of Group ‘D’ staff in the earmarked categories and to make good the shortfall, other Group ‘D’ staff in the same Department in the categories other than in the earmarked categories may also be allowed to appear in the selection for promotion to Group ‘C’ posts mentioned above. 2.1 One of the Railways has also proposed that since the Peons and Hamals are not available in adequate number in administrative offices, Workshops and Divisions and difficulty is being experienced in filling up the promotion quota posts in the category of Office Clerks, other Group ‘D’ staff in the Unit presently not eligible may also be allowed to appear in the selection for promotion to the posts of Office Clerks. 3. The Board have carefully considered the matter and have decided that in the event of shortfall against promotion quota from amongst staff of eligible categories as per existing procedure, the selection may be thrown open to:(i) (ii) Group ’D’ staff of other departments in the unit in the case of selection for promotion to Group ‘C’ posts of Office Clerks; and Group ‘D’ staff in the department concerned in the unit but belonging to categories other than the specified categories in the existing AVCs in the case of selection for promotion to other Group ‘C’ posts of Commercial Clerk, Ticket Collector, Train Clerk, Stores Clerk, etc. The above dispensation may be applicable to both 33-1/3% and 16-2/3% quotas. Copy of Board’s letter No. E(NG)I-2002/CFP/17 dated 29.1.04 (RBE No24./04) Sub: Promotion of Group ‘D’ staff to Group ‘C’ posts. Reference this Ministry’s letter of even number dated 15-01-2004 [RB Estt. No. 17/2004] on the above subject. 2. Para 3 of this Ministry’s letter ibid may be substituted to read as follows:“ In the event of shortfall against promotion quota from amongst staff of eligible categories as per existing procedure the eligible and willing Group ‘D’ employees in the categories other than the ones specified in the existing procedure may also be considered in the selection for promotion to Group ‘C’ posts of Office Clerks against 33-1/3% and 16-2/3% quotas as a one time measure.” SERIAL CIRCULAR NO. 21 /2004 No.P(R )481/VI Date: 20-02-2004 Copy of Board’s letter No. PC-IV/2003/PNM/NFIR/1 dated 19.1.2004 is published for information, guidance and necessary action. Board’s letters dated 24.5.99 and 19.10.01 quoted therein were circulated as S.C.Nos.132/99 and 253/01, respectively. Copy of Board’s letter No. PC-IV/2003/PNM/NFIR/1 dated 19.1.2004 (RBE No./nil) Sub: Fixation of pay under Rule 1313 FR 22 (I)(a)(1) R-II (erstwhile FR 22C) on promotion from one post to another carrying identical scales of pay. Reference is invited to Board’s letters No.PC-IV/92/NC/JCM/4 (Committee-9) dated 24.5.99 (read with clarification dated 23.6.99) and 19.10.2001 permitting fixation of pay under Rule 1313 FR 22 (I)(a)(1) R-II (erstwhile FR 22C) in certain specific situations of promotion from one post to another in identical scale. Vide Para 3 of above letters, the persons concerned were also allowed an option to be exercised within a period of three months from the date of issue of above orders for re-fixation of pay under above Rule. The option permitted was in lieu of the usual option admissible under Rule 1313 FR 22 (I)(a)(1) R-II required to be submitted within a period of one month for fixation of pay under above rule from the date of promotion or the date of increment. 2. It has been brought to the notice of the Board by NFIR that on certain Railways, the employees who could not submit option within the stipulated period have not been allowed benefit of fixation of pay under above Rule even from the date of their promotion. 3. The matter has been considered. In view of the position as above, the Railways are advised that the persons who are covered under above orders but have not submitted any option for fixation of pay within the stipulated period, may be allowed benefit of fixation of pay under above rule from the date of promotion in identical scale. SERIAL CIRCULAR NO. 22 /2004 No.P(R )500/XIX Date: 20 -02-2004 Copy of Board’s letter No. F(E)III/2003/PN1/27 dated 14.1.04 is published for information, guidance and necessary action. Board’s letter dated 8.3.2000 quoted therein was circulated as S.C.No.67/2000. Copy of Board’s letter No. F(E)III/2003/PN1/27 dated 14.1.04 (RBE No.13/04) Sub: Payment of extraordinary family pension to dependent parents, brothers, sisters etc. - Clarification regarding. In terms of para 3.I(1)&(2) of DOP&PW’s O.M.No.45/22/97-P&PW[C] dated 3rd February,2000 circulated vide Board’s letter No.F(E)III/2000/PN1/16 dt.8.3.2000, the quantum of monthly extra-ordinary family pension for widows, children, including fatherless/motherless children covered under categories B & C shall be 40% of basic pay subject to a minimum of Rs.1650/- in the case of deceased non-pensionable Government servants and 60% of basic pay subject to a minimum of Rs.2500/- in the case of deceased pensionable Government servants. Further, dependent parents, brothers, sisters etc., shall be paid family pension at one-half the rate applicable to widows/fatherless or motherless children i.e. 20% and 30% of the basic pay in case of deceased non-pensionable and deceased pensionable Government servants, respectively. In terms of these instructions, if the minimum family pension admissible to widows is halved for the purpose of sanction of family pension to dependent parents, brothers, sisters etc., it would amount to Rs.825/- and Rs.1250/- in the case of deceased non-pensionable and deceased pensionable Government servants, respectively, which is less than the minimum ordinary family pension i.e. Rs.1275/- p.m. admissible w.e.f. 1.1.1996. 2. The matter has been examined in consultation with the Department of Pension & Pensioners’ Welfare (DOP&PW) and Department of Expenditure and it is clarified that if the amount of family pension to dependent parents, brothers, sisters etc., of the deceased non-pensionable and deceased pensionable Railway servants worked out as per para 3.I(2) of DOP&PW’s O.M. dt.3.2.2000 falls below Rs.1275/- , the same may be stepped up to Rs.1275/-. SERIAL CIRCULAR NO. 23 /2004 No.P(R )436/IREM/VI Date:23 -02-2004 Copy of Board’s letter No.E(NG)II/2003/RR-1/17 dated 21.1.04 information, guidance and necessary action. is published for . Copy of Board’s letter No. E(NG)II/2003/RR-1/17 dated 21.1.04 (RBE No.19/04) Sub: Recruitment Rules for the post of Law Assistant (Rs.6500-10500)enhancement of direct recruitment quota regarding. In terms of the provisions contained in para 131 of Indian Railway Establishment Manual, Volume-I (1989 Edition), posts in the category of Law Assistant in the pay scale of Rs.6500-10500 are filled as under: (i) (ii) 33-1/3% by direct recruitment from open market; and 66-2/3% by promotion by general selection from amongst eligible serving employees. 2. The Committee on Revamping and Streamlining of the legal set-up on the Railways in its report have recommended that 40% of the posts at the level of Law Assistant in grade Rs.6500-10500 should be filled by direct recruitment through Railway Recruitment Board and shortfall against promotion quota made good by direct recruitment. 3. The matter has been carefully considered by the Board. The views of both the Federations have been ascertained and considered. Taking overall view of the matter, the Board have decided to accept the recommendation of the Committee. Accordingly, henceforth, the posts in the category of Law Assistants will be filled as under: (i) (ii) 40% by direct recruitment through RRB as per existing procedure; and 60% by promotion by general selection as per existing procedure; shortfall, if any, being added to direct recruitment. 4. The Indian Railway Establishment Manual, Vol.I (1989 edition) may accordingly be amended as per Advance Correction Slip (ACS) No.156 enclosed. INDIAN RAILWAY ESTABLISHMENT MANUAL VOLUME-I (1989 EDITION) Chapter-1,Section - ‘B’, Sub- section-III - Recruitment and Training. Advance Correction Slip No.156. For the existing sub-para (1) of para 131, substitute the following: “131(1) The posts in the category of Law Assistants in the pay scale of Rs.6500-10500 will be filled as under: (i) (ii) 40% by direct recruitment from open market; and 60% by promotion by general selection from amongst eligible serving employees, shortfall, if any, being added to direct recruitment”. [ Authority: Board’s letter No. E(NG)II/2003/RR-1/17 dated 21.1.04 (RBE No.19/04) ] SERIAL CIRCULAR NO. 24 /2004 No.P(R )39/V Date: 23-02-2004 Copy of Board’s letter No.E(MPP)2003/1/6 dated 13.1.04 is published for information, guidance and necessary action. Board’s letter dated 21.4.89 and 28.11.2000 quoted therein were circulated as S.C.Nos.128/89 and 10/01, respectively. Copy of Board’s letter No. E(MPP)2003/1/6 dated 13.1.04 (RBE No.15/04) Sub: Redeployment of surplus staff. In continuation of Board’s letter No.E(MPP)99/1/78 dated 28.11.2000 (RBE No.256/2000) on the subject mentioned above Board during their meeting held on 13.11.03 has decided the following for speedy re-deployment of surplus staff. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. It has been observed that in many cases orders for re-deployment are issued without taking into account the preferences given by the surplus staff. This results in delay in re-deployment of the staff. Hence a team of officers (JS/SS or JAG) should be deputed for an on the spot assessment of options from the surplus staff and suitable transfer orders be issued after this. All surplus staff should have their medical categorization reviewed again in the upward direction i.e. if surplus staff has been found suitable in C-1 since his post required only C-1 he should be assessed for his highest level of medical category so that his suitability can be adjudged for a post requiring higher medical classification. The issue of supernumerary posts should be dealt in accordance with para 1(v) & (vi) of Board’s letter No.E(NG)II-84/RE-1/10 dated 21.4.89. The concept of GDCE requires to be given higher publicity and the Railways should utilize this to the maximum extent. Since safety categories have been exempted from the purview of rightsizing vide Board’s order No.160/2003 dated 10.9.2003 railways should utilize the opportunity to re-deploy maximum number of surplus staff. Board feels that the GMs and the PHODs are fully capable and competent of planning and deciding on a strategy for redeployment of surplus staff. They feel that there is sufficient innovativeness at the Divisional level for redeployment of the staff including dialogue with the unions wherever required. Railways may however express their views regarding any change/relaxation in policy issues which may further ease the pace of redeployment. SERIAL CIRCULAR NO. 25 / 2004 No.P(R )554/VI Date: 16-02-2004 Copy of Board’s letter No.E(G)2003 QR1-3 dated 6.1.04 is published for information, guidance and necessary action. Board’s letter dated 18.7.2000 and 1.8.2003 quoted therein were circulated as S.C.No.169/2000 and 149/03, respectively. Copy of Board’s letter No. E(G)2003 QR1-3 dated 6.1.04 (RBE No.6/04) Sub: Retention of Railway accommodation at the previous place of posting by officers/staff on deputation to Konkan Railway Corporation Ltd.(KRCL). Ref: Railway Board’s letter No.E(G)2003 QR1-2 dated 1.8.2003. Further to Board’s letter quoted above, Ministry of Railways (Railway Board) in exercise of their powers contained in their letter No.E(G)99 QR1-16 (Pt.) dated 18.7.2000 have further reviewed the matter and have decided that the facility of retention of Railway accommodation at the previous place of posting in favour of the officers/staff on deputation to KRCL may be extended upto 31.3.2004 only on payment of special licence fee. Meanwhile KRCL must make their own arrangements for accommodation for their officers/staff. It may also be noted that no further extension beyond 31.3.2004 shall be entertained. This issues with the approval of the Finance Directorate of the Ministry of Railways. SERIAL CIRCULAR NO. 26 / 2004 No.P(R )500/XIX Date: 05 -03-2004 Copy of Board’s letter No. F(E)III/2003/PN1/33 dated 5.2.04 is published for information, guidance and necessary action. Copy of Board’s letter No. F(E)III/2003/PN1/33 dated 5.2.04 (RBE No.25/04) Sub: Policy regarding release of pensionary dues in cases where judicial proceedings are pending against the retiring Railway servants. In terms of Rules 9(3) and 10[C] of Railway Services (Pension ) Rules,1993, a railway servant, who is retiring on attaining the age of superannuation or otherwise, against whom any departmental or judicial proceedings, including criminal and civil proceedings, are instituted or continued under Rule 9(2) of the Rules ibid, shall be sanctioned provisional pension and his/her gratuity shall be withheld. The sanction of final pension and release of gratuity shall depend upon the final orders issued on conclusion of the departmental or judicial proceedings. In this background, the All India Railwaymen’s Federation has represented that the Rule 9(3) and 10[C] of the Pension Rules are applied by one of the Zonal Railways in each and every case of judicial proceedings, even in those civil cases pertaining to partition of property and divorce, without making any distinction as to whether such disputes have any concern with the Railways or not, which is causing hardship to the retired Railway servants. 2. The matter has been examined in consultation with the Department of Pension & Pensioners’ Welfare, the nodal Department of Government of India on pensionary matters. After careful consideration of the matter, it has been decided by the President that since the judicial proceedings pending against a Railway servant automatically become proceedings under Rule 9 of Pension Rules after his/her retirement, the concerned disciplinary authority should review such cases at the time of retirement and satisfy itself as to whether the judicial proceedings pending against the Railway servant attract any of the provisions contained in the Railway Servants (Conduct) Rules 1966, or are in any way prejudicial to the interest of the Railways/Government, and on conclusion of the judicial proceedings the retired Railway servant shall not have been fully exonerated and/or the penalty of cut in pension or gratuity or both, in part, or in full shall have been imposed. If the result of the review is in the affirmative, it shall be appropriate to continue the judicial proceedings as deemed proceedings under Rule 9 of Railway Services (Pension) Rules, 1993. On the other hand, if the judicial proceedings pertain to mere civil cases of property disputes between a Railway servant and any other private party, or partition suit without any criminal angle involved and with which Railways/Government have no concerned, or divorce suits having no bearings on the conduct of the Railway servant, as laid down in Railway Servants (Conduct)Rules,1966, such judicial proceedings need not be continued as deemed proceedings under Rule 9 of Railway Services (Pension)Rules,1993. It has also been decided by the President that PHODs, DRMs and GMs being the appointing authorities of non-gazetted Railway servants and Group’B’ Railway officers, may review all the cases where judicial proceedings pending against the Railway servants at the time of retirement have already been treated as deemed proceedings or are to be treated as such in future under Rule 9 of Railway Services (Pension) Rules,1993 and decide about the desirability or otherwise of continuing such proceedings under Rule 9 of the Pension Rules. Similar cases of retiring group ‘A’ officers as are not found desirable to continue as proceedings under Rule 9 of Pension Rules shall be referred to Railway Board, with the recommendations of the General Manager, for taking a final decision. SERIAL CIRCULAR NO. 27 /2004 Letter No. .P(PC)487/V/Imp/97/Vol.V Date: 20-02-2004 Copy of Board’s letter No. PC/V/98/1/11/18(B) dated 21.1.04 is published for information, guidance and necessary action. Board’s letter dated 13.9.02 quoted therein was circulated as S.C.No. 202/02. Copy of Board’s Corrigendum No. PC/V/98/1/11/18(B) dated 21.1.04 No.20/04) (PC-V/388,RBE Sub: Pay scale for employees of canteens (statutory and recognized Non-statutory) in the Railways and Production Units etc. Ref: Railway Board’s letter of even number dated 13.9.2003. Pay scales given in S.No.2 of Group-III in Annexure to Board’s letter referred to above may be replaced as given below:Group-III S.No. Existing categories Revised New Scale Equivalent Revised designations Scale 2. Clerk, Clerk,Cashier, Asst. 950-1500 3050-4590 Cashier,Asst.Manager Canteen Manager Gr.I SERIAL CIRCULAR NO. 28 /2004 No.P(R )61/I Date: 10 -03-2004 Copy of Board’s letter No.F(E)I/2003/AL-28/11 dated 16.2.2004 information, guidance and necessary action. is published for Copy of Board’s letter No. F(E)I/2003/AL-28/11 dated 16.2.2004 (RBE No.27/04) Sub: Payment of Composite Transfer Grant to Railway employees who do not avail of the facility of Kit Pass. A doubt had been raised by one of the zonal railways on the admissibility of the quantum of Composite Transfer Grant in respect of those employees who joined Railway service prior to 1.5.1976 in case they opt to transport their luggage on transfer or on settlement after superannuation without availing of the facility of Kit Pass, at par with employees posted after 1.5.1976. 2. The matter has been examined in Board’s Office and it is hereby clarified that Railway employees who transport their luggage on transfer or on settlement after superannuation without availing of the facility of Kit Pass, irrespective of their date of joining the railway service, shall be entitled to the payment of Composite Transfer Grant without effecting any cut on the quantum thereof as per their entitlement, provided, other conditions for payment of this allowance are satisfied. SERIAL CIRCULAR NO. 29 /2004 No.P(R )39/V Date: 10 -03-2004 Copy of Board’s letter No.E(MPP)2003/1/6 dated 17.2.04 is published for information, guidance and necessary action. Board’s letter dated 13.1.04 quoted therein was circulated as S.C.No.24/04. Copy of Board’s letter No. E(MPP)2003/1/6 dated 17.2.04 (RBE No.32/04) CORRIGENDUM Sub: Redeployment of surplus staff. Kindly refer Board’s letter of even number dated 13.1.04 (RBE No.15/2004) and the following may be replaced:“In continuation of Board’s letter No.E(MPP)99/1/78 dated 28.11.2000 (RBE No.256/2000)” with In continuation of Board’s letter No.E(MPP)99/1/78 dated 28.11.2000 (RBE No.206/2000)” All other items remain unchanged. SERIAL CIRCULAR NO. 30 /2004 No.P(R )227/XIV Date: 10-03-2004 Copy of Board’s letter No.E(D&A)2003/RG 6-37 dated 13.2.04 is published for information, guidance and necessary action. As per above Board’s letter, an authority upto the rank of ADRM cannot exercise revisionary powers in disciplinary cases when appeal is not preferred. With the issue of these instructions, the instructions contained in this office letter No. P[R]227/XII dated 13-6-97 may be treated as cancelled. Copy of Board’s letter No. E(D&A)2003/RG 6-37 dated 13.2.04 (RBE No.28/04)SCNo.1 to MC 67 Sub: Revisionary powers in disciplinary cases. The provisions regarding revisionary powers in disciplinary cases are contained in Rule 25 of Railway Servants (Discipline & Appeal) Rules,1968. Doubts in this respect have been raised by various railways from time to time particularly regarding the exercise of revisionary powers by an appellate authority. The position in regard to Rule 25 is clarified in the succeeding paragraphs. 2. In terms of Rule 25(1)(v), an officer of the rank of Deputy HOD can also exercise revisionary powers, provided he is otherwise competent to conduct revision in the case. Revisionary powers can be exercised both suo-moto or on consideration of a revision petition. However, suo-moto revision can be done subject to the time limits prescribed in Rule 25(5). 2.1 Appellate authority can also exercise revisionary power when in a case no appeal has been preferred in terms of Rule 25(1)(iv). However, for an appellate authority to exercise revisionary power, this authority has to be of the rank of DRM and above. In other words, an authority upto the rank of ADRM cannot exercise revisionary powers if it happens to be the appellate authority in the case. Revisionary powers will be exercised by the appellate authority only for conducting suo moto revision. The time limits laid down in Rule 25(5) also apply in cases of revision done by the appellate authorities. 3. The provision of para 20(d) in the Master Circular No.67 may accordingly be read as under:“(d) The revising authority has to be higher in rank than the Appellate Authority where:(i) an appeal has been preferred; or (ii) where the time limit prescribed for ‘revision to be made by the Appellate Authority’, as laid down in Rule 25(5) of RS(D&A) Rules has expired. The above stipulation does not apply to the revisions made by President. (Rule 25(4) of RS(D&A) Rules,1968)”. SERIAL CIRCULAR NO. 31 /2004 No.P(PC)487/V/IMP/97/Vol.V Date 4-3-2004 Copy of Board’s letter No. PC-III/2003/Stand/3 dt.13.2.04 is published for information, guidance and necessary action. Copy of Board’s letter No. PC-III/2003/Stand/3 dt.13.2.04(PC-Nil , RBE :29/2004) Sub: Revision of designation of Drivers on Indian Railways. Railway Board have decided to revise the designation of Drivers as indicated against each: Existing Designation Pay Scale Revised Designation Mail Driver Rs.6000-9800 Loco Pilot (Mail) Sr. Passenger Driver Rs.6000-9800 Loco Pilot (Passenger )Gr.I Passenger Driver Rs.5500-9000 Loco Pilot (Passenger) Gr.II Sr.Goods Driver Rs.5500-9000 Loco Pilot (Goods) Gr.I Goods Driver Rs.5000-8000 Loco Pilot (Goods) Gr.II Sr.Shunting Driver Rs.5000-8000 Loco Pilot (Shunting) Gr.I Shunting Driver Rs.4000-6000 Loco Pilot (Shunting)Gr.II Sr.Diesel Assts/Elect.Assts. Rs.4000-6000 Sr.Asst.Loco Pilot (Diesel/Elect.) Diesel/Elec.Assts. Rs.3050/4590 Asst.Loco Pilot (Diesel/Elec.) The revised designations as detailed above, will not entail any change in the pay scales, duties & responsibilities, mode of recruitment, level of supervision, selection procedure, classification under HOER and eligibility conditions prescribed for the posts or avenues of promotion. The percentage distribution of posts in the various scales of pay will also remain unchanged by the revision of the designations. SERIAL CIRCULAR NO. 32 /2004 No.P(R )500/XIX Date: 26-03-2004 Copy of Board’s letter No. 2004/AC-II/21/1 dated 19.2.04 is published for information, guidance and necessary action. Board’s letter dated 31.12.03 quoted therein was circulated as S.C.No.10/04. Copy of Board’s letter No. 2004/AC-II/21/1 dated 19.2.04 (RBA No.5/04) Sub: Introduction of New Pension System Attention is invited to Board’s letter No.F(E)III/2003/PN1/24 dated 31.12.03 on the above subject. As stated therein, Government of India have introduced a new defined Contributory Pension System for the new entrants to Central Government Service, except for Armed Forces in the first stage, replacing the existing system of defined benefit pension system vide Government of India, Ministry of Finance, Department of Economic Affairs notification dated 22.12.03 sent herewith. The new pension system has come into operation w.e.f. 1.1.2004. The salient features of the new pension system are as under:(i) The new pension system is based on defined contributions, which will use the existing network of bank branches and post offices etc., to collect contributions and interact with participants allowing transfer of the benefits in case of change of employment and offer a basket of pension choices. The system is mandatory for all Government servants who join Government service on or after 1.1.04. It has two tiers i.e., Tier-I & Tier-II. In tier-I, Government servants shall compulsorily make a contribution at the rate of 10% of salary and DA and a matching contribution will be made by the Government (the term ‘salary’ in Ministry of Finance’s notification quoted above may be read as ‘basic pay’). The contributions and investment returns would be deposited in a non-withdrawable pension tier-I account. The existing provisions of defined benefit pension and SRPF/GPF would not be available to the new recruits in the Central Government service joining Government service w.e.f. 1.1.2004. (ii) In addition to the above pension account, each Government servant may also have a tier-II withdrawable account at his option. This option is given as SRPF/GPF Rules are not applicable to the new recruits joining the Central Government service w.e.f. 1.1.2004. Government will not make any contribution to this tier-II account. These assets would be managed through exactly the above procedures. However, the Government servant would be free to withdraw part or whole of the second tier of his money any time. This withdrawable account does not constitute pension investment and would attract no special tax treatment. (iii) A Government servant covered under the new system can exit at or after attaining the age of 60 years from the tier-I of the system. At exit, it would be mandatory for the individual to invest 40% of the pension wealth to purchase an annuity from an IRDA regulated life insurance company, which will provide for pension for the lifetime of the employee and his dependent parents/spouse at the time of retirement. In the case of Government servants, who leave the system before attaining the age of 60 years, the mandatory annuitization would be 80% of the pension wealth. (iv) In order to implement the system, there will be a Central Record Keeping Agency (CRA) and several Pension Fund Managers (PFMs) to offer 3 categories of schemes to Government servant viz. Option A, B and C based on the ratio of investment in fixed income instruments and equities. Option A would imply pre-dominant investment in fixed income instruments and some investment in equity. Option B will imply greater investment in equity. Option C will imply almost equal investment in fixed income instrument and equity. An independent Pension Fund Regulatory and Development Authority (PFRDA) will regulate and develop the pension market. (v) As an interim arrangement, till such time a statutory PFRDA is established, an interim PFRDA has been appointed by Ministry of Finance. Further, till the regular Central Record keeping Agency (CRA) and Pension Fund Managers (PFMs) are appointed and the accumulated balances under each individual account are transferred to them, Government has decided that Central Pension Accounting Office (CPAO) will function as CRA and such amounts representing the contributions made by the Government servants and the matching contribution made by the Government shall be kept in an account under Public Account of India as an interim arrangement. 2. Accordingly, the following instructions are issued in consultation with Controller General of Accounts, Ministry of Finance for the guidance of Railways for implementation of the New Pension System during the interim arrangements referred to above: a) b) c) The new pension system is effective from 1.1.2004. The contributions payable by Railway servants towards the system under tier I and tier II will be recovered from their salary bills every month. Pending formation of a Central Record Keeping Agency, Central Pension Accounting Office/Ministry of Finance will function as the Central Record Keeping Agency for this system. d) The contribution towards the system under tier-I will be recovered at the rate of 10% of Basic Pay and DA from Railway Servants. The system of voluntary contribution under Tier-II will not be operative during the period of interim arrangement. Therefore, no recoveries will be made from the salaries of the employees on this account during the above period. Recoveries towards the contribution to tier-I of the system shall be effected from the Ist of the month following the month in which the Railway servant has joined the service. No deduction will be made from his salary earned in the month of joining the service. No deduction shall be made towards SRPF/GPF contribution from the Railway servant joining the service on or after 1.1.04, as the said scheme is not applicable to them. (i) Immediately on joining the service the Railway servant shall be asked by the bill drawing officer concerned to furnish the particulars viz., name, designation, scale of pay, date of birth, nominee for the fund etc; in the prescribed form (Annexure I). Each bill drawing officer will consolidate this information in respect of all the Railway servants, who have joined service during the previous month and submit it in the prescribed format (Annexure II) to the associate bill passing Accounts Officer by 7th of each month. Annexure I will be retained by the bill drawing officer and will be placed in the service book of the employee. e) f) g) h) (ii) Since the Pension Fund Account number and ledger thereof will be permanent records, the permanent accounting units viz., divisional/workshop/Headquarters Office etc. only shall be nominated as Associate Accounts Office for this system and the project railways/construction offices may be attached to Divisional Accounts Office under whose regional jurisdiction such project/construction offices are situated. These offices after passing of salary bills will transfer the salary debits to the concerned accounting units through transfer certificate for accountal against relevant work/expenditure head of account. This will ensure proper maintenance of records, timely submission of information to CPAO for the present and timely flow of funds to PFMs when they come into being. (iii)FA&CAO shall issue suitable local procedure order to ensure effective implementation of the new system. (i) On receipt of the information (Annexure-II) from the bill-drawing officers, the associate bill passing Accounts Officer will allot a unique 16 digit permanent pension account number as under:1st to 4th digit Calendar year in which the account is opened (To be allotted by Railway) th 5 digit Ministry Code as allotted by CGA (Code No. ‘.5’ has been allotted to Railways by CGA). th th 6 to to 8 Zone/Production unit Code (As per FMIS Programme to be digits allotted by FA&CAOs themselves prefixing ‘0’ to the existing 2 digit railway code e.g. 3-digit numercial code for ECR will be 030) 9th to 11th digits Associate Accounting Unit Codes to be allotted by FA&CAOs themselves starting from 001. th th 12 to 16 Employee Number (To be allotted by Associate Accounts digits Office concerned starting from 00001 running from January to December of a calendar year) FA&CAO shall be the nodal officer for each Railway/Production Unit and Dy.CAO/General shall be the officer-in-charge at Headquarters Office responsible for this system to correspond with the office of CPAO. For this purpose particulars of Associate Accounts Officers and FA&CAO may be sent to CPAO in the enclosed format in both soft and hard copy by 05-03-2004 under advice to Board’s Office. The name, postal address, telephone number, FAX number, e-mail address etc. of Dy.CAO/G may also be sent. The name and address of the nodal officers in Central Pension Accounting Office are as under:1. 2.. Name Designation Address: : : : e-mail Telephone : : Name Designation Address: : : : Telephone : Smt.Vadana Sharma Chief Controller (Pension) Central Pension Accounting office Trikoot-II,Bhikaji Cama Place New Delhi-110066 cccpao.nic.in 26169405, 26174864 FAX No.26167326 Shri Sunahari Lal Controller of Accounts Central Pension Accounting office Trikoot-II,Bhikaji Cama Place New Delhi-110066 26174809 J) The Associate Accounts Officer will maintain an index register (Annexure-III) for this purpose which shall indicate the name of the Railway servant, date of birth, designation, name of office, scale of pay, pay, nominee for the pension fund and the employee serial number allotted etc. Necessary entries should be made in this register at the time of allotment of number to the new Railway servant. k) The Associate Accounts Officer shall return to the Drawing officer concerned, a photocopy of the statement duly indicating therein the account numbers allotted to each Railway employee by 10th of each month. The drawing officer shall intimate the account number to the Railway servant concerned and also note the same in the Pay Bill Register. l) The particulars of the Railway servant received from various drawing officers will be consolidated by the Associate Accounts Officer in prescribed format (Annexure-II A) and sent to FA&CAO by the 12th of each month. The FA&CAO shall consolidate the particulars in the prescribed format (Annexure-II B) and forward the same to Central Pension Accounting Office by 15th of the same month for feeding the information in their computer. The information will also be sent through e-mail. A copy of this statement may also be endorsed to Board’s Office till further orders. m) The Drawing officers shall prepare separate Pay Bill Registers in respect of the Railway servants joining service on or after 1.1.2004. They shall also prepare separate pay bills in respect of these Railway servants and send the same with all the schedules to the associate bill passing Accounts Officer as per salary bill programme in vogue. n) The Drawing Officers shall prepare a recovery schedule in duplicate in prescribed form (Annexure-IV) for the contributions under tier I and attach them with the pay bills. The amount of contributions so made should tally with the total amount of recoveries shown under the corresponding columns in the Pay Bill. o) (i) These recoveries and interest payable will be classified as credits under the following head of accounts. Public Account Sub Sector K - Deposit & Advances Section (a) Deposit bearing interest Major Head: 8342-Other Deposits. Minor Head: 120-Misc. Deposits. Sub-Head: Defined Contribution Pension System. Detailed Head: Employee’s contribution under Tier-1 Government’s Contribution under Tier-1 Interest on contributions under Tier-1 (ii) The interest payable will be debited to the following head of accounts:- Major Head 2049 Sub Major Head 60 Sub Head Detailed Head Object Head 5. : : : : : interest Payments. Interest on other obligations Interest on New Defined Contribution Pension System interest on Contribution on tier-1 Interest The said amount of interest will be credited to Detailed head-Interest on Contributions under Tier-1 under the existing Major head 8342 mentioned above. Government has decided to allow interest linked to GPF rate, which is presently 8% p.a., on the above amount. Detailed instructions with regard to interest calculation will follow. (iii) The proposal for introduction of the newly proposed accounts heads is presently under consideration of Ministry of Finance and C&AG of India. Further instructions in this regard will follow shortly after which FA&CAOs may open these new accounting heads in their books of Accounts and FA&CAO/S.C.Railway may ensure issuance of necessary correction slip in the Account Current Programme for this purpose p) It may be noted that alongwith the salary bill for the Railway servants, who join service w.e.f. 1.1.2004, the drawing officer shall also prepare a separate bill for drawal of matching contributions to be paid by the Government and creditable to the pension account. -5q) The expenditure on matching contribution by Government shall be debited to a new primary unit namely “Matching Contribution of Central Government towards Defined Contribution Pension System” under the service expenditure head concerned. Necessary ACS in this regard has already been issued vide Board’s letter of even number dated 17.2.04 (copy enclosed). The amount of Government’s contribution will be transferred to the pension account by debiting to the above head and crediting to the deposit head mentioned in sub-para (o) above, and as such net amount payable will be nil. The bills for drawal of matching Government's contribution shall also be supported by the schedules of recoveries in form enclosed as Annexure-V. r) On receipt of salary bills in respect of Railway servants joining service on or after 1.1.2004, the Associate Accounts Office shall exercise usual checks before passing the bill and making payments. After the payment is made, one set of schedules relating to pension contribution shall be detached from the bill and passed on to the section responsible for posting of credits of contributions in the ledger account of the Railway servant. s) The Employee’s contribution under tier-I & II and the Government’s contribution under tier-I shall be posted in different columns of individual ledger account in the format as at Annexure-VI and the total thereof reconciled with the general books. t) These accounts should not be mixed with SRPF/GPF accounts and should be maintained independent of the PF accounts maintained in case of pre 1.1.2004 entrants. u) (i) The Associate Accounts Office shall consolidate the information available in the New Pension System schedule received from the various drawing officers and forward the same in prescribed form (Annexure-VII to FA&CAO by 12h of the month following the month to which the credit pertains. The FA&CAOs shall consolidate the information and send the same to the Central Pension Accounting Office by 15th of the month in prescribed format (Annexure-VII A) both in hard and soft form. However, no accounts will be transferred to CPAO by the Associate Account Officers/FA&CAOs. (ii) A copy of the above statement may also be endorsed to Board’s Office till further order. (iii) CPAO on receipt of this information will update its database and generate exception reports for missing credits, mismatch etc., which will be sent back to the FA&CAO concerned for further action. (v) In case any government servant is transferred from one accounting unit to another, the balances will not be transferred. However, the drawing officer shall indicate in the LPC of the individual the unique account number, the month up to which the Railway servant’s contribution and Government’s contribution has been transferred to the pension fund. It may be noted that the unique Permanent Pension Account Number once allotted shall not be changed. (w) No withdrawal of any amount shall be permitted during the interim arrangement. However in the event of the death of the Railway servant, the accumulations under Tier-I will be paid to his/her spouse/dependents. (x) At the end of each financial year, the CPAO will prepare an annual statement showing the details of deductions and contributions made by the Government and also interest, if any, allowed by the Government and forward it through FA&CAO/Associate Accounts office to the Drawing Officers where the Railway servant is presently working, to give the same to him/her. (y) After the close of each financial year, CPAO will also report the detail of the balances (Accounting unit wise) to each FA&CAO, who will forward the information to each Accounts Officer for the purpose of reconciliation. The Account Officer shall reconcile the figure of contributions posted in the ledger account of individual railway employee concerned with the figures as per the statement received from CPAO. (z) Detailed instructions with regard to transfer of balances will be issued after the appointment of regular CRA and Fund Managers. Kindly issue suitable guidelines/procedure orders to the concerned staff accordingly and ensure strict compliance of these instructions. The statements due to be submitted to CPAO during February,04 may be submitted at the earliest while including the same in calender of returns to ensure adherence to the stipulated target dates in future. ANNEXURES NOT ENCLOSED SERIAL CIRCULAR NO. 33 /2004 No.P(R )473/ VI Date: 23-03-2004 Copy of Board’s letter No. E(W)96 PS 5-8/2 dated 17.2.04 is published for information, guidance and necessary action. Board’s letters dated 5.1.99 and 19.1.01 quoted therein were circulated as S.C.No.53/99 and 28/01, respectively. Copy of Board’s letter No. E(W)96 PS 5-8/2 dated 17.2.04 (RBE No.33/04) Sub: Provision of companion in lieu of attendant to senior citizen I class/I’A’ Post Retirement Complimentary Pass holders. In slight modification to Board’s letters of even No.dt.5.1.99 and 19.1.2001, Board have decided to allow the facility of companion in lieu of Attendant to senior citizen retired railway employees (who are above the age of 65 years) holding 1 Class/1’A’ Post Retirement Complimentary Pass in higher class on payment of full difference of fare between SL/II class and the class in which retired railway employee travels, besides the existing travel facility along with a companion in II/SL class. 2. Other terms and conditions contained in Board’s letters of even No.dt.5.1.99 and 19.1.2001 shall remain the same. 3. The Railway Servants(Pass) Rules,1986 (Second Edition,1993) may accordingly be amended as in the ACS No.44. ACS NO.44 TO THE RAILWAY SERVANTS (PASS)RULES 1986 (SECOND EDITION, 1993) Item No.(xiv) in Column 3 of Schedule IV (Post Retirement Complimentary Pass) may be amended as follows:1. Add the following sentence after first sentence of last sub-paragraph under item No.3, i.e……. Sleeper class/II class; “The senior citizens are also allowed to take a companion along with them in higher class on payment of full difference of fare between sleeper class/II class and the class in which the retired railway employee travels”. 2. Add the following as concluding sentence in the endorsement to be made on the Post Retirement Complimentary Pass:“OR in higher class on payment of difference of fare between SL/II class and the class in which the retired railway employee travels”. SERIAL CIRCULAR NO. 34 /2004 No.P(R )473/VI Date: 23 -03-2004 Copy of Board’s letter No. E(W)93 PS 5-1/1 dated 16.2.04 is published for information, guidance and necessary action. Board’s letter dated 7.9.2000 and 13.10.2000 quoted therein were circulated as S.C.No.197/2000 and 224/2000, respectively. Copy of Board’s letter No. E(W)93 PS 5-1/1 dated 16.2.04 (RBE No.30/04) Sub: Entitlement for travel by Rajdhani and Shatabdi Express trains on Duty/Privilege/Post Retirement Complimentary Passes. Ref: Board’s letter No.E(W)2000 PS 5-1/17 dt.7.9.2000 and 13.10.2000. Board have decided to modify the rail travel facilities on Rajdhani/Shatabdi Express Trains in respect of metal and I’A’ pass holders with pay below Rs.14,300/- on Duty, and serving and retired General Managers, Addl. Members, DG/RHS and DG/RPF of the grade Rs.24,050 and above in respect of Privilege and Post Retirement Complimentary Passes. 2. Accordingly, the entitlement for travel by Rajdhani/Shatabdi Express Trains on Duty/Privilege/Post Retirement Complimentary Passes would stand revised as per Annexure 3. The Privilege/Post Retirement Complimentary Pass holders will be permitted to travel within the quota earmarked for pass holders by these trains. Preference will be given to the Duty Pass holders in allotment of berths/seats. 4. These instructions should be brought to the notice of all concerned. 5. These instructions are in supersession of all earlier orders issued on this subject. 6. This issues with the concurrence of Finance Directorate of the Ministry of Railways. SERIAL CIRCULAR NO.35/2004 No.P(PC)487/V/97/DA Date: 16 –03-2004 Copy of Board’s letter No. PC-V/97/1/7/14 dt.12.3.04 (RBE No.58/2004, PC-V/401) on the above subject is published for information, guidance and necessary action. Board’s letter dated 9.1.03 and 16.10.97 quoted therein was circulated as S.C.No.169/03 and 171/97. Action should be taken to draw the revised rates of Dearness Allowance in the salary bill of the mechanised unit of General pay Roll. Running and Workshops staff including Gangmen of SC and HYB Divisions for the month of March 2004 in respect of employees belonging to Group ‘A’, ‘B’, C and D. DA Arrears: The D.A. arrears payable from 1.1.04 to 29.2.04 in respect of all the employees will be drawn in the regular bill for the month of March,2004. CWM/LGDS to ensure payment of DA and arrears as indicated above to the staff of LGD Workshops. DRM/BZA to ensure payment of DA and arrears for BZA, GNT and GTPL. DRM/GTL to ensure payment of revised DA and arrears indicated above to the staff of GTL and Workshops of TPTY. . Copy of Board’s letter No. PC-V/97/1/7/14 dt.12.3.04 (PC-V No.401,RBE No.58/2004 Sub: Payment of Dearness Allowance to Railway Employees – Revised Rates effective from 1.1.2004. ) The undersigned is directed to refer to this Ministry’s letter of even number dated 9.9.2003 (S.No.PC-V/378, RBE No.159/2003) on the subject mentioned above and to state that the President is pleased to decide that the Dearness Allowance payable to Railway employees shall be enhanced from the existing rate of 59% to 61% of the pay with effect from Ist January 2004. From 1.4.2004 Dearness Allowance equal to 50% of Basic Pay would be converted to Dearness Pay as per this Ministry’s letter No.PC-V/2004/A/DA/1 dated 11.3.2004. Consequently Dearness Allowance from 1.4.2004 would be payable at the rate of 11%. The provisions contained in Para 3 and 4 of this Ministry’s letter of even number dated 16.10.1997 (S.No.PC-V/3, RBE No.139/97) shall continue to be applicable, while regulating Dearness Allowance under these orders. However with effect from 1.4.2004, Dearness Allowance will be computed on the basis of Basic Pay, Dearness Pay, Stagnation Increment and NPA. Provisions contained in para-3 of this Ministry’s letter of even number dated 16.10.1997 therefore, stand amended to this extent. The additional instalment of Dearness Allowance payable under these orders shall be paid in cash to all Railway employees. The arrears may be charged to the Salary Bill for March 2004 and no honorarium is payable for preparing separate bill for this purpose. The payment on account of Dearness Allowance involving fraction of 50 paise and above may be rounded off to the next higher rupee and the fractions of less than 50 paise may be ignored. SERIAL CIRCULAR NO.36/2004 No.P(PC)487/V/97/DA Date: 17 -03-2004 Copy of Board’s letter No. PC-V/2004/A/DA/1 dt.11.3.04 guidance and necessary action. is published for information, Copy of Board’s letter No. PC-V/2004/A/DA/1 dt.13.3.04 (PC-V No./400,RBE No.57/04) Sub: Merger of 50% of Dearness Allowance/Dearness Relief with basic pay/ Pension to Railway employees/pensioners w.e.f. 1.4.2004. The Fifth CPC in para 105.11 of their Report had recommended that DA should be converted into Dearness Pay each time the CPI increased by 50% over the base index used by the last pay Commission. This recommendation of Fifth CPC has been considered and the President is pleased to decide that with effect from 1.4.2004, DA equal to 50% of the existing basic pay shall be merged with the basic pay and shown distinctly as Dearness Pay (DP) which would be counted for purposes like payment of allowances, transfer grant retirement benefits, contribution to GPF, Licence Fee, Monthly contribution for CGHS, various advances, etc. The entitlements for Privilege Pass/PTO/Duty Pass, TA/DA while on tour and transfer and government accommodation shall, however, continue to be governed on the basic of the basic pay alone without taking into account Dearness Pay. In case of existing pensioners, Dearness Relief equal to 50% of the present pension will w.e.f. 1.4.2004, be merged with pension and shown distinctly as Dearness Pension. Dearness Allowance/Dearness Relief converted into Dearness Pay/Dearness Pension respectively would be deducted from the existing rate of Dearness Allowance/Dearness Relief. As regards running staff, the recommendations of the ‘Committee on Running Allowances-2002’ are expected shortly. Pending receipt of recommendations of the above Committee and Government’s decision thereon, it has been decided that Dearness Pay for the purposes of calculation of retirement benefits in the case of running staff, may provisionally be calculated on basic pay + 30% thereof. Accordingly, emoluments for retirement benefits in the case of running staff retiring on or after 1.4.2004 would consist of Basic Pay + 55% thereof (as pay element component for retirement benefit) plus Dearness Pay at the appropriate percentage calculated on Basic pay + 30% thereof. Regarding calculation of Dearness Pay for the specified benefits where 30% pay element is reckoned at present, Dearness Pay for these purposes, except those excluded in Para 2 above, would also provisionally be calculated on Basic Pay + 30% thereof. To ensure that pensioners retiring between 1.4.2004 to 31.1.2005 do not face any loss in fixation of pension, as special dispensation in their case, DA equal to 50% of the basic pay would be treated as basic pay for purposes of computation of pension in respect of basic pay received by them prior to 1.4.2004. Consequently, element of Dearness pension will exist only for pensioners retired/retiring from Government of India up to 31.3.2004. SERIAL CIRCULAR NO. 37 /2004 No.P(R )673/IV Date: 29 -03-2004 Copy of Board’s letter No. E(G)91/AL 6-1 dated 24.2.2004 is published for information, guidance and necessary action. Board’s letter dated 3.7.98 quoted therein was circulated as letter No.P[R]673/I dated 14.8.98. Copy of Board’s letter No. E(G)91/AL 6-1 dated 24.2.2004 (RBE No.34/04) Sub: Revision of Ceiling of expenditure on messing. The matter regarding revision of ceiling of expenditure of messing and that of recovery from the in service officers and trainee probationers by Centralised Training Institutes is under consideration of the Committee appointed by the Ministry of Railways for the purpose. Pending finalization of the report of the Committee, in modification of Board’s letter of even number dated 3.7.1998, it has been decided that:- i) ii) Ceiling limit of expenditure on messing for the officers upto JAG shall remain at Rs.100/- and that for officers of the rank of SAG and above shall be raised to Rs.130/- from the existing ceiling limit of Rs.100/-. The ceiling limit of recovery of expenditure on messing charges from probationers shall be raised to Rs.100/- from the existing ceiling limit of Rs.80/-. The actual rates of expenditure and that of recovery may be fixed by the Heads of the institutes in consultation with their Associate Finance within the prescribed ceilings. These orders take effect from 1-2-04. SERIAL CIRCULAR NO. 38 /2004 No.P(R )299/IV Date: 25 -03-2004 Copy of Board’s letter No.E(G)2004 HO 1-2 dated 24.2.2004 is published for information, guidance and necessary action. Board’s letter dated 17.10.91 quoted therein was circulated as S.C.No.160/91. Copy of Board’s letter No. E(G)2004 HO 1-2 dated 24.2.2004 (RBE No.35/04) Sub: Remuneration to Railway officers acting as Arbitrators. Ministry of Railways have reviewed the rate of honorarium payable to Railway servants appointed to act as Arbitrators in disputes between the Govt. of India and private parties as laid down in letter No.E(G)90 HO1-18 dated 17.10.91. The matter was discussed in full Board Meeting held on 27.11.2003 wherein a decision has been taken to enhance the honorarium payable to Railway servants acting as Arbitrators in supercession of Board’s letter dated 17.10.91. It has been decided that honorarium shall be paid to Railway servants appointed to act as an Arbitrator to settle the disputes @ Rs.300/- per day or Rs.150/- per half day subject to a maximum of Rs.10,000/- per case. For this purpose a day means more than two hours continuous work on any date and half day means work for 2 hours or less. The officer working as Arbitrator shall record a certificate in writing indicating whether he has worked for a half day or for full day on a particular day. The above honorarium to a serving Railway officer acting as an Arbitrator shall be payable irrespective of the Deptt. to which the case pertains. However, while nominating Arbitrator, it should be ensured that the officer should not have dealt with that particular case previously. This has the sanction of the President and issues with the concurrence of Finance Directorate of the Ministry of Railways. SERIAL CIRCULAR NO. 39 /2004 No.P(R ) 500/XIX Date: 26 -03-2004 Copy of Board’s letter No. E(P&A)II-2001/RS-4 dated 26.2.2004 is published for information, guidance and necessary action. Board’s letters dated 29.10.99, 30.7.2001 and 27.8.2003 quoted therein were circulated as S.C.No.314/99,176/01 and 160/03, respectively. Copy of Board’s letter No. E(P&A)II-2001/RS-4 dated 26.2.2004 (RBE No.48/04) Subject:Implementation of Government’s decision on the recommendations of the Vth Central Pay Commission -Revision relating to pension/ commutation of Pension -JCM/DC Item No.26/2001. Reference Board’s letter of even number dated 30.7.2001 on the above subject. 2. The issue has been reviewed in consultation with the Staff side in the JCM/DC Meeting held on 14th & 15th October 2003. Pursuant to the discussions, it has been decided by the Board that Para 2(a) of the letter dated 30.7.2001 ibid may be substituted with the following:“(a) For the period during which pay was drawn in the pre-revised pay scales by the running staff, the total emoluments for the number of months for which pay was drawn in the prerevised pay scales shall be calculated after taking into account the following:(i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) Basic Pay (including increments, if any drawn during the intervening period). Dearness allowance upto CPI 1510 i.e.@ 148%, 111% and 96% of the Basic Pay + 30% of the Basic pay, as the case may be. The first and second instalments of Interim Relief appropriate to the Basic pay drawn during the relevant period, the second instalment of Interim relief being calculated on Basic Pay + 30% of the Basic Pay. Notional increase of the Basic pay by applying the Fitment Benefit of 40% on the Basic Pay in the pre-revised pay scale; Provided that whenever the emoluments calculated as at (i) to (iv) above exceed the maximum of the revised scale of pay introduced w.e.f. 1.1.1996, the same should be restricted td the maximum of the said revised scale of pay. 55% of the sum of (i),(ii),(iii) &(iv) above. 3. Accordingly, Annexure-I to the letter dated 30.7.2001 ibid may be substituted with the Annexure attached to this letter. Other terms and conditions contained in Board’s letter No.F(E)III/97/PN1/22 dated 29.10.1999 and 27.8.2003 ibid remain unchanged. This issues with the concurrence of the Finance Directorate of the Ministry of Railways. Annexure .Illustrative Example Pre-revised scale of pay (prior to 1.1.1996) Rs.1400-2600 Corresponding revised scale (w.e.f. 1.1.1996) Date of Increment in the pre-revised scale: Rs.2000 Rs.5500-9000 Ist June 1995. Basic Pay in the Pre-revised scale (upto May 1995) (June 1 to Dec 31,1995) Rs.2050 Date of Superannuation: 31st January 1996. (A)Emoluments drawn in the pre-revised scale (i) April 1, 1995 to April 30,1995 a) Basic Pay Rs.2000 b) Dearness Allowance @ CPI 1510 (148% in the present case on Rs.3848 Basic Pay + 30% of Basic Pay) c) IR(I) Rs. 100 d)IR(II) 10% of (Basic Pay +30% of Basic Pay) Rs. 260 e) Fitment Weightage (40% of Basic Pay) Rs. 800 Total Rs.7008 55% of total Rs. 3854 Total Emoluments Rs.10862 Total Emoluments for 2 months (April & May 1995) Rs.21724 A(i) (ii) June 1,1995 to June 30,1995 a) Basic Pay Rs.2050 b) Dearness Allowance @ CPI 1510 (148% in the present case on Basic Pay + 30% of Basic Pay) Rs.3944 c) IR(I) Rs. 100 d)IR(II) 10% of (Basic Pay +30% of Basic Pay) Rs. 267 e) Fitment Weightage (40% of Basic Pay) Rs. 820 Total Rs.7181 55% of Total Rs.3950 Total Emoluments Rs.11131 Total Emoluments for 7 months (June 95 to Dec.95) Rs.77917A(ii) (B) Emolument drawn in the revised scales of pay Janua ry 1,1996 to January 31,1996 Basic Pay Rs.7250 Total emoluments for 1 month (Basic Pay +55% of Basic Pay) Rs.11238 (B) [C] (D) Total emoluments during 10 months =A(i) + A(ii) + (B) Average Emoluments (C/10) Monthly pension (50% of average emoluments, i.e. 50% of D) Rs.110879 (C) Rs.11088 (D) Rs.5544 Note: (a) Fitment weightage of 40% of basic pay to be added to basic pay in the prerevised scale of pay. (b) DA actually drawn will be substituted by DA at CPI 1510 relevant to the particular slab of basic pay. SERIAL CIRCULAR NO. 40 /2004 No.P(R )240/DR/III Date: 29 -03-2004 Copy of Board’s letter No.E(W)95/UN1-19 dated 1.3.04 is published for information, guidance and necessary action. Board’s letter dated 28.8.03 quoted therein was circulated as S.C.No.175/03. Copy of Board’s letter No. E(W)95/UN1-19 dated 1.3.04 (RBE No.41/04) Sub: Supply of luminescent vests (safety jackets) to maintenance staff working on the track. Instructions have been issued vide Board’s letter of even number dated 28.8.03 regarding supply of luminescent vests (Safety Jackets), one set for two years, in addition to the existing uniform to Gangmen, Keymen, Mates and Patrolmen. Arising out of the announcement made by MR during the concluding session of Safety Samvad held on 12/13.7.03, Board have decided that instead of extending the provision of luminescent vest to other categories individually, these may be provided as T & P items, under the powers of General Managers subject to the condition that use of such vests shall be conducive to the personal safety of the staff. Such categories would be the MSM, ESM, TCM, Cable jointer, Train Examiner, Pointsmen, Shunting Jamadar,Shuntman, Shunting Porter, Yard Master, Yard Foreman, Blacksmith and Khalasis, Telecom Inspector and Signal Inspector, Permanent Way Mistries, Gatekeeper, Trolley man. This is illustrative and not exhaustive. Zonal Railway Administration may satisfy themselves that only such categories/staff who are working on the tracks are covered. Sufficient stock on need based requirement, may be kept with the Establishment/Sr.Supervisors for issue to the concerned staff who have to occasionally work on the track on mid-section. Other items like torch, helmet, raincoat, leather gloves, under the powers of General Managers may also be issued as T & P item for use of Staff/Supervisors concerned as and when required. This issues with the concurrence of Finance Directorate of Ministry of Railways. SERIAL CIRCULAR NO. 41 /2004 No.P(R )535/IV Date12-04-2004 Copy of Board’s letter No. E(NG)I/2003/PM1/13 dated 09-03-04 is published for information, guidance and necessary action. Board’s letter dated 4.7.03 quoted therein was circulated as S.C.No.177/03. Copy of Board’s letter No. E(NG)I/2003/PM1/13 dated 09-03-04 (RBE No.51/04) Sub: Supreme Court judgement dated 13.1.2003 in Writ Petition (Civil) No.548 / 2000 filed by Shri Inderpal Yadav & Others Vs UOI & Others heard and decided with Writ Petitions (Civil) Nos.658, 659 and SLP[C] Nos.4159-60/2001 and 14048/2001 - regarding status and benefits admissible to staff working in Construction Organisation. In continuation to this Ministry’s letter of even number dated 4.7.2003 a corrected copy of Hon’ble Court’s orders dated 13.1.2003 referred above, received from Supreme Court of India, is sent herewith for information and guidance. The judgement circulated earlier under this Ministry’s letter of even number dated 4.7.2003 shall stand corrected accordingly. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF INDIA, ORIGINAL JURISDICTION Writ Petition No.548 of 2000 Inder Pal Yadav & Ors. Etc.etc. Appellant(s) Versus Union of India & Ors. Etc. etc. Respondent(S) With Writ Petition (Civil) Nos.658, 659 and SLP© Nos.4159-60/2001, 14048/2001. ORDER The writ petitioners before us have been appointed as casual employees in different projects of the Northern Railway in the years 1979 to 1981. Because of uncertainty of their tenure, they filed writ petitions before this Court, during the pendency of which, a scheme was framed by the Railway authorities for granting the petitioners temporary status with a view to permanent absorption. This scheme was approved with certain modifications, which are not relevant for the purpose of this petition, by the decision of this Court reported in 1985 (2) SCC 863. The scheme was implemented and the petitioners were categorised as skilled, semi-skilled and un-skilled. The implementation of the scheme was upheld again by this Court when the petitioners filed a complaint in this regard before this court on 11th August,1986. The third petition filed by the petitioners or some of them was disposed of by this Court on 30th October,1986 in which this Court said that the petitioners before being ‘absorbed as Khalasis on temporary status have to submit themselves to medical examination which is usually taken before a person is conferred temporary status’. It was also made clear that the Railway Administration would give full benefit of actual service of the petitioner for the purpose of counting their seniority and it would be open to the Railway administration to absorb the petitioners on temporary status either as work khalasis or as gang khalasis in the appropriate scale. The fourth order in the field is an order dated 2nd December,1987 on a separate writ petition, in which the petitioners alleged that although the petitioners had served continuously for a long period of time, the Railway Administration had neither permitted them seniority nor granted them the same rate of wages as regular employees. This Court by its decision Ram Kumar & Others (reported in 1988 (1)SCC 306) noted that the petitioners had admittedly been in service for more than 360 days and according to the Railway authorities, they were entitled to temporary status. In the judgment this Court said; “In the Signal and Telecom Construction Organisation under which the Petitioners are working, according to the Railway Administration further privileges of being regularised in permanent service is afforded by giving them access to their regularisation against permanent vacancies which mostly occur in open line. For such purpose, casual labour in open line as well as willing project casual labour are combined for the purpose of screening and forming of panel on the basis of seniority depending upon the days of work put in. In view of the submissions, learned counsel for the respondents has pleaded that the allegation of Discrimination does not exist”. This Court also noted the provisions of the Railways Establishment Manual, which, inter alia deals with the grant of regular status to a temporary appointee after selection through regular Selection Boards for class IV staff. The court accordingly directed that since many of petitioners have been empanelled, the Railway authority was expected to take prompt steps to screen such of the petitioners who were still waiting for the purpose of regularisation of their service. It is not in dispute that subsequent to the orders of this Court, the petitioners were regularised as khalasis in group D in the open line. However, they have been permitted to continue to serve in various projects of the railway administration. While they were serving in such projects, they have been granted provisional promotion in a particular corresponding scale of pay on the basis of supplementary trade test held in the project itself. However, the order by which such petitioners were granted local provisional or adhoc promotion made it clear that they would not claim over their seniors in other units. The reasons for the filing of these petitions before us by the petitioners is the preparation of lists of surplus staff in the projects. It is the petitioners’ case that these surplus lists have been prepared with a view to bring the petitioners back to the open line cadre at the scale of pay applicable to group D employees overlooking that the petitioners had in the meanwhile been promoted to group C and were enjoying much higher scale of pay. From the documents on record, it is clear that the petitioners have been regularised and continue to hold the substantive posts of Khalasi in Group D category in the open line division of the respondents. Their provisional local promotion in the projects cannot be taken as having vested in them a right either to continue in the project or to resist reversion back to the cadre, or to enjoy a higher promotion merely on the basis of locally provisional promotion granted to them in the project in which they had been employed at a particular point of time. No rules have been pointed out to us to justify this claim on the part of the petitioners. Besides, if this stand of the petitioner were to be accepted, it would operate inequitably as far as the regular employees in the open line department are concerned. Further more the order of provisional promotion expressly made it clear that the petitioners were in fact provisionally appointed. Therefore, the writ petitioners cannot seek to make such provisional appointment permanent by filing a writ petition to restrain the respondents from reverting them back to their appointed cadre. However, while the petitioners cannot be granted the reliefs as prayed for in the writ petition, namely, that they should not be reverted to a lower post or that they should be treated as having been promoted by reason of their promotion in the projects, nevertheless, we wish to protect the petitioners against some of the anomalies which may arise, if the petitioners are directed to join their parent cadre or other project, in future. It cannot be lost sight of that the petitioners have passed trade tests to achieve the promotional level in a particular project. Therefore, if the petitioners are posted back to the same project they shall be entitled to the same pay as their contemporaries unless the posts held by such contemporary employees at the time of such reposting of the petitioners is based on selection. Additionally, while it is open to the Railway administration to utilise the services of the petitioners in the open line, they must, for the purpose of determining efficiency and fitment take into account the trade tests which may have been passed by the petitioners as well as the length of service rendered by the petitioners in the several projects subsequent to their regular appointment. Where a trade test is provided under the relevant rules for the purpose of promotion to group C, we make it clear that it will not be necessary for the petitioners to take the trade tests over again, if they have already taken any comparable test while they were on duty in the projects. It is stated by the learned counsel appearing on behalf of the Railway authorities that during the pendency of the writ petitions that several of the petitioners had applied for promotion in the open line from Group D to Group C but only some were successful. It is not necessary to go into this question since we proceed on the basis that there was a requirement of passing a qualifying trade test held for the purpose of promotion from Group D to Group C post held in the projects. However, we make it clear that so far as further promotions are concerned that is from Group C to Group B, the observations of this Court will not serve to grant any benefit to the petitioners. It is open to the respondent authorities to proceed in the matter of further promotion in accordance with the rules. We accordingly dispose of these writ petition and special leave petitions with the aforesaid observations. Interim orders are vacated. There will be no order as to costs. Sd/- Roma Pal, Sd/- B.N.Srikrishna, New Delhi dated 13.1.2003. SERIAL CIRCULAR NO: 42/2004 No.P(R )563/ VI Date:12-04-2004 Copy of Board’s letter No.E(Sports)2000/Policy/2 dated 8.3.2004 is published for information, guidance and necessary action. Board’s letter dated 19.6.2000 quoted therein was circulated as S.C.No.152/2000. Copy of Board’s letter No. E(Sports)2000/Policy/2dated 8.3.2004 (RBE No.49/04) Sub: Instructions for recruitment of sportspersons in Group ‘D’ category in Golf discipline. Attention is invited to Para 4.3 of Board’s letter of even number dated 19.6.2000 wherein sports norms have been prescribed for recruitment of sportspersons in Group ‘D’. Board has decided to include the following sports norms in the aforesaid para for recruitment of sportspersons in Group ‘D’ in the discipline of Golf. “In Golf, I.G.U. ranked players from 26-75 (order of Merit/Amateur Merit list) subject to single handicap i.e. less than 10, will also be considered for recruitment to Group ‘D’” This issues with the concurrence of Finance Directorate of Ministry of Railways. SERIAL CIRCULAR NO. 43 /2004 No.P(R )54/ V Date:12 -04-2004 Copy of Board’s letter No. E(P&A)II/98/HRA-6 dated 9.3.04 is published for information, guidance and necessary action. Board’s letters dated 2.9.02 and 5.12.03 quoted therein were circulated as S.C.No.176/02, 6/04, respectively. Copy of Board’s letter No. E(P&A)II/98/HRA-6 dated 9.3.04 (RBE No.48/04) Sub: Grant of House Rent Allowance to Railway employees posted to new Zones/New Divisions -Regarding. The issue regarding grant of House Rent Allowance at the rates admissible at the last place of posting in respect of Railway employees posted to new zones/new Divisions has been under consideration of the Board for some time. The matter has been considered in detail and the President is now pleased to decide in partial supersession of the existing Rules/orders on the subject that Railway employees posted to new Zones/new Divisions may be allowed to draw House Rent Allowance admissible at the last place of posting for a period of two years from the date of relief of the official from the old posting subject to the following conditions:a) Only those employees who were in receipt of House Rent Allowance at the last station of posting before joining any of the new Zones/new Divisions will be eligible to draw House Rent Allowance at the same rate it was admissible to them at that station. House Rent Allowance at the rates admissible at the new place of posting would not be admissible in such cases. b) The concerned employee should fulfil all the conditions prescribed for drawal of House Rent Allowance at the new place of posting also. c) House Rent Allowance in terms of para (a) above will be admissible only if the same is financially advantageous to the concerned employee. d) The accommodation at the last station of posting in respect of which House Rent Allowance is being claimed should be put up to the bonafide use of the members of the family. e) This benefit would be admissible only on the specific option of the concerned employee. f) This benefit would be admissible only till such period the benefit of facility of retention of Railway accommodation at the previous place of posting in terms of Board’s letter No.E(G)97QR1-28 dated 2.9.2002 and No.E(G)2003 QR1-11 dated 5.12.2003, and as extended from time to time, is admissible. g) All other conditions for grant of House Rent Allowance should be satisfied. These instructions take effect from 2.9.2002 and issue with the concurrence of the Finance Directorate of the Ministry of Railways. SERIAL CIRCULAR NO. 44 /2004 No.P(R )563/VI Date27-04-2004 Copy of Board’s letter No. E(NG)I/2002/PM2/9 dated 24.3.04 is published for information, guidance and necessary action. Board’s letter dated 11.8.03 quoted therein was circulated as S.C.No.146/03. Copy of Board’s letter No. E(NG)I/2002/PM2/9 dated 24.3.04 (RBE No.64/04) Sub: Scheme of GDCE for filling up a part of Direct Recruitment quota posts in Group ‘C’ categories - consideration of PRF personnel. In terms of instructions contained in this Ministry’s letter of even number dated 11.8.2003 RPF/RPSF staff have been debarred from appearing in GDCE and other Departmental selections for promotion in Departments other than RPF/RPSF. The validity of these instructions was challenged before CAT, Principal Bench, New Delhi vide OA No.2661/2003. The Hon’ble CAT, Principal Bench, New Delhi have upheld these instructions vide their judgement dated 30.12.2003. A copy of this judgement is sent herewith for information and guidance. CENTRAL ADMINISTRATIVE TRIBUNAL, PRINCIPAL BENCH 61/35 Copernicus, New Delhi 110 001, dated 6.1.2004 From: The Principal Registrar, Central Administrative Tribunal, Principal Bench, New Delhi. To 1. Shri G.S.Mainee, Counsel for the Applicant C.A.T.Bar Room, New Delhi. 2. Shri V.S.R.Krishna, Counsel for the respondents, C.A.T.Bar Room, New Delhi. Regn.No.O.A. 2661/2003 Vijayendar Singh & Ors Versus U.O.I. & Ors Applicant Respondent Sir, I am directed to forward herewith a copy of judgement/order dt.30.12.2003 passed by this Tribunal in the above mentioned case for information and necessary action, if any. CENTRAL ADMINISTRATIVE TRIBUNAL,, PRINCIPAL BENCH, NEW DELHI O.A.NO.2661/2003 New Delhi, this the 30th day of December,2003. Hon’ble Mr.V.K.Majotra,Vice Chairman (A) Hon’ble Mr.Bharat Bhushan, Member (J) 1. Vijayender Singh 2. Subey Singh 3. Arun Kumar Malik 4. Vijay Singh 5. RameshChand 6. Satish Kumar 7. Dharam Pal Singh 8. Rajesh Dhayia 9. Manjeet Singh 10. K.Pal Meena 11. Manoj Kumar Gaur 12. Agnee Vesh 13. Chandesh Kumar 14. Suresh Chand Saini 15. Manmohan Singh (Applicants to 1 to 11 - Railway Protection Force, Company No.59, Daya Basti, Delhi) (Applicant No.12 -Railway Protection Force, Company No.12 , Old Delhi) (Applicant No.13 to 15 -Railway P.F.Co.No.22, DKZ) …. Applicants (By Advocate: Shri B.S. Mainee) Versus 1. 2. Union of India Through The Secretary, Ministry of Railways, Rail Bhawan, New Delhi Railway Board, Through the Chairman, Rail Bhawan, New Delhi. 3. General Manager, Northern Railway,Baroda House,New Delhi…. Respondents (By Advocate:Shri V.S.R.Krishna) ORDER BY BHARAT BHUSHAN, MEMBER (J) Applicants have challenged Annexure A-1 dated 11.8.2003 issued by the Railway Board (Respondent No.2) wherein it is stated that RPF/RPSF personnel cannot be allowed to appear in General Departmental Competitive Examination (in short GDCE) for appointment/promotion to posts in Departments other than RPF/RPSF in the Railways. It was further stated in the said order that they will also not be eligible to appear in other Departmental selections in Departments other than RPF/RPSF. However, it is also mentioned that the past cases decided otherwise will not be reopened. 2. The applicants, who are working as Constables in RPF/RPSF, have sought quashing of the aforesaid letter dated 11.8.2003 and a direction to the respondents to consider the applicants as well for the post of Junior Cashier by permitting them to appear in the written test which was to be held on 4.11.2003. It is also urged that on earlier occasions too Constables had been permitted to appear in such examinations. 3. The respondents while opposing the plea of the applicants have submitted that by issuance of the internal correspondence/policy decision as has been done by the respondents, no cause of action accrues to the applicants for filing the present application. The respondents have further stated that the applicants have already been issued communication dated 24.10.2003 vide which they have been informed that Railway Projection Force/Railway Protection Special Force (hereinafter referred to as RPF/RPSF) personnel are not eligible to appear in the selection to the post of Junior Cashier (scale Rs.4000-6000), but the applicants have not so far challenged the said order. The respondents main contention is, that the RPF/RPSF personnel are combatised personnel and they have been inducted specifically to look after the security of the Indian Railways and the mode of their selection and training is tailor - made for the said purpose only and the decision now formally taken debarring them to participate in the selections being held for promotion to posts outside RPF/RPSF was in conformity and in line with the pattern being followed in other Central Police Forces as advised by the Ministry of Home Affairs. Even otherwise, according to them, the applicants being from the combatised cadre cannot be shifted to administrative/ministerial cadre outside RPF/RPSF and hence the decision taken by them was in conformity with the overall policy of the respondents. They have further contended that even the notice for selection issued (Annexure R-2) would show that the same has not been circulated to the offices of RPF or to the Offices of RPSF because the members of the disciplined Force are not expected to participate in the examinations held for the selection to the post of Junior Cashier. While admitting that prior to the year 1997-98 some member of the RPF/RPSF had participated in the departmental examinations for the post of Junior Cashiers, it is contended that it was on account of some inadvertent mistake on the part of the respondents, but this act in itself do not confer any right on other ineligible members of the Force to appear in the examination. 4. The learned counsel for the applicants drawing our attention to para 170 of the Indian Railway Establishment Manual (IREM) (Annexure A-2), has submitted that the staff of Accounts Department and other Departments having a minimum of 5 years service are stated to be the eligible candidates for the posts in the category of Junior Cashiers. The contention of the learned counsel for the applicants is that the applicants belonging to the RPF/RPSF service come within the definition of other Departments as mentioned in Para 170 of the IREM. So, according to him, they are eligible to appear in the examination. He has also pointed out that on certain previous occasions as well the respondents had permitted Constables of RPF to appear for selection in the category of Junior Cashier and in this regard he has referred to Annexure A-3 dated 11.12.2001, which is a list of selected candidates on the panel of cashiers as a result of written and viva-voce tests held earlier in the year 2001. His further submission is that the said para 170 does not impose any embargo on the RPF staff as not to permit them to appear in the selections for the posts in other Departments of the Railways. Hence his submission is that a valuable fundamental right of the applicants to appear in the examination is being arbitrarily and illegally taken away by the respondents without giving them any show cause notice. Hence this act of the respondents, according to the learned counsel is illegal and against the principles of natural justice. 5. While repelling the arguments of the applicants, the learned counsel for the respondents has, at the first instance, submitted that the examination in the instant case has already been taken place as far back as on 4.11.2003 and even the supplementary examination for those candidates reporting sick under authorised Railway Medical Officer has also been taken place and as such the procedure for selection has been completed, so no cause of action now remains in favour of the applicants. Countering the other arguments of the applicants that they come within the meaning of other Departmental staff as contained in Para 170 of the IREM, the learned counsel has submitted that the RPF/RPSF is a totally different entity and they are not other Departmental staff as envisaged in para 170 of the IREM. His contention is that the purpose and object of creation of a special Force and the training imparted to the members of such a Force does not permit them to change their status from that of combatised members to Ministerial staff of the Railways and otherwise also it is not in the administrative or public interest that the members appointed after a stringent training are allowed to migrate to administrative jobs. 6. We have considered the rival contentions and have perused the materials on record. 7. After a careful perusal of para 170 of IREM, we are of the considered opinion that RPF/RPSF cannot be said to be covered within the meaning “other Department staff”. We are inclined to agree with the contention of the respondents that the applicants are part of a combatised Force created specifically to look after the security needs of the Indian Railways and the mode of their selection and training has also been conducted in that direction only. Thus, creation of such posts appears to be totally unrelated to the ministerial needs. Admittedly, the applicants had joined the Force and underwent special training with the full knowledge and intent to remain as members of the combatised Force only and not to migrate to ministerial cadre. Undoubtedly, as admitted by the respondents as well, on certain earlier occasions some members of the RPF/RPSF staff had participated in the departmental examinations for the post of Junior Cashier, but we tend to agree with the arguments of the respondents that, that by itself does not confer any right on otherwise ineligible members of the Force to appear in the examination because the applicants have not been able to produce before us any rules to show that they are entitled as a matter of right to appear to show that they are entitled as a matter of right to appear in the examination for the post of Junior Cashier. 8. In view of the aforesaid discussions and the fact that the present selections have already been conducted on 4.11.2003 and even otherwise also there being no merit in the case of the applicants, the OA is dismissed with no order as to costs. Sd/- BHARAT BHUSHAN MAJOTRA V.K. Member [J] Vice Chairman [J] SERIAL CIRCULAR NO. 45 /2004 No.P(R ) 436/IREC/ Date: 27-04-2004 Copy of Board’s letter No.E(D&A)2004/GS1-2 dated 15.3.04. is published for information, guidance and necessary action. Copy of Board’s letter No. E(D&A)2004/GS1-2 dated 15.3.04 (RBE No.59/04) Sub: Amendments to Rules 13 and 18 of Railway Services (Conduct) Rules,1996. In exercise of the powers conferred on him by the proviso to Article 309 of the Constitution, the President hereby directs that Rules 13 and 18 of the Railway Services (Conduct) Rules,1966, contained in Appendix-I of Indian Railway Establishment Code Vol.I, Fifth Edition, 1985 (1995 reprint) may be amended as in the Advance Correction Slips No.91 and 92 enclosed herewith. INDIAN RAILWAY ESTABLISHMENT CODE VOL.I(FIFTH EDITION,1985, 1995 REPRINT) Appendix-I -Railway Services (Conduct) Rules,1966 Advance Correction Slip No.91. In the Railway Services (Conduct)Rules, 1966 (a) in Rule 13 in sub-rule (2) for clauses (i) to (iv), the following clauses shall be substituted:- “(i) (ii) (iii) (iv) rupees seven thousand in the case of a Railway servant holding any Group ‘A’ post; rupees four thousand in the case of a Railway servant holding any Group ‘B’ post. rupees two thousand in the case of a Railway servant holding any Group “C” post; and rupees one thousand in the case of a Railway servant holding any Group ‘D’ post.” (b) in Rules 13, in sub-rule (3) for clauses (i) and (ii), the following clauses shall be substituted:- (i) rupees one thousand five hundred in the case of Railway servants holding any Group ‘A’ or Group ‘B’ post; and rupees five hundred in the case of Railway servants holding any Group ‘C’ or Group “D” post. (ii) [Authority Board’s letter No. E(D&A)2004/GS1-2 dated 15.3.04 (RBE No.59/04)] INDIAN RAILWAY ESTABLISHMENT CODE VOL.I(FIFTH EDITION,1985, 1995 REPRINT) Appendix-I -Railway Services (Conduct) Rules,1966 Advance Correction Slip No.92. In the Railway Services (Conduct) Rules,1966, in Rule 18 in sub-rule (3), for letters and figures “ Rs.15,000/” -and “Rs.10,000/-” , the words “twenty thousand rupees” and “fifteen thousand rupees” shall respectively be substituted. [Authority Board’s letter No. E(D&A)2004/GS1-2 dated 15.3.04 (RBE No.59/04)] SERIAL CIRCULAR NO. 46 /2004 No.P(R )171/IV Date:04 -05-2004 Copy of Board’s letter No. 2003-E(SCT)1/25/16 dated 6.1.04 is published for information, guidance and necessary action. Board’s letter dated 11.5.99 quoted therein was circulated as S.C.No.140/99. Copy of Board’s letter No. 2003-E(SCT)1/25/16 dated 6.1.04 (RBE No.03/04) Sub: Non-permissibility of exchange of reservation between SCs and STs. A copy of DOP&T’s O.M.No.36012/17/2002-Estt.(Res.) dated 6.11.2003 on the above subject is enclosed herewith for information and strict compliance. All the instructions on the subject are suitably modified to the extent as clarified in the above O.M. In regard to Part-B para (i) it may be mentioned that presently there is a ban on de-reservation of reserved vacancies. However, since the reserved vacancies in safety category cannot be kept vacant due to safety of train operations, achievement of production targets etc., the procedures laid down vide Board’s letter No.99-E(SCT)I/25/10 dated 11.5.99 may be followed. A copy of DOP&T’s O.M.No.36012/17/2002-Estt.(Res.) dated 6.11.2003 Sub: Non-permissibility of exchange of reservation between SCs and STs. The undersigned is directed to say that after introduction of post based reservation various ministries/departments have been seeking clarification whether it is possible to fill up a post reserved for Scheduled Tribes by a Scheduled Caste candidate or vice versa by applying the principle of exchange of reservation between Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes as was possible when vacancy based rosters were in vogue. 2. Basic principle of post based reservation is that the number of posts filled by reservation by any category in a cadre should be equal to the quota prescribed for that category. If exchange of reservation between SCs and STs is permitted, number of employees of one reserved category of employees appointed by reservation will go beyond reservation prescribed for that category. It would be against the spirit of post based reservation. Therefore, after introduction of post based reservation, it is not permissible to fill up a post reserved for Scheduled Tribes by a Scheduled Caste candidate or vice-versa by exchange of reservation between SCs and STs. 3. If sufficient number of SC/ST/OBC candidates fit for appointment against reserved vacancies are not available, procedure as given below should be followed for filling up such reserved vacancies. A. In cases of Direct Recruitment: (i) Where sufficient number of candidates belonging to SC/ST/OBC are not available to fill up the vacancies reserved for them in direct recruitment, the vacancies shall not be filled by candidates not belonging to these communities. In other words, there is a ban on dereservation of vacancies reserved for SCs, STs and OBCs in direct recruitment. (ii) If sufficient number of suitable SC/ST/OBC candidates are not available to fill up vacancies reserved for them in the first attempt of recruitment, a second attempt shall be made for recruiting suitable candidates belonging to the concerned category in the same recruitment year or as early as possible before the next recruitment to fill up these vacancies. If the required number of SC/ST/OBC candidates are not even then available, the vacancies which could not be filled up shall remain unfilled until the next recruitment year. These vacancies will be treated as ‘backlog vacancies’. (iii) In the subsequent recruitment year when recruitment is made for the vacancies of that year (called the current vacancies), the backlog vacancies of SCs, STs and OBCs will also be announced for recruitment. While doing so it may be kept in view that the vacancies of the particular recruitment year i.e. the current vacancies and the backlog vacancies of OBCs will be treated as one group and backlog vacancies of SCs and STs as a separate and distinct group. Thus, there will be two distinct group of vacancies. One group will contain the current vacancies and the backlog vacancies of OBCs, and the another group will contain backlog vacancies of SCs and STs. While in respect of vacancies in the first group instructions that not more than 50% of the vacancies can be reserved in a year will apply, all the backlog vacancies reserved for SCs and STs will be filled up by the candidates belonging to concerned category without any restriction whatsoever as they belong to distinct group of backlog vacancies of SCs and STs. (iv) If vacancies reserved for SCs/STs/OBCs cannot be filled up and are carried forward as backlog vacancies and remain unfilled in the following recruitment year also, they will be carried forward as backlog vacancies for subsequent recruitment year(s) as long as these are not filled by candidates of the category for which these are reserved. (v) There may be rare and exceptional cases in Group ‘A’ services, where posts cannot be allowed to remain vacant in public interest. In such situations, the administrative Ministry/Department under which the recruitment is being made shall make a proposal for dereservation giving full justification for such action, and consult the National Commission for Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes in case of posts reserved for SCs/STs and the National Commission for Backward Classes in case of posts reserved for OBCs and obtain the comments of concerned Commission on each proposal. After obtaining the comments of the concerned Commission, the administrative Ministry/Department shall place the proposal for dereservation along with the Commission’s comments before a Committee comprising the Secretaries in the Department of Personnel and Training, in the Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment and in the Ministry/Department under which the recruitment is being made for consideration and recommendation. The recommendation of the Committee shall be placed before the Minister in charge of the Department of Personnel and Training for a final decision. If dereservation of the vacancies is approved, these can be filled by the candidate of other communities. B. In cases of Promotion. (i) In cases of promotion including promotion by selection from Group C to Group B, within Group ‘B’ and from Group ‘B’ to the lowest rung of Group ‘A’, if sufficient number of SC/ST candidates fit for promotion against reserved vacancies are not available, such vacancies may be dereserved as per prescribed procedure and filled by candidates of other communities. (ii) If sufficient number of SC/ST candidates fit for promotion against reserved vacancies are not available and such vacancies can also not be dereserved for reasons like nonavailability of candidates of other categories to fill up the posts etc., the vacancies shall not be filled and will remain unfilled until the next recruitment year. These vacancies will be treated as “backlog vacancies” (iii) In the subsequent recruitment year when recruitment is made for the vacancies of that year (called the current vacancies), the backlog vacancies of SCs and STs will also be filled up, keeping the current vacancies and the backlog vacancies of SCs and STs as two distinct groups. While in respect of the current vacancies the instructions that not more than 50% of the vacancies can be reserved will apply, all the backlog vacancies reserved for SCs and STs will be filled up by candidates belonging to the concerned category without any restriction whatsoever as they belong to distinct group of backlog vacancies. (iv) If backlog vacancies reserved for SCs/STs cannot be filled up by reservation and can also not be dereserved in the subsequent recruitment year as well, such backlog vacancies will be carried forward as backlog reserved vacancies for subsequent recruitment year(s) as long as these are not filled by candidates of the category for which these are reserved or by candidates of other communities after dereservation. 3. In cadres having more than 13 posts, number of posts filled by reservation by any category at any point of time should ideally be equal to the quota determined as per percentage of reservation prescribed for that category. Whenever the posts are filled, efforts have to be made to complete reservation quota for SCs/STs/OBCs in case of direct recruitment and for SCs/STs in case of promotion so that the number of posts filled by reservation by SCs, STs and OBCs, as the cases may be, in the cadre is equal to the number of posts earmarked for them. It means that if reservation quota is not complete, efforts would be made to complete the reservation quota whenever the recruitments are made in the cadre. Thus, reservation would not lapse in case of post based reservation for the reason that reserved posts could not be filled for a specified number of years. 5. In cadres having 13 or less number of posts where 14 point L-Shaped rosters are applied, if a reserved vacancy is filled by a candidate belonging to other community after dereservation, the reservation will be carried forward for subsequent recruitment year. Such carry forward of reservation would be permitted for three subsequent recruitment years. In the third year of carried forward of reservation, the vacancy will be treated reserved for the concerned category, but if it cannot be filled by reservation in the third year of carried forward of reservation by a candidate of the concerned category, reservation will be treated as lapsed and it will be filled as an unreserved vacancy. 6. It is possible that some posts reserved for STs might have been filled by SC candidates by exchange of reservation or vice versa before issue of this OM. Such cases need not be reopened. However, if number of SC or ST candidates appointed by reservation including by exchange of reservation between SCs and STs is in excess of reservation prescribed for them, such excess representation may be adjusted in future recruitment. 7. All the Ministries/Departments are requested to bring these instructions to the notice of all offices/organizations/establishments etc. under their control. SERIAL CIRCULAR NO. 47 /2004 No.P(R )554/ IV Date: 27-04-2004 Copy of Board’s letter No.E(G)2003 QR1-3 dated 12.3.04 is published for information, guidance and necessary action. Board’s letter dated 30.8.69 quoted therein was circulated as S.C.No.240/69. Copy of Board’s letter No. E(G)2003 QR1-3 dated 12.3.04 (RBE No.56/04) Sub: Allotment of Railway quarters to staff belonging to essential categories. As you are aware Ministry of Railways have laid down instructions governing allotment of Railway accommodation to Railway employees and for the purpose of allotment of Railway quarters Railway employees have been categorized into 2 categories namely essential and non-essential. In terms of Railway Board’s letter No.E(G)57 LG5-1 dated 21.1.58 Railway Units have been directed to lay down broad principles for classification of Railway Staff as essential and non-essential for the purpose of allotment of Railway quarters, based on local conditions. It was stressed vide Board’s letters No.E(G)69 QR1-15 dated 30.8.60 and 30.8.69 that while allotting the existing quarters Railway should ensure that all quarters vacated by essential running staff are ordinarily allotted to such staff only. Instructions issued vide letter No.E(G)69 QR 1-15 dated 30.10.76 further clarify that out of the quarters set apart for essential staff, separate pool of quarters should be maintained for the running staff, the number of quarters in such a pool should be proportionate to the strength of running staff as against non running essential staff. Allotment of any quarter that fall vacant in this pool will be made to running staff only in their turn in the separate priority register maintained for this purpose. The Chief Commissioner of Railway Safety/Northern Circle in one of his reports has inter alia recommended that the essential categories of Railway staff should be allotted Railway accommodation on over riding priority basis and instructions to this effect should be reiterated. The essential staff are Railway employees who are directly connected with the running of trains and have a very important role in the safe running of trains. Therefore, the instructions referred to in para 1 above have been formulated keeping in view their housing requirements vis-à-vis their duties. It is reiterated that the above instructions should therefore be strictly followed without making any exceptions. SERIAL CIRCULAR NO. 48 /2004 No.P(R )75/VII Date: 04-05-2004 Copy of Board’s letter No.F(E)I/2003/AL-28/13 dated 9.3.04 is published for information, guidance and necessary action. Copy of Board’s letter No. F(E)I/2003/AL-28/13 dated 9.3.04 (RBE No.--/04) Sub: Claiming of Daily Allowance along with Road Mileage for local journey beyond the radius of 8 Kms. Certain clarifications have been sought on the admissibility of Daily Allowance along with Road Mileage Allowance for local journeys i.e. within the same urban agglomeration, beyond a radius of 8 Kms. from the HQ. The matter has been examined in Board’s Office and the issues are clarified as follows:Situation Clarification (i) When public conveyance (public transport) is used for local journeys between stations (a) not connected by Rail The employee shall be eligible to draw bus fare plus Daily Allowance at ordinary rates for the period of absence from Headquarter as admissible under the rules. (b) connected by Rail If any travel authority i.e. free pass/RC is provided, only Daily Allowance at rates for ordinary locality is admissible. (ii) When Govt. Vehicle is provided Daily Allowance at ordinary rates for the period of for local journeys beyond 8 Kms. absence is admissible. (iii) When the Railway servant uses Actual Road Mileage Allowance for the distance his own vehicle or hires an travelled but restricted to one day’s Daily Allowance auto/taxi. at rates for ordinary locality will be admissible. It may be noted that in no case will Daily Allowance be admissible in addition to Road Mileage Allowance. 2. In case of Railway servants in receipt of Conveyance Allowance in terms of para (4) of Rule 1606 of IREC (Vol.II), the admissibility for Daily Allowance/Mileage Allowance shall be subject to fulfilment of conditions laid down for grant of Conveyance Allowance as per provisions of Rule 1606 of IREC (Vol.II). SERIAL CIRCULAR NO. 49 /2004 No.P(R )605/ IX Date:04-05-2004 Copy of Board’s letter No. E(NG)I-2003/PM1/37 dated 23.3.04 is published for information, guidance and necessary action. Copy of Board’s letter No. E(NG)I-2003/PM1/37 dated 23.3.04 (RBE No.63/04) Sub: Procedure for conducting selections for promotion to posts classified as ‘Selection” - Custody of answer books. The question regarding safe custody of answer books of the written test after the evaluation is over and the selection proceedings have completed, has been under examination for sometime. The practice in this regard does not appear to be uniform on the Railways. In order to maintain uniformity and ensure accountability, it is clarified both (a) (b) coding and decoding of roll numbers after the written test is over; and the custody of answer books after the evaluation is over and selection proceedings have been finalised, should be the responsibility of the Personnel Officer of the Department for which the selection is held. However, in the case of selection for Personnel Deptt., the Personnel Officer other than the evaluating officer will be the officer responsible for coding/decoding of roll numbers and safe custody of answer books. The level of Personnel Officer for this purpose may be decided by the General Manager. SERIAL CIRCULAR NO. 50 /2004 No.P(R )554/VI Date: 12 -05-2004 Copy of Board’s letter No. E(G)99 QR1-16 dated 16.3.04 is published for information, guidance and necessary action. Board’s letter dated 18.7.2000 quoted therein was circulated as S.C.No.169/2000. Copy of Board’s letter No. E(G)00 QR1-16 dated 16.3.04 (RBE No.60/04) Sub: Retention of Railway quarter in the event of transfer, deputation, retirement etc.- in individual cases - powers to relax. Ministry of Railways have issued instructions from time to time laying down the provisions for regulating allotment/retention of Railway quarters in favour of the Railway employees. In terms of Railway Board’s letter No.E(G)99 QR 1-16 (Pt.III) dated 18.7.2000 Ministry of Railways (Railway Board) is vested with the powers to relax all or any of the existing provisions regarding allotment/retention of Railway accommodation. This power is exercised by full Board making reasonable relaxation by recording reasons in writing, in public interest. The Hon’ble high Court of Delhi in CWP No.5057 of 1999 had, vide interim order dated 16.10.2000, as confirmed in the final judgment dated 5.12.2001, directed that the above provisions of “powers to relax’ were to be exercised only for a class of employees and not for individuals. 2. The matter was further discussed in a full Board Meeting held on 11.7.2002 wherein it was considered essential to empower the Board to make relaxation to cover a group of such individuals affected by extreme hardship on medical grounds. Based on the decision taken by the Board, it has been decided to modify the instructions dated 18.7.2000, as under: “Notwithstanding anything contained in the general orders, guidelines etc. in regard to allotment/retention and charging of rent in respect of Railway accommodation in Railway Board’s Master Circular No.49(No.E(G)92 QR1-20 - Master Circular) dated 19.1.1993 as further amended from time to time, the Ministry of Railways (Railway Board), for reasons to be recorded in writing, may make reasonable relaxations in public interest in all or any of the existing provisions therein regarding allotment/retention of Railway accommodation and charging of rent therefor, for a class/group of employees. Every proposal meriting relaxation as provided in para (2) above, shall be considered by the full Board in terms of laid down policy guidelines/instructions regulating the subject matter, vis-à-vis the operational and administrative needs of the Railways and decision taken by Board thereon, shall be communicated by issue of orders. Notwithstanding anything contained in paras above preceding, Board may also permit retention of Railway accommodation as a special case in the case of individuals constituting a class on medical grounds which necessitate the retention of Railway accommodation beyond the permissible period.” 4. The following procedure/guidelines shall be followed in processing cases for grant of retention of accommodation over and above the permissible period as laid down in the general instructions:- (i) The individual Railway employee who seeks retention of Railway accommodation beyond the period permissible under the general policy on medical grounds, may apply to the quarter controlling authority along with certificate from the Railway Medical Authorities. The quarter controlling authority shall process the request for the personal approval of the General Manager. If the General Manager is satisfied that there are adequate and reasonable grounds for permitting further retention, he may make his recommendations to the Railway Board with a speaking order for grant of this dispensation. The retention of Railway accommodation beyond the permissible period on medical grounds may be granted by the competent authority for a period not exceeding one year in any case. The benefit of retention of Railway accommodation shall be admissible in the case of severe illness of Railway employee himself/herself or any member of the employee’s family as defined in the Railway Servants (Pass)Rules. “Severe illness” in such cases means illness of the nature of acute debilitating disease, which requires hospitalization and/or constant medical supervision to the Railway employee or any member of his/her family, which must be duly certified by the concerned Chief Medical Director of the Railway recommending such retention of Railway accommodation. The rate of rent to be charged for the extended retention shall be at four times of the normal licence fee per month. In the event of grant of permission for retention of Railway accommodation at the previous place of posting beyond the period provided for in the relevant instructions, the employee in whose favour retention as above has been permitted, shall not be entitled to draw House Rent Allowance at his new place of posting. The allottee will have to vacate the premises on or before the expiry of permitted period, and in the event of occupation of quarter after the permitted period of (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi) (vii) (viii) retention, it shall be treated as an unauthorised occupation and (damage) rent will be charged from him/her. 4. The request of officers in SAG and above for retention of accommodation on medical grounds as specified above, shall be forwarded to the Railway Board by the General Manager while all other cases will be dealt with at AGM’s level for forwarding to Board along with recommendations for consideration. 5. This issues with the concurrence of Finance Directorate of the Ministry of Railways. SERIAL CIRCULAR NO. 51 /2004 No.P(R )673/ III Date: 22 –04-2004 Copy of Board’s letter No. E(MPP)98/3/8 dated 5.3.04 is published for information, guidance and necessary action. Board’s letters dated 9.10.02, 11.2.03, 3.4.03 and 22.4.03 quoted therein were circulated as S.C.Nos.222/02, 49/03, 79/03 and 89/03, respectively. Copy of Board’s letter No. E(MPP)98/3/8 dated 5.3.04 (RBE No.47/04) Sub: Approved modules for stage-wise training of Loco Running Staff & other safety categories. Ref: Board’s letters of even number dated 20.1.2000 (RBE No.11/2000) 9.10.2002(RBE No.182/2001), 11.2.03 (RBE No.28/03), 3-4-2003 (RBE No.57/2003) and 22.4.2003 (RBE No.65/2003). In continuation of Board’s letters referred above and keeping in view the RSRC recommendation No.41 (Pt.II), the training module of running staff have been amended giving greater emphasis on practical training with a view to upgrade their driving skill. Accordingly, revised training module LOCO-RNG-2, LOCO RNG-3, LOCO RNG-4, LOCO RNG-5,LOCO RNG-6 and LOCO RNG-7 are enclosed along with the course content RNG117. RNG 112 has been merged with RNG-107. The revised course content is also enclosed. The revised training modules are enclosed. The same may be incorporated in the syllabus of running staff. Adequate copies may be made and distributed to the concerned training centres of your railways. LOGO-RNG-2 DEPARTMENT; ELECTRICAL ACTIVITY CENTRE: STATION/TRAIN TRADE: ELECTRICAL DRIVERS STAGE: Promotional Course from Asst. Electric Driver/ET to Goods Driver TECHNICAL QUALIFICATION DURATION: 12 Weeks (72 working days) MOD.NO. DESCRIPTION DURATION (DAYS) RNG-21 RNG-22 RNG-23 RNG-24 RNG-25 RNG-26 RNG-27 RNG-28 RNG-29 RNG-30 RNG-31 RNG-32 RNG-33 Contactors with practical demonstrations 2 Relay -do2 Pantograph -do2 D.J. Closing Circuit 2 Feeding Power Circuit 2 Traction Power Circuit 2 GR Control Circuit – explained with working model 1 Auxiliary Power Circuit 1 Auxiliary Control & Pilot Circuit 2 Pneumatic Circuit, valves, including practical demonstrations 2 Modification of UOR & JTR 2 ABB Loco (WAP-5 & WAG-9) 4 Vacuum Brake System- including practical demonstrations on 2 bogies’ equipment RNG-34 Air Brake System -do2 RNG-35 Traction Distribution 2 RNG-36 GR & SR 3 RNG-37 Stations 2 RNG-38 System of working 2 RNG-39 Signals 2 RNG-40 Defective signals 2 RNG-41 OPT forms 2 RNG-42 Whistle Codes 2 RNG-43 Working of trains 2 RNG-44 Engineering Signals 2 RNG-45 Abnormal Working 2 RNG-46 Shunting 2 RNG-47 Accident 2 Trouble shooting and 3+ Simulator Training* 5 Loco & Train Handling including on line training 7 Examination & Viva voce 2 Total 72 Wkg.Days ï‚· To be substituted by Line Training with LI in case simulator training facilities are not available. LOGO-RNG-3 DEPARTMENT; ELECTRICAL ACTIVITY CENTRE: STATION/TRAIN TRADE: ELECTRICAL DRIVERS STAGE: Promotional Course from .Electric Goods Driver to Passenger Driver/Motorman TECHNICAL QUALIFICATION DURATION: 8 Weeks (48 working days) MOD.NO. DESCRIPTION RNG-61 RNG-62 Contactors Relay DURATION (DAYS) with practical demonstrations -do- 1 1 RNG-63 RNG-64 RNG-65 RNG-66 RNG-67 RNG-68 RNG-69 RNG-70 RNG-71 RNG-72 RNG-73 RNG-74 RNG-75 RNG-76 RNG-77 RNG-78 RNG-79 RNG-80 RNG-81 RNG-82 RNG-83 RNG-84 RNG-85 RNG-86 RNG-87 RNG-88 Pantograph -do1 D.J.Closing Circuit 2 Feeding Power Circuit 1 Traction Power Circuit 2 GR Control Circuit – explained with working model 1 Auxiliary Power Circuit 1 Auxiliary Control & Pilot Circuit 1 Pneumatic Circuit, vales, including practical demonstrations 1 Brake System 2 Punctuality & Modification 1 ABB Loco (WAP-5 & WAG-9) 3 Vacuum Brake System- including practical demonstrations on 1 bogies’ equipment Air Brake System -do1 Traction Distribution 1 GR & SR 1 Stations 1 System of working 1 Signals 1 Defective signals 1 OPT forms 1 Whistle Codes 1 Working of trains 1 Engineering Signals 1 Abnormal Working 1 Shunting 1 Accident 1 Trouble shooting and 2+ Simulator Training* 5 Loco & Train Handling including on line training 6 Examination & Viva voce Total ï‚· 2 48 Wkg.Days To be substituted by Line Training with LI in case simulator training facilities are not available. LOGO-RNG-4 DEPARTMENT: MECHANICAL ACTIVITY CENTRE: STATION/TRAIN TRADE: DIESEL DRIVERS STAGE: Promotional Course from .Asst. Diesel Driver to Goods Driver TECHNICAL QUALIFICATION DURATION: 12 Weeks (72 working days) MOD.NO. DESCRIPTION DURATION (DAYS) RNG-101 RNG-102 Types of Freight Locos, its functioning Functioning of Compressors, Governors, Air Maze, etc. 1 1 RNG-103 RNG-104 RNG-105 RNG-106 RNG-107 RNG-108 RNG-109 RNG-110 RNG-111 RNG-113 RNG-114 RNG-115 RNG-116 RNG-117 RNG-36 RNG-37 RNG-38 RNG-39 RNG-40 RNG-41 RNG-42 RNG-43 RNG-44 RNG-45 RNG-46 RNG-47 Fuel System Water Cooling System Lube Oil System Gauges, OST, ECC,FTTM, Blower etc. Braking systems including air and vacuum brake Fundamentals of Generators, Motors and Alternators Auxiliary Control & Pilot CKT Relays Switches on locos Filling up various forms like Fuel, Tripp., etc. Safety items of loco and safety equipment Trouble shooting of Mech. & Elect. Components Train dynamics issues Carriage & Wagon working GR & SR Stations System of working Signals Defective signals OPT forms Whistle Codes Working of trains Engineering Signals Abnormal Working Shunting Accident 2 2 2 1 4 2 1 2 1 1 4 4 5 2 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Simulator Training* Loco Handling with LI Discussion/Examination & Viva Voce Total ï‚· 5 5 2 72 Wkg.Days To be substituted by Line Training with LI in case simulator training facilities are not available. SERIAL CIRCULAR NO. 52 /2004 No.P(R )673/ III Date: 22 -04-2004 Copy of Board’s letter No.E(MPP)98/3/8 dated 23.3.2004 is published for information, guidance and necessary action. Board’s letter dated 5.3.04 quoted therein was circulated as S.C.No. 51/2004. Copy of Board’s letter No. E(MPP)98/3/8 dated 23.3.2004 (RBE No.65/04) CORRIGENDUM Sub: Approved modules for stage-wise training of Loco Running Staff & other safety categories. In continuation of Board’s letter of even number dated 5.3.2004 (issued under RBE No.47/2004), Revised Training Module RNG-5, RNG-6,RNG-7 and Course contents RNG-107 and 117 are enclosed which were left out inadvertently. The same may be incorporated in the syllabus of running staff already issued vide letter dated 5.3.04. Adequate copies may be made and distributed to the concerned training centres of your railway. LOGO-RNG-5 DEPARTMENT; MECHANICAL ACTIVITY CENTRE: STATION/TRAIN TRADE: DIESEL DRIVERS STAGE: Promotional Course from Goods Driver to Passenger Driver TECHNICAL QUALIFICATION DURATION: 8 Weeks (48 working days) MOD.NO. DESCRIPTION RNG-151 RNG-152 RNG-153 RNG-154 RNG-155 RNG-156 RNG-157 RNG-158 RNG-159 RNG-117 RNG-77 RNG-78 RNG-79 RNG-80 RNG-81 RNG-82 RNG-82 RNG-84 RNG-85 RNG-86 RNG-87 RNG-88 Types of Passenger locos, its functioning Principles of Air, Fuel oil, Lube oil & Cooling water Principles of Gauges Filling up of forms, repair books, etc. Functioning of Expressors Governors and their functions Safety items of loco and safety equipment Working of Brake Systems including Air Brake Train Dynamics issues Carriage & Wagon working GR & SR Stations System of working Signals Defective Signals OPT Forms Whistle Codes Working of Trains Engineering Signals AbornmalWorking Shunting Accident Simulator Training* Loco Handling with LI Examination & Viva Voce Total DURATION( DAYS) 1 3 1 1 1 2 3 3 5 2 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 5 5 2 48 Wkg.days. *To be substituted by Line training with LI in case simulator training facilities are not available. LOGO-RNG-6 DEPARTMENT:ELECTRICAL ACTIVITY CENTRE: STATION/TRAIN TRADE: ELECTRICAL DRIVERS STAGE: Refresher Course for Asst.Drivers (Electric) TECHNICAL QUALIFICATION DURATION: 3 Weeks (18 working days) PERIODICITY ONCE IN 3 YEARS MOD.NO. DESCRIPTION RNG-171 RNG-172 RNG-173 RNG-174 RNG-175 RNG-176 RNG-177 RNG-178 RNG-179 RNG-180 RNG-181 RNG-182 RNG-183 RNG-184 RNG-236 Contactors with practical demonstrations D.J.Closing Circuit -doTraction Power Circuit & Failure - doAuxiliary & Circuit - explained with working model MU operation and Braking System Modification to Locos Traction Distribution GR & SR System of Train working Signals Different types of forms Engineering Signals Accident Fire Fighting Trouble shooting and Simulator Training* Viva voce Total DURATION( DAYS) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1/2 1 1 1/2 1 2 2 18 Wkg.days. *To be substituted by Line training with LI in case simulator training facilities are not available. LOGO-RNG-7 DEPARTMENT:ELECTRICAL ACTIVITY CENTRE: STATION/TRAIN TRADE: ELECTRICAL DRIVERS STAGE: Refresher Course for all Electrical Drivers (Except Asst.Drivers TECHNICAL QUALIFICATION DURATION: 3 Weeks (18 working days) PERIODICITY ONCE IN 3 YEARS MOD.NO. DESCRIPTION RNG-201 RNG-202 RNG-203 RNG-204 RNG-205 RNG-206 RNG-207 RNG-208 RNG-209 RNG-210 RNG-211 RNG-212 RNG-213 RNG-184 RNG-258 Contactors with practical demonstrations D.J.Closing Circuit Traction Power Circuit & Failure Auxiliary & Control Circuit - explained with working model Braking System including Air Brake Including C&W Punctuality and modification on Locos Traction Distribution GR & SR System of Train working Signals Different types of forms EngineeringSignals Accidents Fire Fighting Trouble shooting and Simulator Training* Including loco/train handling Viva voce DURATION( DAYS) 1/2 1/2 1 1 1 1/2 1 1 1 1 1/2 1/2 1 1/2 5 2 18 Wkg.days. Total *To be substituted by Line training with LI in case simulator training facilities are not available. RNG 107 PROMOTIONAL COURSE ASST.DRIVER/SHUNTER TO GOODS DRIVER DESCRIPTION Braking Systems including air and vacuum brake 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. DURATION 4 days Discussion of Vacuum Brake System of WAM-4 Common defects & remedial action Discussion of Air/Dual Brake System of various diesel Locos, Common defects 7 remedial action. Automatic and independent brakes Brief discussion of various tests conducted on Loco. Discussion on Operational failure. Difference between Vacuum & Air Brake System Advantages of Air Brake System over Vacuum Air Brake System - Working Principle, initial creation, Application, re-creation & Manual release. Distribution Valve, function of D.V. Over charging (how it occurs) Difference between single & Twin Pipe System Brake Binding in some coach/wagon (Reason & its rectification) Tests on train RNG 117 PROMOTIONAL COURSE ASST.DIESEL DRIVER TO GOODS DRIVER PROMOTIONAL COURSE - GOODS DRIVER TO PASSENGER DRIVER DESCRIPTION DURATION CARRIAGE & WAGON WORKING 2 days 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. Brief introduction of air brake system on Coaching & Freight stock Parts of air brake system and their working Position of different handles Examination of under Gear: Visual examination that there are no loose fittings in the under gear including brake blocks, safety rackets, track area pins, brake gear pins, wheel which may endanger the safe running of the train. To isolate the brakes of single trolley and both trolleys. To detach a wagon/coach at roadside station To attend a load or wagon enroute for any trouble e.g. brake binding etc. Brake continuity test. To examine a load (air brake & vacuum brake) at non C&W point. Necessity of By-pass system, how to By-pass a coach? After effects of By-pass system Working of alarm signal device and method to re-set it. Calculation of brake power by counting operative and non-operative pistons before starting. Validity of Brake Power Certificate: Standing instruction to reiterate as under: Check up the validity of the Brake Power Certificate. In case validity period is over, shall work the train up to the next Train Examiner point in the direction of movement and Control shall be informed through the Station Master by making endorsement on joint memo which shall be prepared as specified in clause given as under: 14. 15. 16. 17. (a) Shall prepare the memo jointly on plain sheet in triplicate indicating the brake power and deficiency, if any, and shall append their signatures on the same and both of them shall retain a copy of the same. Third copy thereof shall be handed over to the Station Master. Train parting. To clear the block section. Leakage check in train Knowledge about Twin/single pipe brake system Practical training on model by creating problems & to rectify them. SERIAL CIRCULAR NO. 53 /2004 No.P(LE )228/New Zones/Vol.I Date:08-04-2004 Copy of Board’s letter No.E(NG)I-2004/TR/3 dated 16.3.2004 is published for information, guidance and necessary action. Copy of Board’s letter No. No.E(NG)I-2004/TR/3 dated 16.3.2004 (RBE No.62/04) Sub: Transfer of staff to serve in the HQ Offices of new Zonal Railways – Determination of seniority. In para ‘5’ of this Ministry’s letter No.E(NG)I/96/TR/36, dt.6.12.96, it was stipulated that seniority of staff coming on transfer from one Railway to another should be determined in each grade on the basis of non-fortuitous length of service in the grade as on the date of new Zonal Railways becoming operational. This stipulation was made on the assumption that date of operation of the new zonal Railways will coincide with the date of closure of cadres in the Headquarters Offices of the new zonal Railways. However, since this has not actually happened; the two new zonal Railways namely EC and NW Railways, having been declared operational w.e.f. 1.10.2002 and the remaining five w.e.f.1.4.2003, while the cadres in the HQ offices of the new zonal Railways have been closed on 31.10.2003. It is, therefore, clarified that in partial modification of para ‘5’ of this Ministry’s letter dt.6.12.96 ibid, the seniority of staff who have joined HQ offices of the new Zonal Railways or whose lien has been transferred thereto as on 31.10.03 should be determined on the basis of position and grade held by them in the parent Railway on regular basis and on the basis of non-fortuitous length of service in the grade as on the date of closure of cadres on 31.10.2003 subject to the condition that inter-se-seniority of staff belonging to the same parent unit is not disturbed. SERIAL CIRCULAR NO. 54 /2004 No.P(PC)487/V/97/Allowance/Vol.II. Date: 26 -04-2004 Copy of Board’s letter No.PC-V/98/1/7/1/1 dated 1.3.2004 is published for information, guidance and necessary action. Board’s letter dated 21.4.99 quoted therein was circulated as S.C.No.112/99. Board’s letter dt.21.4.99 quoted therein was circulated as S.C.No.112/99. Copy of Board’s letter No. PC-V/98/1/7/1/1 dated 1.3.2004(PC-V /396,RBE No.45/04 ) Subject: Implementation of Government’s decision on the Recommendations of the 5th Central Pay Commission Grant of fixed Medical Allowance @Rs.100 p.m. to the Railway pensioners/family pensioners. In compliance with the judgement dated 22.11.2002 of Hon’ble High Court of Kerela in O.P.No.17380/2002 arising out of O.A.No.430/2000 in CAT/Ernakulam, sanction of the President is hereby accorded to the grant of fixed Medical Allowance at the rate of Rs.100/- per month to Railway pensioners/family pensioners residing beyond 2.5 KMs from a Railway hospital/health unit subject to furnishing of an undertaking as per the attached Proforma. 2. All the pension disbursing authorities are required to obtain the above undertaking of the concerned pensioner/family pensioner to the effect that he/she resides beyond 2.5 KMs from the nearest Railway hospital/health unit before payment of Medical Allowance is made. An entry to this effect should be made in both halves of their PPOs. 3. Other terms and conditions for grant of Medical Allowance as specified in Board’s letter of even number dated 21.4.99 will remain in force. 4. Railways. This issues with the concurrence of Finance Directorate of the Ministry of 5. These instructions are subject to the final outcome of the SLP (C ) No.21320/2003 pending in the Hon’ble Supreme Court. SERIAL CIRCULAR NO. 55/2004 No.P(PC)487/V/97/Pension/Vol.III Date:26 -04-2004 Copy of Board’s letter No.F(E)III/2002/PN 1/29 dated 26.3.2004 is published for information, guidance and necessary action. Board’s letter dated 24.4.2003 quoted therein was circulated as S.C.No.96/03. Copy of Board’s letter No. F(E)III/2002/PN 1/29 dated 26.3.2004 (PC-V /403,RBE No.67/04) Subject: Implementation of Government’s decision on the recommendations of the 5th Central Pay Commission -Revision of pension of pre and post - 1986 pensioners/family pensioners etc. -Extension of date of submission of application for revision of pension/family pension. In continuation of Board’s letter No.F(E)III/2002/PN1/29 dt.24.4.2003 extending the date of submission of application for revision of pension/family pension of pre and post-1986 pensioners/family pensioners upto 30.9.2003, a copy of DOP&PW’s O.M.No.45/86/97-P&PW(A) Part III dt.15.3.2004 extending the date of submission of application further upto 30th September,2004 is circulated for information and guidance. These instructions will apply mutatis mutandis on the Railways also. DOP&PW’s O.M.No.45/86/97-P&PW(A) Part IV dt.8.5.8\98, 30.11.98 and 17.12.98 and O.M.No.45/86/97-P&PW(A)-Part III dt.18.7.2001, 2.4.2002 and 26.3.2003 were circulated/adopted on the Railways vide Board’s letters No.F(E)III/98/PN1/11 dt.5.6.98, 23.12.98, F(E)III/98/PN1/29 dt.15.1.99 and letters No,.F(E)III/2000/PN1/61 dt.23.8.2001 and F(E)III/2002/PN1/29 dt.3.9.2002 and 24.4.2003 respectively. Copy of Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions, Department of Pension and Pensioners’ Welfare Office Memorandum No.45/86/97-P&PW(A)-PartIII dated 15th March,2004. Subject: Implementation of Government’s decision on the recommendations of the 5th Central Pay Commission -Revision of pension of pre and post - 1986 pensioners/family pensioners etc. -Extension of date of submission of application for revision of pension/family pension. The undersigned is directed to refer to this Department’s OM of even number dated 26.3.2003 extending the date of submission of applications for revision of pension/family pension of pre -1986 pension/family pensioners upto 30.9.2003. Representations have been received in this department for extending the date for submission of applications beyond 30.9.2003. The matter has been considered in this department and it has been decided to extend the date of submission of application for revision of pension/family pension in such cases upto 30.9.2004. However, Defence civilian pensioners will continue to be governed by orders issued by the Ministry of Defence. 2. Similarly it has also been decided to extend the date of submission of applications for revision of pension/family pension with reference to this department’s OM No.(1) 45/86/97-P&PW(A)-Part IV dated 8.5.1998 read with OM dated 30.11.1998 and dated 17.12.1998 for submission of applications by the pensioners covered under these OM upto 30.9.2004. 3. Ministry of Agriculture etc. are requested to bring the contents of these orders to the notice of heads of Departments/Controller of Accounts, Pay and Accounts Officer and attached and Subordinate Offices under them on top priority basis. All Pension Disbursing Authorities are also advised to prominently display these orders on their notice boards for the benefit of the pensioners/family pensioners. SERIAL CIRCULAR NO. 56 /2004 No.P(PC)487/V/97/DA Date: 06 -05-2004 Copy of Board’s letter No. PC-V/97/1/9/6 dated 13.4.04 is published for information, guidance and necessary action. Board’s letter dated 25.9.03, 5.11.97, 27.1.98 and 11.3.04 quoted therein was circulated as S.C.Nos.181/97,44/98, 212/99 and 36/04. Copy of Board’s letter No. PC-V/97/1/9/6 dated 13.4.04 (PC-V /,RBE No./04) Sub: Grant of Dearness Relief to Railway Pensioners/ Family Pensioner - revised rates effective from 01.01.2004. A copy of Office Memorandum No.42/2/2004-P&PW(G) dated 15.3.2004 of Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions (Department of Pension and Pensioners’ Welfare) on the above subject is sent herewith for your information and necessary action. As stated in para 4 thereof, these orders will apply to Railway pensioners also. 2. A concordance of various instructions and orders referred to in the enclosed office memorandum with reference to corresponding Railway instructions is indicated below:(i) S.No . 1. Para No. 1 2. 3 3. 4. 4 5 5. 6&7 No.& date of Deptt.of Pension & Pensioners’ Welfare’s O.M. 42/2/2003-P&PW(G) dtd.10.9.2003 45/86/97-P&PW(a)-Pt.I dated 27.10.1997 23/1/97-P&PW(B) dt.23.2.98 4/59/97-P&PW(D) dt.14.7.98 4/29/99-P&PW(D) dt.12.7.2000 45/52/97-P&PW(E) dt.16.12.97 No.& date of Corresponding orders issued by Railway Board. PC-V/97/I/9/6 dt.25.9.2003 (RBE No.168/2003,S.No.PC-V/379) F(E)III/97/PN1/22 dated 5.11.1997 N.A. F(E)III/96/PN1/9 dt.18.8.98 F(E)III/96/PN1/9 dt.2.8.2---,RBE No.138/2k (iii) F(E)III/97/PN1/Ex-gratia/3 dt.31.12.97 (RBE 6. 9 45/73/97-P&PW(G) dt.2.7.99 (ii) S.No . Para No. 1. 2 No.& date of Deptt.of Expenditure, Ministry of Finance’s O.M. 105/1/2004-IC dated 1.03.2004 No.194/97,S.No.PC-V/98) (iv) F(E)III/97/PN1/Ex-gratia/5 dt.27.1.98 (RBE No.19/98, S.No.PC-V/38) F(E)III/99/PN1/21 dt.5.8.99 No.& date of Corresponding orders issued by Railway Board. PC-V/2004/A/DA/1 dated 11.3.2004 (RBE No.57/2004,S.No.PC-V/400) Copy of Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions, Department of Pension & Pensioners Welfare’s OM No.42/2/2004-P&PW(G) dated 15.3.2004. Subject: Grant of dearness relief to Central Government pensioners/ family pensioners -Revised rate effect from 01.01.2004. The undersigned is directed to refer to this Department’s OM No.42/2/2003-P&PW(G) dated 10.09.2003 sanctioning the installment of dearness relief admissible from 01.07.2003 and to state that the President is pleased to decide that dearness relief payable to the Central Government pensioners/Family Pensioners shall be enhanced from the existing rate of 59% to 61% with effect from 01.01.2004. 2. From 1.4.2004, Dearness Relief equal to 50% of basic pension/family pension would be converted into Dearness Pension/Dearness family pension. Government has issued order in this regard vide Department of Expenditure; Ministry of Finance O.M.No.105/1/204-IC dated 1st March 2004 (copy enclosed). Consequently, Dearness Relief from 1.4.2004 would be payable at the rate of 11% of Basic Pension/family pension and Dearness pension/Dearness family pension. 3. Since 50% of Dearness Allowance converted into Dearness Pay is counted for retirement benefits, pension/family pension shall be calculated at 50% and 30% respectively of Pay plus Dearness Pay subject to minimum of Rs.1913/- and maximum of 50% and 30% respectively of the highest Pay plus Dearness Pay in the Government. Provisions contained in para 5 and 7.1 of this Department’s O.M. No.45/86/97-P&PW(A)-Pt.I dated 27.10.1997, therefore, stand amended to this extent. 4. These orders apply to (I) All Civilian Central Government Pensioners/Family Pensioners (ii) The Armed Forces Pensioners, Civilian Pensioners paid out of the Defence Service Estimates, (iii) All India Service pensioners (iv) Railway pensioners and (v) The Burma Civilian pensioners/family pensioners and pensioners/family of displaced Government pensioners from Pakistan, who are Indian Nationals but receiving pension on behalf of Government of Pakistan, who are in receipt of ad-hoc ex-gratia allowance of Rs.1275/- p.m. in terms of this Department’s OM No.23/1/97-P&PW(B) dated 23.02.1998. 5. Central Government Employees who had drawn lump sum amount on absorption in a PSU/Autonomous body and have become eligible to restoration of 1/3rd commuted portion of pension as well as revision of the restored amount in terms of this Department’s OM No.4/59/97P&PW(D) dated 14.7.1998 will also be entitled to the payment of Dearness Relief @ 61% with effect from 01.01.2004 on full pension i.e. the revised pension which the absorbed employee would have received on the date of restoration had he not drawn lump sum payment on absorption subject to fulfillment of the conditions laid down in Para 5 of the O.M. dated 14.07.98. In this connection, instructions contained in this Department’s O.M.No.4/29/99P&PW(D) dated 12.07.2000 refer. From 1.4.2004, Dearness Relief equal to 50% of basic pension/family pension would be conveyed into Dearness Pension/Dearness family pension. Consequently, Dearness Relief from 1.4.2004 would be payable at the rate of 11% on the basis of Basic Pension/family pension and Dearness pension/Dearness family pension. 6. The surviving CPF beneficiaries who had retired from service between the period 18.11.1960 to 31.12.1985 and are in receipt of Ex-gratia @ Rs.600/- p.m. with effect from 01.11.1997 under this Department’s O.M.No.45/52/97-P&PW(E) dated 16.12.1997 are entitled to Dearness Relief @61% with effect from 01.01.2004. From 1.4.2004, Dearness Relief equal to 50% of Ex-gratia would be converted into Dearness Ex-gratia. Consequently, Dearness Relief from 1.4.2004 would be payable at the rate of 11% on the basis of Basic Ex-gratia and Dearness Ex-gratia. 7. The following categories of CPF beneficiaries who are in receipt of Ex-gratia payment in terms of this department’s OM No.45/52/97-P&PW(E) dated 16.12.1997 will be paid DR@ 53% with effect from 01.01.2004. From 1.4.2004, Dearness Relief equal to 50% of Ex-gratia would be converted into Dearness Ex-gratia. Consequently, Dearness Relief from 1.4.2004 would be payable at the rate of 3% on the basis o fBasic Ex-gratia and Dearness Ex-gratia. (i) The widows and dependent children of the deceased CPF beneficiary who had retired from service prior to 01.01.1986 or who had died while in service prior to 01.01.1986 and are in receipt of Ex-gratia payment of Rs.605/- p.m. (ii) Central Government Employees who had retired on CPF benefits before 18.11.1960 and are in receipt of Ex-gratia payment dofRs.654/-, Rs.659/-,Rs.703/- andRs.965/-. 8. Payment of Dearness Relief involving a fraction of a rupee shall be rounded off to the next higher rupee. 9. Other provisions governing grant of Dearness Relief in respect of employed family pensioners and re-employed Central Government Pensioners will be regulated in accordance with the provisions contained in this Department’s OM No.45/73/97-P&PW(G) dated 02.07.1999. The provisions relating to regulation of Dearness Relief where pensioner is in receipt of more than one pension will remain unchanged. 10. In the case of retired Supreme Court and High Court Judges, necessary orders will be issued by the Department of Justice separately. 11. It will be the responsibility of the pension disbursing authority, including the nationalized banks, etc. to calculated the quantum of Dearness Relief payable in each individual case. 12. The offices of Accountant General and Authorized Public Sector Banks are requested to arrange payment of relief to pensioner etc. on the basis of above instructions without waiting for any further instructions from the Comptroller and Auditor General of India and the Reserve Bank of India in view of letter No.528-TA, 11/84-80-11 dated 23.04.1981 of the Comptroller and Auditor General of India addressed to all Accountant Generals and Reserve Bank of India Circular No.GANB No.2958/GA-64 (ii)(CGL)/81 dated the 21st May, 1981 addressed to State Bank of India and its subsidiaries and all Nationalized Banks. 13. In their application to the employees belonging to Indian Audit and Accounts Department these orders issue in consultation with C&AG. 14. This issues with the concurrence of Ministry of Finance, Department of Expenditure vide their U.O.No.278/2004/IC dated 15th March 2004. SERIAL CIRCULAR NO. 57 /2004 No.P(R )411 Date: 29-04-2004 Copy of Board’s letter No.E(W)2004/FU-1/1 dated 12.3.04 is published for information, guidance and necessary action. Board’s letter dated 15/17.1.97 quoted therein was circulated as S.C.No.45/97. Copy of Board’s letter No.E(W)2004/FU-1/1 dated 12.3.04 (RBE No.50/04) Sub: Increase in the per capita contribution to the Staff Benefit Fund. Ref: Board’s letter No.E(W)96/FU-1/5 dated 15/17.1.97. This Ministry has been seized of the demands from the staff side at various fora regarding increase in annual allocation to various heads/activities under the Staff Benefit Fund. After considering the demands at length, Ministry of Railways have accorded sanction for increase in per capita contribution to Staff Benefit Fund from Rs.26/- to Rs.30/- per annum w.e.f. 1.4.04. With this increase in per capita contribution, the revised per capita allocation to various heads/activities under the Staff Benefit Fund would be as follows:Head/activity Per capita allocation (i) General activities viz. Education, recreation, Existing Revised amusement, cultural, releief of distress, sickness and miscellaneous items:(a) Education Rs.4.00 Rs.4.75 (b) Recreation other than sports Rs.1.95 Rs.2.25 (c) Inter Railway Cultural Competition (d) Relief of distress, sickness, etc. (e) Women empowerment activities (f) Miscellaneous (ii) Sports activities (iii) Scouts activities (iv) Recreational facilities to Officers and Supervisory staff (v) Indigenous system of medicine including Homoeopathy Total Rs.0.05 Rs.7.00 Nil Rs.0.50 Rs.5.00 Rs.2.50 Rs.2.50 Rs.0.50 Rs.7.50 Rs.0.50 Rs.0.50 Rs.5.00 Rs.3.50 Rs.3.00 Rs.2.50 Rs.2.50 Rs.26.00 Rs.30.00 The expenditure on account of increase in per capita contribution to the Staff Benefit Fund is chargeable to Sub-head 300 Minor head 340 Demand No.11 (Staff welfare amenities). It may be seen that a new head/activity has been introduced under General Activities, viz., “Women Empowerment Activities” for which a per capita allocation of Rs.0.50 has been provided for. This amount is to be utilized exclusively in connection with welfare and empowerment activities targeted for women employees only. The utilization of this amount may be decided by the CPO concerned as Chairman of SBF Committee and the report to this effect may be submitted in due course. This issues with concurrence of Finance Directorate of the Ministry of Railways. SERIAL CIRCULAR NO. 58 /2004 No.P(R )240/ DR/II Date: 29 -04-2004 Copy of Board’s letter No. E(W)95 UN 1/19 dated 11.3.04 is published for information, guidance and necessary action. Board’s letter dated 17.4.01 quoted therein was circulated as S.C.No.104/01. The report called for in para 2 of Board’s letter may please be sent to Railway Board to Dy.CPO/Welfare for submission to Railway Board. Copy of Board’s letter No. E(W)95 UN 1/19 dated 11.3.04(RBE No.52 /04) Sub: Supply of cloth and payment of stitching charges to Public Image Categories. Ref: Board’s letter of even No.dt.17.4.01. The recommendations of the Uniform Committee regarding supply of cloth and payment of stitching charges to the categories of railway employees identified by them have been accepted by Board and necessary instructions issued vide Board’s letter dt.17.4.01. The list of Categories of staff which come under Public Image had also been annexed as annexure-I to the letter referred to above. Arising out of a demand from the staff side for inclusion of Assistant Guards and Assistant Station Masters also in the list of Public Image Category for the purpose of supply of cloth and payment of stitching charges, the Board have since decided that Assistant Guards and Assistant Station Masters may also be included in the list of Public Image Categories. Accordingly, these two categories may also be added in the list already circulated to Railways vide Board’s letter dt.17.4.01. 2. Railway are requested to review the functioning of the Uniform Cell and Cloth Cutting Factory on the Railways and send a report to this Office early. 3. All the other instructions contained in Board’s letter of even No.dt.17.4.01 shall remain the same. 4. This issues with the concurrence of Finance Directorate of Ministry of Railways. SERIAL CIRCULAR NO. 59 /2004 No.P(R )436/IREM/V Date: 4-05-2004 Copy of Board’s letter No. E(MPP)2003/3/36 dated 16.3.04 is published for information, guidance and necessary action. Copy of Board’s letter No. E(MPP)2003/3/36 dated 16.3.04 (RBE No. 61/04) Sub: Reduction of duration of initial training period for Trainee Draftsman in Mechanical, Electrical & Signal & Telecommunication departments and payment of stipend at basic pay of the post. The matter has been considered in the light of reference received from the Office Council of ICF and it has been decided that the initial period of training for Trainee Draftsman in mechanical, Electrical and Signal & Telecommunication departments be reduced to 18 months. 2. The revised training module will be circulated shortly. 3. The revised period of training shall be applicable to the batch of candidates who have been recruited after the date of issue of this letter. 4. The Ministry of Railways have decided that the Indian Railway Establishment Manual Vol.I(1989 Edition) may be amended as per attached Advance Correction Slip Nos.157 & 158 and the Manual on Management of Training 1998 as per Advance Correction Slip No.1/2004. Indian Railway Establishment Manual Vol.I(Revised Edition 1989) 1. Advance Correction Slip No.157 Sub-para 2(iii) & (iv) of Para 155 of Section “B:”of Sub-section-III(VII) Chapter I of the Indian Railway Establishment Manual Vol.I (Revised Education 1989) may be modified as under:“(iii) Training : 18 months (iv) Stipend 4000-100-4100 2. Advance Correction Slip No.158 Sub-para 2(iii) & (iv) of Para 156 of Section “B”of sub-section-III(VII) Chapter I of the Indian Railway Establishment Manual Vol.I (Revised Edition 1989) may be modified as Under:“(iii) Training: 18 months (v) Stipend 4000-100-4100 [Authority Board’s letter No. E(MPP)2003/3/36 dated 16.3.04 ] MANUAL ON MANAGEMENT OF TRAINING (JUNE 1998) ADVANCE CORRECTION SLIP NO.1/2004 Item No.2 under Item No.IV of Appendix.II to Manual on Management of Training (Edition - 1998) may be modified as:2. Draftsman in Mechanical Electrical and Signal & Telecommunication. 18 months [Authority Board’s letter No. E(MPP)2003/3/36 dated 16.3.04 ] SERIAL CIRCULAR NO. 60 /2004 No.P(R )414/CL Date: 4-05-2004 Copy of Board’s letter No. E(G)2003 LE 1/3 dated 31.3.04 is published for information, guidance and necessary action. Board’s letter dated 20.2.09 quoted therein was circulated as S.C.No.59/98 . Copy of Board’s letter No. E(G)2003 LE 1/3 dated 31.3.04 (RBE No.70 /04) Sub: Casual Leave Reference Board’s letter No.E(G)98 LE1/1 dated 20.2.98 providing inter-alia that the entitlement of Casual Leave of certain category of Railway staff who were entitled to 15 days Casual Leave in a calendar year would stand reduced to 11 days w.e.f. 1.1.98. Instructions were thereafter issued vide letter of same number dated 18.1.99, to the effect that the entitlement of Casual Leave of the aforesaid categories of Railway staff would stand reduced to 10 days. These instructions (i.e. dated 18.1.99) were ordered to be held in abeyance till further orders vide letter of the same number dated 28.1.99. The matter has since been deliberated upon with the Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pension, Department of Personnel and Training, and it has been decided to restore the instructions contained in Board’s letter dated 18.1.99 ibid providing for grant of 10 days casual leave in a calendar year to the employees who were earlier entitled to 15 days casual leave, effective from the current calendar year. SERIAL CIRCULAR NO. 61 /2004 No.P(R )500/XIX Date: 4-05-2004 Copy of Board’s letter No. F(E)III/2003/PN1/28 dated 31.3.04 is published for information, guidance and necessary action. Board’s letter dated 5.11.97 and 18.10.01 quoted therein were circulated as S.C.No.181/97 and 255/01. Copy of Board’s letter No. F(E)III/2003/PN1/28 dated 31.3.04 (RBE No.71/04) Sub: Clarification regarding grant of family pension to widowed step-mother under Rule 75 of Railway Services (Pension)Rules,1993. The matter regarding entitlement of a widowed Step-mother, who is in receipt of family pension on account of her late husband, for grant of parental family pension after the death while in Railway service of her Step-son, i.e. son of her late husband born out of his first wife, has been under examination in Board’s office in consultation with the Department of Pension & Pensioners’ Welfare. It is clarified that Step-mother is not covered by the definition ‘family’ for the purpose of family pension under Rule 75 of Railway Services (Pension)Rules, 1993 as modified in Board’s letter No.F(E)III/97/PN1/22 dt.5.11.1997. Moreover, two family pensions are not admissible under Rule 75 of the Railway Services (Pension)Rules,1993 except as provided in subrule 11 and second proviso to sub-rule 18 thereof, as notified vide Board’s letter No.F(E)III/2000/PN1/23 dt.18.10.2001. SERIAL CIRCULAR NO. 62 /2004 No.P(R )268/I Date: 7-05-2004 Copy of Board’s letter No. E(NG)II/2003/RC-1/Gen./4 dated 2.4.04 is published for information, guidance and necessary action. Board’s letter dated 15.2.2000 quoted therein was circulated as S.C.No.56/2k. Copy of Board’s letter No. E(NG)II/2003/RC-1/Gen./4 dated 2.4.04 (RBE No.75/04) [ SC 56 to MC 16] Sub: Appointment on compassionate grounds -Acquisition of higher qualification. Ref: Railway Board’s letter No.E(NG)II/99/RC-1/Gen/9/JCM/DC dated 15.2.2000. In terms of this Ministry’s letter under reference, an eligible dependent of a Railway employee who dies in harness or is retired due to medical invalidation may be allowed to complete the educational course that he may have taken up so that he may be considered for appointment on compassionate grounds in a grade/post commensurate with higher qualification, provided he acquires the higher qualification and applies for higher grade/post within the prescribed period of five years subject to the condition that only one such chance can be availed by the candidate during the period of five years. 2. Both the Federations have represented that the aforementioned provision is discriminatory towards wards who are minor since it is applicable only in case the ward is major at the time of death/medical invalidation of the employee. The matter has been reviewed by the Board and in supersession of the letter dated 15.2.2000, it has been decided that:(i) If the candidate is major at the time of death/medical invalidation of the ex-employee and is already admitted to a course then he/she shall be allowed to complete that course provided he/she takes due permission of the Railway Administration. His/Her candidature for appointment would be considered according to the qualification so acquired. (ii) If the candidate is minor at the time of death/medical invalidation of the ex-employee, but at the time of his/her attaining majority, he/she is already pursuing/admitted to a course, he/she be allowed to complete that course provided he/she takes due permission from the administration. His/her candidature for appointment on compassionate grounds would be considered in light of the qualification he/she acquires. (iii) If the candidate is minor at the time of death/medical invalidation of the ex-employee and when he/she becomes major but is not pursuing/admitted to a course then his/her candidature for appointment for compassionate grounds would be considered in light of the qualification he/she possessed at the time of attaining majority. 3. Past cases decided otherwise need not be reopened but cases which are under process may be decided in the light of these instructions. SERIAL CIRCULAR NO. 63 /2004 No.P(PC)487/Imp/97/Vol.V Date: 30 -04-2004 Copy of Board’s letter No. PC-V/2004/ACP/1 dtd.31.3.04 is published for information, guidance and necessary action. Board’s letter dated 1.10.99 quoted therein was circulated as S.C.No.276/99. Copy of Board’s letter No. PC-V/2004/ACP/1 dtd.31.3.04 (PC-V /404,RBE No.69 /04) Sub: Financial Upgradation under the ACP Scheme Clarification regarding. Please refer to Board’s letter of even number dated 1.10.99 regarding the Assured Career Progression Scheme (ACPS) and subsequent amendments/clarifications that have been issued from time to time. 2. The issue regarding extension of the scope of the ACP Scheme so as to count 50% of temporary status casual labour service on absorption in regular employment for the purpose of grant of benefit under the ACPS was raised by staff side in the forum of DC/JCM. 3. The matter has been examined and it has been decided that 50% of temporary status casual labour service on absorption in regular employment may be taken into account towards the minimum service of 12/24 years for the grant of benefit under the ACP Scheme on the analogy that the same is also reckoned as qualifying service for pension. SERIAL CIRCULAR NO. 64 /2004 No.P(R )184/V Dated: 21-04-2004 Copy of Board’s letter No. E(NG)I/2003/CR/4 dated:15-4-04 is published for information, guidance and necessary action. Board’s letter dated 22-4-87 quoted therein was circulated as S.C.No.112/87, Copy of Board’s letter No. E(NG)I/2003/CR/4 dated:15-4-04 (RBE No.84 /04) Sub: Confidential Report on non -Gazetted Railway Servants - Filling up of self-appraisal and Part-II of CR Forms in respect of staff working in Grade Rs.5500-9000 and above. … In terms of instructions contained in this Ministry*s letter No.E(NG)I/86/CR/5 dated 22-4-87 self-appraisal and Part-II at CR Forms are to be filled by and written for staff working in grade Rs.1600-2660 and above who are likely to be considered for promotion to Group B. As the Railways are aware, a the pre/revised scale of Rs.16002660 has been replaced by revised Vth CPC scale Rs.5000-8000 in a few cases and Rs.5500-9000 in most others. In view of the one of the Railways has raised the question whether self-appraisal and Part/II of CR Forms are to be filled in and written for staff working in grade Rs.5000-8000 and above or in grade Rs.5500-9000 and above. The matter has been considered carefully by the Ministry of Railways. It has been decided that self appraisal and section-II of the CR Forms should be filled in by and written for staff in grade Rs.5500-9000 and above who are likely to be considered for promotion to Group B. SERIAL CIRCULAR NO. 65 /2004 No.P(R )521/IV Date: 21-05-2004 Copy of Board’s letter No. E(G)2002 AL1/5 dated: 20-4-04 is published for information, guidance and necessary action. Board’s letter dated:30-6-95, 16-10-95, 7-4-2000 and 2-7-2003 quoted therein were circulated as S.C.No.105/95 letter No. P ( R ) 521/III dated: 13.12.1995, S.C.Nos.87/2K & 140/03, respectively. Copy of Board’s letter No.E(G ) 2002, AL1/5 dated: 20-4-2004 (RBE No. 88/04) Sub: Arrear Claims - reiteration of extant instructions on the subject.. …. It has been observed that proposals seeking waival of internal check on paid vouchers as provided in Para 1413 AI, for payment of arrears to the railway employees, and sanction for investigation of arrear claim in cases beyond three years, and where the amount of the claim exceeds Rs.5,000/- as per para 1005 of IREM Vol.I, 1989 edition, are often received in Board’s Office incomplete i.e without all the requisite information necessary for processing such proposals. This necessitates back references being made to obtain the full/complete information, leading to avoidable delay in finalisation of the cases, and payment of the arrears to the concerned employees. 3. Gist of the instructions issued from time to time is given below. These should be strictly followed, while examining/sending proposals to the Board. S.No Letter No. Dat Regarding ed 1 E(G)91 AL1/21 31-10-91 2 E(G)95 AL1/15 30-06-95 3 E(G)93 AL1/14 16-10-95 4 E (G) 90 AL116/Pt. 2-7-98 Proforma circulated to the Railways containing details of information required to be furnished along with the proposal. This should be duly signed and should contain the verbatim comments of the FA & CAO. Lays down the procedure to be followed for processing arrear claims of Casual Labour. In cases involving litigation the accounts office to be advised to preserve the paid vouchers. Proposals of arrears claim in respect of Casual Labour to be sent personally by the GM to Member Staff through a DO letter clearly explaining the reasons for delay, if any, and fixing responsibility for the same. 1. Board desire that the aforesaid instructions, along with the provisions as contained in paras 1004 and 1005 of IREM Vol.-I, 1989 edition read with ACS No.97 circulated vide Board’s letter No.E(G)99 ALI-20 dated 7/4/20000 may be strictly complied with while forwarding proposals for waival of internal check on paid vouchers and sanction for investigation of arrears claims, to the Board. 2. Further, a number of proposals are received in Board’s Office where arrears include difference in pay due to promotion made with retrospective effect. Such proposals continue to be received despite the Hon’ble Supreme Court’s ruling dated 13-8-97 in CA No. 8904 of 1994, P,.O. Abraham & Others v/s UOI & Others (circulated vide Board”s letter No. E(NG)I/2002/PMI/16 dataed:2-7-2003) to the effect that no arrears are to be paid where higher responsibility was not actually shouldered. It is desired that such claims are turned down at the Railway level so that un-necessary correspondence with the Ministry of Railways is avoided. SERIAL CIRCULAR NO. 66 /2004 No.P(R )554/VI Date:25-05-2004 Copy of Board’s letter No. F[X]I-2003/11/1DC/JCM Meeting] dated 8-4-04 is published for information, guidance and necessary action. Board’s letter dated 29-7-2003 quoted therein was circulated as S.C.No.163/03. Copy of Board’s letter No. F[X]I-2003/11/1DC/JCM Meeting] dated 8-4-04 (RBE No. /04) Sub: Classification of sub-standard quarters ITEM No. 30/2003 of DC/JCM, Railways. **** The matter related to classification of sub-standard quarters at various stations on the Railways and recovery of licence in respect of such quarters was raised by the Staff Side sometime back in the forum of Departmental Council [JCM] Railways, wherein the Staff Side demanded that quarters lacking in essential amenities like kitchen/store/lavatory/water supply should be classified as sub-standard and rent applicable thereto, only should be realized in respect of such quarters. During the course of deliberations in the meetings of DC/JCM, Railways, it was decided that the quarters conforming to the definition of sub-standard quarters, as contained in Board’s letter No. F[X]II/63-RN/1/7 dated 8-7-63, are to be treated as sub-standard and the licence fee at the rate[s] applicable to such quarters, should be recovered in respect thereof. Accordingly, necessary guidelines were circulated to all Zonal Railways and Production Units vide Board’s letter of even number dated 29-7-2003. 2. A question has been raised subsequently as to whether ‘non-availability of store’ in a quarter renders it a sub-standard. After careful examination, it is clarified that inclusion of the word ‘store’ in the said letter refers to a space for storage in addition to the area earmarked for living room/bedroom etc. This could take the form of a formal storeroom, or a loft in one of the rooms/kitchen or even a verandah. So long as a space for storage exists in the many diverse forms possible, lack of a formal ‘store’ should not render the quarter as sub-standard; as formal storeroom does not exist even in higher type quarters. SERIAL CIRCULAR NO.67 /2004 No.P(R)473/V Dated: 08-06-2004. Copy of Board’s letter No.E(W)95PS5-1/17 dated 28.5.2004 is published for information, guidance and necessary action. Board’s letter dated 31.1.2003 referred to therein was circulated as Serial circular No.48/2003. DRMs are requested to send the report, as called for in Board’s letter dated 31.1.2003, by 20.6.2004. Copy of Board’s letter No.E(W)95PS5-1/17 dated 28.5.2004 [ RBE No. - /2004] Sub: Delegation of powers to Senior Subordinates in grade Rs.5000-8000 and above to issue/sign Post Retirement Complimentary Passes. … Instructions were issued vide Board’s letter of even No. dated 31.1.03 that if the retired railway officers opt in writing for First Class Post Retirement Complimentary Pass, instead of First’A’ , Sr.Subordinates in grade Rs. 5000-8000 and above, who are in direct and independent charge of the Establishment may be authorised to issue First Class Pass to such retired officers for a period upto 1.2.04. Railways were to conduct periodical inspection and to submit a final report by 1.2.2004 to consider feasibility of extension of the scheme further. A report, in this connection from most of the Railways is awaited. Board has, therefore, decided to extend the scheme further upto 30.09.2004 and in the meantime to obtain the views from Railways for considering the feasibility for making it as permanent measure. The scheme as outlined in Board letter of even number dated 31.01.03 therefore stands extended upto 30.09.2004. It is requested that specific recommendation of the Railways regarding making the scheme on a permanent basis may be advised immediately without any delay. This issues with the concurrence of Finance Directorate of Ministry of Railways. SERIAL CIRCULAR NO. 68 /2004 No.P(R )171/IV Date:20 -05-2004 Copy of Board’s letter No. 2004-E(SCT)-I/71/2 dated.6.4.04 is published for information, guidance and necessary action. Board’s letter dated quoted therein was circulated as S.C.No.114/93, Copy of Board’s letter No. 2004-E(SCT) I/71/2 dated. 6-4-04 (RBE No.77 /04). Sub: Revision of income Criteria to exclude socially advanced persons/sections (Creamy Layer) from the purview of reservation for Other Backward Classes ( O B C s). Ref: Railway Board’s letter No.90-E(SCT)-I/71/1 dated: 14-10-1993. A copy of Ministry of Personnel, Public, Grievances and Pensions (Department of Personnel and Training)*s Office Memorandum No.3603/3/2004-Estt (Res) dated: 9.3.2004 on the above cited subject is sent herewith for information and guidance. Necessary steps may be taken immediately to ensure implementation of the revised income criteria in the entry against category VI in the schedule to DOP &”T’s O.M No.326012/22/93-Estt.(SCT) dated 8-9-1993 to exclude socially advanced persons/sections (creamy layer) from the purview of reservation for OBCs. The provisions contained in DOP & T’s O.M dated 9-3-2004 are effective from 04-2-2004. No.36033/3/2004-Estt (Res) Government of India Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions Department of Personnel and Training. North Block, New Delhi Dated 9th March,2004. OFFICE MEMORANDUM Subject: Revision of income criteria to exclude socially advanced persons/sections (Creamy Layer) from the purview of reservation for Other backward Classes (OBCs) The undersigned is directed to invite attention to this Department’s O.M No.36012/22/93-Estt. (SCT) dated 8th September, 1993 which inter -alia provides that sons and daughters of persons having gross annual income of Rs.1 lakh or above for a period of three consecutive years fall within the creamy layer and are not entitled to get the benefit of reservation available to the Other Backward Classes. It has been decided to raise the income limit from Rs.1 lakh to Rs. 2.,5 lakh, for determining the creamy layer amongst the OBCs. Accordingly the following entry is hereby substituted for the existing entry against Category VI in the Schedule to the above referred O.M. Category apply. VI Description of Category INCOME/WEALTH TEST To whom the rule of exclusion will Son(s) and daughter(s) of (a) Persons having gross annual income of Rs.2.5 la or above or possessing wealth above the exemption limit as prescribed in the Wealth Tax Act for a period of three consecutive years. (b) Persons in Categories 1, II, III and V.A who are not disentitled to the bench of reservation but have income from other sources or wealth which will bring them within the income/wealth criteria mentioned in (a) above Explanation: Income from salaries or agricultural land shall not be clubbed. 2. The provisions of the Office Memorandum take effect from the 4th February, 2004. 3 All the Ministries/Departments are requested to bring the contents of this Office Memorandum to the notice of all concerned. SERIAL CIRCULAR NO.69 /2004 No.P(R )473/VI Date: 25-05-2004 Copy of Board’s letter No.E(W)95 PS 5-1/17 dated 8.4.04 is published for information, guidance and necessary action. Board’s letter dated 30.6.99 and 30.1.02 quoted therein was circulated under letter No. P[R]521/IV dt. 14-12-2000 & S.C.No.25/02 respectively. Copy of Board’s letter No. E(W)95 PS 5-1/17 dated 8.4.04 (RBE No.80 /04) Sub: Delegation of powers to Senior Subordinates in grade Rs.5000-8000 and above to issue/sign Widow Pass. Instructions were issued vide Board’s letter of even no.dt.30.1.2002 delegating powers to Sr. subordinates in Gr.Rs.5000-8000 and above who are also in direct and independent charge of the establishment to issue/sign Post Retirement Complimentary Pass to retired Railway employees other than I ‘Á’ pass holders. 2. Board has now decided that the above instructions may be applied mutatismutandis in the case of Widow Passes also. 3. In this connection, the procedure outlined in Board’s letter of even number dt.30.6.99 regarding transfer of pass account, etc. may be followed in toto. 4. This issues with the concurrence of Finance Directorate of Ministry of Railways. SERIAL CIRCULAR NO. 70 /2004 No.P(R )473/VI Date: 25 -05-2004 Copy of Board’s letter No.E(W)96 PS 5-1/30 dated 16.4.04 is published for information, guidance and necessary action. Copy of Board’s letter No. E(W)96 PS 5-1/30 dated 16.4.04 (RBE No. 81/04) Sub: Provision of Parent/Guardian in the School Pass issued to Handicapped boys of 18 years of age and above. In terms of item (iii) under Column 2 of Schedule III of Railway Servants (Pass) Rules,1986 (Second Edition,1993), boys under 18 years and girls of any age are eligible for inclusion of the parent or guardian in the School Pass issued to them. NFIR has brought to the notice of Board that handicapped student son aged 18 years and above are unable to travel alone without the assistance of an attendant/escort. The matter has been considered by Board and it has been decided that parent/guardian may be included in the School Pass issued to handicapped student sons of Railway employees, who are 18 years of age and above, subject to production of a certificate from the Divisional Medical Officer to the effect that such handicapped student boys of Railway employees are unable to travel alone. 2. Railway Servants (Pass) Rules,1986 (Second Edition,1993) may be amended accordingly as in ACS No.45 enclosed. 3. In all other respects, the provisions of Railway Servants (Pass) Rules, 1986 (Second Edition, 1993) shall apply. 4. This issues with the concurrence of Finance Directorate of Ministry of Railways. Advance Correction Slip No.45 to Railway Servants (Pass) Rules, 1986 (Second Edition, 1993). Add the following in item (iii) under column No.2 of Schedule III of Railway Servants (Pass) Rules, 1986 (Second Edition,1993):“The parent or guardian may also be included in the School Pass issued to handicapped student sons of railway employees who are 18 years of age and above subject to production of a Medical Certificate from the DMO that such boys are unable to travel alone”. [Authority: Board’s letter No. E(W)96 PS 5-1/30 dated 16.4.04 ] SERIAL CIRCULAR NO. 71/2004 No.P(R )39/V Date: 20-05-2004 Copy of Board’s letter No.E(MPP)2003/1/6 dated 15.4.04 is published for information, guidance and necessary action. Board’s letters dated 28.11.2000 and 13.1.04 quoted therein were circulated as S.C.Nos.10/01 and 24/04 respectively. Copy of Board’s letter No. E(MPP)2003/1/6 dated 15.4.04 (RBE No.85 /04) Sub: Redeployment of surplus staff. **** During the DC/JCM meeting held on 16th & 17th March 2004 the Federation desired that the unions on the railways are not consulted while redeploying the surplus staff. Attention is drawn to para XI(I) of Board’s letters No.E(MPP)98/1/75 dated 28.11.00 (RBE No.206/2000) and of even number dated 13.1.04 (RBE No.15/2004) directing therein to consult the recognized unions, in cases where large numbers of surplus staff are involved and where promotion prospects are likely to be affected in any way. This is necessary so that the process of redeployment is expeditiously completed. Further suitable machinery and systems may be set up to consult the unions for periodical review of redeployment of surplus staff and the above instructions be followed during such meetings. SERIAL CIRCULAR NO. 72 /2004 No.P(R )673/IV Date: 28-05-2004 Copy of Board’s letter No.E(MPP)98/3/8 dated 21.4.04 is published for information, guidance and necessary action. Board’s letter dated 5.3.04 quoted therein was circulated as S.C.No.51/04. Copy of Board’s letter No. E(MPP)98/3/8 dated 21.4.04 (RBE No.90/04) Sub: Approved modules for stage-wise training of Loco Running Staff & other Safety categories. In continuation of Board’s letter of even number dated 5.3.2004 (issued under RBE No.47/2004),Training Module RNG-2 and RNG-3 have been further modified by the Electrical Dte.of Railway Board. Revised Training Modules are enclosed. The same may be incorporated in the syllabus of running staff. Adequate copies may be made and distributed to the concerned Training Centres of your railway. LOGO-RNG-2 DEPARTMENT:ELECTRICAL ACTIVITY CENTRE: STATION/TRAIN TRADE: ELECTRICAL DRIVERS STAGE: Promotional Course from Asst.Electric Driver/ET to GoodsDriver TECHNICAL QUALIFICATION DURATION: 12 Weeks (72 working days) MOD.NO. DESCRIPTION RNG-21 RNG-22 RNG-23 RNG-24 RNG-25 RNG-26 RNG-27 RNG-28 Contactors with practical demonstrations Relay -doPantograph -doD.J.Closing Circuit Feeding Power Circuit Traction Power Circuit GR Control Circuit - explained with working model Auxiliary Power Circuit DURATION (DAYS) 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 RNG-29 RNG-30 RNG-31 RNG-32 RNG-33 RNG-34 RNG-35 RNG-36 RNG-37 RNG-38 RNG-39 RNG-40 RNG-41 RNG-42 RNG-43 RNG-44 RNG-45 RNG-46 RNG-47 Total Auxiliary Control & Pilot Circuit Pneumatic Circuit, valves, including practical demonstrations Modification of UOR & JTR ABB Loco (WAP-5,WAP-7 & WAG-9) Vacuum Brake System - including practical demonstrations on bogies equipment Air Brake System -do Traction Distribution GR & SR Stations System of working Signals Defective Signals OPT forms Whistle Codes Working of trains Engineering Signals Abnormal Working Shunting Accident Trouble shooting and Simulator Training* + Loco & Train Handling including on line training Examination & Viva voce 2 2 2 4 2 2 2 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 5 7 2 72 wkg.Days *To be substituted by Line training with LI in case simulator training facilities are not available. LOGO-RNG-3 DEPARTMENT:ELECTRICAL ACTIVITY CENTRE: STATION/TRAIN TRADE: ELECTRICAL DRIVERS STAGE: Promotional Course from Electric Goods Driver to Passenger Driver/Motorman TECHNICAL QUALIFICATION DURATION: 8 Weeks (48 working days) MOD.NO. DESCRIPTION DURATION (DAYS) RNG-61 Conractors with practical demonstrations 1 RNG-62 Relay -do1 RNG-63 Pantograph -do1 RNG-64 D.J.Closing Circuit 2 RNG-65 Feeding Power Circuit 1 RNG-66 Traction Power Circuit 2 RNG-67 GR Control Circuit - explained with working model 1 RNG-68 Auxiliary Power Circuit 1 RNG-69 Auxiliary Control & Pilot Circuit 1 RNG-70 Pneumatic Circuit, valves, including practical demonstrations 1 RNG-71 Brake systems 2 RNG-72 Punctuality & Modification 1 RNG-73 ABB Loco (WAP-5, WAP-7 & WAG-9) 3 RNG-74 Vacuum Bake System - including practical demonstrations on bogies 1 equipment RNG-75 Air Brake System -do1 RNG-76 Traction Distribution 1 RNG-77 RNG-78 RNG-79 RNG-80 RNG-81 RNG-82 RNG-83 RNG-84 RNG-85 RNG-86 RNG-87 RNG-88 GR & SR Stations System of working Signal Defective Signals OPT forms Whistle Codes Working of trains Engineering Signals Abnormal Working Shunting Accident Trouble shooting and Simulator Training* Loco & Train Handling including on line training Examination & Viva voce + Total 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 5 6 2 48 wkg.Days *To be substituted by Line training with LI in case simulator training facilities are not available. SERIAL CIRCULAR NO. 73 /2004 No.P(PC)487/V/DA Date: 19-05-2004 Copy of Board’s letter No. E(P&A)II-2004/RS-13 dt.30.4.04 on the above subject along with the copy of FA&CAO/SC letter dt.16.4.04 is sent along with for information, guidance and necessary action. Copy of Board’s letter No. E(P&A)II-2004/RS-13 dt.30.4.04 (PC-V /,RBE No./04) Sub: Merger of DA equal to 50% of basic pay with the basic pay w.e.f. 1.4.2004. Please refer to your office letter No.A/EN/DP dated 16.04.2004 on the above subject. 2. The method proposed to be adopted in the last para of your office letter dated 16.4.2004 ibid in the matter, which is in accordance with the extant instructions is confirmed. 3. This issues with the concurrence of the Finance Directorate of the Ministry of Railways. Copy of FA&CAO/SC’s letter No. A/EN/DP dated 16.04.2004 dt.11.3.04 Reg: Merger of 50% dearness allowance w.e.f. 01.04.04. Ref: Railway Bd’s letter No.PCV/2004/A/DA/I Dt.11.03.04. While implementing the Railway Board’s orders, regarding the merger of DA equal to 50% of existing basic pay, in the case of Running staff, this Railway has faced certain difficulties as to the methodology to be adopted for the calculation of 30% pay element and recovery of PF. Railway Board’s instructions at para 3 of their letter stipulate that the dearness pay would be provisionally calculated at Pay + 30% thereof. An illustrative case of an employee, eligible to draw running allowance is furnished below. (As per the extant procedure in vogue i.e. without DP) Pay (Element of Running allowance DA HRA Rs. 10000 Rs. 3000) Rs. 7930 Rs. 1950 a b c (61%on a+b) d(15% on a+b) Total Rs.19880 (a+b+d) However, when it comes to computation of Running allowance duly taking D.P. into account, there appears to be three ways of doing so and they are as under: Case I (in rupees) a. 10000 b. 5000 Case II Basic D.P. C 4500 d. 2145 R.A. D.A. e. 2925 HRA +1.9% 20070 (a+b+d+e) Hike % Total a. 10000 b. 6500 (50% of old Pay+ R A) c. 4950 (30% of pay + DP) d.2360 (11% of pay, DP & RA) e. 3218 (15% of Pay,DP & RA) +21.97% 22078 (a+b+d+e) Case III a. 10000 b. 6500 (50% of old Pay +R A) c. 3000 (30% of Pay alone) d. 2145 (11% of pay, DP & RA) e. 2925 (15% of Pay, DP & RA) +16.90% 21570 (a+b+d+e) It can be seen from the above that, in the first case, the employee’s DA is straight away fixed on Pay + DP where DP is just half of Pay and rise in emoluments for the employee is 1.9% only. Where as in the second case, DP is worked out based on 30% of Pay element which qualifies for DA, ie Pay + R.A., and this interpretation is more to the benefit of the employee, the difference due to merger of DA being (+) 21.97% and this benefit of calculation of DP based on pay + 30% thereof has also been extended to retiring employees, albeit provisionally, pending the receipt of recommendations of the Committee on Running Allowance - 2002. In the third case, however, Running Allowance is worked out on the basic pay alone at 30% and DP is worked out as usual on the pay + Running Allowance and by this way the employee’s emoluments rise by 16.9%, as against the 21.97% in the second case Incidentally, the margin of increase due to 50% merger in case of ministerial staff is 13%. Railway Board are requested to clarify which method is to be adopted for implementation. However, case III is proposed to be adopted for payment of salary for the month of April’04, pending clarification from Railway Board. . SERIAL CIRCULAR NO. 74 /2004 No.P(R )227/XIV Date: 3 -06-2004 Copy of Board’s letter No.E(D&A)2003RG6/15 dated 7.5.2004 is published for information, guidance and necessary action. Board’s letters dated 21.1.93 ( A&B) quoted therein were circulated as S.C.Nos.16/93 & 12/93 respectively. Copy of Board’s letter No. E(D&A)2003RG6/15 dated 7.5.2004 (RBE No.97/04) Sub: Promotion of Railway servants against whom disciplinary Proceedings have been initiated - procedure to be followed. Attention is invited to para 6 of Board’s letter No.E(D&A)92 RG6-149(B) dt.21.1.93 which provides as follows:“A Government Servant, who is recommended for promotion by the Departmental Promotion Committee but in whose case any of the circumstances mentioned in para 2 above arise after the recommendations of the DPC are received but before he is actually promoted, will be considered as if his case had been placed in a Sealed Cover by the Departmental Promotion Committee. He shall not be promoted until the conclusion of disciplinary case/criminal proceedings and the provisions contained in this letter will be applicable in his case also” Similar provisions are contained in para 3.1 of Board’s letter No.E(D&A)92/RG6149(A) dated 21.1.93 also, which are applicable to non-gazetted railway servants, with the exception that there will be no objection to promotion if the disciplinary proceedings initiated are for imposition of a minor penalty. 2. The above provisions envisage that if a disciplinary proceeding against a Railway servant on account of which the findings of the DPC in his case had been kept in a sealed cover, is finalised resulting in opening of sealed cover and grant of promotion but, before he is actually promoted, another disciplinary/judicial proceedings is initiated against him, then he shall not be promoted until the conclusion of the subsequent proceedings. In other words, the promotion of the railway servant would depend on the outcome of all such proceedings initiated before he is actually promoted. 3. The matter has been reviewed by the Board in the light of DOP&T’s office Memorandum No.22011/2/2002-Estt(A) dt.24.2.2003 (which is based on Hon’ble Supreme Court’s judgement in the case of Delhi Jal Board v/s Mohinder Singh (JT 2000(10)SC 158) and it has been decided that where the second or subsequent proceedings were instituted after promotion of the junior to the Railway servant on the basis of recommendation made by the DPC which kept the recommendation in respect of the Railway servant in sealed cover, the benefit of assessment by the DPC will be admissible to the Railway servant on his exoneration in the first proceedings, w.e.f. the date his immediate junior was promoted. 3.1 In this connection, it is further clarified that in case the subsequent proceedings (commenced after the promotion of the junior) were finalised earlier i.e. before exoneration of the Railway servant in the first proceedings and resulted in imposition of any penalty and the Railway servant concerned is to be promoted retrospectively on the basis of exoneration in the first proceedings, the penalty imposed may be modified and effected with reference to the promoted post. An indication to this effect may be made in the promotion order itself so that there is no ambiguity in the matter. 4. Board have also decided that the benefit of promotion on conclusion of the first proceedings may be allowed in those cases also where ad-hoc promotion in terms of para 5 of Board’s orders dt.21.1.93 referred to above had been given to the Railway servant during pendency of the disciplinary proceedings on account of delay in finalisation of these proceedings and on conclusion of the proceedings with imposition of a minor penalty (other than withholding of promotion) the Railway servant is deemed to be regularly promoted from the date of ad-hoc promotion in terms of provisions contained in para 5.3 of Board’s letter No.E(D&A)92/RG6-149(B) dated 21.1.93 and paras 5.3 and 5.4 of Board’s letter No.E(D&A)92/RG6-149(A) dt.21.1.93, provided the date of ad-hoc promotion of the Railway servant is prior to the date on which the second proceedings were instituted against him. 5. Illustrations of the above decisions are contained in Annexure-I. SERIAL CIRCULAR NO. 75 /2004 No.P(R )473/ VI Date:08 -06-2004 Copy of Board’s letter No.E(W)95 PS 5-1/29 dated 12.5.04 is published for information, guidance and necessary action. Copy of Board’s letter No. E(W)95 PS 5-1/29 dated 12.5.04 (RBE No.--/04) Sub: Issue of Passes to Widows undergoing training for their appointment on Compassionate ground. It has been brought to the notice of Board by NFIR that some Railways have stopped issuing Widow Passes to those who have been drafted for being imparted training for appointment on Railways. In this connection, it is clarified that a widow is eligible for Widow Pass till she herself gets appointed on Railways, or she has opted for being included in the Privilege Pass of her son/daughter. Widow pass may, therefore, be continued till she is actually got appointed or till she opts for inclusion in the Privilege Pass of her son/daughter subject to other conditions. SERIAL CIRCULAR NO. 76 /2004 No.P(R )481/VII Date: 14 -06-2004 Copy of Board’s letter No. PC-IV/93/JCM/DC/3 dated 20.4.04 is published for information, guidance and necessary action. Board’s letter dated 9.10.03 quoted therein was circulated as S.C.No.191/03. Copy of Board’s letter No. PC-IV/93/JCM/DC/3 dated 20.4.04 (RBE No89./04) Sub: Fixation of pay under Rule1313 FR22(I)(a)(1) - RII (erstwhile FR 22 C) on promotion from one post of another carrying identical scales of pay. In pursuance of restructuring of certain Gr.’C’ & ‘D” cadres on the Railways in terms of Board’s letter No.PC-III/91/CRC/1 dated 27.1.93, 20% posts of certain categories (viz.Drivers, Guards, Gangman (since re-designated as Trackman)/ Trolleyman/ Gateman/Watchman etc.) were placed in higher scale equivalent to that of their promotional post, without any corresponding change/increase in the basic duties and responsibilities attached with these posts. On placement in such higher scale without assumption of duties/responsibilities of greater importance, the staff was allowed fixation of pay under Rule 1313 FR 22(I) (a)(1) R-II (erstwhile FR 22 C). Under extant Rules, such staff placed in higher scale was not entitled to fixation of pay under above rule, when they were subsequently promoted to functionally superior post in identical scale of pay but with identifiably superior duties/responsibilities. Vide Board’s letter No.PCIII/2003/CRC/6 dated 9.10.2003 (para 3), the procedure for fixation of pay in such cases has been rationalised in the category of Guards and Drivers. Now, in the situation of placement in non-functional higher scale, the pay is to be fixed under Rule 1313 (FR 22)(I)(a)(2) R-II. However, when the concerned staff is subsequently promoted on functional basis though in identical scale, the pay will be fixed under Rule 1313 FR 22(1)(a)(I) R-II. The question of fixation of pay in situation of placement of Sr.Trackman /Trolleyman/Gateman/Watchman (scale Rs.2650-4000) in higher scale of these posts (viz. scale Rs.2750-4400) and then promotion to functionally superior post of Keyman in identical scale (Rs. 2750 - 4400) was also under consideration of the Ministry of Railways. It has now been decided in consultation with the recognised federations that henceforth when Sr.Trackman/Trolleyman /Gateman/ Watchman (scale Rs.2650-4000) are placed in higher scale of Rs.2750-4400, their pay would be fixed under Rule 1313 FR 22(I)(a)(2) R-II but on functional promotion as Keyman though in identical scale Rs.2750-4400, the pay would be fixed under Rule 1313 FR 22(I)(a)(1) R-II. While doing so, it is to be ensured that a person who has already got the benefit of fixation under Rule 1313 FR (1)(a)(I)R-II on his placement in higher scale Rs.2750-4400 of Sr.Trackman /Trolleyman/ Gateman/Watchman under erstwhile system does not get benefit of fixation under above rule again on promotion as Keyman, as per the revised scheme. The intention is that no employee gets fixation under Rule 1313 FR 22 (1)(a)(I) R-II twice on such type of movement. These orders take effect from the date of issue. SERIAL CIRCULAR NO. 77 /2004 No.P(R )676/II Date: 8 -06-2004 Copy of Board’s letter No. E(NG)I-2003/TR/30 dated 26.4.04 is published for information and necessary action. Copy of Board’s letter No. E(NG)I-2003/TR/30 dated 26.4.04 (RBE No.92/04) Sub: Staff working in construction units in new zonal railways Absorption in - question regarding. In the wake of seven new zones having become operational and the cadres in the Headquarter offices of these zones having been closed on 31.10.2003, the question of providing lien to staff working in the construction units of new zones but holding lien in different Divisions/Units on parent Railways and vice-versa, in Divisions/Units wherever they are physically working, has been considered by the Board with reference to proposals received to this effect from North Central and Northern Railways involving staff working in construction units of these Railways and that of Central and N.W.Railways. It has been decided by the Board that while the proposal to provide lien to these staff in Divisions/Units wherever they are physically working cannot be accepted as the same will adversely affect the seniority and promotion of existing staff in the relevant Divisions/Units, the staff concerned may continue working in Divisions/Units wherever they are working till such time it is convenient to them and the administration during which time they would continue to be considered for selections/promotions in the Divisions/Units where they hold lien. SERIAL CIRCULAR NO. 78 /2004 No.P(R )673/IV Date: 03-06-2004 Copy of Board’s letter No. E(MPP)2002/13/2 dated 27.4.04 is published for information, guidance and necessary action. Board’s letter dated 2.6.03 quoted therein was circulated as S.C.No.110/03. Copy of Board’s letter No. . E(MPP)2002/13/2 dated 27.4.04 (RBE No.94/04) Sub: Monetary incentive in the form of Training Allowance to faculty members deputed to Group C & D Training Centres. Board has been considering issues raised by various Railways for grant of incentives to instructors whether gazetted or non-gazetted who are posted to various training institutes/centres catering to the training needs of nongazetted staff. The issues raised vis-à-vis Board’s decision are as under. Issues raised by the Railways (a) Instructors if selected from the same grade may be given additional increment and training allowance. (b) Instructor selected from the lower grade with higher educational qualifications may be given grade as well as training allowance. (c) On promotion the instructor has to go back to his parent cadre since there is no vacancy in the higher grade or there is no higher post available. Board’s decision Instructors selected in the same grade should not be allowed additional increment as this does not amount to fixing of pay. The instructors are allowed Training Allowance wherever admissible. In terms of Board’s letter No.E(S)I56CPC/194 dt.18.10.58 staff either one grade lower or 2 grades lower than the scale allotted to the post of instructor can be considered for posting. This has to be used sparingly in case willing, suitable instructors are not available in the same grade. Since an individual gets this benefit, he cannot be granted training allowance. An instructor cannot avail both the benefits at a time. Further, while being repatriated the individual cannot claim the higher grade in his parent cadre. If there is no higher grade vacancy to accommodate the Instructor on promotion, the element of the higher grade post may be transferred from the parent Railway so that the Instructor may continue in the Training Institute till the completion of his tenure, subject to the condition that the principal of the training centre/institute recommends the retention of the instructor till the completion of his/her tenure. (d) Staff from other divisions is reluctant to Vide Board’s letter No.E(G)98QR1-10 opt as an instructor since no quarter dt.2.6.2003 (RBE No.89/2003), instructions facilities are earmarked. Adequate number have been issued that faculty members may of pooled accommodation is required. be permitted to retain Railway quarters at the previous place of posting for a maximum period of 2 years from the date of relief on payment of normal rent/flat rate of licence fee. Apart from above, it has also been decided that when an instructor is to be repatriated back to parent railway after completion of his tenure, he may be allowed to give 2 options of his/her choice of posting and the same should be considered as far as possible. This has the approval of the associate finance of the Ministry of Railways. SERIAL CIRCULAR NO. 79 /2004 No.P(R )673/IV Date: 3 -06-2004 Copy of Board’s letter No.E(MPP)2000/19/1/Pt.(Meditation) dated 27.4.04 is published for information, guidance and necessary action. Board’s letters dated 23.11.01, 23.8.02, 13.1.03 and 13.11.03 quoted therein were circulated as S.C.No.265/01, 178/02, 29/03 and 210/03 respectively. Copy of Board’s letter No. E(MPP)2000/19/1/Pt.(Meditation) dated 27.4.04 (RBE No.95/04) Sub: Yoga Training in Railway Training Centres. Ref: NFIR’s letter No.II/26 dated 29.2.04. In continuation of Board’s letter of even number dated 23.11.01, 23.8.2002, 9.12.2002, 13.1.2003 and 13.11.2003 on the subject mentioned above, it is decided that those instructors or staff who are holding certificate of competency issued by a recognized yoga institute for conducting yoga training and are not in receipt of training allowance, may be allowed honorarium subject to a limit of Rs.5000/- per annum per instructor. This is subject to the condition that such instructors staff take yoga classes over and above their normal quota of classes/normal duties. This issues with the concurrence of the Finance Dte. Of Ministry of Railways. SERIAL CIRCULAR NO. 80 /2004 No.P(R )66/NDA/ IV Date: 14 -06-2004 Copy of Board’s letter No.E(P&A)II-2004/HW-1 dated 7.5.04 is published for information, guidance and necessary action. Board’s letters dated 25.9.03, 11.3.04 and 12.3.04 quoted therein were circulated as S.C.No.186/03, 36/04 & 35/04. Copy of Board’s letter No. E(P&A)II-2004/HW-1 dated 7.5.04( (RBE No.96/04) Sub: Rates of Night Duty Allowance w.e.f. 1.1.2004 & 1.4.2004. Consequent to sanction of an additional instalment of Dearness Allowance vide this Ministry’s letter No.PC-V/97/I/7/14 dated 12.3.2004, the President is pleased to decide that the rates of Night Duty Allowance as notified vide Annexures ‘A’ and ‘B’ of Board’s letter No.E(P&A)II-2003/HW-2 dated 25.9.2003 stand revised with effect from 1.1.2004 as indicated at Annexure ‘A’ in respect of “Continuous’, ‘Intensive’, ‘Excluded’ categories and workshop employees, and as indicated at Annexure ‘B’ in respect of “Essentially Intermittent’ categories respectively. 2. Further, as a result of merger of dearness allowance with Basic Pay in terms of the instructions contained in Board’s letter No.PC-V/2004/A/DA/1 dated 11.3.2004, the President is pleased to decide that the rates of Night Duty Allowance as indicated in the attached Annexures ‘A &’B’ shall stand revised with effect from 1.4.2004 as indicated at Annexure ‘C’ in respect of “Continuous’, ‘Intensive’, ‘Excluded’ categories and workshop employees, and as indicated at Annexure ‘D’ in respect of “Essentially Intermittent’ categories respectively. Eligibility to the rates indicated in Annexures ‘C’ & ‘D’ is to be adjudged on the basis of Basic Pay alone since the component of merger of dearness allowance has been accounted for while working out the rates prescribed therein. 3. This issues with the concurrence of the Finance Directorate of the Ministry of Railways. ANNEXURE ‘A’ Rates of Night Duty Allowance with effect from 1.1.2004 for “Intensive’, ‘Continuous’ and ‘Excluded’ categories and Workshop staff at the various places classified as ‘A-1’, ‘A’, ‘B-1’, B2, and Ordinary localities including ‘C’ Class Cities. Sl. No . Pay slabs in Vth Pay Commission’s scales 1. 2 3 4 5 2550-2605 2606-2790 2791-3230 3231-3440 3441-4125 A-1 A `B-1 B-2 Ordinary localities including ‘C’ class cities. Rs. 19.70 20.60 23.15 25.55 28.90 Rs. 19.60 20.50 23.00 25.40 28.75 Rs. 19.50 20.40 22.85 25.30 28.65 Rs. 19.40 20.30 22.70 25.15 28.15 Rs. 19.30 20.20 22.55 25.00 28.35 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 4126-4270 4271-4480 4481-4630 4631-4870 4871-5165 5166-5465 5466-6210 6211-6655 6656-7850 6956-7860 & above 32.00 33.35 35.05 36.50 38.50 40.75 44.65 49.55 52.35 56.85 31.90 33.20 34.80 36.25 38.25 40.25 44.40 49.30 52.10 56.55 31.75 33.05 34.60 36.05 38.05 40.25 44.20 49.00 51.80 55.25 31.60 32.95 34.40 35.90 37.90 40.10 44.00 48.75 51.50 56.00 31.45 32.75 34.10 35.55 37.60 39.80 43.70 48.15 50.95 54.45 ANNEXURE ‘B’ Rates of Night Duty Allowance with effect from 1.1.2004 for ‘Essentially Intermittent’ categories at the various places classified as ‘A-1’, ‘A’, ‘B-1’, B-2, and Ordinary localities including ‘C’ Class Cities. Sl. Pay slabs in Vth Pay A-1 A `B-1 B-2 Ordinary N Commission’s localities o. scales including ‘C’ class cities. Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs. 1. 2550-2605 13.15 13.05 13.00 12.95 12.85 2 2606-2790 13.75 13.65 13.60 13.55 13.45 3 2791-3230 15.45 15.35 15.25 15.15 15.05 4 3231-3440 17.05 16.95 16.85 16.75 16.65 5 3441-4125 19.25 19.15 19.10 19.00 18.90 6 4126-4270 21.35 21.25 21.15 21.05 20.95 7 4271-4480 22.25 22.15 22.05 21.95 21.85 8 4481-4630 23.35 23.20 23.05 22.95 22.75 9 4631-4870 24.35 24.15 24.05 23.95 23.70 10 4871-5165 25.65 25.50 25.35 25.25 25.05 11 5166-5465 27.15 27.00 26.85 26.75 26.66 12 5466-6210 29.75 29.60 29.45 29.35 29.15 13 6211-6655 33.05 32.85 32.65 32.50 32.10 14 6656-7850 34.90 34.75 34.55 34.35 33.95 15 6956-7860 & above 37.90 37.70 37.50 37.35 36.95 ANNEXURE ‘C’ Rates of Night Duty Allowance with effect from 1.1.2004 ‘Intensive’, ‘Continuous’ and ‘Excluded’ categories and workshop staff at the various places classified as ‘A-1’, ‘A’, ‘B-1’, B-2, and Ordinary localities including ‘C’ Class Cities. Sl. No . Pay slabs in Vth Pay Commission’s scales A-1 A `B-1 B-2 Ordinary localities including ‘C’ class cities. Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs. 1. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 2550-2605 2606-2790 2791-3230 3231-3440 3441-4125 4126-4270 4271-4480 4481-4630 4631-4870 4871-5165 5166-5465 5466-6210 6211-6655 6656-7850 6956-7860 & above 20.55 21.45 24.25 26.75 30.25 33.90 35.30 36.70 38.20 40.25 42.55 46.60 51.20 54.10 58.75 20.40 21.35 24.00 26.55 30.00 33.65 35.00 36.40 37.90 40.00 42.30 46.35 50.95 53.80 58.45 20.25 21.20 23.80 26.30 29.75 33.35 34.75 36.10 37.65 39.70 42.00 46.05 50.65 53.55 58.15 20.15 21.05 23.60 26.15 29.60 33.05 34.45 35.85 37.35 39.40 41.75 45.75 50.45 53.25 57.90 19.95 20.90 23.30 25.85 29.30 32.50 33.90 35.30 36.80 38.85 41.15 45.20 49.80 52.70 57.35 ANNEXURE ‘D’ Rates of Night Duty Allowance with effect from 1.1.2004 for ‘Essentially Intermittent’ categories at the various places classified as ‘A-1’, ‘A’, ‘B-1’, B-2, and Ordinary localities including ‘C’ Class Cities. Sl. No . Pay slabs in Vth Pay Commission’s scales 1. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 2550-2605 2606-2790 2791-3230 3231-3440 3441-4125 4126-4270 4271-4480 4481-4630 4631-4870 4871-5165 5166-5465 5466-6210 6211-6655 6656-7850 6956-7860 & above A-1 A `B-1 B-2 Ordinary localities including ‘C’ class cities. Rs. 13.70 14.30 16.15 17.85 20.15 22.60 23.55 24.45 25.45 26.85 28.35 31.05 34.15 36.05 39.15 Rs. 13.60 14.25 16.00 17.70 20.00 22.45 23.35 24.25 25.25 26.65 28.20 30.90 33.95 35.85 38.95 Rs. 13.50 14.15 15.85 17.55 19.85 22.25 23.15 24.05 25.10 26.45 28.00 30.70 33.75 35.70 38.75 Rs. 13.45 14.05 15.75 17.45 19.75 22.05 22.95 23.90 24.90 26.25 27.85 30.50 33.60 35.50 38.60 Rs. 13.30 13.95 15.55 17.25 19.55 21.65 22.60 23.55 24.55 25.90 27.45 30.15 33.20 35.15 38.25 SERIAL CIRCULAR NO. 81 /2004 No.P(PC)487/CGEGIS Date: 26 -05-2004 Copy of Board’s letter No. PC-III/2000/GIS/2 dt.27.4.2004 is published for information, guidance and necessary action. Board’s letter dated 14.01.2004 quoted therein was circulated as non Serial Circular.. Copy of Board’s letter No. PC-III/2000/GIS/2 dt.27.4.2004 (RBE No.93/2004 ) Sub: Central Government Employees Group Insurance Scheme, 1980 -Revised Tables of Benefits for the Savings Fund for the period from 1.1.2004 to 31.12.204. In continuation of this Ministry’s letter No.PC-III/2000/GIS/2 dated 14.01.2004, a copy of O.M.No.7(2)/EV/2003 dated 05.03.2004 of the Ministry of Finance, Department of Expenditure on the above subject is forwarded herewith for information and necessary action. Ministry of Finance, Department of Expenditure’s O.M.No.7(2)/EV/2003 dated 05.03.200 Sub: Central Government Employees Group Insurance Scheme, 1980 -Revised Tables of Benefits for the Savings Fund for the period from 1.1.2004 to 31.12.204. The undersigned is directed to refer to this Ministry’s O.M. of even No. dated 8 th January,2004 forwarding therewith two Tables of Benefits under CGEGIS for the year 2004. In the Table based on a subscription of Rs.10 per month from 1.1.1982 to 31.12.1989 andRs.15 per month w.e.f. 1.1.1990 onwards, there are some mistakes in the figures for the month of March 2004. The mistake has been rectified and a new revised Table has been prepared for the year 2004. A copy of the Table is enclosed. The other terms and conditions while preparing this Table are the same as indicated in O.M. dated 8th January,2004.. CENTRAL GOVT.EMPLOYEES GROUP INSURANCE SCHEME 1980 Accumulated value of contribution from 1st Jan.of year of entry to the month and year of cessation Contribution @ Rs.10/- p.m. upto 31.12.89 and Rs.15 throughout after 1.1.90 Year of cessation of membership 2004 Month of cessation of membership Year Jan Feb. Mar Apr. May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct. Nov. of entry 1982 9583 9568 9732 9806 9882 9958 10035 10111 10189 10267 10346 1983 8643 8712 8779 8848 8917 8986 9057 9128 9199 9269 9341 1984 7796 7859 7921 7884 8047 8112 8176 8240 8305 8371 8436 1985 7036 7094 7151 7208 7267 7325 7384 7444 7504 7564 7625 1986 6353 6407 6460 6513 6567 6620 6676 6729 6784 6841 6896 1987 5742 5792 5839 5889 5939 5989 6039 6088 6140 6191 6243 Dec. 10425 9414 8503 7685 6953 6295 1988 5197 5242 5287 1989 4702 4745 4787 1990 4263 4303 4342 1991 3679 3714 3748 1992 3159 3191 3222 1993 2697 2726 2754 1994 2287 2314 2339 1995 1922 1946 1969 1996 1599 1620 1642 1997 1311 1329 1350 1998 1055 1074 1090 1999 829 845 861 2000 626 641 656 2001 448 461 474 2002 288 300 313 2003 143 154 166 2004 11 21 32 Note: Basis Used From To 1.1.82 31.12.82 1.1.83 31.12.86 1.1.87 31.12.89 1.1.90 31.12.00 1.1.01 31.12.01 1.1.02 31.12.02 1.1.03 31.12.03 1.1.04 31.12.04 5332 4829 4381 3784 3254 2783 2366 1993 1663 1370 1108 876 671 488 323 177 42 5378 4871 4421 3819 3286 2812 2391 2016 1684 1388 1126 893 686 502 336 189 53 5424 4914 4460 3855 3319 2841 2417 2040 1706 1409 1144 909 701 516 349 201 64 5471 4956 4500 3891 3351 2871 2444 2065 1728 1428 1163 926 717 530 362 212 75 5518 4999 4541 3928 3383 2900 2471 2089 1750 1448 1181 943 731 543 375 224 86 5565 5044 4582 3964 3416 2930 2497 2113 1771 1469 1200 960 747 558 390 236 97 5611 5088 4623 4001 3449 2959 2525 2138 1794 1489 1217 976 762 572 403 249 108 5660 5132 4663 4039 3484 2991 2552 2162 1816 1510 1236 993 777 587 416 261 119 10% Saving 68.75 from 1.1.82 to 31.12.87 11% 70% from 1.1.88 and onwards 12% 12% Risk 31.25% from 1.1.82 to 31.12.87 11% 30% from 1.1.88 and onwards 9.50% 9.00% 8.00% SERIAL CIRCULAR NO. 82 /2004 No.P(PC)487/V/PC/6/CRC/Vol.IV Date:10-06-2004 Copy of Board’s letter No.PC-III/2004/CRC/3 dated 3.6.04 is published for information, guidance and necessary action. Board’s letter dated 9.10.03 and 6.1.2004 quoted therein were circulated as S.C.No.191/03 and 7/04. Copy of Board’s letter No. PC-III/2004/CRC/3 dated 3.6.04 (PC-V /--,RBE No.114 /04) 5707 5176 4705 4075 3518 3020 2579 2187 1840 1529 1255 1010 793 600 429 272 131 Sub: Restructuring of certain Group ‘C’ & ‘D’ cadres Status of selections finalised between 01.11.2003 and 06.1.2004. Ref: Railway Board’s letter No.PC-III/2003/CRC/3 dt.09.10.2003 & 06.1.2004. As per the provisions contained in para 4 of this Ministry’s letter dt.09.10.2003, existing classification of the posts covered by these orders as ‘selection’ and ‘non-selection, as the case may be, was to remain unchanged and action was to be taken to position the employees as per the existing procedure. Subsequently, above provision was substituted by new para 4 of this Ministry’s letter dt.06.01.2004 and modified selection procedure had been introduced. According to the revised provisions as contained in para 4.1 & 4.2, normal vacancies existing on 01.11.2003 (except direct recruitment quota) and those arising on that date from the cadre restructuring including chain/resultant vacancies should be filled up in the following sequence: (i) (ii) From panels approved on or before 01.11.2003 and current on that date; and the balance in the manner indicated in para 4 (viz. Modified selection procedure). It was also provided in para 4.2 that such selections which have not been finalised by 01.11.2003 should be cancelled/abandoned. 2. A number of references have been received from the Railways regarding the status of panels/selections finalised between 01.11.2003 and 06.01.2004. The issue of status of selections finalised between 01.11.2003 and 06.1.2004 has been examined and it has been decided with the approval of the President that the provisions of Board’s letter dated 06.01.2004 regarding existing classification and filling up of the vacancies as contained in para 4.1 and 4.2 may be modified as under:4.1 Normal vacancies existing on 01.11.2003 except direct recruitment quota and those arising on that date from this cadre restructuring including chain/resultant vacancies should be filled in the following sequence: i) ii) from the panels approved on or before 05.01.2004 and current on that date. and the balance in the manner indicated in para 4 (viz. Modified para 4 of Board’s letter dated 06.01.2004). 4.3 Such selections which have not been finalized by 05.01.204 should be cancelled/abandoned. 3. It is also clarified that the panels approved till 05.01.2004 and current on above date are to be operated to cover only the already existing vacancies (except DR quota) as on 01.11.2003 as per para 4(I) above and the remaining existing vacancies (except DR quota) and those arising out of restructuring (including chain/resultant vacancies) should be filled up as per para 4 (ii) above. The candidates left out in the un-operated portion of the above panels may be considered as per their seniority for promotion as per para 4(ii) above. If they are not promoted as per their seniority, such candidates placed on the un-exhausted portion of the panel may be considered for promotion against the anticipated vacancies for which they were selected, without subjecting them to fresh selection, provided they are otherwise eligible as per normal rules and the panel is also in force. The panels which were formed to fill up only the normal anticipated vacancies arising after 01.11.2003 may be operated as per normal rules after filling up the existing vacancies and those arising out of restructuring including chain/resultant vacancies. SERIAL CIRCULAR NO. 83 /2004 No.P(PC)487/V/Imp/97/Vol.V Date: 14-06-2004 Copy of Board’s letter No.E(P&A)1-2003/PS-5/PE-18 dated 21.4.04 is published for information, guidance and necessary action. Board’s letters dated 18.1.99, 19.4.99, 5.7.02 and 12.5.03 quoted therein were circulated as S.C.Nos.136/02, 101/03, 51/99 and 115/99. Copy of Board’s letter No. E(P&A)1-2003/PS-5/PE-18 dated 21.4.04 (PC-V/408,RBE No.82/04) Sub: Revision of pay scales of Railway School Librarians - on the recommendations of V CPC. Ref: Board’s letters No.PC-V/98/I/11/26 dated 08.01.99, 19.04.99, E(P&A)I-2002/PS-5/PE-3 dated 5.7.02 & 12.5.2003. A doubt has been raised in respect of replacement scale of Railway School Librarians working in the pre-revised scale of Rs.1200-2040. It is clarified that the pay scale of the Librarian in the pre-revised scale of Rs.1200-2040 which was inadvertently not included in Board’s letter dated 08.01.99 are as under:Grade Existing Revised Basic Grade Rs.1200-2040 Rs.4500-7000 Senior Grade Rs.1400-2600 Rs.5500-9000 Selection Grade Rs.1640-2900 Rs.6500-10500 2. These scales of pay are also applicable to the Librarians in the above mentioned scale in Oak Grove School, Jharapani under Northern Railway. 3. This issues with the concurrence of the Finance Directorate of the Ministry of Railways. SERIAL CIRCULAR NO. 84 /2004 No.P(R )227/ XIV Date: 17-06-2004 Copy of Board’s letter No. E(D&A)2004/GS 1-3 dated 20.5.04 is published for information, guidance and necessary action. Copy of Board’s letter No. E(D&A)2004/GS 1-3 dated 20.5.04 (RBE No.102/04) Sub: Accountability for delay in decision-making. A Core Group on Administrative Reforms (CGAR) was constituted under the chairmanship of Cabinet Secretary in February, 2003 to formulate specific changes in the systems and procedures in consultation with the ministries/departments concerned and to advise strategies for changing attitudes. The Core Group has decided that the existing provisions about accountability mechanism should be reiterated with a view to bring to everyone’s notice that these provisions are adequate for initiating disciplinary proceedings when an officer adopts a dilatory attitude leading to delay in decision-making and/or harassment of the public. 2. In view of the above, attention is drawn to the following provisions of Railway Services (Conduct) Rules, 1966:Rule 3. (1) (i) (ii) (iii) GENERAL Every railway servant shall at all times -- maintain absolute integrity; maintain devotion to duty; and do nothing which is unbecoming of a railway servant. (2) (i) Every railway servant holding a supervisory post shall take all possible steps to ensure the integrity and devotion to duty of all railway servants for the time being under his control and authority; (ii) No railway servant shall, in performance of his official duties, or in the exercise of powers conferred on him, act otherwise than in his best judgement except when he is acting under the direction of his official superior; *** **** **** EXPLANATION I - A railway servant who habitually fails to perform the task assigned to him within the time set for the purpose and with the quality of performance expected of him shall be deemed to be lacking in devotion to duty within the meaning of clause (ii) of sub-rule (1). EXPLANATION II - Nothing in clause (ii) of sub-rule (2) shall be construed as empowering a railway servant to evade his responsibilities by seeking instructions from, or approval of, a superior officer or authority when such instructions are not necessary under the scheme of distribution of powers and responsibilities. Rule 3A. Promptness and Courtesy. No Railway servant shall (a) (b) in the performance of his official duties, act in a discourteous manner; in his official dealings with the public or otherwise adopt dilatory tactics or willfully cause delays in disposal of the work assigned to him. 3. Rule 6 of the Railway Servants (D&A) Rules, 1968 provides that the penalties (ranging from ‘censure’ to ‘dismissal’) mentioned therein may be imposed on a railway servant ‘for good and sufficient reasons’. Thus any railway servants violating the provisions of Conduct Rules can be proceeded against as it will form ‘good and sufficient reasons’ for imposing the penalties prescribed in Rule 6. In other words, disciplinary proceedings could be initiated if an officer adopts a dilatory attitude, leading to delay in decisions making and/or harassment of the public. 4. The above cited provisions should be brought to the notice of all officers and staff on the railway and it may be clarified to them that if they are found responsible for wilful delay in disposal of the various types of cases dealt with by them, finally leading to delay in decisions making, they shall be liable for disciplinary action in terms of the relevant provisions referred to in para 2 and 3 above. SERIAL CIRCULAR NO. 85 /2004 No.P(R )229/IV Date:17-06-2004 Copy of Board’s letter No.E(G)2004 HO1-2 dated 21.5.04 is published for information, guidance and necessary action. Copy of Board’s letter No. E(G)2004 HO1-2 dated 21.5.04 (RBE No.103/04) Sub: Payment of honorarium to the Stenos engaged by the Arbitrators for the work relating to Arbitration/Arbitration award. Ministry of Railways have considered the question of payment of honorarium to the Stenos engaged by the Arbitrators for the secretarial work in connection with Arbitration/Arbitration award. It has been decided that the Stenos engaged for the Arbitration work/Arbitration award would be entitled to an honorarium of Rs.500/- per case. Only one Steno would be permitted in each case. In cases where services of more than one Stenos are utilized, the amount of honorarium payable would still be Rs.500/which can be divided by the Arbitrator among the various Stenos who work for the case. In the event the Board of Arbitration consists of more than one member, selection of Stenographer shall be left to the Presiding Officer. In the first instance, efforts should be made to nominate a serving railway employee to work as Stenographer. If no serving Railway employee is available to work as stenographer, only then a retired Railway officer appointed as Arbitrator may be asked to bring his own stenographer. This issues with the concurrence of Finance Directorate of the Ministry of Railways. SERIAL CIRCULAR NO. 86 /2004 No.P(R )407/IX `Date: 21-06-2004 Copy of Board’s letter No.E(LL)86/AT/GRA/1-2 Part-II dated 21.5.04 information, guidance and necessary action. is published for Copy of Board’s letter No. E(LL)86/AT/GRA/1-2 Part-II dated 21.5.04 (RBE No.104/04) Sub: Rate of interest payable on delayed payments of Gratuity under the Payment of Gratuity Act,1972 applicable to Casual Labours of Railways. Attention is drawn to Section 7(3)(A) of the Payment of Gratuity Act which provides that if the amount of gratuity payable under Sub-section (3) is not paid by the employer within the period specified in Sub-section (3), the employer shall pay, from the date on which the gratuity becomes payable to the date on which it is paid, simple interest not exceeding the rate notified by the Central Government from time to time for repayment of long term deposits, as that Government may, by notification specify. The issue regarding rate of interest payable on delayed payment under the Payment of Gratuity Act,1972 was raised in the PNM meeting. The matter has been examined in consultation with the Ministry of Labour. It has been advised that as per the notification no.SO-874(E) dated 01.10.1987 (copy enclosed), the simple interest on delayed payment of gratuity under the Gratuity Act,1972 has been specified as 10% per annum. In view of the fact that there has been no subsequent revision/change made in rate notified by the Ministry of Labour, the existing simple interest rate i.e. 10% per annum would continue to be applicable on the Railways where the Railways are liable to pay interest on account of delayed payment of gratuity under the Act. Ministry of Railways desires that payment of gratuity under the payment of Gratuity Act,1972 wherever due may be paid in time so that the requirement of paying interest on delayed payment of gratuity can be avoided. This issues in consultation with the Finance Directorate of this Ministry. Copy of Notification No.S.O.874(E) dated 1.10.1987 Published in the Gazette of India [Extraordinary] Part II Section 3 Sub-section [ii] published on 1-10-87 S.O.874(E) In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (3A) of section 7 of the Payment of Gratuity Act, 1972 (39 of 1972), the Central Govt. hereby specifies ten percent per annum as the rate of simple interest payable for the time being by the employer to his employee in cases where the gratuity is not paid within the specified period. This notification shall come into force on the date of its publication in the official Gazette. SERIAL CIRCULAR NO. 87 /2004 No.P(R )554/VI Date:21 -06-2004 Copy of Board’s letter No.E(G)2003 QR 1-6 dated 18.5.04 is published for information, guidance and necessary action. Board’s letters dated 2.9.02 and 25.9.03 quoted therein were circulated as S.C.Nos.176/02 & 190/03, respectively. Copy of Board’s letter No. E(G)2003 QR 1-6 dated 18.5.04 (RBE No.--/04) Sub: Retention of Railway accommodation at the previous place of posting in favour of Officers/staff posted to new zones. Attention is invited to Board’s letter No.E(G)97 QR1-28 dated 2.9.2002 permitting the officers and staff posted to new Zones/Divisions to retain Railway quarters at the previous place of posting for a period of one year from the date of relief. Vide Board’s letter of even number dated 25.9.2003, such officers/staff who had joined the new Zones/Divisions were permitted further retention for a period of one year. One of the Railways has sought a clarification as to whether officers/staff who have been posted to new Zones after issue of Board’s letter dated 25.9.2003 will be allowed to retain Railway quarters at their previous place of posting for a period of one year or two years from the date of release. It is clarified that officers/staff posted to new Zones/Divisions after the issue of Board’s letter of even number dated 25.9.2003 would be eligible to retain Railway quarter at the previous place of posting for a period of one year only from the date of release. This disposes off East Coast Railway’s letter No.ECoR/GA/Qtr/Policy/1939 dated 24.10.2003. This issues with the concurrence of Finance Directorate of the Ministry of Railways. SERIAL CIRCULAR NO. 88 /2004 No.P(R )473/VI Date: 17-06-2004 Copy of Board’s letter No. E(W)2001/PS5-1/24 dated 18.5.2004 is published for information, guidance and necessary action. Copy of Board’s letter No. E(W)2001/PS5-1/24 dated 18.5.2004 (RBE No.--/04) Sub: Mention of age of employee/family member/dependents in Pass /PTO. It has come to the notice of Board that age of the employee/family member/dependents are not being recorded, when passes/PTOs are issued to Railway employees. It has, therefore, been desired that age of person, who intend to travel in the pass should be recorded invariably, to prevent fraudulent use of passes. SERIAL CIRCULAR NO. 89 No.P(R )481/VII /2004 Date: 21-06-2004 Copy of Board’s letter No.E(P&A)II-2002/RS-24 dated 14.1.04 & 28-4-04 are published for information, guidance and necessary action. Board’s letter dated 9.1.98 quoted therein was circulated as S.C.No.48/98. Copy of Board’s letter No. .E(P&A)II-2002/RS-24 dated 14.1.04 (RBE No.12/04) Sub: Benefits admissible to Medically decategorised drivers drafted to perform the duties of Power/Crew Controllers. Please refer to the instructions contained in Para 2(g) of Board’s letter No.E(P&A)II83/RS-10 dated 9.1.1998. 2. It has come to notice that on some divisions in the Zonal Railways, allowance in lieu of kilometreage is being allowed to medically decategorised drivers drafted to perform the duties of Power Controllers/Crew Controllers, in terms of the above instructions. In this connection, it is brought to your notice that medically decategorised drivers drafted to perform the duties of Power Controllers/Crew Controllers, cease to be running staff and, therefore, are not eligible to any benefit specifically admissible to the Running staff. Accordingly, the allowance in lieu of kilometreage or addition in basic pay for computation of retirement benefits is not admissible in such cases. The pay of the medically decategorised drivers on such drafting, has also necessarily to be fixed as per the extant instructions governing fixation of pay of medically decategorised drivers appointed in alternative stationary posts. This issues with the concurrence of the Finance Directorate of the Ministry of Railways. Copy of Board’s letter No. .E(P&A)II-2002/RS-24 dated 28-04.04 (RBE No.12/04) Sub: Benefits admissible to Medically decategorised drivers drafted to perform the duties of Power/Crew Controllers. Please refer to Board’s letter of even number dated 14-1-2004 on the above subject. 2. It is clarified that pay fixation of the medically decategorised drivers drafted to perform the duties of Power Controllers/Crew Controllers is to be regulated in accordance with the instructions contained in Board’s letter No. E[NG]I/96/RE3/9(2) dated 29-4-99. 3. This issues with the concurrence of the Finance Directorate of the Ministry of Railways. SERIAL CIRCULAR NO. 90 /2004 No.P(R )563/VI Date: 25 -06-2004 Copy of Board’s letter No. E(RRB)/2003/25/7 dated 24.5.04 is published for information, guidance and necessary action. Board’s letter dated 4-6-03 quoted therein was circulated as SC No. 109/03. Copy of Board’s letter No. E(RRB)/2003/25/7 dated 24.5.04 (RRCB No.4/04) Sub: Procedure for application of Aptitude Test in direct recruitment to safety categories of staff on Indian Railways. Ref: 1. Board’s letter of even number dated 4.6.2003. 2. RDSO’s letter No.PT/PP/1.1.3 dated 31.10.203. Board have reviewed the procedure for application of Aptitude Test in direct recruitment to safety categories of staff on Indian Railways as mentioned in para 1(iv) of their letter of even number dated 4.6.2003 quoted above. Procedure as approved by the Board for conducting Aptitude Test to the post of Assistant Station Master, Diesel/Electric Assistant and Motorman is enclosed herewith. PROCEDURE FOR APPLICATION OF APTITUDE TEST IN RECRUITMENT OF SAFETY CATEGORIES OF STAFF ON INDIAN RAILWAYS. 1. 1.1 OBJECTIVE 2. 2.1 SCOPE The aptitude tests are applicable in direct recruitment of following categories of staff i) Assistant Station Master ii) Assistant Driver (Diesel/Electric) iii) Motorman (EMU/MEMU/DMU) 3. 3.1 APPLICABILITY Aptitude tests shall be applicable to those candidates who qualify in the written tests conducted by Railway Recruitment Boards or the Zonal Railways against direct recruitment quota. 4. 4.1 STATUS OF APTITUDE TESTS The marks obtained in written test would be added to marks obtained in Aptitude test to prepare a combined merit list on the basis of total marks of 100. The ratio of written test marks and aptitude test marks shall be 70:30. RDSO shall keep a record of candidate who (according to the multiple cut-off system applied earlier) would have failed on psychological parameters but would now qualify because of their high marks in written examination. Such candidates shall be marked with an asteric denoting that they are a safety risk. This information will not affect their empanelment for the job; however, their performance shall be monitored by RDSO in follow-up studies. 4.2 4.3 Aptitude tests are prescribed for recruitment to identified categories of posts, vide Board’s letter No.E(RRB)2003/25/7 dated 4.6.2003 (Annexure-I), with a view to improve quality of personnel and operational safety. These tests aim at matching of employees with requirements of respective jobs in terms of basic skills, aptitudes and personality dispositions. This procedure aims at outlining the responsibility of various agencies involved in aptitude testing, viz., Railway Recruitment Boards, Zonal Railways, RDSO and Railway Recruitment Control Board. 5. 5.1 APTITUDE TESTS TO BE USED IN RECRUITMENT The Aptitude test batteries standardised by RDSO for respective categories shall be used in recruitments. RDSO may replace a test battery, in part or full, for any category mentioned in Para 2.1 as and when considered necessary, as a result of further research or periodic reviews. 6. 6.1 AMINISTRATION OF APTITUDE TESTING PROGRAMME. The responsibility of administering Aptitude tests and their evaluation shall rest primilarily with the Psychio Technical Unit attached to Chief Safety Officer of the concerned Zonal Railway in co-ordination with the Railway Recruitment Board. The tests shall be conducted by SSO/JSO associating an officer nominated by Chief Safety Officer. In addition Chief Personnel Officer shall also nominate one JA Grade Officer who shall witness opening and sealing of test papers prior to and after test administration and collect duplicate answer sheets for onward transmission to Railway Recruitment Control Board (RRCB). Role of Railway Recruitment Boards shall be limited to drawing up the programme of testing in consultation with the Psycho Technical unit of the Zonal Railway and providing facilities and assistance for efficient and smooth conduct of testing programme. Role of RDSO shall be confined to make necessary tests and manuals available, periodic monitoring of testing, training of personnel connected with testing and follow up research. The sequence of activities involved in application of Aptitude tests and specific functions and responsibilities of various agencies involved in the process are indicated in paras 6.1.1 and 6.1.2. 6.1.1 Sequence of Activities i) ii) iii) iv) (a) On finalisation of results of written examination, the Chairman/RRB will draw a tentative programme for Aptitude testing and approach concerned Chief Safety Officer for confirmation of dates. The Chief Safety officer after reviewing the other commitments of SSO/JSO will accept the dates or suggest alternative dates for holding the Aptitude tests. He will also nominate one officer of Traffic Department in case of ASMs or one officer of Mechanical/Electrical Department in case of Asstt .Drivers/Motormen to serve on the Committee for conduct of Aptitude tests. CSO shall also nominate one officer to associate in processing of the results. The SSO/JSO will inform RDSO as soon as the dates of testing are finalised giving details of candidates called in each session, total number of candidates, number of venues and exact days of testing. SSO/JSO along with a representative of RRB shall collect the test papers and answer sheets from RDSO one week prior to the date of testing and ensure that following have been issued: Test Packs (TP) Test Pack contains 20 booklets each of any 2 forms of the 5/6 tests constituting the battery. This pack also contains a content slip in duplicate giving the details of the material. Each packet is assigned a code number which is written on it. In addition to normal test packs, one extra packet marked Emergency Test Pack shall be given to meet out the emergencies. Packets are sealed under facsimile of the signature of In-charge of the Test material/RDSO. A sample of this facsimile will be given along with the test material. The number of Test Packs issued will depend on the duration of testing. Normally, if tests are scheduled to be completed within a period of 7 days, the number of packets will be 3. In case tests are scheduled to be held simultaneously on more than one venue, separate Test Packs shall be issued for each venue. b) Test Slip Envelope (TSE) For deciding which Test Pack shall be used on a particular day, test administrator is given a set of Test Slip Envelopes, inscribed A,B,C,D, etc. and venue for the testing, in case tests are being organized at more than one location. These envelopes contain a Slip with code number of Test Pack. c) Assorted Material Envelope This envelope contains assortment of various forms and accessories needed for testing, viz., Daily Report Form, Cancellation Form, Record Form of opening and resealing the test material and paper seals. d) OMR Answer Sheets The OMR answer sheets relevant to the category for which the tests are being organised shall be issued in required quantity. e) Issue Note. An Issue Note giving complete details of the material issued for the information of JA Grade coordinating officer. v) The SSO/JSO will normally report to Chairman/RRB one day before the scheduled date of examination. He shall also visit the venue and satisfy himself that it is as per the technical requirement. vi) The Chairman/RRB will depute one Group C staff for verification of identity of candidates and obtaining attendance. vii) On the day of testing the nominated JA Grade Officer after satisfying himself that all test material is in sealed condition shall pick up any one of the Test Slip Envelops in the presence of SSO/JSO and Committee Member for deciding the Test Pack to be used that day. The assorted material pack and required number of OMR sheets shall also be taken along with the Test Pack. viii) The Test Pack shall be opened by SSO/JSO in the presence of Committee Members and its contents tallied with the packed material and after verifications of the material, a copy of the content slip duly signed by Test Administrator and Committee Members shall be Faxed/Posted to RDSO. The second copy of the content slip shall be packed along with the test material in the Test Pack. In case any discrepancy is noticed, the same must be advised immediately to RDSO and that Test Pack should not be used till further advice. In the meantime Emergency Pack can be used for testing. ix) Normally, two forms of each test will be used in a testing session. The booklets should be distributed to the candidates in such a way that two adjoining candidates do not get the same test form. The Committee Members should not go through the contents of the test booklets during the testing session. The number of booklets taken out should be equal to the number of candidates. All uncirculated booklets should be kept under lock and key. The details of the booklets which are cancelled in the examination hall shall be entered in the cancellation form. Immediately after completion of a particular test, its booklets shall be serialized and repacked including the cancelled Booklets. Same envelope can be used for repacking if it is in a good condition. After the testing session is over booklets of all the tests shall be repacked in its original envelope/wrapper or in a fresh cloth lined envelope, if the earlier one is spoiled, and the original code number of the Test Pack recorded on it. x) The tests will be administered by the SSO/JSO as per the guidelines laid down therefor. In a day 70 candidates, split in two batches of not more than 35 candidates each, may be put to Aptitude tests. xi) As soon as the tests for first session are over, the duplicate carbon-less answer sheets shall be separated from the main sheet. The two sets of sheets shall be packed in separate envelopes and sealed using paper seals bearing signature of all the members of the Committee. xii) The original OMR answer sheets shall be handed over to Chairman/RRB for coding on day-to-day basis. The sealed envelop containing duplicate answer sheets shall be made over to JA Grade coordinating officer for onward transmission to RRCB without delay at any of the stages. xiii) The coded answer sheets shall be returned to SSO/JSO, preferably the next day under the seal of Chairman/RRB. The Chairman shall also get the code number marked in appropriate grid of OMR sheet by darkening the circle so that OMR sheets would be directly fed to OMR for scanning at the time of processing of results. The code numbers allotted by Chairman/RRB shall be in an unbroken series. xiv) RDSO may depute their representative on any one of the days of testing for quality audit of Aptitude testing programme. xv) Results of tests will normally be processed on the OMRs installed at the Zonal Railways. xvi) On reaching headquarters the SSO/JSO will request the Chief Safety Officer for nominating an officer for being associated in processing the results. xvii) At the time of processing of results, the answer sheets shall be opened in the presence of Committee member who shall ensure that seals on the packets are intact. The sheets will be scanned packet-wise. After the scanning of entire lot of answer sheets is over the SSO/JSO shall randomly check correctness of five to six scanned sheets by tallying the marked responses with the data file. For verifying the correctness of evaluation sample data files have been provided. The SSO/JSO can evaluate relevant sample data file and compare the results with model result sheet provided to them. If the results tally with the model results, it may be concluded that there is no error in processing and the Committee can go ahead with the processing of main results. In case any discrepancy is noted they shall get in touch with RDSO for further instructions. The sample data file does not reflect current norms/cut-offs. xviii) After processing of result is over all the answer sheets will be sealed bearing signatures of all the Committee members. The used sheet shall be kept in a secure place till these are due for destruction. xix) The print-out of results shall be taken in two copies. Each page of the result sheet shall be signed by the members of the Committee. The results will be put up to Chief Safety Officer for his information and administrative approval indicating the number of candidates tested, pass percentage, etc. Any problems encountered in the course of testing or suggestions may also be brought to the knowledge of Chief Safety Officer. One copy of the result will be sent to Chairman/RRB in a sealed cover by Speed Post/Courier and the other copy will be kept for record by SSO/JSO.A soft copy of the marks file, on a Floppy disk or CDROM, sent to RDSO for follow-up research. xx) The processing of result shall not take more than a week. xxi) The Chairman/RRB shall send a copy of the panel of finally selected candidates along with code number to SSO/JSO after finalisation of results. xxii) RDSO shall arrange to make random surveillance checks on accuracy of result processed at Zonal Railways. xxiii) The used answer sheets shall be preserved by SSO/JSO for a period of three months from the date of declaration of panel. After this period these may be destroyed. In case, there is any Court Case or Vigilance inquiry pending against the selection the sheets may be preserved till its finalisation. 6.1.2 The specific functions and responsibilities of various agencies involved in Aptitude testing programmes are as follows(a) Functions and responsibilities of Railway Recruitment Board. (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi) (vii) (b) Functions and responsibilities of Chief Safety Officer. (i) (ii) (iii) c. Fix dates for Aptitude testing on request of RRB in consultation with SSO/JSO. Nominate one officer to associate with SSO/JSO in testing and one officer for processing of results. Accord administrative approval to Aptitude test results. He shall keep a watch on pass percentage and any deviation from the procedure brought to his knowledge by Committee of officers. Functions and responsibilities of Chief Personnel Officer. (i) d. Intimate the schedule of recruitment programmes to Chief Safety officer, sufficiently in advance indicating the category, number of candidates to be tested etc. Chalk out the programme of testing and issue intimation to candidates on receiving confirmation of dates from Chief Safety Officer. As per extant instructions UR and OBC candidates three times the number of vacancies and SC & ST candidates four times the number of vacancies may be short listed and called for Aptitude Test. Arrange for suitable venue for administration of Aptitude tests. The room selected for testing should have 35 tables and chairs, black board and one office table and 3 chairs for committee members. The room should have proper lighting and ventilation and should be free from noise and distractions. Depute one Group C staff for verification of identity of candidates and obtain attendance. Arrange coding and marking of appropriate circles on OMR answer sheets. While coding the roll numbers of the candidates, only numerals shall be used. The Chairman shall use continuous series while coding. To ensure secrecy, they may reshuffle the answer sheets or mix answer sheets of one or two sessions before coding. In case, under certain compulsion, Chairman/Railway Recruitment Board does not agree to give continuous codes, he should supply a typed list of all code numbers, which could be used for verification of code numbers at the time of processing the results. Advise details of candidates whose scores have been marked with an asteric along with their written and aptitude test scores to RDSO for follow up research. Assist SSO/JSO in collecting the test material from RDSO and sending it back. Nominate one JA Grade Officer to witness opening/sealing of test material and collection of duplicate answer sheets for sending to RRCB. Functions and responsibilities of Zonal Psycho-Technical Unit (i) Administer Aptitude tests on the candidates who qualify in written test for the categories mentioned in Para 2.1 in accordance with the guidelines issued by RDSO. (ii) Collect test material from RDSO. (iii) Fax/Post the content slips after tallying the test material on day-to-day basis till each test pack has been opened at least once. (iv) Score and evaluate answer sheets of candidates in accordance with the norms and standards laid down for the purpose from time to time. If test(s) requiring manual scoring and interpretation is/are used in a recruitment, the same shall be scored by Chief Scientific Research Assistant (CSRA)/Senior Scientific Research Assistant (SSRA) under the supervision of SSO/JSO and other committee members. Responsibility for correctness of manual scoring and interpretation shall fully and solely rest with SSO/JSO. The Zonal units may take assistance of RDSO in processing of Aptitude test results, in case of emergency. (v) Fix the date for processing of results in consultation with the officer nominated for the purpose. (vi) Process the results after the correctness of the data entry and software has been verified. Scoring keys, wherever applicable and norms for evaluation of results shall remain in the custody of SSO/JSO. It will be the responsibility of SSO/JSO to update their schemes before processing the results. Latest schemes can be obtained through E-mail at following addresses - edpsy@sancharnet.in. The processing shall be done by SSO/JSO in presence of other Committee member. (vii) Sign each page of the result. This shall be done jointly by SSO/JSO and the Committee member. (viii) Seek administrative approval of results from concerned Chief Safety officer. (ix) Advise the results to Railway Recruitment Board or Railway Administration in a confidential cover. (x) Return the test material to RDSO immediately on conclusion of the testing programme. (xi) Ensure that tests, when not in use are kept under lock and key and no one has access to these except the candidates at the time of taking the tests. (xii) Preserve the answer sheets of candidates tested for a minimum period of 6 months from the date of publication of the panel by the Railway Recruitment Board/Zonal Railway. Computerised results shall, however, be preserved on a floppy with a hard copy for a minimum period of 5 years. (xiii) Furnish score files of candidates for updating of norms and follow up research to RDSO. (xiv) Furnish quarterly reports on the testing programmes bringing out special features noticed during administration and evaluation of tests to RDSO for (xv) (d) analysis and follow up and submission of consolidated appreciation report to Railway Board. Administer trial tests separately or together with recruitment testing as required by RDSO from time to time as a part of their on going developmental work. Functions and responsibilities of the Member of the Committee. (i) Ensure that seals on the test booklet are intact when these are opened at the venue of testing and compare the tests with content slip. In the event of contents not tallying with the content slip, a copy of the content slip shall be faxed/posted to RDSO and Emergency Test Pack used in the mean time. (ii) Assist in supervision and invigilation during testing. (iii) Verify that candidates have written their correct roll numbers on their answer sheets and put signatures on each answer sheets. (iv) Check that prescribed time limits for various tests are being maintained. (v) Ensure that any unauthorised person is not handling test booklets. As soon as the test is over the booklets shall be packed and sealed in envelop using paper seals duly signed by the Committee members. (vi) Assist in collection of answer sheets after completion of the tests. (vii) Separate the duplicate copy of the answer sheets and pack the answer sheets in two different packets under seal. (viii) Ensure that OMR answer sheets of the candidates are in sealed condition before packets are opened for scanning on OMR. (ix) Carry out test checks as prescribed in Para 6.1.1(xvii) before processing the results. (x) Sign the result sheets and joint note to be put up to Chief Safety Officer. (e) Functions and responsibilities of RDSO. (i) Make available standardised Test Packs containing Aptitude Test Batteries. Test Slip Envelopes. Assorted Material Envelope, and other related forms required for testing for the categories mentioned in Para 2.1 to Zonal Psycho-Technical unit at least a week in advance. (ii) Provide new scanning applications, schemes, norms, etc. for processing of results. (iii) Design/develop apparatus required in testing programmes. RDSO’s role shall, however, be confined to advising Zonal Psycho-Technical units the specifications of equipment and sources of availability. Procurement shall be made by Zonal Railways. Assistance of RDSO may, however, be availed for checks on specifications and reliability of equipment. (iv) Organise orientation training of Senior Scientific Officers/Junior Scientific Officers and supporting technical staff of Zonal Railways in professional/technical aspects of Aptitude testing and evaluation of results. (v) Quality audit of Aptitude testing programmes. (vi) Submission of periodical appreciation reports on recruitment testing to Railway Board (ED/Safety and ED/RRB) (vii) Make alternative arrangements for testing at Railway Recruitment Boards in emergencies, arising out of sudden illness of SSO/JSO, in the event of such assistance not being available from adjoining Railways. (viii) Periodic reviews of test batteries and follow-up research on the efficacy of Aptitude test batteries with reference to validation criteria. (ix) Render consultancy to Zonal Psycho-Technical Unit on technical aspects of the testing programmes and provide guidelines. (f) Functions and responsibilities of RRCB (i) 7. Enquire into the complaints against the conduct and result of Aptitude tests. APPLICATION OF NORMS AND STANDARDS IN EVALUATION OF APTITUDE TESTS. 7.1 Norms and standards as laid down from time to time shall be applied uniformly to all candidates for adjudging their suitability. 8. APPEALS AGAINST APTITUDE TEST RESULTS 8.1 No appeal shall normally lie against the results of Aptitude test. However, specific complaints may be enquired into by Railway Recruitment Control Board (RRCB). SERIAL CIRCULAR NO. 91/2004 No.P(R )268/I Date21-06-2004 Copy of Board’s letter No. E(NG)II/2000/RC-1/Gen./17 dated 26.5.04 is published for information, guidance and necessary action. Board’s letter dated 6.3.02 quoted therein was circulated as S.C.No.47/02. Copy of Board’s letter No. E(NG)II/2000/RC-1/Gen./17 dated 26.5.04 (RBE No.106/04)SC 57 to MC-16 Sub: Compassionate appointment to the Wards of Medically decategorised staff -Relaxation of cut off period. Ref: Railway Board’s letter No.E(NG)II/2000/RC-1/Gen./17 dt.6.3.2002. In terms of this Ministry’s letter under reference, compassionate appointment may be considered in favour of wife/eligible wards of such of the employees who were medically decategorised between 29.4.99 and 18.1.2000 (both days inclusive) and declared unfit to continue in the posts they were holding but fit to hold posts with lower medical classification, subject to the condition that:(i) the employees concerned have retired voluntarily between 29.4.99 and 18.1.2000 (both days inclusive ) on medical decategorisation during the period; and (ii) such cases are personally considered and decided by the General Manager on individual merit of each case. 2. Staff side have represented vide item No.11/2004 in the DC-JCM held in March, 2004 that in many of the cases, though the employees were medically decategorised between the period 29.4.99 and 18.1.2000 and sought voluntary retirement on medical decategorisation but were retired after 18.1.2000, the cases for appointment on compassionate ground of such employees have not been considered by the Railway Administration which is not justified. 3. The matter has been considered by the Board and it has been decided that further to Board’s letter under reference, compassionate ground appointment may also be considered in favour of wife/eligible wards of such of the employees who were medically decategorised between the period 29.4.99 and 18.1.2000 and sought voluntary retirement on medical decategorisation but were retired after 18.1.2000. Such cases are to be considered and decided personally by the General Manager on individual merits of each case. SERIAL CIRCULAR NO. 92 /2004 P[R]605/IX Date: 28 -06-2004 Copy of Board’s letter No.E(P&A)II/83/RS-10 dated 1.6.04 is published for information, guidance and necessary action. Board’s letter dated 9.10.02 quoted therein was circulated as S.C.No.212/02. CORRIGENDUM Copy of Board’s letter No. E(P&A)II/83/RS-10 dated 1.6.04 (RBE No.107/04) Sub: Filling up posts of Loco Inspectors. In partial modification of Board’s letter of even number dated 9.10.2002, para-3 thereof may please be read as under:“3.This has the approval of the President and issues with the concurrence of the Finance Directorate of the Ministry of Railways”. SERIAL CIRCULAR NO. 93 /2004 No.P(R )673/IV Date: 28 -06-2004 Copy of Board’s letter No.E(MPP)2003/3/35 dated 28.5.04 is published for information, guidance and necessary action. Copy of Board’s letter No. E(MPP)2003/3/35 dated 28.5.04 (RBE No.109/04) Sub: Refresher courses for safety categories. In partial modification of Board’s letter No.2000/Safety(A&R)/19/40 dated 19.12.2000 and in supersession of letter No.98/CE-I/CNS/Training/6 dated 29.10.03 it has been decided by Board to conduct the refresher courses of the following staff of Civil Engg. Department as per the periodicity and duration mentioned against each categories:Sl.No. Category Duration of the Periodicity Medical course Classification 1 JE/SE/SSE 18 working days Once in 5 years A-3 Bridges (3 weeks) 2 JE/SE/SSE 12 working days Once in 5 years A-3 P.Way (2 weeks) 3. JE/SE/SSE 12 working days Once in 5 years A-3 Track Machines (2 weeks) 4. Gate Keeper 12 working days Once in 5 years A-3 Trolleymen (2 weeks) 5. PWMs, Mate 12 working days Once in 5 years B-1 Keyman, (2 weeks) Gangman 6. Track Machaine 12 working days Once in 5 years A-3 Operators (2 weeks) This has the approval of Civil Engg. and Safety Directorates of Railway Board. SERIAL CIRCULAR NO. 94 /2004 No.P(R )473/VI Date: 28-06-2004 Copy of Board’s letter No.E(W)97 PS 5-1/71 dated 3.6.04 is published for information, guidance and necessary action. Board’s letter dated 13.4.04 quoted therein was circulated as S.C.No.56/04. Copy of Board’s letter No. E(W)97 PS 5-1/71 dated 3.6.04 (RBE No.111/04) Sub: Grant of Privilege Passes/PTOs to dependent relatives Raising the income ceiling. Reference is invited to Board’s letter of even number dated 12.11.2003 on the above mentioned subject, whereby the income ceiling for dependency was revised w.e.f. 01.07.2003 as Rs.2385/-p.m. i.e.dRs.1500/- (pension/family pension) plus Rs.885/(Dearness Relief on Rs.1500/-) or 15% of the pay of Railway servant, whichever is more. Consequent upon increase in Dearness Relief to pensioners/family pensioners, w.e.f. 01.01.2004 in terms of Board’s Circular No.PC-V/97/I/9/6 dated 13.04.2004 a dependent relative in relation to a Railway servant as described in Railway Servants (Pass) Rules, 1986, shall be deemed to be wholly dependent on the Railway servant only if his/her income w.e.f. 01.01.2004 including pension, dearness relief in terms of Board’s letter No.PC-V/97/I/9/6 dated 13.04.2004 does not exceed Rs.2415/- p.m. i.e. Rs.1500/(pension/family pension) plus Rs.915/- (dearness relief on Rs.1500/-) or 15% of the pay of Railway servant, whichever is more. SERIAL CIRCULAR NO. 95 /2004 No.P(R )436/IREM/IV Date:28 -06-2004 Copy of Board’s letter No.E(NG)I-2000/PM 9/1 dated 2.6.04 information, guidance and necessary action. is published for Copy of Board’s letter No. E(NG)I-2000/PM 9/1 dated 2.6.04 (RBE No.112/04) Sub: Mode of filling up the vacancies in the category of Accounts Clerks in pay scale Rs.3050-4590 in Accounts Department. In terms of para 171 of IREM Vol.I, 1989, the vacancies in the category of Account Clerks in grade Rs.3050-4590 are filled as under:(i) (ii) 75% by direct recruitment through RRBs; and 25% by promotion by selection from Group ‘D’ staff. 2. Pursuant to a demand raised by the Staff Side in the DC/JCM vide item No.11/2003 for increasing the quota for promotion of Group ‘D’ staff in the Accounts Deptt. to Group ‘C’ posts of Accounts Clerks in the pay scale of Rs.3050-4590, the matter has been carefully considered by the Board. It has been decided to introduce LDCE quota to the extent of 8-1/3% of the posts in the grade of Accounts Clerks in scale Rs.3050-4590 for promotion of Group ‘D’ staff in the Accounts Department subject to fulfillment of eligibility conditions as under:- (a) (b) a minimum of three years regular service in Group ‘D’; and the qualification of Matriculation/Class X Board Examination. 2.1 With the above, posts in the category of Accounts Clerks in grade dRs.3050-4590 will now be filled up as under:(i) (ii) (iii) 66-2/3% by Direct recruitment through RRBs; 25% by promotion by selection from Group ‘D’ staff as per existing procedure; and 8-13% by LDCE from amongst Group D staff having completed a minimum of three years regular service and qualification of Matriculation/Class X Board Examination. 3. The procedure as revised above will be applicable to selections notified on or after the date of issue of this letter. 4. Accordingly, the IREM Vol.I, 1989 is amended as per ACS No.161 enclosed. INDIAN RAILWAY ESTABLISHMENT MANUAL, VOLUME-I, 1989 EDITION ADVANCE CORRECTION SLIP NO.161 CHAPTER-I, SECTION-B, SUB-SECTION-III RECRUITMENT AND TRAINING Substitute the following for the existing para 171(1):“171(1) The posts in the category of Accounts Clerks in the pay scale of Rs.30504590 in the Accounts Department are to be filled as under:(i) (ii) 66-2/3% by Direct recruitment through RRBs; 25% by promotion by selection from Group ‘D’ staff as per existing procedure; and (iii) 8-13% by LDCE from amongst Group D staff having completed a minimum of three years regular service and qualification of Matriculation/Class X Board Examination. [Authority: Board’s letter No. E(NG)I-2000/PM 9/1 dated 2.6.04 ] SERIAL CIRCULAR NO. 96 /2004 No.P(PC)487/V/PC/6/CRC/Vol.IV Date: 24-06-2004 Copy of Board’s letter No.PC-III/2004/CRC/11 dated 7.6.04 is published for information, guidance and necessary action. Board’s letter dated 9.10.03 and 6.1.2004 quoted therein were circulated as S.C.No.191/03 and 7/04. Copy of Board’s letter No. PC-III/2004/CRC/11 dated 7.6.04 (PC-V /Nil, RBE No.114 /04) Sub: Restructuring of certain Group ‘C’ & ‘D’ cadres. It has been represented to Railway Board that the benefit of restructuring may be extended to the posts of Technical Supervisors in Production Control Organizations as was done in the year 1984 and 1993. 2. The issue has been examined and it is clarified that restructuring orders contained in Board’s letters No.PC-III/2003/CRC/6 dated 09.10.203 and 06.01.2004 are also applicable to Technical Supervisors in Production Control Organizations. SERIAL CIRCULAR NO. 97 /2004 No.P(R )673/IV Date: 30-06-2004 Copy of Board’s letter No.E(MPP)2003/3/16 dated 3.6.04. is published for information, guidance and necessary action. Board’s letter dated 10.7.03 and 7.10.03 quoted therein was circulated as S.C.No.162/03 and 198/03, respectively. Copy of Board’s letter No. E(MPP)2003/3/16 dated 3.6.04 (RBE No.113/04) Sub: Pass marks for trainees undergoing initial, Promotional, Refresher or Specialized courses in training centres. During the DC/JCM meeting held on 18th & 17th March, 2004, the Federation had desired a review of Board’s instructions on the above subject. The matter has been considered by Board. It has been decided to withdraw the Board’s letter of even number dated 7.10.03 (RBE No.176/2003) and replace para (a) & (b) of Board’s orders dated 10.7.03 (RBE No.122/2003) with the following:(a) (b) (c) Pass marks in the examination conducted by training centres at the end of the course for safety categories including running staff should be 60% i.e. staff must secure 60% in written and 60^ in practical/viva to qualify the exam with no relaxation for SC/ST. Where the examination consists of only written or viva or practical, staff must secure 60% marks in the same to qualify. It is immaterial whether safety category staff appears in a safety or non-safety subject. Pass marks for non-safety category should be 50%; The question papers in the initial and promotional courses should contain only 40% of the total marks as objective type questions and balance 60% of the total marks as subjective type questions. Question paper in refresher courses should have 70% of the total marks as objective type and the balance 30% of the total marks as subjective type questions. The paras © and (d) of Board’s letter dated 10.7.03 (RBE No.122/2003) may be numbered as (d) and (e) respectively. All other terms and conditions remain the same. The Ministry of Railways have decided to modify the “Manual on Management of Training (Edition 1998) as per the Correction Slip No.3/2004 enclosed. Manual on Management of Training (June 1998) Advance Correction Slip No.3/2004. Para 5.5.4 below para 5.5 under item No.5 of the Manual on Management of Training (June 1998) may be replaced as under: Pass marks in the examination conducted by training centres at the end of the course for safety categories including running staff should be 60% i.e. staff must secure 60% in written and 60% in practical/viva to qualify the exam with no relaxation for SC/ST. Where the examination consists of only written or viva or practical, staff must secure 60% marks in the same to qualify. It is immaterial whether safety category staff appears in a safety or non-safety subject. Pass marks for non-safety category should be 50%; The question papers in the initial and promotional courses should contain only 40% of the total marks as objective type questions and balance 60% of the total marks as subjective type questions. Question paper in refresher courses should have 70% of the total marks as objective type and the balance 30% of the total marks as subjective type questions. SERIAL CIRCULAR NO. 98 /2004 No.P(R )436/IREM/IV Date: 30 -06-2004 Copy of Board’s letter No.E(NG)I-2003/PM 4/3 dated 4.6.04 is published for information, guidance and necessary action. Copy of Board’s letter No. E(NG)I-2003/PM 4/3 dated 4.6.04 (RBE No.115/04) Sub: Filling up of the post of Sr.Clerk in scale of Rs.4500-7000 against 13-1/3% LDCE quota - inclusion of graduate Typist and Sr.Typist. In terms of para 174(4) of IREM Vol.I, (1989 Edition) 13.33% posts in the category of Sr.Clerks in scale Rs.4500-7000 in the Ministerial Cadre are filled up from amongst serving employees who are graduates working as Clerks in scale Rs.3050-4590 through a Limited Departmental Competitive Examination to be held by the Railway Recruitment Boards. Keeping in view the objective of working off the cadre of Typists, the Board have vide their letter of even number dated 16.3.2004 permitted Southern Railway to allow Graduate Typists and Sr.Typists in the pay scale Rs.3050-4590 and Rs.4000-6000 respectively to appear in the Limited Departmental Competitive Examination (LDCE) against 13.33% quota for promotion as Sr.Clerks grade Rs.4500-7000 along with Graduate Clerks in grade Rs.3050-4590. In order to have uniformity in this regard, it has been further decided that the same procedure may be followed by other Railways also. The Indian Railway Establishment Manual, Volume I (1989 Edition) may also be amended as per Advance Correction Slip No.160 enclosed. INDIAN RAILWAY ESTABLISHMENT MANUAL, VOLUME-I, 1989 EDITION CHAPTER I, SECTION ‘B’ SUB-SECTION III - RECRUITMENT AND TRAINING. ADVANCE CORRECTION SLIP NO.160. The following may be inserted as Note below clause (ii) sub-para (4) of para 174 as amplified by ACS No.31 issued under Board’s letter No.E(NG)I-96/CFP/19 dt.11.12.1997. “Note: Graduate Typists in grade Rs.3050-4590 and Senior Typists in grade Rs.40006000 will also be eligible to appear in LDCE referred to in clause (ii) above”. SERIAL CIRCULAR NO. 99 /2004 No.P(R )436/IREM/IV Date: 30 -06-2004 Copy of Board’s letter No.E(NG)II/2000/RR-1/47 dated 7.6.04 is published for information, guidance and necessary action. Board’s letter dated 3.8.01 quoted therein was circulated as S.C.No.202/01. Copy of Board’s letter No. E(NG)II/2000/RR-1/47 dated 7.6.04 (RBE No.120/04) Sub: Educational qualification for Diesel/Electric Assistants in the Pay Scale of Rs.3050-4590. In partial modification of the instructions contained in Board’s letter of even number dated 3.8.2001 inter alia laying down the educational qualifications for recruitment to the post of Diesel/Electric Assistant, it has now been decided by the Board to include Diploma in Automobile Engineering in the list of qualifications prescribed for direct recruitment to the post of Diesel/Electric Assistant in the pay scale of Rs.3050-4590. These instructions will be effective from the date of the issue of this letter. However, past cases wherein Diploma in Automobile Engineering has been considered as equivalent to Diploma in Mechanical Engineering need not be re-opened. Indian Railway Establishment Manual, Vol.I (1989 Edition) may be amended incorporating the above and related changes as per Advance Correction Slip (ACS) No.162 enclosed. INDIAN RAILWAY ESTABLISHMENT MANUAL, VOLUME-I (1989 EDITION) Chapter-I, Section-B, Sub-Section-III, Recruitment and Training Advance Correction Slip No.162 Para 137(2)(I)(b) may be substituted as under: “(b) Diploma in Mechanical/Electrical/Electronic/Automobiles Engineering in lieu of ITI”. SERIAL CIRCULAR NO. 100 /2004 No.P(R )535/V Date: 7 -07-2004 Copy of Board’s letter No.E(NG)I/2002/PM7/38 dated 9.6.04 information, guidance and necessary action. is published for Copy of Board’s letter No. E(NG)I/2002/PM7/38 dated 9.6.04 (RBE No.121/04) Sub: Classification of the post of Chemical & Metallurgical Supdt.Gr.I in CMT wing of Mechanical Engg.Department. In terms of instructions contained in this Ministry’s letter No.E(NG)I/89/PM7/2 dated 10.07.1991, the posts of Supdt.(NDT/Gamma Ray/Radiography) in the IV Pay Commission scale of pay Rs.2375-3500 wherever existing in Chemical and Metallurgical Wing, have been classified as “Selection” posts to be filled from amongst staff working as Supdt. (X-Ray/Spectrography/Industrial Engg.) in IV Pay Commission scale of pay Rs.2000-3200. The post of Supdt. (X-Ray/Spectrography/Industrial Engg.) has been given higher than the normal replacement scale Rs.7450-11500 and has been redesignated as CMS Gr.I. Thus, the posts of Supdt. (X-Ray/Spectrography/Industrial Engg.) and that of Supdt. (NDT/Gramma Ray/Radiography) have come to be placed in the same revised V Central Pay Commission scale of pay Rs.7450-11500. In the above background, the question of filling up the posts of Chemical and Metallurgical Supdt. (CMS)Gr.I has been considered by this Ministry. Since, it may not be administratively feasible to operate the posts of Supdt. (XRay/Spectrography/Industrial Engg.) and that of Supdt. (NDT/Gamma Ray/Radiography) independent of each other and fill them on different basis, it has been decided by the Ministry of Railways that the posts of Superintendent (NDT/Gamma Ray/Radiography) in the pay scale of Rs.7450-11500 should be merged with the posts of Superintendent (XRay/Spectrography/Industrial Engg.) since redesignated as CMS Gr.I in the same scale of pay viz. Rs.7450-11500. It has also been decided that the posts in this merged grade Rs.7450-11500 should be filled on the basis of non-selection from staff in the immediate lower grade working as CMS Gr.II in the pay scale of Rs.6500-10500 posts in which already stand classified as ‘selection’. SERIAL CIRCULAR NO.101/2004 No.P(R )500/XIX Date: 14 -07--2004 Copy of Board’s letter No. 2004/AC II/21/1 dated 22.6.04 is published for information, guidance and necessary action. Copy of Board’s letter No. 2004/AC II/21/1 dated 22.6.04 (RBE No.19/04) Sub: New Pension System. The field offices while implementing the New Pension System (NPS) have raised a number of queries and sought clarifications on various issues. In this regard, the following clarifications are issued in consultation with Controller General of Accounts, Ministry of Finance for information and needful action:Sl.No Queries Replies/Comments . 1 Whether an employee covered The benefit of encashment of leave salary under NPS is entitled for leave is not a part of the retirement benefits encashment after retirement? admissible under Railway Services (Pension) Rules –1993. It is payable in terms Railway Leave Rules which will continue to be applicable to the government servants who join the government service on after 1.1.2004. Therefore, the benefit of encashment of leave salary payable to the government/to their families on account of retirement/death will be admissible. 2 Whether retirement gratuity is The matter has been taken up with the available to the employee Ministry of Finance, Department of covered under NPS? Economic Affairs. Reply is awaited. 3 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12 At exit i.e. after age 60 years why 40% of pension wealth to purchase the annuity is mandatory? This provision is a part of the New Pension System. The provision has been made with an intention that the retirement government servant should get regular monthly income during their retired life. Wheat benefits will he/she get in The matter has been referred to Min. of the event of death in service? Finance, DEA. Their clarification is still awaited. Whether any minimum age or Exist from Tier-I can only take place when minimum service is required to an individual leaves government service. quite from Tier-I Whether Dearness Pay is As per the scheme, the total Dearness counted as basic pay for recovery Allowance is to taken into account for of 10% for Tier-I? working out the contributions. Subsequently, w.e.f., 50% of the “Dearness Allowance” has been treated as Dearness Pay. Therefore, this should also be reckoned for the purpose of contributions. When individual is on long This has already been referred to Ministry leave/HPL/EOL, how the of Finance, Department of Economic contributions are to be Affairs. The reply is awaited. recovered? Whether (both Government and The matter has been referred to Ministry of employee’s) contributions Finance, Department of Economic Affairs. towards Tier-I are taken as income for the purpose of calculation of Income Tax or it will be exempted? Whether contribution towards Yes, Since the contribution is to be worked Tier-I from arrears of DA is to be out at 0% of Pay + DP +DA, it needs to be deducted? revised whenever there is any change in these elements. Can any individual continue to The matter has been referred to Ministry of contribute under Tier-I even after Finance, Department of Economic Affairs the age of 60 years? for clarification. What will be the formula for The contributions payable by the rounding off when 10% of government servants and those paid by the (basic+DA) will be recovered government should be rounded off to the from the salary of the nearest rupee. Government servant? It is presumed that the bill It is confirmed that the bill for drawal of pertaining to the matching matching contribution by government will contribution would be “NIL” be a "”NIL"”bill. The amount of bill. government’s contributions will be transferred by debit functional head of 13. For the purpose of simplification basic pay plus D.A. may be taken as fixed for the entire year. This would obviate the need for calculation of D.A. arrears twice in a year and increment once and consequent preparation of supplementary bills. 14. Who will calculate the interestAssociate Accounts office (AAO) or Central Pension Accounting Office? Whether the New Pension System is applicable for the officials initially appointed on daily wages and later on conferred ‘temporary status’ and contributing towards GPF and whose services are regularized on or after 1.1.2004? What happens if any employee gets transferred during the month? Which office will make deduction of contributions? 15. 16. 17. Whether the non-practicing allowance (NPA) payable to medical officers will count towards ‘pay’ for the purpose of working out contributions to NPS? 18 Whether a government servant who was already in service prior to 1.1.2004, if appointed in a different post under the government of India will be governed by the CCS(P) account for credit to the head “8342- Other Deposits” No amount will be paid on this bill. The issue was examined by Controller General of Accounts, Ministry of Finance and it was not agreed to. It has been decided that whenever there is any increase or decrease in emoluments of a government servant during the middle of a month, the change in the rate of contribution (both government servant and government) will be given effect only from the first of the following month. The Associate Accounts office (AAO) should calculate the interest. The matter has been referred Department of Personnel and Training. to As in the case of other recoveries, the recovery of contributions towards NPS for the full month (both individual and government) will be made by the office that will draw salary for maximum period of the month. Yes. Ministry of Health & Family Welfare has clarified vide their O.M.No.A45012/11/97-CHS.V dated 7.4.98 that the Non-practicing Allowance shall count as ‘pay’ for all service benefits. Therefore, this will be taken into account for working out the contributions towards the New Pension System. In cases where government servants apply for posts in the same or other departments and on selection they are asked to render technical resignation the past services are counted towards pension under CCS(Pension) Rules, 1972/ Railway 19 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. Rules/Railway Services Services (Pension) Rules –1993. Since the (Pension) Rules – 1993 or New government servant had originally joined Pension System? government service prior to 1.1.2004, he should be covered under the CCS (Pension) Rules,1972// Railway Services (Pension) Rules,1993. Whether Charge Allowance Charge allowance shall count along with payable to staff will count pay for the purpose of working out towards ‘pay’ for the purpose of contributions to New Pension System. working out contributions to New Pension System? Whether pay element in Running Contribution payable by Running Staff Allowance will count towards shall be 10% of Basic Pay + Pay Element ‘pay’ for the purpose of working (30% of basic Pay at present) +DA out contributions by Running thereon. staff to New Pension System? Whether New Pension System is The matter has been referred to Ministry of applicable to Railway Protection Finance, Department of Economic Affairs Force? for clarification. Whether New Pension System is The matter has been referred to Controller applicable to substitutes/monthly General of Accounts, Ministry of Finance, rated casual labours (MRCLs) for clarification. unless absorbed as regular employees? As per scheme, the accumulation The matter has been referred to Controller to fund are payable to General of Accounts, Ministry of Finance, spouse/dependent/parents in the for clarification. event of death during interim period. It would imply that no investment would be made in Pension Fund in such cases. How pension of family will be regulated in such cases? Whether dependent parents can The matter has been referred to Controller be nominated to receive pension General of Accounts, Ministry of Finance, wealth when spouse and children for clarification. of employee are alive? In which month the contribution The matter has been referred to Controller recovered from the employees on General of Accounts, Ministry of Finance, deputation/or whose wage period for clarification. does not coincide with calendar month will be shown as interest is also payable on such contributions? How the payments shall be The matter has been referred to Controller 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. regulated in the event of dismissal/removal/resignation of the employee from service during interim period? What happens if the employee dies while in service with in one month from date of appointment i.e., before recovery towards pension contribution starts? Whether the option for investment is to exercise by employee at the time of exist or on joining the service? As per the scheme, during interim period the accumulation under tier I shall be payable to spouse/dependent parents in the event of death of employee. What will be the percentage of share in which payment will be made to them in absence of nomination? Whether interest will be allowed on both employee and government contribution in TierI? What are conditions under which the nomination does not subsist? General of Accounts, Ministry of Finance, for clarification. The matter has been referred to Controller General of Accounts, Ministry of Finance, for clarification. The matter has been referred to Controller General of Accounts, Ministry of Finance, for clarification. The matter has been referred to Controller General of Accounts, Ministry of Finance, for clarification. The matter has been referred to Controller General of Accounts, Ministry of Finance, for clarification. The matter has been referred to Controller General of Accounts, Ministry of Finance, for clarification. 102_2004 SERIAL CIRCULAR NO._102/2004 No.P(R )436/IREM/IV Date: 20 -07--2004 Copy of Board’s letter No. E(NGII/2004/RR-1/22 dated 17.6.2004 is published for information, guidance and necessary action. Board’s letter dated 8.1.04 quoted therein was circulated as S.C.No. 18/04. Copy of Board’s letter No. E(NGII/2004/RR-1/22 dated 17.6.2004 (RBE No.129/04) Sub: Recruitment rules for filling up the post of Dietician in scale Rs.5500-9000 and Sr. Dietician in scale rs.6500-10500 on the Railways. The question of laying down recruitment rules for the post of Dietician in scale Rs.55009000 and Sr. Dietician in scale Rs.6500-10500 had been under consideration of Ministry of Railways in light of this office letter No.PC-V/2003/I/11/1 dated 8.1.2004 inter-alia introducing two higher grades in the category of Dieticians. It has now been decided that posts in aforesaid categories on the Railways should be filled in the manner indicated below: (A) Dietician, scale Rs.5500-9000 (i) (ii) Posts in the category of Dietician in the pay scale of Rs.5500-9000 shall be filled 100% by direct recruitment through Railway Recruitment Boards. Qualifications for direct recruitment shall be as under: Essential B.Sc (Science Graduate) with Post Graduate Diploma in Dietetics (one year course) from a recognized Institution plus three months Internship Training in a Hospital. (iii) (B) Age limit: Between 18 and 30 years. Sr. Dietician, scale Rs.6500-10500 Posts in the category of Senior Dietician in the pay scale of Rs.6500-10500 shall be filled up entirely by promotion (non-selection) from amongst the eligible serving Dieticians in the pay scale of Rs.5500-9000 having rendered 05(five) years’ regular service in the grade. Indian Railway Establishment Manual, Volume-I(1989 Edition may be amended as per Advance Correction Slip (ACS) No.164 enclosed. INDIAN RAILWAY ESTABLISHMENT MANUAL, VOLUME-I (1989 EDITION) Advance Correction Slip (ACS) No.164 Chapter-I, Section-B, Sub-Section-III, Recruitment and Training. Substitute the following for the existing para 166 (1):166 (1) Posts in the category of Dietician in the pay scale of Rs.5500-9000 will be filled 100% by direct recruitment through Railway Recruitment Boards. (2) The qualifications for direct recruitment to the post of Dietician shall be as under: B.Sc (Science Graduate) with Post Graduate Diploma in Dietetics (one year course) from a recognized Institution plus three months Internship Training in a Hospital. (ii) Age limit: Between 18 and 30 years. (3) Channel of Promotion/Higher grade: The following higher grade posts are available to this category in the normal channel of promotion:Senior Dietician (Rs.6500-10500) By non-selection (4) Vacancies in the next higher grade of Senior Dietician in the scale Rs.6500-10500 will be filled up entirely by promotion (non-selection) from amongst the eligible serving Dieticians in the pay scale of Rs.5500-9000 having rendered 05(five) years’ regular service in the grade. [Authority: of Board’s letter No. E(NGII/2004/RR-1/22 dated 17.6.2004 (RBE No.129] SERIAL CIRCULAR NO.103/2004 No.P(R )436/IREM/VI Date: 13-07--2004 Copy of Board’s letter No. E(NG)II 2004/RR-1/7 dated 17.6.04 is published for information, guidance and necessary action. Copy of Board’s letter No. E(NG)II/2004/RR-1/7 dated 17.6.04 (RBE No.128/04) Sub: Mode of filling up the posts in various categories in PsychoTechnical Units on the Railways. The Question of laying down R&P Rules for filling up the posts of Scientific Assistant in the pay scale Rs.5500-9000, Scientific Supervisor, Grade-II in the pay scale Rs.650010500 and Scientific Supervisor, Grade-I in the pay scale Rs.7450-11500 on the Railways had been under consideration of Ministry of Railways (Railway Board). It has now been decided that the above posts should be filled up in the manner as indicated below. (1) Scientific Assistant, Scale Rs.5500-9000” (i) The posts in the category of Scientific Assistant in the pay scale of Rs.5500-9000 will be filled 100% by direct recruitment through Railway Recruitment Boards (Written Test followed by an Interview). (2) (ii) Qualifications for direct recruitment shall be as under: (A) Essential: Masters Degree in Psychology with 50% in aggregate. (B) Desirable: (a) (b) (c) Specialization in Industrial/Organisational/Clinical Psychology. Experience in organizing counselling/guidance programmes. Working knowledge of Computers. (iii) Age Limit: Between 21 and 35 years. Scientific Supervisor, grade-II, Scale Rs.6500-10500 (i) (3) The posts in the category of Scientific Supervisor, Grade II in the pay scale of Rs.6500-10500 will be filled up entirely by promotion (non selection) amongst the eligible serving Scientific Assistants in the pay scale of Rs.5500-9000 having rendered 05 (five) years’ regular service in the grade. Scientific Supervisor, Grade-I, scale Rs.7450-11500 Posts in the category of Scientific Supervisor, Grade-I in the pay scale of Rs.745011500 will be filled up entirely by promotion (non selection) from amongst the eligible serving Scientific Supervisor, Grade-II in scale of Rs. 6500-10500 having rendered 08 [eight ] years regular service in the grade. Note: In the absence of availability of suitable candidates, vacant posts in higher grades should also be taken into account for recruitment to lower grade[s] and operated as such till such time the incumbent become eligible for promotion. Indian Railway Establishment Manual Volume I [1989 Edition] may be amended incorporating the above as per Advance Correction Slip [ACS] No. 163 enclosed. Indian Railway Establishment Manual Volume I [1989 Edition] Advance Correction Slip [ACS] No. 163 Chapter I, Section B Sub-Section III, Recruitment and Training. Add the following as new para 168 [A] with the caption as indicated aster existing para 168. ‘[XIA] PSYCHO-TECHNICAL STAFF’ 168[A][1] Posts in the category of Scientific Assistant in the pay scale of Rs.5500-9000 will be filled 100% by direct recruitment through Railway Recruitment Boards [Written Test followed by an interview] [2] The qualifications for direct recruitment to the post of Scientific Assistant shall be as under: Essential: Masters Degree in Psychology with 50% in aggregate. Desirable: [a] Specialization in Industrial/Organisational/Clinical Psychology. [b] Experience in organizing counselling/guidance programmes. [c] Working knowledge of Computers. Age limit : Between 21 and 35 years . [3] Channel of Promotion / Higher Grade: The following higher grade posts are available to this category in the normal channel of promotion: Scientific Supervisor, grade-II Scale Rs.6500-10500 By non-selection Scientific Supervisor, Grade-I scale Rs.7450-11500 By non-selection [4] [i] Vacancies in the next higher grade of Scientific Supervisor, Grade II in the pay scale of Rs.6500-10500 will be filled up entirely by promotion (non selection) amongst the eligible serving Scientific Assistants in the pay scale of Rs.5500-9000 having rendered 05 (five) years’ regular service in the grade. [ii] Channel of Promotion / Higher Grade: Higher grade posts available to Scientific Supervisor, Grade II in scale of Rs.6500-10500 in the normal channel of promotion: Scientific Supervisor, Grade-I scale Rs.7450-11500 By non-selection 5] [i] Vacancies in the next higher grade of Scientific Supervisor, Grade-I in scale of Rs.7450- 11500 will be filled up entirely by promotion (non selection) from amongst the eligible serving Scientific Supervisors, Grade II in the pay scale of Rs.6500-10500 having rendered 08 [eight] years regular service in the grade. Note: In the absence of availability of suitable candidates, vacant posts in higher grades should also be taken into account for recruitment to lower grade[s] and operated as such till such time the incumbent become eligible for promotion. [ Authority: Board’s letter No. E(NG)II 2004/RR-1/7 dated 17.6.04 (RBE No.128/04)] [ Authority : Board’s letter No. E(NG)II 2004/RR-1/7 dated 17.6.04] SERIAL CIRCULAR NO._104/2004 No.P(R )171/IV Date: 13 -07-2004 Copy of Board’s letter No. 96-E(SCT)I/80/1 Pt.XIII dated 3.6.04 information, guidance and necessary action. is published for Copy of Board’s letter No. 96-E(SCT)I/80/1 Pt.XIII dated 3.6.04 (RBE No.117/04) Sub: 8th Report (11th Lok Sabha) Parliamentary Committee on the Welfare of SC/STs-reservation for and employment of SC/STs in South Central Railway- Proper maintenance of rosters. Attention is invited to the instructions contained in Board’s letter of even number dated 18/25.9.1998 regarding proper maintenance of rosters. These instructions were issued in pursuance of the following recommendation of the Parliamentary Committee on the Welfare of SC/STs-reservation for and employment of SC/STs in S.C.Railway. In its 1st report vide para 1.26, the Parliamentary Committee had recommended as under:“The Committee would like to emphasise that the roster is the mechanism to watch adequate intake of the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes in services. The rosters as a matter of fact is a mirror of an institute and should reflect a clear picture. The rosters should therefore be properly maintained and checked by the competent authority at regular intervals. A certificate in token of having checked the roster should also be recorded in the register. The Committee also desire that the job of maintenance of rosters should be entrusted to the capable and experienced staff to ensure their proper maintenance. If any irregularity is found in the maintenance of the rosters, strict action should be taken against the concerned officers responsible for such lapses” In the recently held meeting of the All India OBC Railway Employees Federation and All India SC/ST Railway Employees Association, it has been brought to the notice of the Board that the above instructions contained in letter dated 18/25.9.1998 under reference are not being followed by the Railways. As such, it is once again reiterated that the extant instructions on the proper maintenance of roster registers as brought out in the above mentioned letter may please be brought to the notice of all the concerned for strict compliance. SERIAL CIRCULAR NO._105___/2004 No.P(R )473/VI Date: 15 -07--2004 Copy of Board’s letter No. E(W)2000 Ps 5-8/3 dated 9.6.04 is published for information, guidance and necessary action. Copy of Board’s letter No. E(W)2000 Ps 5-8/3 dated 9.6.04 (RBE No.--/04) addressed to NR Rly and copied to all Indian Rlys. Sub: Pass facilities to canteen employees. Ref: Your Railways February,2004. letter No.E/302/MPP/Rightsizing/IV dated Clarifications sought by N.E.Railway vide their letter referred to above are as under: Railway Query Clarifications 1. An employee who has completed 20 years of service on 1.4.90 and has opted for relaxed provision can be given. (i) 2 set of pass and 2 PTOs Yes, upto 5 years, and thereafter 3 sets of till retirement, or passes, 6 sets of PTOs per year, as the (ii) They shall be treated case may be. appointed on 1.4.90 and on completion of 5 years of service be given pass as per normal entitlement If(ii) above is relevant then will Yes. the entitlement of their pass PTO will be as per their earlier entitlement. 2. If the above employees till their Minimum one set of Post Retirement retirement are entitled to 2 sets of Complimentary Pass, and half set of passes and PTOs then what will be Widow Pass. their entitlement to Post Retirement Complimentary Pass and widow pass. 3. If ‘2’ above is relevant then on Those who have not surrendered 2 sets of surrendering of 2 sets of pass PTO PTOs have to pay the notional cost of 4. what will be the entitlement for Rs.250/- for Widow Pass. Entitlement widow pass. under Widow Pass will be half of If column ‘2’ is relevant then will entitlement of Post Retirement his widow be entitled to pass after Complimentary Pass. deposition of Rs.250/-. 5. Employees who have been treated For deciding class and number of passes, as appointed as on 1.4.90, what the date in which canteen employees will be the cut off date for treating become railway servants will be the the class of their pass entitlement. crucial date. Only for grant of Post Will class of entitlement of such Retirement Complimentary Pass, service employees be treated as if which fall short of 20 years, shall be appointments on 1.4.90. Whereas, taken from their previous service. if they are treated as appointed as However, those who were getting 1st on 1.4.90, provision exists for class pass before 1.4.90 will continue to taking into account their service get the same. prior to 1.4.90 if their service falls below 20 years. 6. For fixing their class of entitlement their service period rendered prior to 1.4.90 be taken into accoudnt as applicable to employees in item (I) Necessary action on the basis of above clarifications may be taken early. SERIAL CIRCULAR NO.106_/2004 No.P(R )535/IV Date: 14 -07--2004 Copy of Board’s letter No. E(NG)II/2001/RR-1/70 dated 14.6.04 is published for information, guidance and necessary action. Board’s letter dated 27.11.03 quoted therein was circulated as S.C.No. 219/03. Copy of Board’s letter No. E(NG)II/2001/RR-1/70 dated 14.6.04 (RBE No.124/04) Sub: Mode of filling up the post in various categories in Libraries in Railways/ Railway Institutes other than Schools and Colleges. Please refer to this Ministry’s letter of even number dated 3.7.2003 inter-alia laying down the R&P Rules for filling up of posts in various categories in Libraries in railways/Railway Institutes (other than Schools and Colleges). These instructions have been reviewed by the Board to the extent the same relate to filling up the posts of Library and Information Assistant in the pay scale of Rs.5500-9000 in the light of this Ministry’s letter No.PC-IV/2002/Imp/2 dated 27.11.2003 merging the categories of Library and Information Assistant in the pay scale of Rs.5000-8000 and Sr. Library and Information Assistant in the pay scale of Rs.5000-9000. It has now been decided that posts in this category in these Libraries should be filled in the manner indicated below: Library & Information Assistant, Gr.Rs.5500-9000. (A) The post in the category of Library and Information Assistant in the pay scale of Rs.5500-9000 will be filled as under:- (i) 50% plus shortfall, if any, against promotion quota as at (ii) below by direct recruitment through Railway Recruitment Board; and 50% by promotion by a process of non-selection from amongst Library Clerks in the pay scale of Rs.3050-4590 with 08 (eight) years regular service in the grade (ii) and having the qualification as prescribed for direct recruitment as Library and Information Assistant. Note: Library Clerks not having the qualification as prescribed for direct recruitment as Library and Information Assistant but having the qualification of Matriculation with certificate in Library Science would also be eligible for being considered for promotion as Library and Information Assistants after they have completed 18 years of service as Library Clerks. (B) Qualification, etc for direct recruitment will be as under:- (i) Educational (a) Degree from a recognized University or equivalent; and (b) Degree in Library Science (B.Lib) from a recognized University or equivalent. Age: Between 18 and 30 years. (ii) The mode of filling up the posts of Library Attendants in Group ‘D’ and Library Clerks in Group ‘C’ as prescribed in the Board’s letter of even number dated 3.7.2003 will remain unchanged. SERIAL CIRCULAR NO.107_/2004 No.P(R )673/IV Date: 14 -07--2004 Copy of Board’s letter No.E(MPP)2002/3/31 dated 7.6.04 is published for information, guidance and necessary action. Copy of Board’s letter No. E(MPP)2002/3/31 dated 7.6.04 (RBE No.118/04) Sub: Jurisdiction of S&T Training Centres. In order to provide training for the staff on the newly created zones or zones from which training centres would be transferred to the newly created zones, it has been decided to assign specific Divisions to each S&T Training Centres, inter-alia indicating the administrative control of the zone. The distribution of the Divisions is as under: Name of S&T Training Railway/ Divisions Zones having Centre Admin/ Budg-etary Control S&T Mumbai CR Trg.Centre/Byculla/CR (CST),Bhusawal,Nagpur,Sholapur & Pune Divisions of CR S&T Trg.Centre/Malda/ER S&T Trg.Centre/Liluah/ER S&T Trg.Centre /Ghaziabad /NR S&T Trg.Centre/Gorakhpur/NE R S&T Trg.Centre/Maliagaon/NFR S&T Trg.Centre/Podanur/SR S&T Trg.Centre/Moula-Ali [SCR} S&T Trg.Centre /Kharagpur / SER S&T Trg.Centre/ Sabarmati / WR 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Jabalpur,Kota & Bhopal Divisions of WCR Howrah, Malda, Sealdah, Asansol, divisions of ER Dhanbad, Danapur, Mughalsari Divisions of ECR Delhi, Ambala, Firozpur, Lucknow & Moradabad Divisions of NR Jhansi, Agra & Allahabad Divisions of NCR Lucknow, Varanasi & Izatnagar Divisions of NER Sonepur & Samastipur Divisions of ECR Alipurduar, Katihar, Lumding, Tinsukhia and Rangiya Chennai, Madurai, Palghat, Trichy & Trivandrum Divisions of SR Bangalore, Mysore, Hubli [SWR} Guntakal, Vijayawada, Guntur, Hyderabad, Secunderabad & Nanded Kharagpur, Chakradharpur, Adra & Ranchi (SER) Khurda Road, Waltair & Sambalpur (ECOR) Raipur, Nagpur & Bilaspur (SECR) Mumbai (Central) Vadodara, Ratlam, Bhavnagar, Rajkot & Ahmedabad (WR) Jaipur, Ajmer, Jodhpur & Bikaner (NWR) ER NR NER NFR SR SCR SER WR The budgetary allocation and necessary funding to the S&T Training Centres will be provided by the controlling zone despite the fact that the training center will be catering to the training needs of the staff of other zones. The jurisdiction and administrative control of S&T Training Centres as shown in para 1 above. CSTE of the zone as highlighted in para 1 above be the controlling officer of S&T Training Centres respectively. Posting of the principals and instructors be from any of the Divisions assigned to the S&T Training Centre in consultation with the concerned CSTE. Posting of administrative staff be from the zone controlling the S&T Training Centre in consultation with the concerned CSTE. SERIAL CIRCULAR NO._108/2004 No.P(PC )487/VPC/6/CRC/Vol.IV Date: 6-07—2004 Copy of Board’s letter No. PC-III/2004/CRC/13 dated 28.6.04 is published for information, guidance and necessary action. Board’s letter dated 9.10.03quoted therein was circulated as S.C.No. 191/03. Copy of Board’s letter No. PC-III/2004/CRC/13 dated 28.6.04 (RBE No.139/04) Sub: Restructuring of certain Group ‘C’ & ‘D’ cadres. It has been represented by the Staff Federations to the Railway Board that certain difficulties are being faced in expeditious implementation of restructuring of various Group ‘C’ & ‘D’ categories in terms of Board’s letter No.PC-III/2003/CRC/6 dt.09.10.2003 due to prior pin pointing of additional posts arising out of restructuring. 2. The issue has been considered by the Ministry of Railways (Railway Board) and it has been decided that in those cases where due to pin-pointing of posts staff is required to join duties in the upgraded posts at a different station, such staff may be allowed the benefit of upgradation/promotion on ‘as is where is basis’ for the time being and allowed to join the pin-pointed post at the new station within six months time from the date of issue of promotion order, subject to the satisfaction of HOD on merit in each case. SERIAL CIRCULAR NO.109 /2004 No.P(PC)487/V/IMP/97/Vol.V Date: 12 -07-2004 Copy of Board’s letter No.F(E)III/PNI/20 Vol.II dated 16.6.2004 is published for information, guidance and necessary action. Board’s letter dated 7.3.2003 quoted therein were circulated as S.C.No.65/03. Copy of Board’s letter No. F(E)III/PNI/20 Vol.II dated 16.6.2004 (PC-V /424, RBE No.130 /04) Sub: Allotment of higher pay scales to Railway Accounts Staff - Revision of pension regarding. In terms of Board’s letter No.PC-V/98/1/11/23 dt.7.3.2003, the Accounts Staff in the Railways have been granted higher replacement scales of pay on notional basis with effect from 1.1.1996 and actual payment prospectively from 19.2.2003. The matter regarding admissibility of pension/retirement benefits of such of the Accounts staff as had retired during the period from 1.1.1996 to 18.2.2003 has been under consideration of Board in consultation with the Department of Pension & Pensioners’ Welfare. After careful consideration of the matter, it has been decided by the Board that pensionary/retirement benefits of such retired staff shall be regulated, as a special case in relaxation of Rules, in terms of the clarifications given in the following paragraphs. 2. Under notional fixation, pay is actually fixed in higher replacement scales of pay from 1.1.1996 but no arrears are payable. Accordingly, the pension of all the concerned Accounts staff, who had retired during 1.1.1996 to 18.2.2003 shall be revised on the basis of average emoluments notionally drawn during the last ten months of service. The amount of family pension shall also be revised on the basis of the notional pay admissible on the date of retirement/death while in service. The revised pension and family pension shall not be less than 50% and 30% respectively of the minimum of the higher replacement scales of pay, subject to fulfilment of the conditions stipulated in para 2 of Board’s letter No.F(E)III/98/PN1/29 dt.15.1.1999. This benefit shall not be admissible to pre-1996 retirees, in whose case stepping up of pension/family pension shall be done with reference to the corresponding scales of pay as on 1.1.1996. 3. The actual payment of revised pension shall be made from 19.2.2003. Similarly, the actual payment of revised family pension shall also be made from 19.2.2003 or from the date it becomes due, whichever is later. No arrears shall be paid for the period from 1.1.1996 to 18.2.2003. No other payments such as difference of gratuity, leave encashment and commutation value shall be admissible to such of the retirees on the basis of the revised notional pay and notional pension. 4. Zonal Railway administrations, etc. are requested to revise the pension and family pension of the Accounts Staff who had retired during 1.1.1996 to 18.2.2003 in accordance with the above clarifications. SERIAL CIRCULAR NO.110/2004 No.P(R )436/IREM/VI Date: 20 -07--2004 Copy of Board’s letter No.E(NG)I-2000/SR 6/23 dated 25.5.04 is published for information, guidance and necessary action. Board’s letter dated 21.4.89 and 28.11.2000 quoted therein were circulated as S.C.No. 128/89 and 10/01, respectively. Copy of Board’s letter No. E(NG)I-2000/SR 6/23 dated 25.5. (RBE No.105/04) Sub: Assignment of seniority to redeployed surplus staff. In terms of instructions contained in this Ministry’s letter No.E(NG)II-84/RE1/10 dated 21.04.1989 and reiterated in their letter No.E(MPP)/99/1/75 dated 28.11.2000 seniority of surplus staff absorbed in other units/departments is determined as follows:- (i) When only a small number of staff is being rendered surplus and they have to be absorbed in various units of other departments against vacancies of duly sanctioned posts, they can be suitably adjusted in those units with their full seniority and their seniority merged in the respective units. (ii) When a large number of staff is being rendered surplus and they are absorbed in new units, they should be given their full seniority but kept in a separate block against special supernumerary posts in consultation with the Unions so that they seek promotion separately as percentage applicable to them, in their original cadre and the existing staff in the absorbing unit are also not adversely affected. CAT/Jodhpur in their recent judgement dated 24.12.1999 in OA No.165/98 – Shri Surinder Prakash and other vs. Union of India and others and another dated 5.1.2000 in OA No.489/94 – Indian Railways Ticket Checking Staff Association and another Vs. Union of India and Ors. Have allowed the applications filed by the Railway employees against the procedure of allowing full seniority to surplus staff on their absorption to another cadre. These judgements were based upon the judgement dated 29.7.1988 of Hon’ble Supreme Court in C.A.No.2530/81 and 1730/87 in the case of South Eastern Railway and Ors. Vs. Ram Narain Singh and Ors. And also the judgement dated 18.11.1980 in the case of Ramakant Chaturvedi and Ors. Vs. Divisional Supdt., Northern Railway, Moradabad and Ors. – 1980 (Supp)(SCC) 621. A copy of Apex Court’s judgement dated 18.11.1980 was circulated to the Railways vide this Ministry’s letter No.E(NG)I-80/PM1/292 dated 16.3.1981 for information and guidance. In the civil side matters also, Hon’ble Supreme Court have given the directions that surplus staff absorbed in other cadres/departments will not count the service rendered by them in the parent cadre/department for the purpose of seniority and promotion. In light of the above, the question of review of instructions regulating seniority of surplus staff on their absorption in the new cadre/Deptt. Has been considered by this Ministry. The views of both the recognised Federations have also been obtained and taken into account. It has been decided that the service rendered by the surplus staff prior to redeployment will not count for seniority and promotion in the absorbing unit. To this extent Item (I) of para 1 above stands modified. Other stipulations in the existing instructions including the one referred to in (ii) of para 1 above will remain unaltered. 3.1 Indian Railway Establishment Manual, 1989 may also be amended as per Advance Correction Slip No.159 enclosed. Past cases decided otherwise will not be reopened. Indian Railway Establishment Manual, 1989 Volume I (Revised Edition 1989) Chapter III containing rules regulating seniority of non-gazetted Railway servants. Advance Correction Slip No.159 After the existing para 313, a new para 313A may be inserted as follows:313A: Assignment of seniority to redeployed surplus staff: The surplus employees are not entitled for benefit of the past service rendered in the previous unit/department for the purpose of their seniority in the new unit/department. Such employees are to be treated as fresh entrants in the matter of their seniority, promotions etc. Note I: When two or more surplus employees of a particular grade in a unit/department are selected on different dates for absorption in a grade in another unit/department, their inter-se seniority in the latter unit/department will be same as in their previous unit/department provided that(i) (ii) no direct recruit has been selected for appointment to that grade in between these dates; and no promotee has been approved for appointment to that grade between these dates. Note II: When two or more surplus employees of a particular grade in a unit/department are simultaneously selected for redeployment in another unit/department in a grade, their inter-se seniority in the particular grade, on redeployment in the latter unit/department would be the same as in their previous unit/department. [Authority: Board’s letter No. E(NG)I-2000/SR 6/23 dated 25.5.] SERIAL CIRCULAR NO. 111 /2004 No.P(PC)487/V/97/DA Date: 09-07-2004 Copy of Board’s letter No.PC-V/2004/A/DA/1 dated 21.6.04 is published for information, guidance and necessary action. Board’s letter dated 11.3.04 quoted therein were circulated as S.C.No.36/04. Copy of Board’s letter No. PC-V/2004/A/DA/1 dated 21.6.04 (PC-V /413, RBE No.135 /04) Sub: Merger of 50% of Dearness Allowance/Dearness Relief with Basic Pay/Pension to Central Government employees - Clarification regarding. Please refer to Board’s letter of even number dated 11.3.2004 on the above mentioned subject. Subsequent to the issue of these orders, various queries regarding calculation of Non-Practicing Allowance (NPA) and change in its ceiling have been received. In this connection, please find enclosed herewith a clarification dated 7.6.2004 as received from the Ministry of Finance. Copy of Ministry of Finance, Department of Expenditure(Implementation Cell)’s O.M.No.F.No.105/1/2004-IC dated 7.6.2004. Sub: Merger of 50% of Dearness Allowance/Dearness Relief with Basic Pay/Pension to Central Government employees - Clarification regarding The undersigned is directed to refer to this Department’s OM of even number dated the 1st March,2004 on the above mentioned subject and to say that subsequent to issue of these orders references have been received from ministries/departments with regard to (I) rectification of anomalous situation which has cropped up in respect of doctors on account of the ceiling of Rs.29500 imposed by the Government on basic pay plus NPA and (ii) the manner in which pay has to be regulated with effect from 1.4.2004. The issues have been considered by the Government and it is clarified that Dearness Pay shall be excluded for purposes of determining the limit that Basic Pay + NPA can not exceed Rs.29500. Further, as in the case of 50% of the basic pay (excluding NPA) for Doctors also. Non Practicing Allowance shall, however, be paid on basic pay plus dearness pay. The computation shall be made in the manner illustrated below:Basic Pay DP @ 50% of basic pay 18000 9000 NPA @ 25% of 27000 27000 6750 DA @ 11% of 33750 33750 3713 Total 37463 SERIAL CIRCULAR NO._112/2004 No.P(R )473/V Date: 23-07--2004 Copy of Board’s letter No..E(W)2000/PS5-1/11 dated 221.6.04 is published for information, guidance and necessary action. Copy of Board’s letter No. E(W)2000/PS5-1/11 dated 221.6.04 (RBE No.134/04) At present, against the column ‘Route/Via’ in the Privilege/Post Retirement Complimentary Pass and PTOs issued to serving and retired railway employees, all the name of Railways are written through with Pass holder travels. However, with the creation of new Zones it has become difficult to indicate the names of all the Railways within the space available. The matter has, therefore, been considered by Board at the instance of AIRF, and it has been decided that henceforth ‘available over IR and KRC’ may be indicated against the column ‘Route/Via’ in the various kinds of passes issued. SERIAL CIRCULAR NO._113_/2004 No.P(R )541/IV Date: 21 -07--2004 Copy of Board’s letter No.F(E)III/2004/PF1/2 dated 25.6.04 is published for information, guidance and necessary action. Board’s letter dated 11.3.04 quoted therein was circulated as S.C.No. 36/04. Copy of Board’s letter No. F(E)III/2004/PF1/2 dated 25.6.04 (RBE No.137/04) Sub: Treatment of Dearness Pay as pay for the purpose of advances/ final withdrawals under SRPF rules. ***** In terms of Board’s letter No.PC-V/2004/A/DA/1 dated 11.3.2004 Dearness Allowance equal to 50% of the existing basic pay shall be merged with the basic pay and shown distinctly as dearness pay, which would be counted for various purposes including contribution to GPF/SRPF. In the light of these instructions, clarification has been sought from various quarters as to whether the dearness pay would also form part of pay for determining the amount of advances/final withdrawals admissible under the SRPF Rules. 2. The matter has been examined in Board’s office and it is clarified that sub-rule (2) of Rule 922 of Indian Railway Establishment Code, Volume-I (IREC-I) provides for treating dearness pay as part of emoluments or pay under Rules 923 to 925 of IREC, Vol.I. Accordingly, DA equal to 50% of the existing basic pay being treated as dearness pay w.e.f. 1.4.2004 would form part of basic pay for determining various advances/final withdrawals admissible under Rules 923 to 925 of IREC Vol.I. SERIAL CIRCULAR NO._114 /2004 No.P(R )53/IV Date: 16-07--2004 Copy of Board’s letter No. F[E]Spl.2004/ADV/4/1 dated 2-7-04 is published for information, guidance and necessary action. Board’s letter dated 11-3-04 quoted therein was circulated as S.C.No. 36/04. Copy of Board’s letter No. F[E]Spl.2004/ADV/4/1 dated 2-7-04 (RBE No.14404) Sub: Merger of 50% of Dearness Allowance with Basic Pay w.e.f. 1-4-2004 – Counting of Dearness pay for the purposes of various advances **** The recommendation of the 5th CPC regarding conversion of 50% dearness allowance into Dearness Pay for merger with Basic Pay in the case of Central Government employees has been accepted by the Government in the Ministry of Finance vide their O.M. No. 105/1/2004-IC dated 1-3-2004. Corresponding instructions in this regard have been issued on the Railways vide Ministry of Railway’s letter No. PCV/2004/A/DA/1 dated 11-3-2004. In terms of these instructions, the Dearness pay so allowed is to be counted for various purposes including grant of advance w.e.f. 1-4-2004. However, clarifications are being sought from this office as to whether Dearness Pay shall also be counted for entitlement as well as for quantum of various advances as the entitlement to various advances & amount thereof are related to the basic pay drawn by the employee. The matter has been examined in consultation with the Ministry of Finance and it is clarified that Dearness Pay shall be counted for entitlement as well as the quantum of all the advances. SERIAL CIRCULAR NO.115/2004 No.P(R )299/IV Date:30-07--2004 Copy of Board’s letter No. E(G)2003 H01-11 dated 7.7.04 is published for information, guidance and necessary action. Copy of Board’s letter No. E(G)2003 H01-11 dated 7.7.04 (RBE No.145/04) Sub:Grant of honorarium to Railway employees. As per Railway Board’s letter No.F(X)II/94/PW/3 dated 26.3.96, General Managers have been delegated powers to sanction honorarium upto the limit of Rs.10,000/- in the case of non-gazetted employees. In respect of any honorarium claim beyond Rs.10,000/-, prior approval of Railway Board is necessary. For this purpose as per the instructions, Railway Units are required to send quarterly proposals with the approval of their FA&CAO. It has been decided that henceforth all the proposals seeking approval of Railway Board to the payment of honorarium beyond the limit of Rs.10,000/in individual cases should be sent to Railway Board after seeking personal approval of FA&CAO and General Manager. The covering letter containing the honorarium claims should also have the mention that the honorarium claims beyond the limit of Rs.10,000/have the approval of FA&CAO & General Manager. This issues with the concurrence of Finance Directorate of the Ministry of Railways. SERIAL CIRCULAR NO._116/2004 No.P(R )436/IRMM Date: 30-07--2004 Copy of Board’s letter No. 2004/H/PNM-AIRF dated 2.7.04 is published for information, guidance and necessary action. Copy of Board’s letter No. 2004/H/PNM-AIRF dated 2.7.04 (S.No:4/Health/04) Sub: Extension of medical facilities to the widow mother in law of the widow on her appointment on compassionate grounds – Amendment to para 601(6) of IRMM’ 2000. Arising out of a demand by AIRF in the PNM meeting, it has been decided that in the case of widows appointed on compassionate grounds, dependent widow mother or widow mother-in-law, as the case may be, shall be allowed to avail of the railway medical facilities under Railway Medical Attendance and Treatment rules. This is subject to the condition that income of her mother/mother-in-law is within the ceiling limit prescribed in the pass rules. 2. This issues with the concurrence of the Finance Directorate of the Ministry of Railways. 3. An advance correction slip with respect to Para 601(6) of IRMM, 2000 is also enclosed for ready reference. Advance Correction slip to Para 601(6) of IRMM, 2000 Add the following as item (d) under Para 601(6) (d) When a widow gets appointment on the railways on compassionate grounds after the death of her spouse, her widow mother/widow mother-in-law, as the case may be, shall be entitled to avail of Railway medical facilities under Railway Medical Attendance and Treatment Rules. This is subject to the condition that income of her mother/mother-in-law is within the ceiling limit prescribed in the pass rules. [Authority: Board’s letter No. 2004/H/PNM-AIRF dated 2.7.04] SERIAL CIRCULAR NO._117_/2004 No.P(R )579/V Date: 30 -07--2004 Copy of Board’s letter No. E(P&A)I-2004/RT/4 dated 5-06/07-2004 is published for information, guidance and necessary action. Board’s letter dated 8.10.85 quoted therein was circulated as S.C.No. 173/85. Copy of Board’s letter No. E(P&A)I-2004/RT/4 dated 5-06/07-2004 (RBE No.142/04) Sub: Scheme of Voluntary retirement for Railway employees. Ref: Railway Board’s L.No. E(P&A)I-85/ RT/14 dt.8.10.1985. Attention is invited to the provisions contained in Board’s above cited letter according to which a railway servant, including a Scientist or a Technical Expert, who is: (i) on assignment under the Indian Technical & Economic Co-operation (ITEC) Programme of the Ministry of External Affairs and other aid programmes; (ii) posted abroad in foreign based offices of the Ministries/Departments; (iii) on a specific contract assignment to a foreign government shall not be eligible to seek voluntary retirement under the scheme of voluntary retirement unless, after having been transferred to India, he has assumed charge of a post in India and served for a period of not less than one year. 2. However, it has since been decided that the above restriction of resuming the charge of the post in India and to serve for a period of not less than one year for seeking voluntary retirement will not be applicable in case of officers who are on deputation to the UN/International organisations. In other words, the officers who are on deputation to the UN/International organisations are eligible to seek voluntary retirement during the period of deputation or thereafter without any conditions as specified in para 1 above. 3. This issues with the concurrence of the Finance Directorate. SERIAL CIRCULAR NO._118/2004 No.P(R )227/XIII Date: 30-07-2004 Copy of Board’s letter No. E(D&A)2004/RG 6-14 dated 2.7.04 is published for information, guidance and necessary action. Board’s letter dated 30.5.85 quoted therein was circulated as S.C.No. 90/85 . Copy of Board’s letter No. E(D&A)2004/RG 6-14 dated 2.7.04 (RBE No.143/04) Sub: Streamlining of Conduct of Disciplinary Proceedings to reduce delay. A copy of O.M.No.142/5/2003-AVD-I dated 6.4.2004 received from Department of Personnel & Training on the above subject is being sent for information and necessary action. The measures outlined in the Deptt.’s letter No.134/2/83-AVD.I dated 2.5.85, referred to in introductory para of their enclosed O.M. dated 6.4.2004, had been adopted on the railways vide Board’s letter No.E(D&A)85/RG6-21 dated 30.5.1985 and supplemented vide letter of same number dated 12.2.1986. Copy of Department of Personnel & Training’s O.M.No.142/5/2003-AVD-I dated 6.4.2004 OFFICE MEMORANDUM Sub: Streamlining of Conduct of Disciplinary Proceedings to reduce delay. Acknowledging the need for quick disposal of Disciplinary cases, several measures which could be adopted by the Disciplinary Authorities had been outlined in D.O.letter No.134/2/83-AVD.I dated 2.5.1985 from Secretary (P). The said letter also prescribed time limits for actions to be taken for consideration of investigation report, reference to the CBI/CVC, issuance of charge sheet/final order etc. Despite these instructions, it is observed that still there is undue delay in conclusion of Disciplinary proceedings. Taking into account the various stages where delay still occur, while reiterating the instructions contained in the reference quoted above, the following measures are also prescribed, to ensure that disciplinary cases are not unduly delayed:(i) The Administrative Department/Competent Authority/CVC should study the allegations more carefully and resort to minor penalty proceedings instead of initiating major penalty proceedings, where the circumstances involve minor infringements or cases of procedural irregularities. (ii) There is considerable delay in framing the charges after information is received about the alleged irregularities. There are a number of instances where the courts have set aside the order of penalty due to inordinate delay in initiating action. Specific accountability should be fixed on the officer/s responsible for framing the charges, for ensuring issuance of charge sheet within a set time frame. Responsibility shall be fixed for inordinate delay in framing charges, in cases where there are no valid reasons such as a stay of the proceedings by Court. (iii) There is undue delay because of repeated requests of the Charged Officer (CO) for time to give his written statement in reply to the charge sheet. As per existing instructions, the CO is allowed 10 days to submit his written statement. The normal duties of the CO may not give him adequate time in preparing his written statement. He may be allowed three to four days absence for preparing his written statement by the Controlling Officer and this period may be considered as duty, in which case no extension of time shall be allowed beyond the stipulated period of 10 days. (iv) Wherever a Departmental officer is appointed as the Inquiry Officer in Departmental Proceedings, the officer concerned shall be relieved from his normal duties for a period up to 20 days in two spells during which he should complete the inquiry and submit the report. During the period so allowed, he will attend to the inquiry on full time basis. It is requested that the above guidelines may be followed in the conduct of disciplinary proceedings. SERIAL CIRCULAR NO.119/2004 No.P(R )563/VI Date: 30 -07--2004 Copy of Board’s letter No. E(RRB)2001/23/1 dated 8.7.04 is published for information, guidance and necessary action. Board’s letter dated 5.2.2001 quoted therein was circulated as S.C.No. 50/01. Copy of Board’s letter No. E(RRB)2001/23/1 dated 8.7.04 (RBE No.147/04) Sub: Recruitment of Trains Clerks through Railway Recruitment Boards. *** Board have reviewed instructions contained in their letter of even number dated 5.2.2001 (RBE No.24/2001) with regard to placement of indents for the post of Trains Clerks on RRB(s). It has now been decided that the indents for the post of Trains Clerks can be placed on RRB(s) with the approval of the General Manager(s). Prior approval of the Board (MT) will not be required. SERIAL CIRCULAR NO. 120 /2004 No.P(PC)487/V/PC/97/DA Date: 23-07-2004 Copy of Board’s letter No.E[P&A]II-2004/RS-13 dated 30.6.04 is published for information, guidance and necessary action. Board’s letter dated 11-03-04 quoted therein was circulated as S.C.No.36/04 . Copy of Board’s letter No. E[P&A]II-2004/RS-13 dated 30.6.04 (PC-V /416, RBE No.140 /04) Sub: Merger of Dearness Allowance equal to 50% of basic p ay with the basic pay we. 1-4-2004. Please refer to the instructions contained in Para 3 of Board’s letter No. PC-V2004/A/DA/1 dated 11-3-2004 on the above subject. 2. References have been received from some of the Zonal Railways regarding the method to be followed for calculation of emoluments of Running staff consequent upon issue of Board’s letter No. PC-V-2004/A/DA/1 dated 11-3-2004. It is advised that w.e.f. 1-4-2004, emoluments of the Running staff have to be calculated as shown in the illustration below; Basic pay [BP] Pay element @ 30% of BP Dearness Pay [DP] DA Total [1+3+4] Rs.5000 Rs.1500 Rs3250 [computed on BP+30% of BP] Rs.1073 [11% of BP + 30% of BP+DP] Rs.9323 3. This issues with the concurrence of the Finance Directorate of the Ministry of Railways. SERIAL CIRCULAR NO._ 121 /2004 No.P(R )535/IV Date: 27 -07--2004 Copy of Board’s letter No. PC III/2003/UPG/2 dated 13-7-04 is published for information, guidance and necessary action. The earlier letter of even number dated 23-72004, bearing Serial Circular No. 114 / 2004, may be treated as cancelled. Copy of Board’s letter No. PC III/2003/UPG/2 dated 13-7-04 [ RBE No. 151/04] Sub: Upgradation of the post of Gateman in scale Rs.3050-4590. The issue of upgradation of the post of Gateman in scale Rs.3050-4590 has been under Board’s consideration for some time. The matter has been examined in detail by Board and introduction of new pay scale i.e.Rs.3050-4590 is not found feasible for Gateman at this stage. However, the grade of Rs.2750-4400 is common between the Senior Gangman and Gateman, and there may be reluctance for Gangman to go as Gateman in this grade, if posted as per seniority, as they would get this grade as Senior Gangman in any case. Keeping this in view, it has been decided by Board that posting as Gateman in the scale Rs.2750-4400 will be out of turn for all those who are willing for the said post. The Gangman will be given the grade of Rs.2750-4400 as and when they become due, as Gangman depending on the vacancy. SERIAL CIRCULAR NO._122/2004 No.P(R )673/III Date: 11-08--2004 Copy of Board’s letter No. E(G)91/Al 6-1 dated 14.6.2004 is published for information, guidance and necessary action. Board’s letter dated 24.2.2004 quoted therein was circulated as S.C.No No.37/04. Copy of Board’s letter No. . E(G)91/Al 6-1 dated 14.6.2004 (RBE No.126/04) Sub: Revision on Ceiling on expenditure on messing. Further to Board’s letter of even number dated 24.2.2004 on the above subject, the matter has been reviewed by Board and it has been decided that pending finalization of the report of the Committee, the ceiling limit of expenditure on messing for officers upto JAG/SC, who were not covered in Board’s instructions ibid, may be revised from the existing Rs.100/- to Rs.115/- w.e.f. 1.6.2004. The other conditions stipulated in Board’s letter of even number dated 24.2.2004 will apply to these officers also. This issues with the concurrence of Finance Directorate of the Ministry of Railway. SERIAL CIRCULAR NO._123/2004 No.P(R )554/VI Date: 10-08--2004 Copy of Board’s letter No. E(G)2004 RN 5-3 dated 28.6.2004 published for information, guidance and necessary action. Board’s letter dated 1.6.2001 quoted therein was circulated as S.C.No. 119/01. Copy of Board’s letter No. E(G)2004 RN 5-3 dated 28.6.2004 (RBE No.138/04) Sub: Retention of Railway accommodation at the previous place of posting in favour of Railway officers/staff on deputation to Rail Vikas Nigam Ltd. (RVNL). Ministry of Railways have considered the request of Rail Vikas Nigam Ltd.(RVNL) regarding grant of permission for retention of Railway quarters at the previous place of posting by the Railway officers/staff on deputation to RVNL. It has been decided by Railway Board to permit retention of Railway accommodation at the previous place of posting in favour of the deputationist Railway employees to RVNL for a period of 5 years from the date of incorporation of RVNL, i.e. 18.1.2003 in terms of para 2 of Railway Board’s letter No.E(G)2000 QR1-23 dated 1.6.2001. This permission for retention will, thus, be available upto 17.1.2008. The rent chargeable will be at normal (flat rate of licence fee) for a period of 2 months. On request of the concerned employee, the period of retention of Railway accommodation at the previous place of posting may be extended upto 17.1.2008 or upto the date the official remains on deputation with the Corporation, whichever is earlier. The RVNL will pay to the Railway, an amount equivalent to the House Rent Allowance admissible to the Railway employee on deputation to RVNL plus the flat rate of licence fee prescribed by the Railway from time to time in respect of the Railway accommodation so retained. RVNL may, however, recover normal licence fee from Railway employees on deputation to RVNL who are availing this facility. This issues with the concurrence of the Finance Directorate of the Ministry of Railways. SERIAL CIRCULAR NO._124/2004 No.P(R )171/IV Date: 17 -08--2004 Copy of Board’s letter No. 2003-E(SCT)I/22/27 Pt.VI dated 1.7.04 information, guidance and necessary action. published for Copy of Board’s letter No. 2003-E(SCT)I/22/27 Pt.VI dated 1.7.04 (RBE No.141/04) Sub: Grant of facilities to All India SC/ST Railway Employees Association and All India OBC Railway Employees Federation /Association – Minimum basic facilities in their offices. Ref: Railway Board’s letters : (i) No.97-E(SCT)II/3/468 dated 11.12.1997 (ii) No.96-E(SCT)I/71/5 dated 29.5.1998 (ii) No.96-E(SCT)I/71/5 dated 19.6.1998. (iii) No.97-E(SCT)I/22/12 dated 19.6.1998. The All India SC/ST Railway Employees Association and All India OBC Railway Employees Federation/Association have been granted facility of office accommodation vide Board’s above referred letters. The question of providing suitable basic amenities had been under consideration of Board. After a careful consideration, Board has decided to grant minimum basic facilities in these office accommodationS provided to these Associations like a table, 3 to 4 chairs, electricity, a fan etc. at various levels. The above facilities may be provided immediately by recycling the old/ unutilised furniture already available on Zonal Railways/ Divisions/ Branches’ offices etc. and not as a fresh procurement for this purpose. SERIAL CIRCULAR NO._125/2004 No.P(R )473/VI Date: 10 -08--2004 Copy of Board’s letter No. E(W)96 PS 5-8/2 dated 12.7.2004 is published for information, guidance and necessary action. Board’s letter dated 5.11.1999 quoted therein was circulated as S.C.No. No.53/99. Copy of Board’s letter No. E(W)96 PS 5-8/2 dated 12.7.2004 (RBE No.148/04) Sub: Provision of companion in lieu of attendant to senior citizens I Class/I-A Post-retirement complimentary pass holders – Inclusion of mentally retarded and/or Physically disabled son/daughter of retired railway employees. In terms of Board’s letter of even number dated 5.1.1999, retired railway employees and/or eligible family members, who are above the age of 65 years and are holding 1st class/1-A Passes, are allowed to take a companion in the sleeper/2nd class subject to the condition that both pass holder and companion travel in sleeper/2nd class. Instructions have also been issued vide Board’s letter of even No.dt.17.2.04 to allow such retired railway employees/eligible family members to take a companion in higher class on payment of full difference of fare between sleeper/2 nd class and the class in which the retired railway employee travels. The NFIR has brought to the notice of Board that if a handicapped ward of the retired railway employee, who is below 65 years of age, is included in the Post Retirement Complimentary Pass, the facility of companion is not allowed in terms of the extant instructions and requested that since a handicapped ward cannot be of any assistance to the Post Retirement Complimentary Pass holder/eligible family members above the age of 65 years, the facility of companion may be allowed when a handicapped ward is travelling with such Post Retirement Complimentary Pass holder/eligible family members above 6 years of age. The matter has been considered by Board in detail and it has been decided that the facility of companion in lieu of attendant may also be provided to 1st class/1st ‘A’ Post Retirement Complimentary pass holder and/or eligible family members above 65 years of age when they are travelling along with the mentally retard and/or physically disabled son or daughter of the retired railway employee, who is eligible to be included in the Post Retirement Complimentary Pass, as per rules. In all other respects, the provisions of Railway Servants (Pass) Rules, 1986 (Second Edition, 1993) will apply. ADVANCE CORRECTION SLIP NO.45 (PASS)RULES,1986 (SECOND EDITION,1993) TO THE RAILWAY SERVANTS Item No.(xiv) in column 3 of Schedule IV (Post Retirement Complimentary Pass) may be amended as follows:Add the following sentence at the end of item No.3: “The facility of companion in lieu of attendant may, however, be permitted when the pass holder and/or eligible members of family above the age of 65 years are travelling along with the mentally retarded and/or physically disabled son or daughter of the retired railway employee, who is eligible to be included in the Post Retirement Complimentary Pass as per rules”. SERIAL CIRCULAR NO.126 /2004 No.P(R )54/VI Date: 11-08-2004 Copy of Board’s letter No. E(P&A)II-2004/HRA-4 dated 13.7.2004 is published for information, guidance and necessary action. Copy of Board’s letter No. E(P&A)II-2004/HRA-4 dated 13.7.2004 (RBE No.149/04) Sub: Revision of the classification of Goa, Port Blair and the rural areas of the Union Territory of Andaman & Nicobar Islands for the purpose of House Rent Allowance to the Railway employees working therein. The question of revision of classification for the purpose of House Rent Allowance to the Railway employees posted in Goa, Port Blair and the other areas of Andaman & Nicobar Islands on account of the peculiar situation in the Islands and the high cost of construction/high rentals prevailing in these regions has been under consideration of the Government for sometime. Keeping in view the special circumstances in these regions, the President is pleased to revise the classification of Goa and Port Blair city in Andaman & Nicobar Islands from the existing ‘C’ class to B-1 class and that of the rural areas of the Union Territory of Andaman & Nicobar Islands from the existing status of ‘unclassified’ to ‘C’ class areas for the purposes of payment of House Rent Allowance to the Railway employees posted in these areas. These orders take effect from 1.4.2004 and shall remain in force until issue of any further orders in this regard by this Ministry. This issues with the concurrence of the Finance Directorate of the Ministry of Railways. SERIAL CIRCULAR NO.127/2004 No.P(R )554/VI Date: 13 -08--2004 Copy of Board’s letter No. E(G)2001 QR1-14 dated 12.7.2004 is published for information, guidance and necessary action. Board’s letter dated 29.11.94 quoted therein was circulated as S.C.No. 5/95. Copy of Board’s letter No. E(G)2001 QR1-14 dated 112.7.2004 (RBE No.150/04) Sub: Retention of Railway accommodation at the previous place of posting in favour of the officers/staff posted to JammuUdhampur-Srinagar New Line Construction Project. In terms of Railway Board’s letter No.E(G)94 RN2-5 dated 29.11.94 officers/staff transferred and posted to Jammu-Udhampur-Srinagar new Construction and Survey were permitted retention of Railway accommodation at the previous place of posting for a period of 3 years or till the quarters are allotted to them whichever is earlier. Ministry of Railways have reviewed the position and have decided that permission for retention of Railway accommodation at the previous place of posting shall be available to the officers/staff posted to Jammu-Udhampur-Srinagar new line construction Project including those stationed at Jammu under this Project, upto the target date for the completion of the Project, i.e., 15.8.2007. This issues with the concurrence of Finance Directorate of the Ministry of Railways. SERIAL CIRCULAR NO. 128/2004 No.P(R )171/IV Date: 13 -08-2004 Copy of Board’s letter No.2003 E(SCT)I/22/27 Pt.VII dated 114.7.2004. is published for information, guidance and necessary action. Copy of Board’s letter No 2003 E(SCT)I/22/27 Pt.VII dated 14.7.2004 (RBE No.153/04) Sub:Grant of facilities to All India SC/ST Railway Employees Association and All India OBC Railway Employees Federation/Association -Railway telephone with Zonal STD (Inter Division) at the residences of the President/Working President and General Secretary. The All India SC/ST Railway Employees Association and All India OBC Railway Employees Federation/Association have been granted certain facilities from time to time in the past. The question of providing Railway telephone with Zonal STD (Inter Division) at the residences of the President/Working President of these Associations has been under consideration of Board. After a careful consideration, Board has decided that (Railway telephone with Zonal STD (Inter Division) at the residences of the President/Working President and the General Secretary of All India SC/ST Railway Employees Association and All India OBC Railway Employees Federation/Association be provided at Apex and Zonal levels. This is however, subject to the facility being available at that location. SERIAL CIRCULAR NO. 129 /2004 No.P(R )473/VI Date:13 -08-2004 Copy of Board’s letter No.E(W)96 PS 5-9/1 dated 20.7.2004 is published for information, guidance and necessary action. Board’s letter dated 20.6.2000 quoted therein was circulated as SC No.157/2000. Copy of Board’s letter No E(W)96 PS 5-9/1 dated 20.7.2004 (RBE No.156/04) Sub: Provision of containers to eligible railway employees on Transfer/retirement. Ref: Board’s letter No.E(W)96 PS5-9/1 dt.20.6.2000. The issue regarding transportation by containers of household items of the eligible railway employees on their retirement/transfer has been under consideration in Board’s office for quite some time. Railway employees who are appointed on or after 1.5.76 and are drawing Rs.8000/- and above are entitled to transportation of household items by containers, including cost of door to door payment of containers, in terms of Board’s letter dt.20.6.2000. The issue has been considered in consultation with the concerned Directorates in Board’s office and CONCOR. It has now been decided by Board that the eligible serving/retired railway employees may be allowed to transport their household items by containers on their transfer/retirement and for the purpose the following procedure may be adopted:(i) Kit Pass may be accepted by CONCOR at “W” rates applicable to CONCOR’s domestic traffic from originating and destination rail head, and cost thereof may be raised by CONCOR with the concerned Railways through book transfer. (iv) Cost of movement of household items for road portion at either end may be paid by the serving/retired railway employee himself/herself and reimbursement claimed as per his/her entitlement from his/her office. This issues with the concurrence of Finance Directorate of Board’s office. SERIAL CIRCULAR NO.130/2004 No.P(R )436/IRMM Date: 16-08--2004 Copy of Board’s letter No. 2002/H/5/1 dated 5/2/04 and 2.7.04 published for information, guidance and necessary action. Copy of Board’s letter No. 2002/H/5/1 dated 5/2/04 (2 of Health /04) Sub: Medical fitness of Railway Employees with Intra Ocular Lens (IOL)- Amendment to Para 512(10) of IRMM-2000. The matter of permitting employees with IOL (PC) in Aye two category after cataract surgery has been under examination for some time in Ministry of Railways. It is now decided that Intra Ocular Lens IOL(PC) in one or both eyes shall not be a bar for an in-service employee in Aye-two (A-2) category to continue in respective category after cataract surgery provided his/her visual acuity standards come upto the prescribed limits. The periodicity of Periodical Medical Examination (PME) for all such Aye two category of staff with IOL(PC) would be as under: 1st PME 6 weeks after surgery with IOL(PC) 2nd PME 6 months after first PME. Subsequent PMEs after completion of one year from previous PME. All PMEs will have to be done by Ophthalmologists only in such cases. A note under Para 512(10) of IRMM, 2000 may be added as per Advance Correction Slip enclosed. ADVANCE CORRECTION SLIP TO PARA 512 [10] OF IRMM, 2000 The following may be added as under Para 512[10] of IRMM 2000:NOTE:‘ Posterior Chamber Intra Ocular Lens Implantation [PCIOL] in one or both eyes shall not be a bar for the in-service Aye-two [A-2] category staff to continue in the respective category after cataract surgery of one eye/eyes provided his/her visual acuity comes upto the prescribed standard. The periodicity of Periodic Medical Examination [PME] for A2 in IOL [PC] cases would be as under: 1st PME 6 weeks after surgery with IOL(PC) 2nd PME 6 months after first PME after PCIOL. Subsequent PMEs after completion of one year from previous PME. All PMEs will have to be done by Ophthalmologists only in such cases. [Authority: Board’s letter No. 2002/H/5/1 dated 5/2/04] Copy of Board’s letter No. 2002/H/5/1 dated 2.7.04 (5 of Health /04) Sub:- Medical fitness of Railway employees with Intra Ocular Lens (IOL)Amendment to Para 512 (10) of IRMM - 2000. In continuation to Board’s letter No.2002/H/5/1 dated 5.2.2004 on the above cited subject, it has been decided that the relaxation given under this letter will also be extended to inservice employees in Aye-two (A-2) category who have under gone Intra Ocular Lens(PC) Implant in one or both eyes, prior to 5.2.2004 However, all such cases will be examined by a Medical Board including, one eye specialist. Based on the recommendations of the Medical Board and it being accepted by CMD of the Zone, the in-service employees can be permitted to continue in Aye-two (A-2) category. All other terms and conditions contained in Board’s letter No.2002/H/5/1 dated 5.2.2004 will remain unaltered. A note under para 512(10) of IRMM, 2000 may be added as per Advance Correction slip enclosed. Advance Correction Slip to para 512(10) of IRMM’ 2000. The following may be added as under para 512(10) of IRMM’ 2000:Note : The relaxation given vide Board’s letter No.2002/H/5/1 dated 5.2.2004 will also be extended to in-service employees in Aye-two (A-2) category who have undergone Intra Ocular Lens (Posterior Chamber) Implant in one or both eyes, prior to 5.2.2004. However, all such cases will be examined by a Medical Board including, one eye specialist. Board on the recommendations of the Medical Board and it being accepted by CMD of the Zone, the inservice employees can be permitted to continue in Aye-two (A-2) category. (Authority Board’s letter No.2002/H/5/1 dated 2.07.2004). SERIAL CIRCULAR NO. 131 /2004 No.P(R)535/IV Date: 3-08-2004 Copy of Board’s letter No.PC.III/2003/UPG/2 dated 02.8.04 is published for information, guidance and necessary action. Board’s letter dated 13-07-2004 quoted therein , circulated as S.C.No.121/04 dated 27-7-04, may be kept in abeyance until further orders. Copy of Board’s letter No. PC.III/2003/UPG/2 dated 02.8.04 ( RBE No.170 /04) Sub: Upgradation of the post of Gateman in scale Rs.3050-4590. Please connect Board’s letter of even no. dated 13-7-2004 [RBE No. 151/2004] on the above subject. Matter has been reviewed by Board and it is decided that instructions contained in Board’s letter may be kept in abeyance till Board’s further order in the matter. SERIAL CIRCULAR NO. 132 /2004 No.P(PC)487/V/97/Allowance/Vol.II Date:02 -08-2004 Copy of Board’s letter No.PC-V/97/1/7/12 dated 10.6.04 is published for information, guidance and necessary action. Board’s letter dated 10.12.90 and 31.10.1980 quoted therein were circulated as S.C.No.8/91 and 127/80. Copy of Board’s letter No. PC-V/97/1/7/12 dated 10.6.04 (PC-V /412, RBE No.125 /04) Sub: Grant of Transport Allowance to Railway employees – Clarifications regarding. Attention is invited to para 2(vi) of Railway Board’s letter of even number dated 16.12.97 regarding grant of Transport Allowance to physically handicapped Railway employees. 2. The matter of applicability of this order to the handicapped Railway employees suffering from Spinal Deformity (generally known as hunch back disability) has been under consideration in this Ministry. In this connection it is mentioned that Conveyance Allowance was granted vide Railway Board's letter No.F(E)I/89/AL-7/6 dated 10.12.1990 to Railway employees suffering from Spinal deformity causing permanent partial disability of above 40% estimated as per the standards laid down in the Annexure to the letter ibid and certified by the Competent Authority as mentioned in Railway Board's letter No.F(E)I/78/AL-7/5 dated 31.10.1980. It is now clarified that such employees are also covered for grant of Transport Allowance at double the rates w.e.f. 1.8.1997 as admissible under Railway Board’s letter of even number dated 16.12.1997 subject to the terms and conditions laid down in the said letter. 3. In this regard it is also mentioned that Conveyance Allowance was granted to blind or orthopaedically handicapped Railway employees vide Railway Board’s letter No.F(E)I/78/AL-7/5 dated 23.10.78. The criteria for grant of Conveyance Allowance to the handicapped Railway employees was modified vide Railway Board’s letter No.F(E)I/78/AL-7/5 dated 15.1.80 in terms of which an orthopaedically handicapped Railway employee was granted Conveyance Allowance if he or she has a minimum of 40% permanent partial disability of either upper or lower limbs or 50% permanent partial disability of both upper and lower limbs together. The conditions as laid down in Railway Board’s letter No.F(E)I/78/AL-7/5 dated 15.1.80 continue to apply to determine whether a Railway employee is handicapped and entitled to Transport Allowance at double the rate in terms of para 2(vi) of Railway Board’s letter of even number dated 16.12.97. This is however, subject to the other conditions prescribed in para 2(vi) of Railway Board’s letter ibid. The cases of physically handicapped Railway employees for grant of Transport Allowance may be regularized accordingly and Transport Allowance at double the rates should not be restricted to persons with disability of lower extremities only. SERIAL CIRCULAR NO._133/2004 No.P(R )500/XX Date: 18 -08--2004 Copy of Board’s letter No. 99/AC-II/21/14 dated 23.7.2004 published for information, guidance and necessary action. Board’s letter dated 23.5.2000 quoted therein was circulated as S.C.No. SC No.124/2000. Copy of Board’s letter No. 99/AC-II/21/14 dated 23.7.2004 (RBA No.23/04) Sub: Payment of family pension to mentally retarded children – Nomination under clause (d) of proviso to sub rule (6) of rule 75 of Railway Services (Pension) Rules – Clarification regarding. With reference to Board’s letter F(E)III/99/PN1/38 (modification) dated 23.5.2000, regarding family pension to mentally retarded children, clarifications have been sought by some of the Railways as to whether any format of nomination has been prescribed for drawal of family pension on behalf of the mentally retarded child and whether legal guardianship certificate is necessary for the purpose. The matter has been examined in consultation with the Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions and the position is clarified as under:i) The nomination of a person made by Railway servant/pensioner during his/her life time or later on by his/her spouse or the family pensioner, as the case may be, under clause (d) of the proviso below sub-rule (6) of Rule 75 of the Railway Services Pension Rules 1993 inserted vide Board'’ letter No.F(E)III/99/PN1/38 (Modification) dated 23.5.2000 is in respect of his/her mentally retarded son/daughter. In terms of the said clause, no legal guardianship certificate from a Court is required for the purpose of family pension to the mentally retarded son/daughter. ii) The nomination under the said clause (d) can be given on a plain paper .No specific format has been prescribed for this purpose. Zonal Railway administrations etc. are requested to bring the contents of this letter to the knowledge of all concerned. SERIAL CIRCULAR NO._134/2004 No.P(R )563/VI Date: 13 -08--2004 Copy of Board’s letter No. E(NG)I-2001/PM2/12 dated 22.7.04 is published for information, guidance and necessary action. Board’s letter dated 21.1.02 and 8.8.02 quoted therein was circulated as S.C.No. 28/02, 160/02, respectively. Copy of Board’s letter No. E(NG)I-2001/PM2/12 dated 22.7.04 (RBE No.163/04) Sub: Scheme of General Departmental Competitive Examination (GDCE) for filling up 25% of Direct Recruitment quota posts in Group ‘C’ categories – Delegation of powers to the General Managers to fill up DR quota vacancies by GDCE in excess of 25% net DR quota vacancies. In terms of instructions contained in para 4 of this Ministry’s letter of even number dt.21.01.2002, only the staff of Workshops and Production Units fulfilling the eligibility conditions were permitted to appear in the GDCE for filling up the vacancies in the category of Dsl./Elect.Assts. which are decided to be filled up by the General Managers in excess of 25% of direct recruitment quota vacancies in terms of para 2 of the letter ibid, as a one time measure in order to tackle the problem of surpluses in the Production Units and Workshops. 1.1 Subsequently, on AIRF’s demand in the PNM, staff of other than Workshops and Production units were also made eligible to appear in the GDCE provided the optees are from a category or seniority unit clearly identified as having a surplus, vide letter of even number dt.8.8.2002.. 2. However, the Federation continued to insist on removal of any restriction whatsoever. Accordingly, the Ministry of Railways have reconsidered the matter. It has been decided to remove the restriction as mentioned in para 1.1 above and imposed vide para 3 of this Ministry’s letter dt.8.8.2002. Accordingly, in respect of GDCE that may be held hereafter for filling up the post of Dsl/Elec Asst. no distinction be made between GDCE for 25% of DR quota and additional 25% of DR quota, if so decided to be filled by the General Manager, and a single selection be held. SERIAL CIRCULAR NO._135/2004 No.P(R )563/VI Date: 06 -08--2004 Copy of Board’s letter No. E(NG)II/94/RR-1/29 dated 26.7.2004 is published for information, guidance and necessary action. Board’s letters dated 10-05-99 and 6-08-03 quoted therein were circulated under SC Nos. 145/99 and 145/03, respectively. Copy of Board’s letter No. E(NG)II/94/RR-1/29 dated 26.7.2004. (RBE No.166/04) Sub: Upper age limit for direct recruitment to Group ‘C’ & ‘D’ posts on the Railways. Ref: Board’s letter of even number dated 6.8.03 (RBE No.135/03). *** Attention is invited to this Ministry’s letter under reference vide which the currency of the relaxation contained in letter of even number dated 10.5.99 (RBE No.99/99) was extended for a period of 03 (three) years i.e. upto 03.08.2004. The matter has been reviewed by this Ministry and it has now been decided that this relaxation of 03 (three) years, above the prescribed upper age limit for recruitment to all Group ‘C’ & ‘D’ categories including engagement of Substitutes stands withdrawn with effect from 04.08.2004. SERIAL CIRCULAR NO.136/2004 No.P(R )436/R II/III Date: 17 -08--2004 Copy of Board’s letter No. F(E)I/2004/AL-28/6 dated 23.7.04 published for information, guidance and necessary action. Board’s letter dated 24.4.98, quoted therein were circulated as S.C.No. 103/98 and 17/99 respectively. Copy of Board’s letter No. F(E)I/2004/AL-28/6 dated 23.7.04 (RBE No.157/04) Sub:Travelling Allowance Rules– Implementation of the recommendations of the Fifth Central Pay Commission – Journeys on Tour. Ref: Board’s letters No.F(E)I/98/AL-28/9 dated 24.4.98 and F(E)I/98/AL-28/17 dt.27.11.98. The question of allowing reimbursement by prepaid tax managed by Police/Airport Authority has been considered in Board’s Office and it has been decided to allow reimbursement of fares charged under prepaid charges system managed by local police/Airport Authority/State Transport Authority at Metropolitan cities. Accordingly, in exercise of the powers conferred by the provision to Article 309 of the Constitution, the President is pleased to direct that Advanced Correction Slip No.31 issued vide Board’s letter No.F(E)I/98/AL-28/17 dated 27.11.98 shall be modified partially as per ACS No.54 enclosed as annexure. Advanced Correction Slip to IREC Vol.II (First Reprint 1990) Advanced Correction Slip No.54 Chapter 16 Travelling Allowance Rules Section V – Mileage Allowance Rule 1607 – Sub Rule (5) Please add the following before Note-1:(iii) For journeys performed by auto- Reimbursement of fare as determined by the rickshow/taxis under the prepaid charges Government agencies. system managed by local Police/Airport Authority/State Transport Authority in Metropolitan cities…… SERIAL CIRCULAR NO._137/2004 No.P(R )535/IV Date: 16-08--2004 Copy of Board’s letter No. E(P&A)II-2002/RS-24 dated 23.7.2004 published for information, guidance and necessary action. Board’s letter dated 9.1.98 quoted therein was circulated as SC No.50/98. Copy of Board’s letter No. E(P&A)II-2002/RS-24 dated 23.7.2004 (RBE No.162/04) Sub: Tenure of posting of Running staff drafted to perform the duties of Power/ Crew Controllers. The question of revision in the tenure of posting of Running staff drafted to perform the duties of Power/Crew Controllers prescribed in Para 2(f) of Board’s letter No.E(P&A)II83/RS-10 dated 9.1.1998 has been under consideration of the Board, particularly in light of the Inspection Notes of the then CRB of Window Trailing Inspection of Delhi SafdarjangSaharanpur Section & Jagadhri Workshop on 6th November,2002, wherein vide item No.4.3 thereof, extension in tenure of Running staff drafted to perform the duties of Power/Crew Controllers to 5 years was permitted by CRB with the specific approval of GM. 2. The above issue has been examined in detail by the Board in light of various references received subsequently from the recognised Federations and some of the Zonal Railways also and, in partial modification of the instructions contained in Para 2(f) of Board’s letter dated 9.1.1998, it has been decided to empower General Manager of the concerned Zonal Railway to extend the tenure of posting of Running staff drafted to perform the duties of Power/Crew Controllers beyond three years on year to year basis upto a maximum period of five years (i.e.3+1+1+) keeping in view the administrative requirement. 3. This has the approval of the President and issues with the concurrence of the Finance Directorate of the Ministry of Railways. SERIAL CIRCULAR NO._138/2004 No.P(R )673/IV Date:16 -08--2004 Copy of Board’s letter No. E(MPP)2002/3/28/Pt.Reconst. dated 23.7.04 published for information, guidance and necessary action. Copy of Board’s letter No. E(MPP)2002/3/28/Pt.Reconst. dated 23.7.04 (RBE No16404) Sub: Refresher course for ESM/ MSM/ TCM/WTM. In partial modification of Board’s letter No.2000/Safety (A&R)19/40 dated 19.12.2000, it has been decided by Board to modify the schedule of refresher courses of ESM/TCM/ MSM/WTM staff of S&T Department. The modified schedule is as under: Type of course Periodicity Duration Schedule for a Maintainer 1.Refresher Course Once in 4 years 3 weeks 1st year & 5th year for 2. Equipment Course Once in 4 years (should be held two 2 weeks 3rd year years after either refresher course or a promotional course) This has the approval of S&T and Safety Directorate of Railway Board. MANUAL ON MANAGEMENT OF TRAINING Advance Correction Slip No.4/2004 Para 4 of the Appendix-III Signal & Telecommunication Department of the Manual on Management of Training (Edition –1998) may be replaced as under: Jr.Engr./Sec.Engr. 6 weeks Once in 5 years Jr.Engr/Sec.Engr./ 4 weeks Once in 5 years Sr.Sec.Engr. Schedule for a maintainer ESM/TCM/MSM/WTM Equipment course ESM/TCM/MSM/ WTM 3 weeks Once in 4 year 1st year & 5th year Once in 4 years (should be held 3rd year two years after either refresher course or a promotional course) [Authority: E(MPP)2002/3/28/Pt.Reconst. dated 23.7.04] 2 weeks SERIAL CIRCULAR NO._139/2004 No.P(R )288/I Date: 17 -08—2004 Copy of Board’s letter No. E(NG)II/2004/RC-4/CR/4 dated 26.7.04 published for information, guidance and necessary action. Board’s letter dated 3.2.98 quoted therein was circulated as SC No.68/98. Copy of Board’s letter No. E(NG)II/2004/RC-4/CR/4 dated 26.7.04 (RBE No./166/04) Sub: Re-engagement of Retired Staff – delegation of powers to General Managers – Para Medical Staff. In terms of Board’s letter No.E(NG)II/95/RC-4/1 dated 29.3.1995, General Managers of Zonal Railways/Production Units have been delegated the powers to reengage retired Para-medical staff on daily rate basis up to the age of 60 years. On a recent proposal received from a Zonal Railway regarding reconsidering the engagement of retired Para-medical Staff beyond the superannuating age of 60 years, it has been decided that powers may be delegated to the General Managers to re-engage retired para medical staff on daily rate basis up to the age of 62 years against the vacancies in para medical categories, as detailed in the Board’s letter No.E(NG)II/95/RC4/8 dated 3.2.1998. This issues with the concurrence of the Finance Directorate of the Ministry of Railways (Railway Board). SERIAL CIRCULAR NO._140/2004 No.P(R )535/IV Date: 24 -08—2004 Copy of Board’s letter No. E(GP)2002/2/88 dated 15.6.04 published for information, guidance and necessary action. Copy of Board’s letter No. E(GP)2002/2/88 dated 15.6.04 (RBE No./12704) Sub: Promotion from Group ‘C’ to Group ‘B’ through 70% selection/30% LDCE. In a meeting with the Board, NFIR and AIRF have pointed out that the high failure rate in the selections (70% quota) for promotion to Group ‘B’ is mainly due to the fact that the question papers for the selections are theoretical and not practical based which the senior Group ‘C’ staff find it difficult to answer effectively, even though they may excel in their jobs and also due to the fact that they are not familiar with the pattern of question papers. 2.0 The matter has been reviewed by the Board. 2.1 Instructions regarding setting of question papers already exist under para 204.2 of the IREM, which provides that the question papers set up for written test should have a practical bias i.e. it should be designed to test the ability of candidates to tackle the practical problems they are likely to face rather than their theoretical knowledge. Board desires that the above instructions may be adhered to and the question papers for the written test for the Group ‘B’ selections should be set strictly in accordance with the aforesaid provisions. 2.2 Board has also decided that the candidates who take the written examination for selections/LDCE for promotion to Group ‘B’ may be allowed to take the question papers with them. This would help the prospective candidates in becoming familiar with the general pattern of the question-papers. SERIAL CIRCULAR NO141/ 2004 No.P(PC )487/V PC/6/CRC/Vol.IV Date: 17-08—2004 Copy of Board’s letter No. No.P(PC )487/V PC/6/CRC/Vol.IV dated 17-08-2004 is published for information, guidance and necessary action. Board’s letter dated 9-10-03 and 6-1-04 quoted therein were circulated as SC No.191/03 and 7/04. Copy of Board’s letter No. No.P(PC )487/V PC/6/CRC/Vol.IV 2004[RBE No. 155/04] dated Sub: Restructuring of certain Gr. C & ‘D’ cadres. Ref: Board’s letters of even number dt. 9.10.2003 & 6.1.2004 … 17-08- As per para 10 of this Ministry’s letter of even number dated 9.10.2003 on the above subject, the concept of Multi- skilling has been introduced by merging different categories viz. SM/ASM with Yard Masters & Traffic Inspectors, Personnel Inspectors with Welfare Inspectors & HOER Inspectors and ESM with MSM. The revised percentages are to be made applicable in the unified cadre. However, a suggestion has been received from a few Railways for implementing the revised percentages before merging the cadres. 2. The matter has been considered by the Ministry of Railways ( Railway Board) duly keeping in view the position of implementation of restructuring of Zonal Railways and other relevant factors and it has been decided that no change is warranted in the existing instructions. 3. Certain discrepancies have come to notice in the existing para 11 and para 15 of this Ministry’s letter of even number dated 9.10.2003. Ministry of Railways ( Railway Board) have decided with the approval of the President that the existing para 11 and para 15 may now be read as under: Para No. 11 Existing para The implementation of restructuring scheme in the categories of Ministerial staff, Personnel Inspectors and Depot Material Superintendents is subject to the introduction of direct recruitment in these categories. After implementation of the restructuring in accordance with the revised percentage distribution of posts indicated in the annexures enclosed, the vacancies arising in these categories on or after the cut-off date should be filled through direct recruitment in the manner indicated hereunder: Modified para After implementation of the restructuring in accordance with the revised percentage distribution of posts indicated in the Annexures enclosed, the vacancies arising in these categories after the cut-off date should be filled in the manner indicated hereunder SERIAL CIRCULAR NO142/ 2004 No.P(PC )487/V /IMP/97/Vol.V Date: 16-08—2004 Copy of Board’s letter No. No.PC-V/2002/1/6/2 dt. 20.7.2004 is published for information, guidance and necessary action. Copy of Board’s letter No. No. .PC-V/2002/1/6/2 dt. 20.7.2004 [RBE No. 158/04] Sub: Anomaly in fixation of pay of Loco Supervisory staff appointed Prior to 1.1.1996 with reference to their juniors appointed after and drawing more pay than the seniors. … It has come to the notice of the Board that staff appointed prior to 1.1.1996 as Loco Running Supervisors in the pre-revised pay scales, whose pay has been fixed in the replacement scales for Loco Running Supervisors under the RSRP Rules, 1997, are drawing less pay than their juniors appointed to the Supervisory post after 1.1.96. The anomaly has arisen due to the fact that the benefit of element of Running allowance granted at the time of promotion of running staff to a stationary post has been granted to the junior in the revised scale, whereas, the same benefit granted to the senior is of lesser value as the same has been calculated on pre-revised pay scale. It has been decided that the anomaly be resolved by granting stepping up of pay to the seniors at par with the juniors in terms of Note 9 of Rule 7 of RSRP Rules, 1997. The benefit of stepping up of pay will be subject to the following conditions:(a) the stepping up of pay will be allowed to running staff only appointed as loc supervisors in whose cases 30% of basic pay is taken as pay element in the running allowance. The stepping up of pay will not be admissible to the non-running staff of Mechanical Deptt. Appointed as Loco running supervisors as in their cases the question of pay element in the running allowances does not arise; (b) If even in the lower post, revised or pre-revised, the junior was drawing more pay than the senior by virtue of advance increments granted to him or otherwise, stepping up will not be permissible; (c) Stepping up will be allowed only once, the pay so fixed after stepping up will remain unchanged; (d) The next increment will be allowed, if due, on completion of the requisite qualifying service with effect from the date of refixation of pay. This has the approval of the Finance Directorate of the Ministry of Railways. SERIAL CIRCULAR NO143/ 2004 No.P(PC )487/V /IMP/97/Vol.V Date: 16-08—2004 Copy of Board’s letter No. No.PC-III/2004/CRC/15 dt. 23/26.7.2004 is published for information, guidance and necessary action. Board’s letter dated 6.1.04 was circulated as S.C.No.7/2004. Copy of Board’s letter No. No.PC-III/2004/CRC/15 dt. 23/26.7.2004 ( RBE No.165/2004) Sub: Restructuring of certain Group ’C’ &’D’ cadres- clarification regarding filling up the chain/resultant vacancies. … As per Para 1,3 & 4.4 of Board’s letter No.PC.III/2003/CRC/6 dated 6.1.2004, benefit of promotion for vacancies arising out of above restructuring would be given w.e.f 1.11.2003. In reference thereto, some of the Railways/Units have sought clarification, whether vacancies arising out of restructuring would include chain/resultant vacancies as well. The matter has been considered by Board and it is decided that benefit of promotion against chain/resultant vacancies should also be given w.e.f. 1.11.2003, if the same would arise purely due to the above restructuring. SERIAL CIRCULAR NO144/ 2004 No.P(R )563/VI Date: 24 -08—2004 Copy of Board’s letter No. E(NG)I/2004/PM2/3 dated 5.8.04 is published for information, guidance and necessary action. Board’s letter dated 20.8.93 quoted therein was circulated as SC No.90/93. Copy of Board’s letter No. E(NG)I/2004/PM2/3 dated 5.8.04 (RBE No.173/04) Sub:- Introduction of General Department Competitive Examination for filling 25% DR quota vacancies In certain group ‘C’ Categories-Clarification reg. In Para 2(iv) of this Ministry’s letter No.E(NG)I/92/PM2/16 dt.20.8.93, it has been stipulated that all regular employees possessing the prescribed qualifications for direct recruitment are eligible to appear in the General Department Competitive Examination (GDCE) irrespective of the grade and cadre in which they are working. 2 3 4 It has been brought to the notice of the Board that staff working in higher grade apply for posts in lower scale of pay in response to notifications for GDCE. The matter has been reviewed by the Board, it is clarified that the phrase ‘irrespective of the grade’ in the instructions referred to above is not intended to allow staff working in grades higher than the grade carried by the posts for which GDCE is held accordingly, only the employees working in lower grade posts and at the best in the same grade for which GDCE is being held should only be allowed to appear in the GDCE. In no case persons working in higher grade posts be allowed to appear in the GDCE to be held for a lower grade post. However, past cases decided otherwise need not be reopened. SERIAL CIRCULAR NO.145_/2004 No.P(R )500/XX Date: 24 -08—2004 Copy of Board’s letter No. E(P&A)II-2002/RS-4 dated 21.7.04 is published for information, guidance and necessary action. Board’s letter dated 17.4.98 and 14.10.97 quoted therein were circulated under SC No.106/98. Copy of Board’s letter No. E(P&A)II-2002/RS-4 dated 21.7.04 (RBE No.159/04) Sub:- Payment of Interest on arrears due on account of recomputation of pension and other retiral benefits as a result of implementation of Supreme Court’s judgement date 25-7-1997 in C.A.No.4174-82 of 1995 and other tagged SLPs. *** Attention is invited to Board’s letter No.PC-III/92/CTC-1/2 dated 17-4-1998 on the above subject wherein it was provided that interest at the rate of 12% on the arrears falling due in terms of Board’s letter No.PC-III/92/CTC-1/2 dated 14-10-1997 may be paid to all the applicants from the date of the respective judgement. 2 The matter regarding payment of interest on the arrears falling due in terms of Board’s letter dated 14-10-1997 ibid to the running staff/their legal heirs who had not approached any judicial forum was under consideration of the Board for quite some time, particularly in view of a few judgements delivered on this aspect by certain judicial for a.. The issue has accordingly been examined carefully taking all aspects of the matter into consideration and in partial modification of the instructions contained in Para 2 of the above letter dated 17-4-1998, it has now been decided that interest at the rate of 12% on the arrears falling due to all the beneficiaries in terms of Board’s letter of even number dated 14-10-1997, excepting those who are covered by the instructions dated 17-4-1998 ibid, may be paid irrespective of the fact whether they had approached any judicial forum or not. In such cases, the period for computing delay in payment of arrears is to be reckoned from the date of the Supreme Court’s judgement dated 25-7-1997 in the cited case. 3 It is desired that immediate necessary action may be taken to arrange payment in light of the decision contained in Para 2 above. Cases filed by the concerned ex-employees/their legal heir claiming benefit of interest on delayed payment of arrears due in terms of letter dated 14-10-1997, if any, may please be got abated by bringing the decision contained in Para 2 above to the notice of the respective CAT, High Court or Supreme Court. 4 This issues with the concurrence of the Finance Directorate of Railways. SERIAL CIRCULAR NO. 146 /2004 No.P(PC)487/ V/97/DA Date: 17 -08-2004 the Ministry of Copy of Board’s letter No. PC-V/2004/A/DA/1 dated 27.7.04 is published for information, guidance and necessary action. Board’s letter dated 11.3.04 quoted therein was circulated as S.C.No.36/04. Copy of Board’s letter No. PC-V/2004/A/DA/1 dated 27.7.04 RBE No.168/04) (PC-V/421 , Sub:- Merger of 50% of Dearness Allowances Relief with Basic Pay/Pension to Central Government employees – Clarification Regarding. Ref:- Board’s letter of even number dated 11-03-2004. Reference have been received from Zonal Railways and production Units seeking clarification on the aspect of inclusion of Dearness Pay for calculation of incentive/PCO allowance. 2 The matter has been examined in this office and it has been decided that Dearness Pay shall be reckoned for the purpose of calculation of incentive and PCO allowance in Railways workshops and Production Units. 3 This issues with the concurrence of Ministry. Finance Directorate of this SERIAL CIRCULAR NO. 147 /2004 No.P(PC)487/ VPC/6/CRC/Vol.IV Date: 26-08-2004 Copy of Board’s letter No. PC-III/2003/CRC/6 dated 15/19.07.2004 is published for information, guidance and necessary action. Board’s letter dated 9.10.03 quoted therein was circulated as SC No.191/03. Copy of Board’s letter No. PC-III/2003/CRC/6 dated 15/19.07.2004 (PC-V Nil, RBE No.154/04) Sub: Restructuring of certain Gr.’C’ & ‘D’ cadres – merger of cadres of SMs/ASMs, TIs and YMs. Reference para 10.1 of this Ministry’s letter of even No.dt.09.10.2003 on the above subject. 2. One of the Railways has brought to this Ministry’s notice that medical classification for SM/ASM, YM & TI being different, there will be difficulty in posting a person in the unified cadre from lower medical category to a category having higher medical category. For instance a TI cannot be posted as ASM/SM i.e. from A3 medical classification to A2 medical classification. 3. It has been clearly indicated in para 10.1 of this Ministry’s letter ibid that in the initial stage of merger, efforts will be made to post the employees in the categories in which they have been working. This will not therefore pose any difficulty on account of different medical classification. But at later stage, when they are made fully equipped to discharge all the functions hitherto being discharged by SMs/ASMs, YMs and TIs, administration will have the flexibility to post a person as per the administrative requirement. At this stage, however, while ordering posting, it will have to be ensured that the staff fulfill the medical standards prescribed for that particular post/category. In any case, since in future the recruitment and promotion pattern of SMs/ASMs will be applicable to merged cadre of SMs/ASMs, TIs & YMs, the medical classification of SMs/ASMs will be followed. The problem of medical classification will thus be taken care of automatically. SERIAL CIRCULAR NO. 148 /2004 No.P(PC)487/V/IMP/97/Vol.V Date:25-08-2004 Copy of Board’s letter No.PC/97/G/4 dated 21.7.04 is published for information, guidance and necessary action. Board’s letter dated 4.12.97, 30.6.20 and 10.5.99 quoted therein were circulated as SC Nos.222/97,184/02 and 139/99. Copy of Board’s letter No. PC/97/G/4 dated 21.7.04 No.161/04) Sub:- Grant of option to RPF Combatised staff. (PC-V/420 , RBE Ref:- Railway Board’s letter No.PC-V/97/G/4 dated 30-6-2000. The pay scales of certain categories of RPF/RPSF staff (Combatised) have been given effect from 10.10.97 vide Ministry of Railways letter referred to above. The instructions contained in Board’s letter of even number dated 10.5.99 would be applicable for the staff whose pay scales have been revised vide Board’s letter No.PC-V/97/G/4 dated 04-12-97. In other words, as the allotment of higher revised scales granted w.e.f. 10.10.97 does not involve assumption of higher duties and responsibilities, the pay of the concerned staff would be fixed under FR-22(I)(a)(2) (1313(I)(a)(2)) IREC Vol.II) and be granted a chance to exercise fresh option under FR – 23(1317 IREC-Vol.II). SERIAL CIRCULAR NO.149_/2004 No.P(R )24/V Date:16 -09—2004 Copy of Board’s letter No. 2004-B-306 dated 4.8.04 is published for information, guidance and necessary action. Copy of Board’s letter No. 2004-B-306 dated 4.8.04 Sub: Rate of interest to be charged on advance for purchase of conveyances during 2004-2005. A copy of Ministry of Finance, Department of Economic Affair’s OM F.No.5(2)PD/2004 dated 22nd July, 2004 regarding rate of interest to be charged on advances sanctioned during the year 2004-2005, for purchase of conveyances is enclosed. 2. The instructions contained therein will apply mutatis-mutandis to Railway employees. Copy of Ministry of Finance, Dept. of Economic Affair’s OM F.No.5(2)-PD/2004 dt. 22-7-04 Sub: Advances to Government servants – Rate of interest for purchase of conveyances during 2004-2005. The undersigned is directed to state that the rates of interest for advances sanctioned to the Government servants for purchase of conveyances during 2004-2005 i.e. from 1st April, 2004 to 31st March,2005 will continue to be at the same level as for 2003-2004, as under:Rate of interest Per annum (i) (ii) (iii) Advance for purchase of Bicycle Advance for purchase of conveyance other than Motor car (viz. motor cycle, scooter etc.) Advance for purchase of motor car 5.5% 8% 11.5% SERIAL CIRCULAR NO._150/2004 No.P(R )579/V Date: 24 -08—2004 Copy of Board’s letter No. E(P&A)I-2002/RT-1 information, guidance and necessary action. dated 04.08.04 is published for Copy of Board’s letter No. E(P&A)I-2002/RT-1 dated 04.08.04 (RBE No.172/04) Sub: Special Voluntary Retirement Scheme for Surplus Railway Employees. The Special Voluntary Retirement Scheme introduced by the Department of Personnel & Training vide their OM No.25013/6/2001 Estt.(A) dated 28.2.2002 for Government employees declared surplus, was under consideration of the Ministry of Railways for quite some time. The President is pleased to introduce a similar Special Voluntary Retirement Scheme (SVRS) for permanent Group ‘C’ and ‘D’ employees of the Railways who have been declared surplus (medically decategorised or otherwise) and placed in a supernumerary post and who cannot be redeployed within the Railway/Production Unit and have more than five years of residual service, subject to the following stipulations: a) b) c) 2. Employees would be eligible to give notice for Special Voluntary Retirement Scheme after a period of one year from the date he/she is declared surplus and placed in a supernumerary post. Railway/Production Unit would be reckoned as the unit for the purpose of providing alternative employment. CPO of the Railway/Production Unit would certify non-availability of avenue of alternative employment, which would constitute a precondition for acceptance of the Special Voluntary Retirement application of the employee. The features of the special Voluntary Retirement Scheme are as under:- (i) (ii) a) b) c) d) e) f) Only those employees, having more than 5 year of residual service in the above mentioned categories may opt for the scheme. An optee of Special VRS will be entitled to receive an ex-gratia amount equal to basic pay plus dearness allowance for the number of days worked out on the basis of length of service @ 35 days for each completed year and 25 days for each remaining year. For any part of a year, the number of days, for ex-gratia amount, will be worked out on the basis of 365 days in a year. The ex-gratia amount will be further subject to the following conditions:Total number of years to be counted for payment of ex-gratia will not exceed 33 years; No weightage of additional service will be given for the purpose of calculation of ex-gratia; The ex-gratia will be subject to a minimum of Rs.25,000/- or 250 days emoluments, whichever is higher. The ex-gratia amount should not exceed the sum of the basic pay plus DA that the employee would draw at the prevailing level for the balance of the period of service left before superannuation; The ex-gratia amount will be paid in lump-sum; The ex-gratia amount upto Rs.5.00 lakhs will be exempted from Income Tax. (iii) A weightage of five years to the qualifying service shall be given under Railway Services (Pension) Rules,1993 to such permanent surplus Railway employees and medically decategorised employees who have rendered a minimum of 15 years of qualifying service on the date they are declared surplus/medically decategorised. However, as provided in Rule 68 of Railway Services (Pension) Rules,1993 the qualifying length of service after taking into account the aforesaid weightage should not be more than the service he/she would have rendered had he/she retired on the date of his/her superannuation; (iv) Encashment of unutilised leave on Average Pay accumulated on the date of relief as per the Railway Services (Liberalised leave) Rules,1949. Payment of savings element with interest in the Railway Employees Group Insurance Scheme as per rules; (v) (vi) TA/DA as on retirement for self and family for settling anywhere India as per Travelling Allowance Rules. 3. Payment of ex-gratia to the Railway employees declared surplus/medically decategorised and opting for the Special VRS will be over and above the normal retirement entitlement under Railway Services (Pension) Rules,1993. 4. The order of voluntary retirement in each case should clearly stipulate that the surplus/supernumerary post held by the retiring incumbent will stand abolished from the date of his/her voluntary retirement. 5. The permanent Group ‘C’ and ‘D’ Railway employees can exercise the option for SVRS, within three months, after a period of one year from the date he/she has been declared surplus (medically decategorised or otherwise) and placed in a supernumerary post. Employees who have already been declared surplus (medically decategorised or otherwise) prior to issue of these instructions can also exercise the option for SVRS within a period of three months from the date of issue of this letter, provided they have been working against supernumerary post for more than one year. 6. This issues with the concurrence of the Finance Directorate of the Ministry of Railways. 7. All the Railways/Production Units are requested to give wide publicity to this scheme through Railway gazettes, Notice Boards etc. SERIAL CIRCULAR NO.151_/2004 No.P(R )473/VI Date: 15-09—2004 Copy of Board’s letter No. E(W)2003 PS 5-1/4 dated 30.07.2004 is published for information, guidance and necessary action. In this connection instructions issued under this office letter No. P[R]473/IV dated 29-11-2001 may also be referred to. Copy of Board’s letter No. E(W)2003 PS 5-1/4 dated 30.07.2004 (RBE No./04) Sub: Grant of 1st class pass to Ex.Serviceman employed on Railways. Certain Ex.Servicemen employed on Central Railway had approached the Hon’ble Tribunal, Mumbai pleading grant of 1st class pass in their favour, taking into account their pay it was fixed on their re-employment on the Railways plus pension which they were getting for the Army service. In terms of provisions in the Railways Servants (Pass) Rules,1986 (Second Edition,1993) grant of 1st class pass to Group ‘C’ employees is considered on the basis of their date of entry into railway service and their pay on the Railways. Pension drawn by ex. Servicemen are not added with basic pay for the purpose of grant of 1st class pass to them. The stand of Railways has been upheld by the Hon’ble Tribunal vide their judgement dt.18th June,2004. A copy of the same is sent herewith for guidance. CENTRAL ADMINISTRATIVE TRIBUNAL, BOMBAY BENCH, MUMBAI Original Application No.234/2003 Dated this Friday, the 18th day of June 2004. CORAM: Hon’ble SHRI S.G.DESHMUKH, MEMBER (J) 1. Shri R.P.Sinha, Jr.Engineer.II, Break Equipment Section, Sr.DEE(TRS) EMU Car Shed, Kurla. 2. Shri T.K.Tripathi, A.A.Audit Section AOT (R&C), T.A.Building, (Platform No.7) Mumbai CST. 3. Shri P.Radhakrishnan, AA, Sr.DAO’s Office, 4th Floor, Annex Building, Mumbai CST. 4. Shri R.K.Sahu, Jr.Engineer.II, Panto Inspector Section, EMU Car Shed, Kurla 5. Shri S.P.Singh, Jr.Engineer II, Control Equipment Section, EMU Car Shed,Kurla 6. Shri Shankarlal Pal, AA, PTD Section, AOT[C], TA Building(Platform No.7) Mumbai CST. 7. Shri P.K.Nath, ASM,JITA, Sr.DOM, Mumbai 8. Shri D.V.Ramteke, AA, FA&CAO(C ) Mumbai 9. Shri Ramkumar Sinha, ASM, Ambivali Station, DRM, Mumbai Division. 10. Shri M.Pradeep, AA, AOT (C ), TA Building(Platform No.7) Mumbai CST. Shri P.D.Bais AA, Sr.DAO’s Office, 4th Floor, Annex Building, Mumbai CST. 12. Shri Rajeshwar Rai, AA,Co-ordination Section, AOT(G), TA Building(Platform No.7) Mumbai CST. 11. Shri D.S.Patel, AA, Sr.DAO’s Office, 4th Floor, Annex Building, Mumbai CST. 14. Shri Jaswant Singh, ASM Apta Station, Sr.DOM, Mumbai Division 15. Shri Atul Seth, SM Dapoli Station, Sr.DOM Mumbai Station. 16. Shri Naresh Thakur, ASM, Nilje Station, Sr.DOM, Mumbai Division …. Applicants (Applicants by Shri Nikesh Sinha, Advocate) 13. 1. 2. 3. Vs Union of India through General Manager, Central Railway, Mumbai CST Financial Advisor & Chief Accounts Officer, Central Railway, Mumbai CST Divisional Rly.Manager, Mumbai Division, Central Rly,Mumbai CST Respondents (Respondents by Shri S.C.Dhawan, Advocate) ORDER (Per. S.G.Deshmukh, Member (J): The present OA is filed for quashing the orders dated 21.12.2001 and 3.12.2002 and directing the respondents to grant First Class Privilege Passes and PTOs to the applicants No.1 to 15, quashing the order of amendment i.e. Advanced Correction Slip No.49 to Rule 1712 (I) Volume II of Indian Railway Establishment Code and directing the respondents to consider the payment of City Compensatory Allowance and House Rent Allowance on basic pay plus basic pension to the applicants No.1 to 16 with retrospective effect. 2. The applicants are Defence Pensioners, who have been re-employed in various capacities in the Central Railway. They are in receipt of Defence Pension. Their pay on re-employment was fixed in the minimum of the pay scale in accordance with Rule 117 (v)(a) of Chapter I Section G of the Indian Railway Establishment Manual 1989. The applicants No.1 to 15 are Pensioners of Central Government. They are entitled to First Class Privilege Passes and PTOs on the basis of pay in the post in which re-employed plus Gross Pension and/or pension equivalent or other forms of Retirement Benefits. At present they are being issued passes and PTOs only on the basis of their basic pay in the re-employed. Post. It is contended that the applicant No.1,3,4,5,6,7 & 8 were already availing/enjoying the facility of First Class Privilege Passes/PTOs since long. But from December, 2002, this facility was illegally and arbitrarily stopped by Railway Board by letter dated 21.12.2001. They are entitled for the First Class Privilege Passes/PTOs under the aforesaid statutory provisions. They sent a legal notice to the General Manager, Central Railway, Mumbai to extend the benefit. 3. It is further contended that the grant of Compensatory City Allowance and House Rent Allowance in respect of the re-employed Pensioners shall be regulated according to the Rule 1712 (i) of Indian Railway Establish Code of 1990 Edition. The applicants were already drawing the HRA, basic pay plus gross pension since long back. But the Railway Board with ulterior motive amended the provision of Rule 1712 of Indian Railway Establishment Code 1990 arbitrarily and without giving an opportunity to the applicant. The applicants sent the legal notice to the General Manager, Central Railway. No response is so far forthcoming. Hence this O.A. 4. The respondents appealed and filed their counter Affidavit. The respondents contended that the applicants are not entitled to Privilege Passes and PTOs. The applicants are Defence Pensions re-employed in various capacity in the Central Railways. Applicants’ pay were fixed on re-employment in minimum of the scale in accordance with the rules. The applicants’ date of entry in the Railway Service and the pay fixed at the time of their entry are produced at Exh.R.I. They are not entitled to First Class Privilege Passes and PTOs on the basis of their pay in the post in which they are reemployed plus gross pension and/or other retirement benefits. The applicants are entitled to Privilege Passes and PTOs in accordance with the Railway Servant’s pass Rules 1986, Schedule II of the 2nd Edition which provides that reemployment of non-railway government employees or quasi government employees in Railway organisation Passes or PTOs will be admissible on the scale as admissible on the Railway Servants under these rules. The Railway servants are entitled to passes and PTOs on the basis of their scale of pay which they are drawing. 5. It is further contended that in the case of employees who were appointed on Railway service on or after 10.11.1987 and were drawing pay of Rs.2301 or above in a scale the minimum of which was Rs.2000/- First Class Passes are admissible as set out in the schedule. In respect of employees and other than these, Second Class passes are admissible. The applicants are employees in Group C category. As per RSRP revised scale under the Vth Pay Commission equivalent of Rs.2301/- is Rs.7250/- and the scale of Rs.2000-3200 (RSP) the equivalent is Rs.6500-10,500/- RSRP. The applicants were neither appointed in the grade of Rs.2000-3200 RSP (Rs.6500-10500) nor the applicants are drawing the basic pay of Rs.7250/-. The applicants have entered the Railway Service after 1987. The applicants were wrongly given First Class Railway Passes and PTOs. which were not in accordance with the rules. The respondents contended that on the same mistake being discovered was corrected their mistake by stopping the grant of First Class Privilege Passes to those applicants. The mistake was discovered after the receipt of Railway Board’s letter dated 21-12-2001. The respondents denied that the applicants 1 to 15 are entitled to First Class Privilege Passes and PTOs as alleged. The applicants have all entered after 1987 and are government by Railway Servants Pass Rules 1986 which is a statutory provision. Applicants cannot claim any benefit contrary thereto. 6 It is further contended that the applicants are governed by Indian Railway Establishment Code (1990) as amended. Rule 172 of Indian Railway Establishment Code (IREC) Vol..II 1987 was amended by the President in exercise of the provisions provided in Article 309 of the Constitution. 7. It is contended that the President has in suppression of previous orders on the subject, promulgated the Central Civil Service (Fixation of pay of re-employed pensioners) Order, 1986 under article 309 of the Constitution. The 1986 order replaced all previous orders. The Railway Board by its letter dated 21-01-1987 addressed to the General Managers of all Zonal Railways informed them that the Department of Personnel and Training has now consolidated the existing order into single body of orders with a view to rationalise and simplify the procedure governing the initial fixation of pay on reemployment. The applicants are governed by Clause 11 of the said order. It is also contended that the Indian Railway Establishment Code is a statute and enacted under proviso to Article 309 of the Constitution of India and the authorities have the right and power to amend the same. No prior notice or information is required to be given before the amendment can be effected. Amendment being statutory in nature is binding in nature. The applicants’ allowance of HRA and CCA are now determined on the basis of the amendment provision of 1712 (i) of the Indian Railway Establishment Code 1987. The applicants who joined the Railway Service in 1998-99 are not entitled to claim any benefit on the basis of the provisions with regard to the Railway passes prior to the coming into force of Railway Servants pass Rule 1986. The saving clause in the said rule therefore, cannot help the applicants in any manner and is of no avail for contending that the applicants are entitled to passes on the basis of the provisions as were applicable to the employees prior to the coming into force of Railway Servants Pass Rule 1986. The applicants were wrongly granted the benefit to which they are entitled. That does not preclude the administration from correcting their mistake. The respondents denied that they have not complied with the provisions of Section 23 of General Clause Acts. The respondents relied on the judgement in the case of General Manager, Western Railway vs. Y.P. Sharma in Civil Appeal No.995/95 dated 18-12-1998. 8. The applicant filed the rejoinder and reiterated the contentions in the O.A. 9. The respondents filed the reply to the rejoinder. 10. Heard the learned counsel Shri Nikesh Sinha for the applicant and Shri S.C.Dhawan for the respondents. 11. The learned counsel Shri S.C. Dhawan relied on the Judgement in the case of General Manager, Western Railway vs. Y.P.Sharma in Civil Appeal No.995/95 (supra) dated 18-12-1998 of the Apex Court wherein the court held as under : “ Central Civil Services (Fixation of Pay of Re-employed Pensioners) Order, 1986, Clause 11 – Indian Railway Establishment Code, Rule 1712 (i), Re-employment of pensioners – Their pension cannot be added to the pay for purpose of calculation of allowance. It is not right to hold that Rule 1712 (i) of Indian Railway Establishment Code will prevail over clause 11 of the Order of 1986. Indian Pass Manual, 1977, Rule 65(1) (b), Railway Servants (Pass) Rules, 1986 Rule 16 – Adding of pension to pay to claim privilege of passes and Railway tickets – employees in Group C who draw pay of Rs.2301 or above or those employees who are in the scale minimum of which is Rs.2000/- are entitled to first class passes – pensioners re- appointed are not entitled to add pension to their pay for purpose of determining the category of passes – Railway Servants (Pass) Rules, 1986 will prevail over Pass Manual.” 12. The applicants have entered the Railway Service sometime between 1995 to 1999. They are claiming Privilege Passes and PTOs under Rule 65 (1) (b) of the Passes Manual 1977. The President made the Railway Servants (Pass) Rules, 1986 under article 309 of the Constitution. The issue of Passes and Privilege ticket orders to the Railway Servants is now governed by the Railway Servants (Pass) Rule 1986. Rule 16 of the Railway Servants (Pass) Rules 1986 reads as under : “ 16. Status of Pass Manuals etc. – The provisions contained in Pass Manuals issued by the respective Railway or any other provisions on Passes contained in any other Manual/Rules etc. shall be valid provided it is not in contravention with the provisions laid down in these Rules. 13. It is apparent that whenever there is conflict between Railway Servants (Pass) Rules 1986 and Pass Manual 1977, the Railway Servants’ (Pass) Rules 1986 will prevail over Pass Manual 1977. Rule 65 (1) (b) of the Pass Manual 1977, reads as under : “65(1) (b) : Non-Railway Government Servants and Employees of Quasi Govt. Bodies during re-employment the person will be entitled to Privilege Passes and P.T.O.s on the scale as admissible to temporary Railway employees under the extant rules as amended from time to time. The class of such Passes and P.T.O.s in the case of staff re-employed in non-gazetted posts will be determined on the basis of the pay in the post in which he is re-employed plus gross pension and/or pension equivalent or other forms of retirement benefits “. Schedule II of the Railway Servants (Pass) Rules 1986 deals with passes on privilege account, framed under Rule 6. In the case of employees who were appointed in Railway Service on or after 10-11-1987 and were drawing pay of Rs.2301/- or above or if they are in the scale the minimum of which is Rs.2,000/- , First Class Passes are permissible as set out in the Schedule. In respect of employees other than these, Second Class passes are admissible as set out in the Schedule. The applicants are employees in Group C category. As per RSRP revised scale under Vth Pay Commission, the equivalent pay of Rs.2301/- is Rs.7250/- and in the scale, minimum of which is Rs.2000/- in the grade of Rs.2000-3200 (RSRP) equivalent of which is Rs.6500-10500 (RSRP). The applicants were neither appointed in the grade of Rs.2000-3200 (RSP) (Rs.6500-10500 RSRP) nor the applicants are drawing a basic pay of Rs.7250/-. Therefore, it is only those employees in Group C drawing pay of Rs.7250/- or equivalent or above or those employees who are in the scale minimum of which is Rs.7250/- (Rs.2000) will get First Class Passes. There is no provision under the Railway Servants (Pass) Rules 1986, to add pension to the pay for the purpose of determining the category of passes to which the re-employed persons are entitled. Under Rule 2(J) of Railway Servant’s Pass Rules 1986 pay is defined to mean the amount drawn monthly by Railway Servants as (i) Basic Pay, (ii) in the case of running staff basic pay + 30% thereof or any other percentage of basic pay declared as pay from time to time and (iii) any other pay which may be specifically classified as pay by the President. Therefore, there is no provision for adding pension to pay for the purpose of privilege passes. 14 It is true that some of the applicants were given First Class Passes and P.T.O. The applicants have entered the Railway Service from 1995 to 1999. They are governed by the Railway Servants (Pass) Rules 1986. Some of the applicants were wrongly given First Class Passes and PTOs, when mistake was discovered, the respondents corrected the mistake by stopping the grant of First Class Privilege Passes to those applicants. 15 Under Rule 1712 (i) of the IREC Vol..II all the allowances given to re-employed pensioners have to be calculated on the basis of pay + pension. Rule 1712 (I) of IREC Vol.II runs as under : “ In the case of re-employed pensioner, where pay plus pension exceeds the sanctioned maximum pay of the post, the allowance would be calculated on that maximum; in other cases, the allowances would be calculated on pay plus pension.” Rule 1712 of IRCE Vol.II was amended by the President in exercise of the provisions provided in Article 309 of the Constitution and the previous order has been replaced by this amendment. Clause 11 of the said Order which deals with allowances is as follows: “ Allowances: The drawal of various allowances and other benefits based on pay shall be regulated with reference to the pay that is fixed on re-employment. Pay for these allowances and benefits will be the pay fixed before deducting the nonignorable part of the pension and the pension equivalent of the other retirement benefits.” As per Clause 11 the allowances have to be granted with reference to the pay that is fixed on re-employment. The pay for allowances and benefit will be the pay before deduction of non-ignorable part of the pension and the pension equivalent of the other retirement benefits. Rule 1712 (i) of IREC would not prevail over Clause 11 of CCS (Fixation of Pay of re-employed Pensioners) order 1986. But Clause 11 of the order would prevail over Rule 1712 (i) of IREC. In the case of ex-servicemen, since the initial pay is fixed by ignoring the pension which they receive as ex-servicemen what will have to be taken into account for fixing of allowance is the pay which they will get on reemployment. Pension cannot be added to this pay for the purpose of calculation of allowances. 16 The present case is squarely not covered by the judgement of the Apex Court in YP.Sharma’s case (Supra), In Y.P. Sharma’s case (supra), the respondents were reemployed by Western Railways sometime in the year 1990. They have filed an application before the CAT Bombay Bench claiming that they should be given City Compensatory Allowance and HRA on the basis of their pay plus pension. The Apex Court held that their pension cannot be added to the pay for the purpose of calculation of allowance. Apex Court also held that employees in Group C who draw the pay of Rs.2301/- or above or those employees who are in the scale minimum of which is Rs.2000/- are entitled to First Class Passes. Pensioners re-appointed are not entitled to add pension to their pay for purpose of determining the category of passes. 17 In the light of the ruling of the Apex Court in Y.P.Sharma’s case (supra), I hold that the applicants in the present O.A. are not entitled for the relief claimed. The O.A.deserves to be dismissed as no interference by the Tribunal is called for. Accordingly, the O.A. is dismissed. No order as to costs. SERIAL CIRCULAR NO.152_/2004 No.P(R )535/V Date: 30 -09—2004 Copy of Board’s letter No. E(GP)99/2/22 dated 22.7.04 is published for information, guidance and necessary action. Copy of Board’s letter No. E(GP)99/2/22 dated 22.7.04 (RBE No.146/04) Sub: Promotion from Group ‘C’ to Group ‘B” – Conditions of eligibility. Ref: Railway Board’s letters No.E(GP)86/2/97 dated 14.4.87, E(GP)88/2/111 dt.15.3.89 and No.E(GP)99/2/22 dated 18.5.99. In terms of instructions contained in Railway Board’s letter No.E(GP)86/2/97 dated 14.4.87 as amended vide letter No.E(GP)88/2/111 dated 15.3.89, Group ‘C’ employees with 3/5 years of nonfortuitous service in grade the minimum of which is Rs.1400/- and in higher grade (IV CPC) are eligible for being considered for appearing in the selection/LDCE for promotion to Group ‘B’. 2.0 The matter in regard to the eligibility conditions for appearing in the selection/LDCE for promotion to Group ‘B’ posts consequent upon implementation of the pay scales recommended by the Vth Pay Commission has been considered by the Board and it has been decided that: (a) Employees working in grade the minimum of which is Rs.5000/- and in higher Group ‘C grades will be eligible to appear for Group ‘B’ selections provided they have rendered not less than three years of non-fortuitous service in the grade. (b) For LDCE, employees holding posts in grade the minimum of which is Rs.5000/- or in higher Group ‘C’ grades, with five years of non-fortuitous service in the grade will be eligible. In reckoning the period of service, the length of non-fortuitous service rendered in the corresponding pre-revised scale(s) should be taken into account. (c) The relative seniority of Group ‘C’ employees in grades Rs.6500-10500 and 7450-11500 coming from different streams for the purpose of selection to Group ‘B’ should be determined on the basis of the total length of non-fortuitous service rendered in any or both these grades. The actual length of service in the corresponding pre-revised scales should be added to arrive at the total service for the purpose. 3.0 Selections to Group ‘B’ which are already in progress may be proceeded with and finalised as per the existing principles. All fresh selections including those which have been initiated but where the written examination has not been held, should be held in accordance with the instructions contained herein. The LDCE, wherever the same is in force, is a part of the process of filling vacancies in Group ‘B’. Therefore, whatever is followed in the case of selection, may also be followed in the case of corresponding LDCE. SERIAL CIRCULAR NO. 153/2004 No.P(PC)487/VPC/6/CRC/Vol.IV Date: 01-09-2004 Copy of Board’s letter No.PC-III/2004/CRC/13 dated 24-08-04 is published for information, guidance and necessary action. Copy of Board’s letter No. PC-III/2004/CRC/13 dated 24-08-04 (PC-V /Nil, RBE No.187 /04) Sub: Restructuring of certain Group ‘C’ & ‘D’ cadres. Reference item [ii] and [iii] of Board’s letter No. PC-III/2004/CRC/13 dated 1706-04. Some of the Railways and Staff Side had expressed difficulty in implementing the instructions contained in item [ii] and [iii] of Board’s letter ibid because the exercise of restructuring is at various stages of completion on most of Railways/Pus. In view of the above, the matter has been reviewed by the Ministry of Railways [Railway Board] and it has been decided that existing instructions contained in item [ii] and [iii] of Board’s letter dated 17-6-04 may be revised as follows: Item No. [ii] Existing Instruction Revised instruction The required matching surrender based on the existing number of posts should be worked out and the surrender effected in such a manner that the final cadre position results in the specified percentage distribution between grades. [iii] Only those temporary posts which are in operation for at least three years may be taken into account for the purpose of applying revised Percentage distribution as per the orders of cadre restructuring is to be based upon the sanctioned cadre strength as on 1-11-2003. Surrenders are to be effected on this sanctioned strength and the resulting imbalance / variation in the cadres is to be reviewed at the time of next annual cadre review due on 1-42005. Temporary posts may be taken into account for the purpose of cadre restructuring subject to certification that these posts are meant for regular percentages. activities which will continue and not for any sporadic requirements. This issues with the approval of the Finance Directorate of the Ministry of Railways. SERIAL CIRCULAR NO. 154 /2004 No.P(R )563/VI Date: 27 -09--2004 Copy of Board's letter No. E(RRB)2004/33/2 dated 10.8.04 is published for information, guidance and necessary action. Board's letter dated 27.11.01 quoted therein was circulated as SC No.270/01. Copy of Board's letter No. E(RRB)2004/33/2 Dated 10.8.04 (RBE No.178/04)[ RRCB No. 9/2004] Sub: Recruitment in Group ‘D’ posts. Ref: Board’s letter No.99/E(RRB)/25/11 dated 27.11.2001. Guidelines for recruitment to Gr.D categories of posts through RRBs have been revised and are enclosed. 2. Chairman, RRBs are requested to initiate action on the vacancies not covered under Centralised Employment Notice No.1/2003 issued in June,2003 as well as on the freshly indented vacancies from the Railways/PUs immediately. Guidelines for recruitment to Gr.D categories of posts through RRBs [August 2004] 1. Unit of recruitment will be a Division/Workshop/Production Unit. Requirement of all departments within the unit as well as for all categories, will be clubbed together for the purpose of Group ‘D’ recruitment. 2. Each RRB shall make recruitment for the Division/Workshop/Production Unit allocated to it. As far as possible, the indents of the Division/Workshop/Production Unit under its jurisdiction shall be clubbed. 3. While nominated Railway Recruitment Board (RRB), on behalf of all RRBs, shall publish indicative notification for all the Group D posts for the Indian Railways in the Employment News/Rozgar Samachar, detailed vacancy notifications shall be published by the Railway Recruitment Boards in the prominent local dailies of the region under their jurisdiction. Indicative as well as detailed vacancy notifications shall be published simultaneously. 4. Detailed vacancy notification will be sent to the nearby Employment Exchanges and recognized associations of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes. The notice should also be sent to Special Employment Exchanges and the Vocational Rehabilitation Centres, in case the posts are reserved for ex-servicemen. Copies of the notice should also be exhibited on Notice Boards outside railway offices etc. situated in the area of recruitment. 5. Closing date for receipt of applications by all Railway Recruitment Boards shall be on the same day. 6. All Railway Recruitment Boards shall conduct the examination simultaneously. Date of examination shall be decided by the nominated RRB in consultation with other RRBs. 7. Since RRBs shall conduct the written examination simultaneously, the indicative as well as detailed vacancy notifications shall clearly state that the candidate shall apply to one RRB of his choice against the posts advertised by that RRB only. 8. Temporary infrastructure may be created in the RRB for Group ‘D’ recruitment, by deputing officers and staff from the Zonal Railway for which recruitment is to be done. This may comprise of one SG/JAG officer, one assistant officer, along with sufficient number of Group C/D staff. 9. Recruitment shall normally be done at intervals of approx. two years. 10. Vacancies shall be counted as on 30th June or 31st December of each year and the anticipated vacancies to be added will be for the period of next two years, duly taking into account the reservation rules. 11. Educational qualification for recruitment to all Group D categories in the Railways shall be Class VIII passed as stipulated in Railway Board’s letter No.E(NG)II-98/RR1/07 dated 4.12.98. 12. The age for recruitment should be as per extant instructions, with relaxations for specified categories as admissible under specific order issued by the Railway Board from time to time. 13. Detailed vacancy notification should be advertised in local dailies giving details regarding: ï‚· ï‚· ï‚· ï‚· ï‚· Recruitment Unit Posts for which recruitment is to be conducted, along with reservation details. Age Limits, including relaxation provisions. Pay scales and minimum emoluments at the beginning of employment. Candidates may also indicate in their application, division/unit of posting and the category of post, in order of preference according to their choice ï‚· ï‚· ï‚· ï‚· ï‚· ï‚· ï‚· ï‚· Examination Fees Mode of application Closing date for submission of application Choice of language for question paper (Hindi, English or regional (official) language(s) as specified in the 8th Schedule of the Constitution of India, prevalent in the concerned Division/workshop/Production Unit for which recruitment is done. Question paper shall, however, be set in Hindi, English and the regional language. Physical Efficiency Test standards Medical test standards Railways’ right to hold additional/supplementary examinations or reexamination for all or some of the candidates. Any other relevant information. 14. Candidates shall apply on plain paper, as per format indicated in employment notice. Fees may be charged (including postal charges) @ Rs.40/- per candidate. However, no fee is to be charged from SC/ST candidates. 15. RRB shall have the right to reject any application. However, the reasons for rejection would have to be recorded on the application. 16. There shall not be any discrimination on ground of gender. 17. Name, father’s name, address, and community of each candidate should be entered in a computer database along with any other information considered relevant. Either the Railway’s own computers may be used for this purpose or an outside computer agency can be engaged, if required. 18. Roll Numbers may be generated on the computer and call letters should also be generated through the computers. Call letters should be posted under certificate of posting, at least one month before the date of examination. 19. Instructions to Candidates containing detailed guidelines on how to fill the answers, roll number etc. and a sample OMR (Optical Mark Reader) answer sheet printed on plain paper should be enclosed with the call letter. 20. Candidates shall be selected for recruitment through a written test. Question paper for the written examination shall be based on Class VIII standard. However, no question shall be asked for checking proficiency in language. Question paper should be entirely of the objective type. 21. Answer scripts shall be readable on OMR and evaluation of answer scripts shall be on computers. 22. Minimum pass marks will be 40% for General candidates, 30% for SC & OBC and 25% for ST candidates. In order to eliminate the advantage of guesswork, one mark may be deducted for three wrong answers (assuming choice of answers in objective type question papers is four in each question). 23. Results of the written examination should be tabulated in order of candidates, keeping in view the requirement of community reservations. merit of 24. Applications of all candidates likely to be called for Physical Efficiency Test (PET) should be scrutinized carefully in order to check their eligibility. Names of ineligible candidates should be struck-off before publication of list of candidates, qualifying for PET, in Rozgar Samachar/Employment News and local dailies . Simultaneously, written intimation should also be sent to these candidates as per extant rules. 25. Candidates shall be called for PET to assess their physical Fitness for the post, in order of merit and on the basis of the number of vacancies to be filled. It will only be qualifying test. Merit lists for the purpose of empanelment, shall be prepared after receipt of complete result of PET from the Railway. 26. PET standards shall be prescribed, having regard to the nature of duties for the posts advertised for recruitment. 27. PET shall be supervised by a Committee of three railway officers nominated by General Manager; one of them should be a medical officer. One of these officers will be nominated as the Convener. List of candidates qualifying in the PET will be displayed on the notice board after finalization of the result of the day. Officers conducting the PET shall advise the result of the test to the concerned RRB immediately after completing the tests. Convener of the Committee shall be final authority for deciding, then and there, any dispute/representation preferred during the course of PET. 28. Medical examination of the candidates who have passed the written examination and PET shall be done by RRB before their empanelment. 29. Existing provision of verification of the original educational/caste certificate(s) and other relevant documents of the candidates, mentioned in Para 6 of Board’s letter No.99/E(RRB)25/2 dated 18.3.99, will be applicable. 30. Each RRB shall prepare a select list, in order of merit, for all candidates who qualify for empanelment after their being declared suitable in PET and medical examination. Concerned RRB shall prepare panel(s) for individual posts after taking into account the merit position and preferences of individual candidates, as necessary. 31. Currency of the panel shall be for a period of two years from the date of publication. General Manager may exercise his authority to extend the list of panel by one year in case the panel is not exhausted within two years. 32. Railway may appoint candidates from the same select list within two years for replacement of candidates who fail to join/leave the job within two years. Additional unforeseen vacancies, if any, may also be filled up with the personal approval of General Manager, by picking up additional candidates, in order of merit, from the available select list, within two years. 33. Any other specific instructions, issued by Railway Board, not covered in these guidelines will continue to apply. SERIAL CIRCULAR NO. 155 /2004 No.P( R)563/V Date: 16-09-2004 Copy of Board's letter No. E(RRB)2002/25/40 Dated 18.8.04 is published for information, guidance and necessary action. Board's letter dated 8.5.03 quoted therein was circulated as SC No.98/03. Copy of Board's letter No. E(RRB)2002/25/40 Dated 18.8.04 (RRCB No.12/04) Sub: Revised jurisdiction of Railway Recruitment Boards. Ref: Board’s letter of even number dated 28.3.2003 (RRCB No.8/2003) and Board’s letter No.99/E(RRB)25/11 dated 8.5.2003 (RRCB 9/2003) In partial modification of their letters quoted above, Board have decided that revised jurisdiction of Railway Recruitment Boards for Group ‘C’ and ‘D’ recruitment will be as under: S.No. 1. RRB Ahmedabad Railway Zone Western 2. Ajmer North Western 3. Allahabad West Central North Central 4. Bangalore Northern DLW South Western 5. Bhopal RWF West Central Western South East Central 6. Bhubaneswar East Coast 7. Kolkata Eastern South Eastern Divisions/Pus Vadodara, Rajkot, Bhavnagar and Ahmedabad divisions. HQ Office of North Western Railway and Jaipur, Ajmer, Jodhpur, Bikaner divisions. Kota division HQ Office of North Central Railway and Allahabad, Jhansi, Agra divisions. Lucknow and Moradabad divisions DLW HQ Office of South Western Railway and Hubli Bangalore, Mysore divisions. Rail Wheel Factory HQ Office of West Central Railway and Bhopal, Jabalpur divisions. Ratlam division HQ Office of South East Central Railway and Bilaspur, Raipur divisions HQ Office of East Coast Railway and Khurda Road, Sambhalpur divisions HQ Office of Eastern Railway and Howrah, Asansol, Sealdah divisions HQ Office of S.E.Railway and Kharagpur, Adra divisions CLW CLW Metro Railway HQ Office of Northern Railway and Delhi, Ambala divisions DCW HQ Office of Southern Railway and Chennai, Madurai, Thrichchirapali divisions 8. Chandigarh Metro Railway Northern 9. Chennai DCW Southern 10. Gorakhpur ICF North Eastern ICF HQ Office of North Eastern Railway and Lucknow, Izatnagar, Varanasi divisions 11. Guwahati RDSO Northeast Frontier 12. Jammu-Srinagar 13. Malda 14. Mumbai RDSO HQ Office of Northeast Frontier Railway and Lumding, Tinsukia, Rangiya divisions Ferozepur division RCF Malda division Alipurduar division HQ Office of Western Railway and Mumbai (Central) division HQ Office of Central Railway and Mumbai (CST), Bhusaval, Nagpur, Sholapur, Pune divisions Northern RCF Eastern Northeast Frontier Western Central South Central Nanded division 15. Muzaffarpur South East Central East Central Nagpur division Samastipur and Sonepur divisions 16. Patna Northeast Frontier East Central 17. Ranchi South Eastern Katihar division HQ Office of East Central Railway and Mughalsarai, Danapur divisions Ranchi and Chakradharpur divisions 18. Secunderabad East Central South Central 19. Thruvananthapuram East Coast Southern Dhanbad division HQ Office of South Central Railway and Hyderabad, Secunderabad, Guntakal, Vijayawada, Guntur divisions Waltair division Palghat & Thruvananthapuram divisions SERIAL CIRCULAR NO. 156 /2004 No.P(R )535/IV Date:27-09--2004 Copy of Board's letter No. E(NG)I-2004/PM9/2 dated 9.8.04 is published for information, guidance and necessary action. Board's letter dated 22.3.94 quoted therein was circulated as SC No.32/94. Copy of Board's letter No. E(NG)I-2004/PM9/2 Dated 9.8.04 (RBE No.176/04) Sub: Promotion of Asstt.Divisional Cashier/Inspector of Cashier in the pay scale of Rs.5500-9000 to the supervisory post of Divisional Cashier in the pay scale of Rs.6500-10500 – Procedure for. As the Railways are aware in terms of this Ministry's letter No.PC-III/93/CRC/2 dated 22.3.94 staff working in the non-supervisory post of Sr.Cashier Gr.I in the pay scale of Rs.5500-9000 are considered for promotion to the supervisory post of Asstt. Divisional Cashier (ADC)/Inspector of Cashier (IOC) in the same scale of pay on the basis of selection. Thus the post of ADC/IOC is the ladder of promotion for Sr.Cashier Gr.I and hence Sr.Cashier Gr.I have to necessarily pass through the post of ADC/IOC before they become eligible for consideration for promotion to the next higher post of Divisional Cashier in grade Rs.6500-10500. It has, however, been brought to the notice of this Ministry that since the category of ADC/IOC constitutes a bottleneck between the category of Sr.Cashier Gr.I and Divisional Cashier difficulty arises in filling up the post of Divisional Cashier for want of ADC/IOC with two years service. The matter has been considered by this Ministry and it has been decided that if ADC/IOC in the pay scale of Rs.5500-9000 with two years service are not available such of them as have completed a minimum of four years service combined as Sr.Cashier Gr.I and ADC/IOC may be considered for promotion as Divisional Cashier in Grade Rs.650010500. SERIAL CIRCULAR NO. No.P(R )673/IV 157 /2004 Date:24-09--2004 Copy of Board's letter No. E(MPP)2003/3/16 dated 5.8.04 is published for information, guidance and necessary action. Board's letter dated 10.8.2000 and 3.6.04 quoted therein were circulated as SC No. 189/2000 and 97/04, respectively. Copy of Board's letter No. E(MPP)2003/3/16 Dated 5.8.04 (RBE No.171/04) Sub: Pass marks for trainees undergoing initial, Promotional, Refresher or Specialized courses in training centres. In continuation of Board's letter of even number dated 3.6.04 (RBE No.113./2004), the instructions issued in Board's letter No.E(MPP)2000/3/10 dated 10.8.2000 issued under RBE No.96/2000 will continue to remain in force. SERIAL CIRCULAR NO. 158 /2004 No.P(R )563/VI Date:24 -09--2004 Copy of Board's letter No. E(Sports)2004/Policy/3 Dated 12.8.04 is published for information, guidance and necessary action. Board's letter dated 19.6.2000 quoted therein was circulated as SC No.152/2k. Copy of Board's letter No. E(Sports)2004/Policy/3 Dated 12.8.04 (RBE No.179/04) Sub: Recruitment of sportspersons against sports quota – relaxation of educational qualification. Attention is invited to Paras 6.1.1 and 9.6 (Note-2) of Board's letter No.E(Sports)2000/Policy/2 dated 19.6.2000 stipulating that the cases of sportspersons for recruitment and for granting out of turn promotion from Group D to Group C if otherwise eligible for appointment and out of turn promotion but not possessing the minimum educational qualification, should be recommended for relaxation in educational qualification to the Board by the Railways for consideration. After considering the matter the Ministry of Railways (Railway Board) have further decided that the cases of granting relaxation in educational qualification to outstanding sportspersons, for granting out of turn promotion within Group C, if otherwise eligible for the same, may also be referred to Board for consideration. SERIAL CIRCULAR NO. 159 /2004 No.P(R )554/IV Date: 24 -09--2004 Copy of Board's letter No. E(G)2004 RN 3-3 dated 11.8.04 is published for information, guidance and necessary action. Board's letter dated 2.9.02 quoted therein was circulated as SC No.176/02. Copy of Board's letter No. E(G)2004 RN 3-3 Dated 11.8.04 (RBE No.177/04 Sub: Allotment of Railway quarter in favour of the officials who were not in allotment/occupation of Railway accommodation at their previous place of posting, on their posting to New Zones. In terms of instructions contained in Railway Board's letter No.E(G)97QR1-28 dated 2.9.2002, Railway Officers/staff posted to New Zones/Divisions have been allowed retention of Railway accommodation at their previous place of posting for a period of one year on payment of normal rent subject to fulfilment of conditions laid down in the said instructions. A case has come to notice where a Railway employee posted to a New Zone was in allotment/occupation of accommodation from a pool other than Railway Pool, and was, therefore, unable to avail the benefit of Railway Board's instructions dated 2.9.2002 governing retention of Railway quarter in the event of posting to New Zone. Railway Board have considered this situation and have decided that during the period the special relaxation regarding retention of quarter on posting to new Zones is in operation, such Railway officials who, at the time of their posting to New Zones/Divisions are in allotment and occupation of residential accommodation from a pool other than the Railway Pool, on their request, should be allotted Railway accommodation at their new place of posting on the New Zone/Division on out of turn basis. For this purpose, in the case of non-availability of Railway accommodation, accommodation on lease may be obtained beyond the existing ceiling limits with FA&CAO's concurrence and General Manager's approval so as to avoid inconveniences to the officers and their families. In case the amount of lease charges exceeds the prescribed rental ceilings relevant to the officer concerned, the amount of lease charges exceeding such ceiling limit shall be borne by the officer concerned. This has the sanction of the Board and issues with the concurrence of Finance Directorate of the Ministry of Railways. SERIAL CIRCULAR NO. 160 /2004 No.P(R )563/VI Date:27-09--2004 Copy of Board's letter No. E(RRB)2004/25/20 Dated 18.8.04 is published for information, guidance and necessary action. Copy of Board's letter No.. E(RRB)2004/25/20 Dated 18.8.04 (RRCB No.11/04) Sub: Fixing of time table of written examinations for completing recruitment process for the posts Assistant Station Master, Diesel/Electric Assistant, Junior Engineer and Section Engineer level costs within a fixed time limit. Board have decided that recruitment process for recruitment to the posts of Assistant Station Master, Diesel/Electric Assistant, Junior Engineer and Section Engineer level posts may be completed within a fixed time limit and date(s) of written examinations for recruitment to these posts may be indicated in the Employment Notice. All Railway Recruitment Boards will issue their Employment Notices separately as per existing provisions. However, written examination by all the RRBs will be conducted on the common date(s) fixed by Railway Recruitment Control Board. Railway Recruitment Control Board have drafted following time table for recruitment to the above posts. Sl.No Stages of recruitment Time table of recruitment . 1. By the month of September 2. Date of receipt of indents by RRB for the posts of Assistant Station Master, Diesel/Electric Assistant, Junior Engineer and Senior Engineer level posts. Date of publication of indents 3. Date of written examination of Diesel/Electric Assistant 4. Date of written examination of Assistant Station Master 5. 7. Date of written examination of Junior Engineer and all similar posts having diploma qualification Date of written examination of Section Engineer and all similar posts having degree in Engineering qualification Date of Aptitude Test of Diesel/Electric Assistant. 8. Date of Aptitude Test of Assistant Station Master. 9. Date of verification of certificates 10. Date of panel. In April/May. Date will be fixed by RRCB In April/May. Date will be fixed by RRCB In May/June. Date will be fixed by RRCB In May/June. Date will be fixed by RRCB May be fixed by concerned RRB. May be fixed by concerned RRB May be fixed by concerned RRB in October. By November. 6. 1st week of December All Zonal Railways/PUs etc. are requested that indents for above posts may be sent to the concerned RRB invariably by the month of September. Indents received after the due date will be treated as given for the next year recruitment. Vacancies may be calculated keeping in view the factors like time taken by RRB for completing recruitment, training period etc. Time-table of written examination of above posts fixed by RRCB will be communicated to the RRBs well in advance, possibly in September/October, so that date of written examinations may be indicated in the Employment Notice to be published in December. SERIAL CIRCULAR NO. 161 /2004 No.P(PC)487/V/IMP/97/Vol.V Date:07-09-2004 Copy of Board’s letter No. PC-V/2004/ASCP/1dated 17.8.2004 is published for information, guidance and necessary action. Board’s letter dated 31.3.04 quoted therein was circulated as S.C.No.63/04. Copy of Board’s letter No. PC-V/2004/ASCP/1dated 17.8.2004 V/424 , RBE No.181/04) (PC- Sub. Financial Upgradation under the ACP Scheme – Clarification Reg. …. Please refer to Board’s letter of even number dated 31.3.2004 allowing 50% of temporary status casual labor service on absorption in regular employment being taken into account for the purpose of reckoning 12/24 years of service for grant of financial benefit under the Assured Career Progression Scheme (ACPs). 2. The AIRF have demanded that similar benefit may be extended to Substitutes on their absorption in regular service. 3. The matter has been carefully considered by the Board. It is found that unlike casual labours whose 50% of temporary status service counts for pensionary benefits, temporary status service in full of the Substitutes counts for pensionary benefits. It has, therefore, been decided that their entire temporary status service of Substitute followed by regularization without break may be taken into accout towards the minimum service of 12/ 24 years for the purpose of grant of benefit under the ACP Scheme. SERIAL CIRCULAR NO. 162 /2004 No.P(R )605/IX Date: 27 -09-2004 Copy of Board's letter No. E(NG)I-2004/IC 2/6 dated 23.8.04 information, guidance and necessary action. Copy of Board's letter No. E(NG)I-2004/IC 2/6 dated 23.8.04 is published for (RBE No.185/04) Sub: Additional incentive to Gr.’D” Railway employees who acquire Diploma in Railway Engineering awarded by IPWE (India) in selections for promotion to Gr.’C’ posts. The question of giving suitable weightage to Diploma in Railway Engineering secured by the Railway employees from the Institution of Permanent Way Engineers (India) in selection for promotion from Group ‘D’ to Group ‘C’ in the technical departments of the Railways has been considered by the Board. In terms of extant procedure. Selection of Group D staff for promotion to Group C posts in Technical Departments is based on the marks obtained by them in the written test and Record of service assessment under record of service being made on the basis of entries in the Service Book Personal file regarding technical academic qualifications, awards, punishments etc. It has now been decided that in respect of selections held for promotions from Group D to Group C in technical Departments. Diploma in Railway Engineering awarded by the Institution of Permanent Way Engineers (India) may also be taken into account while making assessment under the heading “Record of Service” as mentioned above. SERIAL CIRCULAR NO. 163 /2004 No.P(R )535/IV Date:30 -09-2004 Copy of Board's letter No. E(NG)I-2004/PM7/11 dated 23.8.04 is published for information, guidance and necessary action. Board's letter dated 17.4.97 quoted therein was circulated as SC No.96/97. Copy of Board's letter No. E(NG)I-2004/PM7/11 dated 23.8.04 (RBE No.186/04) Sub: Selection for promotion to the post of Goods Driver in scale Rs.5000-8000. In terms of instructions contained in para 2 of this Ministry’s letter No.E(NG)I96/PM4/14 dated 17.4.97 an employee transferred on request on bottom seniority is treated as direct recruit in the new seniority unit/cadre for the purpose of seniority and therefore the service rendered in the absorbing unit alone counts for eligibility wherever a minimum length of service is specified as a condition for consideration for promotion including promotion to general selection posts. 2. The issue of completion of prescribed service and experience in the new unit in case of mutual transfer has been considered by this Ministry in respect of the category of Diesel/Elect.Asstts. who are considered eligible to appear in the selection for promotion as Goods Drivers provided they have rendered six years service (combined as Second Fireman & First Fireman/Diesel Asstt/Elect.Asstt) and two years service as First Fireman/Diesel Asstt/Elect.Asstt. besides 60,000 Kms. Footplate experience as First Fireman/Diesel Asstt/Elect.Asstt. It is clarified that since in the case of mutual transfers a transferee gets interpolated in the seniority list with his own seniority or the seniority of the person with whom he contracts mutual transfer, whichever is lower, and joins the new unit with his service/experience to the extent admissible, the condition of completing the prescribed length of service in the absorbing unit afresh is not attracted. They will be eligible to appear in the selection for promotion as Goods Driver as per seniority based on their service/experience which has been taken into account for the purpose of assignment of seniority in the new cadre. 3. However, past cases decided otherwise need not be reopened. (This also disposes of Southern Railway’s letter No.P(S)608/VI/Gds.Dr/Vol.III dated 23.6.2004) SERIAL CIRCULAR NO. 164 /2004 No.P(R )535/IV Date: 30 -09-2004 Copy of Board's letter No. E(NG)I/2004/PM1/19 dated 27.8.04 for information, guidance and necessary action. Copy of Board's letter No. E(NG)I/2004/PM1/19 dated 27.8.04 is published (RBE No.191/04) Sub: Ex-cadre posts in Group C & D – Procedure for filling up – Observance of tenure regarding. As the Railways are aware certain posts have been declared as ex-cadre and procedure for filling up the same including duration of tenure, has been prescribed by the Board. These posts include the posts in Production Control Organisation (PCO) in Workshops and Faculty Members in Training Centres. However, it has come to the notice of the Board that Railways themselves operate certain posts as ex-cadre without prescribing a proper procedure for filling up the same. This gives rise to complaints and at times even allegations of favoritism crop up. The matter has been considered by the Board. It has been decided to lay down the following guidelines:i. Posts should be operated as ex-cadre only when it is inescapable in the exigency of service and with personal approval of CPO in consultation with FA&CAO. ii. Posts which should normally form part of the existing cadre should not be operated as ex-cadre. iii. A comprehensive procedure regarding the method of filling up the excadre post indicating the designation, scale of pay, staff eligible for manning the posts, qualifications, tenure, etc. should be prescribed and the post filled up on a regular basis duly following the procedure so prescribed. iv. In no case an ex-cadre post should be operated/filled without prescribing the method of filling up the same incorporating the relevant provisions as mentioned. v. While prescribing the method for filling up an ex-cadre post care should be taken to ensure that it does not contain any provision which is inconsistent with or contrary to any provision/instructions laid down by the Board, e.g. the extant procedure inter alia requires that vi. vii. for each promotion a person should render a minimum of two years service in the immediate lower grade in which he should be working on a regular basis. In order to ensure that the staff selected for ex-cadre posts do not lose touch with the working of his parent post/cadre a reasonable tenure say not exceeding five years only be prescribed. Once the procedure for filling up the ex-cadre post has been prescribed there should be no deviation therefrom. CPOs and the HODs concerned should ensure that the above instructions are strictly adhered to. SERIAL CIRCULAR NO. 165 /2004 No.P(R )554/IV dated 27-9-04 Copy of Board's letter No. E(G)2001 RN 5-5 dated 1.9.04 is published for information, guidance and necessary action. Board's letter dated 1.6.01 and 12.4.02 quoted therein were circulated as SC No. 119/01 and 65/02 respectively. Copy of Board's letter No. E(G)2001 RN 5-5 Dated 1.9.04 (RBE No.193/04) Sub: Retention of Railway accommodation at the previous place of posting in favour of Officers/staff on deputation to Indian Railway Catering and Tourism Corporation Ltd.(IRCTC). In terms of the policy contained in Railway Board’s letter No.E(G)2000 QR 1-23 dated 1.6.2001, Railway officers/staff on deputation to IRCTC were permitted to retain Railway accommodation for a period of 5 years from the date of incorporation of IRCTC, i.e., from 27.9.99 to 26.9.2004 vide Board’s letter of even number dated 12.4.2002 subject to payment of rent as specified in the said letter. IRCTC have requested Railway Board for grant of further permission to retain Railway accommodation in favour of deputationist officer/staff to IRCTC. Keeping in view the position brought out by the Corporation, Board have decided to grant permission for retention of Railway accommodation in favour of Railway employees posted on deputation to IRCTC for a further period of one year from 27.9.2004 to 26.9.2005 on the terms and conditions laid down in the letter dated 12.4.2002, ibid. This issues with the concurrence of Finance Directorate of the Ministry of Railways. SERIAL CIRCULAR NO. 166 /2004 No.P(R)473/VI Date: 30 -09-2004 Copy of Board's letter No. E(W)2004 PS 5-6/59 dated 20.8.04 is published for information, guidance and necessary action. Board's letter dated 23.2.96 quoted therein was circulated as SC No.65/96. Copy of Board's letter No. E(W)2004 PS 5-6/59 dated 20.8.0 (RBE No.--) Sub: Issue of one Ist AC Complimentary cheque pass (single to and fro journeys) once in a year in favour of Olympic medallists. Instructions were issued vide Board’s letter No.E(W)95 PS 5-6/61 dated 23.2.96 regarding issue of First Class/AC II tier Railway complimentary card pass to Arjun Award Winners, Olympic Medallists and Gold Medallist of Asian & Commonwealth Games. In order to recognized achievements of sportsperson who have brought laurels to the country in Olympics it has now been decided that Ist AC Complimentary Cheque Pass (Single to and fro journey) valid for travel in Rajdhani/ Shatabdi trains between any two stations on Indian Railways once during a financial year, every year, may be granted to Medal winners in Olympic Games along with one companion in the same class. The cheque pass will be issued on receipt of a formal application from the Sportsperson by the Ministry of Railways and on the authority of Ist Class/II AC Complimentary card pass already issued to Olympic Medallist. Zonal Railways may give wide publicity regarding grant of Ist AC Complimentary cheque pass to the Olympic Medallists through their Divisional Headquarter offices and other concerned offices so that the holder of such complimentary cheque passes may not face any inconvenience while seeking reservation in trains against such Complimentary cheque passes at the reservation counter and while travelling in the trains. This issues with the concurrence of the finance Directorate of the Ministry of Railways. SERIAL CIRCULAR NO.167/2004 No.P(PC)487/V/97/DA Date: 4 –10-2004 Copy of Board’s D.O letter No. PC-V/97/1/7/14 dt.27.9..04 (RBE No.211/2004, PC-V/431) on the above subject is published for information, guidance and necessary action. Board’s letter dated 16.10.97 and 12-3-04 quoted therein was circulated as S.C.No. 171/97 and 35/04, respectively. Action should be taken to draw the revised rates of Dearness Allowance in the salary bill of the mechanised unit of General pay Roll. Running and Workshops staff including Gangmen of SC and HYB Divisions for the month of October, 2004 in respect of employees belonging to Group ‘A’, ‘B’, C and D. DA Arrears: The D.A. arrears payable from 1.7.04 to 30.09.04 in respect of all the employees will be drawn in the regular bill for the month of October 2004. CWM/LGDS, GTPLS to ensure payment of DA and arrears as indicated above to the staff of LGD & GTPL Workshops. DRMs/BZA, GNT & NED to ensure payment of DA and arrears to the staff of BZA, GNT and NED. DRM/GTL to ensure payment of revised DA and arrears indicated above to the staff of GTL and Workshops of TPTY. . APO/Bills/HQrs/SC to ensure payment of revised DA and arrears to staff of HQrs offices. The arrears may be charged to the salary bill for October, 2004 and no honorarium is payable for preparing separate bill for this purpose. Copy of Board’s letter No. PC-V/97/1/7/14 dt.27.9..04 (RBE No.211/2004, PC-V/431) Sub: Payment of Dearness Allowance to Railway Employees – Revised Rates effective from 1.7.2004. The undersigned is directed to refer to this Ministry’s letter of even number dated 12.3..2004 (S.No.PC-V/401, RBE No.58/2004) on the subject mentioned above and to state that the President is pleased to decide that the Dearness Allowance payable to Railway employees shall be enhanced from the existing rate of 11% to 14% of the pay with effect from Ist July 2004. 2. The provisions contained in Para 3 and 4 of this Ministry’s letter of even number dated 16.10.1997 (S.No.PC-V/3, RBE No.139/97) shall continue to be applicable, while regulating Dearness Allowance under these orders. However with effect from 1.4.2004, Dearness Allowance will be computed on the basis of Basic Pay, Dearness Pay, Stagnation Increment and NPA. Provisions contained in para-3 of this Ministry’s letter of even number dated 16.10.1997 therefore, stand amended to this extent. 3. The additional instalment of Dearness Allowance payable under these orders shall be paid in cash to all Railway employees. The arrears may be charged to the Salary Bill for October 2004 and no honorarium is payable for preparing separate bill for this purpose. 4 The payment on account of Dearness Allowance involving fraction of 50 paise and above may be rounded off to the next higher rupee and the fractions of less than 50 paise may be ignored. SERIAL CIRCULAR NO. 168 /2004 No.P(PC)487/V/PC/97/DA Date: 9-07-2004 Copy of Board’s letter No.PC-V/2004/A/DA/1 dated 25.8.04 is published for information, guidance and necessary action. Board’s letter dated 11-03-04 quoted therein was circulated as S.C.No.36/04 . Copy of Board’s letter No. No. PC-V/2004/A/DA/1 dated 25.8.04 (PC-V /426, RBE No.188 /04) Sub: Merger of 50% of Dearness Allowance/Dearness Relief with Basic pay/Pension to Central Govt. employees – Clarification regarding. Ref: Board’s letter of even number dated 11-3-04. Pursuant to Board’s letter mentioned above, references have been received seeking clarifications on certain aspects regarding inclusion of Dearness Pay for various purposes. In this regard, following clarifications are furnished. a] All allowances such as Dual charge allowance, Subsistence allowance, Teaching allowance etc., which were hitherto being calculated on the basis of the Basic Pay will be calculated on Basic Pay plus Dearness Pay. However, Overtime allowance [OTA], which is presently payable with respect to IV CPC scales shall continue to be regulated with respect to such scales. b] Dearness Pay shall be variable consequent upon increase or decrease of Basic Pay in the event of annual increment, promotion, punishment etc. c] Amount to be recovered at the time of retirement towards CGHS/RELHS shall be calculated on the basis of Basic Pay plus Dearness Pay. SERIAL CIRCULAR NO.169/2004 No.P(R)563/VI Dated:23-09-2004. Copy of Board’s letter No. E(NG)II/94/RR-1/29 dt. 9.9.2004 is published for information, guidance and necessary action. Board’s letters dt. 10.5.1999 and 26.7.2004 referred to therein were circulated as Serial Circular Nos 145/99 and 135/2004, respectively. Copy of Board’s letter No. E(NG)II/94/RR-1/29 dt. 9.9.2004(RBE No. 199/04) Sub: Upper age limit for direct recruitment to Group ‘C’ & ‘D’ posts on the Railways. … Attention is invited to this Ministry’s letter of even number dated 26.7.2004, withdrawing the relaxation of 03 (three) years provided above the prescribed upper age limit for recruitment to all Group ‘C’ and ‘D’ categories including engagement of Substitutes w.e.f. 4.8.2004. The matter has been reviewed by this Ministry and it has now been decided that the currency of the relaxation contained in Board’s letter of even number dated 10.5.99 may be extended further for a period of one year i.e. upto 3.8.2005. These orders will take effect from 04.08.2004. It has also been decided that indents placed after issuance of Board’s letter dated 26.7.2004 ibid may be suitably amended. SERIAL CIRCULAR NO.170_/2004 No.P(R )96/ I Date:6-10—2004 Copy of Board’s letter No.E(NG)II/99/SB/20 dt 24.8.2004 is published for information, guidance and necessary action. Copy of Board’s letter No. E(NG)II/99/SB/20 dated 24.8.04 (RBE No 189./04) Sub:- Engagement of Course Completed Act Apprentices as fresh face Substitutes in Group ‘D’. Ref:- E(NG)II/99/SB/20 dated 19.8.99. …. Attention is invited to Board’s letter under reference wherein it was decided to put on hold the engagement of course completed Act Apprentices as fresh face Substitutes in Grade ‘D’ categories in Workshops/PUs. 2. The matter has been reviewed by the Board and it has been decided that instructions contained in the above quoted letter stand withdrawn with immediate effect. SERIAL CIRCULAR NO._171___/2004 No.P(R )554/VI Date: 06-10--2004 Copy of Board’s letter No.E(G)2001 RN5-5 dated 1.9.2004 is published for information, guidance and necessary action. Board’s letter dated 1.6.01 and 12.4.02. quoted therein were circulated as S.C.No. 119/01 and 65/02, respectively. Copy of Board’s letter No. E(G)2001 RN5-5 dated 1.9.2004 (RBE No.193//04) Sub;- Retention of Railway accommodation at the previous place of posting in favour of Officers/staff on deputation to Indian Railway Catering and Tourism Corporation Ltd (IRCTC). In terms of the policy contained in Railway Board’s letter No.E(G)2000 QR1-23 dated 1/6/2001, Railway Officers/staff on deputation to IRCTC were permitted to retain Railway accommodation for a period of 5 years from the date of incorporation of IRCTC, i.e. from 27/9/99 to 26/9/2004 vide Board’s letter of even number dated 12/4/2002 subject to payment of rent as specified in the said letter. IRCTC have requested Railway Board for grant of further permission to retain Railway accommodation in favour of deputationist officers/staff to IRCTC. Keeping in view the position brought out by the Corporation, Board have decided to grant permission for retention of Railway accommodation in favour of Railway employees posted on deputation to IRCTC for a further period of one year from 27/9/2004 to 26/9/2005 on the terms and conditions laid down in the letter dated 12/4/2002, ibid. This issues with the concurrence of Finance Directorate of the Ministry of Railways. SERIAL CIRCULAR NO.172_/2004 No.P(R )673/ IV Date: 12-10—2004 Copy of Board’s letter No.E(MPP)2002/13/3 dt 1-09-04 is published for information, guidance and necessary action. Board’s letter dated 24-1-03 quoted therein was circulated as SCNo 45/03. Copy of Board’s letter No E(MPP)2002/13/3 dt 1-09-04 (RBE No 194./04) Sub:- Monetary incentive in the form of training allowance to faculty members deputed to Group C & D Technical Training Centres. Ref:- Board’s letter of even No. dated 24-1-03 [RBE No. 21/2003]. …. Para 3 and 4 of the letter under reference may be replaced by the following: 3. “The Head of the training centre would be eligible for the grant of training allowance only if the post is held by him/her on a full time basis and the selection is held in the manner held in para 5[g] below”. 4. With a view to enable the Principals of these training centres to give due attention to training and to exercise proper supervision, it is necessary that these Principals should be posted full time, with office in the training centre itself.” These orders will take effect from the date of issue of this letter . This issues with the concurrence of the Finance Directorate of the Ministry of Railways. SERIAL CIRCULAR NO._173/2004 No.P(R )673/IV Date:12-10--2004 Copy of Board’s letter No. E(MPP)2002/3/28/Pt. Reconst dt. 1.9.2004 is published for information, guidance and necessary action. Board’s letter dated 23-07-04 quoted therein was circulated as S.C.No. 138/2004. Copy of Board’s letter No E(MPP)2002/3/28/Pt. Reconst dated 1.9.2004 (RBE No 195./04). Sub:- Refresher course for ESM/MSM/TCM/WTM. …. In continuation of Board’s letter of even number dated 23.7.2004 issued under RBE No.164/2004, the Training Manual Correction slip No.4/2004 may be modified as per the Correction Slip No. 5/2004 enclosed. MANUAL ON MANAGEMENT OF TRAINING. Advance Correction Slip No. 5/2004. Para 4 of the Appendix-III Signal & Telecommunication Department of the Manual on Management of Training (Edition –1998) may be replaced as under:Jr. Engr/Sec Engr./ Sr.Sec.Engr./ (Telecom) 4 weeks once in 5 years Jr,Engr/Sec.Engr/ Sr.Sec.Engr/(Signal) 4 weeks once in 5 years ESM/TCM/SM/WTM 3 weeks once in 4 years Equipment course ESM/TCM/SM/WTM 2 weeks once in 4 years [Should be held 2 yrs after either refresher course or a promotional course ] Schedule for a maintainer 1st yr & 5th yr 3rd year (Authority Board’s letter No. E(MPP)2002/3/28/Pt./Reconst. Dt. 1.9.2004) SERIAL CIRCULAR NO.__174__/2004 No.P(R )554/VI Date:11 -10--2004 Copy of Board's letter No. E(G)2003 QR 1-18 dated 8.9.04 is published for information, guidance and necessary action. Board's letter dated 17.8.01 quoted therein was circulated as SC No.199/01. Copy of Board's letter No. E(G)2003 QR 1-18 dated 8.9.04 (RBE No.197/04) Sub: Retention of Railway accommodation at the previous place of posting in favour of the employees rendered surplus and posted to other station necessitating change of residence. Ministry of Railways have reviewed the instructions contained in their letter No.E(G)2000 QR1-10 dated 17.8.2001 regarding grant of permission for retention of Railway accommodation at the previous place of posting to the staff rendered surplus and posted at a new station. It has now been decided to increase the period of retention of Railway accommodation from 2 years to 3 years in favour of staff rendered surplus and posted to other stations. Such Railway employees would now be eligible for retention of Railway accommodation at the previous place of posting on payment of normal rent for a period of 3 years from the date of issue of transfer orders or till allotment of Railway quarter at the new place of posting whichever is earlier. The above provisions shall be effective from the date of issue of this letter. This has the sanction of the Board and issues with the concurrence of the Finance Directorate of the Ministry of Railways. SERIAL CIRCULAR NO.__175__/2004 No.P(R )436/IREM/VI Date:06 -10-2004 Copy of Board’s letter No. E(NG)I-2003/PM1/25 dated 10.9.04 is published for information, guidance and necessary action. Board’s letters dated 2.2.74, 31.1.81 and 19.12.89 quoted in the correction slip were circulated as S.C.No. 27/74, 23/81 and 2/90, respectively. Copy of Board’s letter No. E(NG)I-2003/PM1/25 dated 10.9.04 (RBE No.200/04) Sub: Procedure for promotion of Group ‘C’ staff. The Ministry of Railways have decided that the Indian Railway Establishment Manual, Vol.I, 1989, should be amended as in the ACS No.165 enclosed. INDIAN RAILWAY ESTABLISHMENT MANUAL VOLUME – I, 1989 EDITION CHAPTER-II, SECTION-B, RULES GOVERNING PROMOTION OF GROUP ‘C’ STAFF ADVANCE CORRECTION SLIP NO.165 For the existing sub-para (iii) appearing after para 224.II(ii) substitute the following:- “iii. Promotion at the same station:- In the case of promotion at the same station, whether in long term or short term vacancies, refusal to officiate on promotion may be taken as refusal to work inviting disciplinary action having regard to the reasons for such refusal. Provided that D&A action based on good and sufficient reasons may be initiated for refusal of adhoc promotion at the same station only in those cases where such refusal affects train operations. (Authority: Railway Board’s letter Nos.E(NG)I/73/PM1/120 dt.2.2.74, 11.9.74 and E(NG)I/79/PM1/147 dt.31.1.81, E(NG)I-88/PM1/6 dt.19.12.89 and E(NG)I-2003/PM1/25 dt.10.9.2004). SERIAL CIRCULAR NO.__176__/2004 No.P(R )473/VI Date:12-10-2004 Copy of Board’s letter No.E(W)2004 PS5-6/74 dated 1.9.-2004 is published for information, guidance and necessary action. Board’s letter dated 7.7.97 and 17.3.99 quoted therein were circulated as S.C.No. 137/99, 108/99, respectively. Copy of Board’s letter No. E(W)2004 PS5-6/74 dated 1.9.04 (RBE No./04) Sub: Extending the facility of privilege pass to spouses of licensed porters. Instructions were issued vide Board’s letter number E(W)96 PS5-6/58 dated 7.7.1997 to grant one set of complimentary cheque pass in II/Sleeper class for self only to Licensed Porters who are duly registered and authorised by the Railway administration to work as Porters at Railway Stations, from the station of duty to any station on Indian Railways and back. Subsequently instructions were issued vide letter No.E(W)96 PS 56/58 dated 17.3.1999 to provide facility of one set of Privilege Ticket Order in II/Sleeper class every year to Licensed Porters for self and spouse, for travel from the station of working to any station in India and back. It has now been decided that the facility of one set of complimentary pass in Second/SL class available for self only to Licensed Porters from the station of their working to any station on Indian Railways and back in terms of Board’s letter dated 7.7.1997 referred to in para ‘1’ above should be extended to the spouse of the porter also. The terms and conditions for issue of complimentary cheque pass, its validity, etc., as laid down in Board’s letter No.E(W)96 PS 5-6/58 dated 7.7.1997 will remain same. This issues with the concurrence of the Finance Directorate of the Ministry of Railways. SERIAL CIRCULAR NO. 177/2004 No.P(R )8 /II Date: 01-10—2004 Copy of Board’s letter No. E(NG)I-2004/RE 3/9 dated 01-01-2004 is published for information, guidance and necessary action. Copy of Board’s letter No E(NG)I-2004/RE 3/9 dated 01-01-2004 [RBE No. 2/2004 ] Sub: Absorption of medically decategorised staff in alternative posts. *** Reference para No. 1306 of Indian Railways Establishment Manual, Volume I, 1989, regarding constitution of a Committee for assessing suitability of medically decategorised staff for absorption in alternative posts. 2. In the CPO’s conference held in the Board’s office on 30-08-2003, it was pointed out that there were instances wherein some staff were declared medically unfit for the posts held by them, however, they were declared to be fit for other posts, but the Committee of three JA Grade officers [constituted for their absorption into alternative posts] did not find them suitable for any post in Railways. The matter has since been considered by the Board and it has been decided that the Committee to assess suitability of the medically decategorised staff for absorption in alternative posts should include a medical officer also to bring about objectivity in dealing with such cases. SERIAL CIRCULAR NO.__178__/2004 No.P(R )299/IV Date: 18 -10--2004 Copy of Board's letter No. E(G)2004 FE 1-5 dated 16.9.04 guidance and necessary action. is published for information, Copy of Board's letter No. E(G)2004 FE 1-5 Dated 16.9.04 (RBE No.204/04) Sub: Recommendation No.67 of the Railway Accident Enquiry Committee, 1978 (Sikri Committee)- 90% reimbursement of membership fee in respect of recognized professional Institutions/Societies. As per extant instructions officers of the rank of JA grade and above are permitted to take up membership of a maximum of five professional Institutions/Societies of which not more than two can be International institutions. Officers below the level of JA grade upto Sr. Supervisors in the grade of Rs.2375-3500 (RPS) and Rs.2000-3500 (RPS) have been allowed to take up membership of two professional Institutions/Societies of which not more than one can be international. They can claim 90% re-imbursement in respect thereof. General Managers have been delegated powers to make 90% re-imbursement in favour of the officers only in respect of one Institution and for any re-imbursement for the second Institution onwards prior approval of Railway Board is necessary for which Railways are required to send proposals to Railway Board. Railway Board have further reviewed the scheme and it has been decided that General Managers may make 90% re-imbursement of membership fee to Officers of JA grade and above in respect of membership of professional Institutions/Societies (recognized by Railway Board for the purpose of 90% re-imbursement of membership fee) upto a maximum of three Institutions/Societies, of which one can be international. Similarly in respect of officers below the level of JA grade upto Sr. Supervisors, in grade of Rs.745011500 (RSRP) and Rs.6500-10500 (RSRP), the General Managers may make 90% re-imbursement in respect of two Institutions/Societies including one International Institutions, of which they are allowed to take membership. In case of any officer/supervisor wishing to take up membership beyond the limits laid down above, prior approval of the Board would be necessary for which, in deserving cases, the Railways/Units may send proposals to Railway Board in consultation with their FA&CAO along with General Manager's recommendation. This issues with the concurrence of the Finance Directorate of the Ministry of Railways. SERIAL CIRCULAR NO._179___/2004 No.P(R )500/XIX Date: 12 -10--2004 Copy of Board's letter No. E(NG)II/2004/CL/16/Policy dated 17.9.04 is published for information, guidance and necessary action. Board's letters dated 14.10.80, 28.11.86 and 31.12.03 quoted therein were circulated as SC No.120/80, 186/86 and 10/04, respectively. Copy of Board's letter No. E(NG)II/2004/CL/16/Policy Dated 17.9.04 (RBE No.205/04) Sub: Introduction of New Pension Scheme – Modification of scheme for grant of temporary status to casual labour. Attention is invited to Board's letter No.E(NG)II/78/CL/12 dated 14.10.80 & E(NG)II/85/CL/6 dated 28.11.86 regarding counting of 50% period of service of open line casual labour/project casual labour after their attainment of temporary status, as qualifying service for the purpose of grant of pensionary benefits on absorption in regular employment on Railways and allowing them to contribute to SRPF. 2. In light of introduction of the New Pension Scheme for new entrants to Central Government Service, including Railway Service, from 1st January, 2004, vide Ministry of Finance, Department of Economic Affair's Notification dated 22.12.2003 circulated on the Railways vide Board's letter No.F(E)III/2003/PN1/24 dated 31.12.2003, it has been decided by the Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions, Department of Personnel & Training to modify the scheme for grant of temporary status and regularisation of casual labour in Central Government Offices. Board have considered the modified scheme and decided to modify the existing scheme introduced vide Board's letter dated 14.10.1980 and 28.11.86 referred to in para 1 above pertaining to casual labour/project casual labour on the Railways, as under: (i) As the New Pension Scheme is based on defined contributions, the length of qualifying service for the purpose of retirement benefits has lost its relevance. Consequently, no credit to casual labour service i.e., counting of the service rendered under temporary status, for the purpose of retirement benefits after their regularisation, shall be available to the casual labour on their regularisation against Group 'D' posts on or after 1.1.2004. (ii) As there is no provision of General Provident Fund/State Railway Provident Fund (SRPF) in the New Pension Scheme, it will not serve any useful purpose to continue deductions towards SRPF for the existing casual labour bestowed with temporary status. Therefore, no further deductions towards State Railway Provident Fund shall be effected from such casual labour w.e.f. 1.1.2004 onwards and the amount lying in their Provident Fund accounts, including deductions made after 1.1.2004, shall be paid to them alongwith interest upto 30th April,2004. Board desire that the aforementioned decisions may be implemented forthwith. This issues with the concurrence of the Finance Directorate of this Ministry. SERIAL CIRCULAR NO.__180__/2004 No.P(R )605/IX Date: 18-10--2004 Copy of Board's letter No. E(NG)I-2004/PM1/25 dated 21.9.04 information, guidance and necessary action. Copy of Board's letter No. E(NG)I-2004/PM1/25 Dated 21.9.04 is published for (RBE No.208/04) Sub: Selections conducted for promotion within Gr.C – setting of question papers etc. The staff side have demanded in the DC-JCM vide item No.45/2004 that in the selections for promotion within Gr.C the question papers for the written examinations held as a part of the selection process should have practical bias and instructions to that effect should be issued to Zonal Railways on the lines of instructions issued for selections held for promotion to Group B. 2. The matter has been carefully considered by the Board and it has been decided that question papers for the written test held as a part of selection/LDCE for promotion within Gr.C should have practical bias i.e. they should be designed to test the ability of the candidates to tackle the practical problems they are likely to face rather than their theoretical knowledge. SERIAL CIRCULAR NO. 181 /2004 No.P(R )473/V Date: 20-10-2004 Copy of Board's letter No.E(W)2003 PS 5-1/4 dated 21.9.04 is published for information, guidance and necessary action. Board's letter dated 30.7.04 quoted therein was circulated as SC No. 151/2004 Copy of Board's letter No.E(W)2003 PS 5-1/4 Dated 21.9.04 (RBE No.--) A copy of the Hon'ble High Court, Madras order dt.18.6.03 regarding grant of Ist class privilege pass to re-employed ex.Servicemen on Railways is enclosed. In this connection Board's letter dt.30.7.04 enclosing Hon'ble Tribunal Mumbai's order on the same subject may be connected. It has now been established beyond doubt that Ist class privilege pass to re-employed ex. Servicemen on the Railways will be decided on the basis of their entry into railway service and their pay on the Railways. IN THE HIGH COURT OF JUDICATURE AT MADRAS DATED 18.6.2003 CORAM THE HON'BLE MR.JUSTICE V.S.SIRPURKAR AND THE HON'BLE MR.JUSTICE A.K.RAJAN W.P.NO.4957 OF 1999 1.Union of India rep.by the Chairman, Railway Board, Rail Bhavan, New Delhi. 2.Southern Railway, rep.by its General Manager, Park Town, Madras 3. Petitioners Vs 1. The Registrar, Central Administrative Tribunal, Chennai Bench, Chennai 600 104 2. Southern Railway Ex.Servicemen Employees Welfare Association rep.by its President S.Mohanraj, No.329-C, Brooke Road, Railway Colony, Chennai 600 023. 3. K.Srinivasan. Respondents. Petition under Article 226 of the Constitution of India praying for issue of writ of certiorari calling for the entire records of the Ist respondent in Original Application No.1453 of 1995 including the order dated 29.10.1998 and quash the same. For Petitioners: Mr.R.Thiagarajan, Senior Counsel for Mr.R.Gunasekaran For Respts.2 & 3: Mr.C.K.Chandrasekaran for M/s.Row & Reddy. **** ORDER (order of the Court was made by V.S.Sirpurkar) The Railway Administration has come up in this writ petition challenging the order of the Central Administrative Tribunal by which the Original Application filed by the second and third respondents herein was allowed. 2. In that original application, the applicants were Southern Railway Ex-Servicemen Employees Welfare Association and also an individual applicant one Mr. Srinivasan. The said Mr.Srinivasan was re-employed in Railways and some members of the Ex-servicemen association were also re-employed. It was claimed in the application that they were given First Class passes as per the rules, but those First Class passes were withdrawn as the Railway Administration decided that in computation of the entitlement pay scale, the military pension received by these employees was not to be counted. If that military pension was excluded then, the salary level of these employees would not entitle them for the Free First Class pass for their travel. 3. Th e Railway Administration on the other hand contended before the Tribunal that though the second applicant and the persons like him were granted the first class passes, there was a clarification letter No. E(W)90 PSS-1/13 dated 19.5.1993 that while deciding to award the Fist Class passes what is to be considered is only the pay and not pay plus pension in the sense that the pension which was received by the employee was to be ignored. It was pointed out that if the pension was ignored then, the second applicant Mr. Srinivasan would not reach a stage of minimum entitlement i.e. Rs.2301/- and his pay would be lesser than that and as such, he would not be entitled to the Fist Class pass. 4. The Tribunal came to the conclusion that the erstwhile rules, which were created under Article 309 of the Constitution of India provided that while calculating the entitlement for the First Class pass, the Military pension received by the re-employed employees could be taken into consideration. For this purpose the Tribunals looked into the Railway Servants (Pass) Rules, 1986 First Edition Schedule VI Note under Para XVIII. The Tribunal ultimately came l the conclusion that a mere clarification letter could not overrule the said rule and could not have the effect of disentitling the employees like the third respondent from getting the First Class Passes. 5. Learned counsel appearing on behalf of the Railway Administration assails this order of the Tribunal on the ground that the question is no more res integra and in fact, the said clarificatory letter was not in the nature of a letter alone but there were rules passed and amended wherein it was provided specifically that for the purpose of calculating the entitlement, only the pay of the employee would be taken into consideration and the pension earned by as employee could not be allowed to be added to that pay. In support of his contention, the learned counsel relied on the Supreme Court decision reported in 1998 (9) Supreme 371 (GENERAL MANAGER WESTERN RAILWAY & ORS. –vs- Y.P.SHARMA & ORS). Learned Counsel invited our attention to the observations in paragraph 3 while interpreting Rule 16 of the Railway Servants (Pass) Rules, 1986, the Supreme Court has observed. "There is no provision under the Railway, Servants (Pass) Rules, 1986 to add pension to the pay for the purpose of determining the category of passes to which the re-employed persons are entitled. Under Rule 2(j), "pay" is defined to mean the amount drawn monthly by a railway servant as (i) basic pay; and (iii)any other pay which may be specially classified as pay by the President. Under sub-clause (ii) in the case of running staff, basic pay plus 30% thereof or any other percentage of basic pay declared as pay from time to time will also count as pay. Therefore, there is no provision for adding pension to the pay for the purpose of privileges passes and PTOs.” 6. Learned counsel for the Railways says that this judgement will clinch the issue and the question is no more to be res. integra as to whether the pension could be added to the pay for the purpose of calculating entitlement of a railway employee to get the privilege travelling pass of First Class. 7. Learned Counsel appearing on the other side had no other decision and very fairly agrees that the decision is binding and applicable to the facts of the present case. In that view, the order of the Tribunal is set aside and the Original Application is directed to be dismissed. The writ petition stands allowed. Rule is made absolute in the above terms, but without any orders ass to costs. WMP 7167/99 is closed. SERIAL CIRCULAR NO. 182 2004 No.P(R )583/Bonus /IV Date: 13 –10-2004 Copy of Board’s letter No. E(P&A)II-2004/PLB-5 dated 4-10-04 incorporating the Corrigendum issued under Board’s letter No. E(P&A)II-2004/PLB-5 dated 13-10-04 [RBE No.224/04] is published for information, guidance and necessary action. Copy of Board’s letter No.E(P&A)II-2004/PLB-5 dated 4-10-04 [RBE No. 215/04] Sub: Payment of Productivity Linked Bonus to non-gazetted Group ‘B’,’C’ & ‘D’ Railway employees for the financial year 2003-2004. *** The President is pleased to sanction Productivity Linked Bonus (PLB) equivalent to 59 days wages without any ceiling on wages for eligibility for the financial year 2003-2004. to all non-gazetted Group ‘B’,’C’ & ‘D ’Railway employees (excluding all RPF/RPSF personnel). Where wages exceed Rs.2500/- (Rupees Two thousand five hundred only) per month, PLB will be calculated as if ‘wages’ are Rs.2500/-p.m. 2. In the revised (Fifth Central Pay Commission)Scales of pay, ‘wages’ for the purpose of PLB actually drawn during the financial year, shall include ‘pay’ as defined in Rule 103(35)R1(1985 Edition) and dearness allowance sanctioned in the revised scales during the financial year 2003-2004. In the case of Running Staff, the term ‘pay’ shall include 30% of pay constituting the pay element in Running Allowance payable on leave salary. Other conditions such as method of calculation of wages, etc., as prescribed in this Ministry’s instructions and clarifications from time to time, shall remain unchanged. 3. It has been decided that in the case of eligible employees mentioned in Para 1 above who were not placed under suspension, or had not quit service/retired/expired during the middle of the financial year 2003-2004 or were on leave where leave salary admissible is not less than that admissible on leave on average pay, may be paid an amount of Rs.4836/- towards Productivity Linked Bonus for the financial year 2003-2004. In the case of employees other than those mentioned above, the amount of Productivity Linked Bonus may be calculated in accordance with the extant instructions on the subject. 4. The Ministry of Railways have also decided that in relaxation of the provisions in Rules 905(2), 908 and 909 of State Railway Provident Fund Rules, as contained in Chapter 9 of R.1/1985 edition, such of the subscribers to the SRPF as are entitled to Productivity Linked Bonus may, if they so desire, deposit the whole or part of the amount admissible under the Scheme in their respective State Railway Provident Fund Accounts 5. Payment of Productivity Linked Bonus to all eligible non-gazetted Railway employees mentioned in Para 1 above should bae completed before commencement of the Durga Puja / Dussehra holidays duly combining it with existing salary payments, as far as possible. 6. This issues with the concurrence of the Finance Directorate of the Ministry of Railways. SERIAL CIRCULAR NO._183_/2004 No.P(R )96/I Date:26 -11--2004 Copy of Board’s letter No. E(MPP)2004/6/10 dated 27.9.2004 is published for information, guidance and necessary action. Copy of Board’s letter No. E(MPP)2004/6/10 dated 27.9.2004 (RBE No.209/04)SC 3 to MC 8 Sub: Furnishing of Records and Returns to RDAT. Please find enclosed herewith a copy of a Notification No.G.S.R.184 dated 25.5.2004 issued by the Directorate General of Employment & Training, Ministry of Labour regarding furnishing of Records and Returns by the establishments to the respective RDAT. The same may be implemented wherever Apprentices are trained under Apprentices Act,1961. Directorate General of Employment and Training NOTIFICATION, NEW DELHI, the 25th May,2004 G.S.R.184 – In exercise of the powers conferred by Sub-section (1) of Section 37 of the Apprentices Act, 1961 (52 of 1961) and after consulting the Central Apprenticeship Council, the Central Government hereby makes the following rules further to amend the Apprenticeship Rules,1992, namely :1. (1) These rules may be called the Apprenticeship (Amendment ) Rules,2004. (2). They shall come into force on the date of their publication in the Official Gazette. 2. In the Apprenticeship Rules, 1992 hereinafter referred to as the said rules, for rule 14, the following rule shall be substituted, namely:“14. Records and Returns:(1) Establishments referred to in items (b) & (c) of sub-clause (1) of clause (d) of Section 2 of the Act shall submit in respect of trade apprentices returns and other information as hereinafter provided to the respective Regional Director. (2) Establishments referred to in items (b) ) of sub-clause (2) of clause (d) of Section 2 of the Act shall submit in respect of trade apprentices returns and other information as hereinafter provided to the respective State Apprenticeship Adviser.. (3) Contracts of Apprenticeship Training in Format-1 as specified in Schedule III shall be forwarded along with a forwarding letter in Format –1A as specified in Schedule III, by the establishment to the Regional Director or State Apprenticeship Adviser, as the case may be, as per following schedule:For the apprentices engaged from 16th January to 15 April For the apprentices engaged from 16th April to 15 July 30th April 31st July For the apprentices engaged from 16th July to 15 October For the apprentices engaged from 16th October to 15 January 31st October 31st January. (4) Work diary in Format-2 as specified in Schedule III shall be maintained by each trade apprentice and countersigned by his supervisor once a week. (5) Every employer shall maintain a register of attendance of the Trade apprentices undergoing apprenticeship training in his establishment and action taken for irregular and unauthorised absence shall be recorded in the said register at the end of each month. (6) (a) Application forms of regular trade apprentices for appearing at All India Trade Test in Format-3 as specified in Schedule III shall be forwarded with a forwarding letter in Format –3A as specified in Schedule III by the establishment to the Regional Director or State Apprenticeship Adviser, as the case may be as per following schedule: (i) year. (ii) For All India Trade Test to be held in April/May: 31 st December of previous For All India Trade Test to be held in October/November: 30th June. (b) Having scrutinized the application forms of such trade apprentices, the Regional Director or State Apprenticeship Adviser, as the case may be, shall return the application forms to the employer with remarks whether or not the apprentice is allowed to appear in the All India Trade Test. If allowed it should be subject to fulfillment of eligibility criteria and if disallowed the reasons therefore should be recorded in the application form. The programme of the All India Trade Test and name of the trade testing centres for each apprentice should also be sent along with the application forms of such apprentices. (c) After receiving the information under clause [b], the employer shall furnish eligibility certificate in respect of the eligible trade apprentices in Format 4 as specified in Schedule III alongwith the application forms of such apprentices to the trade testing centres, fifteen days prior to the commencement of All India Trade Test. (7) At the end of each of each half year, every establishment shall in respect of trade apprentices receiving training in the establishment submit a report in Form Apprenticeship-1 in Schedule III to the concerned Apprenticeship Adviser as per the following schedule: For half year ending June: by 15th July. For half year ending December: by 15th January. (8) At the end of each half year, every Regional Director shall in respect of trade apprentices in the establishments referred to in items (b) and (c) of sub-clause (1) of clause (d) of Section 2 of the Act submit returns in forms ATS-1 & ATS-2 in Schedule III to the Directorate General of Employment Training as per the following schedule: For half year ending June: by 31st July For half year ending December: by 31st January. (9) At the end of each half year, every State Apprenticeship Adviser shall in respect of trade apprentices in the establishments referred to in items (b) of sub-clause (2) of clause (d) of Section 2 of the Act submit returns in forms ATS-1 & ATS-3 in Schedule III to the Directorate General of Employment Training as per the following schedule: For half year ending June: by 31st July For half year ending December: by 31st January. (10) On a Graduate or Technician or Technician (Vocational) Apprentice joining an establishment, the employer shall prepare index cards in Form Apprenticeship-2 set out in Schedule III with complete bio-data and retain one card with himself and forward within ten days from the date of the engagement of the apprentice, one card to each of the following authorities, namely:(a) (b) (c) The Central Apprenticeship Adviser; The Director, Regional Board of Apprenticeship Training concerned; and In the case of Sandwich course student, the technical Institution concerned. (11) Every employer shall maintain a record of the work done and the studies undertaken by the graduate, Technician and Technician (Vocational) apprentices engaged in his establishment, for each quarter and at the end of each quarter shall send a report in Form Apprenticeship-3 set out in Schedule III to the Director, Regional Board of Apprenticeship Training concerned”. 3. In the said rules, for Schedule III, the following Schedule shall be substituted, namely:“Schedule-III (see rule 14) Format-1 Model Contract of Apprenticeship Training for Major/Minor Apprentices (To be prepared in Triplicate) Photograph of Apprentice 1. Name and Address of Establishment Telephone No,: Fax No. Telegram: E-Mail Address: 2. (a) Name of Apprentice (Block letters) (b) Father’s /Mother’s /Husband’s Name 3. Correspondence Address 4. Date of Birth 5. (a) Date of execution of contract (b) Age on the date of execution of contract 6. Whether belongs to Scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribe/ Physically Handicapped/Other Backward Class or Minor Community. If so, please mention the category. 7 8. 9. 10. Present Qualification (a) General Education (b) Technical Name of the Trade/Course Duration of Training Name of the Institute Name of the Board/Council Name of the Apprenticeship Trade (a) Duration of Apprenticeship Training (b) Period of Apprenticeship Training Rates of Stipend From____to____ _years___months From____ to First Year Rs.____p.m. Second year Rs.____p.m. Third Year Rs_____ p.m. Fourth Year Rs.____p.m. 11. 12 (a) Name and Address of Guardian* (b) Relationship with the Apprentice Name and Address of the Surety 13. We, the Employer, Apprentice/Guardian* and the Surety solemnly declare that we have read the Apprentices Act,1961 and the Apprenticeship Rules,1992 regarding the contract of Apprenticeship Training including obligations and agree to abide by all the provisions made thereunder. In case of default by the either the apprentice or the employer, we agree to compensate the other party as per the provisions of the Apprenticeship Rules, 1992 (Main Provisions of the Rules may be seen in the Enclosure). Signature of the Employer with Seal 14. Signature of Apprentice Signature of Guardian Signature of Surety Witness and their address; 1. 2. 15. To be filled in by the Office of the Apprenticeship Adviser (i) Registration No. (ii) Date (iii) Place Signature and Seal of the Regional Central Apprenticeship Adviser/ State Apprenticeship Adviser *Guardian, in case of minor apprentices Enclosure to Contract of Apprenticeship Training Main provisions of the Apprenticeship Rules relating to the Contract of Apprenticeship Training. 1.(a) The employer shall pay stipend to the trade apprentices at the minimum rates of (as per the provision of Rule 11(1) of Apprenticeship Rules,1992) Rs.820/- per month during first year. Rs.940/- per month during second year. Rs.1090/- per month during third year. Rs.1230/- per month during fourth year. [Rates are liable to change] (c) The stipend for a particular month shall be paid by the tenth day of the following month. No deduction shall be made from the stipend for the period during which an apprentice remain on casual or medical leave as per provision of the rule. Stipend shall, however, not be paid for the period for which the apprentice remain on extraordinary leave. 2. Where the Contract of Apprenticeship is terminated through failure on the part of the employer in carrying out the terms and conditions of the Contract ( as notified under the Apprenticeship Rules, 1992), he shall pay to the apprentice compensation as prescribed. 3. (a)In the event of premature termination of Contract of Apprenticeship for failure on the part of apprentice to carry out the terms and condition of the contract (as notified under the Apprenticeship Rules,1992), the surety at the request of apprentice hereby guarantees to employer the payment of such amount as determined by the Apprenticeship Adviser as and towards the cost of training. (b)The liability of the surety is limited to Rs.2500/- (Rupees Two thousand five hundred only) with interest at twelve per cent per annum. It shall not be obligatory on the part of employer to offer any employment to the passed out trade apprentice on completion of the period of Apprenticeship Training in his establishment, nor shall it be obligatory on the part of the Apprentice to accept an employment under the employer. Format-1A Last date for forwarding the Contracts for registration. For the apprentices engaged from 16th January to 15th April For the apprentices engaged from 16th April to 15th July For the apprentices engaged from 16th July to 15th October For the apprentices engaged from 16th October to 15th January : : : : 30th April 31st July 31st October 31st January Name and Address of Establishment Telephone No. Telex/Fax No. Telegram E-Mail Address To The State/Union Territory Apprenticeship Adviser/ The Regional Director of Apprenticeship Training Subject: Intimation regarding engagement of apprentices and forwarding their Contracts for registration. Sir/Madam, Following apprentices have been engaged in our establishment. forwarded for registration. Serial Number Name Father’s/Mother’s/Husband’s name Their contracts are Trade We have satisfied ourselves that they fulfill the eligibility criteria as per the provisions of Apprentices Act,1961 and Rules made thereunder. Copies of attested certificates are also enclosed. Yours faithfully, Encl: As stated above. Signature of Employer with Designation and Seal Format-2 Proforma of Work Diary Name and Address of Establishment Name of Apprentice Trade Registration Number Serial Date (Week) Job/Work done during the week Number From To Signature Supervisor of Note: The work diary should be maintained by the Apprentice and countersigned by his supervisor once a week. Format-3 Last date for forwarding the application: For the All India Trade Test to be held in April/May : 31st December of previous year For the All India Trade Test to be held in Oct./Nov. : 30th June Application Form for Appearing at the All India Trade Test to be held ____(Month)____(Year) under the Apprentices Act,1961 as Regular candidate. in 1. Name (in block letters) 2. Father’s /Mother’s/Husband’s Name: 3. Mailing Address 4. Name and address of Establishment where Undergoing Apprenticeship Training: 5. Name of the Designated Trade 6. Contract Registration Number] 7. Period of Apprenticeship Training: From To 8. Whether passed in the subject of Social Studies? If so, please give following details. a) All India Trade Test for Craftsmen held in ____(Month)___Year b) Marks obtained in the subject of Social Studies (Please enclose attested copies Of certificate) Signature of employer with seal (for office use in RDAT/SAA) Signature of the Apprentice with Date May be allowed subject to fulfillment of eligibility Criteria If not allowed reason therefore. Name and Signature of Regional Director/SAA Format-3A Last date for forwarding the application: For the All India Trade Test to be held in April/May For the All India Trade Test to be held in Oct./Nov. Name and Address of Establishment Telephone No. Telex/Fax No. Telegram E-Mail Address To : 31st December of previous year : 30th June The State/Union Territory Apprenticeship Adviser/ The Regional Director of Apprenticeship Training Subject: Forwarding of application Forms of Apprentices for All India Trade Test to be held in ___(Month)____(Year). Sir/Madam, The application forms in respect of the following apprentices are forwarded for appearing in All India Trade Test to be held in ___(Month)____(Year). Serial Number Designated Trade Name of Apprentice the Contract Number Registration A Demand Draft drawn in favour of ___________is also forwarded towards examination fee of above apprentices @ Rs.____. Certified that the progress and attendance of above apprentices are satisfactory. Signature of the Employer with Designation and Seal Format-4 Eligibility Certificate for appearing at All India Trade Test alongwith Assessment of the Apprentices Name and Address of Establishment Telephone No. Telex/Fax No. Telegram E-Mail Address Name and address of Trade Testing Centre All India Trade Test to be held in Serial Number Name of the Apprentice Contract Registration Number Designated Trade _____(Month)____(Year) Sessional Marks obtained of Maximum Marks Trade Theory 0 Workshop Calculation 2 and Science 10 Engineering Drawing 20 Practical 1 00 Certified that the above mentioned apprentices fulfill all the stipulated conditions laid down in the enclosure and are eligible to appear in the All India Trade Test to be held in ____(Month)______(Year). The above candidates have been allowed to appear at All India Trade Test by the RDAT/SAA as indicated on their application form enclosed herewith. Date: Signature of the Employer with Designation and Seal Note: This information should be sent to the Trade Testing Centre fifteen days prior to the commencement of All India Trade Test. Enclosure to eligibility Certificate Instructions and Guidance to determine eligibility of a candidate for appearing at All India Trade Test under the Apprentices Act, 1961. For determining the eligibility of a candidate to appear at All India Trade Test (AITT), the following points are to be taken into account:1. Only those Apprentice whose Contracts have been registered are eligible for appearing at (AITT) 2. The Apprentices who will complete contractual period of training on or before 15 th April or 15th October of the calendar year would be eligible for appearing at AITT to be held in April/May or October/November respectively. 3. A candidate who has completed/will be completing Apprenticeship Training on or before the dates as stated at Sl.No.2 above and has put in the minimum attendance i. e.200 days per year of apprenticeship training which includes 33 days attendance in Related Instruction Classes for establishments working for 5 days in a week and 240 days of attendance per year of apprenticeship training which includes 40 days of attendance in R.I. Classes for establishments working for 6 days in a week is eligible for appearing at AITT. 4. A candidate who has completed / will be completing apprenticeship training as stated above but failed / will be failing to acquire minimum attendance for circumstances beyond his control and the employer is satisfied with the grounds for shortfall in attendance and certifies that the apprentice has otherwise completed the full apprenticeship course, he shall be considered as having completed the full period of training and shall be eligible for appearing in AITT. 5. A candidate who has completed/will be completing Apprenticeship Training on or before the dates as stated above but failed/will be failing to put in the minimum period of attendance has not completed the full apprenticeship course, he shall not be considered as having completed the full period of training and the employer shall under Sub-rule (2) of Rule 7 of Apprenticeship Rules,1992 extend his period of training until he completes the full apprenticeship course, and the next test is held if so required by the Apprenticeship Adviser. Similar extension of the period of training may also be allowed in case of those apprentices who having completed but failed in the AITT. An apprentice who fails in the second test shall not be allowed for any extension of the period of training. FORM APPRENTICESHIP –1 Schedule for submission of Half Yearly Returns: For the half year ending June by 15th of July For the half year ending December by 15th of January Report for half year ending Name and Address of Establishment Telephone No. Telex/Fax No. Telegram E-Mail Address Name of the Chief Executive Office Name and Designation of Officer Incharge of Training Nature of Product/Service Central Public Sector/State Public Sector/Private Sector. Serial Number Designate d Trade Number of Number of Number Training of apprentices under Number of apprentice Number of Number of apprentices passed out 1 2 workers other than unskilled workers apprentic eship seats located by SAA/RD AT as per prescribed ratio Fresher ITI passed out Total s appeared in All India Trade Test held in ….(month …(Year passed in All India Trade Test held in ….(month …(Year apprentices employed by the same employer 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Out of Apprentices undergoing Training Scheduled Castes Scheduled Tribes Other Backward Class Women Minorities P e r s o n s w i t h D i s a b i l i t y 11 12 13 Visually Impaired Hearing Impaired 14 15 Date Orthopadically Total Handicapped (14+15+16) 16 17 18 Name and Signature of Employer Note: This information should be sent to the concerned Apprenticeship Adviser every six month. Apprenticeship Training Scheme-1 Schedule for submission of Half Yearly Returns: For the half year ending June For the half year ending December Report for half year ending Name and address of Regional Director of Apprenticeship: Training/State/UT/Apprenticeship Adviser Telephone No. Telex/Fax No. Telegram E-Mail Address 19 by 31st of July by 31st of January Serial Number Designated Trade Number of workers other than unskille d workers Number of apprenticeship seats located by SAA/RDA T as per prescribed ratio Number of apprentices under Training Fresher ITI Total passed out Number of apprentices appeared in All India Trade Test held in .(month….. (Year……. Number of apprentices passed in All India Trade Test held in ….(month …(Year Number of passed out apprentices employed by the same employer 1 2 3 4 5 8 9 10 Women Minorities 18 19 6 7 Out of Apprentices undergoing Training Scheduled Castes Scheduled Tribes Other Backward Class Persons Visually Impaired with Hearing Impaired 11 12 13 14 15 Date Disability Orthopadicall y Handicapped 16 Total (14+15+16 ) 17 Name and Signature of Apprenticeship Adviser Apprenticeship Training Scheme-2 (For RDAT) Schedule for submission of Half Yearly Returns: For the half year ending June by 31st of July For the half year ending December by 31st of January Report for the half year ending Name and address of Regional Director of ApprenticeshipTraining: Telephone No. Telex/Fax No. Telegram E-Mail Address Sl. StNo. ate 1 2 Number of estts. which should be covered under the Act 3 Number of establishment where seats have been located Number of establishments engaging apprentices Upto the end of previous half years Upto the end of previous half years Added/De leted during the half years 4 5 Total 6 Upto the end of previous half years 7 8 Total 9 No.of apprenticeship seats located Number of Apprentices on roll 10 11 Out of Apprentices undergoing Training Scheduled Castes Scheduled Tribes Other Backward Class Persons with Disability Visually Hearing Impaired Impaired 12 13 14 15 16 Orthopadi cally Handicapped Total (14+15+16 ) 17 18 Women Minorities 19 20 Date Name and Signature of Regional Director Apprenticeship Training Scheme-3 (State/Union Territory) Schedule for submission of Half Yearly Returns: For the half year ending June by 31st of July For the half year ending December by 31st of January Report for half year ending Name and address of State Apprenticeship Adviser Training Telephone No. Telex/Fax No. Telegram E-Mail Address Sl. N o. Sector Number of estts.which should be covered under the Act Number of establishment where seats have been located Upto the Added/De Total end of leted previous during the half years half years 1 2 3 4 1. Sector Public Sector. Private Sector 2. 5 6 Number of establishments engaging apprentices Upto the Added/ Total end of Deleted previous during half the half years years 7 8 9 Out of Apprentices undergoing Training Min- Sch Scheduled Persons with Disability Hearing orities edul Backward Other Visually impair Imparied handicapped Castes ed Class ed Trib es 13 14 15 16 17 No. of apprentices hip seats located Number Apprentices roll 10 11 Total Ortho padically (15+ 16+ 17+19) 18 19 Women 20 12 Date Name and Signature of State/Union Territory Apprenticeship Adviser FORM APPRENTICESHIP –2 (to be submitted within ten days from the date of engagement of apprentices applicable only to Graduate of Technician or Technician (Vocational)Apprentices). Passport size Photo of apprentice Please state whether the apprentice is a student of Sandwich course: Yes/No. Name and Address of Establish ment Nature of Industry and Standard Industrial Classification Code No. Registration No.and Date of contract of apprenticeship Subject field in engineering/technolo gy/vocational course Date of commenceme nt of training Name address apprentice and of Name and address of father/guar dian of on 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Educational qualification at entry. Date, month and year of birth Examination passed Name of Institution Date of passing Remarks Period of training Date of completion of training. Rate of stipend to be paid. FORM APPRENTICESHIP –3 RECORD OF PROGRESS OF APPRENTICE; ( To be submitted once in a quarter in respect of graduate or technician or technician (vocational) apprentices). 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Name of Apprentice Registration Number Subject field in Engineering or Technology or Vocational course Under training at Date of commencement of training Area of training during the quarter Progress report for quarter. (i) Aptitude for training (ii) Performance during the quarter (iii) Shortcomings, if any (iv) Reaction of trainee to corrective action at (iii) above (v) Assessment:Excellent/Above Average/Average/Below Average (Strike out those not applicable) Signature of Officer/Executive Incharge of Training Remarks Signature of Manager of the Industry/Establishment. [F.No. DGE&T-23[15]2915/2002-AP] N LANKA, Dy. Secy. Footnote: The Principal rules were published in the Gazette of India vide GSR 356 dt. 108-92 and last amended vide GSR 300 dt. 1-08-2003. SERIAL CIRCULAR NO._184/2004 No.P(R )563/VI Date:29-10--2004 Copy of Board’s letter No.E(NG)-II/94/RR-1/29 dated 28.9.2004 is published for information, guidance and necessary action. Board’s letter dated 26-7-04 quoted therein was circulated as SC No. 135/04. Copy of Board’s letter No. E(NG)-II/94/RR-1/29 dated 28.9.2004 (RBE No.213/04) Sub: Upper age limit for direct recruitment to Group c & d posts on the Railways. Ref: Board’s letter No. E(NG)-II/94/RR-1/29 dated 26.7.2004. The RBE number of the instructions issued vide letter under reference may be read as 167/2004 instead of 166/2004. SERIAL CIRCULAR NO.185/2004 No.P(R )487/VPC/6/CRC/IV Date:15-10-2004 Copy of Board’s letter No.PC.III/2004/CRC/9 dated 9.9.04 is published for information, guidance and necessary action. Board’s letters dated 9.10.2003 & 17.7.92 quoted therein was circulated as S.C.No.191/04, 105/92 respectively. Copy of Board’s letter No.PC.III/2004/CRC/9 dated 9.9.04 ( Rbe No.198/04) Sub: Restructuring of certain Group ‘C’ & ‘D’ cadres. … Please refer to this Ministry’s letter No.PC.III/2003/CRC/6 dated 9.10.2003, as amended from time to time. As per annexure-I of avove leter the category of Typists is to be restructured according to the following % age distribution:CATEGORY Typists GRADE (Rs.) 6500-10500 5500-9000 5000-8000 4000-6000 3050-4590 EXISTING %AGE 8 12 25 35 20 REVISED %AGE 12 16 29 23 20 It is also provided in the footnote that Board’s letter No. E[NG]II/92/CD/1 dated 17-7-92 should be kept in view while restructuring the cadre of Typists. Feedback received from various Railways indicates that in pursuance of instructions contained in Board’s letter dated 17-7-92, the posts of Typists in lowest grade[s] have either been phased out or are about to be phased out. As such on applying the %age distribution as prescribed in Board’s letter dated 9-10-03, while posts in higher grade[s] are getting reduced, there is fresh creation of posts in lowest grade[s]. As such, Railways have sought for guidelines from Railway Board on the issue. The matter has been examined and it has been decided that restructuring of Typists may be allowed SERIAL CIRCULAR NO.186/2004 No.P(R )436/IRMM Date:29-10--2004 Copy of Board’s letter No.2004/H PNM-AIRF dated 6.10.04 is published for information, guidance and necessary action. Board’s letter dated2.7.04 quoted therein was circulated as S.C.No.116/04 Copy of Board’s letter No. 2004/H PNM-AIRF dated 6.10.04 (S.No.8 of Health/04) Sub: Extension of medical facilities to the widow mother in law of the widow on her appointment on compassionate grounds – Amendment to para 601(6) of IRMM 2000. Reference Board’s letter of even No.dated 2.7.2004 vide which amendment to para 601(6) of IRMM 2000 on the above mentioned subject had been conveyed to all Zonal Railways. In partial modification of Para 601(6) of IRMM-2000, it has been decided to replace Para 1 of Board’s letter dated 2.7.2004 with the following:“Arising out of a demand by AIRF in the PNM meeting, it has been decided that in the case of widows/widower appointed on compassionate grounds, dependent widow mother of the deceased railway employee shall be allowed to avail of the railway medical facilities under Railway Medical Attendance and Treatment rules. This is subject to the condition that income of dependent widow mother of deceased railway employee is within the ceiling limit prescribed in the pass rules. This issues with the concurrence of the Finance Directorate of the Ministry of Railway. An advance Correction Slip with respect to Para 601(6) of IRMM, 2000 is enclosed herewith. An advance Correction Slip to Para 601(6) of IRMM, 2000 Add the following as item (d) under Para 601(6) READ(d) When a widow/widower gets appointment on the railways on compassionate grounds after the death of her/his spouse, dependent widow mother of the deceased railway employee shall be entitled to avail of railway medical facilities under Railway Medical Attendance and Treatment Rules. This is subject to the condition that income of dependent widow mother of deceased Railway employee is within the ceiling limit prescribed in the pass rules. FOR (d) When a widow gets appointment on the railways on compassionate grounds after the death of her spouse, her widow mother/widow mother-in-law, as the case may be, shall be entitled to avail of Railway medical facilities under Railway Medical Attendance and Treatment Rules. This is subject to the condition that income of her mother/motherin-law is within the ceiling limit prescribed in the pass rules. SERIAL CIRCULAR NO.187_/2004 No.P(R )473/VI Date:29-10--2004 Copy of Board’s letter No.E(W)96 PS 5-1/30 dated 6.10.04 is published for information, guidance and necessary action. Copy of Board’s letter No. E(W)96 PS 5-1/30 dated 6.10.04 (RBE No./04) Sub: Issue of School Pass. Ref: Your letter No.E/204/5/Pt.1/4 dt.22.7.04. North Eastern Railway has requested for a clarification whether school pass can also be given where students travel for counseling purposes. In this connection, it is clarified that since counseling form part of the admission procedure, school pass as given for other purposes may also be issued. The number of passes to be issued in a year, however, shall remain the same i.e. 3 sets in a calendar year. SERIAL CIRCULAR NO.188____/2004 No.P(R )39/V Date:5-11--2004 Copy of Board’s letter No.E(MPP)96/1/15/Pt. Dated 30.9.04 is published for information, guidance and necessary action. Board’s letter dated 31.3.87 and 4.4.97 quoted therein were circulated as S.C.No. 86/97 Copy of Board’s letter No. E(MPP)96/1/15/Pt. Dated 30.9.04 (RBE No.214/04) Sub: Procedure relating to surrender of posts and crediting to surplus Bank. Ref: Board’s letter No.E(MPP)96/1/15 dated 4.4.1997. Attention is drawn to Board’s letter No.E(NG)II/84/RE/1/10 dated 31.3.1987 wherein the methodology to be adopted to maintain the account, in the bank for surplus posts was laid down. It is understood that some Railways are maintaining the Vacancy Bank on monthly basis. However, it would be appropriate if credit to the vacancy bank is worked on an annual basis of value of posts surrendered so as to have proper accountal. In view of merger of 50% of DA with basic pay it has been decided to modify sub-para 3 of para 3 of Board’s letter referred to above as under:“For the purpose of working out the monetary value of the posts being surrendered, only the Mean Pay of the post plus Dearness Pay and the corresponding Dearness Allowance should be taken into account” This issues with the concurrence of the Finance Dte. Of Railway Board. SERIAL CIRCULAR NO.189 /2004 No.P(R )473/VI Date:29-10--2004 Copy of Board’s letter No.E(W)2004/PS/5-6/55. dated 6.10.04 is published for information, guidance and necessary action. Board’s letters dated 23.2.96, 4-7-96 and 2910-96 quoted therein were circulated as S.C.Nos. 69/96, 98/96 and 142/96, respectively. Copy of Board’s letter No. E(W)2004/PS/5-6/55. dated 6.10.04 (RBE No.217/04) Sub: Issue of complimentary card passes in favour of widows of Gallantry Awardees. Ref: Board’s letter No.E(W)96 PS 5-6/22 dated 23.2.1996, 4.7.96 and 29.10.96 In pursuance of announcement made by the then Minister of Railways in Parliament while presenting the Railway Budget, 1996-97, instruction for grant of First Class 2nd AC Complimentary Card passes to the Gallantry Awardees (Chakra series )belonging to Defence Forces and widows of posthumous award winners were issued vide Board’s letters dated 23.2.1996 and 4.7.1996. Subsequently instructions were issued vide letter dated 29.10.96 referred to above to extend the scheme to police personnel conferred with President’s Police Medal for Gallantry, Police Medal for Gallantry and to widows of posthumous Gallantry awardees of the two categories of awards. In terms of these extant instructions, complimentary card pass facility is not available to the widows on the death of the recipient of the award. The matter has been examined by Board and it has now been decided that on the death of the Gallantry award winners, Ist class/2nd AC complimentary card pass facility should be extended to the surviving widows of all Gallantry awardees at par with the facility already available to widows of posthumous Gallantry awardees of Defence/Police Forces as indicated in Board’s instructions referred to above. In addition to the documents required to be submitted by the widows as mentioned in Board’s letter dated 23.2.1996, attested copy of the death certificate and certificate from a gazetted officer indicating that the widow has not remarried may be submitted to the office of Zonal Railway Head Quarter or the office of Divisional Railway Manager from where pass will be issued. This issues with the concurrence of the Finance Directorate of the Ministry of Railways. SERIAL CIRCULAR NO.190_/2004 No.P(R )436/IREM/VI Date:2-11--2004 Copy of Board’s letter No.E(LL)2004/FA/1. dated 25.10.04 is published for information, guidance and necessary action. Board’s letter dated 6-1-1998 quoted therein was circulated as S.C.No. 10/98. Copy of Board’s letter No. E(LL)2004/FA/1. dated 25.10.04 (RBE No.226/04) Sub: Revision of eligibility limit for grant of Festival Advance Ref: Ministry of Railway’s letter No.E(LL)97/FA/1 dt.6-1-1998. In pursuance of the decision taken by the Government, following the merger of 50% of Dearness allowance with Basic pay, the President is pleased to decide that non-gazetted employees whose Basic Pay and dearness pay taken together does not exceed Rs.12,450 [Rupees Twelve thousand four hundred fifty] per month shall be eligible for Festival Advance. 2. 3. These orders are effective from 8-10-04. However, the cases where the advances have been sanctioned under the existing provisions need not be re-opened. The other terms and conditions remain unchanged. 4. Advance Correction Slip No. 168 to para 1125 of the Indian Railway Establishment Manual, Volume I [Revised Edition 1989] is also enclosed for necessary action. 5. This issues with the concurrence of the Finance Directorate of the Ministry of Railways. Indian Railway Establishment Manual, Volume I [Revised Edition 1989] Advance Correction Slip No. 168 Page 141 Chapter XI Para 1125 – Substitute Rs.12450/- p.m. [Rupees Twelve thousand four hundred fifty] for Rs.8300/[Eight thousand three hundred] [Railway Board’s letter No. E(LL)2004/FA/1. dated 25.10.04] SERIAL CIRCULAR NO. 191 /2004 No.P(R )P[R]563/VI Date:26 -11--2004 Copy of Board’s letter No.E(NG)I/2002/PM2/9 dated 13.10.04 is published for information, guidance and necessary action. Board’s letter dated 11.8.03 and 24-3-2004 quoted therein were circulated as S.C.No. 146/03 and 44 /04, respectively. . Copy of Board’s letter No. E(NG)I/2002/PM2/9 dated 13.10.04 (RBE No.222/04) Sub: Scheme of GDCE for filling up a part of Direct Recruitment quota posts in Group ‘C’ categories – consideration of RPF personnel. In terms of the instructions contained in this Ministry’s letter of even number dated 11.8.2003, RPF/RPSF staff have been debarred from appearing in GDCE and other Departmental selections for promotion in Departments other than RPF/RPSF. Subsequently, a copy of CAT/Principal Bench, New Delhi’s judgement dt.30.12.2003 in OA No.2661/2003 upholding the above instructions was circulated to the Railways for information and guidance vide this Ministry’s letter of even number dt.24.3.2004. 1.1 The issue was also raised by way of a Writ Petition No.13376/2004 before the Hon’ble High Court of Andhra Pradesh and Hon’ble High Court vide their order dt.17.8.2004 have dismissed the writ petition. The operative portion of High Court’s judgement as contained in paras 24 & 25 thereof is reproduced as under:“24. In the light of the policy decision of the Railway Board that the members of the Railway Protection Force cannot be treated as one of the Departments of the Railway Board, the judgements of the Supreme Courts referred supra and in the light of the order of the Central Administrative Tribunal Principal Bench, New Delhi in O.A.No.2661 of 2003, the petitioners being the members of the Railway Protection Force are being treated as different class and they do not form the same class under which the members of other departments of the Railway Board were brought and treating them in a different standard does not amount to violation of the equal right provided under Articles 14 and 16 of the Constitution of India. There are no grounds to invoke the extra-ordinary jurisdiction of this Court under Article 226 of the Constitution and to issue any direction by way of a writ of Mandamus against the respondents. 25. With the above observations, the writ petition is dismissed at the admission stage”. 2. A copy of the above judgement of the Hon’ble High Court/Andhra Pradesh is also enclosed. IN THE HIGH COURT OF JUDICATURE, ANDHRA PRADESH AT HYDERABAD (Special Original Jurisdiction) (TUDESDAY, THE SEVENTEENTH DAY OF AUGUST TWO THOUSAND AND FOUR) PRESENT THE HON’BLE Dr. JUSTICE G.YETHIRAJULU WRIT PETITION NO.13376 OF 2004. Between: 1. M.Srinivas Reddy, S/o.Late Narsimha Reddy,Hindu R/o.H.No.1-1-5/3, Amaravadi nagar, Thallagadda, Suryapet Mandal, Nalgonda District. 2. G.Satyanarayana S/o.Subba Rao, Hindu R/o.C/o. RPF Office, Nalgonda, Nalgonda District, 3. A.Srinivas Reddy, S/o.Sathi Reddy, Hindu, R/o.Appajipet (Village), Nalgonda Mandal and District 4. P.Srinivas Rao, s/o.P.Venkaiah, Hindu, C/o.RPF Office, Nalgonda, Nalgonda District. 5. A.Bhaskar Rao, S/o.A.Nageswara Rao, R/o.Secunderabad. PETITIONERS AND 1. Union of India, rep.by its Secretary, Railway Board, Rail Bhavan, New Delhi. 2. The Chief Security Commissioner/RPF, South Central Railway, Rail Nilayam, Secunderabad. 3. The Chief Personnel Officer, S.C.Rly, Rail Nilayam, Secunderabad. 4. The Deputy Chief Security Commissioner, Rail Nilayam, Secunderabad. RESPONDENTS Petition under Article 226 of the Constitution of India praying that in the circumstances stated in the Affidavit filed herein the High Court will be pleased to issue a writ or order or direction, more particularly one in the nature of Writ of Mandamus declaring the action of the 2nd respondent in not allowing the petitioners for change of cadre as ministerial staff i.e., Junior Clerk in the scale of Rs.3050-4590 RS(RP) in pursuant to the Notification No.P/PE/228/New Zones/Vol.I, dated 4.6.2004, of the 3rd respondent through his proceedings No.X/P.95/Policy, dt.12.7.2004, which is based on the 1st respondent’s Board lr.No. .E(NG)I/2002/PM2/9, dt.11-082003 and E(NG)I/2002/PM2/9 dt.24.3.2004 as illegal, arbitrary and violative of Articles 14 and 16 of the Constitution of India and consequently direct the respondents to absorb the petitioners as Junior Clerks on change of cadre. Counsel for the Petitioner: Mr.J.M.Naidu. Counsel for the Respondents: Mr.Gouri Shankar Sanghi for Rmapp. The Court at the admission stage made the following: HON’BLE Dr.JUSTICE G.YETHIRAJULU WRIT PETITION NO.13376 OF 2004 ORDER 1. The petitioners are working as Constables in Railway Protection Force appointed on various dates from 1998 to 2000. The third respondent who is the Chief Personnel Officer, South Central Railway, Secunderabad circulated a notification vide proceedings No.P/LE/228/New Zones/Vol.I, dated 4.6.2004 inviting option from Group C staff having graduate qualification (Technical/non-technical categories) to join as Ministerial Staff in the time scale of Rs.3050-4590 RS(RP) on bottom seniority as Junior Clerks on permanent basis as a change of cadre from one category to another category at North Eastern Division. The last date for exercising the option was fixed as 30.6.2004. The Divisional Security Commissioners forwarded all the applications submitted by the petitioners to the second respondent instead of sending them to the third respondent. The last date for forwarding the applications to the third respondent was 12.7.2004. The second respondent instead of forwarding the applications to the third respondent declined to forward those applications through proceedings No.X/P.95/Policy dated 12.7.2004 on the basis of the first respondent’s proceedings viz. Railway Board’s letter No.E(NG)I/2002/PM2/9 dated 11.8.2003 (RBE No.139/2003) and letter No.E(NG)I/2002/PM2/9 dated 24.3.2004 (RBE No.64/04), which are based on the judgment of the Central Administrative Tribunal Principal Bench, New Delhi vide O.A.No.2661 of 2003. The petitioners being aggrieved by the action of the second respondent in issuing the proceedings dated 4.6.2004 and the proceedings of the third respondent dated 12.7.2004 basing of the first respondent’s letters dated 11.8.2003 and 24.3.2004 approached this Court for issuing a writ of Mandamus holding them illegal, arbitrary and violative of Articles 14 and 16 of the Constitution of India. 2. It is an undisputed fact that the petitioners are working as Constables in the Railway Protection Force. They are under the administrative control of the Director General and under the overall supervision of the General Manager, South Central Railway, Secunderabad. The General Manager issued a notification dated 4.6.2004 providing the facility of option to the Group C staff to those who possess Graduate Degree (Technical/non-technical categories) to join as ministerial staff in the time scale of Rs.3050-4590 RS(RP) on bottom seniority. In the said notification the General Manager mentioned that it is decided to extend the facility of option to all the graduates (Technical/non-technical categories) working in Group C posts to work as ministerial staff i.e., Junior Clerks on permanent basis as a change of cadre from one category to another at NED subject to certain conditions. It was further mentioned in the said notification that this is a rare opportunity extended as one time dispensation for change of category to all technical and non-technical categories (other than running staff) to opt for ministerial category on bottom seniority. He further mentioned that there is likelihood of better chances of promotion on NED Division in the ministerial cadre due to availability of vacancies. It was also mentioned that this factual position may be brought to the notice of the concerned duly giving wide publicity as no staff should feel that they have lost the opportunity because of unawareness of this letter. The General Manager further mentioned in the notification that options exercised before 30.6.2004 should be forwarded to the Divisional Head Quarters before 5.7.2004 and the Divisional Headquarters should forward the same through SPO/Rules in a bunch by 12.7.2004. The said notification was marked to GS/SCRE Sangh/SC, GS/SCRM Union/SC, SC/ST Association/SC, All SPOs and APOs in Headquarters for the purpose of information. 3. The petitioners made their applications within time by opting for ministerial cadre on bottom seniority and submitted them to the Divisional Security Commissioner and he forwarded those applications to the second respondent. The second respondent instead of forwarding those applications to the third respondent issued a proceeding dated 12.7.2004 mentioning as follows: With reference to the above, it is to inform that the RPF staff are not permitted to opt for the post of Jr.Clerk vide reference cited above in the light of Boards letter No.E(NG)I/2003/PM2/9 dated 11.8.2003 and Lr.No.2003/Sec(E)/PM-3/3 dated 16.2.2004 circulated vide this office letter of even No.dated 5.9.2003 and 27.2.2004 respectively. In view of the above position, the applications of RPF staff forwarded by the divisions for the post of Jr.Clerks in NED Division are returned herewith. The staff may be informed accordingly. This issues with the approval of CSC/SC. 4. The copies of this proceeding were marked to the General Secretary, RPFA/SCR for information and ISPF/SIB ‘A’ Coy/HQrs. And QM for information and necessary action. 5. The petitioners contended that they are being treated as ‘railway servants’ for all practical purposes, in view of Section 10 of the Railway Protection Force Act, 1957 (for short ‘The Act’) and it reads as follows: Section 10. The Director General and every member of the force shall for all purposes be regarded as ‘railway servants’ within the meaning of the Indian Railways Act,1890 (9 of 1890), other than Chapter VI-A thereof, and shall be entitled to exercise the powers conferred on railway servants by or under the Act. 6. The learned counsel submitted that except the disciplinary proceedings which is within the purview of the Director General, the petitioners are governed by Rule 80 of the Railway Protection Force Rules, 1987 (for short ‘the RPF rules) for the purpose of Provident Fund, Gratuity, Pension, medical facility, passes etc. The learned counsel submitted that according to Rule 80 the servants of the Railway Protection Force shall be governed by the Railway rules in the absence of specific provisions under the RPF Rules. Rule 80 of the RPF Rules reads as under: 80. Provident Fund, gratuity, pension, medical facilities, passes etc.--1) In matter relating to: i) Provident fund, ii) iii) iv) v) vi) vii) viii) Gratuity, Pension Medical facilities, Passes and Privileges Ticket orders Educational assistance, Travelling and transfer allowances, and Other financial matters. Superior officers and enrolled members of the Force shall be governed by the provisions of these rules or where no specific provision has been made in these rules than by the extant Railway Rules in the same manner as officers holding the corresponding ranks or grades in the railways are governed by the said Railway Rules. Provided that the extant Railway Rules relating to the aforesaid matters may be modified by the Central Government from time to time in their application to the members of the Force. 2. A Provident Fund Account book shall be issued to each member of the Force in which deductions made by the Pay Drawing Authority shall be periodically entered and authenticated. 7. The learned counsel also drew the attention of this Court to Section 2 (34) of the Railways Act,1989, which defines the words ‘railway servant’ and contended that in view of the amendment to Section 2 (34) under the Railways Second Amendment Act,2003, which came into force on 1.7.2004, members of the Railway Protection Force appointed under clause [c] of sub-section (1) of Section 2 of the Railway Protection Force Act, 1957 are also coming under the definition of the ‘railway servants’. The definition of railway servant after the amendment reads as follows: Sec.2(34) “Railway servant” means any person employed by the Central Government or by a railway administration in connection with the service of a railway, including member of the Railway Protection Force appointed under clause [c] of sub-section (1) of Section 2 of the Railway Protection Force Act,1957. 8. The learned counsel for the petitioners further submitted that the security department in which the petitioners are now working is treated as one of the departments of railways and the respondents are therefore provided the channel of promotion to the Security Personnel also. When the respondents in the similar cases refused to forward the applications of the Constables for the post of Assistant Station Master in the year 1995, the employees have filed WP No.19521 of 1995 and an interim direction was given by this Court to forward the applications to the second respondent.. 9. The learned counsel further submitted that the fourth respondent directed his subordinates to relieve the selected candidates in that connection for training by letter dated 14.8.1997. When the respondents denied the employees to undergo training, some of the employees filed W.P.No.25872 of 1995 on the file of this Court and this Court granted interim direction in W.P.M.P.No.31877 of 1995 dated 16.11.1995 and the petitioners therein were sent for training to the post of Assistant Station Masters. The learned counsel further submitted that the action of the second respondent in refusing to forward the applications of the petitioners to the posts of Junior Clerks on the basis of the proceedings of the first respondent dated 11.8.2003 and letter dated 24.3.2004 is illegal, arbitrary and violative of Articles 14 and 16 of the Constitution and the same may be declared as such. 10. The point for consideration is whether the petitioners who are working as RPF Constables can be treated as members of railway service for the purpose of making applications to the posts of Junior Clerks by virtue of an option given to all the graduates working in Group C posts? Point: 11. The third respondent issued a notification on 4.6.2004 mentioning that it is decided to extend the facility of option to all the graduates (Technical/non/technical categories) working in Group C posts (other than running staff) to work as ministerial staff i.e., Junior Clerk in scale Rs.3050-4590 on permanent basis as a change of cadre from one category to the other subject to certain conditions. It was further mentioned in the said notification that this is a rare opportunity extended as one time dispensation for change of category to all Technical and Non-technical categories (other than running staff) to opt for ministerial cadre on bottom seniority. There is likelihood of better chances of promotion on NED division in the ministerial cadre due to availability of vacancies. 12. On 12.7.2004 the second respondent addressed a letter to the Deputy Chief Security Commissioners and Assistant Security Commissioners of various places informing that the RPF staff are not permitted to opt for the post of Junior Clerks vide CPO/SC letter No.P/CE/228/New Zones/Vol.I dated 10.6.2004 in the light of the Board’s letter No.E(NG)I/2002/PM2/9 dated 11.8.2003 and letter No.2003/Sec.(E)PM-3/3 dated 16.2.2004 circulated through the office letter dated 5.9.2003 and 27.2.2004 respectively. He further mentioned in the said letter that in view of the above position the applications of the RPF staff forwarded by the divisions for the post of Junior Clerks in NED division are returned and the staff members may be informed accordingly. The Railway Board through its letter No.E(NG)I/2002/PM2/9 dated 11.8.2003 clarified the position on the plea of RPF Constables who applied for Junior Clerks and the said clarification to the extent necessary for the purpose of this writ petition reads as follows: The question whether the RPF/RPSF Personnel should be considered eligible to appear in the GDCE or other Departmental selections for appointment / promotion to posts in Departments other than RPF/RPSF in the Railways has been considered carefully by the Board in consultation with the Ministry of Home Affairs. As the Railways are aware, the scheme of GDCE has been introduced with the main objective of facilitating redeployment of surplus staff either by redeployment of such staff in the posts vacated by staff selected under GDCE or surplus eligible staff themselves getting selected under the scheme. However, the selection of RPF/RPSF staff under the GDCE cannot in any way facilitate redeployment of surplus staff. In view of this and on the analogy of practice being followed by the Central Police Forces (CPFs) under the control of the Ministry of Affairs as also the very nature of job and the method of recruitment in RPF/RPSF, it has been decided that the RPF/RPSF Personnel cannot be allowed to appear in the GDCE. They will also not be eligible to appear in other Departmental selections in Departments other than RPF/RPSF. However, the past cases decided otherwise will not be reopened. 13. Challenging the above letter dated 11.8.2003 some of the RPF Constables have filed an original application vide O.A.No.2661 of 2003 before the Central Administrative Tribunal, Principal Bench, New Delhi and the Tribunal in its order dated 30.12.2003 passed in the said application observed that RPF/RPSF cannot be said to be covered within the meaning of ‘other department staff’. The Tribunal further held as follows: “7…… We are inclined to agree with the contention of the respondents that the applicants are part of a conbatised Force created specifically to look after the security needs of the Indian Railways and the mode of their selection and training has also been conducted in that direction only. Thus, creation of such posts appears to be totally unrelated to the ministerial needs. Admittedly, the applicants had joined the Force and underwent special training with the full knowledge and intent to remain as members of the combatised Force only and not to migrate to ministerial cadre. Undoubtedly, as admitted by the respondents as well, on certain earlier occasions some members of the RPF/RPSF staff had participated in the departmental examinations for the post of Junior Cashier, but we tend to agree with the arguments of the respondents that, that by itself does not confer any right on otherwise ineligible members of the Force to appear in the examination because the applicants have not been able to produce before us any rules to show that they are entitled as a matter of right to appear in the examination for the post of Junior Cashier.” 14. Subsequent to the Circular dated 11.8.2003 of the Railway Board, the All India RPF Association made a representation to the Ministry of Railways to permit the personnel of RPF to appear for appointment or for selection or examinations of the other Departments of Railways and the same was rejected on 16.2.2004. A communication was sent to that effect to the Chief Security Commissioner, Railway Protection Force, South Central Railway, Secunderabad in response to his letter dated 23.12.2003, and the same reads as follows: The demand of All India RPF Association for allowing RPF personnel to appear in the GDCE of the railway has been considered in consultation with the establishment, directorate of Ministry of Railways. It is however regretted that the demand of All India RPF Association cannot be agreed to. 15. In V. Damodar Rao and another v. The Chief Personnel Officer, South Central Railway, Rail Nilayam, Secunderabad & others’ a learned single Judge of this Court held as follows: The petitioner’s contention cannot be accepted in view of the fact that the RPF Department is not included in Chapter I of the Railway Establishment service rules under sub-section III which provides for recruitment and training for 14 departments. The departments included in the said Chapter are:1) Transportation (Traffic) Department, 2) Commercial Department, 3)Transportation (Power) Department 4) Mechanical and Electrical Engineering Department 5) Civil Engineering Department 6) Signal and Telecommunication Department 7) Drawing office cadre 8) Stores Department 9)Skilled Artisans 10) Medical Department (Para Medical staff) 11) Scientific staff 12) Ministerial and Non-Ministerial categories 13) Official language Department and 14) Railway School staff. The categories under the expression “Other Departments” mentioned under Rule 170 (I)(99)(c) relates to those categories only which are mentioned under Sub-section 111(xii) which is as under: XII. a) Xxx b) i) Ministerial and Non-Ministerial categories: Accounts Department: Other than Accounts Department: Office Clerks ii) Typists, iii) Stenographers. It is therefore clear that the Railway Protection Force Department is not included in the Departments narrated above and also the category of Constables is not mentioned under SubSection 111(xii)(b). Therefore, the petitioners are not eligible for consideration to the post of Cashiers. The writ petition has no merits and it is accordingly dismissed. 16. The learned counsel for the respondents further submitted that the policy decisions of the Railway Board cannot be interfered with by this Court and it is for the State to decide whether any Department is to be included for the purpose of extending a particular benefit. The learned counsel for the petitioners submitted that permitting the employees of various departments of South Central Railway and denying similar opportunity to the personnel of Railway Protection Force amounts to discrimination and is violative of Articles 14 and 16 of the Constitution of India. 17. In this regard it may be appropriate to refer to certain decisions of the Supreme Court. In Vijay Lakshmi v. Punjab University while dealing with the question as regards to the reservation of posts in women’s college/hostel for women only the Supreme Court observed as follows: ‘In the light of the established propositions of law interpreting Articles 14 to 16 it can be stated that there could be classification between male and female for certain posts. Such classification cannot be said to be arbitrary or unjustified. In cases where the policy decision is taken by the State beyond rules are framed accordingly, it cannot be termed to be arbitrary or unjustified. Hence it is not possible to hold that the rules empowering the authority to appoint only a lady Principal or a lady teacher or a lady doctor or a woman Superintendent are violative of Article 14 or 16.’ It is not for the Court to sit in appeal against the policy decision taken by the State Government. It is for the State to decide whether such a rule is preventive one or precautionary measure. 18. In Western U.P.Electric Power & Supply Co. Ltd., v. State of UP.3 the Supreme Court held as follows: “Article 14 of the Constitution ensures equality among equals: its aim is to protect persons similarly placed against discriminatory treatment. It does not however operate against rational classification A person setting up a grievance of denial of equal treatment by law must establish that between persons similar circumstanced, some were treated to their prejudice and the differential treatment had no reasonable relation to the object sought to be achieved by the law.” 19. In Chief Security Commr., SCR, RPF, Rail Nilayam, Sec’bad v H.Srinivasa Rao while answering the challenge made by the petitioners to a policy decision taken by the Railways as regards the merger of fire service branch in the executive branch consequent on the closure of fire service branch a Division Bench of this Court held as follows: The Court, normally, is not inclined to interfere with such policy decisions unless the same is found to be patently arbitrary or illegal. If the persons affected can show that there had been a flagrant violation of the policy decision itself, and then only the same can be subject matter of judicial review. A policy decision which is in the exclusive domain of the State can be struck down only when the same is ultra vires or unconstitutional. Bereft of violation of Articles 14 and 16 of the Constitution of India, no policy decision can be done away with. 20. In State of Maharashtra v. Dr.Shri Hari Shankar Vaidhya while dealing with the claim made by certain teachers working in Ayurvedic, Unani and Homeopathic aided institutions for pension and gratuity on par with State Government Civil Servants, the Supreme Court held that whether the scheme could be extended or not was a question of executive policy and the Court would not take responsibility of directing the Government to extend the policy. The Court requires examination as to how the policy laid down is being worked-out. Since it is stated that the extending of the above benefits to the teachers mentioned above involve huge financial outlay, the Supreme Court directed the Government to consider extension of the benefit of pension and gratuity scheme to the teachers working in the Ayurvedic, Unani and Homeopathic aided educational institutions in a phased manner, as was done with respect to the other aided institutions. 21. The learned counsel for the petitioners submitted that in the definition of the word ‘railway servant’ as amended in the Railway Protection Force (Amended) Act 2003, which came into force with effect from 1.7.2004, the member of Railway Protection Force is also included, therefore, the petitioners shall be treated as ‘railway servants’ and a direction may be given to the respondents that they are entitled to make application for the Junior Clerk posts notified by the Chief Personnel Officer. 22. The Railway Protection Force (Amendment) Act,2003 (Act 51 of 2003) was brought into existence with the following object: The railway administration has at its disposal seventy thousand personnel of the Railway Protection Force, which is an armed force of the Union. The Railway Protection Force has been given limited powers under the Railway Property (Unlawful Possession) Act,1966 to take action against any person who is found in unlawful possession of railway property. However, the Railway Protection Force is not able to actively help the railway administration in dealing with day to day problems and to ensure smooth running of trains. Though the Railways Act,1989 empowers the railway servants, including a Member of the Railway Protection Force, to arrest without warrant the persons committing offences mentioned in Section 179 of the said Act and to produce them before the nearest Magistrate, such persons are not empowered to either investigate or inquire into cases or launch prosecution in a court of law. These functions are performed by the State Police. For effectively dealing with certain offences under the Railways Act,1989, it is proposed that the officers authorized by the Central Government may be empowered to enquire and launch prosecution against the persons committing offences directly related to the functioning of the railways by amending the said Act. It is also proposed to empower these officers to search and seize any property and to file complaint in a Court of competent jurisdiction in respect of these offences. The authorized officers would not have the power in respect of certain serious offences viz., offences under Sections 150 to 152 of the Railways Act,1989. 23, Act 51 of 2003 was brought into force for a specific purpose of empowering the officers of the Railway Protection Force to search and seize any property and to file complaint in a Court of competent jurisdiction. Therefore, the inclusion of Railway Protection Force in the definition of ‘railway servant’ is for the above purpose and not for any other purpose. If no such clarification is given by the Railway Board in its object, then there would have been a scope for interpreting the definition of railway servant and treating the members of the Railway Protection Force as railway servants for all purposes and as members of one of the departments under the direct control of the Railway Board, including the one of making applications for ministerial posts. 24. In the light of the policy decision of the Railway Board that the members of the Railway Protection Force cannot be treated as one of the Departments of the Railway Board, the judgements of the Supreme Courts referred supra and in the light of the order of the Central Administrative Tribunal Principal Bench, New Delhi in O.A.No.2661 of 2003, the petitioners being the members of the Railway Protection Force are being treated as a different class and they do not form the same class under which the members of other departments of the Railway Board were brought and treating them in a different standard does not amount to violation of the equal right provided under Articles 14 and 16 of the Constitution of India. There are no grounds to invoke the extra ordinary jurisdiction of this Court under Article 226 of the Constitution and to issue any direction by way of a writ of Mandamus against the respondents. 25. With the above observations, the writ petition is dismissed at the admission stage. SERIAL CIRCULAR NO.192/2004 No.P(R )227/XIV Date:11 -11--2004 Copy of Board’s letter No. PC III/2004/CRC/20(Pt) dated 14.10.2004 is published for information, guidance and necessary action. Board’s letter dated 21.1.93 and 9.10.03 quoted therein were circulated as S.C.No. 16/93 and 191/03, respectively. Copy of Board’s letter No. PC III/2004/CRC/20(Pt) dated 14.10.2004 addressed to GM/P/NCR and copied to All Indian Railways. Sub: Promotion of Group ‘C’ staff under restructuring orders – DAR clearance. Kindly refer your Railway’s letter No.797-E/NCR/Personnel/Promotion/CPI/003 dated 08.09.2004. The issue raised in your Railway’s letter ibid has been examined in consultation with Establishment Directorate, Railway Board. It has been very clearly and specifically laid down in para 5 of Board’s letter No.PCIII/2003/CRC/6 dated 09.10.2003 that extant instructions for D&A clearance will be applicable for effecting promotions under these orders with reference to the cut-off date. In other words, application of the procedure contained in extant instructions like the procedure contained in Board’s letter No.E(D&A)92/RG 6-149(A) dated 21.1.1993 to a particular case being considered for promotion against upgraded post, would depend upon whether the Railway servant concerned was free from D&A action on the cut off date and not when his case for promotion against upgraded post is actually considered or when panel is formed. SERIAL CIRCULAR NO. 193 /2004 No.P(R )563/VI Date: 10 -12-2004 Copy of Board’s letter No. E(RRB)2003/25/7 dated 5.10.04 is published for information, guidance and necessary action. Board’s letter dated 24.5.04 quoted therein was circulated as S.C.No. 90/04 Copy of Board’s letter No. E(RRB)2003/25/7 dated 5.10.04 CORRIGENDUM Sub: Procedure for application of Aptitude Test in direct recruitment to safety categories of staff on Indian Railways. Para 6.1.1 (xxiii) of procedure of Aptitude Test in direct recruitment to safety categories of staff on Indian Railways issued vide Board’s letter of even number dated 24.5.2004 may be read as under:“The used answer sheets shall be preserved by SSO/JSO for a period of six months from the date of declaration of panel. After this period these may be destroyed. In case, there is any Court Case or Vigilance inquiry pending against the selection, the sheets may be preserved till its finalisation.” SERIAL CIRCULAR NO. 194 /2004 No.P(PC)487/V/97/DA Date: 3 -10-2004 Copy of Board’s letter No.E(P&A)II-2004/RS-13 dated 12.10.04 is published for information, guidance and necessary action. Board’s letter dated 11.3.04 quoted therein was circulated as S.C.No.36/04. Copy of Board’s letter No. E(P&A)II-2004/RS-13 dated No.217/2004) 12.10.04 (PC-V/432/2004 , RBE Sub: Merger of Dearness Allowance equal to 50% of basic pay with the basic pay w.e..f.1.4.2004. Please refer to Board’s letter of even number dated 30.6.2004 on the above subject wherein an illustration showing the method to be followed for calculation of emoluments of serving Running staff consequent upon issue of Board’s letter No.PC-V/2004/A/DA/1 dated 11.3.2004 was given. 2. It has been represented to the Board that subsequent to issue of letter dated 11.3.2004 ibid, there has been drop in the pensionary benefits of running staff retiring on/after 1.4.2004 with reference to running staff who had retired prior to 1.4.2004. The issue has, therefore been examined by the Board and it has been decided that the method, as illustrated below, is to be adopted for computing emoluments of running staff for working out their retirement benefits: Basic Pay (BP) Dearness Pay (DP) Pay element ( @ 555) Emoluments = = = = Rs,5,000 Rs.2,500 (50% of BP) Rs.4,125 (on BP+DP) Rs.11,625/- 3. This issues with the concurrence of the Finance Directorate of the Ministry of Railways. SERIAL CIRCULAR NO. 195 /2004 No.P(R )227/XIV Date: 26-11—2004 Copy of Board’s Notification No. E(D&A)2004/RG 6-30 dated 13.10.04 is published for information, guidance and necessary action. Copy of Board’s Notification No. E(D&A)2004/RG 6-30 dated 13.10.04 (RBE No.221/04) [To be published in Part II, Section 3, Sub-Section[i] of the Gazette of India, Government of India, Ministry of Railways [Railway Board] NOTIFICATION GSR…..In exercise of the powers conferred by the proviso to article 309 of the Constitution, the President hereby makes the following rules further to amend the Railway Servants [Discipline and Appeal ] Rules, 1968, namely: 1. [1] These rules may be called the Railway Servants [Discipline and Appeal ] [Amendment] Rules, 2004. [2] They shall come into force on the date of their publication in the Official Gazette. 2. In rule 9 of the Railway Servants [Discipline and Appeal ] Rules, 1968, in sub-rule [2], the following proviso shall be inserted at the end, namely: “ Provided that where there is a complaint of sexual harassment within the meaning of rule 3 C of the Railway Services [Conduct] Rules, 1966, the Complaints Committee established for inquiring into such complaints, shall be deemed to be the inquiring authority appointed by the disciplinary authority for the purpose of these rules and the Complaints Committee shall hold, if separate procedure has not been prescribed for the Complaints Committee for holding the inquiry into the complaints of sexual harassment, the inquiry as far as practicable in accordance with the procedure laid down in these rules.” [F. No. E(D&A)2004/RG 6-30] [V.N. Mathur] Secretary, Railway Board. Note: Principal Rules were published in the Gazette of India vide Notification No. E(D&A)66/RG 6-9 dated the 22nd August, 1968 vide S.O. 3181, dated the 14th September, 1968 and subsequently amended by:Sl. No. Notification No. Date Published in the Gazette of India Part II Section 3 Sub-section (i) GSR/SO No. Date of Publication 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5 E(D&A)66RG 6-9 E(D&A)67 RG 6-13 E(D&A)70 RG 6-63 E(D&A)70 RG 6-60 E(D&A)70 RG 6-41 10.4.69 7.4.71 9.6.71 19.10.71 21.10.71 1531 1925 2501 5078 4050 24.6.1969 8.5.1971 3.7.1971 6.11.1971 30.10.1971 6 7 8 9 E(D&A)70 RG 6-43 E(D&A)70 RG 6-52 E(D&A)70 RG 6-69 E(D&A)69 RG 6-60 12.11.71 25.3.72 17.11.72 5.2.73 5264 9467 3918 - 4.12.1971 8.4.1972 25.11.72 - 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 E(D&A)71 RG 6-60 E(D&A)751 RG 6-35 E(D&A)77 RG 6-46 E(D&A)78 RG 6-54 E(D&A)77 RG 6-30 E(D&A)79 RG 6-26 E(D&A)79 RG 6-12 E(D&A)78 RG 6-61 E(D&A)79 RG 6-39 E(D&A)78 RG 6-11 E(D&A)81 RG 6-72 E(D&A)81 RG 6-63 E(D&A)81 RG 6-54 E(D&A)82 RG 6-29 E(D&A)83 RG 6-45 E(D&A)80 RG 6-25 E(D&A)85 RG 6-16 E(D&A)83 RG 6-14 E(D&A)87 RG 6-47 E(D&A)87 RG 6-146 E(D&A)88 RG 6-43 E(D&A)84 RG 6-44 E(D&A)88 RG 6-38 E(D&A)84 RG 6-44 E(D&A)90 RG 6-112 E(D&A)91 RG 6-42 E(D&A)90 RG 6-117 E(D&A)89 RG 6-80 E(D&A)90 RG 6-112 E(D&A)92 RG 6-148 E(D&A)92 RG 6-166 E(D&A)93 RG 6-94 E(D&A)95 RG 6-68 E(D&A)92 RG 6-151 E(D&A)94 RG 6-10 E(D&A)98 RG 6-42 E(D&A)2001 RG6-29 E(D&A)87 RG6-151 E(D&A)98 RG 6-52 E(D&A)2002/RG6-1 13.7.73 5.4.77 7.7.78 29.11.78 7.4.78 17.8.79 25.10.79 22.11.79 31.12.79 6.2.80 31.8.82 10.8.83 31.5.84 30/3/85 13.6.85 20.1.86 20.3.87 28.8.87 26.10.87 10.5.88 12.8.88 20.10.89 16.11.89 22.11.90 16.11.90 8.6.91 19.9.91 20.1.92 22.10.92 9.11.92 11.1.93 23.6.94 13.8.97 6.11.97 16.2.99 11.10.99 31.10.01 8.8.02 16-01-2003 10-03-2003 2897 1413 2193 0364 3057 3777 0143 0441 GSR/982 GSR/632 1822 5667 GSR/667 GSR/241 GSR/708 GSR/869 GSR/420 GSR/759 GSR/850 GSR/900 GSR/723 GSR/568 GSR/86 GSR/63 GSR/327 GSR/422 GSR/106 GSR/87 GSR/617 GSR/342 GSR/50 GSE/134 6.10.1973 14.5.1977 29.7.1978 23.12.1978 8.9.1979 17.11.1979 19.1.1980 23.2.1980 17-12-1983 23.6.1984 27.4.1985 6.7.1985 22.2.1986 4.4.1987 19.9.1987 21.11.1987 21.5.1988 17.9.1988 11-11-1989 02-12-1989 11-12-1990 5.10.1991 22.2.1992 30.1.1993 16-07-94 27-12-97 6.6.1998 20.3.1999 24.11.2001 24-8-2002 1-2-2003 29-3-2003 SERIAL CIRCULAR NO. 196 /2004 No.P(R )436/IREM/VI Date: 26 -11--2004 Copy of Board’s letter No.2004/AC-II/20/5 dated 20.10.04 is published for information, guidance and necessary action. Copy of Board’s letter No. 2004/AC-II/20/5 dated 20.10.04 (RBA No.39/2004). Sub: Appendix-2 & Appendix-3 (IREM) examinations for Accounts Department. Advance Correction Slip No.166 & 167 amending Appendix-2 and Appendix-3 of Indian Railway Establishment Manual, Vol.I(1989 Revised Edition) are enclosed for information and necessary action. ADVANCE CORRECTION SLIP NO.166 INDIAN RAILWAY ESTABLISHMENT MANUAL VOL.I(Revised Edition 1989) Appendix-2 (1) Substitute the following for the existing Para 4(a) of Appendix-2: “4(a) Ordinarily no Railway servant will be permitted to take the examination more than five chances for Appendix 2 IREM Examinations but the FA&CAO/General Managers are delegated with powers to grant additional chances to the candidates appearing in the aforesaid examinations as detailed below:Particulars of Exam. Normal chances Permission may be granted by FA&CAO Examination for 5 6th to 8th chance promotion beyond Accounts Clerks (as laid down in this Appendix) Permission may Railway Board be granted by GM 9th and 10th No reference will chance be made to Board for chance beyond 10th chance. Note: This Sub Rule is not applicable to directly recruited JAAs who are required to pass Appendix II examination in two chances/within three years of their joining service as JAAs failing which their services are liable to be terminated. However, the request for grant of a third chance, on the specific recommendation of the FA&CAO, may be granted by the GM, to be availed of within total span of four years of joining service as JAAs before action to terminate their services is taken”. (2) Add the following as sub-paras (e)&(f) after the existing sub-para (d) of para 4 of Appendix-2: “4(e) The permission accorded to a candidate to appear in the examination counts as a chance availed of even if the candidate does not actually sit for the examination unless an application from the candidate is received by the General manager each year for withdrawal from the examination and is accepted by the General Manager. 4(f) In the case of candidates prevented from appearing in the Appendix-2 (IREM) examination owing to circumstances beyond their control, an application for exemption from counting the permission granted as a chance availed of should be made to the General Manager within a fortnight from the last date of the examination supported by certificates (Medical Certificates conforming to the Rules in Chapter 5 of Indian Railway Medical manual, Vol.I) obtained by them before the termination of the examination”. [Authority: Board’s lr No. 2004/AC-II/20/5 dt. 20.10.04] ADVANCE CORRECTION SLIP NO.167 INDIAN RAILWAY ESTABLISHMENT MANUAL VOL.I(Revised Edition 1989) Appendix-3 Substitute the following for the existing Para 9 of Appendix-3: 9.1 Ordinarily the number of chances for appearing in the Appendix-3 examination for each class of appointment is limited to three, but the FA&CAO/General Managers are delegated with powers to grant additional chances to the candidates appearing in the aforesaid examinations as detailed below:-. Normal chances Permission may Permission Particulars of Exam Railway Board be granted by may be granted by GM FA&CAO Examination for Beyond 6th and promotion as 3 4 th to 5th chance 6th chance upto 10th chance, S.O.(Accounts) reference may be Inspectors of Station made to Railway (Accounts) and Board. No Inspector of Stores reference will be (Accounts) (as laid made to Board for down in this Appendix) chance beyond 10th chance Note 1 : The GM/FA&CAO will accord the necessary permission to appear in the examination subject to the conditions for eligibility as prescribed in rule 6 and 7 above being rigidly fulfilled. Note 2: The permission accorded to a candidate to appear in the examination counts as a chance availed of even if the candidate does not actually sit for the examination unless an application from the candidate is received by the General manager each year for withdrawal from the examination and is accepted by the General Manager. Note 3 - In the case of candidates prevented from appearing in the Appendix-2 (IREM) examination owing to circumstances beyond their control, an application for exemption from counting the permission granted as a chance availed of should be made to the General Manager within a fortnight from the last date of the examination supported by certificates (Medical Certificates conforming to the Rules in Chapter 5 of Indian Railway Medical manual, Vol.I) obtained by them before the termination of the examination”. [Authority: Board’s lr No. 2004/AC-II/20/5 dt. 20.10.04] SERIAL CIRCULAR NO. 197 /2004 No.P(PC)487/V/97/Allowance/Vol.II Date: 11-11-2004 Copy of Board’s letter No.PC-V/98/1/7/1 dated 18.10.04 is published for information, guidance and necessary action. Board’s letter dated 21.4.99 quoted therein was circulated as S.C.No.112/99. Copy of Board’s letter No. PC-V/98/1/7/1 dated V/433/2004 , RBE No.225/2004) 18.10.04 (PC- Sub: Implementation of Government’s decision on the recommendations of the 5th Central Pay Commission – grant of fixed Medical Allowance @ Rs.100 p.m. to the Railway pensioners/family pensioners. The undersigned is directed to refer to Railway Board’s letter of even number dated 1.3.2004 (copy enclosed) on the subject of Medical Allowance and to state that proforma of undertaking circulated therewith be replaced with the revised proforma of undertaking enclosed herewith as Annexure ‘I’, to facilitate setting of claims of Medical Allowance. Henceforth, existing pensioners/family pensioners who opt to claim Medical Allowance will be required to submit their undertaking in duplicate (as per Annexure I) to the Pension Disbursing Authority. Consequent to issue of Board’s letter of even number dated 1.3.2004, on Medical Allowance, clarification have been sought by various quarters about certain issues in connection with implementation of orders contained therein. Doubts have been duly examined and point-wise clarifications are accordingly indicated in the Annexure II to this letter for general guidance and appropriate action in the matter. ANNEXURE I (to be submitted in DUPLICATE by pensioners/family pensioners to his/her Pension Disbursing Authority (PDA) one copy to be retained by PDA and other copy to be furnished to Pension Sanctioning Authority by PDA) I______________, a retired employee/family pensioner whose_________(specify relation of Family pensioner with deceased Railway employee) was an employee of (Office address)_____________________ declare that I am residing at (residential address indicated in PPO)___________________________________, which is beyond 2.5. KMs from the nearest Railway hospital/health unit________________(Name of the Hospital/Health Unit as contained in Annexure III to Railway Board’s letter No.PCV/98/I/7/1/1 dated 21.4.99). 2. Accordingly, I hereby opt to claim fixed medical allowance of Rs.100/- per month. Necessary endorsement may please be made in my PPO in this regard. Simultaneously, I undertake that I will not avail of OPD facilities at Railway hospitals/health units from the day I claim Medical Allowance. I also understand that grant of Medical Allowance is subject to the terms and conditions specified in Board’s letter No.PC-V/98/I/7/1/1 dated 21.4.99 and 1.3.2004. 3. I also declare that I have not availed of any treatment as Out Door Patient for the period from __________ (indicate here the date of retirement or the date of availing OPD facility on the last occasion or 1.12.1997, whichever is later) to ___________(indicate here the date on which this declaration is signed). I may accordingly be paid arrear of Medical Allowance @ Rs.100/- per month for the period mentioned above. Signature………………… Name in full……………. PPO No………………… Issued by……………….. SB A/c No……………… Post Office/Bank………. Branch…………………. Place…………………… Date…………………… Annexure-II Reference: Railway Board’s letter No.PC-V/98/1/7/1/1 dated 1.3.2004 S.No. Points ofDoubt Clarification 1 Whether Medical Allowance would be Medcal Allowance shall be granted granted to all those Railway to all those Railway pensioner/family pensioners/.family pensioners who pensioners who are residing beyond have become entitled to ffixed Medical 2.5 KMs from the nearest Railway Allowance in terms of modified Hospital/health unit subject to other territorial criterion prescribed vide terms and conditions ( apart from the Board’s letter No.PC-V/98/17/1 dated territorial criterion) specified in 1.3.2004 irrespective of whether or not Bd’/s Lr.NO.PC/V/98/I/7/1/1 dated they are members of RELHS 21.4.99. In terms of the said letter grant of Medical Allowance is subject to the condition that the concerned pensioners/family pensioners are eligible for Medical facilities after retirement under any of the existing health care schemes in the Railways. Actual enrollment under such a scheme is not a pre requisite. 2 Whether Railway pensioners/family Yes. However, pensioner/family 3 4 5 6 pensioners who are availing OPD medical treatment and have become entitled to Medical Allowance in terms of modified territorial criterion prescribed vide Rly. Bd’s letter No.PCV/98/1/7/1 dated 1.3.2004 would be entitled to the Allowance ? Whether the orders contained in Board’s letter NO.PC-V/98/1/7/1/1 dated 1.3.2004 shall be effective from 1.12.1997 ? Whether the allowance would be granted to pensioners /family pensioners on the basis of only the undertaking submitted by them? Whether declaration in Annexure-IV of the Bd’s letter dated 21.4.99 is required to be submitted alongwith the undertaking annexed to the Bd’s letter dated 1.3.2004 by the Railway pensioners/family pensioners ? Whether the Allowance would be granted to Railway pensioner/family pensioners from the date of su bmission of the above undertaking or date of issue of letter i.e. 1.12.1997 or actual date of retirement ? pensioners will have to give an undertaking to the effect that from the day they claim Medical Allowance they will not avail of OPD facility at Railway hospitals/health units. Yes. Existing Railway pensioners/family pensioners who have become entitled to medical allowance ;in terms of the letter No.PCV/98/1/7/1/1 dated 1.3.2004 shall, henceforth, be granted medical allowance on the bzsis of only the revised undertaking from enclosed herewith. Allowance shall be granted from the date it becomes due as per the undertaking given by the pensioner/family pensioners. Copy of Board’s letter No. PC-V/98/1/7/1 dated 1.3.04 (S.No.PC-V/396 , RBE No.45/2004) Sub: Implementation of Government’s decision on the recommendations of the 5th Central Pay Commission – grant of fixed Medical Allowance @ Rs.100 p.m. to the Railway pensioners/family pensioners. In compliance with the judgement dated 22.11.2002 of Hon’ble High Court of Kerela in O.P.No.17390/2002 arising out of O.A.No.430/2000 in CAT/Ernakulam, sanction of the President is hereby accorded to the grant of fixed Medical Allowance at the rate of Rs.100/- per month to Railway pensioners/family pensioners residing beyond 2.5 KMs from a Railway hospital/health unit subject to furnishing of an undertaking as per the attached Proforma. 2. All the pension disbursing authorities are required to obtain the above undertaking of the concerned pensioner/family pensioner to the effect that he/she resides beyond 2.5 KMs from the nearest Railway hospital/Health unit before payment of Medical Allowance is made. An entry to this effect should be made in both halves of their PPOs. 3. Other terms and conditions for grant of Medical Allowance as specified in Board’s letter of even number dated 21.4.99 will remain in force. 4. This issues with the concurrence of Finance Directorate of the Ministry of Railways. 5. These instructions are subject to the final outcome of the SLP(C) No.21320/2003 pending in the Hon’ble Supreme Court. SERIAL CIRCULAR NO.198 /2004 No.P(R )23/V Date: 6 -12--2004 Copy of Board’s letter No. F(E)Spl.2004/Adv 3/10 dated 28.10.04 is published for information, guidance and necessary action. The date of effect of merger of DA with basic pay mentioned as 1-3-2004 in the third line of the OM dated 9-8-04, appended, may be read as 1-4-04. Copy of Board’s letter No. F(E)Spl.2004/Adv 3/10 dated 28.10.04 (RBE No.228/04) Sub: House Building Advance (HBA) to Central Government Employees –Revision in quantum of House Building Advance following merger of Dearness Allowance (DA) with Basic pay. A copy each of Ministry of Urban Development’s Office Memorandum No.I17011/2(2)/2004-H.III dated 9.8.2004 & 15.10.2004 on the above subject are sent herewith for information and guidance. Instructions contained therein would apply to Railway servants. These orders are effective from 15.10.2004. However, the cases where the advances have been sanctioned under the existing provisions need not be re-opened. The other terms & conditions remain unchanged. Copy of Ministry of Urban Development’s OM No.1-17011/2(2)/2004-H.III dated 9th August,2004. Sub: House Building Advance to Central Government Employees –Merger of Dearness Allowance (DA) equal to the 50% of the existing basic pay to Central Government employees with effect from 1.4.2004 – Counting for the purpose of grant of House Building Advance (HBA) – regarding. Consequent upon merger of Dearness Allowance (DA) equal to 50% of the existing basic pay to Central Government employees to be shown distinctly as Dearness Pay (DP), with effect from 1st March 2004, vide Ministry of Finance, Department of Expenditure’s O.M.No.105/1/2004-IC dated the Ist March,2004, it has been decided in consultation with Ministry of Finance that the aforesaid Dearness pay will also be counted for the purpose of grant of House Building Advance. However, the existing maximum limits of HBA of Rs.7.5 lakhs for construction/purchase and Rs.1,80,000 for enlargement of existing house shall remain unchanged. Also, the existing cost ceiling limits of Rs.7.50 lakhs (minimum) and Rs.18 lakhs (maximum) relaxable up to a maximum of 25% in individual cases, shall continue unchanged. The rates of interest on House Building advance during 2004-2005 i.e. Ist April,2004 to 31st March, 2005 will continue to be at the same level as for 2003-2004 which came into effect vide this Ministry’s O.M.No.I.17015/5/97-H.III dated 26.3.2003. These rates of interest are as follows: Sl.No . 1 Amount of Advance sanctioned to Govt. Existing rate of interest on HBA servant ( per annum) Upto Rs.50,000 5% 2 3 4 Upto Rs. 1,50,000 Upto Rs.5,00,000 Upto Rs.7.50,000 6.5^ 8.5% 9.5 All other provisions of HBA Rules like eligibility, repaying capacity, recovery etc. will remain unchanged. However, for the purpose of calculating repaying capacity, the basic pay shall be sum total of existing basic pay and the Dearness Pay thus merged therewith. These orders will be effective from 1.4.2004. Copy of Ministry of Urban Development’s OM No.1-17011/2(2)/2004-H.III dated 15th October,2004. Sub: House Building Advance to Central Government Employees – revision in quantum of House Building Advance following merger of Dearness Allowance [DA] with Basic Pay. Following the merger of Dearness Allowance equivalent to 50% of basic pay with basic pay with effect from 1.4.2004 vide Ministry of Finance, Department of Expenditure’s O.M.No.105/1/2004-IC dated 1.3.2004 and the decision to count the merged dearness Allowance (dearness Pay) for various advances, clarificatory orders were issued vide this Ministry’s O.M. of even number dated 9th August,2004, in consultation with Ministry of Finance to the effect that the said Dearness Pay will count for the purpose of grant of House Building advance (HBA) also. However, there was no change in the existing limits of maximum admissible amount of HBA, cost ceiling etc. 2. The matter has been further considered in the Ministry of Finance, Department of Expenditure. Accordingly, the existing limits on House Building Advance viz. the maximum admissible amount, cost ceiling, etc. have been revised as follows:(i) (ii) (iii) The maximum limit for grant of HBA is revised to 34 month’s of basic pay and dearness pay taken together in place of the existing limit of 50 month’s of basic pay subject to a maximum of Rs.7.5 lakhs or cost of the house or the repaying capacity whichever is the least, for new construction/purchase of new house/flat. The maximum limit for grant of HBA for enlargement of existing house is revised to 34 month’s basic pay and dearness pay taken together in place of the existing limit of 50 months basic pay subject to a maximum of Rs.1.8 lakh or cost of the enlargement or repaying capacity, whichever is the least. The cost ceiling limit is revised to 134 times the basic pay and dearness pay taken together in place of the existing limit of 200 times the basic pay subject to a minimum of Rs.7.5 lakh and a maximum of Rs.18 lakh, relaxable upto a maximum of 25%. The cases where HBA has been sanctioned under the provisions of this Ministry’s O.M. of even number dated 9th August,2004 need not be reopened. All Ministries/Departments of Government of India are requested to bring the contents of this O.M. to the notice of all concerned. These orders shall be effective from the date of their issue. SERIAL CIRCULAR NO. 199 /2004 No.P(R )436/IREM/VI Date: 06-12--2004 Copy of Board’s letter No.F[E] Spl.2004/ADV.2/2 dated 01-11-04 is published for information, guidance and necessary action. Copy of Board’s letter No. F[E] Spl.2004/ADV.2/2 dated 01-11-04 [RBE No. 229/2004] ACS 169/04 Sub: Revision in eligibility limits and quantum of various advances following merger of Dearness Allowance [DA] with basic pay *** In pursuance of the decision taken by the Government, following the merger of 50% Dearness Allowance with Basic Pay, the President has been pleased to amend the existing provisions relating to advances for purchase of motor car, personal computer, motor cycle/Scooter/moped & bicycle. Advance Correction Slip No. 169 to the Chapter XI of the Indian Railway Establishment Manual, Volume I, Revised Edition, 1989 is enclosed. The revised orders are effective from 8th October 2004. However, the cases where the advances have been sanctioned under the existing provisions need not be re-opened. The other terms and conditions remain unchanged. INDIAN RAILWAY ESTABLISHMENT MANUAL VOLUME 1 [REVISED EDN- 1989] ADVANCE CORRECTION SLIP No.169 The following amendments may be carried out in the Chapter XI of IREM Vol.I [Revised Edition – 1989] MOTOR CAR AND MOTOR CYCLE/SCOOTER/MOPED ADVANCE In para 1104[5] In clause [i] relating to the conditions of eligibility for Motor car advance, for the words and figure, ‘basic pay is Rs.10,500 [Rupees Ten thousand five hundred] per month or more’, the words and figure, “basic pay and dearness pay taken together is Rs.15750 [Rupees fifteen thousand seven hundred fifty] per month or more’’ , shall be substituted. In clause [ii] relating to the conditions of eligibility for Motor cycle/ scooter/ moped advance, for the words and figure ‘basic pay is Rs.4,600 [Rupees four thousand six hundred] per month or more’, the words and figures, “basic pay and dearness pay taken together is Rs.6,900 [Rupees six thousand nine hundred ] per month or more” , shall be substituted. MOTOR CAR In para 1105 In clause [1] relating to the amount of advance for purchase of Motor car for the first occasion for the words, “ or eleven months’ basic pay of the Government servant’, the words “or eight months’ basic pay and dearness pay of the Government servant taken together”, shall be substituted. In para [2] of clause [1] relating to the quantum of advance admissible on second or subsequent occasions for purchase of Motor car, for the words ‘ or eleven months’ basic pay of the Government servant’, the words “or eight months’ basic pay and dearness pay of the Government servant taken together”, shall be substituted. MOTOR CYCLE/SCOOTER/MOPED In Para 1106 In para [1] relating to the conditions regarding quantum of advance admissible for purchase of Motor Cycle/Scooter/Moped for the first occasion, for the words, ‘ or six months’ basic pay’ the words “or four months’ basic pay and dearness pay taken together”, shall be substituted. In para [2] of clause [1] the provision relating to the quantum of advance that may be granted on second or subsequent occasions for purchase of Motor cycle/ scooter/ moped, for the words ‘ or five months’ basic pay’, the words, “or three months’ basic pay and dearness pay taken together”, shall be substituted. BICYCLE ADVANCE In para 1107 In clause 1, relating to eligibility for Bicycle Advance, for the words and figure ‘ who is in receipt of basic pay not exceeding Rs. 5000 [ Rupees five thousand] per month’, the words “whose basic pay and dearness pay taken together does not exceed Rs.7,500 [Rupees seven thousand five hundred] per month”, shall be substituted. SERIAL CIRCULAR NO.200 /2004 No.P(R )673/III Date: 06 -12—2004 Copy of Board’s letter No.E(MPP)2003/3/26 dated 2.11.04 is published for information, guidance and necessary action. Copy of Board’s letter No. E(MPP)2003/3/26 dated 2.11.04 (RBE No.231/04) Sub: Simulator training centres on Zonal Railways. During the PNM Meeting with Board on 7th & 8th November 2003, AIRF have raised an issue regarding the control of simulator training centers of Zonal Railways. The matter has been examined and Board have decided that in the case of Zonal Railway Training Institute, Bhusawal where the Mechanical and Electrical simulators have been/are being installed the overall administrative control of the simulators will be under Principal/Zonal Railway Training Institute/Bhusawal and the operational control be with the respective AME/AEE in Zonal Railway Training Institute/Bhusawal. The other simulators, which are expected to be installed in the training centres/already installed in Electrical Training Centres/Supervisors Training Centres or Diesel Traction Training Centres will be under the control of the respective Principal/Incharge of the Training centre. SERIAL CIRCULAR NO. 201 /2004 No.P(R )612/I Date:10 -12--2004 Copy of Board’s letter No.E(NG)I-99/SR 6/22 dated 2.11.04 is published for information, guidance and necessary action. Copy of Board’s letter No. E(NG)I-99/SR 6/22 dated 2.11.04(RBE No.232/04) Sub: Seniority of Typist and Stenographers transferred to the clerical cadre of the Accounts Department. In terms of the instructions contained in this ministry’s letter No.E(NG)I69/PMI/20 dated 25.7.69, from 1.4.70 the employees who pass the Appendix II Examination are required to be considered for promotion strictly with reference to the time of passing the examination as was already the case in respect of Appendix III qualified staff. Accordingly, the promotion and seniority in promoted grade of Appendix II qualified staff will be with reference to their position in the Appendix II panel; persons borne on an earlier panel ranking enbloc senior to those borne on a later panel. With these instructions coming into force from 1.4.70 the instructions contained in the Ministry’s earlier letter No.E(S)63/CPC/30 dated 31.5.63 regulating seniority of Sr.Typists and Stenographers on their posting as Junior Accounts Asstts. (formerly Clerk grade-I) in the Accounts Department on passing Appendix II examination based on their length of service in the identical grade stood modified to the extent indicated. However, while reiterating these instructions vide this ministry’s letter No.E(NG)I-94/SR6/51 dated 20.4.95 the instructions contained in the Ministry’s letter dated 25.7.69 appear to have been lost sight of inadvertently giving rise to an anomalous situation in which a Sr.Typist or a Stenographer passing Appendix II examination later, on their posting as Jr.Accounts Assistant (JAA0 gains seniority over those JAAs who had already been promoted by virtue of their passing Appendix II examination earlier. 2. In view of the above, the matter has been reviewed by the Ministry of Railways. It is clarified that instructions contained in their letter dated 31.5.63 to the extent the same relate to seniority of Sr.Typists and Stenographers as JAA on passing Appendix II examination are no longer relevant in light of the instructions contained in the Ministry’s letter dated 25.7.69. Accordingly, the instructions contained in this Ministry’s letter dated 20.4.95 are hereby withdrawn with immediate effect. 3. It may also be noted that consequent upon enhancement of pay scales of Jr.Accounts Assistants (JAA) from Rs.4000-6000 to Rs.4500-7000 w.e.f. 1.1.1996 there is no scope for Sr.Typists and Stenographers who continue to be in lower pay scale of Rs.4000-6000, being allowed the benefit of service rendered by them as Sr.Typist/Stenographers on posting/promotion as JAA after passing Appx.II Exam and towards counting three years service as JAA prescribed for promotion as Accounts Asstt. 4. It has further been decided that – (i) except seniority other consequential benefits like promotion, pay etc. (including retiral benefits in respect of those who have already retired) extended to staff in terms of this ministry’s letter dt.20.4.95 as mentioned in para 2 up to 31.12.1995 may be protected as personal to them; and benefit of this Ministry’s letter dated 20.4.95 in terms of seniority, promotion and fixation of pay even after revision of scales of Pay of Accounts staff as mentioned in para 3 above may be reviewed, if not already done. However, recovery, if any, due on account of refixation of pay will not be made. In respect of those who have already retired no review need be made, if not already done. (ii) This issues with the concurrence of Finance Directorate of the Ministry of Railways. SERIAL CIRCULAR NO.202 /2004 No.P(R )66/NDA/IV Date: 06 -12--2004 Copy of Board’s letter No. E(P&A)II-2004/HW-1 dated 10.11.04 is published for information, guidance and necessary action. Board’s letter dated 7-5.04 and 27.9.04 quoted therein were circulated as S.C.Nos. 80/04 and 167/04, respectively. Copy of Board’s letter No. E(P&A)II-2004/HW-1 dated 10.11.04(RBE No.234/04) Sub: Rates of Night Duty Allowance w.e.f. 1.7.2004. Consequent to sanction of an additional instalment of Dearness Allowance vide this Ministry’s letter No.PC-V/97/1/7/14 dated 27.9.2004, the President is pleased to decide that the rates of Night Duty Allowance, as notified vide Annexure A and B of Board’s letter of even number dated 7.5.2004 stand revised with effect from 1.7.2004 as indicated at Annexure A in respect of ‘continuous’, ‘intensive’, ‘Excluded’ categories and workshop employees, and as indicated at Annexure B in respect of ‘Essential Intermittent’ categories respectively. This issues with the concurrence of the Finance Directorate of the Ministry of Railways. ANNEXURE ‘A’ Rates of Night Duty Allowance with effect from 1.7.2004 for ‘Intensive’, ‘Continuous’ and ‘Excluded’ categories and Workshop staff at the various places classified as ‘A-1’, ‘A’, B-1, B-2, and Ordinary localities including ‘C’ Class Cities. S.No. Pay slabs in Vth A-1 A B-1 B-2 Ordinary Pay Commission’s localities scales including ‘C’ class cities 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 2550-2605 2606-2790 2791-3230 3231-3440 3441-4125 4126-4270 4271-4480 4481-4630 4631-4870 4871-5165 5166-5465 5466-6210 6211-6655 6656-6955 6956-7850 & above 21.10 22.05 24.90 27.45 31.00 34.80 36.20 37.65 39.20 41.30 43.65 47.85 52.55 55.55 60.30 20.95 21.90 24.65 27.25 30.80 34.50 35.90 37.35 38.90 41.05 43.40 47.55 52.30 55.25 60.00 20.80 21.75 24.40 27.00 30.55 34.25 35.65 37.05 38.65 40.75 43.10 47.25 52.00 54.95 59.70 20.65 21.60 24.25 26.85 30.40 33.95 35.35 36.80 38.35 40.45 42.85 47.00 51.75 54.70 59.45 20.50 21.45 23.95 26.55 30.10 33.40 34.80 36.25 37.80 39.90 42.30 46.45 51.15 54.15 58.90 ANNEXURE ‘B’ Rate of Night Duty Allowance with effect from 1.7.2004 for Essentially Intermittent categories at the various places classified as ‘A-1’, ‘A’, B-1, B-2, and Ordinary localities including ‘C’ Class Cities. S.No. Pay slabs in Vth A-1 Pay Commission’s scales A B-1 B-2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 2550-2605 2606-2790 2791-3230 3231-3440 3441-4125 4126-4270 4271-4480 4481-4630 13.95 14.60 16.45 18.15 20.55 23.00 23.95 24.90 13.85 14.50 16.25 18.00 20.35 22.85 23.75 24.70 13.75 14.40 16.15 17.90 20.25 22.65 23.55. 24.55 14.05 14.70. 16.60 18.30 20.65 23.20 24.15 25.10 Ordinary localities including ‘C’ class cities 13.65 14.30 15.95 17.70 20.05 22.25 23.20 24.15 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 4631-4870 4871-5165 5166-5465 5466-6210 6211-6655 6656-6955 6956-7850 & above 26.15 27.55 29.10 31.90 35.05 37.05 40.20 25.95 27.35 28.95 31.70 34.85 36.85 40.00 25.75 27.15 28.75 31.50 34.65 36.65 39.80 25.55 26.95 28.55 31.35 34.50 36.45 39.65 25.20 26.60 28.20 30.95 34.10 36.10 39.25 SERIAL CIRCULAR NO. 203 /2004 No.P(R )61/I Date:06 -12--2004 Copy of Board’s letter No.F(E)I/2004/AL-28/13 dated 5.11.04 is published for information, guidance and necessary action. Copy of Board’s letter No. F(E)I/2004/AL-28/13 dated 5.11.04 Sub: Admissibility of Composite Transfer Grant to RPF personnel in the event of shifting from one barrack to another barrack. One of Zonal Railways has raised a doubt on the admissibility of Composite Transfer Grant to RPF personnel for their transfer from one barrack to another barrack, where they do not reside with their family. The matter has been examined in Board’s Office and it is hereby clarified that no Composite Transfer Grant is admissible in such cases as no change in the residence of the Railway servant, as a result of transfer, is involved. SERIAL CIRCULAR NO. 204 /2004 No.P(PC)487/V/97/DA Date:03 -12--2004 Copy of Board’s letter No.PC-V/97/1/9/6 dated 01.11.04 is published for information, guidance and necessary action. Board’s letter dated 13.4.04, 18.8.98, 2.8.2000, 31.12.97, 31.1.98 and 5.9.99 quoted therein was/were circulated as S.C.No. 56/04,234/98, 176/2k, 20/98, 44/98 and 212/99/ Copy of Board’s letter No. PC-V/97/1/9/6 dated 01.11.04 (PC-V 434, RBE No.230/04. Sub: Grant of Dearness Relief to Railway Pensioners/ Family Pensioner – revised rates effected from 01.07.2004. A copy of Office Memorandum No.42/2/2004-P&PW(G) dated 24.09.2004 of Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions (Department of Pension and Pensioners’ Welfare) on the above subject is sent herewith for your information and necessary action. As stated in para 2 thereof, these orders will apply to Railway pensioners also. 2. A concordance of various instructions and orders referred to in the enclosed office memorandum with reference to corresponding Railway instructions is indicated below:S.No . 1. Para No. 2. 3. 2 3 23/1/97-P&PW(B) dt.23.2.98 4/59/97-P&PW(D) dt.14.7.98 4/29/99-P&PW(D) dt.12.7.2000 4. 4&5 45/52/97-P&PW(E) dt.16.12.97 5 7 45/73/97-P&PW(G) dt.2.7.99 1 No.& date of Deptt.of Pension & Pensioners’ Welfare’s O.M. 42/2/2004-P&PW(G0 dtd.15.3.2004 No.& date of Corresponding orders issued by Railway Board PC-V/97/I/9/6 dtd.13.4.2004 (RBE No.83/2004, S.No.PCV/409) N.A. F(E)III/96/PN1/9 dt.18.8.98 F(E)III/96/PN1/9 dt.2.8.2000 RBE No.138/2k (i) F(E)III/97/PN1/Exgratia/3 dt.31.12.97 (RBE No.194/97, S.No.PC-V/28) (ii) F(E)III/97/PN1/Exgratia/5 dt.27.1.98 (RBE No.19/98, S.No.pCV/38) F(E)III/99/PN/21 dt.5.8.99 Copy of Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions, Department of Pension & Pensioners Welfare’s Office Memorandum No.42/2/2004-P&PW(G) dated 24th September,2004. Sub: Grant of Dearness Relief to Central Government Pensioners/ Family Pensioner – revised rates effected from 01.07.2004. The undersigned is directed to refer to this Department’s OM No.42/2/2004P&PW(G) dated 15.03.2004 sanctioning the installment of dearness relief admissible from 01.01.2004 and to say that the President is pleased to decide that dearness relief shall be paid to the Central Government Pensioners/Family pensioners to compensate them for the rise in cost of living at the rate of 14% w.e.f. 01.07.2004 in supersession of the rate mentioned in the OM dated 15.03.2004 referred above. 2. These orders apply to (I) All Civilian Central Government Pensioners/Family Pensioners (ii) The Armed Forces Pensioners, Civilian Pensioners paid out of the Defence Service Estimates, (iii) All India Service pensioners (iv) Railway pensioners and (v) The Burma Civilian pensioners/family pensioners and pensioners/ families of displaced Government pensioners from Pakistan, who are Indian Nationals but receiving pension on behalf of Government of Pakistan, who are in receipt of ad-hoc ex-gratia allowance of Rs.1275/- p.m. in terms of this Department’s OM No.23/1/97-P&PW(B) dated 23.02.1998. 3. Central Government Employees who had drawn lumpsum amount on absorption in a PSU/Autonomous body and have become eligible to restoration of 1/3rd commuted portion of pension as well as revision of the restored amount in terms of this department’s OM No.4/59/97-P&PW(D) dated 14.07.1998 will also be entitled to the payment of DR @ 14% w.e.f. 01.07.2004 on full pension i.e. the revised pension which the absorbed employee would have received on the date of restoration had he not drawn lumpsum payment on absorption and Dearness Pension subject to fulfilment of the conditions laid down in para 5 of the O.M.dated 14.07.1998. In this connection, instructions contained in this Deptt’s O.M.No.4/29/99-P&PW(D) dated 12.07.2000 refers. 4. The surviving CPF beneficiaries who had retired from service between the period 18.11.1960 to 31.12.1985 and are in receipt of Ex-gratia @ Rs.600/- p.m. with effect from 01.11.1997 under this Department’s O.M.No.45/52/97-P&PW(E) dated 16.12.1997 are entitled to Dearness Relief @ 14% w.e.f. 01.07.2004. 5. The following categories of CPF beneficiaries who are in receipt of Ex-gratia payment in terms of this department’s OM No.45/52/97-P&PW(E) dated 16.12.1997 will be paid DR @ 6% w.e.f. 01.07.2004. (i) The widows and dependent children of the deceased CPF beneficiary who had retired from service prior to 01.01.1986 or who had died while in service prior to 01.01.1986 and are in receipt of Ex-gratia payment of Rs.605/-p.m. (ii) Central Government Employees who had retired on CPF benefits before 18.11.1960 and are in receipt of Ex-gratia payment of Rs.654/-, Rs.659/- and Rs.965/-. 6. Payment of dearness relief involving a fraction of a rupee shall be rounded off to the next higher rupee. 7. Other provisions governing grant of dearness relief in respect of employed family pensioners and re-employed Central Government Pensioners will be regulated in accordance with the provisions contained in this Department’s OM No.45/73/97P&PW(G) dated 02.07.1999. The provisions relating to regulation of DR where pensioner is in receipt of more than one pension will remain unchanged. 8. In the case of retired Supreme Court and High Court Judges necessary orders will be issued by the Department of Justice separately. 9. It will be the responsibility of the pension disbursing authority, including the nationalised banks, etc. to calculate the quantum of dearness relief payable in each individual case. 10. The offices of Accountant General and Authorised Public Sector Banks are requested to arrange payment of relief to pensioner etc. on the basis of above instructions without waiting for any further instructions from the Comptroller and Auditor General of India and the Reserve Bank of India in view of letter No.528-TA,II/84-80-II dated 23/04/1981 of the Comptroller and Auditor General of India addressed to all Accountant Generals and Reserve Bank of India Circular No.GANB No.2958/GA-64 (ii) (CGL)81 dated the 21st May, 1981 addressed to State Bank of India and its subsidiaries and all Nationalised Banks. 11. In their application to the employees belonging to Indian Audit and Accounts Department these orders issued in consultation with the C&AG. 12. This issues with the concurrence of Ministry of Finance, Department of Expenditure vide their U.O.No.622/EV/2004 dated 23.9.2004. SERIAL CIRCULAR NO.205 /2004 No.P(R )673/IV Date:13 -12--2004 Copy of Board’s letter No. E(MPP)2004/6/4 dated 16.11.04 is published for information, guidance and necessary action. Copy of Board’s letter No. E(MPP)2004/6/4 dated 16.11.04(RBE No.238/04) SC 4 to MC 8/02 Sub: Renewal of training facilities for Engineering Graduates and Diploma Holders under the Apprentice (Amendment) Act,1973 for the years 2004-05, 2005-06 and 2006-07. Ref: Railway Board’s letter No.E(MPP)93/6/2 dated 26.7.95. Ministry of Railways have decided to make available 902 training slots for providing practical training facilities to Engineering Graduates, Diploma Holders and students of Sandwich Course for three years i.e. for 2004-05, 2005-06 and 2006-07 as per statements annexed to this letter. Ministry of Railways desire that in the event of seats earmarked for the Engineering Graduates not being utilised, the same may be filled by Diploma Holders in consultation with the Regional Board. Railways/Production Units should pass on the details to the Ministry of Human Resource Development under intimation to this Ministry under clause 8(c) of Section of the Apprentices Act,1961 as amended in 1973. ANNEXURE I 1) Statement showing the number of places of training for Mechanical Graduates/Diploma Holders in Railway installations during the years 2004-05, 2005-06 and 2006-07 Railway/Workshop/ Unit/Division 1 Central Railway Parel (Loco) Matunga (C&W) Slots for Holders 2 Degree Slots for Holders 3 Diploma Total 4 8 8 10 12 18 20 Eastern Railway Liluah (C&W) Kanchrapara (Loco) Kanchrapara (C&W) Jamalpur 6 7 6 6 11 8 11 11 17 15 17 17 Northern Railway Charbagh Alambagh Kalka-Jagadhri Amritsar 1 1 1 1 23 20 4 4 24 21 5 5 North Eastern Rly. Gorakhpur Shops Izatnagar 2 1 16 10 18 11 Northeast Frontier Rly New Bongaigaon 3 3 6 Southern Railway Golden Rock Perambur (Loco) Perambur (C&W) Arkonam (Engg.Work) 6 6 6 4 18 18 19 5 24 24 25 9 South Central Rly. Lallaguda (Loco) 4 10 14 South Eastern Rly. Coaching Depot, Santragachi Adra Division Diesel Loco Shed/ Kharagpur Kharagpur Workshop Western Railway Parel Dahod North Central Rly. 2 4 2 7 7 4 17 11 24 15 Jhansi (C&W) 1 17 18 North Western Rly. Ajmer Jodhpur Bikaner 2 1 1 4 7 7 6 8 8 South Western Rly Hubli Mysore 5 4 16 11 21 15 West Central Rly. Kota CLW DLW ICF RWF Total 3 7 4 10 5 131 6 18 12 19 9 25 16 29 5 504 358 ANNEXURE II 1) Statement showing the number of places for Electrical Graduates/Diploma Holders in Railway Institutions during the years 2004-05, 2005-06 and 2006-07 Railway/Workshop/ No.of places for Degree No.of places for Diploma Total Unit/Division Holders Holders 1 Central Railway (a) Bombay Division (i) Kalyan Loco Shed (ii) Kurla Car Shed (iii) Traction Distribution (iv) General Service (b) Kalyan Power House (c) Matunga Workshop (d) Bhusawal Electric Loco Shed (e) Bhusawal Divn. Traction Distribution Eastern Railway (a) Howrah (b) Nakraldanga Car Shed (c) Asansol Electric Loco Shed (d) Kancharapara Workshop (e) Liluah Workshop (f) Jamalpur (g) Traction Distribution on Sealdah Divn. Electrical Traction 2 Electric Power 3 Electrician General 4 Electrician Traction 5 6 4 4 4 4 4 6 4 - 6 12 4 - 4 4 6 4 8 8 10 10 18 8 8 4 - - 4 8 4 2 2 - - 4 2 2 8 4 4 4 2 4 6 16 4 8 8 - 8 8 - 4 16 16 8 (h) Traction Distribution on Howrah Divn. Northern Railway (a) Lucknow Power House & Workshop (b) General Services at Delhi Divn. North Eastern Railway Gorakhpur Workshop Northeast Frontier Railway New Bongaigaon Workshop Southern Railway (a) Tambaram EMU & Loco Shed (b) Perambur Workshop (c) Golden Rock Workshop (d) Traction Distribution on Rayapuram Divn. South Eastern Railway a) Tikiapra TMI Car Shed b) Tata Electric Loco Shed c) Kharagpur Workshop d) Traction Distribution Chakradharpur Divn. e) Santragachi Train Lighting Depot Western Railway a) Bombay Division i) Mhalaxmi EMU Car Shed ii) Traction Distribution iii) General Services b) Parel Workshop c) Dahod Workshop North Central Railway Kanpur Electric Loco Shed North Western Railway Ajmer Workshop South Western Railway a) Hubli 4 - - 4 8 - 4 4 - 8 - 4 6 - 10 - 2 6 - 8 - 2 4 - 6 4 - - 6 10 - 4 4 8 8 - 12 12 2 - - 4 6 - - - - 4* 4* - - - - 4* 4* - - - - 4* 4 - - 6 10 4 - 4 4 2 6 6 4 6 - 10 10 10 6 4 - - 6 10 - 4 6 - 10 - 2 4 - 6 b) Mysore Workshop Railway Electrification a) Northern Railway b) South Eastern Railway c) Western Railway Chittaranjan Locomotive Works Diesel Locomotive works Integral Coach Factory Total - 2 4 - 6 4 4 4 4 4 8 4 4 4 8 8 8 8 24 1 1 6 81 2 10 128 2 6 16 398 75 94 *These figures do not appear in any other column except in the total column . SERIAL CIRCULAR NO.206 /2004 No.P(R )500/XIX Date: 16-12--2004 Copy of Board’s letter No.2004/AC-II/21/1 dated 19.11.04 is published for information, guidance and necessary action. Copy of Board’s letter No. 2004/AC-II/21/1 dated 19.11.04(RBA no.43/04) Sub: New Pension System. The field offices while implementing the New Pension System (NPS) have raised a number of queries and sought clarifications on various issues. In this regard, the following clarifications are issued in consultation with Controller General of Accounts, Ministry of Finance for information and needful action:Sl.No . Queries Replies/Comments 1. Whether New Pension System is applicable to substitutes/monthly rated casual labour unless absorbed as regular employees? The grant of temporary status to casual employees is without reference to the availability of regular Gr. ‘D’ post, the casual employees on grant of temporary status do not hold any post under the Government. The individuals who have been regularized after the introduction of New Pension Scheme will be governed by the same. 2. Whether the option for investment is Option for investments are not available to be exercised by the employee at the time of exit or joining the service? at this stage. The option is to be exercised only on the receipt of any directions/instructions in this regard from the Government. SERIAL CIRCULAR NO. 207 /2004 No.P(R )605/IX Date: 16-12-2004 The percentage of posts and manner of filling up the posts in the category of Drawing, Design and Estimating cadre was modified vide Board’s letter dated 28-9-98 [SCR/SC No. 252/98]. As a result of the restructuring, 20% DR quota in scale Rs.6500-10500 became available w.e.f. 2-9-98 on the Zonal Railways. These posts are to be filled up by LDCE from amongst engineering graduates working in grade Rs.55009000 on regular basis as on 1-9-98 [ Board’s letter dated 17-5-02 SCR/SC No. 91/02]. Further Board vide their letter dated 22-1-04 [SCR letter No. P[PC] 487/V/Imp /97/Vol.V dt. 27-2-04], issued instructions that engineering graduates in whose cases recruitment process started before 1-9-98, but joined after 1-9-98 can also be considered eligible for appearing in LDCE for placement in grade Rs.6500-10,500 against the 20% DR quota. This process was to be completed by 31-3-2004. Now, Board vide their letter dated 6-7-2004 [ copy enclosed ] have extended the date of completion upto 31-03-05, by which the selection process for filling up of posts in grade Rs.6500-10500 against 20% DR quota in Drawing, Design & Estimating cadre must be finalised. Copy of Board’s letter No. PCV/97/1/11/3 dated 6-7-04 Sub: Criteria for LDCE for placement of eligible staff in grade Rs.6500-10500 against 20% DR quota in Drawing, Design and Estimating cadre. Ref: Board’s letter of even number dated 22-1-04 *** With reference to the letter above, the issue regarding extension of date of completion of selection process has been examined in this office and it has been decided to extend the date of filling up the posts in Zonal Railways to 31-3-2005 subject to the conditions laid down in Board’s letter of even number dated 28-9-98 and 17-5-2002. SERIAL CIRCULAR NO. 208 /2004 No.P(R )673/IV Date: 31-12-2004 Copy of Board's letter No.E(MPP)2002/3/31 dated 10.11.04 is published for information, guidance and necessary action. Board's letters dated 28.11.02, 28.7.03, 5.9.03 and 7.6.04 quoted therein were circulated as SC Nos.4/03, 164/03, 183/03 and 107/04, respectively. Copy of Board's letter No. E(MPP)2002/3/31 Dated 10.11.04 (RBE No.236/04) Sub: Training of Railway staff on IR. Ref: Board’s letter of even number dated 28.11.02 (RBE No.210/2002) It has been brought to the notice of Board that some of the railways (old zones) are refusing to entertain the training needs of staff of new zones even though all such staff were being trained earlier at the same place. It has been decided that training arrangement of staff will continue to remain the same as they were before bifurcation in those training centres whose jurisdiction have not been advised by Board. The ZRTIs, STCs and S&T Trg. Centres will cater to the trainers of new zone & old zones as directed vide Board’s letter of even number dated 28.7.03 (RBE No.129/2003), 5.9.03 (RBE No.157/2003) and 7.6.2004 (RBE No.118/2004) respectively. SERIAL CIRCULAR NO. 209 /2004 No.P(R )673/IV Date: 31 -12-2004 Copy of Board's letter No. E(MPP)2003/3/39 dated 10.11.04 published for information, guidance and necessary action. is Copy of Board's letter No. E(MPP)2003/3/39 dated 10.11.04 (RBE No.237/04) Sub: Opening of new Zonal Railway Training Institutes in the new zones. During the meeting of Board held on 12.10.2004 it has been decided that the existing Zonal Railway Training Institutes are adequate for catering to the training needs of existing staff and no new Zonal Railway Training Institutes should be created. SERIAL CIRCULAR NO. 210 /2004 No.P(R )39/V Date: 31-12-2004 Copy of Board's letter No.E(MPP)2004/1/87 dated 23.11.04 is published for information, guidance and necessary action. Board's letter dated 28.11.2000 quoted therein was circulated as SC No.10/01. . Copy of Board's letter No. E(MPP)2004/1/87 Dated 23.11.04 (RBE No.240/04) Sub: Redeployment of surplus staff. In continuation of Board’s letter No.E(MPP)99/1/75 dated 28.11.2000 (RBE No.206/2000) detailing therein the modalities for redeployment of surplus staff, advance planning to identify areas of surplus and their expeditious redeployment, it has been decided by Board that pockets should be declared surplus only after making a blue print of re-deployment of staff. SERIAL CIRCULAR NO.211 No.P(R )535/IV /2004 Date: 31-12-2004 Copy of Board's letter No. E(NG)I-2001/PM7/17 dated 29.11.04 for information, guidance and necessary action. is published Copy of Board's letter No. E(NG)I-2001/PM7/17 Dated 29.11.04 (RBE No.243/04) Sub: Relaxation of two years residency period in the case of running staff. In terms of extant procedure regulating promotion of staff within Group ‘C’, a minimum of two years service is required to be completed in the immediate lower grade for promotion. This requirement can be relaxed by GMs personally in all categories, except in the case of running categories, to one year wherever such relaxation is found to be inescapable in the interest of administration. The staff side in the DC/JCM have raised a demand for relaxation of two years residency period in the immediate lower grade for promotion of Drivers also. The matter has been carefully considered by the Board after obtaining the views of the Railways. It has been decided that the two years service condition may be relaxed for promotion of Drivers also with the personal approval of the General Manager wherever such relaxation is found to be inescapable in the interest of administration, subject to condition of fulfillment of one year’s service in the immediate lower grade or a foot plate experience of 40,000 Kms. whichever is later. The Board have also decided that the working of Drivers so promoted with relaxation should be monitored more closely by Loco Inspectors. It has further been decided that in order to obviate the need of granting relaxation in such an important safety category post, the Railways should take adequate measures like advance planning for the running cadre including recruitment and timely selections and promotions. SERIAL CIRCULAR NO. 212 /2004 No.P(R )535/IV Date: 31-12-2004 Copy of Board's letter No. E(NG)I/2004/PM7/16 addressed to GS/AIRF/NDLS together with enclosures , information, guidance and necessary action. dated 10.11.04 is published for Copy of Board's letter No. E(NG)I/2004/PM7/16 Dated 10.11.04 addressed to GS/AIRF/NDLS. Sub: Residency period for promotion from Goods Driver to Sr.Goods Driver, Passenger Driver to Sr.Passenger Driver, Goods Guard to Sr.Goods Guard & Passenger Guard to Sr.Passenger Guard. I am directed to refer to your letter No.AIRF/55(382) dated 11.9.2004 on the above subject and to state that as the Federation are aware in the restructuring orders of Group C & D effective from 1.3.93 as clarified 20% of posts were placed in Sr.grade in the various grades in the cadres of Drivers & Guards. It was provided that promotion of staff in the lower grade to these upgraded posts will be on the basis of seniority cum suitability. It was nowhere indicated that staff will be required to render two years service in the basic grade for promotion to such upgraded posts. In fact with reference to a clarification sought for by N.Railway in the year 1994 their presumption that in the categories of Drivers & Guards two years service in the immediate lower grade for promotion to higher grade has to be the combined service in the equivalent grade and lower grade e.g.for promotion as Passenger Guard combined service of Sr.Goods Guard and Goods Guard can be taken into account for consideration for promotion was confirmed vide this Ministry’s letter No.E(NG)I-94/PM1/9 dated 2.9.94 a copy of which was endorsed to other Railways for information and necessary action. A copy of N.Railways letter dated 30.6.94 as referred to above and this Ministry’s letter dated 2.9.94 are enclosed for Federation’s information. This clarification also means that a person can be promoted to Sr.grade with less than two years service in the basic grade. Copy of GM[P]/N.Rly’s letter No. 561-E/255-98/Genl/PC/93 dated addressed to Rly. Board. 30-6-94 Sub: Restructuring of certain Group C & D staff /NDLS. Ref: Rly Board’s letter No. PC.III/91/CRC/1 dt. 27-1-93, 1-4-93, 14-7-93 and PC-III/93/CRC/2 dated 22-3-94 *** 1. The Railway Board vide their letter No. . PC.III/91/CRC/1 dt. 27-1-93 have ordered cadre restructuring of certain group C & D cadres. Annexures A iii and B of the said letter relate to restructuring of Traffic Transportation & Transportation [Power] Departments as under: Category Existing grade Revised as per Cadre Restr. Asst. Guards /Brake man 950-1400[RPS] 100% 950-1400[RPS] 80% A 1200-2040 [RPS] 20% A 1 Goods Guards 1200-2040 [RPS] 100% 1200-2040 [RPS] 80% B 1350-2200 [RPS] 20% B1 Passenger Guards 1350-2200 [RPS] 100% 1350-2200 [RPS] 80% C 1400-2300 [RPS] 20% C1 Goods Drivers All Goods Trains 1350-2200 [RPS] 100% 1350-2200 [RPS] 80% X 1600-2660 [RPS] 20% X1 Passenger Driver/ Motor Man [Trains & EMU services only 1600-2660 [RPS] 100% 1600-2660 [RPS] 80% Y 1640-2900 [RPS] 20% Y1 2. Subsequently the Railway Board vide their letter No.PC.III/91/CRC/1 dt. 147-93 clarified , interalia, that the said upgraded posts will be designated by prefixing word ‘ Senior’ to the upgraded posts in the relevant grades i.e Asstt. Guards grade Rs. 950-1400[RPS] as Sr. Asst. Guard Grade Rs. 1200-2040 [RPS] and so on. 3. i. While implementing these orders two issues as under have arisen: whether the recently promoted incumbents against 20% upgraded posts as at A1, B1, C1, X1, and Y1, respectively will have to complete the required minimum two years service in lower grade i.e. a] b] in the newly upgraded posts of 20% or In the erstwhile composite grade and present higher grade [ 80% +20% ] combined. for their lateral promotion in equivalent grades i.e. from A1 to B, B1 to C and X1 to Y and so on. ii. and whether the incumbents holding post at A [Asst. Guards/Brakeman grade Rs.950-1400 (RPS)] can be considered for further promotion to the post of Goods Guards Grade Rs.1200-2040 [RPS] in the event of adequate number of Asst. Guards / Brakeman Grade Rs.1200-2040 [RPS] being not available and so on in regard to promotion of incumbents at B to C & X to Y. 4. The understanding on this Railway on the above issues is as under: i. ii. 5. issue 3[i] while the normal method of promotion [selection/non-selection] has to be followed as prescribed even for lateral promotion; the length of minimum service of two years required in the lower grade has to include service rendered in 20% of posts in the equivalent grade and 80% on the lower grade combined from where the candidates are to be drawn. issue [ii] As a corollary to para 4[i] above the Asstt. Guards/Brakeman grade Rs.950-1400[RPS] with two years service are eligible to be considered for promotion to the post of Goods Guards Grade Rs.12002040 [RPS] in case Asst. Guards / Brakeman Grade Rs.1200-2040 [RPS] are not available, the reason being that the nature of duties of Asstt. Guards/Brakeman grade Rs.950-1400[RPS] and Grade Rs.1200-2040 [RPS] is the same. This will also hold good for promotions of incumbents at posts B to C and X to Y at Page 1. On the same analogy the Sr. Cashiers Gr. II [Rs.1400-2300 (RPS)] can be considered for promotion to the post of IOC/ADC Grade Rs.16002660[RPS] in case sufficient number of Sr. Cashiers in grade Rs.16002660[RPS] are not available. The restructuring orders in regard to cashiers have been issued by Railway Board vide their letters No. PC.III/91/CRC/1 dt. 27-1-93, 7-4-93 and 22-3-94. 6. The Railway Board are requested to confirm if the view taken by this Railway in paras 4 & 5 above is correct. Copy of Board's letter No. E(NG)I/94PM1/9 Dated 2-9-94 addressed to GM/P/N.Rly. Sub: Restructuring of certain Group C & D staff /NDLS. Ref: N.Rly’s letter No. 561-E/255-98/Genl/PC/93 dt. 30-6-94. *** Railway’s appreciation as contained in para 4 & 5 of the letter quoted above is hereby confirmed. *** SERIAL CIRCULAR NO. 213 /2004 No.P(PC)487/V/97/Allowance Date:31 -12-2004 Copy of Board's letter No.PC-V/2004/A/DA/1 Dated 21.12.04 is published for information, guidance and necessary action. Board's letter dated 21.6.04 quoted therein was circulated as SC No.111/04. Copy of Board's letter No. PC-V/2004/A/DA/1 Dated 21.12.04 (PC-V/440, RBE No.261/04) Sub: Merger of 50% of Dearness Allowance/Dearness Relief with Basic Pay/Pension to Central Government employees – Impact on NPA – Clarification regarding. … Please refer to Board’s letter of even number dated 21.6.2004 on the above mentioned subject enclosing instructions dated 7.6.2004 of Ministry of Finance. 2. Subsequent to the issue of these orders, Ministry of Finance have revised their earlier clarification dated 7.6.2004. The latest clarification dated 6.10.2004 on the subject, received from Ministry of Finance is enclosed herewith. Copy of Ministry of Finance, Department of Expenditure’s O.M.No.f.No.105/1/2004-IC dated 8-10-2004. Sub: Merger of 50% of Dearness Allowance/Dearness Relief with Basic Pay/Pension to Central Government employees – Impact on NPA – Clarification regarding regulation of NPA in case of Doctors. The undersigned is directed to refer to this Department’s OM of even number dated the 1st March, 2004 and 7th June, 2004 on the above mentioned subject and to say that subsequent to issue of these orders references have been received from ministries/departments with regard to the manner in which pay of doctors was to be regulated with effect from 1.4.2004 as in some cases imposition of ceiling of Rs.29500 by the Government on basic pay plus NPA in this regard was proving detrimental to senior doctors as this was resulting in loss in emoluments. The issue has been reconsidered by the Government and it has been decided that subsequent to merger of DA equivalent to 50% of basic pay as Dearness Pay with effect from 1.4.2004 the limit of basic pay plus NPA which was Rs.29500 earlier be modified to the extent that Basic Pay +DP + NPA for doctors shall not exceed Rs.44250. Furthermore, Dearness Pay and NPA with effect from 1.4.2004. In case of Doctors would be payable as under:- Basic Pay NPA @ 25% : : 18000 4500 DP @ 50% of 22500 : : 22500 11250 Basic Pay DP : : 18000 11250 : 29250 : 36563 4022 40585 NPA @ 25% of 29250 DA @ 11% of 36563 Total : : : 7313 The existing instructions on the subject may accordingly be treated as modified to the above extent. SERIAL CIRCULAR NO. 214 /2004 No.P(PC )487/V/97Allowance/Vol.II Date: 31-12-2004 Copy of Board's letter No. PC-V/98/1/7/1/1 dated 25.11.04 is published for information, guidance and necessary action. Board's letter dated 15.7.2002 quoted therein was circulated as SC No.162/02. Copy of Board's letter No. PC-V/98/1/7/1/1 Dated 25.11.04 (RBE No.241/04) Sub: Change of residential address by Railway pensioners/ Family pensioners – option of Medical Allowance. Ref: Board’s letter No.PC-V/98/I/7/1/1 dated 15.7.2002. In para 3 of Board’s letter under reference on the above subject it has been laid down that only one change in option in the life time of a pensioner shall be allowed. In the above context it is clarified that the above mentioned ‘Option’ means option to either claim medical allowance or to avail of the OPD facility at Railway hospitals/Health units. While request for change in such ‘Option’ in most of the cases is promoted by change of residential address of the concerned party, yet, change of residential address may not necessarily lead to request for change of such '‘option'’ every time. Therefore change of residential address as advised to the Pension Disbursing Authority by the pensioner/family pensioner should not be construed as change in ‘Option’ for the purpose of grant of Medical Allowance if such change in residential address does not involve change over from availing of fixed medical allowance to OPD facility or vice-versa. SERIAL CIRCULAR NO. 215 /2004 No.P(PC)487/V/97/Allowance/Vol.II Date: 31 -12-2004 Copy of Board's letter No. E(P&A)1-2004/HL-1 dated 30.11.04 is published for information, guidance and necessary action. Board's letters dated 18.2.98, 14.7.98 and 14.10.99 quoted therein was/were circulated as SC No.56/98, 185/98 and 303/99. Copy of Board's letter No. E(P&A)1-2004/HL-1 Dated 30.11.04 (PC-V/437, RBE No.247) Sub: Revision of pay range slab for the purpose of National Holiday Allowance. Ref: Board’s letters No.E(P&A)I-97/HL/2 dated 18.02.1998 & 14.07.1998 and E(P&A)I-98/HL-1 dated 12.10.99. Pursuant to merger of 50% of Dearness Allowance with Basic Pay,a reference has been made by NFIR for revision of pay range slabs for determining the eligibility limit for grant of National Holiday Allowance. After careful consideration, the Board have decided to revise the existing pay range slabs for determining the eligibility for National Holiday Allowance w.e.f. 01.04.2004 as follows:S.No . Existing Pay range (Rs.) Rate (Rs.) Revised pay range by adding DP (Rs.) Rate (Rs.) 1. 2. 3. 2550-3172 3173-4204 4205-10500 85 106 140 3825-4758 4759-6306 6307-15750 85 106 140 2. The other terms and conditions for grant of this allowance shall remain unchanged. 3. This issues with the concurrence of the Finance Directorate of the Ministry of Railways. SERIAL CIRCULAR NO.216 /2004 No.P(R )473/VI Date: 31 -12-2004 Copy of Board's letter No. E(W)97 PS 5-1/71 dated 9.12.04 is published for information, guidance and necessary action. Board's letters dated 3.6.04 and 1.11.04 quoted therein were circulated as SC Nos.94/04 and 204/04, respectively. Copy of Board's letter No. E(W)97 PS 5-1/71 Dated 9.12.04 (RBE No.246/04) Sub: Grant of Privilege Passes/PTOs to dependent relatives – Raising the income ceiling. Reference is invited to Board’s letter of even number dated 3.6.2004 on the above mentioned subject, whereby the income ceiling for dependency was revised w.e.f. 01.01.2004 as Rs.2415/- p.m. i.e. Rs.1500/- (pension/family pension) plus Rs.915/(Dearness Relief on Rs.1500/-) or 15% of the pay of Railway servant, whichever is more. Consequent upon increase in Dearness Relief to pensioners/family pensioners, w.e.f. 1.7.2004 in terms of Board’s Circular No.PC-V/97/I/9/6 dated 1.11.2004 a dependent relative in relation to a Railway servant as described in Railway Servants (Pass) Rules, 1986 shall be deemed to be wholly dependent on the Railway servant only if his/her income w.e.f. 1.7.2004 including pension, denarness pay and dearness relief in terms of Board’s letter No.PC-V/97/I/9/6 dated 1.11.2004 does not exceed Rs.2565/- i.e. Rs.1500/(pension/family pension)+ Rs.750 (DP) + 14% of Rs.2250 (1500+750) or 15% of the pay of Railway servant, whichever is more. SERIAL CIRCULAR NO. 217 /2004 No.P(R )473/VI Date: 31 -12-2004 Copy of Board's letter No. E(W)95 PS 5-1/17 dated 9.12.04 is published for information, guidance and necessary action. Board's letter dated 31.1.03 and 28.5.04 quoted therein were circulated as SC Nos.48/03 and 67/04, respectively. Copy of Board's letter No. E(W)95 PS 5-1/17 Dated 9.12.04 (RBE No.247/04) Sub: Delegation of powers to Senior Subordinates in grade Rs.5000-8000 and above to issue/sign Post Retirement Complimentary Passes. Instructions were issued vide Board’s letter of even no.dt.31.1.03 delegating powers to Sr.Subordinates in grade Rs.5000-8000 and above and who are also in direct and independent charge of the establishment to issue/sign First class Post Retirement Complimentary Passes to retired Railway Officers instead of First ‘A’ passes, if the retired officers opt for the same in writing. The scheme introduced purely on an experimental basis initially for a period up to 1.2.04 was further extended for a period up to 30.9.04 vide Board’s letter of even number dt.28.5.2004. The matter regarding continuance of the aforesaid scheme beyond 30.9.04 on a permanent basis has been under consideration of Board, who have now decided to continue the scheme on a permanent basis. 2. Accordingly, approval of the Board is hereby communicated to the continuance of the scheme of delegating power to senior subordinates to issue/sign first class Post Retirement Complimentary Passes instead of First ‘A’ passes to retired officers on a permanent basis beyond 30.9.04. This issues with the concurrence of Finance Directorate of Ministry of Railways. SERIAL CIRCULAR NO. 218 /2004 No.P(R )171/III Date:31 -12-2004 Copy of Board's letter No. 2003-E(SCT)-1/71/2 dated 10.12.04 is published for information, guidance and necessary action. Copy of Board's letter No. 2003-E(SCT)-1/71/2 Dated 10.12.04 (RBE No.253/04) Sub: Clarification regarding creamy layer amongst OBCs. Ref: Board’s letter No.90-E(SCT)I/71/1 dated 14.10.1993. Please find enclosed a copy of DOP&T’s O.M.No.36033/5/2004-Estt(Res) dated 14.10.2004 on the subject quoted above for information and strict compliance. Copy of Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions, Department of Personnel & Training’s letter No.36033/5/2004-Estt(Res) dated 14.10.2004. Sub: Clarification regarding creamy layer amongst OBCs. I am directed to invite your attention to the Schedule to this Department’s OM No.36012/22/93-(SCT) dated 8th September, 1993 which contains the criteria to determine the creamy layer amongst the OBCs. In regard to the children of the persons in civil services of the Central and the State Governments, it provides that son(s) and daughter(s) of: (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) (i) (j) parents, both of whom are directly recruited Class I/Group A Officers; parents, either of whom is a directly recruited Class I/Group A Officer; parents, both of whom are directly recruited Class I/Group A officers, but one of them dies or suffers permanent incapacitation; parents, either of whom is a directly recruited Class I/Group A officer and such parent dies or suffers permanent incapacitation and before such death or such incapacitation has had the benefit of employment in any International Organisation like UN, IMF, World Bank, etc. for a period of not less than 5 years; parents, both of whom are directly recruited Class I/Group A officers and both of them die or suffer permanent incapacitation and before such death or such incapacitation of the both, either of them has had the benefit of employment in any International Organisation like UN, IMF, World Bank, etc. for a period of not less than 5 years; parents both of whom are directly recruited Class II/Group B officers; parents of whom only the husband is a directly recruited Class II/Group B officer and he gets into Class I/Group A at the age of 40 or earlier. parents of whom are directly recruited Class II/Group B officer and one of them dies or suffers permanent incapacitation and either of them has had the benefit of employment in any International Organisation like UN, IMF, World Bank, etc. for a period of not less than 5 years. parents of whom the husband is a Class I/Group A Officer (direct recruit or preforty promoted, and the wife is a directly recruited Class II/Group B Officer and the wife dies; or suffers/permanent incapacitation; and parents, of whom wife is a Class I/Group A Officer (Direct Recruit or pre-forty promoted) and the husband is a directly recruited Class II/Group B Officer and the husband dies or suffers permanent incapacitation. shall be treated as falling in creamy layer 2 (i) The Schedule further provides that sons and daughters of : parents either of whom or both of whom are directly recruited Class I/Group A Officer(s) and such parents(s) dies/die or suffers/suffer permanent incapacitation. (ii) parents both of whom are directly recruited Class II/Group B Officers and one of them dies or suffers permanent incapacitation; (iii) parents both of whom are directly recruited Class II/Group B Officers and both of them die or suffer permanent incapacitation, even though either of them has had the benefit of employment in any International Organisation like UN, IMF, World Bank, etc. for a period of not less than 5 years before their death or permanent incapacitation. shall not be treated to be falling in creamy layer : 3 The criteria prescribed for determining creamy layer status of sons and daughters of persons in Government service mutatis mutandis applies to the sons and daughters of persons holding equivalent or comparable posts in PSUs, Banks, Insurance Organisations, Universities etc. and also holding equivalent or comparable posts and positions under private employment. The creamy layer status of the sons and daughters of employees of organization where evaluation of the posts on equivalent or comparable basis has not been made is determined on the basis of ‘Income/Wealth Test’ given in the Schedule. The Income/Wealth Test prescribes that the sons and daughters of persons having gross annual income of Rs.2.5 lakh or above or possessing wealth above the exemption limit as prescribed in the Wealth Tax Act for a period of three consecutive years would be treated to fall in creamy layer. An explanation is given below the Income/Wealth Test which provides that ‘income from salaries or agricultural land shall not be clubbed.’ 4 Following questions have been raised from time to time about the application of the above provisions to determine creamy layer. (i) Will the sons and daughters of parents either of whom or both of whom are directly recruited Class I/Group A Officer(s) and such parent(s) dies/die or suffers/suffer permanent incapacitation after retirement be treated to be excluded from the creamy layer? (ii) Will the sons and daughters of parents both of whom are directly recruited Class II/Group B Officers and one of them dies or suffer permanent incapacitation after retirement be treated to be excluded from the creamy layer ? (iii) Will the sons and daughters of parents both of whom are directly recruited Class II/Group B Officers and both of them die or suffer permanent incapacitation after retirement even though either of them has had got the benefit of employment in any International Organisation like UN, IMF, World Bank, etc. for a period of not less than 5 years before their death or permanent incapacitation be treated to be excluded from the purview of creamy layer? (iv) Will the sons and daughters of parent(s) who retire from the service on the basis of which their sons and daughters fall in creamy layers, continue to fall in creamy layer after retirement of the parent(s) ? (v) Will the sons and daughters of parents of whom husband is directly recruited Class III/Group C or Class IV/Group D employee and he gets into Class I/Group A at the age of 40 or earlier be treated to be falling in creamy layer ? (vi) Will a candidate who himself is a directly recruited Class I/Group A Officer or a directly recruited Class II/Group B Officer who got into Class I/Group A at the age of 40 or earlier be treated to be falling in creamy layer on the basis of his service status ? (vii) Will a candidate who has gross annual income of Rs.2.5 lakh or above or possesses wealth above the exemption limit as prescribed in the Wealth Tax Act for a period of three consecutive years be treated to fall in creamy layer ? (viii) The instructions provide that a lady belonging to OBC category who has got married to a directly recruited Class I/Group A Officer shall not be treated as falling in creamy layer on the basis of her marriage. Will a man belonging to OBC category who is married to a directly recruited Class I/Group ‘A’ Officer be treated as falling in creamy layer on the basis of his marriage ? (ix) How will be the Income/Wealth Test apply in case of sons and daughters of parent(s) employed in PSUs etc. in which equivalence or comparability of posts has not been established vis-à-vis posts in the Government ? (x) What is the scope of the explanation, ‘Income from salaries or agricultural land shall not be clubbed’, given below the Income/Wealth Test ? 5 (a) (b) (c) It is clarified in regard to clauses (i) ,(ii) and (iii) of para 4 that the sons and daughters of : parents either of whom or both whom are directly recruited Class I/Group A Officer and such parent(s) dies/die or suffers/suffer permanent incapacitation while in service; parents both of whom are directly recruited Class II/Group B Officers and one of them dies or suffers permanent incapacitation while in service; and parents both of whom are directly recruited Class II/Group B Officers and both of them die or suffer permanent incapacitation while in service, even though either of them has had the benefit of employment in any International Organization like UN,IMF, World Bank, etc for a period of not less than 5 years before their death or permanent incapacitation. Are not treated to be falling in creamy layer. But if the parent(s) dies/die or suffers/suffer permanent incapacitation in such cases after retirement from service, his/their sons and daughters would be treated to be falling in creamy layer and would not get the benefit of reservation. 6. In regard to clause (iv) of para 4, it is clarified that sons and daughters of parents who are included in the creamy layer on the basis of service status of their parents shall continue to be treated in creamy layer even if their parents have retired or have died after retirement 7. In regard to clause (v) of para 4, it is clarified that the sons and daughters of parents of whom only the husband is a directly recruited Class I/Group B officer who gets into class I/Group-A at the age of 40 or earlier are treated to be in creamy layer. If the father is directly recruited class III/Group C or Class IV/Group D employee and he gets into Class I/Group A at the age of 40 or earlier , his sons and daughters shall not be treated to be falling in creamy layer. 8. In regard to clauses (vi), (vii) and (viii) of para 4 , it is clarified that the creamy layer status of a candidate is determined on the basis of the status of his parents and not on the basis of his own status or income or on the basis of status or income of his/her spouse. Therefore, while determining the creamy layer status of a person the status or the income of the candidate himself or of his/her spouse shall not be taken into account. 9. In regard to clause (ix) of para 4, it is clarified that the creamy layer status of sons and daughters of persons employed in organizations where equivalence or comparability of posts vis-à-vis posts in Government has not been evaluated is determined as follows: Income of the parents from the salaries and from the other sources (other than salaries and agricultural land) is determined separately. If either the income of the parents from the salaries or the income of the parents from other sources (other than salaries and agricultural land) exceeds the limit of Rs.2.5 lakh per annum for a period of three consecutive years, the sons and daughters of such persons shall be Treated to fall in creamy layer. But the sons and daughters of parents whose income from salaries is less than Rs. 2.5b lakh per annum and income from other sources is also less than Rs. 2.5 lakh per annum will not be treated as falling in creamy layer even if the sum of the income from salaries and the income from the other sources is more than Rs. 2.5 lakh per annum for a period of three consecutive years. It may be noted that income from agricultural land is not taken into account while applying the Test. 10. In regard to clause (x) of para 4, it is clarified that while applying the come/Wealth Test to determine creamy layer status of any candidate as given in Category-VI of the Schedule to the OM, income from the salaries and income from the agricultural land shall not be taken into account. It means that if income from salaries of the parents of any candidate is more than Rs. 2.5 lakh per annum, income from agricultural land is more than Rs. 2. Lakh per annum, but income from other sources is less than Rs. 2.5 lakh per annum, the candidate shall not be treated to be falling in creamy layer on the basis of Income/Wealth Test provided his parent(s) do not possess wealth above the exemption limit as prescribed in the Wealth Tax Act for a period of three consecutive years. 11. You are requested to bring the contents of this letter to all concerned in the State. SERIAL CIRCULAR NO. 219 /2004 No.P[R] 563/VI Date: 31 -12-2004 Copy of Board's letter No. E(NG)II/2001/RR-1/35 dated 13.12.04 for information, guidance and necessary action. is published Copy of Board's letter No. E(NG)II/2001/RR-1/35 Dated 13.12.04 (RBE No. 254/04). Sub:- Removal of word “Apprentice” used as prefix in RRB notifications for open market recruitment. .. It has been brought to the Ministry’s notice that in the notifications for recruitment published by Railway Recruitment Boards in the Employment News and other leading national dailies, based on the indents placed by some Railways, the word Apprentice has been used as a prefix to certain categories of posts like Junior Engineer II (Bridge), Junior Engineer II (Workshop), Junior Engineer II (Telecom) and Junior Engineer II (Signal). However, some other Railway Recruitment Boards have notified these very posts without the prefix “Apprentice”. As the Railways are aware, the extant procedure provides for relaxation in upper age limit for serving employees applying for Apprentice categories, which is lower than the upper age limit prescribed for other than Apprentice categories. In this background the question of continuance or otherwise of the prefix Apprentice has been under consideration of this Ministry for some time with reference to representations received for removing the prefix Apprentice on the ground that all the Railway Recruitment Boards are not using the prefix resulting in denial of age concession to serving employees only in cases where the prefix is used. 1. As on date, practically none is recruited as an Apprentice in the Railways in Technical departments. However, Apprentices are still recruited in Commercial and Operating Departments as Commercial and Traffic Apprentices. In view of this and the situation brought out in the prevailing para, it has been decided that the prefix ‘Apprentice’ should not be used in the notifications published by Railway Recruitment Boards for recruitment from open market except for the categories of Apprentices appointed in Traffic and Commercial Department as Traffic and Commercial Apprentices. Indenting authorities should ensure that these instructions are strictly adhered to. 2. Advance Correction Slip (ACS) to IREM will follow. SERIAL CIRCULAR NO. 220 /2004 No.P(R )227/XIII Date:31 -12-2004 Copy of Board's letter No. E(D&A)2003 /RG6-33 dated 10-12-04 for information, guidance and necessary action. Copy of Board's letter No. E(D&A)2003 /RG6-33 Dated 10-12-04 is published (RBE No.255/04) NOTIFICATION GSR… In exercise of the powers conferred by the proviso to article 309 of the Constitution , the President hereby makes the following rules further to amend the Railway Servants (Discipline and Appeal} Rules ,1968, namely:3. (1) these rules may be called the Railway Servants (Discipline and Appeal ) (Second Amendment) Rules, 2004. (2) They shall come into force on the date of their publication in the Official Gazette. 2 In rule 6 of the Railway Servants (Discipline and Appeal) Rules , 1968 , under heading Minor Penalties , for clause (iii-b), the following clause shall be substituted, namely:- “(iii-b) Reduction to lower stage in the time scale of pay by one stage for a period not exceeding three years, without cumulative effect and not adversely affecting his pension” [V.N. MATHUR] Secretary, Railway Board Foot Note Note: Principal Rules were published in the Gazette of India vide Notification No. E(D&A)66/RG 6-9 dated the 22nd August, 1968 vide S.O. 3181, dated the 14th September, 1968 and subsequently amended by:Sl. Notification No. Date Published in the Gazette of India Part II No. Section 3 Sub-section (i) GSR/SO No. Date of Publication 1. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5 2. E(D&A)66RG 6-9 E(D&A)67 RG 6-13 E(D&A)70 RG 6-63 E(D&A)70 RG 6-60 E(D&A)70 RG 6-41 3. 10.4.69 7.4.71 9.6.71 19.10.71 21.10.71 4. 1531 1925 2501 5078 4050 5. 24.6.1969 8.5.1971 3.7.1971 6.11.1971 30.10.1971 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 E(D&A)70 RG 6-43 E(D&A)70 RG 6-52 E(D&A)70 RG 6-69 E(D&A)69 RG 6-60 E(D&A)71 RG 6-60 E(D&A)751 RG 6-35 E(D&A)77 RG 6-46 E(D&A)78 RG 6-54 E(D&A)77 RG 6-30 E(D&A)79 RG 6-26 E(D&A)79 RG 6-12 E(D&A)78 RG 6-61 E(D&A)79 RG 6-39 E(D&A)78 RG 6-11 E(D&A)81 RG 6-72 E(D&A)81 RG 6-63 E(D&A)81 RG 6-54 E(D&A)82 RG 6-29 E(D&A)83 RG 6-45 E(D&A)80 RG 6-25 E(D&A)85 RG 6-16 E(D&A)83 RG 6-14 E(D&A)87 RG 6-47 E(D&A)87 RG 6-146 E(D&A)88 RG 6-43 E(D&A)84 RG 6-44 E(D&A)88 RG 6-38 E(D&A)84 RG 6-44 12.11.71 25.3.72 17.11.72 5.2.73 13.7.73 5.4.77 7.7.78 29.11.78 7.4.78 17.8.79 25.10.79 22.11.79 31.12.79 6.2.80 31.8.82 10.8.83 31.5.84 30/3/85 13.6.85 20.1.86 20.3.87 28.8.87 26.10.87 10.5.88 12.8.88 20.10.89 16.11.89 22.11.90 5264 9467 3918 2897 1413 2193 0364 3057 3777 0143 0441 GSR/982 GSR/632 1822 5667 GSR/667 GSR/241 GSR/708 GSR/869 GSR/420 GSR/759 GSR/850 GSR/900 - 4.12.1971 8.4.1972 25.11.72 6.10.1973 14.5.1977 29.7.1978 23.12.1978 8.9.1979 17.11.1979 19.1.1980 23.2.1980 17-12-1983 23.6.1984 27.4.1985 6.7.1985 22.2.1986 4.4.1987 19.9.1987 21.11.1987 21.5.1988 17.9.1988 11-11-1989 02-12-1989 - 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 E(D&A)90 RG 6-112 E(D&A)91 RG 6-42 E(D&A)90 RG 6-117 E(D&A)89 RG 6-80 E(D&A)90 RG 6-112 E(D&A)92 RG 6-148 E(D&A)92 RG 6-166 E(D&A)93 RG 6-94 E(D&A)95 RG 6-68 E(D&A)92 RG 6-151 E(D&A)94 RG 6-10 E(D&A)98 RG 6-42 E(D&A)2001 RG6-29 E(D&A)87 RG6-151 E(D&A)98 RG 6-52 E(D&A)2002/RG6-1 E[D&A)2004/RG6-30 16.11.90 8.6.91 19.9.91 20.1.92 22.10.92 9.11.92 11.1.93 23.6.94 13.8.97 6.11.97 16.2.99 11.10.99 31.10.01 8.8.02 16-01-2003 10-03-2003 13-10-2004 GSR/723 GSR/568 GSR/86 GSR/63 GSR/327 GSR/422 GSR/106 GSR/87 GSR/617 GSR/342 GSR/50 GSE/134 11-12-1990 5.10.1991 22.2.1992 30.1.1993 16-07-94 27-12-97 6.6.1998 20.3.1999 24.11.2001 24-8-2002 1-2-2003 29-3-2003 SERIAL CIRCULAR NO._ 121 /2004 No.P(R )535/IV Date: 27 -07--2004 Copy of Board’s letter No. PC III/2003/UPG/2 dated 13-7-04 is published for information, guidance and necessary action. The earlier letter of even number dated 23-72004, bearing Serial Circular No. 114 / 2004, may be treated as cancelled. Copy of Board’s letter No. PC III/2003/UPG/2 dated 13-7-04 [ RBE No. 151/04] Sub: Upgradation of the post of Gateman in scale Rs.3050-4590. The issue of upgradation of the post of Gateman in scale Rs.3050-4590 has been under Board’s consideration for some time. The matter has been examined in detail by Board and introduction of new pay scale i.e.Rs.3050-4590 is not found feasible for Gateman at this stage. However, the grade of Rs.2750-4400 is common between the Senior Gangman and Gateman, and there may be reluctance for Gangman to go as Gateman in this grade, if posted as per seniority, as they would get this grade as Senior Gangman in any case. Keeping this in view, it has been decided by Board that posting as Gateman in the scale Rs.2750-4400 will be out of turn for all those who are willing for the said post. The Gangman will be given the grade of Rs.2750-4400 as and when they become due, as Gangman depending on the vacancy. SERIAL CIRCULAR NO._122/2004 No.P(R )673/III Date: 11-08--2004 Copy of Board’s letter No. E(G)91/Al 6-1 dated 14.6.2004 is published for information, guidance and necessary action. Board’s letter dated 24.2.2004 quoted therein was circulated as S.C.No No.37/04. Copy of Board’s letter No. . E(G)91/Al 6-1 dated 14.6.2004 (RBE No.126/04) Sub: Revision on Ceiling on expenditure on messing. Further to Board’s letter of even number dated 24.2.2004 on the above subject, the matter has been reviewed by Board and it has been decided that pending finalization of the report of the Committee, the ceiling limit of expenditure on messing for officers upto JAG/SC, who were not covered in Board’s instructions ibid, may be revised from the existing Rs.100/- to Rs.115/- w.e.f. 1.6.2004. The other conditions stipulated in Board’s letter of even number dated 24.2.2004 will apply to these officers also. This issues with the concurrence of Finance Directorate of the Ministry of Railway. SERIAL CIRCULAR NO._123/2004 No.P(R )554/VI Date: 10-08--2004 Copy of Board’s letter No. E(G)2004 RN 5-3 dated 28.6.2004 published for information, guidance and necessary action. Board’s letter dated 1.6.2001 quoted therein was circulated as S.C.No. 119/01. Copy of Board’s letter No. E(G)2004 RN 5-3 dated 28.6.2004 (RBE No.138/04) Sub: Retention of Railway accommodation at the previous place of posting in favour of Railway officers/staff on deputation to Rail Vikas Nigam Ltd. (RVNL). Ministry of Railways have considered the request of Rail Vikas Nigam Ltd.(RVNL) regarding grant of permission for retention of Railway quarters at the previous place of posting by the Railway officers/staff on deputation to RVNL. It has been decided by Railway Board to permit retention of Railway accommodation at the previous place of posting in favour of the deputationist Railway employees to RVNL for a period of 5 years from the date of incorporation of RVNL, i.e. 18.1.2003 in terms of para 2 of Railway Board’s letter No.E(G)2000 QR1-23 dated 1.6.2001. This permission for retention will, thus, be available upto 17.1.2008. The rent chargeable will be at normal (flat rate of licence fee) for a period of 2 months. On request of the concerned employee, the period of retention of Railway accommodation at the previous place of posting may be extended upto 17.1.2008 or upto the date the official remains on deputation with the Corporation, whichever is earlier. The RVNL will pay to the Railway, an amount equivalent to the House Rent Allowance admissible to the Railway employee on deputation to RVNL plus the flat rate of licence fee prescribed by the Railway from time to time in respect of the Railway accommodation so retained. RVNL may, however, recover normal licence fee from Railway employees on deputation to RVNL who are availing this facility. This issues with the concurrence of the Finance Directorate of the Ministry of Railways. SERIAL CIRCULAR NO._124/2004 No.P(R )171/IV Date: 17 -08--2004 Copy of Board’s letter No. 2003-E(SCT)I/22/27 Pt.VI dated 1.7.04 information, guidance and necessary action. published for Copy of Board’s letter No. 2003-E(SCT)I/22/27 Pt.VI dated 1.7.04 (RBE No.141/04) Sub: Grant of facilities to All India SC/ST Railway Employees Association and All India OBC Railway Employees Federation /Association – Minimum basic facilities in their offices. Ref: Railway Board’s letters : (i) No.97-E(SCT)II/3/468 dated 11.12.1997 (ii) No.96-E(SCT)I/71/5 dated 29.5.1998 (v) No.96-E(SCT)I/71/5 dated 19.6.1998. (vi) No.97-E(SCT)I/22/12 dated 19.6.1998. The All India SC/ST Railway Employees Association and All India OBC Railway Employees Federation/Association have been granted facility of office accommodation vide Board’s above referred letters. The question of providing suitable basic amenities had been under consideration of Board. After a careful consideration, Board has decided to grant minimum basic facilities in these office accommodationS provided to these Associations like a table, 3 to 4 chairs, electricity, a fan etc. at various levels. The above facilities may be provided immediately by recycling the old/ unutilised furniture already available on Zonal Railways/ Divisions/ Branches’ offices etc. and not as a fresh procurement for this purpose. SERIAL CIRCULAR NO._125/2004 No.P(R )473/VI Date: 10 -08--2004 Copy of Board’s letter No. E(W)96 PS 5-8/2 dated 12.7.2004 is published for information, guidance and necessary action. Board’s letter dated 5.11.1999 quoted therein was circulated as S.C.No. No.53/99. Copy of Board’s letter No. E(W)96 PS 5-8/2 dated 12.7.2004 (RBE No.148/04) Sub: Provision of companion in lieu of attendant to senior citizens I Class/I-A Post-retirement complimentary pass holders – Inclusion of mentally retarded and/or Physically disabled son/daughter of retired railway employees. In terms of Board’s letter of even number dated 5.1.1999, retired railway employees and/or eligible family members, who are above the age of 65 years and are holding 1st class/1-A Passes, are allowed to take a companion in the sleeper/2nd class subject to the condition that both pass holder and companion travel in sleeper/2nd class. Instructions have also been issued vide Board’s letter of even No.dt.17.2.04 to allow such retired railway employees/eligible family members to take a companion in higher class on payment of full difference of fare between sleeper/2 nd class and the class in which the retired railway employee travels. The NFIR has brought to the notice of Board that if a handicapped ward of the retired railway employee, who is below 65 years of age, is included in the Post Retirement Complimentary Pass, the facility of companion is not allowed in terms of the extant instructions and requested that since a handicapped ward cannot be of any assistance to the Post Retirement Complimentary Pass holder/eligible family members above the age of 65 years, the facility of companion may be allowed when a handicapped ward is travelling with such Post Retirement Complimentary Pass holder/eligible family members above 6 years of age. The matter has been considered by Board in detail and it has been decided that the facility of companion in lieu of attendant may also be provided to 1st class/1st ‘A’ Post Retirement Complimentary pass holder and/or eligible family members above 65 years of age when they are travelling along with the mentally retard and/or physically disabled son or daughter of the retired railway employee, who is eligible to be included in the Post Retirement Complimentary Pass, as per rules. In all other respects, the provisions of Railway Servants (Pass) Rules, 1986 (Second Edition, 1993) will apply. ADVANCE CORRECTION SLIP NO.45 (PASS)RULES,1986 (SECOND EDITION,1993) TO THE RAILWAY SERVANTS Item No.(xiv) in column 3 of Schedule IV (Post Retirement Complimentary Pass) may be amended as follows:Add the following sentence at the end of item No.3: “The facility of companion in lieu of attendant may, however, be permitted when the pass holder and/or eligible members of family above the age of 65 years are travelling along with the mentally retarded and/or physically disabled son or daughter of the retired railway employee, who is eligible to be included in the Post Retirement Complimentary Pass as per rules”. SERIAL CIRCULAR NO.126 /2004 No.P(R )54/VI Date: 11-08-2004 Copy of Board’s letter No. E(P&A)II-2004/HRA-4 dated 13.7.2004 is published for information, guidance and necessary action. Copy of Board’s letter No. E(P&A)II-2004/HRA-4 dated 13.7.2004 (RBE No.149/04) Sub: Revision of the classification of Goa, Port Blair and the rural areas of the Union Territory of Andaman & Nicobar Islands for the purpose of House Rent Allowance to the Railway employees working therein. The question of revision of classification for the purpose of House Rent Allowance to the Railway employees posted in Goa, Port Blair and the other areas of Andaman & Nicobar Islands on account of the peculiar situation in the Islands and the high cost of construction/high rentals prevailing in these regions has been under consideration of the Government for sometime. Keeping in view the special circumstances in these regions, the President is pleased to revise the classification of Goa and Port Blair city in Andaman & Nicobar Islands from the existing ‘C’ class to B-1 class and that of the rural areas of the Union Territory of Andaman & Nicobar Islands from the existing status of ‘unclassified’ to ‘C’ class areas for the purposes of payment of House Rent Allowance to the Railway employees posted in these areas. These orders take effect from 1.4.2004 and shall remain in force until issue of any further orders in this regard by this Ministry. This issues with the concurrence of the Finance Directorate of the Ministry of Railways. SERIAL CIRCULAR NO.127/2004 No.P(R )554/VI Date: 13 -08--2004 Copy of Board’s letter No. E(G)2001 QR1-14 dated 12.7.2004 is published for information, guidance and necessary action. Board’s letter dated 29.11.94 quoted therein was circulated as S.C.No. 5/95. Copy of Board’s letter No. E(G)2001 QR1-14 dated 112.7.2004 (RBE No.150/04) Sub: Retention of Railway accommodation at the previous place of posting in favour of the officers/staff posted to JammuUdhampur-Srinagar New Line Construction Project. In terms of Railway Board’s letter No.E(G)94 RN2-5 dated 29.11.94 officers/staff transferred and posted to Jammu-Udhampur-Srinagar new Construction and Survey were permitted retention of Railway accommodation at the previous place of posting for a period of 3 years or till the quarters are allotted to them whichever is earlier. Ministry of Railways have reviewed the position and have decided that permission for retention of Railway accommodation at the previous place of posting shall be available to the officers/staff posted to Jammu-Udhampur-Srinagar new line construction Project including those stationed at Jammu under this Project, upto the target date for the completion of the Project, i.e., 15.8.2007. This issues with the concurrence of Finance Directorate of the Ministry of Railways. SERIAL CIRCULAR NO. 128/2004 No.P(R )171/IV Date: 13 -08-2004 Copy of Board’s letter No.2003 E(SCT)I/22/27 Pt.VII dated 114.7.2004. is published for information, guidance and necessary action. Copy of Board’s letter No 2003 E(SCT)I/22/27 Pt.VII dated 14.7.2004 (RBE No.153/04) Sub:Grant of facilities to All India SC/ST Railway Employees Association and All India OBC Railway Employees Federation/Association -Railway telephone with Zonal STD (Inter Division) at the residences of the President/Working President and General Secretary. The All India SC/ST Railway Employees Association and All India OBC Railway Employees Federation/Association have been granted certain facilities from time to time in the past. The question of providing Railway telephone with Zonal STD (Inter Division) at the residences of the President/Working President of these Associations has been under consideration of Board. After a careful consideration, Board has decided that (Railway telephone with Zonal STD (Inter Division) at the residences of the President/Working President and the General Secretary of All India SC/ST Railway Employees Association and All India OBC Railway Employees Federation/Association be provided at Apex and Zonal levels. This is however, subject to the facility being available at that location. SERIAL CIRCULAR NO. 129 /2004 No.P(R )473/VI Date:13 -08-2004 Copy of Board’s letter No.E(W)96 PS 5-9/1 dated 20.7.2004 is published for information, guidance and necessary action. Board’s letter dated 20.6.2000 quoted therein was circulated as SC No.157/2000. Copy of Board’s letter No E(W)96 PS 5-9/1 dated 20.7.2004 (RBE No.156/04) Sub: Provision of containers to eligible railway employees on Transfer/retirement. Ref: Board’s letter No.E(W)96 PS5-9/1 dt.20.6.2000. The issue regarding transportation by containers of household items of the eligible railway employees on their retirement/transfer has been under consideration in Board’s office for quite some time. Railway employees who are appointed on or after 1.5.76 and are drawing Rs.8000/- and above are entitled to transportation of household items by containers, including cost of door to door payment of containers, in terms of Board’s letter dt.20.6.2000. The issue has been considered in consultation with the concerned Directorates in Board’s office and CONCOR. It has now been decided by Board that the eligible serving/retired railway employees may be allowed to transport their household items by containers on their transfer/retirement and for the purpose the following procedure may be adopted:(i) Kit Pass may be accepted by CONCOR at “W” rates applicable to CONCOR’s domestic traffic from originating and destination rail head, and cost thereof may be raised by CONCOR with the concerned Railways through book transfer. (vii) Cost of movement of household items for road portion at either end may be paid by the serving/retired railway employee himself/herself and reimbursement claimed as per his/her entitlement from his/her office. This issues with the concurrence of Finance Directorate of Board’s office. SERIAL CIRCULAR NO.130/2004 No.P(R )436/IRMM Date: 16-08--2004 Copy of Board’s letter No. 2002/H/5/1 dated 5/2/04 and 2.7.04 published for information, guidance and necessary action. Copy of Board’s letter No. 2002/H/5/1 dated 5/2/04 (2 of Health /04) Sub: Medical fitness of Railway Employees with Intra Ocular Lens (IOL)Amendment to Para 512(10) of IRMM-2000. The matter of permitting employees with IOL (PC) in Aye two category after cataract surgery has been under examination for some time in Ministry of Railways. It is now decided that Intra Ocular Lens IOL(PC) in one or both eyes shall not be a bar for an in-service employee in Aye-two (A-2) category to continue in respective category after cataract surgery provided his/her visual acuity standards come upto the prescribed limits. The periodicity of Periodical Medical Examination (PME) for all such Aye two category of staff with IOL(PC) would be as under: 1st PME 6 weeks after surgery with IOL(PC) 2nd PME 6 months after first PME. Subsequent PMEs after completion of one year from previous PME. All PMEs will have to be done by Ophthalmologists only in such cases. A note under Para 512(10) of IRMM, 2000 may be added as per Advance Correction Slip enclosed. ADVANCE CORRECTION SLIP TO PARA 512 [10] OF IRMM, 2000 The following may be added as under Para 512[10] of IRMM 2000:NOTE:‘ Posterior Chamber Intra Ocular Lens Implantation [PCIOL] in one or both eyes shall not be a bar for the in-service Aye-two [A-2] category staff to continue in the respective category after cataract surgery of one eye/eyes provided his/her visual acuity comes upto the prescribed standard. The periodicity of Periodic Medical Examination [PME] for A2 in IOL [PC] cases would be as under: 1st PME 6 weeks after surgery with IOL(PC) 2nd PME 6 months after first PME after PCIOL. Subsequent PMEs after completion of one year from previous PME. All PMEs will have to be done by Ophthalmologists only in such cases. [Authority: Board’s letter No. 2002/H/5/1 dated 5/2/04] Copy of Board’s letter No. 2002/H/5/1 dated 2.7.04 (5 of Health /04) Sub:- Medical fitness of Railway employees with Intra Ocular Lens (IOL)Amendment to Para 512 (10) of IRMM - 2000. In continuation to Board’s letter No.2002/H/5/1 dated 5.2.2004 on the above cited subject, it has been decided that the relaxation given under this letter will also be extended to inservice employees in Aye-two (A-2) category who have under gone Intra Ocular Lens(PC) Implant in one or both eyes, prior to 5.2.2004 However, all such cases will be examined by a Medical Board including, one eye specialist. Based on the recommendations of the Medical Board and it being accepted by CMD of the Zone, the in-service employees can be permitted to continue in Aye-two (A-2) category. All other terms and conditions contained in Board’s letter No.2002/H/5/1 dated 5.2.2004 will remain unaltered. A note under para 512(10) of IRMM, 2000 may be added as per Advance Correction slip enclosed. Advance Correction Slip to para 512(10) of IRMM’ 2000. The following may be added as under para 512(10) of IRMM’ 2000:Note : The relaxation given vide Board’s letter No.2002/H/5/1 dated 5.2.2004 will also be extended to in-service employees in Aye-two (A-2) category who have undergone Intra Ocular Lens (Posterior Chamber) Implant in one or both eyes, prior to 5.2.2004. However, all such cases will be examined by a Medical Board including, one eye specialist. Board on the recommendations of the Medical Board and it being accepted by CMD of the Zone, the inservice employees can be permitted to continue in Aye-two (A-2) category. (Authority Board’s letter No.2002/H/5/1 dated 2.07.2004). SERIAL CIRCULAR NO. 131 /2004 No.P(R)535/IV Date: 3-08-2004 Copy of Board’s letter No.PC.III/2003/UPG/2 dated 02.8.04 is published for information, guidance and necessary action. Board’s letter dated 13-07-2004 quoted therein , circulated as S.C.No.121/04 dated 27-7-04, may be kept in abeyance until further orders. Copy of Board’s letter No. PC.III/2003/UPG/2 dated 02.8.04 ( RBE No.170 /04) Sub: Upgradation of the post of Gateman in scale Rs.3050-4590. Please connect Board’s letter of even no. dated 13-7-2004 [RBE No. 151/2004] on the above subject. Matter has been reviewed by Board and it is decided that instructions contained in Board’s letter may be kept in abeyance till Board’s further order in the matter. SERIAL CIRCULAR NO. 132 /2004 No.P(PC)487/V/97/Allowance/Vol.II Date:02 -08-2004 Copy of Board’s letter No.PC-V/97/1/7/12 dated 10.6.04 is published for information, guidance and necessary action. Board’s letter dated 10.12.90 and 31.10.1980 quoted therein were circulated as S.C.No.8/91 and 127/80. Copy of Board’s letter No. PC-V/97/1/7/12 dated 10.6.04 (PC-V /412, RBE No.125 /04) Sub: Grant of Transport Allowance to Railway employees – Clarifications regarding. Attention is invited to para 2(vi) of Railway Board’s letter of even number dated 16.12.97 regarding grant of Transport Allowance to physically handicapped Railway employees. 2. The matter of applicability of this order to the handicapped Railway employees suffering from Spinal Deformity (generally known as hunch back disability) has been under consideration in this Ministry. In this connection it is mentioned that Conveyance Allowance was granted vide Railway Board's letter No.F(E)I/89/AL-7/6 dated 10.12.1990 to Railway employees suffering from Spinal deformity causing permanent partial disability of above 40% estimated as per the standards laid down in the Annexure to the letter ibid and certified by the Competent Authority as mentioned in Railway Board's letter No.F(E)I/78/AL-7/5 dated 31.10.1980. It is now clarified that such employees are also covered for grant of Transport Allowance at double the rates w.e.f. 1.8.1997 as admissible under Railway Board’s letter of even number dated 16.12.1997 subject to the terms and conditions laid down in the said letter. 3. In this regard it is also mentioned that Conveyance Allowance was granted to blind or orthopaedically handicapped Railway employees vide Railway Board’s letter No.F(E)I/78/AL-7/5 dated 23.10.78. The criteria for grant of Conveyance Allowance to the handicapped Railway employees was modified vide Railway Board’s letter No.F(E)I/78/AL-7/5 dated 15.1.80 in terms of which an orthopaedically handicapped Railway employee was granted Conveyance Allowance if he or she has a minimum of 40% permanent partial disability of either upper or lower limbs or 50% permanent partial disability of both upper and lower limbs together. The conditions as laid down in Railway Board’s letter No.F(E)I/78/AL-7/5 dated 15.1.80 continue to apply to determine whether a Railway employee is handicapped and entitled to Transport Allowance at double the rate in terms of para 2(vi) of Railway Board’s letter of even number dated 16.12.97. This is however, subject to the other conditions prescribed in para 2(vi) of Railway Board’s letter ibid. The cases of physically handicapped Railway employees for grant of Transport Allowance may be regularized accordingly and Transport Allowance at double the rates should not be restricted to persons with disability of lower extremities only. SERIAL CIRCULAR NO._133/2004 No.P(R )500/XX Date: 18 -08--2004 Copy of Board’s letter No. 99/AC-II/21/14 dated 23.7.2004 published for information, guidance and necessary action. Board’s letter dated 23.5.2000 quoted therein was circulated as S.C.No. SC No.124/2000. Copy of Board’s letter No. 99/AC-II/21/14 dated 23.7.2004 (RBA No.23/04) Sub: Payment of family pension to mentally retarded children – Nomination under clause (d) of proviso to sub rule (6) of rule 75 of Railway Services (Pension) Rules – Clarification regarding. With reference to Board’s letter F(E)III/99/PN1/38 (modification) dated 23.5.2000, regarding family pension to mentally retarded children, clarifications have been sought by some of the Railways as to whether any format of nomination has been prescribed for drawal of family pension on behalf of the mentally retarded child and whether legal guardianship certificate is necessary for the purpose. The matter has been examined in consultation with the Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions and the position is clarified as under:i) The nomination of a person made by Railway servant/pensioner during his/her life time or later on by his/her spouse or the family pensioner, as the case may be, under clause (d) of the proviso below sub-rule (6) of Rule 75 of the Railway Services Pension Rules 1993 inserted vide Board'’ letter No.F(E)III/99/PN1/38 (Modification) dated 23.5.2000 is in respect of his/her mentally retarded son/daughter. In terms of the said clause, no legal guardianship certificate from a Court is required for the purpose of family pension to the mentally retarded son/daughter. ii) The nomination under the said clause (d) can be given on a plain paper .No specific format has been prescribed for this purpose. Zonal Railway administrations etc. are requested to bring the contents of this letter to the knowledge of all concerned. SERIAL CIRCULAR NO._134/2004 No.P(R )563/VI Date: 13 -08--2004 Copy of Board’s letter No. E(NG)I-2001/PM2/12 dated 22.7.04 is published for information, guidance and necessary action. Board’s letter dated 21.1.02 and 8.8.02 quoted therein was circulated as S.C.No. 28/02, 160/02, respectively. Copy of Board’s letter No. E(NG)I-2001/PM2/12 dated 22.7.04 (RBE No.163/04) Sub: Scheme of General Departmental Competitive Examination (GDCE) for filling up 25% of Direct Recruitment quota posts in Group ‘C’ categories – Delegation of powers to the General Managers to fill up DR quota vacancies by GDCE in excess of 25% net DR quota vacancies. In terms of instructions contained in para 4 of this Ministry’s letter of even number dt.21.01.2002, only the staff of Workshops and Production Units fulfilling the eligibility conditions were permitted to appear in the GDCE for filling up the vacancies in the category of Dsl./Elect.Assts. which are decided to be filled up by the General Managers in excess of 25% of direct recruitment quota vacancies in terms of para 2 of the letter ibid, as a one time measure in order to tackle the problem of surpluses in the Production Units and Workshops. 1.1 Subsequently, on AIRF’s demand in the PNM, staff of other than Workshops and Production units were also made eligible to appear in the GDCE provided the optees are from a category or seniority unit clearly identified as having a surplus, vide letter of even number dt.8.8.2002.. 2. However, the Federation continued to insist on removal of any restriction whatsoever. Accordingly, the Ministry of Railways have reconsidered the matter. It has been decided to remove the restriction as mentioned in para 1.1 above and imposed vide para 3 of this Ministry’s letter dt.8.8.2002. Accordingly, in respect of GDCE that may be held hereafter for filling up the post of Dsl/Elec Asst. no distinction be made between GDCE for 25% of DR quota and additional 25% of DR quota, if so decided to be filled by the General Manager, and a single selection be held. SERIAL CIRCULAR NO._135/2004 No.P(R )563/VI Date: 06 -08--2004 Copy of Board’s letter No. E(NG)II/94/RR-1/29 dated 26.7.2004 is published for information, guidance and necessary action. Board’s letters dated 10-05-99 and 6-08-03 quoted therein were circulated under SC Nos. 145/99 and 145/03, respectively. Copy of Board’s letter No. E(NG)II/94/RR-1/29 dated 26.7.2004. (RBE No.166/04) Sub: Upper age limit for direct recruitment to Group ‘C’ & ‘D’ posts on the Railways. Ref: Board’s letter of even number dated 6.8.03 (RBE No.135/03). *** Attention is invited to this Ministry’s letter under reference vide which the currency of the relaxation contained in letter of even number dated 10.5.99 (RBE No.99/99) was extended for a period of 03 (three) years i.e. upto 03.08.2004. The matter has been reviewed by this Ministry and it has now been decided that this relaxation of 03 (three) years, above the prescribed upper age limit for recruitment to all Group ‘C’ & ‘D’ categories including engagement of Substitutes stands withdrawn with effect from 04.08.2004. SERIAL CIRCULAR NO.136/2004 No.P(R )436/R II/III Date: 17 -08--2004 Copy of Board’s letter No. F(E)I/2004/AL-28/6 dated 23.7.04 published for information, guidance and necessary action. Board’s letter dated 24.4.98, quoted therein were circulated as S.C.No. 103/98 and 17/99 respectively. Copy of Board’s letter No. F(E)I/2004/AL-28/6 dated 23.7.04 (RBE No.157/04) Sub:Travelling Allowance Rules– Implementation of the recommendations of the Fifth Central Pay Commission – Journeys on Tour. Ref: Board’s letters No.F(E)I/98/AL-28/9 dated 24.4.98 and F(E)I/98/AL-28/17 dt.27.11.98. The question of allowing reimbursement by prepaid tax managed by Police/Airport Authority has been considered in Board’s Office and it has been decided to allow reimbursement of fares charged under prepaid charges system managed by local police/Airport Authority/State Transport Authority at Metropolitan cities. Accordingly, in exercise of the powers conferred by the provision to Article 309 of the Constitution, the President is pleased to direct that Advanced Correction Slip No.31 issued vide Board’s letter No.F(E)I/98/AL-28/17 dated 27.11.98 shall be modified partially as per ACS No.54 enclosed as annexure. Advanced Correction Slip to IREC Vol.II (First Reprint 1990) Advanced Correction Slip No.54 Chapter 16 Travelling Allowance Rules Section V – Mileage Allowance Rule 1607 – Sub Rule (5) Please add the following before Note-1:(iii) For journeys performed by auto- Reimbursement of fare as determined by the rickshow/taxis under the prepaid charges Government agencies. system managed by local Police/Airport Authority/State Transport Authority in Metropolitan cities…… SERIAL CIRCULAR NO._137/2004 No.P(R )535/IV Date: 16-08--2004 Copy of Board’s letter No. E(P&A)II-2002/RS-24 dated 23.7.2004 published for information, guidance and necessary action. Board’s letter dated 9.1.98 quoted therein was circulated as SC No.50/98. Copy of Board’s letter No. E(P&A)II-2002/RS-24 dated 23.7.2004 (RBE No.162/04) Sub: Tenure of posting of Running staff drafted to perform the duties of Power/ Crew Controllers. The question of revision in the tenure of posting of Running staff drafted to perform the duties of Power/Crew Controllers prescribed in Para 2(f) of Board’s letter No.E(P&A)II83/RS-10 dated 9.1.1998 has been under consideration of the Board, particularly in light of the Inspection Notes of the then CRB of Window Trailing Inspection of Delhi SafdarjangSaharanpur Section & Jagadhri Workshop on 6th November,2002, wherein vide item No.4.3 thereof, extension in tenure of Running staff drafted to perform the duties of Power/Crew Controllers to 5 years was permitted by CRB with the specific approval of GM. 2. The above issue has been examined in detail by the Board in light of various references received subsequently from the recognised Federations and some of the Zonal Railways also and, in partial modification of the instructions contained in Para 2(f) of Board’s letter dated 9.1.1998, it has been decided to empower General Manager of the concerned Zonal Railway to extend the tenure of posting of Running staff drafted to perform the duties of Power/Crew Controllers beyond three years on year to year basis upto a maximum period of five years (i.e.3+1+1+) keeping in view the administrative requirement. 3. This has the approval of the President and issues with the concurrence of the Finance Directorate of the Ministry of Railways. SERIAL CIRCULAR NO._138/2004 No.P(R )673/IV Date:16 -08--2004 Copy of Board’s letter No. E(MPP)2002/3/28/Pt.Reconst. dated 23.7.04 published for information, guidance and necessary action. Copy of Board’s letter No. E(MPP)2002/3/28/Pt.Reconst. dated 23.7.04 (RBE No16404) Sub: Refresher course for ESM/ MSM/ TCM/WTM. In partial modification of Board’s letter No.2000/Safety (A&R)19/40 dated 19.12.2000, it has been decided by Board to modify the schedule of refresher courses of ESM/TCM/ MSM/WTM staff of S&T Department. The modified schedule is as under: Type of course Periodicity Duration Schedule for a Maintainer 1.Refresher Course Once in 4 years 3 weeks 1st year & 5th year for 2. Equipment Course Once in 4 years (should be held two 2 weeks 3rd year years after either refresher course or a promotional course) This has the approval of S&T and Safety Directorate of Railway Board. MANUAL ON MANAGEMENT OF TRAINING Advance Correction Slip No.4/2004 Para 4 of the Appendix-III Signal & Telecommunication Department of the Manual on Management of Training (Edition –1998) may be replaced as under: Jr.Engr./Sec.Engr. 6 weeks Once in 5 years Jr.Engr/Sec.Engr./ 4 weeks Once in 5 years Sr.Sec.Engr. Schedule for a maintainer ESM/TCM/MSM/WTM Equipment course ESM/TCM/MSM/ WTM 3 weeks Once in 4 year 1st year & 5th year Once in 4 years (should be held 3rd year two years after either refresher course or a promotional course) [Authority: E(MPP)2002/3/28/Pt.Reconst. dated 23.7.04] 2 weeks SERIAL CIRCULAR NO._139/2004 No.P(R )288/I Date: 17 -08—2004 Copy of Board’s letter No. E(NG)II/2004/RC-4/CR/4 dated 26.7.04 published for information, guidance and necessary action. Board’s letter dated 3.2.98 quoted therein was circulated as SC No.68/98. Copy of Board’s letter No. E(NG)II/2004/RC-4/CR/4 dated 26.7.04 (RBE No./166/04) Sub: Re-engagement of Retired Staff – delegation of powers to General Managers – Para Medical Staff. In terms of Board’s letter No.E(NG)II/95/RC-4/1 dated 29.3.1995, General Managers of Zonal Railways/Production Units have been delegated the powers to reengage retired Para-medical staff on daily rate basis up to the age of 60 years. On a recent proposal received from a Zonal Railway regarding reconsidering the engagement of retired Para-medical Staff beyond the superannuating age of 60 years, it has been decided that powers may be delegated to the General Managers to re-engage retired para medical staff on daily rate basis up to the age of 62 years against the vacancies in para medical categories, as detailed in the Board’s letter No.E(NG)II/95/RC4/8 dated 3.2.1998. This issues with the concurrence of the Finance Directorate of the Ministry of Railways (Railway Board). SERIAL CIRCULAR NO._140/2004 No.P(R )535/IV Date: 24 -08—2004 Copy of Board’s letter No. E(GP)2002/2/88 dated 15.6.04 published for information, guidance and necessary action. Copy of Board’s letter No. E(GP)2002/2/88 dated 15.6.04 (RBE No./12704) Sub: Promotion from Group ‘C’ to Group ‘B’ through 70% selection/30% LDCE. In a meeting with the Board, NFIR and AIRF have pointed out that the high failure rate in the selections (70% quota) for promotion to Group ‘B’ is mainly due to the fact that the question papers for the selections are theoretical and not practical based which the senior Group ‘C’ staff find it difficult to answer effectively, even though they may excel in their jobs and also due to the fact that they are not familiar with the pattern of question papers. 3.0 The matter has been reviewed by the Board. 2.1 Instructions regarding setting of question papers already exist under para 204.2 of the IREM, which provides that the question papers set up for written test should have a practical bias i.e. it should be designed to test the ability of candidates to tackle the practical problems they are likely to face rather than their theoretical knowledge. Board desires that the above instructions may be adhered to and the question papers for the written test for the Group ‘B’ selections should be set strictly in accordance with the aforesaid provisions. 2.2 Board has also decided that the candidates who take the written examination for selections/LDCE for promotion to Group ‘B’ may be allowed to take the question papers with them. This would help the prospective candidates in becoming familiar with the general pattern of the question-papers. SERIAL CIRCULAR NO141/ 2004 No.P(PC )487/V PC/6/CRC/Vol.IV Date: 17-08—2004 Copy of Board’s letter No. No.P(PC )487/V PC/6/CRC/Vol.IV dated 17-08-2004 is published for information, guidance and necessary action. Board’s letter dated 9-10-03 and 6-1-04 quoted therein were circulated as SC No.191/03 and 7/04. Copy of Board’s letter No. No.P(PC )487/V PC/6/CRC/Vol.IV 2004[RBE No. 155/04] dated 17-08- Sub: Restructuring of certain Gr. C & ‘D’ cadres. Ref: Board’s letters of even number dt. 9.10.2003 & 6.1.2004 … As per para 10 of this Ministry’s letter of even number dated 9.10.2003 on the above subject, the concept of Multi- skilling has been introduced by merging different categories viz. SM/ASM with Yard Masters & Traffic Inspectors, Personnel Inspectors with Welfare Inspectors & HOER Inspectors and ESM with MSM. The revised percentages are to be made applicable in the unified cadre. However, a suggestion has been received from a few Railways for implementing the revised percentages before merging the cadres. 2. The matter has been considered by the Ministry of Railways ( Railway Board) duly keeping in view the position of implementation of restructuring of Zonal Railways and other relevant factors and it has been decided that no change is warranted in the existing instructions. 3. Certain discrepancies have come to notice in the existing para 11 and para 15 of this Ministry’s letter of even number dated 9.10.2003. Ministry of Railways ( Railway Board) have decided with the approval of the President that the existing para 11 and para 15 may now be read as under: Para No. 11 Existing para The implementation of restructuring scheme in the categories of Ministerial staff, Personnel Inspectors and Depot Material Superintendents is subject to the introduction of direct recruitment in these categories. After implementation of the restructuring in accordance with the revised percentage distribution of posts indicated in the annexures enclosed, the vacancies arising in these categories on or after the cut-off date should be filled through direct recruitment in the manner indicated hereunder: Modified para After implementation of the restructuring in accordance with the revised percentage distribution of posts indicated in the Annexures enclosed, the vacancies arising in these categories after the cut-off date should be filled in the manner indicated hereunder SERIAL CIRCULAR NO142/ 2004 No.P(PC )487/V /IMP/97/Vol.V Date: 16-08—2004 Copy of Board’s letter No. No.PC-V/2002/1/6/2 dt. 20.7.2004 is published for information, guidance and necessary action. Copy of Board’s letter No. No. .PC-V/2002/1/6/2 dt. 20.7.2004 [RBE No. 158/04] Sub: Anomaly in fixation of pay of Loco Supervisory staff appointed Prior to 1.1.1996 with reference to their juniors appointed after and drawing more pay than the seniors. … It has come to the notice of the Board that staff appointed prior to 1.1.1996 as Loco Running Supervisors in the pre-revised pay scales, whose pay has been fixed in the replacement scales for Loco Running Supervisors under the RSRP Rules, 1997, are drawing less pay than their juniors appointed to the Supervisory post after 1.1.96. The anomaly has arisen due to the fact that the benefit of element of Running allowance granted at the time of promotion of running staff to a stationary post has been granted to the junior in the revised scale, whereas, the same benefit granted to the senior is of lesser value as the same has been calculated on pre-revised pay scale. It has been decided that the anomaly be resolved by granting stepping up of pay to the seniors at par with the juniors in terms of Note 9 of Rule 7 of RSRP Rules, 1997. The benefit of stepping up of pay will be subject to the following conditions:(e) the stepping up of pay will be allowed to running staff only appointed as loc supervisors in whose cases 30% of basic pay is taken as pay element in the running allowance. The stepping up of pay will not be admissible to the non-running staff of Mechanical Deptt. Appointed as Loco running supervisors as in their cases the question of pay element in the running allowances does not arise; (f) If even in the lower post, revised or pre-revised, the junior was drawing more pay than the senior by virtue of advance increments granted to him or otherwise, stepping up will not be permissible; (g) Stepping up will be allowed only once, the pay so fixed after stepping up will remain unchanged; (h) The next increment will be allowed, if due, on completion of the requisite qualifying service with effect from the date of refixation of pay. This has the approval of the Finance Directorate of the Ministry of Railways. SERIAL CIRCULAR NO143/ 2004 No.P(PC )487/V /IMP/97/Vol.V Date: 16-08—2004 Copy of Board’s letter No. No.PC-III/2004/CRC/15 dt. 23/26.7.2004 is published for information, guidance and necessary action. Board’s letter dated 6.1.04 was circulated as S.C.No.7/2004. Copy of Board’s letter No. No.PC-III/2004/CRC/15 dt. 23/26.7.2004 ( RBE No.165/2004) Sub: Restructuring of certain Group ’C’ &’D’ cadres- clarification regarding filling up the chain/resultant vacancies. … As per Para 1,3 & 4.4 of Board’s letter No.PC.III/2003/CRC/6 dated 6.1.2004, benefit of promotion for vacancies arising out of above restructuring would be given w.e.f 1.11.2003. In reference thereto, some of the Railways/Units have sought clarification, whether vacancies arising out of restructuring would include chain/resultant vacancies as well. The matter has been considered by Board and it is decided that benefit of promotion against chain/resultant vacancies should also be given w.e.f. 1.11.2003, if the same would arise purely due to the above restructuring. SERIAL CIRCULAR NO144/ 2004 No.P(R )563/VI Date: 24 -08—2004 Copy of Board’s letter No. E(NG)I/2004/PM2/3 dated 5.8.04 is published for information, guidance and necessary action. Board’s letter dated 20.8.93 quoted therein was circulated as SC No.90/93. Copy of Board’s letter No. E(NG)I/2004/PM2/3 dated 5.8.04 (RBE No.173/04) Sub:- Introduction of General Department Competitive Examination for filling 25% DR quota vacancies In certain group ‘C’ Categories-Clarification reg. In Para 2(iv) of this Ministry’s letter No.E(NG)I/92/PM2/16 dt.20.8.93, it has been stipulated that all regular employees possessing the prescribed qualifications for direct recruitment are eligible to appear in the General Department Competitive Examination (GDCE) irrespective of the grade and cadre in which they are working. 5 6 7 It has been brought to the notice of the Board that staff working in higher grade apply for posts in lower scale of pay in response to notifications for GDCE. The matter has been reviewed by the Board, it is clarified that the phrase ‘irrespective of the grade’ in the instructions referred to above is not intended to allow staff working in grades higher than the grade carried by the posts for which GDCE is held accordingly, only the employees working in lower grade posts and at the best in the same grade for which GDCE is being held should only be allowed to appear in the GDCE. In no case persons working in higher grade posts be allowed to appear in the GDCE to be held for a lower grade post. However, past cases decided otherwise need not be reopened. SERIAL CIRCULAR NO.145_/2004 No.P(R )500/XX Date: 24 -08—2004 Copy of Board’s letter No. E(P&A)II-2002/RS-4 dated 21.7.04 is published for information, guidance and necessary action. Board’s letter dated 17.4.98 and 14.10.97 quoted therein were circulated under SC No.106/98. Copy of Board’s letter No. E(P&A)II-2002/RS-4 dated 21.7.04 (RBE No.159/04) Sub:- Payment of Interest on arrears due on account of recomputation of pension and other retiral benefits as a result of implementation of Supreme Court’s judgement date 25-7-1997 in C.A.No.4174-82 of 1995 and other tagged SLPs. *** Attention is invited to Board’s letter No.PC-III/92/CTC-1/2 dated 17-4-1998 on the above subject wherein it was provided that interest at the rate of 12% on the arrears falling due in terms of Board’s letter No.PC-III/92/CTC-1/2 dated 14-10-1997 may be paid to all the applicants from the date of the respective judgement. 3 The matter regarding payment of interest on the arrears falling due in terms of Board’s letter dated 14-10-1997 ibid to the running staff/their legal heirs who had not approached any judicial forum was under consideration of the Board for quite some time, particularly in view of a few judgements delivered on this aspect by certain judicial for a.. The issue has accordingly been examined carefully taking all aspects of the matter into consideration and in partial modification of the instructions contained in Para 2 of the above letter dated 17-4-1998, it has now been decided that interest at the rate of 12% on the arrears falling due to all the beneficiaries in terms of Board’s letter of even number dated 14-10-1997, excepting those who are covered by the instructions dated 17-4-1998 ibid, may be paid irrespective of the fact whether they had approached any judicial forum or not. In such cases, the period for computing delay in payment of arrears is to be reckoned from the date of the Supreme Court’s judgement dated 25-7-1997 in the cited case. 3 It is desired that immediate necessary action may be taken to arrange payment in light of the decision contained in Para 2 above. Cases filed by the concerned ex-employees/their legal heir claiming benefit of interest on delayed payment of arrears due in terms of letter dated 14-10-1997, if any, may please be got abated by bringing the decision contained in Para 2 above to the notice of the respective CAT, High Court or Supreme Court. 4 This issues with the concurrence of the Finance Directorate of Railways. the Ministry of SERIAL CIRCULAR NO. 146 /2004 No.P(PC)487/ V/97/DA Date: 17 -08-2004 Copy of Board’s letter No. PC-V/2004/A/DA/1 dated 27.7.04 is published for information, guidance and necessary action. Board’s letter dated 11.3.04 quoted therein was circulated as S.C.No.36/04. Copy of Board’s letter No. PC-V/2004/A/DA/1 dated 27.7.04 RBE No.168/04) (PC-V/421 , Sub:- Merger of 50% of Dearness Allowances Relief with Basic Pay/Pension to Central Government employees – Clarification Regarding. Ref:- Board’s letter of even number dated 11-03-2004. Reference have been received from Zonal Railways and production Units seeking clarification on the aspect of inclusion of Dearness Pay for calculation of incentive/PCO allowance. 4 The matter has been examined in this office and it has been decided that Dearness Pay shall be reckoned for the purpose of calculation of incentive and PCO allowance in Railways workshops and Production Units. 5 This issues with the concurrence of Ministry. Finance Directorate of this SERIAL CIRCULAR NO. 147 /2004 No.P(PC)487/ VPC/6/CRC/Vol.IV Date: 26-08-2004 Copy of Board’s letter No. PC-III/2003/CRC/6 dated 15/19.07.2004 is published for information, guidance and necessary action. Board’s letter dated 9.10.03 quoted therein was circulated as SC No.191/03. Copy of Board’s letter No. PC-III/2003/CRC/6 dated 15/19.07.2004 (PC-V Nil, RBE No.154/04) Sub: Restructuring of certain Gr.’C’ & ‘D’ cadres – merger of cadres of SMs/ASMs, TIs and YMs. Reference para 10.1 of this Ministry’s letter of even No.dt.09.10.2003 on the above subject. 2. One of the Railways has brought to this Ministry’s notice that medical classification for SM/ASM, YM & TI being different, there will be difficulty in posting a person in the unified cadre from lower medical category to a category having higher medical category. For instance a TI cannot be posted as ASM/SM i.e. from A3 medical classification to A2 medical classification. 3. It has been clearly indicated in para 10.1 of this Ministry’s letter ibid that in the initial stage of merger, efforts will be made to post the employees in the categories in which they have been working. This will not therefore pose any difficulty on account of different medical classification. But at later stage, when they are made fully equipped to discharge all the functions hitherto being discharged by SMs/ASMs, YMs and TIs, administration will have the flexibility to post a person as per the administrative requirement. At this stage, however, while ordering posting, it will have to be ensured that the staff fulfill the medical standards prescribed for that particular post/category. In any case, since in future the recruitment and promotion pattern of SMs/ASMs will be applicable to merged cadre of SMs/ASMs, TIs & YMs, the medical classification of SMs/ASMs will be followed. The problem of medical classification will thus be taken care of automatically. SERIAL CIRCULAR NO. 148 /2004 No.P(PC)487/V/IMP/97/Vol.V Date:25-08-2004 Copy of Board’s letter No.PC/97/G/4 dated 21.7.04 is published for information, guidance and necessary action. Board’s letter dated 4.12.97, 30.6.20 and 10.5.99 quoted therein were circulated as SC Nos.222/97,184/02 and 139/99. Copy of Board’s letter No. PC/97/G/4 dated 21.7.04 No.161/04) (PC-V/420 , RBE Sub:- Grant of option to RPF Combatised staff. Ref:- Railway Board’s letter No.PC-V/97/G/4 dated 30-6-2000. The pay scales of certain categories of RPF/RPSF staff (Combatised) have been given effect from 10.10.97 vide Ministry of Railways letter referred to above. The instructions contained in Board’s letter of even number dated 10.5.99 would be applicable for the staff whose pay scales have been revised vide Board’s letter No.PC-V/97/G/4 dated 04-12-97. In other words, as the allotment of higher revised scales granted w.e.f. 10.10.97 does not involve assumption of higher duties and responsibilities, the pay of the concerned staff would be fixed under FR-22(I)(a)(2) (1313(I)(a)(2)) IREC Vol.II) and be granted a chance to exercise fresh option under FR – 23(1317 IREC-Vol.II). SERIAL CIRCULAR NO.149_/2004 No.P(R )24/V Date:16 -09—2004 Copy of Board’s letter No. 2004-B-306 dated 4.8.04 is published for information, guidance and necessary action. Copy of Board’s letter No. 2004-B-306 dated 4.8.04 Sub: Rate of interest to be charged on advance for purchase of conveyances during 2004-2005. A copy of Ministry of Finance, Department of Economic Affair’s OM F.No.5(2)PD/2004 dated 22nd July, 2004 regarding rate of interest to be charged on advances sanctioned during the year 2004-2005, for purchase of conveyances is enclosed. 2. The instructions contained therein will apply mutatis-mutandis to Railway employees. Copy of Ministry of Finance, Dept. of Economic Affair’s OM F.No.5(2)-PD/2004 dt. 22-7-04 Sub: Advances to Government servants – Rate of interest for purchase of conveyances during 2004-2005. The undersigned is directed to state that the rates of interest for advances sanctioned to the Government servants for purchase of conveyances during 2004-2005 i.e. from 1st April, 2004 to 31st March,2005 will continue to be at the same level as for 2003-2004, as under:- (i) (iii) (iii) Advance for purchase of Bicycle Advance for purchase of conveyance other than Motor car (viz. motor cycle, scooter etc.) Advance for purchase of motor car Rate of interest Per annum 5.5% SERIAL CIRCULAR NO._150/2004 8% 11.5% No.P(R )579/V Date: 24 -08—2004 Copy of Board’s letter No. E(P&A)I-2002/RT-1 information, guidance and necessary action. dated 04.08.04 is published for Copy of Board’s letter No. E(P&A)I-2002/RT-1 dated 04.08.04 (RBE No.172/04) Sub: Special Voluntary Retirement Scheme for Surplus Railway Employees. The Special Voluntary Retirement Scheme introduced by the Department of Personnel & Training vide their OM No.25013/6/2001 Estt.(A) dated 28.2.2002 for Government employees declared surplus, was under consideration of the Ministry of Railways for quite some time. The President is pleased to introduce a similar Special Voluntary Retirement Scheme (SVRS) for permanent Group ‘C’ and ‘D’ employees of the Railways who have been declared surplus (medically decategorised or otherwise) and placed in a supernumerary post and who cannot be redeployed within the Railway/Production Unit and have more than five years of residual service, subject to the following stipulations: d) e) f) 8. Employees would be eligible to give notice for Special Voluntary Retirement Scheme after a period of one year from the date he/she is declared surplus and placed in a supernumerary post. Railway/Production Unit would be reckoned as the unit for the purpose of providing alternative employment. CPO of the Railway/Production Unit would certify non-availability of avenue of alternative employment, which would constitute a precondition for acceptance of the Special Voluntary Retirement application of the employee. The features of the special Voluntary Retirement Scheme are as under:- (vii) Only those employees, having more than 5 year of residual service in the above mentioned categories may opt for the scheme. (viii) An optee of Special VRS will be entitled to receive an ex-gratia amount equal to basic pay plus dearness allowance for the number of days worked out on the basis of length of service @ 35 days for each completed year and 25 days for each remaining year. For any part of a year, the number of days, for ex-gratia amount, will be worked out on the basis of 365 days in a year. The ex-gratia amount will be further subject to the following conditions:g) h) i) j) k) l) (ix) Total number of years to be counted for payment of ex-gratia will not exceed 33 years; No weightage of additional service will be given for the purpose of calculation of ex-gratia; The ex-gratia will be subject to a minimum of Rs.25,000/- or 250 days emoluments, whichever is higher. The ex-gratia amount should not exceed the sum of the basic pay plus DA that the employee would draw at the prevailing level for the balance of the period of service left before superannuation; The ex-gratia amount will be paid in lump-sum; The ex-gratia amount upto Rs.5.00 lakhs will be exempted from Income Tax. A weightage of five years to the qualifying service shall be given under Railway Services (Pension) Rules,1993 to such permanent surplus Railway employees and medically decategorised employees who have rendered a minimum of 15 years of qualifying service on the date they are declared surplus/medically decategorised. However, as provided in Rule 68 of Railway Services (Pension) Rules,1993 the qualifying length of service after taking into account the aforesaid weightage should not be more than the service he/she would have rendered had he/she retired on the date of his/her superannuation; (x) Encashment of unutilised leave on Average Pay accumulated on the date of relief as per the Railway Services (Liberalised leave) Rules,1949. (xi) Payment of savings element with interest in the Railway Employees Group Insurance Scheme as per rules; (xii) TA/DA as on retirement for self and family for settling anywhere India as per Travelling Allowance Rules. 9. Payment of ex-gratia to the Railway employees declared surplus/medically decategorised and opting for the Special VRS will be over and above the normal retirement entitlement under Railway Services (Pension) Rules,1993. 10. The order of voluntary retirement in each case should clearly stipulate that the surplus/supernumerary post held by the retiring incumbent will stand abolished from the date of his/her voluntary retirement. 11. The permanent Group ‘C’ and ‘D’ Railway employees can exercise the option for SVRS, within three months, after a period of one year from the date he/she has been declared surplus (medically decategorised or otherwise) and placed in a supernumerary post. Employees who have already been declared surplus (medically decategorised or otherwise) prior to issue of these instructions can also exercise the option for SVRS within a period of three months from the date of issue of this letter, provided they have been working against supernumerary post for more than one year. 12. This issues with the concurrence of the Finance Directorate of the Ministry of Railways. 13. All the Railways/Production Units are requested to give wide publicity to this scheme through Railway gazettes, Notice Boards etc. SERIAL CIRCULAR NO.151_/2004 No.P(R )473/VI Date: 15-09—2004 Copy of Board’s letter No. E(W)2003 PS 5-1/4 dated 30.07.2004 is published for information, guidance and necessary action. In this connection instructions issued under this office letter No. P[R]473/IV dated 29-11-2001 may also be referred to. Copy of Board’s letter No. E(W)2003 PS 5-1/4 dated 30.07.2004 (RBE No./04) Sub: Grant of 1st class pass to Ex.Serviceman employed on Railways. Certain Ex.Servicemen employed on Central Railway had approached the Hon’ble Tribunal, Mumbai pleading grant of 1st class pass in their favour, taking into account their pay it was fixed on their re-employment on the Railways plus pension which they were getting for the Army service. In terms of provisions in the Railways Servants (Pass) Rules,1986 (Second Edition,1993) grant of 1st class pass to Group ‘C’ employees is considered on the basis of their date of entry into railway service and their pay on the Railways. Pension drawn by ex. Servicemen are not added with basic pay for the purpose of grant of 1st class pass to them. The stand of Railways has been upheld by the Hon’ble Tribunal vide their judgement dt.18th June,2004. A copy of the same is sent herewith for guidance. CENTRAL ADMINISTRATIVE TRIBUNAL, BOMBAY BENCH, MUMBAI Original Application No.234/2003 Dated this Friday, the 18th day of June 2004. CORAM: Hon’ble SHRI S.G.DESHMUKH, MEMBER (J) 10. Shri R.P.Sinha, Jr.Engineer.II, Break Equipment Section, Sr.DEE(TRS) EMU Car Shed, Kurla. 11. Shri T.K.Tripathi, A.A.Audit Section AOT (R&C), T.A.Building, (Platform No.7) Mumbai CST. 12. Shri P.Radhakrishnan, AA, Sr.DAO’s Office, 4th Floor, Annex Building, Mumbai CST. 13. Shri R.K.Sahu, Jr.Engineer.II, Panto Inspector Section, EMU Car Shed, Kurla 14. Shri S.P.Singh, Jr.Engineer II, Control Equipment Section, EMU Car Shed,Kurla 15. Shri Shankarlal Pal, AA, PTD Section, AOT[C], TA Building(Platform No.7) Mumbai CST. 16. Shri P.K.Nath, ASM,JITA, Sr.DOM, Mumbai 17. Shri D.V.Ramteke, AA, FA&CAO(C ) Mumbai 18. Shri Ramkumar Sinha, ASM, Ambivali Station, DRM, Mumbai Division. 10. Shri M.Pradeep, AA, AOT (C ), TA Building(Platform No.7) Mumbai CST. Shri P.D.Bais AA, Sr.DAO’s Office, 4th Floor, Annex Building, Mumbai CST. 12. Shri Rajeshwar Rai, AA,Co-ordination Section, AOT(G), TA Building(Platform No.7) Mumbai CST. 11. Shri D.S.Patel, AA, Sr.DAO’s Office, 4th Floor, Annex Building, Mumbai CST. 17. Shri Jaswant Singh, ASM Apta Station, Sr.DOM, Mumbai Division 18. Shri Atul Seth, SM Dapoli Station, Sr.DOM Mumbai Station. 19. Shri Naresh Thakur, ASM, Nilje Station, Sr.DOM, Mumbai Division …. Applicants (Applicants by Shri Nikesh Sinha, Advocate) 13. 4. Vs Union of India through General Manager, Central Railway, Mumbai CST 5. 6. Financial Advisor & Chief Accounts Officer, Central Railway, Mumbai CST Divisional Rly.Manager, Mumbai Division, Central Rly,Mumbai CST Respondents (Respondents by Shri S.C.Dhawan, Advocate) ORDER (Per. S.G.Deshmukh, Member (J): The present OA is filed for quashing the orders dated 21.12.2001 and 3.12.2002 and directing the respondents to grant First Class Privilege Passes and PTOs to the applicants No.1 to 15, quashing the order of amendment i.e. Advanced Correction Slip No.49 to Rule 1712 (I) Volume II of Indian Railway Establishment Code and directing the respondents to consider the payment of City Compensatory Allowance and House Rent Allowance on basic pay plus basic pension to the applicants No.1 to 16 with retrospective effect. 3. The applicants are Defence Pensioners, who have been re-employed in various capacities in the Central Railway. They are in receipt of Defence Pension. Their pay on re-employment was fixed in the minimum of the pay scale in accordance with Rule 117 (v)(a) of Chapter I Section G of the Indian Railway Establishment Manual 1989. The applicants No.1 to 15 are Pensioners of Central Government. They are entitled to First Class Privilege Passes and PTOs on the basis of pay in the post in which re-employed plus Gross Pension and/or pension equivalent or other forms of Retirement Benefits. At present they are being issued passes and PTOs only on the basis of their basic pay in the re-employed. Post. It is contended that the applicant No.1,3,4,5,6,7 & 8 were already availing/enjoying the facility of First Class Privilege Passes/PTOs since long. But from December, 2002, this facility was illegally and arbitrarily stopped by Railway Board by letter dated 21.12.2001. They are entitled for the First Class Privilege Passes/PTOs under the aforesaid statutory provisions. They sent a legal notice to the General Manager, Central Railway, Mumbai to extend the benefit. 3. It is further contended that the grant of Compensatory City Allowance and House Rent Allowance in respect of the re-employed Pensioners shall be regulated according to the Rule 1712 (i) of Indian Railway Establish Code of 1990 Edition. The applicants were already drawing the HRA, basic pay plus gross pension since long back. But the Railway Board with ulterior motive amended the provision of Rule 1712 of Indian Railway Establishment Code 1990 arbitrarily and without giving an opportunity to the applicant. The applicants sent the legal notice to the General Manager, Central Railway. No response is so far forthcoming. Hence this O.A. 4. The respondents appealed and filed their counter Affidavit. The respondents contended that the applicants are not entitled to Privilege Passes and PTOs. The applicants are Defence Pensions re-employed in various capacity in the Central Railways. Applicants’ pay were fixed on re-employment in minimum of the scale in accordance with the rules. The applicants’ date of entry in the Railway Service and the pay fixed at the time of their entry are produced at Exh.R.I. They are not entitled to First Class Privilege Passes and PTOs on the basis of their pay in the post in which they are reemployed plus gross pension and/or other retirement benefits. The applicants are entitled to Privilege Passes and PTOs in accordance with the Railway Servant’s pass Rules 1986, Schedule II of the 2nd Edition which provides that reemployment of non-railway government employees or quasi government employees in Railway organisation Passes or PTOs will be admissible on the scale as admissible on the Railway Servants under these rules. The Railway servants are entitled to passes and PTOs on the basis of their scale of pay which they are drawing. 6. It is further contended that in the case of employees who were appointed on Railway service on or after 10.11.1987 and were drawing pay of Rs.2301 or above in a scale the minimum of which was Rs.2000/- First Class Passes are admissible as set out in the schedule. In respect of employees and other than these, Second Class passes are admissible. The applicants are employees in Group C category. As per RSRP revised scale under the Vth Pay Commission equivalent of Rs.2301/- is Rs.7250/- and the scale of Rs.2000-3200 (RSP) the equivalent is Rs.6500-10,500/- RSRP. The applicants were neither appointed in the grade of Rs.2000-3200 RSP (Rs.6500-10500) nor the applicants are drawing the basic pay of Rs.7250/-. The applicants have entered the Railway Service after 1987. The applicants were wrongly given First Class Railway Passes and PTOs. which were not in accordance with the rules. The respondents contended that on the same mistake being discovered was corrected their mistake by stopping the grant of First Class Privilege Passes to those applicants. The mistake was discovered after the receipt of Railway Board’s letter dated 21-12-2001. The respondents denied that the applicants 1 to 15 are entitled to First Class Privilege Passes and PTOs as alleged. The applicants have all entered after 1987 and are government by Railway Servants Pass Rules 1986 which is a statutory provision. Applicants cannot claim any benefit contrary thereto. 7 It is further contended that the applicants are governed by Indian Railway Establishment Code (1990) as amended. Rule 172 of Indian Railway Establishment Code (IREC) Vol..II 1987 was amended by the President in exercise of the provisions provided in Article 309 of the Constitution. 13. It is contended that the President has in suppression of previous orders on the subject, promulgated the Central Civil Service (Fixation of pay of re-employed pensioners) Order, 1986 under article 309 of the Constitution. The 1986 order replaced all previous orders. The Railway Board by its letter dated 21-01-1987 addressed to the General Managers of all Zonal Railways informed them that the Department of Personnel and Training has now consolidated the existing order into single body of orders with a view to rationalise and simplify the procedure governing the initial fixation of pay on reemployment. The applicants are governed by Clause 11 of the said order. It is also contended that the Indian Railway Establishment Code is a statute and enacted under proviso to Article 309 of the Constitution of India and the authorities have the right and power to amend the same. No prior notice or information is required to be given before the amendment can be effected. Amendment being statutory in nature is binding in nature. The applicants’ allowance of HRA and CCA are now determined on the basis of the amendment provision of 1712 (i) of the Indian Railway Establishment Code 1987. The applicants who joined the Railway Service in 1998-99 are not entitled to claim any benefit on the basis of the provisions with regard to the Railway passes prior to the coming into force of Railway Servants pass Rule 1986. The saving clause in the said rule therefore, cannot help the applicants in any manner and is of no avail for contending that the applicants are entitled to passes on the basis of the provisions as were applicable to the employees prior to the coming into force of Railway Servants Pass Rule 1986. The applicants were wrongly granted the benefit to which they are entitled. That does not preclude the administration from correcting their mistake. The respondents denied that they have not complied with the provisions of Section 23 of General Clause Acts. The respondents relied on the judgement in the case of General Manager, Western Railway vs. Y.P. Sharma in Civil Appeal No.995/95 dated 18-12-1998. 14. The applicant filed the rejoinder and reiterated the contentions in the O.A. 15. The respondents filed the reply to the rejoinder. 16. Heard the learned counsel Shri Nikesh Sinha for the applicant and Shri S.C.Dhawan for the respondents. 17. The learned counsel Shri S.C. Dhawan relied on the Judgement in the case of General Manager, Western Railway vs. Y.P.Sharma in Civil Appeal No.995/95 (supra) dated 18-12-1998 of the Apex Court wherein the court held as under : “ Central Civil Services (Fixation of Pay of Re-employed Pensioners) Order, 1986, Clause 11 – Indian Railway Establishment Code, Rule 1712 (i), Re-employment of pensioners – Their pension cannot be added to the pay for purpose of calculation of allowance. It is not right to hold that Rule 1712 (i) of Indian Railway Establishment Code will prevail over clause 11 of the Order of 1986. Indian Pass Manual, 1977, Rule 65(1) (b), Railway Servants (Pass) Rules, 1986 Rule 16 – Adding of pension to pay to claim privilege of passes and Railway tickets – employees in Group C who draw pay of Rs.2301 or above or those employees who are in the scale minimum of which is Rs.2000/- are entitled to first class passes – pensioners reappointed are not entitled to add pension to their pay for purpose of determining the category of passes – Railway Servants (Pass) Rules, 1986 will prevail over Pass Manual.” 18. The applicants have entered the Railway Service sometime between 1995 to 1999. They are claiming Privilege Passes and PTOs under Rule 65 (1) (b) of the Passes Manual 1977. The President made the Railway Servants (Pass) Rules, 1986 under article 309 of the Constitution. The issue of Passes and Privilege ticket orders to the Railway Servants is now governed by the Railway Servants (Pass) Rule 1986. Rule 16 of the Railway Servants (Pass) Rules 1986 reads as under : “ 16. Status of Pass Manuals etc. – The provisions contained in Pass Manuals issued by the respective Railway or any other provisions on Passes contained in any other Manual/Rules etc. shall be valid provided it is not in contravention with the provisions laid down in these Rules. 13. It is apparent that whenever there is conflict between Railway Servants (Pass) Rules 1986 and Pass Manual 1977, the Railway Servants’ (Pass) Rules 1986 will prevail over Pass Manual 1977. Rule 65 (1) (b) of the Pass Manual 1977, reads as under : “65(1) (b) : Non-Railway Government Servants and Employees of Quasi Govt. Bodies during re-employment the person will be entitled to Privilege Passes and P.T.O.s on the scale as admissible to temporary Railway employees under the extant rules as amended from time to time. The class of such Passes and P.T.O.s in the case of staff re-employed in non-gazetted posts will be determined on the basis of the pay in the post in which he is re-employed plus gross pension and/or pension equivalent or other forms of retirement benefits “. Schedule II of the Railway Servants (Pass) Rules 1986 deals with passes on privilege account, framed under Rule 6. In the case of employees who were appointed in Railway Service on or after 10-11-1987 and were drawing pay of Rs.2301/- or above or if they are in the scale the minimum of which is Rs.2,000/- , First Class Passes are permissible as set out in the Schedule. In respect of employees other than these, Second Class passes are admissible as set out in the Schedule. The applicants are employees in Group C category. As per RSRP revised scale under Vth Pay Commission, the equivalent pay of Rs.2301/- is Rs.7250/- and in the scale, minimum of which is Rs.2000/- in the grade of Rs.2000-3200 (RSRP) equivalent of which is Rs.6500-10500 (RSRP). The applicants were neither appointed in the grade of Rs.2000-3200 (RSP) (Rs.6500-10500 RSRP) nor the applicants are drawing a basic pay of Rs.7250/-. Therefore, it is only those employees in Group C drawing pay of Rs.7250/- or equivalent or above or those employees who are in the scale minimum of which is Rs.7250/- (Rs.2000) will get First Class Passes. There is no provision under the Railway Servants (Pass) Rules 1986, to add pension to the pay for the purpose of determining the category of passes to which the re-employed persons are entitled. Under Rule 2(J) of Railway Servant’s Pass Rules 1986 pay is defined to mean the amount drawn monthly by Railway Servants as (i) Basic Pay, (ii) in the case of running staff basic pay + 30% thereof or any other percentage of basic pay declared as pay from time to time and (iii) any other pay which may be specifically classified as pay by the President. Therefore, there is no provision for adding pension to pay for the purpose of privilege passes. 17 It is true that some of the applicants were given First Class Passes and P.T.O. The applicants have entered the Railway Service from 1995 to 1999. They are governed by the Railway Servants (Pass) Rules 1986. Some of the applicants were wrongly given First Class Passes and PTOs, when mistake was discovered, the respondents corrected the mistake by stopping the grant of First Class Privilege Passes to those applicants. 18 Under Rule 1712 (i) of the IREC Vol..II all the allowances given to re-employed pensioners have to be calculated on the basis of pay + pension. Rule 1712 (I) of IREC Vol.II runs as under : “ In the case of re-employed pensioner, where pay plus pension exceeds the sanctioned maximum pay of the post, the allowance would be calculated on that maximum; in other cases, the allowances would be calculated on pay plus pension.” Rule 1712 of IRCE Vol.II was amended by the President in exercise of the provisions provided in Article 309 of the Constitution and the previous order has been replaced by this amendment. Clause 11 of the said Order which deals with allowances is as follows: “ Allowances: The drawal of various allowances and other benefits based on pay shall be regulated with reference to the pay that is fixed on re-employment. Pay for these allowances and benefits will be the pay fixed before deducting the nonignorable part of the pension and the pension equivalent of the other retirement benefits.” As per Clause 11 the allowances have to be granted with reference to the pay that is fixed on re-employment. The pay for allowances and benefit will be the pay before deduction of non-ignorable part of the pension and the pension equivalent of the other retirement benefits. Rule 1712 (i) of IREC would not prevail over Clause 11 of CCS (Fixation of Pay of re-employed Pensioners) order 1986. But Clause 11 of the order would prevail over Rule 1712 (i) of IREC. In the case of ex-servicemen, since the initial pay is fixed by ignoring the pension which they receive as ex-servicemen what will have to be taken into account for fixing of allowance is the pay which they will get on reemployment. Pension cannot be added to this pay for the purpose of calculation of allowances. 19 The present case is squarely not covered by the judgement of the Apex Court in YP.Sharma’s case (Supra), In Y.P. Sharma’s case (supra), the respondents were reemployed by Western Railways sometime in the year 1990. They have filed an application before the CAT Bombay Bench claiming that they should be given City Compensatory Allowance and HRA on the basis of their pay plus pension. The Apex Court held that their pension cannot be added to the pay for the purpose of calculation of allowance. Apex Court also held that employees in Group C who draw the pay of Rs.2301/- or above or those employees who are in the scale minimum of which is Rs.2000/- are entitled to First Class Passes. Pensioners re-appointed are not entitled to add pension to their pay for purpose of determining the category of passes. 17 In the light of the ruling of the Apex Court in Y.P.Sharma’s case (supra), I hold that the applicants in the present O.A. are not entitled for the relief claimed. The O.A.deserves to be dismissed as no interference by the Tribunal is called for. Accordingly, the O.A. is dismissed. No order as to costs. SERIAL CIRCULAR NO.152_/2004 No.P(R )535/V Date: 30 -09—2004 Copy of Board’s letter No. E(GP)99/2/22 dated 22.7.04 is published for information, guidance and necessary action. Copy of Board’s letter No. E(GP)99/2/22 dated 22.7.04 (RBE No.146/04) Sub: Promotion from Group ‘C’ to Group ‘B” – Conditions of eligibility. Ref: Railway Board’s letters No.E(GP)86/2/97 dated 14.4.87, E(GP)88/2/111 dt.15.3.89 and No.E(GP)99/2/22 dated 18.5.99. In terms of instructions contained in Railway Board’s letter No.E(GP)86/2/97 dated 14.4.87 as amended vide letter No.E(GP)88/2/111 dated 15.3.89, Group ‘C’ employees with 3/5 years of nonfortuitous service in grade the minimum of which is Rs.1400/- and in higher grade (IV CPC) are eligible for being considered for appearing in the selection/LDCE for promotion to Group ‘B’. 3.0 The matter in regard to the eligibility conditions for appearing in the selection/LDCE for promotion to Group ‘B’ posts consequent upon implementation of the pay scales recommended by the Vth Pay Commission has been considered by the Board and it has been decided that: (d) Employees working in grade the minimum of which is Rs.5000/- and in higher Group ‘C grades will be eligible to appear for Group ‘B’ selections provided they have rendered not less than three years of non-fortuitous service in the grade. (e) For LDCE, employees holding posts in grade the minimum of which is Rs.5000/- or in higher Group ‘C’ grades, with five years of non-fortuitous service in the grade will be eligible. In reckoning the period of service, the length of non-fortuitous service rendered in the corresponding pre-revised scale(s) should be taken into account. (f) The relative seniority of Group ‘C’ employees in grades Rs.6500-10500 and 7450-11500 coming from different streams for the purpose of selection to Group ‘B’ should be determined on the basis of the total length of non-fortuitous service rendered in any or both these grades. The actual length of service in the corresponding pre-revised scales should be added to arrive at the total service for the purpose. 3.0 Selections to Group ‘B’ which are already in progress may be proceeded with and finalised as per the existing principles. All fresh selections including those which have been initiated but where the written examination has not been held, should be held in accordance with the instructions contained herein. The LDCE, wherever the same is in force, is a part of the process of filling vacancies in Group ‘B’. Therefore, whatever is followed in the case of selection, may also be followed in the case of corresponding LDCE. SERIAL CIRCULAR NO. 153/2004 No.P(PC)487/VPC/6/CRC/Vol.IV Date: 01-09-2004 Copy of Board’s letter No.PC-III/2004/CRC/13 dated 24-08-04 is published for information, guidance and necessary action. Copy of Board’s letter No. PC-III/2004/CRC/13 dated 24-08-04 (PC-V /Nil, RBE No.187 /04) Sub: Restructuring of certain Group ‘C’ & ‘D’ cadres. Reference item [ii] and [iii] of Board’s letter No. PC-III/2004/CRC/13 dated 1706-04. Some of the Railways and Staff Side had expressed difficulty in implementing the instructions contained in item [ii] and [iii] of Board’s letter ibid because the exercise of restructuring is at various stages of completion on most of Railways/Pus. In view of the above, the matter has been reviewed by the Ministry of Railways [Railway Board] and it has been decided that existing instructions contained in item [ii] and [iii] of Board’s letter dated 17-6-04 may be revised as follows: Item No. [ii] Existing Instruction Revised instruction The required matching surrender based on the existing number of posts should be worked out and the surrender effected in such a manner that the final cadre position results in the specified percentage distribution between grades. [iii] Only those temporary posts which are in operation for at least three years may be taken into account for the purpose of applying revised percentages. Percentage distribution as per the orders of cadre restructuring is to be based upon the sanctioned cadre strength as on 1-11-2003. Surrenders are to be effected on this sanctioned strength and the resulting imbalance / variation in the cadres is to be reviewed at the time of next annual cadre review due on 1-42005. Temporary posts may be taken into account for the purpose of cadre restructuring subject to certification that these posts are meant for regular activities which will continue and not for any sporadic requirements. This issues with the approval of the Finance Directorate of the Ministry of Railways. SERIAL CIRCULAR NO. 154 /2004 No.P(R )563/VI Date: 27 -09--2004 Copy of Board's letter No. E(RRB)2004/33/2 dated 10.8.04 is published for information, guidance and necessary action. Board's letter dated 27.11.01 quoted therein was circulated as SC No.270/01. Copy of Board's letter No. E(RRB)2004/33/2 Dated 10.8.04 (RBE No.178/04)[ RRCB No. 9/2004] Sub: Recruitment in Group ‘D’ posts. Ref: Board’s letter No.99/E(RRB)/25/11 dated 27.11.2001. Guidelines for recruitment to Gr.D categories of posts through RRBs have been revised and are enclosed. 2. Chairman, RRBs are requested to initiate action on the vacancies not covered under Centralised Employment Notice No.1/2003 issued in June,2003 as well as on the freshly indented vacancies from the Railways/PUs immediately. Guidelines for recruitment to Gr.D categories of posts through RRBs [August 2004] 34. Unit of recruitment will be a Division/Workshop/Production Unit. Requirement of all departments within the unit as well as for all categories, will be clubbed together for the purpose of Group ‘D’ recruitment. 35. Each RRB shall make recruitment for the Division/Workshop/Production Unit allocated to it. As far as possible, the indents of the Division/Workshop/Production Unit under its jurisdiction shall be clubbed. 36. While nominated Railway Recruitment Board (RRB), on behalf of all RRBs, shall publish indicative notification for all the Group D posts for the Indian Railways in the Employment News/Rozgar Samachar, detailed vacancy notifications shall be published by the Railway Recruitment Boards in the prominent local dailies of the region under their jurisdiction. Indicative as well as detailed vacancy notifications shall be published simultaneously. 37. Detailed vacancy notification will be sent to the nearby Employment Exchanges and recognized associations of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes. The notice should also be sent to Special Employment Exchanges and the Vocational Rehabilitation Centres, in case the posts are reserved for ex-servicemen. Copies of the notice should also be exhibited on Notice Boards outside railway offices etc. situated in the area of recruitment. 38. Closing date for receipt of applications by all Railway Recruitment Boards shall be on the same day. 39. All Railway Recruitment Boards shall conduct the examination simultaneously. Date of examination shall be decided by the nominated RRB in consultation with other RRBs. 40. Since RRBs shall conduct the written examination simultaneously, the indicative as well as detailed vacancy notifications shall clearly state that the candidate shall apply to one RRB of his choice against the posts advertised by that RRB only. 41. Temporary infrastructure may be created in the RRB for Group ‘D’ recruitment, by deputing officers and staff from the Zonal Railway for which recruitment is to be done. This may comprise of one SG/JAG officer, one assistant officer, along with sufficient number of Group C/D staff. 42. Recruitment shall normally be done at intervals of approx. two years. 43. Vacancies shall be counted as on 30th June or 31st December of each year and the anticipated vacancies to be added will be for the period of next two years, duly taking into account the reservation rules. 44. Educational qualification for recruitment to all Group D categories in the Railways shall be Class VIII passed as stipulated in Railway Board’s letter No.E(NG)II-98/RR1/07 dated 4.12.98. 45. The age for recruitment should be as per extant instructions, with relaxations for specified categories as admissible under specific order issued by the Railway Board from time to time. 46. Detailed vacancy notification should be advertised in local dailies giving details regarding: ï‚· ï‚· ï‚· ï‚· ï‚· ï‚· ï‚· ï‚· ï‚· ï‚· ï‚· Recruitment Unit Posts for which recruitment is to be conducted, along with reservation details. Age Limits, including relaxation provisions. Pay scales and minimum emoluments at the beginning of employment. Candidates may also indicate in their application, division/unit of posting and the category of post, in order of preference according to their choice Examination Fees Mode of application Closing date for submission of application Choice of language for question paper (Hindi, English or regional (official) language(s) as specified in the 8th Schedule of the Constitution of India, prevalent in the concerned Division/workshop/Production Unit for which recruitment is done. Question paper shall, however, be set in Hindi, English and the regional language. Physical Efficiency Test standards Medical test standards ï‚· ï‚· Railways’ right to hold additional/supplementary examinations or reexamination for all or some of the candidates. Any other relevant information. 47. Candidates shall apply on plain paper, as per format indicated in employment notice. Fees may be charged (including postal charges) @ Rs.40/- per candidate. However, no fee is to be charged from SC/ST candidates. 48. RRB shall have the right to reject any application. However, the reasons for rejection would have to be recorded on the application. 49. There shall not be any discrimination on ground of gender. 50. Name, father’s name, address, and community of each candidate should be entered in a computer database along with any other information considered relevant. Either the Railway’s own computers may be used for this purpose or an outside computer agency can be engaged, if required. 51. Roll Numbers may be generated on the computer and call letters should also be generated through the computers. Call letters should be posted under certificate of posting, at least one month before the date of examination. 52. Instructions to Candidates containing detailed guidelines on how to fill the answers, roll number etc. and a sample OMR (Optical Mark Reader) answer sheet printed on plain paper should be enclosed with the call letter. 53. Candidates shall be selected for recruitment through a written test. Question paper for the written examination shall be based on Class VIII standard. However, no question shall be asked for checking proficiency in language. Question paper should be entirely of the objective type. 54. Answer scripts shall be readable on OMR and evaluation of answer scripts shall be on computers. 55. Minimum pass marks will be 40% for General candidates, 30% for SC & OBC and 25% for ST candidates. In order to eliminate the advantage of guesswork, one mark may be deducted for three wrong answers (assuming choice of answers in objective type question papers is four in each question). 56. Results of the written examination should be tabulated in order of candidates, keeping in view the requirement of community reservations. 57. Applications of all candidates likely to be called for Physical Efficiency Test (PET) should be scrutinized carefully in order to check their eligibility. Names of ineligible candidates should be struck-off before publication of list of candidates, qualifying for PET, in Rozgar Samachar/Employment News and local dailies . Simultaneously, written intimation should also be sent to these candidates as per extant rules. merit of 58. Candidates shall be called for PET to assess their physical Fitness for the post, in order of merit and on the basis of the number of vacancies to be filled. It will only be qualifying test. Merit lists for the purpose of empanelment, shall be prepared after receipt of complete result of PET from the Railway. 59. PET standards shall be prescribed, having regard to the nature of duties for the posts advertised for recruitment. 60. PET shall be supervised by a Committee of three railway officers nominated by General Manager; one of them should be a medical officer. One of these officers will be nominated as the Convener. List of candidates qualifying in the PET will be displayed on the notice board after finalization of the result of the day. Officers conducting the PET shall advise the result of the test to the concerned RRB immediately after completing the tests. Convener of the Committee shall be final authority for deciding, then and there, any dispute/representation preferred during the course of PET. 61. Medical examination of the candidates who have passed the written examination and PET shall be done by RRB before their empanelment. 62. Existing provision of verification of the original educational/caste certificate(s) and other relevant documents of the candidates, mentioned in Para 6 of Board’s letter No.99/E(RRB)25/2 dated 18.3.99, will be applicable. 63. Each RRB shall prepare a select list, in order of merit, for all candidates who qualify for empanelment after their being declared suitable in PET and medical examination. Concerned RRB shall prepare panel(s) for individual posts after taking into account the merit position and preferences of individual candidates, as necessary. 64. Currency of the panel shall be for a period of two years from the date of publication. General Manager may exercise his authority to extend the list of panel by one year in case the panel is not exhausted within two years. 65. Railway may appoint candidates from the same select list within two years for replacement of candidates who fail to join/leave the job within two years. Additional unforeseen vacancies, if any, may also be filled up with the personal approval of General Manager, by picking up additional candidates, in order of merit, from the available select list, within two years. 66. Any other specific instructions, issued by Railway Board, not covered in these guidelines will continue to apply. SERIAL CIRCULAR NO. 155 /2004 No.P( R)563/V Date: 16-09-2004 Copy of Board's letter No. E(RRB)2002/25/40 Dated 18.8.04 is published for information, guidance and necessary action. Board's letter dated 8.5.03 quoted therein was circulated as SC No.98/03. Copy of Board's letter No. E(RRB)2002/25/40 Dated 18.8.04 (RRCB No.12/04) Sub: Revised jurisdiction of Railway Recruitment Boards. Ref: Board’s letter of even number dated 28.3.2003 (RRCB No.8/2003) and Board’s letter No.99/E(RRB)25/11 dated 8.5.2003 (RRCB 9/2003) In partial modification of their letters quoted above, Board have decided that revised jurisdiction of Railway Recruitment Boards for Group ‘C’ and ‘D’ recruitment will be as under: S.No. 1. RRB Ahmedabad Railway Zone Western 2. Ajmer North Western 3. Allahabad West Central North Central Bangalore Northern DLW South Western Bhopal RWF West Central 4. 5. Western South East Central 6. Bhubaneswar East Coast 7. Kolkata Eastern South Eastern CLW 8. Chandigarh Metro Railway Northern 9. Chennai DCW Southern 10. Gorakhpur ICF North Eastern Divisions/Pus Vadodara, Rajkot, Bhavnagar and Ahmedabad divisions. HQ Office of North Western Railway and Jaipur, Ajmer, Jodhpur, Bikaner divisions. Kota division HQ Office of North Central Railway and Allahabad, Jhansi, Agra divisions. Lucknow and Moradabad divisions DLW HQ Office of South Western Railway and Hubli Bangalore, Mysore divisions. Rail Wheel Factory HQ Office of West Central Railway and Bhopal, Jabalpur divisions. Ratlam division HQ Office of South East Central Railway and Bilaspur, Raipur divisions HQ Office of East Coast Railway and Khurda Road, Sambhalpur divisions HQ Office of Eastern Railway and Howrah, Asansol, Sealdah divisions HQ Office of S.E.Railway and Kharagpur, Adra divisions CLW Metro Railway HQ Office of Northern Railway and Delhi, Ambala divisions DCW HQ Office of Southern Railway and Chennai, Madurai, Thrichchirapali divisions ICF HQ Office of North Eastern Railway and Lucknow, Izatnagar, Varanasi divisions 11. Guwahati 12. Jammu-Srinagar 13. Malda 14. Mumbai RDSO Northeast Frontier Northern RCF Eastern Northeast Frontier Western Central RDSO HQ Office of Northeast Frontier Railway and Lumding, Tinsukia, Rangiya divisions Ferozepur division RCF Malda division Alipurduar division HQ Office of Western Railway and Mumbai (Central) division HQ Office of Central Railway and Mumbai (CST), Bhusaval, Nagpur, Sholapur, Pune divisions South Central Nanded division 15. Muzaffarpur South East Central East Central Nagpur division Samastipur and Sonepur divisions 16. Patna Northeast Frontier East Central 17. Ranchi South Eastern Katihar division HQ Office of East Central Railway and Mughalsarai, Danapur divisions Ranchi and Chakradharpur divisions 18. Secunderabad East Central South Central 19. Thruvananthapuram East Coast Southern Dhanbad division HQ Office of South Central Railway and Hyderabad, Secunderabad, Guntakal, Vijayawada, Guntur divisions Waltair division Palghat & Thruvananthapuram divisions SERIAL CIRCULAR NO. 156 /2004 No.P(R )535/IV Date:27-09--2004 Copy of Board's letter No. E(NG)I-2004/PM9/2 dated 9.8.04 is published for information, guidance and necessary action. Board's letter dated 22.3.94 quoted therein was circulated as SC No.32/94. Copy of Board's letter No. E(NG)I-2004/PM9/2 Dated 9.8.04 (RBE No.176/04) Sub: Promotion of Asstt.Divisional Cashier/Inspector of Cashier in the pay scale of Rs.5500-9000 to the supervisory post of Divisional Cashier in the pay scale of Rs.6500-10500 – Procedure for. As the Railways are aware in terms of this Ministry's letter No.PC-III/93/CRC/2 dated 22.3.94 staff working in the non-supervisory post of Sr.Cashier Gr.I in the pay scale of Rs.5500-9000 are considered for promotion to the supervisory post of Asstt. Divisional Cashier (ADC)/Inspector of Cashier (IOC) in the same scale of pay on the basis of selection. Thus the post of ADC/IOC is the ladder of promotion for Sr.Cashier Gr.I and hence Sr.Cashier Gr.I have to necessarily pass through the post of ADC/IOC before they become eligible for consideration for promotion to the next higher post of Divisional Cashier in grade Rs.6500-10500. It has, however, been brought to the notice of this Ministry that since the category of ADC/IOC constitutes a bottleneck between the category of Sr.Cashier Gr.I and Divisional Cashier difficulty arises in filling up the post of Divisional Cashier for want of ADC/IOC with two years service. The matter has been considered by this Ministry and it has been decided that if ADC/IOC in the pay scale of Rs.5500-9000 with two years service are not available such of them as have completed a minimum of four years service combined as Sr.Cashier Gr.I and ADC/IOC may be considered for promotion as Divisional Cashier in Grade Rs.650010500. SERIAL CIRCULAR NO. No.P(R )673/IV 157 /2004 Date:24-09--2004 Copy of Board's letter No. E(MPP)2003/3/16 dated 5.8.04 is published for information, guidance and necessary action. Board's letter dated 10.8.2000 and 3.6.04 quoted therein were circulated as SC No. 189/2000 and 97/04, respectively. Copy of Board's letter No. E(MPP)2003/3/16 Dated 5.8.04 (RBE No.171/04) Sub: Pass marks for trainees undergoing initial, Promotional, Refresher or Specialized courses in training centres. In continuation of Board's letter of even number dated 3.6.04 (RBE No.113./2004), the instructions issued in Board's letter No.E(MPP)2000/3/10 dated 10.8.2000 issued under RBE No.96/2000 will continue to remain in force. SERIAL CIRCULAR NO. 158 /2004 No.P(R )563/VI Date:24 -09--2004 Copy of Board's letter No. E(Sports)2004/Policy/3 Dated 12.8.04 is published for information, guidance and necessary action. Board's letter dated 19.6.2000 quoted therein was circulated as SC No.152/2k. Copy of Board's letter No. E(Sports)2004/Policy/3 Dated 12.8.04 (RBE No.179/04) Sub: Recruitment of sportspersons against sports quota – relaxation of educational qualification. Attention is invited to Paras 6.1.1 and 9.6 (Note-2) of Board's letter No.E(Sports)2000/Policy/2 dated 19.6.2000 stipulating that the cases of sportspersons for recruitment and for granting out of turn promotion from Group D to Group C if otherwise eligible for appointment and out of turn promotion but not possessing the minimum educational qualification, should be recommended for relaxation in educational qualification to the Board by the Railways for consideration. After considering the matter the Ministry of Railways (Railway Board) have further decided that the cases of granting relaxation in educational qualification to outstanding sportspersons, for granting out of turn promotion within Group C, if otherwise eligible for the same, may also be referred to Board for consideration. SERIAL CIRCULAR NO. 159 /2004 No.P(R )554/IV Date: 24 -09--2004 Copy of Board's letter No. E(G)2004 RN 3-3 dated 11.8.04 is published for information, guidance and necessary action. Board's letter dated 2.9.02 quoted therein was circulated as SC No.176/02. Copy of Board's letter No. E(G)2004 RN 3-3 Dated 11.8.04 (RBE No.177/04 Sub: Allotment of Railway quarter in favour of the officials who were not in allotment/occupation of Railway accommodation at their previous place of posting, on their posting to New Zones. In terms of instructions contained in Railway Board's letter No.E(G)97QR1-28 dated 2.9.2002, Railway Officers/staff posted to New Zones/Divisions have been allowed retention of Railway accommodation at their previous place of posting for a period of one year on payment of normal rent subject to fulfilment of conditions laid down in the said instructions. A case has come to notice where a Railway employee posted to a New Zone was in allotment/occupation of accommodation from a pool other than Railway Pool, and was, therefore, unable to avail the benefit of Railway Board's instructions dated 2.9.2002 governing retention of Railway quarter in the event of posting to New Zone. Railway Board have considered this situation and have decided that during the period the special relaxation regarding retention of quarter on posting to new Zones is in operation, such Railway officials who, at the time of their posting to New Zones/Divisions are in allotment and occupation of residential accommodation from a pool other than the Railway Pool, on their request, should be allotted Railway accommodation at their new place of posting on the New Zone/Division on out of turn basis. For this purpose, in the case of non-availability of Railway accommodation, accommodation on lease may be obtained beyond the existing ceiling limits with FA&CAO's concurrence and General Manager's approval so as to avoid inconveniences to the officers and their families. In case the amount of lease charges exceeds the prescribed rental ceilings relevant to the officer concerned, the amount of lease charges exceeding such ceiling limit shall be borne by the officer concerned. This has the sanction of the Board and issues with the concurrence of Finance Directorate of the Ministry of Railways. SERIAL CIRCULAR NO. 160 /2004 No.P(R )563/VI Date:27-09--2004 Copy of Board's letter No. E(RRB)2004/25/20 Dated 18.8.04 is published for information, guidance and necessary action. Copy of Board's letter No.. E(RRB)2004/25/20 Dated 18.8.04 (RRCB No.11/04) Sub: Fixing of time table of written examinations for completing recruitment process for the posts Assistant Station Master, Diesel/Electric Assistant, Junior Engineer and Section Engineer level costs within a fixed time limit. Board have decided that recruitment process for recruitment to the posts of Assistant Station Master, Diesel/Electric Assistant, Junior Engineer and Section Engineer level posts may be completed within a fixed time limit and date(s) of written examinations for recruitment to these posts may be indicated in the Employment Notice. All Railway Recruitment Boards will issue their Employment Notices separately as per existing provisions. However, written examination by all the RRBs will be conducted on the common date(s) fixed by Railway Recruitment Control Board. Railway Recruitment Control Board have drafted following time table for recruitment to the above posts. Sl.No . 1. Stages of recruitment Time table of recruitment By the month of September 2. Date of receipt of indents by RRB for the posts of Assistant Station Master, Diesel/Electric Assistant, Junior Engineer and Senior Engineer level posts. Date of publication of indents 3. Date of written examination of Diesel/Electric Assistant 4. Date of written examination of Assistant Station Master 5. Date of written examination of Junior Engineer and all similar posts having diploma qualification Date of written examination of Section Engineer and all similar posts having degree in Engineering qualification Date of Aptitude Test of Diesel/Electric Assistant. In April/May. Date will be fixed by RRCB In April/May. Date will be fixed by RRCB In May/June. Date will be fixed by RRCB In May/June. Date will be fixed by RRCB May be fixed by concerned RRB. 6. 7. 1st week of December 8. Date of Aptitude Test of Assistant Station Master. 9. Date of verification of certificates 10. Date of panel. May be fixed by concerned RRB May be fixed by concerned RRB in October. By November. All Zonal Railways/PUs etc. are requested that indents for above posts may be sent tod the concerned RRB invariably by the month of September. Indents received after the due date will be treated as given for the next year recruitment. Vacancies may be calculated keeping in view the factors like time taken by RRB for completing recruitment, training period etc. Time-table of written examination of above posts fixed by RRCB will be communicated to the RRBs well in advance, possibly in September/October, so that date of written examinations may be indicated in the Employment Notice to be published in December. SERIAL CIRCULAR NO. 161 /2004 No.P(PC)487/V/IMP/97/Vol.V Date:07-09-2004 Copy of Board’s letter No. PC-V/2004/ASCP/1dated 17.8.2004 is published for information, guidance and necessary action. Board’s letter dated 31.3.04 quoted therein was circulated as S.C.No.63/04. Copy of Board’s letter No. PC-V/2004/ASCP/1dated 17.8.2004 V/424 , RBE No.181/04) (PC- Sub. Financial Upgradation under the ACP Scheme – Clarification Reg. …. Please refer to Board’s letter of even number dated 31.3.2004 allowing 50% of temporary status casual labor service on absorption in regular employment being taken into account for the purpose of reckoning 12/24 years of service for grant of financial benefit under the Assured Career Progression Scheme (ACPs). 3. The AIRF have demanded that similar benefit may be extended to Substitutes on their absorption in regular service. 3. The matter has been carefully considered by the Board. It is found that unlike casual labours whose 50% of temporary status service counts for pensionary benefits, temporary status service in full of the Substitutes counts for pensionary benefits. It has, therefore, been decided that their entire temporary status service of Substitute followed by regularization without break may be taken into accout towards the minimum service of 12/ 24 years for the purpose of grant of benefit under the ACP Scheme. SERIAL CIRCULAR NO. 162 /2004 No.P(R )605/IX Date: 27 -09-2004 Copy of Board's letter No. E(NG)I-2004/IC 2/6 dated 23.8.04 information, guidance and necessary action. Copy of Board's letter No. E(NG)I-2004/IC 2/6 dated 23.8.04 is published for (RBE No.185/04) Sub: Additional incentive to Gr.’D” Railway employees who acquire Diploma in Railway Engineering awarded by IPWE (India) in selections for promotion to Gr.’C’ posts. The question of giving suitable weightage to Diploma in Railway Engineering secured by the Railway employees from the Institution of Permanent Way Engineers (India) in selection for promotion from Group ‘D’ to Group ‘C’ in the technical departments of the Railways has been considered by the Board. In terms of extant procedure. Selection of Group D staff for promotion to Group C posts in Technical Departments is based on the marks obtained by them in the written test and Record of service assessment under record of service being made on the basis of entries in the Service Book Personal file regarding technical academic qualifications, awards, punishments etc. It has now been decided that in respect of selections held for promotions from Group D to Group C in technical Departments. Diploma in Railway Engineering awarded by the Institution of Permanent Way Engineers (India) may also be taken into account while making assessment under the heading “Record of Service” as mentioned above. SERIAL CIRCULAR NO. 163 /2004 No.P(R )535/IV Date:30 -09-2004 Copy of Board's letter No. E(NG)I-2004/PM7/11 dated 23.8.04 is published for information, guidance and necessary action. Board's letter dated 17.4.97 quoted therein was circulated as SC No.96/97. Copy of Board's letter No. E(NG)I-2004/PM7/11 dated 23.8.04 (RBE No.186/04) Sub: Selection for promotion to the post of Goods Driver in scale Rs.5000-8000. In terms of instructions contained in para 2 of this Ministry’s letter No.E(NG)I96/PM4/14 dated 17.4.97 an employee transferred on request on bottom seniority is treated as direct recruit in the new seniority unit/cadre for the purpose of seniority and therefore the service rendered in the absorbing unit alone counts for eligibility wherever a minimum length of service is specified as a condition for consideration for promotion including promotion to general selection posts. 2. The issue of completion of prescribed service and experience in the new unit in case of mutual transfer has been considered by this Ministry in respect of the category of Diesel/Elect.Asstts. who are considered eligible to appear in the selection for promotion as Goods Drivers provided they have rendered six years service (combined as Second Fireman & First Fireman/Diesel Asstt/Elect.Asstt) and two years service as First Fireman/Diesel Asstt/Elect.Asstt. besides 60,000 Kms. Footplate experience as First Fireman/Diesel Asstt/Elect.Asstt. It is clarified that since in the case of mutual transfers a transferee gets interpolated in the seniority list with his own seniority or the seniority of the person with whom he contracts mutual transfer, whichever is lower, and joins the new unit with his service/experience to the extent admissible, the condition of completing the prescribed length of service in the absorbing unit afresh is not attracted. They will be eligible to appear in the selection for promotion as Goods Driver as per seniority based on their service/experience which has been taken into account for the purpose of assignment of seniority in the new cadre. 3. However, past cases decided otherwise need not be reopened. (This also disposes of Southern Railway’s letter No.P(S)608/VI/Gds.Dr/Vol.III dated 23.6.2004) SERIAL CIRCULAR NO. 164 /2004 No.P(R )535/IV Date: 30 -09-2004 Copy of Board's letter No. E(NG)I/2004/PM1/19 dated 27.8.04 for information, guidance and necessary action. Copy of Board's letter No. E(NG)I/2004/PM1/19 dated 27.8.04 is published (RBE No.191/04) Sub: Ex-cadre posts in Group C & D – Procedure for filling up – Observance of tenure regarding. As the Railways are aware certain posts have been declared as ex-cadre and procedure for filling up the same including duration of tenure, has been prescribed by the Board. These posts include the posts in Production Control Organisation (PCO) in Workshops and Faculty Members in Training Centres. However, it has come to the notice of the Board that Railways themselves operate certain posts as ex-cadre without prescribing a proper procedure for filling up the same. This gives rise to complaints and at times even allegations of favoritism crop up. The matter has been considered by the Board. It has been decided to lay down the following guidelines:viii. Posts should be operated as ex-cadre only when it is inescapable in the exigency of service and with personal approval of CPO in consultation with FA&CAO. ix. Posts which should normally form part of the existing cadre should not be operated as ex-cadre. x. A comprehensive procedure regarding the method of filling up the excadre post indicating the designation, scale of pay, staff eligible for manning the posts, qualifications, tenure, etc. should be prescribed and the post filled up on a regular basis duly following the procedure so prescribed. xi. In no case an ex-cadre post should be operated/filled without prescribing the method of filling up the same incorporating the relevant provisions as mentioned. xii. While prescribing the method for filling up an ex-cadre post care should be taken to ensure that it does not contain any provision which is inconsistent with or contrary to any provision/instructions laid down by the Board, e.g. the extant procedure inter alia requires that for each promotion a person should render a minimum of two years service in the immediate lower grade in which he should be working on a regular basis. xiii. In order to ensure that the staff selected for ex-cadre posts do not lose touch with the working of his parent post/cadre a reasonable tenure say not exceeding five years only be prescribed. xiv. Once the procedure for filling up the ex-cadre post has been prescribed there should be no deviation therefrom.CPOs and the HODs concerned should ensure that the above instructions are strictly adhered to. SERIAL CIRCULAR NO. 165 No.P(R )554/IV dated 27-9-04 /2004 Copy of Board's letter No. E(G)2001 RN 5-5 dated 1.9.04 is published for information, guidance and necessary action. Board's letter dated 1.6.01 and 12.4.02 quoted therein were circulated as SC No. 119/01 and 65/02 respectively. Copy of Board's letter No. E(G)2001 RN 5-5 Dated 1.9.04 (RBE No.193/04) Sub: Retention of Railway accommodation at the previous place of posting in favour of Officers/staff on deputation to Indian Railway Catering and Tourism Corporation Ltd.(IRCTC). In terms of the policy contained in Railway Board’s letter No.E(G)2000 QR 1-23 dated 1.6.2001, Railway officers/staff on deputation to IRCTC were permitted to retain Railway accommodation for a period of 5 years from the date of incorporation of IRCTC, i.e., from 27.9.99 to 26.9.2004 vide Board’s letter of even number dated 12.4.2002 subject to payment of rent as specified in the said letter. IRCTC have requested Railway Board for grant of further permission to retain Railway accommodation in favour of deputationist officer/staff to IRCTC. Keeping in view the position brought out by the Corporation, Board have decided to grant permission for retention of Railway accommodation in favour of Railway employees posted on deputation to IRCTC for a further period of one year from 27.9.2004 to 26.9.2005 on the terms and conditions laid down in the letter dated 12.4.2002, ibid. This issues with the concurrence of Finance Directorate of the Ministry of Railways. SERIAL CIRCULAR NO. 166 /2004 No.P(R)473/VI Date: 30 -09-2004 Copy of Board's letter No. E(W)2004 PS 5-6/59 dated 20.8.04 is published for information, guidance and necessary action. Board's letter dated 23.2.96 quoted therein was circulated as SC No.65/96. Copy of Board's letter No. E(W)2004 PS 5-6/59 dated 20.8.0 (RBE No.--) Sub: Issue of one Ist AC Complimentary cheque pass (single to and fro journeys) once in a year in favour of Olympic medallists. Instructions were issued vide Board’s letter No.E(W)95 PS 5-6/61 dated 23.2.96 regarding issue of First Class/AC II tier Railway complimentary card pass to Arjun Award Winners, Olympic Medallists and Gold Medallist of Asian & Commonwealth Games. In order to recognized achievements of sportsperson who have brought laurels to the country in Olympics it has now been decided that Ist AC Complimentary Cheque Pass (Single to and fro journey) valid for travel in Rajdhani/ Shatabdi trains between any two stations on Indian Railways once during a financial year, every year, may be granted to Medal winners in Olympic Games along with one companion in the same class. The cheque pass will be issued on receipt of a formal application from the Sportsperson by the Ministry of Railways and on the authority of Ist Class/II AC Complimentary card pass already issued to Olympic Medallist. Zonal Railways may give wide publicity regarding grant of Ist AC Complimentary cheque pass to the Olympic Medallists through their Divisional Headquarter offices and other concerned offices so that the holder of such complimentary cheque passes may not face any inconvenience while seeking reservation in trains against such Complimentary cheque passes at the reservation counter and while travelling in the trains. This issues with the concurrence of the finance Directorate of the Ministry of Railways. SERIAL CIRCULAR NO.167/2004 No.P(PC)487/V/97/DA Date: 4 –10-2004 Copy of Board’s D.O letter No. PC-V/97/1/7/14 dt.27.9..04 (RBE No.211/2004, PC-V/431) on the above subject is published for information, guidance and necessary action. Board’s letter dated 16.10.97 and 12-3-04 quoted therein was circulated as S.C.No. 171/97 and 35/04, respectively. Action should be taken to draw the revised rates of Dearness Allowance in the salary bill of the mechanised unit of General pay Roll. Running and Workshops staff including Gangmen of SC and HYB Divisions for the month of October, 2004 in respect of employees belonging to Group ‘A’, ‘B’, C and D. DA Arrears: The D.A. arrears payable from 1.7.04 to 30.09.04 in respect of all the employees will be drawn in the regular bill for the month of October 2004. CWM/LGDS, GTPLS to ensure payment of DA and arrears as indicated above to the staff of LGD & GTPL Workshops. DRMs/BZA, GNT & NED to ensure payment of DA and arrears to the staff of BZA, GNT and NED. DRM/GTL to ensure payment of revised DA and arrears indicated above to the staff of GTL and Workshops of TPTY. . APO/Bills/HQrs/SC to ensure payment of revised DA and arrears to staff of HQrs offices. The arrears may be charged to the salary bill for October, 2004 and no honorarium is payable for preparing separate bill for this purpose. Copy of Board’s letter No. PC-V/97/1/7/14 dt.27.9..04 (RBE No.211/2004, PC-V/431) Sub: Payment of Dearness Allowance to Railway Employees – Revised Rates effective from 1.7.2004. The undersigned is directed to refer to this Ministry’s letter of even number dated 12.3..2004 (S.No.PC-V/401, RBE No.58/2004) on the subject mentioned above and to state that the President is pleased to decide that the Dearness Allowance payable to Railway employees shall be enhanced from the existing rate of 11% to 14% of the pay with effect from Ist July 2004. 2. The provisions contained in Para 3 and 4 of this Ministry’s letter of even number dated 16.10.1997 (S.No.PC-V/3, RBE No.139/97) shall continue to be applicable, while regulating Dearness Allowance under these orders. However with effect from 1.4.2004, Dearness Allowance will be computed on the basis of Basic Pay, Dearness Pay, Stagnation Increment and NPA. Provisions contained in para-3 of this Ministry’s letter of even number dated 16.10.1997 therefore, stand amended to this extent. 3. The additional instalment of Dearness Allowance payable under these orders shall be paid in cash to all Railway employees. The arrears may be charged to the Salary Bill for October 2004 and no honorarium is payable for preparing separate bill for this purpose. 4 The payment on account of Dearness Allowance involving fraction of 50 paise and above may be rounded off to the next higher rupee and the fractions of less than 50 paise may be ignored. SERIAL CIRCULAR NO. 168 /2004 No.P(PC)487/V/PC/97/DA Date: 9-07-2004 Copy of Board’s letter No.PC-V/2004/A/DA/1 dated 25.8.04 is published for information, guidance and necessary action. Board’s letter dated 11-03-04 quoted therein was circulated as S.C.No.36/04 . Copy of Board’s letter No. No. PC-V/2004/A/DA/1 dated 25.8.04 (PC-V /426, RBE No.188 /04) Sub: Merger of 50% of Dearness Allowance/Dearness Relief with Basic pay/Pension to Central Govt. employees – Clarification regarding. Ref: Board’s letter of even number dated 11-3-04. Pursuant to Board’s letter mentioned above, references have been received seeking clarifications on certain aspects regarding inclusion of Dearness Pay for various purposes. In this regard, following clarifications are furnished. a] All allowances such as Dual charge allowance, Subsistence allowance, Teaching allowance etc., which were hitherto being calculated on the basis of the Basic Pay will be calculated on Basic Pay plus Dearness Pay. However, Overtime allowance [OTA], which is presently payable with respect to IV CPC scales shall continue to be regulated with respect to such scales. b] Dearness Pay shall be variable consequent upon increase or decrease of Basic Pay in the event of annual increment, promotion, punishment etc. c] Amount to be recovered at the time of retirement towards CGHS/RELHS shall be calculated on the basis of Basic Pay plus Dearness Pay. SERIAL CIRCULAR NO.169/2004 No.P(R)563/VI Dated:23-09-2004. Copy of Board’s letter No. E(NG)II/94/RR-1/29 dt. 9.9.2004 is published for information, guidance and necessary action. Board’s letters dt. 10.5.1999 and 26.7.2004 referred to therein were circulated as Serial Circular Nos 145/99 and 135/2004, respectively. Copy of Board’s letter No. E(NG)II/94/RR-1/29 dt. 9.9.2004(RBE No. 199/04) Sub: Upper age limit for direct recruitment to Group ‘C’ & ‘D’ posts on the Railways. … Attention is invited to this Ministry’s letter of even number dated 26.7.2004, withdrawing the relaxation of 03 (three) years provided above the prescribed upper age limit for recruitment to all Group ‘C’ and ‘D’ categories including engagement of Substitutes w.e.f. 4.8.2004. The matter has been reviewed by this Ministry and it has now been decided that the currency of the relaxation contained in Board’s letter of even number dated 10.5.99 may be extended further for a period of one year i.e. upto 3.8.2005. These orders will take effect from 04.08.2004. It has also been decided that indents placed after issuance of Board’s letter dated 26.7.2004 ibid may be suitably amended. SERIAL CIRCULAR NO.170_/2004 No.P(R )96/ I Date:6-10—2004 Copy of Board’s letter No.E(NG)II/99/SB/20 dt 24.8.2004 is published for information, guidance and necessary action. Copy of Board’s letter No. E(NG)II/99/SB/20 dated 24.8.04 (RBE No 189./04) Sub:- Engagement of Course Completed Act Apprentices as fresh face Substitutes in Group ‘D’. Ref:- E(NG)II/99/SB/20 dated 19.8.99. …. Attention is invited to Board’s letter under reference wherein it was decided to put on hold the engagement of course completed Act Apprentices as fresh face Substitutes in Grade ‘D’ categories in Workshops/PUs. 6. The matter has been reviewed by the Board and it has been decided that instructions contained in the above quoted letter stand withdrawn with immediate effect. SERIAL CIRCULAR NO._171___/2004 No.P(R )554/VI Date: 06-10--2004 Copy of Board’s letter No.E(G)2001 RN5-5 dated 1.9.2004 is published for information, guidance and necessary action. Board’s letter dated 1.6.01 and 12.4.02. quoted therein were circulated as S.C.No. 119/01 and 65/02, respectively. Copy of Board’s letter No. E(G)2001 RN5-5 dated 1.9.2004 (RBE No.193//04) Sub;- Retention of Railway accommodation at the previous place of posting in favour of Officers/staff on deputation to Indian Railway Catering and Tourism Corporation Ltd (IRCTC). In terms of the policy contained in Railway Board’s letter No.E(G)2000 QR1-23 dated 1/6/2001, Railway Officers/staff on deputation to IRCTC were permitted to retain Railway accommodation for a period of 5 years from the date of incorporation of IRCTC, i.e. from 27/9/99 to 26/9/2004 vide Board’s letter of even number dated 12/4/2002 subject to payment of rent as specified in the said letter. IRCTC have requested Railway Board for grant of further permission to retain Railway accommodation in favour of deputationist officers/staff to IRCTC. Keeping in view the position brought out by the Corporation, Board have decided to grant permission for retention of Railway accommodation in favour of Railway employees posted on deputation to IRCTC for a further period of one year from 27/9/2004 to 26/9/2005 on the terms and conditions laid down in the letter dated 12/4/2002, ibid. This issues with the concurrence of Finance Directorate of the Ministry of Railways. SERIAL CIRCULAR NO.172_/2004 No.P(R )673/ IV Date: 12-10—2004 Copy of Board’s letter No.E(MPP)2002/13/3 dt 1-09-04 is published for information, guidance and necessary action. Board’s letter dated 24-1-03 quoted therein was circulated as SCNo 45/03. Copy of Board’s letter No E(MPP)2002/13/3 dt 1-09-04 (RBE No 194./04) Sub:- Monetary incentive in the form of training allowance to faculty members deputed to Group C & D Technical Training Centres. Ref:- Board’s letter of even No. dated 24-1-03 [RBE No. 21/2003]. …. Para 3 and 4 of the letter under reference may be replaced by the following: 7. “The Head of the training centre would be eligible for the grant of training allowance only if the post is held by him/her on a full time basis and the selection is held in the manner held in para 5[g] below”. 8. With a view to enable the Principals of these training centres to give due attention to training and to exercise proper supervision, it is necessary that these Principals should be posted full time, with office in the training centre itself.” These orders will take effect from the date of issue of this letter . This issues with the concurrence of the Finance Directorate of the Ministry of Railways. SERIAL CIRCULAR NO._173/2004 No.P(R )673/IV Date:12-10--2004 Copy of Board’s letter No. E(MPP)2002/3/28/Pt. Reconst dt. 1.9.2004 is published for information, guidance and necessary action. Board’s letter dated 23-07-04 quoted therein was circulated as S.C.No. 138/2004. Copy of Board’s letter No E(MPP)2002/3/28/Pt. Reconst dated 1.9.2004 (RBE No 195./04). Sub:- Refresher course for ESM/MSM/TCM/WTM. …. In continuation of Board’s letter of even number dated 23.7.2004 issued under RBE No.164/2004, the Training Manual Correction slip No.4/2004 may be modified as per the Correction Slip No. 5/2004 enclosed. MANUAL ON MANAGEMENT OF TRAINING. Advance Correction Slip No. 5/2004. Para 4 of the Appendix-III Signal & Telecommunication Department of the Manual on Management of Training (Edition –1998) may be replaced as under:Jr. Engr/Sec Engr./ Sr.Sec.Engr./ (Telecom) 4 weeks once in 5 years Jr,Engr/Sec.Engr/ Sr.Sec.Engr/(Signal) 4 weeks once in 5 years ESM/TCM/SM/WTM 3 weeks Equipment course ESM/TCM/SM/WTM 2 weeks once in 4 years once in 4 years [Should be held 2 yrs after either refresher course or a promotional course ] (Authority Board’s letter No. E(MPP)2002/3/28/Pt./Reconst. Dt. 1.9.2004) Schedule for a maintainer 1st yr & 5th yr 3rd year SERIAL CIRCULAR NO.__174__/2004 No.P(R )554/VI Date:11 -10--2004 Copy of Board's letter No. E(G)2003 QR 1-18 dated 8.9.04 is published for information, guidance and necessary action. Board's letter dated 17.8.01 quoted therein was circulated as SC No.199/01. Copy of Board's letter No. E(G)2003 QR 1-18 dated 8.9.04 (RBE No.197/04) Sub: Retention of Railway accommodation at the previous place of posting in favour of the employees rendered surplus and posted to other station necessitating change of residence. Ministry of Railways have reviewed the instructions contained in their letter No.E(G)2000 QR1-10 dated 17.8.2001 regarding grant of permission for retention of Railway accommodation at the previous place of posting to the staff rendered surplus and posted at a new station. It has now been decided to increase the period of retention of Railway accommodation from 2 years to 3 years in favour of staff rendered surplus and posted to other stations. Such Railway employees would now be eligible for retention of Railway accommodation at the previous place of posting on payment of normal rent for a period of 3 years from the date of issue of transfer orders or till allotment of Railway quarter at the new place of posting whichever is earlier. The above provisions shall be effective from the date of issue of this letter. This has the sanction of the Board and issues with the concurrence of the Finance Directorate of the Ministry of Railways. SERIAL CIRCULAR NO.__175__/2004 No.P(R )436/IREM/VI Date:06 -10-2004 Copy of Board’s letter No. E(NG)I-2003/PM1/25 dated 10.9.04 is published for information, guidance and necessary action. Board’s letters dated 2.2.74, 31.1.81 and 19.12.89 quoted in the correction slip were circulated as S.C.No. 27/74, 23/81 and 2/90, respectively. Copy of Board’s letter No. E(NG)I-2003/PM1/25 dated 10.9.04 (RBE No.200/04) Sub: Procedure for promotion of Group ‘C’ staff. The Ministry of Railways have decided that the Indian Railway Establishment Manual, Vol.I, 1989, should be amended as in the ACS No.165 enclosed. INDIAN RAILWAY ESTABLISHMENT MANUAL VOLUME – I, 1989 EDITION CHAPTER-II, SECTION-B, RULES GOVERNING PROMOTION OF GROUP ‘C’ STAFF ADVANCE CORRECTION SLIP NO.165 For the existing sub-para (iii) appearing after para 224.II(ii) substitute the following:- “iii. Promotion at the same station:- In the case of promotion at the same station, whether in long term or short term vacancies, refusal to officiate on promotion may be taken as refusal to work inviting disciplinary action having regard to the reasons for such refusal. Provided that D&A action based on good and sufficient reasons may be initiated for refusal of adhoc promotion at the same station only in those cases where such refusal affects train operations. (Authority: Railway Board’s letter Nos.E(NG)I/73/PM1/120 dt.2.2.74, 11.9.74 and E(NG)I/79/PM1/147 dt.31.1.81, E(NG)I-88/PM1/6 dt.19.12.89 and E(NG)I-2003/PM1/25 dt.10.9.2004). SERIAL CIRCULAR NO.__176__/2004 No.P(R )473/VI Date:12-10-2004 Copy of Board’s letter No.E(W)2004 PS5-6/74 dated 1.9.-2004 is published for information, guidance and necessary action. Board’s letter dated 7.7.97 and 17.3.99 quoted therein were circulated as S.C.No. 137/99, 108/99, respectively. Copy of Board’s letter No. E(W)2004 PS5-6/74 dated 1.9.04 (RBE No./04) Sub: Extending the facility of privilege pass to spouses of licensed porters. Instructions were issued vide Board’s letter number E(W)96 PS5-6/58 dated 7.7.1997 to grant one set of complimentary cheque pass in II/Sleeper class for self only to Licensed Porters who are duly registered and authorised by the Railway administration to work as Porters at Railway Stations, from the station of duty to any station on Indian Railways and back. Subsequently instructions were issued vide letter No.E(W)96 PS 56/58 dated 17.3.1999 to provide facility of one set of Privilege Ticket Order in II/Sleeper class every year to Licensed Porters for self and spouse, for travel from the station of working to any station in India and back. It has now been decided that the facility of one set of complimentary pass in Second/SL class available for self only to Licensed Porters from the station of their working to any station on Indian Railways and back in terms of Board’s letter dated 7.7.1997 referred to in para ‘1’ above should be extended to the spouse of the porter also. The terms and conditions for issue of complimentary cheque pass, its validity, etc., as laid down in Board’s letter No.E(W)96 PS 5-6/58 dated 7.7.1997 will remain same. This issues with the concurrence of the Finance Directorate of the Ministry of Railways. SERIAL CIRCULAR NO. 177/2004 No.P(R )8 /II Date: 01-10—2004 Copy of Board’s letter No. E(NG)I-2004/RE 3/9 dated 01-01-2004 is published for information, guidance and necessary action. Copy of Board’s letter No E(NG)I-2004/RE 3/9 dated 01-01-2004 [RBE No. 2/2004 ] Sub: Absorption of medically decategorised staff in alternative posts. *** Reference para No. 1306 of Indian Railways Establishment Manual, Volume I, 1989, regarding constitution of a Committee for assessing suitability of medically decategorised staff for absorption in alternative posts. 2. In the CPO’s conference held in the Board’s office on 30-08-2003, it was pointed out that there were instances wherein some staff were declared medically unfit for the posts held by them, however, they were declared to be fit for other posts, but the Committee of three JA Grade officers [constituted for their absorption into alternative posts] did not find them suitable for any post in Railways. The matter has since been considered by the Board and it has been decided that the Committee to assess suitability of the medically decategorised staff for absorption in alternative posts should include a medical officer also to bring about objectivity in dealing with such cases. SERIAL CIRCULAR NO.__178__/2004 No.P(R )299/IV Date: 18 -10--2004 Copy of Board's letter No. E(G)2004 FE 1-5 dated 16.9.04 guidance and necessary action. is published for information, Copy of Board's letter No. E(G)2004 FE 1-5 Dated 16.9.04 (RBE No.204/04) Sub: Recommendation No.67 of the Railway Accident Enquiry Committee, 1978 (Sikri Committee)- 90% reimbursement of membership fee in respect of recognized professional Institutions/Societies. As per extant instructions officers of the rank of JA grade and above are permitted to take up membership of a maximum of five professional Institutions/Societies of which not more than two can be International institutions. Officers below the level of JA grade upto Sr. Supervisors in the grade of Rs.2375-3500 (RPS) and Rs.2000-3500 (RPS) have been allowed to take up membership of two professional Institutions/Societies of which not more than one can be international. They can claim 90% re-imbursement in respect thereof. General Managers have been delegated powers to make 90% re-imbursement in favour of the officers only in respect of one Institution and for any re-imbursement for the second Institution onwards prior approval of Railway Board is necessary for which Railways are required to send proposals to Railway Board. Railway Board have further reviewed the scheme and it has been decided that General Managers may make 90% re-imbursement of membership fee to Officers of JA grade and above in respect of membership of professional Institutions/Societies (recognized by Railway Board for the purpose of 90% re-imbursement of membership fee) upto a maximum of three Institutions/Societies, of which one can be international. Similarly in respect of officers below the level of JA grade upto Sr. Supervisors, in grade of Rs.745011500 (RSRP) and Rs.6500-10500 (RSRP), the General Managers may make 90% re-imbursement in respect of two Institutions/Societies including one International Institutions, of which they are allowed to take membership. In case of any officer/supervisor wishing to take up membership beyond the limits laid down above, prior approval of the Board would be necessary for which, in deserving cases, the Railways/Units may send proposals to Railway Board in consultation with their FA&CAO along with General Manager's recommendation. This issues with the concurrence of the Finance Directorate of the Ministry of Railways. SERIAL CIRCULAR NO._179___/2004 No.P(R )500/XIX Date: 12 -10--2004 Copy of Board's letter No. E(NG)II/2004/CL/16/Policy dated 17.9.04 is published for information, guidance and necessary action. Board's letters dated 14.10.80, 28.11.86 and 31.12.03 quoted therein were circulated as SC No.120/80, 186/86 and 10/04, respectively. Copy of Board's letter No. E(NG)II/2004/CL/16/Policy Dated 17.9.04 (RBE No.205/04) Sub: Introduction of New Pension Scheme – Modification of scheme for grant of temporary status to casual labour. Attention is invited to Board's letter No.E(NG)II/78/CL/12 dated 14.10.80 & E(NG)II/85/CL/6 dated 28.11.86 regarding counting of 50% period of service of open line casual labour/project casual labour after their attainment of temporary status, as qualifying service for the purpose of grant of pensionary benefits on absorption in regular employment on Railways and allowing them to contribute to SRPF. 2. In light of introduction of the New Pension Scheme for new entrants to Central Government Service, including Railway Service, from 1st January, 2004, vide Ministry of Finance, Department of Economic Affair's Notification dated 22.12.2003 circulated on the Railways vide Board's letter No.F(E)III/2003/PN1/24 dated 31.12.2003, it has been decided by the Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions, Department of Personnel & Training to modify the scheme for grant of temporary status and regularisation of casual labour in Central Government Offices. Board have considered the modified scheme and decided to modify the existing scheme introduced vide Board's letter dated 14.10.1980 and 28.11.86 referred to in para 1 above pertaining to casual labour/project casual labour on the Railways, as under: (iii) As the New Pension Scheme is based on defined contributions, the length of qualifying service for the purpose of retirement benefits has lost its relevance. Consequently, no credit to casual labour service i.e., counting of the service rendered under temporary status, for the purpose of retirement benefits after their regularisation, shall be available to the casual labour on their regularisation against Group 'D' posts on or after 1.1.2004. (iv) As there is no provision of General Provident Fund/State Railway Provident Fund (SRPF) in the New Pension Scheme, it will not serve any useful purpose to continue deductions towards SRPF for the existing casual labour bestowed with temporary status. Therefore, no further deductions towards State Railway Provident Fund shall be effected from such casual labour w.e.f. 1.1.2004 onwards and the amount lying in their Provident Fund accounts, including deductions made after 1.1.2004, shall be paid to them alongwith interest upto 30th April,2004. Board desire that the aforementioned decisions may be implemented forthwith. This issues with the concurrence of the Finance Directorate of this Ministry. SERIAL CIRCULAR NO.__180__/2004 No.P(R )605/IX Date: 18-10--2004 Copy of Board's letter No. E(NG)I-2004/PM1/25 dated 21.9.04 information, guidance and necessary action. Copy of Board's letter No. E(NG)I-2004/PM1/25 Dated 21.9.04 is published for (RBE No.208/04) Sub: Selections conducted for promotion within Gr.C – setting of question papers etc. The staff side have demanded in the DC-JCM vide item No.45/2004 that in the selections for promotion within Gr.C the question papers for the written examinations held as a part of the selection process should have practical bias and instructions to that effect should be issued to Zonal Railways on the lines of instructions issued for selections held for promotion to Group B. 2. The matter has been carefully considered by the Board and it has been decided that question papers for the written test held as a part of selection/LDCE for promotion within Gr.C should have practical bias i.e. they should be designed to test the ability of the candidates to tackle the practical problems they are likely to face rather than their theoretical knowledge. SERIAL CIRCULAR NO. 181 /2004 No.P(R )473/V Date: 20-10-2004 Copy of Board's letter No.E(W)2003 PS 5-1/4 dated 21.9.04 is published for information, guidance and necessary action. Board's letter dated 30.7.04 quoted therein was circulated as SC No. 151/2004 Copy of Board's letter No.E(W)2003 PS 5-1/4 Dated 21.9.04 (RBE No.--) A copy of the Hon'ble High Court, Madras order dt.18.6.03 regarding grant of Ist class privilege pass to re-employed ex.Servicemen on Railways is enclosed. In this connection Board's letter dt.30.7.04 enclosing Hon'ble Tribunal Mumbai's order on the same subject may be connected. It has now been established beyond doubt that Ist class privilege pass to re-employed ex. Servicemen on the Railways will be decided on the basis of their entry into railway service and their pay on the Railways. IN THE HIGH COURT OF JUDICATURE AT MADRAS DATED 18.6.2003 CORAM THE HON'BLE MR.JUSTICE V.S.SIRPURKAR AND THE HON'BLE MR.JUSTICE A.K.RAJAN W.P.NO.4957 OF 1999 1.Union of India rep.by the Chairman, Railway Board, Rail Bhavan, New Delhi. 2.Southern Railway, rep.by its General Manager, Park Town, Madras 3. Petitioners Vs 8. The Registrar, Central Administrative Tribunal, Chennai Bench, Chennai 600 104 9. Southern Railway Ex.Servicemen Employees Welfare Association rep.by its President S.Mohanraj, No.329-C, Brooke Road, Railway Colony, Chennai 600 023. 10. K.Srinivasan. Respondents. Petition under Article 226 of the Constitution of India praying for issue of writ of certiorari calling for the entire records of the Ist respondent in Original Application No.1453 of 1995 including the order dated 29.10.1998 and quash the same. For Petitioners: Mr.R.Thiagarajan, Senior Counsel for Mr.R.Gunasekaran For Respts.2 & 3: Mr.C.K.Chandrasekaran for M/s.Row & Reddy. **** ORDER (order of the Court was made by V.S.Sirpurkar) The Railway Administration has come up in this writ petition challenging the order of the Central Administrative Tribunal by which the Original Application filed by the second and third respondents herein was allowed. 2. In that original application, the applicants were Southern Railway Ex-Servicemen Employees Welfare Association and also an individual applicant one Mr. Srinivasan. The said Mr.Srinivasan was re-employed in Railways and some members of the Ex-servicemen association were also re-employed. It was claimed in the application that they were given First Class passes as per the rules, but those First Class passes were withdrawn as the Railway Administration decided that in computation of the entitlement pay scale, the military pension received by these employees was not to be counted. If that military pension was excluded then, the salary level of these employees would not entitle them for the Free First Class pass for their travel. 3. Th e Railway Administration on the other hand contended before the Tribunal that though the second applicant and the persons like him were granted the first class passes, there was a clarification letter No. E(W)90 PSS-1/13 dated 19.5.1993 that while deciding to award the Fist Class passes what is to be considered is only the pay and not pay plus pension in the sense that the pension which was received by the employee was to be ignored. It was pointed out that if the pension was ignored then, the second applicant Mr. Srinivasan would not reach a stage of minimum entitlement i.e. Rs.2301/- and his pay would be lesser than that and as such, he would not be entitled to the Fist Class pass. 11. The Tribunal came to the conclusion that the erstwhile rules, which were created under Article 309 of the Constitution of India provided that while calculating the entitlement for the First Class pass, the Military pension received by the re-employed employees could be taken into consideration. For this purpose the Tribunals looked into the Railway Servants (Pass) Rules, 1986 First Edition Schedule VI Note under Para XVIII. The Tribunal ultimately came l the conclusion that a mere clarification letter could not overrule the said rule and could not have the effect of disentitling the employees like the third respondent from getting the First Class Passes. 12. Learned counsel appearing on behalf of the Railway Administration assails this order of the Tribunal on the ground that the question is no more res integra and in fact, the said clarificatory letter was not in the nature of a letter alone but there were rules passed and amended wherein it was provided specifically that for the purpose of calculating the entitlement, only the pay of the employee would be taken into consideration and the pension earned by as employee could not be allowed to be added to that pay. In support of his contention, the learned counsel relied on the Supreme Court decision reported in 1998 (9) Supreme 371 (GENERAL MANAGER WESTERN RAILWAY & ORS. –vs- Y.P.SHARMA & ORS). Learned Counsel invited our attention to the observations in paragraph 3 while interpreting Rule 16 of the Railway Servants (Pass) Rules, 1986, the Supreme Court has observed. "There is no provision under the Railway, Servants (Pass) Rules, 1986 to add pension to the pay for the purpose of determining the category of passes to which the re-employed persons are entitled. Under Rule 2(j), "pay" is defined to mean the amount drawn monthly by a railway servant as (i) basic pay; and (iii)any other pay which may be specially classified as pay by the President. Under sub-clause (ii) in the case of running staff, basic pay plus 30% thereof or any other percentage of basic pay declared as pay from time to time will also count as pay. Therefore, there is no provision for adding pension to the pay for the purpose of privileges passes and PTOs.” 13. Learned counsel for the Railways says that this judgement will clinch the issue and the question is no more to be res. integra as to whether the pension could be added to the pay for the purpose of calculating entitlement of a railway employee to get the privilege travelling pass of First Class. 14. Learned Counsel appearing on the other side had no other decision and very fairly agrees that the decision is binding and applicable to the facts of the present case. In that view, the order of the Tribunal is set aside and the Original Application is directed to be dismissed. The writ petition stands allowed. Rule is made absolute in the above terms, but without any orders ass to costs. WMP 7167/99 is closed. SERIAL CIRCULAR NO. 182 2004 No.P(R )583/Bonus /IV Date: 13 –10-2004 Copy of Board’s letter No. E(P&A)II-2004/PLB-5 dated 4-10-04 incorporating the Corrigendum issued under Board’s letter No. E(P&A)II-2004/PLB-5 dated 13-10-04 [RBE No.224/04] is published for information, guidance and necessary action. Copy of Board’s letter No.E(P&A)II-2004/PLB-5 dated 4-10-04 [RBE No. 215/04] Sub: Payment of Productivity Linked Bonus to non-gazetted Group ‘B’,’C’ & ‘D’ Railway employees for the financial year 2003-2004. *** The President is pleased to sanction Productivity Linked Bonus (PLB) equivalent to 59 days wages without any ceiling on wages for eligibility for the financial year 2003-2004. to all non-gazetted Group ‘B’,’C’ & ‘D ’Railway employees (excluding all RPF/RPSF personnel). Where wages exceed Rs.2500/- (Rupees Two thousand five hundred only) per month, PLB will be calculated as if ‘wages’ are Rs.2500/-p.m. 2. In the revised (Fifth Central Pay Commission)Scales of pay, ‘wages’ for the purpose of PLB actually drawn during the financial year, shall include ‘pay’ as defined in Rule 103(35)R1(1985 Edition) and dearness allowance sanctioned in the revised scales during the financial year 2003-2004. In the case of Running Staff, the term ‘pay’ shall include 30% of pay constituting the pay element in Running Allowance payable on leave salary. Other conditions such as method of calculation of wages, etc., as prescribed in this Ministry’s instructions and clarifications from time to time, shall remain unchanged. 3. It has been decided that in the case of eligible employees mentioned in Para 1 above who were not placed under suspension, or had not quit service/retired/expired during the middle of the financial year 2003-2004 or were on leave where leave salary admissible is not less than that admissible on leave on average pay, may be paid an amount of Rs.4836/- towards Productivity Linked Bonus for the financial year 2003-2004. In the case of employees other than those mentioned above, the amount of Productivity Linked Bonus may be calculated in accordance with the extant instructions on the subject. 4. The Ministry of Railways have also decided that in relaxation of the provisions in Rules 905(2), 908 and 909 of State Railway Provident Fund Rules, as contained in Chapter 9 of R.1/1985 edition, such of the subscribers to the SRPF as are entitled to Productivity Linked Bonus may, if they so desire, deposit the whole or part of the amount admissible under the Scheme in their respective State Railway Provident Fund Accounts 9. Payment of Productivity Linked Bonus to all eligible non-gazetted Railway employees mentioned in Para 1 above should bae completed before commencement of the Durga Puja / Dussehra holidays duly combining it with existing salary payments, as far as possible. 6. This issues with the concurrence of the Finance Directorate of the Ministry of Railways. SERIAL CIRCULAR NO._183_/2004 No.P(R )96/I Date:26 -11--2004 Copy of Board’s letter No. E(MPP)2004/6/10 dated 27.9.2004 is published for information, guidance and necessary action. Copy of Board’s letter No. E(MPP)2004/6/10 dated 27.9.2004 (RBE No.209/04)SC 3 to MC 8 Sub: Furnishing of Records and Returns to RDAT. Please find enclosed herewith a copy of a Notification No.G.S.R.184 dated 25.5.2004 issued by the Directorate General of Employment & Training, Ministry of Labour regarding furnishing of Records and Returns by the establishments to the respective RDAT. The same may be implemented wherever Apprentices are trained under Apprentices Act,1961. Directorate General of Employment and Training NOTIFICATION, NEW DELHI, the 25th May,2004 G.S.R.184 – In exercise of the powers conferred by Sub-section (1) of Section 37 of the Apprentices Act, 1961 (52 of 1961) and after consulting the Central Apprenticeship Council, the Central Government hereby makes the following rules further to amend the Apprenticeship Rules,1992, namely :1. (1) These rules may be called the Apprenticeship (Amendment ) Rules,2004. (2). They shall come into force on the date of their publication in the Official Gazette. 4. In the Apprenticeship Rules, 1992 hereinafter referred to as the said rules, for rule 14, the following rule shall be substituted, namely:“14. Records and Returns:(12) Establishments referred to in items (b) & (c) of sub-clause (1) of clause (d) of Section 2 of the Act shall submit in respect of trade apprentices returns and other information as hereinafter provided to the respective Regional Director. (13) Establishments referred to in items (b) ) of sub-clause (2) of clause (d) of Section 2 of the Act shall submit in respect of trade apprentices returns and other information as hereinafter provided to the respective State Apprenticeship Adviser.. (14) Contracts of Apprenticeship Training in Format-1 as specified in Schedule III shall be forwarded along with a forwarding letter in Format –1A as specified in Schedule III, by the establishment to the Regional Director or State Apprenticeship Adviser, as the case may be, as per following schedule:For the apprentices engaged from 16th January to 15 April For the apprentices engaged from 16th April to 15 July For the apprentices engaged from 16th July to 15 October For the apprentices engaged from 16th October to 15 January 30th April 31st July 31st October 31st January. (15) Work diary in Format-2 as specified in Schedule III shall be maintained by each trade apprentice and countersigned by his supervisor once a week. (16) Every employer shall maintain a register of attendance of the Trade apprentices undergoing apprenticeship training in his establishment and action taken for irregular and unauthorised absence shall be recorded in the said register at the end of each month. (17) (a) Application forms of regular trade apprentices for appearing at All India Trade Test in Format-3 as specified in Schedule III shall be forwarded with a forwarding letter in Format –3A as specified in Schedule III by the establishment to the Regional Director or State Apprenticeship Adviser, as the case may be as per following schedule: (iii) year. (iv) For All India Trade Test to be held in April/May: 31 st December of previous For All India Trade Test to be held in October/November: 30th June. (d) Having scrutinized the application forms of such trade apprentices, the Regional Director or State Apprenticeship Adviser, as the case may be, shall return the application forms to the employer with remarks whether or not the apprentice is allowed to appear in the All India Trade Test. If allowed it should be subject to fulfillment of eligibility criteria and if disallowed the reasons therefore should be recorded in the application form. The programme of the All India Trade Test and name of the trade testing centres for each apprentice should also be sent along with the application forms of such apprentices. (e) After receiving the information under clause [b], the employer shall furnish eligibility certificate in respect of the eligible trade apprentices in Format 4 as specified in Schedule III alongwith the application forms of such apprentices to the trade testing centres, fifteen days prior to the commencement of All India Trade Test. (18) At the end of each of each half year, every establishment shall in respect of trade apprentices receiving training in the establishment submit a report in Form Apprenticeship-1 in Schedule III to the concerned Apprenticeship Adviser as per the following schedule: For half year ending June: by 15th July. For half year ending December: by 15th January. (19) At the end of each half year, every Regional Director shall in respect of trade apprentices in the establishments referred to in items (b) and (c) of sub-clause (1) of clause (d) of Section 2 of the Act submit returns in forms ATS-1 & ATS-2 in Schedule III to the Directorate General of Employment Training as per the following schedule: For half year ending June: by 31st July For half year ending December: by 31st January. (20) At the end of each half year, every State Apprenticeship Adviser shall in respect of trade apprentices in the establishments referred to in items (b) of sub-clause (2) of clause (d) of Section 2 of the Act submit returns in forms ATS-1 & ATS-3 in Schedule III to the Directorate General of Employment Training as per the following schedule: For half year ending June: by 31st July For half year ending December: by 31st January. (21) On a Graduate or Technician or Technician (Vocational) Apprentice joining an establishment, the employer shall prepare index cards in Form Apprenticeship-2 set out in Schedule III with complete bio-data and retain one card with himself and forward within ten days from the date of the engagement of the apprentice, one card to each of the following authorities, namely:(d) (e) (f) The Central Apprenticeship Adviser; The Director, Regional Board of Apprenticeship Training concerned; and In the case of Sandwich course student, the technical Institution concerned. (22) Every employer shall maintain a record of the work done and the studies undertaken by the graduate, Technician and Technician (Vocational) apprentices engaged in his establishment, for each quarter and at the end of each quarter shall send a report in Form Apprenticeship-3 set out in Schedule III to the Director, Regional Board of Apprenticeship Training concerned”. 5. In the said rules, for Schedule III, the following Schedule shall be substituted, namely:- “Schedule-III (see rule 14) Format-1 Model Contract of Apprenticeship Training for Major/Minor Apprentices (To be prepared in Triplicate) Photograph of Apprentice 1. Name and Address of Establishment Telephone No,: Fax No. Telegram: E-Mail Address: 2. (c) Name of Apprentice (Block letters) (d) Father’s /Mother’s /Husband’s Name 3. Correspondence Address 4. Date of Birth 5. (c) Date of execution of contract (d) Age on the date of execution of contract 6. Whether belongs to Scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribe/ Physically Handicapped/Other Backward Class or Minor Community. If so, please mention the category. 7 8. 9. 10. 11. 12 Present Qualification (d) General Education (e) Technical Name of the Trade/Course Duration of Training Name of the Institute Name of the Board/Council Name of the Apprenticeship Trade (a) Duration of Apprenticeship Training (b) Period of Apprenticeship Training Rates of Stipend From____to____ _years___months From____ to First Year Rs.____p.m. Second year Rs.____p.m. Third Year Rs_____ p.m. Fourth Year Rs.____p.m. (c) Name and Address of Guardian* (d) Relationship with the Apprentice Name and Address of the Surety 16. We, the Employer, Apprentice/Guardian* and the Surety solemnly declare that we have read the Apprentices Act,1961 and the Apprenticeship Rules,1992 regarding the contract of Apprenticeship Training including obligations and agree to abide by all the provisions made thereunder. In case of default by the either the apprentice or the employer, we agree to compensate the other party as per the provisions of the Apprenticeship Rules, 1992 (Main Provisions of the Rules may be seen in the Enclosure). Signature of the Employer with Seal Signature of Apprentice Signature of Guardian 17. Witness and their address; 1. 2. 18. To be filled in by the Office of the Apprenticeship Signature of Surety Adviser (iv) (v) (vi) Registration No. Date Place Signature and Seal of the Regional Central Apprenticeship Adviser/ State Apprenticeship Adviser *Guardian, in case of minor apprentices Enclosure to Contract of Apprenticeship Training Main provisions of the Apprenticeship Rules relating to the Contract of Apprenticeship Training. 1.(a) The employer shall pay stipend to the trade apprentices at the minimum rates of (as per the provision of Rule 11(1) of Apprenticeship Rules,1992) Rs.820/- per month during first year. Rs.940/- per month during second year. Rs.1090/- per month during third year. Rs.1230/- per month during fourth year. [Rates are liable to change] (f) The stipend for a particular month shall be paid by the tenth day of the following month. No deduction shall be made from the stipend for the period during which an apprentice remain on casual or medical leave as per provision of the rule. Stipend shall, however, not be paid for the period for which the apprentice remain on extraordinary leave. 4. Where the Contract of Apprenticeship is terminated through failure on the part of the employer in carrying out the terms and conditions of the Contract ( as notified under the Apprenticeship Rules, 1992), he shall pay to the apprentice compensation as prescribed. 5. (a)In the event of premature termination of Contract of Apprenticeship for failure on the part of apprentice to carry out the terms and condition of the contract (as notified under the Apprenticeship Rules,1992), the surety at the request of apprentice hereby guarantees to employer the payment of such amount as determined by the Apprenticeship Adviser as and towards the cost of training. (b)The liability of the surety is limited to Rs.2500/- (Rupees Two thousand five hundred only) with interest at twelve per cent per annum. It shall not be obligatory on the part of employer to offer any employment to the passed out trade apprentice on completion of the period of Apprenticeship Training in his establishment, nor shall it be obligatory on the part of the Apprentice to accept an employment under the employer. Format-1A Last date for forwarding the Contracts for registration. For the apprentices engaged from 16th January to 15th April For the apprentices engaged from 16th April to 15th July For the apprentices engaged from 16th July to 15th October For the apprentices engaged from 16th October to 15th January : : : : 30th April 31st July 31st October 31st January Name and Address of Establishment Telephone No. Telex/Fax No. Telegram E-Mail Address To The State/Union Territory Apprenticeship Adviser/ The Regional Director of Apprenticeship Training Subject: Intimation regarding engagement of apprentices and forwarding their Contracts for registration. Sir/Madam, Following apprentices have been engaged in our establishment. forwarded for registration. Serial Number Name Father’s/Mother’s/Husband’s name Their contracts are Trade We have satisfied ourselves that they fulfill the eligibility criteria as per the provisions of Apprentices Act,1961 and Rules made thereunder. Copies of attested certificates are also enclosed. Yours faithfully, Encl: As stated above. Signature of Employer with Designation and Seal Format-2 Proforma of Work Diary Name and Address of Establishment Name of Apprentice Trade Registration Number Serial Date (Week) Job/Work done during the week Number From To Signature Supervisor of Note: The work diary should be maintained by the Apprentice and countersigned by his supervisor once a week. Format-3 Last date for forwarding the application: For the All India Trade Test to be held in April/May : 31st December of previous year For the All India Trade Test to be held in Oct./Nov. : 30th June Application Form for Appearing at the All India Trade Test to be held ____(Month)____(Year) under the Apprentices Act,1961 as Regular candidate. in 7. Name (in block letters) 8. Father’s /Mother’s/Husband’s Name: 9. Mailing Address 10. Name and address of Establishment where Undergoing Apprenticeship Training: 11. Name of the Designated Trade 12. Contract Registration Number] 7. Period of Apprenticeship Training: From To 9. Whether passed in the subject of Social Studies? If so, please give following details. c) All India Trade Test for Craftsmen held in ____(Month)___Year d) Marks obtained in the subject of Social Studies (Please enclose attested copies Of certificate) Signature of employer with seal (for office use in RDAT/SAA) Signature of the Apprentice with Date May be allowed subject to fulfillment of eligibility Criteria If not allowed reason therefore. Name and Signature of Regional Director/SAA Format-3A Last date for forwarding the application: For the All India Trade Test to be held in April/May For the All India Trade Test to be held in Oct./Nov. Name and Address of Establishment Telephone No. Telex/Fax No. Telegram E-Mail Address : 31st December of previous year : 30th June To The State/Union Territory Apprenticeship Adviser/ The Regional Director of Apprenticeship Training Subject: Forwarding of application Forms of Apprentices for All India Trade Test to be held in ___(Month)____(Year). Sir/Madam, The application forms in respect of the following apprentices are forwarded for appearing in All India Trade Test to be held in ___(Month)____(Year). Serial Number Designated Trade Name of Apprentice the Contract Number Registration A Demand Draft drawn in favour of ___________is also forwarded towards examination fee of above apprentices @ Rs.____. Certified that the progress and attendance of above apprentices are satisfactory. Signature of the Employer with Designation and Seal Format-4 Eligibility Certificate for appearing at All India Trade Test alongwith Assessment of the Apprentices Name and Address of Establishment Telephone No. Telex/Fax No. Telegram E-Mail Address Name and address of Trade Testing Centre All India Trade Test to be held in Serial Number Name of the Apprentice Contract Registration Number Designated Trade _____(Month)____(Year) Sessional Marks obtained of Maximum Marks Trade Theory 0 Workshop Calculation 2 and Science 10 Engineering Drawing 20 Practical 1 00 Certified that the above mentioned apprentices fulfill all the stipulated conditions laid down in the enclosure and are eligible to appear in the All India Trade Test to be held in ____(Month)______(Year). The above candidates have been allowed to appear at All India Trade Test by the RDAT/SAA as indicated on their application form enclosed herewith. Date: Signature of the Employer with Designation and Seal Note: This information should be sent to the Trade Testing Centre fifteen days prior to the commencement of All India Trade Test. Enclosure to eligibility Certificate Instructions and Guidance to determine eligibility of a candidate for appearing at All India Trade Test under the Apprentices Act, 1961. For determining the eligibility of a candidate to appear at All India Trade Test (AITT), the following points are to be taken into account:4. Only those Apprentice whose Contracts have been registered are eligible for appearing at (AITT) 5. The Apprentices who will complete contractual period of training on or before 15 th April or 15th October of the calendar year would be eligible for appearing at AITT to be held in April/May or October/November respectively. 6. A candidate who has completed/will be completing Apprenticeship Training on or before the dates as stated at Sl.No.2 above and has put in the minimum attendance i. e.200 days per year of apprenticeship training which includes 33 days attendance in Related Instruction Classes for establishments working for 5 days in a week and 240 days of attendance per year of apprenticeship training which includes 40 days of attendance in R.I. Classes for establishments working for 6 days in a week is eligible for appearing at AITT. 4. A candidate who has completed / will be completing apprenticeship training as stated above but failed / will be failing to acquire minimum attendance for circumstances beyond his control and the employer is satisfied with the grounds for shortfall in attendance and certifies that the apprentice has otherwise completed the full apprenticeship course, he shall be considered as having completed the full period of training and shall be eligible for appearing in AITT. 5. A candidate who has completed/will be completing Apprenticeship Training on or before the dates as stated above but failed/will be failing to put in the minimum period of attendance has not completed the full apprenticeship course, he shall not be considered as having completed the full period of training and the employer shall under Sub-rule (2) of Rule 7 of Apprenticeship Rules,1992 extend his period of training until he completes the full apprenticeship course, and the next test is held if so required by the Apprenticeship Adviser. Similar extension of the period of training may also be allowed in case of those apprentices who having completed but failed in the AITT. An apprentice who fails in the second test shall not be allowed for any extension of the period of training. FORM APPRENTICESHIP –1 Schedule for submission of Half Yearly Returns: For the half year ending June by 15th of July For the half year ending December by 15th of January Report for half year ending Name and Address of Establishment Telephone No. Telex/Fax No. Telegram E-Mail Address Name of the Chief Executive Office Name and Designation of Officer Incharge of Training Nature of Product/Service Central Public Sector/State Public Sector/Private Sector. Serial Number 1 Designate d Trade 2 Number of workers other than unskilled workers Number of apprentic eship seats located by SAA/RD AT as per prescribed ratio Number Training Fresher ITI passed out Total 3 4 5 6 7 Out of Apprentices undergoing Training of apprentices under Number of apprentice s appeared in All India Trade Test held in ….(month …(Year Number of apprentices passed in All India Trade Test held in ….(month …(Year Number of passed out apprentices employed by the same employer 8 9 10 Scheduled Castes Scheduled Tribes Other Backward Class Women Minorities P e r s o n s w i t h D i s a b i l i t y 11 12 13 Visually Impaired Hearing Impaired 14 15 Orthopadically Total Handicapped (14+15+16) 16 Date 17 18 19 Name and Signature of Employer Note: This information should be sent to the concerned Apprenticeship Adviser every six month. Apprenticeship Training Scheme-1 Schedule for submission of Half Yearly Returns: For the half year ending June For the half year ending December Report for half year ending Name and address of Regional Director of Apprenticeship: Training/State/UT/Apprenticeship Adviser Telephone No. Telex/Fax No. Telegram E-Mail Address by 31st of July by 31st of January Serial Number Designated Trade Number of workers other than unskille d workers Number of apprenticeship seats located by SAA/RDA T as per prescribed ratio Number of apprentices under Training Fresher ITI Total passed out Number of apprentices appeared in All India Trade Test held in .(month….. (Year……. Number of apprentices passed in All India Trade Test held in ….(month …(Year Number of passed out apprentices employed by the same employer 1 2 3 4 5 8 9 10 6 7 Out of Apprentices undergoing Training Scheduled Castes Scheduled Tribes Other Backward Class Persons Visually Impaired with Hearing Impaired 11 12 13 14 15 Date Disability Orthopadicall y Handicapped 16 Total (14+15+16 ) 17 Women Minorities 18 19 Name and Signature of Apprenticeship Adviser Apprenticeship Training Scheme-2 (For RDAT) Schedule for submission of Half Yearly Returns: For the half year ending June by 31st of July For the half year ending December by 31st of January Report for the half year ending Name and address of Regional Director of ApprenticeshipTraining: Telephone No. Telex/Fax No. Telegram E-Mail Address Sl. StNo. ate 1 2 Number of estts. which should be covered under the Act 3 Number of establishment where seats have been located Number of establishments engaging apprentices Upto the end of previous half years Upto the end of previous half years Added/De leted during the half years 4 5 Total 6 Upto the end of previous half years 7 8 Total 9 No.of apprenticeship seats located Number of Apprentices on roll 10 11 Out of Apprentices undergoing Training Scheduled Castes Scheduled Tribes Other Backward Class Persons with Disability Visually Hearing Impaired Impaired 12 13 14 15 Date 16 Orthopadi cally Handicapped Total (14+15+16 ) 17 18 Women Minorities 19 20 Name and Signature of Regional Director Apprenticeship Training Scheme-3 (State/Union Territory) Schedule for submission of Half Yearly Returns: For the half year ending June by 31st of July For the half year ending December by 31st of January Report for half year ending Name and address of State Apprenticeship Adviser Training Telephone No. Telex/Fax No. Telegram E-Mail Address Sl. N o. Sector Number of estts.which should be covered under the Act Number of establishment where seats have been located Upto the Added/De Total end of leted previous during the half years half years 1 2 3 4 1. Sector Public Sector. Private Sector 2. 5 6 Number of establishments engaging apprentices Upto the Added/ Total end of Deleted previous during half the half years years 7 8 9 Out of Apprentices undergoing Training Min- Sch Scheduled Persons with Disability Hearing orities edul Backward Other Visually impair Imparied handicapped Castes ed Class ed Trib es 13 14 15 16 No. of apprentices hip seats located Number Apprentices roll 10 11 Total 17 Ortho padically (15+ 16+ 17+19) 18 19 Women 20 12 Date Name and Signature of State/Union Territory Apprenticeship Adviser FORM APPRENTICESHIP –2 (to be submitted within ten days from the date of engagement of apprentices applicable only to Graduate of Technician or Technician (Vocational)Apprentices). Passport size Photo of apprentice Please state whether the apprentice is a student of Sandwich course: Yes/No. Name and Address of Establish ment 1 Nature of Industry and Standard Industrial Classification Code No. 2 Registration No.and Date of contract of apprenticeship Subject field in engineering/technolo gy/vocational course Date of commenceme nt of training Name address apprentice 3 4 5 6 and of 7 Educational qualification at entry. Date, month and year of birth Examination passed Period of training Date of completion of training. Name of Institution Date of passing Name and address of father/guar dian Remarks of on Rate of stipend to be paid. FORM APPRENTICESHIP –3 RECORD OF PROGRESS OF APPRENTICE; ( To be submitted once in a quarter in respect of graduate or technician or technician (vocational) apprentices). 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. Name of Apprentice Registration Number Subject field in Engineering or Technology or Vocational course Under training at Date of commencement of training Area of training during the quarter Progress report for quarter. (vi) Aptitude for training (vii) Performance during the quarter (viii) Shortcomings, if any (ix) Reaction of trainee to corrective action at (iii) above (x) Assessment:Excellent/Above Average/Average/Below Average (Strike out those not applicable) Signature of Officer/Executive Incharge of Training Remarks Signature of Manager of the Industry/Establishment. [F.No. DGE&T-23[15]2915/2002-AP] N LANKA, Dy. Secy. Footnote: The Principal rules were published in the Gazette of India vide GSR 356 dt. 108-92 and last amended vide GSR 300 dt. 1-08-2003. SERIAL CIRCULAR NO._184/2004 No.P(R )563/VI Date:29-10--2004 Copy of Board’s letter No.E(NG)-II/94/RR-1/29 dated 28.9.2004 is published for information, guidance and necessary action. Board’s letter dated 26-7-04 quoted therein was circulated as SC No. 135/04. Copy of Board’s letter No. E(NG)-II/94/RR-1/29 dated 28.9.2004 (RBE No.213/04) Sub: Upper age limit for direct recruitment to Group c & d posts on the Railways. Ref: Board’s letter No. E(NG)-II/94/RR-1/29 dated 26.7.2004. The RBE number of the instructions issued vide letter under reference may be read as 167/2004 instead of 166/2004. SERIAL CIRCULAR NO.185/2004 No.P(R )487/VPC/6/CRC/IV Date:15-10-2004 Copy of Board’s letter No.PC.III/2004/CRC/9 dated 9.9.04 is published for information, guidance and necessary action. Board’s letters dated 9.10.2003 & 17.7.92 quoted therein was circulated as S.C.No.191/04, 105/92 respectively. Copy of Board’s letter No.PC.III/2004/CRC/9 dated 9.9.04 ( Rbe No.198/04) Sub: Restructuring of certain Group ‘C’ & ‘D’ cadres. … Please refer to this Ministry’s letter No.PC.III/2003/CRC/6 dated 9.10.2003, as amended from time to time. As per annexure-I of avove leter the category of Typists is to be restructured according to the following % age distribution:CATEGORY Typists GRADE (Rs.) 6500-10500 5500-9000 5000-8000 4000-6000 3050-4590 EXISTING %AGE 8 12 25 35 20 REVISED %AGE 12 16 29 23 20 It is also provided in the footnote that Board’s letter No. E[NG]II/92/CD/1 dated 17-7-92 should be kept in view while restructuring the cadre of Typists. Feedback received from various Railways indicates that in pursuance of instructions contained in Board’s letter dated 17-7-92, the posts of Typists in lowest grade[s] have either been phased out or are about to be phased out. As such on applying the %age distribution as prescribed in Board’s letter dated 9-10-03, while posts in higher grade[s] are getting reduced, there is fresh creation of posts in lowest grade[s]. As such, Railways have sought for guidelines from Railway Board on the issue. The matter has been examined and it has been decided that restructuring of Typists may be allowed SERIAL CIRCULAR NO.186/2004 No.P(R )436/IRMM Date:29-10--2004 Copy of Board’s letter No.2004/H PNM-AIRF dated 6.10.04 is published for information, guidance and necessary action. Board’s letter dated2.7.04 quoted therein was circulated as S.C.No.116/04 Copy of Board’s letter No. 2004/H PNM-AIRF dated 6.10.04 (S.No.8 of Health/04) Sub: Extension of medical facilities to the widow mother in law of the widow on her appointment on compassionate grounds – Amendment to para 601(6) of IRMM 2000. Reference Board’s letter of even No.dated 2.7.2004 vide which amendment to para 601(6) of IRMM 2000 on the above mentioned subject had been conveyed to all Zonal Railways. In partial modification of Para 601(6) of IRMM-2000, it has been decided to replace Para 1 of Board’s letter dated 2.7.2004 with the following:“Arising out of a demand by AIRF in the PNM meeting, it has been decided that in the case of widows/widower appointed on compassionate grounds, dependent widow mother of the deceased railway employee shall be allowed to avail of the railway medical facilities under Railway Medical Attendance and Treatment rules. This is subject to the condition that income of dependent widow mother of deceased railway employee is within the ceiling limit prescribed in the pass rules. This issues with the concurrence of the Finance Directorate of the Ministry of Railway. An advance Correction Slip with respect to Para 601(6) of IRMM, 2000 is enclosed herewith. An advance Correction Slip to Para 601(6) of IRMM, 2000 Add the following as item (d) under Para 601(6) READ(d) When a widow/widower gets appointment on the railways on compassionate grounds after the death of her/his spouse, dependent widow mother of the deceased railway employee shall be entitled to avail of railway medical facilities under Railway Medical Attendance and Treatment Rules. This is subject to the condition that income of dependent widow mother of deceased Railway employee is within the ceiling limit prescribed in the pass rules. FOR (d) When a widow gets appointment on the railways on compassionate grounds after the death of her spouse, her widow mother/widow mother-in-law, as the case may be, shall be entitled to avail of Railway medical facilities under Railway Medical Attendance and Treatment Rules. This is subject to the condition that income of her mother/motherin-law is within the ceiling limit prescribed in the pass rules. SERIAL CIRCULAR NO.187_/2004 No.P(R )473/VI Date:29-10--2004 Copy of Board’s letter No.E(W)96 PS 5-1/30 dated 6.10.04 is published for information, guidance and necessary action. Copy of Board’s letter No. E(W)96 PS 5-1/30 dated 6.10.04 (RBE No./04) Sub: Issue of School Pass. Ref: Your letter No.E/204/5/Pt.1/4 dt.22.7.04. North Eastern Railway has requested for a clarification whether school pass can also be given where students travel for counseling purposes. In this connection, it is clarified that since counseling form part of the admission procedure, school pass as given for other purposes may also be issued. The number of passes to be issued in a year, however, shall remain the same i.e. 3 sets in a calendar year. SERIAL CIRCULAR NO.188____/2004 No.P(R )39/V Date:5-11--2004 Copy of Board’s letter No.E(MPP)96/1/15/Pt. Dated 30.9.04 is published for information, guidance and necessary action. Board’s letter dated 31.3.87 and 4.4.97 quoted therein were circulated as S.C.No. 86/97 Copy of Board’s letter No. E(MPP)96/1/15/Pt. Dated 30.9.04 (RBE No.214/04) Sub: Procedure relating to surrender of posts and crediting to surplus Bank. Ref: Board’s letter No.E(MPP)96/1/15 dated 4.4.1997. Attention is drawn to Board’s letter No.E(NG)II/84/RE/1/10 dated 31.3.1987 wherein the methodology to be adopted to maintain the account, in the bank for surplus posts was laid down. It is understood that some Railways are maintaining the Vacancy Bank on monthly basis. However, it would be appropriate if credit to the vacancy bank is worked on an annual basis of value of posts surrendered so as to have proper accountal. In view of merger of 50% of DA with basic pay it has been decided to modify sub-para 3 of para 3 of Board’s letter referred to above as under:“For the purpose of working out the monetary value of the posts being surrendered, only the Mean Pay of the post plus Dearness Pay and the corresponding Dearness Allowance should be taken into account” This issues with the concurrence of the Finance Dte. Of Railway Board. SERIAL CIRCULAR NO.189 /2004 No.P(R )473/VI Date:29-10--2004 Copy of Board’s letter No.E(W)2004/PS/5-6/55. dated 6.10.04 is published for information, guidance and necessary action. Board’s letters dated 23.2.96, 4-7-96 and 2910-96 quoted therein were circulated as S.C.Nos. 69/96, 98/96 and 142/96, respectively. Copy of Board’s letter No. E(W)2004/PS/5-6/55. dated 6.10.04 (RBE No.217/04) Sub: Issue of complimentary card passes in favour of widows of Gallantry Awardees. Ref: Board’s letter No.E(W)96 PS 5-6/22 dated 23.2.1996, 4.7.96 and 29.10.96 In pursuance of announcement made by the then Minister of Railways in Parliament while presenting the Railway Budget, 1996-97, instruction for grant of First Class 2nd AC Complimentary Card passes to the Gallantry Awardees (Chakra series )belonging to Defence Forces and widows of posthumous award winners were issued vide Board’s letters dated 23.2.1996 and 4.7.1996. Subsequently instructions were issued vide letter dated 29.10.96 referred to above to extend the scheme to police personnel conferred with President’s Police Medal for Gallantry, Police Medal for Gallantry and to widows of posthumous Gallantry awardees of the two categories of awards. In terms of these extant instructions, complimentary card pass facility is not available to the widows on the death of the recipient of the award. The matter has been examined by Board and it has now been decided that on the death of the Gallantry award winners, Ist class/2nd AC complimentary card pass facility should be extended to the surviving widows of all Gallantry awardees at par with the facility already available to widows of posthumous Gallantry awardees of Defence/Police Forces as indicated in Board’s instructions referred to above. In addition to the documents required to be submitted by the widows as mentioned in Board’s letter dated 23.2.1996, attested copy of the death certificate and certificate from a gazetted officer indicating that the widow has not remarried may be submitted to the office of Zonal Railway Head Quarter or the office of Divisional Railway Manager from where pass will be issued. This issues with the concurrence of the Finance Directorate of the Ministry of Railways. SERIAL CIRCULAR NO.190_/2004 No.P(R )436/IREM/VI Date:2-11--2004 Copy of Board’s letter No.E(LL)2004/FA/1. dated 25.10.04 is published for information, guidance and necessary action. Board’s letter dated 6-1-1998 quoted therein was circulated as S.C.No. 10/98. Copy of Board’s letter No. E(LL)2004/FA/1. dated 25.10.04 (RBE No.226/04) Sub: Revision of eligibility limit for grant of Festival Advance Ref: Ministry of Railway’s letter No.E(LL)97/FA/1 dt.6-1-1998. In pursuance of the decision taken by the Government, following the merger of 50% of Dearness allowance with Basic pay, the President is pleased to decide that non-gazetted employees whose Basic Pay and dearness pay taken together does not exceed Rs.12,450 [Rupees Twelve thousand four hundred fifty] per month shall be eligible for Festival Advance. 6. 7. These orders are effective from 8-10-04. However, the cases where the advances have been sanctioned under the existing provisions need not be re-opened. The other terms and conditions remain unchanged. 8. Advance Correction Slip No. 168 to para 1125 of the Indian Railway Establishment Manual, Volume I [Revised Edition 1989] is also enclosed for necessary action. 9. This issues with the concurrence of the Finance Directorate of the Ministry of Railways. Indian Railway Establishment Manual, Volume I [Revised Edition 1989] Advance Correction Slip No. 168 Page 141 Chapter XI Para 1125 – Substitute Rs.12450/- p.m. [Rupees Twelve thousand four hundred fifty] for Rs.8300/[Eight thousand three hundred] [Railway Board’s letter No. E(LL)2004/FA/1. dated 25.10.04] SERIAL CIRCULAR NO. 191 /2004 No.P(R )P[R]563/VI Date:26 -11--2004 Copy of Board’s letter No.E(NG)I/2002/PM2/9 dated 13.10.04 is published for information, guidance and necessary action. Board’s letter dated 11.8.03 and 24-3-2004 quoted therein were circulated as S.C.No. 146/03 and 44 /04, respectively. . Copy of Board’s letter No. E(NG)I/2002/PM2/9 dated 13.10.04 (RBE No.222/04) Sub: Scheme of GDCE for filling up a part of Direct Recruitment quota posts in Group ‘C’ categories – consideration of RPF personnel. In terms of the instructions contained in this Ministry’s letter of even number dated 11.8.2003, RPF/RPSF staff have been debarred from appearing in GDCE and other Departmental selections for promotion in Departments other than RPF/RPSF. Subsequently, a copy of CAT/Principal Bench, New Delhi’s judgement dt.30.12.2003 in OA No.2661/2003 upholding the above instructions was circulated to the Railways for information and guidance vide this Ministry’s letter of even number dt.24.3.2004. 1.1 The issue was also raised by way of a Writ Petition No.13376/2004 before the Hon’ble High Court of Andhra Pradesh and Hon’ble High Court vide their order dt.17.8.2004 have dismissed the writ petition. The operative portion of High Court’s judgement as contained in paras 24 & 25 thereof is reproduced as under:“24. In the light of the policy decision of the Railway Board that the members of the Railway Protection Force cannot be treated as one of the Departments of the Railway Board, the judgements of the Supreme Courts referred supra and in the light of the order of the Central Administrative Tribunal Principal Bench, New Delhi in O.A.No.2661 of 2003, the petitioners being the members of the Railway Protection Force are being treated as different class and they do not form the same class under which the members of other departments of the Railway Board were brought and treating them in a different standard does not amount to violation of the equal right provided under Articles 14 and 16 of the Constitution of India. There are no grounds to invoke the extra-ordinary jurisdiction of this Court under Article 226 of the Constitution and to issue any direction by way of a writ of Mandamus against the respondents. 25. With the above observations, the writ petition is dismissed at the admission stage”. 2. A copy of the above judgement of the Hon’ble High Court/Andhra Pradesh is also enclosed. IN THE HIGH COURT OF JUDICATURE, ANDHRA PRADESH AT HYDERABAD (Special Original Jurisdiction) (TUDESDAY, THE SEVENTEENTH DAY OF AUGUST TWO THOUSAND AND FOUR) PRESENT THE HON’BLE Dr. JUSTICE G.YETHIRAJULU WRIT PETITION NO.13376 OF 2004. Between: 6. M.Srinivas Reddy, S/o.Late Narsimha Reddy,Hindu R/o.H.No.1-1-5/3, Amaravadi nagar, Thallagadda, Suryapet Mandal, 7. 8. 9. 10. AND 5. 6. 7. 8. Nalgonda District. G.Satyanarayana S/o.Subba Rao, Hindu R/o.C/o. RPF Office, Nalgonda, Nalgonda District, A.Srinivas Reddy, S/o.Sathi Reddy, Hindu, R/o.Appajipet (Village), Nalgonda Mandal and District P.Srinivas Rao, s/o.P.Venkaiah, Hindu, C/o.RPF Office, Nalgonda, Nalgonda District. A.Bhaskar Rao, S/o.A.Nageswara Rao, R/o.Secunderabad. PETITIONERS Union of India, rep.by its Secretary, Railway Board, Rail Bhavan, New Delhi. The Chief Security Commissioner/RPF, South Central Railway, Rail Nilayam, Secunderabad. The Chief Personnel Officer, S.C.Rly, Rail Nilayam, Secunderabad. The Deputy Chief Security Commissioner, Rail Nilayam, Secunderabad. RESPONDENTS Petition under Article 226 of the Constitution of India praying that in the circumstances stated in the Affidavit filed herein the High Court will be pleased to issue a writ or order or direction, more particularly one in the nature of Writ of Mandamus declaring the action of the 2 nd respondent in not allowing the petitioners for change of cadre as ministerial staff i.e., Junior Clerk in the scale of Rs.3050-4590 RS(RP) in pursuant to the Notification No.P/PE/228/New Zones/Vol.I, dated 4.6.2004, of the 3rd respondent through his proceedings No.X/P.95/Policy, dt.12.7.2004, which is based on the 1st respondent’s Board lr.No. .E(NG)I/2002/PM2/9, dt.11-082003 and E(NG)I/2002/PM2/9 dt.24.3.2004 as illegal, arbitrary and violative of Articles 14 and 16 of the Constitution of India and consequently direct the respondents to absorb the petitioners as Junior Clerks on change of cadre. Counsel for the Petitioner: Mr.J.M.Naidu. Counsel for the Respondents: Mr.Gouri Shankar Sanghi for Rmapp. The Court at the admission stage made the following: HON’BLE Dr.JUSTICE G.YETHIRAJULU WRIT PETITION NO.13376 OF 2004 ORDER 16. The petitioners are working as Constables in Railway Protection Force appointed on various dates from 1998 to 2000. The third respondent who is the Chief Personnel Officer, South Central Railway, Secunderabad circulated a notification vide proceedings No.P/LE/228/New Zones/Vol.I, dated 4.6.2004 inviting option from Group C staff having graduate qualification (Technical/non-technical categories) to join as Ministerial Staff in the time scale of Rs.3050-4590 RS(RP) on bottom seniority as Junior Clerks on permanent basis as a change of cadre from one category to another category at North Eastern Division. The last date for exercising the option was fixed as 30.6.2004. The Divisional Security Commissioners forwarded all the applications submitted by the petitioners to the second respondent instead of sending them to the third respondent. The last date for forwarding the applications to the third respondent was 12.7.2004. The second respondent instead of forwarding the applications to the third respondent declined to forward those applications through proceedings No.X/P.95/Policy dated 12.7.2004 on the basis of the first respondent’s proceedings viz. Railway Board’s letter No.E(NG)I/2002/PM2/9 dated 11.8.2003 (RBE No.139/2003) and letter No.E(NG)I/2002/PM2/9 dated 24.3.2004 (RBE No.64/04), which are based on the judgment of the Central Administrative Tribunal Principal Bench, New Delhi vide O.A.No.2661 of 2003. The petitioners being aggrieved by the action of the second respondent in issuing the proceedings dated 4.6.2004 and the proceedings of the third respondent dated 12.7.2004 basing of the first respondent’s letters dated 11.8.2003 and 24.3.2004 approached this Court for issuing a writ of Mandamus holding them illegal, arbitrary and violative of Articles 14 and 16 of the Constitution of India. 17. It is an undisputed fact that the petitioners are working as Constables in the Railway Protection Force. They are under the administrative control of the Director General and under the overall supervision of the General Manager, South Central Railway, Secunderabad. The General Manager issued a notification dated 4.6.2004 providing the facility of option to the Group C staff to those who possess Graduate Degree (Technical/non-technical categories) to join as ministerial staff in the time scale of Rs.3050-4590 RS(RP) on bottom seniority. In the said notification the General Manager mentioned that it is decided to extend the facility of option to all the graduates (Technical/non-technical categories) working in Group C posts to work as ministerial staff i.e., Junior Clerks on permanent basis as a change of cadre from one category to another at NED subject to certain conditions. It was further mentioned in the said notification that this is a rare opportunity extended as one time dispensation for change of category to all technical and non-technical categories (other than running staff) to opt for ministerial category on bottom seniority. He further mentioned that there is likelihood of better chances of promotion on NED Division in the ministerial cadre due to availability of vacancies. It was also mentioned that this factual position may be brought to the notice of the concerned duly giving wide publicity as no staff should feel that they have lost the opportunity because of unawareness of this letter. The General Manager further mentioned in the notification that options exercised before 30.6.2004 should be forwarded to the Divisional Head Quarters before 5.7.2004 and the Divisional Headquarters should forward the same through SPO/Rules in a bunch by 12.7.2004. The said notification was marked to GS/SCRE Sangh/SC, GS/SCRM Union/SC, SC/ST Association/SC, All SPOs and APOs in Headquarters for the purpose of information. 18. The petitioners made their applications within time by opting for ministerial cadre on bottom seniority and submitted them to the Divisional Security Commissioner and he forwarded those applications to the second respondent. The second respondent instead of forwarding those applications to the third respondent issued a proceeding dated 12.7.2004 mentioning as follows: With reference to the above, it is to inform that the RPF staff are not permitted to opt for the post of Jr.Clerk vide reference cited above in the light of Boards letter No.E(NG)I/2003/PM2/9 dated 11.8.2003 and Lr.No.2003/Sec(E)/PM-3/3 dated 16.2.2004 circulated vide this office letter of even No.dated 5.9.2003 and 27.2.2004 respectively. In view of the above position, the applications of RPF staff forwarded by the divisions for the post of Jr.Clerks in NED Division are returned herewith. The staff may be informed accordingly. This issues with the approval of CSC/SC. 19. The copies of this proceeding were marked to the General Secretary, RPFA/SCR for information and ISPF/SIB ‘A’ Coy/HQrs. And QM for information and necessary action. 20. The petitioners contended that they are being treated as ‘railway servants’ for all practical purposes, in view of Section 10 of the Railway Protection Force Act, 1957 (for short ‘The Act’) and it reads as follows: Section 10. The Director General and every member of the force shall for all purposes be regarded as ‘railway servants’ within the meaning of the Indian Railways Act,1890 (9 of 1890), other than Chapter VI-A thereof, and shall be entitled to exercise the powers conferred on railway servants by or under the Act. 21. The learned counsel submitted that except the disciplinary proceedings which is within the purview of the Director General, the petitioners are governed by Rule 80 of the Railway Protection Force Rules, 1987 (for short ‘the RPF rules) for the purpose of Provident Fund, Gratuity, Pension, medical facility, passes etc. The learned counsel submitted that according to Rule 80 the servants of the Railway Protection Force shall be governed by the Railway rules in the absence of specific provisions under the RPF Rules. Rule 80 of the RPF Rules reads as under: 80. Provident Fund, gratuity, pension, medical facilities, passes etc.--2) In matter relating to: ix) Provident fund, x) Gratuity, xi) Pension xii) Medical facilities, xiii) Passes and Privileges Ticket orders xiv) Educational assistance, xv) Travelling and transfer allowances, and xvi) Other financial matters. Superior officers and enrolled members of the Force shall be governed by the provisions of these rules or where no specific provision has been made in these rules than by the extant Railway Rules in the same manner as officers holding the corresponding ranks or grades in the railways are governed by the said Railway Rules. Provided that the extant Railway Rules relating to the aforesaid matters may be modified by the Central Government from time to time in their application to the members of the Force. 3. A Provident Fund Account book shall be issued to each member of the Force in which deductions made by the Pay Drawing Authority shall be periodically entered and authenticated. 22. The learned counsel also drew the attention of this Court to Section 2 (34) of the Railways Act,1989, which defines the words ‘railway servant’ and contended that in view of the amendment to Section 2 (34) under the Railways Second Amendment Act,2003, which came into force on 1.7.2004, members of the Railway Protection Force appointed under clause [c] of sub-section (1) of Section 2 of the Railway Protection Force Act, 1957 are also coming under the definition of the ‘railway servants’. The definition of railway servant after the amendment reads as follows: Sec.2(34) “Railway servant” means any person employed by the Central Government or by a railway administration in connection with the service of a railway, including member of the Railway Protection Force appointed under clause [c] of sub-section (1) of Section 2 of the Railway Protection Force Act,1957. 23. The learned counsel for the petitioners further submitted that the security department in which the petitioners are now working is treated as one of the departments of railways and the respondents are therefore provided the channel of promotion to the Security Personnel also. When the respondents in the similar cases refused to forward the applications of the Constables for the post of Assistant Station Master in the year 1995, the employees have filed WP No.19521 of 1995 and an interim direction was given by this Court to forward the applications to the second respondent.. 24. The learned counsel further submitted that the fourth respondent directed his subordinates to relieve the selected candidates in that connection for training by letter dated 14.8.1997. When the respondents denied the employees to undergo training, some of the employees filed W.P.No.25872 of 1995 on the file of this Court and this Court granted interim direction in W.P.M.P.No.31877 of 1995 dated 16.11.1995 and the petitioners therein were sent for training to the post of Assistant Station Masters. The learned counsel further submitted that the action of the second respondent in refusing to forward the applications of the petitioners to the posts of Junior Clerks on the basis of the proceedings of the first respondent dated 11.8.2003 and letter dated 24.3.2004 is illegal, arbitrary and violative of Articles 14 and 16 of the Constitution and the same may be declared as such. 25. The point for consideration is whether the petitioners who are working as RPF Constables can be treated as members of railway service for the purpose of making applications to the posts of Junior Clerks by virtue of an option given to all the graduates working in Group C posts? Point: 26. The third respondent issued a notification on 4.6.2004 mentioning that it is decided to extend the facility of option to all the graduates (Technical/non/technical categories) working in Group C posts (other than running staff) to work as ministerial staff i.e., Junior Clerk in scale Rs.3050-4590 on permanent basis as a change of cadre from one category to the other subject to certain conditions. It was further mentioned in the said notification that this is a rare opportunity extended as one time dispensation for change of category to all Technical and Non-technical categories (other than running staff) to opt for ministerial cadre on bottom seniority. There is likelihood of better chances of promotion on NED division in the ministerial cadre due to availability of vacancies. 27. On 12.7.2004 the second respondent addressed a letter to the Deputy Chief Security Commissioners and Assistant Security Commissioners of various places informing that the RPF staff are not permitted to opt for the post of Junior Clerks vide CPO/SC letter No.P/CE/228/New Zones/Vol.I dated 10.6.2004 in the light of the Board’s letter No.E(NG)I/2002/PM2/9 dated 11.8.2003 and letter No.2003/Sec.(E)PM-3/3 dated 16.2.2004 circulated through the office letter dated 5.9.2003 and 27.2.2004 respectively. He further mentioned in the said letter that in view of the above position the applications of the RPF staff forwarded by the divisions for the post of Junior Clerks in NED division are returned and the staff members may be informed accordingly. The Railway Board through its letter No.E(NG)I/2002/PM2/9 dated 11.8.2003 clarified the position on the plea of RPF Constables who applied for Junior Clerks and the said clarification to the extent necessary for the purpose of this writ petition reads as follows: The question whether the RPF/RPSF Personnel should be considered eligible to appear in the GDCE or other Departmental selections for appointment / promotion to posts in Departments other than RPF/RPSF in the Railways has been considered carefully by the Board in consultation with the Ministry of Home Affairs. As the Railways are aware, the scheme of GDCE has been introduced with the main objective of facilitating redeployment of surplus staff either by redeployment of such staff in the posts vacated by staff selected under GDCE or surplus eligible staff themselves getting selected under the scheme. However, the selection of RPF/RPSF staff under the GDCE cannot in any way facilitate redeployment of surplus staff. In view of this and on the analogy of practice being followed by the Central Police Forces (CPFs) under the control of the Ministry of Affairs as also the very nature of job and the method of recruitment in RPF/RPSF, it has been decided that the RPF/RPSF Personnel cannot be allowed to appear in the GDCE. They will also not be eligible to appear in other Departmental selections in Departments other than RPF/RPSF. However, the past cases decided otherwise will not be reopened. 28. Challenging the above letter dated 11.8.2003 some of the RPF Constables have filed an original application vide O.A.No.2661 of 2003 before the Central Administrative Tribunal, Principal Bench, New Delhi and the Tribunal in its order dated 30.12.2003 passed in the said application observed that RPF/RPSF cannot be said to be covered within the meaning of ‘other department staff’. The Tribunal further held as follows: “7…… We are inclined to agree with the contention of the respondents that the applicants are part of a conbatised Force created specifically to look after the security needs of the Indian Railways and the mode of their selection and training has also been conducted in that direction only. Thus, creation of such posts appears to be totally unrelated to the ministerial needs. Admittedly, the applicants had joined the Force and underwent special training with the full knowledge and intent to remain as members of the combatised Force only and not to migrate to ministerial cadre. Undoubtedly, as admitted by the respondents as well, on certain earlier occasions some members of the RPF/RPSF staff had participated in the departmental examinations for the post of Junior Cashier, but we tend to agree with the arguments of the respondents that, that by itself does not confer any right on otherwise ineligible members of the Force to appear in the examination because the applicants have not been able to produce before us any rules to show that they are entitled as a matter of right to appear in the examination for the post of Junior Cashier.” 29. Subsequent to the Circular dated 11.8.2003 of the Railway Board, the All India RPF Association made a representation to the Ministry of Railways to permit the personnel of RPF to appear for appointment or for selection or examinations of the other Departments of Railways and the same was rejected on 16.2.2004. A communication was sent to that effect to the Chief Security Commissioner, Railway Protection Force, South Central Railway, Secunderabad in response to his letter dated 23.12.2003, and the same reads as follows: The demand of All India RPF Association for allowing RPF personnel to appear in the GDCE of the railway has been considered in consultation with the establishment, directorate of Ministry of Railways. It is however regretted that the demand of All India RPF Association cannot be agreed to. 30. In V. Damodar Rao and another v. The Chief Personnel Officer, South Central Railway, Rail Nilayam, Secunderabad & others’ a learned single Judge of this Court held as follows: The petitioner’s contention cannot be accepted in view of the fact that the RPF Department is not included in Chapter I of the Railway Establishment service rules under sub-section III which provides for recruitment and training for 14 departments. The departments included in the said Chapter are:1) Transportation (Traffic) Department, 2) Commercial Department, 3)Transportation (Power) Department 4) Mechanical and Electrical Engineering Department 5) Civil Engineering Department 6) Signal and Telecommunication Department 7) Drawing office cadre 8) Stores Department 9)Skilled Artisans 10) Medical Department (Para Medical staff) 11) Scientific staff 12) Ministerial and Non-Ministerial categories 13) Official language Department and 14) Railway School staff. The categories under the expression “Other Departments” mentioned under Rule 170 (I)(99)(c) relates to those categories only which are mentioned under Sub-section 111(xii) which is as under: XIII. c) Xxx d) ii) Ministerial and Non-Ministerial categories: Accounts Department: Other than Accounts Department: Office Clerks ii) Typists, iii) Stenographers. It is therefore clear that the Railway Protection Force Department is not included in the Departments narrated above and also the category of Constables is not mentioned under SubSection 111(xii)(b). Therefore, the petitioners are not eligible for consideration to the post of Cashiers. The writ petition has no merits and it is accordingly dismissed. 16. The learned counsel for the respondents further submitted that the policy decisions of the Railway Board cannot be interfered with by this Court and it is for the State to decide whether any Department is to be included for the purpose of extending a particular benefit. The learned counsel for the petitioners submitted that permitting the employees of various departments of South Central Railway and denying similar opportunity to the personnel of Railway Protection Force amounts to discrimination and is violative of Articles 14 and 16 of the Constitution of India. 17. In this regard it may be appropriate to refer to certain decisions of the Supreme Court. In Vijay Lakshmi v. Punjab University while dealing with the question as regards to the reservation of posts in women’s college/hostel for women only the Supreme Court observed as follows: ‘In the light of the established propositions of law interpreting Articles 14 to 16 it can be stated that there could be classification between male and female for certain posts. Such classification cannot be said to be arbitrary or unjustified. In cases where the policy decision is taken by the State beyond rules are framed accordingly, it cannot be termed to be arbitrary or unjustified. Hence it is not possible to hold that the rules empowering the authority to appoint only a lady Principal or a lady teacher or a lady doctor or a woman Superintendent are violative of Article 14 or 16.’ It is not for the Court to sit in appeal against the policy decision taken by the State Government. It is for the State to decide whether such a rule is preventive one or precautionary measure. 23. In Western U.P.Electric Power & Supply Co. Ltd., v. State of UP.3 the Supreme Court held as follows: “Article 14 of the Constitution ensures equality among equals: its aim is to protect persons similarly placed against discriminatory treatment. It does not however operate against rational classification A person setting up a grievance of denial of equal treatment by law must establish that between persons similar circumstanced, some were treated to their prejudice and the differential treatment had no reasonable relation to the object sought to be achieved by the law.” 24. In Chief Security Commr., SCR, RPF, Rail Nilayam, Sec’bad v H.Srinivasa Rao while answering the challenge made by the petitioners to a policy decision taken by the Railways as regards the merger of fire service branch in the executive branch consequent on the closure of fire service branch a Division Bench of this Court held as follows: The Court, normally, is not inclined to interfere with such policy decisions unless the same is found to be patently arbitrary or illegal. If the persons affected can show that there had been a flagrant violation of the policy decision itself, and then only the same can be subject matter of judicial review. A policy decision which is in the exclusive domain of the State can be struck down only when the same is ultra vires or unconstitutional. Bereft of violation of Articles 14 and 16 of the Constitution of India, no policy decision can be done away with. 25. In State of Maharashtra v. Dr.Shri Hari Shankar Vaidhya while dealing with the claim made by certain teachers working in Ayurvedic, Unani and Homeopathic aided institutions for pension and gratuity on par with State Government Civil Servants, the Supreme Court held that whether the scheme could be extended or not was a question of executive policy and the Court would not take responsibility of directing the Government to extend the policy. The Court requires examination as to how the policy laid down is being worked-out. Since it is stated that the extending of the above benefits to the teachers mentioned above involve huge financial outlay, the Supreme Court directed the Government to consider extension of the benefit of pension and gratuity scheme to the teachers working in the Ayurvedic, Unani and Homeopathic aided educational institutions in a phased manner, as was done with respect to the other aided institutions. 26. The learned counsel for the petitioners submitted that in the definition of the word ‘railway servant’ as amended in the Railway Protection Force (Amended) Act 2003, which came into force with effect from 1.7.2004, the member of Railway Protection Force is also included, therefore, the petitioners shall be treated as ‘railway servants’ and a direction may be given to the respondents that they are entitled to make application for the Junior Clerk posts notified by the Chief Personnel Officer. 27. The Railway Protection Force (Amendment) Act,2003 (Act 51 of 2003) was brought into existence with the following object: The railway administration has at its disposal seventy thousand personnel of the Railway Protection Force, which is an armed force of the Union. The Railway Protection Force has been given limited powers under the Railway Property (Unlawful Possession) Act,1966 to take action against any person who is found in unlawful possession of railway property. However, the Railway Protection Force is not able to actively help the railway administration in dealing with day to day problems and to ensure smooth running of trains. Though the Railways Act,1989 empowers the railway servants, including a Member of the Railway Protection Force, to arrest without warrant the persons committing offences mentioned in Section 179 of the said Act and to produce them before the nearest Magistrate, such persons are not empowered to either investigate or inquire into cases or launch prosecution in a court of law. These functions are performed by the State Police. For effectively dealing with certain offences under the Railways Act,1989, it is proposed that the officers authorized by the Central Government may be empowered to enquire and launch prosecution against the persons committing offences directly related to the functioning of the railways by amending the said Act. It is also proposed to empower these officers to search and seize any property and to file complaint in a Court of competent jurisdiction in respect of these offences. The authorized officers would not have the power in respect of certain serious offences viz., offences under Sections 150 to 152 of the Railways Act,1989. 23, Act 51 of 2003 was brought into force for a specific purpose of empowering the officers of the Railway Protection Force to search and seize any property and to file complaint in a Court of competent jurisdiction. Therefore, the inclusion of Railway Protection Force in the definition of ‘railway servant’ is for the above purpose and not for any other purpose. If no such clarification is given by the Railway Board in its object, then there would have been a scope for interpreting the definition of railway servant and treating the members of the Railway Protection Force as railway servants for all purposes and as members of one of the departments under the direct control of the Railway Board, including the one of making applications for ministerial posts. 25. In the light of the policy decision of the Railway Board that the members of the Railway Protection Force cannot be treated as one of the Departments of the Railway Board, the judgements of the Supreme Courts referred supra and in the light of the order of the Central Administrative Tribunal Principal Bench, New Delhi in O.A.No.2661 of 2003, the petitioners being the members of the Railway Protection Force are being treated as a different class and they do not form the same class under which the members of other departments of the Railway Board were brought and treating them in a different standard does not amount to violation of the equal right provided under Articles 14 and 16 of the Constitution of India. There are no grounds to invoke the extra ordinary jurisdiction of this Court under Article 226 of the Constitution and to issue any direction by way of a writ of Mandamus against the respondents. 25. With the above observations, the writ petition is dismissed at the admission stage. SERIAL CIRCULAR NO.192/2004 No.P(R )227/XIV Date:11 -11--2004 Copy of Board’s letter No. PC III/2004/CRC/20(Pt) dated 14.10.2004 is published for information, guidance and necessary action. Board’s letter dated 21.1.93 and 9.10.03 quoted therein were circulated as S.C.No. 16/93 and 191/03, respectively. Copy of Board’s letter No. PC III/2004/CRC/20(Pt) dated 14.10.2004 addressed to GM/P/NCR and copied to All Indian Railways. Sub: Promotion of Group ‘C’ staff under restructuring orders – DAR clearance. Kindly refer your Railway’s letter No.797-E/NCR/Personnel/Promotion/CPI/003 dated 08.09.2004. The issue raised in your Railway’s letter ibid has been examined in consultation with Establishment Directorate, Railway Board. It has been very clearly and specifically laid down in para 5 of Board’s letter No.PCIII/2003/CRC/6 dated 09.10.2003 that extant instructions for D&A clearance will be applicable for effecting promotions under these orders with reference to the cut-off date. In other words, application of the procedure contained in extant instructions like the procedure contained in Board’s letter No.E(D&A)92/RG 6-149(A) dated 21.1.1993 to a particular case being considered for promotion against upgraded post, would depend upon whether the Railway servant concerned was free from D&A action on the cut off date and not when his case for promotion against upgraded post is actually considered or when panel is formed. SERIAL CIRCULAR NO. 193 /2004 No.P(R )563/VI Date: 10 -12-2004 Copy of Board’s letter No. E(RRB)2003/25/7 dated 5.10.04 is published for information, guidance and necessary action. Board’s letter dated 24.5.04 quoted therein was circulated as S.C.No. 90/04 Copy of Board’s letter No. E(RRB)2003/25/7 dated 5.10.04 CORRIGENDUM Sub: Procedure for application of Aptitude Test in direct recruitment to safety categories of staff on Indian Railways. Para 6.1.1 (xxiii) of procedure of Aptitude Test in direct recruitment to safety categories of staff on Indian Railways issued vide Board’s letter of even number dated 24.5.2004 may be read as under:“The used answer sheets shall be preserved by SSO/JSO for a period of six months from the date of declaration of panel. After this period these may be destroyed. In case, there is any Court Case or Vigilance inquiry pending against the selection, the sheets may be preserved till its finalisation.” SERIAL CIRCULAR NO. 194 /2004 No.P(PC)487/V/97/DA Date: 3 -10-2004 Copy of Board’s letter No.E(P&A)II-2004/RS-13 dated 12.10.04 is published for information, guidance and necessary action. Board’s letter dated 11.3.04 quoted therein was circulated as S.C.No.36/04. Copy of Board’s letter No. E(P&A)II-2004/RS-13 dated No.217/2004) 12.10.04 (PC-V/432/2004 , RBE Sub: Merger of Dearness Allowance equal to 50% of basic pay with the basic pay w.e..f.1.4.2004. Please refer to Board’s letter of even number dated 30.6.2004 on the above subject wherein an illustration showing the method to be followed for calculation of emoluments of serving Running staff consequent upon issue of Board’s letter No.PC-V/2004/A/DA/1 dated 11.3.2004 was given. 2. It has been represented to the Board that subsequent to issue of letter dated 11.3.2004 ibid, there has been drop in the pensionary benefits of running staff retiring on/after 1.4.2004 with reference to running staff who had retired prior to 1.4.2004. The issue has, therefore been examined by the Board and it has been decided that the method, as illustrated below, is to be adopted for computing emoluments of running staff for working out their retirement benefits: Basic Pay (BP) Dearness Pay (DP) Pay element ( @ 555) Emoluments = = = = Rs,5,000 Rs.2,500 (50% of BP) Rs.4,125 (on BP+DP) Rs.11,625/- 3. This issues with the concurrence of the Finance Directorate of the Ministry of Railways. SERIAL CIRCULAR NO. 195 /2004 No.P(R )227/XIV Date: 26-11—2004 Copy of Board’s Notification No. E(D&A)2004/RG 6-30 dated 13.10.04 is published for information, guidance and necessary action. Copy of Board’s Notification No. E(D&A)2004/RG 6-30 dated 13.10.04 (RBE No.221/04) [To be published in Part II, Section 3, Sub-Section[i] of the Gazette of India, Government of India, Ministry of Railways [Railway Board] NOTIFICATION GSR…..In exercise of the powers conferred by the proviso to article 309 of the Constitution, the President hereby makes the following rules further to amend the Railway Servants [Discipline and Appeal ] Rules, 1968, namely: 1. [1] These rules may be called the Railway Servants [Discipline and Appeal ] [Amendment] Rules, 2004. [2] They shall come into force on the date of their publication in the Official Gazette. 3. In rule 9 of the Railway Servants [Discipline and Appeal ] Rules, 1968, in sub-rule [2], the following proviso shall be inserted at the end, namely: “ Provided that where there is a complaint of sexual harassment within the meaning of rule 3 C of the Railway Services [Conduct] Rules, 1966, the Complaints Committee established for inquiring into such complaints, shall be deemed to be the inquiring authority appointed by the disciplinary authority for the purpose of these rules and the Complaints Committee shall hold, if separate procedure has not been prescribed for the Complaints Committee for holding the inquiry into the complaints of sexual harassment, the inquiry as far as practicable in accordance with the procedure laid down in these rules.” [F. No. E(D&A)2004/RG 6-30] [V.N. Mathur] Secretary, Railway Board. Note: Principal Rules were published in the Gazette of India vide Notification No. E(D&A)66/RG 6-9 dated the 22nd August, 1968 vide S.O. 3181, dated the 14th September, 1968 and subsequently amended by:Sl. No. Notification No. Date Published in the Gazette of India Part II Section 3 Sub-section (i) GSR/SO No. Date of Publication 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5 E(D&A)66RG 6-9 E(D&A)67 RG 6-13 E(D&A)70 RG 6-63 E(D&A)70 RG 6-60 E(D&A)70 RG 6-41 10.4.69 7.4.71 9.6.71 19.10.71 21.10.71 1531 1925 2501 5078 4050 24.6.1969 8.5.1971 3.7.1971 6.11.1971 30.10.1971 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 E(D&A)70 RG 6-43 E(D&A)70 RG 6-52 E(D&A)70 RG 6-69 E(D&A)69 RG 6-60 E(D&A)71 RG 6-60 E(D&A)751 RG 6-35 E(D&A)77 RG 6-46 E(D&A)78 RG 6-54 E(D&A)77 RG 6-30 E(D&A)79 RG 6-26 E(D&A)79 RG 6-12 E(D&A)78 RG 6-61 E(D&A)79 RG 6-39 E(D&A)78 RG 6-11 12.11.71 25.3.72 17.11.72 5.2.73 13.7.73 5.4.77 7.7.78 29.11.78 7.4.78 17.8.79 25.10.79 22.11.79 31.12.79 6.2.80 5264 9467 3918 2897 1413 2193 0364 3057 3777 0143 0441 4.12.1971 8.4.1972 25.11.72 6.10.1973 14.5.1977 29.7.1978 23.12.1978 8.9.1979 17.11.1979 19.1.1980 23.2.1980 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 E(D&A)81 RG 6-72 E(D&A)81 RG 6-63 E(D&A)81 RG 6-54 E(D&A)82 RG 6-29 E(D&A)83 RG 6-45 E(D&A)80 RG 6-25 E(D&A)85 RG 6-16 E(D&A)83 RG 6-14 E(D&A)87 RG 6-47 E(D&A)87 RG 6-146 E(D&A)88 RG 6-43 E(D&A)84 RG 6-44 E(D&A)88 RG 6-38 E(D&A)84 RG 6-44 E(D&A)90 RG 6-112 E(D&A)91 RG 6-42 E(D&A)90 RG 6-117 E(D&A)89 RG 6-80 E(D&A)90 RG 6-112 E(D&A)92 RG 6-148 E(D&A)92 RG 6-166 E(D&A)93 RG 6-94 E(D&A)95 RG 6-68 E(D&A)92 RG 6-151 E(D&A)94 RG 6-10 E(D&A)98 RG 6-42 E(D&A)2001 RG6-29 E(D&A)87 RG6-151 E(D&A)98 RG 6-52 E(D&A)2002/RG6-1 31.8.82 10.8.83 31.5.84 30/3/85 13.6.85 20.1.86 20.3.87 28.8.87 26.10.87 10.5.88 12.8.88 20.10.89 16.11.89 22.11.90 16.11.90 8.6.91 19.9.91 20.1.92 22.10.92 9.11.92 11.1.93 23.6.94 13.8.97 6.11.97 16.2.99 11.10.99 31.10.01 8.8.02 16-01-2003 10-03-2003 GSR/982 GSR/632 1822 5667 GSR/667 GSR/241 GSR/708 GSR/869 GSR/420 GSR/759 GSR/850 GSR/900 GSR/723 GSR/568 GSR/86 GSR/63 GSR/327 GSR/422 GSR/106 GSR/87 GSR/617 GSR/342 GSR/50 GSE/134 17-12-1983 23.6.1984 27.4.1985 6.7.1985 22.2.1986 4.4.1987 19.9.1987 21.11.1987 21.5.1988 17.9.1988 11-11-1989 02-12-1989 11-12-1990 5.10.1991 22.2.1992 30.1.1993 16-07-94 27-12-97 6.6.1998 20.3.1999 24.11.2001 24-8-2002 1-2-2003 29-3-2003 SERIAL CIRCULAR NO. 196 /2004 No.P(R )436/IREM/VI Date: 26 -11--2004 Copy of Board’s letter No.2004/AC-II/20/5 dated 20.10.04 is published for information, guidance and necessary action. Copy of Board’s letter No. 2004/AC-II/20/5 dated 20.10.04 (RBA No.39/2004). Sub: Appendix-2 & Appendix-3 (IREM) examinations for Accounts Department. Advance Correction Slip No.166 & 167 amending Appendix-2 and Appendix-3 of Indian Railway Establishment Manual, Vol.I(1989 Revised Edition) are enclosed for information and necessary action. ADVANCE CORRECTION SLIP NO.166 INDIAN RAILWAY ESTABLISHMENT MANUAL VOL.I(Revised Edition 1989) Appendix-2 (3) Substitute the following for the existing Para 4(a) of Appendix-2: “4(a) Ordinarily no Railway servant will be permitted to take the examination more than five chances for Appendix 2 IREM Examinations but the FA&CAO/General Managers are delegated with powers to grant additional chances to the candidates appearing in the aforesaid examinations as detailed below:Particulars of Exam. Normal chances Permission may be granted by FA&CAO Examination for 5 6th to 8th chance promotion beyond Accounts Clerks (as laid down in this Appendix) Permission may Railway Board be granted by GM 9th and 10th No reference will chance be made to Board for chance beyond 10th chance. Note: This Sub Rule is not applicable to directly recruited JAAs who are required to pass Appendix II examination in two chances/within three years of their joining service as JAAs failing which their services are liable to be terminated. However, the request for grant of a third chance, on the specific recommendation of the FA&CAO, may be granted by the GM, to be availed of within total span of four years of joining service as JAAs before action to terminate their services is taken”. (4) Add the following as sub-paras (e)&(f) after the existing sub-para (d) of para 4 of Appendix-2: “4(e) The permission accorded to a candidate to appear in the examination counts as a chance availed of even if the candidate does not actually sit for the examination unless an application from the candidate is received by the General manager each year for withdrawal from the examination and is accepted by the General Manager. 4(f) In the case of candidates prevented from appearing in the Appendix-2 (IREM) examination owing to circumstances beyond their control, an application for exemption from counting the permission granted as a chance availed of should be made to the General Manager within a fortnight from the last date of the examination supported by certificates (Medical Certificates conforming to the Rules in Chapter 5 of Indian Railway Medical manual, Vol.I) obtained by them before the termination of the examination”. [Authority: Board’s lr No. 2004/AC-II/20/5 dt. 20.10.04] ADVANCE CORRECTION SLIP NO.167 INDIAN RAILWAY ESTABLISHMENT MANUAL VOL.I(Revised Edition 1989) Appendix-3 Substitute the following for the existing Para 9 of Appendix-3: 9.1 Ordinarily the number of chances for appearing in the Appendix-3 examination for each class of appointment is limited to three, but the FA&CAO/General Managers are delegated with powers to grant additional chances to the candidates appearing in the aforesaid examinations as detailed below:-. Normal chances Permission may Permission Particulars of Exam Railway Board may be granted be granted by by GM FA&CAO Examination for Beyond 6th and th th promotion as 3 4 th to 5 chance 6 chance upto 10th chance, S.O.(Accounts) reference may be Inspectors of Station made to Railway (Accounts) and Board. No Inspector of Stores (Accounts) (as laid down in this Appendix) reference will be made to Board for chance beyond 10th chance Note 1 : The GM/FA&CAO will accord the necessary permission to appear in the examination subject to the conditions for eligibility as prescribed in rule 6 and 7 above being rigidly fulfilled. Note 2: The permission accorded to a candidate to appear in the examination counts as a chance availed of even if the candidate does not actually sit for the examination unless an application from the candidate is received by the General manager each year for withdrawal from the examination and is accepted by the General Manager. Note 3 - In the case of candidates prevented from appearing in the Appendix-2 (IREM) examination owing to circumstances beyond their control, an application for exemption from counting the permission granted as a chance availed of should be made to the General Manager within a fortnight from the last date of the examination supported by certificates (Medical Certificates conforming to the Rules in Chapter 5 of Indian Railway Medical manual, Vol.I) obtained by them before the termination of the examination”. [Authority: Board’s lr No. 2004/AC-II/20/5 dt. 20.10.04] SERIAL CIRCULAR NO. 197 /2004 No.P(PC)487/V/97/Allowance/Vol.II Date: 11-11-2004 Copy of Board’s letter No.PC-V/98/1/7/1 dated 18.10.04 is published for information, guidance and necessary action. Board’s letter dated 21.4.99 quoted therein was circulated as S.C.No.112/99. Copy of Board’s letter No. PC-V/98/1/7/1 dated V/433/2004 , RBE No.225/2004) 18.10.04 (PC- Sub: Implementation of Government’s decision on the recommendations of the 5th Central Pay Commission – grant of fixed Medical Allowance @ Rs.100 p.m. to the Railway pensioners/family pensioners. The undersigned is directed to refer to Railway Board’s letter of even number dated 1.3.2004 (copy enclosed) on the subject of Medical Allowance and to state that proforma of undertaking circulated therewith be replaced with the revised proforma of undertaking enclosed herewith as Annexure ‘I’, to facilitate setting of claims of Medical Allowance. Henceforth, existing pensioners/family pensioners who opt to claim Medical Allowance will be required to submit their undertaking in duplicate (as per Annexure I) to the Pension Disbursing Authority. Consequent to issue of Board’s letter of even number dated 1.3.2004, on Medical Allowance, clarification have been sought by various quarters about certain issues in connection with implementation of orders contained therein. Doubts have been duly examined and point-wise clarifications are accordingly indicated in the Annexure II to this letter for general guidance and appropriate action in the matter. ANNEXURE I (to be submitted in DUPLICATE by pensioners/family pensioners to his/her Pension Disbursing Authority (PDA) one copy to be retained by PDA and other copy to be furnished to Pension Sanctioning Authority by PDA) I______________, a retired employee/family pensioner whose_________(specify relation of Family pensioner with deceased Railway employee) was an employee of (Office address)_____________________ declare that I am residing at (residential address indicated in PPO)___________________________________, which is beyond 2.5. KMs from the nearest Railway hospital/health unit________________(Name of the Hospital/Health Unit as contained in Annexure III to Railway Board’s letter No.PCV/98/I/7/1/1 dated 21.4.99). 2. Accordingly, I hereby opt to claim fixed medical allowance of Rs.100/- per month. Necessary endorsement may please be made in my PPO in this regard. Simultaneously, I undertake that I will not avail of OPD facilities at Railway hospitals/health units from the day I claim Medical Allowance. I also understand that grant of Medical Allowance is subject to the terms and conditions specified in Board’s letter No.PC-V/98/I/7/1/1 dated 21.4.99 and 1.3.2004. 3. I also declare that I have not availed of any treatment as Out Door Patient for the period from __________ (indicate here the date of retirement or the date of availing OPD facility on the last occasion or 1.12.1997, whichever is later) to ___________(indicate here the date on which this declaration is signed). I may accordingly be paid arrear of Medical Allowance @ Rs.100/- per month for the period mentioned above. Signature………………… Name in full……………. PPO No………………… Issued by……………….. SB A/c No……………… Post Office/Bank………. Branch…………………. Place…………………… Date…………………… Annexure-II Reference: Railway Board’s letter No.PC-V/98/1/7/1/1 dated 1.3.2004 S.No. Points ofDoubt Clarification 1 Whether Medical Allowance would be Medcal Allowance shall be granted granted to all those Railway to all those Railway pensioner/family pensioners/.family pensioners who pensioners who are residing beyond have become entitled to ffixed Medical 2.5 KMs from the nearest Railway Allowance in terms of modified Hospital/health unit subject to other territorial criterion prescribed vide terms and conditions ( apart from the Board’s letter No.PC-V/98/17/1 dated territorial criterion) specified in 1.3.2004 irrespective of whether or not Bd’/s Lr.NO.PC/V/98/I/7/1/1 dated they are members of RELHS 21.4.99. In terms of the said letter grant of Medical Allowance is subject to the condition that the concerned pensioners/family pensioners are eligible for Medical facilities after retirement under any of the existing health care schemes in the Railways. Actual enrollment under such a scheme is not a pre requisite. 2 Whether Railway pensioners/family Yes. However, pensioner/family pensioners who are availing OPD pensioners will have to give an medical treatment and have become undertaking to the effect that from entitled to Medical Allowance in terms the day they claim Medical of modified territorial criterion Allowance they will not avail of prescribed vide Rly. Bd’s letter No.PC- OPD facility at Railway V/98/1/7/1 dated 1.3.2004 would be hospitals/health units. entitled to the Allowance ? 3 Whether the orders contained in Yes. 4 5 6 Board’s letter NO.PC-V/98/1/7/1/1 dated 1.3.2004 shall be effective from 1.12.1997 ? Whether the allowance would be granted to pensioners /family pensioners on the basis of only the undertaking submitted by them? Whether declaration in Annexure-IV of the Bd’s letter dated 21.4.99 is required to be submitted alongwith the undertaking annexed to the Bd’s letter dated 1.3.2004 by the Railway pensioners/family pensioners ? Whether the Allowance would be granted to Railway pensioner/family pensioners from the date of su bmission of the above undertaking or date of issue of letter i.e. 1.12.1997 or actual date of retirement ? Existing Railway pensioners/family pensioners who have become entitled to medical allowance ;in terms of the letter No.PCV/98/1/7/1/1 dated 1.3.2004 shall, henceforth, be granted medical allowance on the bzsis of only the revised undertaking from enclosed herewith. Allowance shall be granted from the date it becomes due as per the undertaking given by the pensioner/family pensioners. Copy of Board’s letter No. PC-V/98/1/7/1 dated 1.3.04 (S.No.PC-V/396 , RBE No.45/2004) Sub: Implementation of Government’s decision on the recommendations of the 5th Central Pay Commission – grant of fixed Medical Allowance @ Rs.100 p.m. to the Railway pensioners/family pensioners. In compliance with the judgement dated 22.11.2002 of Hon’ble High Court of Kerela in O.P.No.17390/2002 arising out of O.A.No.430/2000 in CAT/Ernakulam, sanction of the President is hereby accorded to the grant of fixed Medical Allowance at the rate of Rs.100/- per month to Railway pensioners/family pensioners residing beyond 2.5 KMs from a Railway hospital/health unit subject to furnishing of an undertaking as per the attached Proforma. 2. All the pension disbursing authorities are required to obtain the above undertaking of the concerned pensioner/family pensioner to the effect that he/she resides beyond 2.5 KMs from the nearest Railway hospital/Health unit before payment of Medical Allowance is made. An entry to this effect should be made in both halves of their PPOs. 3. Other terms and conditions for grant of Medical Allowance as specified in Board’s letter of even number dated 21.4.99 will remain in force. 4. This issues with the concurrence of Finance Directorate of the Ministry of Railways. 5. These instructions are subject to the final outcome of the SLP(C) No.21320/2003 pending in the Hon’ble Supreme Court. SERIAL CIRCULAR NO.198 /2004 No.P(R )23/V Date: 6 -12--2004 Copy of Board’s letter No. F(E)Spl.2004/Adv 3/10 dated 28.10.04 is published for information, guidance and necessary action. The date of effect of merger of DA with basic pay mentioned as 1-3-2004 in the third line of the OM dated 9-8-04, appended, may be read as 1-4-04. Copy of Board’s letter No. F(E)Spl.2004/Adv 3/10 dated 28.10.04 (RBE No.228/04) Sub: House Building Advance (HBA) to Central Government Employees –Revision in quantum of House Building Advance following merger of Dearness Allowance (DA) with Basic pay. A copy each of Ministry of Urban Development’s Office Memorandum No.I17011/2(2)/2004-H.III dated 9.8.2004 & 15.10.2004 on the above subject are sent herewith for information and guidance. Instructions contained therein would apply to Railway servants. These orders are effective from 15.10.2004. However, the cases where the advances have been sanctioned under the existing provisions need not be re-opened. The other terms & conditions remain unchanged. Copy of Ministry of Urban Development’s OM No.1-17011/2(2)/2004-H.III dated 9th August,2004. Sub: House Building Advance to Central Government Employees –Merger of Dearness Allowance (DA) equal to the 50% of the existing basic pay to Central Government employees with effect from 1.4.2004 – Counting for the purpose of grant of House Building Advance (HBA) – regarding. Consequent upon merger of Dearness Allowance (DA) equal to 50% of the existing basic pay to Central Government employees to be shown distinctly as Dearness Pay (DP), with effect from 1st March 2004, vide Ministry of Finance, Department of Expenditure’s O.M.No.105/1/2004-IC dated the Ist March,2004, it has been decided in consultation with Ministry of Finance that the aforesaid Dearness pay will also be counted for the purpose of grant of House Building Advance. However, the existing maximum limits of HBA of Rs.7.5 lakhs for construction/purchase and Rs.1,80,000 for enlargement of existing house shall remain unchanged. Also, the existing cost ceiling limits of Rs.7.50 lakhs (minimum) and Rs.18 lakhs (maximum) relaxable up to a maximum of 25% in individual cases, shall continue unchanged. The rates of interest on House Building advance during 2004-2005 i.e. Ist April,2004 to 31st March, 2005 will continue to be at the same level as for 2003-2004 which came into effect vide this Ministry’s O.M.No.I.17015/5/97-H.III dated 26.3.2003. These rates of interest are as follows: Sl.No . 1 Amount of Advance sanctioned to Govt. Existing rate of interest on HBA servant ( per annum) Upto Rs.50,000 5% 2 3 4 Upto Rs. 1,50,000 Upto Rs.5,00,000 Upto Rs.7.50,000 6.5^ 8.5% 9.5 All other provisions of HBA Rules like eligibility, repaying capacity, recovery etc. will remain unchanged. However, for the purpose of calculating repaying capacity, the basic pay shall be sum total of existing basic pay and the Dearness Pay thus merged therewith. These orders will be effective from 1.4.2004. Copy of Ministry of Urban Development’s OM No.1-17011/2(2)/2004-H.III dated 15th October,2004. Sub: House Building Advance to Central Government Employees – revision in quantum of House Building Advance following merger of Dearness Allowance [DA] with Basic Pay. Following the merger of Dearness Allowance equivalent to 50% of basic pay with basic pay with effect from 1.4.2004 vide Ministry of Finance, Department of Expenditure’s O.M.No.105/1/2004-IC dated 1.3.2004 and the decision to count the merged dearness Allowance (dearness Pay) for various advances, clarificatory orders were issued vide this Ministry’s O.M. of even number dated 9th August,2004, in consultation with Ministry of Finance to the effect that the said Dearness Pay will count for the purpose of grant of House Building advance (HBA) also. However, there was no change in the existing limits of maximum admissible amount of HBA, cost ceiling etc. 2. The matter has been further considered in the Ministry of Finance, Department of Expenditure. Accordingly, the existing limits on House Building Advance viz. the maximum admissible amount, cost ceiling, etc. have been revised as follows:(iv) (v) (vi) The maximum limit for grant of HBA is revised to 34 month’s of basic pay and dearness pay taken together in place of the existing limit of 50 month’s of basic pay subject to a maximum of Rs.7.5 lakhs or cost of the house or the repaying capacity whichever is the least, for new construction/purchase of new house/flat. The maximum limit for grant of HBA for enlargement of existing house is revised to 34 month’s basic pay and dearness pay taken together in place of the existing limit of 50 months basic pay subject to a maximum of Rs.1.8 lakh or cost of the enlargement or repaying capacity, whichever is the least. The cost ceiling limit is revised to 134 times the basic pay and dearness pay taken together in place of the existing limit of 200 times the basic pay subject to a minimum of Rs.7.5 lakh and a maximum of Rs.18 lakh, relaxable upto a maximum of 25%. The cases where HBA has been sanctioned under the provisions of this Ministry’s O.M. of even number dated 9th August,2004 need not be reopened. All Ministries/Departments of Government of India are requested to bring the contents of this O.M. to the notice of all concerned. These orders shall be effective from the date of their issue. SERIAL CIRCULAR NO. 199 /2004 No.P(R )436/IREM/VI Date: 06-12--2004 Copy of Board’s letter No.F[E] Spl.2004/ADV.2/2 dated 01-11-04 is published for information, guidance and necessary action. Copy of Board’s letter No. F[E] Spl.2004/ADV.2/2 dated 01-11-04 [RBE No. 229/2004] ACS 169/04 Sub: Revision in eligibility limits and quantum of various advances following merger of Dearness Allowance [DA] with basic pay *** In pursuance of the decision taken by the Government, following the merger of 50% Dearness Allowance with Basic Pay, the President has been pleased to amend the existing provisions relating to advances for purchase of motor car, personal computer, motor cycle/Scooter/moped & bicycle. Advance Correction Slip No. 169 to the Chapter XI of the Indian Railway Establishment Manual, Volume I, Revised Edition, 1989 is enclosed. The revised orders are effective from 8th October 2004. However, the cases where the advances have been sanctioned under the existing provisions need not be re-opened. The other terms and conditions remain unchanged. INDIAN RAILWAY ESTABLISHMENT MANUAL VOLUME 1 [REVISED EDN- 1989] ADVANCE CORRECTION SLIP No.169 The following amendments may be carried out in the Chapter XI of IREM Vol.I [Revised Edition – 1989] MOTOR CAR AND MOTOR CYCLE/SCOOTER/MOPED ADVANCE In para 1104[5] In clause [i] relating to the conditions of eligibility for Motor car advance, for the words and figure, ‘basic pay is Rs.10,500 [Rupees Ten thousand five hundred] per month or more’, the words and figure, “basic pay and dearness pay taken together is Rs.15750 [Rupees fifteen thousand seven hundred fifty] per month or more’’ , shall be substituted. In clause [ii] relating to the conditions of eligibility for Motor cycle/ scooter/ moped advance, for the words and figure ‘basic pay is Rs.4,600 [Rupees four thousand six hundred] per month or more’, the words and figures, “basic pay and dearness pay taken together is Rs.6,900 [Rupees six thousand nine hundred ] per month or more” , shall be substituted. MOTOR CAR In para 1105 In clause [1] relating to the amount of advance for purchase of Motor car for the first occasion for the words, “ or eleven months’ basic pay of the Government servant’, the words “or eight months’ basic pay and dearness pay of the Government servant taken together”, shall be substituted. In para [2] of clause [1] relating to the quantum of advance admissible on second or subsequent occasions for purchase of Motor car, for the words ‘ or eleven months’ basic pay of the Government servant’, the words “or eight months’ basic pay and dearness pay of the Government servant taken together”, shall be substituted. MOTOR CYCLE/SCOOTER/MOPED In Para 1106 In para [1] relating to the conditions regarding quantum of advance admissible for purchase of Motor Cycle/Scooter/Moped for the first occasion, for the words, ‘ or six months’ basic pay’ the words “or four months’ basic pay and dearness pay taken together”, shall be substituted. In para [2] of clause [1] the provision relating to the quantum of advance that may be granted on second or subsequent occasions for purchase of Motor cycle/ scooter/ moped, for the words ‘ or five months’ basic pay’, the words, “or three months’ basic pay and dearness pay taken together”, shall be substituted. BICYCLE ADVANCE In para 1107 In clause 1, relating to eligibility for Bicycle Advance, for the words and figure ‘ who is in receipt of basic pay not exceeding Rs. 5000 [ Rupees five thousand] per month’, the words “whose basic pay and dearness pay taken together does not exceed Rs.7,500 [Rupees seven thousand five hundred] per month”, shall be substituted. SERIAL CIRCULAR NO.200 /2004 No.P(R )673/III Date: 06 -12—2004 Copy of Board’s letter No.E(MPP)2003/3/26 dated 2.11.04 is published for information, guidance and necessary action. Copy of Board’s letter No. E(MPP)2003/3/26 dated 2.11.04 (RBE No.231/04) Sub: Simulator training centres on Zonal Railways. During the PNM Meeting with Board on 7th & 8th November 2003, AIRF have raised an issue regarding the control of simulator training centers of Zonal Railways. The matter has been examined and Board have decided that in the case of Zonal Railway Training Institute, Bhusawal where the Mechanical and Electrical simulators have been/are being installed the overall administrative control of the simulators will be under Principal/Zonal Railway Training Institute/Bhusawal and the operational control be with the respective AME/AEE in Zonal Railway Training Institute/Bhusawal. The other simulators, which are expected to be installed in the training centres/already installed in Electrical Training Centres/Supervisors Training Centres or Diesel Traction Training Centres will be under the control of the respective Principal/Incharge of the Training centre. SERIAL CIRCULAR NO. 201 /2004 No.P(R )612/I Date:10 -12--2004 Copy of Board’s letter No.E(NG)I-99/SR 6/22 dated 2.11.04 is published for information, guidance and necessary action. Copy of Board’s letter No. E(NG)I-99/SR 6/22 dated 2.11.04(RBE No.232/04) Sub: Seniority of Typist and Stenographers transferred to the clerical cadre of the Accounts Department. In terms of the instructions contained in this ministry’s letter No.E(NG)I69/PMI/20 dated 25.7.69, from 1.4.70 the employees who pass the Appendix II Examination are required to be considered for promotion strictly with reference to the time of passing the examination as was already the case in respect of Appendix III qualified staff. Accordingly, the promotion and seniority in promoted grade of Appendix II qualified staff will be with reference to their position in the Appendix II panel; persons borne on an earlier panel ranking enbloc senior to those borne on a later panel. With these instructions coming into force from 1.4.70 the instructions contained in the Ministry’s earlier letter No.E(S)63/CPC/30 dated 31.5.63 regulating seniority of Sr.Typists and Stenographers on their posting as Junior Accounts Asstts. (formerly Clerk grade-I) in the Accounts Department on passing Appendix II examination based on their length of service in the identical grade stood modified to the extent indicated. However, while reiterating these instructions vide this ministry’s letter No.E(NG)I-94/SR6/51 dated 20.4.95 the instructions contained in the Ministry’s letter dated 25.7.69 appear to have been lost sight of inadvertently giving rise to an anomalous situation in which a Sr.Typist or a Stenographer passing Appendix II examination later, on their posting as Jr.Accounts Assistant (JAA0 gains seniority over those JAAs who had already been promoted by virtue of their passing Appendix II examination earlier. 2. In view of the above, the matter has been reviewed by the Ministry of Railways. It is clarified that instructions contained in their letter dated 31.5.63 to the extent the same relate to seniority of Sr.Typists and Stenographers as JAA on passing Appendix II examination are no longer relevant in light of the instructions contained in the Ministry’s letter dated 25.7.69. Accordingly, the instructions contained in this Ministry’s letter dated 20.4.95 are hereby withdrawn with immediate effect. 3. It may also be noted that consequent upon enhancement of pay scales of Jr.Accounts Assistants (JAA) from Rs.4000-6000 to Rs.4500-7000 w.e.f. 1.1.1996 there is no scope for Sr.Typists and Stenographers who continue to be in lower pay scale of Rs.4000-6000, being allowed the benefit of service rendered by them as Sr.Typist/Stenographers on posting/promotion as JAA after passing Appx.II Exam and towards counting three years service as JAA prescribed for promotion as Accounts Asstt. 4. It has further been decided that – (iii) except seniority other consequential benefits like promotion, pay etc. (including retiral benefits in respect of those who have already retired) extended to staff in terms of this ministry’s letter dt.20.4.95 as mentioned in para 2 up to 31.12.1995 may be protected as personal to them; and benefit of this Ministry’s letter dated 20.4.95 in terms of seniority, promotion and fixation of pay even after revision of scales of Pay of Accounts staff as mentioned in para 3 above may be reviewed, if not already done. However, recovery, if any, due on account of refixation of pay will not be made. In respect of those who have already retired no review need be made, if not already done. (iv) This issues with the concurrence of Finance Directorate of the Ministry of Railways. SERIAL CIRCULAR NO.202 /2004 No.P(R )66/NDA/IV Date: 06 -12--2004 Copy of Board’s letter No. E(P&A)II-2004/HW-1 dated 10.11.04 is published for information, guidance and necessary action. Board’s letter dated 7-5.04 and 27.9.04 quoted therein were circulated as S.C.Nos. 80/04 and 167/04, respectively. Copy of Board’s letter No. E(P&A)II-2004/HW-1 dated 10.11.04(RBE No.234/04) Sub: Rates of Night Duty Allowance w.e.f. 1.7.2004. Consequent to sanction of an additional instalment of Dearness Allowance vide this Ministry’s letter No.PC-V/97/1/7/14 dated 27.9.2004, the President is pleased to decide that the rates of Night Duty Allowance, as notified vide Annexure A and B of Board’s letter of even number dated 7.5.2004 stand revised with effect from 1.7.2004 as indicated at Annexure A in respect of ‘continuous’, ‘intensive’, ‘Excluded’ categories and workshop employees, and as indicated at Annexure B in respect of ‘Essential Intermittent’ categories respectively. This issues with the concurrence of the Finance Directorate of the Ministry of Railways. ANNEXURE ‘A’ Rates of Night Duty Allowance with effect from 1.7.2004 for ‘Intensive’, ‘Continuous’ and ‘Excluded’ categories and Workshop staff at the various places classified as ‘A-1’, ‘A’, B-1, B-2, and Ordinary localities including ‘C’ Class Cities. S.No. Pay slabs in Vth A-1 A B-1 B-2 Ordinary Pay Commission’s scales 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 2550-2605 2606-2790 2791-3230 3231-3440 3441-4125 4126-4270 4271-4480 4481-4630 4631-4870 4871-5165 5166-5465 5466-6210 6211-6655 6656-6955 6956-7850 & above localities including ‘C’ class cities 21.10 22.05 24.90 27.45 31.00 34.80 36.20 37.65 39.20 41.30 43.65 47.85 52.55 55.55 60.30 20.95 21.90 24.65 27.25 30.80 34.50 35.90 37.35 38.90 41.05 43.40 47.55 52.30 55.25 60.00 20.80 21.75 24.40 27.00 30.55 34.25 35.65 37.05 38.65 40.75 43.10 47.25 52.00 54.95 59.70 20.65 21.60 24.25 26.85 30.40 33.95 35.35 36.80 38.35 40.45 42.85 47.00 51.75 54.70 59.45 20.50 21.45 23.95 26.55 30.10 33.40 34.80 36.25 37.80 39.90 42.30 46.45 51.15 54.15 58.90 ANNEXURE ‘B’ Rate of Night Duty Allowance with effect from 1.7.2004 for Essentially Intermittent categories at the various places classified as ‘A-1’, ‘A’, B-1, B-2, and Ordinary localities including ‘C’ Class Cities. S.No. Pay slabs in Vth A-1 Pay Commission’s scales A B-1 B-2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 2550-2605 2606-2790 2791-3230 3231-3440 3441-4125 4126-4270 4271-4480 4481-4630 4631-4870 4871-5165 5166-5465 5466-6210 6211-6655 13.95 14.60 16.45 18.15 20.55 23.00 23.95 24.90 25.95 27.35 28.95 31.70 34.85 13.85 14.50 16.25 18.00 20.35 22.85 23.75 24.70 25.75 27.15 28.75 31.50 34.65 13.75 14.40 16.15 17.90 20.25 22.65 23.55. 24.55 25.55 26.95 28.55 31.35 34.50 14.05 14.70. 16.60 18.30 20.65 23.20 24.15 25.10 26.15 27.55 29.10 31.90 35.05 Ordinary localities including ‘C’ class cities 13.65 14.30 15.95 17.70 20.05 22.25 23.20 24.15 25.20 26.60 28.20 30.95 34.10 14 15 6656-6955 6956-7850 & above 37.05 40.20 36.85 40.00 36.65 39.80 36.45 39.65 36.10 39.25 SERIAL CIRCULAR NO. 203 /2004 No.P(R )61/I Date:06 -12--2004 Copy of Board’s letter No.F(E)I/2004/AL-28/13 dated 5.11.04 is published for information, guidance and necessary action. Copy of Board’s letter No. F(E)I/2004/AL-28/13 dated 5.11.04 Sub: Admissibility of Composite Transfer Grant to RPF personnel in the event of shifting from one barrack to another barrack. One of Zonal Railways has raised a doubt on the admissibility of Composite Transfer Grant to RPF personnel for their transfer from one barrack to another barrack, where they do not reside with their family. The matter has been examined in Board’s Office and it is hereby clarified that no Composite Transfer Grant is admissible in such cases as no change in the residence of the Railway servant, as a result of transfer, is involved. SERIAL CIRCULAR NO. 204 /2004 No.P(PC)487/V/97/DA Date:03 -12--2004 Copy of Board’s letter No.PC-V/97/1/9/6 dated 01.11.04 is published for information, guidance and necessary action. Board’s letter dated 13.4.04, 18.8.98, 2.8.2000, 31.12.97, 31.1.98 and 5.9.99 quoted therein was/were circulated as S.C.No. 56/04,234/98, 176/2k, 20/98, 44/98 and 212/99/ Copy of Board’s letter No. PC-V/97/1/9/6 dated 01.11.04 (PC-V 434, RBE No.230/04. Sub: Grant of Dearness Relief to Railway Pensioners/ Family Pensioner – revised rates effected from 01.07.2004. A copy of Office Memorandum No.42/2/2004-P&PW(G) dated 24.09.2004 of Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions (Department of Pension and Pensioners’ Welfare) on the above subject is sent herewith for your information and necessary action. As stated in para 2 thereof, these orders will apply to Railway pensioners also. 2. A concordance of various instructions and orders referred to in the enclosed office memorandum with reference to corresponding Railway instructions is indicated below:S.No . 1. Para No. 2. 3. 2 3 23/1/97-P&PW(B) dt.23.2.98 4/59/97-P&PW(D) dt.14.7.98 4/29/99-P&PW(D) dt.12.7.2000 4. 4&5 45/52/97-P&PW(E) dt.16.12.97 5 7 45/73/97-P&PW(G) dt.2.7.99 1 No.& date of Deptt.of Pension & Pensioners’ Welfare’s O.M. 42/2/2004-P&PW(G0 dtd.15.3.2004 No.& date of Corresponding orders issued by Railway Board PC-V/97/I/9/6 dtd.13.4.2004 (RBE No.83/2004, S.No.PCV/409) N.A. F(E)III/96/PN1/9 dt.18.8.98 F(E)III/96/PN1/9 dt.2.8.2000 RBE No.138/2k (iii) F(E)III/97/PN1/Exgratia/3 dt.31.12.97 (RBE No.194/97, S.No.PC-V/28) (iv) F(E)III/97/PN1/Exgratia/5 dt.27.1.98 (RBE No.19/98, S.No.pCV/38) F(E)III/99/PN/21 dt.5.8.99 Copy of Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions, Department of Pension & Pensioners Welfare’s Office Memorandum No.42/2/2004-P&PW(G) dated 24th September,2004. Sub: Grant of Dearness Relief to Central Government Pensioners/ Family Pensioner – revised rates effected from 01.07.2004. The undersigned is directed to refer to this Department’s OM No.42/2/2004P&PW(G) dated 15.03.2004 sanctioning the installment of dearness relief admissible from 01.01.2004 and to say that the President is pleased to decide that dearness relief shall be paid to the Central Government Pensioners/Family pensioners to compensate them for the rise in cost of living at the rate of 14% w.e.f. 01.07.2004 in supersession of the rate mentioned in the OM dated 15.03.2004 referred above. 2. These orders apply to (I) All Civilian Central Government Pensioners/Family Pensioners (ii) The Armed Forces Pensioners, Civilian Pensioners paid out of the Defence Service Estimates, (iii) All India Service pensioners (iv) Railway pensioners and (v) The Burma Civilian pensioners/family pensioners and pensioners/ families of displaced Government pensioners from Pakistan, who are Indian Nationals but receiving pension on behalf of Government of Pakistan, who are in receipt of ad-hoc ex-gratia allowance of Rs.1275/- p.m. in terms of this Department’s OM No.23/1/97-P&PW(B) dated 23.02.1998. 3. Central Government Employees who had drawn lumpsum amount on absorption in a PSU/Autonomous body and have become eligible to restoration of 1/3rd commuted portion of pension as well as revision of the restored amount in terms of this department’s OM No.4/59/97-P&PW(D) dated 14.07.1998 will also be entitled to the payment of DR @ 14% w.e.f. 01.07.2004 on full pension i.e. the revised pension which the absorbed employee would have received on the date of restoration had he not drawn lumpsum payment on absorption and Dearness Pension subject to fulfilment of the conditions laid down in para 5 of the O.M.dated 14.07.1998. In this connection, instructions contained in this Deptt’s O.M.No.4/29/99-P&PW(D) dated 12.07.2000 refers. 4. The surviving CPF beneficiaries who had retired from service between the period 18.11.1960 to 31.12.1985 and are in receipt of Ex-gratia @ Rs.600/- p.m. with effect from 01.11.1997 under this Department’s O.M.No.45/52/97-P&PW(E) dated 16.12.1997 are entitled to Dearness Relief @ 14% w.e.f. 01.07.2004. 5. The following categories of CPF beneficiaries who are in receipt of Ex-gratia payment in terms of this department’s OM No.45/52/97-P&PW(E) dated 16.12.1997 will be paid DR @ 6% w.e.f. 01.07.2004. (iii) The widows and dependent children of the deceased CPF beneficiary who had retired from service prior to 01.01.1986 or who had died while in service prior to 01.01.1986 and are in receipt of Ex-gratia payment of Rs.605/-p.m. (iv) Central Government Employees who had retired on CPF benefits before 18.11.1960 and are in receipt of Ex-gratia payment of Rs.654/-, Rs.659/- and Rs.965/-. 6. Payment of dearness relief involving a fraction of a rupee shall be rounded off to the next higher rupee. 7. Other provisions governing grant of dearness relief in respect of employed family pensioners and re-employed Central Government Pensioners will be regulated in accordance with the provisions contained in this Department’s OM No.45/73/97P&PW(G) dated 02.07.1999. The provisions relating to regulation of DR where pensioner is in receipt of more than one pension will remain unchanged. 8. In the case of retired Supreme Court and High Court Judges necessary orders will be issued by the Department of Justice separately. 9. It will be the responsibility of the pension disbursing authority, including the nationalised banks, etc. to calculate the quantum of dearness relief payable in each individual case. 10. The offices of Accountant General and Authorised Public Sector Banks are requested to arrange payment of relief to pensioner etc. on the basis of above instructions without waiting for any further instructions from the Comptroller and Auditor General of India and the Reserve Bank of India in view of letter No.528-TA,II/84-80-II dated 23/04/1981 of the Comptroller and Auditor General of India addressed to all Accountant Generals and Reserve Bank of India Circular No.GANB No.2958/GA-64 (ii) (CGL)81 dated the 21st May, 1981 addressed to State Bank of India and its subsidiaries and all Nationalised Banks. 11. In their application to the employees belonging to Indian Audit and Accounts Department these orders issued in consultation with the C&AG. 12. This issues with the concurrence of Ministry of Finance, Department of Expenditure vide their U.O.No.622/EV/2004 dated 23.9.2004. SERIAL CIRCULAR NO.205 /2004 No.P(R )673/IV Date:13 -12--2004 Copy of Board’s letter No. E(MPP)2004/6/4 dated 16.11.04 is published for information, guidance and necessary action. Copy of Board’s letter No. E(MPP)2004/6/4 dated 16.11.04(RBE No.238/04) SC 4 to MC 8/02 Sub: Renewal of training facilities for Engineering Graduates and Diploma Holders under the Apprentice (Amendment) Act,1973 for the years 2004-05, 2005-06 and 2006-07. Ref: Railway Board’s letter No.E(MPP)93/6/2 dated 26.7.95. Ministry of Railways have decided to make available 902 training slots for providing practical training facilities to Engineering Graduates, Diploma Holders and students of Sandwich Course for three years i.e. for 2004-05, 2005-06 and 2006-07 as per statements annexed to this letter. Ministry of Railways desire that in the event of seats earmarked for the Engineering Graduates not being utilised, the same may be filled by Diploma Holders in consultation with the Regional Board. Railways/Production Units should pass on the details to the Ministry of Human Resource Development under intimation to this Ministry under clause 8(c) of Section of the Apprentices Act,1961 as amended in 1973. ANNEXURE I 2) Statement showing the number of places of training for Mechanical Graduates/Diploma Holders in Railway installations during the years 2004-05, 2005-06 and 2006-07 Railway/Workshop/ Unit/Division 1 Central Railway Parel (Loco) Matunga (C&W) Slots for Holders 2 Degree Slots for Holders 3 Diploma Total 4 8 8 10 12 18 20 Eastern Railway Liluah (C&W) Kanchrapara (Loco) Kanchrapara (C&W) Jamalpur 6 7 6 6 11 8 11 11 17 15 17 17 Northern Railway Charbagh Alambagh Kalka-Jagadhri Amritsar 1 1 1 1 23 20 4 4 24 21 5 5 North Eastern Rly. Gorakhpur Shops Izatnagar 2 1 16 10 18 11 Northeast Frontier Rly New Bongaigaon 3 3 6 Southern Railway Golden Rock Perambur (Loco) Perambur (C&W) Arkonam (Engg.Work) 6 6 6 4 18 18 19 5 24 24 25 9 South Central Rly. Lallaguda (Loco) 4 10 14 South Eastern Rly. Coaching Depot, Santragachi Adra Division Diesel Loco Shed/ Kharagpur Kharagpur Workshop 2 4 2 7 Western Railway Parel Dahod 7 4 17 11 24 15 North Central Rly. Jhansi (C&W) 1 17 18 North Western Rly. Ajmer Jodhpur Bikaner 2 1 1 4 7 7 6 8 8 South Western Rly Hubli Mysore 5 4 16 11 21 15 West Central Rly. Kota CLW DLW ICF RWF Total 3 7 4 10 5 131 6 18 12 19 9 25 16 29 5 504 358 ANNEXURE II 1) Statement showing the number of places for Electrical Graduates/Diploma Holders in Railway Institutions during the years 2004-05, 2005-06 and 2006-07 Railway/Workshop/ No.of places for Degree No.of places for Diploma Total Unit/Division Holders Holders 1 Central Railway (a) Bombay Division (i) Kalyan Loco Shed (ii) Kurla Car Shed (iii) Traction Distribution (iv) General Service (b) Kalyan Power House (c) Matunga Workshop (d) Bhusawal Electric Loco Shed (e) Bhusawal Divn. Traction Distribution Eastern Railway (a) Howrah (b) Nakraldanga Car Shed (c) Asansol Electric Loco Shed (d) Kancharapara Workshop (e) Liluah Workshop (f) Jamalpur (g) Traction Distribution on Sealdah Divn. Electrical Traction 2 Electric Power 3 Electrician General 4 Electrician Traction 5 6 4 4 4 4 4 6 4 - 6 12 4 - 4 4 6 4 8 8 10 10 18 8 8 4 - - 4 8 4 2 2 - - 4 2 2 8 4 4 4 2 4 6 16 4 8 8 - 8 8 - 4 16 16 8 (h) Traction Distribution on Howrah Divn. Northern Railway (a) Lucknow Power House & Workshop (b) General Services at Delhi Divn. North Eastern Railway Gorakhpur Workshop Northeast Frontier Railway New Bongaigaon Workshop Southern Railway (a) Tambaram EMU & Loco Shed (b) Perambur Workshop (c) Golden Rock Workshop (d) Traction Distribution on Rayapuram Divn. South Eastern Railway a) Tikiapra TMI Car Shed b) Tata Electric Loco Shed c) Kharagpur Workshop d) Traction Distribution Chakradharpur Divn. e) Santragachi Train Lighting Depot Western Railway a) Bombay Division i) Mhalaxmi EMU Car Shed ii) Traction Distribution iii) General Services b) Parel Workshop c) Dahod Workshop North Central Railway Kanpur Electric Loco Shed North Western Railway Ajmer Workshop South Western Railway a) Hubli 4 - - 4 8 - 4 4 - 8 - 4 6 - 10 - 2 6 - 8 - 2 4 - 6 4 - - 6 10 - 4 4 8 8 - 12 12 2 - - 4 6 - - - - 4* 4* - - - - 4* 4* - - - - 4* 4 - - 6 10 4 - 4 4 2 6 6 4 6 - 10 10 10 6 4 - - 6 10 - 4 6 - 10 - 2 4 - 6 b) Mysore Workshop Railway Electrification a) Northern Railway b) South Eastern Railway c) Western Railway Chittaranjan Locomotive Works Diesel Locomotive works Integral Coach Factory Total - 2 4 - 6 4 4 4 4 4 8 4 4 4 8 8 8 8 24 1 1 6 81 2 10 128 2 6 16 398 75 94 *These figures do not appear in any other column except in the total column . SERIAL CIRCULAR NO.206 /2004 No.P(R )500/XIX Date: 16-12--2004 Copy of Board’s letter No.2004/AC-II/21/1 dated 19.11.04 is published for information, guidance and necessary action. Copy of Board’s letter No. 2004/AC-II/21/1 dated 19.11.04(RBA no.43/04) Sub: New Pension System. The field offices while implementing the New Pension System (NPS) have raised a number of queries and sought clarifications on various issues. In this regard, the following clarifications are issued in consultation with Controller General of Accounts, Ministry of Finance for information and needful action:Sl.No . Queries Replies/Comments 1. Whether New Pension System is applicable to substitutes/monthly rated casual labour unless absorbed as regular employees? The grant of temporary status to casual employees is without reference to the availability of regular Gr. ‘D’ post, the casual employees on grant of temporary status do not hold any post under the Government. The individuals who have been regularized after the introduction of New Pension Scheme will be governed by the same. 2. Whether the option for investment is Option for investments are not available to be exercised by the employee at the time of exit or joining the service? at this stage. The option is to be exercised only on the receipt of any directions/instructions in this regard from the Government. SERIAL CIRCULAR NO. 207 /2004 No.P(R )605/IX Date: 16-12-2004 The percentage of posts and manner of filling up the posts in the category of Drawing, Design and Estimating cadre was modified vide Board’s letter dated 28-9-98 [SCR/SC No. 252/98]. As a result of the restructuring, 20% DR quota in scale Rs.6500-10500 became available w.e.f. 2-9-98 on the Zonal Railways. These posts are to be filled up by LDCE from amongst engineering graduates working in grade Rs.55009000 on regular basis as on 1-9-98 [ Board’s letter dated 17-5-02 SCR/SC No. 91/02]. Further Board vide their letter dated 22-1-04 [SCR letter No. P[PC] 487/V/Imp /97/Vol.V dt. 27-2-04], issued instructions that engineering graduates in whose cases recruitment process started before 1-9-98, but joined after 1-9-98 can also be considered eligible for appearing in LDCE for placement in grade Rs.6500-10,500 against the 20% DR quota. This process was to be completed by 31-3-2004. Now, Board vide their letter dated 6-7-2004 [ copy enclosed ] have extended the date of completion upto 31-03-05, by which the selection process for filling up of posts in grade Rs.6500-10500 against 20% DR quota in Drawing, Design & Estimating cadre must be finalised. Copy of Board’s letter No. PCV/97/1/11/3 dated 6-7-04 Sub: Criteria for LDCE for placement of eligible staff in grade Rs.6500-10500 against 20% DR quota in Drawing, Design and Estimating cadre. Ref: Board’s letter of even number dated 22-1-04 *** With reference to the letter above, the issue regarding extension of date of completion of selection process has been examined in this office and it has been decided to extend the date of filling up the posts in Zonal Railways to 31-3-2005 subject to the conditions laid down in Board’s letter of even number dated 28-9-98 and 17-5-2002. SERIAL CIRCULAR NO. 208 /2004 No.P(R )673/IV Date: 31-12-2004 Copy of Board's letter No.E(MPP)2002/3/31 dated 10.11.04 is published for information, guidance and necessary action. Board's letters dated 28.11.02, 28.7.03, 5.9.03 and 7.6.04 quoted therein were circulated as SC Nos.4/03, 164/03, 183/03 and 107/04, respectively. Copy of Board's letter No. E(MPP)2002/3/31 Dated 10.11.04 (RBE No.236/04) Sub: Training of Railway staff on IR. Ref: Board’s letter of even number dated 28.11.02 (RBE No.210/2002) It has been brought to the notice of Board that some of the railways (old zones) are refusing to entertain the training needs of staff of new zones even though all such staff were being trained earlier at the same place. It has been decided that training arrangement of staff will continue to remain the same as they were before bifurcation in those training centres whose jurisdiction have not been advised by Board. The ZRTIs, STCs and S&T Trg. Centres will cater to the trainers of new zone & old zones as directed vide Board’s letter of even number dated 28.7.03 (RBE No.129/2003), 5.9.03 (RBE No.157/2003) and 7.6.2004 (RBE No.118/2004) respectively. SERIAL CIRCULAR NO. 209 /2004 No.P(R )673/IV Date: 31 -12-2004 Copy of Board's letter No. E(MPP)2003/3/39 dated 10.11.04 published for information, guidance and necessary action. is Copy of Board's letter No. E(MPP)2003/3/39 dated 10.11.04 (RBE No.237/04) Sub: Opening of new Zonal Railway Training Institutes in the new zones. During the meeting of Board held on 12.10.2004 it has been decided that the existing Zonal Railway Training Institutes are adequate for catering to the training needs of existing staff and no new Zonal Railway Training Institutes should be created. SERIAL CIRCULAR NO. 210 /2004 No.P(R )39/V Date: 31-12-2004 Copy of Board's letter No.E(MPP)2004/1/87 dated 23.11.04 is published for information, guidance and necessary action. Board's letter dated 28.11.2000 quoted therein was circulated as SC No.10/01. . Copy of Board's letter No. E(MPP)2004/1/87 Dated 23.11.04 (RBE No.240/04) Sub: Redeployment of surplus staff. In continuation of Board’s letter No.E(MPP)99/1/75 dated 28.11.2000 (RBE No.206/2000) detailing therein the modalities for redeployment of surplus staff, advance planning to identify areas of surplus and their expeditious redeployment, it has been decided by Board that pockets should be declared surplus only after making a blue print of re-deployment of staff. SERIAL CIRCULAR NO.211 No.P(R )535/IV /2004 Date: 31-12-2004 Copy of Board's letter No. E(NG)I-2001/PM7/17 dated 29.11.04 for information, guidance and necessary action. is published Copy of Board's letter No. E(NG)I-2001/PM7/17 Dated 29.11.04 (RBE No.243/04) Sub: Relaxation of two years residency period in the case of running staff. In terms of extant procedure regulating promotion of staff within Group ‘C’, a minimum of two years service is required to be completed in the immediate lower grade for promotion. This requirement can be relaxed by GMs personally in all categories, except in the case of running categories, to one year wherever such relaxation is found to be inescapable in the interest of administration. The staff side in the DC/JCM have raised a demand for relaxation of two years residency period in the immediate lower grade for promotion of Drivers also. The matter has been carefully considered by the Board after obtaining the views of the Railways. It has been decided that the two years service condition may be relaxed for promotion of Drivers also with the personal approval of the General Manager wherever such relaxation is found to be inescapable in the interest of administration, subject to condition of fulfillment of one year’s service in the immediate lower grade or a foot plate experience of 40,000 Kms. whichever is later. The Board have also decided that the working of Drivers so promoted with relaxation should be monitored more closely by Loco Inspectors. It has further been decided that in order to obviate the need of granting relaxation in such an important safety category post, the Railways should take adequate measures like advance planning for the running cadre including recruitment and timely selections and promotions. SERIAL CIRCULAR NO. 212 /2004 No.P(R )535/IV Date: 31-12-2004 Copy of Board's letter No. E(NG)I/2004/PM7/16 addressed to GS/AIRF/NDLS together with enclosures , information, guidance and necessary action. dated 10.11.04 is published for Copy of Board's letter No. E(NG)I/2004/PM7/16 Dated 10.11.04 addressed to GS/AIRF/NDLS. Sub: Residency period for promotion from Goods Driver to Sr.Goods Driver, Passenger Driver to Sr.Passenger Driver, Goods Guard to Sr.Goods Guard & Passenger Guard to Sr.Passenger Guard. I am directed to refer to your letter No.AIRF/55(382) dated 11.9.2004 on the above subject and to state that as the Federation are aware in the restructuring orders of Group C & D effective from 1.3.93 as clarified 20% of posts were placed in Sr.grade in the various grades in the cadres of Drivers & Guards. It was provided that promotion of staff in the lower grade to these upgraded posts will be on the basis of seniority cum suitability. It was nowhere indicated that staff will be required to render two years service in the basic grade for promotion to such upgraded posts. In fact with reference to a clarification sought for by N.Railway in the year 1994 their presumption that in the categories of Drivers & Guards two years service in the immediate lower grade for promotion to higher grade has to be the combined service in the equivalent grade and lower grade e.g.for promotion as Passenger Guard combined service of Sr.Goods Guard and Goods Guard can be taken into account for consideration for promotion was confirmed vide this Ministry’s letter No.E(NG)I-94/PM1/9 dated 2.9.94 a copy of which was endorsed to other Railways for information and necessary action. A copy of N.Railways letter dated 30.6.94 as referred to above and this Ministry’s letter dated 2.9.94 are enclosed for Federation’s information. This clarification also means that a person can be promoted to Sr.grade with less than two years service in the basic grade. Copy of GM[P]/N.Rly’s letter No. 561-E/255-98/Genl/PC/93 dated addressed to Rly. Board. 30-6-94 Sub: Restructuring of certain Group C & D staff /NDLS. Ref: Rly Board’s letter No. PC.III/91/CRC/1 dt. 27-1-93, 1-4-93, 14-7-93 and PC-III/93/CRC/2 dated 22-3-94 *** 1. The Railway Board vide their letter No. . PC.III/91/CRC/1 dt. 27-1-93 have ordered cadre restructuring of certain group C & D cadres. Annexures A iii and B of the said letter relate to restructuring of Traffic Transportation & Transportation [Power] Departments as under: Category Existing grade Revised as per Cadre Restr. Asst. Guards /Brake man 950-1400[RPS] 100% 950-1400[RPS] 80% A 1200-2040 [RPS] 20% A 1 Goods Guards 1200-2040 [RPS] 100% 1200-2040 [RPS] 80% B 1350-2200 [RPS] 20% B1 Passenger Guards 1350-2200 [RPS] 100% 1350-2200 [RPS] 80% C 1400-2300 [RPS] 20% C1 Goods Drivers All Goods Trains 1350-2200 [RPS] 100% 1350-2200 [RPS] 80% X 1600-2660 [RPS] 20% X1 Passenger Driver/ Motor Man [Trains & EMU services only 1600-2660 [RPS] 100% 1600-2660 [RPS] 80% Y 1640-2900 [RPS] 20% Y1 2. Subsequently the Railway Board vide their letter No.PC.III/91/CRC/1 dt. 147-93 clarified , interalia, that the said upgraded posts will be designated by prefixing word ‘ Senior’ to the upgraded posts in the relevant grades i.e Asstt. Guards grade Rs. 950-1400[RPS] as Sr. Asst. Guard Grade Rs. 1200-2040 [RPS] and so on. 4. i. While implementing these orders two issues as under have arisen: whether the recently promoted incumbents against 20% upgraded posts as at A1, B1, C1, X1, and Y1, respectively will have to complete the required minimum two years service in lower grade i.e. a] b] in the newly upgraded posts of 20% or In the erstwhile composite grade and present higher grade [ 80% +20% ] combined. for their lateral promotion in equivalent grades i.e. from A1 to B, B1 to C and X1 to Y and so on. ii. and whether the incumbents holding post at A [Asst. Guards/Brakeman grade Rs.950-1400 (RPS)] can be considered for further promotion to the post of Goods Guards Grade Rs.1200-2040 [RPS] in the event of adequate number of Asst. Guards / Brakeman Grade Rs.1200-2040 [RPS] being not available and so on in regard to promotion of incumbents at B to C & X to Y. 4. The understanding on this Railway on the above issues is as under: i. ii. 5. issue 3[i] while the normal method of promotion [selection/non-selection] has to be followed as prescribed even for lateral promotion; the length of minimum service of two years required in the lower grade has to include service rendered in 20% of posts in the equivalent grade and 80% on the lower grade combined from where the candidates are to be drawn. issue [ii] As a corollary to para 4[i] above the Asstt. Guards/Brakeman grade Rs.950-1400[RPS] with two years service are eligible to be considered for promotion to the post of Goods Guards Grade Rs.12002040 [RPS] in case Asst. Guards / Brakeman Grade Rs.1200-2040 [RPS] are not available, the reason being that the nature of duties of Asstt. Guards/Brakeman grade Rs.950-1400[RPS] and Grade Rs.1200-2040 [RPS] is the same. This will also hold good for promotions of incumbents at posts B to C and X to Y at Page 1. On the same analogy the Sr. Cashiers Gr. II [Rs.1400-2300 (RPS)] can be considered for promotion to the post of IOC/ADC Grade Rs.16002660[RPS] in case sufficient number of Sr. Cashiers in grade Rs.16002660[RPS] are not available. The restructuring orders in regard to cashiers have been issued by Railway Board vide their letters No. PC.III/91/CRC/1 dt. 27-1-93, 7-4-93 and 22-3-94. 6. The Railway Board are requested to confirm if the view taken by this Railway in paras 4 & 5 above is correct. Copy of Board's letter No. E(NG)I/94PM1/9 Dated 2-9-94 addressed to GM/P/N.Rly. Sub: Restructuring of certain Group C & D staff /NDLS. Ref: N.Rly’s letter No. 561-E/255-98/Genl/PC/93 dt. 30-6-94. *** Railway’s appreciation as contained in para 4 & 5 of the letter quoted above is hereby confirmed. *** SERIAL CIRCULAR NO. 213 /2004 No.P(PC)487/V/97/Allowance Date:31 -12-2004 Copy of Board's letter No.PC-V/2004/A/DA/1 Dated 21.12.04 is published for information, guidance and necessary action. Board's letter dated 21.6.04 quoted therein was circulated as SC No.111/04. Copy of Board's letter No. PC-V/2004/A/DA/1 Dated 21.12.04 (PC-V/440, RBE No.261/04) Sub: Merger of 50% of Dearness Allowance/Dearness Relief with Basic Pay/Pension to Central Government employees – Impact on NPA – Clarification regarding. … Please refer to Board’s letter of even number dated 21.6.2004 on the above mentioned subject enclosing instructions dated 7.6.2004 of Ministry of Finance. 2. Subsequent to the issue of these orders, Ministry of Finance have revised their earlier clarification dated 7.6.2004. The latest clarification dated 6.10.2004 on the subject, received from Ministry of Finance is enclosed herewith. Copy of Ministry of Finance, Department of Expenditure’s O.M.No.f.No.105/1/2004-IC dated 8-10-2004. Sub: Merger of 50% of Dearness Allowance/Dearness Relief with Basic Pay/Pension to Central Government employees – Impact on NPA – Clarification regarding regulation of NPA in case of Doctors. The undersigned is directed to refer to this Department’s OM of even number dated the 1st March, 2004 and 7th June, 2004 on the above mentioned subject and to say that subsequent to issue of these orders references have been received from ministries/departments with regard to the manner in which pay of doctors was to be regulated with effect from 1.4.2004 as in some cases imposition of ceiling of Rs.29500 by the Government on basic pay plus NPA in this regard was proving detrimental to senior doctors as this was resulting in loss in emoluments. The issue has been reconsidered by the Government and it has been decided that subsequent to merger of DA equivalent to 50% of basic pay as Dearness Pay with effect from 1.4.2004 the limit of basic pay plus NPA which was Rs.29500 earlier be modified to the extent that Basic Pay +DP + NPA for doctors shall not exceed Rs.44250. Furthermore, Dearness Pay and NPA with effect from 1.4.2004. In case of Doctors would be payable as under:- Basic Pay NPA @ 25% : : 18000 4500 DP @ 50% of 22500 : : 22500 11250 Basic Pay DP : : 18000 11250 : 29250 : 36563 4022 40585 NPA @ 25% of 29250 DA @ 11% of 36563 Total : : : 7313 The existing instructions on the subject may accordingly be treated as modified to the above extent. SERIAL CIRCULAR NO. 214 /2004 No.P(PC )487/V/97Allowance/Vol.II Date: 31-12-2004 Copy of Board's letter No. PC-V/98/1/7/1/1 dated 25.11.04 is published for information, guidance and necessary action. Board's letter dated 15.7.2002 quoted therein was circulated as SC No.162/02. Copy of Board's letter No. PC-V/98/1/7/1/1 Dated 25.11.04 (RBE No.241/04) Sub: Change of residential address by Railway pensioners/ Family pensioners – option of Medical Allowance. Ref: Board’s letter No.PC-V/98/I/7/1/1 dated 15.7.2002. In para 3 of Board’s letter under reference on the above subject it has been laid down that only one change in option in the life time of a pensioner shall be allowed. In the above context it is clarified that the above mentioned ‘Option’ means option to either claim medical allowance or to avail of the OPD facility at Railway hospitals/Health units. While request for change in such ‘Option’ in most of the cases is promoted by change of residential address of the concerned party, yet, change of residential address may not necessarily lead to request for change of such '‘option'’ every time. Therefore change of residential address as advised to the Pension Disbursing Authority by the pensioner/family pensioner should not be construed as change in ‘Option’ for the purpose of grant of Medical Allowance if such change in residential address does not involve change over from availing of fixed medical allowance to OPD facility or vice-versa. SERIAL CIRCULAR NO. 215 /2004 No.P(PC)487/V/97/Allowance/Vol.II Date: 31 -12-2004 Copy of Board's letter No. E(P&A)1-2004/HL-1 dated 30.11.04 is published for information, guidance and necessary action. Board's letters dated 18.2.98, 14.7.98 and 14.10.99 quoted therein was/were circulated as SC No.56/98, 185/98 and 303/99. Copy of Board's letter No. E(P&A)1-2004/HL-1 Dated 30.11.04 (PC-V/437, RBE No.247) Sub: Revision of pay range slab for the purpose of National Holiday Allowance. Ref: Board’s letters No.E(P&A)I-97/HL/2 dated 18.02.1998 & 14.07.1998 and E(P&A)I-98/HL-1 dated 12.10.99. Pursuant to merger of 50% of Dearness Allowance with Basic Pay,a reference has been made by NFIR for revision of pay range slabs for determining the eligibility limit for grant of National Holiday Allowance. After careful consideration, the Board have decided to revise the existing pay range slabs for determining the eligibility for National Holiday Allowance w.e.f. 01.04.2004 as follows:S.No . Existing Pay range (Rs.) Rate (Rs.) Revised pay range by adding DP (Rs.) Rate (Rs.) 1. 2. 3. 2550-3172 3173-4204 4205-10500 85 106 140 3825-4758 4759-6306 6307-15750 85 106 140 4. The other terms and conditions for grant of this allowance shall remain unchanged. 5. This issues with the concurrence of the Finance Directorate of the Ministry of Railways. SERIAL CIRCULAR NO.216 /2004 No.P(R )473/VI Date: 31 -12-2004 Copy of Board's letter No. E(W)97 PS 5-1/71 dated 9.12.04 is published for information, guidance and necessary action. Board's letters dated 3.6.04 and 1.11.04 quoted therein were circulated as SC Nos.94/04 and 204/04, respectively. Copy of Board's letter No. E(W)97 PS 5-1/71 Dated 9.12.04 (RBE No.246/04) Sub: Grant of Privilege Passes/PTOs to dependent relatives – Raising the income ceiling. Reference is invited to Board’s letter of even number dated 3.6.2004 on the above mentioned subject, whereby the income ceiling for dependency was revised w.e.f. 01.01.2004 as Rs.2415/- p.m. i.e. Rs.1500/- (pension/family pension) plus Rs.915/(Dearness Relief on Rs.1500/-) or 15% of the pay of Railway servant, whichever is more. Consequent upon increase in Dearness Relief to pensioners/family pensioners, w.e.f. 1.7.2004 in terms of Board’s Circular No.PC-V/97/I/9/6 dated 1.11.2004 a dependent relative in relation to a Railway servant as described in Railway Servants (Pass) Rules, 1986 shall be deemed to be wholly dependent on the Railway servant only if his/her income w.e.f. 1.7.2004 including pension, denarness pay and dearness relief in terms of Board’s letter No.PC-V/97/I/9/6 dated 1.11.2004 does not exceed Rs.2565/- i.e. Rs.1500/(pension/family pension)+ Rs.750 (DP) + 14% of Rs.2250 (1500+750) or 15% of the pay of Railway servant, whichever is more. SERIAL CIRCULAR NO. 217 /2004 No.P(R )473/VI Date: 31 -12-2004 Copy of Board's letter No. E(W)95 PS 5-1/17 dated 9.12.04 is published for information, guidance and necessary action. Board's letter dated 31.1.03 and 28.5.04 quoted therein were circulated as SC Nos.48/03 and 67/04, respectively. Copy of Board's letter No. E(W)95 PS 5-1/17 Dated 9.12.04 (RBE No.247/04) Sub: Delegation of powers to Senior Subordinates in grade Rs.5000-8000 and above to issue/sign Post Retirement Complimentary Passes. Instructions were issued vide Board’s letter of even no.dt.31.1.03 delegating powers to Sr.Subordinates in grade Rs.5000-8000 and above and who are also in direct and independent charge of the establishment to issue/sign First class Post Retirement Complimentary Passes to retired Railway Officers instead of First ‘A’ passes, if the retired officers opt for the same in writing. The scheme introduced purely on an experimental basis initially for a period up to 1.2.04 was further extended for a period up to 30.9.04 vide Board’s letter of even number dt.28.5.2004. The matter regarding continuance of the aforesaid scheme beyond 30.9.04 on a permanent basis has been under consideration of Board, who have now decided to continue the scheme on a permanent basis. 2. Accordingly, approval of the Board is hereby communicated to the continuance of the scheme of delegating power to senior subordinates to issue/sign first class Post Retirement Complimentary Passes instead of First ‘A’ passes to retired officers on a permanent basis beyond 30.9.04. This issues with the concurrence of Finance Directorate of Ministry of Railways. SERIAL CIRCULAR NO. 218 /2004 No.P(R )171/III Date:31 -12-2004 Copy of Board's letter No. 2003-E(SCT)-1/71/2 dated 10.12.04 is published for information, guidance and necessary action. Copy of Board's letter No. 2003-E(SCT)-1/71/2 Dated 10.12.04 (RBE No.253/04) Sub: Clarification regarding creamy layer amongst OBCs. Ref: Board’s letter No.90-E(SCT)I/71/1 dated 14.10.1993. Please find enclosed a copy of DOP&T’s O.M.No.36033/5/2004-Estt(Res) dated 14.10.2004 on the subject quoted above for information and strict compliance. Copy of Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions, Department of Personnel & Training’s letter No.36033/5/2004-Estt(Res) dated 14.10.2004. Sub: Clarification regarding creamy layer amongst OBCs. I am directed to invite your attention to the Schedule to this Department’s OM No.36012/22/93-(SCT) dated 8th September, 1993 which contains the criteria to determine the creamy layer amongst the OBCs. In regard to the children of the persons in civil services of the Central and the State Governments, it provides that son(s) and daughter(s) of: (k) (l) (m) (n) (o) (p) (q) (r) (s) (t) parents, both of whom are directly recruited Class I/Group A Officers; parents, either of whom is a directly recruited Class I/Group A Officer; parents, both of whom are directly recruited Class I/Group A officers, but one of them dies or suffers permanent incapacitation; parents, either of whom is a directly recruited Class I/Group A officer and such parent dies or suffers permanent incapacitation and before such death or such incapacitation has had the benefit of employment in any International Organisation like UN, IMF, World Bank, etc. for a period of not less than 5 years; parents, both of whom are directly recruited Class I/Group A officers and both of them die or suffer permanent incapacitation and before such death or such incapacitation of the both, either of them has had the benefit of employment in any International Organisation like UN, IMF, World Bank, etc. for a period of not less than 5 years; parents both of whom are directly recruited Class II/Group B officers; parents of whom only the husband is a directly recruited Class II/Group B officer and he gets into Class I/Group A at the age of 40 or earlier. parents of whom are directly recruited Class II/Group B officer and one of them dies or suffers permanent incapacitation and either of them has had the benefit of employment in any International Organisation like UN, IMF, World Bank, etc. for a period of not less than 5 years. parents of whom the husband is a Class I/Group A Officer (direct recruit or preforty promoted, and the wife is a directly recruited Class II/Group B Officer and the wife dies; or suffers/permanent incapacitation; and parents, of whom wife is a Class I/Group A Officer (Direct Recruit or pre-forty promoted) and the husband is a directly recruited Class II/Group B Officer and the husband dies or suffers permanent incapacitation. shall be treated as falling in creamy layer 6 (j) The Schedule further provides that sons and daughters of : parents either of whom or both of whom are directly recruited Class I/Group A Officer(s) and such parents(s) dies/die or suffers/suffer permanent incapacitation. (iv) parents both of whom are directly recruited Class II/Group B Officers and one of them dies or suffers permanent incapacitation; (v) parents both of whom are directly recruited Class II/Group B Officers and both of them die or suffer permanent incapacitation, even though either of them has had the benefit of employment in any International Organisation like UN, IMF, World Bank, etc. for a period of not less than 5 years before their death or permanent incapacitation. shall not be treated to be falling in creamy layer : 7 The criteria prescribed for determining creamy layer status of sons and daughters of persons in Government service mutatis mutandis applies to the sons and daughters of persons holding equivalent or comparable posts in PSUs, Banks, Insurance Organisations, Universities etc. and also holding equivalent or comparable posts and positions under private employment. The creamy layer status of the sons and daughters of employees of organization where evaluation of the posts on equivalent or comparable basis has not been made is determined on the basis of ‘Income/Wealth Test’ given in the Schedule. The Income/Wealth Test prescribes that the sons and daughters of persons having gross annual income of Rs.2.5 lakh or above or possessing wealth above the exemption limit as prescribed in the Wealth Tax Act for a period of three consecutive years would be treated to fall in creamy layer. An explanation is given below the Income/Wealth Test which provides that ‘income from salaries or agricultural land shall not be clubbed.’ 8 Following questions have been raised from time to time about the application of the above provisions to determine creamy layer. (xi) Will the sons and daughters of parents either of whom or both of whom are directly recruited Class I/Group A Officer(s) and such parent(s) dies/die or suffers/suffer permanent incapacitation after retirement be treated to be excluded from the creamy layer? (xii) Will the sons and daughters of parents both of whom are directly recruited Class II/Group B Officers and one of them dies or suffer permanent incapacitation after retirement be treated to be excluded from the creamy layer ? (xiii) Will the sons and daughters of parents both of whom are directly recruited Class II/Group B Officers and both of them die or suffer permanent incapacitation after retirement even though either of them has had got the benefit of employment in any International Organisation like UN, IMF, World Bank, etc. for a period of not less than 5 years before their death or permanent incapacitation be treated to be excluded from the purview of creamy layer? (xiv) Will the sons and daughters of parent(s) who retire from the service on the basis of which their sons and daughters fall in creamy layers, continue to fall in creamy layer after retirement of the parent(s) ? (xv) Will the sons and daughters of parents of whom husband is directly recruited Class III/Group C or Class IV/Group D employee and he gets into Class I/Group A at the age of 40 or earlier be treated to be falling in creamy layer ? (xvi) Will a candidate who himself is a directly recruited Class I/Group A Officer or a directly recruited Class II/Group B Officer who got into Class I/Group A at the age of 40 or earlier be treated to be falling in creamy layer on the basis of his service status ? (xvii) Will a candidate who has gross annual income of Rs.2.5 lakh or above or possesses wealth above the exemption limit as prescribed in the Wealth Tax Act for a period of three consecutive years be treated to fall in creamy layer ? (xviii) The instructions provide that a lady belonging to OBC category who has got married to a directly recruited Class I/Group A Officer shall not be treated as falling in creamy layer on the basis of her marriage. Will a man belonging to OBC category who is married to a directly recruited Class I/Group ‘A’ Officer be treated as falling in creamy layer on the basis of his marriage ? (xix) How will be the Income/Wealth Test apply in case of sons and daughters of parent(s) employed in PSUs etc. in which equivalence or comparability of posts has not been established vis-à-vis posts in the Government ? (xx) What is the scope of the explanation, ‘Income from salaries or agricultural land shall not be clubbed’, given below the Income/Wealth Test ? 9 (d) (e) (f) It is clarified in regard to clauses (i) ,(ii) and (iii) of para 4 that the sons and daughters of : parents either of whom or both whom are directly recruited Class I/Group A Officer and such parent(s) dies/die or suffers/suffer permanent incapacitation while in service; parents both of whom are directly recruited Class II/Group B Officers and one of them dies or suffers permanent incapacitation while in service; and parents both of whom are directly recruited Class II/Group B Officers and both of them die or suffer permanent incapacitation while in service, even though either of them has had the benefit of employment in any International Organization like UN,IMF, World Bank, etc for a period of not less than 5 years before their death or permanent incapacitation. Are not treated to be falling in creamy layer. But if the parent(s) dies/die or suffers/suffer permanent incapacitation in such cases after retirement from service, his/their sons and daughters would be treated to be falling in creamy layer and would not get the benefit of reservation. 12. In regard to clause (iv) of para 4, it is clarified that sons and daughters of parents who are included in the creamy layer on the basis of service status of their parents shall continue to be treated in creamy layer even if their parents have retired or have died after retirement 13. In regard to clause (v) of para 4, it is clarified that the sons and daughters of parents of whom only the husband is a directly recruited Class I/Group B officer who gets into class I/Group-A at the age of 40 or earlier are treated to be in creamy layer. If the father is directly recruited class III/Group C or Class IV/Group D employee and he gets into Class I/Group A at the age of 40 or earlier , his sons and daughters shall not be treated to be falling in creamy layer. 14. In regard to clauses (vi), (vii) and (viii) of para 4 , it is clarified that the creamy layer status of a candidate is determined on the basis of the status of his parents and not on the basis of his own status or income or on the basis of status or income of his/her spouse. Therefore, while determining the creamy layer status of a person the status or the income of the candidate himself or of his/her spouse shall not be taken into account. 15. In regard to clause (ix) of para 4, it is clarified that the creamy layer status of sons and daughters of persons employed in organizations where equivalence or comparability of posts vis-à-vis posts in Government has not been evaluated is determined as follows: Income of the parents from the salaries and from the other sources (other than salaries and agricultural land) is determined separately. If either the income of the parents from the salaries or the income of the parents from other sources (other than salaries and agricultural land) exceeds the limit of Rs.2.5 lakh per annum for a period of three consecutive years, the sons and daughters of such persons shall be Treated to fall in creamy layer. But the sons and daughters of parents whose income from salaries is less than Rs. 2.5b lakh per annum and income from other sources is also less than Rs. 2.5 lakh per annum will not be treated as falling in creamy layer even if the sum of the income from salaries and the income from the other sources is more than Rs. 2.5 lakh per annum for a period of three consecutive years. It may be noted that income from agricultural land is not taken into account while applying the Test. 16. In regard to clause (x) of para 4, it is clarified that while applying the come/Wealth Test to determine creamy layer status of any candidate as given in Category-VI of the Schedule to the OM, income from the salaries and income from the agricultural land shall not be taken into account. It means that if income from salaries of the parents of any candidate is more than Rs. 2.5 lakh per annum, income from agricultural land is more than Rs. 2. Lakh per annum, but income from other sources is less than Rs. 2.5 lakh per annum, the candidate shall not be treated to be falling in creamy layer on the basis of Income/Wealth Test provided his parent(s) do not possess wealth above the exemption limit as prescribed in the Wealth Tax Act for a period of three consecutive years. 17. You are requested to bring the contents of this letter to all concerned in the State. SERIAL CIRCULAR NO. 219 /2004 No.P[R] 563/VI Date: 31 -12-2004 Copy of Board's letter No. E(NG)II/2001/RR-1/35 dated 13.12.04 for information, guidance and necessary action. is published Copy of Board's letter No. E(NG)II/2001/RR-1/35 Dated 13.12.04 (RBE No. 254/04). Sub:- Removal of word “Apprentice” used as prefix in RRB notifications for open market recruitment. .. It has been brought to the Ministry’s notice that in the notifications for recruitment published by Railway Recruitment Boards in the Employment News and other leading national dailies, based on the indents placed by some Railways, the word Apprentice has been used as a prefix to certain categories of posts like Junior Engineer II (Bridge), Junior Engineer II (Workshop), Junior Engineer II (Telecom) and Junior Engineer II (Signal). However, some other Railway Recruitment Boards have notified these very posts without the prefix “Apprentice”. As the Railways are aware, the extant procedure provides for relaxation in upper age limit for serving employees applying for Apprentice categories, which is lower than the upper age limit prescribed for other than Apprentice categories. In this background the question of continuance or otherwise of the prefix Apprentice has been under consideration of this Ministry for some time with reference to representations received for removing the prefix Apprentice on the ground that all the Railway Recruitment Boards are not using the prefix resulting in denial of age concession to serving employees only in cases where the prefix is used. 4. As on date, practically none is recruited as an Apprentice in the Railways in Technical departments. However, Apprentices are still recruited in Commercial and Operating Departments as Commercial and Traffic Apprentices. In view of this and the situation brought out in the prevailing para, it has been decided that the prefix ‘Apprentice’ should not be used in the notifications published by Railway Recruitment Boards for recruitment from open market except for the categories of Apprentices appointed in Traffic and Commercial Department as Traffic and Commercial Apprentices. Indenting authorities should ensure that these instructions are strictly adhered to. 5. Advance Correction Slip (ACS) to IREM will follow. SERIAL CIRCULAR NO. 220 /2004 No.P(R )227/XIII Date:31 -12-2004 Copy of Board's letter No. E(D&A)2003 /RG6-33 dated 10-12-04 for information, guidance and necessary action. Copy of Board's letter No. E(D&A)2003 /RG6-33 Dated 10-12-04 is published (RBE No.255/04) NOTIFICATION GSR… In exercise of the powers conferred by the proviso to article 309 of the Constitution , the President hereby makes the following rules further to amend the Railway Servants (Discipline and Appeal} Rules ,1968, namely:6. (1) these rules may be called the Railway Servants (Discipline and Appeal ) (Second Amendment) Rules, 2004. (2) They shall come into force on the date of their publication in the Official Gazette. 3 In rule 6 of the Railway Servants (Discipline and Appeal) Rules , 1968 , under heading Minor Penalties , for clause (iii-b), the following clause shall be substituted, namely:- “(iii-b) Reduction to lower stage in the time scale of pay by one stage for a period not exceeding three years, without cumulative effect and not adversely affecting his pension” [V.N. MATHUR] Secretary, Railway Board Foot Note Note: Principal Rules were published in the Gazette of India vide Notification No. E(D&A)66/RG 6-9 dated the 22nd August, 1968 vide S.O. 3181, dated the 14th September, 1968 and subsequently amended by:Sl. Notification No. Date Published in the Gazette of India Part II No. Section 3 Sub-section (i) GSR/SO No. Date of Publication 1. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5 2. E(D&A)66RG 6-9 E(D&A)67 RG 6-13 E(D&A)70 RG 6-63 E(D&A)70 RG 6-60 E(D&A)70 RG 6-41 3. 10.4.69 7.4.71 9.6.71 19.10.71 21.10.71 4. 1531 1925 2501 5078 4050 5. 24.6.1969 8.5.1971 3.7.1971 6.11.1971 30.10.1971 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 E(D&A)70 RG 6-43 E(D&A)70 RG 6-52 E(D&A)70 RG 6-69 E(D&A)69 RG 6-60 E(D&A)71 RG 6-60 E(D&A)751 RG 6-35 E(D&A)77 RG 6-46 E(D&A)78 RG 6-54 E(D&A)77 RG 6-30 E(D&A)79 RG 6-26 E(D&A)79 RG 6-12 E(D&A)78 RG 6-61 E(D&A)79 RG 6-39 E(D&A)78 RG 6-11 E(D&A)81 RG 6-72 E(D&A)81 RG 6-63 E(D&A)81 RG 6-54 E(D&A)82 RG 6-29 E(D&A)83 RG 6-45 E(D&A)80 RG 6-25 E(D&A)85 RG 6-16 E(D&A)83 RG 6-14 E(D&A)87 RG 6-47 E(D&A)87 RG 6-146 E(D&A)88 RG 6-43 E(D&A)84 RG 6-44 E(D&A)88 RG 6-38 E(D&A)84 RG 6-44 12.11.71 25.3.72 17.11.72 5.2.73 13.7.73 5.4.77 7.7.78 29.11.78 7.4.78 17.8.79 25.10.79 22.11.79 31.12.79 6.2.80 31.8.82 10.8.83 31.5.84 30/3/85 13.6.85 20.1.86 20.3.87 28.8.87 26.10.87 10.5.88 12.8.88 20.10.89 16.11.89 22.11.90 5264 9467 3918 2897 1413 2193 0364 3057 3777 0143 0441 GSR/982 GSR/632 1822 5667 GSR/667 GSR/241 GSR/708 GSR/869 GSR/420 GSR/759 GSR/850 GSR/900 - 4.12.1971 8.4.1972 25.11.72 6.10.1973 14.5.1977 29.7.1978 23.12.1978 8.9.1979 17.11.1979 19.1.1980 23.2.1980 17-12-1983 23.6.1984 27.4.1985 6.7.1985 22.2.1986 4.4.1987 19.9.1987 21.11.1987 21.5.1988 17.9.1988 11-11-1989 02-12-1989 - 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 E(D&A)90 RG 6-112 E(D&A)91 RG 6-42 E(D&A)90 RG 6-117 E(D&A)89 RG 6-80 E(D&A)90 RG 6-112 E(D&A)92 RG 6-148 E(D&A)92 RG 6-166 E(D&A)93 RG 6-94 E(D&A)95 RG 6-68 E(D&A)92 RG 6-151 E(D&A)94 RG 6-10 E(D&A)98 RG 6-42 E(D&A)2001 RG6-29 E(D&A)87 RG6-151 E(D&A)98 RG 6-52 E(D&A)2002/RG6-1 E[D&A)2004/RG6-30 16.11.90 8.6.91 19.9.91 20.1.92 22.10.92 9.11.92 11.1.93 23.6.94 13.8.97 6.11.97 16.2.99 11.10.99 31.10.01 8.8.02 16-01-2003 10-03-2003 13-10-2004 GSR/723 GSR/568 GSR/86 GSR/63 GSR/327 GSR/422 GSR/106 GSR/87 GSR/617 GSR/342 GSR/50 GSE/134 11-12-1990 5.10.1991 22.2.1992 30.1.1993 16-07-94 27-12-97 6.6.1998 20.3.1999 24.11.2001 24-8-2002 1-2-2003 29-3-2003