Volunteer Opportunities Volunteer Activity Volunteer Responsibility Place Time(s) Closet Organizer We need help keeping our donations closets organized. Sort donations by sizes, seasonal clothes, & report on items that are needed. Emergency Shelter Mornings and early afternoons are best Receptionist Answer phones and other light office duties. Emergency Shelter Various/ 4 hour minimum Fundraiser/Special Event Assistant Assist with special events by selling tickets, soliciting items to be sold at auctions, working registration tables, helping with publicity for event, or volunteering at the event. Various Various Fundraiser Coordinator Tutor/Homework Helper Organize a special event or a collection drive with your organization to benefit Pendleton Place. Assist children or teens with homework or research projects. Various Various Emergency Shelter & Smith House Child Care Assistant Help change & wash linens, vacuum, organize children’s dressers, and disinfect toys & play areas. Emergency Shelter Emergency Shelter: MTh 4:00-6:00 PM Smith House: By Appointment Mornings and early afternoons are best Children’s Project/Activity Facilitator Share a special talent or skill with our children or teens; dancing, cooking, gymnastics, art & crafts, or share a story, sing songs, play games. The more creative the idea the better. Emergency Shelter & Smith House Various Recreational Activity Sponsor Organize and support a recreational activity with your organization for the children or teens; special occasion parties, bowling, skating, a trip to the movies, horseback riding Emergency Shelter & Smith House Various Field Trip Assistant Assist staff with off campus outings by providing extra supervision for the children. Various Various TLC for Babies & Toddlers Tender, loving care for babies and toddlers: rocking, holding, feeding, and interacting with them. Please note that Pendleton Place does not always have babies at the shelter Emergency Shelter Early morning and late afternoon/early evenings Bedtime Helper Assist during bedtime. Help the children brush their teeth, get settled, and read bedtime stories. Emergency Shelter 5:30 PM – 8:00 PM Translators Assist when we occasionally have children in the shelter whose first language is not English. Emergency Shelter Various-to serve as an “on-call” basis Transporter Assist with taking teens to and from work or after school activities. Smith House Various Birthday Sponsor Sponsor a child’s birthday by bringing a cake to the shelter on their special day. Emergency Shelter Various-to serve as an “on-call” basis Santa’s Helpers Help us wrap presents for the children during the Christmas Season Emergency Shelter Dates TBA in December Easter Bunny Helpers Help stuff eggs with candy and prizes. Then hide them for a challenging egg hunt! Various Dates TBA in April