
Comm. 402/502 *
Dr. Roger Rudolph
Theories and Principles of Mass Media Advertising
Office: SH 135
Fall Semester 2014
Phone 320-308-3826
Office Hours: TU/TH 1-3; W 8-12 online
Email: rlrudolph@stcloudstate.edu
Prerequisite: Comm. 352 or permission by instructor
Student Learning Outcomes:
Upon completion of this course students will:
1. Be able to describe and analyze important concepts and practices in the field
of advertising.
2. Create a basic advertising plan using fundamental planning components
including: SWOT analysis; marketing strategy; media strategy and tactics;
creative strategy and tactics and IBP strategy and tactics.
3. Understand and apply the importance of diversity and inclusiveness in
Course Description:
This is a survey course in advertising principles, theories and applications.
Five important topical areas will be covered from both theoretical and
applied perspectives. These five strategic domains include: research,
marketing, media, creative, and integrated brand promotion.
The concept and importance of diversity will also be emphasized within
each of these five strategic domains.
Grading Rubric:
Tests (4)
Testing will measure student’s ability to describe and analyze:
Advertising Theories and Practices
Ethical and Legal Issues Related to Advertising
Relevance and Importance of Diversity in Advertising Theory and Practices
Secondary and Primary Related Research for Advertising
Marketing Positioning, Segmentation and Target Marketing
Media Planning and Budgeting
Creative Strategies and Tactics
Integrated Brand Promotion Strategies and Tactics
Multicultural Advertising Plan
This multicultural plan requires students to understand and communicate effectively with African
American, Hispanic /Latino and Asian American markets.
In creating a basic advertising plan student’s abilities to apply and develop fundamental advertising
concepts, strategies and tactics in the following areas will be measured.
Researching, writing and presenting a SWOT brand analysis.
Developing, writing and presenting a brand marketing strategy: positioning,
market segmentation and target market definition.
Researching, writing, and presenting a media plan and budget.
Creating and presenting targeted advertisements across traditional, non-traditional and
electronic media.
Creating, writing and presenting an integrated brand promotion plan.
This advertising plan will be completed as a group project with five formal presentations and a
final written plans book.
Missing more than four classes results in a non-passing grade for this
course. Attendance can also result in your grade moving up or down.
Final Grade Determination
Each of the four tests, the average score of five advertising plan
presentations (5) and final advertising plans book will be weighted equally
(averaged) to yield a final point score. A modified curve will be used to
determine your final grade. Final point average scores of less than 70 result
in a non-passing grade.
* Students taking Comm 502 are required to complete an additional
course requirement consisting of an advertising project or term paper.
Required Text:
Advertising and Integrated Brand Promotion, O’Guinn, 6E, Allen and
Week of:
August 26
Reading (Text)
Course Introduction
Advertising Process (read)
Advertising in the Digital Age Video
Chpt. 1
September 2
Advertising Industry
Evolution of Advertising
Project Introduction
Chpt. 2
Chpt. 3
September 9
Social, Ethical and Regulatory Aspects
Project Preparation Time
Chpt. 4
September 16
Test 1, Presentation #1
September 23
Consumer Behavior and Advertising
Market Segmentation, Positioning, USP
Chpt. 5
Chpt. 6
September 30
Advertising and Promotion Research
The Advertising Plan
Chpt. 7
Chpt. 8
October 7
Test 2,
Presentation #2
October 14
Creativity and Advertising
Chpt. 9
October 21
Message Strategies
Executing the Creative
Chpt. 10
Chpt. 11
October 28
Test 3
Presentation #3
November 4
Media Planning
Chpt. 12
November 11
Media Planning
Media Planning
Chpt. 13
Chpt. 14
November 18
Test 4
Presentations #4
November 25
Support Media, POP, Events Sponsorship
Sales Promotion
Chpt. 15
Chpt. 16
December 2
Direct Marketing
Public Relations
Campaign plans books due
December 9
Final Presentations: Campaign Summary (20 minutes)
December 15
Course wrap: class and group evaluations
Final Advertising Plan feedback/evaluations